abyssalmermaiden · 5 months
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Febhyurary 1- Start
Having recently moved from her hometown to the heart of Allag's capital to pursue her interest in music and performance, Viola was still dazzled by the city after several months of living there.
Her talent soon caught the attention of a minor courtier, who hired her as a personal attendant
her singing talent and her looks- thinking that one of the reasons allagan courtiers would have actual people servants rather than just specialized nodes would be vanity/eye candy
(how's my fake Allagan city street? XD)
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59 notes · View notes
blackstarmylove · 3 months
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51 notes · View notes
sunshine-overload · 3 months
[BSTS] April Fool’s 2024 ‘The Hero, Reincarnated in Another World’ Event Story - Part 1
I hope all the names don’t get too confusing!
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Chapter 1
-inside castle-
storyteller (aogiri): —This is the Starless Kingdom. The strict king that rules over this land is currently in a state of disarray. Why? Because the princess who is loved dearly by this nation, was kidnapped by the wretched and evil Demon King. And so, the king has summoned a hero in order to see her returned home safely...
haseyama: ...Huh? Where am I?
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??? (kei): —Was the ritual successful?
haseyama: Huh? Kei? What he hell is going on here?
king (kei): I am the king of this land.
haseyama: ...What?
king: The princess of this kingdom has been kidnapped by the deplorable Demon King. I have called upon you in order to save her.
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haseyama: What are you going on about? ...Actually never mind that, what on earth am I wearing? When did this gaudy outfit get put on me. You damn bastard, is this your doing? 
king: I have summoned you here from another realm to subdue the Demon King. Once you defeat him and return the princess to me, I shall allow you to return to the world of which you came from.
haseyama: Huuh? ...I must be dreaming.
king: Whether this is a dream or not is a moot point. Either way your task remains the same.
-kei points his sword at haseyama-
haseyama: Hey now, put that blade away. You wouldn't want to put a hole in my throat would you?
king: If you do not intend to carry out my order then I have no qualms in sending your head flying.
haseyama: Shouldn't you be the one going to defeat the Demon King? Why are you relying on someone else?
king: There are countless other scoundrels aiming for my throne. A king cannot leave his castle unattended. Now answer me, will you carry out my order or not? You may only accept or refuse.
haseyama: Threatening me huh? That's not very noble of you. Do you think I'll listen to you just cause you've got a sword pointed at me?
king: If you do not wish to cooperate then I will just summon a different man after I've executed you. So, once again, answer me.
-kei points blade closer to haseyama-
haseyama: Ok, fine fine! I'll play along with your little world of make believe... Jeez.
king: Splendid. In that case, Hero, I shall bestow you with this legendary sword to use in battle.
haseyama: Hero this legendary sword that, this isn't a video game you know? So I just need to stab the Demon Kong with this then, right? Where is he?
king: You must ascertain that yourself.
haseyama: ...Are you kidding?
king: Gather your own party of companions as well. As for any funds you may need for your journey, acquire it by your own means. The currency we use here is called ‘yell’.
haseyama: Whaaat?
king: A Hero should be able to handle that much without issue. With that, I wish you luck on your journey.
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haseyama: Wh... What the hell!?
*yell - same name as the currency in-game
Chapter 2
-inside castle-
haseyama: What was all that about? He barely explained anything to me. Was that not actually Kei...? Jeez, he could've at least told me where I should head to first.
-time pass, grassy field, day-
haseyama: Let's see, what should I do...
??? (rindou): Oh, could you be the Hero?
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haseyama: Huh? —!?
??? (rindou): You are the Hero, right? I share the same goal as you, let us go together.
haseyama: You're Rindou ain't you?
nameless swordsman (rindou): I do not possess a fine name such as that. I am merely a nameless swordsman. My sword skills are of a competent level, I promise I'll be of use to you.
haseyama: (That bastard Kei did tell me I should gather companions...)
haseyama: Sure thing. I'd rather not travel alone either, let's team up.
nameless swordsman: Really? Thank you very much!
haseyama: So, how do I gain even more companions?
nameless swordsman: We should head to the tavern. That is usually where parties are formed.
haseyama: Parties...?
nameless swordsman: I think we should try recruiting some members in Umbrella Village. 
haseyama: Ok, let's do that. Heroes in video games always gather a team after all.
nameless swordsman: Video games?
-mokuren appears-
??? (mokuren): I've got you!
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-rindou jumps in front of haseyama-
nameless swordsman: Watch out!!
-mokuren attacks-
haseyama: Woah!?
??? (mokuren): ...Hmph, you guarded him.
nameless swordsman: Kicking people out of nowhere is quite rude. What do you want from us?
??? (mokuren): That guy's the Hero isn't he? Wouldn't it be fun to knock him down a peg?
haseyama: What are you saying? Have you gone insane, you bastard?
??? (mokuren): You're a Hero yet this other guy had to protect you. It's laughable. Could it be you're not actually capable at all?
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haseyama: As if. Who the hell do you think you are?
-qu appears-
??? (qu): My apologies. This one is the type to attack an opponent they're interested in the moment they see them. They're a dancer and I'm a priest. We were travelling together but...
dancer (mokuren): Travelling with the Hero sounds like fun. Let me join you. 
priest (qu): There you have it.
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haseyama: Hey, this sword I've got is pretty amazing. Just by carrying it on me everyone's recognising me as the hero. Killing time in this world ain't half bad, everyone here is depending on me.
nameless swordsman: Indeed. The fate of this realm is in your hands.
haseyama: Alright then, I'll take you two in as companions. In exchange, escort me to this so called Umbrella Village.
dancer: Don't stand behind me.
-mokuren almost kicks haseyama-
haseyama: ...!? That was close!
nameless swordsman: Amazing, you evaded their kick so gracefully. You really are the true Hero then, how excellent!
priest: Still, it's best you avoid walking behind Dancer. We wouldn't want to have to go looking for a new Hero. 
haseyama: They'll throw a kick at me the moment I step behind them? Since when are dancers such violent people!?
