#uncle rick if you can give me one thing. thats all i ask
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therestofmyfandoms · 1 year ago
istg i better see a little boy holding tightly to a slightly older girl's hand, both dressed in 1940s clothing, scurrying about in the background of the Lotus Casino. if i dont see a glimpse of the di Angelo siblings im going to lose my shit
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thankfulformystans · 4 years ago
Baby Blue
𝘈 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘭 𝘨𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵
Everyone expects me to be this perfect person. I mean hell will you be perfect if you saw your mom eat your brother and sister right in front of you?
From an outside prospective it seems fine. I mean I have a boyfriend, home, food and water which in a life ended world sounds amazing.
Though Carl doesn't understand my pain and where I come from. He uses the excuse "well everyone lost someone not just you." Yeah I understand that. But it was MY fault my siblings are dead. MINE. No one elses but me.
So her I am walking to find a place to be by myself. I know there is a lot of space in Alexandria, but there is people everywhere. Once I make it out of the gates and to my treehouse I start cutting
20 marks in total. 20 of my battles I lost. 20 bleeding cuts. 20 things to prove I am worthless. 20 is the number. 20.
I heard something climb up. I quickly clean the cuts and points my gun to the lader. "wow there missy don't shoot me please" Carl said then quickly realized I wasn't in the mood.
"how about we take a walk and talk. Dad lets me go alone now with an adult. Lets get your mind of things." He said with a small smile. "yeah that will be nice." I said quitely.
We finally made it to the main road walking around hoping a walker comes and attackes me.
"so um want to talk about it? or no?" Carl said. He is kind of awkward with these sections. Not knowing what to say or do. "no not really." I said quitely.
We walked for like an hour a good silent peaceful hour. That was until we bumped into a group. Happened to be my uncle Daryl and Carls dad Rick. "what are you to doing out here?" said my overly protective uncle.
"we took a walk to get our minds off of things." Carl says. "well lets go home it's getting late." Rick said. But you didn't want to go home so you spoke up. "can we walk for another hour or so?"
"its going to be dark time by then sunshine. I don't like you being out here. Hell with this boy and at night. Sorry sunshine." Daryl said. "I understand that umcle but I still need to take my mind of things."
"Sorry sunshine. Tomorrow you can first thing in the morning." He said. "I'll take you to walk tomorrow baby blue." Carl said.
Baby blue was a nickname my mom gave me when I was younger. Saying "when you need help or get lost find the sky baby blue." Since then mom,dad, my siblings and uncle Daryl calls you baby blue.
"why did you call me baby blue? Please don't call me that." You said not out of embarrassment but because baby blue is only a family thing. Well more like a mom to me thing.
"Daryl said that was your nickname your mom used to call you so I thought I can star-" you cut him off and basically yelled at Daryl "You told him! That wasn't your place to tell him!"
"Sorry baby blu-" but you quickly stopped him. "no. Don't call me that. Only mom,dad,marie and noah can call me that" Marie and Noah are my sister and brother. The ones that I watch died.
"but you used to let me call you that" Daryl said confused on the sudden changes. "Why are y'all fighting over a nickname." Rick said.
Oh I know he did not just say that. "its more then just a nickname. Its the only piece of my family I have of them." I said them clearly not understand.
"So what we all lost people Alisha! but I don't moop around and wait for me to die!" Carl said speaking loudly.
"MAYBE I JUST WANT TO DIE!" I yelled a little to loud. "Do you not understand where I am coming from? In 72 hours I lost my whole family! Y'all just expect me to be perfectly fine! Fine? I have to walk into my house knowing my family died there!"
Letting that out felt fine. But it wasn't all of it. I knew they know that so I continue "walking through those gates I feel like everyone in there hates me! Feels sympathy to me. Hell where were those people before? I am trapped! Trapped inside of my mind that I want to be out of! I hate this! I hate this stupid world. I hate this feeling. Hell I even hate breathing!"
Then they gave me that look. That look I hate. Sympathy. "please don't feel sorry for me." You said not wanting anymore sympathy. Carl came and hugged you. "I am sorry babe for what I said. I clearly don't think before I speak. Forgive me please" and he gave me the most adorable puppy eyes. "Fine but you have to do whatever I say for the next 24 hours" I said with a smile.
A real smile. A smile that wasn't fake. I haven't had a real smile in forever. I felt happy for once.
We went back after my whole blow up. I live alone now without my family. I am just making food for myself before Carl barge in.
"So I asked dad if I can move in with you. He said thats fine." He said with a smile.
