#understandably so I also am marrying Ivy
Going to start saying it now to try to manifest it into reality:
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r0ugesun · 2 months
I just found your blog but I was wondering if you could write something about Aemond being friends with Aegon’s wife, them forming a bond until eventually the wife gets fed up with Aegon’s mistreatment and goes to Aemond for “comfort” and eventually falls pregnant? Whether Aegon finds out can be left up to you. ☺️
Thank you so much for sending this request I hope I was able to write what you had in mind :>
(Also heavily inspired by Ivy by Taylor swift)
warning nsfw under the cut
Aegon wife! Reader x Aemond Targaryen
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Prince Aemond had always been a man of few words, preferring to sharpen his mind with books and hone his battle prowess in the training yard, a stark contrast to his brother’s revelry and indulgences. Yet, he found himself drawn to you, Aegon's wife, you were beautiful as you were wise.
Initially, your bond was forged out of mutual respect and admiration. You were intellectual equals; you admired Aemond's discipline and resilience, while Aemond found solace in your gentle wisdom and kindness. You spent hours in the library, discussing histories and poetry, your conversations flowing easily despite the tension that often surrounded you in the Red Keep.
One afternoon in the library, you looked up from the book you shared and smiled at Aemond. "This is fascinating, truly. I can hardly put the book down," you said. "How did you come across this one?"
Aemond, sitting next to you, glanced up. "I spent a great deal of time here in my childhood. When my brother and nephews were in the dragon pit, I chose to study as much as I could," he replied. "It's been my refuge from everything else."
Your smile faltered slightly. "I understand… It's become mine as well."
Aemond furrowed his brows slightly. "What do you mean?"
You sighed and glanced down at the book. "It's Aegon... He spends more time in Flea Bottom than he does with me. He barely stays in my bed before he's off again..."
Aemond gently interrupted, "I understand. My brother overindulges, it's true. But he loves you, and I am grateful for your devotion as his wife."
You managed a weak smile. "Thank you, Aemond. That's very kind of you."
Aegon, meanwhile, remained oblivious to the blossoming feelings of more than just friendship between you and his brother. His nights were spent in ale houses and brothels, leaving you to endure his neglect and occasional drunken sex. It was during these lonely nights that you sought out Aemond, finding comfort in his unwavering support.
Your relationship, once innocent, slowly began to change. You found yourself confiding in Aemond about the pain and frustration you felt because of Aegon. One evening, after one of Aegon's drunken rages, you found yourself standing outside Aemond's chambers. You knocked hesitantly, and Aemond opened the door, his expression softening when he saw your tear-streaked face.
"Y/n," he said gently, stepping aside to let you in. "What’s happened?"
You took a shaky breath. "It's Aegon. He's been unbearable tonight. I couldn't stand it any longer, Aemond. I can’t do this anymore."
Aemond's jaw tightened. Idiot, he thought to himself. He led you to a chair. "Sit. I'll fetch you some wine."
As he handed you the goblet, your fingers brushed, and you felt a warmth spread through you, one you’d never felt with Aegon. "Thank you, Aemond. Your company has been… a great comfort for me."
Aemond sat beside you, his gaze intense. "And yours as well. You should not have to endure this. I'm sorry my brother hasn’t been behaving as gallantly as is expected of him……You deserve better." He said in a low voice, he held your chin gently and looked at you deeply, leaning in slightly.
You turned away, your fingers tracing the embroidery on your dress. "Aemond….he’s your brother. I am married to him…. I made vows."
Aemond sighed and dropped his hand. "I know... I know," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "But I cannot pretend I do not see you suffering. I see the way you put on a brave face and I die a little inside." He scooted closer to you. "Had it been me you married, I would’ve spent every day in your bed."
Your breath hitched, but you shook your head. "This cannot happen, Aemond. It would only bring more pain and scandal that wouldn’t be fair to you."
He reached out, his fingers brushing against your hand. "I would endure any scandal, bear any pain, if it meant I could have you the way I want."
You hesitated, the weight of duty and desire fighting within you. "Aemond, please... we cannot."
He sighed dejectedly, he released your hand, withdrawing slightly. His gaze never left yours, he looked at you with a mixture of resignation and deep yearning.
For a moment, silence hung between you, heavy and charged. Then, you leaned in and pressed your lips to his. The kiss was soft, hesitant at first, then deepened as the floodgates of your suppressed emotions burst open.
When you finally pulled away, breathless and trembling, Aemond's eye searched yours. He pulled you on his lap, straddling him, and he kissed you hungrily once again.
He lifted your dress, letting it pool around his lap then seized your hips, guiding you to grind against his clothed cock.
“Aemond” you gasped softly
“Can you feel just how much I want you?” He moaned, his hot breath against your ear.
You bit your lip, looking into his eye “I want you just as much” you whispered back, the friction between you intensifying deliciously.
You felt him reach under your dress, he freed his cock from his breaches and moved your small clothes to the side so that your pussy was exposed “let me show you what you deserve”
You gasped as you felt him grip your hips and impaled you with his cock, every thrust igniting a fire within you.
He moaned deeply into your ear at the feeling of your pussy gripping his cock tightly. You leaned in, capturing his lips with yours, moaning desperately in each others mouths, you could feel yourself losing yourself in the fire he’s lit within you.
Your bond, once purely platonic, deepened into something more intimate. Comfort turned to desire, and that night you crossed a line that neither could return from. You tried to tell yourself it wouldn’t happen again but stolen stares across the dinner table turned to clandestine meetings, and those turned into nights spent in his bed.
The affair was passionate and consuming, driven by a need to find solace in each other.
One night, as you lay entangled in each other's arms, you whispered, "Aemond, what will we do If Aegon finds out? I fear head burn the entirety of the castle..."
Aemond tightened his hold on you. "No” he furrowed his brows “I would never let that happen” he promised. "I will protect you, no matter the cost."
As the days turned into months, You met in hidden corners of the castle, stolen moments filled with declarations of love and fervent kisses, Just like all lovers do in the dark. Each tryst only deepened your bond, binding you closer together.
It wasn't long before you discovered you were with child. The knowledge of the babe growing within you brought a mixture of fear and anxiety. You knew the consequences if Aegon were to discover the truth, yet you also felt a strange sense of peace, knowing that the child was conceived out of love and not duty.
One morning, as you stood by the balcony, Aemond approached you, his hand gently resting on your shoulder. "You look troubled," he observed.
You turned to him, your eyes filled with worry. "Aemond, I'm with child”
Aemonds face fell and he looked down “I’ll have to congratulate my brother” he said, lips pressed tightly.
“Aemond” you whispered desperately, he looked at you, he knew. You both knew.
Aemond swallowed thickly "I promised you that I would keep you safe…. And I will" he assured you.
As the months passed, and you welcomed the babe into the world, Aegon oblivious to the true nature of the affair, grew increasingly proud and affectionate towards his "son." He would often take the boy in his arms, cooing at his small features and the bond he believed they shared.
“My boy….You sleep so well because you know you are loved” he said just above a whisper, Aegon's newfound love for his child brought a bitter ache to your heart, knowing the truth that could shatter this fragile peace.
One evening, as Aegon was playing with his son in the nursery, he noticed something strange. The baby's eyes, a piercing shade of violet, were unmistakably Targaryen—but there was something more. Something that reminded him of someone else.
Aegon glanced at you, who was watching them. "He's got the dragon in him," Aegon said proudly. And then he narrowed his eyes. "But there's something more”
Your heart skipped a beat. "What do you mean?" you asked, trying to keep your voice steady.
Aegon frowned, deep in thought. “The way he looks at me, it's almost like.….. like Aemond's gaze."
You tried to laugh it off. "Aemond? What are you talking about?"
Aegon kept his eyes on the babe, his expression growing more serious. "Yes. It's…. It’s his eyes, It's like Aemond watching us."
Your stomach dropped as you tried to keep your composure. "Aegon, it’s just the features that run in the family.
Aegon shook his head slowly, the pieces of a puzzle falling into place. "No, it's more than that. Everytime there is a gathering…. You and Aemond are always missing…. The two of you…. Always at the same time.”
You felt a cold sweat break out on your skin. "Aegon….."
Aegon turned to look at you, filled with a dawning realization. "This isn't just any targaryen features…..my boy is…. is Aemond's son, isn't he?" The intensity in his eyes made your heart freeze, like he could see into your soul.
Your breath caught in your throat, and you couldn't find the words to deny it. The truth hung heavy in the air, impossible to escape.
"Aemond," Aegon repeated, his voice rising in anger. "He's the father."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you nodded, the weight of the secret finally breaking you. "Yes” you gasped out.
Aegon's face twisted in fury. He stood up so abruptly that the chair he was sitting on crashed to the floor. “MY BROTHER, YOU SLEPT WITH MY BROTHER??” He screamed furiously.
You flinched, cowering in your chair "I'm sorry," you whispered, tears streaming down your face. "I never meant for this to happen."
"SORRY?" Aegon roared, sweeping a vase off a nearby table. It shattered against the wall, fragments scattering across the floor. "SORRY DOESNT FIX ANYTHING!"
His rage was palpable, the air thick with the betrayal. He grabbed a goblet and hurled it across the room, where it smashed against the wall. “YOU MADE A FOOL OF ME! YOU LIED TO ME!"
The noise drew Aemond, who burst into the room, his eye wide with concern, seeing Aegon's fury was something he hadn't anticipated. "Aegon?? What’s happening?? calm down," Aemond said, his voice steady but urgent.
Aegon rounded on his brother, his eyes blazing. "YOU!” Aegon grabbed at his clothes shaking him with anger.
Aemond trying to keep his composure. "Aegon, listen—"
"DONT TELL ME TO LISTEN, I WILL NOT HEAR YOUR FILTH" Aegon screamed, grabbing another object and smashing it against the wall. "YOU BETRAYED ME! MY BROTHER!"
"Aegon" Aemond said, his voice pained, realizing the meaning behind his brothers rampage. "I never wanted this to hurt you."
Aegon laughed bitterly. "Too late for that. You've both made me a fool."
You stepped forward, reaching out to Aegon. "Please, Aegon, we can find a way through this."
Aegon slapped your hand away, his eyes filled with a mixture of anger and heartbreak. "My son…my boy…."
Aegon held his chest as though he’s been stabbed through the heart. “Get out both of you…”
You and Aemond looked at him for a moment
You gathered the baby in your arms, tears streaming down your face. Aemond hesitated, but then followed you, his face ashen. The echo of Aegon's rage lingered, a reminder of the fragile bonds that had been shattered and the uncertain future that lay ahead.
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bookish-whore · 1 year
'Til Death Part II
Rhysand x Reader
Words: 5k
Warnings: I don't think there are any besides Rhys being the most handsome and sexy high lord (jk slight reference to abuse)
A/N: Hello my darlings!! I know it's been awhile I have just been insanely busy and haven't had the time or energy to sit down and write (thank you all for your kind words, understanding, and patience it absolutely means the world to me like you have no idea)
Below is the long-awaited (and promised) second part of this series. I love you guys ❤️
"Til Death Masterlist -> Here
My Masterlist -> Here
The room looked much different in the daylight.
That was my first thought as I blinked open my eyes and took in my surroundings. The room was still as gorgeous as it was when I walked in last night, but it all suddenly felt more real as the sunlight streamed through the large windows casting the room in a lovely morning glow.
I took some deep breaths as everything from the day prior came flooding back. I got married, and I was living in Rhysands’ townhouse. I was no longer under the control of my parents, I was safe, and I was alone and in my room, in the Night Court. Which was strange considering my entire life I was told scary stories about this place and the people that resided here. But so far it didn’t seem too bad, I didn’t see anything to be afraid of here.
Once my heartbeat slowed back to normal, I threw the covers off my body and made my way to the windows. Last night, in the dark it was hard to make out just how elegant this estate was, from my window I could see a large fountain that stood in the center of a cobblestone courtyard and a vast array of gardens with all kinds of flowers, from my position I could make out roses, wisteria, ivy, lilies, and that there was a pond and a series of walking paths.
Three raps on my door pulled me from my admiration of the estate. I wrapped my arms around myself as I turned to face the door and cleared my throat “c-come in”
The door opened to reveal a young woman. She had curly brown hair which was tied up out of her face and she had the most stunning sapphire eyes, I also noticed her attire, she had on a simple housedress with an apron which made me think she was one of the many fae that I had heard kept up the high lords’ residences.
“Good Morning Lady Y/N” she said in a soft voice as she placed a tray of food on the table by the fireplace.
“Good morning” I said following her to get a look at what kinds of food were common here in the Night Court.
“Shall I begin my duties My Lady?” she asked
“Ummm- your duties? of course, and there is no need for such formalities you can simply call me y/n”
“Of course my lady, whatever you prefer” she said as she opened the curtains before making her way to the bed
“And what shall I call you?” I asked as she made quick work of the bed, fluffing the pillows and putting them in their respective spaces.
“My name is Osha” she said softly with a nod
“Am I always expected to eat here in my chambers?” I asked
“Of course not” she exclaimed “It is just that the high lord thought it would make you more comfortable to have some time to yourself to process the excitement of the last day- and perhaps to prepare for dinner”
“What is so unique about dinner?” I asked her, helping myself to the coffee on the tray.
“Well, I would expect that he will introduce you to his most trusted advisors and friends.”
“Were they at the ceremony yesterday?” I asked as I added cream and sugar to the dark liquid
“Most likely my lady, he rarely makes any large-scale decisions or actions without them.”
“and do you think that they are good people?” I asked.
“Of course, my lady” Osha replied dusting the bookshelves and putting things in order. “they are quite respectable”
“Can I ask you a question Osha?” I asked timidly, unsure if she would simply report my actions back to Rhysand, but I accepted it would just be a risk I had to take.
“Of course, my lady” she said pausing to face me and give me her undivided attention. As though she understood that this was important to me.
“What do you think of him-” I took a shaky breath before clarifying “The high lord I mean”
Her eyes softened as she spoke about him “He is a good male; he cares deeply for his friends who are more like his family, and he is kind to his staff and his citizens. He might seem intimidating my lady, but after everything he has suffered through it is an image he must maintain. I’m sure he would tell you all about it if you asked.”
I nodded along, curious to know more about this man I was connected to, my husband.
“Thank you for being so honest, and please just call me y/n, Osha.”
“of course…m- y/n” she replied, my name sticky in her mouth as though she wasn’t used to such comfortability with members of the household “is there anything else I can do for you?”
