#uncle iroh bc i love mr. tea man
ihopuhopwehop · 4 years
I like to see your take on one of this: we need more of this prompt
🔥Zutara 🌊
The Ember Island Players doing a play for the Fire Nation's Most Beloved Relationship, Firelord Zuko of the Fire Nation and Master Katara of the Southern Water Tribe, but the craze doubled when they didn't get together, or did they???
Basically, the whole Fire Nation and selected people from both the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribes creating a system that could get them access to other fan works of the two.
Sokka started it. He lives for a good dose of chaos.
Hello! Thank you so much for being so patient with me as I finish finals! I took my last one yesterday and submitted a ten-page essay :D I am now done!! And as such, I just finished this! I hope you enjoy it!!
I present...
Sokka had done a good thing today. Or rather an entertaining thing. He sold his sister out. That’s right, her and Firelord Zuko want to have a secret relationship behind his back while he’s out training warriors in the South Pole, then they’re gonna get what’s coming.
Really, if they had just told him themselves he would have been fine with it…eventually, but having them trust him enough to tell him would have helped him get over it a lot quicker BUT NO instead he found out through Uncle Iroh making an offhanded comment about their children being called steambabies and Sokka being understandably confused and Uncle Iroh nonchalantly mentioning that they were a couple now.
Sokka, at the time, had been so surprised that he spit out his bite of fried armadillo bear meat, which was unfortunate really because Fire Nation cuisine had so many new and delectable flavors. Uncle Iroh had looked alarmed when he realized Sokka had not been told yet, but Sokka really wasn’t paying attention to Iroh’s supposed to-be soothing parables as he figured that must have been why Katara had decided to stay in the Fire Nation this time around instead of coming back home with him. It must also be why Aang had been in a particularly foul mood the last few weeks.
Sokka was brought back to the present as the man at the booth handed him a plump bag of coins.
“Thanks for the tip kid, this play is sure to be a hit. So many people shipped them together already.”
Sokka inwardly blanched at that, knowing that must mean Katara and Zuko were out in public together a lot, but he pushed that thought aside to continue the conversation.
“No problem. Let me know how it goes. Oh and if you could send a script over to King Bumi of the Earth Kingdom, that’d be great. He’s always looking for romance novels to read.”
The greasy man looked at him like he was crazy to suggest sending a king this type of play but nodded his head none-the-less.
“Will do. —” The man paused, “Say, aren’t you Master Katara’s brother?”
Sokka smirked, “That I am. That I am, kind sir.” Sokka then realized he couldn’t let his sister know it was him who released the play, so he held up his boomerang and pointed it at the man’s head, “But you can’t tell her anything! She’d kill me if she knew I told.”
The man’s eyebrows raised in surprise, “So it’s true? Firelord Zuko and Master Katara of the Southern WaterTribe are dating?”
Sokka reeled at that, “No, no! Er, no, I mean, maybe? Who knows, only time will tell, bye now!”
And with that he turned on his heel, proud of his recovery of that conversation.
Katara stormed into Zuko’s meeting room the minute the last fire sage ambled out.
“What the spirits is this?” She asked as she slammed a flyer for ZUTARA:THE MUSICAL down on the large marble table.
Zuko raised an eyebrow as his eyes swept over the page. He was about to respond to her inquiry when she continued in her rage, “Did you tell someone?!?”
Zuko stepped back a space to put a little more distance between her anger and himself, “No of course not! Did you?”
She ran a hand through her dark curls, narrowly avoiding getting them caught in her braids, “Would I be this mad if I told? Of course, I didn’t tell! I haven’t even told Sokka yet!”
That was when Zuko remembered something that he knew would cause a problem from them. He sighed loudly and drug a hand down his face, “We need Uncle in here.” He turned to his assistant standing a few paces behind him in the corner, “Could you please tell my Uncle his presence is requested in the Peace Meeting Room?” As the assistant nodded and turned to leave, Zuko offered a kind ‘thank you’ and turned back to Katara.
“I think Iroh knows.”
Katara looked shocked but then composed herself, realizing it would have only been a matter of time before he knew since they were always working in close quarters anyway.