"Really?" I said with a smile. I turned of the stove and went to give him a hug. I kissed him with so much love and passion.
"I love you Alisha so much. I will help you along the way in this new world." Carl states with a cheesey smile.
I then showed Carl my cuts. I wanted to show him. "I love you no matter what. But you cleaned them wrong. Let me clean them." and he went and cleaned them.
We spent the rest of the night cuddling. I love him so much.
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same! we were supposed to go last year, but we might actually go this year cause it been a really long time. i haven’t lost any close family to covid, which makes me really lucky. i’m so sorry to hear that you have.
(wait you’re friend was like 12 or 13 when she got married? i know it shouldn’t be that surprising given it’s India, but that doesn’t make it any more okay. i hope she’s doing okay though.)
i’m not too close with any of my uncles to confirm if that’s true though, tbh all my uncles kind of creep me out. but i can confirm that any indian man gets all the info from his wife lol
they did nico so dirty with the official art and don’t even get me started on annabeth. i’m glad the rick got the viria art licensed for his use though!
just bare acknowledgement that isn’t negative in telugu media is so much to ask for. i’m glad that dancee has it though- i might watch it!!
i still have a diary that I’ve been writing in since i was like 12 and it’s so fun to go back and read like gossip about all my old friends and the things that made me excited. it’s actually really helpful every time i get overwhelmed cause writing things down distracts me.
ahhh i forgot how jealous alec was in the books, especially in the mortal instruments! i do love the little cameos they had in the other series though. like in the infernal devices, magnus talks about how his type is black hair and blue eyes and then he ends up with alec (chefs kiss, good job cassie). i love their kids too, but i think the wedding in the books was a bit rushed. i know that in the show they do get married, but like there’s a whole plot line before that where alec has an arranged marriage to a woman and stuff so idk if I’d ever watch it lol.
i think we can formally declare this as a letter just for the fact of how long these are (i love it though! its like having multiple conversations at once).
i never thought of 5’8 as tall until i went to india and all my relatives were half my size lol. also sometimes i forget people online are like real humans, so now i’m trying to imagine you as a person but all i can’t think of is a literal 5’2 tree. anyway irl you would like be so tiny!! *crouches down awkwardly to give you a hug*
mwah (a sickly kiss cause i just got my second dose of the vaccine)
- indi <3
no, its okay, its just that im from rural areas so its pretty bad there.
(she turned 14 when she graduated and was married right before she turned 15, so thats not that great. my family's been keeping a lot of info about it from me so im worried, but i know someone wouldve told me if something happened. its sort of a helpless-til-something-happens scenario, so theres not much i can do)
lmao, yeah, for some reason im really close with a few of my uncles, so i get so much gossip from them. idk, i always migrate to the dads at indian functions, its the best place to be
omh no, nico was sooo ugly, like no sugarcoating about it, he was very very blech. later with his version of the magnus chase characters, i was like hmm okay not bad especially alex was pretty nice, but overall, i like fanart much better than the official art. aru shah was much, much better about that, specifically aiden looking Like That, definitely indian input on that
no yeah definitely. i just finished the first season, i dont think theyve done the second one yet, and theres one direct homophobic joke in one of the dances, and one as a little skit thing, so two out of the 47 episode first season isnt that bad! i skipped a few other skits though, so there may be more, but honestly who is watching those skits anyway.
lmao same, i have a diary ive been keeping since i was ~eleven, but i keep forgetting about it. like ill make one entry each day for a week and never again for two years, and repeat. i like writing out my thoughts and everything, so every time i remember that, i write in it, but otherwise not really. honestly, nowadays i dont even have time for it lol
AHHH exactly!!! when magnus is like hmm blue eyes, black hair is my type and straight up says not will fucking herondale though, and then later in the mini-series meets edmund with the same and cant help but help him, and then james with gold eyes and he's like gotta stay away from herondales even though theyre all my type and then alec with blue eyes and black hair but a LIGHTWOOD and hes like oh. oh fuck it all i just adhajshka i love it so much
i agree though, the wedding was a bit rushed, but the whole theme of it and everything was stunning, and especially since it felt like they got married as soon as they were allowed to, it was like ☹🥺 they just wanna be together forever 😭 but i think the plotline of the marriage was in the books, but it was at an engagement and alec was like ha no and made out with magnus. i think it was a lot sweeter in the show than it was in the books, the books were more panicked oh my angel im in love with magnus quick kiss me its an emergency
we can definitely declare this a letter, and i completely agree! it feels like i can talk about fifty things and once and you'll respond with fifty answers, its kind of amazing.
