#ungh... sniffles
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kalashnikovlobotomy · 6 months ago
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cat business... im moe'd to tears by ruscat's white sock paws okay
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genius-in-training · 1 year ago
*Ronin slowly comes in. Groaning and sniffling a bit. A bit of snot dripping from his nose*
Yi…. I think somethins wrong with me… Ungh…
"There's always something wrong-"
*Yi looks up, grimacing as she sees Ronin. She immediately see what's wrong*
"Oh, it got you good..."
*She points out to a chair next to her desk*
"Sit down, I'll take a look. But I can already tell what that is..."
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stardewvalleyfrog · 9 months ago
eleven years later - part i
This is a bit of a little fanficiton I'm writing about my farmer and Shane (very headcannon heavy oopsy). Gives him a tragic backstory and explains how the farmer is related to it and how they navigate their relationship when she moves to Pelican Town.
Settling in was easy for AJ. Being used to change, she simply moved her stuff and got to work. Books on how to grow crops were strewn about her one-room house, and the results of those books were growing outside. She hoped to the stars above that her first crop would turn out okay- not for lack of funds, but to show everyone in town that she truly was a farmer- definitely not a Hollywood wash-up who grew tired of the industry. Her third day in the valley was spent at the beach fishing with the rod she'd been given by Willy. She wasn't a huge fan, but hey, it was money. After reduntantly rinsing her hands in the ocean, she took the path over the bridge back to her farm. Rain had been falling in buckets all day, which had kept most people inside. AJ's home was so small and dank that she'd take an umbrella over her roof. She had been hearing rolling thunder in the distance all day, but nothing too major. 
Her boots made a gross squish sound as they trudged through the grassy forest near the cliffs. She'd been humming a tune to herself when she heard a low groan from across the woods. She paused, her brows furrowing to a glare, searching for the source of the sound. She stood silent, alert, as she heard yet another. Following the sound of it, she came across a lump of a human on the ground beside the cliff. He was surrounded by beer cans and a bottle of scotch. He was lying on his back, hopelessly sputtering in the heavy rain.
"Hello?" AJ sort of yelled, clutching her umbrella nervously. 
"Ungh," was the only response. 
She nealt beside the man, placing her umbrella in the dirt to cover his face from the rain. Taking a better look at his face, she found herself frozen with fear. His blue eyes met hers and went from cloudy and hopeless to confused. 
"AJ?" he slurred, "what..."
"What happened?" she asked softly, "are you-"
"I'm sorry," he said, "you wouldn't be... proud..." 
AJ was suddenly aware of the mere foot between Shane and the cliff, so she positioned herself on the other side of his body to act as a barrier. 
"Get away from there," Shane protested weakly.
"You're too close," she replied, trying to push him away.
"Maybe that was on purpose."
She paused, her eyes on his, feeling tears falling from her eyes and mixing with the raindrops on her cheeks. "Are you okay?"
"Do I fucking... do I look okay?" he burped, "I'm a mess... I'm too small and stupid to take control of my life..."
"Shane," she protested, "I- I don't know-"
"Tell me why I shouldn't roll off this stupid cliff right now?" he seemed to speak to an invisible force, his eyes up towards the dark sky.
"Shane," she said again, her hand moving towards his cheek. She stopped herself. 
"Tell me, AJ," he sputtered, "there's no way you're real, anyway. I'm probably just talking to my own drunk delusions."
"I'm here," she began to panic, "Shane, it's m-"
"Why shouldn't I end it right... right now..."
AJ let out a cry of frustration, followed by a few shallow sobs. "I don't want you to," she said softly after a moment of cool rain running down her face, "please. I want you here."
He looked at her with an expression she couldn't read. Was this recognition? Regret? Guilt? 
"I still..." he let out a soft sob and a sniffle, "I still love you AJ." 
Her lip trembled, her hand on his shoulder. A wave of determination overtook her.
"I'm taking you to the hospital," she said, her tone letting Shane know that it was not optional.
She took his hands to help him up, and he drunkenly obliged. She hoisted his left arm over her shoulder and helped him to walk, forgetting her umbrella by the cliff. 
"AJ," he said softly, pointlessly, as if to just hear himself say her name. 
"I can't believe you're here," she managed, her voice trembling, "I thought I'd never see you again." 
Shane didn't reply. He simply let her lead him to the hospital.
The next morning, AJ was at Marnie's door. She'd saved enough to purchase another chicken, and after reading up on how to raise chicks, she had a little more confidence. 
"Hi, AJ," Marnie smiled, "what brings you in today?"
She smiled softly, fishing gold out of her pocket. "Just looking for another chicken." She placed it on the counter before following Marnie to the coop. 
"I wanted to say thank you," Marnie began, sort of hesitantly, picking up a baby chick. She held it gently in her hands as she spoke. "For helping Shane last night."
AJ's expression softened. "Oh, um, yeah."
"I don't know if you knew this already, but I'm his aunt. He's alright, by the way. Just resting." 
She blinked. "Oh. That's good, then." 
"I'm sorry you had to see him like that. It was probably your first meeting, I bet? I promise, he's really a sweet guy. He just-"
"I believe you," AJ nodded. "I, um..." She inhaled sharply. "Did he say anthing about last night?"
Marnie twisted her lips in thought. "Not really, he just came home, told me he was alright... that's all really. Harvey told me you'd brought him in when he phoned me."
"Okay," AJ breathed. She shook her head, her expression shifting back into a casual, unbothered one. "It was no problem, really." She reached her hands out to take the baby chick, who chirped towards the roof. "See you later."
Marnie bid her goodbye, a little confused.
"I have to talk to him."
It was a few days later, AJ was pacing her cabin. Boxes were the only decor in her house, some full, some empty. Her kitchen was a dining table with a coffee maker, a microwave, a kettle, and a toaster. An empty wine glass sat on her beside table, the corresponding bottle on the dining table. 
"He'll be home in the early morning," she theorized, "but will he even want to talk that early? He'll be a grouch, I know him." She gestured wildly as she spoke, growing more anxious with each step around the cramped cabin. The morning sun shone through her eastfacing window, casting a golden glow on her face.
"I could catch him in the evening, after supper," she put her hands on her table, gazing into the depths of her toaster. "Yoba, what would I say?" 
Her face scrunched up as she felt her nose tingle with worry. What did she want? What does this mean for both of them? What does he want? 
She froze in place when she heard a soft knock at her door. It was barely audible, and she wasn't even sure if she'd mishead it until she opened the door.
Shane stood there, his hands fidgeting nervously with eachother. 
"Hi," AJ murmured.
"Hey," he breathed. 
For a moment, all they heard was the soft coo of a mourning dove on the other side of the farm. 
She examined him, stood there in jeans and a JojaMart sweater. He'd shaved his stubble since she found him on the cliff, and his dark brown hair was combed to the right. 
"I just came to say I'm sorry," Shane said softly, "you shouldn't have had to see that."
She blinked, biting her lip. Gently, she took a step towards him and closed the door behind her. "I'm just glad you're still here," she told him, her eyes meeting his. 
"That bad?" he sighed, "I'm so sorry." 
"It's fine," she said, looking down at the old wood she stood on. 
"I'm sorry about everything," he stammered, "not just that."
She met his eyes again, her brows furrowed slightly, waiting for him to continue.
"I don't know why I stopped writing," he continued, a pained expression on his face, "I don't know. That's the biggest regret in my life. And I don't even know why I did it."
"We have a lot to talk about," AJ inturrupted Shane's rambling, turbulent train of thought, to his relief.
His lip quivered. "I guess we do."
She sighed, looking out at her coop, and then back at Shane. "I, um, I have to get started for the day. Cow's won't milk themselves," she sort of giggled, uncertainty in her throat, "are you free tonight? I'll make coffee."
He looked up at her, his brows raised in pleasant surprise. "Yeah, um... yeah I'm free. I'll come by around 8?"
She smiled, for the first time in the interaction, at the light that had come over his face. "Okay."
"Okay," he stammered, "I'll, uh, see you then."
He turned and stepped lightly down from her porch. For a moment, she opened her mouth to say something, but bit her tongue and returned to her house to finish her cofffee.
AJ's years old coffee pot hissed unforgivingly as she brought out two mugs. With her hands on her hips, she gazed around the cabin, making sure that everyhting was in place. Shane's visit was the motivator she needed to finish unpacking those boxes she'd been trying to forget about. She found herself feeling cold with anxiety while she sat on her bed in wait. She hummed quietly to her radio, letting her mind think about anything except how nervous she was.
When she heard him knock, she flinched in surprise, and then ran her hands through her blonde hair in front of a mirror before opening the door. 
"Hi," she said.
Shane was wearing the same jeans as this morning, but the Joja sweater was replaced by a black t-shirt. His hair appeared to have been styled with gel. 
"Sorry it isn't much," she said sheepishly, opening the door to let him in.
He looked around, a small smile on his lips. "It's cozy."
She poured his coffee into a mug after gesturing for him to sit down at her only chair. She sat on her bed, across from him. 
"You still have that mug?" he asked. She looked down at the mug in her hand- a white mug decorated with a city skyline and purple text that read "New York City." It was the mug Shane always used when he and AJ would make hot chocolate at her childhood home. 
"Yeah," she smiled, "miss it?"
"Defintiely." Shane's tone was maybe a little more genuine-sounding than it should have been.
"I don't have any milk or sugar," she told him regretfully, "and I've got no fridge for the milk anyway. I know you prefer it that way." She looked at him, and then before he could reply: "At least, you used to."
"Black coffee's fine," he said, "I kinda outgrew cream and sugar."
She sat down with her own mug. "Me too." 
There was an awkward silence, though the soft melody on the radio kept the air between them light. 
"It's ABBA," Shane noticed, "do you still like them?"
"'Course I do," she smiled. 
He nodded, taking a sip of his coffee. 
"So," she started, shakily, "have you been living here this whole time?"
Shane set his mug on her table with a nod. "Yeah."
"What do you do?"
He sort of scoffed. "I work at JojaMart. But, I also help at Marnie's ranch. I don't get paid for it, but it's much better than Joja."
She nodded. "I can imagine."
"What about you?"
"I'm a farmer," she chuckled. 
"I guess, I mean, before that. How, um, how were the past eleven years?"
She let out a puff of air. "That's a loaded question." 
"I've got time." Shane leaned back in his chair, taking a long sip of his coffee. 
She twisted her lips in thought. "Okay. I finished high school and went to acting school. After that I started booking small roles, just commercials and stuff." She paused, gauging his interest.
He nodded intently, his eyes on hers, so she went on.
"Booked pretty minor roles for a while, and a lead in a small indie horror film. Eventually got what some might call a 'big break' role." She looked down at the floor, her eyebrows furrowed. "It, ah... didn't work out."
"What happened?"
She shook her head. "I don't really want to talk about that. Not yet."
"That's okay," he sipped his coffee. 
"Uhh... anyway, after that, I didn't really want to stay in the industry. So I looked for farmland. This was the cheapest place I could find, and the soil is apperantly really good. I actually tried to put in an offer for a differnet piece of land, but it didn't work out. So I ended up here."
Shane nodded, his eyes on the floor. He was quiet for a moment, and then cleared his throat before speaking. "I never thought I'd see you again."
"Me neither," she looked at him intently, their eyes locking. "I... I don't know how to feel. I'm..." she clutched her chest, looking down at the ground. Her lip trembled against her will. "my mind is everywhere." 
"I know," Shane murmured, looking down at the wooden ground.
"I just didn't expect things to be this way. I... I guess I thought you'd be okay by now."
He let out a frustrated breath, accompanied by an eyeroll. "You and me both." 
The silence between them seemed loud as AJ tried and failed to put her thoughts into words. Shane was staring out the window, a scowl on his face. 
"If it makes you feel any better, I'm going to a rehab center. I leave next week." 
She looked up at him again. "Okay."
There was another long silence. The evening sunshine casted an auburn glow on Shane's face, illuminating his green eyes. AJ stared at him a moment, deep in thought. 
It was an evening in spring, not unlike the one AJ found herself in now. The sky was clear, and the Cougars had just won their 3rd homegame of the season. Shane celebrated with his team as AJ and the other cheerleaders discussed their next practice, and more importantly, their dates to the spring formal. AJ hadn't thought much about it, but there was a certain football player she wouldn't refuse. All of a sudden, the girl she was chatting to shifted her gaze to just behind her- a small, knowing smile growing on her lips. AJ raised an eyebrow and turned around to see Shane jogging up to her, something in his hand. When she turned around, he quickly put his hands behind his back. 
"Hi," AJ greeted, when his eyes settled on hers. 
"Hey, AJ," he managed, a little out of breath. "Uh, you did great today. You guys always do, but you had so much energy today."
She eyed him suspiciously but playfully. She hadn't talked to Shane much outside of the odd party. "Thanks, Shane! You know, I think it was the sun," she explained, "the reason for the energy, I mean. We're all really excited it's spring, I think." She found herself talking with her hands, gesturing wildly about the sun. 
"Cool, that's cool," he stammered, "me too." He noticed AJ, glancing at his arms which went behind his back. He wasn't exactly subtle. "This is, um, for you." From behind his back he revealed a bouquet that consisted of daisies and another tiny blue flower. 
AJ's eyes lit up. She looked at the bouquet, and then back at Shane. "Oh!"
"I was just wondering... I mean, I wasn't sure if you had a date to the dance already," he shifted nervously from foot to foot.
"I don't," she said slyly, taking the bouquet gently in her hands. 
"Would you, uh, want to be my date to the dance?" 
AJ grinned, her brown eyes twinkling in the evening sun. "I'd really like that," she laughed, before gently planting a kiss on his cheek. 
"Cool," he smiled, his face red. "I'll... I'll see you then!"
"See you!" 
And then he ran back to his team, who AJ now realized was watching their interaction. She smiled to herself, seeing his team cheer him on. 
When she returned to the present, she bit her lip, looking away from Shane.
"Why did you stop writing?" she said suddenly.
This seemed to catch him off guard. He opened his mouth to say something, but stopped. 
"I don't know," he said, "I... I didn't feel like I should."
"Why?" she asked, sort of desperately. 
He huffed. "I don't know," he told her, "I- I guess it was just hard, with everything that happened."
"You could have talked to me about it," she insisted, her lip quivering, "I could have helped! I could-"
"No you couldn't have!" He snapped. 
She blinked, a tear falling down her cheek as she tried desperately not to sob. Shane met her eyes, and then his face softened. 
"I'm sorry," he said, eyes to the floor. "I... I guess it was mostly... I didn't want to bring you down. I didn't think you should have to stay with a guy like me. I didn't deserve you." 
She furrowed her brows, eyes set softly on him. "I loved you more than anything," she breathed, "how could you just assume something like that?" 
His eyes watered, a weak expression on his face. "I put you through so much," his voice broke and he turned away.
"You didn't 'put me through' anything. I stayed with you through everything because I loved you and I... I wanted to marry you," she admitted through her tears, her voice wobbly. 
Shane buried his face in his hands. He said nothing. 
"I never moved on," she continued, "I tried, Shane, I tried so hard beacuse I thought you wanted nothing to do with me. I thought you'd found someone else, that you'd be married with kids by now." She sniffed, wiping tears off her cheeks. "I loved you." 
The air between them felt thick with regret. They were both silent until Shane spoke again, holding his head in his hands, between his own sobs.
"I never deserved you."