“What makes you think he knows?” She asked as she moved to sit down in a previously vacated seat.
Zuko didn’t answer for a minute and Katara realized he looked a little embarrassed. “What Zuko? Why would he know?”  
“I believe he was having tea in the garden when we were watching the turtleducks last week. I hadn’t noticed he was there until he mentioned during our weekly tea time that sleeping by the pond may not be the safest thing to do, but he was glad I had a waterbender by my side to do it.”
Katara groaned, “Of course Iroh knows! He’s too smart not too!” Katara then paused as she remembered the day by the pond. Her and Zuko had gone to watch the turtleducks and fell asleep in each other’s arms. Then when they had woken up, her and Zuko chased each other around the pond, which ended up in her pushing him into the pond with his full Firelord Regala on. It was hilarious watching the turtleducks swim up to him as he pouted in the water.
She giggled a little as she thought of his face and noticed Zuko’s features soften in real time.
“We’ll figure it out Kat. Plus, he was bound to know sometime right? As long as he didn’t tell anyone else…”
“But who told! Do you think it was one of the guards? Or your assistant?”
“They’ve been instructed not to, I highly doubt they would disobey my orders on something like this.”
She raised an eyebrow, “’something like this’?” She questioned.
Zuko grimaced knowing he had said the wrong words, “Something that isn’t relevant to war, peace, or the outcome of humanity. Us dating isn’t a big deal unless we get engaged or the public finds out too soon.”
Katara pursed her lips, “Maybe not a big deal to you, but I had to turn down the Avatar. That’s bound to have some repercussions if people find out.”
Zuko shook his head, “You turned down Aang, our friend.”
Katara was starting to get angry, “Yeah, our friend, The Avatar, who thought it was his destiny to marry me! You don’t think Aang would have told just to get back at us do you? I don’t think he would but if he was hurt enough…” Katara trailed off worriedly.
“I highly doubt he had time to tell anyone. He went with Toph to the Western Air Temple to restore the architecture, he would have had his hands full with that.”
Katara nodded slightly thinking over who could have told, but the only people that had appeared to know were the palace workers, Iroh, and Aang.
Zuko sat down beside her, putting a hand over the one she had resting on the table. “We’ll figure it out Kat. For now let’s talk to Uncle and see if he knows anything.” Just as he leaned forward to give her a kiss, he noticed his Uncle shuffle through the large, oval doors. He pulled back and tried not to smirk at Katara’s disappointed face.
His Uncle chuckled, “Don’t stop on my account Nephew. I got an eyeful last week.”
Zuko scowled at him, “Uncle, tell me you didn’t tell anyone?”
His Uncle took on a guilty face causing Katara to bang her head on the table and Zuko to groan.
“It was an accident! I was having lunch with Master Katara’s brother upon his arrival yesterday, and he pulled it out of me! He is a master of persuasion that one.”
Katara chuckled, but then stopped as she realized this meant that Sokka knows. “Sokka knows? As in, he knows?!”
She stood up abruptly, “What did you tell him?!”
Uncle Iroh looked sheepish, “Er. That your children would be called steambabies.”
Katara gaped while Zuko flushed in embarrassment, “Uncle! You didn’t!”
“Ah. But I did. So sorry Zuko, but a friend of mine from the Northern Water Tribe sent me a scroll that a student of his had written about you and Lady Katara that mentioned the clever name. Apparently, many people are speculating on your relationship. Some even encourage it by writing.”
Zuko furrowed his brow, “What do you mean “encourage it by writing?”
His Uncle smiled, “I mean romance scrolls, nephew.”
Zuko banged his head on the table while Katara gasped slightly. “You mean people are writing stories about us! What kind of stories! How did they even know? I hope my dad hasn’t heard about this yet.”
“Ah, the soul of the world is always searching for new love. Especially when a good story, such as two royals come about. Adds dramatic effect.”
At this Zuko grabbed the previously forgotten flyer and slid it harshly towards his Uncle, “Did you have anything to do with this Uncle?”
His Uncle beamed, “No, but I wish I had. A musical! How creative!”
Katara and Zuko both groaned.
