#ummm quick question why is no one on tumblr talking about this show??
heartsinsync · 4 years
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UPLOAD (2020–) You think you got something on me because I have to follow the rules, but guess what? I muted the system, you goofy bitch, so now you play by my rules.
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thedoublebunny · 3 years
What A Fu*king Night
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What A Fu*king Night (JK FF/BTS)
 Paring: Jungkook x Reader (Kat)
Genre: Dating/ Smut/ Fluff/
Words: 6,868
Rating: 17+
Summery: It is Prom Night, and you are out searching for your boyfriend, Jungkook. The entire night is filled with drama and tea, so feel free to come and spill it.
Warnings: Sexual intercourse takes place. Language. Mentioning of alcohol. Sexual harassment. Fights.
Disclaimer: This is my first ever Tumblr fanfic I have ever written. I got inspiration for this from a dream and I plan to take every dream I have and turn it into ff. Everything that happens in this story is not all from the dream, obviously I took the key points and added a lot of details. Also, like I said, this is made up from a dream so none of the characters have participated in any of these events (Just putting it out there). And only the female character’s along with Jonah is my own creation. I do not own BTS. Enjoy!
  She smoothed out her dress before looking over at her best friend in the darkened vehicle. Her light baby blue dress made from silk traveling down to her ankles illuminated the darkness. Where Kat’s pitch black tight one only made it a little above the knees. The sleeves hugging her arms comfortably as they snaked down to her wrists. They both had quite revealing items suggesting both their chests were half on display, but they both knew that it was meant for only one person. Well, a different person for each.
The limo they rented came to a halt just outside the entrance, where it revealed a beautiful velvet red carpet scrolled out on the floor leading towards a beautifully decorated archway.
Kat smiled, already picturing what tonight would have in store for them. “We’re a bit early.” Tyler said beside her. “That’s alright, gives us more time to spend with everyone.” Kat smirked over her shoulder at her best friend.
They got out the vehicle and stood side by side, Tyler’s hair was braided back in a stunning French plait. Whilst Kat’s hair was loose, draping over her shoulders with its recently dyed color.
People who were waiting outside began to gape at the two girls. One blonde, one brunette. No one would think otherwise as they were the duo since kindergarten.
Linking arms with smiles plastered on both their faces, they strid towards the entrance. Pretty white flowers caressed an archway along with vines snaking up the sides.
The bouncer smiled at them both. “Evening ladies. Names?” He held up a clipboard.
“Kat Raymond and Tyler Rhooney.” Kat said.
“Alright, and who are your dates tonight, ladies?” He smirked this time.
Tyler rolled her eyes. “Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung.”
The bouncer’s smirk faltered a little as he ticked off both their names. “Ah, they are already inside, go on ahead.” He gestured.
They both stepped through the archway, Tyler being attacked by a rogue vine in the process before gaping at the interior.
It was huge. Of course, their school had to be over dramatic with renting an entire stadium because the school’s gym was too basic.
They both started walking, taking in every detail. From the various tents scattered around the field to the dance floor set up in the middle of it. To the huge disco lights surrounding the entire place.
Tyler glanced up at the open sky. “God, lets pray it doesn’t rain.”
Kat nudged her as if to say, “don’t jinx it”.
Just as they were about to go off to find anyone they knew, someone was jogging up to them looking heavily out of breath.
“Is that Tae?”
“I think that’s Tae.”
“Is he wearing a bandana?”
“Oh God.”
He halted in front of them, bending over trying to catch his breath. “Hey guys.”
“Hey, babe.” Tyler put a hand on his arm. “Is everything okay?”
“Where’s Jay?” Kat asked, looking around.
“That’s the question, isn’t it?” Tae gasped.
“Huh?” Tyler patted him on the back.
“I can’t find him.” He coughed.
“What? But didn’t you guys arrive together?” Kat asked.
“Actually no. He left early because someone called him to come help with the lights.” He was still wheezing.
“And what’s that?” Kat pointed at the hanger holding up some black fabric.
“His tux.”
Tyler snorted. Kat gaped. “He didn’t…”
“He did. Left without changing. So, me being the good friend that I am, brought it for him to change, but now I can’t find the dumbass.”
Kat placed her hand upon her temple. “Of course he forgot. Okay, Tae, we will help you look for him.”
“Thanks. But can you find him quick? These pants are starting to chafe.” He said, doing semi lunges where he stood, showing true discomfort upon his face.
Tyler bit her lip, trying not to laugh.
“We’ll try.” Kat said, trying not to look over the man’s area.
“Okay, I’m gonna’ check the food court again.” And then he was off, running in such a way that suggested what was going on down under.
They both looked at each other, a small bit of pity in their eyes.
“Okay, I think we should split up. You check the dance floor, and I’ll check the tables over there.” Kat eyes a group of tables where a bunch of people hung out at.
Tyler nodded and set off, picking up her dress in the process.
Kat ventured over to the tables, already scanning each of them. She knew he wouldn’t be here, but it didn’t hurt just looking.
“Hey, Kat!” Someone from one of the tables called her. She snapped her head in the direction and saw Brian with his group. She walked over.
“Hey Brian.” She stopped at the end of the table.
“Looking for something?” He asked her with the creepiest set of hungry eyes she could imagine.
“More like someone. Have you seen Jay?” She asked, folding her arms over her chest, since that was where his eyes were lurking.
“Sadly, no. But you are more than welcome to hang out with us.” He smirked again. The rest of the group snickering.
Kat grimaced. “I’ll pass, thanks.” She turned around and strode off, hearing a few whistles and cheering coming from behind.
She decided to go find the rest of the guys, hoping they might have seen him. They were all chilling in the bleachers. But before she could reach them, someone grabbed her hand.
“Kat! You’re here!” Danny Reebro greeted her with a bright smile.
“Hey Danny! Nice dress!” Kat gestured to her maroon colored dress which flowed out in silk.
She smiled down at it. “Thanks, Jin picked it out.” Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink. “So, you gonna join us over by the bleachers?”
Kat shook her head. “Unfortunately, not yet. I can’t find Jay.” She scanned the area around them.
“Oh, I know where he is.”
Kat whipped her head back around. “You do? Where?”
“Follow me.” Danny grabbed her wrist and pulled her across the field to one of the tents. “He’s been in the VIP tent fixing the lights since 3pm. You have a dedicated one.” She smirked over her shoulder at Kat, which blushed in response. She did indeed.
They reached the tent and Kat peeked inside. There he was, standing on top the stage before a big turntable covered in wires and such. He looked extremely focused which made Kat a little uneasy on the knees. Something turning in her stomach as she admired crease on his face. Damn he looked hot.
“Come find us when you’re done, okay?” Danny squeezed her hand before disappearing.
Kat simply stood by the entrance, leaning on one of the light stands, arms folded. She waited for him to notice her. He was still in his black hoodie and jeans, hair a mess from running his hand through it too much. He does that when he’s concentrating.
He seemed to be talking to some guy next to him, wearing a beanie and sweats. Scratching his beard as he looked over Jay’s shoulder at what he was doing.
Jungkook seemed to have fixed something, because he looked up in triumph as he made a fist in the air, smiling. Kat chuckled.
He leaned against the table and looked around the tent, his eyes finally landing on her. He stopped dead.
She raised an eyebrow and smirked up at him. He seemed to have gone limp as he dropped his hands from the table to his sides and gaped at her, mouthing the word wow.
She chuckled as he jumped off the stage and jogged over to her, doing a little dance halfway. She laughed even more as she covered her mouth with her hand, shaking her head. “You are such a moron.”
He smiled at her as he filled the rest of the gap between them. “And you are a stunning piece of artwork.” He emphasized on the word stunning as he wrapped his arms around her.
She pulled him in, smelling his cologne he always wears. Even though he wasn’t wearing a suit, he still looked really good. She just wanted to trace her hand through his hair.
He pulled away and stepped back, observing her. Both hands together on his lips. ”Wow.” Was all he said. “Wow, wow, wow.”
Kat chuckled, rolling her eyes. “Ok I get it.”
“Do you though? Do you get the fact that you look so good right now?” He looked her up and down multiple times, her glaring at him. “You’re my girlfriend?”
Kat scoffed and playfully punched his shoulder. “And what is that supposed to mean?”
He chuckled, defending himself. “I’m just asking to make absolute sure that you, this beautiful woman standing in front of me with this beautiful, seductive dress is my girlfriend.”
“Yes.” Kat stared at him.
“You belong to me?” His face brightened with every word.
“Yeees, now can we stop with this? You are making feel a little called out over here.”
“Ok, I’m sorry.” He chuckled as he embraced her again, his head in the nape of her neck. “You smell really good too.”
“Mmmm, it’s the one you got me for my birthday.”
“Really?” He pulled back, eyeing her.
“Yes, the vanilla one.”
“Why do I not remember that?” He interlaced their fingers together.
“My birthday was last week.” She gaped at him.
He scrunched up his face, thinking. “Nooo, I don’t think that was me.”
Kat figured he was teasing and poked his stomach, causing him to chuckle. “So, are you done here?” She gestured to the stage.
He glanced over his shoulder. “Ummm, almost. Just got one last light to connect and then I am all yours.” He smirked as he leaned in, planting a soft kiss on her cheek.
Kat sighed. “Ok, then make it quick.”
He winked at her before rushing off to the stage again. Kat found an empty seat in the corner of the tent and sat there patiently.
Jungkook analyzed the table filled with wires. “Why does everything have to be so fucking chaotic?” He said to himself as he tried to find the last wire.
Jonah, the guy who was lending this entire set with the lights, walked over. “So, who’s the pretty lady over there?”
Jungkook glanced up at him and found his eyes on Kat, sitting in the corner. “That’s my girlfriend.” He stated simply, going back to the wires.
“You fucked her yet?”
Jungkook whipped his head up at him. “Excuse me?”
“Oh, come on. You can not tell me that you got someone as hot as her as a girlfriend, and you haven’t banged her yet?” Jonah took a cigarette out of his pocket and placed it in his mouth.
“I would appreciate it if you continued with your job.” Jungkook’s voiced rasped. He was angry. This man was probably forty, no, fifty and he was talking that kind of shit about his girlfriend?
“Oh, come on, pal. Lighten up. Isn’t that what you school kids do these days? To see who’s the first one to get laid?”
Jungkook was awfully close to shoving him off the stage. “Sir, can I ask you not get too personal with the questions?” He felt his grip tightening on the wires.
Jonah scoffed. “Alright, fine.” He leaned against the table. “All I’m saying is if I had a woman like her, I would have done her already.” He lit his cigarette.
Jungkook’s lips tightened as he looked up, scoffed once, before hurtling towards the man. One punch and he was on the floor, a cracking sound filled the entire tent.
“Jungkook!” Kat’s voice called out in the distance.
He just stared down at the man, grabbing his nose which seemed to be bleeding. “You fucking prick!” He spat up at him.
Jungkook grimaced down at him. “Keep talking shit like that and your nose won’t be the only thing that’s broken.”
He felt a hand on his arm as Kat gasped at the man’s bloody nose. “Jay.”
“You’ll regret that.” Jonah groaned.
Jungkook scoffed. “And what? You gonna attack me? Last time I checked it isn’t me falling to the ground after just one punch.”
“Jay.” Kat tugged on his sleeve.
He looked at her and took her hand. Glancing one last time at the groaning man on the floor. He flipped him off before leaving the tent.
“Let me look at your hand.” Kat said as she attempted to grab his right hand.
He jerked it away. “No, it’s fine, I’m okay.”
Kat glared at him. “No, you aren’t. Let me see it.” She tried grabbing again but he dodged and slid around her to her other side.
“I’m alright, I promise.” He lied once again.
“Jay, stop being an ignorant ass and give me your hand.” She stretched her hand out again.
Jungkook dodged her again and began jogging backwards. “You can’t touch me if I’m running away from you.”
Kat glared at him, shaking her head. “Crackhead.”
Jungkook began laughing until he felt a pair of hands grab him from behind. He swung around and through a punch. Thankfully, the person ducked.
“Are you fucking insane?!” Tae cried, as he knelt on the ground, hands over his head.
Jungkook stared down at his friend. “Oh, sorry, buddy.” He held out his hand for him to take, but he got up by himself, straightening his jacket.
“I could have died.” Tae exaggerated.
“It would have knocked you over, tops.” Jungkook said.
“Coming from you? I would have been punched into my grave.” Tae grimaced at his friend.
“Funny you say that.” Kat eyes Jungkook from the side who immediately looked away.
Tae glared at him. “Who did you kill?”
Jungkook scoffed. “No one.” He shrugged. “Some guy kept gawking at Kat, so I gave him something else to gawk at.”
“You mooned him?” Tae’s eyes went big.
“What? No, I punched him in the- you know what, never mind.” Jungkook rolled his eyes over to the item his friend carried. “What’s that?”
Tae’s eyes went even bigger, glaring him down. “Your. Suit.” He strained.
Jungkook raised his eyebrows. “Ohhhhh, right.” He glanced down at his hoodie. “Shit.”
Tae nodded a bit too fast. “Yes. I have been running around trying to find you for the past 2 hours, man!”
Kat noticed his bandana was drenched in sweat and his suit was ruffled in some places.
“I was in the tent the entire time.” Jungkook pointed over his shoulder to the big tent.
Tae looked over at the tent. “Tents…” He looked like he was going to pass out. “Why didn’t I check the tents?”
Kat squeezed her lips together, trying not to laugh. “Hey, you know what, why don’t you take him to get changed and we will meet you by the bleachers?” Kat nudged him next to Jungkook.
“Ok, don’t miss me too much.” Jungkook smirked as he leaned down and planted a soft kiss on her lips.
“Agh.” Tae groaned. “Can you too stop kanoodling?” Tae gagged.
They both glanced at the man. “Like you don’t kanoodle with Tyler?” Jungkook asked and Kat snorted.
Tae scoffed. “Of course not.”
Both Jungkook and Kat stared him down.
He bit his lip. “I’m leaving.” He began walking towards the changing rooms.
Jungkook chuckled and planted another quick kiss on her cheek before catching up to his friend. “Hey wait up man, don’t be so emotional.
She found her friends still chilling in the bleachers and strode over to them. Danny noticed her first. “Hey! Where’s Jungkook?”
“Changing.” She glanced to where Tyler sat next to Yoongi and Iris. “Tae found him.”
Tyler shook her head. “Let me guess, he was in plain sight?”
Kat didn’t even have to say a word as she gave her friend a look.
“I swear, I want to believe that that man is intelligent.” She shook her head.
Kat chuckled as she folded her arms, looking up at all of them. Yoongi and Iris were sitting together, they were each other’s dates. Jin and Danny were snuggling in the first line. Olivia and Hobi were chatting a few seats next to Yoongi. But she noticed that Jimin and Blue were not there.
Until she caught a glimpse of green rounding the corner from the bathrooms and strode over to them, hand in hand.
“Hey, Kat.” Jimin smiled at her.
“Hey, guys. Out for a little stroll?” She winked at Blue who rolled her eyes.
“Shut the fuck up, Kat.” Blue joked.
Kat snickered as she eyed Jimin. His face was turning red. His ears? Even redder.
They both grabbed a seat next to Emma who sat alone on the top level.
“Hey, Emma. I love your dress.” Kat called up to the bored girl, who smiled in response.
She looked rather down, and Kat knew exactly why. She walked over to Danny and bent down to whisper. “Where the hell is Joon?”
Danny gave her a sad look. “I don’t know. He’s an hour late.”
Kat glanced up at the raven-haired girl again. “Well, he better be here soon. She looks like she might just leave.”
“Maybe she should.” A harsh voice came from behind Kat.
She turned around and found Beatrice. Long red hair matching her short red dress. Painted red lips to go with it. Her overly whitened teeth beaming at them.
“You know, since coming to prom alone is the worst thing ever.” She smirked up at Emma, who gave her a vulgar gesture in return.
“Hey, Bea. Shouldn’t you be tide up dangling above the dancefloor? They said they needed a disco ball, and I thought you offered up since your teeth can lighten up the darkest of rooms.” Kat gave her a sweet smile.
“Funny. Where’s Jungkook? Did he ditch you again?” She glanced around as if to try and catch him.
“You know what, Bea?”
“Again?” Jin chimed.
“This was just supposed to be our little groups fun night, and you’re kind of ruining it.” Tyler said.
Beatrice smiled. “Pity. I wanted to come say hi to all the girls.” She stated. “And boys.” She smirked at Jimin who looked a little uncomfortable.
“Well, that sucks cause we weren’t planning to say hi to the bitch queen tonight, so, yeah, it’s a pity.” Kat pouted.
Beatrice, glared at her, before returning her eyes to Emma. “You must be feeling really lonely up there. Looking down at all the couples. Why, oh why did no one ask you?” Beatrice asked in that gut wrenching sweet voice of hers. “Where is your prince, dear little Emma?”
“Behind you.”
Beatrice whipped around and slowly looked up. The rest of the group were smiling like idiots. Emma looking a little confused.
“Really?” Beatrice asked, smiling sweetly at Joon.
“Yes. Now if you don’t mind, you are kind of blocking my path.” Joon smiled sweetly at her in return.
She replaced her smile with a cold stare, as she slowly stepped aside.
He was holding a bouquet of flowers as he walked over next to Kat. His eyes were fixed on Emma’s. “Emma, can you come down from there, please?” He asked.
She scoffed as she slowly got up and lazily walked down the stairs. “What the fuck is this, Joon?” She tried her best to hide her smile as she walked up to him.
“Listen, I know it took forever. I’m sorry, I had a lot of work to do, and I had to help a friend out and then my mom wanted me to- “
Yoongi cleared his throat, cutting him off.
Joon smiled sheepishly and shook his head. “Never mind. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that I didn’t ask you when I really wanted to. I left you alone when I shouldn’t have. I have gave you too much hope thinking that I was going to-“
“Ok, ok, Joon? The point?” Emma chuckled.
