iii thiiink iiits weiiird cullees are culled for!!! liiike!!! ever!!! sure haviiing a culler helped me for a whiiile but iiits gettiiing kiiind of unneccessary!!!
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drippingheart · 2 months
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The Fool | there is an endless road ahead of you. long and winding, it is impossible to imagine every fork, every path you could take. like looking down from a high place, the sheer magnitude is dizzying. but it is freeing. god, it is freeing. you have all the time in the world to explore– endless choices to make; take time to appreciate it all. just be careful not to lose yourself to the recklessness that comes with such wondrous freedom.
UPRIGHT: beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit.
REVERSED: holding back, recklessness, risk-taking.
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blessed by : @godtorne .
cursing : @thehonoredwon @protectivemuses @prudenze @cderiva
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pumpkin-bread · 1 year
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Dress up the Bone Monster
Keep Him Warm
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artistic-generator · 8 months
In Which a Beforan Citizen Makes a Statement About Zeir Views On the Heiress Election
i think it would be cool if @/educatedwhimsy (no ping because i don’t want to bother Her if She’s busy) aka Her Royal Temperance won the Heiress election because as a cullee i think it would be incredibly cool and groundbreaking for a fellow cullee to hold the Imperial Offish
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The Beforus Ancestors
honestly, i didnt like how the drawings turned out. i searched for references for the ancestors but i didnt manage to draw them the way i wanted to. most of the designs are okay, though i still feel like some of them are missing something, like colors.
more info abt them ↓
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The Treasure Huntress (aka. Beforan Aradia) She was a very skilled adventurer and loved finding historic artifacts. She had a special taste for East Beforan art and culture. During her adventures, she met a violetblooded sea dweller who also had a fascination for history and dedicated his life to study and learn more about it. Together, they traveled along each other with the goal of learning more about the history of their planet, and eventually, they developed feelings for each other. However, the warmblooded girl was pale, while the coolblooded boy was red. The unspoken tension between each other lead to a fight, which ended in surprise on both sides over the admittance of feelings. Not wanting to disappoint each other, they agreed to just stay friends.
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The Guardian (Beforan Tavros) He he stood up for the rights of trolls in special needs, and by that, he was also heavily against culling (as in the Beforan meaning of culling), saying that nobody should be treated that way (as helpless and fragile, making them too dependant) and by doing that, they would be "hiding the truth of the world from the children" by basically being way too overprotective. He was a farm boy, living in the country sides with his moirail, who mainly took care of the stables. Their farm was open to public visits, and one day, a certain coolblooded visitor has caught his attention. He wished to re-encounter with the man someday. One day, he has suffered a very sudden mutation that made him sprout wings, with him finally being able to realize his dream of traveling the world to spread the word about the dangers of culling and the rights of trolls in special needs.
(please correct me if I got the wrong meaning of Beforan culling, as I will talk about it again)
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Radiical Psygamer (Beforan Sollux) He was, perhaps, the greatest programmer that Beforus has ever seen. With his magnificent skills, he was responsible for massively improving trolls’ technology and has contributed to the creation of a few robots and helped with the coding of various popular games. He was, however, a terrible teacher, given his introversion and general social awkwardness. He was a big figure in the world of console games and was the first to actively encourage girls to play games too.
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The Unculled (Beforan Karkat) Because of his rare candy red blood, no lusus wanted to raise him, leaving him there all alone. One day, he was found by a purpleblooded man who took him to his hive in hopes that someone would pick him. They waited, and waited, and waited… but no lusus came. Tired of waiting, the big troll decided to raise the grub himself. Because of his caretaker, the mutantblooded grew up to be loud, tough and intimidating, but had a big, friendly heart and cared for his loved ones a lot.
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Sharpeye Furrline (Beforan Nepeta) She was a very skilled huntress. According to herself, she only killed what she ate, and if she didn’t eat, killing them would be mean. She could hunt creatures from a very small size to ones that were the double of her own. One day, while hunting for her dinner, she has killed a creature that was going to become a Lusus of a small wriggler. Therefore, she has accidentally unlocked the rage of a coolblooded troll. Terrified, she knew she couldn’t fight back, so she ran as fast as she could, far away from that beach. No one knows what happened to her.