*Umbrella Village - reference to the song umbrella/amegasa
Chapter 3
-inside tavern-
haseyama: Hmm, so this is the tavern where I can gather team members?
nameless swordsman: Yes. All sorts of people visit here, so you can try and recruit whoever interests you.
haseyama: Hmm, all sorts of people huh...
drunkard (akira): Bartenderrrr, hurry up and bring me more booze~ I placed my order ages ago didn't I?
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haseyama: ...Geh, that's Akira isn't it?
drunkard: No need to apologise to me sir, if you know any cute girls just introduce me to them, ok?
priest: ...Appears there are some drunk customers here as well.
dancer: Don't tell me you're planning to make him your companion? He's beyond drunk. Pick your friends better, Hero.
haseyama: Shut it you. I don't wanna have to make a team full of faces I recognise either. Is there no other options here?
bartender (hinata): Ah, welcome! Would you like to order?
haseyama: Oh, someone I don't recognise actually showed up. Are you the bartender...?
bartender: Yeah, what about it? That's one impressive looking sword you've got with you sir ♪
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haseyama: Yeah. I, as the owner of this sword, am looking for some suitable companions to travel with. You're... a bartender so you'd be no good in a fight. Is there anybody that's strong in this place?
bartender: Ah, there is there is! That guy drinking alcohol over there! He called himself the 'Strongest Sorcerer'.
haseyama: Ooh, the strongest huh?
strongest sorcerer (lico): (drinking) Whew that's good...
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haseyama: What, him? That's just Lico though?
nameless swordsman: The strongest sorcerer? It's true that I can sense he isn't just your average person.
haseyama: You can? Well... I guess I'll try talking to him then.
-haseyama walks over to lico-
haseyama: Hey, you.
strongest sorcerer: Hm?
haseyama: Join me. It's an honour to be on the Hero's team, no?
strongest sorcerer: ...Excuse me? What are you talking about. I doubt a decrepit old man line you could defeat the Demon King.
haseyama: What did you just call me!?
strongest sorcerer: I can see why you'd wish for the help of I, the strongest sorcerer. It's obvious you'd need my power. If you'd like for me to join you, then bow to me first.
haseyama: Excuse me!?
strongest sorcerer: My abilities don't come cheap you know. Are you going to hire me? How much money do you have, can you even afford it?
haseyama: Bastard, how about I go ahead and double the debt you owe me?
strongest sorcerer: Debt? What are you talking about?
haseyama: Never mind! Besides you're talking all big but are you even a sorcerer like you claim to be? Reeks of bullshit to me.
strongest sorcerer: Shall I show you my skills then? —There.
-all of the bottles on the shelf burst-
haseyama: Woah!?
priest: All of the alcohol bottles exploded at the same time...! What an impressive spell.
haseyama: I see, I see. So you being the strongest wasn't a lie after all. Got it. If it's money that you want I'll pay you later, however much you want. So join me.
strongest sorcerer: However much I want? Do you really expect me to believe that?
haseyama: No, but once I beat the Demon King that arrogant king of yours is sure to give me a handsome reward right? Once I return to my world I'll have no need for this place's currency, so you can have it.
strongest sorcerer: Return to your world?
haseyama: Ah... Just don't sweat the details! The point is I'll give you whatever reward that unpleasant king coughs up for me. Deal?
strongest sorcerer: ...Well, that offer doesn't sound so bad. If that's the deal then I don't mind joining you.
haseyama: Perfect, the contract is decided.
Chapter 4
-riverbed, night-
cat beastman (maica): Argh... Disappear!
mob class demon (kasumi): Guh, he got me!
wolf beastman (ginsei): These bastards... go away already!
mob class demon: Uwah, they're strong!
cat beastman: (heavy breathing)... So? Is it gone now?
mob class demon: Nope, there's still more of us~!
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-three kasumi's appear-
cat beastman: What!? Even more appeared!
wolf beastman: No matter how many we defeat there's no end to them...! Shit, if only it was a full moon I'd be more powerful...!
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cat beastman: Aah damn it, my charm skill isn't having any effect! Even though it's just a mob class...!
mob class demon: My apologies~ I'm going to keep attacking you now!
-the three kasumis leap forward-
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-scene cuts away-
haseyama: I heard at the tavern that the Demon King's castle is in the north... but isn't that a bit too vague? Where in the north?
priest: Well, let's just continue heading north for now.
haseyama: I don't want to just aimlessly walk in a direction with no idea what's ahead. One of you find out where—
wolf beastman: Someone please help us! Anybody!
priest: Oh my? It appears those two are being attacked by a demon.
haseyama: (smirking) Oh are they now...? In a situation like this we have no choice but to help them out hmm? All of you, help them.
strongest sorcerer: Sure thing, that amount of demons is child's play.
nameless swordsman: Are you not going to fight, Hero?
haseyama: Hm? Well, I suppose I could at least try this sword out. Alright, here we go.
-haseyama swings sword-
mob class demon: Gyahh! That hurts!
mob class demon: Kyaaa~! Ouch!!
mob class demon: Retreat~!
nameless swordsman: ...How surprising. That sword really is just as powerful as it looks.
haseyama: Never mind that, those guys dropped some money when they ran right? Hurry and pick it up.
wolf beastman: Um, thank you for helping us. We were in a real pinch.
cat beastman: You're strong. I'd expect no less from the Hero, you have my gratitude.
haseyama: Hey now, don't tell me you think words alone will pay me back for deciding to help you?
cat beastman: !
priest: What? Um, Hero? Why are you pointing your sword at civilians...
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haseyama: C'mon, pull out all the money and items you have on you. Small price to pay for us saving your lives, no?
wolf beastman: Huh? S-sure. Sure thing, here's what I have.
cat beastman: Then... Here's what I have too, take whatever you'd like.
haseyama: Thank you~ Alright let's get going guys, north we go.
priest: ...Yes.
