cr1sth3k1ll3rx0xo · 1 year
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Please I love him so much words can't even describe it please send me to the Undertaleverse
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chompsloudly · 1 year
An au I'm working on. It's basically underverse but everyone isn't sans. The current characters I have are ink-flowey and error-muffet. Aside from the dreamtale twins of course. I need help reworking some of the backstories to fit why they're in their roles, so any help would be appreciated. Also I need naming help as the current name for this is undertaleverse and that's not a good name.
[Past NM chara]
Flowers instead of apples.
Garden of Feelings instead of Tree of Feelings
Told Asriel about what was happening.
More resilient than their sans version
Don't take shit
Cares deeply for Asriel
Reads and knits.
Takes job seriously.
Passive unless provoked.
Loyal till they die
[Present NM chara]
Still cares for Asriel somewhat, despite what happened.
Gang consists of dustbelief papurus, cannibal grillby, and killer sans until I find a replacement
"It's not goop, it's nectar!"
Easier to anger than og nightmare
Red-yellow instead of teal
Despite being in a different multiverse, nightmare is still dadmare
"Why am I like this? Because it's fun!"
Lost mind to the negativity goop.
Partially deranged
Cares about their kids
Genderless, they/them
Taunts azzy in battle, saying that he can join them
Love-hate opinion of azzy
[Past dream asriel]
Loves Chara
Loves helping people
Found out what was happening
Tried to stop the bulliyng
*It's all your fault*
Positivity flowers
Liked gardening, specifically trimming hedges
Likes designing and building
Turned the flowers of feeling from a flower patch into a garden
Loves playing with the village kids and chara
Doesn't take shit
Takes job seriously
[Present dream asriel]
Feels guilty
Is partnered with flowey ink and underscramble mettaton
Weapons are positivity blaster(basically a positivity gun) and star bombs/shurikens (haven't decided yet)
Happi boi
"Nightmare! You don't have to do this!" "...w-what happened to you..."
Hates fighting his sibling, but still does it
Just wants things to go back to normal
Likes to garden
"I-i.... I'm sorry"
Likes to cook
Likes to cook and clean, finds it great for getting his mind off of stuff
Always has some sort of flower somewhere on his outfit
Soul shaped like flower, type of flower may change but it is typically a rose
-Guide- [catagory] (author note) {potiential idea} <possible scene, might omit> ⟨alternate story route,might use ⟩
nim (toriel), was dying, and needed someone to watch over feelings when she died. She scanned the multiverse and saw a pair of siblings whose bond and dedication were unbreakable, a Chara and Asriel. She chose for the Chara to be negativity and the positivity to be Asriel. She then created the new twins and died, turning into a flower patch.
The twins lived, the village was built yadda yadda. One day nightmare decided that the bulliyng was enough and told dream about what was happening. Dream was pissed and basically told the villagers if they couldn't be nice to nightmare then he would leave and stay with the garden, and that he was temporarily leave as punishment for their asshole-ish-ness.
Villagers didn't like that and thought nightmare the 'demon child' had corrupted dream and came up with a plan to rid themselves of nightmare. On the Garden of Feelings festival they attacked nightmare who was in the garden of feelings and the garden itself, intending to get rid of the negativity flowers aswell, dream tried to hold them off with all he could and nightmare did too.
Nightmare ended up accidentally damaging one of the positivity flowers and the rest started to get corrupted too. Nightmare tried desperately to get rid of the corrupted flowers, ripping them away from the ground in an attempt to stop the spread.
Dream saw this and ended up taking some positivity flowers from the ground, about the size of a bouquet (only way I could think of to let him have positivity flowers, edit if better idea is found(better idea found read further to see it)). As nightmare tried to get rid of the corrupted flowers they started to corrupt, pure negativity began leaking from them. Yet they still continued to try to stop the spread.
They tried until they couldn't do anything anymore, {leaving a small patch?} being completely consumed by negativity and couldn't take the pain anymore, then began the agonizing process of turning into the nightmare we all know and love. Dream was watching on, horrified. He tried to help, but it was too late.
Nightmare was driven insane by the corruption and when it was done, used new goop powers to kill everyone in the village. <Dream begged nightmare to stop, that there were other ways. Less extreme> . Nightmare killed on. Dream was terrified and confused, wondering why this was happening, he tried to protect the villagers, to not let them die. He failed. When everyone died, nightmare turned their full attention to dream.