“No Osha, I think I’ll be alright.” I said turning my attention to my breakfast.
“There’s a bell here” Osha said signaling the tasseled rope that hung by the fireplace “just give it a pull and I’ll return for the tray and to help you dress for the day” she called as she left, closing the door behind her softly.
My stomach growled in anticipation of the food; it smelled so good and I figured if Rhysand was going to harm me he would have done it before breakfast. I examined the tray deciding I would start with the sausages and before I knew it, I had devoured the entire plate.
I stood from the couch and rang the bell, wondering how quickly Osha would return. For a brief moment I hoped that I wasn’t disturbing her from her other duties.
She rapped her knuckles twice on the door announcing her arrival before stepping into the room. One thing I learned is that Osha does not waste any time, she collected all the dishes and placed them on a rolling cart outside the door before showing me to the bathroom and she promptly walked me through all the oils, salves, and lotions and what they were for before showing me how the tub operated. She even told me where all the spare items were should I ever need them.
I didn’t think I could be more grateful to her until she offered me some privacy by turning around while I undressed and stepped into the warm bubbly water. She helped me wash my hair and told me about growing up in the Night Court, she even told me about some of their annual traditions and spots in needed to visit in the city.
When we finished with the bath, she helped me into a dressing robe which I had to admit was one of the nicest fabrics I had ever put on my body. Osha instructed me to sit on one of the stools while she made work of my hair. Brushing through it gently.
I was really hoping Osha wasn’t reporting my actions back to Rhysand because I found myself answering questions about my childhood and my upbringing, I realized quickly that I could really enjoy it here.
“All finished” Osha said as she pinned the last hairs into place.
She handed me a mirror to look at her work, it was stunning yet simple. She braided my hair and pinned it into a circle around my head, with only my bangs and a few face framing pieces left out. It kind of looked like a crown, I thought to myself. “I love it” I told her as she put away the combs and remaining pins.
“Do you know what you’d like to wear today?” Osha asked as she returned to my side
“I didn’t really bring much with me from home” I said nervously
“Oh you don’t have to worry Y/n, the high lord made sure your closet was stocked so you would have options until your things arrived”  
“Why don’t you pick?” I suggested “since you know the styles here, but please keep it comfortable.”
She smiled wide before retreating to the closet. She emerged a few moments later with her choices. Osha had picked a simple white dress with long sleeves that fell off my shoulders, she had paired it with a simple light green vest-like corset embroidered with cream and pink roses and my comfortable everyday boots. I thanked Osha for her help, and she left to do what I assumed were her other duties around the house.
I took a deep breath, giving myself a once over in the mirror. I knew I wanted to explore this place a little, get to know my new home before I had dinner, before I had to see him again. I checked the clock on the wall and was surprised to find that it was already midday. I put my hand on the doorknob, took a deep breath and stepped into the hall.
It was quieter than I thought. I figured there would be an onslaught of activity, people walking around the house but there was not a soul in sight. I walked down the hall to the grand staircase Rhysand led me up last night. When I got to the bottom, I turned towards a large hall and walked towards the smell of bread.
I ended up in the kitchen, where surprisingly I found the high lord of all people.
He was sitting on top of the counter, his black suit still impeccably clean despite his relaxed posture. So far, he wasn’t at all what I expected. He saw me immediately and jumped off the counter, he waved his hand and the staff made themselves busy clearing out the room until it was just the two of us.
He took a step towards me, straightening his jacket and running a hand through his hair.
“Hello” he said, his voice low and gravelly.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt-” I quickly said, pausing to look around the kitchen “whatever it is you were doing.”
“You didn’t interrupt anything” he chuckled “I like to come in here around this time.”
“Why?” I asked
“I like the fresh bread” he replied, offering me a large piece. It was still warm from the oven, and it smelled divine. I took the piece tentatively from his hand tearing off a bite sized amount before bringing it to my lips.
I couldn’t help but moan at the taste, I wasn’t allowed such fresh helpings back home, and until now I wasn’t even aware of what I was missing. I continued pulling small pieces from the loaf and eating them as did Rhysand.
“So, how was your first night here?” he asked “did you sleep well”
“I did” I replied swallowing down another piece “and you?”
“How did I sleep?” he asked
I nodded.
“Fine, I suppose” he said with a grin
“This is strange, isn’t it?” I asked “you know being- being married yet we hardly know each other, living in the same home- it just feels so peculiar. At least it does for me”
“I think we can make the best of it” he said “like I told you yesterday, everything from here on out is up to you. you can decide what boundaries you need and I will respect them, you have my word”
“But aren’t there some things that- that are- non-negotiable?” I asked tentatively.
“Like what?” he asked, his violet eyes piercing mine as I met his gaze
“Well, you know- our” I cleared my throat bringing my voice to an almost whisper “marital duties”
“Mmmm” he sighed “yes there is that matter” his eyebrows furrowed as he took another piece of bread “What would you have us do?”
“Well are we not supposed to do what married people do?” I asked
“And what is it that married people do?” he said with a grin, his arms casually crossed over his chest.
“Now you’re just teasing me” I said rolling my eyes at the male.
“Are you demanding I perform my marital duties to you?” he asked in feigned seriousness.
“Of course I am not demanding, I am just curious that it would rouse suspicion, or possibly that there would be questions surrounding the legitimacy of our union”
“Well allow me to put your worries to rest. No one would dare ask me whether I bedded my wife, nor would I bed her without her enthusiastic consent”
I simply nodded in response, hoping he didn’t notice the slight reddening of my cheeks at his candidness.
“Like I said y/n, this arrangement benefits us both.”
“And in what ways does it possibly benefit you?”
“Do you want the truth?” he asked
“The complete and honest truth” I said “always”
“Well, it gives me a political advantage, one of my duties is presiding over the court of nightmares in the Hewn City, and to some of the more traditionalist thinkers were adamant I needed a wife, for my image and to settle concerns over the succession of my throne. And secondly, your parents offered an economic advantage; their position in the Autumn court is the perfect excuse to gather intelligence on the goings on in Beron’s lands.”
“Beron? What could you possibly want with my uncle?”
“In all honesty y/n, I can’t trust you with that information yet.” He said firmly “I hope you can understand that.”
“Of course. I mean I am still practically a stranger to you”
“I will tell you… eventually.”
“Rhysand, I-”
“And please call me Rhys”
“…Rhys…I promise I understand- really I do.”
A tense silence passed between us as I thought about my life as his partner.
“You mentioned an heir” I said breaking the tense silence that had settled between us
“I did”
“Is that- do I- am- I just-“
“Calm down y/n I don’t expect you to carry my child. Nor do I expect you to want a child. If you do I’m sure we can figure out an arrangement”
“but is that something that you would want?” I asked tentatively “I just mean that this arrangement seems to be more beneficial to me than it is to you.”
“Your part in this arrangement is crucial y/n, you’ll just have to take my word for it.”
“Okay” I agreed splitting the last of the loaf into two pieces and offering one to the high lord.
“Now” he said wiping the crumbs from his hands “How about a tour. It was late and dark last night so I didn’t want to overwhelm you with all the logistics of your space and the house”
“I would love that” I agreed
“Well then” he said motioning me towards the hall towards the entryway “Shall we?”
He followed me back to the front door and showed me the sitting room and dining room which were both adjacent to the foyer and I followed him back down the hall towards the kitchen where he pointed out a few closets, and bathrooms. Then he led me upstairs, through a series of halls pointing out each bedroom and who it belonged to. I figured it would make more sense once I met these people formally.
We continued the tour by making our way up a small spiral staircase that had been hidden behind an unassuming door until we reached an ornately carved set of double doors. He stopped in front of them, bracing one of his hands on the doorknobs, he turned them but didn’t push open the doors yet.
“Now this- is one of my favorite features in the house” he said with a grin “close your eyes”
I gave him a quizzical look before closing my eyes and putting my hand over them. I heard the soft creak as he pushed open the doors and took my hand leading me into the unknown space.
“okay” he said “open”
I opened my eyes and gasped at the space before me.
It was a library.
It had two levels of massive floor to ceiling shelves that were lined with titles, and large windows that cast the room in an abundance of natural light. There were even tall ladders that reached the very top shelves and tables and loungers strewn around the room. I felt myself get excited over the possibility of spending my time here, unbothered by the world as I disappeared into the pages that lined the walls.
“I think this is going to be my favorite place” I said turning to take in the space.
“it was my sisters favorite place” he said quietly “she would spend hours here with the people from her stories.”
“I didn’t know you had a sister. Is she around? I would love to get to know her”
He was quiet, but as I turned to face him I noticed his eyes looked sad and distant
“she is-” he cleared his throat “she is…gone”
“oh” I said reaching my hand to rest on his arm “Rhys- I am so sorry”
“You didn’t know” he said, his hand covering my own as he took us deeper into the space.
We spent what felt like hours perusing the shelves, I picked out a few titles to be sent to my room for some late-night reading and we continued on our tour. Rhys took me up the remaining flights of stairs until we reached the roof. Which boasted a view of the city, and had a lovely garden and lounge area.
Once we concluded the tour, Rhys walked me back to my room and told me about his dinner plans. He mentioned his “inner circle” and I could only imagine this was what Osha meant this morning. He told me to come down around eight and he would make introductions.
I felt nervous, what if they didn’t like me. Or they thought I was a spy for a rival court. How could I possibly convince them that I was just as desperate to escape my situation and that Rhys offered me salvation, he offered me a life of my own, where I could be free to make my own decisions. I laid in bed thinking of the ways this dinner could go horribly wrong.
I jolted awake at the sound of knocking. I looked at the clock atop the fireplace and noticed it was already half past six. I quickly jumped from the bed to get the door as the handle turned and in walked Osha.
“I’m sorry to disturb you y/n, I just thought I would help you get ready for dinner.  I didn’t realize you were nap-”
“It’s really no trouble Osha, thank you for waking me. I- I want to look my best tonight. you know to make a good impression.”
“I think the inner circle will get along with you just fine” she said with a playful smirk.
I nodded and flashed her a nervous smile.
“Come along, I think your hair should be down tonight.” she insisted, I made no objection and sat at the vanity as she meticulously unbraided her previous work, letting my hair fall in loose waves down my back. We chatted casually as she worked pinning pieces into place and making sure it looked presentable.
I picked a black dress for tonight, I thought it was fitting considering this was Rhysand’s inner circle, his closest friends and advisors. I imagined they had spent hundreds of years together and were more like a family than anything else. It was simple, yet elegant and was surprisingly comfortable. It had long sleeves detailed with lace and a tight bodice that widened out at my waist and cascaded to the floor.
“You look perfect” Osha said as she walked around me, taking in all the details of my ensemble for tonight.
“Are you sure it’s not too much?” I asked
“Not at all y/n” she said flashing me an approving smile.
I took one last look at myself in the mirror before heading towards the door, my fae senses already picking up the faint sounds of laughter and the bustling commotion of the house workers downstairs. As I made my way down the winding staircase, I reminded myself to take deep breaths. Except my mother’s warning kept running through my head. Don’t disappoint us, remember what you were bred for.
I shook her voice from my mind as I entered the sitting room and was immediately bombarded by the blonde from the wedding, a large smile plastered across her face as she pulled me into a hug. “Y/n my dear!” she exclaimed “How are you? I do hope my cousin has been treating you well.”
“He has” I managed to say with a smile, making brief eye contact with my husband before he looked away, engaged in his conversation with the large winged males, there were two other women in the room as well seated on a sofa clearly engaged in their own conversation, they didn’t seem to pay me any mind.
“Allow me to make a few introductions, firstly and most importantly I am Morrigan, but you can call me Mor.” The blonde said with a hand to her chest, she looped her other arm through mine as she led me around the room. As we walked, she whispered low in my ear “I think were going to be great friends”. She gave my arm a gentle squeeze of reassurance as we approached the two females who straightened as we stood before them.
“This is Nesta” Mor said gesturing to the brunette female seated on the couch, Nesta looked me over and the corner of her mouth lifted slightly as if in approval. Mor turned to introduce me to the other female seated opposite Nesta but before she could say a word the raven haired woman interrupted.
“and I am Amren” she said, her voice soothing and calm
I gave them both a nod and a soft curtsy, I wasn’t entirely sure of the etiquette in this situation considering I was technically their high lady and outranked them but I figured it was a sign of respect.
“It is wonderful to finally meet you both” I said “I didn’t really have a chance to talk to everyone after the ceremony”
“Yes we made quite a hasty exit” Rhysand said as he approached behind me and Mor, he placed a hand on the small of my back and flashed me a smile as he came into view. The two males he was talking with circled the couch; I could feel their eyes on me as though they were inspecting me as one took the seat beside Nesta and the other leaned against the wall in the corner of the room, his hands resting over his chest.
“Do we not get introductions Rhysie?” the long haired one next to Nesta said with a smirk, the other male simply smiled but remained quiet in the corner of the room.
“How ever could I forget” Rhys said with a laugh as he turned to face me more directly “Y/n, this is Cassian, general of the Night Court armies, and a general pain in my ass.”
“I love you too brother” Cassian said as he moved his arm to rest behind Nesta.
“And this-” Rhys said with a gesture to the male in the corner “Is my spymaster and shadowsinger, Azriel. And it seems that you’ve met the others.”
“I did” I said looking over the group “I just want to say that I really am happy to finally meet you all, I’ve heard how important you are to Rhysand, and I only hope that you’ll give me a chance to prove myself useful here.”
“So long as you remain honest, I don’t think we’ll have a problem girl” Amren said sipping from her embellished glass.
“Well now that introductions have been made, how about we talk over dinner and drink?” Rhysand said gesturing towards the dining room. The inner circle all stood and made their way to the room across the hall, Rhys gripped my hand before I could step away.
“Can I have a word, before we join the others?” he asked
“Of course,” I said as he led me to the back corner of the room, no doubt away from prying fae ears
“I just want to warn you, they are going to ask you questions, they are going to pry but they mean well”
“I would be concerned if they just accepted me without a qualm” I said with a forced smile
“You don’t have to answer anything you aren’t comfortable with, they do understand boundaries they just feel the need to test them.” He grasped my hands in his “they just want to get to know you, and if at any point you feel stuck just ask them questions, especially Mor because once she starts talking it’s hard to get her to stop.”
“noted” I said looking towards the floor
“You have nothing to worry about y/n” Rhys reassured me, I felt his hand grip my chin turning my face to meet his “and I didn’t get a chance to tell you earlier tonight y/n but you…you are absolutely breathtaking.”