AJ was about to shout something at him, tell him how wrong he was. How stupid he was for believing that. And then she softened, hearing his soft weeps. She stood up, then lowered to her knees in front of him, cautious of his personal space. He looked out at her over his hands, his eyes red with tears.
"Shane," she said softly. 
He blinked, shaking his head and wiping his cheek. 
"People don't deserve other people," she spoke intently into his eyes, "they just fall in love. That's it."
Shane bit his lip, still looking at the ground.
AJ offered her hand. He glanced at it, and hesitantly, he took it. 
She stood up, leading him to his feet too. Cautiously, she wrapped her arms around his waist. He didn't hesitate to hold her in return. 
"I'm sorry," he wept, "I'm so stupid."
"You're not stupid. You're hurting." She tried not to let her voice waver, tried to hold strong for him. 
She rubbed his back silently for as long as he needed. She had been taught to never be the first to pull away from a hug, in case the person she's hugging needed it more than they were willing to say. She knew this was one of those moments. She began to wonder when Shane was last hugged. 
"Thank you," Shane said after a while, pulling away from the hug and wiping his face. 
"I'm always here," she told him, "you can talk to me anytime. I don't care if it's 2AM, just wake me up."
He nodded. "Sure." and then after a breath, "I should go."
AJ tried to hide her disappointment. "Oh. Okay." 
"Um... I'll talk to you later."
"Sure," she nodded, taking his half-empty mug from the table. She placed it in her designated dish bucket. 
He offered a small "bye" before shutting the door behind him. 
AJ let out a massive breath collapsing onto her bed. She cried for a while before eventually falling asleep.
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ethereousdelirious · 1 year ago
We resched the end of my queued fills alshfhshd
Sicktember 2023 Day 19
Prompt: Curled Up with a Pet
Fandom: Ac.e Att.orney
Characters: Kl.avier, A.pollo
Notes: pasting on mobile always removes my formatting and I don't have time to fix it rn so I'm kindly asking you to mentally insert italics where they seem appropriate
Klavier's phone buzzed.
He blinked blearily, breaking eye contact with the living room wall. Absently, he patted the pile of blankets surrounding him on his sleek leather couch and came up empty-handed.
Annoyed by his fidgeting, Vongole huffed and gave him a reproachful look.
Klavier sniffled, though all it really did was shift the thick congestion sitting in his sinuses. "Sorry, girl."
She crawled a few inches up the couch, black nails digging into his legs through the blankets. Sighing, she dropped her head on his hip and settled in again.
"Ah-ah-ah," Klavier reproached, and drew a hand down his face. His throat stung from two full days of breathing through his mouth and every thick swallow made his ears crackle. "I need to find my phone, darling." He wiggled. Vongole slapped a paw on his leg as though to pin him down. "You're too clever, you know that?"
A few explosive sneezes accomplished what Klavier's weak will could not, and Vongole trotted off to go sleep in her bed. Klavier sat up and snatched a few tissues off the box on the coffee table and blew his nose. What a miserable existence this was. A miserable, boyfriendless existence. He'd had to call out of work (or risk the humiliation of being sent home) and cancel his reservation at Pound & Pitchfork after sitting on the waitlist for a month (it seemed losing one's band had its drawbacks). On top of all that, it had been a week since he had seen Apollo. Their only contact had been through texts, as Klavier had felt too disgusting for video chats.
Oh, right. His phone.
He found it, warm, in a pile of golden dog hair.
Apollo: I picked up some soup ingredients from the grocery store just now. why don't I come over and cook for you?
Klavier: you don't have to 😭 
Apollo: How about this: unless you explicitly tell me not to, I am coming over to cook for you
Klavier: 🥺🥺🥺
Apollo: see you in 45
Klavier sneezed and dropped his phone on his chest. When he finished blowing his nose again, he looked around at the expanse of his apartment. Vongole's toys lay scattered across the floor, a few crumpled blankets drawing lines between them like constellations. Klavier hadn't brushed his hair or his teeth that day, nor had he changed out of his pajamas. Medicine and tissues lay scattered across his coffee table and beside him, a trash can overflowed with crumpled-up tissues.
He was in no shape to entertain. He should do something about it. After all, he'd been able to dredge up the energy to feed Vongole and take her out. It shouldn't be too hard to… to…
Klavier's eyes slipped shut.
"Babe?" Someone shook Klavier's shoulder, disturbing a warm weight on his stomach.
"Ungh…" Klavier pressed the heel of his palm to his nose, pressing down on the bridge in hopes of relieving some congestion.
"Do you wanna eat something?"
Klavier blinked slowly. Vongole came into focus first, her head on his chest. Then… it must have been Apollo who had woken him. God, he felt disgusting and probably looked worse.
If he did, Apollo's face betrayed none of it. He wore an expression of mild concern that melted into a hesitant smile when he noticed Klavier looking at him. 
"Huh?" Klavier said elegantly, reaching out for the tissue box.
"Food," Apollo said, slowly, but not quietly (never quietly). "Do you want some?"
Klavier blew his nose, painfully aware of the wet, unpleasant noise he made. Apollo didn't seem to mind, showing his fingers to a snarling Vongole. "How long have you been here?"
"Long enough to make soup," Apollo said with a fond smile. Distracting Vongole with one hand, he used the other to smooth Klavier's hair out of his face. He was practically begging to get nipped, as Vongole was fiercely protective over her things (Klavier included), but Apollo didn't seem to mind.
Klavier's thoughts moved infuriatingly slowly inside the congested cavities of his skull. He must have been out, really out, if he didn't notice Apollo coming in. Or cooking. Or the inevitable confrontation with Vongole once she'd noticed his presence.
"Babe?" Apollo waved his hand in front of Klavier's face. "Do you have a fever?"
"No." Klavier shook himself. "Sorry, no, I'm fine." He sniffled and beamed at Apollo. "Soup would be lovely."
In a fit of possessiveness, Vongole crawled all the way up Klavier's body and rested her chin on his collarbone, the rest of her body smothering his.
Apollo laughed when he got back from the kitchen, kneeling so Vongole could sniff his free hand. "Somebody knows you're not feeling well, huh?"
"Nurse Vongole is on the job," Klavier agreed, though her body heat through layers of blankets was starting to stifle. He tried to sit up a little and Vongole pawed at him, her wagging tail thumping against the back of the couch. "Do you think you could get her off me?"
Before Apollo could respond, Klavier sneezed and did the job himself; Vongole jumped off the couch and walked away to occupy herself with one of the many stuffed toys littering the floor.
"Ugh." Klavier sniffled and sat up with an effort, shoving blankets onto the floor to clear a space for Apollo. "Get over here, quick."
Apollo handed Klavier the bowl he'd been cradling and sat down next to him, cuddling up despite the possibility of contagion. "Aw, is she smothering you?"
"Literally, sometimes," Klavier said. Settling the bowl in the crook between his stomach and bent legs, he rested his head on Apollo's shoulder. "I'm glad you're here, Apollo."
Apollo ruffled his hair. "What, to save you from being murdered by your own dog?"
"Yes, only that." Despite himself, Klavier let his eyes slip shut, relaxing against Apollo's shoulder.
"Hey." Apollo jostled him. "You gotta eat first. Just a little, okay?"
"Mm…" For a moment,, Klavier considered ignoring him. Or sitting back and whining until Apollo agreed to feed him. 
Although, that sounded messy and inefficient, and altogether not as romantic as it seemed on the surface.
Groaning, he forced himself upright and picked up the spoon. 
"Any good?" Apollo asked, a little too casually.
Klavier fixed him with the most dazzling smile he could manage given the circumstances. "I'm afraid I can't really taste it right now."
"Oh, right."
"But I know it's perfect."
"Oh, yeah?" Apollo's brow furrowed. "And how's that?"
"Because you made it, my dear."
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deisbookofdemons · 3 months ago
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Pink sniffled as she rubbed her eyes a bit. "Ungh... but I STILL want them dead. I hate them even more than that portly plumber and ugly doll... what do we even do?!"
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"And those guys looked pretty lame to be honest. They don't even look like warriors! It puts a bitter taste in my mouth."
The Rangers were... pouting after they got back to the Weapon World... well except for Pink... who was having a tantrum... and that was rather rare for her.
Smithy blinked, looking at them before walking over and giving them a hug.
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frenchfrywrites · 2 years ago
Kinktober Day 9: Mommy kink + cum eating
Dom GN reader (reader is mentioned as having a cock, but that could be a strap if you’d like), sub bottom Levi, overstimulation, cum eating, mommy kink, dacryphilia, 
“Oh there we go,” you coo, working Levi through his fourth climax. 
His cum dirties his abdomen as it has with each previous orgasm, and like each time beforehand, you release one of his twitching and softening cocks from your hold. You then collect his cum on your fingers and press them to his lips. 
Like the good boy he is, Levi opens his mouth, allowing you to feed him his cum. This time he gurgles and chokes a bit as your cum covered fingers press against his soft forked tongue. Nevertheless he cleans your fingers, sucking and licking at your fingers like they’re your cock.
“Mama,” he gasps as you slowly pull your fingers from his mouth. “I can’t,” he chokes out a sob as you wrap your hand around one of his limp dicks, starting the process again. “Mommy I can’t cum anymore,” he wails, tears flowing heavily from his amber eyes. You tut,
“I think you can baby,” you give him the time to safeword out, but he just sniffles and chokes out another sob, “you wanted to show me how good you could be, right?” he nods ecstatically, whining when you switch from one of his dicks to the other, giving that one equal attention. 
“Just give me one more sweetheart, you can cum one more time can’t you?” he nods, again. “Tell me you can do one more,” his dicks finally become erect once again, so you pick up your speed. 
“I can-” he sobs, clinging to you and bringing you closer as he cries from the overstimulation. To give him a small break you trail your fingers down to his vent, keeping him stimulated while not overwhelming him as much. “I can cum again,” he finally tells you. You coo and kiss his sweaty forehead, going back to playing with his cocks.
“That’s my good boy,” you tell him, playing with the tip of his top cock. Levi whimpers and sobs, but eventually starts humping his hips into your hand. It goes like this for a bit, until pre starts bubbling up at the tips of his dicks. His orgasms are coming closer and closer together as you continue. You figure Levi won’t last much longer before he cums for the fifth time tonight. 
“Mommy,” Levi whines, strengthening his hold on you, “I- ah- feel like I’m gonna cu-ungh-cum,” you kiss him sweetly,
“Good boy, I knew you could do it, cum for me again baby, cum-” your praise is cut off by his high pitched, choked squeal as he cums. You stroke him through it, murmuring praise as he twitches and squirms under you. 
He’s panting by the time he’s done, his eyes fluttering shut with exhaustion. You scoop up his cum with your fingers, as per your ritual, and nudge his lips with them. Levi’s eyes open slowly, and his mouth drops open as he watches you through watery, lidded eyes.
This time he hardly sucks or licks at all, just lies there pliantly as you clean off your fingers in his mouth. 
“Hey Levi,” he makes a soft noise as your fingers leave his mouth again, “think you can do one more for me?” 
He whines but that’s not a no, and it’s not a safeword. You circle your hand around one of his limp dicks again.
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bigfemdomenergy · 4 years ago
Use Your Words
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Anime: Jujutsu Kaisen
Pairing: Toge Inumaki x Reader
Word Count: 1500+ words.
Summary: You caught Toge masturbating without permission so obviously, if he wanted it so badly, shouldn’t you be nice and give it to him?
Warnings: Edging, masturbation, dacryphilia, handjob. 
Note: This was actual really fun to write! Toge’s so cute
»»-———— ♔ ————-««
There’s an art to teasing someone. You have to be sure about what exactly makes them flush, but you can’t use it all the time lest they may become immune to it. You have to select the right time to tease them, and you have to say it a certain way. Most importantly, a smug look is a must. You wouldn’t say you had that down to a T, but Toge sure thinks so. Especially when it comes to teasing him, you were an expert because you didn’t even need to touch him. 
You sat on a chair, leg over the other with an arm propping up your head as you looked down on him. Toge would never admit he liked it this way when he was forced to look up at you. There was a smirk curling on your lip, almost like a sneer, and it caused his breath to hitch. He wasn’t quite sure if he could breathe like this, and it’s been almost over an hour. It was torture and it was all because he couldn’t wait until you got back. 
Toge had been edging himself for the past hour. His face was flushed, tears drying on his cheeks only to be replaced with new ones. Breaths hiccuping, Toge was completely at your mercy. He couldn’t take it anymore. Brows furrowing, Toge whined and glared at you.
That’s not to say he wasn’t enjoying his punishment. Oh, no. His back was pressed against the foot of the bed and he was completely naked. It was a little humiliating since you were dressed, but he reckoned what was more humiliating was the fact he enjoyed this too much. The fact that you were watching him jerk off, speaking sweet phrases in a low voice into the quietness of the room—fuck, he needed to cum so badly. 
“What is it?” you asked, swinging your leg. The slick sound of Toge rubbing his cock slowed down as he tried to muster strength to...to what? He couldn’t do anything. He deserved this punishment. If only he hadn’t been so impatient. If only he had obeyed you. 
His mouth formed the word, “Please.” You’ve learned to read his lips since he couldn’t talk, and the two of you shared dozens of ways to communicate without speaking. Like a tap, or signing using your hands, or even a look. 
“Please? Please, what, sweetheart? I can’t understand you if you aren’t specific,” you said. “Am I supposed to guess? Do you want me to touch you? Let you cum? Do you want me to fuck you? Ride you until morning? Want me to suck on your cock? Give you a handjob?”
Toge nodded frantically to every single one of them. Anything! Anything! He’d be happy with anything you did to him. At least do something. At least touched him. At the very least. His mouth was forming the word “please”, over and over again. Please, please, please. Please to all of that. Please to one of them. Please. Anything. As long as you did something! He couldn’t keep this up anymore! He was at his limit, chest heaving, sweat dripping, cock throbbing hard. 
You tilted your head. “Which one, love? Use your words.”
“Ungh!” Toge bursts into more tears. You both knew he couldn’t use his words! He couldn’t! Why were you so mean? “Mmph, haa!”
“You act like you don’t like it when I’m mean,” you said, grinning, pressing your legs together at the sight of him crying as he jerked pathetically at his cock. As much as you wanted him, this was still wonderful. “Okay. Stand up. Come here.”
Stand up? Toge didn’t know if he could! But he does it anyway. With shaky trembling legs, he managed to rip his hand away from his aching cock long enough to stumble over to you. So close. Searching eyes and a tap on the back of your hand. Could he touch you?
“No,” you said and he whined. “Why? I thought you were content without me? You certainly seemed so when I came in and found you masturbating.”
He’s sorry! He’ll behave! Please! Whimpers and whines. Toge was so frustrated. He was a frustrated mess who needed you and only you. He couldn’t do anything. He couldn’t cum. He had been jerking off but it hadn’t been enough. He needed your touch, he needed your eyes on him to be able to cum, he needed you. He wouldn’t be able to cum by himself. You had made sure of it, intoxicating him. 
“Have you no shame, Toge?” you asked, taking a finger and rubbing the slit of his cock. Toge practically keens—he’s so sensitive! It’s been an hour! He’s been touching his cock for an hour or more, but it’s your touch. He’s so sensitive, so aware of your touch. Toge hunched over, knees giving out, and feverishly searched for something to hold on, clutching onto your arms to stable himself. Tears were dripping down his face, drool, sweat. His throat was dry from all the crying, nose red, and you didn’t even look like you'd give in.