After a short pause of her and Zuko thinking, and Iroh requesting a pot of Jasmine tea, Katara spoke again, “We need to speak to Sokka.”
Sokka strolled happily back up the steps of his sister’s boyfriend’s palace and was met with a guard and a servant.
“Master Sokka of the Southern Water Tribe, your presence is requested in Lady Katara’s living quarters.”
Sokka smirked, knowing he was about to tease his sister beyond belief. That, or freak out, depending on what she was doing with Zuko when he got there.
“Alright, is she, alone, by chance?”
The servant hesitated before answering, “I believe she is with Firelord Zuko and Royal Advisor and Dragon of the West, Iroh Sozin.”
Sokka furrowed his brows in confusion over Iroh being there but didn’t think much of it as he ascended the steps towards her bedroom.
He slammed both doors open as he strutted through the door, “Hello Princess Master Katara of the Southern Water Tribe, daughter of Chief Hakoda, sister of the handsome Master Sokka, friend of the Avatar, and girlfriend to���”
Katara interrupted his speech unfortunately, with Uncle Iroh watching in pleased amusement. “Alright we get it, you know. But did you tell anyone Sokka, because if you did, so help me…”
Before she could roll out any threat Sokka interrupted her, “Excuse me! If you had just told me yourself this wouldn’t have happened!”
Katara’s eyes narrowed as Zuko raised his brow in surprise, “What wouldn’t have happened Sokka?”
He stuttered, “Er- uh, I wouldn’t have choked on my armadillo bear meat?”
Iroh nodded sagely, remembering the night before.  
“Sokka,” she said in warning, drawing out the last syllable of his name.
“Ok, alright fine! I implied you were dating but I didn’t confirm it! I left it up to the viewers discretion!”
Katara and Zuko both looked surprised and then turned to anger.
“Sokka! —” Zuko started.
“You did this?!” Katara finished punctuating her sentence with thrusting a paper at him.
He looked down at the paper to see a flyer for the musical, “Man, word travels fast here.” He mumbled under his breath.
“Yeah word does travel fast here, and because of you people know that their nation’s leader is dating the daughter of the Southern Water Tribe! Do you know what this could do?! Other nations could be mad that they found out so callously, think that the Water Tribe will get more resources because of our relationship, or Agni, even be mad she’s not dating the Avatar! Why would you do this?!” Zuko asked raising his voice.
“Hey! If you guys had just told me from the beginning that you were dating, no one else would have had to know! Instead I find out because you are having steambabies!”
“I was planning to tell you when you got here, but Iroh beat me to it! And besides, we just wanted some privacy before everyone else found out! Is that so bad?” Katara asked, feeling guilty for not telling her family yet, but knowing she wouldn’t take back the last few weeks for anything.
“How long has this been going on?” Sokka asked angrily when he noticed Zuko reach out to touch Katara’s elbow. His eyes flashed between the two of them.
Katara hesitated while Zuko answered quietly, “about a month and a half.”
Sokka blanched, “Before I even left! What, you couldn’t even write me a letter Katara or or—explain why you didn’t come back with me?! I had to explain to the tribe that their princess was staying with the Firelord for some unknown reason! And not to mention Aang stopped by and was moody all week leaving everyone to believe something happened between you two, and I still had no idea why my sister wasn’t there with me.”
Sokka realized he wasn’t hurt because they wanted privacy, he was hurt that Katara had chosen not to tell him why she was abandoning their trip back home.
Sokka was pulled out of his head when Katara placed a hand on his shoulder, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the reason I wasn’t going back yet. I just wanted some time alone to sort things out with Zuko and figure out the best way to tell you and the tribe I was dating the Firelord. Can you forgive me?”
Sokka thought about it for a second before nodding petulantly.
Katara quirked a smile, “Good. Because I need you to meet my boyfriend.” Katara was now smirking and Zuko was beaming at her.
Sokka gagged, “Gross! Don’t go all googly-eyed in front of me Sparky!”
Katara laughed, “Then you’re really not going to like this!” Katara let go of his shoulder and crossed the room to kiss Zuko passionately with Sokka gaping and Uncle Iroh chuckling.