i am such. a smol tree. jusst a leetle boy. tiny tiny branches. *shakes in the wind* no DONNT WORY i am oka 👍🏽
mwah mwah (congrats on the vaccine!! now we can kiss for real :D i should be getting vaxxed near the end of the month, but we'll have to see!!)
love you indi <3
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sarasmiles7368 · 7 years ago
Tagged by the awesome @bisexual-eponine
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better
1. nicknames: Shorty, little one, papitas, rata (thats rat in Spanish)
2. gender: Female
3. star sign: Aquarius
4. height: 5'2 I'm smol
5. time:  1:44pm
6. birthday:  February 10
7. favourite bands: Fall Out Boy, Panic! At the Disco, My Chemical Romance, Bon Jovi, Weezer
8. favourite solo artist: Aaron Tveit, Samantha Barks, Josh Groban, Alessia Cara, Pink, Halsey
9. song stuck in my head: Never gonna give you up by Rick Astley (thanks for that @heytveit )
10. last movie i watched: My Big Fat Greek Wedding
11. last show i watched: The newest episode of NCIS
12. when did i create my blog: About December
13. what do i post:  A lot of things really but mostly post about feminism, fandom, shit post and pictures of beautiful people (mostly Aaron Tveit)
14. last thing i googled: Top 20 best puns (I'm in a pun war with my uncle)
15. do i have any other blogs: I can barley handle one, imagine me with two!
16. do i get asks: No. Please talk to me people
17. why i chose my url:  It started as a joke between my friends and I that no matter how full I am I will always make room for fries. The 97 cuz its my birth year
18. following:  About 50
19. followers:  48 (sup y'all)
20. average hours of sleep:  About 5-6 hours on a good night (insomnia sucks)
22. lucky number: 4, 14, 22
23. instruments: I can play the JAWS theme song on the piano and thats it
24. what am i wearing: A green T-shirt with pajama pants with owls wearing glasses
26. dream job:  I want to go into publishing. Imagine having a job were you read books for a living all day, everyday!
27. dream trip: EVERYWHERE! I want see the Parthenon in Greece, walk the Great Wall of China, see Versailles with my own two eyes and not on TV. I want to see it all
28. favourite food: Fries (obviously) and pizza
29. nationality:  Hispanic
30. favourite song right now: El amante- Nicky Jam
I tag @heytveit @ohtveit @queersunflowers @tuhvates @aaron-stahp-tveit @daveeddiggsit @enjonineprompts-blog @eponinexenjolras @little-miss-panic @missjondrette @official-enjolras @oliveoilorangejuice @poesreyofsunshine @pyromanicschizophrenic @schrodingerwasadicktocats @shaggy-stuttering-goblin @tveitpls @alanabecksgf @aboutbrendonurie @crashingbangingsmoking
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ryodan · 8 years ago
Do all evens!
1. selfie2. what would you name your future kids? Undecided??? I like the name Rayaan (not Ryan,, Rayaan which is the name of a river in the Islamic depiction of paradise) for boys? But undecided. 3. do you miss anyone?4. what are you looking forward to? Going home.5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?6. is it hard for you to get over someone? Surprisingly? Not really. 7. what was your life like last year?8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed? Yes, always when I’m on my period 9. who did you last see in person?10. are you good at hiding your feelings? Not really but it depends on who I’m with.11. are you listening to music right now?12. what is something you want right now? Not to fail my exams. Sushi.13. how do you feel right now?14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you? Yesterday. 15. personality description16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t? Yes, many times. 17. opinion on insecurities.18. do you miss how things were a year ago? Not really. 2 years ago tho? Yes.19. have you ever been to New York?20. what is your favourite song at the moment? Yes I’m changing by tame impala21. age and birthday?22. description of crush. He’s very attractive all my friends are like damn girl good taste?? Curly dark hair and blue eyes. Pretty tall. Very artistic, he’s a photographer who’s well traveled because he wins in competitions that have travel ticket prizes. Likes physics god bless. Is Algerian and I love Algerian men. I have 0 chances with him though because he happens to be my brothers friend and his brother happens to be my brothers room mate and best friend. He probably has too much dignity to ever romance me lmao. 23. fear(s)24. height: 5'5925. role model26. idol(s) Harry styles is just very kind and takes such pride in being unique and just being himself? The rest of one direction too except maybe Liam and zayn no shade no tea I love them but they are dumb. Malala yousef is a girl who payed the ultimate price for peace without being a pacifist. Fatima bint Muhammed (the daughter of the final prophet in Islam and a woman nicknamed the most beautiful one with the most generous of hearts for how charitable she was). Fatima Al fihri (the woman who opened the first ever university) Asia imraat phiraon (the wife of the Pharoah in the Islamic telling of the story who was tortured endlessly but refused to give up what she believed in..her last words as she smiled in the face of death were ‘God build for me a house in your paradise’ and he gave her a castle instead). Mary mother of Jesus (in the Islamic telling of the story, of course the mother of Jesus who endured