He shook his head again, shutting his eyes in embarrassment. “My point is that I am here now. And I am asking you if you would be my date to the prom?”
He held out the flowers as he looked her in the eyes.
She pursed her lips, trying not to smile as she took the flowers and tilted her head to the side. “You know, this is the most Namjooney thing you could have possibly pulled.”
Everyone chuckled at her statement as Joon scratched his neck. “Yeah, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. You succeeded in the end.” She said.
He smiled brighter as she laced her fingers with his.
Sniffing came from Danny and Jin. “Oh my god, Joon. Who knew you were such a romantic?” Jin sniffed again before fake blowing into an invisible tissue. Danny dabbing his fake tears with his tie.
Jungkook finally got dressed after too many attempts at his tie.
“Which loop goes where?”
“I think it goes this way.”
“Wait no that doesn’t seem right.”
“Are even supposed to have loops?”
“I thought you knew how to do a tie!”
“My mom did mine now stop yelling at me!”
“This is fucking pointless.”
“Want to go without it?”
“No, I promised Kat I’d wear a tie.”
“Why the fuck did you promise?”
“I don’t know, dude!”
“Well, that was fucking stupid! We all know we don’t make promises that would end in us humiliating ourselves in the end!”
“Why didn’t you fucking tell me that before?!”
“Do I look like an Advisor to you?!”
But after quite a few attempts, they were able to do it. Jungkook looked himself in the changing room mirror.
“This tie looks fucked up.”
Tae put a hand on his back, guiding him outside. “Well, at least you have one, now let’s go.”
They rushed outside and noticed that it was already dark.
“Shit, how long did we take?” Jungkook checked his watch.
Tae smacked his arm away. “Doesn’t matter, you are dressed, now let’s find out girls.” The walked off toward the bleachers.
Then halted, as they noticed the back of a girl near the edge of the field, sobbing.
“Pick up, pick up!” You stupid piece of shit!” She was yelling at her phone.
Tae and Jungkook eyed each other. Tae immediately shaking his head. “That’s Beatrice, dude.”
“Yeah, I know but-“
“No buts. Let’s just go.” He grabbed his hand and began pulling.
Jungkook stood his ground. “Something could be wrong.”
Tae glanced at her again. She was shaking and sniffing and looking as if she would break down. “She looks fine.” He started pulling his friend again. But Jungkook released his grasp.
He slowly walked toward her, going through what he was going to say in his head. He got arm’s length before lightly tapping her on her shoulder. “Hey, is everything okay?”
She looked up at him and continued to sob. “My date stood me up.” She whaled.
He looked over at Tae who gave him the look and told him to leave. He shook his head.
“Um, well, I’m sorry.” Jungkook felt extremely awkward as he just stood there next to her, watching her cry.
Tae gestured for him to walk away, but he didn’t listen. So, Tae breathed out in annoyance as he strode over. “Hi, Beatrice. I’m sorry you had such a dickhead for a date. Enjoy your night.” He grabbed Jungkook’s arm and pulled.
“Wait!” She called out, causing them both to stop. “You wouldn’t want me to feel alone, would you? On prom night?”
They both exchanged a look. Tae had so many words in his eyes, but Jungkook walked over again.
“I mean, you could join us if you want?” He could feel the daggers Tae was throwing at the back of his head. “Or maybe danc- “
“I’d love to dance.” She said before grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the dance floor in the middle of the field. Maybe he should have listened to his friend.
“Here’s one, Thor, Iron Man, Spiderman.” Blue slurred. Apparently, she had snuck some tequila into her water bottle.
Jin cleared his throat. “This one’s easy. Kiss Ironman, Fuck Thor and Marry Spiderman.”
Everyone gasped.
“No way!”
“What do you mean No way? Thor is Thor!” Jin defended.
“Fuck Spiderman, hands down!” Emma called out.
“What?!” Jin protested. “Why?!”
“Because he’s hot!” Olivia bellowed.
“And who knows what else he can do with those webs slingers.” Blue winked at him.
Jin looked slightly impressed. “I mean, I see your point.”
Kat almost died of laughter until she noticed Tae running up to them, looking rather nervous.
“Hey, Tae. Where’s Jay?” Kat asked.
He halted and plastered on a smile. “Oh, Jay? Oh right! Yeah, where….where is he…” He licked his lips, preparing for what he was about to say.
“Beatrice got him.” He blurted out.
Kat’s eyes bulged. “The bitch did what?!”
He held up his hands. “Nothing serious, she just dragged him to the dance floor and will not let go of him.”
Kat felt her blood begin to boil. She didn’t say a word as she marched off towards the middle of the field. The others close behind her.
“Oh, shit. Jimin, get up! We can’t miss this!” Blue shoved him off the seat. Having them both almost roll down the stairs in the process.
Kat scanned the dancefloor for them, and immediately found the red splotch right in the middle of it. She huffed as she walked faster, her heels keeping her from sprinting.
Jungkook looked like he was in pain. He really regrets walking up to her, now he knows that it was just a big scheme. Well played, Bea. Well Played.
She was holding onto him too tightly as if he would run away. Which was exactly what he wanted to do right now.
He glanced around, hoping to find Tae, or any kind of help. But instead found the angry eyes of Kat marching towards them. She didn’t look happy.
“Oh, shit.” He said out loud. Causing Beatrice to look up to where he was looking, and smirked.
Kat was ready to smack a bitch. She neared the floor and caught the eyes of her boyfriend, they were asking for help.
She then met the eyes of the bitch herself, as she smirked at her.
Don’t you dare.
Oh, she dared.
Kat halted as Beatrice grabbed his head and pulled it down to hers, crashing her lips on his.
“Oh shit!” She heard Jin chime.”
“Bitch!” Tyler bellowed, which caused heads to turn.
Kat was ready. She began marching again, straight towards them like a fucking bullet, as she watched Jungkook immediately pull his head back. “Woah! What the hell!?” He said to the Beatrice.
Beatrice just simply smirked up at him and then to Kat, who was walking across the dancefloor now. “Come to join our little party?” She called over the music.
Kat stayed silent, still marching.
“Angry are you? What are you gonna’ do? Attack m-“
Beatrice lost her balance, almost falling to the ground as he she held her cheek, mouth agape.
“Don’t you fucking touch him.” Kat said, a little too calmly.
Jungkook just stared at her in pure amazement.
“Oh, she is so winning Prom Queen.” Blue said, Jimin nudging her to be quiet.
Beatrice started to breath harder, tears filling her eyes. “Don’t you dare put a hand on me.” She growled.
Kat raised an eyebrow. “So, we’ve come to an agreement?”
Beatrice gave her a cold stare, then to Jungkook, then to the rest of her friends, before straightening up, removing her hand from her cheek, and simply walked off the dancefloor.
They both kept eye contact, until she was the one who turned away first.
Kat felt a hand on her shoulder. A light whistle sounded by her ear. “Damn. Who knew I wasn’t the only one who could physically disable someone?”
She smiled lightly before looking up to him. “Another reason why we are perfect for each other.” He smirked down at her.
“Amen!” Tyler called out.
Jungkook pulled her in for a hug. “You okay?”
She breathed out, pulling away. “Yeah, I’m okay. You?”
He bit his lip. “Not gonna lie.” He looked her in the eyes. “I’m a little turned on.”
She snorted before nudging him. “After we have a dance.” She promised. He smiled and kissed her.
The rest of the night was pretty good. They played some good music which had everyone showing off their best moves. Especially Jin, who proceeded to do some sort of dance he made up himself. “Come on guys! Everyone is doing it these days.”
“Where did I find you?” Danny asked, shaking her head.
There came a time where the boys huddled together and danced and joked around whilst the girls made their own circle and laughed as Blue attempted to twerk.
Everything was great. Jungkook kept catching her eye and winking at her, reminding her about her promise. She would simply smirk back and continue dancing.
It was a great way to end their prom night, until a pair of hands found their way up Kat’s dress.
She whipped her head around and found the person smiling at her. His beard looking a little too scratchy. It was the guy from the tent that Jungkook punched.
“Can I help you?” She furrowed her brows at him.
He raised his. “Oh certainly.” He smirked. “Wanna dance?” He placed his hand on her hip.
“Um, no thank you.” She stepped to the side.
“Aw, come on. Why don’t you play with me like you play with your little boyfriend over there, huh?” He again attempted to put his hand up her dress.
Bad idea.
Kat grabbed his arm and twisted it, causing him to howl in pain. Everyone’s attention was on them now.
“I said no thanks.” Kat said again.
Jungkook saw what was happening and his mind flipped. “Shit.” He stomped over to them.
“I see you like it rough, huh?” The man joked.
Kat grimaced in disgust and kicked his knee, causing him to fall to the ground. All that time in self defense class really paid off as he now lay flat on the ground, Kat still twisting his arm as she kept one heel on his back.
Jungkook stood next to her, immediately crossing his arms. “Well, how many times has the floor become your friend now?”
“Piss off.” Jonah spat on the ground, his cheek smooshed against the floor.
Jungkook scoffed. “Now you know not to mess with either of us, got it?”
Jonah looked up at him, smirking. “I wouldn’t mind it, as long as she keeps wearing that lace underwear every time.”
Jungkook’s smile dropped.
Kat gasped and let go of his arm, stepping back.
Jungkook gave him a smile before grabbing him. Lifting him up so his feet hung off the ground. “You want to run that by me again?”
Jonah struggled in his grasp. “I can take you! Put me down! I can take you!”
Jungkook tried not to laugh at this sad excuse for a man. “You sure about that?” He asked.
And just before Jonah could reply, the rest of the boys came and stood behind Jungkook, staring up at the guy. One after the other.
“Alright, wanna go?” Jungkook asked.
“No!” Jonah gasped. “No…” He stopped struggling. He simply gave up.
Jungkook brought him closer to his face. “Now what you are going to do right now, is pack up your shit and leave. We don’t care, take your goddamn lights, we’ll dance in the dark. But if you come back,” There was pure anger in his eyes. “Don’t be surprised if you wake up in a ditch tomorrow morning.”
Jonah shut his eyes and nodded. Jungkook dropped him, not even bothering to do it lightly. He watched as the man scrambled on to his feet and ran.
Everyone was silent until Tae placed and arm around his friends’ shoulders and yelled in triumph. “Holy Shit, dude!”
The whole dance floor started cheering, clapping and whistling at the amazing thing that just happened.
Kat walked over to him. He was still angry, pissed actually.
He was still watching the man hurry off to the tent. She put both her hands on his face. “Hey! Jay! Look at me!” He glanced down to her, chewing his cheek.
“Are you okay?” He asked, pulling her closer.
“I’m fine. Jay-“
“I swear if he touched you-“
“I’m oka-“
“What did he do?”
“Jay! Listen to me!” She yelled.
He stopped, looking her in the eyes.
She traced her hands down his chest. “You’re angry. And so am I.” She pointed.
“I know, I just hate perverts like that-“
“Let’s use it to our advantage.” She whispered into his ear.
He froze. Staring at her. The corners of his lips began lifting as she nodded.
He grabbed her hand and walked over to their friends. “Hey guys, we’re pretty dazed, we’re gonna go get some fresh air.” He told them.
Tae nodded. “Alright, don’t be gone too long. They gonna announce the King and Queen soon.”
Jungkook nodded. “Thanks. See you later.”
And they were off, running towards the parking area.
“They are not getting fresh air.” Blue said.
Everyone looked to her.
Yoongi nodded in approval as Jin snorted.
“Nice.” Jimin smirked, watching the two of them rushing off.
They couldn’t get home fast enough. They could have done it in the car, but Jungkook said he didn’t want anything in the way for what he wanted to do.
Even on the way there, she teased him by placing her hand on his sensitive area, which almost had them swerving into a tree.
Thankfully, his house was a few blocks from there, and his parents were on date night, so the house was completely empty.
He swerved into the parking, didn’t even bother applying the hand break as they rushed out the car. Him almost choking on the seatbelt before realizing he had it on.
Kat laughed as she ran off to the door, waiting for him.
He walked past the door and immediately grabbed her, smashing his lips with hers placing a hand above her head. He didn’t care if his neighbors could see, let them be jealous.
“Jay, the door.” She said between breaths.
He groaned and he fumbled with his keys in his pocket. “Shit.” He had never hated keys so much in his life until that very moment.
Finally, he found the right one and opened the door, picking her up to straddle him as he walked in, kissing her.
He didn’t care if he bumped into anything. Heck, his mom’s favorite vase can go to hell.
He kicked the door closed with a bang before proceeding to the stairs leading to the second floor.
But as he got to the second step, his knees buckled, and he almost dropped her. Kat screaming in panic as she grabbed on to the railing.
He swore. “Um, I think just to be safe…”
She snorted and he put her down, both of them running up the stairs, heavy footsteps behind them.
When they both got to the floor, safely, she turned to him.
“Okay.” He reassured as she jumped onto him again, both of them laughing hysterically at what they just did. They were idiots, honestly.
He made his way to his room, placing her on his bed as he kissed her. She then grabbed at his jacket and almost ripped it off.
“Easy now. Don’t waste the anger on anything that doesn’t deserve it.” He smirked as he removed his jacket, and then his shirt. Even the poor excuse for a tie was flung in an instant. Kat gawking up at his finely tanned skin, her eyes following every crevice of his abs.
It was her turn to remove her dress, which took less effort as he simply pulled it over her head, leaving her in her underwear.
He smirked down at the lacey material. “I’m the only one that can see you in these.” He gripped at her underwear. “Only me.”
She moaned as he slid them off, throwing them to the side. He leaned down and kissed her again, letting her feel him upon her bare skin.
She growled and tugged at his belt, causing him to chuckle. “Very impatient.”
He helped her, as the belt fell with a clang and his pants along with it.
She stared at him, in all his glory. They had only done this about three times before, but every time he reveals himself, she is just always thrown off guard.
He immediately fell on top of her, sucking on her neck and she wrapped her legs around him.
Her hands through his hair, she hadn’t even noticed when he removed her bra. He gripped the bed board as he thrusted into her.
Causing her to gasp a little, like she said, she was always thrown off guard. He went slow, not wanting to hurt her, but she bit his shoulder and scratched his back, telling him to give her more.
So, he did.
They went on and on until they could both feel the knot expanding inside themselves. She could feel him twitch, knowing he was close.
His breathing was rigged as he balanced himself above her, his legs shaking. They had never been this hard before.
“Kat.” He panted, sweat dripping from his brow.
She kissed him, telling him it was okay, he knew she was on birth control and already had Plan B at home, but he still wanted to ask. He looked her in the eyes, making double sure.
“It’s okay.” She whispered. Stroking his face.
He gripped the board and threw his head into the nape of her neck, filling her up with everything that he had. She unleashed herself too.
She felt him, all of him. Every part, every touch, every breath. She felt him, and she knew right then and there, that she wanted no other man but him. She wanted no one else to touch her the way he did. To love her the way he did, because right now, he proved to her that all she needed was right here.
They went silent, only the sound of their breathing filled the room. As he kept his head in her neck, her legs around him, her hands in his hair.
He started leaving light kisses from her temple down to her chest, marking her. “So every goddamn man out there will know that you are taken.” He breathed.
She met his gaze and smiled. “Who else would I be with?”
He smiled, laying his head upon her abdomen, resting, gazing up at her. “No one who doesn’t deserve you.”
She stroked his hair, watching as his head bobbed with her breathing.
They were ready to lay there forever until there was a ding from his suit jacket. And then another, and then another. And then the room was filled with the sound as they frowned at each other.
Jungkook groaned. “Agggh, let me put it on silent.” He got up and walked over to his jacket on the floor. He was surprised to see his phone wasn’t cracked.
He opened the messages and went still. “Oh shit.”
Kat glanced at him. “What’s wrong?”
He turned around, smirking. “Guess who won Prom King and Queen.”
She gaped at him, unable to speak as he winked at her.
“No way. Really?” She laughed.
“Mmmmh mhm.” He hummed as he threw his phone on his desk chair and strode over to her.
“Well, shit.” She chuckled. “I bet Beatrice is pissed.”
“She’s probably crying in her room with an ice pack pressed to her cheek as we speak.” Jungkook chuckled. He hopped onto the bed, sitting up on his elbows, smiling at her. “This calls for a celebration.” He bopped his eyebrows at her.
She snorted as he crawled over to her. “Alright, but I’m top this time.”
Jungkook chuckled, leaning in to kiss her. “Anything for my Queen.”
15 notes · View notes
thefinalcinderella · 5 years
Tsurune Book 2 Chapter 5-Marebito (Part 1)
In this chapter: the Kazemai gang heads to an inn for their summer training camp, and coincidentally meets a certain school with a certain drama-starting guy there.
I made a note about this for the last chapter, but a marebito is a supernatural being from afar that visits villages bearing gifts and good fortune. Maybe I should have changed the title to “aliens” lol
Also the line break is gone???? wtf tumblr
Glossary here
List of translations here
Translation Notes
1. Yakisugi is a traditional Japanese method of wood preservation. Lots of old traditional buildings have walls made in this way.
2. Beanbags, or otedama, are used in the game of the same name where they are tossed and juggled, similar to jacks (according to Wikipedia). The coin shaped pieces, or ohajiki, are used in a traditional children’s game that’s similar to marbles.
3. They are mentioned in the first book, but the Raiki Shagi and Shahoukun are two very important kyudo texts that convey the values and technique of kyudo.
4. Yadokoro refers to where the arrow lands, which can be used to determine how and at what angle your arrows landed. Steady shots mean that the yadokoros of the two arrows are close together and not in disarray.
5. A kouyou kasane no tenouchi literally means “red-leaves-piling-up tenouchi” . It’s a type of grip that’s used for shamen uchiokoshi apparently? For this grip, your little finger gets as close to the thumb as possible and the other three fingers are inserted into the gap between them.
