#ummmmm that was a lot im done now
otterloreart · 9 days
Art Prompts: 
1-TV Headed Men
2-Moth Dolls
3-Planet Themed Mermaids
4-Milkshake Dragons
5-Ice Cream Themed Superheroes
6-More Magical Pony Art (I Love Them!!)
7-Ocean Themed Space Aliens
8- Sea Snakes (They’re awesome! Here’s a link to an article about them: https://blog.padi.com/sea-snake-facts/) 
9-Snakes With Prosthetic Arms
10-An Otter With A Cute Little Bow In Her Head
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I got way inspired by the sea snake prompt apparently and spent way more time than I meant to on them! I included the whip snake (highly stylized) as an example of a "land snake" (opened up one of my herp books to a random page).
If they were toys like the other snake designs they would include stands to represent the fact theyre "swimming" whereas the land snakes would have slightly more flat bottoms so they can "stand". The sea kraits have round bodies with flatter tails while the seasnakes have vertically oval bodies.
These designs are not 100% accurate to real snakes, obvi, they're artistic reinterpretations of the snakes design. For ex: the whip snake has a stripe, but also has very distinct scales, so I made them diamonds. And the eyelash shapes are just for cuteness.
ok facts about sea snakes I want to add to clarify some things stated in that article (just adding my own knowledge/clarifying things (PLEASE do not take offense to this i am glad to read facts about snakes i just have brain worms when it comes to snakes))
put under cut because it was getting too long
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"to keep things simple" isn't... right: theyre split into different categories because they're separate evolutionary lines! And there are a handful of other differences (although the article does go into those later, but ngl thats why i dont like lists organized this way). Anyways, it makes it sound like these categories are not relevant to the evolutionary history imo
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I would have clarified that while they all do have paddle like tails, the kraits actually have bodies more similar to land snakes, whereas the true sea snakes have vertically elongated bodies to make swimming easier and are bad at being on land.
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Okay so this is true mostly EXCEPT we built a huge canal through panama and there have been sightings of sea snakes on the "wrong" side of the panama canal, specifically yellow-bellied sea snakes which live on the pacific side. There are no breeding populations, but due to human intervention there's potential risk of them being introduced.
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See this is why I was like the categories aren't for "simplicity", the sea kraits are separated from the other sea snakes because of their many differences: a major one being that they come on land to lay eggs! A number of snakes all over the world give birth (though yes, not in the ocean) to fully formed (not "nearly") babies!
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I would just add that this is part of why they can't cross over to the Atlantic! here's a paper!
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...all snakes are carnivores (hence, weird thing to say)? unless you count eating eggs as being "not a carnivore". in which case this would be untrue because the turtle-headed seasnakes (genus Emydocephalus) eat primarily fish eggs!
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and this one isn't quite right because of turtle-headed seasnakes again! They have almost no teeth except tiny fangs and as far as I can find are either mildly venomous or nonvenomous. since they dont hunt their venom glands are vestigial.
Sea snakes and kraits are elapids, which include other highly venomous snakes like cobras, coral snakes, and all of the highly venomous Australian species!
While doing research on realistic snake plushies, sea snakes made by WildRepublic were one of the major clear attempts at a retailer trying to be scientifically accurate.
Kraits DO actually look like cartoon animals
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and yeah the olive sea snake does really look like that:
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(although the olive one has apparently been taken off their website?)
although the way they title and tag their products continues to piss me off to no end, like this is an EEL not a SNAKE, they're just out here spreading misinformation and confusing things.
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they completely rebranded in like 1999 because their wildlife plushies took off so personally I think they have a responsibility now to scientific accuracy since they took on that mantle. but i digress.
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regigigaz · 6 months
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yo9urt · 6 months
today i return to the sea
#mine#its my last first day of school (until/unless i go to grad school but thats way off if it even happens)#the rest of these tags are all just going to be complaints so keep scrolling if you dont gaf#ok first complaint. my schedule is stupid and awful i think#winters schedule was weird too. but this one kinda sucks#the main problem i see is that both of my main classes are in the middle of the day so theres probably going to be people eating#(i have mis0phon1a)#so thats number 1. 2nd problem is that those classes also have the grading scale where u need at least 95 PERCENT to get an A. girl!#they are also both 400 level spanish classes so theyre just going to be kind of hard and annoying and a lot of work in general#the next problem is that my other class is actually not quite a class it is a teaching practicum. which i didnt even 100% want to do#but the certificate could be useful so im doing it anyway.#one of the guys in that class (i know some of the students already from winter) eats like a hog for like the first 20-30 mins so thats goin#to be miserable i bet. also at some point im gonna have to teach a lesson myself#which is scary and also frustrating because again i didnt even really want to do this. WHATEVER#ok what else. ummmmm#oh i think i might be unemployed LOL normally my boss would have done schedule coordination stuff like last week but i havent heard from he#at all. this is because we are government funded and the government does not want to fund us anymore -_- suck my balls#and my hog too. so money is going to be a concern which is especially awesome because ive already been trying to save up#becaues im moving out this year hopefully so im gonna need $ for that and for probably upgrades like i might get a new phone and computer#and stuff etc. and i live in an HCOL area so even though i literally just buy groceries my bill is like $294358939358/month#SIGH. also of course the final problem on the list is the behemoth of them all: i have to apply for jobs#i made a little spreadsheet to hopefully make the process easier. but its going to be agony lol fucking resumes and cover letters how about#i just kill myself now -_- and fucking interviews too. fuuuuuck you suck my nuts and dick and balls#i dont know how im going to cope iwth any of this LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and also as usual i have like no friends so its just me going it alo#alone* in this big awful spring. 2 and a half months of this.#i suppose i will need to go back to the dispensary.#fuuuuuuuuuck man
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acasternaut · 3 months
1. do you make your bed
no lol i wake up n roll out of bed
2. favourite number
11!!! vivi we r twinning my favorite number is also my bday omg
3. what's your job
i work at a grocery store. sigh
4. if you could go back to school, would you?
mmm maybe? i really struggled in school but now that i do not live with my father and i understand my own needs better perhaps i could succeed
5. can you parallel park
no! i cant drive ❤️
6. do you think aliens are real
there is life out there for sure
7. can you drive a manual car
see 5
8. guilty pleasure
ummmmm. LOL i still enjoy listening to youtuber music from like. 2014
9. tattoos
i have two!!!!! and both of them are mcr LOL. i somehow dont have any good pictures of the first one except from right after i got it done but shes almost two years old now. its the bats from the glow in the dark shirt w/ the castle on it incase u cant tell. AND MY SWEET TRAMP STAMP
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10. favourite colour
its red!!!!!!! i dont have a specific favorite shade but i do lean more towards darker shades i think
11. favourite type of music
i simply cant choose. when people ask me what kind of music i like i usually say 80s (very broad i know but it is true)
12. do you like puzzles
YESSS i heart puzzles
13. any phobias
scared of bugs.
14. favourite childhood sport
i played basketball for three years but i would not consider it a favorite based on my experience
15. do you talk to yourself
yesss all the time i am talking to myself
16. tea or coffee
i drink a lot more coffee but i still love tea
17. first thing you wanted to be when you grew up
i think maybe a singer? ive always loved music so much
18. what movies do you adore
in no particular order: spvtw, hot rod, nausicaa, saw, the original star wars trilogy, ummm i know im missing some. catws.
YIPPEE tagging @rillball @coatabyss @dacergirl369 @nofr1lls @theblackparadeisdead and aaaaanyone else if u want to do it. u can say i tagged u
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borom1r · 3 months
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@theshakespearetrash answerin this over here bestie!! anywayz:
👍- What was the first piece of creative writing you ever did? How do you feel about it now?
