#under night in-birth exe:late[cl-r]
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satorikomeijigaming · 3 months ago
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Platinum #54, Under Night In-Birth:Exe Late[cl-r]. Long name, ain't it?
Through partial coincidence, I've platinumed two French Bread fighting games in a row. This is because they're good. And because doing MBTL convinced me to go finish this one.
When my PS4 died it took all the save files with it, so I had to start from the bottom regarding the currency, of which you need well over 300,000 for just the two trophies I had left (icons and titles.) It's 500 per fight. A lot of fights. Thankfully it was just those two things.
The guide recommends using a turbo controller which one I don't have and two I don't think even exists yet for the PS5 but don't quote me on that because I don't care. So I did over 600 fights or something like that by hand. Wasn't as unpleasant as I expected.
Anyways next is Tinykin because it's short and it's leaving PS+ next month. Also my birthday is next month so that's something to look forward to.
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kaneda18 · 2 years ago
The Fighting Game Diaries: We Do(n't) Know What We Are Doing
Me and my friend have once again been playing fighting games. We’ve been playing Strive as normal, and as always having fun. She has been sticking with Sol and make progress – she’s getting down some motion inputs. We have also found out I cannot play Millia in any capacity, and she likes me bringing out Baiken every once in a while. In addition to Strive, we have been playing some new fighting…
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rimeiii · 2 months ago
What in Hell is Bad as fighting game archetypes
Backstory time: I recently bought Persona 4 Arena Ultimax and I've been having a ton of fun with it. But, just my luck, the character I want to main (Yosuke Hanamura) isn't particularly beginner-friendly, so I swapped to a more beginner-friendly character (Yu Narukami) to get my bearings first while learning Yosuke's basic combos. Seeing as this already happened to me in several other anime fighters (BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend with Hazama -> Jin Kisaragi and Tsubaki Yayoi, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r] with Seth -> Gordeau, Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising with Belial -> Gran), I ended up trying to figure out which fighting game archetype suits me the most, and that...led to more WHB brainrot, lmao.
No, seriously, the only games where I stuck with my main ever since first trying them out are Dissidia Duodecim (Zidane Tribal, though I've branched out to Squall Leonhart and Sephiroth) and Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Ness, branching out to Lucas, Luigi, and Lucario).
So! Just a quick disclaimer, a lot of fighting game characters have elements of several archetypes at play. For example, BlazBlue's Tsubaki Yayoi leans easily into the rushdown playstyle but her defining trait is her install gauge. But going through all possible combinations would take a LONG time, so...
And archetypes (with video examples) will be explained below the tier list!
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As for the archetype explanations...I'll put it under the cut because it's long.
Shoto: A solid, all-rounder character who wants to be able to control the space directly in front of them to land their combos. Oftentimes the main protagonist of their respective games, though that's not always the case. They typically have three defining characteristics - a projectile (aka fireball), an uppercut (aka dragon punch/dp or shoryuken), and a forward kick (aka tatsu). Some notable shotos are Ryu and Ken from Street Fighter, Mario from Smash Bros (yes, really), and Jin Kisaragi from BlazBlue.
Shotos are often the 'old reliable' type of characters, as they're typically well-rounded in both offense and defense. While the traditional shoto is often barehanded, a lot of other shotos aren't (Jin, Yu Narukami from Persona 4 Arena, and Hyde Kido from Under Night In-Birth being some notable examples). You really just need those three types of attacks and an all-rounder kit to be a shoto.
Grappler: A character who excels at close range, their gameplay often revolves around throws and command throws to chain into their combos. They tend to be huge while having low mobility, plus they usually suck at anything other than close range, but boast crazy damage in close range. Some notable grapplers include Kanji Tatsumi from Persona 4 Arena (a lot of people laud Kanji as being one of the best-designed grapplers in fighting game history), Waldstein from Under Night In-Birth, and Iron Tager from BlazBlue.
There is a subset of grapplers known as semi-grapplers. They have more movement options compared to traditional grapplers, but to offset this, their power may not be as explosive as traditional grapplers - an example of this being Cerebella from Skullgirls. This tier assumes both grapplers and semi-grapplers - I would imagine Marbas being more of a traditional grappler while Beleth is a semi-grappler, for example.
Zoner: A character whose main tool is zoning - the act of keeping your opponent away from you. A zoner's combos often work at long ranges - as a matter of fact, they're usually incentivized to keep pushing their opponents away for their combo strings to continue. Their close-range options tend to be limited, with focus on pushback. Some notable zoners include Hilda from Under Night In-Birth, Ferry from Granblue Fantasy Versus, and Dhalsim from Street Fighter.
