#umbrella stand on rollers
sleepinginahammock · 3 months
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My Favorite Patio Umbrella Stands with Rollers for Easy Mobility:
#umbrellastandwithrollers #rollingumbrella #patioumbrella #outdoorumbrella #umbrellabasewithrollers
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calmcal · 2 years
roommate adjacent -steve harrington
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summary: A comprehensive list of why Robin Buckley is the best roommate in all of history; written by Y/N (and Robin Buckley....) one: she has the best movie recommendations for any mood, in all genres, for anytime of the year. two: she has a killer sense of fashion, total grunge/rock and roller/thrift store buying chic. three: she's not afraid to call anyone out on their dingus behaviours (and it happens a lot... hey!) and finally: her best friend steve...yeah. pairing: modern steve harrington x fem!reader word count: 2.9k note: hi, yes, welcome! this has been sitting in my drafts for far to long, it's been on my mind far longer than i'd care to admit. so i finally sat down and planned it all out, so enjoy this purely self indulgent steve fic I have literally fallen in love with! this first part is a little short, with very little steve, but i promise it get's better, so bare with me!
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There's a universal hatred that's shared between those who can't drive, stormy weather. It's a common enemy they all share, the threatening grey clouds that loom over everyone, cackling at the thought of downpouring on some poor unexpecting souls. Drenching their clothes, soaking them to the bone, sticking them with the dreaded shivers and in worse case scenarios, gifting them with the god awful flu.
Yes it's a formidable foe.
One you were currently battling.
And loosing rather pitifully.
You held an umbrella tight in your hands, air whipping around you like a whirlwind, threatening to blow you down with a single gust. Well that might have been over exaggerating, but it was well within range to rip the umbrella from your iron grip. Splattering raindrops fell heavily on the small plastic tarp that made up the umbrella, sloshing down the pointed top and landing around your feet in little puddles. Stray drops slipping onto her cheeks, coating your skin with a sheen of cold water.
A shiver passed over your spine, winter was finally settling into your cozy little college town, and the weather was coming in full force. You wouldn't have been surprised if it started snowing tomorrow, but that was another battle, right now, you were more concerned with making it back to your dorm room in once piece.
And hopefully, mostly dry.
But it seemed the sky gods heard your hopeful pleas, and in your attempt in keeping dry, another strong gust blew your umbrella straight up, bending the little metal rods holding the plastic top covering your head, blowing back and exposing your entire body to the onslaught of rain.
"Crap!" You cried out, trying to reign in your clearly out of control umbrella.
But the wind had other ideas, blowing and bellowing around you, like it was laughing at your attempt. You tried to pry the arms of the umbrella back the right way, the way it was supposed to look, but the frail little arms screeched out in protest, wanting to follow the current of the wind, rather than your hand.
You grumbled a few nasty curse words at the umbrella, fulling knowing it wasn't going to cooperate.
You looked in the direction of your building, it wasn't far, another two minutes or so, you contemplated the thought of just making a run for it, leaving your umbrella behind, or standing there like a dingus, trying to fix something that was clearly broken for good.
The rain was splattering down heavier now, flattening your hair to your head, making it a little difficult to see, making your clothes stick to your shivering skin, goosebumps raising on every inch of exposed skin.
You bit your lip, thinking for a moment.
"Stupid piece of plastic" You spat at the umbrella, throwing it at your feet, like the offending pieces of metal and plastic had scorned you. "Can't even do the one job you were made for"
No one would blame you for leaving the umbrella on the walkway, clearly noticing the broken arms and upside down cone. No one was going to condemn you for littering, it's an act of kindness really, more than the umbrella deserved.
You hiked your back further up your shoulder, crossing your arms over your chest, tilting your head down a little. It did little to keep you dry, but you were a lost cause the moment your umbrella died, you'd given up on keeping dry. You made quick and precise steps towards your building, ignoring the chill that is slowly settling into your skin.
As if tormenting you, a clap of thunder boomed from somewhere behind you, and the rain followed tenfold, pelting you with icy drops of water.
"Shit!" You muttered, using your hands to cover your head from their harsh impact.
Now you were making a run for it.
Forget keeping equal steps to keep from slipping in the puddles that lined the sidewalk, you didn't care anymore, you needed to get out of the storm before the clouds decided they wanted to drown you in the middle of your college campus.
With a huffing laugh you reached the building, pulling the thick wooden doors open with a strength you didn't know you possessed. Warm air whipping around your water slicked skin, goosebumps returning. You took a deep breath, inhaling the warm air, filling your lungs.
You trudged up the stairs to the third floor, the elevator seemingly always out of order, you seriously cursed this day. Puddles formed around your feet with every step you took, squelching under your boots, making you cringe, thinking about the poor person who had to use the stairs after you, stepping into a wet surprise.
It was only water, they'd be fine, right?
You didn't care anymore, all you cared about was getting back to your dorm and getting out of these stupidly drenched clothes.
You breathed out a sigh of pure delight at the sight of your door, decorated with a whiteboard, your roommates squiggly writing covering the white backdrop.
Be back soon, meeting up with a friend, love Robin ❤️
You felt glad that Robin wasn't in the room, the last thing you needed was your roommate laughing at your misfortune. She'd do it out of love, obviously, but unnecessary love.
Having Robin Buckley as a roommate was a blessing. You'd been so scared that you'd have to share a small room with someone you didn't like, someone who didn't know personal boundaries, who didn't know how to keep a clean room or possibly even worse, someone who was obnoxiously boring.
But on the first day, you got stuck with Robin. A girl who was socially awkward and charmingly outgoing at the same time. She'd talked your ear off the first minute you met her, before falling silent when she realised you hadn't even introduced yourself to her. You loved her the moment you met, couldn't have asked for a better roommate.
She shared her love of movies with you, having the most expansive collection of movies on a hard drive, everything from the biggest blockbuster of all time, to weird indie movies in different languages. She had an expressive way of dressing, one day she'd wearing clashing colours of yellow pink, collared shirts with blocky stripes, khaki pants that you were sure didn't belong to her (they were like two sizes too big), to wearing black on black, chunky bracelets, layers of necklaces decorating her neck, black pleated skirts paired with ripped tights. On any given day, it was always a surprise; what Robin was going to wear.
You loved her confidence.
But with her confidence grew with you, the more she felt comfortable on calling you out on your 'dingus behaviours', a favourite of Robin's creative pass times. She didn't do it often, and she was well within her right when she did it.
Coming into your shared room, dripping wet, a dingus move indeed.
You were really glad she wasn't home right now.
You, with much difficulty, unlocked the door. You slung your bag off your shoulder, letting it plop down on the floor beside the door, ignoring the plopping sound that followed, following your slightly less damp boots, with a heavy thud. Trying to peel your coat from your soaking wet body, a different story, the fabric ignoring your pleas to cooperate. Clinging to you like a second skin, heavy with water.
With a huff, a lot of tugging and pulling, and a few jumps here and there, your coat finally fell from your body, landing on the floor with your bag.
"I hate the rain" You muttered to yourself, hanging the coat on the coat rack.
You trudged further into the room, bypassing the couch and the little kitchenet, heading straight for the small bathroom. You switched of the flickering light, waiting for a second, before the tiled room was lit up with dim yellow light.
You looked at your reflection in the mirror.
Well, you've certainly looked better.
Your hair was plastered to your forehead, stray strands sticking to your damp cheeks. Your white sweater was clinging to you, like a fluffy second skin, weighing you down by half a pound. You were dreading trying to take that off, and you didn't even want to think about your drenched jeans.
Wet denim, what a nightmare.
You smoothed the strands of hair from your face, twisting your hair into a low ponytail, wringing the water from your hair into the sink.
"Hey, I'm back!" Robin's voice reached your ears, sounding like she'd swung the door wide open, probably expecting you to have been sitting on the couch. "Whoa, what's with the water park in the doorway?"
"Sorry" You called out in return, scrunching your sweater up, wringing the water out of that too, not that it did much.
You sighed, deciding it was better if you just took it off. You lifted the hem of the sweater from your body, cringing again as the fabric clung to your damp skin.
"Planning a fun extra curricular without me?" Robin's teasing remark followed.
"Funny" You muttered, pulling the fabric halfway up your torso, tugging harshly, pulling left and right to loosen the sweater, huffing, a little out of breath. "I'm calling it, this has literally been the worst day of my life"
"Feeling over dramatic are we?" Robin chuckled, her voice sounding a little closer now.
