#unfortunately Twst doesn’t care about me
nami-moittli · 4 months
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Either it’s a typo or it’s a mistake based on the Japanese pronunciation of his name
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But either way, it’s a typo and I RAN to make fun of it lmao
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dystopyx-blog · 12 days
Bro I think so hard about being in TWST without meds but specifically with Floyd. The way he just, doesn't care. You're tired? Awww how sad, he wants to play with his favorite shrimpy. You think he doesn't care at all until you hurt yourself and suddenly he's shackled to your side.
I just got like brain blasted by the SH post due to my own spiraling and like tjis idea alone has given me so much comfort
bro Floyd comfort…. I mean he is literally a comfort character for me, if it isn’t obvious lol. I’m really really glad I could give you some comfort! Genuinely, that gives ME comfort. Especially since my yandere twst posts are also meant to give me comfort, so the fact they do the same for others warms my heart.
It’s so surprising the first time Floyd comforts you. He approaches you, going “hey hey hey, what’s the matter with shrimpy? :(“ and you try to tell him it’s nothing. “Ain’t nothin’ if it got shrimpy sad. Tell me what’s wrong.” And to your surprise he sits and listens. And he’s a good listener, at least for you in that specific moment. He doesn’t interrupt, he doesn’t make fun of you, he sits there and hums to let you know he’s listening. You find yourself spilling everything to him, it’s surprisingly easy to. Maybe you shouldn’t have, maybe he’ll just use it all against you in the future, who fucking cares, this is what you need right now. For a second you wonder if this is actually Jade using Shock the Heart on you somehow. But no, it’s Floyd. A seemingly very out of character Floyd? After pouring your heart out to him, he hits you with a sympathetic stare. “Damn, shrimpy,” he says, “that really sucks…”
Then he gets up and you assume, that’s it, he’s gonna leave me here now. But he offers you a hand and a grin. “C’mon Shrimpy, I’m gonna cheer you up.” ‘And he will try his damndest to do just that, taking you all over campus to find something to lift your spirits. But really, the very process of hanging out with him and watching him try to find something to do with you is enough to have you smiling. You end up in the Mostro Lounge, Floyd promising to get ya whatever you want. Unfortunately, Jade is the one to take your order, which means, of course, you’re subject to his needling. But then Floyd shoos him away. And later, when Azul himself appears at your table, hoping to get his suckers on useful information, Floyd glares at him and tells him to leave you alone. “Great Seven, why can’t anyone just leave us alone? Cant they see I’m tryna spend time with my shrimpy?” And maybe you don’t realize it at the time, still so caught off guard from what seemed to be a total flip in personality, but he meant it when he called you his shrimpy. If you were anyone else, he wouldn’t have given a fuck, it’s only because you were you that Floyd was at all invested in your feelings. Cuz everything about his shrimpy is interesting and entertaining. That’s why they’re his. You notice Floyd hangs out with you a lot more after that, stuck to your side like glue. He’s awful for ADD considering his sudden swings in mood. You get distracted, but it’s even worse with him because once he’s in the mood to do something he just does it. So you’ll be trying to focus on work, and he’ll be there because he’s basically always with you at this point, and he suddenly decides you two have to go do this random thing right now. It’s the same when you’re in depressions, too, he’ll drag you along. It’s surprisingly helpful, though. It’s hard to be bored with Floyd, which makes sense considering how much he hates being bored. So even without your antidepressants… well, at least you have Floyd Leech??
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sharkboywrites · 1 year
Can you do twst vice wardens (pls replace lilia with silver and ortho with ace) with a male reader that has a habit of not telling people about his various health problems. He has a whole iron deficiency and doesn’t tell anyone until he passes out in the middle of the hallway.
In the middle of a conversation he'll just drop an "Oh, my headaches going down" "you have a headache?" And such.
"You what?!"
A/N: Hiii so sorry it keeps taking me forever to get to requests. I've been gone for a good amount of the summer on trips and stuff. I'm also dealing with some personal things. I made post about it, but for whatever reason it hasn't been seen. Anyways this request is so me, I'm either bothering people about my problems or literally never telling them to the point where it's concerning. I don't really talk about it but I do have some physical heath problems, so this feels nice for me to write.
Male reader, he/him pronouns used, author put his own health issues in just because, headaches, low iron, knee problems, heart problems.
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Trey Clover
Trey is a very attentive older brother type, it would be very hard to hide something being wrong from him
But somehow you did
After all, with low iron, you never really know somethings wrong until you stand up
The two of you were relaxing after a lot of baking
Knowing there was an unbirthday party coming up, you decided to help him out
Unfortunately, you did over exert yourself quite a bit
You definitely felt off, but you decided it was fine and that it would probably go away
while the two of you were sitting down and talking, drinking some water, the timer went off
You went to get up and take the treats out of the oven when
uh oh
for a bit your head felt fuzzy, and you went down
To say Trey freaked out was an understatement
He really thought that you died for a minute
after getting you up and sitting you back down in your chair, he got the treats out of the oven himself
Once everything was settled and he made sure you were okay, you got a very lengthy lecture about taking care of yourself and telling people when you don't feel well
After this he gets very protective over you, constantly checking that you're okay and if you need anything
great job, you've activated the "big brother" part of Trey
Ruggie Bucchi
Ruggie could probably sense that something was wrong with you
Was he going to address it if you didn't say anything? no.
Listen, it's not that he doesn't care about you, it's just that he doesn't want to make extra work for himself
But don't worry, he ends up regretting that decision
When you're laying on your desk in pain
He stops and doesn't know what to do for a hot minute
And then he's off
He's running around the school trying to get what might help you
Water, food, pain meds
You want it? He's on his way to get it
He feels really bad about it later, please assure him
he'll get mad at you if you admit that it's common for you to never actually teel people you're in pain
He's also paranoid from now on
He'll constantly carry ibuprofen on him just in case and is very vigilant of your body language
he's worried about you
Don't scare him like that again please he can't take it
Jade Leech
It was really just a normal day
going to classes, trying to stay awake during lessons, and getting pestered by at least one of the eel twins
While having a nice talk with jade, something started to feel off
your chest felt weird
It didn't hurt per say, but it felt like it was racing
Having heart issues, you immediately knew what was wrong
Jade watched with a curious look as you took your water bottle and took a drink
He questioned if you were alright, and you told him what was wrong
With a calm look on his face, he immediately takes action
Your brought back to the mostro lounge and told to wait patiently as Jade disappeared for a few minutes
He later came back with a small meal for you and more water
He assured you that it had plenty of salt in it to help your heart's hard work and told you to take it easy
Now that he's aware of your situation, he's extra attentive
He may know somethings wrong before you do at this rate
And don't worry, he never doubts you or thinks you're dramatic if you ever tell him somethin may be wrong
Also has liquid i.v ready if you ever need it
He's now the number one person to go to when you're having issues
Jamil Viper
Parties can be overstimulating
So it's unfortunate that Kalim throws one almost every day
After an hour or two, Jamil thankfully found a less crazy sport for the two of you to sit
The two of you talked for a bit, enjoying the upbeat atmosphere
Halfway through talking, your head started to feel fuzzy, but you decided to brush it off and that it would probably go away eventually
Then Kalim called the two of you over
You couldn't figure out what he wanted you for, but the two of you got up anyway
When you stood up, the fuzziness in your head hit ten times harder, and you went down
Thankfully Jamil, with his quick reflexes, was able to catch you just in time
after assuring you were okay, albeit a bit panicked, you admitted you knew something was wrong, but decided to not say anything
And that's the story of how you got scolded by Jamil about taking care of yourself and telling people when something was wrong
He's much more on edge when the two of you spend time together from now on
He's constantly pestering you about how you feel, while trying (failing) to hide his genuine concern
Don't tease him about it, please
Rook Hunt
Lets be honest now, did you really think you could hide something from Rook?
Getting it away from trey? believable. Rook? Absolutely not
He is vigilant, nothing gets past him
Even when you think he's not around, he is watching and he will know something is wrong
And the second he realizes your head hurts, he is all over you
Like showering you in concern and affection 24/7
if you were planning on keeping it from him, too bad
He's not giving you the chance
Really, he's treating you like royalty
You're in bed all day, dim lights, water, and any snacks you want
And he's not taking no for an answer
he's an extravagant man, what else were you expecting?
And from now on, he'll constantly be checking up on you
In the most dramatic way possible
He'll gently grab your shoulders and ask if you're okay
And if you aren't he'll grab your hands and with the most dramatic display, be so distressed for you and also praise you for being "so brave"
Such a dramatic man, really, but a dramatic man who's worried for you
Ace Trappola
Joining basketball with the boys sounds like so much fun, right?
Not really
Especially not when you've got a whole lotta knee pain
But it's alright, just power through it, as most people say
However most people don't realize that that's a bad idea
And unfortunately, you are most people
Forgetting your knee braces sure is unfortunate, although you thought it would be fine
It was not
Especially not when Ace decided to pull an "ankle breaker" on you
And it did just that
But with your knee caps
Listen, Ace may be a total jerk, but hearing a loud pop and then seeing you collapse...
He couldn't help but feel at least a little bad
But limping over to the bench you assured him that you were okay
Once sitting down, you took a deep breath and
another pop
And right back into place
And now you terrify him
This is something you can hold over his head at the slightest moment he starts to be a brat
Him doing the regular teasing? "Remember when you popped my kneecap out of place?"
Don't ever let him live this down
Unlike other characters on this list, it is so easy to keep something from Silver
It's not that he doesn't care, he's just very tired
But once he fins out that you've had a massive migraine this whole time, he feels so bad
he offers to get you anything you need
And once you're all settled, he looks so guilty
He may start to wallow if you don't stop him
Please stop him
Please assure him that it's not his fault
He really feels bad for not noticing earlier
Afterwards, he makes it clear that you need to tell him when you don't feel good
He also tries to be a lot more attentive from now on
He just feels so bad
This is where you both decided to work on communication skills
From now on, please tell him when you feel bad
he's worried for you :(
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I'm finally back yaaay, but I took forever on this. i procrastinate so bad I'm sorry. I threw in my own physical problems too, hope y'all don't mind. ty for reading and gave a nice day :)
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ryuichirou · 16 days
This is an out there question but out of the cast of twst which characters can you picture becoming serial murderers? If so, what type (i.e lust killer, power/control etc…) and how would the murders be (planned, clinical, ritualistic, etc.)
Sorry for the screwed up question and feel free to not answer if it makes you uncomfortable. I just have an interest in criminology so I’m weird that way :/
Anon! It took so long for me to finally write this post, but I’ve been excited about your prompt ever since you sent it lol Screwed up questions are always a joy to come up with answers to with this cast, so I hope I managed to write something that was worth waiting for.
I’ll also note that we do have a hc list about twst boys murdering for the first time, and while I won’t reference this post here too much, some of the ideas for this post feel like a continuation/result of the unfortunate circumstances some of the characters found themselves in that first post. I also feel like some of these boys don’t fit the role very much, but I’ll mention it when I write about them!
That being said, let’s profile these assholes~
Riddle – pretty easy one: he’d be someone who sentences people to death for disobeying the law, so technically his Unique Magic thing but more aggressive. There are actually a bunch of options for him; it could literally be him abusing Off With Your Head, or he could end up being a judge or a prosecutor who has a reputation of sentencing people to death a lot… Of course, he would feel like it’s justified, and sometimes it would really be justified by an actual law, but I would still technically call him a serial murderer for that lol But if he isn’t in any way related to law or authority and ends up being a doctor, he could still abuse his power there and kill off those who he considers to be criminals. To be completely honest though, I don’t think Riddle is super likely to end up like this, but if he does it once, he might struggle with guilt and double down on this kind of just punishment super hard.