LMFAO. good fuckin question. ive got some old shit in my gdrive still that i cant stand to look at. if u can find my cringe ass ffnet acct (I’ve linked it on here somewhere I shan’t be linking it again) u can read some of my high school fanfics
idk what was specifically the FIRST thing i ever wrote was + while i might not be a fan of any of it now, i also think it’s important to like. leave old shit up + available bc it really is a good way to show young writers that this is fully a skill u develop. the reason my ffnet still exists is the same reason all my old star wars fics are still up on ao3. if yall ever wanna see how much my writing has developed, read one of those fuckin things + compare it to one of my new LotR fics 😭
anyways yea PSA: if u wanna write just fuckin do it. put it out there or don’t, but write it + keep writing. you’ll improve, whether u realize it or not ✌🏻
🎻- Where do you look when you need some inspiration?
IM A MUSIC GUY. all my recent fics have been titled after song lyrics and that’s bc those are genuinely the songs im looping while i write. if i need reeeeeeally specific vibes for a fic/writing project ill build out a temporary playlist lol
🕳️- Talk about a research rabbit hole you fell down!
UMMMMM u know what ill fuckin count the costuming doc for this. if u wanna see my current descent into madness click here 👍🏻
(there’s like 50+ pages im not summarizing that bitch)
😍- Post one sentence you think is really great.
AGH. ok since its June i feel like i have to post sth transgender (lol), so here's a couple lines i love from a devotional poem i wrote:
Skald, mead-drunk, ecstatic, / Isn’t building a body poetry too?
Also, sth from an old piece of prose journalling I'm still fond of:
How many strangers have taken little pieces of me without understanding what they’ve done? I think about kind men a lot. Do they feel my heart in their hands?
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kiss2012 · 5 months
final 911 thoughts…
k tommy’s entrance in 7x03 kinda slayed ngl. the fake static LMAO
“i’d follow your hunches any day” “it’s cap and athena let them fire us” CATCH ME CRYING IN THE CLUB
eddie’s incredulous happy little laugh when they saw the flare <3
this show is at its best when 1) it’s about the inherent goodness of humanity and how everyone deserves to be saved, 2) when the members of the 118 are in Situations, 3) when they r all a happy family, and 4) when they are flagrantly disobeying orders to save the people they love
u don’t understand how funny this is to me (person who watched the most recent bachelorette live)
making buck bi in the bachelor episode literally the greatest thing they have ever done.
scream at joey’s face when the contestants proposition buck and eddie
once again buck continues his trend of either flirting on purpose or flirting without realizing he’s flirting.
buck saying he’s “keeping his options fluid” LOL.
look im glad to see harry even if the actor’s different i missed him but WHERE IS MAY
ravi i love you so deeply
oh my god ravi looks so beautiful
“you and tommy have a lot in common: both in the army both like watching half-naked men pummel each other” WHAT???? WHAT THE FUCK AM I WATCHING
so i understand exactly what’s going on with buck right now he is certifiably insane but he’s obviously jealous over eddie and jealous over tommy and worried about being replaced especially with chris and insecure and confused about what he’s feeling etc. but eddie 😭😭😭 what’s going on babe
ok seriously did we need a rehash of the WORST athena plotline to date???
oh my god i physically can’t watch this
ummmmm yikes
i’ve seen a lot of people both blindly defending buck for this and a lot of people hating on it and i don’t really think it’s that simple. like i think it was wrong wish we could see him apologize but it is some delicious drama. like suck ur teeth in hand over mouth kinda drama.
chimney pretty much summed it up and maddie was so right…love u madney
maddie’s hilarious for being like yeah buck i understand where ur coming from i also made desperate bids for my friend’s attention. when i was a 14 year old girl.
“so stop acting like one” YEAH LMAO
you’d think seeing half of this in gifsets would’ve desensitized me to it. but it hasn’t.
this would have been the perfect opportunity to have tommy talk about how he regrets his behaviour during the begins episodes and talk more about his friendships with hen and chimney??
tommy. BUCK!!!!!!!
um im sorry i cant blame tommy for leaving buck at the curb after that hot chicks comment. and then the “bro”??? im in agony.
i thought u guys were joking this is marisol’s like fourth appearance on screen and we’ve barely heard her speak let alone seen her interact with eddie but he “really likes her” and they’re moving in together? um excuse me??? WHY ARE THEY LYING TO ME I DONT KNOW THIS WOMAN NO ONE KNOWS THIS WOMAN NOT EVEN EDDIE KNOWS THIS WOMAN
ohhhh my god that post about how unlike tommy eddie’s always treated buck like an equal partner no matter what from the very beginning. yeah…
denny is so sweet.
disaster bi buck fr (affectionate)
the “christopher is out of town for a couple days” is still killing me. where is he.
eddie is such a dreamboat truly who wouldn’t be in love with him
so many shannon mentions this season thank you…i miss you shannon
if you need me i’ll be thinking about eddie’s thumb on That Spot.
this end scene is the best buck has looked all episode the choice to have him literally bathed in sunlight is so real and true
7x06 time oh my god im so scared
maddie and hen look unbelievably stunning. jesus christ.
eddie looks beautiful in his beautiful pre-destroyed pink suit. buck…your suit was a Choice. i will free you from whoever is doing your hair like that pls buck just let me in i can fix it pls
eddie wasn’t overtly bitchy about tommy being there until he saw tommy hug buck. he’s so funny.
HENREN AND RAVIIIIII 🥰🥰🥰🥰 and all three of their outfits r a slay
can’t explain to you how much i love clipboard buck if clipboard buck has no lovers i am not on this earth etc. and a karaoke bachelor party really is such a thoughtful idea even if it’s not what chimney wanted
but once again buck is so embarrassing i can’t do this
thanks we had a…time. HFJFJDKD
MONTAGE <33333 buck and eddie’s bestieism is off the charts im gonna cry…
“i am 911” maddie buckley the woman that you are…
i unapologetically looked at a million spoilers for this episode but i still don’t know What happened to chimney and im scared
kevin and the lees 😭😭😭😭
“telling buck no is like telling a dog not to jump your leg” is definitely. a line. that. they chose. for this episode.
home and he went to the lees. god….
moment 1363673 of buck giving me the worst and somehow most affectionate secondhand embarrassment i’ve ever felt in my life
perfect episode no notes. actually one note WHERE WAS ALBERT. but other than that im in shambles time to listen to islands in the stream on repeat
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vampacidic · 2 years
YES YOU CAN BE A NATURE GIRL!! Basically there was this youtube trend going around where people were like "Guess this twisted wonderland character's name / unique magic" but a lot of them were having their parents guess and so in one video this person had their mom and dad guess, one half of the cast was for their mom and the other for their dad, when it got to their dad's side he thought they were all girls
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Jade is surrounded by mushrooms (She is a big fan of those) so with this knowledge he called her "Nature girl" so thank you to that very confused father because now I see Jade as transfem.
