@unheardmuses​ sent: “You could have been hurt.” Dream @ Hob. [ listen. ] 
Hob gives a weak, lopsided little smile. He's breathless, covered in blood that (mostly) isn't his own and jittery with adrenaline. Looking at his friend, hopefully unharmed, as untouchable as ever, he shrugs and his smile widens. He likes to think that his grin has a rougish charm about it, and he tops it off with what he hopes is a winning wink. "What matters, my friend, is that I wasn't," he lies. The urge to clasp his stranger's shoulder is almost overwhelming, but they've never touched before, and Hob doesn't want to ruin his coat with the blood on his hands. Both literal and figurative.
He turns serious, studying his companion. "Are you hurt?"
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eyeless-smiles · 2 years
[unheardmuses' dream. do not ask me why this is happening. technically speaking it's more like a sigil indicating his allegiance to Dream/the Dreaming while they're in another realm shhhh.]
The Nightmare has the collar of its jacket raised high enough to try and hide the ridiculous thing the Dream Lord has fashioned around its neck. It is there to show his allegiances, according to the Lord Shaper. To guarantee the Nightmare will receive the same hospitality that has been extended to The Dream Lord in this foreign realm.
As far as the Corinthian is concerned, it is only there to demean him.
"Why do you need me here?" His tone is remarkably bitter, as if it isn't obvious enough already by his hunched shoulders and sour expression. He is frustrated.
"Since when does The Dream Lord need an envoy to accompany him."
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secondhandmckie · 2 years
[dream] “ i urge you to remember exactly who it is you’re talking to. because while others might appreciate your tone, i assure you, i do not. ”
In the Meme Vault
"Yeah, I get it--you're mad people are calling you on your bullshit." Molly's head leaned back in exasperation. "You'll have to excuse me, I don't really vibe with authority figures and you're kinda like...up there, y'know? Nothing personal."
"Also, I'm apparently not gonna wake up anytime soon, and there's this weird nightmare thing that wants to kill me--dealin' with some shit, so I'm feeling a little salty. Patience is at, like, nothing." She stepped forward. "Here, let's start again. I'm Molly, and I would like some answers, pretty please. I mean, if you're not too busy looking for the new Smiths album."
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nightmarecountry-a · 2 years
i must SLEEP but i'm hacking up the /tagged/meme tag like a hairball
(which, for the record, things in my meme tags can be sent to either blog!)
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korinthiakos · 2 years
[unheardmuses' dream] [CAGE] - Sender shoves the receiver into a cage or cell.
[ bad and naughty nightmares get thrown into a void for time out :)]
Rough Touch Starters.  ( accepting !! ) 
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Now,  this,  this was the reason why many of his creations came back to The Dreaming.  To avoid certain punishments.  An actual nightmare of solitude.  The Corinthian was shoved deep in a void which was mostly known as The Darkness.  The nightmare stumbled,  falling on his knees,  then he scrambled right up,  turned this way and that,  his gaze darting frantically.  “Nonono——”  His head snapped up,  and their eye mouths automatically growled at the large pale visage of his creator’s looking down at him.  And then he was gone.  Like a star burning out,  blinking out from the sky.  “——My lord!  Please.”  The anger was dwindling.  “Please...”  He almost sounded desperate,  not wishing to be ignored again for the next thousands of years.   “...Come back...”   His knees buckled,  soon finding himself collapsing onto his knees once more before sitting there,  the nightmare’s knees drawn up to his chest.  
Next time around.  I’ll stab your pretty eyes out.  You’ll burn out like a star,  Dream.  He thought to himself,  now bitter,  the desperation converting back into anger.  The same anger that gathered all those years ago.  That kind of anger that strengthened his resolve. 
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muserender · 2 years
[dream @ johanna] ❝  they are mine.  i decide what to do with them.  ❞ [ re: his creations perhaps. ]
In the Meme Vault
"Yeah? Is that right?" Johanna gave a nod, agreeable to a fault. Except when she wasn't. "These little toys of yours, maybe you'd better keep a closer eye on 'em. Wouldn't want somebody like me playin' with 'em, right? Can't say what condition you'd find 'em in." She shook her head this time. "No sir, can't trust a one of us Constantines."
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pohlepen · 2 years
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       IF HE WERE SMART, HE’D  say no.   he'd get up and leave, or he'd tell her to fuck off.   she'd relent then, take a hint for once and slink into another's peripheral.   because really, she can get a drink from someone else; easy.   but it's not a drink that she genuinely wants, that’s just a momentary remedy.   a bandaid on a bullet wound, a few misplaced sutures sewn into the carotid.   a decayed and cracked dam, barely managing to hold back the flood.   the booze numbs the hunger, makes it more bearable for a few hours.   but she's starving now - she’s always starving at night.   for the moment, it's a simple enough diversion.   she slides onto the stool beside the stranger and hooks her heels into the footrest and wiggles her hips a little, attempting to pull her dress down her thighs.   not that she's concerned with modesty, the movement instead is deliberate.   it's a dare not to look, but christ, she wants him to.   frankie eyes him gently, low-lidded, but her teeth and lips are all hunt.   sharp, stinging no matter how benevolent she tries to appear. it's always her mouth that gives her away.    ❝  my real name?  ❞    she offers a weighted pause,    ❝  or what i want you to call me?  ❞    there's no difference: she'll tell him what she wants to hear either way.