“Eww! Oogies! Stop, stop! You just told me, ease me into the affection won’t you!” Sokka covered his eyes and only looked up when he heard Katara laughing and Zuko turning red from embarrassment.
“Like you and Suki don’t kiss all the time!” Katara waggled her eyebrows as Iroh stood up.
“Ah, young love. Lovely to be but hard to see.” He said as he ambled out the door with a short wave to them all.
They all burst out laughing at his odd parable and then continued chatting into the night, including Katara explaining what happened between her and Aang and Sokka giving Zuko a warning not to hurt his sister.
A servant walked up to the throne of Earth King Bumi and bowed as he bestowed a scroll to him.
Bumi quirked an eyebrow at the unexpected mail and snatched it out of his friends’ hand.
His eyes widened in joy as he read the title of ZUTARA: A MUSICAL. His hooting laugh and a few snorts echoed throughout the room as he continued reading the dialogue between Master Katara and Firelord Zuko.
“Zu Li, send a copy of this dialogue to Piandao of the Fire Nation, Pakku of the Northern and Southern Water Tribe, and…Toph Beifong of the Beifong Family. They will be sure to enjoy this script.” He continued snorting as the servant made to take and copy the scroll.
Master Piandao was not surprised to learn that his former pupil and current Firelord, Zuko, was dating Master Katara of the Southern Water Tribe. Before the final battle of the war, they had seemed very close to each other. He was only surprised it took them this long to figure everything out. None-the-less, he thought it a good idea to stop by the play, especially since Ember Island was not far from his vacation home. He could use a good vacation and a play to lighten his spirits.
He packed up his carry-on, including a sword gifted to him by Sokka, created by his metal bending friend, and boarded a faery across the way.
Mater Pakku of the Northern and Southern Water Tribe scanned the scroll King Bumi had sent him, wondering why on earth the crazy king would choose to send a play about his granddaughter dating the Firelord to him. Was this a hint? He thought. Did King Bumi know something he didn’t?
There was only one way to find out.
Attend the Musical that would be played in two days’ time. Hopefully the fire nation will be able to clear a few things up for him. He packed up his things, kissed Kanna goodbye, saying he had business to attend to in the Fire Nation, and readied the ship that would take him to Ember Island. He decided not to tell Kanna about her granddaughter’s happenings unless something was actually happening.
Aang brought a scroll that had been delivered to the Western Air Temple for Toph, over to her handmade earth house and walked in without knocking.
“Toph! You have a letter!” He called as he moved into the house and rummaged through her cabinets for some fresh fruit.
“Twinkle Toes, we’ve been over this, I’m blind! You’re going to have to read it to me.” Toph said as she moved into the kitchen to sit at the table across from where Aang had sat to eat her food.
Aang sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, “Right. Sorry. Um, okay…” He went to unroll the scroll and promptly frowned at what he saw. ZUATARA: THE MUSICAL? Had Katara and Zuko already announced they were dating? He knew they were but they had said they would give him a warning before they told everyone so that he would be prepared for the questions about his and Katara’s own failed relationship.
“What is it?” Toph asked curiously as she noticed Aang heartbeat pick up.
“Um.” He had yet to tell Toph that Katara and Zuko were dating and he wasn’t sure it was his place to do so. But if they can publish a play about it, surely he could tell Toph.
“King Bumi sent a script of a play. Um, a musical to be exact.”
Toph’s face brightened, “Really! What is it this time!? He sent me a few leaflets a few weeks ago, I’ve been waiting for more!”  [pretend that braille is a thing back then and that king bumi normally sends her stories made with earth that has braille on it :)]
Aang scratched the back of his head again, “Zutara.” He mumbled quietly. He was surprised when Toph’s smile got even wider.
“No way! Did they finally get their crap together? Or is it just another romance scroll that ships them?”
Aang spluttered, “another romance scroll? You mean there’s more of Zuko and Katara?”
Toph schooled her features, “No. There is none of Zuko and Katara. Speaking of which, how are you and Katara doing, by the way?”
She noticed his heartbeat pick up again and wondered if that was a good or bad thing.
