#underverse theory
tcthecreatxr · 2 years
a theory that is made for fun :)
Have you ever thought that deltarune characters were not in UNDERVERSE also at the OMEGA TIMELINE?? yep, I will solve that no one asked to do it but I am doing it because I want to share what I have in my brain. guys! you know that big tower that X!Gaster turned on yeah...that the glitched lost monster said to Frisk that every single Au or timeline will uh so called "remember" the human's actions in past resets or loads...yeah...I think that deltarune did not get any affected that's why they're not in the OMEGA TIMELINE.
Really wacky right so you canon theorists out there will be like: but isn't underverse a non-canon series or it's only a series for Undertale Aus- NO! STOP look listen! Deltarune is a timeline of undertale! but without the war just like game theory said in his past theory, which means that it should have affected, right? Well, let’s go back to the void and see the theory I brought.
Toby said in his Twitter that: Undertale ad deltarune are NOT connected that kinda cuts to the chase that reason BUT I would say...NO! Because there are NO endings in CHAPTER 1, OR 2 well chapter two is a kinda different story but hey, no ending to SNOWGRAVE just Noelle's LV growing higher and kris being a freaking murderer but that does not make an ENDING that means, the tower should not have affected right…? Well depends on chapters 4 and 5 to come out who knows? There might be an ending for the chapters.
Its all about the ENDINGS that’s why everyone can remember Frisk’s actions, THAT’S WHY that everyone can remember because of the endings they can remember because of THE ENDS in the stories of undertale Aus. For example, if you did a genocide route and deleted the world because of chara then Sans will remember, right? Well if X!Gaster turned on the machine then when Frisk or you do a Pacifist oh ho-ho you will really have a bad time Frisk.
What I am saying its all the ending that is what counts that’s why it only matters about the endings…
part two:
Well, I was not finished yet with this theory yet, another reason why it didn’t affect because of X!Gaster did not target to deltarune in the first place. Now again, this theory is wacky again but listen again as well to see why it is.
When the tower activated all AU’s now know what Frisk or the Player had, heck, even under!player was not affected too and the glitched purple monsters that their souls were took from X!gaster or X!tale! Muffet to power X!tale! Mettaton they said that it will reach the whole AU’s and timelines well uh…then why is Deltarune not affected?
Because again it’s all about the ending…why would X!Gaster even bother to corrupt an Alternate Timeline that already is corrupted by the player same as for PLAYER in Under!Player. PLAYER already gave the memories of the past that Frisk came and saved, killed Asgore or kill everyone in that timeline that the PLAYER had given memories of Frisk or the other player.
The same for deltarune, the PLAYER is controlling kris FOREVER like for example Frisk laughs when sans do a whoopie cushion trick, but kris does not laugh at sans’ puns and does not have any sense of humor well maybe a little but not much as Frisk…
That’s why X!Gaster was not bothered to corrupt because for Under!player the player already gave the memory and saved everyone in a different way as well as Deltarune a player is already controlling ‘them’ (kris) and making chaos well even if X!Gaster wants to make that AT (Alternate timeline) in chaos its already is…
Remember the line ‘Susie: “your choices don’t matter…” because of this, actions don’t matter in this world which is another reason that X!Gaster was not bothered to terrify deltarune but HE MADE a HUGE mistake.
Because if he did, he would get a lot of human souls aka us…the players OUR world OUR dimension. Deltarune! Gaster or UT! Gaster has the soul to keep researching but with X!Gaster he will kick UT!Gasters ass and get the souls then make an even huge takeover with them heck, even the universes that are not even in Undertale like the sonic franchise, genshin impact, animal crossing, etc you NAME it! X!Gaster made a mistake that he never knew he could fulfill his dream but MORE further into the universes of games he would have had the whole world in his hands… of course, our good side will resist if he ever does that but HEY! Have you ever realized you were just another you from other multiverses, but my smart classmate says no its scientifically impossible.
(I wish mat (aka game theory of mat) had a Tumblr account geez…I would love to see him try to even find this dumb theory lol)   

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sppppr1ng · 2 years
Ong UnderVerse finally has a new episode out !!! Have any of you watched it yet ?
Okay I came to a theory here
I think Fresh somehow has a little thing to do with X Gaster or something because when he makes Ink drink the vial he gifted him he uh, sees what's happening in the main A.U.
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Like some kind of illusion showing what's going on, but he soon says he wonders if that's pain ? But if so, why would it show there ? There are plainty of A.U.s who have that pain, but even if it's the main one, why ? Because X people are there ?