6. Uwaoshi is where the left hand (the gripping hand) is bent pushing the bow from above. This is an incorrect method in some schools.
7. An oobanare is a large release of the left and right hands.
8. Hosha is a general term for kyudo that takes place on the ground, not horseback. The Ogasawara-ryuu hosha tradition shoots in shoumen style.
9. The hagiito is the lower feather binding. Fun fact: one of my translations is the second result if you search up “hagiito kyudo”
10. Tezutsu fireworks is a type of traditional hand-held firework where a bamboo tube filled with gunpowder can shoot sparks and fire up to five meters high. You can see pictures here
11. A black snake firework is a type of firework that doesn’t create sparks or sound, instead emitting ash that looks like snakes. Read about them on Wikipedia
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They were now in summer vacation, and the Kazemai High School Kyudo Club was holding their summer training camp.
The eight club members, plus Tommy-sensei and Masa-san for a total of ten people, rode the minibus prepared by the inn and got off in front of there. The old fashioned Japanese-style building was impressive with yakisugi walls (1) and a steep roof, and the reception desk was decorated with tops, beanbags and coin-shaped glass pieces that invited nostalgia. (2)
Nanao took two beanbags.
"I feel like you can summon a zashiki-warashi with these."
"Are you still bringing that up?"
Kaito squinted. There were a lot of furry balls nestling up to him at his feet, and since they cried out to be stroked, he was beaten by their persistence and lifted a cat up.
"You guys really are everywhere."
"Well you are a cat seducer, after all."
"Am not. They approach me themselves."
"That's what a seducer says. Right, kitty?"
When Nanao reached out for the cat Kaito was holding, its hair stood on end. Apparently he was being treated as a natural enemy. Nanao surrendered and left the place.
In the lobby, there was a girl from another school who was carrying a lot of luggage by herself. She stumbled many times due to getting obstructed by the walls. Nanao was also carrying luggage, but he was unable to just watch and ran up to her.
"Are you okay? I'll help."
"Oh, I'm so sorry about this. I overestimated myself and carried too many things."
Seeing this, Hanazawa, Shiragiku, and Seo murmured amongst themselves.
"Kisaragi-kun is such a quick worker."
"But, I know from practicing together in club activities that he is not only nice to girls."
"Yeah, that's right."
Kaito put the cat on the floor and took the luggage that Nanao was halfway in carrying.
Minato, Seiya, and Ryouhei carried everyone's equipment and headed for the kyudojo behind the inn.
As soon as they went in, Minato exclaimed, "Whoa, what is this place?"
"It’s pretty rare, isn't it? But I think beginners would turn it down." Seiya, who was in charge of looking for a place to hold the training camp, said proudly.
The yamichi was not a lawn, but a pond abundantly filled with water. The sight of plants such as cattails and arrowheads growing thickly, and golden-ringed dragonflies flitting over them could make one mistake this place for a Japanese-style garden.
"When we miss here, would our arrows fall into the pond?"
"It'll be fine, none of us do hakiya anymore, right? And this place is big enough for ten people to shoot together, so it'll be split into two shajos and we'll be using it jointly with another school."
"Which school?"
"I asked when I made the reservations, but it's a school that I've never heard of."
From behind them, there came the voice of someone. "Whoa, what is this place?" They said the exact same words as Minato did. Minato looked back and saw a boy with large eyes.
"Oh my, why are Minato-chan and Seiya-chan here?"
"Could it be, Nikaidou-senpai, that you're having your training camp here?"
"That's right. We'll be looking forward to working with you guys."
"We will also be looking forward to working with you."
The corner of Nikaidou's mouth lifted, as though he remembered something.
"Could it be that the guy who started talking to the girls from my school in the lobby is your friend?"
"Yes, he is."
"That's what I thought. He's a good boy like the two of you, after all."
Minato whispered to Seiya.
"What's happening?"
"The school that I heard might have cancelled. Got it, Minato? Just ignore Nikaidou-senpai. You can't react to him."
"Got it."
Knowingly or unknowingly perceiving the tricky atmosphere between Minato, Seiya, and Nikaidou, Ryouhei cheerfully greeted him.
"Hi! You were the one who helped me pick up what I dropped at the last tournament, right? Thanks for that!"
"Don't mention it," Nikaidou answered.
"I'm Yamanouchi from Kazemai High School. I'll be in your care. Huh? That person over there caught a summer cold? I'll give you my grandma's secret wonder medicine I always have with me!"
Because he was aiming his words directly at the mask-wearing Aragaki, Fuwa let out a muffled laugh. Aragaki, of course, made no comment.
As Fuwa pressed his cheeks, which were about to loosen into a smile, he commented for Aragaki.
"Oh, thanks for your concern. He didn't catch a cold, so we appreciate the thought."
"Really? Oh, I saw that huge bow at the last tournament! So cool! Can I touch it?"
Ootaguro held out his bow with a smile.
"The height (urazori) is incredible! I can't believe that they sell giant bows like this!"
"It’ll have to be a custom order, but you can buy one. I inherited mine from my grandpa."
"What, your grandpa can shoot with this giant bow?"
"When he was young. It took a long time for me to be able to draw this bow. It's my treasure."
"Whoa, your treasure? That's really cool."
The two, who were as frank and straightforward as children, got completely excited about the topic of the large bow.
Behind them, Higuchi was moving at his own pace. He walked slowly, and when he reached the edge of the shajo, he murmured "Heave-ho" and squatted down. He yawned while gazing at the pond. In this excessively tranquil state, the flow of time seemed to slow down around only him.
Nikaidou probably thought that they were wasting time. He quickly moved to the second shajo. Minato and Seiya also pulled themselves together and resumed preparations.
After they made their preparations, the members of Kazemai High School and Tsujimine High School faced each other. Tommy-sensei made his greetings after Tsujimine’s sensei.
“It must be fate that we are meeting our opponents from the regional tournament here. I hope you will all make use of this fate without fail. Be plenty careful about accidents and injuries, and hydrate frequently so you will not be exhausted by the summer heat. I look forward to seeing everyone’s progress.”
Under Seiya’s leadership, they chanted the “Raiki Shagi” and “Shahoukun” (3) in unison and performed their warm-up exercises. After that, they were divided by their schools. Kazemai was in the first shajo. Overworking was forbidden, but those who could shoot one hundred times in a day aimed for two hundred times. The reason they chose to do joint practice with another school was because of Tommy-sensei’s intention to have them get used to a place with a large number of people, since they usually shot in an environment with not a lot of people.
For a while, at the beginning of shooting, Minato was more unused to the fact that the yamichi was a pond rather than the practice with students from another school. The golden-ringed dragonflies flying by the waterside zoomed towards the shajo, colliding into the fluorescent lights and making clicking sounds. His mind went to the plants and water surface, and he fell into the feeling that he was about to release an arrow into the pond.
Masa-san went around to watch each person’s shooting. Kaito was showing off his steady shots (yadokoro). (4)
“You’re able to make your bow turn completely nowadays, I see.”
“Thank you very much.”
Nanao asked him a question.
“Masa-san, I can also make my bow turn recently, but right after I release my arrow, my bow slips down, and I’m holding the yazuridou instead of the grip.”
“Since the bow turns in your hand, it’s normal for it to fall by about a finger, but why do you think it fell down so much?”
“Ummm, why?”
“Everyone, pay attention to Nanao’s tenouchi.”
As Minato watched Nanao’s shooting, he noticed something.
“Is it when his hand suddenly opens for just a moment at hanare?”
“Yeah, I saw that too,” Kaito said, backing up Minato’s diagnosis.
Masa-san spoke.
“Exactly. There are people who want to make their bow turn and do it on purpose, but there are also many who do it unconsciously. The bow slipping down so much is because of the left hand opening for an instant and the tension of the little finger being weak.”
“I see. Now I understand why you put so much emphasis on the left pinky, Masa-san.”
“Although, there is actually also a shooting method that places a lot of importance on the actions of the middle finger. What I’ll be doing now is the difficult method of gripping the bow with my middle finger, and then at hanare, remove my middle finger while at the same time tensing my fourth and little fingers. Now, let go for a minute and watch.”
Masa-san took the bow and arrow in his hand and parted the bow, then let go of the arrow.
For a moment, the bow tended towards his back.
At the same time the arrow was released, the bow also left Masa-san’s hand and was blown towards his back. For a moment, Minato and the others had no idea what happened, and stood stock still.
The arrow reached the target. Startled by the loud sound of the bow falling, the Tsujimine members looked over towards them, but Masa-san merely picked up the bow like nothing happened.
“In an anecdote of Awa-hanshi and his disciple, he once threw his bow along with his arrow and scarred the floor of the dojo. Apparently, everyone except for the archers thought he went mad when they heard it, but it was probably his process for training his tenouchi, for the sake of creating a sharp hanare. The body is used completely differently for the ‘mistake’ of dropping his bow on the spot and the bow jumping out of your hand from a sharp hanare.”
Ryouhei’s eyes were sparkling.
“That’s so cool! I want to see it one more time! Can I do it too?”
“This is a Honda-ryuu technique that I learned by myself, so I’m still not at a level where I can teach it to people. Everyone, you first aim to not separate your left thumbs and middle fingers so that you won’t drop your bows.”
Minato sighed at the shooting technique he was seeing for the first time.
He read about Awa-hanshi in books, but because they never wrote about what kind of intentions or the kind of methods he went by, he always felt some doubt. The essential parts were not conveyed with only the outcome or a summary. No doubt the true value lied in the process, in the individual episodes.
After they finished shooting four arrows, Ryouhei and Nanao went to retrieve the arrows. They finished collecting the arrows for the first and second shajos and put all of them in the arrow box.
Meanwhile, Nikaidou was straining his ears to listen.
There were many differences between shoumen uchiokoshi and shamen uchiokoshi. As a matter of fact, during middle school, Nikaidou shot in shoumen for club activities and shamen when he was with his uncle Shigeyuki, so that caused confusion for him.
Nikaidou’s current way of shooting involved gripping his bow with a kouyou kasane tenouchi (5), creating an uwaoshi. (6) At kai, he shifted his thumb, made a grinding noise with his yugake as he untied it, and then at zanshin his bow fell forward and it became an oobanare. (7)
This was the first he was hearing about a practice method where one threw away one’s bow,
Kazemai’s coach might be very interesting…
He thought, and compared him with his own advisor. As one would expect, he did show his face at the kyudojo today, but it looked as though he had almost no interest in the states of the club members or anything like that. At first, he had been chatting with Kazemai’s advisor, but now he had already vanished. He might have shut himself in his room and went to sleep.
Nikaidou clicked his tongue.
He didn’t mind if he wasn’t able to coach them in shooting, but he wished he could pose as an advisor at least. The motivation of the members could be raised just by him saying something to them. Zealous and extreme instruction could have harmful effects, but a club could not be established without an advisor. Their advisor’s favorite saying was, “I’m a teacher and being the advisor for a club is volunteer work, so this is work without pay,” basically telling them not to ask him for too much. That was probably a sound argument.
As a result, Nikaidou took the place of the advisor. He had the longest kyudo career in the Tsujimine High School Kyudo Club.
For beginners, they wouldn’t know anything like the differences between the shooting postures of A and B. After a while, they could see the things that stood out, but didn’t know how to fix them. Identifying the root cause of distortions and slackening required a wealth of knowledge and a high amount of experience. To speak to others of something is to expose one’s own true ability and humanity, as well as an act that carries responsibility along with it. By all rights, one should not speak thoughtlessly.
Since Tsujimine wore shoes in their schoolyard as they shot, they were not used to bracing their legs in tabi. Nikaidou saw to it that his fellow members would learn that sensation of the soles of their feet at this training camp.
After some rounds, Nikaidou and Fuwa went to retrieve the arrows. They carefully wiped clean the arrows with dirt on them.
“I wonder what school that Kazemai coach belongs to.”
“His master was from the Ogasawara-ryuu hosha tradition (8), but he himself doesn’t belong to any school, apparently. He was taught by teachers from all kinds of schools and mixed it all together. His current master is the advisor, Morioka-sensei. He’s a sixth-dan kyoushi, I heard.”
“That old man teacher is a sixth-dan kyoushi…?”
Nikaidou felt anger.
In spite of being a weak, puny school with few members, how was it that they even had a coach besides having an advisor? Furthermore, there was a good balance between having a skilled master and a young person. He knew it was an irrational anger for the other person, but why was only Minato so blessed?
I feel so envious, so jealous. I don’t want to see that guy.
“By the way, Fuwa, how do you know all that?”
“When we were checking in, I heard the innkeeper questioning that coach.”
“Amazing. I’m so impressed by your ability to gather information, Fuwa.”
“Well, excuse me for having long ears.”
Nikaidou at that moment had intended on his remark being praise, not sarcasm.
“Hey, Fuwa, you get what I’ve been telling you? Are the things you’re hearing from Uncle Shigeyuki being conveyed properly to you guys?”
“Hmm? They are.”
“It’s not like I myself understand them perfectly, so I feel like I’m telling it all wrong. Also, don’t you hate being spoken in such a sloppy way by a guy the same age as you? And from the perspectives of Aragaki-senpai and the others, I’m an underclassman.”
“If a stranger suddenly told you something like, ‘Your shooting form is not good. It is wrong,’ you might think, ‘Who the hell’s this asshole, makes me sick,’ but I kinda feel like Higuchi-senpai and Aragaki-senpai are waiting for words from you?”
“Both of them react so dully, I really don’t get what they’re thinking.”
Fuwa was wondering what the true meaning behind his words was. Didn’t Nikaidou saying so much after such a long time meant that taking the place of the advisor was becoming a burden for him?
It was the fear of making decisions.
The anxiety of wondering whether or not it was really okay like this, of wondering if this was wrong.
“Even if you did something wrong, you can just correct it, right? It’s not like it’s a serious case that involves the life or death of people. What are you trying so hard for? It’s not like you at all.”
“It’s not like me?”
“Generally, you can’t convey exactly the taste of an apple to someone who hasn’t eaten an apple before, and so when they can eat one, they’ll know, ‘This is an apple.’ You trying to explain and convey everything is ridiculous from the start. Trust the other person a little and leave it to them.”
“Yeah, sure, you’re as wise as ever, Fuwa.”
“What a pain in the ass. To sum it up, I have no complaints or requests for you.”
As Nikaidou was talking with Fuwa, his anger subsided a little. Even if their advisor was absent and they didn’t have a kyudojo, they had an uncle named Shigeyuki, so they were still saved. In the first place, the Tsujimine High School Kyudo Club had many eccentrics in it, and it wasn’t in their natures to be intimate friends with one another.
However, there were no doubt relationships of mutual trust.
The setting sun shone over the kyudojo, and practice ended. Tommy-sensei and the others left first, and the Kazemai and Tsujimine girls moved to the changing room together.
When the male members finished changing into their regular clothes, Higuchi idly whispered to Nikaidou about something.
“Your arrow is missing?”
“Yeah, I was looking for it earlier but…”
It was guessed from the sight of Higuchi still in his kyudo uniform that he had been searching for them for a long time. In the past, there was an incident where an upperclassman had made fun of his extremely slow pace and hid his arrow. Nikaidou remembered that and felt angry.
Since they checked all of Tsujimine’s quivers and didn’t find it, they asked Kazemai to check theirs as well. Upon doing that, the arrow was discovered in Ryouhei’s quiver.
Ryouhei bowed his head to Higuchi.
“I’m so sorry. I took your arrow. I will pay more attention from now on.”
“It’s fine--, it’s nothing—.“
Ryouhei’s arrows were longer than other people’s, so he hadn’t noticed Higuchi’s arrow buried among his bundle of arrows at all. The reason for that was him shirking off the work of counting his arrows.
Nikaidou stepped in front of Higuchi.
“That’s not right, Higuchi-senpai. If this was the last day, he might have took your arrow back with him, you know? There are people who would bring it home by mistake and neglect to go and return it because it was too much work for them.”
“No, in that case I would properly go and return it. I’m truly sorry.”
“You’re Yamanouchi-kun, right? You were also very interested in our Ootaguro’s bow, eh? If it’s a high-grade bow, there are likely also people who would bring it back with them on purpose, right? I think you’re different, though.”
Nikaidou’s tone was sharp. His irritation was obvious to everyone.
Nanao stepped between them.
“He found it right away, so can you forgive him for that much at least? People retrieving the wrong arrows happens a lot, right? In the past, I’d been mistaken for a girl and taken away with someone. The patterns of the feathers and the colors of the hagiito (9) were exactly alike.”
Nikaidou got even more displeased at Nanao’s interference.
“You’re the kid who carried our girls’ luggage, huh? Even though the high school generals are right around the corner, you have the time to hit on girls from other schools. As expected, schools with blessed environments are different. Even though since being able to use a kyudojo in itself is so precious to guys like us, we don’t want to waste even a second. I really am so jealous I can’t stand it. Right?”
“What? I don’t think I was really hitting on anyone.”
“Oh…is that so?”
Seiya stopped Minato from arguing against Nikaidou. If he defended them poorly, then it would be adding fuel to the fire.
However, Kaito couldn’t take it anymore. He walked right up to Nikaidou and thrust his nose into his face.
“I’ve been listenin’ for a while, but how do you keep going on and on about bullshit? He said it wasn’t on purpose and apologized, ain’t he? And, Nanao wasn’t hitting on anyone back there.”
“What’s with you? Why are you so tanned? Are you, like, a helper from the soccer club or something? You must be having such a hard time, what with being teammates with the airhead and the playboy and all.”
“What did ya say!”
Right when Kaito grabbed Nikaidou by his collar, there was a clattering sound.
A pair of glasses with bent frames was rolling on the floor. They were Seiya’s. He had been trying to stop Kaito and got his glasses hit by Kaito’s raised hand.
Seiya was pressing his hand to his eyes. His hidden mole became exposed.
“Ah… Seiya, I’m sorry.”
“—Kaito, pick them up.”