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She ran away from octavinelle once because she was being very petty and so was Azul so she goes to pomefiore and tells Vil she's going be his faithful servant from now on. Vil is like.. okay.. interesting. So Vil bosses her around and turns her into an errand girl, after serving Vil for a while she's like. "Vil, I have decided I am going to work with Azul again. I am no longer mad at him. Peace!" AND I COULDN'T STOP LAUGHING THAT IS SO STUPID. SHE TRIED SO HARD TO PROVE HERSELF TO VIL JUST TO GET AWAY FROM AZUL. EVEN GOING THROUGH THE ACT OF TRYING TO CHANGE DORMS, and I can't exactly remember everything Vil asked Jade to do but it was getting to a point where Vil would ask Jade for the simplest of things that Vil was PERFECTLY capable of getting done on her own. Jade did this all with a smile. She is SO SILLY. My friends are very big leech twin enjoyers but one likes Floyd and the other likes Jade so I sat in a call with them while they argued about who was the superior twin. Fun times. ( I love both of them, Floyd was actually the final push I needed to start reading through the whole main story. So thank you for that buddy!!) Fun fact I actually have a Vil plushy.. she is big and I love her. I get into my room and look at her and I tell her how important she is to me. DEAR I AM RAMBLING ON. I will confirm though, Azul is very guy and no matter how hard I try he does not leave my head. I love him though and I wouldn't have it any other way. For the question you asked I was actually thinking about this, you can just call me Light.. I'm not very good with names so I just chose the easiest option. Thank you for asking about twst though I love this game lots.. giving you so many kisses right now!! (Also please feel free to ramble about anything you want to with me I would love to hear it)
IM TELLING YOU ALL MALE GACHA CASTS LOOK LIKE LESBIANS!!!!! the dad was right she's a girl. 2 me ❤️ jade's so real for being a mushroom enjoyer... i used to be big into mushrooms and then i did some poking about decay and uhh. well now they freak me out a bit if i think about it too long but i still like them a lot.... decay exists as an extant form of life etc etc
don't feel bad about rambling i really enjoy it... you get very impassioned light dear and it's nice to hear you go on :] twst is one of those games where i Know it's right up my alley but my brain is like ummmmm. no you will not open it and play ❤️ sorry ❤️ but maybe i'll start soon... maybe you're my push hon. (the only hesitance is this makes it very easy for me to spend money at cons bc twst is so big..... sighs)
jade seems funny though.... she has ummm a je ne se quois to her. i feel like she'd eat me but not on purpose just in a oopsy i bit too hard way. not that i'd say no to it. she's a little bimbo ish it's ok. i love stupid women ❤️ i love siblings with the worst shit imaginable going on ❤️❤️
OH my friend acfually has a malleus plushie... waves Hi kyo if you see this. i have no idea if she consumes twst at all actually but like. uhhh twinsies...? can our giant vil and rei plushies be best friends
light sounds good to me... maybe i'll pick something more fun in the future when i'm not so tired lol.... i'm answering this before i go to bed ehehe.... hehe i'm accepting all of your kisses gracefully!!!
oh but my interests.... they're ummm. eclectic ? some of them are incredibly scholarly and then there's enstars. sighs. no idea how much you know about enstars love but i've been stuck w it for. nearly 3 years now....? give or take. my beloved idol gacha game. but other than that i play a uh. range of video games.... i've been trying to chuck through hades but i'm incredibly bad at it LMAO asterius and theseus are beating my ass. i've gotten to 3rd form(???) of hades before but never beyond that.... sigh. i'll make it through one day. other than that i like uh. final fantasy here and there + horror games despite how easily terrified i am. i wouldn't say i'm a horror buff but i do love the genre... big psych horror enjoyer. i also like writing and drawing here and there but most of my art has gone to class recently.... other than games and such i have my more uh. scholarly interests ? i like biochemistry a lot (of course you have autism and like science) and i have what i like to call 'history blorbos' whcih are guys i have a weird obsession w. this includes vladimir lenin, mao zedong, rasputin, and karl marx. no idea what makes me obsessed w them but you know. shit happens. history as a whole makes me go insane.... 20th century in particular. love the russian revolution + ww2 specifically but all of the 20th century is insane to me. also really like language (im teaching myself jp and am uhhhh. semi fluent in spanish. k can scrape by verbally) and to an extent religion.... i like catholicism from an aesthetic point but as an american raised in a catholic school it's uhhhhhh. Interesting relationship w religion esp w regards to my gender/sexuality.... i like dissection stuff like that. can you tell i have autism. i'm more than willing to detail just about any of this stuff if interested bc hooooo boy do i love to talk about my interests. light honey i hope you have a good night!!! mwah mwah my darling <3
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evilponds · 2 years
ok i have inq brainrot again and im playing as cal so i am thinking abt how she'd get along with the companions & LOs
cullen: she tolerates him. to some extent he occasionally knows what hes talking about and people want him there so like, whatever
cassandra: cal would flirt with her sooo much but i think theyd end up being pretty good friends. i do think she'd find cass a little too fantasy-catholic for her tastes but they can work on that
sera: You Are My Little Sister Now. yeah sure we can prank cullen. whatever u want bud. she'd absolutely join the jennies post-game
bull: besties. immediately besties. if telepathy were possible thats how theyd communicate
dorian: too fancy for her. she'd like him but she would have to dunk on him a little bit occasionally. lovingly
vivienne: i feel like theyd disagree on pretty much anything but cal would have a very deep respect for her. i feel like they'd have a lot to talk about tbh
blackwall: man this ones a bummer because i think cal would to some extent see him as a father figure but i think once she learned what hes done in the past she would have a hard time getting past that
cole: cole my friend cole. i think cal would find him a very calming person to be around but as a deeply repressed person she'd be a little discomfited by his insights
leliana: ok TBH if inquisition leliana were a romance option cal would probs gravitate to her. i think they could help each other be a little more earnest. cal would 100% choose her for divine. catholic in a kind of horny way cal could vibe with
josephine: would have suuuuch a soft spot for josephine. cal would hang out with her a lot and try to get her to loosen up a bit
ummmmm shoot who else is there.
OH yeah varric. i think cal would LOVE that fantasy james patterson is the mayor. shes read all his books. they'd end up being friends but she would also name-drop him at the weirdest times
solas: Who Are You. could you please leave. youre killing the vibe
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wave2tyun · 7 months
but I hope you got to rest and I also hope you're doing fine:(C( you'll rock this semester, and if that's not the case l'lI gladly beat college up for you😾😾
and I’ve been good :0
I was so so scared about the job and ngl im still a little scared but everyone is being so sweet to me :( and willing to explain how to do the things there. Plus, it’s been kinda tiring but also really fun! I’m not rotting in bed and being depressive anymore, that’s a good start😀
And ummmmm I’m crushing on this boy but we don’t go to the same college and we don’t live in the same city. He’s kind of a low profile type of guy and I’m praying really hard to god let me have one chance with this boy bc I swear I’ve never been this interested IN A BOY like I am now😔
Anyways that’s enough how are you doing my deares Alex?
i think it's natural to still be a bit scared about the job, it's just a matter of getting used to the environment and the workflow :0 you'll probably ease up after a few more days, and it will probably get a bit less tiring too as you start getting the hang of things, the fact that you're surrounded by kind people as you're learning matters a lot!! :D and cheers to your good start!!!!😼😼💓💞💖💘💓 i'm so SO proud of you for your progress🫂🫂🩷🩷 if those feelings start to come back, i'm here for anything!!!!<3
alsoooooo HELLO i need more details about the boy??????!!!!! how did you get to know him??? have you talked??? have you met????? i NEED you to give me all the deets!!!!😳😳😳
i did get some good rest and i am also doing fine!! :D these days have been pretty uneventful, just cooking, playing games, and trying to write!!! but i am honestly happy about it😌 i have a few more free days and i'm planning to maybe start thinking about my responsibilities from tomorrow asbshja (or maybe in 2 days.....who knows....). and also i just came back from grocery shopping and i got myself some hot chocolate!!!!😋 i don't know if you are a coffee enjoyer :0 but if you are let me put you on something:
put a packet of hot chocolate mix in a mug
add one shot of espresso and stir (or two if you're feeling frisky)
heat up 200 ml of milk (optional: once it's done use a milk frother to create some foam)
add the milk to the mug
sprinkle a little bit of cinnamon on top!!!
