#unfortunately i like fresh produce and it has a time limit
shardsofswords · 1 year
Having ADHD and liking to cook is like "I have the recipe, ingredients, and ambition to cook this lovely complex but still homely dinner. Unfortunately it is 2 in the morning and I haven't eaten anything in 13 hours. So there is a 40% chance i wil either pass out or throw up."
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blazehedgehog · 3 months
Did you watch the matttt video about Ken Penders and his contributions and backstory about the Sonic comic?
So one thing that strikes me is that a lot of this video seems to be taking Ken Penders word at face value. Now, Ken is not really known to be a liar, but that's not what I mean. I mean this video is produced from the perspective that everything Ken did was right and good.
And let it be known that I've been the kind of person who will tell you that early Ken Penders work is fine, actually, and it only becomes a problem when he starts to take too much ownership. This video does what it can to spin all of that in the most positive light possible, focusing more on Ken's intentions rather than the end results. It gives Ken every benefit of every doubt, which is nice, and a fresh perspective compared to the (at times, undeserved) dogpile he normally gets...
...But the video ultimately frames this as Ken either being "A creator securing the rights to his work or a vindictive artist getting his revenge after being fired" and nowadays I don't think it was either of those things.
I always focus on an early interview Ken Penders gave in the late 90's where he straight up admits he's writing for a licensed book and owns nothing (I've tried finding this interview again and it's lost in all the noise of Ken's lawsuits and publishing and whatever*). But he knew the assignment, and he knew the rules of that assignment. Whether there was a contract for that or not, that is the job Ken took, and the limitations behind that job, and there was a point he understood that and knowingly worked within that space.
At some point Ken Penders changed his mind and decided he could take ownership of this stuff. That he was no longer writing for a licensed book somebody else owned, and he was writing his book that he owned. When a loophole presented itself where he could establish real legal ownership, he pounced on it and turned it into the linchpin of an entire business model.
I don't really see that as revenge, and I'll never believe Ken deserves ownership of these characters, because they only exist in connection to someone else's license, something he demonstrated an understanding of at one time in his life.
There is absolutely no interrogation of this side of Penders in this video, and very little push back on statements he makes.
What I see is a man who accidentally got too close to a license he didn't own, and now refuses to let go. He poured his heart into it, but has not been rewarded for doing that, because generally people didn't like it (another crux of what this video avoids saying). Unfortunately for the rest of us, everyone around him is too unprepared to stop him from sinking his claws in deeper, and deeper, and deeper.
We live in a world where he continues to assert himself more and louder whether anyone actually likes it or not. And even if he never wants to admit it, he is irrecoverably poisoning the thing he poured his love into.
* Oh hey, I found the source. It comes from a tumblr blog on here quoting Ken Penders from somewhere, but doesn't attribute it to anything specific. I'd assume it's probably from his personal forums, which have been wiped and reformatted several times over the last 25 years.
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krirebr · 4 months
Hello my friends!
As you may know, 2024 has been a rough mental health year for me. Depression and anxiety are an ongoing struggle. And unfortunately, that's bled into my life here.
I've realized recently that I put a lot of pressure on myself in how I interact with people. Everywhere, but here too. I really love it here, and I love all of you! I want to stay here as long as possible!! But that means I'm going to have to change some things in order to make that sustainable. Because right now, wanting to be able to do everything and not being able to has kind of made me just freeze and not be able to do anything. And then I feel awful. This is absolutely a me problem. You're all so great and what I'm going to outline below are probably obvious boundaries to all of you. But I'm saying it in writing to hopefully alleviate a little of the guilt I will inevitably feel when I start enacting them.
First and foremost, it's ok if I take breaks from writing every once in a while. If I don't produce anything new in a month, I need to trust that I won't lose all of my friends and followers. Because tumblr isn't a job and I need to stop treating it like it is. And not every idea needs to be expanded on, not every one-shot needs to become an au. Some ideas might just live in a series of little riffs or answers to asks and that's ok! That's great! It's ok to keep things short, sweet, and fun when that's what I need.
I'm also going to start forgiving myself when I can't read and comment on every single incredible work you all post. This refers to time limits, obviously, but content too. There are times, for example, when reading smut is just not what I want to do. And that's ok! I know that you know that, but I don't always know that. So I'm going to start giving myself a lot more grace when I get behind in my reading or skip something someone I love has written because the content just isn't for me. So if you start seeing me in your notes a little bit less, that's why. I still love you.
I think I'm going to clear out my ask box and start fresh. I'm sorry. I love you and I'm so happy whenever you want to interact with me. But trying to be perfect in how I answer these means that when I don't answer them right away, they just build up and start haunting me and that makes answering the new ones even harder, because I feel like I need to answer the old ones first. There are a couple that I'll probably try to get out before I purge, but not in a full drabble or what I feel like I should be doing. I need to understand that I can do quick, off the cuff, brief answers to these things. Nothing here needs to be perfect.
Ok, I think those are the major things right now. I hope this wasn't too weird and/or embarrassing. I just wanted to share where my head is at. I'll say it again and I'll keep saying it: I love you. You're great. I'm so so lucky to have made the friends here that I have. I appreciate each of you so much. And if, in the future, you see me getting super stressed out about what is supposed to be a fun hobby and community, please point me back here and make me read this again. 💜💜💜💜💜
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thedearlydepart · 10 days
I never thought I’d be writing this, but after much reflection, it’s time for me to step away from the creative space—at least in a professional sense. It's bittersweet, and honestly, a little sad.
Tumblr has been the foundation of so much of what I was doing, especially from 2009 to around 2016. During those years, I poured everything into my projects, but in the end, most of them didn’t take off the way I’d hoped. The reality is, they lacked the momentum to become sustainable.
One of those projects was @untldsound . It still makes me smile when I think about how, two years ago, I filed an LLC for it, opened a bank account—and then… nothing. Life happened, plans fell through. Maybe something will come of it in the future, but who knows? Right now, I’m not sure what will happen with the content that exists there. I’ll try to publish what I can, archive the rest, and by late 2026, the page will likely be deactivated or gone entirely.
Helping people make music has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. But unfortunately, between unreliable clients, strained friendships, and financial limitations, I couldn’t keep the dream alive. Some of the artists I worked with are still going strong—like Mike Lawrence (formerly Whaleman) and Mazi Kabi. Shaun Green, aka Shizzymandias, still creates music from time to time, although it’s no longer his main focus. I’ve lost touch with our producer, Dreams/Deval Dreams, but I’m determined to get his work back onto platforms and into the world. I know he’ll find success. And to @goldpackpapi, aka Ryan Dobson, and all my UNTLD crew—I love you all. I hope one day, we can create together again.
As for this page, aside from managing acts around the Philly area, I also mixed and mastered music under the name @thedearlydepart . This page will stay up as a reminder of those times. While the name @thedearlydepart will live on, I’ll be transitioning most of my accounts to my personal name and email. The domain (www.thedearlydepart.com) is no longer active—someone else claimed it when I let it lapse—but I’ll be using its email service for a while longer. After that, it’ll disappear.
I had considered turning this handle into something more personal, and in some ways, it already was. But I think it’s time to let go of the moniker and start fresh. Over the next year, I’ll keep you updated on what happens with the content across my various platforms.
Then there’s @psocial-light, which I started in December 2009, a few months after my child was born. It was a lifestyle and photography brand that, unfortunately, never fully blossomed. Still, I stand by the work I did there—it was my first real project, my baby. After 15 years (with the last five being mostly inactive), it’s time to say goodbye. I still have the files, and I’ll never forget those times, even if @rawartistsla was a bit of a scam. It was still special, and I’m grateful to Jailon, Ryan, and @ziggy-wiggy for supporting me at my little photo stand, helping me pack up for the show.
At the end of the day, I wanted all these ventures to succeed, and I take full responsibility for them not reaching their potential. I didn’t have the business know-how to turn them into money-making ventures. I couldn’t get anyone on tour, secure major placements, or help these projects scale. I couldn’t make it as an artist, or even as one of the pieces making the machine run.
So, I’m giving up.
I don’t expect many people to see this or care, but for those who do, I’ll be posting updates about the transition process on each page. I expect this to take until late 2025 or early 2026, with the final shutdown happening around summer 2026.
If anyone is interested in acquiring rights to any of the content, feel free to reach out.
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tknblog · 18 days
Watchmen Chapter I, a review
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What can I say about Watchmen that hasn’t already been said… is what I would say if DC hadn’t just released the first part of an animated two part adaptation of what is considered one of the finest comic books of all time. But let’s talk about the comic book first.
Released as a 12-issue limited series in 1986 and rendered into a trade paperback combining all twelve issues in 1987, the creation of writer Alan Moore, artist Dave Gibbons, and colored by John Higgins, Watchmen was a critical and commercial success and has remained so since its release. It would win a Hugo Award in 1988 and be added to Time Magazine’s 100 All-Time Best Novels list.
For more details regarding the Watchmen comics, please refer to the Wikipedia entry.
Zack Snyder’s 2009 adaptation was something of a critical success, but in no way a commercial one. On a $150 million dollar budget it only pulled in $187 million at the box office, or in other words a commercial flop. A Director’s Cut would be released later in 2009, but that would only increase the film’s appreciation amongst critics and would not contribute to the studio’s bottom line in any significant way. A decade later, HBO would release Damon Lindelof’s Watchmen TV series which would, like the comics, receive wide critical praise and commercial success and currently has a 96% Fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes. However the show would differ significantly from the comics taking place thirty four years after the events in the comic books and focusing on racist violence in modern-day Tulsa, Oklahoma, the location of the tragic Tulsa Race Massacre in 1921.
DC’s struggle with feature films
DC is not known for making good live action adaptations of their comic book characters, aside from the Batman movies. I won’t go into details, but I’ll list a few: Steel, Catwoman, Constantine, Superman Returns, Jonah Hex, Green Lantern, Man of Steel, Suicide Squad, Justice League, Shazam!, Black Adam, The Flash, and Blue Beetle are most of their releases in the DC Extended Universe (DCEU), and none of them performed well when compared to Marvel’s blockbuster run. There is, however, one medium in which DC has excelled and Marvel has not; animation. Their animated films, generally referred to as the DC Animated Universe, or DCAU, are produced by Warner Bros. Animation studio.
For a complete list of all DCAU animated films released, check the Wikipedia entry.
From 1993’s Batman: Mask of the Phantasm to the just released Watchmen Chapter I, DC has floated a literal armada of top-notch animated features. Sure, there have been duds like the unfortunate adaptation of the already unpopular comicbook, Batman: The Killing Joke, the 2nd and 3rd installments of the three part Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths film trilogy, and Superman/Batman: Apocalypse but there have been a lot more highly rated outings like Batman: Under the Red Hood, Justice League: Doom, the sublime Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Parts 1 & 2, and Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox. There are many, many more out of the near 60 films so don’t feel bad if I’m leaving off one of your favorites. I’ve already listed a lot of films, so let’s just move on to Watchmen Chapter I.
Editor’s Note: While DC has had an enormously successful run of animated features, the medium of animation in America has been relegated to the juvenile markets. There are pockets of successful adult animation, like Family Guy and other animated sit-coms and sci-fi like Scavengers Reign, but on the whole, animation isn’t taken seriously in the US.