The place became completely frozen.
Seiya’s moment-freezing gun wasn’t only activated when he said lame jokes. Rather, it was stronger when he was angry. Kaito hurriedly went to pick up the blown away glasses. Nikaidou also seemed to have recovered himself with the sound of the glasses falling to the floor.
Seiya issued instructions without a moment’s delay.
“Nanao and Ryouhei will close the shutters. Minato will go and check that the doors to the equipment storehouse and the arrow retrieval path are locked. We will be doing the final locking up, so everyone from Tsujimine, please go on ahead and leave before us.”
Fuwa had been watching on the sidelines until then, but he judged that it would be better to go with Seiya’s plan.
“Are you okay without your glasses?”
“I have contacts, so there is no problem.”
“I see. Well then, we shall be leaving first. Good work today. Nikaidou, we’re going.”
“Good work today.”
After they could no longer see Nikaidou and the others, Seiya beckoned Kaito over. Leaving cleanup to Minato and the rest, the two headed back to their room first.
The room the five boys were lodged in was a Japanese style room about twelve tatami mats wide, with a single low table placed in the center of the room. When the window was opened, the laughter of children blew in along with the refreshing wind of the plateau.
Kaito sat in seiza in front of Seiya, looking small.
“You know what I want to say, right? If you raised your hand at Nikaidou-senpai, you’d be doing exactly what he wants.”
“I’m sorry, Seiya. I’ll pay for your glasses.”
This scene was exactly like a child being scolded by his parent for making mischief.
Seiya narrowed his naked eyes.
“I was thinking about changing my glasses soon anyways, so it’s not a big deal. But wearing contacts for a long time is tiring.”
“I’m sorry, that was really inexcusable of me.”
“Kaito, I’m thirsty.”
Kaito poured barley tea into a cup and presented it to him.
“I really want my shoulders rubbed. That place between my shoulder blades got way too stiff.”
“I wish someone would fill out the accommodation survey for me.”
Giving a sidelong glance at Kaito, who turned towards the table and eagerly filled out the form, Seiya suppressed a laugh. An excessively obedient Kaito was hilarious to see, and he couldn’t help but mess with him. He felt that he truly understood Nanao’s state of mind.
Should I forgive him soon?
Seiya thought, and left Kaito in the room.
Seiya returned with a tray of watermelon slices. He remembered that it was a complementary service of the inn, and that they said, “Please tell us if you need some.”
He placed the tray on the table and sat down. Since he can’t see well without glasses, he brought his face closer to his target objects.
The curtains were swaying.
Soon, there came the quiet breathing of someone asleep beside him.
While Seiya left his seat for a little bit, Kaito had laid down and fallen asleep.
He must have been so tired that even when Seiya brought his face right up to his, he showed absolutely no signs of waking. His sleeping face was like that of an angel. One wouldn’t think that this is the very same boy who normally pointlessly intimidated his surroundings.
“Kacchan, huh…” Seiya murmured.
Well, even he can feel sleepy. Even though he always, always protects Nanao with all his strength. Kaito says I’m overprotective, but he shouldn’t talk.
Seiya leaned against the window where the wind blew through.
He listened to the quiet sound of sleep breathing until Minato and the others returned to the room.
After a short time, Kaito was awoken by Nanao.
“Kacchan, wake up. We left some watermelon for you.”
“…’kay. Huh, where’s Seiya?”
“He went to the baths. We’ll go too after you eat.”
Kaito bit into a watermelon slice.
After they finished bathing and eating dinner, the Kazemai ten gathered at the open space before the inn.
Seiya lit a candle for ignition and handed out hand-held fireworks to everyone.
Minato lit his firework at once, and a long firework, like the head of a zebra grass, sprouted out. The crackling sparklers and the tezutsu fireworks (10) were both staples for home use. Tommy-sensei was saying how nostalgic this all was while gazing at a black snake firework. (11) Kaito drew figure-eights with the flame of his firework, and Nanao and Ryouhei were running around while holding their fireworks.
Hanazawa, Shiragiku, and Seo called to the two of them.
“You guys, you’ll fall if you run!”
“We’ll be fine!”
Seiya handed more fireworks to Kaito.
“Thanks. Don’t just watch us, join in.”
He didn’t use the candle to light his firework, but ignited it by directly accepting the fire of the firework in Kaito’s hand.
“It’d be nice if a zashiki-warashi shows up.”
“I told you to stop talking about that.”
“Kaito, could it be that you’re scared?”
“Hell no!”
Seiya chuckled.
When there were no more hand-held fireworks, Masa-san lit a bunch of ground fireworks. The fountains of flame brightly illuminated everyone’s faces. Then, parachutes were launched from them with a popping sound. Ryouhei was the first to pick one up and held it up high, and Nanao performed a hip-hop dance.
And so, the lively fireworks display continued late into the night.
It happened after they all went to bed. A shadow crept into the sleeping room.
The shadow roamed inside the room without making even a footstep, and when it found its target person, it stopped near their pillow. It peered into their face, then slowly climbed on top of it. Kaito tried to cry out about the weight on his chest, but couldn’t do it for some reason.
Suddenly, Nanao woke up feeling something unusual. Looking next to him, he saw a cat curled up sleeping on top of Kaito. Because the room’s door was kept open, it freely came in.
Nanao whispered, “…You sure are sneaky. Even though you’re always so cold to me.”
He thought about driving it away, but it was the middle of the night. It was inexcusable to wake everyone up with by making a racket. Leaving the cat where it was, Nanao also used Kaito as a pillow and fell asleep again.
Kaito was the one who was misfortunate. Because he did not wake up from sleep while feeling a weight on his body, he could not move as though he was suffering from sleep paralysis.
The one who was woken up with Kaito’s groans was Seiya. When he narrowed his eyes and checked out the situation using the moonlight, the cat and Nanao, using Kaito as their pillow, were sleeping like logs.
Seiya sighed.
Good grief, there’s on helping it. This is the punishment for waking me up in the middle of the night after all—.
Seiya moved the cat and Nanao, who were on top of Kaito, out of the way, and took out a certain something from his bag. And then, he went back to sleep.
The next morning. Minato and Ryouhei, who were the first to wake up, desperately suppressed their laughter.
——There are “cat whiskers” drawn on Onogi’s face!?
Is this the prank of a zashiki-warashi?
Seiya and Nanao were still sleeping.
Kaito, while thinking that Minato and Ryouhei were acting strange, went to the washroom, got in front of the mirror and screamed.
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fancymuffinparty · 6 years
Just Say You Feel the Way That I Feel...
Rating: T; for suggestive themes and eating cake wayyyyy too fast
Pairing: Mikasa Ackerman x Annie Leonhart, Mikannie
Summary:  For Day Three of Annie Week 2k19! (Modern AU) @annieweek
Prompt based on this post. 
Annie needs a fake-fiance to try wedding cake samples and Mikasa’s cute and not really doing anything sooooooo...
Word Count: 1769
A/N: My first tumblr-exclusive one-shot of 2019! :O Ahhhh! I guess this coulda worked for Day One Sweets, but it’s a modern AU too so we’ll go with that! :)
Quick shout-out to Mikannie discord peeps that I haven’t chatted with in forever but i love y’all and HERE’S THE FIC I MENTIONED MONTHS AGO!!! :’D oof
*Title inspired by this song I heard at a wedding and was like-
“Be my fiancé,” Annie declares as she saunters into the room.
“Your… what?” Mikasa freezes, her coffee cup halfway to her lips.
“Only for like an hour tops,” Annie says. Her eyes are glued to her phone, focused on whatever email or text she’s answering.
“You know it’s me you’re talking to, right?” Mikasa queries, wondering which episode of the Twilight Zone this whole fiasco is supposed to be.
“Look, there’s this amazing baker that’s been written up in the Stohess Times,” Annie explains. “The reviews claim the cakes are out of this world. I guess he’s famous in his hometown or something. Thing is he only does wedding cakes… So we’re sampling them in like twenty minutes.”
Annie mumbles something to the effect of ‘Booked it!’ after shoving her phone in her pocket, then orders: “Get your coat. We gotta go now or we’ll be stuck in traffic.”
Mikasa can’t fathom a response to the blonde’s rambling, merely staring at her as if she’d missed some sort of punchline.
“You like cake, right?” Annie asks, her brows furrowed.
“Well yeah,” Mikasa replies, still unconvinced. “But why are you asking me?”
“Because you’re here and clearly you’re not doing anything,” Annie says, slipping on her jacket. “This was also the only appointment I could squeeze us in. They’re pretty booked.”
“Why don’t you just buy one?” Mikasa asks.
“Buy a wedding cake? For myself? What do I look like? A crazy person?” Annie scoffs, grabbing her car keys.
Mikasa doesn’t have the energy to put up any more resistance, though she desperately wants to point out that Annie’s practically a monster for sweets and therefore if the blonde were to buy an entire wedding cake for herself, she doubts anyone would be the least bit shocked.
Accepting the circumstances for what they are, Mikasa simply shrugs, grabs her coat, and follows Annie out the door. They’re about to hop inside her car when she suddenly remembers the next phase of her plan.
“Almost forgot,” Annie says, handing Mikasa a silver ring. “Might wanna slip this on.”
“Seriously? This might be too far- even for you,” Mikasa mutters, tentatively easing the ring on. After settling themselves in the car, however, she can’t help but admire the subtle gleam of it. “It’s almost an exact replica of yours,” she notes.
Annie nods, half-smiling. “It looks good on you, Ackerman.”
The trip is mostly silent. When her curiosity gets the best of her, Mikasa googles the famous baker they’re due to meet in but a few minutes. He’s a friendly-looking fellow named Nikolo from the Marley metropolis. The cakes are gorgeous and she admires the artistic quality to them. No wonder Annie had been so insistent.
Mikasa sighs and rests her head against the backrest of the passenger seat. She gets a bit carried away with her thoughts, allowing herself to imagine what it would be like if this was her reality. What if she and Annie were engaged? What if they really were going to pick out a wedding cake? What if the ring she’s wearing meant more than simply putting on a show? (For free food, of all things…)
But she quickly locks those thoughts back to the darkest corner of her mind where they belong and tries to focus on enjoying the day with her newly acquired fake fiancé.
“Okay, looks like we’re here. Let’s go, dear.” Annie’s out of the car before Mikasa can make an objection to the pet name.
They quickly walk into the bakery where they’re immediately engulfed in the sweet smell of sugar. Annie feels right at home.
“Hello! Welcome!” A tall, slim man greets the duo after they’ve entered the establishment. He introduces himself politely and shakes their hands, to which Annie offers the same in return.
“Wonderful to meet you, Nikolo,” the blonde says. “And thank you for fitting us in. We’re aware of how busy you are.” Without using so much as eye-contact as some sort of unspoken cue, she reaches for Mikasa’s hand, holding it ever-so gently and continues with, “This is my fiancé, Mikasa Ackerman. Soon to be Mrs. Leonhart.”
A blush flashes across Mikasa’s cheeks, enflaming the bridge of her nose. Yet somehow, she manages to keep up with the charade, inserting herself into the exchange.
“Thanks for having us,” she chimes in quickly. “My fiancé practically worships sweets and from what we’ve read online, you’re the go-to guy for wedding cakes.”
Nikolo accepts the compliment, albeit modestly. “I’m honored,” he says with a coy smile. “Now please. If you’ll just follow me…” He makes a civil gesture before leading them into a small room away from the show floor.
There’s a small table embellished with innumerable slices of cake, each looking like a uniquely hand-crafted work of fine art almost too pretty to eat.
“So, there are many different styles as you can see,” Nikolo explains. “We have the chocolate delight, the raspberry white dream, the red velvet luxury, the lemon supreme, and of course, the classic buttercream vanilla. Please, feel free to taste and try them all, let me know what you think. I’ll leave you to it.” He quietly exits the room, closing the door behind them to offer his guests some privacy.
“…Wow,” Mikasa whispers in awe, still marveling at the decorative array of sweets.
“Still think my idea’s insane, Ackerman?” Annie quips.
“Most definitely,” Mikasa replies without missing a beat. “But this is going to be totally worth it.”
“Well come on then. We don’t have all day.” Annie hurries to the table and sits down, eyes locked on the slice of the white raspberry dream. Before Mikasa can even pull up a seat next to her, the blonde has already devoured half of the slice.
“Mikasa, you need to try this,” Annie manages in between chewing. She lets out a tiny moan, a sound that is practically sinful.
Mikasa rushes to sit down when she sees Annie shove another bite into her mouth.
“Hey now, slow it down there, Annie,” Mikasa warns, eyeing the blonde with a slightly judgmental look. “It’s not going anywhere.”
“Not my fault you can’t keep up,” Annie sasses back, cake still stuffed in her mouth.
“As your fiancé, I demand you-” Mikasa is unable to finish as Annie quickly shoves a piece of cake into her mouth, using the extra fork on the table.
“Mmmmph!” Mikasa grumbles incoherently at first but as soon as the burst of heavenly flavors overwhelm her senses, she’s practically fallen in love.
“How was that, darlin’?” Annie asks. Taunts, really.
“You’re cruel,” Mikasa replies, eyes rolling to the back of her head. “I need more.”
“Mmmm, that’s what I thought,” Annie drawls. “Maybe if you ask nicely.”
Mikasa huffs and reaches for a different slice of cake. Appears to the be the Lemon Supreme. Her mouth is instantly watering.
“Or I can help myself to this gorgeous specimen,” she asserts.
Annie gobbles down the rest of her own slice, feigning indifference. “Suit yourself.”
She scoops up a hefty serving of the red velvet luxury cake and devours the morsel in predatory fashion. Mikasa finds the blonde’s feistiness rather amusing.
“You oughtta savor the taste, Annie,” she suggests, chewing her next bite slowly. “You’re eating way too fast.”
Annie waves her off, cheeks stuffed to the max. “Believe me, I am thoroughly enjoying this experience.”
Mikasa heaves a sigh and shrugs, stealing a small bite of the red velvet luxury.
Oh, yes, she thinks, cherishing every beautiful second of this passionate moment.
This one’s her favorite.
“You’re making that face,” Annie says abruptly, interrupting her thoughts. “You like that one?”
Mikasa quirks a brow. “What? What face?”
“The ‘Mikasa face of approval’,” Annie replies, smirking. “No need to get all self-conscious about it. It’s cute.”
“Cute?” Mikasa’s chewing picks up, as does the frantic beat of her heart.
Annie’s still admiring her fake fiancé’s bashful expression, until she notices the small crumbs and frosting smeared at the corner of her mouth.
“You got something on your…” Annie points the mess out, to which Mikasa merely tilts her head, questioning.
“I got cake on my face or what?” Mikasa asks, setting aside her fork.
Annie nods, a smug expression adorning her face. “Mmmhmmm.”
Mikasa looks away, slightly embarrassed. Before she can grab a napkin and wipe the crumbs and frosting off, Annie reaches for her face, hand caressing her cheek tenderly.
“Here, let me help,” she says softly. And she slowly leans in.
Mikasa stalls, the anticipation looming over her as Annie eases closer and closer. The blonde gently draws her tongue over the smeared frosting, then merges their mouths together in a sweet kiss; innocent yet so deliberate.
Annie pulls away, but only slightly. “I think I got it.”
Mikasa’s breathing is hitched. “Is a… second helping possible?”
“Oh?” Annie hums. “You mean the red velvet or… do you want me to kiss you again?”
Mikasa’s just about had it with Annie’s sass, so without warning she slips her arms around her waist and pulls the blonde in closer. Their lips meet again, this time in a deeper kiss.
She can still taste the lingering presence of red velvet with every curious graze of her tongue.
“Oh, my! I am so sorry to interrupt!” Nikolo stammers as he walks into the room, wondering if he should just tiptoe out and pretend he didn’t witness their passionate makeout session. “Ummm… Just wanted to see if you two were doing all right.”
From the looks of it, it seems to be going very well.
The two pull away from each other, like shy bashful lovers. “We’re doing fine. Thank you,” Annie replies, clearing her throat.
“Everything tastes wonderful,” Mikasa adds politely.
“Perfect! Well let me know if you need anything.” Nikolo forces a smile, preparing to scurry away in humiliation.
“Actually, can we order the red velvet luxury?” Annie requests. “She really likes this one.” She shoots Mikasa a wink before interlocking their hands together.
“Of course!” Nikolo replies. “I’ll be right back with the order forms.” He excuses himself with a bow and promptly leaves the lovebirds to their own devices.
“Really, Annie?” Mikasa chuckles. “You’re really going to buy the whole cake?”
Annie’s gaze lingers to their joined hands and matching rings. Her little scheme to get her crush to try free wedding cake samples has seemingly rewarded her with the best of both worlds.  
She keeps that to herself, of course.
“Why yes,” Annie replies warmly. “Only the best for my fiancé.”
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clairen45 · 6 years
Cracking the Mirror
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The mirror scene in Ahch-To is probably the most puzzling we have ever had in Star Wars, the one we keep on getting back to, commenting, critiquing. I have seen many fascinating metas on Tumblr about this scene, usually wondering what Rey sees in there, what she should see, and what we, the audience, think we did see there. Maybe, we can less focus on what’s in there and really pause at the mirror itself and what it stands for. Because, come to think of it, mirrors in this franchise are a rare commodity, and since we are finally given one, let’s wonder what it brings to the story.
A story is a mirror that one carries along the way... Stendhal
The mirror is first and foremost a device, a tool, created by men that testifies to the many ways man has been trying to appropriate and define his own identity and image. Before mirrors were engineered and become quite a casual commodity, people could only get glimpses of themselves in a fleeting reflection in the water or in the eyes of people looking at them. You had no idea of what you looked like except as defined by the gaze of the others. The gaze of the others is still very much present today, but, thanks to mirrors (and cameras), we can get firsthand an idea of what we look like, and sometimes take control of our own image (hello selfie!). This is huge. At the same time, how truthful can a mirror be? We still look at our reflection through the prism of our own expectations, desires, fears, and insecurities, and a mirror in itself can be warped or broken, or photoshopped (I see you Instagram filters) . It is sometimes partial, and limited. At any rate, it is always a frame, and an inverted image of who we are.