Ace – I don’t think he would do end up being a serial killer unless his circumstances force him to. I see him as someone who could get in huge trouble when he gets older, like shady stuff with creditors for example, but he still wouldn’t want to take someone else’s life. Still, if it’s either you or the guy who came to steal your kidneys to sell them, you’ll end up cutting the guy’s throat with a knife given a chance, and then escape. What would make Ace a serial murderer is that he would have to kill off a bunch of guys to be completely “free”. So I guess he’s fighting for his own freedom by actually reaping the fruits of his own mistakes.
Deuce – he would either kill someone on accident and then either run forever or turn himself to the police (hence not becoming a serial killer) or actually in a weird twist of fate become someone who is a vigilante of sorts. Deuce might actually end up thinking that this is his only way to pay for his missteps as a young delinquent. Of course, Deuce doesn’t really want to kill, and at first he would spare everyone, believing that they would learn their lesson, but after that time he’ll think that he has no other choice. He could do it with delinquent gangs, or, if he works for the police, he’d do it with actual criminals. But he would still have some principles – he would only kill those who ended someone else’s life, or at least did something very horrible.
Trey – there he is, our first “killing to protect someone” guy! The worst version of Trey would probably go very far trying to protect Riddle from those who try to overthrow him, or even give him any kind of critique. He knows that this is wrong, but this is the choice he made: the first murder would be very justified in his head, very forced and necessary, but after that point he’d just go further and further down the rabbit hole. He would be very careful about it though, and no one would suspect him for a very long time. He wouldn’t poison anyone with food, that’s too obvious, but he would definitely use his scientific knowledge.
Cater – there was one guy who moved a lot and changed a lot of schools and was unhappy with his family life that ended up trying to blow up a school to feel anything because we live in a society (yes JD from Heathers), so my go-to is to think that there is this worm in Cater’s head that sometimes tells him to do something horrible, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that he would blow up NRC lol You know, maybe it’s more of an American Psycho situation. No one would ever think that I am the one doing it even though I am not even hiding it very well, so I continue doing it. Or something? To be honest, I’m 50/50 on that one.
Leona – he doesn’t have any big ideas and he definitely isn’t forced to do it, and knowing Leona’s luck, he probably wouldn’t be able to pull off an American Psycho situation either. Even if Falena covers up his crimes, it wouldn’t really help Leona gain anything, so it doesn’t make much sense… I think if Leona starts killing people off left and right, he would mostly do it out of boredom and frustration.
Ruggie – he would work as someone who cares for elderly, but only the rich ones, and then would poison them little by little over a long period of time by adjusting their dosage of medicine. He would pick grandpas and grandmas who have turbulent relationship with their kids, and then somehow frame the kids for the death, getting a bunch of money from the deal. This is just one thing Ruggie could do for money though; of course he prefers to work within the system and work hard And smart, but he is also perfectly aware that the system is rotten and someone is going to take advantage of that. And that someone might as well be him~
Jack – another vigilante, but if Deuce hunts down criminals, Jack would hunt down those who work within the system and are the reason it’s rotting. So corrupt policemen, rich assholes, even very powerful people: those who are making things worse for others in Jack’s own mind (he has his own idea of justice…) are his targets. He also really wants to be calm, clean and collected about it, but I also see him as someone whose emotions would take over, and he wouldn’t stop even after the guy is already dead.
Azul – either power or pettiness, or ideally both – Azul loves to multitask, after all. Killing some guy that disrespected him and getting his business and wealth as a bonus? Perfect scenario for Azul. He wouldn’t mind trample on others for his own gain, and his tactics are pretty predatory, so at some point it might start involving ending someone else’s life, but one thing to note is that Azul rarely does anything by himself. He is very creative with the ways he wants his enemies to go (the tweels love his sick ideas), but he would rather order others to kill than dirty his own hands.
Jade and Floyd – a rare occasion when I write about them together, but they are almost the same when it comes to this topic: they mostly do it for funsies. That includes coming up with new ways to end someone else’s life (this is why Azul’s ideas are the best), playing with new toys (Jade has a big collection of weaponry, Floyd loves using whatever lies around), or even just killing time. But these days they try to pace themselves because otherwise this whole thing becomes terribly dull and boring, so their go-to is to either wait for a very good occasion, or for Azul to give them a new mission.
Kalim – wait a minute, this guy isn’t a serial killer, he’s a cereal killer! 🥰 Sorry, I had to make this joke once. In all seriousness, I don’t see Kalim becoming a serial killer, buuut if we’re bending canon to force a sunshine boy to do horrible stuff, he would either do it in a situation similar to Ace’s (got kidnapped, was forced to shoot everyone), and absolutely hate it because he really wants bad people to become better and is very forgiving… or he would get so deeply disappointed in bad people not becoming better that his brain would completely melt and he would start going “… it can’t be helped, can it?”. But once again, one really has to bend canon and put Kalim through a lot for this to happen.
Jamil – a vigilante whose only mission is to protect himself lol I can see a scenario in which Jamil starts killing off influential people out of spite. He could never kill Kalim or anyone from the Asim family, but he has no relation to other families or wealthy colleagues of Kalim’s father, and he hates their greedy grease faces so much that killing them is actually a huge stress relief. But also, his killing off Kalim’s potential assassins and other mercenaries who try to attack him would also count as serial murdering…
Vil – I think he would start out as an impulsive killer who let his emotion and stress take over. And it doesn’t even have to be with Neige, he might “accidentally” (i.e. he didn’t think the punch was that hard) kill off someone rando who was harassing him, and then after that point he’ll start doing it from time to time. Of course, he would suffer from guilt, but overtime he’ll try to dull this emotion with more killings. He believes that he only kills those who are doing bad things with young actors in the industry, but he did kill a couple of nasty and obnoxious guys who were pretty much his stalkers. The difference is just that he poisons the first ones and tries to make it as clean as possible, and he gets very emotional with the second ones.
Rook – this guy is all over the place, and yet in his head he has this whole thing figured out. He honours people that he kills, he takes the flower from a young and blooming tree to make sure that its beauty lives forever between the pages of his diary… Rook Hunt has a lot of weird ideas, and I can see him as all kinds of serial killer: he could create installations with people’s dead bodies, he could consume people for food and use their hair and skin for craft, he could literally put a body in a glass case and freeze it or taxidermy it, he could punish those who, unfortunately, only steal from other’s beauty and thus aren’t beautiful at all… I guess Rook Hunt is an amalgamation of every criminal from Hannibal TV series lol
Epel – pretty similar to Ace, I think. He definitely needs to be put in a horrible situation in which he doesn’t have much of a choice but to kill. But also I think after some point he would start feeling so helpless and weak that he would become more aggressive, and maybe even start taking it out on people who are completely unrelated to his troubles, just to make himself feel at least a little bit powerful. He is pretty good at cutting and is pretty fast, also good at hiding, but he is also sloppy, so he’ll get caught pretty soon. The world will be charmed by the image of a pretty boy doing horrible things… and then they’ll give him a stupid nickname and he’ll get mad lol This is your true punishment, Epel.
Idia – I don’t think he would be capable of becoming a serial murderer, not only because of his psyche, but also because of the logistics – it’s easy to do a lot of things to ruin someone else’s life while sitting in front of your pc in your dusty dark room, but it’s not easy to murder someone like that. I mean, he could hire an assassin on darkweb… or maybe he could create a virus that explodes phones and computers. Never mind, where there is a will, there is a way lol But in terms of will, I think Idia would only do something like that if he feels like he has no other choice, i.e. if he (or Ortho) is getting severely bullied. He does joke about killing off everyone who mischaracterises his favourite anime girl though lol
Ortho – a little yandere. We’ve seen him being willing to murder a bunch of people for Idia’s sake multiple times now, and it was just him being silly lol While he learns more empathy and starts to value others more overtime, his number one priority is still Idia, and he would easily be willing to anything to protect him… or simply out of jealousy!
Lilia – he already had his share of serial murders, our local mister war criminal lol And given how much time he had to reflex on his past and on the life and death in general, I don’t think he would go for it right now. But he isn’t a saint and it’s not like he would avoid murder at all cost, so I can see him easily killing off a bunch of people while trying to protect Malleus or Silver or, in case of Malleus, to take revenge for dishonouring or even just disrespecting him.
Silver – he wouldn’t! He is a good boy that values life too much. I think he is one person in NRC who is aware of his ability to kill (he has to protect Malleus, after all), but would do anything to avoid it at all cost.
Sebek – while generally he isn’t super bloodthirsty (surprisingly), he would get bloodthirsty real quick if Malleus himself or his honour is in danger, or if Sebek feels like it is. Yeah, pretty similar to Lilia, but Sebek is much more hot-headed, much less mature and much messier in general. It’s possible for Sebek to become a version of himself that kills people off for Malleus’ sake even without Malleus asking him to. Malleus could not even be aware of that person existence, and Sebek would think that he has this duty to “clean”. He is a fanatic, and while he is super loyal and obedient, he is also very entitled and acts according to ideas in his head (including fae superiority). Similarly to Riddle though, he would partially do it to dull the feeling of “oh no I did something horrible”, but a lot of it would genuinely be his desire to serve Malleus in the best way possible and to eliminate everyone who doesn’t share his adoration of him.
Malleus – pettiness. I don’t think Malleus would do something like that out of any major reason or great idea, the only thing that someone powerful like him really needs is pettiness. He also isn’t just some guy that hangs out in his basement sharpening knives; the scale of his actions would be massive. The worst version of Malleus murders people for fun, out of spite, to command others’ attention, completely on a whim, fully embracing his god complex and somehow being a spoiled brat at the same time. He might come up with some Great Idea of course, he might even start thinking about fae being superior do other beings, but all of that would just be pretty words to cover the fact that he is very petty and deeply unhappy. This Malleus combined with previously described Sebek would be a very dangerous combo…
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hathay · 11 months
twst second year halloween hc’s pt1<3
warnings: horror movie mention?
includes: jamil, kalim, silver, & ruggie!
tis but a silly little halloween spur of the moment hc post, i’m gonna do the other second years as well most likely:)
- he really enjoys dressing up for halloween. it makes him feel cool, especially if it’s something powerful/scary. he doesn’t know why he likes it so much, but boy does he.
- i think he likes candy idc. i just think he’s picky about it. he likes certain candy and if you ask him nice enough he’ll pass over the candy you asked for with a roll of his eyes (he’s totally hiding a small smirk/smile thing)
- as much has he may WANT to claim that he does not want to hand out candy to kids, (he swears he can’t stand them and it’s a waste of his time) he sure as hell seems to be sporting a small little smile.
- trying to convince him to match costumes is a FEAT, if he decides he cares enough he will, but it better be worth his time.
- i think you could try and convince him to carve pumpkins, he’d be able to use it later for pumpkin curry, but he’d try his little heart out for going all out on his carving.
- he’s a smug man when he watches a horror movie (and pretends it has no effect on him) and the people he’s watching with are very scared especially if he feels like he is ‘protecting them’ (not without some teasing.)
- (also may feel the need to check candy like a worried parents. not just kalims, give him yours as well, or please just be careful, you don’t know who you can and can’t trust)
- he loves halloween but unfortunately doesn’t last for long, he is a sleepy boy after all.
- he honestly prefers giving candy to people than receiving it himself.
- more than anything he just enjoys dressing up and spending time with the people closest to him.
- you wanna match costumes? done deal, he’s fully committed and feels so special about it.
- he doesn’t get scared very easily (much to lilia and others dismay) he just lightly laughs it off
- he will definitely watch halloween movies with you, but you may have shake him awake (gently pls) when it starts to get good.
- LOVES halloween stories, especially if you have ones he hasn’t heard, he is so interested in it, he may seem like he is passed out but trust me he is intently listening and will ask so many questions.
- loves halloween so bad, he just loves seeing people all dressed up and happy.
- he IS the rich neighborhood, he buys the biggest bars of candy and is absolutely willing to give it out.