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The Seamstress (Beforan Kanaya) A rare jadeblood with a rare taste for fashion. She became known for her dresses with odd patterns, inspired by the landscapes around her. She also traveled in search of different sights and, consequently, more ideas for dresses. Her works have eventually caught the attention of the Empress, who offered her a job as her official seamstress.
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The Attorney (Beforan Terezi) She was a blind woman who did not allow her disability to hold her back. She fought back against Beforus’ culling policy and became a excellent lawyer. Dedicating herself to fight against crime and bring justice to maintain the order and peacefulness of her planet, she chased a mischievous pirate lady who seemed to cause trouble everywhere she passed. She was The Unculled’s matesprit.
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Arachnid Cap8tain (Beforan Vriska) A troublemaker who caused mischief together with her pirate crew. She considered The Attorney her rival, as she was the only one who insisted in chasing her and never gave up on her quest to capture the spider pirate. A completely platonic rivalry. She held a special interest for snooker and said that the Ball 8 was actually “her lucky ball”.
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The Horseman (Beforan Equius) A STRONG man who really liked horses. He lived in a farm with his moirail and was responsible for taking care of the stables. Because of his interest, they ended up having way too many horses, which resulted in them having to build a larger stable for all of them. He loved every single one of them and took great care of each one. He said he occasionally had dreams where he was half a man and half a horse (basically a centaur), which is the origin of his title.
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The Clownish Caretaker (Beforan Gamzee) He rescued lususless grubs and wrigglers with an absent lusus and took care of them temporarily, until a new lusus came to become their official guardian. Despite being tall, lanky and overall intimidating, he was a very sweet and cheerful man, and loved entertaining others. Just like others, he was also heavily against culling and said that “every motherfucker should know and be able to defend themselves.” One day, a lusus was coming to his hive to pick up a grub, but it was killed by Shapeye Furrline. The man never felt so much rage before. The pure platonic hate he held towards the woman was bigger than the amount of hate he thought he could feel. Despite that, and contrary to popular belief, he did not chase the lady and took him quite some time to calm down. He was responsible for raising The Unculled and made sure to treat him properly.
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The Historian (Beforan Eridan) A seadweller with a huge fascination for history, he dedicated his life to learn more about the mysteries of his world. He read diares and looked for accurate informations, instead of believing in telltale stories. He studied ancient walls and occasionally collected some artifacts, purely for research reasons, and that’s when he met The Treasure Huntress. They decided to travel together, and it did not take long for him to become flushed for her. Unfortunately, she did not return the feelings, instead being pale for him. They agreed to stay friends, but very deep inside, he was still a bit disappointed.
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Her Glorious Imperialist (Beforan Feferi) The ruler of Beforus. She was a very kind and sweet woman, undoubtedly one of the best rules Beforus has ever seen. She treated her people with fairness, yet despise that, she was pro-culling, saying that some should not face the dangers of the world. After offering a job for The Seamstress, she and the jadeblood grew close. Despite being the one in charge of the planet, she decided to take care of Arachnid Cap8tain herself, and being a seadweller, it wasn’t hard to find her. She still congratulated The Attorney for her efforts in chasing the troublemaker pirate.
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What if Vanitas has a fem! singer s/o that had the ability to influence emotions with her singing?
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It was chaos. The world had gone mad.
The curse-bearer they had encountered was too strong and too wild. Like a young animal unaware of its strength. Very fitting for the vampire child who had turned into a sudden giant.
“We have to do something!” Noé shouted above the sound of rubble. The spider like creature’s legs waving erratically and knocking into pillars, walls, and stone.
“I’m trying!” Vanitas shouted back. Shielding the dusts from his eyes to continue reading. “I can’t break through! Their mind is too clouded to break through to their name!”
As if in response, the creature roared out, either in anger or pain. Smashing the glass ceiling and causing a shower to rain down on all of you.