"I feel I deserve the right to be over dramatic" Your voice was muffled by your sweater, having got it over your chest, now the neck was stuck.
You gave a little tug, wincing a little as it gave a little struggle, but a tug and a wiggle allowed it to give way, leaving you clad in your wet jeans, semi dry white cotton bra, and a sweater that continued to drip on the tile floor held in your hands.
"My umbrella decided to die on me, right at the moment the rain kicked up a notch, not to mention the wind, totally uncool" You continued after taking the sweater off, throwing it in the washing basket, a problem for future Y/N.
You took a towel from the hanger, swiping it across your skin, trying your best to dry yourself off, before turning your attention to your hair, wrapping the scratching fabric around the dripping strands, the towel sitting tall atop your head.
"I keep telling you, you need to get your licence" Robin's singsong tone teased.
"Yeah, cause I'm gonna take advice from my roommate, who also doesn't have a licence" You retorted playfully, switching the bathroom light off.
"Yeah, and if you get yours, you can take me places instead" Robin matter of factly replied, sounding smug in her idea. "It's a win, win"
"For you maybe" You muttered, feeling gross still wearing your wet jeans. "I've decided that wet denim was invented by satan, just to torture me"
Robin snorted.
You rounded the corner, not looking in Robin's direction, so used to walking around your roommate in a half state of dress. Robin had become accustomed to the act very quickly, living in such close quarters with someone, got you comfortable rather quickly, alarmingly so.
"Seriously, it's itchy, and it just sticks to you in all the wrong places" You whined, looking through the clean piles of clothes you left on the back of the couch, looking for a pair of your pajama pants.
"So, don't wear jeans when it rains"
"Hilarious, become a comedian would ya?"
"It's my backup plan, you know, if this whole college thing doesn't work out"
"You've got potential"
"Your overconfident too, it works"
"Maybe you should put some more clothes on, I think you're freaking Steve out" Robin sounded like she was holding back a cackle.
You paused, lifting your eyes from the pile of clothes in your hands, to see Robin standing in the kitchenet, but she wasn't alone.
Steve, Robin's best friend, a man you've met only a handful of times, was standing beside Robin. Trying his best to look anywhere but your half dressed figure, cheeks turning a bright shade of red, arms crossed over his chest as he tried his best to act nonchalant, shifting his weight from his left leg, to his right.
You took a moment to admire him, what with him avoiding all eye contact. Taking in the way his hair seemingly flopped just the right way, brown strands looking perfectly styled, but in a way that one might mistake it for an effortless look. He was wearing a dark blue t-shirt, a shirt that stretched right across his broad shoulders, looking a little tight around his chest, biceps peeking out of the sleeve, giving you a free show of his tensed muscles. His shirt was tucked into a pair of blue jeans, black belt separating the two tones of blue, a white and grey windbreaker was tied around his waist.
The outfit shouldn't have looked at good, but Steve seemed to make it work... he made it look cute.
All taunt and lean figure just leaning against the stove.
"Sorry Steve" You replied, feeling your cheeks warm.
"It's cool, it's your room, so whatever... Not whatever, I mean, you can undress all you want, NO, wait--" Steve stumbled over his words, still trying to not look at you, but he slipped up a few times, eyes trailing over her half dresses torso, cheeks turning even redder each time.
"Dingus" Robin muttered.
"I'm just... I'm gonna go and get changed, in my room" You replied, feeling embarrassed.
"Good, this is common space, respect it" Robin joked.
"Shut up" You retorted, taking your clothes in your arms, flinging your hand back, flipping your roommate off, which brought out the cackle Robin was stuffing back.
You huffed.
So much for that impression.
Steve probably though you were crazy.
All the talk of wet jeans and your stupid umbrella story, you wouldn't blame Steve for thinking you're out of your mind, who still had a little twinge of pink on his cheeks and couldn't quite make eye contact with you.
You tried your best to shake the thoughts from your mind, heading to your room, to change, and quite possibly bury yourself under your covers, never to be seen again.
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"What was that?"
It wasn't the sound of Robin's shill voice that made Steve jump, it was the harsh slap that followed the question. Her palm slapping right across his arm, a harsh smacking sound rang though his ears.
"Ow!" Steve exclaimed, cupping his assaulted arm. "W-what was that for?!"
"For ogling my roommate like she's walking porn" Robin remarked with a knowing look, raising a brow.
"That wasn't what happened and you know it" Steve's eyes narrowed, looking at Robin with an annoyance she acquainted with his motherly persona.
"It's what it looked like from here"
Steve huffed, knowing no matter what he said, Robin was going to argue back tenfold with him, it was one of the few things she was good at.
"I didn't even look at her, I was being a gentleman" Steve narrowed his eyes, letting Robin know, this wasn't up for debate anymore.
"After you stared at her boobs for like, a whole minute" Robin muttered, pushing Steve with her shoulder, walking away from the taller man, practically throwing herself on the couch.
"That didn't happen!" Steve shouted, pointing a finger at Robin.
"Sure it didn't Stevie" Robin hummed, looking to smug for her own good.
Robin was only making this a big deal because Steve had mentioned, on a few occasions, that he thought her roommate was cute. He'd often ask Robin how you were, how college was treating the both of you, but paying keen attention whenever she mentioned you. Allowing his eyes to linger on you, the very few times he saw you in person, never having the courage to say more than a few words to you (something Robin torments him with on the daily, his lack of skills with women). He'd even made the grave mistake of asking Robin if you were single once, she couldn't stop gushing over his little crush on you, she never let him forget it.
But it wasn't a crush.
It wasn't!
Steve didn't know you well enough to put a name to whatever it was he was feeling, it certainly wasn't a crush. But he'd be lying if he didn't think you were insanely attractive, and seeing you in a pair of jeans that looked like a second skin stuck to your thighs, making your butt look all the more fuller and perky. Not to mention the bra, if Steve thought about it too long, he was sure he was going to pitch a tent. If he closed his eyes, he could picture your smooth skin, all supple and glistening with droplets of water. The cotton bra wasn't fancy, but it made your breasts look perky and ready for his awaiting hands--
No, stop it!
Steve shook his head, a little harder than he intended, to try and shake the thoughts of you from his mind.
The last thing he needed was for you to come back into the room and see Steve standing in your little kitchenet with a boner.
Yeah, that wasn't going to get him anywhere.
"She lives!" Robin's voice brought him back for good.
"Reluctantly so" Your soft voice returned the humour, throwing yourself onto the other end of the couch, still a little flustered, courtesy of Steve.
You turned your head, making eye contact with Steve. You gave a subtle smile, tilting your head.
"It's fine Steve, really" You shook your head, as if reading his inner thoughts. "It's not a big deal, forgotten already"
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that1garrulousfan · 2 months
🌸 - Interacting with a canon character
🎀 - Dress them in your favorite outfit and/or an outfit you wish you had
🔥 - a r s o n
🎃 - Halloween costume
🦾 - Robot or cyborg
🎤 - Singing
🎁 - Reacting to a present they received or waiting for a reaction from someone they gave it to
🛍️ - Shopping
👑 - Royalty
😈 - Villain
🖤 - Emo/punk/grunge aesthetic
🪡 - Working on a sewing projecting (or crocheting!)
🔪 - Horror art
🧥 - Investigator or a detective
🎬 - Film director
🤿 - Snorkeling and/or swimming
🥸 - Disguise
🍂 - Autumn
🍀 - St. Patrick’s Day
🪖 - Soldier
👾 - 8-Bit
🧤 - Gardening
⛲️ - By a water fountain
🎄 - Decorating a Christmas tree
⚽️ - Playing soccer/football
🏀 - Playing basketball
🏈 - Playing football
🎾 - Playing tennis
🏐 - Playing volleyball
⚾️ - Playing base ball/soft ball
🏓 - Playing ping pong
🪵 - Gathering firewood or just with logs/wood
🎡 - At a carnival
🕷️- Reaction to a spider
💐 - Giving or receiving flowers
💌 - Confession
😒 - Annoyed and/or sarcastic
🤣 - Laughing
🎫 - Buying tickets
✈️ - In an airplane or at an airport or boarding the plane
🐚 - Collecting seashells and/or at the beach
🤩 - Amazed
🌝 - Waiting for a reaction (specifically a prank or something obvious or “You’ll see” expression)
🎮 - Playing video games
🍔 - Eating a burger or other fast food
🎒 - Buying school supplies and/or getting ready for school
☔️- Standing in the rain with an umbrella
🌂 - Going out into the rain
🚗 - Driving and/or driving test
💅 - Painting nails
🧣 - Wearing a scarf
🤳 - Selfie (maybe with a few friends)
🪺 - Stumbling across a bird’s nest
🍳 - Making breakfast
🛹 - Skateboarding
🥧 - Baking a pie and/or cake
🪩 - Dancing and/or at a party
🤡 - The character’s most embarrassing moment
✨ - Star gazing
⛳️ - Playing golf
🪅 - Breaking a piñata
❄️ - In the snow
🛝 - In a liminal space
🐍 - Their reaction to a snake
🍉 - Eating a fruit
🍽️ - Setting up a table (maybe as a waiter for a restaurant or just a family/friend dinner?)