Novelists and writers were quick at seizing the analogy between their work and that of a mirror. It is quite cliché to consider that most of the works of art, and that also include the visual arts, are more than often meant to be a reflection of our cultures, societies, and of individuals. We can easily project ourselves onto characters and stories, because they, one way or another, reflect ourselves, our feelings, our desires, our fears, our expectations, and our insecurities. And like real loooking glasses, these works of art, whether fiction or documentaries, can be warped, broken, partial, and limited. And they are always a frame. They don’t even have to be realistic. Through the Looking Glass is actually a good example to keep in mind because there again, it was very much a story about stories, with Alice going through the looking glass of fiction, and entering a world that is all about exploring the imaginary and the creative power of words.  Fairy tales and nonsensical works have a lot to say about ourselves. There are many ways to view Lewis Carroll’s looking glass, but I will keep that notion for now.
So what a genius stroke to have us, puzzled audience, going back to that Ahch-To mirror to look for answers about our story. Like Rey, what do we see in there, and how much does that tell us about our expectations and about ourselves? And what is true of this scene in particular is true of the whole franchise as a whole. RJ has been pretty clever in the way he portrays his characters. Like Luke, we project much of ourselves into this story, maybe sometimes to the point of losing ourselves. And like Rey, we come to look for answers. And thus, like Rey, we are bound to be disappointed. For what we get, after all, is always shadows on a screen.
This movie is metafiction in its very essence: a story that tells us about stories, the way fiction is created, and our ambivalent relationship with it. The infinity of Rey is like the infinity of versions of the same story we could have had, variations, retelling, rewriting. But also the infinity of interpretations we can ascribe to a story. And when we finally demand ONE, one legitimate version that will answer our questions about “what is that story? what is it about?”, what we get eventually is just the fiction itself. Nothing more, nothing else. Remember Luke in the cave? That scene is afer all the pendant, the mirror image of this one. What is Yoda’s answer when Luke asks about what he will find in the cave? “Only what you take with you”. If we apply this again to metafiction, this is just as relevant as to what Rey sees in there: what you find in a fiction is always about yourself, what you bring in there, what you take with you and project onto a story. Which is why we never get to watch the same movie or read the same book as the others in the end... Because, Narcissus that we are, we will only and always read about ourselves between the lines.
To be honest, the mirror as a metafictional device is a common trope. It is often used by painters with their self-portraits, and even sometimes as a trick inside the painting to provide with an image of the painter reflected inside the painting. For instance, this one by Dutch painter Peter Claesz
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And this is obviously not one of those infamous goofs that people look for in movies, when you happen to see a cameraman reflected in a mirror or a window... In a way, this device works a bit like a mise en abyme, a literary term that I like to refer to as the laughing cow effect: a picture within a picture within a picture.... Or a text within a text within a text... A movie within a movie... Well you get the picture!
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And as far as Star Wars goes, you can talk about mise en abyme, in the sense that, as we have so often discussed, the ST keeps on mirroring themes, shots, scenes, lines of dialogue, costumes, characters of the ST and the OT. The use of this device can be interpreted as a homage, as a critique, or a subversion. Mirrors, no matter what, are always an inversion of something. So the ST, in many ways, is a mise en abyme of previous Star Wars movies. That was obvious in TFA, but it is still true in TLJ. TFA was very much looking inside a mirror at the OT, TLJ is very much about going through the looking glass. Which mirrors (ahah) what Rey does in there.
What? A mirror in my Star Wars? !!!!
Let’s pause there. Yes, a mirror in Star Wars. Unheard of. I insist. You would think that with the amount of intricate over the top dresses and hairdos, you will get Leia and Padmé prepping in front of a mirror? Nope. Nada. No mirror in Padmé’s apartment. I checked. The one time she is styling her hair (that is to say, languidly brushing her curls on a balcony in ROTS), she is enjoying the view and not her reflection. When Leia fixes her buns on the Death Star post trash compactor mess, no pocket mirror in view. Do we get Leia in her apartments? Nope. What about reflections in water? Nope. In windows? N-O to the no.
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Enjoying the view, my friends, not looking at ourselves. Our gaze is on a galaxy far far away (or the green screen). The closer we got a mirror image of a character in the OT and PT is that:
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Feast your eyes on your face in .... the cave, Luke. Coincidence that it happened in a cave? Shall I venture, probably not?
So why so shy on the mirrors, guys? What gives? So we have lightsabers, hyperdrive, blasters, and countless trickets that serve whatever purpose, but no one has a mirror in this galaxy? Like really? Didn’t bother inventing one? Ummm? Let’s apply theories.
1.Leia and Padmé probably do not style their hair themselves and have handmaiden and droids to help with that. Sure, but that doesn’t mean they would not enjoy a look at the final product. Check for the pesky piece of parsley between the teeth, the smear of blue milk around the mouth...gee, I don’t know.
2.this is a noble story with a big picture in mind, mmmokay. It is about the fight between good and evil, not about the petty satisfaction of checking oneself out in a mirror. Ummm.... I’ll come back to that. There are a lot of meanings you can ascribe to looking at yourself in a mirror. And believe you me it would have done Padmé or Anakin good to have one long go at the looking-glass before making most of their galaxy-shattering decisions. Just saying... Especially in a story that is so much about duality, fearing to become someone else, and so forth and so on.
3.Well so far, it’s a story about boys. Boys do NOT check themselves in mirror. As a reminder: Narcissus, Dorian Gray, and just for the heck of it, 3 pictures from Disney movies...
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Ok, granted, there is one little boy (not a man) and two lions. And they are NOT using a looking glass, just water. Like Narcissus. And they are not checking out themselves to see if they look good, they are asking important questions about identity. Because that’s what boys do! Dammit! Like, you will seriously make me believe that Lando or Poe would never check themselves out in mirror? Well, there is that dude in Disney, just so you know...and other peacocks I am sure.
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What about reflective surfaces in the PT and the OT? We are bound to have some. Well, here they are:
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C3P0, Padmé’s Naboo Royal Starship, and Vader’s helmet: shiny, mirror-like surfaces that always lead back to Vader.THE Darth. Interesting connection, because, in the end, Luke, as we saw in the cave, is afraid to find Vader’s face looking back at him “in the mirror” (so to speak): he is afraid of becoming like his father. The three examples I suggest are reflective but they are not mirrors. They do not reflect anything or anyone in the movie. They still function as symbolic mirrors though. Vader is the mirror that Obi-Wan and Yoda show Luke as a cautionary tale: do not become like him, do not turn to the dark side! Which is even more ironic since Luke keeps on saying he wants to be like his father, that is his final answer to the Emperor after all: “ You have failed, Your Highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me”. From the audience’s perspective, faceless Vader is also the mirror on which we are projecting our fears. As for Luke, he is what we fear, what we don’t want to see in ourselves. What about C3P0? What does he reflect? As the comic relief, golden mirror to Vader’s dark mirror, he helps us face our fears, he voices our concerns, he helps us go through the trials very time we laugh at him. A blundering fool, he is also very much us, a twisted mirror of ourselves we can laugh at.
And what about Padmé’s ship? Ah, well, that is after all the only looking-glass that Padmé will have, a very symbolic and very significant one. It is the ship that takes her to her future husband after all. In folk tales, you have numerous superstitions about mirrors and finding your future husbands. One is about putting a mirror under your pillow to dream about your future husband, others  include an apple and a brush, and Padmé will share a fruit with Anakin and will be brushing her hair, so she does end up having the three (though she is already very much wedded and bedded when we see her with the brush!). This ship plays an important part in the story in each move of the PT: first it allows Padmé to meet Anakin and allows Anakin to follow his destiny as a Jedi by leaving servitude and his home planet; in AOTC, it plays a part in Anakin and Padmé’s coming together, but it is also linked with the death of Anakin’s mother and his first outburst of sheer violence; in ROTS, it is central in the final tragedy of the story when Padmé flies to meet Anakin on Mustafar, with Obi-Wan hiding onboard, and it will finally carry away a dying Padmé in labour. So the ship/mirror is a vessel of love and a vessel of death (also materialized with the glass coffin).
And what do we get in Claudia Gray’s Bloodline, another ship, Leia’s ship, which is, revalingly named Mirrorbright. So a ship as a mirror. Again... But then, Claudia Gray’s novel belong to a different part of the story. It is part of the path to the ST. And that is indeed the crux of the problem why we did not have so many mirrors before. It is indeed because the OT and the PT were boy’s journeys, where mirrors traditionally do not play an important part. Whereas in girl’s journeys, well, they are unavoidable. Enters Rey... enters the mirror. And also, in the process, let’s not forget that Disney is in the wings, and, oh boy, Mr Mouse knows a thing or two about mirrors. Let’s give a peek at what they usually stand for.
Mirrors of power and the power of mirrors
Because mirrors were so rare and precious they soon became associated with power and magic. So, most often, mirrors will be associated with a figure of power, a king, a queen, a wizard, a witch or a sorceress. But most of the time, because of the notion of the mirror as a vanity piece, it is associated with a female figure. Examples of note: Galadriel’s mirror in The Lord of the Rings, the queen’s magic mirror ins Snow White, the Snow Queen’s distorting mirror in Andersen’s tale, or Circe’s transforming mirror in The Odyssey.
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A mirror gives to its owner a very important power indeed, the power to see. And if you are talking about seeing, you might as well be talking about seers. A seer has a power of divination, he can see the past, the present, the future, “things that were, and things that are, and things that yet may be” to quote from LOTR. This is linked to another important magic propriety of the mirror: the mirror is a portal, a vessel, that can carry your gaze to somewhere or someone else, that can reveal the truth of things, what lies beneath, that gives access to the hidden nature of things and of people. Most of the time it is associated with evil powers. It can reveal what people are truly like, as with Ursula in Little Mermaid,
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or accentuate flaws and what is bad within people’s hearts as in Andersen’s tale of the Snow Queen, or reveal the way the owner of the mirror sees the people, as it is the case for Circe, for whom all men are pigs and animals.
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Which is why the mirror scene almost always features in scenes of transformation or changes, either physical or psychological, whenever the characters are about to make life-altering decisions, and question their identities. Examples:
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It can be an actual looking glass, or any other symbolic reflecting surface, usually water, like in Galadriel’s case, but think also in The Black Cauldron, of the pig Hen Wen which can create visions through water.
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In the case of divination, it is a portal through time, but it can also become a portal through space and become an entryway to another place, or another dimension. It is the case for Alice, for example.In Star Wars particular universe, this resonates through three different examples: Padmé’s ship that has a mirror like surface, Leia’s ship in Bloodline which is named Mirrorbright, and the recent Star Wars Rebels episode, A world Between Worlds, that actually features a portal onto other dimensions. This, in my mind, underlines the crucial part played by mirrors in this new trilogy and how mirrors can tie in the different episodes together, literally, or symbolically.
Now, let’s look more particularly at the relationship between women and mirrors in classical stories.
Mirror Mirror on the Wall... you know the drill
Well, the first idea is not very positive. Many feminist studies have brought forth and underline the idea of the mirror as symbolic of the patriarchic discourse that frames, reifies, and stifles women’s agency. Through representations of women with and within mirrors, women become solely objects of desire and beauty, subjected to the male gaze. hence countless and countless of paintings of women looking at themselves in mirrors... Women entrapped by their own beauty, vain, and often oblivious to what is going on around them, preferring the mirror to the open window. Do they have an agency, do they own themselves, does their beauty belong to them? No they don’t. No it doesn’t. The mirror is always a frame, and like the genie’s bottle, it gives less powers to the genie that it actually binds it to the owner of the bottle, aka here, the beholder. A woman exists solely in the male’s appreciative gaze , otherwise she doesn’t exist. Mirrors in paintings are here more than often both to multiply and highlight attractive parts of the woman, or to give access to parts that are not seen. The female subjects is even sometimes trapped within different mirrors, not to mention the one that is the painting itself, the gaze of the painter or the audience.
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Mirrors are normally there to guide about desire, and teach you a lesson about what and who should be desired, and considered desirable. Narcissus’s story is supposed to tell a story about how auto-erotic desire is not considered ok: loving yourself too much will be the death of you, so to speak. But, revealingly, in this particular cautionary tale, the hero is male. I am not sure whether the morality of the tale would have been the same had the example been female.Vanity, as attested by countless paintings and women’s magazines, is more than encouraged in women, as long as they make themselves desirable to the gauging male gaze.
It is very revealing that in Snow White, the most famous tale featuring a mirror, the voice in the mirror is always interpreted as male.
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An older and a young woman are not competing in order to be the most powerful, but to be the prettiest, to the point of killing themseves, either literally because they do not qualify anymore (the evil queen turned old hag must be ditched and put away), or symbolically by turning into inanimate objects. Snow White, dead in her coffin, is still a prize for the young prince who is ready to take her home and add to his collection of trophies and knick-knacks. And it is a Glass Coffin after all. Same difference. These women are framed in the mirror, and framed by the mirror. The Queen’s looking glass is a coffin in the end for both women. It is lethal and poisonous. The evil queen may well be the designated bitch of the story, but she is as much a victim as Snow White of the infectious discourse of the mirror (see for instance Gubar and Gilbert’s wonderful work about it).
The patriarchal voice in the mirror is very normative about what the “good girl” should be, look like, or act as.The good girl is for instance, the angel in the house of Victorian times. See for instance Jane Eyre, when Jane, preparing for her wedding day with Edward Rochester, gets a nightmarish vision in a mirror, a female creature who plays with her wedding veil, and tears it in two. As many critiques have argued, Bertha Mason, the madwoman in the attic, is very much a double for Jane Eyre, the angry soul within herself that she must tame, but who sometimes escapes and lashes out, for instance at the beginning of the novel in the infamous crimson room.So Bertha’s apparition right before the wedding might be a manifestation of Jane’s unconscious who rebels at the idea of being “framed” by the very possessive Edward Rochester. It is as if the woman walks out of the patriarchal mirror (and  attic) that usually confine her to act out for Jane and expose some of her fears.
The male discourse in the mirror is also eminently present in the concept of The Phantom of the Opera. In Leroux’s novel, as transcribed also in the wonderful musical, Erik’s voice is the voice in the mirror. 
It seemed to command me, personally, to come, to stand up and come to it. It retreated and I followed. ‘Come! And believe in me!’ I believed in it, I came . . . I came and — this was the extraordinary thing — my dressing-room, as I moved, seemed to lengthen out . . . to lengthen out . . . Evidently, it must have been an effect of mirrors . . . for I had the mirror in front of me . . .
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In the musical: “Look at your face in the mirror -I am there inside!”. You can easily argue that Erik is not a patriarchal voice, which I totally agree with. He is still a voice though that is robbing Christine of her agency, and that manipulates her, that turns her into a vessel for his own desires and needs.
Besides, the patriarchal voice does not necessarily have to be male, as Disney has reminded us again and again. Women are more than complacent in this framing of other women, mostly because they have internalized the patriarchal voice. Look at Disney’s Tangled, that normally does not revolve around a mirror in the original tale. The young girl is also “framed”, imprisoned for real, but also by a woman’s speech. Mother Gothel’s motives are not too far from the evil queen’s in a way. Just like her, she fears growing old and less beautiful, aka less desirable, less valued as a woman. Because a woman’s power does not, in most tales, go further than her desirability in the male view. Rapunzel wants to go out, get some agency, but instead she is maintained, inside, as an object who is valuable only for her long hair. Long hair is not very practical, but it is sure valued as something appealing.
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Or look at these other framed girls. Mulan is transformed so as to fit male expectation of what a desirable young bride must look like.
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And as for Aurora, this is moments before marrying the Prince... and symbolically dying. Symbolism not lost here, for a tale that is normally about menstruation. This will be Maleficent that she hears calling her on the other side of the mirror, but her status as a bride and her death come really with great timing in the way the themes are interwined... Needless to say I am not so thrilled by the prospect of Cinderella’s glass slippers (even less so when you consider that shoes are the punishment of choice i the traditional tale for the evil queen in Snow White).
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The ultimate framed girl is maybe the Lady of Shallott, in Tennyson’s poem. Like Rapunzel she is trapped in a tower. But she is also denied her own gaze on the world. She can never look outside, for fear of being cursed. The only gaze she is allowed on the world is through the medium of a looking glass. So, she is symbolically trapped in a mirror.To what does she owe this curse and what is this curse in question? We do not know, neither does she. Probably just the curse of being female.
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Can the voice in the mirror be tamed?
Well, yes, so to speak, and that is perfectly illustrated in the Disney linguistics under the trope of “girl in love looks into a mirror”. Like that one:
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Who has evolved from: Gee, I can’t stand the way the patriarchal discourse is keeping me in prison and depriving me on any agency. Exhibit A:
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To being reflected in the water alongside love interest during a magic carpet flight, Exhibit B:
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Oops, wrong one, but you will remember from the movie.
That type of framing fits the pattern of girl must fall in love, girl must marry, at least she marries someone who is looking positively at her and sends her back a good reflection on to herself and her own agency. So yes, the voice in the mirror can be tamed, that means choosing the right partner.
