bonki28 · 1 year
Du hast die Unendlichkeit meiner Seele
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spade-riddles · 1 year
Anonymous asked:
That Blind Item definitely is NOT from either Taylor or Karlie's PR teams, Karlie's been close with the Crawford-Gerber's since Kaia was like 10 or 11, there's no way in hell that Taylor and especially Karlie would ever condone this gross bullshit Enty is spouting.
Besides, Enty's whole thing with Karlie since the whole love blackout happened in late 2016 is pushing blinds claiming Karlie sleeps with every woman from a seemingly unendless horde of Hollywood and/or rich socialite women and that Karlie even occasionally enjoys stringing along the men who are dating/married to some of the women Enty claims Karlie sleeps with.
Enty has also pushed a blind implying that Karlie brought Shawn Mendes on the vacation she supposed went on with JK in Italy last August so she could dominate both very obviously gay men, because "Karlie is my boyfriend" is what everyone says if you actually believe any of Enty's ridiculous fake crap 💀
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fumikomiyasaki · 1 year
( HIP ) pulling mine by the hips.
Chizuko and Flynn
Seduction starters
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Around a late night, Chizuko accompanied Flynn to a fancy party of his. Mainly he was at first very stun by her looks and how she worked that dress why walking next to him, walking along the red carpet with her... yet as he got busy being chatted up by other guests and caught in the praise and admiration towards his role... eventually he looked back to find out what Chizuko did while he got stopped, only to find her being chatted up by a very handsome man who looked down at her with a light smirk. Trying to win her over with his charms. Just the invitation Flynn needed.
He slowly walked up to them both, pulled her closer by her hips to him and layed and wing around her for a small kiss on her forehead.
"Oh my, I didn't see you there, allow me to introduce myself. Flynn Deradelle, the partner of this beautifull Onyx... it seemed you two had quite the talk but I couldn't help to seek some attention of my dearest."
"Its fine I was on my way anyways."
The other man bowed but seemed slightly annoyed as Flynn looked back to Chizuko.
"Was that necessary?"
"What can I say... I like to show whats mine... I also can't stand such guys... thinking wealth will make them unendless attractive to every woman."
Chizuko sighed and dragged him down by his collar.
"I can handle myself really... you moron should not push yourself as the protector."
Flynn shrugged and pulled her close again.
"You know how much I care about you, its not that I distrust you, I know full well what you are capable off my dear Onyx.... its moreso I wanna show off how dear you are to me."
She grew red and annoyed pushing him away.
"Tch... fine then."
This was enough to him, he left his hand around her hips with a smirk and walked along with her on that party. Thinking about how to make up for her enduring this night with him.
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refried-ghost · 1 year
Zim startled when he was pinged.
When he'd first woken up he'd looked frantically for Dib to no avail. Then he took in his injuries. Considering how destroyed his clothes were and that they were still open. Even after he'd been dumped wherever this was. They must have been pretty severe.
His PAK legs were deployed when he awoke up. And slightly damaged. Where it attached to his back screamed. So it was highly likely that was literal. Someone had just dumped him out of a ship thousands of feet or kilometers or whatever unit of distance in the air.
He sat himself down with a sigh. The human survived him. He'd be fine.
And that's when he was startled by the ping. Skoodge. Was the immediate thought. The only person who'd bother to see if he was alive or not. But it wasn't.
It was the Tallest.
It was Purple. He didn't believe it. But still he pinged back.
He was close. Unbelievably close. Not the expected light years away.
Zim had pinged them occasionally since they'd become Tallest, but it was always blocked. He'd expected as much.
He waited to see if it was a fluke. A glitch from his faulty PAK. He hadn't called them in years. They never check in on him since he stopped.
And now injured, alone, and oh so very confused, Purple had pinged him again. Twice now. Once in response to his own. He didn't wait. He didn't bother finishing his treatment. He ran blindly in the direction he hoped would bring him closer to his Tallest. As fast as his damaged PAK legs could take him. Ignoring the screaming from his back. The wetness there.
Blood splattered the ground as he tore up what little had already begun to heal. Rushing through and bumping foreign flora. Drones he hadn't noticed before caught sight of him. Quickly matching his pace maintain a distance.
The running seemed unendless. He'd been at it for hours. He exhaustion was taking over. His PAK forcefully retracted it's legs. Zim hit the ground hard. Purple pinged him.
Panting, sweating and bleeding Zim pinged back. His PAK was forcing him into rest mode to work on his injuries. He wasn't in any position to allow that. But it did it anyway. Drugs flooded his system attempting to put him asleep. He fought them. He forced himself to stand. His eyes blurred.