“Are you two planning on joining us anytime soon” Cassian’s voice boomed
“Always so subtle that one” I said in a whisper as I made my way towards the group. I was hyper-aware of Rhys’ presence behind me as we entered the space and took our seats at the table, his at the head, and mine to his right.
Dinner passed with polite conversation, by the main course of roasted lamb and potatoes I was beginning to relax. They didn’t seem to be too prying; they only asked me questions about where I grew up and what I enjoyed. In the back of my mind, I was slightly concerned they were lulling me into a false sense of security but I doused my fear by the time we came to dessert, which just so happened to be my favorite, chocolate souffle.
“So, what was it like growing up around Eris” Mor asked taking a bite of her dessert
“I wouldn’t know” I said honestly
“But you spent so much time at the Forest House?” Mor retorted
“my parents kept me pretty secluded with my lessons” I said “I would be punished for even looking at the Vanserra boys, let alone speaking to them” I couldn’t help but chuckle at the memory of the lashing I received for merely smiling at Eris when we crossed paths in the hall
The room went silent at my confession, perhaps they had realized just how useless I was. That I didn’t have any of the information they wanted. I could feel myself spiraling, the walls closing in, my breathing speeding up and as if he could sense my panic, Rhys cleared his throat, drawing the attention away from me, which I was overwhelmingly grateful for.
“I think that’s enough for tonight, its quite late and I’m sure y/n is exhausted” he said a clear dismissal of the party, his inner circle slowly dissipated with their goodbyes until it was just the high lord and me remaining.
“Shall we?” he asked holding his hand out to me, I eagerly took it and Rhys walked me to my bedroom, stopping at the door and leaning casually against it his arms crossed over his broad chest. I couldn’t help but notice the strain of fabric at his upper arms. He must have spent decades strengthening his body into a lethal weapon…No, I couldn’t think of him like this
I didn’t realize how close he was until his scent overwhelmed me, rain and cedar. I casually threw my hair over my shoulder as I stood shoulder to shoulder with the male. My hand resting on the doorknob, I gripped it but couldn’t bring myself to open the door. I hesitated, realizing that I didn’t want the night to end.
“Rhys” I said tentatively, soothing my nerves as I let go of the ornate handle and turned fully to face the high lord.
“Yes?” he asked, standing to his full height, his eyes piercing through me as I craned my neck to meet his gaze.
“I just wanted to-” I cleared my throat “to thank you- for introducing me to everyone, and for showing me around today. I-It means a lot to me that you have made me feel at home here”
“it was my pleasure y/n, and they seemed to like you. I’m sure you’ll get more comfortable around them with time.”
“I hope so” I said “because I really want this to work…for the both of us”
“And I have every confidence that it will” he said reassuringly “but you need to get some rest, it has been an exhausting day”
“if you insist” I said twisting the door handle, opening the door of my room.
“Sweet dreams…wife” he teased with a sly smile and a dark look in his violet eyes
“Sweet dreams…husband” I said as I stepped through the threshold into my room, closing the door softly behind me.
I couldn’t help but smile as I prepared myself for bed, and here in my solitude I could convince myself that it had nothing to do with the roguishly handsome high lord and his violet eyes that saw right through all my defenses. Here in the shadows, I could remain in denial because I was in deep shit.
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rose-morose · 27 days
I finished Harley Quinn, and I've got to rant about Kite Man for a second
(Harley Quinn spoilers and very very long and bitter hatred under the cut)
it fucking boggles my mind that Poison Ivy would go out with this rich, incompetent, ignorant, heteronormative, entitled, arrogant, borderline, if not outright, misogynistic trust fund child who is a massive cunt, and seemingly the antithesis of everything that she stands for
most of the time she seems to find his clumsy and ignorant conduct to be endearing, which is actually understandable, but beyond that and a positive review of the sex (I think I can't remember) it kind of seemed like she wasn't fully invested in their relationship
this isn't even a "she's out of his league" thing either, he is just genuinely a terrible terrible person, and I think many people give him far more credit than he deserves
putting aside his goofy kite motif, his naive demeanour, and his clumsy antics he just has a dull shitty personality
when they first met, Kite Man spent an entire evening making unwelcome advances on Ivy despite her clear and succinct rejections of every effort he made, stole from her, and then he took Ivy asking him for an emergency ride back to her apartment to literally save the lives of children that HE poisoned for no reason as not only validation of his relentless advances, but the beginning of what he believed to be a "date" in his deluded rotting brain
upon arriving at her apartment, unprompted, he disrobed and waited for her in her bedroom to have sex, and when Ivy asked him why, his response was along the lines of 'that's usually what happens after a great date when you go back to the girl's place'
Ivy was understandably upset by this, so what happened? what changed? in what mad world is this given any amount of consideration to even be tolerable, let alone acceptable behaviour?
"I'll do all the heavy lifting so you don't have to break a nail." fuck this twat he sucks, and this is only episode 2, the first fucking episode that he is in
"I'll protect us babe!" dude fuck right off she is literally the most powerful person in the room
"If my girlfriend sees me hanging out with you hot young coeds she is going to be green with envy." people still call women attending uni "coeds" that's fucking insane, someone just put me out of my fucking misery
HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HER FUCKING NAME! "Poison Gertrude Ivy" 0/3 fucker not even remotely close, and he doesn't learn her name until after the third fucking time he asks her to marry him
so what if it's played as a joke, it's still true
what am I missing here? why is this guy getting a pass, not just from Ivy, but from the fandom at large? why is there such widespread admiration of this asshole?
I tried watching the Kite Man spinoff show to figure out what people see in him, but it honestly just made him look even worse if that's possible, and while the entire show has not yet been released, it is set after the conclusion of Kite Man and Ivy's relationship so it's not even that relevant
if anyone from the Harley Quinn show deserves a spinoff it isn't this cunt
this shitty excuse of a human being maps out their entire future without consulting Ivy, self admittedly stalked her, constantly does things that she explicitly asks him not to do (admittedly Harley is also guilty of this), mansplains simple bullshit to her constantly, and takes not even the slightest bit of interest in anything remotely associated with Poison Ivy, he doesn't even really seem to know that much about her
on paper I can't see why the hell she even seems to like him at all seeing as she repeatedly rebuffed his initial unwelcome attempts to hit on her, was embarrassed to be seen in public with him, did not tell anybody she was dating him, constantly comments on how fucking stupid he is, rejected him every time he tried to take the next step in their relationship, and before they got together the nicest thing she had ever said to him was along the lines of, 'you're almost tolerable when you are completely silent' and yet in practice Ivy seems to be very loving and affectionate towards him, she even attributes her recent bout of happiness to him
yet Kite Man himself admits that he had to repeat every step of their relationship over and over and over again because she constantly rejected him at every turn
and she was the only one putting any effort into their relationship, always doing things to make him more comfortable or happy and in return occasionally getting a ride and that's it, he just breaks down and starts crying when anything doesn't go his way
Poison Ivy deserves so much better than this cunt who weaselled his way into her life, not the other way around
I saw something from a showrunner about how this iteration of Poison Ivy has self esteem issues that may have lead her to date someone who isn't worthy of her just because he was nice to her, but I don't see how he was nice to her
he's usually polite, sure, but he is super misogynistic, he asks her to drop her name to get things that he wants, he is super arrogant and full of himself, and he seems to objectify her every time he tries to give her a compliment
and that hardly explains why so many fans are all for this terrible relationship, normally supporting unhealthy relationships in media because you want to see them improve and evolve is fun, but this guy does not change, he doesn't even think that he needs to change
and I think most of the show's fans are for Harlivy, which is a relationship that isn't super healthy but is compelling and improving and is fun to root for, but why do I see so many people saying that the writers should have kept going with Kite Man and Ivy?
I don't think it's outright homophobia, or at least the majority isn't homophobia, but I just don't get it
now did Kite Man deserve to be cheated on? I don't think so, that's just a pretty shitty thing to do to someone, but why the fuck was he even here in the first place?
I guess the heart wants what the heart wants or she didn't think she deserved better or whatever, but fuck why does anyone tolerate this asshole? is incompetence really that charming?
maybe I just don't get it because I'm aroace, but regardless of what you think of the relationship or the character, Kite Man is undoubtably a shit person and a complete asshole, that doesn't make him a bad character, just a bad person, and I wish more people that liked him as a character would recognise that, it's fine to like characters that are bad people, but don't outright deny it
just my final thoughts, I would love to take this opportunity to assure all 0 readers that have made it this far that I am not genuinely upset and do not take issue with people that like a fictional character that I don't like ok thanks bye
rant over
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a-libra-writes · 5 months
hi hi, sorry for not answering, I had a busy day😅
to answer what you said in the tags, I feel like the more people to read the more I can improve by the constructive criticism yk, so I wouldn't really mind if you posted my rambles lol
YEEEHAW LETS GO. I put a cut for those who are also interested! :3 Im gonna copy and paste bc tumblr acts up and hates me personally LOL
Angst ahead !!!
would it be morally wrong to be romantically attracted to Viktor even though he has a wife and daughter that he probably misses very much?
like, I could even picture reader finding out about this and then understanding why he doesn't reciprocate your feelings as much as you'd like (even though the two of you have great chemistry and he clearly has feeling for you as well) and so, the reader proceeds to distance themselves little by little, mainly out of guilt bcs like "damn, I am trying to get with a man who's married and has a daughter" and out of insecurity that you would never be like his wife in any way, shape or form for him to love you back (even though he already does but they don't know that).
I feel like Viktor would notice their sudden change of behavior but I don't think he would do much about it because he'd think they found someone better for them than him, or they fell out of love with him after he opened up a little to them (these are the insecurities that he has and now he thinks it's actually coming true).
and so, the two of them would be silently yearning/longing for each other but now with an invisible barrier between them and if he ever confessed to reader they'd be like:
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(this has been my roman empire ever since I found out about his estranged family 😭 even though I am a pessimist by nature I still want a happy ending to this)
it would take Ivy and Mitzi to help them guys out because out of everyone they were the ones rooting a lot for them to end up together and for their ship to sink lol (in this scenario Viktor hasn't confessed and reader didn't reject him)
Mitzi (pretending that she doesn't know that you and Viktor are getting distant with each other) "casually" talks to you about how much happier Viktor has been ever since they've entered his life and how much he needed for a good thing to happen in his life, how she never saw him smile as much as he did with them, and so on.
Ivy, on the other hand would be berating the shit out of Viktor like "what the hell is going on?? you guys were so cute together and now I barely see you two even talk!" he'd reluctantly and begrudgingly say what he thinks is going on, that you found someone better, that you are better off without him but Ivy would say that that's nonsense, she knows you'd never do that without even saying something about it and that's what brings her to ask "did you even talk to them?" and he'd stay silent. after talking with the two of you, lvy and Mitzi would have to get the two of you alone to talk and sort things out. Mitzi would place a letter on your nightstand telling you to meet her at the garage (where Viktor would be) when you get there and your eyes lock the air is filled with an awkward silence, you quickly find out that Mitzi and lvy set the two of you up for this after Viktor asks where's Ivy bcs she told him to meet him there.
after you explain to him that they planned this you say that it's unnecessary and you don't
even know why they'd do this (obvious lie) you start walking out but Viktor stops you by gently holding your wrist, and then you see it in his face, his furrowed brows (they were almost always furrowed but never like this), the longing in his gaze (you don't remember seeing him look at you with so much emotion before), the bags under his eyes (he hasn't been sleeping properly), the silent plea for you to stay (who are you to deny him when he looks at you so lovingly like this?)
you two spend hours talking and explaining how you feel in the verge of tears, leading to a confession of both parties. the two of you end up holding each other in a long and warm embrace, whispering sweet nothings in each other's ear.
(that's it for now, lmk what you think)"
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jhilsara · 6 months
Tie Me to You/ Chapter 7
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Chapter Summary: Mika and James announcement party has finally arrived. Too bad her father knows how to ruin everything.
Word Count: 4.9k
<Last | Next>
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of past child abuse and neglect, emetophobia, small amounts of violence (breaking some bones), and alcohol consumption.
This fanfic will explore heavier emotions and will have eventual smut. Minors DNI
Can also be found on AO3 X
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The water filled my lungs
I screamed so loud, but no one heard a thing
Rain came pouring down when I was drowning
That's when I could finally breathe
And by morning, gone was any trace of you
I think I am finally clean
Clean- Taylor Swift
Chapter 7
She’s going to be ill. 
 Mika is a thousand percent going to vomit and ruin all the hard work she’s done to prepare for tonight. Her stomach won’t stop doing acrobatics and she’s only spent her day running back and forth doing tasks. Set up the decorations, clean the backyard, call the caterers back, and most importantly, that the supplies for the candlelight vigil for her grandfather are ready go. The list goes on. Everything she’s been doing was to keep her mind from drifting. She’s done all she can now, with three hours to go until the party, she has nothing to preoccupy her vicious thoughts. 
Mika’s mind mostly consists of seeing her father and fearing the repercussions of her actions.  
David makes her feel small, like she’s just a part of a checklist of his life. 
Graduate top of class? Check. 
Go to an Ivy League? Check. 
Get married young? Check. 
Get into the family business? Check. 
Have a baby? Check. 
Be a good father? Check. 
Her father always had an uncanny ability to make her feel insignificant and dim. She believes his words, even if she knows in her heart, they aren’t true. It doesn’t stop the pain of knowing her father’s love comes with conditions. One’s that she has no want to fulfill. There’s the tiniest part of her, the part that is still a little girl, who craves her father's affections.  
Mika wishes that part of her would shut up, would understand that there’s nothing she can do to make that man happy. She’s never been able to appease him without losing herself in the process.  
Mika’s in the middle of retying the decorations on the staircase banister, gripping the ribbon tightly in her hands, she barely registers Damien’s hand stopping her.  
She quickly snaps her head to look at him questioningly, her brows furrowed in confusion, before she sees all the brothers at the bottom of the stairs. Mika doesn’t like how they're looking at her. It’s a worried glance and it has her gritting her teeth in frustration. 
 Was she so lost in her own fears about her father she didn’t even hear all five of them enter?  
“Mika, just breathe. Everything looks fine, the food caterers are here, and the sound system and bartender are already set up.” James tells her. “It’s going to be fine.” He shoots her a far too confident smile.  