- after getting candy he likes to trade with others especially to get more of his favorites. (he makes sure to trade some specifically to get more of jails favorite candy to give him)
- tries to be scary, SO HARD, but fails, how can anyone find his lil face scary? but if he does manage to actually scare someone he laughs it off, but apologizes if he thinks he went too far.
- he would be OVER THE MOON about matching costumes, he’d feel the need to tell everyone and make sure they ALL know who he is matching with.
- begs to watch halloween movies because he just doesn’t want the night to end, as a result he ends up clinging on for dear life to whoever’s closest.
- totally steals candy i don’t wanna hear it. he usually doesn’t steal from younger kids though (unless they’re being snotty douches yk?), usually it’s from older people he finds out.
- those bowls that just have a note to ‘take one piece’ of candy. HE DOESN’T. he will take handfuls, he’ll leave enough that other people can still get some, but he is definitely taking his fill.
- needs, NEEDS to go to the wealthy areas because he knows they give out the good candy. (kalim here he comes)
- makes sure to bring someone like jack or kalim who he knows will give him some of his candy.
- he can go all right, so many rounds, even changed costumes to go around again for more candy.
- sometimes he sees some cute kids and gives em a few pieces of his candy, especially if they don’t have a lot.
- he’d tease the HELL outta you for suggesting matching costumes (but would completely wear them anyways, as long as he gets to pick what y’all wear when you go around again for more candy)
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So I had this thought that I want your opinion about for your Little Misfortune Yuu? So I didn’t know what version of Yuu that was until I found out about the game and who “Little misfortune” is and might I say…poor her 🥺.
Anywho when I did the Halloween event for twisted wonderland, spoilers cause I’m new and don’t know if you kept up with the event, but I thought of how Mr Voice has those powers he has and that the little girl didn’t know he had them at first until the end ish of the game. I thought of how he would definitely reveal his powers if a “Magicam Monster” makes Yuu uncomfortable or cry even and the boys wouldn’t know how to cheer them up. But instead of Yuu discovering his powers, the twst boys do and sees that he is definitely real and actually terrifying than how Yuu would describe him at first.
This was stuck in my head for so long and I just want your opinion about it like how would you think Yuu would react to the Halloween event and whether or not Mr.Voice uses his powers to protect or get revenge for Yuu and then everyone is probably like “HES REAL?!?!” Or something. You don’t have to reply to this ask but I just liked the story behind “Little misfortune” and thought this seemed cool.
Since Yuu’s already grown up in the Little Misfortune AU and was adopted by Mr. Voice a long, long time ago after they died (or not, depending on your headcanon), I like to believe that they already knew Mr. Voice had powers that could affect their reality. How else would Yuu still have a piece of their child-like innocence and cheer if not for Mr. Voice giving them the hope and optimism they need in a world that’s so determined to bring them down?
In short, Yuu is aware of Mr. Voice’s power and is chill about it. Sometimes they even ask for small things from Mr. Voice (just like how a child would ask their parents for allowance), like wanting ice cream and ‘coincidentally’ a bird flies and lands on Yuu’s shoulder with a packet of ice cream they stole from some unfortunate soul. Of course, they never take advantage of their pseudo-parent’s powers because they were raised right by him. Don’t be too greedy, but also don’t be too selfless, is what he says. For an entity who steals children’s souls away as a job, he’s actually a pretty good parental figure.
Anyway, yeah, Mr. Voice would definitely reveal his powers against the Magicam Monsters if the Magicam Monsters go too overboard. And by overboard, I meant when Yuu becomes too uncomfortable/upset that they actually ask for Mr. Voice to get the intruders to stop. Mr. Voice usually doesn’t butt into Yuu’s business and often just tries to narrate to give Yuu a memorable adventure because he knows Yuu can take care of themselves (and they have been taking care of themselves ever since they were a child because they’re a strong, independent human) but it’s a whole different story when Yuu asks him for help.
Mr. Voice won’t hesitate to bend reality and kick the Magicam Monsters out by whatever means necessary. Hecc, he might even show up in Ramshackle in his Morgo form but like, not fully because his true form reminds me of Papyrus from Undertale and Papyrus looks as threatening as a pebble. Or Skeletor (Imagine Mr. Voice insulting others like how Skeletor insults people.) . Maybe he’ll make himself look scarier or not, who knows.
He probably spawns outside of Ramshackle, all gigantic and menacing and does that ‘giant eye looking inside through the window’ thing before proceeding to rip Ramshackle open and flinging the intruders out and then fixing Ramshackle up again, good as new without a single thing out of place.
All the while, Yuu’s visibly happy and cheers a bright, “Mr. Voice! You look really spooky, hehe. Are you gonna be celebrating Halloween with us?”
“Why, of course, my little nightmare. Don’t I already look the part for it?”
“Hmm, yeah! Very scary! But you’re too big. I don’t think you can walk around like that.”
“Not to worry, little misfortune.”
And with that, Mr. Voice shrinks down to an acceptable size but he still pretty much towers over everyone. Yuu proceeds to take their pseudo-parent around and introduce him to their friends. Meanwhile the boys, some of those who witnessed a monstrous thing ripping into Ramshackle earlier and yeeting the Magicam Monsters away from afar and to those who were present when that specific event happened, are acting all polite because they do not want to mess with that. 
By the Sevens, Yuu, that’s your dad?! That’s Mr. Voice???
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hiiii I wanted to ask you amh, why don't you write headcanons anymore? :00
It’s a combination of not having enough time and energy/motivation for it. I have to prioritize taking care of myself and also tend to real life obligations.
(I’ll go into more detail, but it’s sort of dull and somewhat personal so I’ll slap it under the cut!)
After 2 to 2.5ish straight years of posting almost every day, it kind of wore me and my spirit down 💦 This is especially true of headcanons, as they often involve multiple characters (as opposed to imagines, which mainly involved 1 or 2 characters as the centerpiece and the rest as brief supporting roles) and taking the time to think long and hard about their unique perspectives and reactions to sometimes highly detailed situations. The format of headcanons themselves also just does not align with what I like to do the most; it usually doesn’t allow for extended dialogue or fun canon character interactions (most headcanon requests involve self inserts, meaning more reader-canon character interactions than canon-canon interactions).
Each of the characters is unique, and I want that to be reflected in my works. I’m of the mindset that my writing should be such that you can’t swap out a character’s name for another’s without it losing meaning. A character should be able to act and speak in a distinctive manner; they cannot be easily replaced with another person. A large part of this, of course, also stems from my own perfectionism working against me… so it feels like the stress is really coming from all kinds of places 🥲
Something I realized after taking writing requests for so long is that I wasn’t able to write what I personally wanted to. There was an unspoken pressure to constantly put out new content, as well as communication I received that left me feeling immensely uncomfortable. As a mild example, I often received requests that disregarded my rules and/or involved subject matters which I found to be invasive or icky, things which I explicitly stated to NOT bring up to me; it was clear that some (some, NOT all) people cared more about getting free content over respecting an individual’s boundaries, and didn't even spare a few minutes to do me the courtesy of reading my rules and staying within my comfort zone. Sometimes I just got the impression that writers or content creators in general were just not being respected. I didn’t want those frequent enough bad experiences to seep into and taint a hobby that I love so much, so… I had to limit the frequency of writing requests for my own good.
The TWST fandom is just the kind that is eager and hungry for fan content (especially considering the relatively slow output of canon content in the actual JP game). Unfortunately, that has the side effect of killing the joy of creative writing for me 😔 The demand was so high I couldn’t keep up with my supply and I burnt out hard. Think of a star—it burns so brightly in the night sky, and one day it will just have nothing left to give and just… go out.
I decided to drastically scale back my writing requests (the majority of which were headcanons) and to mainly focus on writing what I find interesting and what makes me happy. Talking about lore, theories, and putting out only a few (2-5) imagines every month has been very chill. I think I’m in a much happier and less stressed place now! ^^
I do want to get back into writing headcanons and doing writing requests in general, but only when I personally feel like it and most likely on a smaller scale/at my own comfortable pace. Creative writing is a cherished hobby of mine, and the instant it starts feeling like an obligation then… well, it’s no longer a hobby and it wouldn’t be very fun for me anymore. “Having fun” was the whole reason I first started this blog, so I want to stray true to those roots.
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thelazyhermits · 2 years
I wanted to make a post about the Twst Tsumstead Event, which I watched a video translation of, because it’s fun for me to imagine how it could go with my Yuu. As always, I’ll put everything underneath the cut. 
I’m a big fan of the idea of all the Tsums liking Yuu because their counterparts like the MC, even though some of them would never actually admit it. Unlike their counterparts, the Tsums are very honest with their feelings and have no qualms about showing who they’re attached to.
So whenever Yuu encounters one of the Tsums, they’re quick to approach her and will either jump into her arms or onto her head/shoulders and will be very affectionate with her and happy to get her attention. 
Yuu naturally absolutely loves this because the Tsums are adorable. Plus, it’s pretty funny seeing the Tsums that look like Sebek and Leona being affectionate with her since that’s something you’d never expect from Sebek and Leona. 
In the game, the MC doesn’t have a role in this event since it just focuses on the guys who are in charge of looking after the Tsums that resemble them, so things will be different with my Yuu since I want her to meet the Tsums.
After watching videos of the vignettes for the Riddle and Leona SSRs for this event, I got inspired by Leona’s in particular for how to get Yuu involved.
So the morning following the arrival of the Tsums, Yuu heads to the botanical garden because Crewel had asked her to grab some things that will be needed for class.
While she’s in the process of gathering what she was sent for, the nearby bushes start rustling, catching her off guard. As she wonders if an animal somehow got into the garden, a small figure suddenly leaps out of the bushes and tackles her in the chest, making her fall backwards.
Once she pulls herself out of her brief stunned stupor, Yuu looks down at her chest and sees Leona Tsum happily making himself comfortable.
The first thing that comes to her mind is how the Tsum resembles Leona. The next thing she thinks is how adorable he looks despite resembling the gruff lion.
As she starts cooing over the cute creature who seems to enjoy her attention, Yuu remembers what she heard from Crowley last night about the Tsums and realizes this must be one of those creatures who just so happens to resemble Leona.
Considering the guys were supposed to take care of the Tsums that resemble them, Leona obviously ditched his. There’s a chance he just never encountered his Tsum, but she has a hunch that Leona just didn’t want anything to do with his, which is exactly what happened. 
Since she needs to get to class, Yuu hurries to gather the things she was sent to collect and asks Leona Tsum if he would like to accompany her or if he wants to wait for Leona to come to the botanical garden for his usual nap. 
Rather than choose to wait for Leona like she expected, the Tsum wants to go with her, or at least, that’s the impression she gets since he jumps onto her shoulder and makes himself comfortable.
The rest of the school day passes with Yuu going to her classes while Leona Tsum either naps on her shoulder or in her lap. Thankfully, the teachers don’t mind since they know someone needs to supervise Leona Tsum and they all know how Leona is.
Grim isn’t too pleased with Leona Tsum trying to invade his territory, but unfortunately for him, the Tsum is strong enough to ward him off anytime Grim tries to pick a fight so all Grim can do is grumble like a spoiled child who isn’t getting enough attention lol
Leona Tsum ends up being a great help to Yuu since, in Alchemy, he tackles Grim before he could add the wrong ingredient to the potion they were making, preventing a dangerous outcome. That really amazed Yuu since she had thought at the time that the Tsum was fast asleep.