They demanded dream give over the last golden flowers, but dream refused. They fought, although it was mostly just dodging from dreams side. Flowers somehow fused with his soul ig. Finally dream turned to stone and ⟨nightmare left their au since their was no one left⟩. ⟨ nightmare tortured whoever was left, then left their au once everyone was gone⟩
Undertaleverse theme plays
Also this is just a draft and not all of the fine details have been worked out yet, any critique is appreciated
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skeleton-showdown · 2 years
you could make an undertaleverse poll instead yknow..
Only four of the competitors are undertale related, and Fresh, while originally being an Utmv character, was reworked into a character for an orginal webcomic, so if you take him off that’s only three.
Oh and btw
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eiji-multiverse · 2 years
RP Blog Information
THIS RP BLOG IS ONLY FOR FRIENDS! I do not feel comfortable doing rps with strangers anymore!
Reason for it is because they always ended up pushing boundaries or got pissed that I ended up busy with real life! 
If you’re not a friend, please don’t pester me into rping with you. Because I will more than likely not accept and block you if you continue!
ALSO! If any of you get pissy or triggered about MY oc's pronouns in ANY of their versions, that's a you problem! I will not tolerate people that try to dictate what I do with my own oc(s) because they don't like what I have in mind. All of you can die mad about it if you're like that.
As said in the description of this account, my friends convinced me to make an RP account.
This account will mainly be for my multi-fandom oc Eiji.
I will be including rps for other ocs as well because I would rather keep all rps in one place instead of having them on my main blog.
You will see the #originalverse, the #sonicverse, the #undertaleverse, the #harrypotterverse, the #fnafverse, the #invaderzimverse and the #avatarverse forms of them.
All versions of Eiji are nonbinary and polyamorous.
Any artwork that I share will be done by me and my friends as we draw out our ocs interacting.
1. Original Verse
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•Full Title: Eiji Soval the Commander of Dreams.
•Name: Eiji Soval.
•Age: Adult. Around their late 20s.
•Gender: Nonbinary. They/them pronouns.
•Height: 12'0".
•Species: Alpha Draconian and Anunnaki hybrid.
•Alliance: Ally of multiple species.
•Family: N/A. From royalty.
•Friends: N/A.
•Personality: Quiet, curious, calm and inventive.
•Likes: History, archeology, music, art, reading, star gazing and swimming.
•Dislikes: Stereotypes, war driven species, discrimination, fire and violence.
•Theme Song: Nate by NF.
•Relationship: Single.
•Sexual Preference: Polyamorous.
•Backstory: CLASSIFIED.
2. Sonic Verse
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•Name: Eiji
•M. Name: N/A
•L. Name: Soval
•Age: 23
•Gender: nonbinary, he/him and they/them pronouns.
•Height: 6'11"
•Alliance: Works with Eggman for a while before going neutral.
•Family: All deceased. Had a wife, a child and seven siblings/sibling in laws.
•Friends: Lotus, Petunia, Misty, Brandon and Chaos.
•Personality: is very traumatized, unintentional lashing out in anger, cares deeply for who they consider family and friends, has their calm moments but is generally closed off and hostile as they don't want to be hurt again.
•Likes: reading, nature, open spaces, swimming, their friends and music.
•Hates: fire, death, the smell of smoke, giant crowds, closed off spaces and silence.
•Theme Song: I Wanna Be Your Slave by Maneskin.
•Relationship: dating Petunia and Chaos.
•Sexual Preference: Polyamorous.
•Brief History: Background is classified, you are unable to obtain this information. Have a nice day.
3. Undertale Verse
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•Name: Eiji Soval
•Age: 26
•Gender: nonbinary, they/them pronouns preferred. Fine with he/him and she/her.
•Height: 7'0"
•Orientation: polyamorous
•Species: fish monster
*Dresses more tribal.
*Two additional pictures.
4. Harry Potter Verse
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•Name: Eiji Soval.
•Age: 14 to 18.
•Gender: Nonbinary. More fem leaning. They/them and she/her pronouns.
•Height: 6'3" when fully grown.
•House: Ravenclaw.
•Year: year 3 - year 7.
•Family: Parents, they're not supportive of Eiji.
•Friends: Madame, Misty and Brandon.
•Personality: Quiet, curious, calm and inventive.