“That’s not,” She sighs looking at the five of them, “that’s not what my problem is. I mean, yes, I’m nervous but it’s not the party I’m worried about...” she states picking at the petals of the flower on the banister. Mika can’t meet their eyes. Not when they give her that look of pity.  
“Your father won’t get near you.” Damien reassures her quietly.  
While the thought was reassuring, it didn’t change the fact that her father’s cold looks and sharp tongue hurt more than any hit ever could. She shudders as the image of his anger floods her mind. Damien squeezes her hand reassuringly. 
“It’ll be fine,” Sam’s gruff voice cuts in. He’s looking up at her, his muscular arms crossed over his chest. “Stick with me, I’ll be like your guard dog.” he offers with a crooked smile.  
Matthew laughs boisterously and pats Sam’s back, “Sam can frighten anyone away!”  
Sam’s eye twitches before he grabs Matthew by his head and shoves his little brother away.  
Matthew’s hands fly up and he pouts, “I just styled my hair dude!” He walks away to find a mirror. 
Erik rolls his eyes before walking up the stairs and guiding Mika away. “Go get dressed while we finish up. We got this.”  
She doesn’t have a chance to argue before she’s being shoved into her room and the door closes behind her.  
Around fifteen minutes before the guests are supposed to start arriving, there's a knock on her door. She’s at her mirror, staring at herself, trying not to feel the dread creeping its way up her throat.  
“Come in.”  
The door cracks open and it’s Erik. He’s giving her a soft reassuring smile. He’s in his own tux, a wonderful deep burgundy suit with a black undershirt. His own ginger hair is styled and out of his eyes, he’s quite handsome.  
They were all handsome, she thinks, they were sex demons. Handsome and sexy is written into their DNA. 
She turns to look at herself once more in the mirror, feeling inadequate. It’s the voice of her father seeping into the back of her head. She still hesitates to think she’s anything but plain looking.  
Erik comes behind her and places his hands reassuringly on her shoulders, looking at her in the mirror. 
“You look like a dream. I should know, since I picked out that dress.” he says proudly with a glowing smile.  
Mika looked at her reflection, the dress was gorgeous. A wonderfully elegant plum, to compliment her bright green eyes. It didn’t wash her out and somehow made her darker hair look luxurious. Mika runs her hands down the fabric, trying to straighten out the silk. It clings to her body in a way that is flattering, but also makes her feel too seen. 
“I don’t feel like a dream.” She replies, still feeling nauseous.  
Erik shrugs nonchalantly, he grabs her wrist to drag her away from staring at herself. “Let’s go take a shot of courage together. Tonight will be fine, we’re all here for you. You don’t have to face anything you don't want to alone.” he encourages. 
Mika nods, letting him guide her.  
She plays Erik’s words on loop in her head. She doesn’t remember the last time she didn’t feel the burning sensation of isolation when it came to events like this. She was so used to playing her part at parties or events. Being a perfect daughter with her perfect family, even if it was only a ruse.  
She easily follows Erik down to the bar and has the bartender pour them two shots.  
She feels the liquor burn the back of her throat, but it’s better than the nervous somersaults in her stomach. She could do this. 
Before her shot glass even lands on the counter there’s a solid hand on her exposed shoulder, holding her firmly. She looks up to see Sam raising a brow but with a slight smirk on his lips.  
“Didn’t realize it was that part of the night yet.” he teases her. 
She flushes a bit in embarrassment and shoves him lightly, he doesn’t budge. His muscular frame is much larger and bulkier than hers. She couldn’t move him if she wanted to.  
“It’s just a shot of courage Sam relax.” Erik waves him off dismissively before walking away from the pair to go check on something else before the guests arrive.  
As Erik leaves them Mika’s eyes roam Sam’s figure. He also is in a tux, but much different from Erik’s extravagant one. Sam’s is simple, a black suit with an emerald green tie sitting loose around his neck.  
Mika reaches up to tie it. “Isn’t it too early to have a loose tie?” She shoots back at Sam looking up at him with a small teasing smile.  
Once done, she runs her hands down the tie to make sure it sits perfectly. She pats his shoulders with a job well done to herself. Sam’s face is burning red as he looks down at her with wide eyes. 
He coughs awkwardly, averting his eyes. “Thanks...” he mumbles.  
She nods and chuckles to herself before walking away shaking her head.  
As the evening progressed Mika’s emotions kept ping ponging around. Everything was moving in an increasingly fast blur. As members from her grandfather's company come pouring in, they immediately all make their way towards her. Each person offering their own condolences or some words of remembrance of her grandfather. She keeps her emotions in check, thanking every one of them properly. They lost him too after all. 
There’s a lull in arrivals that gives Mika some reprieve from conversation. She feels herself deflate as she walks over to the open bar. She needs another shot. Her college friend group is mingling at one of the tables near the open bar and she smiles at them. Hoping that talking with them will settle her nerves some.  
Mika feels someone watching her, not maliciously just watching. As she waits for her shot, she looks over her shoulder and sees Sam’s gaze meet hers while he stands at the door. Mika gives him a small smile and a halfhearted wave.  
Sam shoots her a nod of acknowledgement. He’s watching out. Her parents hadn’t shown up yet, and a part of her prays they wouldn’t. Mika knows that her father wouldn’t miss a chance to save face though. It’s good to know Sam’s sharp gaze is watching. She feels a bit more secure knowing someone is looking out for her.  
She wonders over to her friends after taking her shot, to try and relax a bit before she makes the announcement. It’s nerve racking that she’s giving up her title in the family company, but also freeing. James was right, her grandfather wouldn’t want her to be miserable. She just had to get through this party first.  
Mika feels her parent's presence before she sees them. It doesn’t help that her friends' conversation slows, almost quiets completely. She feels the mood immediately change and she doesn’t want to turn to see them. Mika feels herself clamming up and her heart racing, she wants to run away. She does not want to be here; she can’t face her father.  
Before Mika can even turn to look and spot her parents, there’s a large, warm, reassuring hand on her back. She looks up and sees Sam standing next to her. He’s not looking at her, but his glowering stare is enough to know who he’s directing that fire towards. Mika follows his gaze, and she sees her father, facing her, like he was about to come up. Sam’s aura is enough to send David running with his tail between his legs. Mika let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.  
“Don’t worry about it, James is looking for you. It’s almost time.” Sam tells her, his eyes are hard as he still follows her father's movements.  
Mika nods, looks to the top of the staircase and sees James up there with the sound system and microphone. It was time. She takes a shaky breath. She waves goodbye to her friends and walks over to the staircase. Matthew was blocking one of the entrance ways and Damien the other.  
Matthew gives her a bright smile, “You’ll do great, and it’ll be over. Piece of cake!” he tells her reassuringly. She can only nod as she hesitantly walks up the staircase.  
James is finishing setting up with the sound guy and gives her a thumbs up. “It’s ready to go when you are.” Mika can only give a tight smile. She’s not ready. It’s now or never though as Mika looks down over the banister to see people starting to form a crowd and the media outlets set up their own cameras.  
Mika turns around to James, eyes wide in fear. James gently holds her shoulders, “You are okay. You are safe. You can do this; Harold wouldn’t want you to spend your life miserable.” His voice is firm and leaves no room for discussion.  
Mika takes a deep, grounding breath. She walks up to the microphone and turns it on. It’s now or never. As much as her palms are sweating, she can feel her legs shaking, she knows she must do this. Or she’ll be trapped with her father forever. Her father who is looking up at her with an unamused face ready to pass his divine judgement. She will forever fall from David Anderson’s good graces, but Mika finds that she is asking herself if she was ever in them. 
No, she settles on, she doesn’t think she ever was. Mika had to fight tooth and nail for her father’s love, and she doesn’t want it anymore.  
The microphone feedback sounds in her ear, and she looks out amongst the crowd. She tries to find faces she is comfortable looking at. Her friends are all close together, which makes it easy. She also easily spots Erik, Matthew, and Damien. Sam’s disappeared but that’s okay. He’s been acting as security all night, so he’s probably busy. She looks towards her friends, who are all smiling and giving her a variety of thumbs up in reassurance.  
Mika can do this. She smiles at the crowd and speaks into the microphone. “Welcome everyone from Anderson Toy Company! I’d like to say thank you for coming tonight. There will be a few announcements we will be making alongside hosting a celebration of life for my grandfather, Harold Anderson. The candlelight vigil will be held later this evening.”  
There are a few mummers of excitement, but they settle quickly. Mika grips the microphone tightly, bracing herself.  
“I know all of you are here to witness me step into the position of CEO since my grandfather selected me...” she pauses trying to find her voice. Hesitant to make her next statement. “I am here to tell you all I have hired a new CEO who will be taking my place in the company, starting tonight.”  
The room is filled with gasps. The once silent room burst into noise. The camera flashes aren’t helping the immediate fear strangling her. She’s almost done, she just has to announce James. 
Mika brings her shaky hand up with the microphone, trying to finish her statement.  
“I know you all were expecting me to step into this role. I was prepared to sacrifice everything to do this.” Mika’s voice is small, and the room is silent to hear her again.  
“After careful consideration, I cannot in good faith take the role of CEO.” She’s looking out at the crowd, finding her friends’ faces for comfort. “My grandfather left me the option to be CEO, but he would never have made me do it. Not if I wasn’t passionate. He would have wanted me to find something I cared about, like his toys!” Mika smiles to herself, knowing, in her heart, she’s right. She’s making the right choice. 
“I welcome you all to regard your new CEO with the warmth and joy my grandfather would have. Please welcome James Anderson.”  
Mika finishes and takes a step back, handing James the microphone.  
“You did great,” he whispers to her before taking the microphone and walking forward to address the crowd.  
Mika watches James for around two minutes before her nerves finally get to her and she needs to get away. James words mingle in the air, and she should be paying attention, but she’s truly going to be sick.  
Mika slinks to the back staircase, the one closer to the kitchen in the back. She knows everyone's at the front, preoccupied by James, so no one should be in the back. She rushes into the hall bathroom and locks it. She’s looking at herself in the mirror and it feels like an out of body experience. Her dress feels too tight, her eyes are glassy, and she can feel the sweat dripping down her back. Mika only has about another split second before she hovers over the toilet retching up her nerves and the two shots of liquor in her stomach. She hasn’t been able to eat all day and the way she’s dry heaving proves it.  
She feels better after the bile settles and her stomach stops acting like it wants to vacate her body. She stands back up, on shaky legs and wipes her mouth over the sink. Mika looks at herself again, this time she’s able to recognize herself. Her green eyes pierce through the mirror back at her. She’s in once piece, the world didn’t end, and she has some newfound freedom. 
Mika nods to herself and leaves the bathroom.  
“You ungrateful brat!” Mika’s vision goes blurry as she’s shoved against the closing bathroom door. There’s a tight, vice like, grip on her forearm. The voice hisses out to her, “You were left everything, and you take it all for granted!”  
Mika looks up and sees her father’s cold eyes glaring down at her. Of course, he’d notice her walking away and he knew she’d be in the back. He knows this house like the back of his hand.  
Mika tries to pry her arm away from her father, but his grip is iron. He pulls her closer, “You have let our family name tarnish within this company!” he whispers in his quiet rage.  
“Let. Me. Go.” Mika growls out at her father, trying to pry his hand off her.  
“No! Not until you understand that this is the biggest mistake you’ve ever made!”  
Mika’s eyes are filled with fear as she looks to where the crowd is. Too far away. Everyone’s too far away. She can still hear James on the microphone discussing future plans and answering questions. She’s on her own. She squeezes her eyes shut; she should have just stayed upstairs.  
“What are you going to do with that business degree, huh? Don’t you dare think I’ll be paying for those student loans!”  
Mika flinches as she hears his voice, the tone, the anger... it’s making her shrink back into herself. She’s looking at the ground, pressing herself as close to the wall as possible. Mika should have known that he would corner her. David Anderson never made a scene public, especially when it came to discipling her. He always knew how to make her feel insignificant, even in public.  
“I mean really Mika,” he scoffs at her, “did you really think you could just sleep your way out of your responsibilities? Whose son are you fucking to mess with me?! Who’s James?” David spits out. 
His glare is so fierce she shrinks back into herself. She feels the hot shame of tears pricking her eyes and she tries to turn away from him.  
“Look at me when I’m talking to you-” David’s voice cuts off. 
The tight, bruising grip on Mika’s arm is gone suddenly and she sees someone step between them. Forcing her father to back up considerably. 
“Didn’t you hear her? She said, let go.” Mika’s head whips up and sees Sam’s broad back. He’s using his large frame to block David; she can’t see her father past Sam’s muscular form.  
Sam’s voice is low and demanding, she almost didn’t recognize it. She can see that Sam has her father’s hand tight in his grip. Crushingly tight.  
“What are you deaf? Answer me.” Sam pushes, taking an intimidating step towards David.  
“How dare you!” David growls out. He’s frantically trying to wiggle out of Sam’s inhuman grip. Fear filled his eyes.  
Mika doesn’t think she’s ever seen her father afraid. He always seemed so untouchable. 
“How dare I?” Sam questions back with a dry laugh and a tone that’s dangerously dark. Sam’s still gripping David’s hand. His grip is so tight, her father’s hand is a ghastly white.  
“I’m not the one who’s attacking their own kid, am I?”  
David scoffs, “I’m not hurting her. This is family business and none of your concern!” her father's voice cracks, giving away his false bravado.  
“Oh? You sure about that?” Sam replies in irritation, he turns back towards Mika, who’s just been staring at his back. His face is hard as he narrows in on her forearm. She’s been clutching her arm to herself, trying to seem as tiny as possible. His green eyes look down, making eye contact with her, they soften as he takes her in. 
“Can I see?” He motions quietly for her arm; she just nods numbly and holds her arm out hesitantly for him.  
His touch is gentle, almost feather light, as he looks down and sees the hand shaped bruise forming. She sees his eyes flicker gold as his brow furrows. He clicks in tongue in irritation. He gently holds her arm out for David to see.  
“She fell.” Her father says without hesitation.  
She hears the bones crack with a sickening snap before she hears her father’s yelp of pain. Sam has broken or at the very least, severely fractured, her father’s hand.  
“It’s in the shape of your hand... I suggest you apologize and leave before I shatter all the bones in your hand and convince James to fire you. Wouldn’t that be a scandal?” Sam threatens, his voice low and clearly angry.  