On another occasion, when some guys were being jerks to Yuu, Leona Tsum attacked one of them who had tried to lay a hand on her. While she had been ready to rebuff the other guy, Yuu was still grateful for the Tsum’s help all the same since he took care of scaring off the guys who discovered that Leona Tsum was just as scary as Leona haha
Leona Tsum gets lots of love and attention from Yuu as thanks for his help throughout the day, making Grim very jealous. Meanwhile, Ace and Deuce are just amazed/slightly freaked out to see something that looks like Leona being so happy about receiving Yuu’s affection lol
During Flight class, Grim finally has enough and challenges Leona Tsum to a fight. Ace and several other students egg them on while Yuu tries and fails to stop them. 
Unfortunately, she’s not very successful since even Vargas is getting in on it because it’s the end of the period, and he thinks this is a good way for Grim to show off the muscles he’s gained thanks to Vargas’s excellent coaching lol 😂
So all the guys are cheering on Grim, who’s pumped up, and Leona Tsum, who’s as calm as ever. It honestly surprised Yuu that the Tsum agreed to the fight, but she figures the Tsum must’ve come to the conclusion that this was the easiest way to get Grim to shut up so he could return to napping haha
As you’d expect from a Tsum that resembles Leona, Leona Tsum makes quick work of Grim who put up a valiant effort. To rub salt in the wound, Vargas plans on giving Grim some extra training since he was unimpressed with Grim’s performance lol 
After school lets out for the day, Grim goes to hang out with Ace and Deuce since he wants nothing to do with Leona Tsum. Meanwhile, Yuu heads for the botanical garden to look for Leona.
While she’s sure that Leona couldn’t care less about his Tsum, Yuu wanted to let him know that she’s taking care of the Tsum just in the slight chance that he was actually looking for his Tsum.
When she arrives at the garden, she sees that all the guys with Tsums, sans Riddle, are there. Just like in Leona’s SSR story, all the Tsums are acting strangely, and Jack’s asking Leona for advice on how to fix this situation.
Much to Yuu and everyone else’s surprise, when she arrives on the scene, all the Tsums stop what they’re doing and immediately making a beeline for her. 
Floyd Tsum leaps into her arms while Sebek Tsum jumps onto her unoccupied shoulder. While Epel Tsum bounces on her head, Jack Tsum and Cater Tsum happily bounce around her feet.
There’s a brief moment of shocked silence, and then, Yuu starts happily cooing over how cute the Tsums are. While she’s taking turns giving them all her attention, the guys are wondering what the hell they’re witnessing 😂
Both Sebek and Jack are really embarrassed because their Tsums look so happy about receiving Yuu’s attention. Meanwhile, Cater’s taking lots of pictures because this is totes adorbs! Cater has seen something similar happen with the Heartslabyul hedgehogs, who all love Yuu, but he didn’t think she’d be a Tsum magnet too. 
Floyd’s amused because his Tsum apparently likes to be squeezed by Yuu rather than be the squeezer. Meanwhile, Epel is the only guy who’s trying to stop his Tsum, but Yuu assures him that his Tsum isn’t bothering her. 
Ruggie’s the one who asks Yuu why she has Leona’s Tsum, and she explains how she met the Tsum this morning and how he wanted to stay with her which is why she took him to all her classes.
When she mentions the reason why she came to the garden, Leona confirms her suspicions and says she can do whatever she wants with his Tsum because he has no interest in him.
That said, Leona does wonder why the Tsums are all so friendly with her. They’re acting like she’s a good friend of theirs, which he finds strange.
Yuu teasingly says the Tsums must love her a lot because the guys they resemble love her so much, earning some flustered reactions from Epel, Sebek, and Jack.
While Sebek and Jack are quick to deny her claim, Floyd and Cater playfully go along with it and say, “Oh, that makes sense!” Meanwhile, Ruggie’s just laughing, and Epel doesn’t know how to react haha
Leona naturally is unamused. However, rather than get mad, he just rolls his eyes and calls her delusional lol 
After she has her fill of teasing, Yuu says she really has no idea why the Tsums are so friendly toward her. The only explanation she can think of is because she’s on good terms with the guys they resemble since it’s not like she’s ever met these strange creatures before today.
However, that said, they do look strangely familiar to her, and it’s not because they resemble her friends. Instead, she gets the impression she has seen them on TV before.
Eventually, Yuu realizes that she had seen a popular toyline in her world that resembled the Tsums. While they resembled completely different characters, the overall body shape is the same, which is a big surprise for everyone since no one was expecting to hear that the Tsums were toys in her world.
It’s at that moment the Tsums start acting weird and return to their earlier behavior, much to the guys’ exasperation. 
After studying them for a moment and getting nudged by Leona Tsum who hasn’t left her shoulder and is now giving her a look, Yuu gets the impression that she needs to do something, and that’s when she remembers how Tsums were often stacked on top of each other in the commercials she saw in the past.
Figuring it’s worth a shot, she stacks all the Tsums, minus Leona Tsum, and they all get happy like they do in Leona’s SSR story. 
Jack is impressed that Yuu was able to figure out what they needed to do and wonders how she managed it, so she explains what she remembers from the commercials she saw in the past. She was purely guessing since she really had no idea what the issue was with the Tsums lol
Once the Tsums have finally calmed down, the guys get ready to go their separate ways with the Tsums while Cater invites Yuu to join him for tea and snacks at Heartslabyul so she can meet Riddle’s Tsum since he figured she would enjoy that. Plus, he wants to take a picture of Riddle Tsum being affectionate with her like what happened with all the other Tsums haha
Since Grim is currently at Heartslabyul with Ace and Deuce, she had planned on heading that way anyway to pick him up, so she accepts Cater’s invitation. 
Much to everyone’s surprise, Sebek’s, Jack’s, Epel’s, and Floyd’s Tsums appear sad when they realize that Yuu won’t be going back to their respective dorms. Yuu finds this adorable, so she gives them some kisses to help cheer them up which does the trick.
Meanwhile, Sebek/Jack/Epel are embarrassed and Floyd’s pouting because he wanted a kiss too since it’s only fair and Ruggie wouldn’t have it. While Ruggie didn’t see the harm in Yuu kissing the Tsums, her kissing actual people, especially people like Floyd, is another thing entirely 😂
Cater Tsum also seems to think this is unfair since he’s now giving her some puppy dog eyes that has Cater taking multiple pictures because damn are those some impressive puppy dog eyes lol
Yuu naturally gives Cater Tsum a kiss too and then gives one to Leona Tsum so it’s all fair. While Leona Tsum hadn’t done anything out of the ordinary, she could tell he was staring intently at her, so she figured he wanted one too. 
Once all the Tsums are happy, Yuu heads for Heartslabyul, taking along Leona Tsum since Leona didn’t want his Tsum sticking around him and the Tsum didn’t seem to mind remaining with her, which surprised her since she thought he would’ve wanted to stick close to Leona, considering the Tsums seem to like the people they resemble the most.
(While Leona Tsum would’ve liked to join Leona in napping, the Tsum also wanted to keep an eye on Yuu since he’s protective of her like Leona. Leona is just way more lowkey about it.)
Just as Cater hoped, when their group arrives at Heartslabyul, Riddle Tsum is all too happy to see Yuu and is quick to jump onto her unoccupied shoulder, much to Riddle’s and Trey’s surprise.
While Cater’s taking pictures and Yuu is doting on Riddle Tsum, Cater explains what happened earlier and how Yuu seems to be a Tsum magnet. 
Trey finds this amusing while Riddle is slightly flustered because of how his Tsum is acting. However, he can’t bring himself to say anything because Yuu is having so much fun, and the two technically aren’t causing any harm or breaking any rules.
As always, whenever they have Yuu over as a guest, Trey and Cater set up a little tea party for them to enjoy with the Tsums. Deuce, Ace, and Grim who had been playing video games in the first year boys’ room also get invited, and Grim is naturally displeased to see Leona Tsum lol
Ace and Deuce don’t know how to react to seeing Riddle Tsum so friendly with Yuu. Part of them wants to laugh, but the other part of them is too afraid to lest they risk pissing off Riddle haha
Near the end of the party, Yuu gets a text from Azul, asking if she’s currently free. If so, he would like for her to come work a shift at the Mostro Lounge. 
According to Azul, Floyd’s in a bad mood and so is his Tsum, which does not bode well for business, so Azul is hoping her presence will help since he heard that the Tsums like her and Floyd might cheer up if she comes too. 
After Azul promises that he’ll increase her pay for this particular shift to properly compensate her, Yuu agrees since the poor girl can’t pass up the chance to get more money lol
So, after parting with Grim and the Heartslabyul boys, Yuu goes to the Mostro Lounge, taking along Leona Tsum since he wanted to accompany her and Azul said she was welcome to bring him along because another Tsum at the Lounge would bring in more customers due to their recent popularity haha
Thankfully, just as Azul hoped, Floyd Tsum cheers up when he sees Yuu at the Mostro Lounge and immediately attaches himself to her unoccupied shoulder. 
Floyd, however, remains in a bad mood, although, from Yuu’s perspective, he looks like he’s sulking, making her wonder if he’s still upset because Ruggie prevented him from getting a kiss earlier. Floyd can be pretty childish at times, so it wouldn’t surprise her lol
That’s why, after she joins Floyd in the kitchen, she tells him that she’ll give him something nice if he leans down. He grumpily obliges, so once he’s in reach, she kisses his cheek like what she did with his Tsum.
Floyd’s genuinely surprised by her actions, even though she had thought it was pretty obvious what she was doing. 
Once he gets over his surprise, Floyd cheers up since, despite how well Yuu gets along with everyone, he knows she doesn’t go around kissing everyone, so if he got one, he’s obviously one of her favorite people, which he’s very smug about. Wouldn’t put it past him to drop whatever he was doing so he can go brag to Azul and Jade lol 😂
While this would mean more work for Yuu since Floyd has abandoned his job, she’s glad to see him in a better mood, so she’ll take what she can get haha
When Azul and Jade finally get Floyd to return to his position in the kitchen, Azul asks Yuu if she’d be willing to work as a waitress for a while so the customers can see her and the Tsums.
(Normally, Yuu spends most of her time working as a chef since that’s where her skillset lies. However, she learned how to wait tables since Azul saw it as a waste to have the only female student as an employee that was strictly kept hidden away in the kitchen.
Yuu didn’t mind since she did understand his line of thinking, which made perfect sense to her, and it wasn’t like she was opposed to being a waitress since she wouldn’t have to wear an uncomfortable/revealing outfit like most would expect in this kind of situation, so it really wasn’t a big deal to her.)
And that’s how Yuu finds herself waiting tables, with the Tsums accompanying her by remaining on her shoulders the whole time. 
For a while, things proceed as per normal, with the only difference being that Yuu gets even more attention than usual because of the Tsums.
That all changes, however, when a customer tries to sneakily cop a feel while Yuu has her hands full and isn’t looking in his direction.
Before he can succeed, Leona Tsum tackles the student’s face while Floyd Tsum latches onto his wrist and starts to squeeze it. 
Having no idea what was about to transpire due to being preoccupied, Yuu freaks out at the sight of the Tsums attacking a customer since she knows Azul will be displeased.
Before she can try to stop them, however, Jade smoothly intervenes and asks her to return to the kitchen since Floyd has suddenly decided that he no longer feels like cooking.
Jade assures her that he’ll take care of the Tsums and the customer under their attack, so Yuu agrees to leave the matter to him and hurries to the kitchen, even though she’s still worried about the Tsums getting into trouble.
All the while, she wonders what she had missed since she doesn’t think the Tsums would attack a customer without a good reason. Did he rile them up while she wasn’t paying attention, or did something else happen while she was unaware?
When she returns to the kitchen and finds Floyd in the midst of cooking, he questions her return, confusing her since she had thought he was tired of cooking.
As soon as she recounts what happened with the Tsums and Jade, Floyd immediately says that he is tired of cooking and promptly leaves before Yuu can question him. 
Unable to leave the kitchen when it’s now short a cook, Yuu gets to work, all the while thinking deeply about recent events. 