“Hng, agh,” Toge groaned. His fingertips pressed into your arm, not hard enough to hurt, but enough to tell you he was desperate. That he wouldn’t last long. He swore that if you were to start fucking him now, he’d honestly cum the moment you put him in. 
“Are you going to fall?” You asked, tone soft. Toge whimpered. You brushed a tear from his face and stood up with a smile. “Okay. You can hold onto me if you’re scared you’ll fall.”
“Ngh,” Toge whined as his arms circled around you. He placed his head into the crook of your neck, nuzzling in, whimpering and whining. His cock is left alone so to remind you, he rubbed it against you, just a little, and that was enough to make him gasp. His hand wasn’t the same as you. He couldn’t cum from his own hand but he bet he’d cum from rubbing anywhere on you. 
“Use your words, love,” you reminded him and Toge’s toes curled in frustration as he groaned into your neck, sobbing. 
He couldn’t take it anymore!
Toge grabbed your hand and guided it to his cock so you could feel how messy you’ve made him. You smirked and nudged your head against his with a hum. “Oh, I see. Why didn’t you tell me sooner, Toge? How was I supposed to know?”
“Aah!” Toge cried out as you began to pump him up and down. His hips bucked and his arms tightened around you, hiccuping and gasping for breath. Oh, fuck. Ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuck! Close! He was so close already! He was close!
You listened to Toge moan and cry, shuddering against your body. Music to your ears. Toge had the loveliest voice, especially when he was moaning like this. With his head so close to you, you could hear all the little sounds he made, every time he exhaled or took in a sharp breath. He rutted against your hand, wetting your shoulder, but you were perfectly happy with it. 
“Do you want to cum, darling? Do you think you deserve to cum?” you asked, twisting your wrist and making Toge sob. 
He sniffled. It was in situations like these that he was glad he couldn’t answer. He wanted to cum so badly but whether or not he deserved it was a different matter. All he could do was hold onto you and try not to be washed away with your scent, your touch, all the pleasure you were giving and depriving him of. 
Toge tapped you twice. Close. You thought about it and decided to speed up your hand. Toge gasped loudly, throwing his head back, eyes wide. You watched as he came undone by your hands, trembling, cum shooting out of his cock. It splattered onto your clothes and his stomach, thick and hot, all over your hand. Toge wobbled and his legs gave out. Surprised, you caught him before he hit the ground. You gently placed him down and he sat there, dazed.
“Hnn?” He looked up at you, blinking blurrily, completely fucked out. You giggled and bent down, taking him by the chin and forcing his mouth open. Toge’s tongue lolled out, the circle catching your attention. You pressed your thumb on top of it and Toge’s tongue wrapped around your digit. 
“How do you feel?” you asked. 
“Mmph.” Toge closed his eyes blissfully, sucking and licking your thumb as if it was a lollipop. 
“How lewd,” you commented and he moaned. You removed your thumb. “Are you going to be a good boy for me from now on?”
“Uh-huh.” Toge opened his eyes, watching you through slits, sleepy, exhausted. 
You pressed a kiss to his mouth, unable to resist. Your tongues clashed, but you pulled away all too soon, leaving Toge to follow after you, hands coming out to hold on to you as if he was afraid you’d leave him. He had a confused expression on his face but groaned when you traced his lips. 
“Liar,” you said and he made a noise of protest. “How can I believe you when you can’t even use your words, darling?”
Toge whined.
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ruki--mukami · 3 years ago
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When the door faced towards where he was seated in front of suddenly creaked opened, and the one that previously occupied it happens to step out then winded up appearing in his field of blurry vision--
Averting his gaze briefly as he softly sniffled, light tints of pink plaster on his cheeks from the embarrassment of his weakest and worst condition openly perceived by the other. The tears that gathered and coated the vision of his eyes made it hard to see what face the other was making there and then...but...
Saying nothing such to explain to the other as to why or how did he even ended up in such a spot—outside his room—in such a visibly beaten state of desolation, with a light grit of teeth that seals a certain mustered determination welled up inside of him—he proceeded to push himself off the ground and wobbly stood up, then taking a few stumbling steps towards to close in with the other, close enough before his arms outstretched shove the other back and into the room as the door closed behind them by an invisible automotive force—the mere impact of the push sending both of them to topple on the ground from sole strength.
Being on top of the other, huddled up against the bosom of his broad chest, his arms shift to wrap around Ruki's waist as his face burrow softly to hide into the crook of his nape.
“... I'm never enough.”
“I’ll never be enough...Y-you always said that I have admirable strength and skills at achieving both ambitions so efficiently...b-but your wrong...you don't know how many mistakes that I’ve made...you don't know...you don't see how I get scolded, called useless, blame for the failure of a project...a-all because of me...”
“I..I tried...so hard...In terms of works I...I never express my hurt emotions, I...I barely even wavered...I just keep quiet...and move on...”
“But deep down...I..I feel so stepped on, so discouraged to e-even continue...so tired of..being perfect...when I..I never...I never am not...”
“I’m not...good enough for anyone...no matter how much I try...to improve...to be better...No matter the goodness, the forgiveness...the understanding...that I supply...I’m just...never good enough I’m not good e-enough...ungh...!”
“Hm? Kuron, what’s wrong? Why are you cr—“
The following question, cut short by the sheer bewilderment of witnessing one who commanded much respect with tears streaming down his face, halted mid-syllable as Ruki stood from his seat, novel still turned open yet set down neatly on the nearby mahogany surface. 
Despite the other’s clouded vision and unexpected silence, Ruki maintained a visage of slight surprise, steel-blues widened more so than usual and mouth agape by the millimeter. 
“No, don’t cry. Everything will be alright. Did something happen?”
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Rather than receiving a verbal response, the Vampire met with a formidable weight towering atop him, Kuron’s arms embosoming his body like an unbreakable manacle, back slamming into the floor upon which they both toppled in an instant. Addled, yet still in search for answers as to why a beloved man in his life would produce a stream of tears rolling down his pallid cheeks, Ruki nearly upbraided the other for his insolence but then decided to opt for a reciprocated embrace given the confidant’s evident sorrow. 
“Ah, I see. You’re doubting your own abilities right now, Kuron. Well, take it from me then, since you value my word enough to tackle me upon the ground… You are more than just ‘good enough.’ Not only for myself, but for everyone in this household. I don’t care how many times you assert that my earlier compliments for you are mistaken, because I know it to be true. Do you think your mistakes can make me dislike you? Not in the slightest, not even one iota, and certainly not anytime in the near future. We all make mistakes. You, me, everyone under this roof, and everyone who lives in this universe—No one is void of never once blundering.”
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A comforting hand wafted along the man’s spine, patting him in cathartic ways to soothe his spirits. 
“Everything you have done is marvelous and without rivalry, Kuron. And I don’t measure one’s success through only their feats, either. Rather than looking at how far one climbs, it’s more impressive to see how far he rebounds back to the pinnacle after he has hit the bottom. Do you understand what I mean by that? In other words, it’s resilience that defines you. Mistakes—we all have them. However, there are ultimately two kinds of people who tread the earth: those who fear mistakes and those who get the job done. You are anything but useless, Kuron.”
Gazing up into his eyes, Ruki’s deep cobalts lost their concerned glint and instead faded into a solemn stare, one full of reassurance in tandem with his next words. 
“No, I never once saw you as perfect, nor do I expect you to perform as such. However, you shouldn’t let small blunders dampen your motivation. They say good things come to those who wait, but better fates await those who go out and seize the opportunity with fearlessness and without hesitation. And don’t ever say you haven’t improved—otherwise, it’d be no different from calling my experience a mere delusion. I’ve seen it with my own two eyes how you have grown into someone bursting with talent and proficiency in all that you do—and believe me when I say I am sincerely proud of each second.”
He ran a hand lightly through the man’s longer curls before wiping the cascading tears away with one swipe. 
“So, with that said, cease your tears. I said it once and I’ll say it again, as my answer is resolute and unchanging: you’re more than good enough and I’ll punish you if you fail to recognize it,” chuckled the Vampire teasingly. “Do not doubt yourself in the slightest, Kuron.”
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bcbdrums · 4 years ago
What Happens In Vegas
A/N: A silly little gift fic for split-n-splice, partially inspired by this amazing art and also inspired by my imaginings of things she's teased are to come in her outstanding fanfiction, The Company You Keep.
Do view her art, do read her fic... Laugh at my nonsense if you so choose.
Read on:  FFn     AO3
Mature rated fic, you have been warned.
Drakken was lying on his back when he woke up to a severe throbbing at the front of his skull. As he opened his eyes to a powerful light, the pain spread like claws out across the rest of his head, and after covering his face with both forearms to block out the blinding brilliance, he realized its source was a ceiling light.
The next thing he became aware of was a very soft yet definitely solid something under his knees, keeping them elevated. And then a tight pain in his feet.
A guttural groan escaped his lips as he pushed himself upright, and he almost fell again as he wiped the drool from the side of his face.
'What happened...?'
His vision was swimming, and through the fog he saw waves of pale green on either side of his knees, surrounded by white and pale pink. His fingers gripped the fabric of what he realized were bed sheets, and before his vision cleared, as he stared at his bare blue legs and came to the realization that the rest of him was bare too, he suddenly knew just what—or rather, who—the soft green mass beneath him was.
"Shego?" he whispered fearfully.
He didn't want to jump to conclusions about what had happened, as his clearing vision began to reveal a spartan motel room surrounding them, but it seemed...like it was a fair assumption to make.
He shifted and felt the tight pain in his feet again, and his brow furrowed as he looked down and saw a familiar pair of black high heels on his feet that most definitely were not his. As he reached to pull them off with a grimace, a glinting of gold caught his eye and his eyes widened as he thrust his hand up to only inches from his nose, squinting at the metal band on the fourth finger of his left hand.
The groan from the figure face down on the bed showed his whisper hadn't been soft enough. But he was glad she was waking up, in hopes she might be able to provide answers, and not the ones his mind was insistent on hammering into his aching skull, now with images. A panicked confusion arrested his mind as he realized the images weren't mere groggy fantasies, but memories.
"Shego?" he said a bit more loudly.
Her hands flew to cover her ears as her body began to twist beneath his legs, and then she held her head as if in pain as another groan escaped her.
"What...? My head..."
She started to push upright and Drakken hurriedly removed his legs from her back. This action seemed to startle her to attention, and she sat bolt upright, eyes wide and blinking around them in confusion and fright.
"What? What hap— Dr. D.?"
He watched as she took in the room in mere moments, his nude form afterward, and then herself. Drakken snatched the only pillow left on the bed to cover himself, and then felt guilty as his eyes strayed lower than her face. It was all coming back to him. And he knew that every possible repercussion from what they had done involved him experiencing pain in some way.
What he hadn't expected, however, was for Shego to burst into tears.
"Sh...Shego?" he asked in confusion and concern as she buried her face in her hands, not even bothering to cover herself. His vision clearing at last, he glanced past her at the small purple pharmacy-type box on the nightstand with its colorful promises, and then at the mess on the floor.
The other pillows were everywhere, along with a blanket, their clothes, numerous empty and still sealed bottles of alcohol, and...a scattering of too many wrappers and used condoms.
Drakken swallowed as more and more images flooded back to his mind and tried desperately to calm his panic. He shifted closer to her and felt the tight pain again, and with a scowl he pulled her high heeled shoes off his feet and pushed them aside.
"Shego..." Drakken said again, this time his voice coming out choked and pained. He realized then his throat was hoarse. "Shego I'm sorry..."
Shego wiped her nose twice with the back of her hands, but her eyes remained closed as her bawling grew louder. Drakken glanced at where they sat and after a moment, tentatively tossed the sheet over her lap for a hint of modesty.
"I don't...I don't remember exactly how it started..." he continued, desperation beginning to take over as she wouldn't even acknowledge him. "I remember we were at the casino, and we were drinking... You ordered us two more shots after I'd said it was enough... But Shego please, please know...if I had thought for one instant you didn't want... That this wasn't... I know we were drunk, but you...you took us to the gift shop, and bought that box... You said you couldn't wait and so we got this room... I know I wasn't thinking straight but...but you wanted..."
Drakken trailed off as he wondered if Shego was even hearing him, her sobs continuing unfettered.
"I...I thought you... I know I was very drunk, but I'm...v-very...positive...that this was all your idea... And Shego it would have never, ever entered my mind to... Had I been sober I would have never dreamed of... Shego? Wh-Why aren't you saying anything?"
Drakken had expected rage, green flames, and a verbal assault at the very least. Not the endless streams of crocodile tears that kept falling down her face. Her hands remained uselessly in her lap as her shoulders shook with sobs, and glancing around, Drakken spotted a tissue box that had just avoiding falling off the nightstand—the lamp hadn't.
He leaned over and grabbed a few, and when he pushed them into her hands it startled her. She blinked down at them, and then up at him, her expression unreadable. Drakken bit his lip then as he cautiously reached over her shoulders and pulled her hair to her front to give her more modesty. Shego looked down at this, sniffled once, and then exploded into further sobs.
The panicked confusion continued to race across Drakken's nerves as he watched her cry, a response like nothing he'd ever seen out of his partner in crime save when under the influence of the Moodulator. And even that hadn't been this bad.
"Shego, I... I..."
Drakken finally hung his head with a heavy sigh. If she was so upset to not even...unleash her fury, he knew it was far too great a crime to forgive.
"I'm sorry, Shego," he said quietly, fidgeting lightly with the edge of the pillowcase. "You can...consider your contract fulfilled, and...you can have anything you want in severance. I... I'm so sorry."
He started to shift away from her, thinking to give her some privacy until she was ready to either unleash her fury or apparently leave him without so much as that. He wasn't prepared for her suddenly seizing his arm, and his breath caught. It was about to happen.
"I can't remember any of it," were the words that came from Shego's lips, choked and thick.
Drakken blinked in confusion. "What?"
"I've been trying..." Shego forced out through sobs, "to get you into bed...for two years... And it finally happened—"
Her eyes opened at last and glanced sideways into the room.
"Several times..."
Drakken followed her gaze and he bit his cheek in nervous confusion as he looked at the used condoms.
"And I can't remember any of it!"
Drakken relaxed, shifting nearer to her as she continued to cry, albeit less loudly, finally making use of the tissues he had offered. Once they were spent he hurriedly placed the box in front of her, and she took out another.
"Wait, Shego, you...you...wanted...to get me into bed?" Drakken finally asked, shaking his head in confusion—which he regretted instantly for the hangover.
"Mr. Can't Read Signals when they're literally right in front of his face," Shego grumbled.
"What signals?" he asked, still reeling from the idea that Shego was actually interested.
"All the flirting," Shego said plainly, her tears beginning to still.
"What flirting...?"
Shego looked up and narrowed her reddened eyes on him. "Are you really that dense?"
"Shego, what flirting!?" Drakken said, racking his brain for any time outside of her absurd behavior while under the influence of the Moodulator, either before or after given the time frame she indicated, that could have been considered flirting.
Shego scoffed. "You mean you didn't notice me leaning up into your space, getting so close I could blow on your ear, or putting my chest right at your eye level while you worked?"
Drakken had a flash of memory of times when Shego would suddenly be in front of him, blocking his view of what he was working on, or leaning between him and his tools, or whispering about nothing so close to him that he couldn't concentrate.
He blinked at her several times in succession as he realized...she was serious.
"...What?" Shego said, wiping her nose again and then hugging herself.
"I thought you were trying to annoy me," Drakken said.
"I didn't know you were flirting! It...didn't come across that way," Drakken said, trailing off at the end as he saw the flashing of green eyes across from him.