His eyes are burning with rage, as he stares down at David. Sam almost towers over her father in this moment. As Mika stands next to Sam, she wonders how she was ever afraid of this small man, who is trying desperately to cling onto some power.  
“Mika, I am your father! He can’t do this to me!” he shouts, trying to leer around Sam and force Mika to look at him. Force her to listen.  
She almost would have, if it wasn’t for Sam. She’s gripping onto his suit jacket, clinging to his back. Sam turns to her briefly, “He needs to apologize to you.” Sam growls out.  
She hears more bones cracking; Sam isn’t letting up until David apologizes to her.  
The pain sends David over the edge, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry just let go of me!” her father cries out. 
Sam doesn’t stop glaring but releases his hold, “Piss poor excuse of a father.” Sam bites out glaring down at David.  
David clutches his fist to his chest, his fierce glare flighting between her and Sam. Mika hears the noise of the crowd dispersing, knowing that James is done with his announcements. Mika sees her mother walking towards them with a quirked brow.  
“David what happened?” She asks him casually, looking lazily between Mika and Sam. “Forget it Laura, we’re leaving.” David says clearly biting his tongue. 
Mika’s mother doesn’t say anything, just gives the briefest of waves as she rolls her eyes before walking behind her husband to exit.  
Sam stays in front of Mika until he knows that her parents have left his line of sight. He turns around to face her, but her grip is still tight on his suit. Her body trembles as she leans her forehead against his back.  
“Sorry, I...” Mika tries to talk but she just feels how dry her mouth is. She’s trying to breathe, but the whole event has her head swimming.  
Sam gently coaxes her hand off and pulls her into his chest. One arm wrapped tightly around her body, rubbing soothing circles into her back. “It’s okay, it’s over.” he whispers into her hair.  
She stays hidden in Sam’s embrace for a while. It isn’t until she hears more footsteps coming their way that she feels the need to pull back. She’s still in front of the only guest bathroom and she doesn’t need to be seen right now.  
Mika looks down at her arm and makes a face, “I can’t cover this up...” she mumbles looking at the disgusting handprint on her forearm. It’s a ghastly purple with yellows flowering underneath it.  
Her father’s left worse on her before.  
“Stay put, I’m going to grab Erik. I’m sure he can help.” Sam tells her reassuringly. He waits for her to agree before running off.  
Mika stands off to the side, holding her arm behind her back. She only noticed a handful of guests walking her way, all to use the restroom. She’s still safely tucked away from the major crowd. It doesn’t take more than a few minutes for Sam to come around the corner with Erik hot on his heels.  
Sam looks over to Erik, like his brother has all the answers he needs. Mika pulls her arm forward for him to look over it. She can’t look them in the eyes, embarrassment flushing her face as she looks down. Her eyes spot Sam’s fists curling and uncurling in unspent frustration.  
Erik hums in thought, before gently escorting her back upstairs. “I have something to fix this fashion wise. It’ll be fine.” he reassures. 
Mika keeps her head down as Erik takes her into his room. She just stares blankly at the large bruise on her arm. Wishing she wasn’t so afraid, or that she could be different. Sam was the complete opposite of her. He came right up to her father and had no issues telling him to fuck off. Mika had never seen her father in that light. One where he was fearful and tiny. Seeing David like that, the man who could make her feel like she was nothing more than a pawn in a chess game...he was just as easily broken as her. Had he always been so small and frail? 
“Foul man, I can’t believe he thought he could grab you like that! It’s a nasty bruise love.” Erik mumbles under his breath and he goes to dig around in his bin of costume pieces he was working on.  
Erik’s daytime job of working as a tailor and designer paid off in moments like this. He had so many side projects he was working on, he just kept things and usually it worked out. Like in this moment as he pulls a gorgeous pair of black opera gloves out.  
“If anyone asks you about the gloves, you’ve had them this whole time. Just gaslight them. Be confident.” he tells her with a wave. 
She lets out a soft laugh, “Thank you.” 
“Don’t mention it, just make sure you see Sam before you go out to mingle.” Erik says with his arms crossed. “He won’t say it, but he was worried. I haven’t seen him that furious in a minute.”  
She’s pulling the gloves on and nods her head in acknowledgement. She needed to thank Sam properly.  
Mika goes back down to the main entrance. She sees everyone has scattered about again. Off towards the side of the entryway, James is being interviewed by one of the many news outlets. She tries to avoid that, quickly walking in the opposite direction. The last thing she needs right now is a camera in her face. Mika’s eyes hunt to find Sam. She finally sees him leaning against the wall of the dining room. She smiles softly as she walks over to him.  
His eyes catch hers and Sam perks up in attention. “You okay?” He asks her once she’s closer.  
“As good as I can be.” Mika gives a shrug. She notices Sam’s eyes burning a hole in her arm, where they both know the bruise from David is.  
“Thank you by the way...I don’t know what he would have done if you hadn’t stepped in.” Mika admits softly, trying to cover her arm with her hand.  
The bruise may be hidden, but it still feels like a raw, open wound with the way Sam’s heavy gaze sits on it.  
“I should have been quicker... You weren’t supposed to be alone.” he murmurs as he looks up at her. His eyes are so intense when he locks his with Mika’s it sends a chill down her back.  
She’s moving before she can really register her actions. Mika grabs Sam’s hands, holding them tightly. “You were there, which is better than most...” her eyes fall to where their hands connect, “I’ve had worse.” she murmurs. 
Sam opens his mouth to respond, but what he sees over her shoulder has him relaxing a bit. He gives her a crocked smile and nudges her. “Your friends are looking for you. Go, we can talk later.”  
Mika gives him a puzzled look before turning to look. Her small group of friends are congregating at the closest standing table just watching her. One of them wiggles their brows suggestively at her. She flushes and rolls her eyes at them.
“I, uh, yeah. We’ll talk later.” Mika rushes out and turns on her heels to her friends. She hears Sam laughing behind her.  
“Sooooooo,” one of her closest friends, Suzu, teases with a vicious grin, “Who is big, bulky, and broody?”  
Mika groans and reaches over to swat at her friend. A blush still creeping up her neck. “He’s just a friend! Could you not?”  
Her friend just hums in amusement, “Sure, friends. Haven’t heard that one before.” 
Mika groans in annoyance.  
The night ends with the vigil for her grandfather. James and her usher everyone out to the backyard. Damien and Matthew hand out candles to each person as they go through the doors. Once outside Sam and Erik are lighting the candles. By the time Mika and James make it outside, there’s little space left. Almost everyone who came for the announcement stayed for the vigil to honor her grandfather.  
It warms her heart, knowing so many people did truly care. 
“Thank you all once again for coming, I’d like to take this time to talk about my grandfather, Harold Anderson. He gifted me so many things throughout the years, but nothing will ever compare to the love he left me.” She looks out at the crowd and her eyes stop as she looks at the incubi brothers who have steamrolled their way into her life.  
“I hope we all learn to love and give back like my grandfather.” Mika says sincerely with a smile. 
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My Moon and Stars
Reworking an old story I already wrote a while back…. Probably two similar stories really so another rework… this is for me not you but thank you for joining the ride… cringe af smut and I don’t care
I know I’m going to a dark place when I die so ya know leave me in my depravity…warning pregnancy and sex while pregnant are in here Remus is a bit of a Dom especially with Sirius.
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I have always been betrothed to the eldest Black but when he was disowned I thought I was free. And could slip away. How wrong was I. I was working for the ministry of magic as an Auror and I was 22. But some how the law was messed up and because we were betrothed we had to get married. I found myself standing in front of the court, hand bound to Sirius Black. His hand was loosely clasped around my own hand, sometimes fidgeting as we had to listen to the court talk about why the old rule was still being enforced on us and why it was important we understood what was happening blah blah blah. I leaned over halfway joking, “Do you think if we just started making out they would shut up?”
His eye brows shot up amused, “I don’t know, but it’s worth a shot.” He leaned forward and at first very gently pressed his lips against my own before he began to move quicker and fiercer. I couldn’t help the little moan that escaped me. He hooked his free hand behind my head only to pull away when the old man cleared his throat. Smuggly Sirius responded, “Sorry, I can’t help myself… I just can’t wait to snog this beautiful creature and later fuck her senseless.”
That didn’t go over well, “Mr. Black, have some decorum.”
“It’s not like he’s fucking me in front of everyone so I would say that he did have some decorum. Can you please hurry this snooze fest up.”
They bind us and we walk out of the court room. “Now what?” I squeaked.
Sirius shrugged, “I don’t know. We can go our separate ways just never being able to offer anyone marriage or you can move into my town house if you want and we can give it a go… I don’t know what will happen either way but I’m open to either one. I’m not going to say that we could or couldn’t work but I’m just gonna say that I will leave the decision up to you.”
“Have you not been seeing anyone?”
“I have, but I promise that seeing our position, he’ll understand.”
“He?… if you… I don’t want to impose…”
“I’m bi relax. I’ve dated women before and I like them very much but I grew up with this guy… he’s also seeing this guy off and on… we are off and on too… have you been dating?”
“I… nothing really serious… only back in seventh year. I have been too caught up in work to even think about dating.”
“Do you want to?” He asked as he gestured for us to head to a pastry cart.
“Date you mean? I don’t know I don’t have much time and now I technically have a husband… who’s going to want to date a woman already married, arranged or not?” I mumbled.
He grabbed us each a Cinnabon, “You are gorgeous. I can help if that is what you want.”
“No… no … thank you though… what if I agree to giving us a try?” I whispered sitting down on a bench.
“Then we get you packed up and moved into my house. You can share a bed with me or you can have your own in your own room, it’s your decision.”
“I… I think we should start in separate rooms… make sure we work…”
He wrapped an am around me as he took a healthy bite of his Cinnabon, “Alright, that’s fine let’s get you moved. But first eat, please it’ll make you feel better.”
He moved me in and he was looking through my things, “are you an artist?”
I shrugged, “I like to play with different mediums in my free time… helps me relax. Do you have anything you do to unwind after work?”
He was looking at my ivy charcoal when he answered, “I don’t work… I participated in the order of the Phoenix, but you know the war has been won. Now I travel… I like to go to pubs… I do sometimes work at Zonkos when the store gets busy. I love that place. I see friends…. And throw house parties… so yeah… um of course you are here now so I will make some adjustments but I really hope that we can find a good balance.”
I nodded, “can we keep the parties to holidays and weekends? Or remember to put up some good silencing charms? I don’t do well if I don’t get enough sleep.”
He stood in front of me and fixed my hair, “yeah, of course. We can keep them on the weekends. The neighbors won’t complain as much about the noise. Would you like me to show you around? Not just the house but the town?”
I nodded in agreement, “that would be nice. Thank you.”
First he goes over the house before taking me to the best places to eat and shopping within walking distance from his house. “Oh shoot! I forgot!” He jumped as he checked the time.
“I invited Remus, the guy I was telling you about, over for dinner… I don’t have any groceries and I didn’t realize that today I would have a wife! I am so sorry.”
“When is he coming over?”
“Half an hour.”
“Okay you go home and meet him there. Tell him that I have gone to the store and will be back when I come back, I will make us all dinner.”
This seemed to ground him, “Yeah? That would be awesome, thank you darling. Here’s some money, the store is right there. Thank you, for your understanding… I think we might have an actual chance.”
I get back and am immediately greeted by an even taller and lankier man than Sirius. “Here let me take those bags for you. I’m Remus, by the way. It’s lovely to meet you, (y/n) right?”
“Yes, it’s lovely to meet you too. Um thank you.” He carried the bags for me to the kitchen and began to unpack.
“Can I help with anything?” The man was already incredibly attractive kept becoming more attractive.
“Oh, I don’t know how to explain what I will be making so please go relax with Sirius wherever he is.”
Remus kissed the top of my head as if it was something he always had done. “He’s in your room picking you out a lovely little outfit. Perhaps he’s done and I can give him my say.”
… the boys shooed me to go get ready as they set the table. They picked out a pretty black silk dress with a pair of black ballet flats. I fixed my hair really quickly and threw on some black eyeliner. I come down to the dining room made up really nice. There were floating glowing candles and good china out. Everything was plated so nicely and the boys looked nice. Sirius was too enamored by Remus. Remus however focused on me and the way his eyes drank me was intoxicating.
“You look ravishing love. Don’t you think that your new wife looks ravishing, Sirius.” Remus cooed.
Sirius turns his attention towards me “oh yes. You look stunning, sweetheart.”
Remus ushered me to the head of the table so that each man could sit down on either side of me. “Dinner is lovely darling, thank you.”
I smiled, “You’re welcome….so Remus… what do you do for a living?”
“I do odd jobs here and there… I’m sick a lot so it’s hard to hold down a regular job… how about yourself?”
I nodded, “I’d imagine it would be. I am an auror. Sirius says the two of you have been together…”
“We are but now we’re here and we have things to discuss… I love Sirius and I know he will grow to love you as he loves me… my question is will you be open to a relationship between the three of us?”
I looked at him surprised, “What about the guy you have been seeing? Sirius has told me that you see a guy off and on.”
He shrugged, “Sirius and I have been off and on as I have been with this guy… I understand that entering into a relationship with you will change some dynamics. Like just because me and Sirius aren’t working at the moment won’t mean that you and I aren’t. So if you are open to it then we should definitely talk about dynamics. But if you aren’t I will bow out and Sirius and I can just be friends. It’s okay, either way. You were put in a very difficult position and I just want to help you make things a little easier. You are the one in control here.”
“What about Sirius?”
Remus looked at Sirius and nodded. Sirius looks at me, “we talked about it while you were making dinner and I agree with Remus. So sweetheart you have the reins.”
“So what you are trying to say is… you want an open relationship between the three of us… and if you take a break between the two of you then Remus will pick back up with that guy and stay open with me?”
Remus shifted, “Well I think for now we will keep it between us. When he are on break I will take you out of the house for dates strictly. Otherwise we’ll have a mix of outings and stay ins.”
I was painting in my room, while the boys had their own night when I heard a series of doors slamming and Remus stormed into my room.
He spun me around and pushed me up against the wall. His kiss is burning, “Get dressed up, I’m taking you out.”
“Wait… what just happened with Siri? Is he alright?”
Remus growled, but he took a breath, “He’s fine… you can check before we go. He’s just being his usual self absorbed self.”
I nodded, “Alright…. Meet you down stairs?”
He kissed me quickly, before he trotted off. I decided to first check on Siri. I entered his room to find him curled on his bed, “sweetheart? Are you alright?” I hummed petting his hair as I sat down on the bed beside him.