The breakdown
Now, normally for a review of an animated film, television show, or short I would not go through the history that lead up to that property’s release, but Watchmen is different. Since it hit comic book shop shelves in 1986 and hasn’t been developed into a continuing franchise of any significance. I suspect a lot of our younger folk born since 2000 may not be as familiar with the comics as with older readers and an overview is helpful to understand the significance of Watchmen in relation to our history. So, let’s take a quick look at the spoiler-free Wikipedia synopsis:
Watchmen is set in an alternate reality that closely mirrors the contemporary world of the 1980s. The primary difference is the presence of superheroes. The point of divergence occurs in the year 1938. Their existence in this version of the United States is shown to have dramatically affected and altered the outcomes of real-world events such as the Vietnam War and the presidency of Richard Nixon. In keeping with the realism of the series, although the costumed crimefighters of Watchmen are commonly called “superheroes”, only one, named Doctor Manhattan, possesses any superhuman abilities. The war in Vietnam ends with an American victory in 1971 and Nixon is still president as of October 1985 upon the repeal of term limits and the Watergate scandal not coming to pass. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan occurs approximately six years later than in real life.
When the story begins, the existence of Doctor Manhattan has given the U.S. a strategic advantage over the Soviet Union, which has dramatically increased Cold War tensions. Eventually, by 1977, superheroes grow unpopular among the police and the public, leading them to be outlawed with the passage of the Keene Act. While many of the heroes retired, Doctor Manhattan and another superhero, known as The Comedian, operate as government-sanctioned agents. Another named Rorschach continues to operate outside the law. [SOURCE]
The fundamentals
The film lines up quite neatly with the comics. Chapter I covers the first five books of the twelve book series and the opening scene is almost a shot-for-shot, word-for-word adaptation of the opening pages. In fact, without having had the trade paperback in front of me while watching I could still tell that much of Alan Moore’s gritty dialog and story beats are translated almost directly from the comics to the screen with some streamlining by screenwriter J. Michael Straczynski (Babylon 5, World War Z, The Amazing Spider-Man). Watchmen is very character-driven, so a lot of time is spent with a focus on said characters. However, it is the comic’s more fleshed out dialog in which we get a larger sense of the world of Watchmen that appears to have been trimmed. A simple truth illustrating the differences between the comic and animation mediums is that what we do get in terms of texture and detail is often lost in the flow of the motion picture as we are unable to linger on panels and soak in the additional context that the comics allow.
Documenting all the little changes would take me a lot more time than I am willing to invest. Suffice it to say that the changes do not, as of yet, necessarily detract from the story and help to frame the necessary pacing for the motion-based medium versus the static page while maintaining the overall story arc of the first five issues.
Character design is, due mostly to the 3D CGI, smoother and slightly less textured than the meticulous art of Dave Gibbons (illustration and lettering) and John Higgins (colorist). The positives, however, are that there are no speech bubbles to obfuscate the visuals, the view is wider than in the comic panels, and we can see the body language of characters in motion. One early illustration of the differences is when Dan Dreiberg (Nite Owl II, voice acted by Matthew Rhys) comes home to find Rorschach (Walter Kovacs, voice acted by Titus Welliver) has broken into his front door and is eating cold beans straight from cans in his kitchen. Rorschach’s iconic pattern shifting mask is pulled up above his nose revealing the lower half of his face. In the comics, he clearly hasn’t shaved in days and has baked bean sauce on his chin where in the film he’s clean-shaven, as shown in the comparison below. This is a nitpick, but it’s indicative of some of the visual sanitization of the adaptation, likely for budget reasons and/or time constraints. For now, however, that remains speculation.
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The comics are laid out by Gibbons in a perfect grid of three by three rectangular panels, only deviating to group into larger panels or , less often, divide them even further into smaller ones, but always maintaining the pureness of 90º angles. I find that this helps define the pacing of the comics, like driving with a steady beat to the ultimate climax of the tale. For the film, overall shot composition, set design, and world building are moderately strong, but is somewhat lacking in the ticking urgency in comparison to the source material. The Doomsday Clock plays a major role in the comics. The panel layout helps to subtly sell the slowly encroaching time, and I feel that is lost in this first chapter, though I can honestly say I don’t know how they’d fix that. The strategically placed shots of period newspapers, however, help to sell the stakes. If you can are able to see them in time.
There are many things to like about the animation. Color, lighting, and atmospherics are strong. The colors are vibrant and clean while still delivering that dark, foreboding, dismal feeling of experiencing a time on the edge. While the animation technique used is cel-shading it feels very mature, like many strides have been made in technique since 2004’s Appleseed, so it helps to deliver the appearance of the comics coming out of the pages. The one character that really jumped out at me, however, is Dr. Manhattan, and I think that this is mostly due to the fact that his radiation glow eliminates the need for cel-shading.
Character movement does suffer a bit from 3D figure rigging, but it’s clear they attempted to put a lot of care into trying to make characters look organic and their body language look natural. The end result, however, is that despite that effort, it’s not always successful. As has become common with Western 3D animation the characters are animated on the “twos”, which means they are moved every other frame, a technique from traditional animation due to the extreme cost of animation on the “ones”, or every frame. Unfortunately, there are a number of scenes where movement, such as walking, appears stiff. I am glad, however, that they didn’t go with motion capture.
The Ups
One of my favorite parts of Watchmen Chapter I is the flawless handling of the dismally depressing Tales of the Black Freighter that appears as a comic inside both the comic books and the film.
I also very much like the application of textures throughout which work very well with the lighting and color work.
The application of depth of field is also excellent which makes me suspect that a cinematographer was involved in production.
There are also some truly beautiful shots in the film.
The Downs
I’m not sure I’d call it an animation error, per se, but during Dr. Manhattan’s Mars monologue where he reflects on the accident that changed him, there is a scene where two characters meet and walk away and one of their shoes appears to pass through a rock. It just seems to me that they should have put the rock somewhere else, but it really stood out to me.
The 84 minute run-time does not work in the film’s favor, mostly because there is only one more part to be released. Unless Chapter II is significantly longer, they won’t be able to fully adapt all twelve issues of the comics.
Some of the ugly language from the comics is trimmed from the film. While I don’t like the words used, they aren’t applied gratuitously and have a sharp, cutting point that should have been maintained to illustrate the cultural and sociological undercurrents of division and fear that pervaded the US in the 80’s when the Cold War was intense and AIDS put people on edge.
Out of all of DC’s Warner Bros. Animation’s works Watchmen Chapter I sits near the top as one of the best, and not because it’s their first “R” rated film. It is clear that the production team took the adaptation seriously, though were likely saddled with some constraints as illustrated by the short run-time, that there will only be one more part to complete the adaptation, and that quite a lot of contextual dialog was removed in translation.
What I would really like to see from DC, however, is a real commitment to their animation works teams of writers and animators. I would see that as an increase in budgets for their animated features and to use their writers for their live-action films to increase the script quality well over their current efforts that have plodded onto the big screen.
TKN’s Nothing Score™
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This is my first go at a rating system, so bear with me. I’m a nerd. I give Watchmen Chapter 1 three and a half Macs, mostly for story and accuracy and detract points for not going all the way with the animation. Being such an important work from the 1980’s, I believe it deserved a lot more attention and care.
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rupertsblogonfood · 1 month
We have food at home! (Post #9, Prompt 7).
Before taking this class, I wouldn't think twice about the implications of my region on my food choices. Thinking about this prompt, I recently took a trip downstate and compared the two areas for ideas for my region, as it was my baseline. 
What is the climate and locations?
In Massena, we have cold winters, and warm to hot humid summers. The plant hardiness level is 4b (USDA Plant Hardiness Zone, n.d.). Massena is on 3 rivers, the Grasse, Racquette, and St Lawerence. Archeological studies of the region around Massena and Akwesasne (which means "place of partridges") show evidence of extensive aboriginal use for hunting, fishing, and gathering berries and plants (Massena, n.d.). It is 75 miles from the Adirondacks and far from the Atlantic Ocean. 
What is grown locally?
In the summer tomatoes, Corn, Cucumbers, Zucchini, and Berries. In the fall Apples, Pears, Squash, and Root vegetables (Eagle River Realty LLC, 2023). You can find any of these on farmstands on your daily drive. Local trends?
There aren’t many food trucks, but of the few that there are my favorite is the ‘Annita Burrito’ burrito truck outside the Healthy Way store in Massena, NY. 
There is a cranberry bog in a nearby town, Brasher Falls, called Deer River where you can buy cranberries by the pound close to Thanksgiving (Sommerstein, 2021). As for farmers' markets and stands, there is a market in Canton, NY, on Tuesday and Friday, there are many Amish-owned ‘Martin’ Stores that sell fresh produce, treats, and cooking ingredients around the county, and I recently found a store in Hopkinton, NY,  that sells fresh produce and house plants (Department of Agriculture and Markets, n.d.) ! I find these stores to be the best way to source seasonal produce other than growing it yourself. Stores like Walmart have produce that has been imported from all over the world, so I feel better choosing local.
It is very difficult to get fresh seafood, as we are far from the closest ocean. The seafood we eat is likely from a supermarket and exported a long way. As for meat, many local farmers raise cows, chickens, and pigs. Many still choose to buy meat from the supermarket but there is the option to buy it locally. My family buys a cow from my uncle who raises it for meat. A farm I have volunteered at, Bittersweet Milkweed Farm in Heuvelton, sells pork at their farmstand (Bittersweet Farm, n.d.). 
There are some limitations to the food I can purchase locally, but that gives me all the more reason to spend time in the Kitchen creating new dishes. There is something so warming and special about choosing local produce and creating a home-cooked meal. Unfortunately for most, this is not an easy option as this can be more expensive and time-consuming.
This is a photo of us having a meal to celebrate the fourth with food harvested from the bittersweet farm!
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Department of Agriculture and Markets. (n.d.). Farmers’ markets by County. Farmers’ Markets by County. https://agriculture.ny.gov/farmers-markets-county
Eagle River Realty . (n.d.). Evolving growing seasons in upstate New York. United Country Eagle River Realty | Hamilton and | Eagle River Auctions. https://www.eagleriver-realty.com/articles/news/evolving-growing-seasons-in-upstate-new-york
History. History | Massena, NY - Official Website. (n.d.). https://massena.us/173/History
Sommerstein, D. (2021). North Country’s only cranberry harvest is underway in St. Lawrence County. NCPR. https://www.northcountrypublicradio.org/news/story/44603/20211007/north-country-s-only-cranberry-harvest-is-underway-in-st-lawrence-county
Regenerative Agriculture in St. Lawrence County. Bittersweet Farm. (n.d.). https://www.bittersweetfarm.xyz/
USDA. (n.d.). Plant hardiness zone map . Garden. https://garden.org/nga/zipzone/
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umichenginabroad · 2 months
Week 7: Sustainability in Madrid - Pt. 2
Hello and welcome back! As promised, I have compiled a list some of my favorite ways to travel and live sustainably. These are some of the things that I did when I was in Madrid and traveling around to reduce my impact.
