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auselessmage · 1 year ago
Been playing Mameda Bakeru since I’ve been looking forward to it for a while and I’m having a pretty good time all things considered! I discovered a creechure called an Unchiku and I do indeed adore them
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They also tell you neat little facts! I did actually learn some things too. Apparently, June 1st is Milk Day, October 1st is Coffee day, and in the middle of them both, August 1st, is Café au Lait day. Definitely not something I’d think about often, but it’s always neat to learn something about culture.
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zambogirlpiano · 5 months ago
Lucky Star - "Jikai Yokoku Dayo" - Piano Tutorial [BEGINNER]
🍥This is a #synthesia #tutorial of “Jikai Yokoku dayo” from #luckystar
📖Chapters 0:00 Part A 0:20 Part B
👓Description “Jikai Yokoku dayo” is a track from the anime Lucky Star. It translates to “Next Episode Preview” and is part of the show’s original soundtrack composed by Satoru Kōsaki. This track is often used in the series to give a humorous preview of the next episode.
📻Source ▶Anime: Lucky Star
🎼Credits ▶Composer: Satoru Kōsaki
🎹Sheet music ▶Patreon: patreon.com/ZamboGirlPiano I accept song request in Patreon
Subscribe and like if you want to see more tutorials. Leave a comment to help the channel ~ Bye
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animebackgroundmusic · 7 months ago
"Unchiku dayo, Lucky☆Star?" (It's Wisdom, Lucky☆Star?) by: Satoru Kosaki from: Lucky☆Star
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elisabethdeep-blog · 8 months ago
Store of poop
in ep 2, when Marcille is working out how to harvest Mandrakes with Giant Bats, she remembers Laios' past tips on locating bat nests by their guano deposits. She says to herself, 'Laios' library of knowledge is coming in handy'.
The specific word she uses for 'library of knowledge' is 薀蓄 (unchiku), which is... a little esoteric. Something like 'vast store of knowledge', 蓄 supplies the sense of amassing or storing something, and 薀... also means 'pile up'. HOWEVER, 薀 has a sense of deep/mystic knowledge; it's used to refer to skandhas, a Buddhist conceptualisation of the anatomy of the self, and a crucial element on the path to Nirvana.
it also sounds like poop
So perhaps... 'Laois' depository of knowledge', or.... 'Laios' verbal diarrhoea is coming in handy' or....
'Laios sure knows his shit!'
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eyedelater · 2 years ago
golden kamuy lines that i wondered about so i went back and checked what they were in japanese
i checked these lines not because i thought the translations were wrong, but because i know that when translating japanese to english, a certain amount of rephrasing and smoothing over is necessary, so i was just curious about what they originally said. as such, my own translations included herein are not meant to be corrections.
✔️ chapter 1 - sugimoto's line about almost killing a superior officer (which is never touched on in the story again) - 気に入らない上官を半殺しにしなきゃ "If I hadn't half-killed a superior officer I didn't like" (rest of line omitted). ki ni iranai = dislike. hangoroshi is literally half-killing. so it really was just an officer he didn't like...
✔️ chapter 5, page 3 - the line EH scans translated as "It's for the woman I love" is actually 惚れた女のためだ "It's for the woman I fell for." it's a very subtle difference, but it makes sense looking back; using the verb "horeta" leaves room for doubt as to whether he's still in love with her right now.
✔️ chapter 15 - "Sutu are not to be used lightly." - ストゥの乱用は消して許されていない "Misuse of the sutu is absolutely not allowed."
✔️ chapter 22 - "Who cares?! / You walking Ainu dictionary!" - 知らねーよ / アイヌのうんちくぅ!" the translation is accurate. sugimoto adds an extra u for emphasis to "unchiku," meaning "great erudition, extensive knowledge, vast stock of knowledge"
✔️ chapter 27, page 4 - EH scans has tanigaki asking nihei tetzusou, "How's your daughter doing now?" but VIZ says it's "Wait, a daughter?" so which is correct? - what tanigaki says is 娘が? "Your daughter?" he's echoing back a clause that nihei used to start a sentence, as if he's only just now noticing that nihei mentioned having a daughter. that's why he paused in the panel before, because it took that long to process. so VIZ had the correct translation in this case. 😱 EH scans's translation would be correct if he was saying "musume ha?" instead of "ga" because that would be more like asking, "How's your daughter?" but that wouldn't quite make sense in this context anyway.
✔️ chapter 43, page 11 - when ogata tells nikaidou about how he loves his grandmother so he doesn't want to shoot huci — バアチャン子の俺にそんなことをさせるな - he says baachanko... he basically calls himself a grandma's boy. "Don't make a grandma's boy like me do something like that."