Shego screamed. She threw her hands up in the air for a moment and then let them fall at her sides, seemingly finally spent of tears as she blinked at nothing on the bed sheets.
"Shego...why?" Drakken asked.
Shego began gathering the sheet up around herself to wear as a toga.
"Well if it isn't obvious now, blue bonehead, I have a major crush on you. But since the feeling isn't mutual I guess I'll just stop making a fool of myself and—"
Drakken's hand on her arm halted her words at the same time a gasped 'no' left his lips.
"Let me go!"
"This is humiliating enough," she said, struggling against his grip.
"Shego. Look at what happened."
Drakken gestured broadly to the mess of the room, and Shego followed his gaze. She blinked several times as she took in what to him was a very embarrassing scene, the room looking as if it had been trashed by a group of rowdy party-goers and not just defiled by a drunken couple in lust. Or...could it be more?
"Wh-What on earth made you think it wasn't mutual?" Drakken continued, his voice a mixture of nervous, embarrassed, and annoyed. "I've spent four years trying to hide my feelings for you."
"What?" Shego asked, her eyes snapping back to his.
Drakken looked down. "Yes, well... It wouldn't be appropriate, a boss and an employee..."
"Four years?" she said incredulously.
"Sorry," Drakken said, keeping his eyes on his slightly swollen feet.
It was quiet. And then, "Hmmm..."
Drakken looked up at Shego's thoughtful, almost playful tone.
"Wouldn't be appropriate, you say?" Her tell-tale smirk was starting to return.
"No..." Drakken said, finding his mouth suddenly dry.
Shego grinned. "I quit."
"How many rubbers came in that box?"
Drakken blinked rapidly, his mind processing her intent so fast that he'd pounced on the purple box on the nightstand and was yanking its contents out onto the bed before he could realize he'd nearly knocked her down in the process.
"There's three left," he said, peering into the empty box as if more would somehow materialize at his will.
"Then put some clothes on and go buy some more," Shego said decisively.
"What, why?" Drakken asked in annoyance.
"Well I count nine all over this room," Shego said. Drakken's face flushed. "Since I can't remember any of that, we're going to have to make up for it all before we leave."
Shego scooped up Drakken's boxers from the floor by the bedside and tossed them at him.
Drakken grinned as he shimmied into them. As he did so, the light glinted off the gold of his ring, and he glanced over at Shego as she began tossing more of his clothes at him. A matching band adorned her slimmer finger. Drakken looked around, and for the first time he noticed the half-folded piece of paper stuck out of the drawer of the nightstand. His brow twisted with nerves but it couldn't stop his smile growing.
"I guess...this is a good time to point out we got married?" Drakken said.
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oh-no-my-hand-slipped · 4 years ago
Could you do something like 🌾 and 💥? It could be a scientist or a fairy or a vampire for all I care lol - your writing is amazing, by the way ☺️ (You can ignore this if you want to, but I would appreciate it if you at least read it :D. Anyway, thanks!)
Er, okay...I actually write for this as soon as I got it.
I guess you’re about to read my first NSFW fic.
I mean, it’s not super graphic - it’s all very tasteful - but yeah...wlw pleasuring is on the menu tonight.
And I hope it isn’t too spicy.
Veron wiped her runny nose with the picnic blanket. The coarse cloth irritated her face, but she had no choice. Drix, who was sitting cross-legged next to her, watched the half-giant with fascination.
“You okay, Vee?” she asked. “That’s quite a sniffle you’ve got there. You gettin’ sick?”
Veron shook her head. “I’ve been sneezing all day, but I don’t feel a chill...”
She snorted, then sighed as she leaned back on the blanket. They had barely gotten comfortable when her nose began to tremble. Veron shot up, holding her hands in front of her face.
Veron quickly grabbed the front of her robe and buried her face deep within it.
“SHEW! GSH’SHEW! Ghuh...huh...”
Drix was still staring at her girlfriend, eyes wide as moons. Veron tried to keep her nostrils at bay by covering them with her sleeve.
“Suh-sorry, dewdrop. By dose...”
Tears streamed out of Veron’s eyes as she rubbed the bridge of her nose, trying to somehow massage the irritation away. After that proved fruitless, she used the palm of her hand to stretch and flatten the tip of her quivering nose. Her fluttering eyes were only half open.
While Veron was busy hitching, Drix bit her lip, thinking.
“M-maybe,” she stammered, “that goldenrod’s botherin’ ya. Or the wildflowers. They’re all in bloom and fulla pollen this time of year.”
“Meh...maybe...but whatever it is...it’s going to make me...blow this whole forest down...”
Suddenly, Veron gave Drix a side-glance.
“Are you...is this...?”
Veron looked at Drix’s tightly crossed legs. Despite her breathlessness, the giantess chuckled.
“H-here...why don’t you heh...help me...”
Veron pointed to a field of goldenrod next to Drix. The forest sprite turned as red as the afternoon sun, but complied. The giantess loosened the top of her tunic, letting only the shuddering curvature of her breasts show. She laid her head on the blanket, her long, red hair sprawling in all directions.
“C’mon...snrk...d-don’t be shy...”
Clutching the flower to her chest, Drix stumbled onto her mistress, their body shaking with expectation.
“Wh-what do I-?” Drix began, but Veron put a finger on the sprite’s lips.
“Shhh...whatever you want, my love. Take away, give, stifle. Have your way with me, Drix, I beh...beg of you...”
Drix trembled, the rolling in her stomach reaching a peak as she felt Veron’s quivering body beneath her. After a few moments, she took the goldenrod and began to trace Veron’s nostrils. The giantess sniffled, but tried her best to keep the tickle from getting the best of her.
Drix put her hand on her girlfriend’s shoulder, then slowly traced her fingers around Veron’s exposed breasts. Her hand went under the tunic and traced Veron’s every curve with the tip of her fingernails, and finally came to rest on the giant’s upper thigh. With the other hand, Drix started to stroke Veron with the goldenrod, the flower going almost completely inside the giantess’s quavering nose.
“Be...huh...c-careful...” Veron warned, her nostrils wrinkling.
“You know you want to,” Drix said, finding sudden courage in her pleasure. “That nose of yours can’t keep it up much longer.”
Veron gave a shaky smirk. “You ch-cheeky bastard...”
Drix’s hand traveled lower and lower until she found exactly what she was looking for.
“Looks like somethin’ else can’t wait,” Drix teased, beginning to fan her fingers into a gentle stroke. She lifted the golden rod to Veron’s nose again, trying to match its movements to the ones down below.
Veron began to gasp for air, her fingers digging into the grass beside her. Her nostrils flared with new vigor.
Both hands went deeper and deeper, and Veron shuddered and shifted desperately.
Veron pressed her legs together and put a wrist to her nose.
“Almost there,” Drix purred, continuing despite the giantess’s best efforts.
“Neh...heh...c-can’t...hold it...beh...HEH...”
Suddenly, with a gasp, Veron’s body opened like a rose, her tunic sliding completely off.
Drix held onto Veron’s waist with one hand, still pleasuring her with the other. It was all she could do to not fall off, both from Veron’s jerking and her own desire.
The giantess wrapped her arms around Drix, moaning. For a moment, they were completely in sync with their bodies, which were pressed against each other like convergent rivers colliding after an earthquake.
“Ngh...g-gonna...” Veron said before her chest heaved yet again. Drix braced for impact.
“GSH’CHUUUUH! Heh...eh...”
Another moan escaped her lips, her freckled nose streaming and red. Her eyes rolled into her head as she convulsed yet again. Drix rested her head against her exposed chest. Her unapologetic cries were music to the sprite’s ears.
Veron finally quieted, and let her hands fall to her side. Drix slid off her girlfriend’s body, panting.
“I...I think,” Drix whispered, “we’ll need to get a need to get a new blanket...”
Veron was silent for a moment, catching her breath.
“No,” she replied after a time. “I think this one suits us just fine.”
Oh wow. Goodness.
I am...definitely bisexual.
This clinches it.
I hope you enjoyed. I...certainly did. Sorry if it’s a little short, but I was kind of nervous. I’m still working through some guilt about my content. This will be gigantic step for me.
Also, this does not give people permission to send me NSFW asks! I will write NSFW on my own time, and I don’t want my inbox to be filled with a bunch of nasty stuff, ‘kay?
Alright, you know the drill. If you hate the fic, I’ll rewrite it for you. It’s called the Hand Slipped Guarantee. You kink is in good hands!
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imnotwolverine · 5 years ago
The marriage pact - Maple syrup dreams
Henry Cavill x OC Alice - multi-chapter
< Part 21 | Part 22 Maple syrup dreams | Part 23 >
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Disclaimer: Just fluff
Author’s note: Do you know what I just can’t get enough of? Whenever I’m writing my fanfics I keep Tumblr open in the background and there’s nothing more fun than seeing you, the reader, pop up in my notifications every few minutes or so, liking yet another chapter of a long fic. At some point I even know when you’re having a tea break, or taking a moment to make yourself some food. It makes me, as a writer, feel all gooey with happiness (and I quietly enjoy the fun along with you whenever you’re reading my works, my mind bringing me back to when I was writing that particular chapter you just liked). Ugh! I’m such a sap today! I love you darling readers! ❤️
Word count: 2.042
(Link to my Masterlist)
Dear readers,
I am writing this blog from a far, far away place. My fingers a bit numb from the everlasting cold, the taste on my tongue remembering I had far too much Maple Syrup Taffy and my everyday schedule suddenly consisting off shoving snow and rubbing down snowy dog paws.
Me and chocolate cake are in Canada, where we’ll be for the next 2 months as he’s working on a movie here. A movie? Chocolate cake? Hold on, you may think. Tell me more about this mysterious chocolate cake that you seem to be getting serious with! Well dear readers, though many of you know by now whom my lovely chocolate cake is, I’d still like to keep our privacy a little while longer. So let us just say; talk, dark, handsome and a very practical human heater when sleeping together. Especially when you are staying in this freakishly cold country and the actual heater is broken.
Today I’ll be visiting the movie set for the first time, and thereby a part of a new life starts that may have seemed totally ridiculous had you told me I’d be here a few months ago. But alas(ka), here we go!
‘Morning love.’ Henry chuckled, watching me shuffle through the tiny hallway of the trailer, my body clad in probably every sweater and wool sock I could find. ‘Hmmpff..’ I grumbled, plopping down beside him on the small bench in the kitchen nook.
It felt a bit like my student days. Living on each others lip, this shared living space no bigger than some 24m2, the heating unit broken and the food..well..not great.
‘Need me to warm you up?’ He smiled, gesturing me to scoot over to his lap. Silently nodding I moved up to him, feeling his arms snake around me and pull me snug against his broad and warm chest. ‘Ungh..how can you only wear one sweater and not be cold?’
Henry laughed. ‘It’s called 4000 kcal a day intake and lots of exercising.’ He kissed my cold cheek, his slight stubble scratching my skin. I sniffled and shook my head. ‘Does not sound like my cup of tea.’ - ‘Doesn’t have to be. I’ll keep you warm.’ He hummed, pushing a warm hand beneath my layers of sweaters. ‘Besides, the maintenance team is going to check on that heater this afternoon, so with a little luck we get home tonight to a nice and warm trailer.’ - ‘Goooood.’ I hummed, then squealed, feeling him tickle my skin ever so slightly. ‘Very good.’ He smiled, sniffing my hair before placing a kiss atop my head.
‘Hmm..In case I haven’t mentioned it, I’m so glad to have you here.’ He whispered, nuzzling my hair some more. I chuckled. ‘Oh you only mentioned it about a hundred times or so.’ I leaned back a little so I could turn my face towards his, our noses touching.
He was SO warm.
‘I wouldn’t miss this for the world.’ I murmured, laying a pillowy kiss on his lips. ‘Besides I got some small tasks to help the team out with today, so I don’t have to wait for you to come home like the good housewife I am.’ I winked, making him snicker. ‘Very good wifey.’ - ‘I mean, I’m no wife..but..you know..housegirlfriend sounds weird.’ I shrugged, turning to steal a sip of coffee from his large mug and thereby missing the loving glint in his eyes.
He watched me for a few more long moments, enjoying his coffee and staring into the abyss of 6 AM nothingness, Kal still snoring quietly on his dog bed. He didn’t want to ruin the moment as it was, but there sure was a whole lot going on in his head.
I was his first girlfriend to join him for such a long movie shoot. And for the first time in a long time he didn’t feel so very alone. Didn’t feel like it was just another fleeting moment of a good life. This was going to last. He would make sure it would.
‘Oh are you going to finish that.’ I pointed at a leftover bite of his breakfast toast. He laughed aloud. ‘Go ahead. And, I’ll make myself a mental note to make double the amount of breakfast tomorrow.’
I blushed slightly as I felt his gaze on me, chewing that bit of toast. ‘Sowwyy.’ I gulped, quickly swallowing the toast. ‘You really don’t have to..-‘ - ‘No please Ali. You travelled half the world just to be here with me. The least I can do is make you breakfast while you wrap yourself in not one, not two..but THREE of my sweaters.’
My blush became even more fierce when I felt his chest rumble with mirth.
‘Mwu..they’re just really nice sweaters.’ I mumbled, pouting at him. ‘Hahah. Oh Ali-bear. I have missed you so.’
Ali-bear? I raised an eyebrow at him as my blush slowly faded. ‘Ali-bear?’ I asked with mild confusion. ‘Yes, since you call me Henry-bear and you ARE part of the bear pack now.’ He winked, nodding at Kal who was blinking open his eyes, the large Akita stretching out his paws with mild exaggeration. We both laughed. ‘A-ha..so I’m a bear now, too?’ I looked at him and he shrugged innocently, making me laugh even harder. ‘Oh Henry..you are un-BEAR-able.’  
The days on set were crazy long, crazy cold, but also crazy fun. After a week or so I got into a routine of helping for a few hours on set - moving and cleaning props, cooking meals with the cook, walking Kal -, followed by a few hours of working on my upcoming book and help out the Jersey Gazette with editing articles.
My life in Jersey felt like lightyears away, but I didn’t miss it as much as I had anticipated. All I really needed was Henry, silly as it seemed. Be it because we were crazy in love, or because we really had found great soulmates in one another. Even on 14 hour workdays we’d find the time to be there for each other, making life in general really rather pleasant.
Did I have a good idea for one of my stories? I’d pitch it to Henry. Henry needed to practise some new lines? I’d play his villanous counterpart. Did either one of us feel a little on edge? We’d have a quickie in the trailer.
Yes, life was good.
‘Hi mom..hello?..Mom? Can you hear me?’ The line crackled and my mom’s voice distorted in a wild flurry of screeches and blurred speech. ‘Let’s try again.’ I ended the call and waited for her to call me in turn, this time the line thankfully much more stable.
‘Oh! There we go!’ Mom exclaimed, hearing me giggle. ‘Hello Ali dear. Oh baby we miss you soooo!’
‘Hi mom. Miss you too! How’s everything at home?’
‘Quite exciting times over here..we finally adopted a dog! A four year old poodle mix, named Cookie. And she’s a lovely gal. Chewing on some shoelaces as we speak hahaha.’ - ‘Quite lovely indeed haha. So you truly miss me THAT much, hmm? Empty nest?’ - ‘Terribly. So how’s everything over there? Are you okay? Eating enough vegetables?’
Moms will be moms.