He pinged Purple rapidly as the PAK began to cut his control. The pinging stopped working. He looked at the tree like thing he was using to hold himself up and fold a whole beneath it. He didn't have the time to hesitate. He forced himself into it rolling to the fetal position as everything slipped away.
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sleepeachy · 2 years
I made it to The Other Side
They say the other side is a place where the people who have lost their spirit go to. They describe it as a blissful sanctuary; a tranquil home. Some say problems don’t exist there, you wouldn’t have to worry about going to school with anxiety or being alone. People say you’ll find consolation in the people around you. In short, it is a peaceful place full of happiness; a world that has nothing to worry about. Some people are also saying that home can also be a person, not just a place. Well, I can thankfully say that i’ve experienced it all, however i didn’t really cross to the other side instead i came back to where i came from, the place where i truly live.
January passed me by. that month is full of despair and i wouldn’t ever want to experience it again. it was the worst ever situation that has ever happened in my life. i came to the point where i begged God to give me a reason to stay a bit longer, i begged him to say that i can still do it even if me in myself knew that i couldn’t anymore. i even started to doubt if he could still hear my prayers because for me, i am a sinner and i deserve all the suffering i felt, yet i still hoped that he would lend a hand to me. one more complication, i wouldn’t even bother to think twice to end my presence; i’ve lost my spirit. After everything, i just wanted to run away, i want to take a rest, and so i did. i traveled miles just to come back home. People who i haven’t spoken to in a long time welcomed me with a warm hug. my friends ran to my arms, smiling looking so blithe and they are excited to see me. they didn’t ask me whether i’m okay or how’s life, they just hugged me tightly making me feel that i wasn’t alone and that somebody’s still out there are who’s glad to see me with pure intentions. they knew it was all i needed at that moment— a comfort, not a reason to open up, not anything, just a hug and a person, then i’d be okay. they know what i wanted to feel even without me saying. Days have passed by, i was surrounded by genuine people with unendless laughter. they’ve showed me what friends are really like, they treated me like one. i wouldn’t have to worry about having anxiety because with them, i’m at ease. i didn’t have to worry about being alone cause they were always right there; they’ve always made me feel that i wasn’t friendless. they appreciate everything i do, even just by being there with them. We trip to places we used to go to, it felt so nostalgic. i remember going to school with a high ponytail and a long uniform dress without agonizing over anything. now going back without my uniform and my hair has been cut off and my life’s full of affliction. i may come back not as the same person i was before but the place i’ve been through remained serene, which is why i felt peaceful. it really is a blissful sanctuary, a tranquil home. i have lived my life at it’s fullest for the mean time with them. no problems existed in my existence that moment. they saw how burdened i was in life yet they didn’t see me as a weak person, instead they told me that i was a strong independent human being. for me they were all a gift blessing sent from God, He has heard my prayers. they all gave me a reason to stay a bit longer, they’ve told me that i can do it, they treated me the way i deserved; i deserved to be loved, appreciated, and to be treated right, not to be alone with all the traumas i don’t deserve, not to suffer from things i didn’t do. they made me stronger and i will always be thankful for them especially to God, he never left. Now i wouldn’t want to surrender again when i feel agony cause i’ve passed a situation in my life i thought i couldn’t. Coming back to the reality of my state still felt like there’s a void, the only difference is, i’m stronger now, i have a reason to exist and my heart is full. i can do it, i would not let myself be in that situation again, i would not let anyone ruin me again. i don’t deserve that.
So, i may have not really crossed to the other side, but at least i knew what it felt like to be in a place full of happiness, that is enough for me to call it heaven and a blessing. I made it to the other side.
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cxffeeshxp · 24 days
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{{ L }} " Young or not, any head-on conflict with a Goetia would be damn near suicide. To crush a might foe, you need a near unendless amount of bodies to throw at them, allows you to study their powers and to exhaust them. "
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goldofnov · 4 months
since i was fiften , my eyes have witnessed unendless sorrows it was like the life was preparing me to always know the feeling of sadness that it will always be stuck inside of me forever . therefore i have known how it feels like to be wounded I promised myself since i was a child to never be the cause of anyone’s harm or pain even if i was hurting to count every meaning behind every word i say to never shatter my image in anyones head to never be the cause of anyones broken trust of me & to never make anyone live with a pain i cause to them & to never let anyone thinks that what i lived with them was a lie . i want to be remembered as the one who will always protect the people he cared about until i leave this earth . for the heart of mine will always love so deep so respectfully so gentle so loyal to everyone i have shared my life with.
nowadays Its a crime to any humanbeing to have a heart like mine
For i know it can’t survive more misery & sorrows
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synthwife · 11 months
endless tattoo ideas. unfortunately unendless moneys....