-hero party leaves-
cat beastman: ...He took literally everything we had!?
wolf beastman: Are they really the hero party...?
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Chapter 5
haseyama: Look, I'll say it one more time. What I want is for you to prepare me some weapons and a full set of armour.
weapons dealer (aogiri): Yes, I understand that sir. That is why I am trying to arrange an appropriate price with you.
haseyama: I'm the hero that'll be defeating the Demon King. Shouldn't I be getting whatever I need for free?
weapons dealer: Are you saying that you'd like for the common folk to die from uncompensated work, Hero-sama?
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haseyama: The heck is up with that attitude of yours. Tch, whatever, who needs equipment anyway. Oh well... I guess I'll take a look at the map we stole from those beastmen.
??? (sinju): Hello there, Hero-san. What have you got there?
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haseyama: Huh? Oh, Sinju?
villager A (sinju): Who? I'm a villager. I live in Umbrella Village.
haseyama: Tch, doubt you'd be very strong in battle then. This is a map with directions to the Demon King's castle.
villager A: Oh wow! As expected of the Hero, that's one cool map.
haseyama: Cool how? Look at it, it's no better than those scribbles Unei calls drawings. I don't even know where to head other than north, does no one have any clearer directions? Hey, do you know how to get to the Demon King's castle?
villager A: Uhh... Nope, I have no idea. Ah but, on the outskirts of this town there's a fortune teller who has a reputation of always being correct. Why don't you try asking him?
haseyama: Fortune teller huh... Well, if he gets it right then that'll be beneficial. I guess I'll give it a try.
-haseyama walks to the fortune teller-
fortune teller (heath): ...Welcome. What would you like?
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haseyama: ...It's Heath, huh? Anyways, I want to go to the Demon King's castle. Tell me how I should proceed to get there.
fortune teller: Ok. In that case, I will turn over my tarot cards... I have the result.
haseyama: Oh? And?
fortune teller: North. You should continue to proceed north.
haseyama: I know that much already! You're just a damn conman ripping everyone off ain't you? Good for nothing, what a waste of my time.
-haseyama goes to leave-
fortune teller: Wait.
haseyama: What now?
fortune teller: The cards also say that disaster will befall you. I recommend you be careful.
haseyama: Hah, what a joke. Coming to this world was already a disaster in itself.
-haseyama's office-
??? (unei): It appears that a man calling himself the Hero is in search of my castle. Hmm, ‘hero’ he says... Kuku, no matter who they are all someone is capable of doing in the presence of my dark magic is grovelling on the ground before me. I suggest you watch closely, Princess! I'll send that Hero to an early grave!
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saki: Umm, who is this Hero you’re talking about? And... Where am I exactly...?
??? (unei): It is none of your concern, Princess. Now then, let us get ready for supper.
saki: (Why is Unei-san wearing that outfit? Where am I? What is going on...)
Chapter 6
-forest, night-
dancer: Hmph, the sun's completely set.
haseyama: Where on earth is that damn Demon King's castle! There's nothing but forest here!
nameless swordsman: It's best we find somewhere to set up camp and rest. The forest is a dangerous place at night.
strongest sorcerer: Huuh? I didn't sign up for camping.
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nameless swordsman: We have no other choice, there aren't any inns nearby.
priest: Let's sleep in shifts and rest our bodies.
haseyama: I'll leave keeping watch to you lot. I'm sleeping till the sun comes up.
-time pass-
haseyama: Zz... zz...
nameless swordsman: Hero, are you awake?
haseyama: Nn... Huh? What is it? I'd finally gotten comfortable.
nameless swordsman: My apologies, but I must tell you something very important. I don't want the others to overhear so let's move somewhere more secluded.
-they move deeper into the forest-
haseyama: So? What is it? 
-haseyama stumbles-
haseyama: Wh— Woah!? Ouch, the hell is this? There’s a rope—
nameless swordsman: Appears you're caught.
haseyama: Hey, bastard! Don't touch my sword, what are you planning to do with that?
nameless swordsman: Sir Hero who is very much only a hero in name. I'll be taking this sword from you.
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haseyama: Excuse me? You asshole, are you betraying me!?
nameless swordsman: Fufu, from the very start my aim has been to— !?
-kokuyou appears and attacks rindou-
??? (kokuyou): You... You're the man with a bounty on his head known as 'Gentian' aren't you?
gentian (rindou): I don't know who you are but it appears my covers been blown, hm?
haseyama: Bounty? That means you're villain doesn't it!?
gentian: No, I am simply part of the resistance. That doesn't make me a villain. This sword of yours should be in the hands of someone more deserving. The person who corrects the wrongs of this world does not have to be a subordinate of the king.
warrior (kokuyou): Shut the hell up already. I'll be taking your head!
-kokuyou attacks rindou-
-rindou dodges-
gentian: Woah there!
-screen goes white with a smoke bomb-
haseyama: Argh!? (coughing)... The heck, I can't see anything!
gentian: Appears the odds are not in my favour, so I'll be taking my leave here. Let us meet again someday.
-smoke clears-
haseyama: Dammit, that bastard! He's damn quick at running away.
warrior: He was after your sword... Are you the rumoured Hero?
haseyama: You're... not Kokuyou. Who are you?
warrior: I'm a warrior, I work as a bounty hunter. 
haseyama: Ooh? You're strong enough to make a swordsman turn on his heel and run. Join me. If you come with me then as compensation I'll um... Oh I know. Once we defeat the Demon King I will grant unto thee dominion over half the world.
warrior: I don't need something as absurd as half the world... But I am interested in beating that Demon King to a pulp. You got me at a good time, I'm free right now so sure, I'll come along.
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haseyama: Nice. Oh right, by the way, would you happen to know where the Demon King's castle is?
warrior: I have heard it's in the north.
haseyama: Is that all any of you can say!?