‘Yes mom haha. Plenty of vegetables. And I exercise everyday because it is crazy cold and there’s practically no other way to get warm..-‘ - ‘The things you do for love, hmm? I remember you experiencing your first snow. How you immediately ran back inside, not liking it one bit. And now you are living in meters of snow!’
‘Yes. The things we do for love.’ I heard the trailer door open behind me and looked over my shoulder, seeing two snowy bears enter, bringing with them a gust of icy cold air.
‘Close it..close IT!’ I exclaimed, waving at the door when Henry let it open, his arm filled with a number of plastic bags. Smiling, his nose also slightly red with cold, he bumped the door closed with his buttocks, Kal taking the moment to shake off the remains of snow in his fur and launching it at the both of us.
‘KALL!!’ I warned, the akita panting at me happily, acting as if he didn’t do anything wrong.
‘Shall I call back later dear? Sounds like you have some men to take care of.’ My mom’s voice sounded in my ear and I slowly nodded, my eyes tracking to Henry as he zipped out of his jacket and started rubbing Kal down with a towel, the dog continuing to circle away from him, thinking it was playtime.
‘Yea..call you back mom. Looks like Henry could use some help haha. Have fun with Cookie and send pictures!! Love you. Give dad a hug from me.’ - ‘I shall my dear. Kisses back!’ And that was the end of the call.
I quickly stood up and helped Henry dry off Kal, our smiles growing as the dog started to bounce up, licking our faces. ‘Who’s a good boy?!’ I cooed, rubbing him behind the ears, squatting down and allowing the dog to lean into me, going in for a big bear hug. The dog was more than glad to get all this attention, his head ducking down and pressing into my chest, eager to get even more pets. I laughed and looked up at Henry, seeing him get up and moving back to the bags that were now on the small kitchen counter, his hands digging through the contents
‘Whatcha got..-?’ - ‘Close your eyes!’ He stopped me mid sentence, looking over his shoulder with a mischievous glint in his ocean blues. ‘Ohhhkay..’ I said, slightly unsure, settling down so Kal couldn’t topple me over, the large Akita folding his large paws over my lap and also looking at Henry.
What was he up to? With a slow breath I closed my eyes, my hand continuing to trace languid circles through his fur. And then I felt something being pushed down on my head. Warm, soft. REALLY soft. A..hat? I wished to open my eyes but Henry clicked his tongue in warning, now picking up my hands and slipping them carefully in what probably were two mittens. My lips curled up in a smile, and I turned my head up expectantly.
‘Can I look now..?’ I asked quietly. Henry chuckled. ‘Almost.’
Then I felt something shift beneath my hands, Kal sitting up slightly.
‘Okay, now you can look.’
I opened my eyes and first saw Kal, wearing the cutest purplish blue knit scarf, and then the mittens on my hands. Also knit, but with a teddy-like material inside to keep my fingers nice and toasty. Reaching for my head I could feel a hat there. ‘With bear ears.’ Henry sniffled, nodding. ‘I know you don’t want me to get you presents. But it’s a bit of a special day.’
‘Special..day..?’ I quirked up an eyebrow, then smiled feeling the two small bear ears on my head. Slowly I lowered my hands again and gave Henry a studious look. ‘Special day.’ Henry smiled, sitting down beside me and Kal, his eyes glittering.
‘Did I ..miss..something?’ I gave him a suspicious look.
Henry chuckled. ‘Perhaps a calendar.’ He reached for my mittens and pulled me to his chest, noses nearly touching. ‘Happy half year anniversary sweet little icicle of mine.’ He said with a smile in his voice, his lips trying to brush against mine, but failing as I gasped in horror. ‘OOOH…I FORGOT.’
Henry laughed all the harder, shoulders shaking and Kal shifting so he could lean into the both us, head squeezed in between our chests. ‘That’s quite alright. Now c’mhere.’ He snickered, pulling my embarrassed face to his, our lips finally melting together.
And how hot and cozy that moment was.
Nothing big and outrageous. No hours of driving just to get to some half decent restaurant. It was just Henry, me and Kal. The three of us enjoying a first home cooked dinner in weeks whilst laughing at the extra warm clothes Henry had gotten me - he could not stand it seeing his girl be cold, and though he loved sharing his sweaters..he did need some of them for his own use too, especially when we went out for our morning runs.
It was sweet, thoughtful, simple and much of what I expected of true love. A maintenance kind of love.
And from here on any next steps in our relationship didn’t seem so scary. I had not even given the whole donorship thing a second glance since we had arrived in Canada. This? This might very well be it, you know? 
General tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss​ @tumblnewby @magdelen69​ @thereisa8ella​ @mary-ann84​ @darkbooksarwin​ @summersong69​ @madbaddic7ed​
Fluff lovers squad: @star017​ @perhaps2remember​ @pterodactylterrace​ @witchersqueen​ @desperate-and-broken​​ @toomanyfandomsshreya​​ @deliciouslysassyarcade​​ @pamacs-macs​​ @cavilladdict​​ @scorpionchild81​​ @lebguardians​​ @sofiebstar​​ @amberbabem​​ @mis-lil-red @aestheticqueenb​​ @misslalaland-blog-blog​ @ilieherecharmed-fics2readnrec​ @michelehansel​ @henryfanfics101​
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gallickingun · 5 years ago
Katsuki throwing you around like a rag doll and fucking into at a rough pace until you're cross eyed and drooling. Bonus points for him if Kiri or Deku walk in to check on you because you sound like you're crying only to see you blissfully fucked out in the throws of your orgasm babbling on about how much you love him🤤😍
babes babes babes ungh-
bakugou in college?? sharing a house with kiri, denki, sero??? deku is over there all the time despite how much baku hates it lol but kiri invites him over so he tolerates it. 
katsuki takes his frustration out on you, in the good kinda way. he’s not really angry, not with you. he’s just shaking with the fact that he can’t just be himself around everyone, not the way he can be when he’s with you. and so, his hands are one flat on your backside, the other tangled up in your hair as he drills into you from behind. he bottoms out into you and you cry out, tears welling over the sides of your lids until they’re dampening the pillow beneath your face. 
“wanna look at you when you come,” katsuki barely is able to breathe out the words before he yanks himself from you, forcing a whine out of your throat. a sob racks your body as his fingertips dig into your hips, bruising your bones as he picks you up. your head lolls back, eyes crossing beneath your lids.
you whimper when he flips you onto your back, your thighs crying out in pain in the form of quivers, muscles throbbing. bakugou chuckles, “tired already, baby?”
you think you’re on orgasm number four or five and so you nod, chapped lips gasping for breath the longer he pins you down. bakugou runs his thumbs over the curve of your breast, “maybe i should stop, huh? you think it’s time to be done?”
“no!” you’re whining pathetically now, eyes glazed over as you try to make contact with his carmine irises. “p-please, suki, please!”
bakugou tilts his head, “please what?”
all you can do is start telling him how much you want him, how much you need him. how you need to feel him filling you up, holding you down. you’re in tears as you say it, somewhere between bliss and ecstasy, the sheer force of his cock slamming into you drawing out another droplet with every thrust. 
a particularly loud sob parts your mouth into another round of declarations, your hands grabbing for him like a child who desperately wants to be held. bakugou grunts something along the lines of, “so fuckin close baby, just a little longer, yeah? think you can hold out for me?” when the bedroom door bursts open and a mop of green hair gives way to bright eyes- 
“kacchan! is everything o-holy shit,” and then deku is a mess, blubbering out apologies as bakugou turns to light up his palm, an armor piercing shot aimed straight at shitty deku’s face. the guy manages to make it out of the room, dodging the shot before slamming the door shut with another squeal of “i’m so sorry!”
you sniffle and bakugou turns to face you, his entire demeanor softening once he sees your glassy eyes and heaving chest. his hands find your face, palms smoothing over your cheeks and hair, kisses pressed into your face. he noses over your cheek, oddly affectionate given the circumstance, but that doesn’t stop your heart from fluttering when he utters the words, “you’re such a good girl for me, yeah? such a perfect pussy, so pretty,” bakugou kisses the line of your jaw, “i’ll kill that fucking nerd,” kisses to your ear, “he won’t ever look at you again, princess. don’t you worry.”
come thirst talk with me
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vannahfanfics · 5 years ago
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Category: Romantic Fluff, Hurt and Comfort, Angst
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Hanta Sero, Mina Ashido
Hi guys! Here with another story for two of @bnhabookclub​‘s events; I’m combining the “Ambulance Ride” prompt from the Bingo Event with “You are not alone” from the Celebrating Mina Event! Flexing my angst fingers today~ Enjoy! 
Mina crouched down to peer around the corner of the hallway, her ears straining to catch the small snips of conversation drifting out of the room at the end of the hall. She could only catch faint snatches of information, like “ransom,” “heroes,” “hostages,” and “bomb.” The last word sent a cold chill through Mina’s body. Mina had been lucky to participate in the operation, as the hero she was interning for thought her ready for significant action. However, the investigation unit had only possessed a small amount of information. A group of bank robbers had taken the three floors of an affluent bank hostage. They had cleared the first two floors already and released the hostages, but there had been no explosives located. Mina narrowed her eyes as she remained crouched in the side hall. 
Is there really a bomb? If there was, Mina would have to proceed much more carefully. The pro hero was still clearing the second floor and had sent Mina onward to collect information about the leader of the burglars, who was hunkered down in the safe room with one known hostage that who knew the combination of the safe. The heroes had stormed on the scene and prevented them from fleeing with the stacks of cash, and now they were holed up, arguing with the hostage negotiators over radio. Mina continued to listen to the snippets of conversation she could hear, but could divulge no usable information. I have to get closer! she decided. 
Crawling slowly on all fours, Mina crept around the corner to slink down the hallway. Yellow light spilled out of the slightly ajar door at the end of the hall. With every foot that Mina proceeded forward, the conversation clarified; once she could hear the words entirely, she paused in the shadows to listen. 
“Boss, the heroes have taken the first two floors and are probably on their way up! The hostage negotiator said that another agency just arrived on the scene, too! I say we get outta here while we still can,” pleaded an underling. There followed a savage snarl, likely emanating from the throat of the irritated leader. 
“Boss,” crooned another subordinate, “you know what they say- ‘he who runs away lives to rob another day’!” Mina wrinkled her nose at the distasteful modification of the common saying. The boss snarled again. Mina jumped slightly as there was a loud bang, and a rolling chair came flying out of the room. It crashed through one of the windows and plummeted to the ground, accompanied by huge shards of glass. Screams floated up from the outside, and Mina hoped that no one had been crushed under the leather furniture or impaled by the glass pieces. 
“Damn heroes. Sticking their noses in where it doesn’t belong,” growled a deep, gruff voice which Mina assumed belonged to the head criminal. “Fine! Initiate Plan B. Let’s get the hell out of here.” Mina shuffled backward, further into the darkness, as loud shuffling and banging spilled into the hall. In the next second, a frightened young man with disheveled clothes and duct tape still binding his mouth and hands came sprinting out of the room. He rushed right past Mina to bound down the stairs, leaving behind glittering tears of terror. The thumping and rustling continued, so Mina crawled silently to the end of the hall to peek into the room. 
A gaping hole had been carved out of the wall, presumably by one of the robbers’ Quirks. The enormous metal safe lay open with large sums of money missing, as evidenced by the stray yen bills fluttering around the floor. Mina cursed loudly when she realized the criminals had fled already. She pressed down on the button on her earpiece to give report, but the pro hero’s voice cut in before she had the chance even to open her mouth. 
“Pinky? Pinky, do you copy? You have to get off the third floor! The hostage says there’s an explosive planted in the safe room!” Mina gasped, and sure enough, she spied a large time bomb cemented to the desk on the side of the room, ticking down from five seconds. The young hero scrambled to her feet to stumble into the hall, leaping out of the broken window without a second thought. It was either jump from the third story and risk mortal injury, or falter and surely die in a fiery inferno. 
Just as she had cleared the building by about three feet, it exploded behind her. Mina screamed as the shockwave struck her square in the back, followed by chunks of brick, iron, and glass. The force caused her back to bow dramatically, and she swore she heard a sickening crack, but that could have been the debris raining down upon the sidewalk below. The roar of fire followed, and Mina’s skin grew unbearably hot as the bubbling flames licked at her exposed arms and legs. She could feel the fabric of the back of her hero costume fray and snap with the heat to expose her pink skin to the hungry fire. Black spots danced at the edge of her vision among waves of gray-white, slowly darkening her sight. Everything burned and ached and stung; her muscles wailed, or maybe that was her, shrieking in agony as the explosion tore her body to shreds. 
The explosion blasted her across the street at breakneck speed; Mina could see the building opposite rushing up towards her. She tried to mentally prepare herself to crash into the harsh, unforgiving brick construct, but really, how does anyone brace themselves to splat like a bug against a windshield? Mina had the strangest feeling that someone was calling out for her, but she couldn’t be sure with the wind roaring in her ears like a hurricane. 
Mina’s stomach lurched as she abruptly jerked upward. The red brick of the building zoomed mere inches away from her face as she sailed against gravity. Barely clinging to consciousness, she could only gape at her legs flailing in the rushing wind, the concrete sidewalk and stunned crowd rapidly growing smaller. Her muddled mind took a few seconds to register that a layer of tape wrapped around her middle; a long swathe of the white tape protruded outward, pulled taut with incredible strength. Mina arched at the building’s height and was greeted by a brilliant, blue, cloudless sky. Then she was falling again. 
“Gotcha!” her rescuer cried as she flopped heavily into their muscular arms. She blinked rapidly, still struggling to comprehend the rapid chain of events that had transpired. However, even in her addled state, Mina could recognize the beaming grin shining down on her. 
“Hanta,” she croaked. Her throat burned terribly; it felt like she’d swallowed thousands of tiny glass shards which had torn her trachea into shreds. She coughed weakly, then groaned miserably as it made her aching chest muscles hurt that much more. Hanta’s strong arms held her like the most fragile porcelain, just securely enough to make her feel like she were in the world’s safest place. Suddenly, all of the emotions and fear and pain finally broke through the wall of adrenaline. Mina began to cry and hyperventilate. “H-Hanta… I… Ungh… Hanta…” she babbled nonsensically between heaving sobs. Her chest swelled with gasping breaths; it felt like no matter how much she inhaled, she simply couldn’t breathe in any oxygen. Her vision began to flicker again. 
“Hey, hey,” the dark-haired boy cooed soothingly. His fingers felt cool and comforting as he swept her sweat-slicked hair from her face. “It’s all right. I’ve got you. You’re okay.” Mina curled into his chest with another deep, wallowing wail. Her fingers pawed at the spandex of his hero suit, desperate to anchor herself to something after being flung into oblivion mentally and physically. Hanta didn’t seem to mind; in fact, he read her intentions quite well. He grabbed her hand and placed it on his cheek. “I’m here, Mina. You are not alone.” 
His gentle, reassuring voice bled into Mina like a chill on a winter’s day. It soothed her overheating and frantic body. Gradually, her breaths became more even and less labored, and the dense fog lifted from her mind. Hanta crouched down as he held her tenderly, still pressing her hand to his face. “That’s it. That’s my girl. You’re okay,” he gently coaxed. Mina’s sobs quieted to small, muffled sniffles and the occasional hiccup. “That’s my girl,” he repeated softly as he cradled her close. Mina breathed in his scent, a mixture of adhesive and citrus that was odd but pleasant, and felt calm flood through her body. She was safe. She wasn’t alone. 