“We uh—well we broke up I guess? We were never really official, but I had assumed we would be together, but she rejected me several weeks ago because she said her and Zuko were dating…” He trailed off at Toph’s excited, “Alright!!”
He stared at her for a moment until she continued, “I mean. I’m sorry you and Sugar Queen didn’t work out Twinkle Toes, but really it’s for the best. No offence. Zuko and Katara have been dancing around their feelings for each other for ages and then when he took that bolt of lightening for her, I just knew they would be together! But anyways, how are you handling this?”
“I mean, I’m okay now. It was hard at first because it was so unexpected but then they said they would wait to tell everyone so I could have some time to get myself together. Guess that only meant a few weeks though if they are okay with a musical being made about them.”
“No way, this has Snoozles written all over it. I bet he found out and wanted to mess with them.”
Aang hadn’t considered that Sokka did not know yet, but if he had found out, he was sure Sokka would do something to cause drama. There was a lull in the conversation as Toph and Aang both thought about what the musical meant.
“There’s only one way to find out if they’re telling people.”
Aang sighed, “We have to go, don’t we?”
Toph let out a decidedly more girly grunt then Aang had ever heard her make and she jumped up from the table, “Let’s go see a musical!!”
Aang smirked, “You’re blind Sifu Toph, you can’t see a musical.”
“Spirits, Aang, you can see, can’t you? So my point still stands! Maybe we’ll even get a seat on the ground floor so I can see!”
Aang shook his head while Toph ran back towards her room to begin packing. He was excited to be getting a short break but seeing a musical about how his forever girl chose someone else was not what he had in mind. Oh well, Toph would need someone to steer Appa.
Uncle Iroh had bought 2 extra tickets for the musical. He had received letters from Piandao and Pakku stating they would be coming this weekend to catch the musical. He wrote back saying he secured a seat for them both, while ignoring Pakku’s questions about his nephew and Pakku’s granddaughter’s relationship. Pakku would find out soon enough.
He also secured enough bags of fireflakes to enjoy throughout the play, along with some ginseng tea for himself. Dinner and a show were Iroh’s cup of tea.
He noticed that Sokka had also secured two extra tickets, though Iroh was not sure whether it was for Toph and Aang or perhaps Suki and someone else. But he would find out soon enough.
Katara’s POV:
Zuko and Katara had debated on whether or not they should go. If they went, they could play off the musical as a joke, but if they didn’t there would be no news to confirm it either. In the end, Sokka had convinced them to go so he could brag about his playwriting skills, even if Katara thought it was weird that her brother wrote a romance play about her.
Sokka had also warned her that Aang and Toph would be coming, which worried Katara, at least for Aang’s sake, but also upped their credibility if they decided to play it off as a funny musical with no truth to it.
None-the-less she was excited to have almost the whole gang together again, even if for something as stupid as a musical. Though, Katara thought it was a better reason to be together than because of a raging war.
It was now the first showing of ZUTARA: A MUSICAL and Sokka was thriving.
He was an hour early to his written show and already half the auditorium was filled. He had also gone backstage to see how the Ember Island Players created costumes and such, and they had done spectacular, though Zuko’s scar was still on the wrong side. Sokka thought that added comedic effect so he left it be.
Just then someone punched him in the arm, making his spill his bag of fireflakes.
“Ow! Watch it— oh, its you.” He said to Toph petulantly.
Toph grinned, “Hello Snoozles. How’s the play coming?”
Sokka grinned, “It’s great the costumes are amazing! They left Zuko’s scar on the wrong side like before.”
Toph chuckled, “Classic. Now where’s Sugar Queen and Sparky?”
“Zuko’s coming with Iroh later and Katara went to the bathroom. She thought it’d be better for them to come separately.”
Toph raised her eyebrows, “Wait so they aren’t dating?”
“Shh!!” Sokka whispered, though no one was around their families seat since Zuko let them sit in a Royal Suite. He then leaned closer to Toph to continue their conversation, “They are dating but they don’t want to announce it yet. And anyways, where’s Aang? I thought he was coming?”
“He went to get some more fireflakes.”
Sokka pouted, “I wish I had fireflakes, but somebody just had to punch them out of my hand!”