The Case for Beauty and the Beast
Beauty and the Beast, in particular Disney’s version is a particular case, and is much more interesting and further developed than Jasmine’s example, because in the end Jasmine is featured in the mirror in the typical vanity piece: she is looking lovingly at herself as the object of Aladdin’s love, while making herself pretty. Belle’s case is another pickle altogether. Like Jasmine, it starts with patriarchal discourse and framing, with not one but two male voices trying to frame her: Gaston who wants to marry her because she fits the perfect picture he has in mind, and the Beast... Gaston needs Belle to satisfy his own vanity, and the Beast needs Belle to turn back into a prince. So in both cases, at the beginning of the story, it is a matter of selfishness and appearance. But in Gaston’s case, the framing is quite emphasized.Gaston is also both a prisoner of the mirror (his narcissism) AND the voice in the mirror. Look at the ways Gaston is framing Belle in a storyline as well as visually on the screen:
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Gaston loves mirrors... the Beast not so much. Enters the magic mirror. The first time we see it it is between the Beast’s hands. The magic mirror does what a mirror symbolically always does: show you the object of your desire. When Gaston looks in a mirror he sees himself. When the Beast looks inside his magic mirror, he sees Belle. And he realizes that she is too good for him, and that, as he now stands, he is unworthy of her love. By seeing the object of his desire, he first truly takes a good look at himself, something he fiercely refused to do all these years by destroying the mirrors in the castle or his portrait.He also gently puts the mirror down, refusing thus to frame her or define her as solely the object of his desire.
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Then Belle gets to see another mirror when she starts roaming the castle: it is broken and reflects multiple facets of her. This is already something interesting, because the Beast is the one that broke the mirror. So for a male to break the symbol of patriarchal discourse, this is rather good omen for the way their relationship can develop. Symbolically, it also means that Belle is multi-faceted, that she is not the prisoner of one discourse, one image; that she has the potential for different identities, adventures, and choices; that she is not confined purely within one frame.The mirror is open.There are also some missing pieces, it is like a puzzle. And the way it is fragmented echoes the puzzle created by the Beast about his own portrait, which foretells that these two are made for each other, that they complete each other.
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Next time we get the magic mirror, the Beast gives it away, on his own free will, to Belle. Which symbolically means that he is relinquishing some of his power, ready to share his agency, and the patriarchal discourse with her. He also relinquishes ownership of her image: he gives her image back to her. She has sole custody of her image. She is not confined  within the looking glass, as, say,Snow White in her glass coffin, or Cinderella in her glass slippers. Just saying.
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And Belle gets to choose what she wants to see in there. She is not imposed a given image or just her own reflection. The object of her desire is her father: she is not ready for womanhood and a relationship, she is still looking back into the past and not forward into the future.
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Belle gets to keep the mirror. So she has power inside her hands, she is very much her own agent. When Gaston, the symbol for limiting patriarchal discourse, threatens to put his father into an asylum in order to get her to be his wife, she uses her agency by brandishing the mirror. Gaston was calling her discourse bullshit, he was denying her words, she will show him. And now appears the Beast, that she now looks at most tenderly and lovingly. The Beast has become the object of her desire and she still hardly understands at this point. But, more importantly, the magical object, the mirror has come full circle between the hands of Belle. She used to be framed in it, now she is the one framing the object of her desire in it.
Gaston of course snatches it away from her, and uses it as a weapon. He is the ferocious “wounded in his pride” patriarchal voice. He will try one last time to “frame” what love and desire should stand for, what Belle’s place and fate should be, so he locks her up and plans to kill the Beast who has relinquished all power. But, at this point, Belle and the Beast are beyond the frames of the mirror. They have acknowledged who they love and desire, and accepted each other as they are.
This is a very interesting use of mirror in a story, I must say. And it already probably raises lots of parallels in your mind with Reylo... as it should.
From the Mirror to the Speculum: know thyself and the broken glass
So, what about Rey and mirrors in TLJ? Revealingly, A LOT of the stories that I have tried to recall in the scope of this mirror study are usually matched up with the ST themes and storyline. Snow White, for instance and her glass coffin like Rey’s pod (and Padmé’s own coffin admittedly), Beauty and the Beast, Jane Eyre, or the Phantom of the Opera. A lot of reflections too in The Lion King 2, a movie that has a lot of possible parallels with the ST thematically speaking. I am pretty sure the connections are not lost there. And there is this particular art design realized for TFA, but omitted (why?) from the book The Art of The Force Awakens.
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They used a photoshoot that Adam Driver had done with a model for a magazine to imagine a concept art that prominently features a mirror, on the right. This was in the developing stages for the new ST, and I think a good reason why they would not include this specific picture is because it was letting too much out on what they were trying to achieve, or what they had in mind for these two. But the mirror is there, and, if it played no part in TFA, it does play a big one in TLJ.
But before looking at this particular mirror, let’s look again at the “path” that leads us there, and at other possible reflections. There is first the Mirrorbright lullaby, a traditional song from Alderaan, that Claudia Gray uses in Bloodline, which centers around the moment when Leia’s true lineage is revealed and thus when Ben learns the truth about his connection to Vader.
Mirrorbright, shines the moon, its glow as soft as an ember
When the moon is mirrorbright, take this time to remember
Those you have loved but are gone
Those who kept you so safe and warm
The mirrorbright moon lets you see
Those who have ceased to be
Mirrorbright shines the moon, as fires die to their embers
Those you loved are with you still—
The moon will help you remember
The combination of lullaby as a genre and moon as a theme screams motherhood. The moon is linked with fertility, and rebirth. The theme of the song is that people who are now long gone are still with us through the love we bear them. In Bloodline, the song can remind Leia of the loved ones she lost on Alderaan, but in the context of the ST it resonates in her loss of Han, Luke, and how she grieves for her lost son. As a path to the ST it is important, because it ties in with previous dead ones: Anakin and Padmé, especially in the context of embers... See for instance @fluffycakeistainted’s great meta about ashes and embers, and the comparison between Reylo and Anidala. And in the aftermath of TLJ, it is also interesting because Rey and Kylo parted amid embers, and are last seen grieving for what could have been. Could we get a moon or moonlit scenes in episode ix?
Another interesting item from “path” to the ST, is in Claudia Gray’s Leia Princess of Alderaan, and comes from Holdo. I think there is much to make of Holdo’s cryptic lines and their influence on the fates of the characters in the ST, between “the spark that will ignite the fire” and this specific line: “Mirrors bend light”. I am unsure what to make out of this at this point, but I really want to keep this idea in mind for episode ix possibly.
Now in TLJ itself, there are three important points I want to underline before tackling THE mirror from Ahch-To cave.
Phasma as a mirror. Sure, as a chrome dome, her shining uniform is supposed to look super cool and super badass. Contrary to Vader and C3P0, you can actually see items and people reflected in her armor. I wonder if it might mean something else. Especially since she is usually positioned as Finn’s antagonist. She is Finn’s mirror, the image that he left behind, what he does not want to be. She is his particular foil and nemesis. She is the mirror in Finn’s own storyline.
The “oculus” in Snoke’s throne room. This is akin to the wizard’s magic glass. It is not a looking-glass but a magnifying glass. Like a Devil’s Mirror, the purpose it serves in TLJ is emphasizing bad things, here the destruction of the Resistance fleet.
The many reflecting surfaces in the scenes where Kylo appears. In the throne room or on the deck before Force bond 2. They are revealing of the duality of the character. In this particular scene, what I find particularly interesting, is that when he will turn he will indeed see his image reflected... in Rey, through the Force bond. I will not develop this particular point because I think it has been done before, but the way they fight and move mirror each other...
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Ok, so, thank you for indulging me and having read that far. So, what about that mirror scene? The pièce de résistance... It appears to Rey at the moment when she has given up on Luke being the hero that will save the day and help her find answers about herself, and right after Kylo tells her what happened between Luke and him. All the truths she was holding on to are shattered: the hero and the monster. So she turns back to herself and what she has always wanted: the truth about her parents, and to have her parents back. If the Light had no answers, maybe the Dark will.
Of course, the first degree of the analysis is very much about the classical “know thyself”, the quest for identity. She first gets an infinity of replicas of herself, before asking the mirror to “show them” to her, fingers barely touching the surface. Then, two dark figures walk towards her, gasp, fuse, re-gasp, somewhat look like someone that could be Kylo, major gasp, and then turn into her own reflection. Disappointment. For everone and not just Rey.The story is very much about herself. To come back to previous references, she is like Belle roaming the castle: the mirror is cracked, reflecting many possible identities and lives for her.
And hell breaks loose because the whole story is a flashback she tells Kylo, who becomes her mirror image in the flesh, sitting on the same terracota stools, holding out the hand, fingers barely touching the surface, her tear mirroring the scar on his face. As itself, the first degree is revealing enough. What she has come to find in the mirror is Kylo himself, whether we see him or not reflected there. Here he is, minutes later, and the scene speaks for itself. We also get another added power associated with the mirror, when they both get visions through the encounter, apparently of the past for him, and of the future for her.
The second degree is not that far from the mark either. The entrance to the cave is, as many have pointed before, very reminiscent of female genitalia. So for Rey looking and gaping at the entrance of the cave is pretty much like using a speculum. She is taking interest in her sexuality, in her womanhood, with a visual imagery that is VERY reminiscent of the way Caravaggio painted Narcissus looking at himself. I can’t include the clip for now, I will as soon as I can, but seriously, compare the way she bends over the entrance with that:
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Down the hole, she falls, you would say much like Alice, and like Alice and Narcissus she almost drowns. Inside the cave, traditionally the image of the womb, a mirror. Replicas and reproductions could point to the fact that Rey, as a mother, has the potential to replicate herself, to live through the generations out of the children she can bear. It is also that laughing cow effect again... Something of the matriochka doll concept: even in her mother’s womb, a baby girl already holds within herself all the eggs that represent potential new babies, so a girl within a girl within a girl...
As I have pointed out before, mirrors are also supposed to reflect the object of desire. It is very significant that this mirror scene happens RIGHT AFTER the half-naked encounter with Kylo, and the flustered reaction she gets from the sight. But Rey is, at this point, unable to understand or process this desire. Just like Beauty when she gets the Beast’s magic mirror, she asks to get a peek at the past, her parents. She mistakes what she really wants. The same mistake that she did before and that Maz highlighted on Takodana: “the belonging you seek is not behind you”. She did not ask for what she really desired because she was unable to identify it yet, and so she did not get the right answer to her question, just a blurred vision. Through the Force vision, she gets something that changes her perspective though, since she throws herself with wild abandon at the mercy of Kylo and Snoke, so sure she is of what may happen.
Ok, so, guilty as charged, I also “speculated” a bit about what appears in the mirror. That’s what we are expected to do: the whole point of the mirror scene is to have us speculate after all. I will argue that it is awesome that we didn’t get any clear vision in this mirror. Just Rey’s face. For all the reasons that I have listed above in my detailed exposé on mirror scenes.
No patriarchal voice or discourse, Rey is the agent and the narrator of her own story: hurray!
No framing as the good girl, many different possibilities
No foil images: her opposite, her antagonist, an alien or corrupted version of herself, nothing hidden is revealed
If we had seen Kylo for sure in the mirror people might have still been tempted to interpret it as a clear sign that they are meant to fight, that he is her enemy in the mirror, since the image is prompted by fear and the Dark side
Cracked mirror is always a better option for a heroine, it leaves ways of escaping the frame, of not remaining a prisoner
Going through the mirror for Rey does equal in her journey accessing the truth, the path to reality. She is the heroine of her story and not the footnote to someone else’s story, she is a message and not just a messenger. She acknowledges that Kylo and her share something unique. She has a more nuanced approach to the whole picture. It is key in the letting go of her search for idealized parents.
Because she failed to find the appropriate reflection in the mirror, she goes and seeks the one that she needs.We DON’T NEED to get Ben/Kylo in the scene. We shouldn’t get Kylo in the scene because it is much better that she goes identifying him as the true object of her need and desire on her own, outside of the mirror. This is a great subversion of the mirror trope in the heroine’s journey. It is not in the mirror that she really learns to know herself, what she needs, what she wants or who she is meant to be with. It is not in a mirror that she gets visions of her fate, her future, or any access to power. She gets ALL THAT when she touches fingers with Kylo: that’s her real mirror scene. And it’s one that she chooses, initiates, provokes: she is the one looking for him after the cave scene (from the novelization), she is the one talking and framing the discussion, she is the one initiating the touch, and dragging him inside HER frame, and not the other way around.
I leave it there for now. This was quite a long one and I fear a bit rough because as a process it got interrupted many times. I hope it can spark discussions.
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pindaleng · 7 years
Asks Part 2 - 150 asks
blackdowning asked:
all of the taylor asks please and also all of the 150 asks from a couple days ago thanks
Get ready for a ride
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
Teasingly with my friend Holly
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Shy af
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
My bestie @blackdowning :’)
4. Are you easy to get along with?
I think so! Unless we’re good enough friends that all I do is find ways to antagonize you
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
Romantic “like”? Hope so but don’t know them that well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
People with really nice smiles and laughs and have a great sense of humor because help me if I have to explain memes or can’t make them laugh (because I’m hilarious)
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
Lol no way
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
Thinking of what to text @blackdowning
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My roommates!
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
"New year old me my bed is probs gross now“
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
King of My Heart - Taylor Swift
Bad At Love (Stripped) - Halsey
Over You - Miranda Lambert
Over You - Ingrid Michaelson, A Great Big World
Can I Be Him - James Arthur
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Um idk, if I’m comfortable with them?
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Yupperdoodles :)
15. What good thing happened this summer?
Discovered Wynonna Earp and Carmilla :’)
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Yikes nope
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
LOL nope but he likes my Facebook roasts to our mutual friend sometimes
19. Do you like bubble baths?
What kind of person doesn’t??
20. Do you like your neighbors?
Don’t know my apartment neighbors but maybe the ones across the hall could smoke less weed that’d be great
21. What are you bad habits?
Scratching my head and releasing dandruff, rubbing my face as it’s peeling, shaking my leg, staying up late doing nothing, procrastinating, etc.
22. Where would you like to travel?
Want to go to Japan one day! But otherwise not sure. Europe in general, Australia, Canada? Places with good food and comfortable living arrangements.
23. Do you have trust issues?
Why is this question in so many asks yes I do move on what a clingy question jeez
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Going on tumblr
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
...all of it? :’)
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Grumble about being awake
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
Uhhh I think I’m pretty okay with how it is rn
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My besties
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
Yikes no thank goodness
30. Do you ever want to get married?
Probably! #TaxBenefits
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Um threesome friendship? Elise Bauman and Natasha Negovanlis cuz I’d be a third party observer as they forget about me and just get to watch them be super great all the time 
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
In a badminton class rn! I’ve also played sports for funzies like tennis, volleyball, swimming, and basketball
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
Heck that’s hard. Without TV? Especially if they couldn’t have music in them. But like I’m such tv fandom trash it would be so hard.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Hahha yes
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
Um nothing or how’s it going or 
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Super funny. Great listener. Eye crinkles when they smile/laugh. Bright smile. Laugh that makes flowers grow. Driven.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
There was a store in Epcot Japan that I could spend like my entire life in. Craft stores, and department stores with plaid/button ups/dressy clothes
40. What do you want to do after high school?
Um in college rn so... college?
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
I’m either super exhausted or irritated or uninterested
43. Do you smile at strangers?
Yess’m because I get unreasonably bothered when people don’t smile at me cuz then I think I did something wrong lmao
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Um bottom of the ocean like under a bajillion pounds of water how cool is that
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
Responsibility and food
46. What are you paranoid about?
47. Have you ever been high?
Tried but didn’t work
48. Have you ever been drunk?
Erp yep
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
Um secret projects
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
All the time??
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
Me? :’)
53. Favourite makeup brand?
Uh covergirl? Don’t really wear makeup 
54. Favourite store?
Teeturtle (online store) has pretty nifty stuff
55. Favourite blog?
56. Favourite colour?
57. Favourite food? 
58. Last thing you ate?
White Cheddar Cheez-its
59. First thing you ate this morning?
Milk with instant coffee, but first actual food PB&J
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Once was a winner of a letter to santa competition my local newspaper hosted when I was a kiddo and got a stuffed bear
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
Nope I’m too much of a goody two shoes
62. Been arrested? For what?
For stealing people’s hearts ;) jk never been arrested
63. Ever been in love? 
Don’t think so
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
Was leaving their house and then awkwardly talked for forty minutes by their door then fill in the blank
65. Are you hungry right now?
I literally always am so
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
Um tumblr friends r real friends
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends? 
Internet and Food
71. Craving something? What?
Sushi and love
72. What colour are your towels?
Red and pink
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Just one
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
I have some on my bed!
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
Ummm 15-20?
75. Favourite animal?
76. What colour is your underwear?
Wouldn’t you like to know ;)
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
Mint Chocolate Chip
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
Blue jeans
81. Favourite tv show?
82. Favourite movie?
Ugh hard one I don’t really have a fave. I really like Now You See Me1 and 2, the Pitch Perfects, The Carmilla Movie, Almost Adults, The Big Short, Polar Express, and I’m sure I’m messing some
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Who tf likes Mean Girls 2 better??????????
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Mean Girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
87. First person you talked to today?
My roommate Holly
88. Last person you talked to today?
So far, my other roommates Hope and Victoria
89. Name a person you hate?
Nick St. Clair
90. Name a person you love?
Betty Cooper
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
Anybody I want to fite sum1
92. In a fight with someone?
Don’t think so
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
Many many
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
Also many lots love sweaters and hoodies
95. Last movie you watched?
How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
96. Favourite actress?
Just one??? 
97. Favourite actor?
uhhh Chris Wood maybe? Tom Hanks?
98. Do you tan a lot?
Did when I played tennis in high school
99. Have any pets?
No :(
100. How are you feeling?
Great B)
101. Do you type fast?
Decently quick!
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
SO MANY but also trying to just accept it instead of feel bad about it
103. Can you spell well?
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
Um not like super cool burning couches and ten feet tall fires but just chill roasting marshmallows ones yeah
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
Yes! It was fun
108. What should you be doing?
Studying for exams stop attacking me
109. Is something irritating you right now?
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
Hm I don’t think so
111. Do you have trust issues?
I'm against monopolies so you could say I have issues with trust (anti-trust get it haha I’m hilarious give me money)
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
113. What was your childhood nickname?
Awk didn’t really have one
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
Uh duh it’s great
116. Are you listening to music right now?
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
Who doesn’t?