and VOILÀ!!!! you've got the best coffee ever!!!!😼😼💞 i started drinking this around christmas and i am so addicted to it- like every day i wake up excited just thinking that i am going to make this and drink it again adsbhjasbd
and just like you said about your job, i'm also still a little bit scared about this semester asbdsj but it hasn't even been that long since it started, and if take things step by step, i hope i will be fine. though i'm very stressed about a retake i'll have to do in march cause i don't want to fail this course and i don't know what exactly will happen if i fall behind on my credits....😭😭😭😭😭
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sunnyville36 · 2 years
yeah fr im not sure why his stylists haven’t done it. but i think… taking care of his hair isn’t exactly his stylist’s job. cause like– the way they’d style his curls is a lot different from how they’d naturally fall. he has to like… actually learn to care for it at home.
but i’ve also noticed that a lot of naturally curly haired idols straighten their hair. until they’re like in their 30s and they start embracing the curls (like gikwang). it’s probably like a beauty standard thing. they seem to really like straight hair. idk whatever it is… mans needs to utilise google 😂 he literally looks up the most random things. he can look up how to care for his hair. but yeah oof like you said. maybe it’s a guy thing. my brother is so smart but he’s such an idiot when it comes to skincare. only because he’s lazy to actually do anything 💀 had to force him to go see a derm lmao
oh shit i forgot what else you said. got distracted. ummmmm… hold on. oh! thank you for the compliment btw 🥺💛 you’re so sweet.
OH PLANS FOR THE HOLIDAYS!! ummm not particularly, no. i’ve got some work to do so i shall be very very busy until march AHAHAHAH wby? you got any plans?
- ☃️
haha that’s true - the stylists gotta have the curls to work with 😅 we will all continue to pine over floofy Christopher whenever we can get him 🥰
aww I’m sorry you’re so busy; I hope it’s at least for doing something you enjoy!! I’m home visiting family now so that’s mostly all - just lots of cookie eating and Christmas movie watching!
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wataermelon · 4 years
goddamn when was the last time i was on here
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anyoneseenadam · 3 years
we all know azriel is one kinky mf 😂 what about the reader introducing him the mortal basic sex toys and him ‘experimenting’ the whole bdsm thing on the reader because he thought only bondage was the only thing that existed
pairing: azriel x reader (acotar)
warnings: this is filthy, pet play, dom az, sub reader, slight breath play, overstiulation, orgasm denial (lemme know if i missed anything)
a/n: ummmmm i may have over done this but im horny and lonely so leave me alone lol, lemme know what u think <33
Azriel knew you were into a lot of stuff. Fuck he was too. But your world was completely different to his so when you approached him with a box and the cute smile you always wore when you wanted something, he knew you were taking it a step up.
It wasn’t as if your sex life was vanilla. Azriel revelled in looking after your every need and you fell so easily into a submissive nature that it worked perfectly. But the two of you had rarely ventured past light bondage and the spoken aspect that came with your power dynamic.
He sat facing you now, watching as you bounced cutely in excitement with the box secure in your lap. He had never seen the box before, but you had recently returned from a trip home to the world you were born in, so he presumed that was why.
“Are you going to open that bunny?” he asked, a smile tugging at his lips when you scrunched up your face.
“I need to explain it first,” you said, and he tilted his head, wondering what it could possibly be. “It’s just- while I love our sex and all, like top-notch, ten out of ten I have no complaints.”
Azriel laughed as you spoke, “Out with-it bunny,”
“Well actually, it’s about that.” He raised his eyebrows in question, and you moved to explain, “Bunny.”
“What? Do you not like the name?” he asked, growing more confused by the second.
“No I love it!” you were failing at articulating your thoughts, so you slumped your shoulders before pushing the box to him.
“Can I open this?” he asked, wanting to be sure he wasn’t crossing your boundaries smiling when you nodded. Inside revealed dozens of foreign objects, small rubber tools, handcuffs, rope, but what caught his attention was the fluffy rabbit tale attached to what appeared to be a plug and the matching ears. He looked up at you with a smile as he picked it up.
“Bunny huh?” he asked, and you felt your face heating up, nodding shyly.
“Yeah I was wanting to try it out,” your voice was quiet, and he reached for you, pulling you tightly into his lap.
“What does everything else do?” he asked, and you smiled, picking up a small tool and pressing it against his palm, flipping a switch on the other side as he felt vibrations run through his palm. You then talked him through other things, your voice getting smaller and shyer with certain objects in the box, namely the leash.
“I also got this,” you said at the end, reaching to grab a bad he recognised, the fancy lingerie store that was located near the old house. He reached in, eyes widening when he pulled out an intimate lace two piece with matching stockings and a garter belt. And upon further inspection he found the thin panties were crotchless, looking up at you with dark eyes.
“Tonight, you are going to get dressed up nice and pretty for me, tail and ears included, and then we’ll really see how some of this works. Okay bunny?” you gulped as his voice lowered in pitch.
“Yes daddy.”
You were sat on your knees. The floor was cold and hard, pressing against you roughly but you didn’t dare move. You had nothing on but the white lingerie you had purchased and, the headband holding fluffy rabbit ears. You shifted slightly, the plug that was wedged deep inside of you, shifting as you whimpered. You didn’t know how you hadn’t dripped on the floor yet, your pussy soaking and pulsating with need.
Azriel was standing in front of you, his eyes impassive as they raked over your features. He bent down slightly, tilting your head via the collar he had secured around your neck and kissing you deeply.
“Such a cute little bunny,” he whispered against your mouth as he pulled away, smiling when you chased his lips. “So desperate for me, aren’t you bunny?”
You nodded desperately and he slapped your cheek lightly, “Words.”
“Yes daddy,” you whispered, voice shy as he smiled down at you. He was so tall you felt even smaller than usual as he towered over you, standing back to his full height. His wings and shadows made it all the more intimidating, crowding you in until all you could see was him.
He had already discarded his shirt and you watched in awe as he undid his trousers, pulling his impressive length out and running the leaking tip over your bottom lip. He smiled as your tongue darted out, licking away the precum that was left on your lips as he gripped your hair.
“Keep those hands behind your back,” he ordered, and you moved them, pushing your breasts forward as a result. “Open wide, bunny.”
He pushed into your mouth gently to start. He was big and he knew it, and he didn’t want to hurt his bunny to early. Although his composure was slipping as you sat at his feet, all pouty lips and doe eyes. Looking like the epitome of innocence.
He pushed in further, tip hitting the back of your throat as you willed yourself to relax around him, sucking lightly as he started to thrust slowly into your mouth. He started to lose himself in the thrusts, and moved faster, going deeper into your mouth as you gagged around him, tears falling and smudging your makeup.
He looked down and looked at you, his cock in the back of your throat with tears streaming down your face as you gazed up at him with eyes full of adoration. He felt himself get impossibly harder and thrust particularly hard into your mouth, your hands moving to balance yourself on his thighs automatically.
He growled and your eyes widened as he roughly pulled himself from your mouth, “What did I say bunny?”
You stayed quiet, eyes wide as he grabbed your collar again, tugging harshly as he pulled your face up to his.
“Bunny…” his voice was low, and you spoke quickly, afraid of your punishment.
“To keep my hands behind my back daddy,” he gripped your chin in one hand,
“And what did you do?”