To be honest they have to have something together before the next episode gets released. but yeah, that's my theory ...
Also why do you think Geno's there ?
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I know, it's at the very end of the episode but I'm very curious on why he's there
Also did something happen with him before ? Because the glitches at his eye aren't there anymore and I kinda forgot LOL
Just me overanalyzing this. But yeah
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cannibala-co · 16 days
First Look at UNDERTALE, the film where no one has to die, coming 2025.
critics have dubbed the movie “Homestuck but bad”, and one fan claims to have “watched the entire DELTARUNE show for nothing.”
Jack Black said in an interview by TMZ, “it was an honor working with Toby again. Though Weird Al called him Radiation or something and that really ticked him off.”
The film will reportedly have multiple endings, and a post credit scene for DELTARUNE season 3 and 4.
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darkmuffinstudios · 11 months
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Making this for the watch later hehehehe (WILL FILL OUT AND POST HERE AFTERWARDS!! I’ll be sure to tag it as spoilers haha)
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katlover14 · 27 days
I had a crazy thought
Hear me out-
If Cross is just a different version of Swap (kind of), why’s his magic purple? Swap’s magic is blue. But you can only get purple from blue if you mix it with red or pink.
Also, Cross is very… temperamental. And a crybaby, but mostly just an angry boi.
So, if he’s supposed to be Swap, that doesn’t really make sense. Nightmare and Dream make sense since they’re only modeled physically after Swap, which has nothing to do with their personalities.
The only other Sans in the multiverse that’s extremely easy to tick off… is Red/Fell. What I’m saying is… is Cross a mix of Swap and Red?
And, yeah, with the pink thing he could easily be mixed with Sugarplum (Lust!Sans), but that makes no sense.
I’m most definitely sleep deprived, so my theory is really weird, but it makes sense to me rn (it’s 3 in the morning). I never watched all of the animations from before Underverse, but I watched enough to get a better grasp at what happened and why Cross and X Chara were sharing a body.
But, yeah, seriously, I can see Cross also being a variant of Red, mostly because that’s the first AU he went to to “rebuild” his home (if I remember correctly).
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lisa972kdlz · 9 months
(Il y a une version française juste en dessous: Bonne lecture !)
Have you noticed it too?
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That soul, there...
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TheeeeeEEEEre !
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Have you ever wondered who it might belong to?
When I was listening to the song "Broken Truce", my eyes glided over this soul without lingering on it. I told myself it was just a slightly strange heart like so many others you find with the different OC's the Creators come up with... But the day my brain finally twiged that it wasn't normal, it made me wonder...
Huh, that's strange... A weird soul covered in black in an image illustrating a song in a web series that has a habit of playing on words and images to imply clues... shown directly in the foreground, blurred what's more, interesting, isn't it? I've checked the series and I've never found in Error's cables any souls other than the normal ones; monster souls and red Determination souls. Not even human souls like Kindness, Patience, Justice, etc. Jakei is a person who pays attention to detail. Given that she animates her series on her own and that it's a mammoth task, she's got into the habit of not cluttering up her plans with unnecessary details. So why would she stick a random soul in there?
That's when I said to myself: no. This soul has a meaning. But whose could it be? And why would it be in Error's possession?
There are lots of characters whose souls are gloomy and a bit odd... Error, X-Gaster, Fatal Error, Fresh, Nightmare...
Firstly, even if it looks like one, it can't be Nightmare's because his soul is an apple. Anyway, Error's cables have no effect on him, and then, well... It simply wouldn't make any sense or be of any interest to the story.
Error's then? After all, he's a corrupt being in a way, and we're talking about an appearance in a song about his relationship with Ink. But even if he had one... It would be glitchy and certainly not that different from basic monster souls. Same goes for Fatal.
Gaster has his soul in his possession and it doesn't look like that anyway...
Fresh, his soul is directly the parasite...
Gee, who could that be?
Ink 🤔?
No, I'm such an idiot! It can't be Ink's soul because Ink has no soul ^^ !
INK HAS NO SOUL (⁠┛⁠◉⁠Д⁠◉⁠)⁠┛⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻ !!!!!!
Here's my theory: the soul in Error's threads is Ink's soul. Let's look at it: it's covered in a kind of blackish liquid with bluish tints. Black liquid is often associated with hatred or suffering. And if not, it's simply covered with ink. And blue, whether in general or in Underverse 0.7's context, is associated with sadness. So: sadness and suffering, in a concentration so strong that it had an impact on the very appearance of the soul... The emotions Ink must have been feeling when he was stripped of his essence! Ink suffers from severe denial in relation to the emotion represented by the blue, since it's the only one that's always full, so it coincides. And whose soul would it be otherwise? Why would Jakei have drawn it in THIS video specifically? A song about Ink and Error? Why in the foreground, showing that it's important, and blurred, showing that it's a hidden element that will be revealed in the near future?