To be clear, zoning isn't a zoner-specific part of a character's moveset. But to be considered a zoner, their kit has to rely on zoning. Sometimes, they're called 'keep-away' characters - because they want to keep you away from them since they suffer in close range. And in the case of Leraye and Paimon, if you're asking whether a character with a long-range gun can become a fighting game character...Eustace from Granblue Fantasy Versus is a mid-range zoner who wields a long-range gun, Flamek.
Rushdown: An archetype that wants to get close to an opponent before hitting them until they die. Unlike grapplers, however, they have high mobility and many tools to move around the opponent. Any character can be played as rushdown if you're brave enough (usually with mindless button mashing), but some examples of dedicated rushdowns include Yosuke Hanamura from Persona 4 Arena, Mika from Under Night In-Birth, and Lancelot from Granblue Fantasy Versus.
Rushdowns excel in applying pressure on opponents. They have a lot of tools to catch their opponents off guard, and have ways to make them get their hit confirms easily - which is usually the start of a combo string. Once a combo gets going, they reward playstyles that are aggressive and offense-oriented. Their combo strings may seem more of a 'death of a thousand cuts' deal like Yosuke and Lancelot (and this is the rushdown type of the Abaddon demons imo), or they may have less tools for hit confirms but have attacks output a lot of damage like Mika (I'd think this is the Gusion rushdown type).
also insert yosuke appreciation here because i do genuinely feel like he's a super stylish rushdown (who has the same seiyuu as asmodeus - no i will not shut up about this). maybe it's my bias speaking (i've been yume-ing with yosuke for a decade now) but he looks good and feels good to play once you understand how his combo strings work. has some of the best voicelines too imo, especially in the en dub - his "now i'm pissed!" awakening quote is my favorite awakening quote in the entire game.
Footsies: Technically a term used for space control with the use of pokes (attacks that aims to 'use space' and make opponents think twice about approaching), it's now sometimes used to describe characters who have a strong ground game but suffers in the air. This is due to a lot of people associating footsies with ground game. Some notable characters whose kit has heavy emphasis on footsies include Gordeau from Under Night In-Birth (has some of the best footsie tools in the game) and Little Mac from Smash Bros (he has no aerial recovery, but excels on the ground).
Technically, footsies is a skill most fighting game players feel is part of the fundamentals. You're provoking the enemy and trying to bait them to do something that leaves them open for a counterattack. Likewise the enemy is trying to find an opening in your pokes to go for a counterattack. A lot of blocking is involved too. Generally you kinda have to play patiently when engaging in footsies. It's equal parts honorable and being annoying, if that makes sense, and which side you lean into more while playing footsies wholly depends on how you engage with it.
Stance: A character that can change their battle style with the press of a button. Sometimes their combos require you to seamlessly switch between the two stances (with some of their attacks potentially making them switch stances upon use), and their movesets can vary immensely between them. Some notable stance characters include Cecil Harvey from Dissidia, Narmaya from Granblue Fantasy Versus, as well as both Pokémon Trainer and Pyra/Mythra in Smash Bros.
Essentially, a stance change simply means a style swap. Different characters swap in different ways, from changing the character entirely like the Trainer switching Pokémon (and is how I envision Beelzebub doing his stance change - switching over to one of his clones) or the character just changing fighting styles or weapons (everyone else).
Install: Install characters have a gauge that they can fill, and they can expend this gauge to gain an immense power boost for a limited time - hopefully, enough to make a reversal. Dissidia has an install system built in to all characters with their character-specific EX Modes, and Yosuke's Sukukaja special in Persona 4 Arena Ultimax can also be considered an install, but for examples of dedicated install characters in fighting games, we have Tsubaki Yayoi from BlazBlue and Sol Badguy from Guilty Gear.
This one is a little bit hard to justify because I feel like, for Naberius's case in particular, he could be an install in the style of Dissidia's Gabranth but toned down - where his full potential (channels his inner Cerberus form) is unlocked in EX Mode, but he isn't the most helpless outside of EX Mode. Same with Gamigin with his dragon form. Everyone else would be a more standard install, though.
Puppet: As the name implies, puppet characters have a controllable puppet on the field. A puppet character's strength relies on proper usage of their puppet, and they're oftentimes severely crippled if their puppet is out of commission. Some notable puppet characters include the Clovers (Carl Clover and Relius Clover) from BlazBlue, Shadow Labrys from Persona 4 Arena, and the Rosalina and Luma duo from Smash Bros.