*gentian - 竜胆 can be read as ‘rindou’
*half the world - this line is a dragon quest reference
Chapter 7
-forest clearing, day-
haseyama: I don't see any castles in the distance... Could we at least hitch a ride on a horse and carriage or something?
strongest sorcerer: I was thinking the same thing. Why does someone as magnificent as me have to do all this walking?
dancer: Oi, Hero. We're out of food too. I'm hungry.
haseyama: Oh shut up, do you see any grocery stores around here?
priest: I'm sure if we just endure for a little longer we'll stumble upon a town or village.
-dark mist appears on the path-
-mizuki and two kasumi's appear-
??? (mizuki): Hey, you over there!
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haseyama: Huh?
??? (mizuki): You're that shitty ass Hero that's going after the Demon King yeah? I'm gonna kill you dead!
haseyama: ...!? Who the hell are you?
mob class demon: He is one of the four great leaders of the Demon King's army! His name is 'Mad Dog of the East'!
mob class demon: I'm merely an ant compared to his unbelievable power~!
warrior: Four great leaders? He doesn't look that tough to me.
mad dog of the east (mizuki): Kyahahah, attack 'em!!
mob class demon: Yes, sir~!!
-they attack the hero party-
-time pass-
strongest sorcerer: Haa... That's it, I'm at my limit. I can't walk another step.
warrior: We managed to defeat that great leader guy but I'm all out of stamina...
haseyama: Despite being a dumb brat he was dang strong.
-gui appears-
??? (gui): ...Hero party.
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haseyama: Wah...!? Shit, another assassin? This is a terrible time...!
??? (gui): Eat this. It is fryryce fruit.
haseyama: What? Is that even edible?
dancer: I'll take it.
priest: It may be poisonous, be careful.
dancer: This is... delicious! What an amazing fruit, give me more.
??? (gui): Here.
dancer: Delicious...! I can feel my strength coming back to me...!
haseyama: Really? Let's see then... !? Why does this fruit taste exactly like fried rice...?
strongest sorcerer: Woah you weren't kidding, I feel much better. I'll be taking seconds.
haseyama: What's up with this fruit? This world makes no sense.
??? (gui): My wish is for you to rescue the Princess.
-gui disappears-
strongest sorcerer: ...Huh? He just disappeared?
warrior: What was up with him?
priest: He may have been a spirit of the deceased that watches over this land.
haseyama: I have no idea, but he helped us out. Now we can keep heading north.
Chapter 8
-beach, day-
haseyama: Why do I have to be the one to find some food... Jeez, it stinks of ocean.
-menou appears with eyes closed-
haseyama: ...Hm? There's someone collapsed on the ground over there. Is it a corpse?
??? (menou): Yawn~ You're finally here... I got so tired of waiting that I fell asleep. You're the Hero, right? Excuse me.
haseyama: What, you were alive? GAH!?
-menou stabs haseyama, screen flashes red-
??? (menou): One and a two~
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-red flash-
haseyama: Wh... You bastard... what are you... Gah!
??? (menou): And a three and a four~
-red flash-
??? (menou): There we go, five stabs. That should be enough right? I've done what I was told to do.
haseyama: Argh...! You... Who are you...?
??? (menou): Me? I'm one of the four great leaders of the Demon King's army~ My name is... Um, what was it again? I forgot. Oh, you can just call me Yu. It's my favourite combination of letters. But well, it's not like we'll ever see each other again anyways. See you.
haseyama: B-bastard, don't you run away...
-mokuren appears-
dancer: Rejoice, Hero. We found a whole bunch of shellfish over... Hm?
yu? (menou): Oh, your companions are back. How troublesome.
warrior: The Hero is all messed up, just how powerful is that guy?
dancer: Oi, we should attack him. From this distance magic will be fastest. 
strongest sorcerer: Sure, but I might hit the Hero as well. Is that ok?
dancer: Who cares, shoot.
strongest sorcerer: Fine fine, here I go~
-lico shoots a magic blast-
yu?: ...Hm? Was I just hit by something?
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haseyama: That attack didn't effect him at all! Strongest sorcerer my ass!
strongest sorcerer: Shut up! I really am the strongest in that village!
yu?: Sigh... You're all so weak, I'm bored. Maybe I'll just retire from being a great leader and live in an onsen somewhere...
haseyama: Hey, wait...!
yu?: Oh right, I should take your money first.
haseyama: Huh!? My money!
yu?: Bye bye.
-menou leaves-
strongest sorcerer: What the heck, he just ran away? Pisses me off.
priest: Are you ok, Hero? I'll cast some healing magic, please hold still.
haseyama: Godammit! All of you are useless!
dancer: ...I didn't think the Hero would be this weak and pathetic. How boring.
-mokuren goes to leave-
priest: ...? Where are you going, Dancer?
dancer: I'm going to go find someone more exciting to fight under. I'm done with him.
strongest sorcerer: ...They really just do whatever they want huh.
warrior: It's just a fighters instinct. 
priest: We all must search for our own true strength...
haseyama: Isn't that person just a dancer though!? ...Hey, that hurts! I thought you used healing magic on me? Why am I not healed!?
priest: I'm terribly sorry, but I've used up all my mana. This is as much as I can heal for now. There should be an establishment where we can get you proper treatment further along this path. Let's head there.
*Yu - ゆ meaning ‘hot water’ is the hiragana used on the entrances to onsens
To Part 2
32 notes · View notes
superthatguy62 · 5 months
Things Final Fantasy III does not tell you about Final Fantasy III.
When it comes to RPGs, information that the player has is far from a guarantee. Some games will tell players practically everything about their systems and leave it to the player to use that information. Others will leave some mechanics in the background, quietly applying them without the player's knowledge. The Final Fantasy III remake falls into the latter category, as there are some mechanics that the player may not realize even exist unless they look outside of the game. Here are seven of them.