“I moved them, I’m sorry daddy,” you whined as he pulled away, not daring to move when he walked away, rustling in something behind you. You flinched when you felt his hand on your wrists, securing them behind your back with the baby pink handcuffs you had bought.
He moved to stand in front of you again, moving his cock back to your lips and pushing into your mouth, even deeper this time. He smiled ferally when you gagged, “Awe can the little bunny not take it? Is it too much bunny?” he mocked, and you moaned around him as he started thrusting again.
His thrusts got sloppy quickly, too turned on by the sight of you underneath him. “You’re so pretty bunny,” he moaned, stroking one of your cheeks as his other hand held the back of your head. He sped up again when you moaned before pulling you flush against his base, one hand moving to rest around your throat where he could feel himself as he spilled inside of you.
You moaned as he came, some of it spilling into your mouth and coating your tongue with the salty taste as he pulled back, tucking himself back into his trousers as you caught your breath.
“Good bunny, you did so well,” he praised, and you smiled up at him as he brought you to stand, your knees aching. He went to sit on the bed, pulling you to sit onto his lap as you rested your head on his shoulder, his hands moving slowly as they stroked your back.
“Fuck bunny you’re so wet, can feel you through my trousers.” He swore and you whimpered as he shifted you, so you were straddling on thigh, leaning back on his hands as you tried to remain balanced with your hands behind your back.
“Go on baby, fuck yourself on my thigh,” he commanded, and you felt your face heat up. “Well get on with it, you don’t need me to do everything for you, do you? Such a dumb bunny.” He smacked your thigh lightly and you started grinding down, letting out a whiny moan as he degraded you, your pussy dripping onto his thigh as you ran your cunt over him.
The friction his trousers creates on your clit was fogging up your mind and you struggled to stay upright as you moved, balance thrown off with nothing to hold onto. You started moving quicker, desperate for release. Azriel was watching you intently, a lazy smirk on his face as he watched you struggle to move on his thigh.
You found a rhythm and started grinding down harder onto him, moaning with your head back. As you neared your release, Azriel gripped your hips and helped pulling you down harder against him, your wetness making it easier to guid you along his leg. You were almost there when suddenly he lifted you completely off his leg, causing you to shriek as you fell forward in his grasp.
“Not yet bunny,” he cooed as you looked up at him with wide eyes,
“But, but daddy I was almost there,” you whined, and he glared at you.
“Are you talking back?” he demanded, and you shook your head fervently, “Good bunny. Daddy always knows what’s best doesn’t he?”
You nodded quickly and he smiled, dropping you onto the bed and turning you onto your back, pulling your hips up and pushing your head down.
“Oh you’re such a cute bunny,” he muttered, twisting the plug secured in your ass, laughing when you moaned loudly, not used to the sensation. He tapped the end of it a few times as he got his hard cock back out, dragging the head through your folds.
You shivered at the sensation, still shaking from the orgasm that was ripped away from you. He pushed the head of his cock into your entrance slightly, one hand still stroking the white tail between your ass cheeks.
“Daddy please!” you whined, trying to push back as he moved his hand to grip the cuffs you were in.
“Such a desperate bunny,” he mocked as he watched you struggle to push him into your entrance, hips moving on their own accord. He decided to put you out of your misery, gripping your cuffs tightly as he pushed in, pulling you back to him.
You moaned loudly, never prepared for the intrusion of his monster cock. It always felt like he would never bottom out but soon enough he was pressed into the base, leaning over you to press dizzying kisses into you neck as he allowed you a few seconds to adjust to him. He reached a hand underneath you, pressing into your stomach where he could feel a slight bulge, groaning into your ear.
“Fuck bunny, you’re so small I can feel myself all the way in your cute tummy,” he cooed as you whined, tears falling already, even though he was yet to move. He pulled his hips back completely, leaving you feeling empty for half a second before he roughly shoved himself back in, groaning at the sound your achingly wet pussy created.
He sat back up, holding your hips as he began thrusting roughly in and out of you. You simply laid there, allowing him to use your body as he liked as you moaned into your sheets. He was so deep inside you, you could feel him hitting your cervix, the pleasure far outweighing any pain.
He was groaning above you, eyes focused on where your bodies met, and the cute tail protruding above it. Unable to stop himself he reached for it, tugging it gently as your whole body shook, moaning loudly.
“Are you going to cum bunny? Huh? You’ve been so needy all evening, just needed my cock so badly.” You couldn’t even reply, too cock drunk to form a coherent sentence. He slapped you ass, enamoured as it rippled under his palm.
“C’mon slut, speak up.” He spanked you again and you screamed out, seconds from your orgasm.
“I need to cum so badly daddy, please! Please let me cum,” you begged as he laughed behind you, delivering another particularly hard thrust before pulling from you completely, grinning when you swore. Your body was shining with sweat in the low light and Azriel kissed your shoulder lightly, tasting the salty skin.
“Hmm sorry bunny, not quite yet.” He muttered as you cried, pushing your hips further up, presenting yourself to him.
“Please daddy please, I need to cum,” you begged but he just laughed.
“Oh you will my sweet bunny,” he whispered, standing, and moving to the box and you watched with fearful eyes as he picked up the vibrator. “But I want to see how this works first.”
He moved back behind you, pushing into you slowly as you groaned in tandem. He started thrusting slowly making you shake, moaning when you heard the electrical buzz of your bullet vibrator. He pressed the small tool against your clit, hips speeding up as he flicked the switch higher, feeling the vibrations on his cock from where the vibrator was pressed against your clit.
“Oh fuck bunny, that’s powerful,” he groaned as you moaned, desperate for release. “You can cum bunny, don’t worry. Cum as much as you like.”
Too distracted by your orgasm you missed the change in tone as he kept thrusting into you through your orgasm, not pulling the vibrator away or finishing himself. Your legs shook violently as you rode through your orgasm only to feel another building just as quickly.
It only took a few more thrusts and you were coming again, screaming into the covers on your bed as Azriel groaned behind you at the feeling of your cunt tightening around his cock. But his thrusts didn’t slow, only growing sloppier as he threw you straight into your third orgasm, suddenly realising that you had maybe bargained for too much as he moved your body roughly.
Your legs were numb, and you were shaking all over, sobbing from the pleasure as Azriel started slowing, groaning behind you.
“Give me one more bunny, and I’ll fill you up, I promise. Last one bunny, c’mon I know you’ve got it in you.” He pleaded as you moaned, knowing you would anything to please him. You felt your fourth orgasm build and moaned lowly, voice hoarse as you came again, barely able to make a sound.
You vaguely heard Azriel moan behind you, filling you as you shook from the force of your orgasm, your body slumping as you lost consciousness.
When you came to less than a minute later, Azriel was hovering over you, eyebrows furrowed in worry.
“I’m sorry bunny, I was too harsh, are you okay?” you reached up and smoothed between his eyebrows with a soft smile growing on your face.
“I love you so much,” you muttered, and his shoulders relaxed, moving so he was laying on your back, pulling you into his arms.
“I love you more bunny, you’re perfect,” he kissed your head gently as you giggled.
“You’re going to have to carry me everywhere for a week or two though.” You joked as Azriel sat up and went about removing the plug and lingerie, wiping your sweaty skin down with a cool cloth.
“That was my plan sweetness,” he replied, eyes bright. “I also think you need to take me with you next time you go back, and we need to have a look in that shop.”
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seraphdreams · 3 years
Your mom’s threatening steppapi Connie after y’all are done and he puts you to bed cause you know the pipe is A1 so you’re out like a baby-his lil baby-.
“How the fuck could you do that to me?! And with my daughter of all people? Don’t you have any shame?”