Minhyeok is a unique case where I think he'd call on lump form Ppyong as his puppet, in a style similar to Rosalina calling on Luma. Everyone else, their puppets could be the spirits surrounding them, or Jjyu in Belial's case. Buer and Bimet I feel would play close to Shadow Labrys, whose Persona, Asterios, is huge and permanent on the field...though maybe not as mobile as the Clovers' puppets.
Setplay: Originally a term used to describe getting a guaranteed combo off a hard knockdown, sometimes it's used for characters with traps - as traps oftentimes give a guaranteed opening for a combo string. Their traps force your opponent to think carefully about their movements, as stumbling into a trap means you're opening yourself up to a combo. Some characters like Seth (nobody knows what to classify him into as he doesn't play like any other character in the game) and Merkava (typically considered a rushdown/grappler hybrid) from Under Night In-Birth have some variations of traps (Seth's projectile orbs and Merkava's worms), but dedicated trapper characters include Cagliostro from Granblue Fantasy Versus, The Emperor from Dissidia, and Darkrai from Pokkén Tournament.
If not a puppet fighter, Vassago could also be a setplay character in my opinion. Zagan is a cut-and-dry case with his talismans based on his (very overpowered) L-rank Nightmare Pass card. And I know we see Leviathan mostly with powerful summons, but I'd like to reflect back to my Arknights Operator post and have him summon tentacles as part of his traps, potentially something like Merkava's worms. Otherwise, Leviathan could also be a puppet fighter.
unrelated note, i love seeing belial and avatar belial/avabeli getting bodied by other characters because they were so prominent in tournaments that i actively rooted AGAINST them during the days of base granblue fantasy versus tournaments despite belial being one of my favorite gbf characters and wanting to main belial one day. until i upgrade from the free version of rising, however, i shall remain a gran main - as the only character you can always play as in the free version is gran, everyone else is available on a rotation basis, and belial is a complex character to learn. plus, cagliostro is perfect for this matchup in-lore because she already bodied beelzebub in the main gacha, so belial/avabeli + lucilius feels like natural progression lol
Composite: Characters whose entire moveset pretty much borrows from other characters in the game. They're different from echo fighters, as echo fighters are fundamentally the same character with some moveset differences (think Mario and Luigi or Marth and Lucina from Smash Bros). Composite characters, by contrast, mix and match different moves from a variety of characters - as a result, they're often much harder to implement. Kirby from Smash Bros has some composite character features (he can copy the neutral special of another character with his own neutral special), but dedicated composite characters include Double from Skullgirls and Bartz from Dissidia.
It is precisely because their movesets borrow from others that they're hard to implement - it's hard to justify a character copying moves of other characters in-lore. Kirby's entire schtick in his main games is his copy abilities (which he gets from inhaling them - and that inhale is his neutral special), Bartz works because he's a mime, and Double is an Eldritch blob who serves a much higher being (one who essentially sows chaos) in the lore of Skullgirls. If the MC is a playable character, I'd put them here (because they were shown to be able to use the powers of the demon kings). As for the human forms of the lumps, I just think it'd be funny if they copied their region's demon king and demon lords. Lucifer could be a composite of the angels, but his position as their hyung would make his versions of their attacks stronger - perhaps with his lower mobility being a trade-off.
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videogamepolls · 7 months ago
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Requested by anon
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bison2winquote · 2 years ago
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Phonon, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late [cl-r] (French Bread)
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unmeisenshi · 1 year ago
This song slaps, holy shit
(Fun fact! The main melody at 0:43 and 2:00 is actually a reworked melody from the trailer for the prototype of the first version of the game, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late. That trailer dropped Feb. 08, 2011, and went MIA from all three versions of Under Night (Exe:Late, Exe:Late[st], and Exe:Late[cl-r]).)
(This character is actually the final boss and main antagonist of UNI2, and his theme... Sounds almost nothing like a theme for a final boss. Some folks agree that this track sounds almost more like a fanfare or a celebration, and may be the composer, Raito, giving thanks to the fans that played since the initial release in 2012 by reprising the first Under Night song fans heard!)
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starocide · 2 years ago
Time for a new pinned!
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I'm Starocide, but call me Astro as well!
Pronouns: they/them and it/its.
Birthday: October 9th.
I just draw whatever and then put it here, but mostly fighting games, Touhou, TWEWY duology, Puyo Puyo, my ocs and more for now.
My tags are #Hyouibana.txt for regular posts, #Hyouibana.art for my art posts, #Hyouibanasks for when I answer questions, #Astro's OCs for my original characters and world, #Astro's VA Stuff for various voice acting related things as well as the song covers I occasionally post and #Astro's Writings for whatever written works I publish.
