shungirl-blog · 6 years
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Do you like virgin ? In Edo periodo, prostitutes have not sex onece before was popular and expensive. In this shunga, old woman helps young girl to make love wirh a customer .---------------------------------------------処女とか童貞って好き? 江戸時代、処女は高く売れて金持ちの客をとることができたそうな。しかし初めての行為なので客に恥をかかせないよう年配の女性が手伝っているところ。#shungatattoo #ukiyoe #ukiyoeart #japanculture #japonism #irezumi #japanesetattoo #japanesetraditional #japanesetraditionaltattoo #shunga
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shungirl-blog · 6 years
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Ise Shrine is the most prominent in Japan and a quite sacred place. Though she got horny when her husband visited. So she had an affair with other guy but they could not pull out !!!!! This scene is Shinto priest prays fot pulling out his haed cock.... She is sooooo embarrassed.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------夫が伊勢参り中に浮気した嫁。ばちがあたったのか、ぬけなくなったww しかたなく神主に助けを求め祈られているとこ。彼女ははずかしいやらみっともないやらで、こんな表情に。おきのどくー
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shungirl-blog · 6 years
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What a lovely spread! The well-off guy enjoy dinner. And he sees the sex of turtles. His turtle's head also gets hard! He is so kinky.-------------------------------------------------------------豪勢なごちそうが並ぶ中、亀のセックスを見物する変態さん。彼の亀頭もむくむく大きくなり・・・
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shungirl-blog · 6 years
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In Japan, "SEX" was thought is good for body and soul. This values was transmitted from China. A heavenly maiden and Tengu. The seven deities of god fortune-------------------------日本ではセックスは精神的、肉体的に健全だと考えられていたので、宗教や仏などの神々しいものと春画のコラボはけっこう存在する。こちらは天狗と天女. #shungatattoo #ukiyoe #ukiyoeart #japanculture #japonism #irezumi #japanesetattoo #japanesetraditional #japanesetraditionaltattoo #shunga
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shungirl-blog · 6 years
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They fall into teptaton. He is teasing her ! Such a dirty !!! I get jealous... -----------------------------------------男のこのやらしい顔!後ろからいじられたらこんな顔になるよね
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shungirl-blog · 6 years
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"Please hug me tight more!" "I will cum inside you, mmm" The couple are loving each other. Please focus on the wall (left). Two guys was looking at sex, so horny. They got erect finally lol---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------足を身体に巻き付け激しく愛し合うふたり。それを見ていた引き戸の絵の男たちはムラムラしたのかいきり立ってしまったようだ。そりゃそうだな。
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shungirl-blog · 6 years
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we can see zoophilia in some shunga. This shunga is photograph of a copy on carbon paper, a tracing of an original Japanese painiting or print from the Meiji era. -------------------------------------------春画で女性が人間の男以外と交わっているシーンはかなり多く、タコ×女は北斎が有名だが他の絵師もたくさん描いている。知り合い曰く、生きだことするときは口を取らないと噛みつかれるらしい。吸盤もおそろしい吸引力。#shunga #shungatattoo #ukiyoe #ukiyoeart #japanculture #japonism #irezumi #japanesetattoo #japanesetraditional #japanesetraditionaltattoo
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shungirl-blog · 6 years
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Hi everyone! I like this picture😍 sex monsters! I like Calico cat (left)🐱🍼 Which do you like??? ------------------------------えっちな妖怪たち。右の三毛猫がすごく可愛い。あなたはどれが好き??