Hanta used his tape to swing them from the building roof down to the street. The crowd engulfed them immediately. Concerned passersby, police attempting to gain control, avid journalists and photographers, and the members of the two hero agencies thronged around the heroic Hanta and the injured Mina. Mina whimpered and pressed close to her savior; all the noise and flashing lights were too much, too reminiscent of the roaring fire and crashing rubble. 
“Oi! Give her some space, will ya?” Hanta roared angrily. The screaming crowd immediately hushed, surprised by the outburst by the presumably amiable boy. The momentary distraction allowed the police force and heroes to rein in the mob and clear some space for the ailing girl. Shrill sirens blared in the near distance as an ambulance navigated the destroyed street. The entire front of the bank had collapsed with the explosion, spilling a mass of bricks, mortar, metal, and paper bills into the road. The ambulance stopped as close as they could, and the EMTs immediately jumped out to haul a stretcher over. Hanta briskly strolled to meet them. “She’s severely injured,” he told the paramedics while they prepared the cot. When Hanta went to lay her on the white cloth, she whined loudly and clung to him. 
“Hanta… No… Stay with me,” Mina pleaded. The horror was still so fresh in her mind; if he let her go, she’d plummet back into that confusing dark maelstrom.
“Hey,” Hanta tutted pacifyingly. “These guys are gonna take good care of you, okay? Come on.” Reluctantly, Mina peeled herself away from Hanta. He laid her on her side on the stretcher. She kept her hand against his face until the very last second, desperate to cement herself. Hanta leaned into her touch, smiling sweetly down at her. Though Mina was disoriented, she could still see the stark lines of worry etched into his face and the hesitancy swimming in his black eyes. “That’s my girl,” he said again, patting her scratched and bleeding hand against his cheek. Mina whined as the EMTs began to roll the stretcher away, and her hand was forced to drop into the open air. 
As soon as she was deprived of his touch, it seemed like the pain intensified ten-fold. 
Mina released an agonized howl as pain like fire bloomed over her back. She could dimly hear the paramedics conversing about glass shards and shrapnel embedded in her back and a possibly fractured spine. They applied a backboard when she began to writhe and squirm with anxiety and pain, which only served to inflame her panic. Her eyes rolled in her sockets as her breaths became ragged again, searching for the one person with whom she felt safe. 
“Han- Cellophane! Cellophane!” she wailed, grasping at the open air. She struggled against the black fabric straps securing her against the stretcher. “Please don’t leave me! I don’t want to be alone!” she sobbed pitifully against the thin sheet beneath her. The paramedics fluttered around her, trying to shush her, but she was inconsolable. Finally, one of them flattened out her arm and pushed a syringe into the vein. A coldness spread into her circulatory system, and Mina fell swiftly into a deep, dark, dreamless sleep… 
When Mina awoke, she was greeted by a white-tiled ceiling and a thin, clean-smelling white sheet. Her entire body pulsed and ached with dull pain despite the IV drip hooked up to her arm delivering fluids and pain medication. She could feel that her body was swathed in thick gauze bandages underneath the thin, flimsy hospital gown. She fought the urge to sit up and move around because she knew it would only aggravate her injuries. She settled for turning her head to stare out of the window. It was nighttime; the inky black canvas dotted with stars shone clearly above the silhouetted skyline. Sighing, she turned to look back at the ceiling, feeling like her head was stuffed with cotton. Thinking was nearly impossible, but she tried anyway. When she took a moment to recall the sequence of events, tears flooded her eyes again. 
“Hanta,” she mewled pathetically. Her palm tingled with the memory of his face and the desire to behold it again. The drops rolled down her cheeks as she cried silently. “Alone… I’m all alone…” she moaned miserably. 
“It’s okay, Mina. I’m right here.” As she snapped her head to the side, a lightning strike of pain snapped down her spine, making her writhe and hiss in the bed. Hanta jumped up from the chair beside her hospital bed to grab her by the upper arms and still her. “Hey, hey! It’s okay. Relax.” His melodic voice just had such sway over her; her muscles obeyed immediately, falling still with no resistance. Mina stared owlishly up at Hanta as he smiled bashfully and swept his bangs out of his face. “Hey, Mina,” he purred gently. Mina tugged on his arm, prompting him to lean down over her. When he did, she immediately cupped his face again. Hanta smiled awkwardly and flushed pink. 
“Hanta…” Mina immediately felt all her anxieties wash away with his presence. Hanta didn’t seem to mind at all; he sat on the edge of the bed so he could comfortably sit over her. She then narrowed her eyes with a concerned look. “Am I… okay?” 
“You got pretty banged up,” he admitted with a terse pout. “You had to go into surgery to remove all the glass and iron out of your back… They said they had to put over a hundred stitches in all your wounds.” Mina squirmed uncomfortably, feeling the sutures scrape against the thin sheet and her hospital gown. Hanta then smiled reassuringly. “There’s good news, though! All the x-rays were good; they don’t think you have any fractures, but they’re gonna do more in a few days to make sure.” Mina breathed a small sigh of relief. A fractured spine would’ve been a daunting trial, indeed. “You’ve been out for a few days. Everybody stopped by, though!” he smiled and gestured to the side table. Mina looked over to see it laden with cards and small gifts. Hanta suddenly swelled with pride. “I picked out that bouquet.” 
It was a lovely arrangement of pink peonies, purple pansies, light blue hydrangeas, and a few white daisies to accent the cool colors. 
“It’s beautiful,” Mina acknowledged softly. She looked back to Hanta with a sweet, endeared smile. Hanta smiled back, his cheeks brightening with blush. “Thank you.” 
“Anything for my best girl,” he answered casually. They both blushed simultaneously at the connotation of his statement. Hanta looked down at his lap to fiddle with the hem of his jeans. “I, uh… I was really worried about you, y’know…” he said suddenly. Mina stared at him while he peered down at her through his lashes. “Seeing you like that… I almost couldn’t handle it…” Mina felt her face flushing hot, but she said nothing, because she couldn’t say anything. Hanta’s soft gaze was electrifying. He reached out to run his first knuckle over her cheekbone gently. His expression visibly softened. “I dunno what I’d do without my best girl…” 
“Hanta.” He snapped out of whatever trance he was in. He stared at her for a few seconds, blinking rapidly, before his face turned the color of a tomato.” 
“Ah! I, uh, shit, I, um- I’m sorry, I dunno what came over me, er-” 
“Hanta.” She repeated with a blank stare. Hanta continued to gape at her, arms still up in the air from where he’d been flailing. 
“Stop talking and kiss me.” Hanta stared stupidly at her for a microsecond before he rushed to obey her command. He bent over double to press his lips to hers. Mina did her best despite her injury to push up into the kiss. There was only so much a girl could do after being blasted across a street like a rocket. Her hand traveled to the back of his head to weave into the soft black fibers of his hair. Hanta’s mouth eagerly moved against hers, sending waves of sweet pleasure through her body. Among many things, Hanta Sero was a great kisser. Who knew? 
When he pulled away, he smiled adoringly and stroked her face again. Mina hummed amusedly and played with the ends of his hair. He was still sitting on the bed, nearly doubled over as he leaned over her. “That doesn’t look comfortable. You’re the one who’s gonna fracture your spine,” she laughed. Hanta shrugged nonchalantly and continued to huddle over her. 
“S’no big deal… You’re my girl, after all.” Mina giggled and inched up to nuzzle the tip of her nose with his. 
“That’s right. I sure am.”
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Tag List: @deliathedork​ @simplybakugou​ @lovelusional​ @wesparklebitch​ @hanniejji​
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johannstutt413 · 5 years ago
(requested by anonymous)
The Doctor, truth be told, was not a busy man. He spent most of his time sitting at his desk, waiting for Operators to have problems or for missions to go south so he could provide his tactical expertise; in the day-to-day, the logistics runs and the peacekeeping missions, they didn’t need his help, and for some reason his subordinates didn’t like coming to him when they could solve things themselves at a much slower pace, so he had a lot of time to himself in his office to do whatever he wanted.
And unfortunately for him, the Gacha Bug had gotten him.
There was a game he’d found for his tablet that was all about collecting Agents to do combat missions, but the trouble was, all the good characters (or at least the ones he liked watching fight the most) were ludicrously hard to get. For all his efforts, he just did not have the resources to get them consistently. One day, however, everything changed when she walked through the door.
“Doctor? Are you busy?” Jessica stopped by one day with a bag of takeout food. “I was w-wondering if you’d like to eat lunch with me?”
“Lunch? Oh, man, I completely forgot about food, didn’t I? Thanks, Jess! I really owe you one.” He hopped to his feet, phone still in his hand as he scowled at another terrible set of pulls.
Of course, she noticed this. “Are you playing a game, Doctor?”
“I am, and I’m losing,” he sighed. “The pull rates are just ridiculous for these characters!”
“You play Agents of Terra, Doctor?”
He looked back at her, somewhat incredulous. “How did you guess?”
“I have it, too!” She pulled out her phone and opened the app. “I’m not very good at the missions, but-”
“Holy shit, you have eeeeeverything.”
Jessica sighed. “I bought all these characters and upgrade materials, but I still can’t do the maps.”
“Wait, you...” Gears began turning in his head. “So you can’t do the maps, and I can’t pull the units I want...Maybe we can help each other.”
“What do you mean?”
He began to lose a measure of his composure. “It’s the perfect trade! See, you get both of our accounts all the good stuff, and then I teach you how to run all the missions and solve the ones you can’t or don’t have the time for! I get my waifus, you get your progression, everyone is happy!”
“That does sound nice.” She nodded. “Okay, I can do that.”
“Oh, Jess, you’re a lifesaver.” The Doctor wrapped her in a tight hug without really realizing what he was doing.
Unbeknownst to him, Jessica’s mind was working overtime for one reason and one reason only. ‘Maybe, if I do this for him, I can get him to notice me...’
A few months later, and the plan was going smoothly. Jessica was now the Doctor’s assistant, and most of the day was spent on Agents of Terra - pulls, strategy lessons, celebrating an incredible string of successes on the PvP ladder against less LMD-loaded players. By this point, it was clear to Jessica that he really wasn’t paying attention to her so much as the game, but it was nice to see him so happy, and she had all this money thanks to the fact she already had all the ammo she’d ever need, so...why not spend it on him? Even if he didn’t think of her as much more than this Agents partner, that meant she mattered to him in some way, and that was better than nothing.
At least, that’s how it seemed to her before the Day of Reckoning event. As far as gacha events go, this one was hell - farming for an exclusive drop with a set drop rate on some difficult-to-farm levels in order get certificates to roll for characters who were designed to make the event far more easy at the cost of a ludicrous amount of the exclusive drop...it was hell, so hellish in fact that one day, after calculating the odds, the Doctor set down his phone, rubbed his temple, and sighed heavily. “Jessica, I think they’ve finally defeated me.”
“Huh?” She looked over at him. “What do you mean?”
“I’ve asked you to spend so much money on this stupid game, but I...I don’t know if I can do it anymore. This event is just...evil.”
Jessica shook her head. “It’s alright, Doctor, we just have to push through-”
“No, we don’t, and we shouldn’t.” He slunk forward into his desk. “I’m...I’m so sorry, Jess.”
“Doctor, it’s...it’s okay.” She got up from her desk and hugged him from behind, her head settling on his shoulder.
She had seen him salty, furious, ecstatic, and dumbfounded, but never had she seen him remorseful. “No, you don’t understand...I know you don’t care about the game.”
“I care.” It didn’t come out terribly convincingly, admittedly. “I like playing with you.”
“I know you do, but it’s not about the game itself, like it’s been for me. This whole time, you’ve given so much of your time, your energy, and God know how much money, to sustain this stupid addiction of mine, and all...all because you wanted to spend time with me.”
Jessica wasn’t sure what to say to that. After all, it was entirely true…“If...if you aren’t going to play Agents anymore, does that mean I can’t be your assistant anymore?”
“Ungh!” He turned around suddenly as a sob escaped him, somehow managing not to smack their heads together as he returned her embrace tenfold. “The fact you even have to ask! What have I done?!”
“Doctor, p-please calm down...You’re scaring me...”
He took several deep, labored-sounding breaths. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s just...Jessica, can you forgive me?”
“Forgive you for what, Doctor?” A few tears were making their way down her cheeks as well. “You haven’t done anything wrong.”
“I have. I led you on this whole time, letting you think that I might someday make a move or-”
She gently pushed him away enough to look at him directly. “No, you haven’t. I realized what was going on after the first week, but...I didn’t care. I just wanted to spend time with you, whatever that looked like.”
“...I don’t deserve you,” he choked out, “but...but I want to.”
“You do?”
The Doctor’s head fell forward, onto her shoulder. “I realize what I’ve done, and I want to make up for it, but more than that...you’re awesome, and you deserve someone at least as good - as considerate, as hard-working, as kind, as resilient.”
“I’m not that special, Doctor.” Jessica squeezed him a little. “But it’s nice to hear you compliment me.”
“With God as my witness, Jess, someday, you’ll realize how amazing you are...I’m going to make sure of that.”
She sniffed, which had an element of a chuckle to it. “You mean it?”
“Starting today.” He pulled back and took her hands. “I don’t have much money, but you know as well as I do how much time I have. All of that? It’s yours. What do you want to do?”
“M-me? Um...Can we go shopping together?”
The Doctor nodded. “Sure, wherever you want to go.”
“Actually, I want to go where you want to go.” She smiled. “I- it might seem kind of silly, but I like buying things for you. You’re always so happy to receive gifts, it makes me feel...really appreciated.”
“Heh. Alright, how about this: we can go to the game shop and pick out some games to play together. Does that sound good?”
Jessica nodded. “It sounds wonderful, Doctor. Ooh, we should get some ice cream, too.”
“Honestly, that sounds fantastic right about now.” He sniffled. “Man alive, I haven’t cried that hard for as long as I can remember.” She let him go so he could put on his jacket, but once he had, he pulled her back into a hug. “You are the most wonderful person in the world.”
He smiled before kissing her cheek. “Alright, I’ll stop. Ready?”
“Um...” She looked him in the eye. “A-aim a little more to the left.”
“Oh? Like this?” Another kiss, this time on her lips.
When he pulled back this time, she drifted forward, following him. “Doctor?”
“Yes?” He smiled. “Did you change your mind?”
“Let’s wait on the shopping trip...I want to spoil you a different way~”
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mlovesstories · 5 years ago
Sins of the Father Part 1
Thanks to @luci-in-trenchcoats!
Series warnings: cussing, mention of recent rape, emotions, divorce, cheating, angry teenager, drug use
Words: 3500
Series summary: Reese Ackles loves her parents, but she doesn’t understand why they don’t get along anymore. 
AN- This is NUTS! Danneel comes into the story later.  Grab your tissues, it’s going to be a wild ride!
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“Hi, Daddy!”  Theresa, aka Reese, ran into Jensen’s arms.  “You’re home early!”
“Hi, Reesy!  Come here!”
“I missed you, Daddy.”
“I missed you too.”
“Is Jared here?” Reese looked up at Jensen expectantly.  
“No, he knew I needed my snuggle bug, so he went home.” Jensen dropped his stuff by the door and walked into the living room with his daughter wrapped around him.  “You wanna watch a movie?”
“Hi, Mr. Ackles.  Wasn’t expecting you til tomorrow,” the nanny walked into the living room.  
“Hi, Skye.  Yeah, we ended early.  Weather didn’t cooperate.  Take the night off, I need to have some time with my girl,” he guided Reese to the couch.  
“Yes, sir.  Bye, boo.  See ya, kiddo.” Skye walked toward her casita on the back of the property.  
