dwuerch-blog · 4 months
Finding Our Way Home
Let me tell you about the most lost I’ve ever been — more than once or twice! Picture this: new city, unfamiliar streets, and me, utterly convinced I could find my way back home without asking for directions. Spoiler alert: I missed my road home each time. I had just moved to the metropolis of Frisco, Texas. The other time I had just moved to the bustling megacity of Austin. I decided to head…
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unanchored-ship · 3 months
somewhere in heaven,, or hell idk
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my humor is broken beyond comprehension
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fendergender · 1 year
how have i never noticed before that the license plates say riverdale instead of a state??? COMPUTER ENHANCE
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sc3n3gr4d13ntz · 5 months
unpleasant, why do you speak like that? it's not a bad thing, i'm just curious
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cuz umm....
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its... cuz um....
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(He proceeds to unanchor and falls to the floor.)
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defensivelee · 5 months
I feel like a fucken redditor every time I talk about Shrewsbury
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Grandma's Boy
((Bonus wip))
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acrossthewavesoftime · 8 months
I was tagged by @unanchored-ship, thank you!
Favorite Ships
I am not really very much interested in classical fandom 'shipping', I have to say. I occasionally do enjoy fictional relationships in the media I consume, but I would say that 'shipping' is too big a word.
My profile picture also informs me to type out "HMS Preston" for some reason. ;-)
Last Song
Come Here, Fellow Servant, from the afterpiece play High Life Below the Stairs (1759) by James Townley. As I understand, while the words survive, the original melody did not; this is a modern arrangement of what the song may have sounded like.
The play satirises the social hierarchies of the time, with the servants belowstairs trying to mimic the dissipated manner of living of their sybaritic, back-stabbing employers. The song is sung at the servants' secret house party, to which they invite a few aristocratic types interested in the delightful novelty of having to do with commoners. The song, composed by party guest Sir Harry, is sung by Kitty, an upwardly mobile maidservant who thinks highly of herself because she received an education and speaks French.
While perhaps some of the portrayals of characters or critique of contemporary issues in the play do not withstand the test of time (Kitty's belief in her education for instance would certainly carry a positive connotation nowadays), its core message, namely that thoughtlessly emulating someone just because they're considered to be rich and famous holds up poignantly well.
Last Film
Der Bestatter - Der Film. A Swiss comedy based on a 7-season series of the same name. Luc, an ex-policeman-turned-funeral-director-turned-Costa-Rican-beach-bar-owner and his friends, the two police officers Anna Maria and Dörig, ex-apprentice and now successful goth funeral director Fabio, his quasi surrogate mother Erika and Semmelweiß, the somewhat strange coroner have to band together one last time as a holiday stay at a remote hotel to celebrate Erika's birthday is unexpectededly interrupted when the hotel director dies under highly suspicious circumstances.
I can only warmly recommend both the series and the film; not only are the murder cases Luc and his friends solve gripping and often overarching an entire season, giving the storylines ample time to develop, Der Bestatter also deals very touchingly with topics such as loss, grief, death, terminal illness and facing past mistakes while never taking itself too seriously.
Currently Reading
The Spite of Fortune by Kishandra Fulford, a biography about Louisa Carolina Colleton Graves, an 18th/19th century noblewoman with a rather eventful life story. I am reading it not so much for her as for the information on her husband's family, the Graves'. While the author evidently poured a lot of effort into the book, some of her judginess against the physical appearance of some of the people featured in her book, a total lack of foot- or endnotes and the occasional spelling and grammar mistakes sadly don't sit quite right with me. With the right editor, she could have told Louisa Carolina Colleton Graves' fascinating, and also somewhat tragic, story a lot more effectively.
Currently Craving
Spring, a new pleated skirt, and a walk. Maybe some chocolate, too.
@clove-pinks, @professorlehnsherr-almashy and @my-deer-friend, would you like to join in? If anybody else wants to share their list, consider yourself tagged by me.
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michaels pronunciation of kaori keeps deteriorating as the summary goes along
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ghostofasecretary · 4 months
you'd think leaving work early would make me feel good but it does not because 1) then i don't get money during my Getting Money Hours and 2) autism. plan disruption bad!
anyways. i should eat dinner and do laundry and shake myself and see if chill arrives
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heartvisor · 5 months
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pramanixx · 6 months
HEARTBREAKING: the fictional character you've been brainstorming a lancer build for fits better with an ssc frame than the nelson
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centi-pedve · 6 months
oh... thats gore... gore of our comfort character...
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unanchored-ship · 17 days
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happy mexican birth guys..
from left to right: guadalupe victoria, jose maria morelos, miguel hidalgo, agustin de iturbide, vicente guerrero, ignacio allende
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maramahan · 2 months
The little people in my dash are super into a show I do not care to watch. but I like seeing them post about it. I’m not at all interested in the source material but I rather like catching snippets of the version that plays in their heads
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butchaholic · 2 months
looks like the bush is going to blow out some insane shit aug 2
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defensivelee · 7 months
i have the FUNNIEST idea for an nsfw easter art special HOWEVER
it involves shrewsbury. i do not have a shrewsbury design yet
WHY is it shrewsbury. for this hella specific idea i do not know why he is the only one that appeals to me for this
i have not drawn anything like it before so it might end up looking either rlly funny or rlly gross. i dont rlly mind the former tho bc humorous nsfw art is actually so fun
im not sure if i want to share the idea just yet just bc it's a little bit more ~hardcore~ compared to what i usually do
but it's an easter special you guys can probably guess what it is like let's be real here
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