🕶️ - Wearing cool shades
🥠 - Opening a fortune cookie
🩰 - Ballet
🎼 - Learning and/or practicing music
🎯 - Playing with darts
🚲- Riding a bike
🛴 - Riding a scooter
🎪 - At a circus (maybe a d i g i t a l one???)
🖼️ - Admiring art (or not)
🍋 - Trying to eat this
🍨 - Eating an ice cream
🥯 - “A bagel… Two bagels.”
🎢 - On a roller coaster
🎭 - Acting
🛶 - Kayaking or canoeing
📸 - Taking pictures of random objects for no reason :]
🪐 - Trip to space and/or on a planet
💻 - Working on something on the computer
🙌 - With something they admire
🌶️ - Trying a spicy pepper
🪨 - Rock climbing
🪃 “Wanna know the difference between your honor and my boomerang, Zuko?” “What?” “Your honor will never come back.” “THAT’S NOT FUNNY, SOKKA—“
⛽️ - Getting gas
🧭 - Using a campus
🏕️ - Camping
🌳 - Sitting under a tree
I may reblog and add more later but I hope this helps for now!! Best of luck y’all!! 💖
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allthefoolishdreams · 2 months
ooh i am curious about derby and i think we're alone now! <3
the sapphic skz au that i've posted about!!! so as has been mentioned gender swapped skz who are all various flavors of sapphic. but more than that it's inspired by the movie whip it so they're all on a roller derby team together, hence derby being the doc title, specifically jeongin learns about roller derby and ends up joining the team and finding her place
"No. I actually... I wanted to tell you that you're kind of my new heroes," Jeongin says, feeling shy, she's not sure what possessed her to say except how this whole experience of watching them play has left her in awe. [Chan] giggles, and her dimples are on full display, ducking her head. "Well, maybe you should put on some skates and be your own hero.” “Oh, no, I couldn’t,” Jeongin waves off.  “C’mon, of course you can, everyone's always looking for new skaters,” she says eagerly, “There’s tryouts happening soon!”
i think we're alone now:
this is actually the doc for my umbrella academy au which I have decided to turn into a longer fic, but it's going slowly (as most of my fics are)
Chan gets the call while he’s taking in the view of Earth, he usually watches for anything unusual, right now it’s peaceful as he stands among the stars and looks at the world. Everything looks so small, he knows it’s full of so much life. But he's here far away from it, a wave of loneliness hits him as that realization sinks in.
(also a funny thing about you choosing these two specifically is that both are based on media starring elliot page dbhsajbdjsa)
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ereardon · 1 year
ok idk if this is a dilf bob sleeping with the nanny/babysitter/etc but i love the idea of Finally hooking up w/ dilf bob and its all very like intense bc its like 'we cant stand the tension anymore' sex and in the afterglow bob is holding you and just asks about something you mentioned completely in passing?? like 'what ever happened with that missing umbrella, did it end up being at work?' or like 'i was meaning to ask, is that friend of yours all right?' BECAUSE HE LISTENS (perhaps not the thottiest of thots but)
Ooh I kind of love that, he definitely listens and cares about her! I'm about 2K words in and I've written this which is similar-ish (but also different!):
Your heart was beating erratically in your chest for the fifteen minute drive, and you thought you might spontaneously combust the moment you pulled into the familiar driveway. It was hard to unsee the history of your friendship with Anna outlined everywhere you looked. 
The two of you tanning on the front lawn in the summers. The curb where you hit your head roller skating and had to get five stitches. How many times had you parked your old car in their driveway, waiting for Anna to slide into the passenger seat? How many times had the two of you snuck out of that house late at night for parties, scantily clad and carrying water bottles full of liquor you had pilfered from Mr. Floyd’s office where he kept his alcohol stash? 
“Have a seat,” he said. “Do you want a drink?” 
“What do you have?” 
Bob returned from the hall closet. “Honey, you know better than anyone what I have. Don’t think I didn’t know the two of you were sneaking into my liquor cabinet all those years.” 
You flushed, turning around halfway on the couch to peer over the back at him, mouth agape. Bob chuckled, heading for the kitchen and returning a few seconds later with two glasses and a bottle of chilled champagne. “You knew?” you asked, aghast. 
He sat down on the other end of the couch, pouring a glass of champagne and handing it to you. “Of course I knew,” he said, his voice thick and rumbling.
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Prompts with specific descriptions
Let people send you a number (and if they want, a specific fandom or character) and write a drabble based on the specific description you’re getting.
1. Character needs to babysit a toddler for a couple of hours
2. Someone’s going into labor!
3. Two characters are sitting on a rooftop, talking
4. It’s the first time two friends see each other after the vacation
5. A very memorable day at school
6. Looks like someone got their first period!
7. There’s two beds in the room, but only one is comfortable to sleep in
8. Character needs to tell one of their parents something important
9. Uh oh, we got caught kissing!
10. Siblings have to comfort each other after a terrible event
11. Cousins are shit-talking their family members during a family event
12. Characters play hide and seek, but someone hides too well
13. Who calls in the middle of the night?
14. To not get caught, character A hides in character B’s closet
15. Three characters are just trying to have a good time, but it’s hard
16. We accidentally got locked inside a closet and now we get the time to share some secrets
17. This dinner was supposed to turn out well and it certainly is not turning out well
18. You think I'm in love with you and I'm not and now we have a little situation
19. Stepmother and stepdaughter have a conversation
20. Someone takes a pregnancy test
21. Someone finds a letter in their locker
22. Three people in a room. One person third wheels the other two
23. Someone has broken their arm in a very absurd way
24. Character discovers they have flying abilities
25. Due to events, a character needs to take the bus instead of the train
26. A father can’t accept that his child is growing up
27. It wasn’t the plan to come out while talking on stage, but here we are
28. Well, I guess we have to steal a car now
29. Everyone thinks character is queer, but plot twist, they’re actually straight
30. In a flash, suddenly we are 10 years younger. What happens now?
31. In a flash, suddenly we are 10 years older. What happens now?
32. An alternate universe where everyone acts the opposite than what they do in canon
33. Character’s life if -insert specific moment- never happened
34. Two characters are best friends but one of them reveals they have romantic feelings. Does the other person feel the same?
35. A sleepover that got very fruity very fast
36. Character A gets bullied. Character B stands up for them
37. All I wanted to do was just to eat my lunch in peace without anyone interrupting
38. For some reason, four people meet up at a playground late at night
39. Baking a cake goes very wrong
40. Character is now a parent and this is a normal day in their life
41. The wedding speech got very chaotic when the speaker accidentally reveals a big secret
42. A band performance that goes very wrong
43. Due to an accident, the whole room is set on fire
44. Someone, somehow, eats lipstick
45. Best friends just going out roller skating and having fun
46. Some characters time travel to the 1960s, visiting places they know in their own time to see how they looked like then
47. Every character is a ghost and haunts a place
48. A family reunion turns chaotic when someone has an announcement
49. Someone forgot that character was living in their house
50. Stepsiblings bond over having insane parents
51. Flashback to a middle/elementary school where two characters does the performance of their lifetime
52. Character A discovers they can fly and Character B discovers they have telekinesis
53. Character/s has to explain to a kid where babies come from
54. Character tries jumping down from a roof with an umbrella, to see if they can fly
55. A secret couple gets exposed, with disasterous results
56. A secret couple gets exposed, but the results aren’t that bad
57. Ordering pizza goes incredibly wrong somehow
58. Everyone thinks two characters are dating and then it’s revealed they don’t even know each other
59. Character gets to re-live a memory from their childhood. Which memory do they choose?
60. How would the world be if Character didn’t exist?
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Info for Faith In The Future World Tour COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA - JUN 17 2023
With special guests THE SNUTS & ANDREW CUSHIN!