He leaned into my touch, “I forgot our anniversary…”
I continue to run my fingers through his hair, “Do you want me to talk to him?”
He takes my hand and moves it to his lips to place delicate kisses on my fingertips, “No… he wants to take you out… you should go… it’ll help him relax… see you tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow? Baby I will be back tonight.”
“But he will want to have a night cap but won’t want to come back here…”
I sat up “night cap? Like for a drink?”
He shakes his head, “no… he will want sex…”
I rolled my eyes, “not tonight, tonight I will be coming home to snuggle with my husband. Tomorrow is my day off and I can help mend the fences. Now if you’re sure, I need to go get ready.”
Remus walked me to a nice restaurant and I could tell he was bothered, “Remus… he’s really sorry… I know you are upset but…”
“No! I mean no, thank you… but I just want a nice night out with my girlfriend… I will deal with him later right now it’s me and you.”
“You know I’m bad at anniversaries too…” I whispered.
“You didn’t promise to remember every day until now like he did. I even reminded him this morning.”
The waiter came and took our order, “Well maybe you can ask me instead to put it in my planner.”
Remus threw an arm out, “That! Why can’t he do that?”
I shrugged, “I put stuff down for work so I am always checking… Sirius doesn’t work… so he doesn’t have a reason to check a planner. But I will give you my planner when we get home and you can put in all the needed dates nice thing is as long as it’s written in shiny pink pen it’s the only thing that stays when it’s magically refreshed.”
“Alright… but I don’t know if I can see him for a while… I know he’s always been like this but it still hurts…”
I nodded, “I understand. Let’s just have a good time together and then we’ll deal with everything else later.”
Remus agreed and we talked about my work and his various adventures with his other friends. He ordered us a cheese cake to share. He was more cheery and more focused on me, leaning in to kiss at my neck and whispering sweet nothings in my ear.
When he walked me home I pulled him down for a kiss, “Good night Remus.”
He looks at me with something I couldn’t quite identify, “can’t I stay?”
“I promised Siri that I would come snuggle with him before we all sit down for a chat tomorrow…” I whispered softly.
Remus stepped into my bubble, leaning down so he was only a breath away, “can I join then? We can work it out together now…”
I swallowed but nodded shyly. I lead Remus up to my husband’s bedroom to find his sleeping form. I crawled onto his bed and nudged him awake, “sweetheart, Remus is here.”
Sirius turns revealing his puffy eyes, “He is? How did you?”
“We talked about it and he’s agreed to discuss how to fix this…” I leaned over to kiss him.
“By putting our important dates in your wife’s calendar and your going to be very grateful for her support in keeping up with our anniversaries. Also I want you to try a little harder yourself.”
Sirius nodded fervently, “of course! Of course! Now what?”
I shrugged “snuggle time?”
Both boys laughed but agreed each snuggling in on either side of me.
… I awoke in my husband’s arms. They were wrapped around me quite tightly and I could feel a loose arm thrown across both of us from my other side. I kissed at Sirius’ face as I hummed, “Sweetheart… love I need to get up… come on sweet boy.” He eventually rolled over and I got up to do my morning routine before going downstairs to make breakfast for myself and the boys. I placed our food and drink on to a large tray. Remus sat up as entered the room, “mmm that smells good… what did you make?”
“Strawberry pancakes with bacon and orange juice. Hope you like it. Could you please wake up Siri?” I asked as I scooted into bed.
Sirius started to complain about it being too early but upon noticing the food decided otherwise.
“Breakfast is delicious, love. Thank you.” Remus hummed. “I don’t know how to thank you” Sirius gave him a look and removed the tray. “Well… maybe. Come here baby.”
I do and he places me between his legs facing Sirius. Sirius pulls off my shorts as Remus kisses at my neck and runs a hand down my body into my panties. I gasped as his fingers began to stroke me. Siri removed my panties and plunged his tongue straight into my core. I let out strings of moans and whines as the two played with my cunt. Sirius and I have had sex a few times but nothing like this. This will be my first time with Remus. This was all consuming with so little touch. “You feeling good sweet girl?” Remus hummed using his free hand to take a palm full of my breast from under my shirt. I simply whined but he stopped “now sweets, I need you to use your words. I need to know that you’re enjoying yourself or will need to stop.”
“I-I’m feeling good… so good.” I moaned as Siri sucked me into his mouth.
“Good girl, tell me… how do want to take us? One in the mouth and one from the other end? Or perhaps one in the ass and one in the pussy? Or perhaps you would like more of a more sentimental one on one Sirius fucking you while I watch? Come on (y/n) tell us what you want.” Remus practically purred.
I leaned into Remus as I began to ride Sirius face I reached my peak and screamed out, “I want you both!!!”
After allowing me to collect myself, Remus kissed at my face, “how darling?”
“One in front and one in back…” I groaned.
“Who do you want where?” Remus asked as Siri came up to suck on my breast with my shirt pushed up.
I couldn’t get my head together, “You choose… I don’t care… it’s whatever you want…whatever will make you feel good too.”
Remus kissed me before removing the rest of my clothing and then his own and Sirius’ clothes.
We all sat bare and Sirius sat back, “Her pretty little pussy is like silk… and her ass… it’s tight and she can take you like a champ. You can pick whatever you want Moony. (Y/n), you are doing so well.”
I turned pink at Sirius’ compliments. Remus turned suddenly serious considering his options he clearly thought he wasn’t going to be handed. “I don’t know… I didn’t bring any condoms… I only thought Sirius and I would be hooking up last night until our fight.”
I tried to be reassuring as my brain fog had cleared, “It’s whatever you want baby. Siri and I haven’t tried to stop a pregnancy ourselves but if you don’t want to risk a pregnancy, I have a spell that will keep me from conceiving after you finish inside me…. So no worries… but if I am being honest… you are so smart and handsome that I wouldn’t mind bearing your child…”
His cock already beginning to strain, twitched at my words, “If it’s alright I would like to take you by the ass if that’s alright?”
“If you want anal then you can have it baby, we just want you to feel good. You were so comfortable just a second ago… what’s going on?”
He looked over to Sirius who gave him a knowing look, “It’s okay moons, she won’t care.”
Remus nodded and readjusted in his seat, “we should have had this conversation before…. Now here we are in the worst possible time for this… I… I am a werewolf…”
I nodded, “Is that why you don’t want to risk getting me pregnant?”
His brows knit together, “You don’t care about me being a werewolf?”
I shook my head “of course not love… now how do you want it?”
“Still anal… no puppies for me yet, but I would love any the two of you create. Now come here and let me prep your ass. Hands on Siri’s shoulders.” I was up on my knees leaning forward with my hands on Sirius’ shoulders. I felt Remus place two fingers at my puckered hole. “Ready?”
I give a quick yes and he pushes them in and gives them a few pumps before beginning to scissor them out. When he pulled them out he held on to my hips before gingerly pushing into my ass. His hands then helped me widen my stance. Sirius lined up with me and kissed me as he slowly pushed into me. Both men groaned and let their heads lull onto each of my shoulders. I felt so full. My breath was heavy as I adjusted to the new sensation. My hands took hold of each boy’s hair. “I can feel you in me and it’s so filling. I feel so full.”
Remmy peppered kisses over my neck, “You feel good baby… You feel good enough for us to move?”
I give a breathy yes and like that the boys hips began to snap in and out of me.
“Sweet girl could you please do that thing that I like?” Sirius moaned as he leaned down to suck on one of my breast and Remus played with the other. I allowed one of my hands to tangle in his hair and the other reached down to take two fingers to go on either side of his cock and stroked it as it pumped in and out of me. Sirius began to pant and moaned loudly.
I could hear the smirk from Remus as he took ahold of Siri’s throat detaching him from my breast to look at Remus. “Don’t you dare cum before her. Do you understand?…” Sirius simply whined but that seemed to irritate Remus. “Answer me, Sirius! You are being rude to our princess. Do I ever cum before you when I am inside you? Such a little cum slut.”
I leaned my head back, “Remmy, it’s okay… I just want you two to feel good.”
Remus snapped his hips firmly accentuating his point, “You are making us feel good princess. Now let us make you cum.”
I moaned and began to have the most intense orgasms of my life as both my hands moved to grip onto Sirius’ back. Sirius fell into his own peak as he sent his seed into me. Siri pulled out of me before collapsing back. Remus growled pushing me to lay over Sirius’ stomach with my ass up. His fingers dug into my hips as he chased his high, over stimulating me. I was practically screaming by the time he released inside me.
He pulled out and rolled to my side. Sirius tapped my shoulder, “let me up love, I’m going to get something to clean us up.” I shifted enough to allow him to wriggle out.
Remus pulled me up and into his arms, running his fingers through my hair, “How are you feeling?”
Before I could answer, Sirius had returned and began to clean me up with a damp cloth causing me to let out a little hiss.
Remus chuckled before leaning in for a kiss, “soar, I take it? I’m sorry… why don’t you and Padfoot take a nap. I need to shower and then stop by Prongs…”
“Prongs?” I questioned.
“James…. Our friend from school. I told him I would help him with his son so that he and his wife, Lily could go run some errands… they aren’t in any rush so if you need anything I can take care of that first.”
“You guys have funny nicknames…” I mumbled before falling asleep.
“Siri, love?” I called from my little art studio. I now always sleep with Sirius so we turned my room into a full art studio.
He came and wrapped himself around me looking at the painting I was working on, “That looks amazing, baby. What’s up?”
“I was looking at my calendar and noticed that Remus put down that tomorrow will be our anniversary. If you haven’t already gotten him something then you might want to. Your gift is a surprise but this here will be for him.” I gestured to the painting in front of me.
“Shit! I forgot what should I get him? What should I get you?”
“Don’t worry about me, my Star maybe get him a dad mug.” I said hoping that he wouldn’t pick up what I was saying, “That would be funny and put a nice watch in it.”
We went out for dinner and when we returned we exchanged gifts. Sirius had gotten me a real wedding ring and Remus had given me a bracelet his mom used to wear and Sirius his favorite bands new cd. I got Remus a good suit he could wear to interviews and nice events as well as the painting. When Remus was going to open Sirius present, I had Sirius open mine.
Remus figured it out straight away. “No! You’re pregnant?!”
Sirius looks confused, holding the pregnancy stick in one hand and the watch I got him in the other, “pregnant? What? How do you know?”
Remus held up his mug, “#1 dad and a positive pregnancy stick dummy. I can’t believe she got you to buy this mug without realizing what she was saying… thank you… this is the best anniversary gift I have ever received!”
I laid in bed with my tummy swollen and in nothing but a pair of panties. It was burning hot but I felt nauseous from the heat. Siri had been tending to me while Remus was at work. I was on leave for the duration of my pregnancy as my line of work would be too risky for the baby.
Siri came trotting in with some box that he began to shove into the window. “Siri? My Star, what are you doing?”
Sirius fidgeted with the box as he explained, “This is an air conditioning unit! It’s a muggle invention that will cool the room down. It’ll just take a moment.”
“Remus… Remus come here! Please baby… please I need you!” I cried.
Remus stood in front of me stroking my hair, “Sweet girl you are very VERY pregnant I am not sure if…”
“Come on Remmy! The doctor said it’s perfectly normal to have sex when pregnant. It’s safe as long as you aren’t too rough… so you should be gentle with me! But come on and touch me, I’m pregnant not a lepar!” I groaned.
Remus chuckled, “Have you asked Sirius?”
“He was gone before I got up but he did give it to me good last night.” I hummed grabbing onto him needily.
Remus held onto my hips looking amused, “I suppose you are right… but you haven’t wanted sex recently…. It was too hot though…I suppose I wouldn’t want sex if it is burning hot and uncomfortable because I was pregnant … okay but if I get too rough you have to let me know, okay?”
I beamed looking at how cute he was working out my needs and feelings, “Yes!” I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the master bedroom.
Remus walked me back onto the bed, “You look ravishing my Sweet girl. Strip down for me won’t you?” Remus practically purred as he began to unbutton his shirt. I groaned running my fingers down his hard stomach, and he purred “You are gorgeous, you know that? I just think you are beautiful… now turn around and face into the bed. I leaned over the bed so that my breast and face rested on the duvet and my ass remained in the air.
Remus palmed the flesh of my ass as he rubbed the head of his cock between my plush labia. “Do we want foreplay or do you want me to just fuck you?”
“Oh my Moon Fuck me… just fuck me.” And what felt like the first time in forever he pushed into me. I groaned, “Remus!”
“So needy, I have barely even touched you. Your so beautiful bent over so pretty for me.” He began a soft pace and gradually paced himself at a steady speed. It was sensual and delicious. I was a moaning mess cumming hard. But he pulled out before he finished, I looked back confused, “My moon… are you alright? You didn’t finish.”
He chuckled dryly, “I am fine my love but I don’t want to overstimulate you right now… I’m fine baby girl. Do you want to take a bath?”
I got on my knees and looked up at him through my lashes, “Then fuck my mouth or my tits your choice my moon. I want to make you feel good too.”
He groaned, “You want me to fuck your tits? That’s hot.”
I beamed up at him leaning up and forward as I pressed my breast together. He ran a hand through my hair and gave me a kiss before he slipped his cock between my breast. He caressed my face one last time before he tangled one hand in my hair to pull my head back to watch him as he chased his high. While his other hand rested on my shoulder. He pumped his hips faster and harder. He was panting with his eyes screwed shut. His moans were like music as he came all over my chest. I smiled up at him, “How are you feeling pretty boy?”
He took a moment to regain his senses before helping me to my feet, “I’m good, so good… let me get that cleaned and get a bath started for you.”
I sit on the toilet as he takes a wet cloth to clean off my chest and started filling the tub. “Would you like a bath bomb or bubbles?” He asked.
“Bath bomb…. Lavender please.” I hummed happily. He helped me into the tub before he got in behind me, pulling me flush against his chest. His arms were wrapped around me and rested his hands on my belly drawing patterns on my skin. “When you go into labor… do you have a plan… we haven’t talked about it and Sirius hasn’t said anything.”
I looked back at him, “We will all go to St Mangoes and you two will be in the delivery room with me. The rest will be whatever it will be.”
“Have you packed a bag?”
