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manesalex · 8 months ago
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Happy Birthday, @unbreakablejemmasimmons!!!
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welcometololaland · 2 years ago
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Fic Rec Friday - Round Up Part 1
Thanks to everyone who participated this week - the theme was: rec a fic starting with the same letter as your name / username. I have a list below, but I only included ones people tagged me in or ones I could find from the #fic rec friday tag. If I've missed any, please let me know!
Please read at your own discretion. Heed tags and ratings on each individual fic. Keep yourself safe, friends!
Also PSA - the rec lists were super long this week so i'm so sorry if i have stuffed up a link or accidentally put someone in the wrong category!
911 Lone Star (Part 1) (needed to be split into 2 posts this week!)
(Fl)oral arrangements by Lolaland (me)
(It Can't Come) Too Soon by onionrings_andhoneymustard
A Chance Do Over by @lightningboltreader
A Clock Chimes Softly Twelve for Midnight by @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut
A Lack Of Color by @iboatedhere
all I know since yesterday (is everything has changed) by @strandnreyes
Among my stillness was a pounding heart by tailoredshirt
And They Were Roommates by Lolaland (me)
And This Is Romance, Let’s Dance by @rmd-writes
Back to You and Me by @three-drink-amy
Begged And Borrowed Time by @iboatedhere
By Your Side by @never-blooms
can i be close to you? by @catanisspicy
Cold Feet by @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut
come back, come back, come back to me by @irispurpurea
coming down (crossover with 911) by @taralaurel
damn the consequences by @morganaspendragonss
Delicate by paperstorm
Feels so good in my arms by lakeofshiningwaters
Find another dose by paperstorm
Fire Meet Gasoline by @howtosingit
Flashes of silver by @bellakitse
forever will never be long enough (with you) by falloutmars
Four Suits by @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut
got my heartbeat skipping by @unbreakablejemmasimmons
got real love maybe by @reyesstrand
gravitate towards you by @rafael-silva
hands are tied and clocks are ticking by @terramous
happens great, happens sweet by @reyesstrand
haunting by @morganaspendragonss
heartbeats by McRaider
hold me like you never lost your patience by @color-me-paranoid
I Don’t Have to Live Without You Anymore by @howtosingit
I promise that it's worth the risk by @marjansmarwani
i was made to keep your body warm by @bellakitse
I'll be here all the same by @strandnreyes
i’ll go on singing till i know you’ve heard by @maxbegone
i'm half-doomed (and you're semi-sweet) by @roseapothecary
if you're broken, I will mend you by honeysnapdragon
in the night (come alive) by @reyesstrand
Invisible String by paperstorm
It Beats for You by @basilsunrise
Just Coffee by @taralaurel
let me take your heart (love you in the dark) by @reyescarlos
Life, believe, is not a dream, so dark as sages say by @beautifulhigh
Life’s a Game of Inches by paperstorm
lit the spark (that set a fire) by @reyesstrand
love is like ghosts by @reyesstrand
Love is Pain by @moviegeek03
love me as if i were forever by @rmd-writes
love of my life by @colonoscopys
Lucky Dog by @lightningboltreader
Make the Yule Tide Gay by @rmd-writes
Man to Man by @carlos-in-glasses
My Home Beats in Your Chest by @justaswampdemon
meet me in the margins of an old cookbook by buckleyblueeyes
raise no liar by @blueink3
real or imagined, what does it matter? by @marjansmarwani
rehearsal by @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut
Requesting Immediate Backup by @chicgeekgirl89
Ritual by paperstorm
Rosa Mundi by @thevenstar
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andrea-lyn · 11 months ago
@earnmysong (ty darling!) tagged me a bit ago to share an old fic of mine. honestly, half of my stalling has just been to figure out what I want to share, and I wound up thinking about one of my last magnificent seven fics before I started writing RNM (the fandom which ate me)
put your money on me (I know it's not easy) by andrealyn [faraday/vasquez, modern au] When Carmen Vasquez decides to head back to school to prevent the bar from closing down, Faraday is in a tight spot. He might lose his favorite bar and one of his best friends. Lucky for him, when a door closes, a window opens and in through it comes someone from his past that he never paid much attention to, but plans to get to know better now.
tagging @el-gilliath @aewriting @smilebackwards @bestillmyslashyheart @unbreakablejemmasimmons @raedear @knoepfchen and anyone else who wants to dust off some old fics to share!