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Unendless screaming that sounds like it's coming from miles away and right behind you at the same time is so mecore
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manuskrip · 2 years
hey its me again
haha kasian ya kamu tumblr, i only come to you when life isn't going well. actually, my life hasn't been going well for a couple of months. 
so my current situation is like this: it's been almost two years, that I and Adrien lived together. And now we’re completely apart from each other. He moved to London, and I'm still here in Stuttgart doing I don't even know what.
Gimana ya, rasanya tinggal dan hidup sendiri di negara orang. I feel lonely, i don’t have any friends. Well, i actually do, but that isn't really what I need anymore. I think at this kind of age I might already need someone to survive together with me. I feel lonely like i don't have someone to hang on to, let alone someone to talk every day. Aku tuh capek kayak gini. Tapi kalo aku capek aku pasti inget bapak sama ibuk, yang udah sekolahin aku jauh-jauh mahal-mahal. Tapi akunya cuman apa? Parasit.
Parasit ke orang tua iya, parasit ke Adri juga iya. Mau aku perjuangin Adri ya udah nggak mungkin unless he is willing to convert. Taugaksih, if only he wants to convert, I’d do literally everything. Moving out a thousand miles away ya Aku akan lakuin. Kadang aku mikir, why can’t I get what my friend has. Why does the person I love so much is different? Why can’t he do the same as others can easily do?
But if I think about it again, why would Adri sacrifices his life for a person like me? for someone who has zero achievements, zero life, zero money, is uninteresting, and has no self-development. Kasian Adri if he has to stay with someone like me who so far for the past two years contributed nothing to our household. Kasian Adri, maybe he doesn't have the heart to let me go since the beginning because look at me. And kasian Adri because staying with me means he has to always give without receiving something back. Already, I burdened him with this whole religion thing, and second, being with me is like having to do charity his whole life. Kasian Adri...
I am well aware of that. That is why when he thinks we should start to stop keeping in contact with each other I didn't really say anything. He worked hard for the past few years not to end up with a child who just constantly suck up his money, his time, and his happiness. I think he deserves someone amazing you know. A woman that is bright and full of positivity. Not a girl who throws him an unendless problem without even knowing how to solve it. not a girl who always asks for protection and understanding without even trying to try in the first place.
I owe him so much. And I feel so embarrassed about it. I have a lot of debt that I don't even know if I can pay them back or not. But I know I will have to. Kasian Adri... All the more reason for him not to sacrifice himself to convert for me. Because it's obvious that I am worth nothing. 
Sometimes I am wondering why should I struggle to live when I don't even have any purpose to live anymore. I have lost everything, including myself. But every time I think about ending my life, I can only think about ibuk, bapak, and my debt to Adri. He needs the money back. and I just can’t burden my parents with it. Tapi aku capek... aku capek banget hidup kayak gini... aku capek harus nangis sendirian setiap malam. aku capek gak punya pegangan hidup dan gak bisa cerita sama siapa-siapa. aku capek...
Setiap gemuruh yang keluar dari paru-paru aku rasanya sakit. Perih. Semua orang pergi dari aku.
I never talked to anyone regarding the debt I have. It was only between me and Adri. and maybe wonwoo.. I think wonwoo knows practically everything about me. wonwoo is always there to listen even though he is not saying anything. Wonwoo... I don’t deserve Adri, do I? Wonwoo, I love him so much tapi kasian adri... Wonwoo, I think Adri should be better off without me, Iya kan? 
Wonwoo.. how did you do it. I mean handling the grief when your mom passed away this year. Wonwoo, will you tell Adri for me how I am so unhappy without him? will you tell me that if he takes me back I would do everything? I would work my ass off as whatever I can to give him back all the money I have used for nothing. Wonwoo.. i think it might be so hard for me to keep living and not end up with Adri. It will be hard to find someone who can compete with him. But wonwoo.. I don’t know what he thinks about me right now. I am so embarrassed I feel tidak pantas. 
Wonwoo If I may have a dream, well if I even deserve to have a dream. i would choose to be a mother. I want to be a mother. At first, I thought being a mother is easier than becoming a career woman. But I was wrong, with who I am right now, it’ll be even harder to make it come true. Who would want to settle with a person like me? Dear Doctor, I think your patient has just run away from your asylum. Sometimes I'm thinking you know, what if I turned out to be actually crazy. I think life would be easier... but then people are gonna suffer with my presence. and that is not cool. if I die, some people are also still gonna suffer. but if I do keep myself alive, I think I am slowly gonna kill myself. 