This is based on the Future Press Official Strategy Guide. As far as SGs go, it seems pretty close to the Japanese SE guide (baring at least one case).
Party Member Levels (Life of the Party)
While temporary party aren't directly controllable, they seem to have their own levels and stats. Interestingly the Future Press strategy guide states that they also have stats. Though I should clarify: At this time, I have yet to find these in the Japanese strategy guide, so I am not entirely sure that these are accurate. However, the FP guide in general is close to the Japanese guide in terms of technical information, so I am willing to accept that risk.
These are:
Sara: Lv 5 (Str/Vit/Agi/Min: 6, Int: 7)
Cid: Lv 3 (Str/Agi: 5, Vit/Int/Min: 8)
Desch: Lv 10 (Str: 15, Vit: 10, Agi: 14, Int: 7, Min: 6
Aria: Lv 25 (All: 25)
Alus: Lv 30 (All: 35)
Doga/Unei: Lv 50 (All: 45)
Some observations:
The guide notes that the characters stats are usually significantly higher than the main characters' at the same levels. This is especially noticeable with Alus (The party's base stats, by compare, will be: Str/Agi: 24, Vit/Min/Int: 20)
Cid is the only party member to be weaker than the character before him (Sara), presumably due to how little time the party spends with him. He does have an impressively strong hammer, though.
Despite being portrayed as a White Mage, Sara's Int (7) is slightly higher than her Min (6).
It seems that after Desch, the devs kinda gave up with making varied stats, so Aria, Alus, Doga and Unei have the same number for all their stats.
Coincidence or otherwise, Aria's stat number also matches her level.
Doga and Unei share the same levels and stats as each other, a distinction no other party member has. For extra fun, Xande is also level 50, although his actual stats are unfortunately but understandably different.
Alus, a 10 year old boy is somehow twice as strong as Desch, a grown man.
Mognet Details (Stampin' N Stompin')
Most of Mognet's discussion usually begins and ends with it being connected to the sidequests. Because of this, there are a few features of Mognet that go undernoticed.
One particular aspect is the cards: For meeting the Legendary Smith with a mastered job and defeating the Iron Giant, the party can get cards signifying their mastery.
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(I have yet to defeat the Iron Giant. I apologize for being a fraud).
In the PSP and Steam versions, these cards are mostly just rewards. In the DS version, however, they can be used as stamps for Mognet. And while the Iron Giant is purely to flaunt your superiority over the beast, the job mastery cards actually allow players to help out other players: If a player holding a signed letter runs into the Legendary Smith, she will give the player the respective job mastery item without having a level 99 job. While it doesn't break the game, due to how late it is before you can encounter the Smith, it does cut down on the grind you'd need if you wanted those items.
Encounter Frequency (Fights in the A.M. P.M. F.M.)
In Octopath Traveler, a later game by Team Asano, entering a new location will usually show you a danger level, giving you a general idea of how strong the enemies in that area are. While the mechanic is visible in OT, it was actually deployed discreetly in Final Fantasy III: Each area has a level that the guides recommend the player be at. However, the game itself uses a more subtle method: If your party is below the recommended level, the encounter rate will be higher than usual. By contrast, the further above the recommended level that the party is (up to six levels), the lower the encounter rate will be.
For example: The Nepto Shrine has a Danger Level of 10. If the party made it to the Shrine at level 7, then they will likely encounter more enemies than they would at level 10. By contrast, at level 16, they will have a chance at encountering the least amount of enemies.
Attack Types (SMASH! SLASH! STAB!)
In Final Fantasy III, elemental weaknesses are clear and easily implied by the fact that Mages have themed spells. However, the game also has a second, subtle weakness system: Attack Types, the physical counterpart.
The four attack types are
Unhanded: Despite the name, Claws are also included
Blow: Weapons that focus on slamming or bludgeoning the foe
Cut: Weapons that actually cut the foe, like Swords
Stab: Weapons that stab or have a stab-like effect, like Arrows
Interestingly, some weapons aren't mutually exclusive: Axes count for both blows and cuts, Knives count for both stabs and cuts and Unarmed counts for both Unhanded and Blow.
Hands (The Hands of Fate)
The Hand stat is a secret stat that the game silently keeps track of for each character. The hand stat represents how many times a physical attack has been made with a particular hand, the hand getting 3 XP for each use. Much like job levels only one hand level can be gained per battle, regardless of how many points are racked up. Theoretically, if you can have hands of different levels, although given how much III encourages dual-wielding, it's unlikely.
The FP guide recommends using the Ranger's barrage if you want to build up the hand stat, as that is a multi-hit attack that nonetheless counts each hit for the hand.
Weight (The Weight of the World)
Weight is not a new mechanic to Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy V, in particular has the stat help to determine who quickly a character acts (i.e. how fast the ATB bar fills up). However, V is the rare game where the game will actively inform the player of its existence. Other games in the series have it, including III (at least, in the remake).
Weight, along with Agility, determines how soon a character will act during the turn, as well as how many hits a character does (alongside the aforementioned Hand stat). This is why a Warrior with an axe will generally hit less than a Warrior with a sword, despite having higher attack. Interestingly magic also has weight to it with spells having a specific weight/cast time to it.
Boss Scripts (Script Write)
Bosses changing strategy mid-fight has been a Final Fantasy staple since at least Final Fantasy IV (Zeromus, for example, only starts to spam Meteo when he's close to dying), so the FF3 remake isn't particularly new or original for using this. Still, it's something to be aware of in case you make a particular fight harder than it needs to be.
A likely candidate for this is actually the final boss: While the Cloud of Darkness uses Particle Beam (and spams it during the last phase), it actually doesn't use the move until it's down to 80% of its HP, using the less threatening standard attack instead. This means that a player willing to take some turns to lower the danger can focus on the tentacles, which are the more immediate threat.