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shungirl-blog · 6 years
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A young couple are playing the board game at night.But they have grown bored and so make use of the board to begin their own 'contest'. Perhaps this was the intention of their game all along. Ha grasp her chest hardly🙊---------------------------囲碁でしょうか?若い男女が夜に遊んでいると段々とそういう流れになったのでしょう。碁石を散乱させ乱れてる。彼は彼女の胸を下から掴み上げ🙊 #shunga #shungatattoo #ukiyoe #ukiyoeart #japanculture #japonism #irezumi #japanesetattoo #japanesetraditional #japanesetraditionaltattoo
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shungirl-blog · 6 years
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She is 16 years old and virgin. Man "You only have to hold on a little longer." She says "It makes mine smart.. please stop.." She blushes when he put into hers.----------------------------豪華絢爛な部屋や布団、着物、16さいの明石姫はこれから初めてを奪われようとしている。彼女は痛くて恥ずかしくて逃げたいみたい。
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shungirl-blog · 6 years
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It seems they are married couple, though laundry was used to be done by maids. So they are probably a master and his maid. He is horny to see her. Cute puppy looks at them and wonders what are moving lol -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------一見夫婦のように見��るが一般の商家の家では女中の仕事だった。ということは彼らは主人と家に遣える女、ということになる。接合部を不思議そうに見ている子犬が微笑ましい。 shunga #shungatattoo #ukiyoe #ukiyoeart #japanculture #japonism #irezumi #japanesetattoo #japanesetraditional #japanesetraditionaltattoo
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shungirl-blog · 6 years
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In a commoner household a naked young man makes love to a young woman wearing a magnificent robe, watched by a maid. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------前髪がまだある若い男の子と若い女の子の交わりを女中が見守っている。お金持ちの家の女の子だろうか、着物が豪華。shunga #shungatattoo #ukiyoe #ukiyoeart #japanculture #japonism #irezumi #japanesetattoo #japanesetraditional #japanesetraditionaltattoo
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shungirl-blog · 6 years
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A prostitute and a customer. She is holding his body . Her foot is lovely.His hand is under her butt. Maneemom( little guy) says"Appetite is better than sexual desire"----------------------------三段重ねの布団に厚みのある掛け布団。季節は冬。遊女は足を男に絡みつかせ、男の手は彼女の腰辺りを差支え、きつく抱き合っている。真似えもんは色気より食い気らしい。#shunga #shungatattoo #ukiyoe #ukiyoeart #japanculture #japonism #irezumi #japanesetattoo #japanesetraditional #japanesetraditionaltattoo #japaneseerotica #春画 #浮世絵 #春画はアート #samurai
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shungirl-blog · 6 years
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She says "This is the sex I've done in 15days. Please make me fun !" He says " As long as my body holds up, I keep making love. Firstly, enjoy our time. Cheers!" ----------------------------御膳様、私は今晩で丁度15日ぶりです。今晩は楽しませてください。すると吉光は、腰が砕けるまでいかせてやろう。まずはゆっくりと楽しもうらと酒を交わす。お楽しみ前の大人の時間だね。#shunga #shungatattoo #ukiyoe #ukiyoeart #japanculture #japonism #irezumi #japanesetattoo #japanesetraditional #japanesetraditionaltattoo #japaneseerotica #春画 #浮世絵 #春画はアート #samurai
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shungirl-blog · 6 years
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This SHUNGA is parody. A military man captured a black bear alive and caged. Though a maid felt sorry for a bear, so she let a bear off. He was mad at her and tried to kill her. A bear attacked him because she is lifesaver! In shunga, he tried to rape and a bear attacked his cock.--------------------------パロディの春画です。原作では夜叉軍士という武人が黒熊を生け捕りにして檻に入れておいた。侍女は不憫に思い逃してしまったのだ。怒った武人は彼女を殺そうとするのだが熊は命の恩人である彼女を助けようとするお話。春画では彼女をレイプしようとしており、熊が襲いかかるのも男根。 #shunga #shungatattoo #ukiyoe #ukiyoeart #japanculture #japonism #irezumi #japanesetattoo #japanesetraditional #japanesetraditionaltattoo #japaneseerotica #春画 #浮世絵 #春画はアート #samurai
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shungirl-blog · 6 years
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'Consenting hands'The lover's tightly clasped hands represent their romantic commitment to each other, and the woman's vulva is also drawn as open, ready to receive him. ---------------------------------承知の手。恋人たちがお互いを理解し合い結ばれたからこそ心も身体も許しあえる。女性の陰部は開いており、彼を受け入れる体制が出来ている。 #shunga #shungatattoo #ukiyoe #ukiyoeart #japanculture #japonism #irezumi #japanesetattoo #japanesetraditional #japanesetraditionaltattoo #japaneseerotica #春画 #浮世絵 #春画はアート #samurai
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shungirl-blog · 6 years
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Ghost up skirt lol Monk is so hard.----------------------------幽霊さんのパンチラ。はい、具がはみ出てます。僧侶は絶賛エレク中。この絵カオスで好き。
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