Eventually, she finds herself wondering if Jade had lied about Floyd growing bored because he had wanted her to return to the kitchen. That would explain why Floyd had temporarily been confused by her appearance before he got an irritated look in his eyes after hearing about what happened with the Tsums and Jade.
If that’s really the case, Yuu can only assume that this means the Tweels wanted to deal with the customer that the Tsums attacked and didn’t want her to be a witness to whatever they had planned.
Taking that into consideration and the fact that Leona Tsum has been her silent protector all day, Yuu gets the feeling that the customer had tried to do something to her while she wasn’t looking since it’s not like that kind of thing hasn’t ever happened before.
A part of her hopes that is what happened since that means the Tsums really did have a good reason for attacking that student, so they won’t get in trouble with Azul like she had been worried would happen.
Of course, Yuu doesn’t completely approve of the Tweels trying to hide what happened from her, but she knows they only had good intentions so she decides not to complain or bring attention to the matter. 
After all, before she came to NRC, Yuu never had people looking after her like that, so it does make her happy to have people who actually care about her and want to look out for her in their own ways.
Eventually, Leona Tsum and Floyd Tsum make their way to the kitchen, so they can resume their guard duties. When she sees their smug expressions, Yuu can’t resist giving them each a kiss to thank them for protecting her since she’s really grateful to them, and their smug expressions just look really cute in her eyes.
Thankfully, the rest of her shift proceeds very smoothly, although Yuu had been worried for a little bit when she next saw Floyd because of how cheery he looked, which made her think he got to have a lot of “fun” with the customer the Tsums attacked while she was in the kitchen lol
At the end of her shift, Azul pays her upfront since she came on short notice and succeeded in turning Floyd and his Tsum’s moods around for the better. He also assures her that she doesn’t need to worry about the customer the Tsums attacked since he got the whole story from Jade who said the customer was completely at fault, not the Tsums, just like she figured.
Floyd and his Tsum are disappointed that Yuu won’t be working the whole night like them and try to get her to reconsider, but she somehow manages to resist the Tsum’s puppy dog eyes and escape Floyd’s clingy hold, with help from an exasperated Azul, who can’t afford to pay her for more hours at the increased pay rate lol
After they leave the Octanivelle dorm, Yuu decides to visit Savanaclaw’s dorm so Leona Tsum can visit with Leona since, while she knows Leona has no interest in his Tsum, the same can’t be said about Leona Tsum.
Yuu knows Leona Tsum was sticking around her for her benefit, which meant him going to all the places she wanted to go, so she wants to give him the opportunity to go where he wants to go now.
While Leona is less than thrilled by their arrival, Leona Tsum appears pleased since he happily makes himself comfortable on Leona’s shoulder, much to Leona’s annoyance and Ruggie’s amusement.
While Leona Tsum has his fun, Yuu decides to play with Jack Tsum so Jack can get a break. A part of Jack feels grateful while the other part feels he shouldn’t have accepted Yuu’s offer since it’s very embarrassing seeing her all cuddly with his Tsum who’s just eating up all her attention 😂
That’s how the rest of the day passes, with Yuu hanging out with the SC gang and the Tsums. Eventually, Yuu leaves the dorm with Jack, Leona, and their Tsums when Crowley lets everyone know that a way to return the Tsums has been found.
From there, things proceed like in the game, with the addition of Yuu being the saddest about the Tsums leaving since she’s going to really miss those adorable creatures. 
After the Tsums leave, Floyd starts squeezing Yuu, saying she shouldn’t be sad when she has him who’s way better than any Tsum. This leads to Riddle scolding Floyd for “inappropriate behavior” and demanding that Floyd release Yuu. Naturally, Floyd refuses, which only riles up Riddle more.
This familiar exchange helps Yuu to cheer up, and as she takes in all the faces around her, she reminds herself that, while she had to say goodbye to some friends, she still has others at her side so there’s no need for her to feel lonely. 
As long as she has these guys with her, she’ll be just fine.
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shuuenmei · 1 year
Haven’t been posting Twst chapter thoughts in a while and some to future stuff for “black or white” but here we go... (Due to Spoilers from the Japanese launch and some, this is put under the cut.)
Of all the manners Chapter 7 (Diasomnia) can go... I didn’t expect this direction.
And not gonna lie, since I recently finished playing Persona 5 Royal, all the way to the new content in Royal, Chapter 7 and Malleus’s plan gave me serious deja vu’s that it half made me think “Wait, this felt familiar...”
But anyway.
I think if Chapter 6′s theme is about death, then Chapter 7′s theme is potentially meetings and partings, and fickleness of life, or rather, the concept of “Mono no Aware” in Japanese.
“Mono no Aware” in Japanese is a concept that speaks of how life is fickle and nothing last forever, but that just makes life even more beautiful.
At any rate, the chapter starts with parting, as everyone deals with the idea of Lilia potentially leaving their lives and Malleus taking the parting the hardest.
And this is where Malleus eventually contrast with Yuu (Rei) in how they deal with it.
I’ve established in a preview and also in the murder siblings AU that Yuu (Rei) lost her grandmother 8 years ago, but the thing is that Yuu (Rei) didn’t actually deal with that grief well due to some factors.
In the murder siblings AU, Yuu (Rei) got Akechi to help her out, but in the main story, she unfortunately doesn’t have anyone close enough in proximity to help. What with her cousins and people willing to help her being all the way out at Tokyo so having them come to Hokkaido and drop everything for her isn’t realistically viable.
It’s only in Twisted Wonderland that Yuu (Rei) finally could look back and start trying to move forward from it.
And yes, she was being a hypocrite to Grim in hindsight. For as much as she wants Grim to stand up for himself and be independent, Yuu (Rei) herself was dependent on her dead grandma as a guide to help her understand living in a world where people shun her for being abnormal.
At any rate, Yuu (Rei), by the point of Chapter 7, has at least started to deal with her parting with grandma better and was accepting of Lilia leaving since she was aware that nothing last forever. The hardest lesson that grandma’s death gave Yuu (Rei).
Malleus, on the other hand, hasn’t fully grasped it and the idea of losing people he care and grew fond of is... not something he is ready to face.
And there’s another difference:
Yuu (Rei) is already cynical by the time she was brought to Twisted Wonderland and it’s through understanding that reality doesn’t always let things work out that she was okay with saying goodbye to Lilia and wish him a peaceful retirement.
Malleus, despite his upbringing and education as the future king, is still emotionally a teen. A sheltered teen with one of the strongest magic in the world which made him inwardly emotionally immature than what his kingly air would suggest.
Hearing is one thing, but experiencing it all in person is another.
When Malleus first asked Yuu (Rei) and confide in it, Yuu (Rei) provided her two cents that she doesn’t believe what Malleus suggest is realistically viable when he asked if she would stay if there’s an option to stay and return home to her original world without losing the friends and family she found in one world.
Yuu (Rei) has mostly recovered her memories but she still had the same feeling since she remembered her family, that her family would be better off without her, and she’s probably gone for so long that they already moved on from her disappearance and “death”.
I say the quotations because, well, Yuu (Rei) is actually alive alive when she was brought to Twisted Wonderland and was both physically and spiritually brought to Twisted Wonderland.
In an essence, Yuu (Rei) got spirited away in the same way her grandma was once spirited away in her youth.
Now for the dream portion.
The murder siblings AU at least has Yuu (Rei) and Goro being brought to the Velvet Room for safety (And Malleus thankfully doesn’t know about the Velvet Room)
As for the main fic...
Yuu (Rei) was brought to Mickey’s dream in the same way as canon MC but she half was able to escape from Diasomnia with help from Shiro and return to Ramshackle with Grim but by that point, Malleus started to cast his magic before Yuu (Rei) can do anything.
Anyway, that’s it for now!
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dearestones · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland Matchup: Azul Ashengrotto #3
@jellyfishuuuuu Request: A twst matchup please ,romantically ,only students ,and thank u.
I'm a 5'5" (165cm) Arab girl who wears a hijab, with big, light brown eyes, red-framed glasses, and a round face. I'm into drawing (and crafting ,i am good with my hands), love all kinds of art and find beauty in alot of things if u look through multiple perspectives. I enjoy fanfics, video games(horror and non horror) and horror movies, and anime. I'm also into biology(mostly) and physics.i love technology and anything that has to do with it .
In terms of personality, I'm adaptable and can appear reserved in public. I've had trust issues due to past betrayals. With close friends, I'm more open, cheerful, and caring. I'm creative, passionate, and smart but lazy and unmotivated most of the time.i am trilingual, I speak Arabic (native) ,French and English and i plan to learn more.
I've had my share of struggles, including bullying and dealing with depression and anorexia for a year(in middle school which led for me to be insecure ,have self doubt and being antisocial) ,I strive to be the best version of myself but I am afraid that i won't make it (burntout gifted kid who is excepcted to still excel at everything (my mom has high standards for me that i never seem to meet to make her satisfied with me). I have a varied taste in music(pop ,jazz,classical, alt/indie ,but i love rock &roll and metal the most)and prefer comfortable, baggy clothes. I can be sarcastic and blunt with close friends but am generally polite and respectful but moody and pessimistic .I am anxious and I hate going outside but unfortunately i have to.
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After going through the description given, I believe that you best pair well with Azul Ashengrotto!
Azul doesn’t think of you as much, only what you can offer him if he ever decides to make a deal with you. However, he is quite taken aback by your headwear. As a merman, he’s never seen many mermaids who have decided to wear something in their hair (the drag in the water would hold them back). Masking this opportunity to gather information on your weaknesses and vulnerabilities, he’ll gladly ask you about the fabric that which you use to hide your hair. Why do you wear it? Is it a special type of fabric? As a merman who’s part octopus, it’s in his nature to be inquisitive, but feel free to tell him off if he gets too nosy or if you’re not comfortable answering questions about your culture. 
Azul is a classy sort of person, but he loves it when you create art! He has a deep respect for those who work with their hands, especially when it takes years of constant practice to perfect your craft. While he may not be as fluent in art as certain other students at Night Raven College, he can appreciate that you look for beauty through multiple perspectives. He has yet to meet that level of maturity, but he’s glad that he can see that trait in you.
As for your interests, he may not know all about the specifics of all of them (“What’s this fanfic you like reading?”), he does play video games from time to time. Honestly, it comes with the territory of being in the same club as one Idia Shroud. While he may not be as skilled or as into those types of entertainment, he can give you a run for your money if you give him time to practice. Furthermore, he doesn’t care what sort of video game you play, as long as he gets to play with you. (Horror games are his personal favorite, though. The Coral Sea and Jade in a good mood are far scarier, so he gets to use this time to mock the graphics or the weak jump scares or how you shy away in fear whenever you’re scared). 
Being interested in the sciences is another point for you in Azul’s book! He’s more interested in chemistry and how it relates to potions and alchemy, but biology and physics sound just as interesting. If you ever get close to Azul and if he ever feels comfortable, he could show you some aspects of cecaelia biology. However, he’ll mostly refer you to texts detailing the differences among human, beastfolk, and merfolk anatomy. 
Azul understands what it’s like to be betrayed in the past, especially when it comes to bullies. Like you, he had to deal with issues regarding his weight, which still affects him to this day. Despite this, while he may fall prey to becoming one of his bullies, he admires that you can rise above your past and become your best self. He endeavors to be his best self as well, but it’s harder for him. He feels that he has to take and assert power so that he can remain on top. 
Azul will never admit it, but he hopes that one day, the both of you will one day be comfortable enough to let down both of you guards so that you may be free to express yourselves. He admires your drive, but he will also be there to motivate you to do your best and to get things done. 
In addition, Azul is also impressed that you’re a polyglot. Three languages? That takes a lot of time and energy to master! He can understand being bilingual, but he’s truly floored when he hears that you’re trilingual. And you’re planning on learning more? That’s totally amazing!