[Y/N] covered herself, but then felt a hard push before she fell to the ground. When she opened her eyes, Vanitas was laying over her. Protecting her with his body and cloak. “You have to do it.”
The young woman looked perplexed in the mayhem, but Vanitas seemed to steel himself and repeated. “You must get through to them. Use your ability to try and calm their mind, so I can recall their name. Sing for them.”
She was shocked at his requests. “You have never asked me to use it.” In fact, he specifically told her not to.
Aware of her special gift for formula manipulation through song, [Y/N] had the gift to not only change the world but also people’s minds. Chanson de Sirène. Vanitas forbade her from ever using it in his presence, if she wanted them to remain friends. Manipulated and forced too much in his life, Vanitas refused to have his will tainted again. The fact that he was asking [Y/N] to use it now proved his desperation.
“You know I can’t control it on a single target. You���ll be affected too.”
“Have faith in my ability to control my own mind.” Vanitas cockily replied. “Just get them calmed down enough I can break through. Surely there’s some song that usually works for culling the uncullable?”
There was no one song she knew, but there was one that might work. A lullaby. Her mother used to sing it to her.
Standing from the rubble, [Y/N] took a deep breath and began to sing. Her voice rang out. The monster stopping it’s rampage to listen, while the frightened throng of vampires scurrying at it’s feet all feel asleep one-by-one. Even Noé was no match for her siren song.
A bright blue light flashed behind the singer, and quickly the monster turned back into a young boy. Floating to the ground comfortably as it snoozed.
[Y/N] turned around towards Vanitas just in time for him to fall to his knees. “Darling!” She rushed to his side before he could fall any further. Worried he was injured.
“See. I told you.” He said. Clearly hanging on to the few precious moments he could fight his lover’s spell. “Have faith in my ability. To control my own mind.” He gave her one last cocky smirk before he lost. Falling instantly asleep in her arms.
[Y/N] sighed, but held him close as he slept for a few hours in her lap. She wished he had faith in her to be able to sing without using her ability. She did miss it. She supposed they would have to continue to work on trust, along with their partnership. At least for no he trusted her to use her abilities for good. That was a start.
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bonefall · 1 year
Oh wondrous grandpaw Bonefall, genetic slayer of bloated family trees, I must ask of you a question.
I’m working on a small fanclan at the moment, and while it grows to uncullable levels later on, I’m worried about genetic crossover as of now. There’s three clean cats not connected to the main family tree and I’m conflicted on what to do with them. Is it better for them to mate into the tree or have kits that then cat marry into the tree?
If you aren't also working with my self-imposed limitation of age gap rules, it's less of a concern to have the initial ancestor just stay on-hand until later.
But if you're already at the point where you're concerned, I'd definitely have the clean cats have a few clean kits. Now you suddenly have 2 or more characters to work with, instead of their parent who is just 1.
So the 3 cats can become 6 eligable characters, if you're also using my Two Kit Max rule (which I recommend because tracking THREE lines of descendants gets hairy)
But, only if these 3 clean cats DON'T end up with each other. Use a version of the Queen’s Rights to go one generation down with no other ancestors, for 6 free cats.
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[A letter arrives!]
“My my, have I found my pink friend? Awfully touched by your letters, my dear. Why don’t you come see me in person? It’s not like I have anything better to do, in fact, you’d be saving me from these uncul- rude people.
I look forward to our next communication :)
~ J.J.”
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"H- How the hell did he-?!"
"... Do I- Do I do it?? Do I go?!"
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anxiety-lemsbian · 3 months
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444names · 4 months
Names generated from English towns, fruits, and the English Wikipedia article on "List of types of killing"
Abanbridge Abanisms Acter Actingtree Alces Alform Algaeciety Aliendeley Alsalcombe Altrucide Amicide Ancide Anisms Artlange Arulert Arundley Ashbury Ashilton Atheir Atted Attleford Atton Autockton Auton Avunce...