endless slander but stood firm and confident in the face of adversity. The only woman who served in the temple of Solomon despite the sexist views back in the day, a woman so highly revered that the Quran says she is favoured by God above all women). Rufaida Al Aslamia (the first nurse to ever perform surgery). Angelina Jolie. Galileo. Abraham. (In the Islamic telling of the story, I just greatly appreciate how when his dad shunned him he said 'may peace be upon you ill ask my lord to forgive you’. Also that man is iconic and basically created the 3 most major ideologies of today??). Jesus (in the Islamic and Christian telling of the story, this man is just a hipster who wants peace and love and hates hate. I love him) Muhammed Ibn Abdullah (aka?? The most iconic man to have ever lived?? My prophet??? I converted to Islam and I’m just really glad that we have this beautiful generous man as our final prophet)27. things i hate28. i’ll love you if… you’re easy to talk to and we vibe. Plus if you have gud food resources.29. favourite film(s)30. favourite tv show(s) The Simpsons. The office. Futurama. Seinfeld. Friends. Rick and morty. GOT. Monk. Dexter. Scream queens. AHS.31. 3 random facts32. are your friends mainly girls or guys? Girls tbh. although I have guy friends too, girls just get me and I love us.33. something you want to learn34. most embarrassing moment my literal entire existence but my uncle caught me scratching my ass once at age 7. During my phallic stage I was caught by my brother being a weird kid in front of the mirror?? I leaned back from my school principal trying to kiss me on the cheek and she looked so offended. In a debate competition (which I won first place in muahaha) I accidentally said we should give bullies drugs in front of like a100 people. I laughed in a play and caused a domino effect. I’ve crashed into multiple glass doors with too many confidence. I’ve eaten chips laced with sewage water. I pretended i knew the lyrics to Hannah Montanas theme song so I could fit in with the Kool kidzz and got put on the spot only to sing 'you get the best of both worlds hottest nannaaananan’. I yelled at a bunch of Saudis a very racist slur (listen i was 11) and got a slap to the face in the middle of the supermarket. Got caught giving my friend a back massage in a shady place at school,, she was moaning,,,I was on top of her,,,you can guess what they assumed. Got caught pretending to be a worm with my best friend in the audio visual room?? We were acting out the worm kink fic. lucky me though, I have about 0 shame??? Like wow I have a pee problem that my teachers say I’m way too open about. When I went to the doctor and he expected me to be shy but I was like yeah man I piss a lot and nah it doesn’t burn my urethra,, he was very surprised at my lack of shame. So there’s that.35. favourite subject36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill? Live independently. Get a successful career. Do some research in my field 37. favourite actor/actress38. favourite comedian(s) fuck I do stand up so this is hard to narrow down. Louis Ck is a classic. Bo Burnham. Daniel Sloss. Russell Peters. David Chappell. Russell Howard. 39. favourite sport(s)40. favourite memory don’t really have one? Either playing in the snow in France? Visiting Disney for the first time? Playing with my brothers when our parents travelled? My first farawell party? Not sure tbh. 41. relationship status42. favourite book(s) A brief history of time. Energy the subtle concept. Astrophysics for people in a hurry. Everyday. Wonder. The complete works of Oscar Wilde. The Harry Potter series.43. favourite song ever44. age you get mistaken for: 22 lolol45. how you found out about your idol46. what my last text message says: my friend sent this 'My cousin’s aunts and grandma sent me a video where all of them talked to me personally in it and they reminded me of the memories we had and now im crying’47. turn ons48. turn offs: Loud eating. Loud breathing. Loud talking (even though it’s what I do). Talking over me. Being pompous. Being overly serious or stern. 49. where i want to be right now50. favourite picture of your idol. Can’t add that on phone.51. starsign52. something i’m talented at: I can sing (I’ve won a talent show!). I can draw although I’m not that great and it’s limited to Manga style drawings. I can write, specially targeted writing like articles and speeches. I can memorise things really fast bc eidetic memory so I’m always that fact bank my friends come to. Most importantly my number one talent is speaking. Sounds silly but talking is what I do best. Public speaking, stand up that makes people laugh and debates are always things I get first place in and it’s where I feel most confident in myself.53. 5 things that make me happy54. something thats worrying me at the moment: Exams. Exams. Exams. Exams. Exams. My future. Exams.55. tumblr friends56. favourite food(s) sushi and burgers 57. favourite animal(s)58. description of my best friend: she is 5'3. Has chestnut coloured hair and brown eyes. She’s pretty. Very Palestinian. Very funny. Very hard working. Like insanely hard working. Like teachers tell her to chill hardworking. Weird. A great listener. Secretive but I appreciate that about her since I’m secretive too. 59. why i joined tumblr60. ask me anything you want: go for it. Thanks anon! Hope my embarrassing feats don’t make you unfollow me.