“Bye, Skye-Skye!”  Reese waved as she snuggled into the couch.  “Where’s Mommy?”
“Should be home from work soon, I think.  You know she doesn’t get home til later.”
“I want her to watch the movie with us!”
“Maybe she will, baby.  I am going to change into my pajamas before we start the movie.  Choose one for me, okay?” He grinned.  She returned his expression and ran toward the cabinet.
“Okie, Daddy!”
Jensen grabbed his things from the ground by the door and ran up the stairs.  As he was changing, he heard the door squeak open.  Jensen quickly pulled his pants up, thinking Reese had followed him up the stairs.  
“Hey, Jay,” his wife sighed, indifferent.  
“Hi, honey.  How was your day?” He went to hug her when she turned away from him and dumped her things into a chair.  
“You want dinner?  Skye left us some food from yesterday in the fridge.”
“No, I had a business dinner.  I’m going to bed.”
Jensen watched as she quickly took her makeup off and closed the door between the bedroom and ensuite bathroom.  When she came out, she was in her pajamas.  
“What?  You just got home.  The munchkin wants to see you, and we were going to watch a movie.”
“I’m tired, Jensen.  Can you shut the door behind you?” Jensen watched her climb into bed.  
“You can’t be serious.”
“Goodnght, Jay.” She turned the light off.
Reese stood in the doorway.  
“Is Mommy coming?”
“No, baby.  She’s tired. It’s just us tonight.”
“Does Mommy not like me?”
Jensen’s head snapped down to look at his daughter.
“No, don’t ever think that. Come on, I still have to make our popcorn!”
Jensen threw her over his shoulder and hid his gritted teeth, angry at his wife.  He groaned from Reese landing on his shoulder, hurting his back.  Making up for the mom’s lack of interest in their activities, he spoiled Reese with chocolate and popcorn, letting her stay up a little bit later than usual.  
“Okay, bedtime, lovebug,” he whispered.  
“Ungh,” she groaned, curling into her dad’s chest, wrinkling his shirt.  
“I know, but you have school tomorrow, and I know you’re tired.  You can sleep in your clothes, I don’t care.”
Reese grinned into his shirt.  
“You like that idea?” Jensen chuckled.  “Come on,” he slowly carried her upstairs to her room.  “Goodnight, my sweet girl.”
“Nigh-night, Daddy,” she whispered back.  
Jensen quietly walked into the master bedroom where he saw his wife sleeping soundly.  He took his phone out of his pocket and plugged it in to charge on the bedside table.  
“Goodnight, sweetheart,” he whispered, not expecting a response.  
“You too, Jay.” She turned away from him without a loving gesture.  
The next day, Jensen woke up to Reese climbing on him.  
“Good morning, sweet thing!”
“Hi, Daddy.  It’s wake up time! You want to take me to school?”
He grew concerned.  His wife never took their daughter to school since she had to leave early, but where was the nanny?
“Where’s Skye?”
“Making me pancakes!  Can you take me to school? Please?” Reese settled next to him.  
Jensen sighed.  
“Sure, Reesy.  Let’s get ready.  Go change.”
“Yeah!” Reese scampered off.  The dad chuckled to himself.  
When he walked down the stairs after getting ready for the day, he saw the nanny standing in front of the stove.  
“Can I have some pancakes?” Jensen asked.  
“Well, you hired me, so I think I can do that,” Skye laughed.  Becoming serious, she replied, “Yes, I can do that, Mr. Ackles.”
“Jensen.  Call me Jensen,” he groaned.  “We’ve been over this before, kid,” he told the twenty-three year-old.
“Mr. Ackles, no offense, but I address you like that because I respect you.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you felt so strongly.  That’s fine, just love my kid.  That doesn’t have to be so professional,” Jensen smiled.  
“I’ve worked with you for two years.  I love her dearly, you know that.”
A few days later, Jared nudged Jensen’s shoulder.  Jensen almost jumped out of his seat.
“Yeah?” Jensen turned in the makeup chair to look at his TV brother.  
“You okay? Daydreaming?”
“Yeah, just thinking.”
“About…” Jared asked.  
“Nothing.  YN’s just growing up.  She turns eight next week.  We have our convention, so I won’t be home.”
“We’ve been over this before.  You can’t focus on that.  She’ll have a party, and you’ll be there.”
“I know.  The life we live, I guess.”  Jensen stood up slowly and gingerly walked toward the trailer door.  
“DUDE! I didn’t hurt you that bad!” Jared laughed.
“Ran with Jason yesterday.  Back is killing me.”
“Oh, yikes.  Sorry, brother.”
“Yeah, I’ll get over it.”
Jensen walked out of the master bedroom holding his left arm with his right.  As he went into the movie room, he put his hands to his sides.  Jared looked at him with a questioning expression and then asked what they were going to watch.  His friend responded with a shrug.
“What has gotten into you? We were going to watch the game, a movie, Stranger Things, and every time, you don’t seem excited.” Jared leaned forward in his chair.  
“What are you talking about?” Jensen crashed into the recliner next to his friend.  “Choose something before I kick you out,” the older one grinned.  
“You’re so passive these days.  What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, why are you so curious all of a sudden?  Just turn something on already.”
“You’re acting weird, dude.  Just- tell me if something’s wrong?”
“Will do, Moose.  Now let’s watch something before I fall asleep.”
As soon as they started their TV show, Reese came running into the room with a shriek.  Both men sat up.  Reese ran into her dad’s arms.  
“What’s wrong?” Jensen pulled her close with urgency.  
“Mommy was yelling into the phone.  I could hear her from my room.  What’s wrong?  Did I do something bad?” The girl started sniffling.  
“She’s on the phone? It’s really late.” Jensen looked at his watch.
“Okay.  Here.  Hug Uncle Jared until I get back.”  Jensen laid her on the younger man’s lap.  She cried with uncertainty into her uncle’s flannel shirt.  The dad exited the room and ran up the stairs.  
“Babe?” Jensen walked into their room after seeing the light was still on.  He thought she had gone to bed.  
She gasped and put the phone behind her back.  
“What are you doing?  It’s late, and Reese heard you yelling.  She’s crying on Jared’s lap.  What’s wrong?”  Jensen approached his wife to hug her, but she backed away.  Jensen stopped and tilted his head at her odd reaction to his affection.  
“Don’t worry about it, Jay. I’m fine.  Just the underlings at work not doing their jobs,” she growled, defensive.
“What are they doing at the office this late?”
“They’re testing the system since no one is online at this hour, now can you leave?”
“Just go, please,” she gritted her teeth.
“Oh.  Okay.  You look tired.  I’ll get the kiddo to bed.  You go rest.” He kissed her on the cheek before she could resist again and exited the room.  
When he got downstairs, Reese was asleep in Jared’s arms.  
“I got her,” Jared said before Jensen could reach for his daughter.  “I’ll tuck her in.”
“Thanks, man.” Jensen clapped his hand on Jared’s back when he returned to watch the movie.
“Everything okay?”
“Not sure.  Kelly has been acting weird.  If this stuff keeps up, I’ll ask her, but I don’t know…”
“You both have been off.”
“Yeah, but can we finish this?  I really want to see this, and my connection is down at my house.”
“You’re such a dufus, Jared.  Yes, let’s watch it.”
Jensen’s phone rang.  
Jensen heard gasping.
“Uh.  Hello?”
After a few more gasps, Jensen heard, “Kelly Ann!” His eyebrows scrunched together.  
His wife. The sounds increased.  Jensen hung up.  Climbing into his truck after dropping Reese off at school, he sat there for a moment, eyes burning with tears.  
Jensen had the neighbor take Reese for the night.  He needed to talk to Kelly.  What was he going to say?  How was he going to say it? Jensen cooked dinner for himself and waited for his wife to come home.  
“Hi, Jay,” Kelly sighed, walking in the house.  “Can I have some of that?” She peered over to his plate.  
“You’re not going to be hungry after we talk.  Sit down, please,” he stated, serious.
“Umm.  What’s wrong?”
He saw her try to hide her secret, but her red cheeks gave her away.  
“Kelly Ann,” he said plainly.  “Is there a reason why I heard a man gasping your name from a butt-dialed phone call earlier today?”
“What?” Kelly’s face turned crimson.
“You haven’t been late because of work, and you weren’t talking to your underlings the other night.  What will I find if I look at your call history?  And let me guess, you butt-dialed me?”
Her face turned from red to a ghostly white.  
“I don’t know wha-”
“Yes, you do.  I figured it out.  Now, since you decided to play games, I set up my own.  You will tell Reese that you are not in love with me anymore, and you will move out.  Or, you can gamble, since you like games, and see if I can ever forgive you.  IF you stay, you will go with me to counseling so that we can fix this.  If you choose not to work on our marriage, you can walk yourself through the front door with whatever you can gather in the next five minutes.  And don’t you go running to Jared and Gen either.  They already know,” Jensen seethed.  
“What?  Counseling?  You want ME to tell Reese that we aren’t getting along?  This is a two way street, HONEY.”
“You want a metaphor? Your car just crashed into mine in a head-on collision while I was in my lane.  I’ve done everything I can to make you happy. We can pretend that everything is fine for Reese, but you get the guest bedroom.  You gotta be up before her so that she doesn’t suspect anything.  AND- we will be nice to each other.  You’re an actor now too.  Fake it.  Fake that you didn’t just play sheet music with some shit guy who doesn’t care about your family.  Get out of my sight.”
“I have so much dirt on you, Ackles!  I will ruin Reese’s perception of you if you think-”
“You will not, because she has depended more on me than you lately.  She knows she is my princess, and she also knows that you have not paid attention to her.  Reese is not a bargaining chip, so leave her out of this!”
Jensen walked into the makeup trailer.  Shawn waited for him to take his SnapBack off. When he didn’t, she raised a brow at him.
“Uh, I gotta do your makeup, Jay. Can you take your hat off?”
“Right, sorry.”
“Your face looks puffy. Not enough sleep last night?”
“Kid was sick.  She and the nanny flew up here so I could see her this week since I haven’t been home in a while.”
“Oh, that’s sweet. Let’s get you ready, huh?  I’ll add a little concealer to hide those dark circles,” Shawn smiled softly.  
“Ouch!” Jensen backed away out of reflex when she put the makeup brush on his face.  
“What?” Shawn laughed.  She saw the scared look on his face.  “Sorry, Jay,” she pursed her lips.  “Did I hurt you?”
“I’m fine.  Reese poked me near my eye yesterday.  Hurt like hell.” He sighed.  “Kids…”
“You got that right.  Here, I’ll let you use your fingers and spread it underneath your eyes.  Make it easier for you.”
“This stuff dries out my skin!” Jensen whined as he tried to wash the concealer off of his fingers.  
“Big baby,” Shawn giggled.  “Here,” she handed him a bottle of lotion.  “It has no scent.  Don’t worry.”
He opened the bottle and squirted some white stuff onto his pointer finger.  After rubbing his hands together and covering his fingers with lotion, he took a deep breath.  
“Better, drama queen?” Shawn raised a brow.
“I AM NOT a drama queen, okay?” Jensen growled playfully.  
“Whatever.  Go to wardrobe.  They need you.”
He smiled.
“Thanks, Shaw.  Appreciate it.” He kissed her cheek and walked down the trailer steps.  
Reese noticed that her mom and dad did not converse like they used to. As the days went by, Reese saw her mom withdraw. Kelly couldn’t fake it anymore. Jensen told her what she needed to do. The couple sat Reese down at the kitchen table. Kelly explained that she loved Reese very much, but she and Jensen didn’t love each other anymore. Reese confusedly asked what that meant.
“Mommy is going to live with Gram and Gramps. I’ll still see you lots, but Mommy won’t be living here anymore,” Kelly stated.
“You’re leaving? No, Mommy! You can’t! We have to bake cookies for Christmas! Remember? You promised!” Reese cried hard enough that she was shaking.
Jensen growled in Kelly’s ear, “You did that.” He nodded towards their daughter who stood up from her seat.
“No!” Reese ran in front of her mom’s chair and stopped. She started flailing her body, and she smacked Jensen in the nose, and Kelly in the thigh.
“Don’t react,” Jensen whispered, holding his nose. “Let her get it out.”
Kelly sat there, taking the blows with hands up to protect her face, not verbally reacting to her daughter’s actions.
Reese cried herself to sleep on the kitchen floor.
“I’m sorry,” Kelly turned to her husband.
“The consequences of your actions go far beyond just you, remember that.”  Jensen took a deep breath.  “Get out of my house.” Jensen picked up the little girl to take her to bed.  “I’m done with how you’ve been treating both of us.  You better be gone before I get back down here.”
“Jay-” Kelly tried to stop him.  
“No.  You made your choice.  Get out.”
One Month Later
“I hate you!”  Reese threw her backpack on the ground and crossed her arms.  “You made her move out!”
Jensen sighed as he rubbed his temples.  He knew she didn’t mean it, but it still hurt.  
“I want to see Mommy!”
“I’m about to drive you to go see her!  Pick up your stuff!” The dad became impatient. Reese picked up her Barbie backpack and stamped her feet out to the car.  
When they arrived at Reese’s grandparents’ house, she ran to the door and pounded on it with her little fists.  
“Jensen,” his father-in-law greeted him.  “She’s destroyed.  Kelly feels really bad.  It doesn’t excuse what she-”
“NOT in front of her, please.”  Jensen ushered Reese into the house.  
“You’re right.  Sorry.  We’ll see you in a few days.”
“Is she here?”
“Kelly?  No.  Had to work late.”
“Mhmm.” Jensen sighed, not believing the father.  “I’ll be back to pick her up on Sunday.  She has math homework to finish.”
“Got it.  We’ll take care of it, promise.” Kelly’s dad offered a sad smile.  
“Thanks.”  Jensen turned and walked to his truck.  
“Hi, Daddy,” Reese huffed.  She walked slowly to his truck so that he could take her back to the house.  
“Not excited to see me?” Jensen frowned.  
This sucks.
“I don’t like you.  And I don’t like that Mommy lives somewhere else now.  Do I have to go home with you?  Mommy didn’t do anything,” Reese continued to walk toward the vehicle.  Kelly walked up quickly behind her.  
“Yes, go with your daddy.  This is Mommy’s faul-”
“Baby, we don’t love each other anymore.  We are friends, but friends don’t live together, Reesy.” Jensen interrupted his wife.  
“Why can’t you love each other?  You used to.  It’s my fault.  You can have all my presents!  I’ll tell Santa!” Reese started crying.  
“No, Reesy.  Not your fault.  This is Mommy and Daddy’s fault.” Jensen crouched down in front of her.  He kissed her cheek. “Let’s go, sweet pea.”  Jensen took her hand and lifted her into the back seat.  “I’ll drop her off on Friday.  I fly back to Vancouver Saturday.” He turned back to face his wife.  Reese wiped her tears and slouched her shoulders while kissing her mom on the cheek.
“Love you, Mama.”
“Don’t. Let me get her buckled in first.”
Jensen lifted the girl into the back seat. He shut the passenger door and then turned to face his wife.
“Let me come back home.”
“I’ve let you do too many things to me and our princess. No more.” He started to walk away when she slapped him across the face. Hard. Jensen froze. Keeping still as not to react in front of his daughter, he took a deep breath. Kelly turned to look at Reese, taken aback by her own actions. She saw Reese enthralled with Jensen’s phone on her lap.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it!” Kelly shrieked.