Connie sits taking a sip of his whiskey not paying much attention to the rant happening before him but more so the taste of you on his tongue and the dumb look on your face as he split your tight little cunt open on his cock.
“Are you even listening to me Connie? I’ll fucking leave if touch my daughter again!”
This catches his attention.
“By all means if you think that’s going to stop me from stuffing her full of my cum like she’s my personal cum dumpster, go right ahead.” He smirks. “I— no, we know you’ve been fucking Kirsten/Yeager so you really shouldn’t be shaming anyone. We both know you’re not gonna leave, you like my money too much for that. Plus it’s not like we’re married so I don’t see what’s wrong with me fucking a woman that I find attractive.”
“I don’t know what you’re thinking but my daughter will never choose you over blood.” She sneers at him. Connie finishes off his drink and stands. He walks towards her with a devilish smile on his face and just as he’s about to pass her he stops.
“She may not have my blood in her but she does have my cum. I’m positive she likes that a lot more than her mother who’s fucked each of her boyfriends. You and I both know that it’s too good ma.” Hands in the pockets of his sweats Connie saunters off with the same wicked smile towards your bedroom.
IM HORNY UMMMMM HES SO HOT????? t-that last line???? omg, i need steppapí connie and i need him now! imagine how good he spoils you when he finally gets rid of your mom🥺
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Better than when you found it -Part 2-
Part 1 Here
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-The Second Day: Saturday- 
Ekubo: Yawwwwn~~What are we doing today?
Reigen brushing teeth: There’s a DVD rental kiosk around the corner. Wanna check it out? 
Mob: Yes I’m here
Reigen: Wait, Mob what? (btw you have foam on your face.)
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Mob: Weren’t you asking me where I was?
Reigen: No?
Serizawa pops out: Did someone say movie?!
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Mob thinks: I keep hearing someone calling my name.
One unspecified adult: What movies are we getting?
Another unspecified adult: Lets go take a look at what they have.
--20 Minutes Later--
Unspecified Adult: Alright! What do we have? 
(It’s not specified who is speaking here, but based on the speech form it’s either Reigen or Ekubo, not Serizawa)
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Ekubo reads: The Hunger Games?
Someone else: We’ll that’s....
Mob: I’ve heard of it before.
Ekubo: Yeah?
Mob: Master told me about it. -He holds up a clothes hanger-
Mob puts the clothes hanger on his head: Yeah! Hunger Games!
Ekubo: Um....
Reigen: NO NO, That’s not it.
(Can someone explain this reference to me? I’ve never seen the Hunger games. I have no idea what this is about.)
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Somebody: Whatever. Lets try it. 
There is a loud scream from the TV. Serizawa is startled into dropping his tea tray. Ekubo covers Mob’s eyes. 
Reigen is pissed: WHO PICKED THIS VIOLENT FILM?! Take care of Mob!
Mob peeling Ekubo’s hands off his face: Um... I’m fine with it. I just.....I just feel like something is wrong. 
(He’s actually referring to the presence of the spirit in the apartment. He’s been talking about it since the first panel. The adults are having too much fun they forgot.)
Reigen: You.....You’re not likeing this violence are you?  hmmmmmm
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Reigen: Okay Mob! Listen up! I’m gonna teach you the right way to approach media like movies and TV.
You gotta put yourself in the shoes of the protagonist.
(I LOVE THE WAY THIS PANEL IS DRAWN. The framing of the panel is encouraging and mentorly, like a coach telling his player to go out there and do his best, ........except it’s Reigen...teaching Mob to watch movies.... He’s 14, I’m sure he’s seen movies before.)
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Reigen puts his hand on Mob’s shoulder: You think you can do it? 
Mob: um....
Reigen: Try it out! I guarantee you’ll get a different experience out of it.
Mob is watching intently while all three adults look bored. The room is filled with fighting sounds.
Mob: That looks like it hurts.
Reigen looks over at Mob and fails to notice the rustling behind him. 
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Reigen’s Phone Rings: Crap I forgot
Mob: Is it a client?
Reigen: Yeah
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Reigen: I’m just going to go on my own, it’ll be quick.
Ekubo: Are you gonna be okay on your own?
Reigen: Yeah it’s fine, It’s just an in-office consultation. I’ll be back at around noon.
Mob: Okay, see you later
Reigen: yep
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Ekubo: So.... what are we gonna do?
Serizawa: Ummmmm
(I like how Ekubo hangs out on top of Mobs head, the way he does all the time as a spirit.)
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Serizawa gets an idea looking at the microwave: How about we cook while waiting for Reigen to return?
Mob: That’s a good idea, he’d be hungry when he comes back Mob thinks: I don’t know how to cook though. 
Ekubo rolls up sleeves: Lets do it! It’s not like we’re busy. I’ll show you my signature dish!
Serizawa: Ekubo-kun...
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Ekubo: Alright lets divide up  the work.
Mob: Okay
Serizawa: ah! Yes!
They start cooking. Mob cuts himself chopping vegetables.
Serizawa: Ah! You’re bleeding!  Mob: Ow ow... Ekubo: You cut yourself AGAIN?!
They’re almost done.  Mob: Im hungry Ekubo making fried rice. Should we make something more than just this? Serizawa: Ah, we can add a salad!
It’s 12:42
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Reigen Returns: Ugh this place is so far from the office. I’m starving.
He’s jiggling the key in the lock: lock is acting up again. 
(This is a callback to the beginning when he was working the lock, he told everyone to do things in pairs to avoid being possessed. He forgot and went off on his own.) Reigen gets possessed
The door clatters and he enters the apartment. 
Mob: ah! Master! Welcome back!
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Mob: Master?
Reigen: What have you guys busied yourself with? 
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Ekubo: Um.... what?
Serizawa: We made lunch
Mob: eh? ehhh?
Reigen:THIS is what you’ve decided to whittle away the last few hours on?
(This is so hard to translate, but it’s what I love about translating. His word choice here is saying that 1. they acted without permission. 2. they did something that wasted time, and resources and was ultimately unnecessary. 3. they’re screwing around like children.)
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Reigen: No one asked you to do this. Why you did is beyond me. 
Others: ?!
Reigen: I put a lot of effort into planning what foods to bring and what the meal plans were going to be.
(Reigen doesn’t normally have light colored eyes. That’s a nice touch.)
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Ekubo is looking at Mob
Mob: I....Im sorry
Ekubo remembers how eager mob wanted to cook for Reigen, how he cut him self trying. 
Serizawa: Mr. Reigen, this is very unlike you. Is something wrong?
Ekubo to Reigen:  I don’t like your tone.
Serizawa: Ekubo-kun!*
Ekubo: Look, I’m not sure what’s gotten into you but.......
Reigen: Hmm?
(*This wasn’t made all that clear in the manga, but Serizawa is ALWAYS very deferential around Reigen. He’s never direct with him, meekly suggests things rather than outright stating them. He doesn’t treat their relationship as that of equals, he’s the subordinate and he expresses this in the language he uses and the tone he takes. As opposed to Ekubo who is direct and not afraid to confront Reigen. Ekubo’s pronouns, word choice and tone expresses the belief that he is an equal if not better than the people around him.
Which is why Serizawa is shocked that Ekubo is so direct. Like, How could he just outright say “I dont like your tone” TO Reigen?)
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Reigen: got something to say? 
Ekubo: ....how dare you? What gives you the right?
Serizawa: ....?
Reigen: What gives YOU the right? It’s not YOUR body. It’s not like I asked you to possess this man. You did that yourself. 