He chuckled shaking his head, “For the hospital… I will help you put together a go bag. You will need some comfort items like your favorite pjs, slippers, a book or two and toiletries. We will need some onesies and diapers for the baby. Maybe some snacks for after the birth and maybe a list of people you want to notify about the birth of the baby…”
“You are the people I want to know… no one else matters to me just you and Sirius. You are welcome to tell whoever you want though. Oooo knock it off pup.” I groaned as the baby began to stretch out inside of my belly.
“Is that the baby? It’s getting big… It’s almost here isn’t it?” Remus gasped excitedly as he readjusted his hands around my tummy. “Hey there pup, look at you! Hey!” He giggled.
Remus was very excited for the arrival of the baby he was turning the magically added room into a beautiful nursery with the boys. As they worked on the room, Lily one of the boys wife, would bring Harry their four or five year old. He was quite the character and Sirius was his godfather. Lily would give me tips and tricks that she wished someone would have told her.
I screamed as another contraction hit me with the two boys held my legs for the nurse to check me. “What do you mean I’m not dilated enough? Uuuuu!” I groaned.
The boys let my legs down, and I curled them in myself. Sirius rubbed my back while Remus read from the book I picked out for him to read to me. He read through my stifled screams, trying his best to distract me from my pain. When I felt like it was coming they got the nurse to check me as they held a leg and a hand each. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do and I was absolutely drained. Everything went black before I could hear them say anything about the baby, all I could hear was panicked voices.
I woke up feeling someone stroking my hair and humming from the corner of the room with some fussing. I opened my eyes and Remus is by my side and Sirius sat in the lounge chair with the baby in his arms. Remus was the first to notice of course and called for the nurse. “Sweetheart you gave us quite the start! But everyone is okay, the baby is healthy and they said you just passed from exhaustion.”
The nurses checked me over before suggesting I try to feed the baby. As she helped me latch the baby she said, “Congratulations on the baby girl. She’s beautiful.”
Sirius sat on the bed next to me running a hand over the baby’s black hair, “how are you feeling my love?”
“Exhausted, how are you two?” I asked turning my head to kiss Remus’ hand that rested on his shoulder.
“Sweet girl we’re great, you just gave us the best gift of our lives. You did great love.” Remus kissed my head.
“What do you want to name her?” Sirius asked.
“Well…how about Nova Hope Black?”
“Hope is my mother’s name.” Remus gasped.
“I know, I thought you might appreciate her having a little piece of you.”
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Gotham 5x09
drink: simply spiked lemonade (5% alcohol)
Lee asked if she's supposed to stay at home to raise Jim's baby with Barbara while Jim's out playing cowboy cop and like... maybe. personally I would like to see it
I love the spirit halloween costumes the gangs are wearing they're so fun. also quoth my wife they're all "bouncing in an idle animation" and they really are
baby batcat date!!!
Ben McKenzie got to write an episode and the first thing he did was shoot Jim... even Jim is sick of Jim
and Erin Richards is directing they really were just outsourcing episodes to the cast at this point
Robin Lord Taylor is dialing the performance up to like a 20 out of 10 today. full male hysteria moment. and good for him!
unexpected Ivy return! ma'am please step away from that underage boy!
my wife, watching Jim Gordon prosecute himself at his own hallucinatory trial, unimpressed: "that's just what it's like to be Catholic."
cannot believe Zsasz may have finally pulled off a hit on a main character good job baby boy.
Ben McKenzie I am hugging you warmly for writing a moment where Alfred talks about how much he loves Bruce and Is his father. perhaps a tiny Alfred redemption arc with four episodes to go.
Ivy and Zsasz should just fuck, actually
Lucius baby you've been Poison Ivy'd before you cannot fall for this so easy I'm in hell
Jim hallucinating Oswald and Ed cozily playing the piano singing together... what does it all mean
Bruce and Selina fighting:
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I cannot believe I'm going to say this but Ben McKenzie should have written more episodes. this one is so dumb it rules.
actually genuinely extremely fucked up the degree to which Jim and Lee seem to be planning to raise this child without Barbara entirely what's the plan gamers
Harvey officiating... shut the fuck up...
Selina wearing a studded leather jacket and her cat gloves to a wedding is so fucking funny. iconic. she IS Catwoman.
my wife, watching Jim and Lee get married: "she should kill him right now. take him out in the happiest moment of his life."
my wife understands this show perfectly, reader
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midnighttragedy28 · 1 year
One thing I could go on and on about for hours is the way the TV show completely ruined Marisa and Asriel's relationship. I know that it's been a while since the airing of the last episodes, but since I'm just now beginning to write, I have to talk about it.
They were so well-written in the books, with those lines like 'We should have married' and 'I've never hated you' and 'Call him now, Marisa, my love' and yet we didn't get a single one of those in the show. There is still that deleted scene - which I am feral about, even though I am certain we'll never get it - in which something romantic might have happened, or at least something closer to the books.
The angst in the books, the way Asriel stroked her hair before their deaths and sent her compliments after she stole the Intention Craft and how he untied her after she started crying and how he carried her to the Intention Craft after coming to rescue her from Geneva and how Marisa wanted to hear his voice rather than understand what he was saying...!!!! The way they just cut everything from the show!
And there's also that cut episode from season 2 in which we were supposed to see them meeting for their first time in Oxford, and just imagine how great that could have been! Both of them being scholars and comparing their works and pretending to hate the other, when in truth they'd admire one another and long to spend more time together? That would have been something. (I've always imagined them meeting at a party or something at the Arctic Institute, but I would have killed to see them meeting in Oxford.)
The only good thing they did in the show, regarding them, was that chapel on Fair Isle, which reminds me of the house from Taylor Swift's song 'Ivy' - a song that is soooo Masriel coded it hurts. Them meeting at that chapel during their affair and spending time together there seems so cozy, in some ways. And also, if there was any village there, like it was in the books close to that cave, I imagine that the people who lived there remembered them and had all sorts of speculations about them, and they missed them in the post-affair era, and then were so happy - and intrigued - when Marisa returned with Lyra, and then had a feeling that they were never going to return after Marisa left.
Overall, I am utterly obsessed with them, I might be overthinking every aspect of their relationship and I live for them being heretics and killing God - or his Regent, whatever - together.
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 7 months
Ugh all the Evermore/Midnights/Joever discourse this morning has been excellent and set my brain on fire and I love discussing all the themes and motifs etc. In her music!
The Evermore marriage stuff is really sitting with me today. I know the music is only a glimpse into a moment and isn’t an eyewitness account of facts but rather an exploration of feelings etc. But to be parasocial for a minute, it just really is fascinating how the topic of marriage/commitment is referenced almost giddily on Lover (I’d marry you with paper rings/the bridge of Lover/Wedding imagery in It’s Nice to Have A Friend).
Then on folklore, it’s like shit finally gets serious: one single thread of gold tied me to you (I have stated numerous times how much I’m obsessed with that line and implications), I want to give you my wild and a child, but is it enough if I could never give you peace? It’s like on Lover, the idea is exciting and new (ahem like when us plebes get engaged, not that I’m saying that’s what happened to them), then folklore a year later is when realizations set in when you’re starting to actually plan for that life. It’s no longer a hypothetical “one day” when that day is barreling towards you at a breakneck pace. She’s overjoyed by the idea of getting married on Lover, but understands on folklore that wedding =/= marriage/commitment, that there are very serious, very real implications in the act, and they’re also very scary. She wants to build a family with this person, but the implications of what that life will entail for them both are overwhelming. This is what I want, but is it fair of me to do so? (Obviously, the answer we believed at the time was, yes, because presumably her partner wanted it, too.)
Evermore like many of you pointed out paints marriage/commitment significantly darker, even under the guise of fictional characters. Marriage traps the protagonist in Ivy, it kills Este in No Body, No Crime, it scares the protagonist and breaks the heart of the subject in Champagne Problems, it crushes the spirit of the narrator of Tolerate It and Happiness, it’s elusive for the characters in Tis The Damn Season… It almost feels like she’s playing out the worst case scenarios of the fears from Peace through these songs. Am I going to get hurt? Am I going to hurt someone else? Are we falling into a trap of our own making? Are we bound to destroying each other like so many of those who came before us?
Obviously there’s no way to know how much of this was based on diaristic elements vs. what truly was inspired by the movies, shows and books she was consuming as she said at the time. However, to jump on the parasocial train for a minute, it then makes me wonder… If the question on Folklore was, is it enough if I could never give you peace? The characters in Evermore seem to indicate, no, it actually may not, and these are the different reasons why. Was it because she was scared from her own past experiences? (E.g. her previous relationships, her parents’ divorce, her best friend going through a divorce at that very moment, etc.) Or was her partner now giving her reason to doubt the commitment she so happily declared in Lover coming to pass?
Of course, with Renegade coming out the following year, it seems like there’s another piece of the puzzle in the commitment/marriage motifs: Are you really going to talk about timing in times like these? Is it your anxiety that’s stopping you from giving me everything, or do you just not want to? That’s a lot more damning. (In the sense of, painting the picture. Not damning in terms of judging people with struggles, just being clear!) She’s been working through her own fears and concerns through Folklore and Evermore and the conclusion she seems to have drawn is, yes, it’s still worth it, but now it seems perhaps her partner isn’t. The “or do you just not want to?” Always gave me pause, because it’s a moment of brutal honesty, wondering if her partner just isn’t ready, or doesn’t want to be, full stop. It’s clear that she’s ready for the next step (e.g. “is it insensitive of me to tell you to get your shit together so I can love you?”), but he appears to not be.
So it seems that at some point post-Lover but particularly post-Folklore, something has given her reason to feel anxious about marriage and what it entails. It could be her own experiences absolutely, but the lines in Renegade imply a little, er, direct input in the matter as well. She wasn’t the first renegade to need somebody (and get help), and now she’s holding her hand out to her partner to help him do the same so they can move forward on the plans they’ve been building since Lover. But the song leaves the resolution up in the air.
Then by the time we get to Midnights, the topic has a lot more shades of grey. There’s the obvious “All they keep asking me is if I’m going to be your bride/The only kind of girl they see is a one night or a wife,” in Lavender Haze, and to this day I still don’t think she’s rejecting the concept of marriage with that, but what she is saying is that it’s a sore point because she’s sick of being reduced to her marital status in the media. At the time, I assumed the frustration over the marital status was because (rightly) it’s infruriating for women to always be reduced to who they are married to and the children they produce, especially one as singularly successful on her own as Taylor is. Now, we can also assume with the benefit of hindsight (and Tree’s takedown of DeuxMoi) that it was also a very sore subject for her on a personal level, perhaps because it was looking more likely that she wasn’t going to be anyone’s bride anytime soon. Then You’re Losing Me later spells it out, that marriage was on the table, but seems like it was almost weaponized. I still think her spitting out “I wouldn’t marry me either,” isn’t coming from a place of self-loathing or insecurity, but an argument used against her about their future plans. It’s scathing and devastating in how it targets one of her deepest hurts, calling back right to how the album opened.
If I had to guess based on the albums, the trajectory of the topic goes I can’t wait to marry you -> The closer we get to it the more scared I am that I may destroy this -> Is this going to destroy us? -> Actually you may be the one destroying us.
(It does seem like there’s an obvious shift between folklore and evermore, and not to get too dark, but like many of you I wonder if the success of Folklore precipitated the fears and anxieties and hurt she sings about on Evermore, iykwim. Which becomes abundantly clear by Midnights.)
I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but I’m just feeling soooooo tingly about how these themes are going to be explored on TTPD, because I almost can’t see how they won’t be given what a big part of her life it was for years. I know she doesn’t owe us anything but… Taylor, we just want to talk.
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calamari-inari · 4 months
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Playing this game (without the likes) 🫶
1. enemies to lovers, best friends to lovers, lord and their knight ❤️
2. Not sure if these are tropes, but yandere lover (just not a very big fan of yandere), obsessive love (treating their partner as a possession), misogynistic attitudes or abusive power in a relationship (basically a partner defining what their partner, whether it be a woman or man, should do or behave, and the victimized partner finds it hot???)
3. Gradual mutual understanding for one another! I also learn more about the characters' personalities this way!
4. One or both partners experience withdrawal when they're being separated from each other lol. True feelings often emerge from such situations and it's adorable...
5. Multiship! So far, the only ships I really think about now are from FE3H and a few from Engage and TGAA. Here's a list of several multiships I enjoy!
FE3H (Apparently Dimitri is very shippable to me LOL)
Hubert x Ferdinand
Hubert x Edelgard
Sylvain x Felix
Sylvain x Ferdinand
Dimitri x Ferdinand
Dimitri x Felix
Dimitri x Dedue
Dimitri x Claude
Byleth x any lord
Alear x Alfred
Alear x Diamant
Diamant x Ivy
Kazuma x Ryuunosuke
Barok x Kazuma
Barok x Herlock
6. I like both rarepairs and mainstream! Most of the rarepairs I like don't have any canon interaction, so I like to explore the "what could've been" situations.
7. Monogamy. Not much to explain here. It's just my preference lol
8. Using my favorite pair ferdibert, they are reversible, but I have a really strong preference for dom Hubert and sub Ferdinand. However!! I'm not a big fan of where Ferdinand is written or drawn very femininely. This applies to any MxM pair. I'm not against the concept of femininity in males, but when used in a stereotypical fashion, it rubs me the wrong way. Just a subtle depiction of their relationship dynamic is perfect to me! I'm alright with seeing SFW artwork of the reverse and reading said fics, but NSFW is where I draw the line
9. Thinking about the games I've played, I can think of at least one pair I like to see romantically, so yes 😂
10. Not at all important! After all, my favorite is romantic fluff 🥺 Depending on the intensity of my liking for a ship, the NSFW aspect becomes more bareable since I'm still personally embarrassed consuming such content lol. I am vanilla. Ferdibert is highkey the only one I consume NSFW for
11. A lot of my MxF and FxF pairs are platonic to me! This is likely due to my aegosexuality, which is the closest explanation I can identify with. Not everything needs to be romantic. I find close friendships very heartwarming too 🥺
12. My top favorites right now are ferdibert 🖤🧡, sylvix ❤️💙, and diminand 💙🧡!
13. My favorite pairs from fandoms that I'm not really engaging in now are:
Madeleine Cookie x Espresso Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom)
Victor x Yuuri (Yuri on Ice)
Link x Zelda (Skyward Sword version)
Reyn x Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles 1)
Chrom x M!Robin (Fire Emblem Awakening)
14. Domestic fluff is really cute, but the official legal bonding of two partners isn't on my "must have" list for any romantic pairing. I really love seeing creations of my favorite pairs marrying though! Gives me the tingles every time and I just feel so happy 😍
15. As someone that made OC fan kids in the past, yes that is totally fine and I love seeing other people's interpretations for the same pair (if they don't have canon children). I've even made some for ferdibert before but I never fully flushed them out lol
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lsleofthelost · 10 months
hey, I noticed you posted about Diego DeVil in your Twitter series, and I've seen posts around mentioning him, so ig he's a canon character? in the books or something?
but how does that work when Cruella has no living family, or at least no family with the surname DeVil? Because that was the whole reason she didn't change her surname when she got married and instead made her husband change his. With the husband point, also. I've seen some people theorising for who Carlos' dad is, but wouldn't it be Mr DeVil?