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pelagaios-a · 8 years ago
♡ + powers
yet another hc meme || accepting
going to try and keep this as short as possible.
lmao good question nonnie. for this I’m actually going to mooch off my citta app since I have all his powers written out and stuff there !!! mooched from the wiki a bit this topic is rather broad and pretty well shows how generally overpowered Percy is, but this is a good question just to give people an idea since I’m sure a good portion of my followers don’t quite know who Percy is / how ridiculously op he is. to quote myself:
ABILITIES YOUR CHARACTER POSSESSES: Referred to as one of the most powerful demigods to date, Percy holds a wide breadth of powers related to his lineage, as his father is one of the Big Three…
why is this you may ask? well, it seems Rick Riordan ( referred to in the fandom as “rr” or “uncle rick” ) just knowns no chill and Percy just gets more and more powerful as the books go by. the general explanation and argument is that Percy has “always” had these powers and it just learning more and more as he goes. which, in part, does make sense. a lot of our understanding of his powers we have found through him stumbling across them himself. the way I explain this on his blog, and you will see pop up now and again, is that his powers ( the water related ones at least ) stem from one general ability since it’s not the most addressed topic in canon outside “he gets them from his dad.” in this blogs canon you need to almost imagine that he’s talking to it, asking. reading through the books ??? thats how I see it. Percy asks the water to do something and it does. “commands” could certainly be one way to say it as well, seeing as he is its “prince” of a sort ( which is also addressed in canon ). his father’s domain canonically listens to him due to his lineage. therefore, I don’t think this is to far off the mark.
so onto actual powers — Percy canonically has control over anything water based. when you look on this, think on this, you can start to see how ridiculous this is. almost everything on this planet is water based. no matter where you are there is water ( in the air, the water table, he can canonically create his own water, etc. ). then not only does he have a semblance of control over these things, but he gains a lot of benefits with them. one example is that while immersed in water he heals over a period of time length of which depends on the injury.
WATER-INDUCED ABILITIES: When in contact with or in the presence of water, Percy gains a disproportionate amount of superhuman clarity, strength, speed, agility, and endurance equaling a god and he has shown to be more powerful than Ares while in this state. However, this only lasts for a limited amount of time unless he is completely submerged in water. He also heals himself from any wound and most poisons when he comes into contact with water, the amount of water and time needed for the healing being proportionate to the severity of the wound.
HYDROKINESIS: With the power of the sea within him, Percy can control every form and great volumes of water, being even able to summon and heal his wounds and cure himself of most poisons with it. Percy can control water almost omnipotently. He can control it in order to make it explode, or use it to grab something, etc.
GENERAL HYDROKINESIS: He can create water from petrified seashells, as well as being able to create water with his own energy and summoning the “force of the ocean” to his will, as long as he concentrates hard enough. He can also harden water into an almost solid shape.
HYDROGENESIS: Percy can create water from his own power, though it takes much of his energy for him to do so. He uses this skill while creating his own personal hurricanes.
HEALING FACTOR: Since he is the son of Poseidon he can heal most wounds and cure most poisons when in contact with water.
WATER PROPULSION: He can control the water around him to propel himself through water. Percy can shoot water, not only from being in water, but he can blast the own water he creates.
UNDERWATER BREATHING: Percy can breathe underwater and diffuse the oxygen in the water to create oxygen bubbles that allow his non-hydrokinetic friends to breathe underwater.
WATER IMMUNITY: Percy can fall from great heights into water, and is unaffected by any amount of water pressure. He does not get wet if submerged in water, unless he wants to. Percy can dry items underwater (as long as he holds onto it), such as a lighter.