✔️ chapter 49, page 21 - about how the knife is smaller than shiraishi's dick - 白石のちんぽより小さい刃物じゃ「日露戦争帰り」は殺せねえぜ "[Veterans of the Russo-Japanese war] can't be killed by a knife that's smaller than Shiraishi's dick."
✔️ chapter 59 - when ogata offers to work for hijikata - 腕の立つ用心棒はいらねえかい EH scans's translation, "How would you like to hire a skilled bodyguard?" is just right.
✔️ chapter 68, page 16 - when sugimoto has the aconite paste on his tongue to test its potency and he starts making noises, EH scans and VIZ both translated it as just moaning and groaning. but what he really says is ほっ…ほっへ ("ho… hohhe") and then ほっへふへッ ("hohhehuhe") and then はやふほっへッ ("hayafuhohhe"). these are not mere groans; these are words that are garbled by not being able to put his lips together. based on the vowels alone, i think what he's saying in each line respectively has to be とっ…取って ("T-take it off") and then 取ってくれ ("Please take it off") and then 早く取って ("Take it off already!"). neither EH scans nor VIZ bothered to try to decipher these... but then i guess they'd have to misspell it in english too, which is kinda unpleasant. to be fair, the people around him didn't understand what he was saying either.
✔️ chapter 95, page 5 - ogata's line to suzukawa about getting more than 2k meters away from him - 二千メートル以上俺から逃げきれるか試してみるか?EH scans got it exactly and it sounds so cool: "Do you want to try and see if you can get more than 2,000 meters away from me?" VIZ pared it down for no reason: "Wanna see if you can get out of range?" hate it.
✔️ chapter 114 - when ogata says the model 38 rifle is too good for sugimoto, he literally uses the expression "pearls before swine," as in 豚に真珠 buta ni shinju. i didn't know they had that one in japanese too. (EDIT: i had forgotten that "pearls before swine" is a biblical phrase so of course it would have spread as far as the bible has spread.)
✔️ chapter 117 - kantarou tells hijikata and the others that kamezou is dead, and EH scans has ienaga saying "Kame…" and i interpreted that as like, repeating part of an unfamiliar name because she doesn't recognize it because he was such a minor character. but in the raws in fact she says, "Kame-kun…" as in, that must have been what she called him. of course ienaga would pay attention to an edible young chinpira like kamezou i guess
✔️ chapter 119, page 20 - the line about how they're used to being fed - すっかり餌付けされてる "They're totally used to being fed." i have to give you the verbatim jisho.org definition of 餌付け because it's too funny in this context: "artificial feeding (of wild animals); accustoming (a wild animal) to accepting food from humans​."
✔️ chapter 126, page 19 - koito's thoughts about usami getting his stick figures turned into tattoos - めちゃくちゃ気合入ってる...!! - "He's incredibly fired up...!!" or maybe "He's so into it...!!" or maybe "He's seriously motivated...!!"
✔️ chapter 138, page 20 - missing parts friends - tsurumi says, 脳みそが欠けた気分はどうだね? / 我々は「脳みそ欠け友達」だな…… "How does it feel to be missing brain tissue? / Looks like we're [missing brain tissue friends] now......" and then the narrative box says ふたりはカケトモ "The two of them are kaketomo." so basically "kaketomo" is short for "(noumiso) kake tomodachi" (missing brain tissue friends) and that's what EH scans translated as "missing parts friends." no great way to translate it, really.
✔️ chapter 139 - when ienaga yells about bringing back asirpa-san, the implication is that she ate some of sugimoto's brain while she was operating on him (and thus gained some of his qualities, namely concern for asirpa). what sugimoto says is ...おまえつまみ食いしただろ which EH scans translated it as, "…You took a few nibbles, didn't you?" which is accurate. viz translated it as "Did you eat part of my brain?" which has added meaning but only insofar as it explains what sugimoto actually means. つまみ食い tsumamigui refers to sneakily eating bits of food.
✔️ chapter 139 - koito's dad talking to sugimoto about a letter he got from hanazawa when he died - 花沢中将どんは切腹すっときオイへ手紙をくれもした / 息子の勇作どん��最前線で戦死して / 「愚かな父の面目を保ってくれた」と... "When Lieutenant General Hanazawa-don committed seppuku, he left me a letter. / It said that by dying on the front lines, his son Yuusaku-don / [preserved the honor of his foolish father]..." (the phrase "menboku wo tamotsu" means "saving face" or "preserving honor.") this letter must have been written by ogata hyakunosuke.