Toph snickered, “Stop whining. You’re a guest to the FireLord, just order someone to get some more for you.”
Sokka looked aghast, “I’m not going to order them to do it, I’ll just ask Aang for some of his. We can share like old times.”
Toph smiled lightly, “Hopefully this play will end better than the other one.”
“If they kept my ending the same, it should.” Sokka assured.
Just then Katara, Aang, and Pakku walked in. Sokka was surprised to see his step-grandfather in the fire nation.
“Pakku?! What are you doing here?”
Sokka stood to greet him and noticed him eyeballing Katara and Aang chatting amicably in the doorway.
Pakku smiled slightly, “I came to see if the rumor about my granddaughter was true, though judging by her and Aang, I’d say they are not.”
Sokka replied after he hugged Pakku, “Oh no. They are, the people just don’t know it yet, so if you could keep it on the down low that’d be great.”
Pakku looked at Sokka like he was 400-foot-tall purple platypus-bear with pink horns and silver wings.
“What do you mean they’re true!?! Katara is dating Zuko, the FIRELORD!?” Pakku’s outrage was met with four people shushing him before Katara came over to explain.
“Pakku, I’m sorry we didn’t tell you sooner, but we wanted to work everything out first and then tell the tribe. No body else knows besides those in this booth, so please don’t tell anyone else, not even Gran-Gran.”
Pakku opened his mouth to argue until Aang came up and hugged him. “Long time no see Master Pakku. How are things in the Poles?”
That was enough to distract Pakku for the moment, which Katara was thankful for.
Zuko had on his casual FireLord Tunic, instead of the entire ensemble. Uncle Iroh had said casual wear would be fine for the night since it was not a peace meeting or something like it. It was just a night on the town.
Even so, Zuko kept fidgeting with the edge of his sleeves. He was so nervous. He didn’t want to make a mistake and accidently kiss Katara in front of everyone and he also didn’t know how the play would turn out. It was nerve-wracking, especially knowing Pakku and Piandao were also here to see the play about a rumored romance regarding himself.
He thought it really weird.
As he walked beside Uncle and Piandao into the Ember Island auditorium and up the steps to the royal suite, he couldn’t help but get more nervous as camera’s shuttered around them. [I don’t know if cameras were a thing back then but if LOK can have everything they did, surely some type of camera would have been invented, even if it’s a crappy one]
He made sure to stand tall and not look directly at them so he could avoid any unwanted questioning and when he made it into the suite, he sat in between Sokka and Uncle so that no one would suspect anything of his and Katara.
But it was so hard.
He really wanted to hold her hand or something, but with Pakku behind him and the possibility of someone seeing him, he didn’t risk it.
And it seemed Sokka was enjoying his torture because he kept throwing slick glances his way and then failing to suppress a smirk.
Katara chewed on her lip as the lights finally went down. She was worried about Pakku threatening Zuko, about the play, and about what the public would say. She hoped they would accept them being together, but she knew it wouldn’t be that easy. Especially because she was a waterbender from the South Pole.
Either way, she pushed these thoughts aside to focus on what Sokka called his “creative genius”.
 His creative genius disappointed her as her character’s first song was about hope. She threw Sokka a hard glare as she noticed both him and Zuko trying to suppress their laughter. They weren’t very good at it, and when Toph starting laughing loudly, they too burst into uncontrollable laughter. She smacked both of them on the back of the head and then faced forward with her arms crossed. She thought she even heard Aang giggling and that just made it all worse.
Several scenes later and now Katara was the one smirking. The play had Zuko’s character singing about teen angst and turtle ducks, which she found hilarious because only Zuko’s friends would know that the angsty Firelord truly adored turtle ducks.
Her, Sokka, and Aang all shared a look before glancing at Zuko and when his face shifted into a scowl, they couldn’t help but burst into raucous laughter, with Uncle Iroh, Piandao, and Toph joining in.
Zuko scowled even further.
It seemed Sokka had based a lot of the story from real life events that were dramatized.