Having a mom that expects too much from you is not an issue that Azul can relate with, but he will have your back. He’ll always support you and listen to you vent if you ever need someone to know how much your mother keeps expecting perfection, but can never be fully appeased by your efforts. Burnout is not a matter to be taken lightly, and while it can’t always be cured by menial efforts, he will gladly take you to the Lounge and treat you to a grand meal and dessert! (Free of charge, of course. If you ever want to make a contract concerning your situation… well, that’s another matter entirely). 
Overall, the both of you have similar backgrounds, but with different approaches to how you confront your past traumas. Together, the both of you can motivate and learn from each other to be your best selves. As long as you have trust and faith in your relationship, you’ll find that you have a great boyfriend in Azul. 
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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lovehelm · 1 year
epel's handling in the main story is frustrating. he's insecure about his looks because he's small and looks naturally feminine, leading to him being frequently mistaken for a girl. he absolutely experiences body dysmorphia. it's not surprising that he has developed a complex about his appearance. anything feminine including make up, beauty care, and "non hyper masculine" fashion are instantly rejected and looked down on by him. epel views the pursuit of beauty that pommefiore embodies to be a sign of weakness because of how his appearance was used against him. the natural development here is for epel to learn not to judge others by their appearance, just like he wants to not be judged for his appearance. he also needs to learn that there are strengths to his appearance and that he doesn't need to feel ashamed of himself.
the main story does attempt to go down this route of character development with epel, albeit with a heavy hand. vil beats epel in duels repeatedly, despite embodying what epel views as weak. vil even uses his beauty (simplified from his career efforts) to help epel's family business (showing that beauty CAN be useful). epel in turn uses this idea to get an advantage in a fight on the beach. epel then resolves to use his talents and appearance to help vil win the vdc.
if only that's all there was. the way twst handles lessons revolving appearances has always left a bad taste in my mouth. epel's lesson is heavy handed, but it's there and easy to digest. it's clear that twst's goal with epel involved "don't judge a book by its cover" and "beauty and feminine traits are not a sign of weakness". unfortunately, those lessons are also surrounded by contradictions or at least lessons that may not have been intended. Beauty doesn't equal weakness, but beauty has a very narrow meaning in twst. rook may be there talking about how there are unique forms of beauty to be found in everything, but his ideas are treated as a joke. epel is scolded for his accent and told he must speak properly to be understood. he's also scolded for being rough around the edges (not being "prim and proper") and being the type to roll around in the mud. this itself is a little annoying, but not the end of the world. where things get more apparent is azul.
epel's development in the story comes after book 3 - azul's chapter. azul ALSO has a complex about his appearance. he has insecurities about everything - from his octopus body to his weight to his athleticism (and more). these insecurities also stem from being looked down on by others... to the point that he was severely bullied. azul struggles with body dysmorphia, disordered eating, and views himself as ugly and shameful. his trauma is displayed clearly and very heavily involves his appearance.  But azul is still judged by his appearance and it's even encouraged. there is no point where twst says azul shouldn't have been judged for weight or appearance. there are times where character's joke about how little he eats. azul is never told to have pride in his appearance or in who he is.
i could go on and on. i could even bring up other characters, but i've probably already said too much. i've read arguments that twst's goal isn't to tell feel good stories or have lessons. it's not a story about heroes or good people. whether you believe twst isn't about lessons or not, but differing ideas in a story can still affect how a character's development is read. having two characters with clear body dysmorphia be treated so differently makes it hard for me to take epel's development seriously. epel's lesson almost twists into him taking pride in his appearance because he's beautiful, but other characters who aren't beautiful have no need to challenge their body dysmorphia.
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threadedwheels · 1 year
ember and his health; an informative post
( aka - the fates hit Ember with a baseball bat called “illness” until he stopped moving )
cw for discussions of; physical and mental illnesses, minor ableism, chronic pain
While I’ve made a lot of mentions to Ember’s health, I promised myself I’d make an actual informative guide to direct people to for questions. As a quick piece of information about me: a lot of Ember’s relationship to his disabilities is based off of how I cope with it. I’m noting this because I don’t want to seem like I’m coming from a place of just “I wanted to cause this guy problems” and instead “I have never seen a disabled character who wasn’t babied and who wasn’t excused for actions because of their disabilities”.
I don’t have all of these things, namely I’ve never been diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) or Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), so if there are any inaccuracies I apologize! I have a lot of overlapping symptoms which are the ones I tend to focus on. Also, I do not have a complete comprehension of the healthcare system in TWST, so I am making assumptions and kind of using the fact that Ember comes from a traditional and slightly isolated home as reasoning for any differences in canon vs what I am writing.
With that, lets get into it
- BODY -
Ember has something called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, specifically the classical subtype. This affects the connective tissues in his body, making his joints hyper-mobile and unstable. It also causes his skin to be stretchy, something that isn’t mentioned as much, and causes him to scar a lot easier and worse than others. It’s genetic, he inherited it from his dad, and is something that will worsen throughout his life.
Ways in which this effects him includes:
- The use of mobility devices, namely his cane, crutches, and wheelchair.
- He almost always has all of his body covered, with the exception of occasionally wearing a turtleneck he cut the sleeves off of.
- He easily dislocates, sublexes, and sprains his joints- especially his legs and shoulders due to use.
A common comorbidity with EDS is POTS. This is what causes him to faint when he stands too fast. Essentially, his heart doesn’t get enough blood returned when he moves too fast and it will beat faster, usually requiring him to lay back down for a bit.
- MIND -
Ember’s mental health struggles, however, are not diagnosed. He isn’t fully aware of them himself. He has depression and is autistic.
For his depression, this is what causes him to not fully care for himself, come off as snippy, tending to isolate himself during lows. Until recently, he would successfully isolate himself, only interacting with others while working. I’ve made mentions in the past to this vaguely- namely in how his room is in a state of disrepair, he hasn’t been taking care of himself, and is quick to fight others. To him. this is simply an unfortunate part to being the next Oracle.
For his autism, he mainly is autistic because I myself am and I find it incredibly difficult to not write autistic characters. He’s more literal, causing his prophecies to be incredibly upfront and without much room for interpretation, doesn’t understand social cues, and has a special interest in death and magic.
If Ember was able bodied and neurotypical, he wouldn’t be himself. He is like this less because there’s evidence in the lore that he is twisted from and more because, as I mentioned, I wanted a character like him to exist. It matters because Ember, at his core, is someone who is struggling who will never admit it. Especially since being the Oracle already hurts his body.
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malleusfucker · 2 years
malleus draconia relationship headcanons
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this is basically a part 2 of his kinks & hcs post but i am very much a whore for this man so i NEED. TO. WRITE SOME SHIT.
warnings: smut/nsfw, malleus being a loser virgin, it gets very smutty at the nsfw part so, oral (receiving + giving), unprotected sex, two dicks, implied corruption/humiliation kink, mentions of pregnancy/breeding, choking/biting, mal being lowkey sadistic, sleepy sex, holy shit there are alot of warnings i am sorry, reader is afab but no gender or pronouns are explicitly specified
words: 2.5k
this is some serious sappy shit but i can’t help it 😭😭 i am literally so in love with this man damn
~ right off the bat, malleus would definitely be the best boyfriend ever and no one can convince me otherwise (or at least one of the best out of the twst cast cuz there’s some uh questionable characters in that list *idia and leona i am directly looking at you*)
~ the way your relationship builds up with malleus is agonisingly slow. he’s very cautious about who he gets close to and is definitely not one to make any bold moves—especially if he doesn’t feel like you’re reciprocating the same feelings—but oh boy. once you do, that’s when he gets a bit more excited. 
~ it won’t take long before you pick up on the little things he suddenly starts doing for you. waiting for you after class, asking to visit the library with him after college hours, hell, even just waiting outside ramshackle dorm until you notice him just so he can spend time with you alone. his signs of affection are very straightforward because that’s what he likes them to be. he doesn’t want to confuse you or think that he might be giving false signals. though he might as well be holding up a sign saying “i love you” with the way his infatuation for you is so painfully obvious.
~ malleus is so new to all this stuff, so it’s down to you to show him the ropes. kiss him, hold his hand, hug him. he needs these acts of affection practically every hour of the day as that's what all the books he’s memorised word for word have drilled into his head. he’s completely clueless. but that’s what you’re here for - to help lead the way and show him just how special a relationship can be. 
~ and once you initiate things, a stupid smile will permanently be plastered over his face. not missing any opportunity to pick you up from your classes and walk you to your dorm—his love language is just being with you—not even having to touch you but still feeling his heart racing with him just being in your company. he can never get over that someone like you can accept everything about him, loving him for all that he is - ignoring all of the labels attached, and just showing you genuinely care for him as a person.
~ gifts will be a reoccurring thing that you will have to grow accustomed to, expressing his love for you by showering you with kind sentiments such as little presents and items. whether it's gems or tiny rare crystals, it'll always find its way to you - he particularly loves giving you things you can wear, like necklaces or bracelets, crafting them just for you so that every time you wear them, you're reminded of him.
~ but one thing you’re unfortunately going to have to get used to is sebek basically praying on your downfall every single moment he gets. he’s appalled that such a lowly human—one that’s not even capable of performing magic—is hanging around with malleus, let alone being intimate with him. you’re gonna get an earful any time you head over to diasomnia - with you and malleus having to rush straight to his room to avoid prying eyes from not only sebek but also the students too.
~ on the topic of prying eyes, people will be curious - more specifically, lilia. this little shit will tease you both all day every day. asking you very personal things so then he can have his “proud father” moment. cheering and applauding at even the sight of you two simply holding hands - he is embarrassing and it’s evident when you spot the faintest blush spreading across malleus’ cheeks as you walk around campus, muttering under his breath if you can both go somewhere “quieter” (aka as far away from lilia as possible).
~ these wandering eyes definitely don’t help with the fact that this man is extremely possessive. he wants you to have your freedom and experience your time at the college to the fullest but it doesn’t mean that his eye won’t start to twitch at the sight of you being “friendly” with your classmates. having experienced the happiness of being in a serious relationship for the first time, he never wants to let that sensation fade. he’s making up for lost time. being so alone for all the long years of his life will only make him needy, clinging to the thing he loves the most with such an iron grip that he's certain it can't possibly escape from him.
~ but once you do have your alone time, malleus is milking every second of it just pampering and giving you affection. nuzzling his face against your neck, he always loves trailing small wet kisses down your collarbone, mumbling sweet nothings in your ear as you feel yourself drift off with the way he’s lovingly holding you in his arms. when he wants to be, this man is the epitome of gentle. treating you as if you were carved out of glass as he softly caresses your skin, feeling your warmth against him as much as possible just so he can then later reminisce about how soft you feel.
~ did someone say big spoon? nope. not quite. despite how giant this man is, he enjoys taking the roles of being both the big and little spoon quite seriously. with his arms wrapped around you tightly, he’ll cling and cuddle you the entire night, the sensation of his embrace never leaving your side once and waking up with him still gently holding you. 
and expect to return the favour on your part. who said that this man won’t become pouty if you don’t snuggle up and spoon him? cuz he sure as hell will. you won’t ever realise it, but when you end up doing the cuddling - malleus literally ascends to heaven. this is so unfamiliar to him so having your warmth just envelope him for the night makes him act as if he was a baby, curling up and intertwining his fingers with yours as he holds your hand close to his chest.
~ if you’re not a morning person, then luckily for you, you’ll become one. not only will you wake up with malleus having his arms around you but no matter the time - he’ll be ready to awaken you with endless kisses, gently planting one on your forehead as you slowly open your eyes. since you and malleus rarely have any quality one-on-one time outside of the morning—he will always devote them to you. he’ll constantly be on you, getting you ready and dressed for the day, preparing you breakfast whilst taking careful note of what you like and dislike so that he can always improve. 
he does it all basically.