•Likes: History of Magic, Astronomy, Divination, music, art, reading, star gazing and swimming.
•Dislikes: Flying, Potions, stereotypes, discrimination, fire, violence, Lockheart and unnecessary drama.
•Theme Song: Let Me Down Slowly by Alec Benjamin.
•Relationship: Single.
•Sexual Preference: Polyamorous.
•Backstory: As a child they were always interested in the more feminine things, this concerned their parents as they looked and presented as male at the time. Parents wrote it off as their child just being weird and would correct Eiji. Telling them that "Dresses and dolls are for girls.", "Boys don't wear makeup.", etc. Eijis' main thought was usually, "Why are they worried about this and that? There's nothing wrong with it. I'm not hurting anyone.". Eiji just wanted to like what they liked, they didn't understand the reactions of their parents at the time. Then when they were around ten years old, they started to show signs of magic, which definitely didn't help with their parents growing criticisms. Parents would tell them that it was just all in their head and that magic isn't real. That Eiji needed to stop with this nonsense before people started to get the wrong idea about the Soval family. It didn't come as a surprise when they got their Hogwarts letter. Eiji was rather excited about the idea of going to the school, their parents weren't too fond of it. They didn't want to even entertain the thought of their child having magic. But they eventually did give in and decided that as long as Eiji behaved themself, they could go, to which Eiji agreed wholeheartedly. The day came to head out to Hogwarts faster than their parents thought. Eiji was given another talk about behaving before departing.
The train ride to the school was fun. They enjoyed looking at the passing scenery. Seeing Hogwarts for the first time did make them anxious, the school is giant after all. They get sorted into Ravenclaw, which was a surprise as they didn't expect that to be their House.
First year there went by without any incidents as Eiji was more or less nervous and didn't want to make a fool of themself in front of everyone, they just wanted to focus on their studies. Second year was more interesting than the first. They started to question their gender identity and decided to let their hair grow out. Some drama happened with a couple other students when Eiji showed up to class one day dressed more like a girl. Met Madame but didn't hit it off that great. They did become friends after a while once Eiji got over their concerns. They leave that year happy that they made a friend.
The summer before the third year their parents tried getting them to cut their hair. Eiji refused because they liked the long length of it as they could play with more fun hairstyles. Eiji did ask their parents for highlights but that was quickly shot down. Their parents did get them a pet snake for their birthday, which was nice, and Eiji just adores the little guy. Named their snake Vermilion because of the scale colors. They come out as nonbinary to their parents a week before the third school year. Parents basically blew a gasket at the news. Eiji knew it wasn't going to go well but they had already decided that it was better said out loud than not spoken at all. Rest of that week passed by agonizingly slow. Two nights before their third year starts, an argument breaks out between Eiji and their father. The father was insisting that Eiji should stop "acting like a girl" and start being "a real man like his father". Eiji said some choice words in response and stated that they would never be like their father. Father said some choice words back, Eiji fired back more of their own. It all escalated into a clenched fist hitting Eiji. Silence broke out after that, both child and father too stunned to do anything else than stare at one another. Eiji didn't know what to think at the time, their parents had never hit them before. Raised their voices when they acted out or something was accidentally broken, sure, but they had never hit them. Eiji locked themself in their room that night, didn't even budge when their mom came to try and talk to them.
They arrive to the school with a poorly concealed bruise. They don't acknowledge any questions about the bruise. They would rather forget it anyway. Besides, Eiji is more interested in seeing where year three takes them.
4.  FNAF Verse
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•Name: Eiji Soval.
•Age: 25
•Gender: Nonbinary. They/them and she/her pronouns.
•Height: 7'2"
•Family: no direct family. Views the nightguard as a caretaker.
•Friends: Chica, Roxy, Sun and Moon. Is cordial with Freddy and Monty.
•Personality: calmer than most, levelheaded in stressful situations, is carefree at times.
•Likes: music, reading, helping in the daycare and dancing.
•Hates: stereotypes, prejudice, violent people and rumors.
•Backup singer for the group. Helps out in the daycare part time.
•Encourages the kids to be themself and express themselves through their passions.
•Doesn't conform to standard gender norms.
•One eye is usually hidden by hair.
•Belt can come off.
•Kiss mark was put there by Moon.
•Relationship: taken.
5. Invader Zim Verse
"t" - 
A little bit about Eiji: 
Name: Eiji
Age: 28
Gender: nonbinary. They/them and he/him pronouns.