Barnford Barnham Barnslow Basiticide Beacepton Beamilia Beason Bechley Bener Bents Berry Bevenoaks Bever Bicide Biley Bilsdenhold Biocience Bishead Blandictime Bluebers Bodmond Borough Bostead Botton Bracleford Brainfleet Brainston Breaton Brence Brent Bridge Bridporth Brighbried Bromford Brosses Brothert Broud Buckfield Buckington Bushden Caist Camble Camblesmer Camerton Canton Capaya Carick Caring Carnse Chatchwort Chelme Chelmsley Chers Chess Chestow Chill Chinch Chingham Choke Chore Chorne Cinderson Circh Cleford Cleshuntion Clitaya Cocide Colating Colativedon Colchere Colling Colythenley Combe Comberry Comberwick Comere Conisherly Contingdon Conutsford Cople Corries Coulsden Courporth Cravernmen Cribe Criffix Crimingham Crowley Croyal Culicial Dagenefit Daricide Darlbury Dartlanut Deater Demon Descomberry Destree Disgrought Disingford Divity Dorces Dovere Drocester Dunwanted Easons Easter Eastle Eccleato Ecclee Edmulbeach Egrease Eithilton Endere Episton Espore Evedon Exampton Exchat Exmouthport Falmercide Famage Famaton Feligious Felixstock Fernmen Ferry Ficant Fourbridge Fourch Fourn Fretonbury Fried Frien Fullow Gaine Gainster Genderms Genex Gentire Gillenhead Glossetton Gloston Godal Godming Godminstead Gorld Grandy Grasildrent Grave Gread Guicide Gynock Hadley Halton Harpests Harrowboror Hartington Harton Harwend Haslingston Hatcham Hawkingham Hayware Helmslow Hemen Hemies Henderm Hering Heroe Hincide Histon Holmes Homobicide Horne Horpe Horson Horwick Hourch Housess Housnesford Houth Huckfast Humangporth Hunster Hunticay Ilkesteen Ilkester Ilkeswick Ilmsley Immedlange Imminsfield Immon Inating Indivity Infect Infleet Inforder Inster Intestemice Inton Irton Jarringham Judicide Justicide Keigh Kenhale Kesborough Kesburton Keswort Keyningtony Kimbe Kimberry Kinfield Kirket Knarent Landon Lation Launtin Leach Lects Legater Leigatell Lewell Leworth Licide Lington Lishot Lisinfanton Liskeley Livent Lodderford Lough Loupers Ludge Lution Lutton Mable Mangosporth Mangporth Mannocide Manscombe Mansford Mashford Media Memberry Mereham Mereton Micestrough Miliarith Mitic Modbridge Modbrigh Mores Morpe Mothet Murden Nateplum Negligiouse Neglishot Nemaltham Nematrin Nepools Newenty Newmarlow Newporth Northley Nothernment Nuneapple Nuneatelf Ollinge Oranburton Oranneral Organimates Orshorside Othbury Pading Parendenhoe Passacread Pately Pathorpes Patrical Pediate Penhead Penhop Penicide Penritation Perber Perton Pertsey Peted Physiciall Picide Pingham Pollish Pooler Popediton Poreton Possop Potic Preven Prowle Rainsfield Rampton Rawtry Redia Relixstowes Rentime Rescommin Ringsbridge Riple Romley Rosehild Rusedgefit Rushton Sacrimsby Sally Sative Saxmundsor Seate Selsea Selsovey Selston Sevesham Shale Shill Siblin Signton Sites Skear Skerne Smethornall Socide Solitingham South Southbury Spenhead Spenwortle Sprowley Stableshill Stain Stairst Staple Stotton Stree Stroy Stural Sugar Swadhurs Swafford Swanard Systerford Systoftus Tadcarley Tarfruit Tauntin Tavicide Teigh Teley Tentford Tention Therbicide Thogplum Thorld Thorles Tiptonberry Tisbrook Tived Todests Totney Towent Twent Twich Uckley Uncull Undia Urbiton Uttes Utton Viructicide Wadel Wadhurceive Waine Wallingham Wally Walstown Waltby Waltructic Wanton Warring Warticide Warwen Washbury Watle Wednes Weedham Wendon Westead Wester Westnut Westrough Whavers Whites Widney Wigatest Wildford Winder Winds Wintelstone Winterm Wintree Wirket Withing Wived Wivese Wobury Wokingford Wottoxeted Wragging
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drippingheart · 2 months
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one , Megumi has a pet hamster.