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penna-nomen · 1 year ago
Day 2 of 12 Days of Fandom
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My second recommendation for the 12 days of fandom is:
February 13th by @unbreakablejemmasimmons ~1300 words
This was written for the Candy Hearts Exchange which went live on Valentine's Day. It features David and Patrick as a couple, and their good friend Stevie who is single and depressed about Valentine's being tomorrow. It has humor, friendship, and solidarity with single friends. Plus it voices all three characters perfectly. Of course I love it.
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guardian-angle22 · 2 years ago
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Tag a fic that starts with the same letter as your username and describe why it's so good / how it has a hold on you. Then tag some people to see what everyone else is reading. Spread the love! Please tag @welcometololaland or tag #fic rec friday so she can compile the masterlist.
I was tagged by @welcometololaland @ladytessa74 @lemonlyman-dotcom & @lutavero Thank you all for the tag!💜
I have some that start with g for my username and some h for my actual name. This week I felt like highlighting some older fic. So all of these recs were posted in 2020/2021. (Which also means some of the authors might not even be active in the fandom anymore and I hope they're okay with me tagging them still! let me know if you're not!)
got my heartbeat skipping by @unbreakablejemmasimmons
this is set after 1.01 and it features tk and carlos flirting over ice cream. short & sweet (pun intended).
got real love maybe by @reyesstrand
this is a missing scene fic set between 2.09 & 2.10 with Carlos asking TK to move in. Full of soft, domestic feels.
gravitate towards you by @rafael-silva
tk + 126 have a rough shift, but carlos is there to feed them. more wonderful, soft fluff.
haunting by @morganaspendragonss
tk can see ghosts. and occasionally gets possessed by them. I absolutely love this supernatural trope. would read a million fics with it. this one is so good.
heartbeats by McRaider
this is a pre-series gen fic exploring some moments between tk & owen. I absolutely adore fics exploring the father/son dynamic between them and this one is so lovely.
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manesalex · 3 months ago
Thanks for tagging me, @livwifeofkarl!!!
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No pressure tagging @poisonintopositivity, @winged-fool, @frenziedblaze, @unbreakablejemmasimmons, @youaremyworldlois
i was tagged by @olismabel and @queerbuck - thanks, loves! :)
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no pressure tags: @nadja-antipaxos @danielsarmand @evan-buck @clara-maybe @jackharkness @rainbowcrowley @blakbonnet @mobius-m-mobius <3
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lambourngb · 4 years ago
Five sentence fic ask: "He'd never seen the photograph before."
Sequel to THIS and THIS
He'd never seen the photograph before.
With the tap repaired, thankfully Alex had moved on to playing something less devastating to Michael’s equilibrium, like old Townes Van Zandt in the bar. The urge to flee was quieter as he hummed along with Alex’s voice, “All the Federales say, they could have had him any day, they only let him slip away, out of kindness I suppose,” and inspected the wall of photographs Maria had installed on the back wall of the bar. 
The garish light up Indian Head was gone, finally mothballed in the wake of Hank Gibbons’s declared death. It was a long, sorted story that started with the original owner of the bar leaving a clause in his transfer of ownership to Maria, tying the offensive neon wall ornament to Hank’s patronage of the bar. With Hank dead, at least legally declared so, Maria had eagerly filled the space with candid snapshots of the Wild Pony patrons and open mic nights.