Instead of Aunt Wu predicting she’d marry a “powerful bender”, he changed it to a “powerful firebender” but then ended that scene with Aunt Wu being wrong about everything so Katara wasn’t sure why Sokka would even change it if he was just going to discredit Aunt Wu anyways.
 He had Zuko save Katara from falling rocks, but instead of her real reply of “Okay, you can get off me now!” Sokka changed it to, “Oh Zuko! You have given me rock hard hope!” Causing everyone to groan and Katara to flick Sokka on the harm.
 Instead of Zuko saying “I’m never happy”, Sokka changed it to “I’m only happy with Katara.” The actor for Zuko had added a dramatic hair flip after he said the line, which had Katara giggling.
 At one point, Sokka had written Zuko singing a song with the phrase, “That’s rough buddy” after each character of Team Avatar revealed something that had happened before Zuko joined the group. Both Zuko and Sokka had shared a glance and a laugh when that happened, though Katara wasn’t sure what the significance was.
 Really, the play was overly dramatic and ridiculous, but it was quite funny, especially if you knew what actually happened and knew Sokka changed it to be lighter than it actually was at the time. It helped Katara think back on those hard days without as much sadness as she normally had when she thought about them.
Nearing the end, Katara was thankful that Sokka had not included Zuko being struck with lightening from his own sister…Katara didn’t know if any of them could handle that, but especially not the members of the Fire Nation Royal Family.
 The closing scene was very ambiguous, which Katara was grateful for. It would make playing it off as a joke much easier.
It ended much how the end of the war had, with Zuko and Aang speaking to the crowd and Suki, Sokka, Toph, and herself holding hands behind them while they finished their song about peace.
The final note ended and the entire theatre blew up in applause and whistles. Eventually, the audience stood up and continued their praise, with Sokka bowing theatrically even though no one knew he had written the play.
Katara politely clapped while she caught Zuko’s eye. He nodded his head at her and she smiled back at him.
As the group descended the stairs from the Royal Booth, they were surrounded by a large crowd of people asking questions. The main one being if Katara and Zuko were a couple. One person even asked if Toph and Aang were a couple, which had both of the young teens blushing furiously.
Zuko’s only comment was that the musical was very well written and he hoped that whoever the playwright was, they had more in store for the Ember Island players.
Katara said the play was dramatic and that the humor was a lot like her brother’s.
The group thought they were in the clear and headed towards the main doors…
until Uncle Iroh stopped Katara in front of the ostrich horses they rode on and very publicly asked her if she would be joining his nephew for dinner tonight, leaving everyone to groan and the reporters to swarm again.
also, thank you to @clarensjoy for teaching me how to do the “keep reading” thing lol  it helped a lot. 
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ihopuhopwehop · 4 years
I know I know we’re not supposed to ship zutara but I really ship zutara. But you know what I ship even more?
No one.
Literally why did any members of the gaang have to end up with anyone (besides Suki and Sokka bc they were already dating).
Why did Katara have to end up with Aang? And Zuko with Mai? Why couldn’t Katara not date/take care of anyone at the end of the war, or better yet, why couldn’t Aang not date anyone? He’s TWELVE (yeah yeah 112 but maturity wise...he’s twelve) he really didn’t need to be in a committed romantic relationship. He was traumatized and Katara was traumatized. All of them were, why couldn’t they take some time alone without serious commitment to each other?
And what about Zuko? He had just become Fire Lord and was still recovering from an injury created by his insane sister, had to deal with his no-bend father, and all of the responsibilities of governing a nation at the age of sixteen. Why did he need to end up with someone right then?
Not to mention he didn’t even know Mai was there and then they’re just kissing? Like what? That’s not really relevant to my point that just always confused me.
Why couldn’t they take time to grow and then decide what’s best for them? They had been forced to make so many hard and fast decisions all their life due to traumatic and unforeseen circumstances, why couldn’t they take this one thing they actually have control over and try to make it the best they can instead of being thrust into it before they’ve even mentally and emotionally healed from a war that affected them as children and as teenagers?
I vote no one (mainly Zuko, Katara, and Aang) ends up together in the ATLA show finale. I vote they go to therapy, learn more about themselves and what they need, and then maybe think about dating.
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