I remember the last time I was suicidal was under the influence of alcohol. but right now I'm typing this with 100 percent of consciousness. I am fully sober. Wonwoo.. if I end up doing something stupid do you think people are gonna forgive me. My dad, my dad always thinks I'm the daughter he could be proud of. I think he would be disappointed and he wouldn't forgive himself.
Wonwoo.. sekarang aku bingung... aku ini harus kemana.. what is the meaning of having all these if i am not happy at all. Wonwoo.. bahagiaku itu cuman sama Adri. But having these feelings and letting Adri knows about it, is only gonna burden him. Who would want to be burdened by such a statement? Gak ada wonwoo.. 
Wonwoo.. right now I don't really have anyone who can listen to me, who cares about me. Wonwoo... i love you. Thank you for always being there when I need you... Aku tau, kamu itu gak nyata. Kamu itu cuman khayalan yang aku buat untuk bisa nenangin diri aku sendiri. Tapi wonwoo,,, Kalau gak ada kamu, mungkin aku udah gak tau lagi harus lari kemana. Wonwoo makasih ya... for some people who don’t understand; they might see you as a meaningless pop idol who is worshipped by a bunch of girls but for me personally, you keep me sane. Even though i don’t even know what sane is anymore. 
Wonwoo... I feel like I wanna run and cry to my mom, tapi aku gak bisa. It’s just not me. Wonwoo, keep this secret baik-baik ya, will you?
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ghosts-of-love · 3 years
hiya, im not on tumblr so i have no idea if this is the right place for this, anyway i came to give unendless praise for all your works on ao3 really but mainly lost then found. i saw you were posting unseen bits from the story and i always thought that it would be fun to see a minor patcaps fight/misunderstanding early on in the relationship where cap spirals and convinces himself they're over and pat's like what no, my poor bby. maybe an alison feat? anyway love your work and keep it up
hiya! welcome to tumblr haha, this is the right place for an ask! and thank you so much for this! 💕
in terms of a patcap fight: you want to break me?? you wish to break my little heart huh??
as much as i want to imagine they never have any fights and live happily ever after forever and ever, I think you're right that a minor misunderstanding might happen early on that leads to spiralling. the others would set Cap on the right track right away though. i'm not promising anything,, but there just might be a story there 👀
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probablybadrpgideas · 4 years
The Decanter of Unendless Water
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5/15/2022 DAB Chronological Transcription
2 Samuel 13, 14-15
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological. I'm Jill. It's great to be back with you this week as we journey through the Bible in chronological order. Today is the 15th day of May and it is a brand new, sparkly, shiny week, a brand new mercy available today. Grace is renewed. Love is unending. And we get another chance to change the trajectory of our lives. If we don't like where it's headed, isn't that an incredible truth to live into? We get a brand new chance to right any wrong we want to. So here we are with endless possibility to our day. And here we are, another foot forward in the word of God. Today we are reading 2nd Samuel and we'll be reading chapters 13, 14 and 15. This week we start a brand new translation. And this week we're reading the Christian Standard Bible. 2nd Samuel 13.
Father, we thank you for your word today. Thank you for the newness that we find in you. Thank you that you come to make all things new, not just us, but especially us. So we let go of all that we were not able to finish last week. That is meaningless in the scheme of the Kingdom of heaven. And we embrace all of the newness, the new mercies, the new grace, the unendless love that you have for us. And we look ahead this week to brand new possibility with you. We thank you for your love. We thank you for those second and 27th and 583rd chances. And we thank you that you never leave us and never forsake us. Praise this now in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Community Prayer Line: 
DABC Family this is Adopted of God in Illinois. I am calling today on behalf of my many friends who are struggling right now. One friend is in surgery as I speak to have blood clots removed from his lungs. I have four dear friends that are dealing with a fibrillation of their heart, meaning the heart does not contract properly so their body isn't fed with the oxygen that we need. I have a dear friend who was in an automobile accident five weeks ago, has gone through multiple surgeries for many broken bones and fought pneumonia three times. And now her intestines are trying to shut down. And I just beseech you to pray for her and all of our family who have been by her side through all this. I also want to pray for the majority of my friends who live in daily chronic pain, some because of our age, some because of the work we did, but all who are trying to struggle through and serve God as best we can with the limitations that we have. Lord, I have a granddaughter who attempted suicide and is in rehab. Please, please be with her and speak to her heart. I have several children that aren't saved and that weighs on me daily because therefore my grandchildren aren't seeing Christian lives lived out. Dear DAB I just beseech you and your prayers that God will be merciful and gracious. And I thank God that I stumbled across Daily Audio Bible Chronological. You are a lifesaver to me every day. Thank you.