A particular shot of Forrest Long caught Michael’s eye. His head was tipped back, clearly laughing loudly, but next to him, draped with a way-too-friendly arm around him was a man. A not-Alex man. Michael leaned in closer, studying the surroundings of the photo with the setup of the Wild Pony, trying desperately to age the photo. Was this before he dated Alex? Was that just a very affectionate friend who was comfortable staring at Forrest like he was some sort of meal? It would take a serious set of balls to cheat on Alex in the bar of his best friend and to allow photographic evidence to become part of the decor.
He was so involved in studying the photo, he didn’t notice when the music stopped in the background until Alex’s voice startled him, “That’s Adam.”
“Good friend, then?”
“Really good friend,” Alex answered with an emotionless voice, then seeing something in Michael’s face he relented with a small smirk, “he’s Forrest’s new boyfriend. We broke up last month.” His eyes flickered to the photo and then back to Michael, “And there’s no need to glare at the photo, it was amicable. We’re all still friends.”
“Oh, that’s good,” Michael answered like the uncharted genius he was. “That you guys stayed friends. That’s nice. Friends are good.” 
Alex’s smile went crooked with amusement at Michael’s babbling. His eyebrows lifted inquiry, “So are you done doing what you’re doing?”
Michael’s first thought went to the careful space they had been sharing as friends while Alex was with someone else. He wanted to be done with that. He really wanted to reach forward, to close that space with something out of his dreams for them. Then reality set in, as he watched Alex turn toward the bar and then back to him. It was a question about the repairs. 
“Yeah, it’s all set.” He still didn’t want to leave, but he had run out of ploys. “What about you? You all ready for ‘American Idol’ now?”
“I think that’s been canceled. If I were to audition it would ‘America’s Got Talent’ or the Voice, but my anxiety has its hands full with the Wild Pony amateur nights.” The gentle correction rolled into a self-deprecating joke kept Michael smiling back at him. After a too long pause, Alex turned toward where the stools were still in place, and the rack of guitars next to them. “I have one more song to practice, but it requires another guitarist.” 
This time there was no mistaking Alex’s expression for anything but entreaty. 
“Me?” Michael glanced down at his wrapped hand. Alex followed his gaze but stayed silent as Michael flexed his fingers around the bandana. The last time he had played a guitar, it was here at the Wild Pony. The ashes of Caulfield were still in his hair, his trust in things being okay had been fragile and stretched, and then Maria had smiled at him. Hope, renewed hope, that maybe he could be human. Maybe he could be what she wanted. Then he played her guitar, buoyed on that brief respite from reality. The calm to his chaos, not as complete as he remembered as a teenager but still he could hide there for a while in that feeling of normalcy. 
Then his brother had died, almost before the song had finished, and nothing was normal for a long time afterwards.
Time was a vicious circle. Caulfield would never wash fully off him, and here he was, standing in that same place, wondering if renewed hope would kill him this time. Who would die this time if he were to pick up a guitar again, and strum a few notes into the air under the cover of a normal, low-stakes friendship with this man? 
That was too morbid.
“There’s no one here. You can take that off, and no one but me will see it and I already know.” 
He opened his mouth to Alex, to tell him it wasn’t the bandana that kept his hands off a musical instrument, that it still felt like an escape he hadn’t earned. Before Michael could answer, Alex pressed his advantage, “Please Michael? We haven’t played music since we were 17. It’s one of few good memories I have from high school.”
What could he do then, but agree. 
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queermil · 5 years ago
“Alex,” he says helplessly, hands splayed out in front of him. “Of course I have. I’ve only wanted to tell you for -- forever.”
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angrycowboy · 5 years ago
“I really hope you’re just being paranoid,” Maria says as she approaches, and Michael hopes he is too.
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saadiestuff · 5 years ago
There are a bunch! I went with one that is boring so it doesn’t give too much away, since all of these are from one WIP!
“I’m just not ready to meet anyone else. Is that okay?”
(Send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in.)
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manesalex · 2 years ago
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Happy Birthday, @unbreakablejemmasimmons!!!