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praf-in-ochi · 11 months
Avem dureri despre care nu putem vorbi,
Avem gânduri pe care nu le putem rosti,
Avem dorințe pe care nu le putem indeplini,
Avem vise pe care nu le putem adeveri,
Avem suflete ce uneori nu le mai putem simți
pline de viață, de iubire, de fericire, de emoții,
Și le cărăm cu noi doar pentru a putea trăi.
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misshazelevers20 · 5 months
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technically it's not wrong.....but that's not what we actually mean.
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scarletify · 1 year
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crestfallenwanderlust · 3 months
Saw Unei (that must be him, right?) and am desperately hoping the one holding the sword is Haseyama
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fuyuhayooo · 1 year
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Happy birthday to Unei!
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tomoyoichijouji · 25 days
Part 9 of my FF14 Crystal Tower cutscene dub has been released! One more part to go! Cast Cid Garlond: Andrew Latheron G'raha Tia: Alex "CrimockLyte" Hankin Nero tol Scaeva: Alex "CrimockLyte" Hankin Unei: Kelsey Campbell Doga: Sol Ish Niwa Cloud of Darkness: Tomoyo Ichijouji Mysterious Voice: Tomoyo Ichijouji
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spadesnoir · 2 years
I dunno if this is a point that’s been made but the crystal tower alliance raid is just one big knockoff of The Cat in the Hat (2003)
There’s a catboy, two siblings—a boy and a girl, at least two fucked up Things that cause trouble, the climax involves having to close a gateway to another realm that threatens to consume the world in chaos—which the catboy and the siblings accomplish.
Also this happens to a character in both
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blackstarmylove · 9 months
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sunshine-overload · 3 months
[BSTS] April Fool’s 2024 ‘The Hero, Reincarnated in Another World’ Event Story - Part 2
Part 1
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Chapter 9 
-village, day-
priest (qu): Let's rest in this town. I need to replenish my magic.
warrior (kokuyou): Can the Hero really not move on his own? Can't be helped I guess, let's find a treatment facility.
haseyama: Hurry it up! Ow, it hurts so bad...
-sin appears-
??? (sin): ...That sword. Are you the Hero?
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haseyama: Huh?
??? (sin): ...It's grey exterior has been polished to be as pure as ice and snow.
haseyama: What are you talking about?
??? (sin): The chaos that crawled out from the underworld laughs in mockery. It reverberates all around, crushing each and every star in the sky, returning everything back to nothingness.
strongest sorcerer (lico): Um, what is this guy going on about?
haseyama: Who knows. I guess he's exactly the same even in this world.
-nekome appears-
villager B (nekome): Oh, would you like me to interpret for you? I can more or less understand what that man is saying.
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haseyama: Oh really? Sure then.
villager B: This man used to be a hero but he was defeated by the Demon King. Now he's in this town recovering from his injuries. That's what he's saying... I think.
strongest sorcerer: You think?
haseyama: You, did you used to be a hero? If you fought with the Demon King then surely you know the directions to his castle, yes?
former hero (sin): A place without a sun cannot be called hell. For it is under the bright sun in which darkness spreads further.
villager B: He's probably saying that the Demon King is super strong no matter what.
strongest sorcerer: Probably?
haseyama: I don't care about that, I'm asking you for directions!
former hero: On the path to chaos you will meet with a bewildering forest as far as the eye can see. You can do naught but pray for Hermes' divine protection to guide you.
villager B: "The Demon King's castle is really big and fancy so it's easy to get lost in it~" Or something like that.
strongest sorcerer: Something like that? Why are you so unsure of your own translations?
villager B: That's cause I'm not completely sure what he's saying either. Sorry if I got anything wrong~
strongest sorcerer: Can this guy really be called an interpreter?
former hero: ...On the way to the Demon King's castle is a large and winding forest. Without a map you will not be able to traverse it.
strongest sorcerer: So he was translating wrong after all! Also what, you could've just spoken normally this whole time??
haseyama: Where am I supposed to find this map exactly? And don't say to head north!
former hero: The goddess behind the palms in the depths of the forest is laughing. Where exactly are you planning on going with those clothes made of scrap paper?
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villager B: I think he's saying that you have no chance of defeating the Demon King if you don't gather better items and equipment first~?
haseyama: That's true. Video games always make you prepare better equipment too. But how the heck am I supposed to pay for it all? That stupid great leader or whatever stole every last cent we had!
warrior: We can't do much other than defeating some weak enemies to earn some pocket change.
haseyama: Do we really have to do something as tedious as that? Such a pain.
villager B: Ah, in that case there's a place nearby you could visit. It's the ALL IN casino.
haseyama: A casino! That's exactly what we need! We can rake in a large sum of money real quick!
qu: And where do we get the money to make our initial bet exactly?
haseyama: I'll just use my sword.
strongest sorcerer: If you do that and end up losing the sword don't expect any of us to stick around. 
haseyama: Ah shut up! What other option do I have here?
Chapter 10
-inside casino-
haseyama: So this is the ALL IN casino huh? Hey, is the owner here? Bring him out!
casino owner (hari): Oh my, if it isn't the Hero himself. I humbly welcome you to my casino.
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haseyama: ...So you're the owner. Well whatever, our standings mean nothing in this world. I'm the Hero, I've come here to win big.
casino owner: I'm honoured. Which game would you like to play?
haseyama: Whatever is fine. I'd like a high stakes table where you can win a huge amount in one round.
casino owner: I see... And how much money do you currently have on hand?
haseyama: I don't have any. I'm the hero so I'm paying with credit!
casino owner: Throw him out please.
bodyguard (kongou): Yes sir. You, we're heading out the back entrance. Never show your face here again.
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haseyama: Excuse me!? Who do you think you're saying that to━
??? (ran): Hey hey. Are ya really the Hero, old man?
haseyama: And what are you supposed to be?
viper gang leader (ran): I'm the leader of the Viper Gang, we're a group of bandits. Let's play a round together, old man Hero.