Serizawa notices that there’s something on Reigen: Ekubo-kun w...wait!
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Ekubo: Bastard, if you don’t stop running your mouth....
Reigen smiles: Hmmm? Are you not an evil spirit? You REALLY think you live a normal human life again? 
(I love that panel with Reigen’s silent open-mouthed smile, he knows he’s won.  He’s gonna pull the trigger now.)
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Ekubo: ..... I see 
Mob: Eku~ Ekubo: I understand now. -He walks out and closes the door being him-
Mob stands at the door: Ekubo?
Serizawa: Ekubo-kun
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Reigen: Enough.... he’s so much trouble.
Mob is still at the door:..... Ekubo
Mob: When we were cooking, he said....
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Ekubo: He’s considerate in a way.... For an evil spirit like me, he treats me no different than anyone else around him.... that’s something. 
Mob: Eventhough Ekubo is an evil spirit, and a dangerously powerful one at that,... he’s an uncharacteristically a good person.
Mob opens the door and runs outside after him. 
I like this part SO GODDAMN MUCH. Reigen is really good at reading people and knowing what to say. He can use his words to get people to feel how he wants them to, and the idea of him getting possessed and unleashing his ability on other people to destroy them is so goddamn cool. 
You’ve heard of Empaths. They are people that easily understand the emotions of others. But in psychology, there’s a lesser known personality type called a “Dark Empath” that can understand peoples feelings well but is also a sociopath that has no problems hurting other people.
Dark Empaths use their understanding of other people to hurt, defraud and other take advantage of others. These are people that convince others to commit suicide or charm people out of their life savings etc.
I wish there was more Dark Empath! Reigen fics. This is something I’ve not seen in Fanfiction, in fact, this comic is the only place I’ve seen it. It’s such an interesting concept. Like, if there were fics that cast him as a villan, then it’s perfectly in-character and logical for him to be a Dark Empath.
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namjoonswifey99 · 3 years
What The Heart Wants Pt.6
Billy Hargrove X Reader
Warnings : Cursing , Bullying , Harassment , Billy being Billy 
Author Note: Hope You Enjoy This Chapter and I apologize this was supposed to be out but ive going though a rough patch with my family so i hope you understand.
Billy walked over to Y/N and Max; he couldn't help but overhear Susan talking to the police.
“ Sir please i just want my little girl I don't do anything else but her.” Susan says trying to calm her breathing from crying so much
“ Ma'am, your daughter stated she wants to go with her step brother and his girlfriend. We are gonna have to take you downtown for questioning. This isn't the first time Mrs.Hargrove.”  Officer Powell asked why detaining her.
Susan started to protest but saw that was Max was looking at her and stopped and held her head down and started walking with the officer.
“ I'm so sorry you guys had to see that, that wasn't what I was going for, I just wanted to get our stuff so we can move in.” Billy says looking sad he never wanted Max or Y/N to see that side again. Billy then looks towards Will who was just wide eyed.
“ Hey Will right i'm sorry you had to see that I truly didn't mean for you to see that.” Billy says with an apologetic look. Will looks up at Billy, surprised by the story Jonathan and Max told him.  He doesn't seem so bad hopefully they can be friends
“ It's okay Billy i understand”. Will says, accepting his apology. 
Y/N then runs up and pulls Billy into a hug and just embraces him Y/N was so proud of Billy he finally stood up against his father. “ im super proud of you baby” Y/N says kissing Billy’s cheek 
Hopper looked at the two teenagers and smiled. It was rare for guys like Billy. He's honestly happy that he has this chance to make his life right with the right people by his side. 
“ Come one let’s get some more stuff out the house and go to Y/N place” Billy says while getting his key from Y/N . “ Yessss so i can more stuff then i intended” Max says while shouting in excitement to bring more of her things. “ Well as long as it fits in the car we'll just get a truck to move it”. Billy says while correcting Max he doesn't want his car to be too crowded. “ You guys don’t need a bed or dressers. My parents got you guys covered with bedding just more clothes and stuff you can fit”. Y/N says while fixing the trunk to make room.
----- 1 Hour Later----
After an hour later they arrived at Y/N house. Her and Billy explained what happened at his fathers house . Y/N and Billy starts to explain what had happened down at his fathers house and how he was gonna move forward to have sole custody of Max and to be filed down as independent. 
“ That’s a very good plan Billy and you know you and Max can still for however long you like it’s no problem to us you were already family from the beginning” Y/N mother Angelina says while putting the cookies in the oven. 
“ I agree with my wife you can stay however long you like” Y/N father Tremaine says while putting the sodas in the freezer. 
“ we definitely appreciate the love and roof you're giving me and max I won’t let you down” Billy says while looking at them. 
“ You don’t have to prove anything baby, we love you just the way you are flaws and all “ Y/ N says as she looks at Billy with full love in the eyes.
“ BABY” Both of Y/N parents shouted at the same time. 
“ Ummmmm yea as of today me and Billy are together “Y/N says while looking down shyly. To shy look at her parents reaction. 
“ Ha I knew it Tre you owe me 40$ bucks” Angelina says happily she knew they was gonna get together 
“ Man you guys couldn’t wait till next week I could’ve had extra money” Tre says pulling out the 40 dollars to hand to his wife. 
“ You are not mad about us” Billy says confused because growing with a dad like his a relationship between him and Y/N would be frowned upon. 
“ never we don’t care as long as you live and respect our daughter that’s all that matters” Tremaine says to Billy while tenderly holding Angelina to him. 
Y/N was about to say something when the doorbell rang, she gets up to ask who it was when a familiar voice called out. 
“ Y/ N your favorite person in the whole wide world is here “ 
“ No I’m Y/N favorite you can ask her herself” 
“ No Y/N loves me more she makes me more food than any of you” 
“ Well Y/N be at my house almost every other day with my sister so I get to see her more than any of you” 
Y/N knew right there it was the rest of her miniature best friends. 
“ Well all you are wrong Y/N loves me more and I’m living with her” Max says with a smug look on her face as Y/N opens the door. 
On her porch stands Lucas , Dustin , Eleven, and Mike with Steve standing behind them. 
After Max’s statement chaos was issued.
“ What no way, no fair” Dustin whines in disbelief. 
“ Yea what Dustin said , How come max stays” Lucas says while looking offended. 
“ Well it’s easier for you doofus . She like me more” Max says sticking her tongue out at the boys. 
“ That means we can have all the sleepovers and waffles we want” Eleven says with a bright smile on her face. 
“ Okay now listen I love you all the same your all my favorites I can’t just choose one”. Y/N says trying to mediate the situation. 
“ What about me guys? I can be as cool as Y/N” Steve said with a cocky grin. 
The group just all stared at him. 
“ No offense Steve buddy but Y/N waaaaaaayyy more cooler than you by a landslide”. Mike says. 
Before Steve can retort, Billy comes to the door to see what’s taking so long and notices Steve and gives him an annoyed look. There’s one thing Billy is a lot of but he doesn’t put his hand on women. He may be an asshole and a bully but he’s no woman beater. 
Y/N felt the tension before Steve face gave it away.  Before a fight can escalate she steps in. 
“ Okay so I got 4 movies picked out then we can go to the bonus room and play some board games and before you even ask Dustin and Lucas yes I did make you guys favorite dessert”. Y/N says while ushering the kids inside the house. 
Before Steve can ask why Billy was there Y/N comes back out. 
“ Thanks for dropping the kids off for Hopper I’ll call him when it’s time to come get them, '' Y/N says with a kind smile. 
“ Uhh yeah no problem anytime” Steve says, stuttering, he wanted to apologize for his actions earlier but with Billy right there he’ll never get the chance. 