✔️ chapter 145, page 11 - tsukishima's line about sugimoto taking too many hits to the head in the stenka - 鯉登少尉殿これは「妙案」じゃありません // 「殴られ過ぎ」ですッ literally "Second Lieutenant Koito! This isn't [a brilliant plan]! // This is [got punched too much]!"
✔️ chapter 149 - tsukishima's moment of clarity - ふと我に返って思ったのは "I suddenly came to my senses and thought" (sentence is continued in next speech bubble, but this is the part i cared about.)
✔️ chapter 165 - ogata's conversation with yuusaku about killing and guilt - these are all my translations. yuusaku says なぜなら誰もが人を殺すことで罪悪感が生じるからだと...!! ("That's because the act of killing people produces feelings of guilt in everyone…!!"). then ogata says 罪悪感? / 殺した相手に対する罪悪感ですか? // そんなもの… みんなありませんよ // そう振る舞っているだけでは? // みんな俺と同じはずだ ("Feelings of guilt? / You mean feelings of guilt toward the ones they killed? // No one has... anything like that. // Aren't they all just acting that way? // I'm sure they're all like me." NEXT PAGE: yuusaku hugs him and says兄様はけしてそんな人じゃない / きっと分かる日が来ます // 人を殺して罪悪感を微塵も感じない人間がこの世にいて良いはずがないのです ("You're not that kind of person at all, brother. // I know you'll understand someday. // After all, it cannot be that there are humans in this world who don't feel even the slightest bit of guilt about killing people.") that last line is really hard to translate right, but this is the best i've got... anyway the important word in this conversation is zaiakukan 罪悪感 "feelings of guilt." (you can't translate it as just "guilt" because in english, "guilt" can also mean "the state of having actually done something wrong." and zaiakukan doesn't actually mean that you've done anything wrong. it's just a guilty feeling.)
✔️ chapter 169, page 5 - when koito says he hates ogata, he uses the word "daikirai" 大嫌い. kirai and daikirai both mean "hate" but if you know that "dai" means "big," then you know which word is stronger.
✔️ chapter 185, page 10 - when tsukishima yells at svetlana - 生きてることくらい伝えたらどうだ!! // どんな気持ちであんたを待ってるか… // どうしてそんな残酷なことが出来るんだ!! "Why don't you at least let them know you're alive?!! // Think of how they must feel waiting for you... // How can you do something so cruel?!!" this scene is important because it shows us that tsukishima still has a human heart, despite everything
✔️ chapter 204, page 3 - tanigaki's line about being famous for his big balls - 毎回あのネタ使うから / 樺太中のアイヌに俺の金玉がデカいと知れてしまったけどな "But because you use that line every time, / now Ainu all over Karafuto know that my balls are huge."
✔️ chapter 227, page 3 - tsurumi's line to usami (who just kicked that kid's neck in) that was weirdly translated by VIZ as "You always intended to do this to your friend." - that translation is just wrong. the line is (in dialect) 親友にこんげ真似をすっと分かっていたんだば... meaning, "Had I known you would do this to your best friend…" maybe because VIZ was going by the volume version, they got confused by the dialect? they must have misread the "sutto" (meaning approximately "that you would do") as "zutto" (meaning "always").
✔️ chapter 231, page 8 - koito says 私は鶴見中尉殿と月島軍曹を最後まで見届ける覚悟でいる "I am resolved to see Second Lieutenant Tsurumi and Sergeant Tsukishima through to the end."
✔️ chapter 263, page 8 - shiraishi's line about boutarou taking his bullets - お前ならあのまま俺を弾除けにするはずだ // らしくねえな "You of all people would have stayed where you were and used me as a shield. // That wasn't like you at all." approximately.
✔️ chapter 268 - tsurumi's outburst about the miserable end that awaited wilk and the others - そのカムイを守る戦いのためにウイルクたちはどんな悲惨な最後を遂げたのかこれから教えてあげよう "Now I will tell you about how Wilk and the others met their wretched end in their battle to protect those kamuy!" approximately. or maybe, "Now I will tell you about how Wilk and the others fighting to protect those kamuy met their wretched end!" the former is a little more literally accurate, but the latter sounds better...
✔️also chapter 268 - after past tsurumi hears that it's wilk, the line translated by EH scans as, "So he's become involved with my life again, after all." - やっぱりまた私の人生に関わってきたか EH scans got it exactly right. VIZ got it wrong and translated it as, "Yet again my life changes." not remotely close. you got the ONLY VERB IN THE SENTENCE wrong.
✔️ chapter 300 - when ogata sees vasily's binocular reflection and he's very pleased, he says 運命は俺に味方した / 世界が俺は正しいと言っている "Fate has taken my side. / The world is telling me I'm right."