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continued from this / @unheardmuses​ (ft. Derek)
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jesscmy · 2 years
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@unheardmuses​ sent: [dream] * i was being hunted, and i was completely unaware it was happening.  [ re: thinking about Burgess and his cult planning to capture him :)]
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“But you weren’t, my lord. They did not want you.”
Jessamy had spent ten years attempting to gain access to the Magus’s house with varying levels of success. She understood that they had been hunting, but it was Death that they sought.
“Do you blame her?” She was treading carefully, knowing what Death meant to Dream above all of his siblings. “She surely knew the trap being set. Still she did not come...”
Jessamy knew it was a losing game. Death could not have risked capture, and yet...
“There were things that could have been done to protect both of us,” Jessamy did hold a bit of a grudge with his siblings.
“I dabbled in witchcraft before I was a raven...I don’t think you could have foresaw a magus that powerful especially one who was not meaning to summon you.”
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betterdcyz · 2 years
@unheardmuses​ requested for The Corinthian: “You belong to me, to the Dreaming.” [ dream @ corinth :)] ( possessive prompts / accepting !! )
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          “——I belong to you?”  There’s a grin spreading over his lips,  and then it falters when The Dreaming was mentioned.  “I belong to no one.  Though I love the possessiveness,  Dream.  You really make a man special when you say that though.  You might as well fuck him against the wall and whisper sweet nothings in his ear while you’re at it.  It at least give it more oomph.” 
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@unheardmuses sent: [prod] - hopper pokes joyce in the ribs, just to hear her laugh. he is not sorry.
They've all had dinner together: Joyce, Hopper, El, Jonathan and Will. Nothing fancy, just a lasagna thrown together as a group effort, and now Joyce is in the kitchen, washing up every single pot and bowl she owns. The others have decamped into the living room to watch some campy horror movie - Will's choice, tonight - the remaining few clean bowls laden with popcorn and pretzels. They're safe, within hearing distance, and her normally tense shoulders have slowly relaxed over the course of the evening. This is peace, and domesticity, and for a while, she's going to let herself believe that everything's going to be okay.
When she hears footsteps behind her, it no longer sends her into a spiral that someone's coming for them. She recognises those footsteps, the heavy gait, and is smiling as she begins to turn to ask if he needs something.
The question dies on her tongue, replaced by a shrill giggle. "Hop," she protests through her laughing, sloshing dishwater everywhere as she squirms. She bats at his hand, an explosion of soap suds that dance in the air for a moment before floating down to the ground. Finally, she catches his hand and pulls it away, though doesn't let go. "Hop," she says, fixing him with a serious look - then undermines herself by bursting out laughing half a second later. After everything, this feels good. "You're gonna miss the start of the movie."
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eyeless-smiles · 2 years
[unheardmuses' dream] “YANK!”
[ guess who's PISSED ]
The Corinthian snarls as his head is unceremoniously snapped backwards, with the burning tension of strong fingers tangled in his hair. His back arches uncomfortably to try and relieve the pressure on his scalp. Forced into staring up at the inverted visage of his creator between the furrowed rage of his brows and the dark rim of his shades.
"What the fuck did I do this time?!" He almost howls back at the Dream Lord.
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secondhandmckie · 2 years
[viktor] ❛ you’ve fallen for me — completely. you’ve got me in your dreams. ❜
In the Meme Vault
"You are the cockiest son of a bitch sometimes--" Molly mumbled, rubbing her hands over her face. That did nothing to hide the blush blooming in her cheeks. Rather than deny it, she decided to lean over him again, dark hair curtaining his face.
"What can I say, Vik?" She lowered her voice in her best imitation of need. There might be a lopsided grin starting at the corners of her mouth. "You're just...irresistible. I'm powerless against you."
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nightmarecountry-a · 1 year
If you see me RBing memes despite the fact I barely write--shhh.
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parkerbombshell · 2 years
The Unheard Music Sept 9
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The Unheard Music 2pm EST bombshellradio.com The UnheardMusic THIS WEEK on The Unheard Music we are coming to you from the brand new studio in NYC with an hour of alternative legends like #EchoAndTheBynnymen #TheCure #TheCult #INXS #KateBush & much more. 2pm ET on @bombshellradio with host @kennyarena Read the full article
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muserender · 2 years
💬 + "Be honest with me. Do you think me cruel?" [ dream @ calliope]
In the Meme Vault
“You often are.” 
The response is pulled from her throat, and she’d very much have liked to have stopped there. Unfortunately, the command wasn’t to be dismissed, and so she continued, “I think you cruel.” She agreed quietly, but wet her lips as she considered the next words. 
“I also think you understand this. You are changing, Oneiros. I did not know you were capable, and yet...it is sifting through you like sand.” The smile that tugs at her lips is wistful, and sad. “I wish you could see it.”
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bourgeoislatte · 4 years
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Happy Thursday! Merry Xmas Eve! Let me start off by just saying, you guys have no idea how much I love coffee and music. I’m super excited about what’s in stored for 2021. My life lesson for 2020. God is not withholding something from you, he’s preparing something for you. Believe, trust and be confident that it is granted to you. Have a great weekend. #coffeemusicdreams #musiclife #clubhouse #music #unheardmusic #coffeeroasts #coffeejokes #musictherapy #coffeetherapy https://www.instagram.com/p/CJLm6ZEJBgq/?igshid=i9g0st3fxiq6
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