And why would the soul have ended up in Error's threads? It's not hard to imagine, Error has a whole gallery of souls in his Anti-Void. He'd clearly be able to wander into an empty AU at random and find it on the floor, going, "Oh, that's a pretty one, why don't I add it to my collection?"
But what I like most about this theory is everything it would involve:
It would mean that Ink could get his soul back at the end of Underverse, bringing to a close his character development. See him finally come to terms with his feelings and get his soul back so that he can feel for himself, freely, accepting what that involve and facing once and for all the suffering he has ostensibly been running away from...
It would mean that finally, there's a reason why Ink live even without a soul in his body, because well, that's something I've always wondered about his character! His soul has been extracted from his body, but his body is still moving, and lives only on the emotions provided by the ink in his vials, like Kris in Deltarune when he rips out his soul.
It would mean that, come on, he might be able to recover a viable memory?
And above all... It would mean that Error had the opprtunity to kill Ink for good FROM THE BEGINNING and that he was incapable of doing it just because he didn't know it was his 🤣 !!!! And THAT is handsome!
Error at this moment:
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An hilarious polt twist–
Unless he'd simply forgotten he had it, which is... Clearly possible coming from Error.
The only problem with this theory is that, in Ink's comic, he doesn't just rip it off his body... He's tearing it apart. The soul completely crumbles to dust. So canonically speaking, it's impossible.
That said, it's a detail that can easily be overlooked if you're keen to incorporate the idea into a story, especially as Underverse never set out to make complete canon.
So why not?
In any case, if this theory is wrong in Underverse, I think it's still a great Headcanon ^^
Vous aussi vous l'avez remarquée ?
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Cette âme, là...
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LÀ !
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Vous ne vous êtes jamais demandé a qui elle pouvait appartenir ?
Quand j'écoutais la chanson "Broken Truce" mon regard avait glissé sur cette âme sans m'y attarder. Je me disais que c'était juste un cœur un peu bizarre comme tant d'autres qu'on trouve avec les différents OC's qu'imaginent les Créateurs... Mais le jour où mon cerveau à enfin tilté que c'était pas normal, elle m'a beaucoup interrogée...
Primo : tiens, c'est bizarre... Une âme étrange recouverte de noir dans une image illustrant une chanson dans une websérie qui a l'habitude de jouer sur les mots et les images pour sous-entendre des indices... montrée direct au premier plan, floue qui plus est, intéressant, non ?
Segundo : j'ai vérifié dans la série et je n'ai jamais trouvé dans les fils d'Error d'autres âmes que les normales, des âmes de monstres et des âmes rouge de Détermination. Même pas des âmes d'humain comme Gentillesse, Patience, Justice, etc.
Tertio : Jakei est une personne qui fait attention aux détails. Étant donnée qu'elle anime toute seule sa série et que c'est un travail de titan, elle a pris l'habitude de ne pas encombrer ses plans de détails inutiles. Alors pourquoi elle fouterait une âme bizarre LÀ ?
C'est là que je me suis dit : non. Cette âme a un sens. Mais à qui pourrait-elle être ? Et pourquoi serait-elle en possession d'Error ?
Il existe plein de personnages dont l'âme est sombre et un peu bizarre... Error, X-Gaster, Fatal!Error, Fresh, Nightmare...
Premièrement, même si elle y ressemble, ça ne peut pas être celle de Nightmare vu que son âme est une pomme. De toute manière les câbles d'Error n'ont aucun effet sur lui, et puis surtout bah... Ça n'aurait aucun sens ni aucun intérêt scénaristique qu'elle serait là.
L'âme d'Error alors ? Après tout c'est un être corrompu d'un certain côté, et puis on parle tout de même d'une apparition dans une chanson parlant de sa relation avec Ink. Mais en admettant qu'il en aie une... Elle serait glitchée et très certainement pas si différente des âmes de monstres basique. Pareil pour Fatal.
X-Gaster a son âme en sa possession et de toute manière elle ne ressemble pas à ça...
Fresh, son âme est directement le parasite...
Mince, qui ça peut être ?
Ink 🤔?
Bah nan, qu'elle idiote je fais ! Ça peut pas être l'âme de Ink vu que Ink n'a pas d'âme ^^ !