Or am I just misremembering which things from the original book didn't or did get in to the film?
I'm guessing the pepper thing also didn't get into the film because I could see that as a very easy gag Descendants could have used for Carlos, as either yet another "damn this kid has it shit" if he hates it, an auradon-kids-think-stuff-the-vks-do-is-weird thing, or a Cruella-wants-off-the-isle-so-she-can-put-pepper-on-her-desserts because lack of stuff on the Isle thing
yeah he's a canon character! he's mentioned in the books, and there isn't a lot that's said about him, except that he's Cruella's nephew and has a mohawk. the rest is just my own expansion on canon lol bc i think it could be a cool dynamic and also bc it shows that not all kids of the Isle have some villainous or heroic amibition, like my Diego is just a musician and cares about Carlos
canonically, Cruella does have family, her brother, Cecil B. de Vil, who appears in 101 Dalmatians: the series, so Diego is probably his son. there's also possibly another sibling, because she has (also in the series) a niece, Ivy, but Cecil is not her father. there's also Cruella's cousin, the scientist. the whole de Vil clan overall are criminals and villains
idk how to say this except for this: u don't need to get married to have children lol. we don't see Carlos' father ever, so it's clear he's not involved. and if there's no father, the child usually takes mother's last name. like the only thing we can tell for sure is that he's white, because Carlos himself is mixed and Cruella is Black
im either bugging or just don't know something because i don't understand the pepper thing sorry
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Round 1; A bouquet of poppies, daffodils, daisies, ivy, and purple hyacinths Vs A bouquet of gloriosa (flame lily), veronica, jasione, jacaranda, cyclamen, jasmine and freesia
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If you know who they are, or are pretty sure of it, please don't tell until this poll has ended!
First, let's talk about the bouquet of poppies, daffodils, daisies, ivy, and purple hyacinths
Meaning and why they were chosen: -The poppies can represent eternal sleep and/or imagination. They're also canonically important to the character. -Daffodils can represent unequaled love and "you’re the only one, the sun is always shining when I’m with you". -Daisies represent loyal love. -Ivy represents wedded love, fidelity, and affection. -Purple hyacinths mean 'i am sorry', 'forgive me', and sorrow. Description: He got married, not for long though, as his spouse kicked the bucket sooner than they should've. All things considered they were a sweet couple. After the death, the rest of his life was mostly grieving. And some murder. You know how it is <3. They do eventually reunite, after death ofc. Before the whole 'damn my spouse just fucking died' he was the more responsible one, thought not by much tbh. He engaged in less shenanigans than his spouse, and the shenanigans HE partook in didnt end with his death so thats 1-0 on his spouse. Much better at situations than his spouse, but chaos comes for us all. About 50% of that chaos was courtesy of the shit his spouse did. Him and his spouse are both uniquely doomed by the narrative, with each other playing a big part in their respective ends. He blames himself for his spouse's death, pinning it as his fault for not protecting them.
Check their post here
Now, let's talk about the bouquet of gloriosa (flame lily), veronica, jasione, jacaranda, cyclamen, jasmine and freesia
Meaning and why they were chosen: Gloriosa (flame lily), for its symbolism of passion, pride, and honor, as he is a deeply idealistic person who cares so much about doing the right thing, walks the walk, and takes pride in his values. Also, because of the name; fire is an element relevant to him. Veronica, for faithfulness and devotion, especially in a religious context (though the religious context of the flower’s namesake is decidedly different from that of this character). Jasione, for justice, as he is committed to the execution of justice and ultimately breaking cycles of unjust violence, even though he is often trapped between a rock and hard place. With the task of breaking the cycle of revenge (be it on a racial or religious or familial basis; overall it’s all three) comes the understanding that all who came before and tried, failed to solve the rift and got more people killed—some of them even pressured him into committing injustice on their behalf— but he’s not going to give up or stop trying to figure out what justice actually is. Jacaranda, for its symbolism of wealth, knowledge, and rebirth; wealth because he is rich and privileged (in some ways), both wealth and knowledge because he is an economics nerd, and rebirth because he sacrifices one element of himself to accept another. Rebirth also applies in that when his life is uprooted by tragedy and his being made a scapegoat, he makes the most of it and crafts a decent life for himself far from home, giving back to his new community and cultivating new interests. It also symbolizes wisdom and even if he isn’t, uh, wise per se, he’s working on it. Cyclamens, for sincerity, religious devotion (it bears repeating), resignation, reserved love, and lasting feelings. His love for another, tender though it is, is often across significant emotional barriers, barriers of other relationships, and even great physical separation that was forced upon him for years on end. He is by far the most sincere of a duplicitous lot and is sometimes guessed to be even trickier for his earnest-seeming demeanor, but that’s just how he truly is and it can’t be corrupted away. Jasmine, for purity, modesty, and simplicity; he tries to live a modest life in accordance with his religion. Freesia, for trust and innocence; he deserves to be trusted, and suffers from the innocent youthful naivety of thinking his ideals can easily be put into practice if he just takes action Description: A bit of a zealot for a good cause, grows out of black-and-white thinking, and gets a lot more tired because the world is full of tribalism and hate, but he is still so sweet. The younger son of a loving yet terribly messed-up family that unfortunately isn’t the only such family involved. So many people he interacts with get bad vibes from him (to the extent that one guy who worked with him poisons him on the basis of distaste, against all practicality), but that’s seriously not his fault. He can be very intense though. On a completely irrelevant note, he learns that gay people exist when he’s in his 20s and is greatly surprised, even though he has lived with gay people his entire life.
Check their post here
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inthecornerihaunt · 1 year
What if...
Taylor actually was some kind of "married" in some sort of commitment ceremony like all the rumors claimed? Maybe not necessairly in a traditional marriage kind of way but something resembling some form of commitment promise to one another? I know that she hinted with champagne problems that she refused a proposal and that he (presumably Joe) was crushed. Maybe she wasn't sure that marriage was what she wanted or maybe it was a nagging feeling that Joe wasn't THE ONE. But then he was so crushed which made her reconsider or compromise in some kind of way plus she wasn't at that point ready to give it all up because Joe was somehow someone she thought she should be with. And then she sang about her husband and her promised hand in Ivy and High infidelity. So first on evermore. After saying goodbye to Harry in Gold rush. And she has hinted in the past that Harry was the person she wished would interrupt her wedding and maybe Harry somehow got wind of the situation and thought he had to do something like now or never and they started talking again? Or is snow on the beach just a fantasy? Later in high infidelity she sings about being dragged down the aisle...(maybe her perspective changed or she felt duped because when the answer hadn't been a clear yes in champagne problems why would someone who really loved her talk her into doing the commitment thing anyways?) and then he thought that now she was his and they were safe and that's when he started losing her. Or he was vindictive hurt pride/ego where he put her in the situation because he blamed her for reading the room wrong and she had endless empathy for his situation...oh well there is no too much to go on and I am filling blanks with pure speculation It's just in the Anti Hero remix Jack sings that presumably Joe is very hurt and therefore lashes out. Plus I think the verse by Ice Spice in Karma is clearly adressed at Joe because of the "baby". Otherwise I would have said Scooter because also Scooters check is going to bounce with all the TVs but I think she wouldn't adress Scooter as "baby".
I I know in You're losing me she sings I wouldn't marry me either, but maybe there she means it like what she understands a true marriage to be, not about the traditions and all the fuss, but the actual choosing of one another each and every day.
This of course is purely speculative, but I do not buy this official timeline, this is all too curated to me (plus in the past the whole media diversion was also used to have no one know about what was truly going on), but that's just my opinion and I could be very far off or totally wrong.
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frankbeetle · 1 year
I was going to be anon but since I'm mentioning john it's not like it's that much of a secret let's be honest.
Anyways what do you have about John? Any backstories? What about Eddie? Or Quinn? Wa s Harvey married? Are there any robins in your verse? If yes how did they meet Bruce? What are the rogues relationships with one another (do you have rogues with more detailed relationships and encounters? If yes who with who? How did they meet?)? Do you plan of changing joker's character like making him goofier or is he non existent? Do you have anything about Ivy? Are Ivy and Harley dating?
Okay that's all I could think. On a scale from 1 to 10, how much self projection on the story?
Omg ok I'm going to awnser this out of order sorry about that
On a scale from 1 to 10, how much self projection on the story?
ermmm i would say about a five? There are some characters that I have projected myself onto but i tend to avoid doing that for everybody, as I want to make the characters diverse. If I projected onto every character I feel like it would be bland, as what I want to tell isn't a single story. It's multiple story's into one universe. I want it to seem like these are actual real life people with their own uniqueness to them
Do you plan of changing joker's character like making him goofier or is he non existent?
I don't have everything down for him yet and I'm still working on him, but they way I'm Developing him I am creating him as if he is a character in a cartoon for childern. I feel like he is always a better character in children media, because writers are forced to get more creative with him since they can't just make him edgy and dark. So he kinda is just like a cartoon charcter, like say if he gets shot in the head, he WILL be back without a scratch. No matter how many injuries he gets he never suffers long term damage. He has episodic anmensia and will not like remember things that happened, maybe he does, he seems to have a very selective memory. No one understand how he works expect for one thing that is undeniable: he is fucking insane and he is a wildcard.
Do you have anything about Ivy?
I'm still work shopping her but I have a few things down. first of all: she is not going to be woobifed in any way, hell she is probably one of the most evil of the batman rouges. She is a eco-facist and has no care for human life, despite once being a human herself. Also a carnivore, she only eats meat and sometimes even humans. Her main abilitys is manipulation and plant bending. She is insanely skilled at gas lighting. She is the oldest sister of two siblings, the youngest being doctor apasol and the middle one being centrism (oc)
Are Ivy and Harley dating?
they will for a bit
Was Harvey married?
(cant remove this gap for some reason)
He is by law still married, he never went through with a divorce process. He is running from the issue
What are the rogues relationships with one another (do you have rogues with more detailed relationships and encounters?
all of the routes have their own relationships and ally ships with eachother. Some relationships are more complicated than others
i have multiple ideas for her
he is a big player in it, in the 2nd part he techinally isn't around (coma), but he is one of the main players in the 3rd part
Crane is a cold bastard who dosent care about much other than his own work. He is employed as a pyscharist at arkham asylum. Scarecrow and Jonathan are by means separate people. Let's just say, Jonathan isn't even his "real" name
Are there robins in your universe?
all batfam members exist in this universe one way or another
If yes how did they meet Bruce?
I am still working on that, but it will be similar to the cannon mostly likely
thank you for the ask!!! Sorry it took a bit to get to, I had something happen halfway through responding
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thequimmqueen · 2 years
so what your favorite ships beside Quinn x Timm since I saw in the next gen list you seem to have a lot of ship couples
That's a very interesting question, unknown anon! but it's also more complex than what meets the eye!
Most of the ships in my NG list are ones I chose when I first found out about NG AUs, more specifically Mannie's work.
Since I was still VERY new in the community I thought the pairings they chose for their own AU were the most accepted and 'logical' ships in the community of PL, those ships like, for example, Maggie x Mitch and Cooper x Prudence. (nowadays some users find them bland, And I get it, but idk if I'd get them with someone else in the AU, it's pretty much already been planned this way.)
while these ships ARE canon in My own Nextgen AU, I am pretty open with other ships with both chefs and normal customers like the ones like Kenmitch & Deano x Akari. People's hcs of ships like Carlo x roy or even Crystal and Fitz are also amazingly thought out and I like them very dearly, even if I go with opposite ships for the stories I'm writing they still hold a very good place in my heart!
it's also possible because I do not hold the same sort of attachment to these customers as I do Quimm, so as long as I don't see a ship with Quinn or Timm with someone else -or you know, obviously something illegal- I'm pretty much okay with ships from others.
Not to say I'd attack anyone who does ship them with somebody else, obviously, it just won't be of my interest. like the Cori x Quinn ship. I honestly see them just as good friends and it's valid if they do ship it cause, yeah! it's a good concept, just not my thing ya know? However... I do approve of that Allan x Quinn ship, it's got a funny concept of "straight man" x "bringer of chaos" dynamic, but everyone knows Quimm will always own my heart over anything else <3
Though... to be more clear, and actually tell you which other ships I ACTIVELY like... I have some preferences of my own when it comes to pairing specific customers, which more or less originated from dynamics I like and things I hc from specific characters.
for example, in terms of ships I made myself, I was one of the few who didn't precisely pair Boomer x Akari, despite it being a pretty solid pairing. I instead decided to ship Boomer and Johnny due to the dynamic I imagine they'd have if they ever interacted.
which is basically something like this:
Tumblr media
Boomer seems to be someone talkative, energetic, and always in the search of thrill and emotion, while Johnny seems like a guy who is of few words and likes peaceful times. It's understandably also functional as a friendship dynamic, but I loved it enough to make it a pairing in the AU.
As for my OTHER crack ship, Ivy x Allan, I base myself on the aesthetic they share! That 50's grease-inspired fashion style is one of my favorite things due to it being a movie I watched in my childhood, But I also love the idea of someone sweet as Ivy being able to soften that tough heart of Allan's! I think of it a lot as a comforting sort of couple, with Allan learning to be vulnerable with her and the like.
there are some other pairings worth mentioning, no matter if canon or not, Like Penny x Alberto, whom I shipped since I was a kid next to quimm. Radley x Sarge mostly due to the comedic potential of exes-who-still-like-each-other & villains-who-bicker-like-a-married-couple, and last but not least, Marty x Rita. That one is my sister's otp!
For the sake of not making it long but mentioning some last ones i also love dearly, Some last ships I like, which aren't made by me would be Wylan x Connor thanks to my dear friend @maznanangy and Luau x Betty from an artist of Deviantart.
and uh, that's as far as I'll go because this is already pretty long haha!
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