yink07 · 2 years
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To: @azuletatwt
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For me by me
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Unzip them with your teeth, smile at them with your lips
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What are your Siren sanses like? (Horror, classic, and fell.) Are they the ones from a lot of popular fiction where classic is pretty much insane and uses clicks, horror has pretty lights/no singing voice, and red is oddly nice but also extremely intimidating for absolutely no reason? oh and flirty too. Also I can't find your charactar lost, what are their names 😭😭😭😭
Hehe it's okay!
To be honest, I don't really have a Classic or a Fell, but now I have Pixy! And Classic... hm... his nickname is Nutty, and he's a coconut octopus! :D perfect. I'm the best/j
Chum is the horror version, and he's huge! Like, able to hold someone in the palm of his hand if he wanted to, and yes, he is very glowy. He lives near a cliff, and normally is seen there. (seen being a bad word to use, tbh lol) he normally attacks ships and crashes them if he thinks that they're hurting the ocean too much. He enjoys little boats much more than the large ones! He would protect little boats from everything and everyone. (mostly people fishing little bits for their own food)
Pixy, on the other hand, hates people who fish because he thinks that humans shouldn't be in or near the water. He's almost always messing with them secretly. He would help out if he thinks the person is good, though? It's rare for him to think that. He doesn't know how to do the siren song, funnily enough! He's the smallest out of the mers other than maybe Pinks.
Nutty doesn't really care too much about people coming into the water, and he might even follow them around if he thinks that they'd be fun! He often steals stuff from the ship after getting up on top of it. He's never seen because he's the best at hiding (even rivaling Mimic, funnily enough) he's scarily smart.
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splashtheskeleton · 2 years
BUt its not like i play undertale dating sims. bonely hearts club. manifest. OKAY BUT LIKE.- Undermate appeared. HEAR ME OUt!- Dating start as encountered. OMG OKAY FINE MAYBE IVE PLAYED DATTING SIMS!!! *sceams into the void*
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insanefemme · 4 months
I'd really like to have a grapefruit but I don't feel like peeling it
I wish I had a partnee to test the whole orange peeling thing with
I want to be babied and taken care of
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miss-floral-thief · 2 years
bit too late to shower but did wash my face with cleanser
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cultml · 2 months
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lightofraye · 4 months
Okay, I get people not liking to read about someone criticizing other people’s marriages. That’s totally fair.
But then don’t read posts that do so. Don’t seek them out just to try and prove them wrong. There is no “conclusively proving” exactly what any marriage you aren’t a part of is like. Hell, people often probably can’t even see their own marriage for what it is. Denial is a strong emotion, and all people have been involved in a frog-in-a-boiling-pot situation. It can be hard to hop out before you get cooked.
Okay. Sorry for that analogy. I got sidetracked.
Anyway, I wanted to comment on this because, while I think it’s admirable to stay out of other people’s business (most of the time), JA and DHA are public figures. Jensen telling stories about Danneel invites thought and speculation about their marriage.
And here’s the thing. What a lot of use hear in his stories is not good. Jensen paints a picture of a wife who is never happy with him, who orders him around like a child, who always tries to take him down a peg. Some of his stories are obviously trying to paint her in a “strong” and “independant” light, but often just make her look like a controlling bitch (sorry if that’s not a word you enjoy). The other stores he tells about her sound passive aggressive, like he’s purposely cutting her down but in a way that his obsessive fans don’t notice.
I don’t think Jensen is totally an innocent victim here, either. He has thrown her some truly contemtuous looks and bulldozed over her in shared interviews. He often looks at her like she’s an idiot (Same. To be honest). But, she is more blatantly belittling and underming than him.
Whether you believe Jensen is actively being abused or not (I would say he is emotionally at the very least), they appear to be a toxic couple. Danneel, when not cutting him down, seems to feed Jensen’s ego. And the more time he spends with her, the more arrogant he becomes. This could also be over-compensating for low self-esteem from being in a competitive career and having an unsupportive partner.
AAs like to claim that people hate on Danneel because they want to be her. But not only do I not want to be her, I respect and like Jensen less for tying himself to such a deeply shallow and unpleasant person.
Hi anon!
Wow! Thank you for a lengthy, but apt point to the other anon! (Also, Danneel is a bitch, come on, let's be honest. Though she's a cringey, trashy bitch.)