INK N'A PAS D'ÂME (⁠┛⁠◉⁠Д⁠◉⁠)⁠┛⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻ !!!!
Voilà ma théorie : l'âme qui est dans les fils d'Error est celle de Ink. Observons la : elle est couverte d'une sorte de liquide noirâtre aux reflets bleuté. Le liquide noir est très souvent associé à la haine, ou la souffrance. Et sinon, à l'encre tout simplement. Tandis que le bleu, que ce soit de manière générale ou dans Underverse 0.7, est plutôt associé à la tristesse. Tristesse et souffrance, en un concentré tellement fort que ça a eu un impact sur l'apparence même de l'âme. À savoir les émotions que devait ressentir Ink au moment où il s'est destitué de son essence... Ink qui souffre d'un gros déni par rapport à cette émotion représentée par le bleu vu que c'est la seule qui est toujours pleine, donc ça coïncide. Et à qui serait cette âme sinon ? Pourquoi Jakei l'aurait-elle dessinée dans CETTE vidéo spécifiquement ? Une chanson qui parle justement de Ink et d'Error ? Pourquoi en premier plan, montrant que cela a de l'importance, et floutée, montrant que c'est un élément caché qui sera révélé dans un futur proche ?
Pourquoi l'âme se serait retrouvée dans les fils d'Error ? Pas compliqué à imaginer, Error possède une galerie entière d'âmes dans son Anti-Void. Il serait clairement capable de se balader dans un AU vide au hasard et la trouver par terre en mode : «Oh, tiens, elle est jolie celle-là, et si je l'ajoutais à ma collection ?»
Mais ce qui me plaît le plus avec cette théorie, c'est tout ce que cela impliquerait :
Ça voudrait dire que Ink pourrait récupérer son âme à la fin de la série, concluant en beauté son développement de personnage qui le poussait à assumer enfin ses sentiments et récupérer son âme pour ressentir par lui-même, librement, en acceptant ce que ça implique et en affrontant une bonne fois pour toute la souffrance qu'il a ostensiblement fuie...
Ça voudrait dire que finalement, il y a une raison pour laquelle Ink est encore vivant même sans âme dans son enveloppe corporelle, parce que bon, c'est quand même quelque chose que je me suis toujours demandée sur son personnage ! Il a son âme extraite de son corps mais son corps est encore en mouvement, et ne vit que par les émotions procurées par l'encre de ses fioles. Ça s'est déjà vu dans des éléments canons, quand Kris de Deltarune il s'arrache l'âme.
Ça voudrait dire que, allez, si ça se trouve, il pourrait récupérer une mémoire viable ?
Et surtout... Ça voudrait dire qu'Error avait DEPUIS LE DÉBUT l'occasion de tuer Ink pour de bon et qu'il était pas fichu de le faire parce qu'il était pas au courant que c'était la sienne 🤣 !!! Et ÇA, c'est trop fort !
Error :
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Un retournement de situation hilarant xD
À moins qu'il aurait tout simplement oublié qu'il l'avait en sa possession, ce qui est clairement possible venant d'Error.
Le seul problème qui vient à l'encontre de cette théorie, c'est que dans le Comic de Ink, il ne fait pas que se l'arracher à son corps... Il se la déchire. L'âme tombe complètement en poussière. Donc canoniquement parlant, c'est impossible.
Cela dit, c'est un détail qui peut être facilement négligé si on a envie d'intégrer cette idée à une histoire, surtout qu'Underverse n'a jamais eu la prétention de faire du canon complet.
Donc après tout pourquoi pas ?