Bringing my water bottle with me – This might seem most obvious, as most people at Michigan already bring their own bottles to class, but it’s important – most of the waste of a plastic bottle occurs upstream before you even buy it! Madrid has some of the BEST tap water in the world, and you can find drinking fountains everywhere around the city that consistently have good water. Even the bathroom tap water is good!
Reusing jars – I unfortunately did forget my reusable “ziploc” bags for snacks and things, so I started collecting jars. Yogurt containers are great for storing any leftovers, and any glass jar makes for a great coffee mug!
Using your own coffee cup – I was unsure if they would allow it, but my favorite coffee shop let me use my own jar for coffee. This is a great way to stay circular and limit your waste impact! Most of the time coffee is a social outing, so you use the glassware there. But for those caffeine pick me ups between class I would always have a jar on me. Fun fact, most paper coffee cups aren’t even recyclable because they have a plastic liner on the inside :(
Walk – The beauty of living in a big city, especially Madrid, is that everything is walkable. Madrid is considered a 15 minute city, meaning everything you could need is only a 15 minute walk or bike ride away. I even opted to walk to class because it was more efficient than taking the metro. 
Compost – Don’t forget to compost your food scraps! Madrid has a really good waste system, so it’s really easy to compost and recycle everything.
Fruit stands – I love that it is super easy to find fresh produce (and mostly locally grown) produce on every corner. Instead of buying fruit at a Día or Carrefour (the most commonly found supermarkets), opt to support the local economy and get any produce from your favorite fruit stand. Just make sure to politely let them know that you want to skip the plastic bag!
Tote Bags – this is an essential item, and it’s easy to pack! This is multifunctional and is great for groceries, school, a picnic, or just a day bag in general. Heads up, they charge you for plastic bags in Spain, so this is a great alternative.
Picnic lunch – I happened to have a little break between my classes, so I would bring my lunch (in one of my reused containers of course) and find a nearby park to decompress and refuel.
Clothes – Fast fashion is everywhere in Spain, and I beg of you to resist the temptation, (trust me) don’t buy from companies like Zara or Bershka if you can avoid it! If you forgot something, or are in the shopping mood, check out the vintage stores in Malasana, or find a Humana (there are so many of these) instead. 
Traveling – If you plan on traveling for a weekend, opt to take a train if possible. Prices will be cheaper if not the same as a flight, and oftentimes trains are a much more efficient even if the journey is a little longer. Plus, you don’t have to worry about luggage fees etc. Madrid has two stations, and I recommend using Omio or Trainline for booking trips. If I haven’t convinced you already, traveling by train also reduces your carbon footprint substantially!
Packing up and Leaving – instead of throwing away things like non-perishable foods, clothing, or household goods, find a local charity or ask the school if you can donate things for future students!
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Picture 1 - Staying hydrated and enjoying the view of the Clerigos tower in Porto, Portugal. Picture 2 - I loved bringing my tote bag with me everywhere. I could carry my water, a fan, and my wallet. An added bonus: it's easy to keep close to you, so the risk of being pickpocketed is significantly lower. Lucky to say I haven't had any issues with this!
These are just a few tips on how to reduce your impact abroad, or even things you can do back in Ann Arbor! Remember that sustainability is going to look different for everyone. We don’t need everyone doing zero waste perfectly, but a lot of people working to make small changes to their current habits. I hope you learned something new and try these recommendations out! Good luck, you’ve got this :)
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firstwatercapital · 6 months
Too early to say inflation war is won; infra a bright spot: Arun Chulani of First Water
Arun Chulani, Co-founder of First Water Capital Fund, believes it is the investors’ job to try and create a diversified weather-proof portfolio that one can feel comfortable holding. In an interview with MintGenie, he shared his views on inflation, rate hikes and sectors he is positive about.
Edited excerpts:
What are your expectations from the Q4 numbers of India Inc? IT is expected to witness a lacklustre quarter. Do you see value emerging in this sector?
Of course, one should look at expectations on a sector-wise basis rather than a blanket approach.
Some thoughts are: For metals and more specifically steel, there has been a softening in coking coal prices, so I would imagine that margins should improve compared to the last quarter but is likely to be softer than last year as realisations have generally come off.
Textiles should also see a softening in the numbers, as recessionary fears impact orders.
The IT sector has seen growth so far, but once again the impact on its key customer segment, that of BFSI, will create a softening of future earnings as clients look to re-negotiate or put a hold on projects.
One bright spot should be infra as raw material prices are down, while the government continues to push its infra-led agenda.
How do you expect the trajectory of inflation and rate hikes for the rest of the year? Is the worst behind us?
When it comes to the near-term macro, anything can happen. But, at least to me, it seems that both have started to soften for now.
However, it is too early to say if the war on inflation has been won. Energy, one of the key protagonists of last year, has come off in comparison to last year.
While OPEC+ are aiming to keep a floor, future price hikes should hopefully not be as pronounced given that some producers have increased output and the world seems to be in a heightened phase of energy transition and strategic diversification.
The central bank is going to continue doing its key job, which is to tame inflation, but the decision-makers will be cognizant of the impact on growth prospects. And so, the RBI will likely look to balance between the two.
The Indian market has underperformed most of the major markets this year so far. We see the FPIs have started coming back. The concerns over valuation have eased and the RBI has taken a pause. What is your outlook for the domestic market for the next six months?
Six months is too short a time frame to take a view. Many have been dashed on the rocks of volatility trying to time the markets.
Better to take a long-term view and focus on finding well value stocks or screening for good managers.
Can the RBI remain on pause mode for a protracted period while crude oil prices are rising, and El Nino is looming which can impact monsoon and crop production? Do we have fresh risks of inflation?
Again, as I mentioned, trying to second-guess the impact of all these macro factors in the near term may leave one dizzy.
There is also the question of China’s opening up – why hasn’t there been any real inflation occurring as a result?
Is it because growth boosters have yet to kick in or is there limited juice left in the tank?
On average, China is 40-50 percent of global demand for most basic commodities, so what is happening here? There are too many factors out there and unfortunately, I am not a macro specialist.
But what I do believe is that India does have strong long-term tailwinds.
I would personally prefer to focus on companies that are relatively well-valued and should be in a good position to benefit from these macros.
That way should there be near-term macro-violence, I am not that worried as long as the structural story of my selected companies remains intact.
What sectors are you betting on at this time? Should one look at real estate stocks?
We are sticking to our bets of infra, chemicals, packaging, and metals. Again, while there be booms and busts, we believe that due to the various winds of China+1, the government-heavy infra focus, rising incomes, and per-capita catch-up, many of our stocks should be direct beneficiaries.
What are the key challenges which can upset the market? Can they trigger a knee-jerk reaction?
Market participants seem sensitive at the moment and who can blame them?
Recently we have seen a lot of things we haven’t experienced for a while – pandemic, major conflict, heightened geopolitical concerns, inflation, rate hikes and financial fragility. But still, we are standing.
Any escalation or negative news can create a knee-jerk reaction.
But I believe that it is the investors’ job to try and create a diversified weather-proof portfolio that one can feel comfortable holding and even add to when the storm clouds are out.
The views expressed are the authors own. Please consult your financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
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sapirmangoli · 2 years
Blog Post #6: Comparison of Old & New Candyman film
Throughout this course, the comparison between the Old Candyman film and the new Candyman film has been quite intriguing to me. Candyman is an iconic horror movie that first hit Hollywood in 1992, and the film received a long-awaited sequel in 2021 with a new and exciting take on the original story. The new Candyman movie is directed by Nia DaCosta and produced by the infamous Jordan Peele, renowned for his socially conscious horror films and many films we discussed in this course, like Get Out, Nope, and Us. The original movie was directed by Bernard Rose and starred Tony Todd as a a main character. However, in the new film Todd's limited presence in Candyman 2021 is due to the fact that the film's main focus is not on Daniel Robitaille, but on two new characters who embody the Candyman in this particular story. In this blog post, I would like to compare the old Candyman movie with the new one, highlighting the similarities and differences between the two.
The similarities between the old Candyman and the new Candyman are captivating. Both films take place in the Cabrini-Green housing project in Chicago. This location is significant and plays a crucial role, and in both films, it becomes central to the film's plot. Both films revolve around the legend of Candyman, a ghostly figure summoned when someone says his name five times in front of a mirror. The character's backstory is also similar in both movies. More so, both films revolve around two recurring themes such as racism and police brutality. What makes the new film more impactful is that it delves more into the issue of racism and explores it with more detail, making it influential to viewers. One moment in the new Candyman film that resembles an incident we went through in 2020 was when the main character Anthony, gets killed by police for no given reason. This makes one reflect on the incident in America with a Black man named George Floyd when a white police officer killed him. The death of George Floyd resonated globally as an issue of racial injustice. He was pinned down by a white police officer who knelt on his neck while three other officers stood by, leading to his untimely death. This sparked widespread protests across the nation. Unfortunately, due to racism being an ongoing problem today, I believe it is essential for society to learn and shape their perspectives through different forms of art and film. 
The differences in this film are also very fascinating to perceive. The original movie focuses on a white female graduate, Helen Lyle, investigating the Candyman legend. However, the new Candyman is revolved around a Black character named Anthony McCoy, and he slowly becomes obsessed with the Candyman legend and its connection to his family. Additionally, while both movies are horror films, the new Candyman movie is more of a social commentary that uses horror as a medium to address issues of race and class. The original movie is more of a straightforward horror film that displays jump scares and much gore.
Moreover, the new Candyman movie has a unique visual style that is distinctive from the original film. The new film's cinematography is more artistic and uses mirrors and reflections to create an uncanny atmosphere. Additionally, the special effects are also more advanced and modern. In contrast to the old film, the new film is more creative, especially with its terrifying depiction of Candyman. 
Overall, the new Candyman movie is a worthy successor to the original film. It perpetuates the key elements that made the original movie a classic while bringing fresh ideas and themes. Even though the two movies are different in many ways, they offer a unique and terrifying take on the Candyman legend. Both include similar themes like racism, remaining an influential aspect to viewers. Fans of the original movie will appreciate the signals to the original, while newcomers will be introduced to a new and exciting take on the classic horror story. Ultimately, films like Candyman and other black horror films can empower Black audiences by providing a space to confront and process real-life fears and traumas in a safe and controlled environment. These films can also serve as resistance against systemic oppression and discrimination.
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goboymusic · 2 years
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I invented a #superhero called Boner-Man, whose boner has limitless stretch abilities, limitless strength, and moves at lightning speed (the protruding boner is always covered by a red spandex). He can use it to sling across a city like spider-man, or wrap it around the Earth’s moon and hurl it at an alien mothership. His powers are only present while aroused, and unfortunately he can only get aroused by frotteurism. This leads to endless legal issues and compromises by the judicial system as they must punish him, but not too much, because they still need his help.
“Under City Lights” was GoBoy’s 1st song made with #LogicPro, which has been used for every song since, and it’s about a girl that I was enamored with at the time. The chorus lyrics say “got a free lollipop from the party store,” because those were the first words she said to me. We ended up doing one of those “long distance relationship” things for a year.
This was written as a full length song, but only 1 minute of it was produced. Plan was to eventually produce the rest, but “Fresh Like Whoa (Song 4)” became a distraction because it was more exciting.
The chorus beat was inspired by “Burnin’ Up” by @jonasbrothers.