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haseyama: A round in what?
viper gang leader: Poker! An' we'll have the other guests of the casino bet on who they think'll win. The winner takes all the cash. I'll let the owner decide the payout percentage. Does that sound good?
haseyama: Fufu, Poker huh? Sure thing. This is an unexpected opportunity.
bodyguard: What do you think, owner? Do we allow them to play?
casino owner: It's fine, I'll allow it. If you're really calling yourself the Hero then show me you can beat the Viper Gang. I'll have high expectations.
haseyama: Hmph, leave it to me.
-time pass, playing poker-
haseyama: Call! What're you gonna do?
viper gang leader: Hmm... Ya probably only have a two pair, I have a straight so I'll raise.
haseyama: Huh!? ...Tch, I fold.
viper gang leader: Hahah, I win again~ Ya not lucky at all huh, old man?
haseyama: ...Oi, use your magic on him.
strongest sorcerer: What?
haseyama: The way he's able to predict everything is fishy. He's definitely using some sort of magic.
strongest sorcerer: Are you sure you're not just bad at poker?
haseyama: I know a cheater when I see one! If you won't check then I'll just have to doubt your magical ability instead!
strongest sorcerer: What kind of reasoning is that? Well whatever, I'll check. ━Reflection magic!
-screen flashes white-
viper gang leader: Woah!? What just happened?
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strongest sorcerer: ...Oh, he actually was using magic. That guy is using x-ray vision magic to see through the cards.
viper gang leader: Agh!
haseyama: Hey now, seeing through the cards is cheating is it not? Can you really allow that to slide, mister owner?
casino owner: Of course not. The Viper Gang Leader is disqualified!
viper gang leader: Seriously!? Wait a sec, it was just a little prank, I swear!
bodyguard: You must leave immediately. Never show your face here again.
viper gang leader: No way~!!
-ran gets escorted out-
haseyama: Tch, trying to win by cheating. I hate dishonest players like that.
-sotetsu appears-
??? (sotetsu): Congrats on the victory, Hero-san. It's a joyous occasion winning so much cash isn't it?
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haseyama: Huh? Who are you?
information broker (sotetsu): I'm just a humble information broker. I bet on you to win and just made billions.
haseyama: Billions...!? You mean all the other guests thought I'd lose?
information broker: I'm grateful you won, so I'll let you in on some top secret information. You'll accept it yeah?
haseyama: ...What is it?
Chapter 11
-inside king's castle-
ghost (gui): The crystal is now projecting the Hero. Can you see him?
king (kei): Yes, I do. However... He has conducted some aggressive behaviour at that casino. Was it a mistake to entrust that man with the legendary sword?
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-screen flashes white-
king: Who goes there?
master swordsman (yakou): Are you the king of this land? ━I'll be taking your head!
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-yakou runs forwards-
ghost: ...! Watch out.
-gui steps in front of kei to protect him-
-kei steps back in front and smirks-
king: Lower your blade. How many times have you attempted this now? Dealing with you is child's play.
master swordsman: Don't you dare underestimate me... Here I come! Technique 'Advance, Bloom of One Hundred Flowers'! Sword style 'Unsinking Moon'!!
king: 'Paint it, all black' ━The light shall vanish, Starless!
-background goes black-
master swordsman: Guh, the light... is gone...!? I can't see anything! Ugh... Uwaaaahhh!!
-inside castle-
ghost: That master swordsman has been coming here daily.
king: It is not only the Demon King who is aiming to take my throne. The peace of this nations citizens is always in danger. Therefore, I cannot step away from my throne... However... Whenever I think about how scared the princess must be, my heart feels as if it's about to break. If that Hero ends up being useless, then even if it means abandoning this nation, I shall defeat that Demon King myself━
-cut away, forest, night-
priest: There's no demons here so the atmosphere is nice and tranquil. The Lost Forest is a surprisingly nice place.
warrior: Who would've thought that guy was gonna give us map for free. He looked like he'd be a pretty useful dude, you should've had him join us.
haseyama: Hah, no thanks. That bastard just wanted to use us for his own gain.
-flashback, casino-
information broker: As for the info I can give you... Did you know that there's a place known as the 'Lost Forest' that blocks the way to the Demon King's castle?
haseyama: That's all you've got? I already heard about that from some guy who was speaking in gibberish.
information broker: If you follow this map closely then you'll get through the Lost Forest without worry.
haseyama: Oh! 
information broker: I'll give you this map for free on the condition you settle some trouble that's cropped up in the forest for me. That way I'll be able to use the trade route through there again, deal? I'll be counting on you, Hero.
haseyama: Huh? Why do I have to do that for you!?
-cut back to present, forest, night-
haseyama: That bastard is just treating us like his own personal handymen.
priest: Oh, can you all see that light over there? There's a signboard too.
strongest sorcerer: It says it's an inn called 'Period'. Oh thank god, I don't have to do more camping tonight!
-inside inn-
inn owner (yoshino): Welcome. Oh my, that sword you're carrying. Are you the Hero?
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haseyama: Yep, I'm the one whose on his way to save you all. I'd like a room, it's an honour to have me stay here is it not?
inn owner: Yes indeed! The hero party is most welcome to stay here. Please come right this way, I shall prepare a banquet for you all.
warrior: Ooh, a banquet you say? Will booze be included?
inn owner: Of course. It will all be my treat.
strongest sorcerer: My, what an upstanding inn.
haseyama: This is all because I'm the Hero y'know. You should all be more grateful towards me.
priest: ...On your high horse once again I see.
Chapter 12
-inn room-
haseyama: Whew~ The alcohol here is strong!
warrior: Yeah, it's pretty high quality... hm...? What's wrong?
strongest sorcerer: Ngh... My hand is going numb...!
priest: Could it have been spiked with something?
haseyama: You damn inn owner...! What the hell are you trying to pull!?
inn owner: Fufu... fufufu...