“If only it were that easy to excuse behavior. You will not be near her any longer. She will not be exposed to your explosiveness, now excuse me.”
Jensen quickly left Kelly standing on the curb. A small raindrop hit her in the eye, startling her. When she ducked her head and turned to face the house, she saw her dad with mouth open and face white. Kelly quickly ran to him.
“I didn’t mean to slap him. I didn’t-“
“Get out of my house. An abuser is never welcome here.” 
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believeitseeitdoit · 5 years ago
Sunday Surprises
Summary: Week one of regular NFL season is always entertaining, but this year is extra special for you and Seb.
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader
Author Notes: Ummmm Hi, this is my first little ‘published’ fic, please be kind (or brutal it’s fine).  I'm only motivated enough to post this because @thebescht and Evan Williams are brave. For reference, the dog here is based on my moose, a 100lb Black English Lab, I might make a moldboard to go with this idk, I might also delete this soooo cool thanks bye. 
You sit on the ottoman, twiddling your phone in your hands waiting for Sebastian to find his coat. Jax bounces around the rest of the grey leather couch, disturbing the abundance of blasted throw pillows your mother insisted you buy when she first visited your’s and Seb’s apartment in Boston. Somehow, Jax hasn’t completely destroyed the merlot and sand throws, just a sprinkle of black fur littering their patterns.  A quick ping rings out from your phone, accompanied by rapid fire vibrations buzzing up your thumbs, notifying you that Chris has sent yet another “are y’all coming yet” text.
“Babe, kick off is in 30 mintues! I will not be late to the first watch party of the season because you can’t find your one pair of Pats socks just to appease Chris!” You holler towards the bedroom where Seb is inevitably wasting time to avoid being in a room with multiple football obsessed humans.
“Y/N, I swear they were in the drawer and now they’re gone! Did you wash them or give them to Jax?” Seb playfully questions back from the depths of his closet. You know full well the socks are already on his feet. Hopping off the ottoman, you grab the dog’s leash and your jacket as motivation to move your boyfriend along. The hardwood floors creak as you walk through the kitchen, narrowly missing the island with your hip bones and whistling to Jax so he can bound to Seb and investigate the slowdown.
“Seb, seriously, can we just go? It’s not like Chris will give two shakes about your socks. He’ll be too busy complaining about my disgrace of a jersey to be disappointed in your not-actually-missing socks,” you sigh as you wander back to the bedroom and lean against the door frame, feigning annoyance.
“Fair point, Y/N. He won’t even get near you in your Seahawks jersey; bad juju or something,” Seb spins around and strides over to the walkway, reaching around your waist and tucking you into his side while he jokes. As you travel back up the hall to the front door, you look at the pictures hanging from the walls, more of your mother’s visiting touches. All perfectly angled and spaced down the walkway and throughout the living room, moments from your lives together and alone. One of you with a client’s daughter back in Seattle brings a fond memory of your time with youngsters and your retired lesson horse to the front of your mind. Determined not to cry, you sniffle and hustle the boys out the door.
Finally ready, supposedly lucky Patriots socks on his feet, Sebastian gathers his sunglasses and car keys while you hook Jax up to his harness and wander down to the car. The oversized labrador flings himself into the backseat of your Xterra. Seb catches you for a kiss on the cheek before starting the car and heading across town to Evans’ place.
“Remind me why we’re going to this again? We could just as easily watch the game in our living room and not have to hear him and Anthony scream at the TV for two hours of the Pats winning… again..” Seb whines.
“Because, A: I’ll be yelling too and you would complain either way. B: Chris always hosts Sunday Night Football, we host Monday, that’s how it’s worked since he learned I love the game, babe. And C: you love me so…. Also you know the sex is always better after a good screaming match between me, Chris, and the TV.”
“That last one is so not a reason but I’ll let it slide because the sex is always great. Did you tell Chris we’re bringing Jax or are you just assuming he and Dodger will leave everyone to mind their own business?” Seb asks as the black moose tries to climb over his arm onto the center console and into your lap.
“I texted him about it last week. He said it was fine. Plus, they’ll make each other tired so we don’t have to take him on a run tonight. More time for activities,” you giggle as you shove the dog back into his territory and wiggle your eyebrows in Seb’s direction.
“You are so smart, you know that? Better knock on wood he doesn’t interrupt again like last week with the damn light up ball.”
“Hey , you bought him that so I take zero blame. Turn up at the corner. There’s a spot to park right there,” pointing to an empty space just a few doors down from Chris’ place.
You climb out and grab Jax while Seb grabs the case of beer from the back and start up the steps, laughing at the obnoxious yells already coming from his stairwell. The door’s unlocked the way it always is when you have watch parties, so Seb turns the knob and Jax goes bounding through the hall in search of the noises after you drop his leash. A resounding “oof” and various yelps of “dammit, Jax” and “hey, buddy!” make you burst into a fit of laughter as you and Seb round into the kitchen. Spying Mackie on the floor with Jax square on top of him, you reach around to help him up, only to have Dodger come bouncing out from behind the island and toppling you over next to him, leading everyone into a second bout of laughter.
“Boys, off! Jesus Chris, teach your kid some manners,” you jokingly chide as you hop up and start greeting the harem standing around the kitchen island.
“You say that like your’s is so trained,” Chris sighs humorously as Jax launches his front paws onto the counter to swipe a piece of cheese. You shove him off and toss a rogue chunk of cheddar in his general vicinity, giggling at Chris’ hand motions toward the dog.
“At least he knows what he wants,” you shrug and grab a cube for yourself and snicker. “What did you expect from oversized bear cub? Seb feeds him off the table all the time.”
“Excuse me, he was your dog first, and you started that. I just can’t be the asshole who denies him!” Seb shouts from inside the fridge while he digs for a beer that didn’t just come out of a roasting car.
“Alright, this is fun, but can we actually turn the game on now? Kick off should be in five and I need to judge this rendition of the National Anthem beforehand,” Anthony interrupts the dog banter while heading to the connected living room.
Jeremy nods and lifts his beer in agreement from the barstool to your left, adding, “Just turn it up and we can watch from here. Y/N, grab yourself something and lets catch up for a minute. Tell me about the ways you plan to ensure the Seahawks somehow take it all this year.”
You lift your Yeti and aim the straw at Seb in response, “I’ll stick to water, gotta be functional enough to get this lightweight home tonight. Russell’s got a better O-line this year starting out. If he can whip his runners into shape for the long passing game we’ll be knocking on the playoff door easy. So long as Pete has mustered up a good, fresh defensive line, they can block anything and everything from here to New England.”
Seb makes his way around the kitchen to you and reaches around to bear hug you. “Babe, you’ve never denied yourself at least one beer at a game. What did I miss? I am also not a lightweight. It was Jaeger and it was ONE TIME!” He leans into your back and continues to hold you with one arm and reaches for a chip. “And, we were all drunk. It wasn’t just me. Chris was puking for hours when we got home that night. Mackie was passed out on the couch. Downey had to play sorority sister and hold Chris up. At least I was responsible enough to call you to come get me!”
“Actually, Robert had already called me and I was on my way, Honey, but whatever you say. I’m fine, really, just a little nauseated from your terrible driving skills. Give me thirty minutes and I’ll be golden.” You turn around in Seb’s arms and soak in his warmth while reassuring him you aren’t reaching imminent death. “Now, let’s go watch shitty football!” You slip under his arm and drag him toward the leather sectional where Chris and Anthony were trying to convince Jax and Dodger to not wrestle in front of the game.
“I heard that! Oh, c’mon! Boys, out! Go play in my room. I need to see what BS call the ref has made already,” Chris yelled as he launched a squeaky ball down the hallway towards his master bedroom for the dogs to chase. You jump to the side so you don’t get taken out again at the knees and Seb pulls you down to curl up into his lap in the long corner of the couch.
“You just assume it’s bull because you think every ref has it out for Tom Brady since ‘deflategate’. The tight end was clearly over the line of scrimmage before the ball moved!” You shoot a playful slap at his arm as you shout agreeance with the ref’s call.
First quarter turns to second and as half time creeps closer, you still feel queasy. It comes in random waves that are just enough to make you curl into yourself tighter and feel a small spark of fear for Chris’ upholstery, but not enough to leave.
Seb notices you shift your hands into you stomach and prods for answers.“Babe, seriously, you have a body of steel. You didn’t eat anything crazier than usual yesterday and you actually haven’t eaten much today from what I’ve seen. Are you okay? Do you need anything? Do you want to go home? No -- I know that’s a dumb question. I just don’t want you getting sicker here cuz you hate being sick in front of people.”
“I’m fine, just -- jimminy christmas trees what did you eat? It fricken smells Seb. Get away, go get some listerine or something, please,” you shove him off of you as whatever forsaken food wafts into your nose, throwing you over the edge. By luck, you make it to the spare bathroom in time to dry heave and throw up whatever water and miniscule amount of crackers were in your system.
“Ungh, shit. This is going to be a long season,” you mutter into the porcelain throne of misery. Adding a grunt of effort, you lift yourself up to rinse your mouth out and splash some water onto your face. “Maybe this was a one time thing. Maybe I won’t be riddled with this for three months or so. I’m 100% going to be fine,” you tell yourself while staring into the mirror, trying hard to convince yourself that it was a fluke and morning sickness wasn’t real.
“Y/N, you ok? I’m sorry the chips smelled weird. I think Mackie switched them out. Hey, you look a little pale. You need to go lay down?” Seb rattles off concerns and gives you a visual once over when you open the bathroom door and make your way back into the kitchen.
“Seriously, Y/N, you look like you might fall over on us. Please, the guest room is clean and open. Ma made sure it was done when she visited last week. Just go lay down and take a break for a bit. You can’t tell us this is a fluke. You’re a vet assistant. Strange smells don’t do shit to you…” Chris came over and aimed you toward his spare room while Seb grabbed your water.
“Dear God, everyone chill I’m fine! And I refuse to lay down in that guest room where I know for a fact that your teenage boy style New England Patriots bed sheets are currently laid out. I can’t defile a Seahawks jersey in that way. It’s straight up blasphemous,” you grumble at the boys who are trying too hard to take care of you. You think your grumbling works until you see a few black dots and grab Seb’s arm to steady yourself.
“Ok, fine. I’ll go lay down but only because that room probably doesn’t have whatever mystery dip stench is coming from the kitchen, NOT because I am dizzy and tired and kinda still nauseous,” you state matter-of-factly at both Seb and Chris.
“Your grip’s awful tight for someone who’s just getting away from a smell. Okay, okay, point taken, c’mon.” Seb guides you to the back of the apartment while simultaneously avoiding your half-assed slap to the back of his head.
You pitifully look down at the bed and Sebastian stifles a laugh. You were right about the sheets, but also too out of energy to resist the calling of a nap, even if it meant sleeping on Patriots logos. He tucks you in, kissing the top of your head and telling you he’ll check on you after half time. You don’t register him shut the light off and let the dogs in to cuddle with you. You’re too busy rolling over into the pillows.
Somewhere after halftime, you wake up with Jax next to your arm and Dodger on your opposite leg, both dogs dead to the world. You revel in the moment of peace, smiling down at your not super flat stomach currently covered by the jersey you won’t be able to wear by the Super Bowl. You hear a dull set of hurrahs and cheers from the hall, assuming the Patriots got an impressive first down or a touchdown, and giggle. “Well, I ain’t cheering em on, but those stupid sheets seemed to calm you down I guess. At least we know Chris will like ya.” You rub along your stomach, joking about your baby’s future in football. As the cheering dies down, you continue to think about the million little things that will happen from this point on. You only found out about your pregnancy a couple days ago, haven’t even told Seb, yet.
“Waitin’ on the right moment, huh, baby?” You whisper to your stomach as you think of the perfect way to tell your boyfriend. Kids weren’t in the plans yet, but your birth control had other plans. Damn that .01 percent. With a smile and last sigh of peace, you throw the sheets back with a plan.
Just as you work your way out of the bed, feeling alive and functional again, the dogs leap up and run out to alert the boys of your movement. You make your way down the hall and into Seb who meets you halfway with a kiss.
“Feeling better? You look much less dead, Babe.” Seb smiles at you and embraces you tightly.
“Mhmm, much better. Your badmhmm….” You nod and mumble into his chest while soaking in his warmth.
“Didn’t catch that last part. Hmm?” Seb looks down at you with a quizzical eyebrow. You look up with a smile and press a kiss to his lips.
“I said, your baby likes the Patriots. They finally settled when I laid down and bundled in those stupid sheets.” You turn your lips up into a smirk waiting for the words to settle in and his reaction to launch.
“Wait, what baby? Jax doesn’t give a shit about the Patriots. I’m los…..” Seb’s confused expression turns into a bright smile when he registers you putting a hand to your stomach and your telling smirk. “You mean, our baby? As in one currently growing as in your gonna be a mom? I’m gonna be a father? No shit? Baby you’re shitting me? HOLY SHIT!” Seb rattles off curses of excitement in happy tears and litters you with kisses and pulls you back into a tight hug.
“What are we yelling about?”
“Why are you two crying?”
“What did we miss?”
The guys all ask in one quick sweep while staring at your exchange. You look at them from in Seb’s arms and ask if they should know.
“What do you think, Seb, tell ‘em? Leave ‘em guessing? Or be kind?”
“Baby please, we can’t be cruel after this little moment.”
“Ok fine. Only cuz we both suck at secrets. I was just telling Seb that his baby really likes the Patriots because they only calmed down once i was laying down on Chris’ blasted sheets. So I am assuming this kiddo’s gonna be a big fan of uncle Chris in a few years,” you retell the tale and walk over to the guys while they all start smiling wildly.
“Baby?! What the hell Y/N!? Shit so happy for you, Smalls!”
“Seb, man you’re so done for.”
“Dude, I am so happy for you. “
“You two are going to be amazing parents.”
“I call dibs on buying baby’s first jersey!”
The congratulations and hugs fly in the kitchen, week one game completely abandoned in favor of your news. As it dies down and the fourth quarter timer is heard from the living room, everyone saunters back to catch the last two minutes and other game recaps. Seb wanders away to his coat and calls the dogs over to help him with his own surprise. You turn around to call him over only to see Jax trotting at you with a strange collar attached to him.
“Where did this bowtie come from, huh, Bubs?” You reach down to inspect the adorable black and white tuxedo bowtie collar and find a box attached at the buckle. As you unbuckle the collar and separate the box, you stand up and see Seb coming out from the hall with a sweaty, nervous smile.
“Babe, what’s this collar? And did you forget to take this weird magnetic tag off?” You toss the cardboard back at him, only to underestimate its weight and lob it at his head.
Seb catches it and pulls you closer. “It’s for him to wear if you say ‘yes’. But you have to look inside the weird box first, Y/N.” Seb returns the box to your hand and lets you inspect it.
You open the taped slit and find a black velvet box, immediately you have to wipe tears from your eyes so you can look at Seb’s cerulean ones.
“I’m only gonna ask this once baby. You’re my best girl, closest friend, fiercest supporter, my rock. And now the mother of my child. I don’t ever want to spend another day without knowing we will come home to each other. So, Y/N L/N, will you marry me?”
You can barely form the words, but a choked “yes” and the happiest sob of your life come out as you launch yourself into Seb’s arms. A slough of hoops hollars and more congratulations come from the vicinity of the couch, along with howls and barks from the dogs at your knees. You wrap your hand up to Seb’s neck and pull him down for another kiss. “I love every Sunday night of fall. But this is the best Sunday night ever, Baby.”
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