The chorus melody and lyrics were eventually reused for the bridge in “Girl Like That (Song 8).”
I watched the film “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” on an autumn night with about a dozen teens my age after uploading “Under City Lights” to the internet. It’s a fond memory.
For these early songs, plagued with bad production quality, a lofi amp plugin was used on a majority of the vocals, making it sound like I’m singing through a crappy radio transmission. The lofi amp plugin sounded good to me at the time because it cut out low frequencies and accentuated mid-high range frequencies. Those results could have been accomplished with EQ, which would have avoided the lofi sound, but I didn’t know that that was an option. Also wouldn’t learn about adding compression to vocals until song 9. (excerpts from post 1).
Girl pants, flat iron straightened #emo hair, gauges, screamo bands, necklaces, way too many bracelets. Stoney Creek #HighSchool friends and I were part of the American Midwest’s “scene subculture,” often labeled as “#scenekids,” which emerged from the pre-existing emo subculture. A subculture within a subculture (subcultureception). Basically emo, but our color scheme wasn’t limited to black. Some of the biggest artists to arise from this subtle counterculture subculture are We Came As Romans (@wecameasromans), Of Mice & Men (@omandm) and Beartooth (@beartoothband). This subculture consumed my life throughout the production of songs 1 - 4 (excerpt from post 1).
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ererokii · 4 years
hello !! can you write an eren x reader where eren is in his attack titan form??🥺 you can make it however you like!! thank you <33
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The sky was exceeding limitations. The ethereal sensation of gazing upon the horizons with tranquil silence was enough to make you feel higher above than anyone in this world. The hues of blue mixed with pastel yellows and harsh oranges colored the world above, the adoration washing over your body. 
The protection of the walls from the flesh-eaters outside was something you didn’t want to exist. You wanted to explore the outside. The want to feel the fresh grass from the outside world and the mysteries you can solve were left in your thoughts. If you reached out far enough, you swore you could have felt the roughness of the barriers touching your fingertips.
You shifted on the mount you were sitting on. Your fingers dug into the dark brown tresses of the creature underneath you. With the inhales and exhales from the Attack Titan, you were lifted faintly before returning to your usual spot. You could hear the noises he produced every few minutes. From subtle growls to small purrs.
“Eren, I hope I’m not boring you while I’m up here,” you spoke up after a few moments of silence. A rumble in his throat vibrated his whole body as he faintly shook his head as if saying he wasn’t bothered by it. After all, it was his idea.
Many times you asked him about how it looked through his eyes. Even though he was 15 meters, it was still enough to get you wondering about life from that high. Was he able to see it from a different view?
He wishes he has a view of your face. He chuckles internally in the carcass, thinking of the facial expression you were showing. Maybe you had the look of a child first entering the toy store in Trost District. Or perhaps you weren’t showing any emotion. Maybe, it wasn’t living to your expectations. 
Slowly, you placed your hand down on top of his head, lifting yourself into a wobbly standing position. “D-Don’t move at all,” you whisper, his ears twitching as he caught the sound of your voice. Respecting your wishes, he stayed still as you stood up. Your arms lifted horizontally, feeling the breeze pass by your bare arms. 
“This..” you trail off, a smile growing on your face. “Is amazing,” higher than the birds above, higher than any royal. You were beyond reality. The soft light of the sun shone against your face, a twinkling look in your orbs. 
“Is it amazing up there, Y/N?” Eren asks himself as he stares straight forward, resuming titan form, having heard what you said moments ago. 
His much larger hand lifts and stops by his forehead, palm open for you to step on. You avert your gaze to his hand and hesitantly walk on. You trusted Eren; you did. But being up this high without any gear was enough to light up fear within you. 
You reach out and wrap your arms around his forefinger; the abnormally high body temperature provided you comfort. His fingers curled around your petite body in his hand, ensuring security as he lowered his hand. 
Large turquoise eyes zoned on your figure, some steam emitting from his mouth as he opened it. The breeze caused his hair to sway, sending a shiver up your spine. Despite being surrounded by heat, the cold was able to creep up against you. 
A noise of protest caught your attention, tilting your head in confusion. “What’s wrong?”
Of course, he couldn’t respond. His titan wasn’t able to speak. Heavy grunts emitted from his mouth as he brought you closer to his face abruptly. A sudden gasp slipped past your lips as your arms around his finger tightened. 
You were as tall as his nose. It frightened you a bit to know a facial feature was practically more significant than you. A smile curled on your lips as you calmed down a bit, reaching out slowly and placed your hand on his nose. Upon contact, his eyes fluttered shut as his whole body seemed to relax. 
It was odd to see a relentless creature, as the townspeople called him, finally at peace. Many times you’ve seen Eren in a tense situation or unfortunately losing control. Seeing him like this was enough to make you feel happy.
“You know, you aren’t so big and scary as you like to be seen as. You’re just a big baby,” you teased him, stroking his nose with the palm of your hand. It looked as if your words didn’t phase him. He was too busy enjoying your touch. Purrs erupted from the depths of his throat, his heart fluttering as your arms tried their best to wrap around the bridge of his nose. 
His dark tresses fell behind your body, covering you from the world as it was just you and him. No one could see who the 15 meter was holding dearly to his face, but they had a feeling who. He could feel your face rub against the structure of his visage, a light brush coating his cheeks inside his form. 
“You’re so cute...Do you know that?” Eren mutters to himself, fluttering his eyes shut in the carcass. “I wish I could see you like this for the rest of my life, Y/N..”
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celestialmango · 2 years
🎀 The Jester, Perfume Assasination 🎀
Arc 3, chapter 1
Tw death, tw memory alteration,tw psycho fan girls, tw assault physical and verbal, hurt prey, soft vore, safe vore, willing prey, comfort.
You need groceries, a jacket to replace your favorite hooded on the Jester accidentally destroyed, then plaster and wall anchors Incase the jester tries to sit on your wall shelf after nomming again after the screws got pulled out of the wall, The Jester can be quite clumsy sometimes. Unfortunately you didn't expect crazed magical knight fan girls with a grudge to come after you while you were out.
"NOOOooOOooOo... DON'T LEAVE ME!" You sigh, standing at your apartment door, The Jester laying face down on the ground with their hands and a puddle of tears starting to form under your feet from their crying, "Jester." You call their attention before asking in a gentle voice "Were they accidents?" The Jester nods, still facedown on the ground, "And you already apologized?" They nod again, "Look sweetheart. I'm not going to leave you just because you ruined my jacket and broke a shelf, but you still have let me go out, that was my only jacket and I need to replace it, I need to go to the hardware store so I can fix the wall so I can hang the shelf back up and more importantly. I need to get more groceries. Plus." You flick the bell on the ribbon that The Jester had attached to your throat from your first meeting.
"I know how to call you if I need help, okay? Don't worry too much." You say to the them as they reluctantly let go and sit up "also." You pull the water wand they had given you as a gift while faking a cover story on how you got away from them and smile at them. "I'm always armed now and this thing has the pressure of a fire hose, if it doesn't stop an attacker it will certainly buy some time." The Jester grumbles but doesn't try stop you, you kiss them on the cheek causing them to turn red and steam "I'll back in a few hours." And with that you head out of your apartment walking to closest clothes stop while pulling a folding cart behind you.
In few minutes you reach The Trick Sleeve and quickly enter the magic themed clothing store, honestly as the knights became more popular, small stores started changing their names to ones you would expect to in a DND campaign. You look around the racks looking for a new hoodie, after awhile you find you one with a cool design made of a comfortable waterproof fabric and pay for it then wear it out of the store, next stop The Expert Gnome, luckily it's right across the street and you know the layout very well, they may have changed their name but they've kept the layout the same. You find some wall plaster then look for wall anchors checking the limit of the weight they can hold, after all you don't need another incident of The Jester having an accident from The Jester sitting on the shelf and pulling it out of the wall from both of your weight, why they thought it was a good to sit on the shelf after surprise nomming you, you will never know.
One last stop, you don't notice the two people who began to stalk you after you left the hardware store, it's only a few minutes walk to the store that will take to most of your time, The Fresh Way, at least one store in this district hasn't changed it's name, you always loved this grocery store, it's got amazing deals and The Jester has grown attached to the owners who are a very sweet couple with bad eye sight so makes and point to make sure it doesn't get destroyed during battles. The couple doesn't even recognize who your dear Jester is, the two just think The Jester is eccentric.
It looks like they have a deal on some of their quick meals so you grab a few, you pick up some fresh produce and a few more items then head up to counter to pay, it's a good total, you were lucky so many of the items you needed were on sale today, you still haven't noticed the two people who have been stalking you since the hardware store so you really don't expect to feel someone cover your mouth and dragging you into nearby alley then being thrown so hard into a concrete wall that it knocks the breath out of you and you crumple to ground against it, "See it is them." You're kicked in the ribs "Bet you think your hot shit don't you fucker?" The woman is hostile, the other playing look out to make sure you're not spotted.
"W-what?" You ask scared and bewildered, who is this crazy bitch, she kicks the side of your head knocking knocking you fully to the ground, "Did I say you could speak, honestly how a weak little worm got away from that crappy clown and had the gall to insult the Red Knight is pathetic." Oh shit, it one of the Knight's psycho fan girls, you start trying to crawl away only for the woman stomp down on your back making you cry out in pain. She notices the ribbon and bell around your throat, "What a cute choker, it would look so much better on me than a freak like you." The minute she leans down to rip it off and her fingers brush the bow the ends of the ribbon comes alive startling her as the ends weave through her fingers and wrap around her wrist.
The bell rings while you hear a sickening snap and the woman screams, she pulls her broken hand to her chest, you roll over and scramble backwards while she's distracted reaching into your pocket for your water wand, you blink and suddenly The Jester stands behind the woman looming over her shrouded in darkness thier eyes alight with rage, their hand wraps around her throat, lifting her off her feet and slamming her against the wall, the other woman tries to run but you fire off your wand cause her head to smash into the concrete ground knocking her out.
Your lover voice is harsh and slow, accentuating every word as they speak, glaring at the frighten woman "How.Dare.You.Touch.What.Belongs to me." Their hand squeezing her neck so tight she can't speak, she barely gets out "Please don't eat me." And The Jester sneers "I don't eat trash." They say mockingly before snapping her neck, dropping her corpse to the ground before moving over to the one you knocked out and places a hand onto the back of her head, there is a flash then The Jester lets go.
Their expression becomes soft as they look at the state of you, there are no words exchanged they kneal down and hug you as you begin to cry when it registers what just happened you, once your sobs subside they take you hands and gently shove them into their maw, they pause, staring directly into your eyes that speak a silent question you've learned to read by now, you nod and they begin to swallow you, they're careful in maneuvering you so they don't cause you any more pain, one gulp, you're on your knees shoulder deep, they place thier hands on your hips and gently lift, another gulp, waist deep in their soft throat hands moving to grip your thighs and keep you supported as the slowly angle you upwards, using gravity to help you slip in deeper, knees deep, you're starting to curl up in their warm stomach, one more gulp and you're all the way in, the warmth definitely helps with the pains which you know will heal and fade while you rest here, just like the bruise the Red Knight had given you on your wrist when they grabbed you a few months ago.