-yoshino transforms-
haseyama: Who the hell are you...!?
shunran of the west (yoshino): Thank you for being so easy to deceive, dear hero party. I am one of the four great leaders of the Demon King's army. I have spiked all of your drinks with a poison that inflicts paralysis. With this, you're finished!
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haseyama: Oh my, we can't have that.
warrior: Take this!
-kokuyou attacks yoshino-
shunran of the west: Ngh!? How can this be... When did you get behind me? Why are you still able to move!
haseyama: I heard from that information broker that a certain inn in the Lost Forest has had a habit of poisoning its guests!
priest: That's why I used my magic to give everyone poison resistance earlier.
shunran of the west: Then, you collapsed on purpose...!? To trick me!?
haseyama: You should try some of your own poisoned concoctions. Mm, tasty isn't it?
shunran of the west: Guh...! Stop that at once...!
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-screen flashes white-
haseyama: Woah!? Huuh...! What's with this powerful wind...! Hm? Oi! Where'd that great leader bastard go!?
priest: ...He disappeared.
strongest sorcerer: What do you expect me to do when he made that sudden gust of wind? I don't want to get something in my eye.
haseyama: God you're all useless!
-time pass, next day, inn-
strongest sorcerer: Yaaawn~ Ah, I slept so well.
warrior: It's been ages since I last slept in a proper room on a futon. I feel so much more refreshed.
haseyama: Let's get going then. We're getting the hell out of this forest.
priest: I'm sorry this is so sudden, but I've decided that I'll be staying here.
haseyama: Huh? Why?
priest: I've taken a liking to this forest. And since the owner of this inn is gone, I'd like to live here and welcome guests in his place. I never had a desire to fight and defeat the Demon King in the first place. My apologies.
strongest sorcerer: Hmph, well whatever. Do as you like.
warrior: No point dragging along someone who has no will to fight.
priest: Thank you for the journey so far, so long, Hero.
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haseyama: Tch... Do whatever you want!
*Shunran means spring storm
Chapter 13
-lost forest, day-
warrior: !
-kokuyou attacks kasumi-
mob class demon: Uwah! He got me~!
strongest sorcerer: Take this!
-lico attacks another kasumi-
mob class demon: Kyaahh~! They're strong~!
haseyama: Tch, it takes you guys so long to defeat these mobs. Put more effort into it.
strongest sorcerer: Shut up would you? Our party is smaller now, what do you expect?
warrior: Before we face the Demon King we should probably find some extra firepower.
haseyama: Fine, let's go look for some companions then. What a pain.
-time pass, village-
haseyama: So, what do you think? Spot anyone useful?
strongest sorcerer: Not at all. Despite this village being so close to the Demon King's castle all these villagers are just living their happy go lucky lives.
warrior: There's no mercenaries or bodyguards around.
haseyama: Why's this place so peaceful? Did the Demon King forget to destroy this village? Also are the villagers just fine with living next to the Demon King's castle? Why didn't they evacuate their homes in fear?
warrior: Either way, we won't be finding any new recruits here. What should we do?
haseyama: Well, we've got plenty of equipment and healing potions. I'm sure we'll be fine. Let's rest in this village for today. 
haseyama: ━Hey, whoever owns this inn! I'm the guy that's gonna defeat the Demon King, so prepare me a nice room to stay in. You don't get many travellers through here anyways right? Bring out all the booze and meat that you've got!
warrior: ...You're more of a Demon King than a hero yourself.
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strongest sorcerer: I'm fine with whatever but this better not end up being my last supper.
-cut away, haseyama's office-
??? (unei): Sigh... Dammit. They're all falling like flies, useless! If they can't defeat the Hero on their own then what good are they. You wouldn't think they were a subordinate of I who is so powerful.  So um... Is your name pronounced Hawklook?
??? (takami): That is fine. Rather, you can refer to me as harshly as you like.
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??? (unei): Mm, but I'd feel bad about it for some reason. Well whatever. Kukuku, watch yourself Hero, for your next challenge will not be an easy one!
saki: (I don't know who they are, but I hope this Hero person will be ok...)
To Part 3
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superthatguy62 · 5 months
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Doga, Unei & Xande: Amano | 3D Remake/Yoshida | Manga
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Noah, Unei & Doga: Manga
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praf-in-ochi · 11 months
Atunci când nu-ți mai găsești locul, atunci când simți că nu mai aparții nicăieri, nici acasă nu se mai simte acasă.
liennita tumblr.com
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history-detective · 3 months
BlackStar ~Theater Starless translation
DISCLAIMER – This is not an accurate translation! Please do not steal. Please let me know of any corrections and what I translated wrong- I may have just written what I think works best, but if you think otherwise, let me know. :)
Season 1 – Episode 8 :
Chapter 2- After Story Talk – Both are scary.
(Mokuren, Hari, MC)
Unei – Ah, MC! Hello.
MC- Hello, Unei. It’s unusual for you to be in the lesson hall.
Unei -Eh, yes. I was told that there might be a water leak, so I came to check. But…
Hari – Excuse me, where is Mokuren now?
Unei – Wa!? We-well, you must be….
Hari – I am Hari. Could you please answer my question, where is Mokuren?
Unei – Mo..Mokuren, I think he was in the kitchen?
Unei – Oh, but that was a while ago, so I don’t know where he is now-
Hari – In the kitchen. Thank you very much. Excuse me.
Unei – That person, what happened? It seemed like he was in a bit of a panic.
Mokuren – Oi, Unei. How dare you talk about my whereabouts.
Unei – Waaaaaaa!? Mokuren!?
Mokuren – Don’t push someone who is troublesome.
Mokuren – Look, do you understand?
Unei – Yessssssss! I am sorry!
Mokuren – Hmmm…
MC – What, did something happen?
Unei – I don’t know but I was so scared!!
The end....
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