Important Times:
6:00 PM - Doors Open
7:10 PM - Andrew Cushin
8:00 PM - The Snuts
9:00 PM - Louis Tomlinson
Parking always open
Times are all approximate and subject to change.
General admission (pit tickets):
Stir Concert Cove is an outdoor, standing room only, venue.
Rain and thunderstorms expected, prepare accordingly!
If you arrive to park before 8am, please stay in your vehicles. No overnight parking.
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Subject to change. Check the venue’s socials for updates!
Hydrate before the show, while waiting in line and during the show
For optimal hydration drink something with electrolytes such as Gatorade or LiquidIV
Rain and thunderstorms expected, prepare accordingly!
Eat well!
Here are important policies:
Anyone under the age of 16 needs to be accompanied by an adult at all times
Parking: Parking is free and located North of the venue. Handicap parking is available West of the venue near the Harrah's main entrance.
ADA: You will only need a general admission ticket and may enter prior to the public through the VIP gate. We have a handicap section on the east side of the venue at the end of the walkway to the left of the stage. Ask any employee for help. For ADA accommodations, please email Stir Concert Cove at [email protected]
Cameras: No professional cameras with zoom lenses are permitted inside Stir Concert Cove. This applies to any video cameras as well. No flash permitted.
Chairs and blankets allowed but subject to search.
Ponchos/Rain Coats allowed
Binoculars allowed
NO umbrellas
NO picnic blankets
NO smoking or vaping inside the venue; you may smoke outside the gates in the Smoking/Vaping area.
NO outside food or beverages
NO Animals (except service animals)
NO Marijuana or any cannabis products
NO drugs
NO Coolers
NO Glass, Metal, or Hard Plastic Containers
NO knives, firearms, Brass knuckles, Tasers & mace/pepper spray or weapons of any kind
NO Fireworks
NO Laptops
NO Selfie sticks
NO Laser Pointers/flashlights
NO In-line or Roller Skates, Skateboards, Scooters, Bicycles
RE-ENTRY: you must use the exit only gate and re-enter the venue through the entry gates. Upon exiting, you must have your ticket scanned out to be able to re-enter. You must have a ticket to re-enter.
*This list is not exhaustive. Items not appearing on the list may still be prohibited at the discretion of Security
For more details click here and here
Bag Policy:
Clear plastic, vinyl or PVC tote bags permitted after search.
Anything above a 4.5x6.5 clutch must be clear
Small or clutch-sized purses or wallets, not exceeding 4.5 inches tall by 6.5 inches long
One-gallon, clear plastic freezer bags (Ziploc bag or similar).
No large purses, bags or backpacks will be allowed inside Stir Concert Cove.
Banners, signs and flag policy:
Flags smaller than 18x24 in are ok
PLEASE NOTE: this venue was impossible to contact and provided minimal information online. If I have more info I will update this original post. Check back for updates, or ask the venue in person if you have more questions.
For additional questions please call the venue at 712.329.6000. You can also access their website. Email: [email protected] Check their IG here or Twitter here or Facebook here for updates. Address: Stir Concert Cove-Harrah's Council Bluffs Casino & Hotel. 1 Harrah's Blvd, Council Bluffs, IA 51501
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pr1ncessavar0se · 11 months
Chapter Lady: What’s Really At Steak
word count: 8096
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Laughter rang out in the square of Ginma District. It was fast, high pitched, seeming to pierce through the white noise Kanai Ward’s constant rain created.
There it is again. It sounded so cheerful, so happy, so…nuts.
And it only seemed to grow more and more frenzied as it continued to ring out into Ginma District’s square.
That laughter belonged to only one person, the detective known as Lady Soot.
“Ahahaha! Again, again!” Lady began to bounce in place as she held her pretty pink umbrella over herself. She was standing in front of another person who seemed to be in their mid-20s, an electronic keyboard with Amaterasu’s logo on it right in front of them. They smiled at the woman before them, seeming grateful she stuck around for their act, “This is the first time someone’s liked my songs so much…thank you!” Lady smiled back as she happily responded, “Are you kidding? It’s like being in a candy store, I can’t get enough of it!” “Haha, a kid in a candy store?” They laughed at her sugary sweet words. “Absolutely! It’s good to enjoy the little things every now and then, y’know? Even if it’s a small, itty bitty little gumdrop!” Lady giggled at her own words, her sugary laughter filling the ears of the street performer. “You really are an interesting one, miss…?” They asked for her name. “Lady.” Lady introduced herself, shaking the performer’s hand in one rapid motion, giving them the biggest smile she could muster. “Just Lady…?” The performer giggled, “Anyway, my name’s Teru. It’s nice to meet you.” “Pleasure to meet you too!” Lady smiled once more, “Say, are you here all day?” “No, I’m here from noon to 9PM.” Teru responded with a smile on their face. “Noon to nine…” Lady softly murmured to herself before looking back up at them, “Okay! That’s very good to know!” Her bright pink eyes sparkled as she continued to smile so brightly. It was amazing how friendly Lady naturally was, making friends with even the most quiet and furtive of people.
An energetic and kind person such as herself surely would leave a tip for the performer, right? Seeing as she made no moves to do so, Teru had to ask. “Um…if you want to leave a tip, you can.” They flashed a shy smile at Lady’s way, who was met with a rather shocked expression from the master detective. Lady nervously chuckled, “About that…I don’t really have any money…” She gave a nervous smile in return. And hearing that made Teru’s once shy smile turn into a rather sour frown. “But, there is one way I can pay! Do you like desserts?” Lady leaned in closer to Teru as she made her offer, watching as they went silent. Desserts? Who the hell offers someone desserts as a way to pay someone?! Lady Soot, apparently. It was the only thing she could offer anyway, as she came to Kanai Ward with nothing but the clothes on her back and her umbrella. It took Teru a moment to respond, but they eventually did. “…No, not really. But, I have been craving something sweet lately.” Hearing that alone was enough for Lady’s energy levels to multiply by ten, if that was even possible. “Great! Tell me what you’re craving most, I can make it for you! It’ll take no more than a half hour tops!” As her words were rapidly fired in Teru’s direction, her smile seemed to grow even bigger. This girl really likes desserts as well as baking them, doesn’t she? Teru softly giggled before answering her, “Well, I have been craving some fresh matcha cake!” Lady’s smile grew even bigger as she leaned in even closer to them, bouncing in place once again as she got excited at the mere idea of baking something for someone. “I can definitely do that for you! Follow me!” And with that, Lady clicked her heels twice, activating the roller skates her Ruby red mary-jane shoes had installed into them. She began leisurely skating her way through Ginma district, leaving Teru a bit flabbergasted at the sight of her shoes. A soft sigh escaped their lips before they followed Lady.
Soon enough, the two stood outside the submarine known as the Nocturnal Detective Agency. As Teru caught up with Lady, they were a bit out of breath, and also rather confused as to why they stood right outside of the submarine that rested in the riverbank. They gave Lady a confused look, which was met with her signature sugary sweet smile. “Come with me!” She happily reassured them as she climbed up the ramp that connected the submarine to the dock, smiling at them expectantly. After a small moment of hesitation, they followed Lady into the submarine, with the two of them eventually making their way to the agency’s office. Inside the office was the agency’s chief, Yakou Furio, relaxing in his chair, reading the most recent newspaper from the Amaterasu Times. His eyes wandered over to Lady as she brought her new friend to the agency, seeming a bit confused as to why they were even there to begin with. Maybe it was someone who was here to give them a case? “Oh, Lady! Who’s your friend?” He asked, wondering who that was right next to his detective. Lady’s attention turned to the fuzzy, blue-haired chief, “Chiefy Weefy!” She gave him a frantic wave, seeming really ecstatic to have someone to share her baked goods with. However, her words left Chief Yakou a bit confused, his blue eyes widening a bit in bewilderment. “C-Chiefy Weefy…?” “This is my friend, Teru! They’re a street performer!” The detective, dressed in pink, happily showed off her friend to the chief, to which Teru gave a small bow. “It’s nice to meet you, Chief.” They smiled. “Oh, I almost forgot! I’ll get started on that matcha cake for you now, Teru!” Lady then darted off to the submarine’s kitchen at a lightning speed, leaving the street performer alone with the chief. An awkward silence began to fill the room, but it was eventually broken by Teru’s voice. “...Is she always this happy to see people?” They asked Chief Yakou, seeming a bit confused by Lady’s behavior. Chief Yakou couldn’t help but chuckle, “She is. As much as she’s high energy, she’s a good detective. And a good person too.” He turned his head to the doorway where the kitchen was, hearing Lady hum a tune to herself as she baked in there. “It’s hard to understand what goes on in that head of hers. As her boss, I can definitely attest to that. But despite it, she has a real heart of gold. She’s always making sweet treats for the other detectives.” He spoke with a smile, taking a moment before turning back to Teru. “She said she was making a matcha cake for you, how come?” Yakou tilted his head slightly as his curiosity piqued. Upon hearing his question, Teru let out a timid laugh, “Ah, she said she didn’t have any money to tip me, so she offered me desserts instead…” Yakou chuckled at their words, “Ah, haha…sounds about right. When she first came here, she had nothing but her umbrella and the clothes on her back.”