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favourite book?
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
121. Are you mean?
Average ye
122. Is cheating ever okay?
I use google all the time for my hws so I hope so
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
Lol no my white shoes rn are getting pretty dirty
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes <3
125. Do you believe in true love?
Yes <3 <3
126. Are you currently bored?
Yes but I also have a heck ton of stuff I need to do oop
127. What makes you happy?
Making other people laugh/smile
128. Would you change your name?
If it would make it sound cooler yah
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
Delish I might get some soon
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Literally this was already a question who made this
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
London girl with an attitude We never told no one but we look so cute Both got way better things to do But I always think about it when I'm riding through - Bad at Love by Halsey
134. Can you count to one million?
Is that before or after seven
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
Idk if it’s the dumbest but in an interview I said I knew what a company did and then said it wrong but they hired me anyways so who rly won
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
Straight in reference to hair
139. Brunette or Blonde?
Brunette? Closer to black hair
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
143. Are you a vegetarian?
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
Dark chocolate ftw
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
Yeah :)
147. Mars or Snickers?
Um Milky Way should count under Mars right
148. What’s your favourite quote?
“No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind”
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
How else do u explain how a russian nesting doll ended up in my apartment freezer when neither me nor my roommates did it.
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
Uh literally don’t have a book near me rn might update later when I find one
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sassenach-j · 8 years
ECCC2017 goodness: my recap
Ok, so I've actually never written a blog, nor am I on tumblr too much, but I had such an incredible experience at my first comicon that I thought I should write a bit about it!  Let's see how this goes.  It all started when Sam and Cait (and Eddie), posted that OH SO ADORABLE video from the makeup trailer telling everyone they would be at Emerald City Comicon in Seattle.  I was so busy at work that day, it was almost a blur.  Twitter was abuzz about it, and my girlfriends and I were messaging back and forth like....I'm going, how can I not go, are you going? We have to go!  And before I knew it, I was telling one of them...just buy me a ticket!! I'll make it work!  And alas....ECCC2017 was a go. The opportunity to see Sam and Cait in person, and also a chance to meet 7 of the most wonderful girlfriends in the same city?  SIGN ME UP! The first night in Seattle was so much fun!  7 of us (none of us had ever met, but have been talking on twitter every day for about a year), completely clicked so seamlessly, it was like we had met 10 times before!  Meeting them was seriously the highlight.  Ok yes, seeing Sam and Cait at the same con was also an out of body experience :).  Besides majorly fangirling over seeing our faves the following day, the night i arrived at the hotel and meeting and spending hours laughing and drinking and eating lots of non MPC approved snacks, and playing Cards Against Humanity, and Never Have I Ever.... was priceless!  The next day, on verra little sleep (how can we sleep when we were gonna see Sam and Cait the next morning!!), we arrived at the convention center at 7:15am. We mayyyy have gotten 4 hours of sleep night before, and that’s being generous!  The doors were going to open around 10am, and we just HAD to get up close and personal at that panel.  We arrived so early we were super close to the front of the line.  It wasn't so much a line as a....smush together and stand for 3.5 hours...  But heck, for them it was worth it, sore bodies and all. 
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They didn't let us in until 10:30, so needless to say our legs were about to fall off.  When the time came to herd us thru, the organizers said..."no running".... ummm...yeah good luck with that.  So we "walked super fast" and tried to get pretty close, but our squad of 8 kinda broke up in the shuffle and some of us grabbed seats in row 5, and the other girls a few rows behind.  Still great vantage points!  Cait came out first looking absolutely adorable.  And in that leather jacket she wears soooo well.  She looked beautiful in all black!  Then Sam came out IN A KILT!  Hallelujah!! It's been so long, I was like...are my eyes deceiving me?? They were not.  And then he killed us with a wee kilt twirl. Lawwwwwd!  Cait laughed!  They seriously make each other laugh, oh...about every 5 seconds. And they were both wearing black leather jackets.  As per usual...matchy matchy.  The panel was great! They're just SO giggly and adorable and happy together, you can't help but feel the same!  I love how much Cait teases him. It's the cutest thing ever to witness in person! They truly are just such bright lights and so engaging and caring and they love their fans so much.  It's so evident when you watch them together.  
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There were tons of Q&A questions, and one of my girls, @heyheykatiemae asked one too!!  It was perfect.  Cait said ‘Hi Kate’...and I think we all died.  Of course, after the fact, I now have like tons of questions I'll ask next time! The panel was about an hour or so, and after taking tons of pictures (most came out blurry....damn those low lights in the event room!), alas, the panel was over.  We all had autograph tickets for Sam and/or Cait for that day after the panel but the room was already full so we were told we can go back for the 2nd shift around 4pm. So instead, we grabbed lunch and then headed to the hotel where they were doing the group photos! Omg, soon enough I would get my samcait sandwich!!! Kind of a dream! Long lines were completely fine bc it gave us time to catch our breath. Although, the nerves were definitely rampant! I mean, these two beautiful humans would be NEXT TO US in a matter of minutes. Never having a con experience before I didn't know what to expect regarding the photos . People around us who had already taken their solo pic with Sam said it's super quick and u barely have enough time to say hi! I wore my Unusual Lady tshirt, and under it I had my MPC shirt. Yes, my plan was to flash Sam the MPC shirt after Cait saw my Unusual Lady shirt. I also recently got into knitting so I knitted them both hats! Granted they'll be in 80 degree temps in South Africa, but eventually they'll be back in cold Scotland!  Hearing that the photos would be super fast, I had no clue how I would say hi (or ramble incoherently), give them their hats, flash Sam (uhh the MPC shirt, that is), AND take a pic w them in the minimal time allotted!  I was on line to take my pic, and after dropping off my jacket and bags on the nearby table, I heard NEXT! I saw them standing there and omg are they tall and gorgeous, and as I walked up to them I THINK I held out my arms and said Hiiiiii! I heard Cait scream and point to my shirt and smile! My unusual lady shirt!! I quickly pulled up my shirt to show Sam the MPC one underneath. And omg thank goodness I held down the shirt so there was no actual flashing 😳.. and he pointed and smiled and said that's great! I then mumbled...I knitted you both hats!  Mind u, as I walked up, someone literally snatched my bag with the hats from me and put them into a box with other gifts. So after I said I knitted u two hats, I remember Sam saying oh great! In the blink of an eye I was between the two of them, and both of their arms were around me, and mine around them. Hello out of body experience. 
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Oh wait...let's back up slightly. So the day of the Con, I said to the girls..ok so I want to show Sam my MPC shirt after Cait sees the unusual lady shirt , and I said my fear is that I'll forget to pull my shirt down for the pic. Well, lo and behold half of my shirt was up for the pic.  🙈. As I was flashing Sam, I heard the organizer go MOVE. Umm gee, thanks for the time. So I ran between them for the pic and I remember pulling my shirt down, but I guess not all the way! When the pic was printed I was like oh nooooo 😂.  But heck, it gives the pic more of a pop of color, and to be honest, no one is even looking at me when those two stunning humans are in that pic!  Ok so back to being in between them... they both really squeeze tight and I remember that feeling so well! The photographer said.. READYYYY ... and then there was the FLASH. Then he yelled NEXT !  I said thanks and ran off. Problem was I ran the wrong way bc I was so flustered and then I hear someone say..wrong way! And I ran back to the correct exit side like a chicken with my head cut off. Thankfully there was no video of this! I tried to wait for my friends bc I was the first to go, but we had to move it along. After we were all done, there was a lot of screaming and squee'ing!! It really felt so rushed and I wish they gave us more time, but omg it was still so amazing taking a pic w them! They really are so tall in person! And so gorgeous and so kind!! Sam's leather jacket was so soft! And I remember putting my arm around Cait and it ended up on her arm! And Sam's hand ended up on my side and his fingers were pressed down. *faints*
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So after we picked up our hard copy pics, we had a little time before the autographs. We composed ourselves. Ok, who am I kidding, there was zero composure as we all rehashed our picture experience with one another! We were freaking out!  Next stop...the autographs! We lined up rather early but neither Sam nor Cait were in the room as of yet. It was so intimate! Didn't realize the room would be so small and cozy. They each had their own table next to one another but they were somewhat on opposite ends. After about 10min or so, Sam came in!  So he walked in to all of us hootin and hollerin. I can't believe I just used the phrase hootin & hollerin. Does anyone say that anymore? Anyway.... when he walked in he did his cute schoolboy smile and wave. Granted I was just next to him for a photo but he was so close again! Cait was gonna be another few minutes bc she was still taking individual photos with fans.  Because of this, they allowed the people who only had Sam autographs to move up in line while the others (I only had Cait bc Sam was already sold out) waited on Cait.  I actually thought that half of the room would start to move up in the line, but it was only maybe 10 people or so.  The others had both Sam and Cait, or just Cait.  After a few min Cait arrived to a raucous applause. Not to mention a banging on the table by Sam when she walked in, and his big smile at her as she sat down. Such an adorable goober! Ok where was I... so we were waiting for the line to move and all of a sudden the lights went out! Then u hear Cait go... ladies, this is not the way to get to Sam! 😂  To which everyone laughed. When the lights came back up, both Sam and Cait were leaning back in their chair looking at each other and smiling. They continue to kill us.   Sam was just sitting there alone, cause at the time no one was lined up at his table.  So he made a funny comment like, where is everyone? I was standing so close and decided to talk to him.  Cause I mean...why not, right?  So I said yeah what's the deal.  I said something like I'll keep you company.  So he looks at me and goes (with a hand waving gesture) come on over.  And then he winked.  And then I died.  I of course wasn't allowed to hop over the rope (darn), but that wink and smile was everything.  A few minutes later Sam walked over to Cait, put his arm around her and scrunched down to her, whispered something, and then stood up and hand gestured that she talks too much, basically saying that's why he has no one in his line. Haha!  He's the cutest, and he can never stay away from her!  She laughed.  We all swooned. 
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So I had brought with me the main promo card picture of Jamie and Claire from S1. I had Ron D. Moore sign it while ago and thought it would be great for Cait to sign it too. I was so sad I wasn't able to buy Sam's autograph ticket bc he was sold out. Cait is seriously so stunning. She just radiates joy. She is so genuine and so warm and friendly. You could truly tell she was having such a great time! She needs to go to cons more often! She's just so real,  you can't help but smile in her presence. I was so thrilled to see how much love she was getting at this con. I mean...we all love Sam, that goes without saying! But Cait never attends these events, so to see all the attention and admiration from the fans, it was really a sight to behold.  Both she and Sam are legit mesmerizing in person! They are just so beautiful, with such beautiful hearts. Sorry, got distracted there for a minute...ok, so it was finally time to walk up to Cait. I had my season 1 promo pic for her to sign, as well as a gorgeous pic of Cait that a couple of my friends & I had printed out to surprise one of our girls who couldn't be here.  You really do lose all sense of speech when looking right at her!  She signed both pictures and then i rambled.  Earlier on, when I took my pic with her and Sam, I had brought them hats that I knitted, but someone snagged them from me so fast and put them into a box, so I asked Cait about it! *burrows head in sand*.   I was like...hi!  Question for you!  So when we took our pic, someone took these hats I had knitted for you and Sam, and I was was wondering if you'll get them?  So she goes, oh yes, they put everything in a big box for us and we'll definitely get it!  She thanked me!  Then she looked at my unusual lady shirt and said, with a big smile, thank you so much for supporting.  I said oh of course, I'm so happy to.  It's such a great charity and you do amazing work.  She thanked me again, and I floated away.  So, as I mentioned earlier, I didn't have a Sam autograph, but after leaving Cait's table you end up walking right past Sam to head out of the room.  No one was in front of him at the time, so I verrrrry slowly walked by, while holding my picture that Cait just signed.  His handler (not sure if that's the correct name) holds out his hand (to take my autograph ticket), but I said...I don't have one *sad face*, he was sold out.  He felt so bad that he handed me (also with a sad face), one of Sam's headshots that was sitting there, unsigned.  So I said thank you and then Sam looked up at me.  He also held his hand out for my pictures, and I said....you were sold out, so you won't be able to sign my picture.  I still had my sad face on, which was valid! He looked sad too and said oh noooo.  He then put out his hand and goes..I'll sign it!  Then he takes the picture from me. His handler lady says, did u buy an autograph? I was lost in the moment & didn't say anything, so she gives Sam a dirty look, he looks at her, continues to sign and goes...I'll pay for this one.  DEATH. DEAD. GONE.  He's the sweetest person in the world!! I cannot believe he did that!  Then I proceeded to say thank you and blurted out...I'M A PEAKER TOO! I DID A 5K LAST WEEKEND.  Yes, I blurted! He goes oh that's great! So good, way to do it.  Then I left....walked into the hallway, and screamed with my girl Katie, because she was standing there next to me basically the entire time while waiting to have him sign her picture.  So yeah...that moment was kind of everything.  
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Sam and Cait are just incredibly generous and genuine. Such good people. The OL fans at this con were so respectful and gracious and I enjoyed meeting other twitter and tumblr fans, as well!  It was just the thrill of a lifetime seeing Sam and Cait together at the con.  And what made it even better was getting to spend it with 7 of the best girlfriends, and going thru this experience together. They also had incredible experiences with both Sam and Cait, as highlighted wonderfully in @heyheykatiemae's blog!  Take a gander, if you haven't already! My first con was absolute perfection.  Fingers crossed they go back again next year, because we're all currently saving up money for ECCC2018 :).  Ok well, that’s about all!  Thanks for reading my ramblings! xx
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hilokaul · 7 years
rules: answer the questions & ask 11 of your own (p.s. i switched the order around b/c i got tagged twice so the answers are long which is why they’re under the cut)
my questions
quick the bookstore is burning down and you only have time to save one book what will it be??
if you can have a fictional character as your parent who would you pick and why?
what’s a movie/tv show would you recommend to people to watch at least once before they die?
if you have to give up one of your five senses what would it be?
a url you would kill for?
what is one thing you hate about tumblr culture?
do you believe that everyone should be able to ship whoever/whatever they want or there should be boundaries drawn somewhere?
who’s your biggest otp/biggest notp?
you get to live in a tv show or book universe for a whole week, which universe would you pick?
what was your first fandom and are you still in it?
you can only listen to one album for the rest of your life what is the album and what is your favorite track from it?
i tag @jaceherondcle, @adampairrsh, @rosecallloway, @daylightring, @csaintclair, @lilycolloway, @lukemitchells, @loranhale, @evasmonhs, @kingsdamianos
tagged by @alekzandermorozova​, thanks jay <33
who’s your favorite person in the world and why? my sister b/c we basically have the same brain and she’s always there for me 100%
your favorite movie? stuck in love
if you could do Anything right now, what would that be and why? read (why? you don’t need a reason to read tbh)
top 5 favorite characters? rose calloway, ryke meadows, monica geller, kaz brekker, jem carstairs
day or night? night all the way
winter or summer? winter (sorry but sweating is not an option)
top 5 favorite books/series? addicted series, soc, acomaf, we are the ants, before i fall
we’re really lucky and the world ends tomorrow, who would you spend your last day/night with and why? my sister (see #1) or ketie (aka the bae-est)
name 5 things you love? bookstores, boots, food, my phone, fairylights
5 things you hate? onion, people who aren’t open minded, spiders (all insects actually), people who rate books/judge book they haven’t read yet, facebook
top 5 reasons you love me tbh *cracks knuckles* alright here we go; #1 such a talent tbh i mean look at all the pretty edits (makes me want to stop making picspams altogether), #2 loves villains #3 hates college just like me lmao #4 keep showing alek off like there’s no tomorrow #5 one of the sweetest/nicest person i have the pleasure of meeting on tumblr :’)
and @rosecallaway​, thanks alex <33
what is one place you really want to travel to? europe
what is one thing you want to do before you die? ummm either travel the world or finish my tbr pile lmfao as if that’s possible
if you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? rice (??) lol the most asian answer ever or pizza
planets or stars? stars
what is your favorite thing to do? read, watch tv shows, sleep (i’m boring af)
what’s your dream job? no clue yet lol i just want it to be related to my major uggh 
last movie/ tv show you watched? up/the get down
your favorite scent? baked cookies
what is your favorite thing to talk about? books/characters
introvert, ambivert, or extrovert? introvert
did you ever have a favorite stuffed animal/ toy? describe it! i don’t really remember, i think it was a pink bunny
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swearronchanel · 8 years
AHHH OMG, I was out all day & Actually MISSED the NEW episode like wtfff?!!? it was TOrture!! & I literally had to delete twitter and Tumblr off my phone because the devil himself would’ve tempted me lmfao😭 I love spoilers but not when everyone has seen the episode but me! it’s okay though I had some rum chata to distract me lol, which is just rum and horchata which is the Hispanic version of Horlicks so, At least I was in the CtM Spirit 🙃
Anyway I’m finally getting to watch it so here we go ..
shit I’m so nervous and I haven’t pressed play
why is my heart beating so fast omg
i usually skip the intro but I’m legit not ready
damn Vanessa already hinting at what’s to come
Baby Susan so precious omg!!
No lie one of the prettiest babies I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen lots of ugly babies and lots of cute babies, I’m qualified to judge.