Artchive: @unknownxunfoundadventure reblogs only: @sysceles
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English is not my first language and I do not trust myself with forming coherent sentences in it, apologies in advance.
ⓘ Play Touhou 15.5: Antinomy of Common Flowers , UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late [cl-r] and The World Ends With You series
I now have a Ko-Fi If you're interested in supporting my work or commissioning art from me!
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smellpelt · 2 years ago
Worst things about Strive is people hearing Chaos and thinking Happy Chaos and not my friend Kei Asuma from Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r]
Or people calling Nagoriyuki Nago when Nago should make you think of that gay cat from Blazblue
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ercdouken · 2 years ago
Under Night In-Birth: Exe:Late[cl-r] (Steam/PC) - Orie Score Attack Playthrough
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megiddo-ichi · 2 years ago
[Now Live with UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late[cl-r]
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Welp, I guess the dinosaurs are late, so we'll instead be playing UNIclr to ask ourselves: "wait, this game has HOW much lore?" And maybe get some matches in here and there. We'll see.
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satorikomeijigaming · 4 months ago
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Platinum #53, Melty Blood: Type Lumina. Didn't originally expect to get this one today but I noticed I only had like an hour of grind left so I said fuck it and did it.
I don't think I'm very good at fighting games. I'm can win fights easy when the computer is just standing there and occasionally attacking, but put me up against someone who actually can play the game and I'm screwed.
I actually have Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r] (had to check the title of that one) almost done, I just need to grind out nearly 400,000 currency points which is not exactly very fun.
Maybe I should play Tsukihime. I'm pretty sure the remake is on PlayStation so I might look into that. I dunno.
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battleoftheicyfreaks · 2 years ago
Even though Londrekia has already been eliminated from the tournament, everyone needs to go listen to his theme music, because like all tracks on the Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r] soundtrack, it is an absolute banger!
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shinyvivillon · 3 years ago
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🕷️ Byakuya -  Under Night In-Birth 🕷️
💜 💜 💜 // 💜 💜 // 💜 💜 💜
Requested by: Me u__u
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azure-alchemist · 3 years ago
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..An Official illustration for fighting game series, Under Night In-Birth’s 9th Anniversary was posted on the Official Portal Site and twitter account..The illustration was done by Yoshihara Seiichi(Creator/Character Designer)..The official Site post features a simple message:
Hyde and Linne appear in the 9th anniversary illustrations. It is an interesting illustration that tells a small story.. Such as Hyde's void effect forming a figure of 9.
It is thanks to the support of our fans that this work has continued so far. We will continue to devote ourselves to the game, and we look forward to your continued support.
(Source)(Official Post)
Additionally Yoshihara tweeted/Quote retweeted the illustration saying:
9th anniversary. Thank you, everyone. We are doing our best, so please pay attention to Melty Blood: Type Lumina and look forward to the future of UNI.
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..Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r] is out from the UK and US publisher PQube Games and Aksys Games respectively..Now Available for PS4 and Nintendo Switch (Released February 20th, 2020) in North America and Japan..Physical edition for Europe released February 21st for UK..Available in Standered and Collectors Edition..(Standered - Collector’s Edition)
(Official Site) (Official UNICLR Site (JP) - (ENG) - (UK)(Official UNI Twitter)
(AksysGames Official UNICLR Wallpapers) (AksysGames UNICLR Site) (AksysGames CE Announcement)(PQube Physical Edition/Buy Bonus)(GamerneJP Londrekia Details/Screenshots)(RiceDigital UNICLR info and Londrekia Art) (UNICLR - JP Buy Bonuses) (UNICLR - GAMER Buy Bonus) (A4 Clear File Buy Bonus(GEO) (B2 Vatista Tapistry(WonderGOO)(New Years Art(2020)(Official Seth Smartphone Wallpaper)(UNICLR DLC Pack(s) Famitsu)(UNICLR Product Trailer)(DengekiOnline Londrekia Gameplay)(UNICLR Nintendo Switch Game Sample(UK)(English Translation 4Gamer interview - Kamone)(UNICLR Poster & Profile card)(UNICLR in EVO 2020 Lineup)(PQUBE Games UNICLR Gameplay VOD)(2020 Valentine’s Day Illustration)(Korean Buy Bonus)(Londrekia Special Release Illustration)(UNI Acrylic Stand Keychains)(Official White Day Illustration(2021)
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undernightinbirth · 5 years ago
play under night in birth
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comunidadarcsystemworks · 5 years ago
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iFrench Bread ha compartido esta imagen de Londrekia para celebrar el lanzamiento de UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late[cl-r]!
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