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haloud · 5 years ago
From part 3 of To Raise a Child!
Michael’s face went bright, angry red. A little voice in his head that sounded like Max told him she didn’t know what happened yesterday--because he hadn’t told her--but because it sounded so much like Max it was easy to tune out.
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foramomentonly · 5 years ago
Slightly cheating, it's "started."
"Not forever," she assures him, gracious even as he's breaking her heart, has been in agonizing measures for months, since this all started. "I'm not an idiot, Guerin. Some of this is on me."
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andrea-lyn · 5 years ago
Yay birthday prompts! How about a vampire slayer fusion? Pick your poison-- Liz, Isobel, Maria or Jenna as the Slayer, with Michael or Alex as her Watcher, and the other as a vampire-- and if the Watcher and the vampire happened to fall in love, well, wouldn't THAT be interesting?
“Hello?”Liz wanders into the library with her books in hand, wondering why there’s nonoise. Most days, Guerin’s in here with his books, bent over one of them withhis tortoise-shelled glasses, lecturing Liz on the latest slayer lessons orwhatever else the thirty-seven-year-old Watcher thinks she needs to learnabout. He’s also typically bickering and bitching at her friends for clutteringup his library and making it noisy.Today, there’s nothing. It’s almost like Guerin’s ideal library state, onlyhe’s not here to see it.Maria gives her a shake of her head, peering from behind Liz’s shoulder. “Thisscreams murder scene,” she says.“If he’s been offed, who’re they gonna replace him with? Another stuffygenius?” Kyle snorts. She doesn’t pay attention to their bickering and sniping, moving deeper insidethe library. Liz catches movement out of the corner of her eye, sleek andsmooth. “Hello?” she calls out, not sure who else is in the library. Herattention slides back to Maria and Kyle, digging out her stake and approachingcautiously.The shadow moves swiftly, the pages of books fluttering as her warning, and Lizspins, stake raised and poised to strike.It’s only her incredible reflexes that stops her from killing an ally – even ifit the strangest ally she’s ever had. “Slayer,” Alex comments evenly.
Liz rolls her eyes. Alex Manes might be a vampire, but after he’d been turnedby his father, his mother had instantly ensured that his soul had been put backin. In over eighty years, she’s fairly sure the worst he’s ever done is ruin acouple of Michael’s ties with his teeth – and no, she really doesn’t want tothink about the weird part where her Watcher is dating a vampire.“Alex,” Liz replies, eyeing him. He was turned in his mid-twenties, but hisgeneral aura of youth means he can come and go as he pleases at the high schoolwithout anyone thinking it’s weird. “Where’s Guerin?”The dark look on Alex’s face should be scary, but she knows him. She’s seen himfeel bad about draining a rabbit for its blood, because the thing was so cute. “That’s what I came here to ask you about. Why the hell is my husband actinglike his fool seventeen-year-old self?”Liz gapes at him.There’s a few things there to process. “Husband?” Maria blurts out nearby.“Dude, you were with him at seventeen?” is Kyle.Liz focuses on the more problematic part of all this. “How do you know Michael’sacting strangely?”That’s how they get dragged to the Wild Pony, where a local band is playingtonight. The floor is packed with adults making out, grinding, and wearingridiculous clothes. Liz stops for a moment to try and forget the image of theirprincipal doing body shots off the mayor’s assistant, wondering what the helldrug everyone is on.Alex keeps walking through the crowd to get to the back of the club, whereGuerin has been cuffed. Or, he was, because now he’s sprawled on the couch witha pair of unlocked handcuffs attached to his wrist, a bobby pin sticking out ofhis teeth, and him wearing a mischievous smirk. Gone are the glasses, his curlsare wild, and he’s eyeing Alex with intent.“You’re not supposed to leave me after you get me locked up,” Guerin says.“Guerin,” Alex says calmly. “Your slayer is here.”“Hey sweetheart,” Guerin says instead of paying attention to Liz, patting thespace beside him. “C’mere and do a shot with me.” He grins as he tips his headto the side, curls falling with the movement as he eyes Alex with intent.