Dans tous les cas, si cette théorie est fausse dans Underverse, je trouve que ça reste un super Headcanon ^^
Ink belongs to @comyet
Error!Sans belongs to @loverofpiggies
Underverse belongs to @jakei95
"Broken Truce" belongs to @nyxtheshield
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zu-is-here · 11 months
Zu, it's pretty "funny" that it's not Cross how broken Killer's arm and ripped off the Fatal's aim, but XGaster who plays to control him and killed him ヽ(;▽;)ノ
Like, seriously he looks at the scene, and he's like "I'm bored of doing nothing, just standing like an idiot far from the town. Oh I know, I'm gonna play with my son. AND because I lost my poor legs, I'm gonna destroy arms." (Evil laughing I suppose) ^(#`∀´)_Ψ
I'm sure it's a scene cut, XGaster will clearly say that in a nutshell (。+・`ω・´)
That's it! :'D XGaster's hatred of hands is comical already... (Cross was also cruel to his own hand, and to Error's (in 0.7-1) that might be a reference to the Fatal Error has Occurred comic? ☆)
But it is frustrating that both Killer & Fatal know that Cross is just his puppet so they don't perceive him as a separate person ;3;
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Heheh I'm glad to know that you enjoy it nevertheless! (〃ω〃) Hopefully you'll find the series entertaining too cause it's worth it ☆
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I love it, all the details. Cross touching his scar. The moment of Error being the "way to escape". Geno and Sans being so close that it may explain Error's affection too... <3
And I really enjoyed others' findings and theories! *^* The meaning of Ink's code. XGaster's fear. Cross losing his cool outfit :'D Sans not being Classic anymore. Geno's words in the post credits scene. Even Crink theory and "toxic yaoi" >:D
Feel free to share yours, I'd love to see more! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)♪
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manosaldibujo · 2 years
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1nkym00nz11 · 1 year
yessss! Inksans is a cutie patootie I swear to god 💀
also I’m doing goretober and sheesh my stuff is creepy!
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toothlespoggers · 2 years
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t0mboi · 2 years
✨Prediction time✨
This is my predictions for Underverse 0.7 part 1; using the stuff we currently have (songs, and the live streams I’ve watched). New predictions may arise when the Underevent video comes out ^^
Start off with the songs:
- My first thought was that this was going to be about Cross; maybe he’ll remember the moment he has with his family or something, having a moment will say.
- Or the reasonable one; this is Ink starting to feel alone, realisation, or perhaps guilty, remembers all of the aus he once protected and now is gone because of Error. All because of his friend’s plan.
- Remembrance could also be during Error and Ink’s interaction; Error reminds Ink about their truce that he broke, maybe will get a glimpse of the void that they’re were put in (reference to the redacted comic, The truce).
- It could also be like an “vaguely talks about something that relates to Xgaster” moment, (probably not but you know, that’s just a theory).
- Uncertainly seems like something that may include Frisk with their gang (Toriel, Asgore, Alphys, Papyrus, and Undyne); how they know so little about what’s happening.
- Or another would be with Undyne, though I doubt it. This song doesn’t strike me as that type of song for that. (Reference, live streams).
- It could also be a moment with Xchara but I kinda doubt it as well.
- Sans perhaps??
- First impression; I thought this would be like Xmettaton’s theme for that one scene, fighting against Undyne.
- Or another one would be Error and Cross, Ink’s fight.
- Something else I’ve seen from others, we might see Geno in this part.
Things I’ve seen from the live streams, and my thoughts:
1. (From the latest one, 11)
Clearly there’s something happening with Xgaster and Xchara; perhaps Xgaster was taunting Chara, mocking him, or making comments. It’s also clear that Xgaster is using his family as a way to upset Chara; knowing how close he was to Asgore (timeline 2 is a good example) he would probably use that opportunity more than once, also with his brothers (one example from twitter, you could also find it on yt community tab or Pinterest I believe).
Even though it may seem this is Chara’s breaking point; I don’t think Chara would rebel against Xgaster just yet, it would be nice… though it would be too early I think (expressly since this is only part 1). I would think he’ll probably do it later in the series.
2. (6 - 7 I believe, live stream)
So with this one; Undyne would probably find one of the double gangers (Mettaton), and maybe (if I remember clearly) Frisk might appear?? Though the only one I know for certain is that Xmettaton would definitely come back again.
Hopefully Undyne would be able to get out of there and cause more confusion for the others once she’s told them all about it, and Frisk is like quiet for the whole time as usual and then Xgaster may come up again (only to Frisk).
3. Obviously there’s going to be a fight between Cross and Error, and then Ink joins in to help Cross (from what it looks like). Maybe after or before the fight; Cross would talk with Ink, maybe he’ll learn more about Xgaster or get some sense into Ink and telling him the problem. This may also be the moment where Ink slowly starts to realise the issues that his friend caused; even if Ink doesn’t immediately help Cross, it would probably linger with him, maybe even in one episode he’ll question Xgaster.
4. Maybe (not feeling it, just a thought) we’ll get a reference for the one event, that Cross still doesn’t remember. (Though the main ones are the above).
This is all I could muster up on notes (it’s hard to write something from head :( ); Probably more would come up after I post this, I’m very pumped for the announcement, just looking at the live streams is just making me excited. I just thought I’ll do something different and do this; I’ve never done this stuff and always kept it to myself, but I have no one to talk to about this in real life :,)
So why not my amazing followers :)
If you guys have some ideas/thoughts/theories; leave it in the comments, would love to see them.