✔️ ch306 - koito tells tsurumi to release tsukishima - もうこの男を解放してあげてください "Please set this man free already."
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arthistorydaily · 3 years ago
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Tiger Calligraphy 虎の図, Kitamuki Unchiku, Japan, 17th century
Cleveland Art Museum
Provenance: donated by Max and Eleanor Baril in 1990 
45 7/8 x 17 3/8 in. (116.5 x 44.1 cm)
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dialovers-translations · 4 years ago
Diabolik Lovers VANDEAD CARNIVAL ;; Yuma Route ー Sub Scenario w/ Reiji
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--> In between the main route chapters, the player is taken to the area map of the Carnival where you can freely roam around. There are four different places to visit, each with different mini games and sub scenarios to enjoy.
ー The scene starts at the Reine De Saba Goodies Store
Yui: Reiji-san, are you doing some shopping?
Reiji: Yes. They carry many items which are unavailable in the human world.
For example...This knife has a sharpness which would be unthinkable down there, and its sinister design is very lovely as well.
Yui: ( Don’t they sell anything normal...? )
Yuma: Oi, which salad bowl should we pick? ...Wait, if it isn’t Mr. Smartass (1), huh?
Reiji: Silence. ...You, where did you find said tableware?
Yuma: Where? That shelf over there. Apparently they’re newly released goods so I was gonna buy them as a souvenir.
Reiji: You?
Yuma: Got a problem with that? Oi, Yui. Which color do ya prefer?
Yui: Let’s see...I guess the off-white after all? But the navy blue looks very trendy as well.
Reiji: I see. They seem highly functional, I could see myself using these for stews as well.
Yuma: Heeh. Ya cook?
Reiji: Yes. 
Yui: You like collecting silverware, don’t you, Reiji-san? Which is why he is peculiar about the food’s presentation as well...
Yuma: Hmm. In that case, I don’t mind lettin’ ya use the vegetables I grow to cook sometime?
Reiji: While I am not quite fond of the way you phrased that, I am not opposed to getting my hands on fresh ingredients.
Yuma: Well, that’s only if ya actually are capable of puttin’ together a decent dish.
Yui: Yuma-kun, your wording...
Reiji: Hmph, very well. ...For example, to serve a fresh garden salad, I believe this plate would be suitable.
Yui: Waah, a salad bowl made out of glass? It’s really cute...!
Reiji: Has the pale apple green hue struck your fancy? I see, it seems like our tastes match quite well.
Yuma: Che...Well, if ya like it, guess it works?
Reiji: What kind of reply is that? I was so kind to pick it out for you.
Yuma: I honestly don’t give a flyin’ fuck ‘bout yer taste in this kinda stuff?
Reiji: Kuku...Jealousy is such an ugly sight.
Yuma: Shut up! I’m not handin’ them (2) over to ya in a million years!
Yui: Eh? You won’t give him any vegetables?
Yuma: Not the veggies, I was talkin’ ‘bout yoーー Fuck, nevermind!
Yui: ( I wonder if he’s a little upset because I got a compliment from Reiji-san...? )
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) Yuma calls him ウンチク or ‘unchiku’ which means ‘profound knowledge’. 
(2) In Japanese pronouns are easily left out, which is how Yui misunderstands the sentences and assumes he was referring to the vegetables over here. In English, Yuma would probably say ‘hand her over’, but this would ruin the joke, so I used the neutral ‘them’ instead.
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sachitoh · 5 years ago
"Contents from 20:30 to 21:16" Is it okay about my story? (Lol) Excuse me, when I noticed, the content of the talk was "UNCHIKU"(Those who show off the trivia they just heard) only. From a long time ago, my friends told me "It's "UNCHIKU-KUN""... A girl I liked when I was in junior high school told me that it was "UNCHIKU-KUN", There was a time when it was so shocking. That was... that was a shock. But I have not fixed it. I don't want to fix it. (Lol) Please tell me that the story is long. Please tell me if you think it's long. I will revise it.