“Remember how much you like it when you drink me after I’ve had some tequila?”Liz shoots Alex a disbelieving look, like she can’t believe that at any point,he’d been charmed by this. From the long-suffering look on Alex’s face, itseems like he doesn’t need the ball-busting. She also gets the feeling that ifhe could blush, he would be.“What the hell is going on here?” Maria asks.“That’s what I want to know,” Alex says sharply, leaning down to grab somethingfrom out of Michael’s hand. “Guerin,” he says evenly.“Manes,” Guerin replies cheekily, tangling their fingers together and yankinghim into a straddle in his lap. Liz instantly tries to avert her eyes becauseno, no, no, no, that’s her Watcher, that’s not someone she wants to think of asbeing sexually active in any way, especially not with a vampire, nope. “Comeon, sweetheart, just drink a little.”“Do not do that,” Liz snaps. “One look at his face in vampy form and he’ll bedead, Guerin.”“Spoilsport,” he mutters.Liz shakes her head, deciding there and then that she’s never going to complainwhen Guerin gives her an assignment or loads too much responsibility on hershoulders. The thing in Guerin’s hand looks like a chocolate bar, of all things,which Alex sniffs, recoiling before he puts down the chocolate, as if it’sburned him. “Someone’s enchanted this,” he says, a look of disgust on his face.“Whatever it is, it’s clearly making the adults of Roswell act like thesimpering idiot children they are.” He looks down at Guerin, shaking his head.“I was a fool when I was younger.”“You were my fool,” Guerin says sweetly. “And I was the luckiest teen in theworld when you kissed me inside the museum and gave me a home for the firsttime.”Whatever qualms Alex might be having about Guerin’s personality reversion, thatclearly pierces through. Suddenly, Alex doesn’t have any resistance as heslides down into Michael’s lap, straddling him as he wraps his arms around hisneck, making out right in the middle of the Pony.“Ugh,” says Liz.“I don’t know,” Maria replies, “I think it’s sweet.”Liz doesn’t want to even think about Guerin as anything remotely close to asexual being, which is why she can’t bear to look at this. It’s lucky thatsomething distracts them almost instantly. “I recognize that wrapper.”Liz could kiss Kyle for the way he distracts her from watching her Watcher makeout with a vampire (it’s like a car crash, she can’t look away). She seizes onhis comment, looking at him picking up a wrapper from the ground. “What? Whatis it?”“It’s the candy from the fundraiser the football team was having,” he says. “Ijust sold all mine to Guerin, because he said he’d buy it all if I shut upabout the football team’s stats and got back to research.”“So we need to figure out where it came from!” Liz is so happy for a lead thatshe could cry. She looks back, trying to decide if she should try and split upGuerin from Alex, but they’ve progressed to dry humping, and Liz is starting towonder if Alex didn’t eat some of the candy after all.The sooner they fix this, the sooner that’s fixed.Though, if they’re married, she has to wonder how much of this happens behindclosed doors and they’re just normally mature enough to know better than to dothis in public.She decides she’s not going to bother dwelling. “Come on, let’s go.”Once they get into their research, it doesn’t take long to turn over a fewstones with the few adults left. Isobel had sniffed with annoyance when theyturned up to her place and asked if she’d eaten any of the chocolate.“If I’m going to break my diet and eat chocolate, it’s for good stuff, notthat,” she says, flicking the candy bar, but squinting at it. “I think thiscompany just bought the warehouse outside of town, though,” she says. “Youmight want to start there. It’s definitely witchcraft,” she guarantees. “I’llbrief the other Watchers and see what we can do about containing Michael.”“Thank you,” Liz says emphatically. “Seriously, thank you.”Once they get to the warehouse, the rest falls into place after some old-schoolspying and eavesdropping. It turns out that a witch with a grudge against theWatchers in Roswell had enchanted the candy, intending to turn her and all herfellow adults into irresponsible idiots while he worked his magic and tried tomake a power grab.Noah Bracken hadn’t been too happy when Liz broke up the coven in the middle ofa spell to amp up the power of the chocolates.