I agree with what you've said--I love Jensen, I support him, but I do not turn a blind eye to how he's been the last few years. He's in a downward spiral and a large part of it is because 1) he's away from a true friend (Jared), 2) been forced to relocate twice (Texas to Colorado, Colorado to Connecticut) to more expensive housing each time no less, 3) see his career basically crash and burn, now surviving on fumes and hand-outs from friends (yikes), and 4) is now in a lawsuit that literally names him and Danneel regarding a crewmember struck by lightning during The Winchester filming.
There's more, but I think I made my point. I see worrying signs and all I can do is sit back and watch, wishing I could reach out and yank him from the edge.
I can't.
This... this is a battle only he can fight. Danneel isn't there for him; she's the weight at his ankles that will drown him at this point.
They are not couple goals. They are not happy. They are miserable and they are poison for each other.
Uhhh... I might be in a bitchy mood. Ahem. Thank you for your input, anon.
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chamiryokuroi · 2 years
I'm curious as how you seem to view Meghan as a 'progressive' writer for making Tim bi despite the racism (labelling Empress a villain) and sexism (rewriting Cissie's motivations for retiring/erasing Cassie's time as the leader) present in DCYJ along with the lowkey biphobia such as undermining Tim's genuine interest in Cassie during their brief romance to push Timkon and underming Tim and Steph's relationship by acting like it was based on their costumes when it wasn't just to push Timber
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Anon the block button is right there, you don’t need to see my content if you don’t want to.
I have never said that Meghan is a “progressive” writer or whatever you’re implying, I just stated a fact that she made Tim bi, which is true, and I am willing to talk about the dumpster fire that was DC:YJ because believe it or not I as a human being can like one thing and hate another made by the same writer, amazing I know, so weird, wow, and I have talked about it before, in twitter and discord (because DC:YJ was bad) but here’s the thing, based entirely in the way you decide to word this question I know for a fact you don’t want to have an actual discussion about it, no you are set on your ways and whatever I say will not make you happy unless I bend over and say I agree with you, and honestly that’s tiring and not a good way to spend my time.
If you want to whine and cry and scream because something that happens in a comic made you feel like this I would suggest talk with a therapist, they’re paid to listen and care about what you have to say, I’m not so I won’t.
And just so the baby won’t come crying back to me let me say this
DC:YJ was a dumpster fire
The Empress thing I partially agree because I haven’t actually read the YJ comic so I dont know much about her aside from what friends have told me
Regarding Cassie and Tim relationship the only problem I had with that is that Meghan said they hadn’t told Kon about it when it fact they actually have. About their feelings? At this point you should be used to the fact that writers will retcon whatever they want, is how comics operate.
And I am sick and tired of hearing how she is pushing Stephanie away to make it all about Timber when time and time again Meghan has shown Steph in a positive light and still as one of the most important person’s in Tim’s life, and before you come whining with “Then why did she break them up” because she fucking could, that’s what people don’t seem to get, she works for DC and as long as she has to go ahead she can write whatever the fuck she wants. Good or bad, doesn’t matter, she can do it, and we have no say in it.
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metallicaislife · 10 months
oooo can you do one where you and Cliff are super close. like best friends. there’s a lot of mutual tension and one night Cliff has a *dream* about you and he’s like. a hot mess the next time he sees u
later y’all are high watching a movie, talking about anything, and he accidentally brings it up
and you can sense how flustered he is and coax the details out of him 🤭 and y’all act it out
NOT STUPID AT ALL!!! I totally undermeant what you stood!
Just posted :) thank you for requesting!!!
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coffincoitus · 1 year
"it's so bad how much terf has been misused" lol I can assure you it always had the purpose of underming and dividing feminism into manageable bits. and it has been employed perfectly this entire time
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splashtheskeleton · 2 years
I Cant tell you how much fan art im draw of my oc in undertale dating sims.
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Fourth vivillon! Got the female combee first and was hoping to get the vivillon off the same sandwich because the female shiny combee is rare and I needed vespiquen. They were really close together together and vivillon spawned right underme. Then I spent the last few minutes of the sandwich getting tarountula.
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seeyabythemarina · 2 years
I'd like to employ you-Lucifer
When stella was yelling at stolas, lucifer suddenly showed up saying he wanted to talk the family. That causes everyone,even octavia, to sit at the dinner table to discuss something. When all the birds are their, lucifer says we still need some more people. With a wave of his hand he summons IMP to the meeting
This causes everyone to feel fear if lucifer is going to punish them for illegally going to the human world, except stella who thinks that stolas will be stripped and all his possessions with go to her or better be killed.