Oh, how he would love that! Megumi has never had "pets" beside the stray animals he has taken care of; all of these animals either remained living outside or temporarily lived with him and his sister. Unless someone gives him a hamster, Megumi does not like pet stores in general as he finds them ethically wrong and would never purchase an animal from them.
two , Megumi is a theatre kid.
Megumi has no clue what this even means, thus is it incorrect.
three , Megumi is a cry baby.
Megumi can count the times he has cried with one hand, so no, he is not and never has been prone to cry. Even as a baby, he was rather docile and quiet, more inclined to laugh than to cry.
four , Megumi is the gay cousin.
Most likely yes, but no one knows of this.
five , Megumi is a great artist.
Dreadfully and comically incorrect. Actually, Megumi would love be a great artist, but his artistic skills have not evolved from when he was a toddler. No matter how much he tries ( and he does ) he can only draw little scribbles and stick figures.
one , If Suguru likes someone, he will give them a pretty rock.
Incorrect, but he may give them a pretty something that rhymes with rock. Ahem.
two , Suguru has punched a hole in their wall.
No, he has never done that nor would he ever. He has never experienced uncontrollable fits of rage; he's always been more inclined to be frustrated or depressed over angry enough for such violence. Furthermore, his parents likely would have slapped him until his face was raw if he ever destroyed their property. Even as an adult, he would never release his anger in such an impulsive ways. He has other targets to release his anger on if appropriate.
three, Suguru is in your house.
If he's in your home, RUN.
four , Suguru is a sleepwalker.
Incorrect. He does, however, talk in his sleep quite a bit.
five , Suguru has a diary that they write in with a glittery gel pen.
He has never had a diary nor has he owned a glitter pen, yet he has bought plenty of such pens for his daughters and could see the appeal if he was an ordinary human.
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blessed by : @godtorne :>
cursing : @thehonoredwon @limitlessscion @prudenze @strywoven
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gourdbiologist · 4 months
ok, NOW get unculled
Thanks for that anon
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ossifer · 11 months
the way to win at tumblr is to periodically commit purposeful missteps that shake your followers' faith in you, just the most dogshit posts imaginable, so that only the truest believers and unculled pornbots remain. you have to sculpt your audience like clay; you must resist the urge to shape yourself to the liking of others, and instead force them to confront the reality they may very well not like you at all, really. there are seven people who will read this and each of you know me truly. you, so anointed, my chosen saints
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thralloftimegaming · 2 years
November Gamedev Progress
AHhhhhhh! Another month over!? I have no idea where it went :(
I hope you're all doing great! (Cross posted from Patreon; https://www.patreon.com/posts/74059613 please go there if you want to see all the images without clickign, tumblr doesn’t like the size :’( )
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Changed the total number of Months from 13 to 12, added Seasons which last 3 Months. Seasons have weighted Weather so more Snow in the last one (Winter?), more Rain in the second one! (Spring?). Trying to come up with some other Weather events that wont be too disruptive. It was really foggy a few days ago so now I wanna try and code that X'D
This is the big one, what I spent most of this month working on;
I've set up a Save/Load system! I'll slowly give all the different major objects their own part but currently I've got Trees/Grass/Rocks/some system stuff all being recreated correctly in a loaded world!
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So in this gif I start a game, save (note the debug come up), quit to title (lacking a title XD), then start a new game; it's a different map! Then I quit again and load the saved world! <3 <3 <3
Got the first batch of Buildings stored! Buildings that Craft Items and those that Convert them all set!
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And also Benches and their tops work! This was an extra bit of challenge, since instead of just replacing a Bench with say the Distiller, I update it with a SubType, so I've added a check and a loop to the load code. If it creates a building with a SubType it will do a second go of the Creation code and it gets upgraded to a Distiller!