“Courage and resilience will matter most of all” 😭😭ahh omg
My spirit animal and campion Phyllis deserves nothing but the best I’m not ready to see her hurt
But I’m going to binge series 6 with my mother when I’m home Saturday and can’t wait for her to watch because she wanted to see shelagh have a baby & also she doesn’t know what tf has happened 😭😭😂 it’s been a crazy series! She will be s h o o k
“I know I’m just not a very relaxed sort of person” SAME but BBY RELAX 😭💕
That was a cute moment with Babs and Shelagh!! But still wish it was w/ Trixie though 🙁 also it didn’t seem like a “heart to heart”? was it supposed to or was I expecting too much
Aw Rhoda 💔
what a ignorant ass teacher though, I’ll  FIGHT HER REAL QUICK
ugh Shelagh and Patrick’s faces 😫 I hope they don’t feel guilty for having a baby
But also why does shelagh have to keep wearing the same things lol, I feel cheated of all the cute maternity looks she could’ve served instead
“Having to explain” poor Mrs Antoine UGH THAT MAKES ME SO ANGRY, THERE’S NOTHING TO BE EXPLAINED   I’m mixed, Hispanic and white not black and white but still my dad is tan & we’ve been places where people have given my parents the dirtiest looks and have heard a nasty comment or two & it BOILS MY BLOOD
Omg the Antoine boys are precious
TRIXIE 😍😍 my bby looks good!
I swear if she says anything more I’ll lose my shit
“No one can really choose who they fall in love with” BLESS U DEELS
Bless Phyllis for making sure those cubs don’t grow up to be as ignorant as their parents
“I surmise the puller of teeth is intended to admire it” SISTER MJ IS A GEM
A bassoon? Lmaoo what the actual fuck Tim
Oh it’s for girls ofc LOL give him a girlfriend already, I’d get such a kick out of it. & Patrick could make another dad joke and say like take a lesson from me I legit beat God over a woman’s heart
The Mullucks fam 😭
Patrick with Susan omg aww
Trixie looking like a b a b e I’m dead 😍
I need Trixie’s everything, no joke. HOW
But I’m dying my hair blonder this week don’t play
Ah my bby shelagh again 😍💕
I feel so sorry for Patrick like this wasn’t your fault
She’s scared to take her driving test aw 😂😂 same like I have my permit but I’m scared to fail the actual driving test
“Oh I have a soft spot for the Antoines” PHYLLIS TIENE UN GRAN COROZON 😭
Omg Mr and Mrs Antoine are so cute too, dios te bendiga 😰
Christopher being a flake wtf no me gusta
Sister W is in on the drama like Sister B was, am I right??
Prosthetics are so wild, my abuelo has a prosthetic leg and I was so interested when he first got it. But also I’m going to hell for being evil because I joke around way too much when he’s extra senile
“People call my kids hair frizzy, but I think it’s beautiful” MY HEART😭💔 literally my mom was the same with me. Defensive over my curls - even tho my hair is frizzy sometimes😭
The song though, took me a second to process but that’s my bby shelagh’s song ?? Ummm wut
lol sister Winifred hella late, let me guess this will make her want to drive?
this prosthetic place is so great wow omg
damn it Bernie
GET THE RUM ! or I will lol
ah never mind
the question is, does/has sister Winifred drink/drank ? she seems like a light weight
fuck is this when it’s gonna happen
damn Bernie..
Phyllis is in shock o h m y g o d
I can’t process this either
TIM SUCKS LMAO stick to the damn piano boy
“That lovely gp of yours” lol does everyone have a crush on Dr Turner but me? Lol don’t come @ me pls I’m sorry I know people love him 😭😭 Im here for Christopher and Tom But He is handsome, just in an older man way Lmaoo guess it’s cause he could be my dad 😂 lol he’s older than my dad
I’d take him as a sugar daddy real quick though. I need my tuition paid and he is so sweet😏 😭😂
So it was a scarf, hmm I thought trixie was gonna find like stockings or something
“Not Hermès but something very like it” lol how does Trixie know what Hermès feels like on a nurses salary?
Valarie is on my nerves & she’s had like 2 mins of screen time Lmaoo I’ve liked her until this episode. I hope they don’t ruin her for me
Aw Sister Winifred
Oh Rhoda 💔💔she’s such a great mother
Tom trying to comfort Phyllis😭😭
“You’re fond of your meat, and our views on God and His existence are divergent to say the least, but we both follow vocations…. so if you caused harm to someone else, even inadvertently would it not make you question what everything in your life has come to stand for?” I’m c r y i n g
“I, a rational woman, have no one to question but myself” 😭💔
“Sometimes cheering people on the sidelines doesn’t help”
my bby killing it 😍
Why you being a flake Christopher? go ahead man tell her about your kid
he’s divorced ah, thought it was out of wedlock. I don’t care though haha
NO DRINKS FOR TRIXIE, TELL HIM BBY.. in your own time of course 💕
Fred brought her car ugh And Phyllis is still so hurt as am I 💔
This lady is so sweet! I hope she and Rhoda become friends right now
lol wait where are the Turners I miss them??
“.. and the words ‘Nonnatus house this is not a midwife speaking’ are most unlikely to reassure the caller” SISTER MJ!
YES SHE DID OMG. I need them to be best friends omg 💔😭
“Nothing was said, nothing was done” 💔💔
my heart my heart
aw the mullucks'😭 ofc IT WASNT YOUR FAULT!
TWO GEMS 😭💕 but also if this was the birth they meant that sister MJ was involved in ill be lowkey sad, but we shall see next week if she’s randomly with Shelagh when she delivers
Trixie serving more looks 😍
Aw my bby 💔does she tell him about her alcoholism at the end of this ?
Also what are we guessing about Valarie rn?? she has a secret? tragic backstory to be unlocked? what ? She gay?
Aw the mulluks’s again! All so sweet💕 & YES LYDIA BE FRIENDS
ugh Christopher looks good af😍 and that car yes
YES TRIXIE 😍 my girl looking good as well
Oh shit Patsy’s dad is dead. I assumed that was coming
Phyllis reassuring Delia awww
Lenny’s speech omg brb crying
The support group for thalidomide victims omg my heart
I was cryin before and now I’m crying more for this Irish lady
Omg side side side note there was this cute old interracial couple that seem like my parents in 20yrs in JFK yesterday that were so precious and sweet and we’re talking to me the whole time waiting at the gate & then there was this sweet Irish couple who were confused about the time difference and I helped them out and then when we landed they helped me out looking for my bag so now I have much more faith in humanity because usually the people in NYC airports are angry new yorkers who don’t care lol like me (jk)
“There’s no rule of life so simple or so true ..” 😭😢💔💖
Thank u Vanessa I’m so emotional, show me next week 
Bonus: next week
Lol oh shoot I didn’t take mine yesterday or today brb
Lol idk why but even though I like Tom and Babs their relationship just doesn’t do anything for me😂😂 like I don’t give a shit? They’re cute but idk it doesn’t cut it. Like they’re just there and I’m like “aw ok”
I will die next week. For real. 
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daxiia · 8 years
RULES: Always post the rules. Answer the questions asked, then write 11 new ones. Tag 11 people to answer your questions, as well as the person who tagged you.
Tagged by the wonderful @ladywiltshire Thank you love! :D
1. Do you remember your first time watching or reading Fullmetal Alchemist? What was your first impression?
Yes! Soooo many years ago when 03 was airing on tv. My first reaction was, “Why does that robot sound like a little kid?”
2. Tell us about The Fave™.
3. Do you have a favorite fan work? Fanfics Comics?
I’m sure everyone feels the same about this one but Siruoa’s Emperors New Clothes video. Talk about my most viewed youtube video.
4. Hit me with an analysis/opinion you have on the series or characters!
I don’t really do analysis. Is it a passing grade if I just say “my analysis is that Greed is hot”?
5. Tell us about a project you have going on! Or if you don’t have one, maybe something you’ve always wanted to write or draw?
I’ve always wanted to make a lyric video of Greed to Disturbs song Avarice. I promise i’ll do it one day when I get motivation lol
6. Favorite opening/ending number and why?
My favorite opening is fmab 3rd one Golden Time Lover! I find it SUPER catchy plus the scenes used in that op are so amazing!!! Just go watch it and pay attention to the transitions between characters and camera angles. I can’t praise it enough.
My favorite ending is actually fma 03’s first ending!! It gives me such a rush of nostalgia, also the song itself is great. And the art style is beautiful, i adore the use of solid black for shading. Plus the little hand to hand combat scene with Ed and Al. It also has little still images from parts from the story. Its beautiful, i love it so much. Also I think endings in general don’t get enough love so go watch them all if you haven’t!
7. Tell me about a scene that really touched you or made you realize something about yourself.
Gosh… I’ve actually been asked the question a lot and I try not to use the same scene but I CAN’T HELP IT!!
The scene when Ed and Al go home to Winry. Idc how many times I’ve watch fmab, I will always cry from that scene. As soon as I hear the music in that scene and see Winry slowly walking to the door I start to tear up. Then when she hUGS THEM I JUST- I get chills just thinking about it. That entire journey trying to get their bodies back and they finally did it, and they get to go home and- Ed’s promise about the tears of joy i just- I CAN’T 8. OTPs! Who are they? Why are you WEAK FOR THEM??
This might be a shock but… My OTP is GreedxLing. I know right, me? Who would’ve thought.
But yeah I ship this ship so hard is makes me sick. I adore shipping them romantically like I LOVE YOU kinda stuff but honestly I am so thirsty I will take anything. There isn’t enough content for that ship and it DEPRESSES ME. Also I hardly ever see art of First Greed and Ling. :/ it’s always Ling and Greedling. Even tho thats literally still LING. I mean I’ll take it but whatever LOL
I also love Edling but that’s always on my blog so no surprise there either. Aside from those two ships I don’t actively search for any other fma ship anymore. I used to hardcore ship KimbleexMiles (even tho it’s totally wrong ik) but ran outta content and fell into a pit of despair. Rip me 9. Funniest headcanon you’ve ever seen. Go!
UMMM… Greed being a super dorky bookworm if his avarice extended to wanting to KNOW everything too. And him just schooling everyone all the time, or just saying random facts out of nowhere.
10. What spurred you to join the fandom?
My sister wanted me to rewatch fmab with her since I hadn’t watched it in a long time. I fell in love with Greed and slowly started devoting my tumblr to him till I became a part of the fandom lol I was actually an Osomatsu-san blog before this. I someone managed to smoothly transition to fma tho
11. Definitely the same question… have a fandom meltdown here and tell me why you love your fandom or show/comic so much!
Fma is probably the most well crafted, interesting, and heartwarming series ever created. I mean there is no pointless filler episodes, everything happens for a reason. And every character serves a purpose while still being able to stand out among the huge cast of characters.
Basically it’s a work of art that makes you care for the characters and stay interested in the plot from day 1. Also, out of all the fandoms I’ve ever been apart of, fma has the nicest, warmest community of people. I’m so glad to be a part of it and to have been able to meet and talk to so many of yall. This is getting a bit gay but I love this fandom, and I love yall! People I tag: @grey-ling | @romip89 | @corporategreed-fma | @allfullmetal | @hi-im-secretly-satan | @followthechick | @greedoda
I literally can’t think of 11 off the top of my head. Also feel free to ignore this tag. And here’s my questions for yall! (All are FMA btw)
1. Who do you think has the best character development in the series?
2. Tell me about your FAVORITE character and your LEAST favorite character? Why do you love/hate them?
3. If you could change one thing in the entire series what would it be?
4. QUICK! Give me a really cute headcanon about your OTP/fave?
5. What is your favorite arc and why?
6. What character do you think is under appreciated?
7. What is your sin?
8. If you (and someone close to you) were in Ed and Al’s place, would you be okay with using the stone? Why or why not?
9. Is there any villain you feel sympathy for and can fully understand their motives? Do you think what they did was justified?
10. Which would you rather eat, Winry’s apple pie or Gracia’s quiche?
11. And finally, what is your FAVORITE moment in the entire series?
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thecommon-man · 6 years
The Flying Baby Carriage..
Alright, alright, alright.. *Matthew McConaughey voice*
So... todaayy... I'll be writing about one of my greatest moments or maybe my dumbest moments... you can formulate your own opinion and let me know what you decide.. Ha, ha, ha.
First, let me get in some quick background info, so you can follow this story a bit better.. This little tale takes place in a village, called Kiryas Joel. It's a dump of a place- filled with probably the worst drivers in New York State and the most annoying, maze-looking street layouts, that I've had the unfortunate chance of driving through.. DEFINITELY check it out if you’re in New York, just kidding.... DON’T... it'll be horrible... I promise. But, I digress.. at the time of this particular incident, I was a driver for a taxi company, operating in said village.
That being said, on this particular day I was dispatched to 4 Chernobyl Court. Just hearing the address on the walkie-talkie, got me all upset.... Why?? Because, I knew exactly who it was... This particular lady or "Nuisance" as I later named her, that lives at the address above, is on my list of the- Top 10 Most Annoying People In Kiryas Joel. She's one of those people that are....I don't know... just annoying.. (don't start judging me now... you ALL know a person like that..) She's the type of person, who is like.. I have this problem- so you go ahead and offer a solution and then they go ahead and find a problem with your solution... Ummm... What?? Anyways, enough of her. I'm getting upset just thinking about her. 
So, I got in the car and started driving.... mind you, I was 15 minutes away from this place- "Nuisance" was given this information from the get-go, but that didn't stop her from nagging the dispatcher every 5 minutes regarding my whereabouts.. The dispatcher in turn, nagged me... Sorry there dispatch... not my fault that YOELY over there, driving in front of me, decided that this PARTICULAR DAY, was a GREAT DAY to obey all vehicle and traffic laws. Yes.. I just named him Yoely, don't worry, it was probably his name.
Nevertheless, I finally made it there! As I expected, she wasn't even ready.. I let the dispatcher know that I was outside-
to which he responded- “She says she'll be down in 10 minutes..”
What? Why? How? Ugghh, really... Anyways, after 15 minutes she decided to come out with her children, she got them in the car and said, "I'll be right back, I forgot something." I just nodded and closed my eyes. When I reopened them and looked up towards her apartment, I caught a glimpse of her struggling to make her way downstairs, along with a baby carriage or "Machine" as I called it, the size of a pool table... "Machine" was made so that two children could sit side by side... you know, next to each other. It was a sizable piece of equipment to carry around. From the time I saw her with it, I started pondering just how exactly, she planned on fitting a whole other car into the trunk of the meager-looking Honda that I was driving. I let out a long sigh of utter dissatisfaction and then got out of the car to help her. (If you've read this far, you've just arrived to the best part of the story...)
Initially, I asked her to close "Machine" she replied, "Could you try putting it in, just like this?"
I shook my head and said, "No, there is NO WAY this thing is fitting in the trunk without you closing it.."
so then she said, "Do you mind if I try it?"
I was just like, "Sure go ahead, you can try it.."
Guess what... It didn't work... I didn't blame her though. Closing and opening one of those carriages is like trying to figure out a Rubik's Cube.. Those carriages should really display a warning sticker- detailing the hardships you can face while owning one, before you actually take one home. Or at the very least come with free tuition, that way you can go ahead and get a decent education in opening and closing one, hopefully with the intention of graduating with a Degree of Science in Carriage Opening and Closing... Real talk.
At this point, I had been at that place for 25 minutes and I was utterly annoyed, so I just stood there and watched her- as she tried to make "Machine" fit into the trunk. I stopped her, when she started mindlessly shoving it in. Every time she shoved it, she was at the same time, scratching the bumper.
I helped her set it down and then told her, "Yeah, it's not going to work, you can't keep trying either, you're scratching up the car, you need to close your carriage."
she then decided to say, "Let me just try it one more time, my husband has the same car and we usually fit it in just like that."
Sadly for her, my anger had reached the point of no return, my blood was boiling, my adrenaline pumping and I felt like this lady thought I was mentally-challenged or something.. "ALRIGHT, BUT IF IT DOESN'T WORK THAT'S IT! YOU HAVE TO CLOSE IT!"
She tried it again and then started to go for it a second time, so I grabbed it from her hands all the while screaming, "I ALREADY TOLD YOU, IT HAS TO BE CLOSED! IF YOU KEEP THIS UP, I WILL TAKE THIS THING AND THROW IT WHO KNOWS WHERE!"
She stared at me with a look of surprise and wonder- a look that wanted to know- Is this guy serious right now? Or is he high on drugs? She didn't say anything however, she just stared at me for a minute, blinked twice and must of thought I was kidding, because she picked up "Machine" and tried again.
At that moment, I took it from her hands, carried it over my head and threw it across the road into her neighbors parking lot... followed up by, "NOW YOU CAN GO PICK IT UP OVER THERE! GET YOUR KIDS OUT OF MY CAR, BECAUSE I'M NOT TAKING YOU ANYWHERE!" She had pressed the wrong button, one to many times and well... you know the rest.
Meanwhile.. her kids had been watching this unfold the whole time from inside the car, some of the people on the street had now stopped to see what was happening too. Even now, I don't know- why she didn't say anything. She just casually walked over to her carriage, picked it up, brought it over to the car and started closing it. My anger was too much though, I immediately opened the back door and told the children to get out, they must have thought I was the devil or something from the looks on their faces.. "Nuisance" started to apologize like a broken record, but I was to busy getting her things out of the car that her sorries were the least of my concerns. All set and done, I spent 45 minutes at that place, I didn't even get paid for that time. I was so angry, I got in the car and left without charging her. Lucky her though, she got a free show and probably a good chance to get a new carriage.. Ha, Ha, Ha.. (Would a "you're welcome," be appropriate here?)
So there you have it, that's the tale of The Flying Baby Carriage. It wasn't the nicest thing to do, but hey stuff happens. Ummm... No... Anger management much? It's okay, I've heard it before and to be honest, I probably do need a couple days of it. Then again this is just one of my many stories. If it weren't for my little anger problem, (which I'm learning to control by the way...) I wouldn't have done the things I did and still do, just on a lesser scale... Ha, Ha, Ha. Thank you to all my friends- who suggested I write about this story! I had a fun time writing about it, as well as reading it over. My next writing piece will be answering a question about myself, sent in anonymously. Don't forget- topic recommendations are always welcome! I might not write up my answer right away, but I will get to it. Thank you once again, till next TIME! ✌
P.S. For anyone new to Tumblr. If you’re just interested in seeing my writing and not all my reblogs and posts, just click the hashtag: #my stories -That will give you a look at all my writing only. Thanks guys!
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