The Jester drags thier fingers across thier belly, smiling with affectionately and drawing soothing patterns on the bulge you make in their gut. Your ask them softly and curious "what did to that other woman?" The Jester blinks, "Altered her memory, as far as she knows the Blue Knight attacked her and the Red Knight killed the other." There's silence again, before you speak in a subdued tone as they begin to walk, "the folding cart is still outside the alley." The Jester laughs softly, "I know darling, I'm grabbing it right now, then we'll head home. The Jester wouldn't dare forget what his sweet snack left their little home for. I'm going to spoil you when we get back. The Jester will put your cart in their hammer space, so just snuggle up in there for now you tasty thing." You hums tiredly and do just that as The Jester takes the long way home so they can take the time to heal your wounds before they take care of you and spoil you with your favorite food and movies.
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lailoken · 3 years
“:Pharmacopoeia: [Pt. 2]
Acacia (Acacia spp.). The Blossoms, as well as the Leaves of Our Tree, may be added to the bathwater for the magical work of Fortification, or nourishing and strengthening the Mind and Spirit. 55 grams of the fresh blooms, steeped in one litre of boiling water for 20 minutes, provides a virtuous Balneum.
Basil (Ocimum basilicum, O. sanctum). A Bath made from strong infusions of Fresh Basil is a superior Solar Rite of Self-Love. The friendly Genius of this plant aids in fortifying Courage and Will, as well as lending clarity of Mind. For this purpose, steep two handfuls of fresh sprigs, leaves, and flowers in one litre of boiling water for 20 minutes before straining and adding to the bath. Stronger infusions lend more power, especially when the spicy leaves are employ'd as a scrub. Basil is efficacious for charms drawing lovers, or money.
Broom (Cytisus spp.). Regard'd as a pest by farmers and some botanists, our Herb makes for a virtuous lustration. In particular, it owns the powers of obsta- cle-breaking and motivation, and is specially good at disrupting inertia. For a hot bath, steep between 150- 250 dried blossoms or approximately 300 fresh in 1.5 litres of boiling water. After steeping 30 minutes, strain and add to the bath.
Calamus (Acorus calamus). Our Root may pleasingly be added to ritual baths prior to magical workings, especially those involving sexual magics or oracular work. Calamus has strong affinities with the water element and was employed in the Herb-sorcery of ancient Egypt and Sumer. Harvesting the fresh root from bog or marsh is preferred, as the spicy root-odour is so much more alluring fresh than the rank, wither'd nubs from the Apothecary's jar! For a strong decoction, employ 33 grams of the fresh Root, or 50 of the dried; bring to a boil in one litre of water, and steep for 15 minutes. Most Essential Oil of Calamus commonly available is of dubious quality. Let the Skill'd One distill oil from living, vigourous roots and use sparingly in Bath and Balm.
Carnation (Dianthus spp.). Gillyflowers, as Carnations were known to the medieval apothecary, are an excellent agent of simultaneous Exorcism and Invigoration, a friendly spirit most pleasing to the gods. Carnation baths prior to works of High Magick rival both Agrimony and Vervain in efficacy. Of fragrant carnation, take 40 blossoms and infuse in a litre of cold water for 3-5 hours. Add this infused water, along with the flowers themselves and a few fresh ones, to a lukewarm or cool bath. Employ the flowers to scrub the body.
Chamomile (Matricaria recutita). Perhaps the most comforting Herb taken as a bath, Chamomile is excellent for reducing trauma, and may be considered an elemental correspondence of the Watery Part of Earth temper'd by the Warm Virtues of Sol. For a healthful slumber or to relieve extreme nervous tension, a bath may be made with the fragrant blossoms, and will readily offer its Gifts. Use 50 g. of the flowers steeped in 1 litre of boiling water. A strong infusion of the golden Blossoms makes an excellent traditional gambling potion for washing the hands prior to throwing dice or cards. If using Essential Oil of Blue Chamomile, add 3-5 drops to the bath, increasing as desired.
Chaste Berry ( Vitex agnus-castus). The Candomblè abô, or sacred baths, employ various species of Vitex against the Evil Eye; 'tis also esteem'd as a suffumigant. Of the dried or fresh berries, use a decoction of 18 g. of the Herb to 450 ml. boiling water. Of the leaves, use 33 grams in 650 millilitres of water.
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum). The Genius of Our Bark invigorates and fortifies, but it is especially skilled at promoting the powers of Harmony. Thus a Cinnamon ablution serves prior to a confrontation where a harmonious outcome is desired. Other excellent uses for this bath are as a preparation for Sexual Magic workings with a partner, or for fertility rites of conception. For a Cinnamon bath, make a strong decoction of 60 grams of crumbled twigs or chips in 550 millilitres of water. Avoid the Essential Oil as it is a dermal irritant and lacks certain Virtues of the Genius present only in the bark.
Cymbopogon (Cymbopogon spp.) A fragrant and wondrous plant genus which includes a number of different species of fragrant, tropical grasses. Three are widely known and prais'd, especially in the form of their Essential Oils rendered up as True Gold by fractional distillation; these are Lemon Grass (Cymbopogon citratus), Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii), and Citronella (Cymbopogon nar-dus). All bear exquisite perfume and are suit'd to cleansing of the Oratory as well as the Brethren and Sisters of the Wise who enter the Temple. For infusions, use 44 grams of chopp'd rhizome and grass to 600 millilitres boiling water, steeped thirty minutes. The Oleum Essentia may be used freely in Compound'd Mists.
Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menzesii). Not a True Fir in botanical nomenclature, Our Tree is nevertheless a fast-growing evergreen conifer with an Eager Spirit of Cleansing. Native to North America, it is now widely cultur'd for its versatile timber. Its pitch excels as a fumigant and the citrus-odour'd Leaves make an excellent Philtre of Cleansing and Exorcism. Several American Indian nations in the Tree's native range traditionally employ'd a decoction of the branches and twigs as a purifying body-wash in sweathouse rites. For a wash or asperge, a strong decoction may be made with a generous handful of the pulverized leaves or green branches boil'd twenty minutes in 650 millilitres of water and strained. These potent leaves render up their Goodness in tincture by means of Aqua Angelis; indeed, the Green Magus skill'd in extractions will know this to be true.
Fir (Abies spp.). The leaves -needles, as they are known- are employ'd for their magical properties of Illumination and Inspiration. Several handfuls of the young shoots may be decocted in a litre of water. This is an appropriate ablution for rites of Pan, especially if the sorcerer is to invoke the rustic god, for this is His Tree. If employing essential oil of Fir, begin with 3 drops in bathwater.
Geranium, Scent'd (Pelargonium spp.). Scent'd Geraniums proceed forth from the Mansions of the Greenwood like a parade of fair-odourd jewels, remarkable in beauty and divers aromas. Almost all species of Pelargonium wield potencies of Banishing and Exorcism, and simultaneously the Power of Brightening: these spirits encourage great cheer unto all wherever their virtues extend. Rose, citrus, mint, nutmeg, pine, and even chocolate-scent'd varieties may be found, having unique aromatic notes that provoke, in addition to the aforemention'd qualities, a most unsettling Strangeness of Thought. One handful of the whole leaves, infused in 600 millilitres boiling water, produces a fragrant and potent liquid useful against noisome spirits. Tincture freely.
Hops (Humulus lupulus). Baths of the Herb are, in general, soporific and useful to allay Moods. A bath made with 50 grams of the dried fragrant blossoms, steeped in a litre of boiling water, will provide calm. However, by acquaintance with a friendly hop-farmer, or tending the Vine oneself, one may make use of the spicy blossoms, peerless newly-gather'd, and in no way compare to the inferior dried Herb, many of whose Virtues have fled upon dessication.
Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis). Ours is an Herb of the Mint Family possessing supreme antibacterial virtues. Hyssop was used, in times of European plague, along with Juniper, for strewing and combatting the Vapours of Affliction. It has a long history of being used to consecrate spaces and persons prior to magical workings. An ancient recipe for Hyssop Water, used for purification of the Sorcerer prior to the Work, is made thus: "A bunch of vervain, fennel, lavender, sage, valerian, mint, garden basil, rosemary, and hyssop gathered in the day and hour of Mercury, bound together with a thread, spun by a young maiden, when dipped in water and sprinkled, will chase away all phantoms that shall hinder or annoy." A simpler infusion may be made with 40 grams of the Herb steep'd in I litre of boiling water.
Jasmine (Jasminum officinale). The Jasmine belongs to the Olive family, known as Oleaceae, from which so many beneficial and virtuous Herbs proceed, so we may take refuge in its noble lineage. When considering the types of magic Jasmine may be put to in sorcery, Lust and magnification of the Sexual powers are first and foremost. For men, this is the Spirit of Satyros; for women, the charms of the Nymphae. For magics of Attraction it is unparallel'd, as well as in Sexual or Nubility rites. Unfortunately, the range of the plant is very limited, and in northern latitudes must be grown in a glasshouse. One may employ the oil, known as Jasmine Absolute, in the quantity of drops per 100 litres of water (Jasmine absolute is costly; thus the oil amount is also a consideration of frugality) or, if access to a blooming Jasmine is assured, about 80 flowers added directly to the bath. Two false-Jasmines are worth mentioning, as both have similar, though less pronounced, magical virtues as the classic Jasmine. The first is a hardy plant known Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides); the second is Potato Jasmine (Solanum jasminoides). Both may commonly be found at nurseries. Of the two, the former has a richer and more complex scent. Both plants are prolific bloomers in a variety of cultural conditions. For a hot bath, use at least 75 blossoms of Star Jasmine; or at least 100 of Solanaceous Jasmine. For a cold bath, knead 30-100 flowers of each kind into four litres of water and pour liberally on head and body, letting the perfumed waters air-dry on the skin.
Juniper (Juniperus spp.) For treating nervous conditions, a bath made with the Berries and fronds is much esteemed. A handful or two of the fresh, pulverized Shoots and Fruits may be ground and placed in a cheesecloth bag and add'd to the hot water of an ablution, several minutes before entering. Dried leaves may be used as well; a purposeful decoction can be made from 33 grams of the dried leaves, simmered in 1.5 litres of water for 20 minutes.
Larch (Larix spp.). Rare though the tree is in the literature of sorcery, its virtues should not be overlooked by those living beneath its branches. A strong spirit of Courage, Triumph, and Protection, the Genius of the Larix will stoutly defend all who are its allies. An ablution of Larch leaves is noted for its properties of Centering and Inspiration, as well as Fortifying and Invigorating the spirit of the warrior riding into battle. Make a decoction using 1.5 litres of boiling water, in which are simmer'd 85 grams of the young shoots, well-chopped, for twenty minutes. Strain the brew and add to the bath. Galangal (Kaempheria galanga ; Alpinia galanga). Washing one's hands in a tea brewed from Galangal root is a potent charm for success in gambling, as Root Doctors and other Voudou sorcerers know. The Root's magical provenance of empowering the Derma is, in a similar way, hail'd by Ritual Magicians who blend its Oleum Essentia into the famed Oil of Abramelin. For use as a potion or hand-wash, employ 40 grams of the fresh Root in 1 litre of water; bring to boil, then simmer in a covered vessel for 15-20 minutes. If circumstances force use of the dried Root, employ double the amount, as many of the virtues have, by this time, escaped into the aethyrs. For ablutions prior to magical rites, the amount may be increased greatly according to Need.