Before they knew it, Lady came back into the room, fresh matcha cake in hand. “Aaand, it’s done!” Teru looked at the cake in shock, it looked so delicious. It was that perfect matcha green color, even the frosting looked to be matcha flavored. And the fact that it was decorated with strawberries… Looking at it alone was enough to make anyone’s mouth water! “Wow… That looks amazing, Lady!” Teru beamed at the cake, their eyes seemed to sparkle the more they looked at the cake. “Wanna take it for the road? Go on, don’t be afraid! I don’t bite!” Lady smiled at Teru as she brought the cake closer to them. “You mean it? A-Are you sure?” Teru began to stutter, “C-Can I try a little bit of it here?” Lady quickly nodded as she continued to smile, “Sure! I’ll be right back!” Lady then darted back to the kitchen, the sound of silverware being shuffled filling in the silence of the agency. Eventually, she trotted back into the room, holding a cake server, a fork, and a small plate in her hands, and she began to cut a slice of the cake for Teru, putting it on the small plate for them. As soon as they took the plate, Lady began to put the rest of the cake in a leftover takeout box. Teru took a bite of the cake, and at that moment…it was heaven. The matcha cake was just the perfect amount of sweetness, and the strawberry on top added just the right amount of tang! And the earthy notes from the matcha itself was nothing short of amazing, it really hit the spot! Lady could see the smile on Teru’s face as they ate it, “Do we have a hit?” “Oh, absolutely! Have you thought about opening your own café?” Teru asked as soon as they finished eating. Hearing that question only made Lady giggle, “Funny you mention it, I used to live in one before I became a detective!” Hearing this made Chief Yakou take a moment to think, one of his Master Detectives used to bake at a café? Then again, it was Lady, so it seemed to make sense. “...I would say I’m shocked, but I’d kinda be lying.” He said. Lady’s head craned towards Chief Yakou, her pretty, caramel brown hair fluttering gently as she made eye contact with him, “You didn’t know? Huh, weird. I could’ve sworn I told you.” “What? You never told me that…!” Chief Yakou smiled in a puzzled manner, which was met with a rather quick response from Lady, “It was the first thing I mentioned when I came here.” Lady’s speedy sentence made Chief Yakou nervously laugh. She was right, she did say that when she first came to Kanai Ward, “Oh, right…” After they finished eating the slice of matcha cake, Teru took the takeout box with a smile on their face. “Well, I better get going. Thanks again for the cake, Lady. It really means a lot to me.” They waved to the detectives with their free hand before taking their leave. “Take care!” Lady happily chimed as she waved back to her new friend. Once they left, Chief Yakou softly chuckled as he shook his head, “You and your sweet nature, Lady… You make it look so easy to make friends!” “That’s because it is easy, silly!” Lady giggled before she clicked her shoes and activated their roller skate mode once again, leisurely skating figure eights around the office. “I’d do anything to make sure people smile. Heck, that’s kinda the reason why I became a detective in the first place!” Lady’s words confused Yakou a bit… ‘Kinda the reason?’ What the heck was the rest of the reasons Lady had for becoming a detective?! After being stupefied by her statement and casual roller skating, he had to ask, “Uh… What was the rest of the reason?” “That’s for me to know and you to find out.” Her words were quick and casual, as if she knew exactly what the chief was going to ask.
Lady was certainly a weird one…she roller skated everywhere, she was always baking sweets, she was always consuming sweets too. She’d only tease about her life and then completely distract you by meowing and knocking something over, and when she did say anything, her words were fired at the speed of light, making it difficult to even hear what she was saying. All the master detectives were rather eccentric individuals, but Lady definitely takes the cake when it comes to being on the weirder, even crazier side. Chief Yakou attempted to wipe the weird grimace from his face by checking the time. Upon realizing how late it was, he stood up from his chair, his eyes on Lady as she continued to skate inside the office, “Hey, it’s getting late. You might want to go back to the hotel and get some sleep.”
“I don’t sleep.”
“Besides, you never know what’ll happen when your eyes are closed.” Lady flashed her signature smile at the chief as she stopped skating. Those bright pink eyes of hers…they seemed to sparkle, but at the same time, there was something else behind them. As if she was constantly hiding something about herself and she wouldn’t let up on it around even the closest of friends. Looking into her eyes for too long made it seem like those pretty pink irises were spiraling…further and further into madness. Was she really on the brink of losing it? After a moment, Chief Yakou snapped out of it, shaking his head with his eyes closed before scratching his fuzzy blue hair. “U-Um, anyway… Try to get some rest tonight, will you? Staying up all hours of the day isn’t any good.” “Says the bloke who sleeps in ‘till noon.” Lady replied with a smug smirk on her face. “Hey, I forget to turn on my alarm sometimes!” Chief Yakou replied in a rather flustered manner, which made Lady chuckle. “Well, just make sure you’re up in time before we all meet here!” She happily replied as she grabbed her umbrella from the coat hanger, placing the hook handle onto her forearm before skating out of the office. Chief Yakou softly smiled as he watched Lady make her way out of the submarine, “Good night, Lady. Stay safe out there!” “Oh you know me, I’ll be fine! Somehow, someway, I get out of the trouble I find myself in! That’s how it always is!” She yelled back in response before leaving the submarine and making her way to Kamasaki District.
After another sleepless night in the Sun & Moon Hotel, Lady merrily roller skated her way over to the riverbank, holding her pretty pink umbrella over herself as she hummed a little chipper tune to herself. As soon as she entered the submarine, she made her presence known, “Chief, you better be up!” Her voice rang out as she spoke in a sing-song tone, the first thing she heard in response was the shuffling of the chief’s newspaper. “Oh, Lady! There you are! Listen, I…have some news for you.” “News?” Lady’s head tilted to the side before she approached the chief’s desk, leaning over it as she continued to smile, “What is it, boss?” The look on Chief Yakou’s face seemed to be that of apprehension, like he had just learned about something that troubled him. “So, uh…you know your friend, Teru?” “Yeah, why?” Lady paused for a moment, taking in the silence. That alone was enough for her to realize what had happened. “...Is Teru dead?” Yakou nodded, “Yeah… They were…killed.” The silence that followed was enough to asphyxiate Lady. Why is it that the people that Lady managed to bond with managed to end up dead in such horrific ways? First, it was her grandmother, who sadly passed due to her home going up in flames, now her newest friend gets killed the day after she met them? Who the hell even has that kind of luck?! It took Lady a moment before her face showed a look of determination, “Let me take on the case.” She even sounded serious compared to how silly and goofy she normally was. Her determination alone was enough to shock Chief Yakou, “Jeez, you want to take on the case already…?!” “It’s the very least I can do,” Lady softly nodded, “I owe them.” “Owe them…? You barely knew them!” Chief Yakou blurted out in response, still stunned by the fact that Lady didn’t even want to grieve her new friend. Was she really that quick to just move onto solving the case? “Hey, just because I barely knew them doesn’t mean I don’t care. Don’t you ever get that twisted!” She lightly struck the chief’s desk as she spoke, “They could’ve had a family, a family that loved and cared for them. And so help me, I will see through that their family gets the justice they so rightfully deserve! They deserve real justice, not that bland ass slop those slower than molasses Peacekeepers are gonna try and feed them. So let me do my job, and bring it to them!” “Um…” A soft, innocent sounding voice rang out in the agency, causing both the chief and Lady to crane their heads towards the source of it. It was a little girl, who seemed to be no older than the age of eight.