~ fortunately or unfortunately for you, pda is something malleus isn't too big of a fan of. he deems that anything intimate or romantic should only be shared between the two of you, alone. though he definitely won't deny your advances if you lightly kiss him on the cheek outside of class - he won't exactly encourage it either. a brief peck is all it takes to send him scurrying back into his shell since even being alone with you makes him nervous. though he wishes he could shout out to the world how much he loves you, even the most powerful mage in the college have their weak points sometimes, his eyes widening and cheeks heating up at the idea of you merely hugging him.
~ the first time you had sex with malleus - yeah, it was a straight up nightmare. his wide and extensive knowledge of everything apparently stops specifically at sex with the way he’s so clueless. it was to the point that you didn’t think it was even possible for this to be the same person. teach him and he’ll learn - that’s all that there is to it. these moments of blatant naivety fade pretty quick with malleus picking up on everything you tell him almost instantly. this man is so determined to pleasure you with everything that you’ve done for him, prioritising your needs above his 99% of the time so that he can feel like he’s finally giving back to you.
~ he manages to master everything so well in such a short span of time that it’s scary. not even being able to recall your own name by the time he’s done with you, and that time being hours. he spends so long pleasuring you, doing everything in the book so that every time you have sex together, it’s something new and not anything you’ve experience before. but merely just having sex with this man is anything but usual, it. is. overwhelming. even when he’s being gentle with you, you will still be crying with him hitting every spot so good that it makes you think that you may have genuinely gone insane.
~ malleus doesn't see it as just having sex, but rather as one of the few opportunities he has to demonstrate his love for you, and thus he loves making the experience go as long as possible. he wants you to feel it, and feel it; you definitely do. your legs will be shaking so viciously just from his tongue being in between your legs, fearing for how much your body can physically take before he finally decides to fuck you.
~ and once he does, run. RUN AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE cuz this man won’t let you rest, not even once. his immense stamina soon becomes apparent after the first round, his breath still being as even as it was to begin with, the only difference being - his hunger. increasing so much each time you cum, it becomes practically impossible for him to stop fucking the daylights out of you and breaking the bed every. single. time.
~ speaking of bed breaking - you’re fortunate that malleus has the power to fix and put things back together because if he didn’t, it’d be pretty embarrassing having to ask for a new bed every week. it happens 90% of the time with the way he’s so fucking intense, thrusting and driving into you so deep you swore you saw the roof crumbling at one point. he’s so passionate in devoting all his love to you that he can’t help taking it a bit overboard, though what 5 rounds are to you feels like child's play to him. that just being a small portion of how he really feels, if he wanted to, he’d probably spend days just fucking and filling you up non-stop.
~ although being someone so polite and well-mannered, all that decorum is left right at the door. make out sessions will become heated with his fangs wandering and hunting for the best place to dig into, marking your skin so much that he’s confident he claimed you as his own. malleus just loves seeing how much his touches can affect you, the imprint of his fingers still lingering on your neck from when he was gently squeezing it with your eyes rolling back as he repeatedly pounded you with his cocks.
~ for someone as loving and gentle as he is, it feels wrong with how sadistic malleus’ intentions sometimes seem to be. he won’t hesitate to suddenly shove your face into the mattress, brutally stripping you of any remaining innocence as he quietly praises how good you are to him. malleus really brings a whole new meaning to the term “mind-fuck”, drilling into both your body and your mind that he can only make you feel like this and that no one can pleasure you to the extent that he does.
~ he’ll forever love the sight of you pathetically crawling up to him, fumbling with his belt as you desperately try to get his dicks out of his pants, only for you to choke any time you want to suck him off. when you attempt to give him a blowjob, he surprisingly prefers just watching the sight of you get yourself off whilst trying to take him into your mouth more than the actual feeling of it. best believe if you become that horny to try this, he’ll rarely spare you a glance; instead, he’ll just continue reading his book until he finally looks down and sees you hopelessly lapping up all of his cum like a starving animal.
~ malleus would never humiliate you. more so, he just likes messing you up so much that you end up doing it yourself. getting so drunk on his words and body that you can’t resist but beg for him to fuck you full of his semen, being so limp and frail you’ll have to rely on him carrying you everywhere you go - which he’ll definitely be delighted to do, the sensation of your feeble grip on him as he guides you gently to bed never fails to make him smile.
~ of course, sex and foreplay come with his inescapable thirst for wanting to breed you. whether you can have kids or not, it doesn’t matter to him - he’ll pin your legs up to your chest and fuck into you so hard, relentlessly pumping his seed into you to the extreme that you start to believe that he might actually just miraculously bless you with his offspring. here is when his collected and calm facade starts to slip; he is so genuinely terrified of losing what he has with you, and if reminding you of who your boyfriend is is what it takes to keep you from leaving, then he will be more than willing to do it constantly.
~ sleepy sex will be a thing, so get used to it. or rather, you’re the sleepy one in the situation. god forbid you have a wet dream because he’s going to POUNCE. he always thinks of these instances as your mind subconsciously pleading for him to fuck you—and while that might actually be the case—he was gonna do it regardless. carefully pulling your delicate body towards him to avoid waking you before slowly slipping himself inside you. he can’t get enough of the way you writhe beneath him so helplessly, your eyelids fluttering as you involuntarily start to moan and whimper. when i say this man won’t let you rest, I MEAN IT. even in your sleep, he won’t give you any peace. gently thrusting into you when you begin to feel yourself start to awaken, his giant form looming over you in the darkness with your mewls growing louder by the second.
~ but overall this man is a sweetheart when it comes to sex (most of the time), only behaving in such a frantic way to display how much you mean to him, which is a lot. sex is definitely a big thing for malleus because it’s really one of the only ways he thinks a couple can truly express their love to each other. despite being a complete menace one day with all the marking and bruising he gives you - he'll always turn around and love you tenderly the next.
the malleus brainrot is REAL and its here to stay good lord im not called malleusfucker for nothing 
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ryuichirou · 5 months
A couple of replies today! Kuroshitsuji and Twst.
Anonymous asked:
are you ever gonna make some Kuroshitsuji 2 art featuring my favorite blonde psycho?
We love Alois and I did draw him a couple of times! We posted some of the stuff here, but everything that wasn’t posted on tumblr can be found in this kuroshitsuji log on pixiv.
I’m not planning on drawing him in the nearest future, but since he is very special to us, it might randomly happen at some point…
If you have any troubles with pixiv, let me know and I’ll post Alois art from there here.
Anonymous asked:
The thought just crossed my mind... Do you ship Sebastian with any other characters aside from Ciel? Do you have any thoughts about those ships, if you do? Do you see Grell as a top or a bottom, too?! (I can't pick a side w/ them personally)
We talked about our Kuroshitsuji ships some time ago, here is the post if you’re interested! But in short, we kind of ship him with William because their interactions in the Circus Arc were hilarious and William was 100% playing hard to get. I don’t think I’ve even drawn them at all, but I should do it at least once… I should draw all of our Kuroshitsuji ships at least once, to be fair :(
Ironically, we don’t have any ships or even thoughts about Grell, sorry for disappointing! Maybe it’s due to the fact that while we were hating on Kuroshitsuji all those years (dark times lol), Grell was pretty much the only character I would draw anyway because of the cool design… But not really, to be honest; it’s actually more likely due to the fact that none of the Grell ships really clicked with us :( As for the position, it’s easy to see Grell as a bottom, but it doesn’t really help in this case.
Anonymous asked:
I've noticed I think y'all ship idia the same way I ship silver LOL just 24/7 running a list of characters through my head like "would it be hot if they dicked down Silver? It would be a little hot, wouldn't it? Lets just add them to the list anyway 😌" [he and said character has spoken a total of 2 times]
YES This is the treatment Silver deserves, his father would be so proud lol a little jealous, but still!
It is fun though... I always say it, but twst cast is very interesting, so a lot of characters who seem to be just a random pick could have such nice chemistry that it’s easy to start shipping them after just one interaction or a voice line. I love it so much lol
Anonymous asked:
i can not stop thinking about how Ortho has 24/7 access to any and all porn ever uploaded to the internet. and with a little modification he can bring even some of the most fantastical ones into reality.
He is just way too powerful, isn’t he? And the worst thing is, no one can even stop him anymore, now that Idia can’t access his system anymore…
If you think about it, Ortho is the perviest and the most knowledgeable person in NRC, even if he isn’t actively aware of all the kinks in the world. To think that only 5 minutes of buffering time separates him from being completely unaware and him having seen the entire collection of sex machine porn videos… And knowing Ortho, he’ll definitely want to try some of the things irl lol
Anonymous asked:
Hello! I'd like to know your thoughts on one of the side characters: Fellow Honest.
Sorry if you've already talked about him and I missed it.....
I'm just curious, because you seem to like Rollo and Che'nya, side characters that have made a few appearances in your art.
Do you have any interest in Fellow? Any headcannons? Or are you waiting until next Halloween, when Playful Land is available in English, to talk about/possibly draw him?
Hi, Anon! Sorry for the late reply.
I haven’t talked about it, and unfortunately I still can’t really talk about him. We are very intrigued by both Fellow and Gidel, but we haven’t seen their event yet. So I can’t make proper judgments and come up with any headcanons :(
We don’t really care about the EN release because we watch fan translations on youtube, but we just don’t have time to watch anything these days unfortunately. But when we do watch it, you’ll definitely notice, because there is no way I won’t draw Fellow at least a couple of times. His design and his sleazy faces are just too much fun lol
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rggie · 2 years
twst boys as babysitters
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characters: leona kingscholar, malleus draconia, vil schoenheit
summary: cheka comes to visit leona! instead of being a responsible adult, leona throws the burden onto you … and the poor unfortunate soul that happened to be with you at the time. tldr; twst boys as babysitters
cw: established relationship, gn!reader, crack & fluff, sfw. not proof read. wc: 1.5k+
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leona kingscholar
“oi, herbivore. got you something.” leona calls, dragging his feet into your room, hands hidden behind his back. “early birthday present. keep this one forever.”
oh dear
now you’re no stranger to receiving gifts from your boyfriend (though he won’t admit that he likes to spoil you) but something about his tone makes you worry.
surprise!!!! he raises cheka above his head, who squeals with delight at the motion, making grabby hands when he sees you. you’re his favourite person after his uncle leona, after all!
cue a moment of silence … you’re staring at leona, he’s staring at you … and cheka … is still raised in the air.
“leona, stop dumping things on me all the time.”
“but he likes you. take care of him for me.” which actually means ‘he’s disturbing my sleep and i need to get him off my back.’
you refuse, obviously, and propose that the pair of you babysit together. you’re meeting him halfway.
leona agrees too quickly. perhaps he wants to spend time with you—and okay, maybe he missed cheka too. the little brat.
there is something so endearing about the way leona interacts with his nephew
leona, who has an abundance of smarts and strength, is nothing more but a flickering candlelight when put against the blazing fire that is cheka kingscholar.
his power knows no bounds.
if you’re stuck with these two, expect a lot of play-fights
leona complains and verbalises very often how annoying it is, yet never bothers to physically remove cheka off him. he simply takes the hits, feigning pain afterwards.
