team-flexi 3 months
For the final presentation we split our table into two halfs and presented our artifacts side-by-side to have a clear comparison of them.
Thank you, for this interesting course and all the materials provided. It was a lot of fun and we learned many new and interesting things that will help us in the future. 馃檹
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team-flexi 3 months
We also created an excerpt of a webshop, selling the nice looking hats:
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And we structurized a story, so that people can get into the setting and understands it:
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Furthermore we achieved to make a brain out of bioplastic (Alganyl plus Glycerin)
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team-flexi 3 months
Further development regarding the creation of the objects of mind protection helmets. The helmet for the not nice looking model, got cutted, colored and external modules were added. The nice looking model got finalized.
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team-flexi 4 months
Regarding the mind-reading stories from last time, we now want to develop the object of a mind protection helmet. The idea is that there will be two versions - a very well-functioning, comfortable and nice-looking version for the richer society, and an uncomfortable, rather ugly and less functional version for everyone else. In terms of additional features, we are thinking of various modules that can be added to the helmet to block certain thoughts or absorb additional knowledge - we need to work on this concept a bit more.
You can see some photos of our start here:
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team-flexi 4 months
Three different stories that could take place in following scenario: Mind reading in the future
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Possible objects in the future scenario:
1. Mentale Reiniger: Ger盲te, die dazu verwendet werden, bestimmte Gedanken oder Erinnerungen zu l枚schen oder zu ver盲ndern.
2. Gedanken-Speicherb盲nke: Zentrale Datenbanken, in denen Gedanken und Erinnerungen gespeichert werden.
3. Gedanken-Projektoren: Ger盲te, die es erm枚glichen, Gedanken und Tr盲ume visuell darzustellen, sodass andere sie sehen k枚nnen.
4. Gedankenschild-Helme: Helme, die entwickelt wurden, um die Gedanken der Tr盲ger vor unerw眉nschtem Lesen und Manipulation zu sch眉tzen.
5. Gedanken-R盲ume: f眉r Meetings oder Treffen, in denen die Gedanken nach au脽en hin und von au脽en herein abgeschirmt sind, f眉r besseres Zusammenarbeiten mit den Gedanken.
6. Gedanken-Schranken: Kontrollschranken, um die Einstellungen und Absichten von Personen zu checken, wie bei Flugzeugkontrollen, etc.
聽Aesthetic moodboard for the objects:
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team-flexi 5 months
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team-flexi 5 months
Visit of the MAK Museum
I really enjoyed our visit to the MAK Museum in Vienna and I would like to thank you once again for the entrance fee and the opportunity to go on this trip! Normally I'm not too enthusiastic about art museums, as I often find it difficult to interpret or understand paintings or sculptures or have the feeling that I'm seeing something for the hundredth time. Therefore, I am more interested in visiting for example technical museums. I was therefore even more surprised at how much I enjoyed the MAK Museum and its exhibitions.
The exhibition on critical consumption basically only focused on fashion consumption and fast fashion. Nevertheless, I found it interesting, as I wasn't really aware of the full extent of fashion consumption and I've always tended to turn a blind eye to what (e.g. the Co2 emissions associated with Fashion consumption) and who really suffers as a result. Fortunately, I can say for myself that I already treat clothing and its sustainability with respect for the most part, and I believe that the exhibition has further encouraged me to recognize the importance of dealing with the fashion industry.
The other exhibitions on the lower floor were also very interesting. I think there were some very interesting technologies shown, some a bit disturbing (such as the VR glasses for chickens) but others were very useful problem-solving techniques or approaches (for example, the idea of cooking with solar energy stayed in my head).
I found the exhibition on protest architecture very interesting and somehow also very approachable. It wasn't just about the protests, but also many of the materials used were exhibited or miniature formats of camps where Protestants slept and lived during the protests were shown. The various protest actions from all over the world were lined up one after the other in a timeline. I also found it very interesting to compare them with each other and with the time.
The exhibition about Vienna 1900 was more of what I imagine a classic museum visit to be like. This area was therefore filled with things that I thought I had seen hundreds of times before, which made it rather uninteresting for me.
All in all, I enjoyed my visit to the museum surprisingly well :)
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team-flexi 5 months
Our moodboard of an uncomfortable world:
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team-flexi 5 months
What i took away from the museum-visit
clothing is a necessary thing for each and everyone of us. But it has become such a huge interest for capitalism that its general purpose has been overshadowed with trends and styles. I did not know that it had such a huge impact on the global waste scale and on the CO2-emissions.
Each and every exhibition in the museum showed me things I did not know and piqued my interest. I also enjoyed that there are many propsitions for solutions of modern problems like food, water, waste, waste-water, chairs and so on. The exhibition for protests and their methods and building techniques was very eye-opening. The whole exhibition was only made with tools and materials that protesters use so it was very authentic. I wish I had more time to look at every exhibit of the museum and that my brain would have had more capacity to take all the impressions with me :) Overall I would like to say thank you for providing the entry fee and taking us to the museum!
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team-flexi 5 months
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My boardgame collection - is it kitschy?
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team-flexi 5 months
More sketches
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team-flexi 6 months
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team-flexi 6 months
Waste (4)
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using plastic bottles as building materials.
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team-flexi 6 months
Waste (3)
An organization that creates large-scale sculptures of marine animals using plastic debris collected from beaches. These sculptures are exhibited in public spaces to raise awareness about ocean pollution and its impact on marine life.
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team-flexi 6 months
Waste (2)
100% recycled plastic panels transformed into creative wall accents, lighting fixtures or furniture cladding.
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team-flexi 6 months
Waste (1)
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Use garbage to make music
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team-flexi 6 months
Spikes (4)
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Packaging project, aiming to explore the role of packaging in protecting and preserving the products contained within. The designs incorporate sharp, jagged forms and a bold, black and white color scheme to evoke feelings of danger and protection, inviting the viewer to consider the relationships between form and function.
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