They are all shocked thought when lucifer hugs blitzo and say what a genius he is for his marvelous business. Luci knew about the grimoire from stolas since imp ad came out but thought it was interesting to see and has been spying on them ever since. At first he thought they were a joke with the child to the giant fish on spring break, but the idea was good since imps are so week on the hell power ladder heaven can't tell when their on earth and it was a good way to stick it to heaven. However, when he found out about them getting those 3 cherubs banished, which he gave blitzo a huge hug for, he became more interested. It was till tht time with the agent that lucifer came up with his plan.He wants i.M.P to be a direct business underme for mudding humans on earth and continue to kill for sinner to mess with heavens heads.
That caused everyone to gasp, bltizo with joy as he immediately agreed to it. Before blitzo begin blitzo asked why he had to drag everyone hear as he had horse plushies to plau woth nstead of talking like a nroam demon.
Instead of offense lucifer laugh say this has just as much for stolas family as well. The grimore IMP is using is his and becuase it a very rare and powerful book which can't just be copied because judge by what happens with octavia anyone would just steal it from them easily. (this is a no divorce au and octavia still took the book and went to LA)
Luci wants stolas to be IMP royal overlooked doing job like keeping the book safe, helping to vet imp workers, etc. Add to your other duties
Everyone is at complete shock at this idea. Stolas and bltizo that their going to be official working together, M&M and loona that they be working as a group with lucifer approvable, octavia that she'll have to deal with the imp working with her dad more ans her moms anger about it, and stella was also furious that her husband instead if being punish is getting praise and more jobs by lucifer
Stolas grateful nothing will happen with what he's been done graciously accept the offer. Blitzo does so less graciously. Octavia becuase of her no-f attitude just sarcastic asks why she was even hear. Lucifer unbother by the teenage since Charles was a teen once to said that since it's a job adding the your father during you will gain them as a responsibility when you father retire, and thought on octavia now on advance to learn about the process while other thing like learning magic. The fact that octavia would have to hang around the IMP's more cause stella to snap and make her displeasure known.
Stella tells luci that stolas had been sleeping with the blitzo for the book. Surpraise her lucifer say he new that to and dint care as it made sense a imp could not give anything else in return for a powerful artifact. When stella seem like she going to talk some lucifer shuts her up with a glare. Sitting down stella for once in her life stay quiet as they continue to talk about every become angry stolas would continue to sleep with the imp and with ltiure approval from lucifer. Worse she probly have to call off striker if lucifer would launch an investigation if stolas died and find her easily.
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octoberle4ves · 2 years
I love being alone , I love waking up early in the morning to watch the sunrise , I love to drink my coffee in silence I love to read my book while the sun goes up , Iove laying down and listening to music while everyone else is sleeping I love staying underm my blankets and watching dead poets society for the millions time, I love to go to the bookstore by myself , I love taking sky pictures , I love writing in my little silly note book some thoughts I deas poetry that if I die they will be published I love being feminkme and taking care of my appearance I love praying everyday I love writing letters to my future self and last but not least I love being with me in my own company I don't feel lonely I love being alone
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alfheimassassin · 2 years
Random Starters
“What’s the difference?”
“I undermeant what you stood!”
“I realized my mistake the exact moment I made it, ALRIGHT?!”
“Yes, yes. You’re very smart. Shut up!”
“Sleep is good, books are better”
“Victory is reserved for those willing to pay the price”
“I did not see because I did not wish to see”
“I do not think that means what you think it means”
“Do not let the other’s write your chapter”
“Fear kills more than any kind of weapon”
“You need not wait to improve your world”
“I am all that I have”
“How could a place with such wonderful things be bad?”
“Play me that song again”
“Don’t ask for the moon”
“It never would have worked out between us”
“Leave the boots on”
“Why can’t the past just die?”
“Am I to risk my life to win the chance to live?”
“What horrors wait for me in this?”
“Every hope and every prayer rests on you now”
“When will the flames at last consume us?”
“Your enemy whispers so you have to scream?!”
“I don’t have to tell you anything at all”
“You’re right, I’d never fall for you at all!”
“There’s a struggle that we have yet to win”
“Cause I know where I’ve been”
“Let’s go, you know the drill”
“Get your ass in gear”
“So what if it’s us?”
“I’m your friend too!”
“YOU got the invitation?”
“Think of me as your sidekick”
“Let me be your right hand man!”
“We’re one of a kind”
“We’re free to take our crowning glory”
“All I need is this”
“I could kill you now…”
“Honey whatcha waiting for?”
“People think it’s haunted”
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