Thank you for listening to my Ted talk, have a good day/night.
(If something is off with this post, I apologise, tumblr is being a bit poopy with me for some reason with long post)
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Biggest kin moment is not fatal being sleep deprived but his resting face referred as "angry face". like when patch said that fatal always looks mad when he can't move his face properly 😭
*I'm not mad it's just my face*
The face: >:[
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lemonastims · 2 years
i wasn't a 2013 homestuck fan which i will forever be sad about HOWEVER. i was a 2015-2016 undertale fan and that has to count for something
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lover-of-skellies · 11 months
Alright, so. Nightmare is made of goop. We know this. If the animation of the goop and his body structure in Underverse is anything to go by, the goop is a thick, viscous fluid (?) of sorts
In theory, does that mean it has a boiling temperature/point? Could he evaporate if left in a high enough temperature environment for too long? If he's boiled down and water was added, would it change the consistency of the goop, or would the two refuse to mix, like oil with water? If the goop was watered down enough, could it be safely consumed? What if I froze it and wanted to eat it like a popsicle or ice cream?
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Small rant about Sans' character that no one is ever going to read and is probably kind of inaccurate, but I'm going to scream into the void nonetheless because why the hell not and I'm kind of bored.
I feel like the concept of Sans as a whole has been so utterly gutted by the fandom and not in the way you'd think. Not because of the AUs which are all so oddly Sans-focused (but at least we have Underverse which is actually pretty good) but in the sense of the people who claim to "actually understand Sans canonically" and "try to stay as canon as possible" while also equally missing the point sort of. Hence, why we have this long and overplayed image I'm sure everyone has seen a billion times:
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If I could lay some groundwork down, Undertale came out in 2015, nearly a decade ago. The internet was a different time and place then and fandom creativity reached new peaks that no one had ever seen before, and as a result, a lot of Undertale was exaggerated, changed, cut up, and then put back together. Why? Because in all honesty, Undertale was a really simple game with a simple premise. Sure there were bits and pieces scattered throughout, parts like who Gaster was, who Chara was when they were alive, who Sans is in general; all the typical fandom theory shenanigans we've come to expect in the recent years. And in that excitement, Sans became the staple of Undertale pretty much, or at least everything it represented. This macabre, yet adorably misleading game with funny moments and interesting think pieces that people are still speculating about. That's pretty much the basis of Sans. So I get why Sans became the quintessential poster child for such a subversively ambitious game. I get why, then, people try to showcase Sans as this badass God character who knows and remembers all of resets and cries over Papyrus and is just an edge lord in general. It doesn't mean it's accurate in the slightest, but I get the idea of it nonetheless. In the absence of content, and there's a lot of it in Undertale, (I mean, it took me 4 hours to 100% it in the Pacifist and Neutral Routes, and 5 hours to beat Genocide, including the times it took me to beat Undyne because she thoroughly kicked my ass and Sans as well) the fans filled those gaps with what they saw fit and what they saw fit was so wide and diverse that the gap overflowed and the game pretty much became unrecognizable.
And I (except for the truly questionable and gross stuff, you know what I'm talking about) love the fandom for that, I truly do. Just the sheer number of comics, spin-off games, AUs, art, and fanfiction that answered every question I had and more was and is impressive, but even so, there's only so much that can be done with the context Undertale provides us before the content gets...stale. Hence my point on why Sans' character was so exaggerated is because Undertale as a whole had been exaggerated and oversaturated and overplayed and generally...not what the game or Sans was originally. But that was peak 2016-2019, though, a few years ago. And the interpretations and eras, like everything, have changed.
Now back to my actual point. It's now 2024. The fandom has noticeably slowed down. All of the AUs and theories and fanfictions that were popular have either been forgotten about over the years, randomly rediscovered or still ongoing, or just abandoned entirely. The game has been pretty much combed through until every file has been cracked, every document leaked, and every secret discovered. It's like a picked over turkey at this point and a lot of the old creators have indeed left behind the game in pursuit of newer things, which is understandable. It's not the center of attention it once was and in that wake, we don't really have a lot of the same pillars in the Undertale community that we used to. And in this transformed community, we have the left over children, now young adults and teenagers, to pick up the pieces. And in that, Sans' character, as well as Undertale itself, has again, been reformed.