WATER SOLIDIFICATION: Percy can harden water into an almost solid shape. He can use this power to walk on water, by increasing the surface tension of the water to the point where it is solid enough for him to stand on, and water constructs. So far, he has demonstrated creating a strong water shield and on two instances he hardened the water into giant hands that followed and imitated the movements of his own hands.
and ignoring the water thing, his father is known as “the earthshaker.” in a historical sense, Greece is on a series of fault lines that run throughout the Mediterranean. a lot of seismic activity was through to have come from the sea itself, and the following seismic activity has repercussions along the coastlines. then there is the whole storm thing associated with the sea. Zeus may be god of the sky but within Greek mythos the water and everything around it belonged to the sea god. literally Poseidon is one of, if not the most, powerful gods in Greek mythos. a lot of who Poseidon is got passed onto Percy for no reason I can figure out other then he was the protag for five books and important for another five. he canonically again has some geokinesis / atmokinesis because of this. so yet again he grows more op. throw him anywhere you want and he is not powerless. you see where this is going ???
ATMOKINESIS: Percy can summon hurricanes and other types of storms, but the extent to which he can control them is as of yet unknown. Percy’s hurricanes have been shown to be powerful enough to douse the fires on Hyperion’s body, leaving the powerful Titan vulnerable to attack. By events later shown he is able to sustain the storm with less effort than his first use of the skill against the Titan Hyperion, although it still drains him over time.
ELECTROKINESIS (LIMITED): Percy used this skill unintentionally on one occasion, while creating his own miniature hurricane to fight Hyperion. Sparks of lightning appeared as his hurricane increased in power. His control of this ability, however, is far less than that of a child of Zeus and appears to be a limited side effect of his storms.
AEROKINESIS (LIMITED): Percy can summon strong winds, which he could use to create storms such as hurricanes and typhoons.
GEOKINESIS: Percy can generate earthquakes and (consequently) cause volcanic eruptions, but his control of this technique is less than that of a child of Hades.
looking on all of this you might go “well kat, thats a lot but thats all pretty simple. I don’t quite see where you’re going with this.” and friends let me tell you it gets better. rr really does get into the more technical pieces of this at times. Percy canonically bloodbends. think of the smaller things ( one example is poisons, they are water based ) and he has some control over it. he has even gone as far to pull water from plants / etc. then there was that whole debacle with the volcano which shows just how integrated his is into his fathers domain. heat / fire / etc. does not stand up to the sheer cold power of the ocean — lava only goes as far as the edge of the sea. it’s literally ridiculous. these are just a few pieces touched on in canon that really make you think on the greater scope of what Percy can do. ( other little things — talk to equines / water creatures, perfect bearings at sea, he possesses an innate awareness of any type of water vessel and can telekinetically operate it….. of a sort ).
CRYOKINESIS: Percy can use cryokinesis to a small degree. He is able to use the ice and snow around him to make an icy hurricane, as he does during the battle in Alaska. He can also manipulate frozen or icy water around him.
HEAT RESISTANCE: Percy has a far higher than normal resistance to heat and burns, similar to that of a Cyclops, due to his father’s oceanic nature. He was able to survive being engulfed by lava thrown by the telekhines, though it began to get more painful the longer he was in contact with it, as well not being killed by the super-heated steam from the eruption of Mount Saint Helens.
TOXIKINESIS (LIMITED): Percy can control and manipulate poisons. This is limited, though, as poison is only part water. The full extent of this power is unknown although he is able to control it well enough, when angry, to the point of terrifying others. Percy himself is scared of this power
Percy canonically is described as a “demon” when fighting / using his powers. hell, his name means “to destroy.” he took out a whole Roman legion single handed and caused general mass issue and thats all without the Curse of Achilles ( which he had for the fight against the Titans in the Battle of Manhattan which threw him even more out of proportion power wise ). you could say part of is the demigod thing ( ADHD = supernatural alertness and keen senses that keep him ready for, and alive, in battle. aka superhuman battle reflexes ) or the general enhanced physical condition of demigods ( faster, stronger, more agile and durable then a mortal ) but when it comes down to it a lot of blame I think can be blamed on who his father is. Percy is as he is because of the general ability to command his fathers domain. 
either way kid is still overpowered as all hell, especially since what we know he can do keeps on growing as each new book comes out… I hope this all makes sense and explains some stuff / my own thoughts cause I feel like this turned into a lecture.
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