Y/N turns to leave when she notices Billy still staring down at Steve so she grabs him by the back of his shirt and pulls him in the house. 
The kids were all in the living room trying to decide which movie they’re gonna watch. 
“ Baby look at me” Y/N says, grabbing Billy’s face so he’s looking directly at her. 
“ baby you’ve changed for the better don’t let what today put you down you know I’m right here by your side every step of the way” Y/N says while looking him in the eye so he can see she really meant what she’s saying. 
“ I know baby it’s just I want them to know I’ve changed. I got my second chance at life and to do what is right and I couldn’t have done it with you my sweet angel by my side” Billy says lovingly to Y/N. 
The chemistry between Y/N and Billy is unmatched for the simple fact when it was him against the world Y/N was by his side and he will never take that for granted him and Y/N connection is way deeper than anybody can imagine. 
Y/N just continued to look at him with so much adoration in her eyes. 
“ Okay love birds we chose the movie we’re waiting on you guys now”. Max says with an eye roll. 
Y/N and Billy walked into the living room but not before Y/N leaned down and whispered in Max’s ear. 
“ don’t worry max I have a grand plan for Lucas”. Y/N says walking away with a small grin on her face. Leaving a blushing max in her wake. 
— 2 Hours Later —-
After the movie ended Y/N looked over at the clock and noticed it was 7:40. It looks like they only have time for one game before she has to call Hopper. 
“ So I have guys listen up, it's a little late so we have time for one more movie or game whatever you guys decide”. Y/N says while pulling out the games from the chest. 
After about 5 minutes they decided on watching another movie before they left. 
“ So Max I heard there’s this boy whose been crushing on you for a while” Y/N says teasingly. Y/N signaled for Max to play along if one thing Y/N knows about men is that they’re extremely possessive no matter what age. 
“ Yea and I like him back hopefully he asks me to the dance” Max says with a blush on her face. 
Y/N notices from the corner of her eye that Lucas is not taking what they said well which means her plan is going accordingly. 
“ if you need my help with getting him to ask you I’ll definitely do it” Y/N says eagerly. 
Before Max can let out her response Lucas stands up and takes her and says. 
“ Would you do me the honor of my date for the winter formal?” Lucas says while looking so nervous. 
 Max pretends to think about it which makes him start sweating. More than he already was. 
“ Yes doofus of course I’ll go with you” Max says with a smile. 
Y/N was happy for Max she got what she wanted but Billy on the other hand was not so ecstatic. Y/N looked over and saw Billy with a scowl on his face. 
“ what’s wrong”.Y/N asked. 
“ Don’t you think it’s to soon for them” Billy says with a pout on his face. 
“ Awwww his the big brother feeling protective” Y/N responds teasingly. 
Billy kisses his teeth at her statement. 
“ No” was Billys only response. 
“ awww baby it’s okay it just a school dance they’ll be fine” Y/N says while kissing his cheek. 
“……. Fine but I don’t like it”. Billy says to Y/N. 
Y/N laughs wholeheartedly. He was just so precious and cute when he’s worried. 
The kids looked over at them when they heard Y/N they looked at her like she was crazy but left it alone.She was alway like that with Billy.
“ Okay kids get your stuff ready I’m going to call Hopper”. Y/N says while getting up and grabbing the house phone. 
After a while Hopper picks up. 
“ Hey Hopper the kids are ready” 
“ Umm about that I’m stuck at work and I already called their parents to see if it was okay for them to stay” 
“ What did they say”
“ Well they wasn’t to keen on Billy living there but since they trust you they allowed them to stay” 
“Okay that’s great I do have extra clothes for them especially when they stayed here during the you-know-what.” 
“ That’s great do you also think you can drop them off at school or call somebody to help” 
“ No it’s okay I’ll ask my mom in the Morning to take the kids she’ll be happy to” 
“ Okay that’s great Y/N I’ll pick up Eleven after school so will the parents except Dustin he’s going with Steve” 
“ Geats I’ll let the kids and my parents know have a good night Hopper” 
“ You Y/N Bye”
 Y/N hangs up and goes back to the living room to tell the kids. 
“ Okay guys put your stuff away your spending the night here and Billy and my mom will drop you off in the morning” Y/N says while getting the extra blankets and pillows out. 
“ Yesssss Y/ N you're officially the best ever”  Max says with excitement that her friends get to stay.  
“ Well I try my best but you should really thank Hopper. He's staying overtime at work,  so Max and Eleven are rooming in Max’s room , Boys you’ll be bunking with Billy”.  Y/N  says while taking them upstairs. 
“ Actually you guys can get my room. I'll bunk with Y/N just don’t touch any of my things”. Billy says while staring them down. 
“ Billy now my parents love you and all but they will literally kill us if they find us in bed together”. Y/N says wagging her finger in a no motion. 
“ We can leave the door open, I just want to spend time with you and cuddle” Billy says while wrapping his arms around her waist to bring her closer to him.
“ It stays wide open Billy im not playing with you” Y/N says while mugging him because she was not gonna die over this man even though she do love him her parents were a different story.
“ I understand baby i promise” Billy says while sealing their lips together in a nice passion lip lock.
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chromes-corner · 2 years
I’ll give you one (1) 🥚 hard boiled egg for your takes on the new cookies
Wildberry Cookie
Ok ok ok so like obviously im gonna be super partial towards this guy because I love knight/paladin-looking characters and ughhh his design absolutely tickles my brain. I am so so so into the bigass gauntlet he has its SO COOL I LOVE IT!! the stoic look is really dragging me in as well. whats this man so serious about??? his job???? i really wanna know what his job entails because he cant JUST be hollyberrys bodyguard. there's no way in hell she, victorious warrior over literal dragons, needs a bodyguard. also i know this probably wont be true but itd be really fucking cool if he was related to hollyberry. like the color palette is all there and he has word berry in his name and, uh, thats all the steam this theory has, BUT STILL!!! thatd be a cool foil for princess, right? a relative who takes his lineage seriously??? idk man i just really like this dude. a lot. also I'm hoping he's not just another caramel arrow personality-wise bc I'm getting those vibes just a little bit from him. that'd be so sad :( give him a cool character quirk devsis. makes my boy stand out. i really hope the fanbase gives him the same love that theyre currently giving the other new guy. ugh the skoinko boinko <3 <3 <3
clotted cream cookie
i might rag on this guy in the future for looking super fucking generic, but tbh he's... fine. that's it. he's fine. i really don't see anything special about his design. i like his poise and his general air, but honestly? no brain tickling here. take this as you will, but, honestly I looked at him and immediately thought "genshin impact." now I have never played genshin impact, nor do I ever intend to, but he just looks like one of those characters, with the done-up fancy-ness and such. I'm not really into him design-wise. i am intrigued by who he is/might be character-wise, however. yes yes, all of us are up in arms because the last hoity-toity bureaucrat was affogato, and we all know who he is now, plus CC is a politician, and those guys are always evil, but lets wait until we know more about him before we make accusations and all. though, ill admit, some of those voicelines in the trailer were rather sus. calling him an "unexpected guest" and him saying "i will emerge victorious" gives me lowkey villain vibes, but again, lets just wait and see. another thing i want to point out is that the trailer highlighted his skill being used on madeleine in particular, and we know for a fact that madeleine plays a part in this story (it is his homeland, afterall) so im very VERY curious about that. mayhaps we'll have a little rivalry between those boys?
anyways ummm yeah also the super-epic tier is ummmmm bullshit <3 and I hate that its very stupid <3 <3 teehee love and light!!!
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