Maize (Zea mays). A number of Yoruba-derived religions in the Americas employ Maize as an Ally for women in childbirth. In Candomblè abô, Maize is sometimes added to the bathwater. Sweet corn may be knead'd in cold water for an Enchanted Bath that summons all the good things provided by the Sun and Jove; such magics might encompass general Beneficence, Healing, or the sudden influx of monies, goods, or knowledge.
Mint (Mentha spp.) The Herb is easily grown and readily dominates moist ground. Strong infusions are an excellent feature of a cleansing brew or as an adjunct with other Herbs. Peppermint and Spearmint are very easily found, the former being somewhat more aggressive in magical action. Infuse 80 grams of the fresh, chopp'd Herb in 1 litre of boiling water for twenty minutes, using a plant press to press the marc dry.
Orange (Citrus aurantium). For the purpose of an enchanted Bath, three parts needs concern us. The first is the fragrant leaf, whose goodness reaches its peak just prior to flowering. These leaves, crush'd, steeped in cold water, added to the bath, promote much of the same simultaneous relaxation and stimulation as does Lavender, but with a Solar, rather than a Mercurial, emphasis. 150-200 grams of the fresh leaves, mashed in a solitary litre of lukewarm or cool water, suffices to provoke a most pleasant perfume. The gentle flowers, also called Neroli, may be added to the Bath in the quantity of 50-90 blossoms: it is recommended that they be added directly to the water, and their petals used to scrub the body. Their virtues tend toward Beauty, Invigoration, Fortification, and Lust. The rind of the fruit also possesses much virtue and may be made into a hot infusion, to bring Joviality or thwart rude spirits. Employ 100 grams of the rind, steeped in 1 litre of boiling water for 30 minutes. Scrupulously avoid using citrus Essential Oils in the bath: it can irritate the Derma and increase photosensitivity.
Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium). Another True Mint, Pennyroyal exceeds in cleansing virtue both Spearmint and Peppermint, and possesses a vigilant warrior Genius which gleefully annihilates flocculum abomini. In this, she is best used as an Asperge, Wash or Mist. Similar in many ways to Hyssop, her principles are well-retain'd in tincture, though infusions are also impeccable. The sorcerer is enjoin'd to employ the whole herb when flowering, as the blossoms provide added banishing vigour, without compromising the integrity of the Leaf. 50 grams of well-leav'd infloresences, cut and mashed, steep'd in a litre of boiling water for twenty minutes, yields a masterful infusion. As the Herb has strong action on the Womb, baths of Pennyroyal should be avoided by pregnant women as a general precaution. Pennyroyal gives a fine tincture, especially in ethanol exceeding the proof of 100.
Pericon (Tagetes lucida). Decoctions of the fragrant plant have been used for healing and purifying baths, but it is difficult to procure outside Mexico. As this is an Herb with a potent and varied magical pedigree, seeds are worth seeking, so invite this marvelous Green Spirit into the magical garden. A decoction may be made using 50 grams of the fresh, chopped herb, including the stems and whole blossoms, in one litre of water. Boil and simmer in a covered vessel for 5 minutes, allowing the decoction to sit off the fire for an additional ten minutes. Of greater excellence is a strong infusion, employing 100 leaves steeped in 350 millilitres of boiling water.
Pine (Pinus spp.). To convoke the genii of the Imaginal Mind, an invigorating Bath may be made with the young shoots. Several handfuls, after they have been truly ground, may be add'd to the hot bathwater some minutes before 'immer- sion. For a Balneum of superior strength, simmer 65 grams of fresh, chopp'd Pine needles in 1.5 litres of water for 20 minutes; strain, and add to bath.
Rose (Rosa spp.). A warm or cold infusion of the petals may be used for Ablutions of Fortification, that is to say, beautification, and the gentle but potent repair of injured psychic structures. Rose may also be employed in the magical manner of Balm of Gilead, a rare and precious resin now virtually impossible to obtain, known for its powers of consolation to the Heart. Roses may be used fresh or in the form of Rose Water; Rose Absolute may augment the Balneum in the quantity of a half dozen to ten drops in the hot water. Rose water is a supreme Asperge, especially for purposes of Consecration, and may be used in the form of a Mist. Rose water or Hydrosol are readily available. A Compound'd Mist may be made using the Standard Formula with 4 drops Otto of Rose.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis). In general, this Herb has a strong and ancient association with mankind, and has serv'd as an Ally in many Endeavours. It is abhorrent to most Foul Spirits and entirely appropriate for their dispersion. For treating nervous conditions, a bath made with the fragrant Leaves, has been much esteem'd, and if flowers be gathered in sufficient quantity, their powers exceed that of the Leaves by a factor of three. A hearty infusion is generated of 70 grams of chopp'd sprigs to 800 millilitres of boiling water, steeped for half an hour. Better still is the Essential Oil, extracted by one's own cunning or obtain'd from a good distiller. A Compound Mist of Rosemary is made by dissolving 40 drops of Essential Oil of Rosemary in a single fluid ounce of Perfumer's Alcohol, then adding 80 ml. of distill'd water. This may be mixed and added to the Atomizer. To commune with Rosemary Spirits, retire at sunset to a candlelit bath chamber, drawing the hottest water possible. Burn dried rosemary leaves and wood continually as an incense of beckoning pleasing to the plant. Into the water pour two litres of masterfully-strong decoction of the plant's leaves and flowers, as well as five large Rosemary branches, freshly cut, leaving some hardwood and greenwood stem in the water. Immerse into this Fragrant Potion, covering as much of the body as possible, beckoning the plant as the Mind is subsumed by Green Reverie.
Rue (Ruta gravaeolens). Rue has an ancient magical pedigree of exorcism and protection from Maleficia, especially the Evil Eye. Baths of strong Rue infusions are useful for persons harass'd in the night hours by unwanted spirits. Conversely, in some streams of popular lore, sorcerers of malign intent utilized Rue in potions to effect destructive magic. Our Herb works as a hot infusion, added to a hot bath, or a cold infusion, kneaded in water and poured over the body. For the former, steep 50 grams of Rue in 1.5 litres of boiling water for 30 minutes, then strain and add to the bath. For a cold bath, knead 65 grams of fresh Rue in 2-3 litres of water in the Ritual Bowl for 20-30 minutes, invoking the Genius of the Herb as the leaves are shredded. This philtre should then be poured solemnly over head and body in small cupfuls. As an herbal medicament Rue possesses abortifacient properties; pregnant women should avoid a Balneum with strong Rue content, as it may adversely affect some sensitive individuals.
Sage (Salvia officinalis). Harvested fresh, well-steep'd, strained and added to the Bath, Culinary Sage is an impeccable friend for the magical purposes of Illumination. Of the fresh or dried leaves, one should steep 55 grams in a litre of boiling water. It is advised that for longer, more deeply-focused Baths, one may wish to burn the dried leaves as an accompanying incense. Sage wood and twigs contain additional virtues especially suited for Determination and Focus; these may be decocted in a ratio of 30-50 grams of the twigs to 1 litre of water. Other Sage species, while their Genii vary considerably, are also appropriate for Illuminating and Fortifying Work, such as White Sage (Salvia apiana); Pineapple Sage (Salvia elegans); and Black Sage (Salvia mellifera), the latter resonating with Cain of the Forge.
Sagebrush (Artemisia spp.). Verily, without doubt, and truly: Our Gray Lady of the Waste is a peerless Ally for driving off rank Ghosts of Offense. Numerous species of desert Artemisia are all known as Sagebrush. A number of North American nations used various species of wild sagebrush as a cleansing bath, sometimes following the Sun Dance, or in sweat lodges. Many tribes burned the plant at the beginning of ceremonies, to both purify and "open the ways". A philtre from the Herb may be made by way of Solar infusion: put 40 grams of the fresh Herb into a 1-litre jar, fill with water, and allow to steep in the sun at least 5 hours. This should then be strain'd and used at room temperature to wash the body, much in the manner of Rue. For a traditional bath, steep 60 grams of the fresh Herb in a litre of boiling water for 20 minutes. Strain and add to bath.
Sassafras (Sassafras albidum). Prior to entering situations in which one will assuredly be under spiritual attack, a Balneum of Sassafras Leaves will provide a protective armour. Use 40 grams of the dried leaves steeped in 1 litre of boiling water for 45 minutes, or better still, knead 80 leaves in 3 litres of cold water. The bark is also efficacious; decoct 20 grams in 750 millilitres of water for 20 minutes. Avoid the Essential Oil for all but the most powerful Asperges.
Spruce (Picea spp.). A strong decoction of 75 grams of the fresh, pulverized shoots may be added to the hot water of the Balneum; in this way the Genius of the plant will especially grant the powers of Illumination. Such baths with Spruce are naturally balancing to the body's streams of power, and stimulate the nerves. Virtuous floor-washes can be brewed with Branches of Spruce for purifying funerary rites, keeping the ghost of the deceased from lingering. In Sweden, Spruce needles are placed as a Ward outside a church to keep trolls away. The fresh leaves, chopped and beaten, may be drown'd in Perfumer's Alcohol for one lunation, yielding an Emerald Essence of great savour to the Nose and Spirit. The beneficence of this Philtre where routing septic spiritual matter is concern'd is readily demonstrated. Strong infusions or decoctions of Spruce, also excel as asperges prior to collective works of magic.
Tobacco (Nicotiana spp.). Decoctions or infusions of varying strengths may be used. The chief powers lent are the attraction of Beneficent Spirits, the type of which may be of aid in all manner of sorcery, but particularly those imparting informations from the depths of the Astral Well; or those promoting the increase of Wealth. Those bearing the Arms of the Warrior are advised that one may also conjure, with Our Good Leaf, the principalities resonant with the acts of Conquest and Acquisition, or Mars in Good Favour with Saturn. For ablutions, the preferr'd method is to employ 65 grams of the fresh leaves, knead'd in 2 litres of cold water, steeping for half an hour, then employ'd in a cold bath.
Valerian (Valeriana officianalis). A strong decoction of the fragrant, chopped Root may be employed for a Purification or Relaxation bath. Use 20 grams of the dried Root to 750 millilitres of water, simmered for 20 minutes. If, by the good graces of the spirits, the plant dwells within thy Medicine Garden, there is no more pleasant a Root-Bath than that freshest radix given us by Valeriana; 33 grams, mashed well, infused into a 450 millilitres of hot water, and a similar amount infused in cold water, adding both to the bath.
Vervain ( Verbena spp.). A certain folk potion of Old known as Juno's Tears was made from Vervain steeped in water; the resulting extraction was used for house-cleansing, and possessed an uncanny aptitude for chasing Noxious Spirits. When the fresh plant is employ'd, a quantity of flowering tops in the amount of 30 grams should be used, well-steeped in 800 millilitres of boiling water for half an hour. The herb merchant generally sells Vervain in its dried form, the Leaf being cut and sifted, but with blossoms absent. Of dried Vervain, use 45 grams in a litre of boiling water, steeped 30 minutes.
Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium spp.). A fragrant plant of the Sunflower kin, Our Herb makes a fine restorative Balneum. 50 grams of the plant, with fresh, flowering tops preferred, steeped in one and one half litres of boiling water for the space of 20 minutes, creates an ablution that aids in helping the Flights of Mind achieve concrescence. In accordance, this bath is esteemed for divination, wherein Spirit becomes flesh in the form of a Hallow'd Sign. All Artemisia species are hallowed unto Lilith, and especially Dragon Worwmood (Artemisia dracunculus), known to the vulgar as Tarragon. According to lore, this plant sprouted on the ground trodden by the Crafty Old Serpent after he was expel- I'd from the Garden. Dragon Wormwood and Absinthe Wormwood are both appropriate herbs for dedicatory baths unto Liliya.”
‘5: Of The Balneum Sagax’
Ars Philtron:
Concerning the Aqueous Cunning of the Potion and its Praxis in the Green Arte Magical
by Daniel A. Schulke
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mcmusing · 3 years
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And now, for a rant years in the making....
The longest thing I've ever written began because X-Men First Class was such a well-acted breath of fresh air. The dynamic between Charles, Raven, and Erik really captivated and inspired me. Enough to create an ongoing series that has had more good years than bad.
Unfortunately, starting with Days of Future Past, FC's legacy was sacrificed to the creatively bankrupt egos of the very production team that ruined the X-Men film series in the first place. This, along with the misandry/racism disguised as empowerment/diversity plaguing modern media, torpedoed what could have been an amazing series. James McAvoy pulled off the impossible by cementing himself as an iconic Charles Xavier on par with Patrick Stewart. After years of Ian McKellen's hammy one-dimensional villainy, the God's gift to acting that is Michael Fassbender emerged as the definitive Erik Lehnsherr. In Jennifer Lawrence's casting as Raven, the producers took an asinine, fanfic-esque concept like making Mystique Charles' adopted little sister and pulled it off so unbelievably beautifully. Despite their limited screentime, Alex, Hank, and Sean displayed more personality and likeability than any depiction of Jean and Storm across multiple films. However, moronic Brian Singer and Simon Kinberg could not wait to destroy all of FC's good will for their own agendas.
James McAvoy portrayed Charles as spirited and slightly mischievous yet highly intelligent, altruistic, nurturing, and self-sacrificing. Then the sequels tried in forced desperation to paint him as an overbearing, elitist misogynist and the one responsible for Raven and Jean's destructive abuse of power. Even though all he did was give them a home, make difficult choices in order to protect them and others, and brought both of them onto his team due to his personal relationships and trust in them. Because women are so strong and capable except when it comes to taking responsibility for their horrible choices. No, human flaws are strictly of the Y chromosome. Charles has been abandoned his entire life, received no real support, had his body and mind mangled because of his 'best friend', yet puts everyone before himself and always forgives the undeserving. Still, the producers and equally idiotic fandom reduces him to a spoiled white male with no concept of pain or hardship.
Through extensive research and dedication, Michael Fassbender put more into portraying Erik than, quite possibly, any actor taking on a comic book role. Erik is so worldly intelligent, handsome, sauve, and masculine to alpha levels, but with a pained vulnerability about him. FC is the ONLY film to paint him in this light. According to the sequels, Erik completely abandoned the friend/brother he crippled, couldn't hold his own team together for even a year, got captured by regular humans- the strategic nazi hunter got captured by REGULAR humans for ten years, betrayed his friends who freed him at the first opportunity, took no responsibility for the unforgivable things he did to Charles, abandoned his pregnant lover, almost ruined the lives of mutants everywhere by attempting a terrorist attack on TV, then ran off with his tail between his legs once thwarted. And that was only DoFP. In the next movies, he gave up his mutant identity completely, married a regular woman two seconds after declaring war on regular humans, was a pitiful excuse for a father who couldn't train his ONE mutant child to control her powers, got his family killed by his own past actions, then went on a murder spree with a lunatic that resulted in Charles' torture, Alex's death, and the destruction of the school- with the students being saved only by Peter's coincidental presence. I'm not even going to talk about that stupid phoenix movie. My blood pressure is already to the ceiling. No wonder Michael Fassbender grew to hate his character.
Speaking of hating their own character, even Jennifer Lawrence doesn't like how the warm, familial relationship between Raven and Charles deteriorated into something so cold and bitter. Raven abandoning her devoted brother is not only never properly addressed but the sequels want to pretend like it's Charles' fault they're estranged. Raven spends their every scene being a hostile, rude ingrate towards him right up until she's killed by that monotone wet rag they call Jean. Charles is willing to sacrifice his own life multiple times for Raven but she shows more regard for her attempted murderer Erik. So, I suppose the feminist message is that a protective, peace seeking, reasonable man is too controlling and toxic but a violent, unhinged, homicidal man is worthy to be praised. That phoenix movie sure thought so, considering they completely demolished Hank McCoy.
These movies also have no care or concern for life itself. The hellfire club slaughtered an entire facility full of people and killed Darwin yet Erik and Raven jumped to join them. Then, we're supposed to care that those monsters are dead by DoFP. Meanwhile, Sean and Alex's deaths are glossed over but Raven's is supposed to be tragic and meaningful.
That brings up yet another problem with this cursed series. Mutation is supposed to be an allegory for various prosecuted groups. The producers really wanted the live action mutants to be lgbt stand-ins. I can't even begin with how insulting that is. So, Magneto's the face of the gays, huh? Meaning if other people do anything but pledge absolute loyalty to that  lifestyle, gays will react with violence and destruction, willing to kill anyone- even their own-, who gets in their way. Also, those who believe the lgbt lifestyle will lead to inevitable chaos are proven right by X-Men execs. Mutants have caused massacres of government officials, killed their own family members during uncontrolled rages, and nearly doomed the planet too many times to count. This is what gays relate to? This?! This infantilized depiction as sadistic megalomaniacs?!
Overall, FC- as engaging as it was- is a mere anomaly in the grand scheme of the X-Movies. A dour, joyless, soulless catastrophe of unforgivable discontinuity, underdeveloped characters, multiple horrid actors, outrageous missed opportunities, and nonexistence ethics with a transparent, hypocritical agenda.
I started my fic in 2011 as a way of addressing the growing racial upheaval going on in the US at the time. Ten years later and things are infinitely worse than anything I could have predicted back then. There are no intelligent conversations to be had nor heroes to look up to. The entire entertainment industry has become a battleground for the war of identity politics. Not even just fandoms arguing amongst themselves but also Hollywood creators taking the time to be aggressively insulting and dismissive of their own fans. The flames of hatred are being fanned and everyone seems so blind to it.
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roswellnmsource · 3 years
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Michael Trevino Talks The CW’s ‘Roswell, New Mexico’
So first off, what was your reaction to finding out you’d be doing that time jump this season? Michael Trevino: For Kyle, I think jumping — I mean yeah, time has passed, right? And I think whenever you start a new season, we always ask that. We’re like, “Well, how much time has passed? Where are we starting from? Has as my character been here, been there?” So this is one of those seasons where yes, time has passed, kind of a restart, reboot and it’s fresh. I think our first episodes were showing people in their different dynamics and kind of briefly alluded to what they’ve been up to, and that’s always nice.
I had the chance to see episode nine early and really enjoyed it. What can you preview for the fans about what this episode has in store for them? I feel that episode nine is a turning point for Kyle. Kyle, as we all know, is there for everybody, whenever he can be. He seems to be the one that they go to. He’s always putting out fires, I keep saying that but it’s true. Whenever there’s a problem, Kyle’s there for you. And I think this episode is kind of where — not that he’s reached a limit, but it’s taken a toll on him and we get a very frustrated, little angsty Kyle for good reason, I feel. I think that that frustration is a bit earned after everything, but we are going to find out in 3×09, as we’ve been finding out, a bit more about who Jim Valenti was, who was Kyle’s father, who is Eduardo, what is Deep Sky about, and it’s going to kind of jumpstart Kyle for the rest of the season. It’s a big episode for him because he finally makes a decision on, “Okay, enough is enough. This is how I feel about this and this is what we’re doing next.”
How was it for you to play with that sort of stroyline as an actor? As you said, it is such an important point for him. Well, I gotta be honest, I just saw the episode and I’m coming in hot! I’m coming in real hot and in the moment I didn’t think it was that hot, but damn, we’re there. And so I think it’s fine because I get a lot of feedback, which is great, that Kyle is such a good guy and “I like his character, he’s there for everybody.” That’s nice, right? So I feel like after three seasons of that, to see Kyle a bit over it with what’s going on and everything that he’s being told, new information, more new information, I think it works. For me, you try to find those moments of like, “Okay, can I keep being there for everybody,” or at some point I’m going to be like, “Okay, I’m done,” right? Or “I can only do this much.” He’s never going to turn his back on people, but in this episode we see him a little frustrated.
Fans love the show, what does it mean to you when you go on social media or meet fans in person and hear their response to your work? It’s great. It’s a beautiful feeling because we’re currently filming season four and that’s rare for a series to really last that long, to build these characters, and to still have these interesting storylines. So, to know that people are still engaged in these characters and the story that we’re telling, they’re still tuning in, it’s nice. What makes it even more special this season is because we’re watching season three right now, but we’re currently at the same time filming season four. Through the scheduling it just worked out that way, but it’s almost instant feedback and it’s also an instant reminder of “Okay, where have we been? What have we done?” So we feel closer to the story, which is great for us as actors, but sometimes it’s not that way. You’ll see something and be like, “Oh yeah, we shot that a year ago. Where am I coming from? Where are we headed,” and you want to track these stories but right now I’m just thankful for everybody that’s continuing to watch and who’s invested in these characters.
The show was picked up for a season four ahead of season three even premiering, which was so amazing to see. What was your reaction when you heard the news? I was genuinely surprised because usually you don’t get a pickup until at least the season has aired or the season is four or five episodes in, but I guess because in the year COVID and the delay, the network was able to see all these episodes and see the ones that we’ve done already. It’s great feedback. I think that we have something special happening here in Santa Fe, New Mexico with this crew, this cast, and our writers back in LA, who are back to visiting us on set per their episode. Everybody’s still invested. It’s a great feeling because we’re all here, we’re happy to be here, grateful to be telling these stories and working, and we’d like to continue.
What has been your favorite storyline of the season so far that fans have already seen? I think — okay, well, to answer that on what we’ve already seen, I did like and enjoy the scenes with Kyle and Michael. Those were fun to shoot. I get along great with Mr. Michael Vlamis and it’s always fun to be in scenes with him because, as we know, Michael Guerin is a bit of a wild card. With that, Mr. Michael Vlamis on the day is able to be a little bit unpredictable and I like that. I like performing with him and feeding off of what he’s bringing. He always keeps it fresh and new in each take. So, I like those scenes with him
I know you can’t tell me too much, but what can you tease about the rest of season three? The rest of season three, I feel now that Jones is really flexing on us, we have this bit of the Avengers assembling right in Roswell, like everybody having to come together, everybody has a job, and it’s to really take care of Jones and get him out of here. So I think that’s really what the rest of these episodes are going to be about.