Lady’s surprised expression turned into a sweet smile as she began to approach the child. “Hi there! How did you find us, sugarcube?” She smiled as she gently got down on her knees, smiling up at the little girl as she spoke with such a sweet, kind voice. “M-My sibling told me about a friend they made yesterday, and they said they stopped by here…” The soft, little voice seemed to be shaky, the child’s eyes starting to fill with tears, “Are you Lady…?” She meekly asked, her eyes meeting Lady’s bright pink ones. “Yep, that’s me! I’m Lady Soot, nice to meet you, sweetheart! What’s your name?” She asked the child with a smile. “A-Airi…” The little girl choked out, still seeming rather distraught. “What a sweet name, Airi! I can tell it fits someone who seems like they’re made of sugar.” Lady tenderly responded to Airi, an attempt to try and help the little girl relax, even just a little bit. “Th-Thank you…” Airi seemed to get a bit more choked up, sniffling softly as little tears streamed down her face. “Teru named me…” She softly whimpered, causing Lady’s eyes to go wide. “Wait… You’re Teru’s sister?” That information seemed to awe Lady, her eyes locked onto Airi as she softly responded. “Y-Yes…” With that, poor Airi started to cry, her little body shaking. Chief Yakou couldn’t believe his eyes and his ears, this was Teru’s little sister, and she was the one asking the detectives for help?! He sat there in pure dismay, “Oh, this is bad… What do we do?!” After seeing the chief panic, Lady knew exactly how to handle this. Her head turned back onto Airi, giving her a smile as she spoke to the kid, “Airi, did Teru tell you what I do?” “Well…” sniff, “…they said you made a really yummy matcha cake…” Airi’s response made Lady giggle, “Yes, I did do that! But do you know what else I do? I’m a detective.” Lady gently held onto the little girl’s hands as she continued to speak, “Do you know what detectives do? We’re here to help you out!” Airi’s little voice was shaky as she whimpered, “Y-You are…?” Lady gave the child a soft nod as she smiled, “I’m really sorry to hear about what happened to Teru, Airi. Losing someone who was part of your family is always really hard, and I want to let you know you did a really brave thing today by coming over to ask us for help.” Airi sniffled once more, “…R-Really?” “Of course!” Lady giggled, “You did a really great thing coming over to us. Now, we can help you figure out what happened to your sibling!” “You will…?” Airi’s eyes seemed to sparkle as she heard those words. Lady wanted to help figure out what happened to her sibling? Not to mention, she was significantly nicer than any Peacekeepers she encountered! “Absolutely! You can count on me!” Lady smiled as she gave Airi the sweetest smile she could possibly muster, the sight getting the little girl to smile before hugging the detective. “Thank you, Lady…” The little girl softly spoke. Lady couldn’t help but chuckle lightly as she hugged Airi back, “Anytime! Now,” she pulled back before speaking, “What’s something you like to do? Maybe, I can ask you some questions while we do something you like together!” “Um…” Airi thought to herself before answering Lady’s question, “…I like to draw!” “Drawing, it is! Hey Chief, get us a couple pens and paper!” Lady turned her head to the chief, giving him an enthusiastic smile. Chief Yakou sat there, absolutely flabbergasted. “U-Uh…sure! Let me get those…” He then searched his drawers, eventually getting exactly what Lady requested. She then happily trotted her way over to the chief, grabbing the pens and paper, “Thanks, Chief!” She showed Airi to the coffee table, sitting next to the child as she handed her the paper and a pen. “Ready to get creative?” She asked, giving Airi a sugary sweet smile. “Yeah!” Airi replied with such enthusiasm before she began to scribble on the paper, causing a small giggle to escape from Lady.
“So, Airi,” Lady watched as the child continued to scribble, “Do you know your sibling’s routine at all? What do they normally do everyday?” “Well…” Airi began to speak as she continued moving the pen along the paper, “We wake up, and we have meat buns for breakfast. It’s Teru’s favorite!” She smiled as she began to walk Lady through a normal day in Teru’s life. “Then, I hear them practicing their music in their room! Sometimes, I’ll go in and watch them. They like it when I clap!” Airi giggled as she continued to doodle. “Okay, great!” Lady nodded, “How long do they practice for, do you know?” Her question made Airi think, “We usually finish up breakfast around 9…and I remember them telling me they were gonna be late yesterday if I didn’t leave their room.”
“Do you remember what time it was?”
“11:30. I remember them saying that.” Airi responded, continuing to draw. “11:30…” Lady muttered to herself, taking a moment before she looked back up at Airi. “What about when Teru came home that night? Did you see them last night?” She asked. “Yeah,” Airi nodded, “They told me about you and how you made the yummy matcha cake for them. They even let me have a slice!” She smiled up at the detective. “Do you remember anything else?” Lady smiled as she asked. “After I ate it, Teru tucked me into bed, and then I went to sleep.” The child responded, continuing to scribble. “So after that, you fell asleep?” Lady asked, watching as Airi gave her a small nod. As soon as her testimony was finished, Lady smiled, “Great! You did a really good job at answering my questions, Airi!” It was at that point where Lady got a glimpse of the doodle Airi had been working on. The child’s drawing consisted of three figures; one was a big man, one was a medium sized person, and one was a small girl. Upon further inspection, the person in the middle looked like…Teru? And the little girl seemed to resemble Airi! “What’re you drawing, Airi? Is it your family?” She asked, continuing to look closer at the drawing. Airi nodded, giving the detective a small hum in response. The big question now was the person all the way on the left… That big man, who was that? No stone could be left unturned, Lady had to ask. “Can I ask you something? That person looks like Teru…” Lady pointed at the person in the middle, “And that’s you…” her finger moved to the little girl, “But…who’s that?” Lady pointed to the big man in the drawing. “Oh, that’s Jiro.” Airi seemed to speak nonchalant as she responded to Lady’s question. Jiro…? Lady never heard of Jiro before, was it their father? “He’s our big brother.” Airi’s word’s snapped Lady out of her thoughts, they had an older brother? That just sparked the formation of many other questions in the detective’s brain. In an attempt to try and keep her thoughts all organized, Lady shot one of the questions at the child, “Was Jiro there?” “During breakfast, he was…” Airi responded.
“What about last night?”
“He said goodnight to me too before Teru tucked me in.” Hearing the little girl’s response got the gears in Lady’s head to start turning. “Mmhm…” Lady slowly nodded, “What does Jiro do during the day? Do you know?” Airi looked over at Lady, “Hmm? Oh, he works at a butcher shop!” Lady’s eyes began to sparkle, maybe talking to Jiro could get a lead! “A butcher shop? Do you know where it is?” She leaned in a bit closer as she asked. “Um…” Airi began to think a bit more, “I think it’s in Ginma District… He left right after breakfast.” “Ginma District, got it!” Lady nodded as she seemed to grow more enthusiastic, “Thank you so much, Airi!” “Well Chief, hopefully babysitting is on your resume!” The detective chimed as her head turned to the fuzzy haired chief. “What?!” He gasped, “Y-You’re not leaving me alone with a kid, are you…?!” He seemed so distraught at the thought of watching a little kid. “Yeah! You’ve had one before, right?” Lady responded, seeming a bit confused as to why the chief was panicking. “No! No I haven’t!” Chief Yakou cried out in response. Seeing this made Lady giggle as she approached the chief, “Oh relax, you’ll be fine. Surprised you’re not a dad already, what with dealing with us and all!” “Yeah, but this is different!” Chief Yakou nervously hissed, “I’ve never had to watch over a little kid before!” Lady couldn’t help but chuckle, “Oh stop crying, the milk isn’t spilled. You just have to make sure to not tip it over!”
“You’ll figure it out, be back soon!” Lady chimed before grabbing her umbrella, leaving the submarine. Chief Yakou’s eyes widened as the detective simply left him in the agency with the kid like that.