“You made me see my Watcher’s nipples,” is her annoyed snap, when Noah asks whyshe won’t let him get away with it. She grabs the bust of Janus that thewitches have been channelling the spell into, smashing it to the floor in athousand little bits that shatters the spell just as quickly. She’s not sure what to do with a witch, but she doesn’t get a chance to figureit out.  Noah and his coven flee in thechaos before she can call Guerin and ask for help. Given the derision on Noah’sface when she’d mentioned Watchers, Liz suspects that it won’t be the last theysee of him. Maybe next time, Liz won’t be so traumatized as a result of his revenge scheme.*The next morning, Guerin’s back in the library. He’s wearing a turtleneck and apair of sunglasses, scowling like the crotchety old Watcher Liz knows andloves. “Had a fun night, Mikey?” she asks sweetly, teasing him with a name thatshe knows he despises. She leans over to flick at the turtleneck a little.“Maybe a little nibble or two got you on the neck?”“How much do I have to pay you to never mention what happened again?”Liz shakes her head. “Trust me. After today, if we never talk about it, I’ll bethe happiest slayer around. Now, can we please go back to killing things thatgo bump in the night instead of you bumping them in your Chevy?”That is the absolute last she’ll say about it, she swears.Or maybe it comes up once more, because when Alex turns up to talk about thethreat of the coven in the town, he’s not wearing a scarf, which meansshe sees all the marks on his neck. “I didn’t know vampires could bruise from ahickey,” she blurts out, forgetting the whole ‘moving on’ part.Alex stares her down, unflinchingly. “My husband has very determined teeth andI’d like to never talk about it again.”“Next time, wear a scarf,” Kyle complains from where he’s buried his face in abook. Guerin smiles at Liz as he wraps his arms around Alex’s neck from behind,nuzzling one of the marks as he whispers something against the cool skin thatshe suspects might just be, I love you, I’ll take care of you, I’ll make itall up to you.Just this once, she’ll let him have it without teasing him relentlessly. Tomorrow’s a new day, though, and there’s plenty more to tease him about then.
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sasakisniko · 5 years ago
sagittarius: do you find your writing humorous? do you have any comic relief characters? what do you do if a scene gets too serious?
Sometimes I do, yeah. I mean, I feel like it’s canon that Michael and Alex are horny idiots who can’t keep their hands off of each other. So sometimes I find the comedy in that.
As for comic relief characters? Sometimes Kyle. He’s just so well-intentioned that sometimes that can go to the extreme. It’s fun. Also Max. He just feels like he’d be uncomfortable with a lot of stuff and he’s fun to mess with.
If a scene that isn’t meant to be serious gets too serious, I tend to take some time away from it before going back and finding shortly before it started getting too serious. I try to rewrite from there. This occasionally happens when I write fun, smutty fic. Michael and Alex both have a ton of issues and, while they’re important to explore thoughtfully, sometimes I just want to write them being happy, you know?
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tempest-nova · 6 years ago
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not really. a Malex fanmix
01. red // pieces | 02. cascada // what hurts the most | 03. novi ft. tyler blackburn // can't love me | 04. sam tinnesz // when the truth hunts you down | 05. dermot kennedy // lost | 06. sleeping at last // saturn | 07. snow patrol // chasing cars | 08. gabrielle aplin // start of time | 09. lifehouse // everything
Time for my Cosmic Love Exchange post! This is to @unbreakablejemmasimmons -- you are a delightful person and I love your fanfic Shades of Blue; I hope that you become inspired to write more fic in the future! I'm pretty rusty with writing these days myself, so I decided to use the insparation you provided me on anon in the form of a playlist. I hope you have a great day!
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