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purenguyening · 5 years ago
Tagged by @detectiveaesthetic from this post
Rules: Put your music library on shuffle, list the first 10 songs and tag 20 people! whoever or however many people you want :)
1, Toho Cocktail [Mohican Sandbag]
2. Illusionary Joururi [Unchiku Company]
3. The Condescending Coffee Shop [Pizuya’s Cell]
4. That Which You Are Searching For [ShibayanRecords]
5. Pokemon Trainers Are Broke [shmoyoho]
6. Shanghai Doll City [Kitsune’s Workshop/FoxFactory]
7. Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird ~Til When? [TAMUSIC]
8. Reincarnation [Full Power Pichun Project]
9. Lockbox [ZYTOKINE]
10. Secret Melody (nana’s Electrohouse Remix) [amataras records]
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catatonic-indifference · 8 years ago
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monogusadictionary · 5 years ago
鯛の旬を迎え、 大きな鯛を並べるこれからのシーズンに必ずおられるのが、 「出来るだけ大きな鯛の口だけ欲しい」とおっしゃるお客様です。
あら煮にすれば一番おいしいのが、目と口のまわりなのですが、 食べるわけでもなさそう・・・
実は、日本画で、金粉をまく際に、天然の鯛の歯を筆の先のようにして使用するそう なんです。 知ってました?
なお、このような注文は、どう工夫しても、こたえることが出来そうにないので、 すべてお断りしています。悪しからず・・・
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amanissimo · 6 years ago
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Many stories behind a bottle of wine. Is there any true meaning in looking for the background story before you drink it? There are some who would claim “no more wine discourse (Unchiku in Japanese) whilst there are others who would well say that “wine is a final outcome or reflection of all who got engaged in the whole process of production”. So what you consume right now at the bar is the outcome or reflection of all efforts of all stakeholders (vignerons, négociants, exporters, wholesalers, distributeurs, retailers and or some wine bars like mine inclusive). All in all this is a kind of conversation that we tend to have at the bar (especially at ISOLA). Alright, but my personal view is that etiquette, story, sommelier’s personality & his/her recommendation, and of not least importance, your own mental & physical condition, and your ability to imagine beyond the bottle in front of you is the key factor. Anyway let’s enjoy “Louro”, excellent Godello by Palacios for a while. https://www.instagram.com/p/By8Bb7mgyOK7BY8R3sEbOcikkOPuyq1lTnxfv00/?igshid=xbuxvhn7s42
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yuisehatabog211 · 6 years ago
After I decided the mechanism of the cap, I start designing the bottle itself. 
Start with reserch. searched feminine design and get inspration from these perfumes. 
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Water represents life and the bottle is for babies to keep their lives, so I decided to use shape related to water, and ended up with water drop.
“Water represents life. It can be associated with birth, fertility, and refreshment.” http://umich.edu/~umfandsf/symbolismproject/symbolism.html/W/water.html.
I won't paint my model to show purity. Most baby can only see black, white, and redd when they are less than 6 months. purity(http://www.toy4baby.com/unchiku/images/hattatsu.pdf. )
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I forgot to take pictures from my notes so I cant post the pics of development of my bottle.
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cannonette · 8 years ago
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Sakamaki Reiji, Tsukinami Shin & Mukami Yuma
Shin: Why does a First Blood like me have to line up?
Shin: Making me wait this much, this is unthinkable! 
Yuma: What, don’t complain! Tche- at least endure for a lil’.
Reiji: The two of you are noisy.
Reiji: Seriously... if you can’t even quietly wait in line for pre-orders then I cannot consider talking to you.
Shin: Tche. A bothersome one came. 
Shin: What? Are you, ordering this game too?
Yuma: Aah? The tickets in Unchiku*’s hands... 
Yuma: Eh!? How many is he planning to pre-order!? 
Reiji: It’s just about, one to decorate with and another to store.
Reiji: Is there a problem?
Shin: Well, she’s looking forward to meeting me.
Shin: Isn’t she waiting with her neck out? Hehe
Yuma: I’ll care for you a lot. So, wait obediently, okay?
Reiji: Lost Eden, 5 days till release day. Please look forward to it.
*Unchiku = Profound knowledge. When Yuma calls Reiji Unchiku it probably means something like a being with great knowledge, an Erudite person. But probably he means something like a ‘know-it-all”. 
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motokiesta · 9 years ago
Edamame might be known as a healthy food in US. But edamame like the picture shows that in Japan, it is a great pal to beer. Edamame and Beer during hot summer days is such a staple combo. And edamame grows during the summer, and if you are in japan during summer season, you would see fresh edamame whereas in summer, it may be frozen. Usually in izakaya, you almost order the edamame and beer as default. 
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auselessmage · 1 year ago
Maybe I’ll actually translate the Unchiku Knowledge stuff for fun. Could certainly use the practice.
Been playing Mameda Bakeru since I’ve been looking forward to it for a while and I’m having a pretty good time all things considered! I discovered a creechure called an Unchiku and I do indeed adore them
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They also tell you neat little facts! I did actually learn some things too. Apparently, June 1st is Milk Day, October 1st is Coffee day, and in the middle of them both, August 1st, is Café au Lait day. Definitely not something I’d think about often, but it’s always neat to learn something about culture.
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