“that really hurt. i’m tired now.” leona, be for real. just admit you’re a softie
but beware. if he’s in the mood, he might fight back. and leona shows NO mercy.
it doesn’t matter that cheka is a child! he’s preparing him for the REAL world
oh boy, here come the crocodile tears
when cheka is tired out, it’s time for leona’s favourite time of the day.
no, not lunch time, nap time!!!!
you know the saying two’s company, three’s a crowd? you’re spooning on a bed that’s definitely not made for three.
leona’s arms are strung loosely around your waist, his head in the nook of your neck
cheka is curled up in a little ball against your chest
it’s kind-of a squeeze, but it’s also comforting, their soft snores filling the otherwise quiet room
until cheka wakes up again, and this time he has his eyes on another opponent.
malleus draconia
you’re trying to introduce malleus to your favourite shows, and he’s slowly getting into them as well
in fact, maybe he’s teleported outside your door in order to find out what happens in the next episode of the said show, and not because he wants to be with you.
he rings the door once, then twice, then thrice, but you don’t show up
he knows you’re a busy person, so he tries his hardest to be patient. either way, he’s certain he’d wait eons for you if that’s what you asked him to do.
when you turn up with leona’s nephew in his hands, he …
well, he doesn’t do anything at all, actually
he doesn’t even ask about it. you guys just carry on and sit in ramshackle as if everything is normal.
like hello???? are we going to address the furball other than grim in the room or not?
cheka: *scratching malleus’ horns like they’re ears*
malleus: ???? This Is Fine.
the truth is he’s scared
he’s malleus draconia, a fae feared by all—rendered immobile by a child attempting to swing from his horns.
you’re shocked he’s just letting it happen… he’s just sitting staring at the tv screen as if nothing is bothering him, but his whole body is visibly tense.
cheka is a talkative kid, and malleus is fascinating to him, so he just has so many questions! “why are you so tall?” “are you really a fairy?” “why don’t you look like the ones in storybooks?” “are your horns even real?”
“i don’t know. why don’t you check for me?” it’s an invitation for cheka to go wild, to do as he pleases
except malleus is NOT smiling, so it goes unnoticed
cheka is like :3 and malleus is like : |
malleus doesn’t want to scare the cub away, he wants to chat with him! he wants to play!!!
but he lacks the verbal skills to communicate properly
he thinks back to silver as a young boy and finds a way to keep cheka entertained
“little lion, would you like to spar?”
malleus, no!!!!???
silver may have been training at a young age, but this is different. he was not raised by two fae.
despite your desperate pleas, cheka agrees.
malleus is grinning, a rare sight—its giddy and goofy and so youthful, you don’t have the heart to stop them
they sit crossed-legged on your bed with spoons for swords, violently clashing against each other
malleus is REALLY serious about it, though. he’s smiling, but he’s also teaching cheka at the same time
“good one.” “this is your opponents’ blind spot.” “you should try this on your uncle leona.”
you’re starting to think he’s doing this purposely.
but this is the most fun you’ve seen him have in a while, so you suppose leona will just have to pay the price of leaving cheka in your care.
vil schoenheit
why on earth is leona’s nephew sitting in pomefiore’s lounge, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed?
he has half the mind to curse out leona next time he sees the beastman, but then you appear behind him.
his frown and his thoughts falter a little. (his lips subconsciously pull upwards into a smile whenever he’s around you. it really is a bother that he cannot control his emotions better, considering he’s an actor.)
“did you bring him here?” he points at cheka, tone accusatory, but lacking any real bite.
all he wanted was to spend time with you. now he’s plagued by some child who didn’t even know the basic instruction ‘sit.’
upon closer inspection, he shrieks and moves backwards from cheka quickly.
“prefect, where are his shoes??”
you’re joking, right? please tell him you’re joking.
“so you’ve been having him walk around OUTSIDE barefoot?”
“he’s just … one with nature!” you laugh lightly to quell his anger.
he is not laughing. not this time.
Mother Nature may be smiling down on Cheka, but Vil Schoenheit is not.
his feet. his feet.
those feet have been walking all over the school, who-knows-where, and now they were padding across his previously immaculate carpet. holy seven, he thinks he sees the shape of a foot-print staining the floor already.
that’s it. it’s bath time, he declares, demanding you to swoop the child into your arms and follow him as fast as you can to the en-suite bathroom in his dorm room.
it’s already a battle alone trying to get cheka into the bathtub. cheka hates water, mewing, thrashing his body about and scrunching his nose like a bratty kitten.
but fear not. you’re lucky your boyfriend vil is an esteemed warrior in the sense that he has had plenty experience getting messy kids to behave (*cough*, epel)
get your tickets for Queen vs. Future King Of Sunset Savanna NOW!!! they’re going at it like it’s wordstar
once he’s in the bathtub, things are a lot more calm.
vil is … surprisingly sweet? his voice is gentle and soothing as he works away humming to a tune you’re unfamiliar with, assuring you that you can sit back and relax.
you’ve never seen him interact with children before, but you realise he acts as he does with everything else he cares about—practical and meticulous—although he can be harsh at times, he has good intent.
perhaps it’s the atmosphere of being around someone so young rubbing off on him, but he’s a tad playful, styling cheka’s hair in funny ways with shampoo. at one point cheka’s hair stands so tall above his head, it may rival malleus’ height. just kidding, but you get the point.
afterwards, he lets cheka use his favourite scented creams, as a reward for being good. the plethora of items displayed on his vanity was more than enough to make anybody with a penchant for self-care jealous.
cheka is overjoyed, his sense of smell heightened compared to you and vil, who were only human. the different scents around him are stimulating; he’s content having vil place pea-sized pumps of cream in the palms of his hand.
“smell.” vil orders. he waits for an opinion: “smells fruity, like oranges!” which is about as much descriptive lingo a five year-old can muster up before repeating the process all over again.
you had to stop cheka from trying to eat vil’s products several times
“yes, it smells like summer fruits with a dash of honey drizzled over and a side of fat-free greek yogurt, but it doesn’t taste like it!”
to anyone else it may have seemed quite strange, but to them, it was exciting.
at the end of the day, vil may not have edible treats to give to cheka, or the will to play-fight, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care.
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curryandbread · 3 years
Hello Curry! Can I request a Twisted Wonderland Headcanon with Dorm Leader when they witness they're S/o almost getting kidnap by someone (can be RSA student or anyone random but please no Neige) that have obsession towards their S/O.
Thank you~ oh! And make it Sfw please.
TWST Dorm Leaders protecting an s/o whose involved in an attempted kidnapping
hi anon!! thank you for requesting~
TW: drugging
Riddle Rosehearts
You were asked to meet someone at Heartslabyul’s rose gardens. It was a heartfelt letter, and for some reason it got you curious to who the sender might be.
Riddle keeps you close whenever you go somewhere. But this is a matter on your own hands, he lets you off once as he bids you a farewell with a kiss on the forehead.
You were waiting, looking around until someone from behind hugs your body tightly as you yelped. Unfortunately, your screams were muffled as the perpetrator covered your mouth with a hand.
Just when you were struggling, Riddle successfully hit the perpetrator down with his magic before running towards you.
He hugs you first thing, cupping your face as he checked if you had any injuries.
Riddle’s eyes were full of fire. He glared down at the person who attempted to kidnap you, not taking another latency of making them pay.
And once the situation was settled, with the perpetrator being taken away, from that since on, he will not leave you alone anymore.
He’d have you stay at his bedroom for security purposes, cuddling you to sleep as he whispered sweet nothings while he’s here.
Leona Kingscholar
Who dared to capture you?! Especially if you’re with the Leona Kingscholar.
In any circumstance that this one person doesn’t know that you’re dating Leona, he just signed himself a ticket for a train to hell.
Someone asks you to meet at the Magift field, offering you to ‘watch a game’, in which you allowed.
Leona would be somewhere unseen, most likely sleeping at random places again.
Someone violently grabs your arm, pinning you down to the ground with both of your arms behind you, you tried thrashing around but the perpetrator had a well-built physique.
Until suddenly, the perpetrator was sent flying by the jaw. The weight hanging over you dispersed immediately.
You look up to see Leona with the grimmest expression. His green orbs practically glowing.
Of course, the perpetrator got the message. As they scrammed without looking back, Leona eyes some of his men and gestured the delinquents to follow them.
Once the two of you are alone, he picks you up and slings you on his shoulder.
“Hey, herbivore. From now on I should see you in my sight. If you’re not there, you know the consequences.”
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul is the master of trickery, but he never saw it coming that someone would go to such an extent to kidnap you.
You were sitting alone at the bar of Mostro Lounge, waiting for your drink.
One of the students came to add something to your drink. Azul was not at the area, most likely at the VIP room doing his usual business.
You reach for your drink now being delivered to you. You took a sip, suddenly feeling your vision drop. The perpetrator purposely catches you before you even fall to the ground, insisting he’ll take you to the infirmary.
The perpetrator drags you somewhere secluded. Before they even tried to do something, a punch was landed on the perpetrator’s cheek.
All you could here was Floyd’s insanely high-pitched laughs, Jade following behind Floyd.
Once Azul gets the cue, the twins are going to give the perpetrator a little... lesson.
Whilst you can hear the perpetrator being abused by the twins at the back, Azul would stroke your cheek lovingly as he held you close.
“Let’s put it like this, treat it like a contract. You’ll stay by my side forever and never leave me, yes?”
Kalim Al-Asim
He knows he should be the one who’d get kidnapped due to certain cases in the past, but it had to be you instead of him.
You were only eating alone at Scarabia’s kitchen. The dorm head had gone to bed, and you were there to drop by for a little midnight snack.
Whilst your back was turned, arms loomed over you and your mouth was covered, trying to break free from the grip.
However the perpetrator stood his ground. You were struggling until the grip loosened. All you heard was a pan being hit on someone’s head.
It was Kalim who had thrown the pan at the perpetrator, now lying down on the ground.
He runs towards you and pulling you into an embrace, blaming himself for leaving you alone.
Jamil rushes down to see what’s the commotion he’s been hearing at the kitchen, of course, things are taken care of as he is already at the scene.
Next time, Kalim would have to reinforce the dorm with security barriers, and even make you sleep in his room, making sure that you’ll let him know that you’re running off somewhere.
Vil Schoenheit
Of course, some people will look down on you just like how people underestimate Vil.
It was the day of VDC, the representatives were busy preparing for their performance so you were left alone, Grim tagging along with the committees to secure other things for the festival.
You were only sitting on a bench by the stage. A student approaches you and they seemed to be from RSA. They hung around with you until they insisted to take you to a place they want you to see.
You politely decline but somehow the RSA student contained a short temper and was about to lash out on you.
However, Vil was quick to kick the student away from you.
The RSA student will definitely recognize who he just bumped into. Announcing a lot of apologies for his ‘rude’ behavior and leaves the two of you alone.
“Never mind you leaving us here. I’m taking you with me.” Said Vil.
Idia Shroud
Yada... yadaaaaaaa..! No way is he gonna have anyone even lay a finger on you without him around you.
You were only doing laboratory maintenance duties, you alone with another student assigned to help you.
Somehow, the student beside you pushes you down to the ground as he pinned you down. Shocked and unable to asses the situation, you suddenly heard a small voice from the corner.
“Charging laser beam, 30%.”
It was Ortho.
The student hissed, getting off of you as he ran away. Idia rushes in to check on you and pulled you up.
You asked him how did he know, he said he saw it from the security cameras. Don’t even ask him why he even has access...
Of course you had to thank Ortho for him nearly blasting the whole school down just for you. Giving Idia a reassuring smile as you held his hand with a light squeeze.
Malleus Draconia
It would bring a disgrace to the title of the next head of the Valley of Thorns if he were to harm someone for you. However, he will do so just to keep you by his side.
You were at a janitor’s closet, putting away the mop you had just used to clean a breakage that Grim has caused. Malleus was also there to witness it, however you insisted you’d clean up instead of him.
You were heading out of the closet, suddenly someone blocks your path and pushes you back in the closet.
It was a delinquent from Savanclaw who had wanted to take revenge for Diasomnia’s victory in every Magift tournament by holding the Diasomnia dorm leader’s precious, you, captive.
It was not long until a green mist of magic hit the back of the student’s head, knocking them to the ground.
Malleus had come to rescue you.
“I can never forgive myself for dragging you into this.”
You were quick to tell him that it wasn’t his fault and thanked him with a kiss on the cheek.
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