“Ginma District, Ginma District…” Lady hummed to herself as she roller skated underground, making her way through Kanai Ward, “Why is everything happening in Ginma District? Am I the only one that noticed this?” She continued to skate through Kamasaki District, the sound of the wheels on her shoes splashing through the puddles littered throughout the roads and sidewalks joining the pitter patter of the rain. She rolled her way through Kamasaki District, which led to her entering her destination. She finally made it to Ginma District once again, now it was time to search for that butcher shop Airi mentioned. Low and behold, there it was! It was the only butcher shop within the district, and it seemed to be rather high-end, too. “Fitting of Ginma District to have a fancy meat shop like this.” Lady shrugged before she entered the store, causing the bell on the door to ring and signal that she entered. “Welcome to The Cut Above! How can we help you today?” The man at the front desk greeted Lady. “Hi, there!” Lady happily addressed the worker, “Say, I’ve got a question.” She smiled as she leaned over the counter, “Does a big man named Jiro work here?” “Oh, Jiro? Yeah, he does. Despite what happened, he decided to show up to work today.” The worker responded, seeming a bit saddened by the thought of what happened to Jiro’s younger sibling. “Would he be able to talk with me for a bit? I was a friend of Teru’s, and I’d be happy to extend my condolences to him.” Lady’s smile was sweet and genuine as she said this. As much as she didn’t even know about Teru’s family until now, she really did want to express her sympathy to them. “Yes, I‘ll go get him for you.” The worker nodded before heading into the back and calling out, “Jiro!” The door slammed behind the worker, leaving Lady alone for a bit. Maybe she could use this time to look around! But wait… That smell, why is it so pungent? Lady sniffed the air, and it became obvious what that smell was. Cleaning products. “That's a cleaning product smell if I’ve ever smelt it before…! Why is it so strong? Do they use bleach or something?” Lady muttered quietly to herself. That led Lady to wander around a bit, seeming to stop at the trash can. “Old habits die hard…” She softly spoke to herself before opening the lid. Inside seemed to be rubber gloves, most of which were drenched in blood. However, there was a pair that seemed to stand out to the detective. Instead of blood, they seemed to be drenched with water. “Water…? Who the hell washes their hands with rubber gloves on?!” She thought out loud, seeming to grimace at her own words in confusion. Lady stepped back from the trash can, taking in the two new clues she had just found. Her eyes continued to scan the area, “Doesn’t seem like there’s anything else I can find here…” And just like that, a big man stepped out of the back door, stepping up to the counter, “Hi there, can I help you?” His grumbly, yet happy voice rang out, “I’m Jiro, you said you were a friend of Teru?” “Yes I am!” Lady happily spoke as she approached the counter, “I’m Lady, it’s a pleasure to meet you!”
Jiro smiled at Lady, “It’s nice to meet you too. Hey, aren’t you the girl who made that cake for them?” “Sure was!” Lady giggled, “I’m so glad they liked it! Did you try it at all?” Jiro shook his head, “Nah, I didn’t get the chance to. But it looked amazing… Do you own a bakery or something?” “No, but I used to live in a café!” Lady’s laugh rang out through the shop, “I hate to change the subject so soon, but… I’d like to ask you a few questions, if that’s alright with you.” “Sure, I don’t mind. Is it about my sibling?” Jiro asked, watching as Lady nodded in response. “Where were you last night around 10 PM?” She asked. “I was home. I told my little sister good night as she went to bed.” Jiro answered.
“What about after that?”
“I threw on the TV and I watched the nightly news.”
“Hmm, okay.” Lady slowly nodded, taking Jiro’s alibi into account, “How long were you watching the news for?” “I watch it until I fall asleep. Not the best habit, but I could always count on Teru to turn the TV off when they woke up.” Jiro’s response was filled with a gloomy tone, seeming to be taking the loss of his sibling rather hard. “So, this would be a common occurrence?” Lady tilted her head as she asked, her caramel brown hair gently fluttering behind her as she did so. “Yeah,” Jiro shrugged, “This happened all the time.” His responses got Lady thinking again, they seemed to fit in the timeline… “When did you fall asleep, if you don’t mind me asking?” She looked up at him as she asked. “Around 12:30…that’s when I normally start feeling myself drift.” Jiro answered with a little sigh escaping his big frame. “Alright…” Lady nodded again, digesting that information, “What time do you guys normally clean the place?” That question seemed to surprise Jiro, “We usually clean the place at 6:30, right before the place opens for the day. We also clean at night, before the place closes.” “Ah, that explains it!” Lady’s smile seemed to brighten, “I could smell the detergent, that’s why I asked!” And with that, Lady looked to be satisfied with the information Jiro provided. “Well, I think that’s all I need! Thank you so much, Jiro!” She giggled. “Anytime, Lady.” The butcher smiled at Lady as his eyes were on her. “I’m so sorry about what happened to them, but mark my words, I will make sure you get the closure you so rightfully deserve.” She continued to smile up at the man, it was very easy to tell her words were heartfelt. “I’ve gotta go, I bet the boss is wondering what’s taking me so long.” She spoke, clicking her heels twice to activate the roller skates mode on her shoes, “Catch you later!” Lady waved as she began to roll her way out the door. Her thoughts were running wild. Was he truly watching TV from 10 to 12:30? What about the overpowering stench of cleaning products? But then, there was also the fact that there was a pair of gloves that were covered in water? It all made sense. But then, As Lady decided to cut through Kanai Ward using one of its many alleyways, everything went black.
Eventually, Lady came to, the bright fluorescent lights of the room blinding the detective as her eyes fluttered open. She let out a soft groan as she began to sit up, taking in her surroundings. What the hell were all those fleshy colored things? Her eyesight was still too fuzzy to recognize anything around her, so she rubbed her eyes before blinking. Her eyes widened at what was before her. Animal carcasses. “Ah!” Lady cried out before shuffling away from the gutted animals that were hung up. Just as soon as she thought she was far away enough, the detective felt something cold brush up against her back, freezing in place for a couple seconds. She slowly craned her head to see what it was, and the sight was horrible. It was Teru, dead. Their body was hung up just like the animal carcasses, hanging by their feet. Blood was dripping from their head, the sound of it trickling in a rhythmic pattern breaking the silence. A soft scream escaped the master detective, squirming away from the corpse, “Holy shit…!” Lady took a moment before catching her breath, “What are the odds?” She continued to breathe heavily as her eyes darted around the room, realizing she was in a meat locker. “Guess I was right…” pant, “We know the who…” pant, “What about the how…?” A soft sigh escaped Lady as she began to rise to her feet, “No time to waste, let’s roll.” The master detective stepped closer to Teru’s corpse, getting on her knees as she gently felt Teru’s head, checking the wound on the back of their head. “Is that…” She paused, continuing to check the wound, “...is that blunt force trauma?” She gently let go of their head, seeing that her hands were now stained pink, “Oh, great.” Lady sighed, “Luckily, I’m alone!” She let out a soft laugh before catching a glimpse at Teru’s arms, seeing that their arms were covered in all sorts of gashes, even their sleeves were ripped. Lady stood up as she began to investigate the arm wounds. “They’ve got all sorts of gashes. Jeez, they must’ve put up a fight…” After stepping away from the corpse, Lady began to think aloud once more, “Their body was pretty cold too, but it wasn't freezing.” The detective scanned the meat locker once more, noticing that she was the only thing that was alive in there. Her gaze then fell onto her hands, stained pink from Teru’s blood. “Okay, keep it ice cold, Lady…” She felt her breath get a bit shallow the more she looked at the blood, “You’re the only person in here, no one else is around. It’s all gonna be fine if you use your Forte just this once…” The sound of her breath becoming more jagged filled the cold silence of the meat locker. “Alright…” breath, “On the count of three…” After another rugged breath, Lady spoke once more. “Three!” Right after encouraging herself, the detective licked her hands clean, consuming any last drop of blood that painted her hands. Her eyes were closed tightly as she began to taste it.