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There's still more to do with the Save system, I've been taking it slow to ensure that I don't mess anything up. Saving the customisation of Buildings that are made out of multiple parts like Houses is gonna be a challenge. I have an idea of how to do it, it's just getting it to work will be a pain.
Also saving the ownership data, say for a Goblin and it's Home/Work, or a Pet and it's Nest. I can't save the object ID between games so I'll have to use the object type and it's coordinates.
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Got Buildings Saving their Carpets/Rugs, should be able to store the Wall/Floor colours and Building Part placements (like Beds) the same way! But I am tired, and hungry, so maybe for next months update? :S
LOADS of little fixes here and there, such as;
Fixed a bug were Item shadow's were clipping underneath flooring and snow.
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Snow and Flooring now use the -bbox_top so they have a lower depth priority, and I added an offset to Item's depth (forgot I had to add it to the bounce code!)
Fixed a bug where Dry Grass wouldn't be recreated when Loading a game.
Fixed a bug where Dry Grass wouldn't spawn on Beaches.
Fixed a bug where loading a game would make fully grown trees sprout a new one each time you loaded.
Fixed Tall Grass not spawning in Swamp Biomes.
Updated the Culling System to properly cull Buildings that are made out of multiple parts, previously it just didn't cull them. Now when the main part gets culled all the other parts get culled into a part list that later gets checked when the master is unculled. Getting this to work with the Save/Load system though is gonna be a PAIN!
Fixed a bug where Houses would move when you saved and loaded :S
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Set up Flooring to give you a slight visible y offset, so it's like you're actually standing on something higher!
[gif wont post] https://i.imgur.com/87neQlA.mp4
Makes it more distinctive to Paving!
OOoo! This is better!
[gif wont post] https://i.imgur.com/UOUdl8B.gif
Swapped the offset on Paving for one on Flooring, and adjusted the Depth on JUST Flooring, so now you can stand behind the raised floor! :D
Got Snow set up for working on Roofing, noticed some issues with my Roofing autotiling, so I think I need to remake that from scrap. :(
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OK! Scrapped that Roofing because the thinner sections were giving me a massive headache trying to autotile. Made a much simpler one which was about all I could draw without tearing my hear out or the mouse out of the computer.
and it also works with snow! https://i.imgur.com/xiVyvDM.mp4
Might need to adjust the height a bit more, so trees and the statue don't clip through?
Adjusted the offset for drawing roofing, and changed the Create/Destroy selector to more accurately show that you are over roofing, looks better to me.
I also extended the height of the extra bit of Roof drawn on lowest so it connects with Walls, I might change that and instead put it as part of the Wall itself so it's like the wall is taller?
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I keep messing with them, I think this is better? Did some rework with how darkness works and layered up all lights so there's three levels of brightness from each source.
All in all not a bad months work!! XDXDXD
(apparently the feet should be here by the 4th?)
Thanks as always to my supporters and to you all reading this.
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I hope you all had a great month, keep being awesome everyone!! <3 <3 <3
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pumpkin-bread · 2 years
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Shot in the dark but would anyone be willing to trade for a coatl scroll?
You could have multiple of the lower-cost ones or a 1:1 trade for anything priced above 2kG as shown.
For example: Pearlshine + Rattius + Flight of the Wildfire, Rituals, or Unculled Wrath
Ornate Filigree + Wildfire, Rituals, or Unculled Wrath
Illustrious, etc
Please lmk! I want to finish a project and I am... UM rich...
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bully-shipping · 21 days
All of your trolls have really simple horns, that's kind of odd.
A lot of fan troll horns irk me tbh. These motherfuckers can't handle a red being slightly brighter than normal, there's no way in gloriously dank hell they would let such cancerous mutated messes out of the brood caverns unculled.
I think the fandom has gotten sooooooo fucking far from the canon they don't even consider it any more.
Nag's are supposed to look like pacman frog or Malaysian horned toad eyebrows points, Mezzie's r spider fangs, Aarvus has electricity / thunder bolt shapes, and Zestil's are just supposed to be generic demon shape cus hes a hellion arch type. I didn't just pull them out of my ass, they're like that on purpose.
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