Hello, family. This is His Wandering Child calling again from Canada. I was just calling to address my sister who called in because she's suffering from anxiety. Sister, yes, you did the right thing when you called in for prayer because you know what? That's the one thing. When we stand together in the name of Jesus as a family, the enemy has no choice but to flee the blood of Jesus. I cover you right now in the blood of Jesus. And I ask, O God, that you would take charge of my sister's mind, that you would speak to her your truth, and that you would calm that storm that is raging inside of her that causes her to have these anxieties. My sister, you are in the right place. You know, God has brought me here to heal me, to heal my inner child because I suffered the same way you did. The only problem is for me, I allowed the enemy to rob me of those things. But you know what? Praise God. He has brought me here and I'm so blessed because people are praying for me. I'm able to open up and allow people in. So my sister be encouraged. You are in the right place at the right time and there is strength in numbers because guess what? We will stand with you and fight with you in the name of Jesus. So you're victorious.
Good morning, DABC family, this is Simone calling in from Houston. And I'm calling in today with a praise report. I was at my doctor's office having my yearly physical. And my niece, which is my sister's only child that passed away from breast cancer three years ago, called and she was like, put on your video and I put it on and she shows me her pregnancy test. And after seven or eight years of marriage, her and her husband, they have been struggling with infertility. They are finally pregnant. They adopted a child last year. And I kept saying to her, I believe God is going to open your womb. I believe God is going to open your womb. And they have been enjoying being parents to this child that they have taken in. And she stopped thinking about it, worrying about it. We kept fast and praying, believing God for it. And she just got so engulfed in motherhood and loving this child she had adopted her and her husband had adopted that she just forgot about it and took a pregnancy test. And she is almost 14 weeks pregnant. And I'm sending this message to all the couples struggling with infertility. God hears your prayer. He knows the desires of your heart. And for seven or eight years, they kept believing God, and they are fairly young. She's in her late 20s, he's in his early 30's. And we have all been believing God for this miracle, and he finally did it. So to all the couples struggling with infertility, allow me to encourage you and just speak life into you and let you know that God is able, he is faithful, and he can, and he will do it. So be blessed, y'all. Love you guys. Bye.
Hey, my precious DABC fam. This is Kingdom Seeker Daniel. Family, I just want to lift up some of the DABCers. Lord, I come on behalf of Beatrice, Tiny Feet, whose son Jonathan has been battling cramps, which the doctors can't explain. While the doctors can't explain. I was so glad to know that you being the chief physician, know exactly what the issues are, and I pray that you would go right to the root cause of those cramps and cause them to cease in the name of Jesus. And then, Lord give Beatrice the sleep and the rest that she needs and strength in her marriage. I pray that you would bring a peaceful resolve in the marriage and cause all things to work together for their good. God, I praise you, and I thank you for what you're doing in Beatrice's life. Thanks my sister for the love and the shout out to LOV and myself. To Tony from Utah, father, his mom has cancer in the intestines and has been given six months to live. Lord, if it's your will, will you reverse this diagnosis and heal Tony's Mom? Because we know you can. If it's your will. If not, Lord, will you walk alongside of the family and give them the grace to go through this time that his mom is battling? We give you praise that you will be with them either way. And I pray you remember his elderly father who needs constant attention, and he just doesn't have the friends that he needs and he's really tired. God, would you be his help, be his strength, be the lifter up of his head and the giver of life to his body and his life in Jesus name.
Hey, good morning, DAB community. This is Scott from Houston. Hey Kingdom Seeker Daniel, I just wanted to reach out to you and let you know that you have been a huge huge blessing to me, just listening to your prayers and your faith. And I also wanted to agree with you about Rodney from Atlanta. Oh, my goodness. What an amazing voice you have. And it is a blessing to me just to hear you call in and pray and I love you guys. Keeping all of you in my prayers here in Houston. Pray the Lord Jesus will bless you.
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cats-and-rams · 3 years
(im unendlessing riley for this rp)
*scoots a box with Cat Riley in to to Kapi*
Kapi's eyes dilated, and Tabi just grabbed him by the scruff. "No."
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minusgangtime · 3 years
(im unendlessing Riley for this)
Riley hugged MB
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"Riley...? I-Is that you...?"
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