I love that metaphor you did. It’s perfect. It really is because it’s like from season one to season three, we’re all separate. Now, it’s like, “Okay, we have to join forces to handle this guy.” And that’s what we’re gonna see.
You filmed season three with the COVID pandemic and now you’re filming season four with those safety precautions since the pandemic is still going on. What did it feel like for you to wrap season three with those circumstances, but then also come back for season four? Well, I have to give it to our producers, really, because everybody in the world had to pivot. We all had to make changes in our lives and I think the changes that have been made to keep everybody — crew, catering, casting, post production, accounting, whoever — safe on set, there’s been some different rules and it’s kept everybody safe. I’m proud to say we didn’t have to shut down once in season three. Unfortunately, there’s other productions that had to, but up here in Santa Fe, no. We were just lucky or we followed the rules, I don’t know but we were great and we were able to keep to our schedule, not have to shut down, and now we’re back for season four and we know what to expect. So things are running smoothly and there hasn’t been any problem. I’m just happy, glad, and grateful that we’re able to still tell the stories.
What is your personal favorite dynamic (friendship or relationship) when it comes to Kyle? I’m going to say that I want to see more Kyle and Isobel. I think that Isobel brings out a different side of Kyle whenever they’re in scenes or have interactions with one another. I’d like to lean more into that storyline for whatever it may be, I just want them to have more interaction because I think Kyle acts a different way around her. She’s just such a big ball of energy, so I think that would be fantastic and I would want to see more of that.
I know you’re probably not going to be able to give me too much on this, but I have to ask you, what was your reaction when you read the scripts for season four? Well, my reaction is a kind of going off of my last answer, Kyle ends up having more storyline with Isobel and it’s nice to see that play out. And so far, it’s been refreshing to see them in scenes together. I will tease this: so far in season four, the scenes that are with Kyle and Isobel have a comedic feeling to them. I feel like their scenes are fun and funny to shoot, but there’s a comedic element to it.
Is there any other show that you are personally a fan of and would like to see Roswell, New Mexico do a crossover with? Oh damn, that’s a great question. Off the top of my head, we’re gonna have a Roswell, New Mexico and The X-Files crossover event. This episode is going to air right after the Super Bowl and millions of people are going to watch it. It’s going to be Scully and Mulder pulling up to Roswell, New Mexico and Kyle will be there to greet them.
Is there a memory that sticks out to you as a memorable moment from filming season three? Oh gosh, it’s our season finale, it has to be our season finale. I can’t give away too much, but like I said about as far as Avengers assembling, it’s those scenes when we’re all on set together. It’s the season finale, we’re in Santa Fe in the middle of February and March, it’s freezing, it’s like 10 degrees outside, we’re getting the exterior night shoots that we need, and we’re all in. It’s not even just the cast, it’s the crew, it’s everybody. We’re just trying to get the final shot done of the season and we are working against all the elements. It’s a bit chaotic but it’s organized — organized chaos, that’s what it is. Those feelings are you got to get the job done and that’s what we do. I mean, we all know Jones is the big bad and everybody’s gonna have to get involved to take care of him and we see that in our last episode. Those scenes are really fun to shoot. They were challenging but I think it’s gonna come together well and it’ll be a strong finish for us.
If you could create a tagline or a phrase of your own to describe Kyle as a character, what would you pick? Kyle Valenti: I’m there if you need me.
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gra-sonas · 3 years
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So first off, what was your reaction to finding out you’d be doing that time jump this season? Michael Trevino: For Kyle, I think jumping — I mean yeah, time has passed, right? And I think whenever you start a new season, we always ask that. We’re like, “Well, how much time has passed? Where are we starting from? Has as my character been here, been there?” So this is one of those seasons where yes, time has passed, kind of a restart, reboot and it’s fresh. I think our first episodes were showing people in their different dynamics and kind of briefly alluded to what they’ve been up to, and that’s always nice.
I had the chance to see episode nine early and really enjoyed it. What can you preview for the fans about what this episode has in store for them? Michael Trevino: I feel that episode nine is a turning point for Kyle. Kyle, as we all know, is there for everybody, whenever he can be. He seems to be the one that they go to. He’s always putting out fires, I keep saying that but it’s true. Whenever there’s a problem, Kyle’s there for you. And I think this episode is kind of where — not that he’s reached a limit, but it’s taken a toll on him and we get a very frustrated, little angsty Kyle for good reason, I feel. I think that that frustration is a bit earned after everything, but we are going to find out in 3×09, as we’ve been finding out, a bit more about who Jim Valenti was, who was Kyle’s father, who is Eduardo, what is Deep Sky about, and it’s going to kind of jumpstart Kyle for the rest of the season. It’s a big episode for him because he finally makes a decision on, “Okay, enough is enough. This is how I feel about this and this is what we’re doing next.”
How was it for you to play with that sort of stroyline as an actor? As you said, it is such an important point for him. Michael Trevino: Well, I gotta be honest, I just saw the episode and I’m coming in hot! I’m coming in real hot and in the moment I didn’t think it was that hot, but damn, we’re there. And so I think it’s fine because I get a lot of feedback, which is great, that Kyle is such a good guy and “I like his character, he’s there for everybody.” That’s nice, right? So I feel like after three seasons of that, to see Kyle a bit over it with what’s going on and everything that he’s being told, new information, more new information, I think it works. For me, you try to find those moments of like, “Okay, can I keep being there for everybody,” or at some point I’m going to be like, “Okay, I’m done,” right? Or “I can only do this much.” He’s never going to turn his back on people, but in this episode we see him a little frustrated.
Fans love the show, what does it mean to you when you go on social media or meet fans in person and hear their response to your work? Michael Trevino: It’s great. It’s a beautiful feeling because we’re currently filming season four and that’s rare for a series to really last that long, to build these characters, and to still have these interesting storylines. So, to know that people are still engaged in these characters and the story that we’re telling, they’re still tuning in, it’s nice. What makes it even more special this season is because we’re watching season three right now, but we’re currently at the same time filming season four. Through the scheduling it just worked out that way, but it’s almost instant feedback and it’s also an instant reminder of “Okay, where have we been? What have we done?” So we feel closer to the story, which is great for us as actors, but sometimes it’s not that way. You’ll see something and be like, “Oh yeah, we shot that a year ago. Where am I coming from? Where are we headed,” and you want to track these stories but right now I’m just thankful for everybody that’s continuing to watch and who’s invested in these characters.
The show was picked up for a season four ahead of season three even premiering, which was so amazing to see. What was your reaction when you heard the news? Michael Trevino: I was genuinely surprised because usually you don’t get a pickup until at least the season has aired or the season is four or five episodes in, but I guess because in the year COVID and the delay, the network was able to see all these episodes and see the ones that we’ve done already. It’s great feedback. I think that we have something special happening here in Santa Fe, New Mexico with this crew, this cast, and our writers back in LA, who are back to visiting us on set per their episode. Everybody’s still invested. It’s a great feeling because we’re all here, we’re happy to be here, grateful to be telling these stories and working, and we’d like to continue.
What has been your favorite storyline of the season so far that fans have already seen? Michael Trevino: I think — okay, well, to answer that on what we’ve already seen, I did like and enjoy the scenes with Kyle and Michael. Those were fun to shoot. I get along great with Mr. Michael Vlamis and it’s always fun to be in scenes with him because, as we know, Michael Guerin is a bit of a wild card. With that, Mr. Michael Vlamis on the day is able to be a little bit unpredictable and I like that. I like performing with him and feeding off of what he’s bringing. He always keeps it fresh and new in each take. So, I like those scenes with him
I know you can’t tell me too much, but what can you tease about the rest of season three? Michael Trevino: The rest of season three, I feel now that Jones is really flexing on us, we have this bit of the Avengers assembling right in Roswell, like everybody having to come together, everybody has a job, and it’s to really take care of Jones and get him out of here. So I think that’s really what the rest of these episodes are going to be about.
I love that metaphor you did. It’s perfect. Michael Trevino: It really is because it’s like from season one to season three, we’re all separate. Now, it’s like, “Okay, we have to join forces to handle this guy.” And that’s what we’re gonna see.
You filmed season three with the COVID pandemic and now you’re filming season four with those safety precautions since the pandemic is still going on. What did it feel like for you to wrap season three with those circumstances, but then also come back for season four? Michael Trevino: Well, I have to give it to our producers, really, because everybody in the world had to pivot. We all had to make changes in our lives and I think the changes that have been made to keep everybody — crew, catering, casting, post production, accounting, whoever — safe on set, there’s been some different rules and it’s kept everybody safe. I’m proud to say we didn’t have to shut down once in season three. Unfortunately, there’s other productions that had to, but up here in Santa Fe, no. We were just lucky or we followed the rules, I don’t know but we were great and we were able to keep to our schedule, not have to shut down, and now we’re back for season four and we know what to expect. So things are running smoothly and there hasn’t been any problem. I’m just happy, glad, and grateful that we’re able to still tell the stories.
What is your personal favorite dynamic (friendship or relationship) when it comes to Kyle? Michael Trevino: I’m going to say that I want to see more Kyle and Isobel. I think that Isobel brings out a different side of Kyle whenever they’re in scenes or have interactions with one another. I’d like to lean more into that storyline for whatever it may be, I just want them to have more interaction because I think Kyle acts a different way around her. She’s just such a big ball of energy, so I think that would be fantastic and I would want to see more of that.
I know you’re probably not going to be able to give me too much on this, but I have to ask you, what was your reaction when you read the scripts for season four? Michael Trevino: Well, my reaction is a kind of going off of my last answer, Kyle ends up having more storyline with Isobel and it’s nice to see that play out. And so far, it’s been refreshing to see them in scenes together. I will tease this: so far in season four, the scenes that are with Kyle and Isobel have a comedic feeling to them. I feel like their scenes are fun and funny to shoot, but there’s a comedic element to it.
Is there any other show that you are personally a fan of and would like to see Roswell, New Mexico do a crossover with? Michael Trevino: Oh damn, that’s a great question. Off the top of my head, we’re gonna have a Roswell, New Mexico and The X-Files crossover event. This episode is going to air right after the Super Bowl and millions of people are going to watch it. It’s going to be Scully and Mulder pulling up to Roswell, New Mexico and Kyle will be there to greet them.
Is there a memory that sticks out to you as a memorable moment from filming season three? Michael Trevino: Oh gosh, it’s our season finale, it has to be our season finale. I can’t give away too much, but like I said about as far as Avengers assembling, it’s those scenes when we’re all on set together. It’s the season finale, we’re in Santa Fe in the middle of February and March, it’s freezing, it’s like 10 degrees outside, we’re getting the exterior night shoots that we need, and we’re all in. It’s not even just the cast, it’s the crew, it’s everybody. We’re just trying to get the final shot done of the season and we are working against all the elements. It’s a bit chaotic but it’s organized — organized chaos, that’s what it is. Those feelings are you got to get the job done and that’s what we do. I mean, we all know Jones is the big bad and everybody’s gonna have to get involved to take care of him and we see that in our last episode. Those scenes are really fun to shoot. They were challenging but I think it’s gonna come together well and it’ll be a strong finish for us.
If you could create a tagline or a phrase of your own to describe Kyle as a character, what would you pick? Michael Trevino: Kyle Valenti: I’m there if you need me.
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