Height: 7'2"
Personality: stern, strict and levelheaded.
Relationship: single.
Additional info: 
Theme song: 
Preferred drink: 
●Human Form
-shown in the picture
6. AVATAR Verse
Name: Eiji.
Age: 23.
Race: Na'vi.
Tribe: t.
Weapons: t.
Height: 9'10".
Rank: t.
Family: t.
Personality: t.
Likes: t.
Hates: t.
Relationship: t.
Background: t.
Outfit design for the original verse @ my friend Randi.
Eiji and drawings @ me.
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mudzdale · 3 years
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revisited a silly monstersona i made a while back... she now knows the meaning of speed
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vptrail · 5 years
*busts down MIna's door* WHERE THE HELL YOU BEEN BITCH
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“None o’ yo damn bidness.”
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“Now fix my damn door.” 
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hieronymus-botch · 3 years
what we know about W.D. Gaster:
Posthumous character
Mad scientist
Died by failing to take basic safety precautions with his own experiments
replaced after his death by a sapphic lady with some rather unethical research practices
Conclusion: Gaster is just Undertaleverse Cave Johnson and thus acts and talks like him and we should all be reading all that creepy ass wingdings text in J.K. Simmons’s voice.
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catboymoments · 3 years
Omg I had a cool idea for my undertaleverse last night driving home
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roseverdict · 3 years
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ID: A sticky note. It reads, "What if deltaruneverse predates undertaleverse, and UT is a darkworld-twisted variation on DR? Like a bad ending/dark fountain takeover version? everybody wakes up in the UT verse and thinks that's how it's always been (sans sans) but Kris splits into Knife Child Chara and SOUL Child Frisk? The true Chisk was Kris all along!" End ID.
ok look, just hear me out-
sidenote, but i've noticed characters referring to the knight as "it/its" and. y e a h. so maybe Kris The Player Character is they/them and Kris The Vessel is it/its? idk i'm half-asleep at work from deltarune fever last night eoshsowdjskdjso
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synthient · 3 years
Some Chara possibilities:
There was a deltarune universe version of Chara who was adopted by the Dremurrs, died young, and is currently haunting their sibling Kris
Undertaleverse Chara somehow followed the player to deltarune (maybe because of that soul deal?)
Kris is actually some kind of Chara-Frisk amalgamate--they're not possessed by Chara, they just have Chara Traits
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spectral-whisperer · 7 years
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Doodled a family from my rp with @darkchocolateknives
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authoratmidnight · 5 years
What would happen if the Ignis were thrown into the undertaleverse?
I have no idea b/c I have never played the game and know next to nothing about it ^^;
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a-2-a · 5 years
Fairy cake!
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to be honest...I’d stay in the Undertaleverse or Underswapverse! esp. in snowdin! (not because I can see and touch my favorite skelebois) not really sure tbh, tbh monsters are kinda better company ^^;
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megsy-chan · 7 years
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A little detail that i did to my girlfriend, our version of Undertale :D ♥ . . . . #MyArt #MyDrawing #Gift #Undertale #UndertaleVersion #MyGirlfriend #Me
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ophiniaonistecua · 7 years
((As a quick recap for you and-eh for meeeee
#1 - Mainverse - Godmode filled with madness, has many, many issues, but fuck it. No way around her once the ball got rolling. Got a good spread of history. Last of her kind, sorta.
#2 - Marioverse - Magikoopa-like, uppity, a hardass, probably going to turn you into a nice book if you don’t keep it clean, dutiful to the citizens.
Just don’t fuck with her books. Left to be found as an eggbab
#3 - MischiefVerse - Subservient robot who has never skipped leg day, and the results are terrifying. 
#4 - AWSWverse - Head o’ engineering and temporary delivery person. Somewhat hard to tolerate, but has genes that would make any man go mad. Too many props. Big parental issues.
#5 - UndertaleVerse - Electrical lady, fancy adoptive parents she doesn’t care too much for, has mostly SFX related magic. 
#6 - ZeldaVerse - Half considering making this accessible. Rito who believes she can be a champion and tries her diddly best. Probably one of the toughest nuts out there, and might not be too accepting of the reality of the matter.
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spectral-whisperer · 7 years
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// Wanted to draw @darkchocolateknives a picture of our little precious ship ♥
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