That was a lot of words. But I hope I at least set the center stage. My issue, pretty much, is that the leftover fans deem themselves as "above the cringe" the old fandom left behind, which, is fair enough. And in doing so, a lot of the foundation of the 2016-2019 Undertale fandom was kind of overwritten. No, now Sans is no longer this edgy, overpowered God figure ready to right the wrongs of the player, no, now he's this apathetic guy who doesn't care about anyone, including himself, and is only powerful because he cheated. And to be fair, I see some merit in this interpretation. Sans is in fact, a pretty morally ambiguous guy. He doesn't even attempt to stop the player during the genocide route until there's nothing left. He threatens the player on the pacifist route even when we pose no threat. He makes so many allusions about himself not caring about anything. So I get it. Everyone is tired of everything Sans-related. I was too at one point. But in trying to counteract this fanon interpretation of Sans, I feel like this new one is also semi-inaccurate. This new interpretation of Sans is meant to be seen as "mature" and "not cringe" when in fact, Undertale is and always will be sort of cringe. And that's OK! That's why I and others love the game so much, because it's not afraid of being anything other than what it is and what it claimed to be. It had a story in mind that it wanted to tell and it did so unabashedly. The need to separate Undertale and Sans itself from the cringe is so pointless and almost a little juvenile. And imo, even ruins the character of Sans himself.
Sans does care about Papyrus, so so so much. He reads him bedtime stories. He plays along with his illusions of grandeur. He calls out the player when he's killed, despite Sans having to remain objective as a judge. I feel like Sans not intervening in Papyrus' death isn't because he doesn't care, it's because his entire job is to act as a judge and in a position where he's mostly neutral. He knows the player has powers to redo and undo things, so thus, he gives us room to make those choices, for better or worse. He's like, the anti-toriel. He refuses to hold your hand. He tells YOU to make the right choice, and by you, I mean the player. And in that sense, I feel like that's not something a completely apathetic guy would do. Someone like that wouldn't even see the point of choices, of having an option. Someone like that wouldn't care about getting out of bed in the morning, getting several jobs, or telling a person with higher power to just engage with your brother.
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Like come on, don't say he doesn't put effort into anything, like he went out of his way to make sure Pap's Holiday party went perfect. He's constantly going above and beyond for his brother.
Sans has emotions and they're so complex and so well-written, but I feel like this counter-cringe culture of the fandom wants him to be this guy who's either too depressed or too lazy to engage with others, or someone who would simply shrug off the death of loved ones when we have proof that Sans does indeed try hard for Papyrus in the ending where everyone dies but his brother. It's an "oh shit" sort of moment when he realizes that Papyrus is the only person he has left and thus, he puts in the effort to be better for him. It's not that he doesn't care or see the point, he's just kind of numb at this point. If Papyrus dies in the neutral routes, you don't see Sans again until the judgment hall and he'll call you a dirty brother killer and tell you to go to hell. That's something someone who at least cares a little would do. He's not above insulting the player and he's not above getting pissed. I've never really seen him as a, "well that's that then," character when it comes to Papyrus dying, for me, it's always been, "I'm angry, but I can maintain my composure and still do what I have to do."
Even in the genocide routes, Sans wants to give up and do nothing. He wants to let himself die without much thought. But he knows that he has to stand between you and oblivion. It's another, "Oh shit" moment, but in the opposite way. He knows he's gonna die. But he still has hope. Not necessarily that you'll be a good person, but that you can try another way and make better choices. He embodies the same mentality Papyrus did at the beginning of the run, believing there's a better chance for another future where everyone can be happy.
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Sans isn't a nihilist, not all the way. There's still a chance, still a part of him that has hope for everything, regardless of the route. And should the Pacifist route be completed, you'll see that he's genuinely happy. He DOES care, or at least he's beginning to know that caring about things is ok and healthy even.
Ex 1: If you go to Sans' lab after completing a True Pacifist Route, you get this bit of dialog:
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Ex 2: Sans and Papyrus talking about a Christmas party they had on the Newsletter of the 5th Anniversary of Undertale.
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The strongest, yet most complex example of this that we see is that he upholds his promise with Toriel and will continue to do so until the genocide route at the very end because he wants to at least give us, the player, a chance. And even if it was a cop-out for being lazy, I believe that Sans legitimately believes there's a chance for us to turn around and be a better person, or at the very least, make better choices. We know that Sans is a person who doesn't like making promises at all, and even though he said that his threatening to kill Frisk is a joke, had he not made that promise to Toriel, I can't 100% say that he still wouldn't intervened in the genocide and neutral routes.
And if you think about it, Sans upholding that promise just makes me question him even more. Like, even if you kill his brother, so long as you don't kill everyone, he won't kill you just because of that. He sticks to his promise and his morals so much, even if it costs him everything because well, what type of judge would he be if he didn't stick to his moral code?
"If you have some special power, don't you think it's your responsibility to do the right thing?"
And by that logic, if he made a promise with someone, don't you think he'd feel he'd have the responsibility to uphold it?
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We also know that he makes an effort to give us updates on the Underground after we leave in the neutral routes because he still wants us to know, at least, the consequences of our actions, so it's not like he's just lazily letting us get away with anything with do (even if he does physically.) He still holds our actions above our heads. He still keeps his promise. He still knows that we can make a better outcome. And if that doesn't say anything about him, I don't know what does.
Even in the neutral route endings where things are objectively going terribly for the monsters with Frisk killing Asgore and taking the souls to leave the barrier, Sans still never gives up. Sans, of all people.
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And sure, Sans isn't a saint, not by a long shot, but he does have some moral weight in the long run, and by playing the part of a judge, he has a certain level of disattachment that's necessary when it comes to doing his job. Nowadays, I don't see the "fanon" sans that everyone loves to rag on, the one that's overly emotional and jarringly out of character, more so, I see everyone ragging on that interpretation, and then coming up with an equally inaccurate interpretation of Sans just not giving a shit and letting Frisk get away with everything just because he's "not emotional and only wants to be lazy, blah, blah, blah, nihilism, existentialism, it's more canonically accurate, unlike that CRINGE FANON SANS!" /or being a total unserious prankster with no other personality traits, and that's equally as jarring for me.
So in conclusion, I feel like "Fanon" Sans, the one where he's breaking down and sobbing over Papyrus and holding his scarf is just as inaccurate as the "more canon one" where he's apathetic and simply just not caring about his death, or at the very best, says "it is what it is." Sans is a character whose emotions aren't apparent, but he still does care in his weird philosophical way. He loves Papyrus and genuinely thinks he's cool. He's a jokester character who loves a good laugh and being laid back. He doesn't like putting in effort, but he will if he has to. He wants the player to make good choices, so he generally tries to stay out of the way to give us that freedom. Not because he knows we're gonna kill Papyrus, but because he knows we have greater power and wants us to use it to do the morally right thing. He isn't above doing morally grey things either, like threatening to kill Frisk in case they pose a threat to monster kind, but I believe even then, his hesitation to just accept a human in the underground is somewhat understandable given the oppressive tension between humans and monsters. Additionally, he does put in effort when it comes to caring about monsters other than Papyrus, Toriel, and even Alphys and Asgore, he cares about them all: (it's implied that he feeds the amalgamates in Alphy's old lab as proven by the same dog food we see in the lab being in Sans' house and Alphys even calls him a good guy because he helps her in the aborted genocide route ending, him telling jokes to Toriel and genuinely trying to bring some joy in her life even though she's a stranger and doesn't have an obligation to, even staying with her in the Ruins after she's dethroned in the Queen Undyne ending, him acting as the judge before Asgore and even being in such an important position requires you to have a solid sense of morality and conviction, his respect for Undyne as a warrior/leader depending on the ending and in the Undertale Newsletter, he makes an effort to score a goal for his team in Hocky, and Undyne of all people seems proud of him, and pretty much everything that has to do with Papyrus he's at the very least involved or interested in.)
My words don't have a lot of merit. I'm simply saying how I interpret things. But as a big sister, I see Sans as a good big brother who's not too involved, but also deeply cares about his younger brother and his friends. I get that stoicism and being "logical" and "cold" is the new trend and whatnot with all these edits of badass characters and longing for a time when everything was less...emotional, but in doing that, it shuts a lot of discussion about Sans as a person and his complex emotions as a whole. I feel like it's too difficult and kind of silly to chalk him up as either one or the other. I feel like there's a nice middle ground between the "cringe" fanon sans and the "cool, apathetic" canon sans that a lot of fans either go one or the other on. Anyway, that's about it for my rant. It's kind of nonsensical and a little hard to follow, but I hope I was able to get my thoughts across nonetheless.
I guess it was a big rant after all. Oh well. It is what it is.
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fandomsoda · 10 months
Thinking about how everything would have technically worked out fine in Underverse if the X-Event had progressed and shit didn’t get interrupted
like all the destruction to the AU’s? Cross’s fault. Whole multiverse taken down? Error. None of that was Ink nor XGaster’s fault, and the game plan is to put everything back where it used to be once they’re done.
Everything would have in theory been fine if they had just let Ink and XGaster cook.
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