All of a sudden, her bright pink eyes shot open, inspecting the area around her. So far, so good. Everything seems to be normal. A soft, relieved sigh escaped Lady’s system as she turned around, being met with a truly terrifying sight. Teru was standing there right in front of her, bleeding out of their head. Their lips were blue, and the shine in their eyes was no longer there. The corpse was standing right in front of her. “Ahh!” Lady softly screamed as she fell to the floor, scooting further and further away from the corpse. Teru’s body slowly approached her. Step…step…step. Their steps were slowly drawn out, which only made Lady squirm away even quicker as soft, terrified whimpers escaped the detective. Her chest was rapidly moving up and down as she found herself hyperventilating, her ivory skin turning pale as she watched Teru’s cadaver inch closer and closer to her. She couldn’t look away. She couldn’t look away. She desperately wanted to. She wanted to just force her eyelids closed, maybe even drive her eyeballs into their sockets with her thumbs. But she couldn’t. She couldn’t, she didn’t, and all she really could do was stare. Stare in fear. Stare in silence. No matter what, her eyes couldn’t be peeled away from the sight of the corpse that stood before her. The sight made her eyes shake, her breath hitching in her throat as she felt her eyes stay open as wide as they possibly could. Her breath became more shallow. More, and more, and more shallow and she couldn’t look away. She wanted to. Oh, how she wanted to. But she couldn’t. “It isn’t real…” Lady rapidly whispered to herself, continuing to hyperventilate as she made her poor attempts to self soothe. “It isn’t real, it isn’t real, it isn’t real…” Her hands traveled to her head as she attempted to calm herself down more. “It isn’t real, it isn’t real, it isn’t real, it isn’t real… It isn’t real…!” Her words grew shakier and shakier as she said them. As much as she wanted to, she couldn’t bring herself to believe a single word out of her mouth right now. “Get it together, Lady…” Lady’s voice grew shaky, her eyes began to fill with tears as she attempted to plaster a smile on her face. “You’re just making the screws in your head even more loose than they already are! Y-Yeah…!” A nervous laugh escaped her as she softly sniffled, wiping the tears away. She sniffled, “It’ll be over soon. This horrible nightmare of a Forte will be over soon…a-and you’ll get the info that you need!” She rubbed her eyes once more, taking a moment before looking up where the body once stood before her. It was gone. Was it over? Lady nervously giggled, beginning to believe that it was finally over. But it wasn’t over. She let out a soft hiss as the back of her head began to hurt. Bad. Her hand traveled to the source of the throbbing pain, rubbing her head gently before pulling her hand away, only to be greeted with another horrific sight. Blood. It covered her entire hand. “What the hell?!” Lady screamed out, the feeling of the pain only seemed to grow worse and worse. Her eyes closed tightly as she continued to hiss out in pain, the sound of her skull slowly cracking was deafening to her. As soon as her eyes opened once more, it stopped. The pain was gone. She looked down at her hands. The blood was gone. Her chest was still rapidly moving up and down as she took in her surroundings. Everything was the same as it was before she used Carnivorous Autopsy. Even Teru’s body was in the same spot, still strung up like a gutted animal. Lady felt her breath begin to slow down, “Alright…” pant, “So it really was blunt force trauma…” pant, “Those gashes came after…” Lady took a deep breath before she began to stand up once more. “Right, now I need to find a way out.”
Just like that, Lady began to wander around the meat locker, making sure to triple check the entire room as she worked quickly and diligently to find a way to get the hell out of there. However, Lady made a discovery. “Huh, weird… Why is there no murder weapon?” That information only made Lady scan the area a good few times over, checking every possible spot where a potential murder weapon could be hidden. “There’s no way it was that easily disposed of, right?” The detective placed her hands on her hips as she crossed her legs while standing. “I can taste the fact that the weapon was no bigger than 9 kilograms…but how or where do you store a weapon that heavy?” Right after she said those words, Lady’s eyes widened, “Unless… I need to get out of here, I’ve got to tell the chief!” With that, Lady began searching for a way out once again. After roughly ten minutes, Lady’s eyes caught a glimpse of a lock on the door. “That’s it!” Lady exclaimed, sprinting towards the door, attempting to undo the lock, “Jeez, it’s colder than sherbet ice cream!” Her hands flinched away from the door as she felt how freezing it was, taking a moment to rub her hands together just to keep them warm. “Right, let me try that again.” A smile formed on Lady’s face as she got ready to mess with the lock as fast as she could. Once she felt ready, she placed her hands on the freezing door, doing her best to work the lock as quickly as she could. “Just a little bit more, and…” Click! “Done! Ahaha, easy as pie with an ice cream garnish!” With that, Lady swung open the door, being greeted by Chief Yakou and Airi at the counter, standing before the surprised worker as he saw Lady exit the back room. “Oh, there’s Chief Yakou! Hi, Chief!” Lady giddily waved to the chief and the child as she made her way towards them, “You won’t believe what I found out. I know exactly who the culprit is, it’s-“
A familiar voice rang out. Shit, it’s Jiro! Lady turned her head to meet the big man, giving him her signature goofy grin. “…Oh! Hey there, Lady.” Jiro seemed rather surprised to see her, “How goes it?” “Oh good, good!” Lady crossed her legs as she placed her hands on her hips, “I think I know what happened to your sibling!” The way Lady smiled…she knew something, and she seemed more than happy to share it. “Oh, you do?” Jiro seemed surprised, “I take it they were murdered, just like the Peacekeepers said?” “Oh yeah, they definitely were,” Lady nodded, “I take it that luring your sibling out to hit them from behind with a full leg of ham, creating fake self-defense wounds in order to obfuscate what really happened, and taking the body into the meat locker before opening so you could dispose of everything so conveniently is a normal day of work for you, hmm?” “Huh? A leg of ham…? W-Wait, are you saying the brother did it…?!” Chief Yakou seemed utterly astonished by the deduction Lady had come to. “Now that you mention it…” the worker began to think, “Jiro did seem a bit eager to sell a leg of ham today. It was the first thing we sold.” Jiro’s face contorted into a look of displeasure as he looked over at his coworker. “Uh-huh!” Lady nodded again, “Oh by the way, you don’t use bleach to clean a place where food is handled. You’d have a huge possibility of contaminating the meat you’re trying to sell! But you already knew that, didn’t you? Since the smell of bleach was coming from the store itself rather than the meat locker.” Jiro’s expression turned to that of rage, a low growl emitting from him as he heard the detective reveal the truth. “What?” Airi’s soft, innocent voice rang out, tears filling the child’s eyes as she looked at her older brother. “But, Jiro…why?” The little girl began to choke up as tears streamed down her little face. Jiro sighed as he felt his big, beefy body begin to tremble. “Street performing is useless. You’re gonna starve and get nowhere if you go down that path…” His voice was low as he grumbled his words. “That’s why I kept telling them to get a job here… They never listened. They were adamant on doing something stupid like street performing!” He yelled out, causing his little sister to cry. “I-I thought you liked it…” Airi softly whimpered. “Are you kidding? I hated it. I’ve hated it since day one. I wanted them to inherit the business from me!” Jiro’s harsh words only made the little girl cry even more. Lady’s head turned to the other worker, “You might wanna call the Peacekeepers and tell them everything. I’d be happy to answer any questions for them!” “You’re gonna pay for this…you’ll pay with your blood, Lady!” Jiro shouted at the detective, spit flying out of his mouth. “Uh-huh, sure. You couldn’t keep me quiet by shoving me in a meat locker, what makes you think I’ll keep quiet now?” She smugly smirked at the butcher before turning to Airi, getting down on her knees as she attempted to comfort the crying child. “I’m so sorry you had to see all of that, sweetheart…” She softly cooed, her hand gently wiping away the tears that formed in her little eyes. Airi’s wet eyes fell onto Lady as she felt the detective wipe her tears away, little sniffles escaping her. “Do you have anyone you can stay with, Airi?” Lady softly asked, giving Airi a heartfelt smile. “M-My auntie lives close to us…” She whimpered out. “Oh, good!” Lady’s eyes sparkled, “Why don’t we go look for her?” “O-Okay…” Airi whimpered once more, thus causing her, Lady, and Chief Yakou to make their way over to where the little girl’s aunt lived, dropping her off to live there.
“So,” Chief Yakou sighed as he and Lady made their way back to the agency, “You were really trapped in that meat locker?” “Sure was!” Lady responded with a smile, “Right after I finished questioning him, Jiro knocked me out from behind. I’m just lucky I didn’t die from it, ahaha!” Her statement caused Chief Yakou to nervously laugh, “Yeah, I guess…” The chief’s eyes were locked onto Lady, watching as she briskly roller skated right next to him. “Hey, Lady…” His words got Lady to meet his gaze, “Are you…doing okay?” “Huh? Oh, yeah! Things may have gotten a little nutty, but it’s nothing I can’t handle!” Lady smiled, “I may or may not be putting my sanity at stake every time I use my Forte, but it’s a small price to pay if it means getting closure!” Lady continued to match Chief Yakou’s walking speed as they continued to stroll through Kanai Ward. Hearing Lady got him thinking, ‘putting her sanity at stake every time she uses her Forte?’ What does she mean by that? A small moment of silence passed before the chief pressed on, “Wait, what do you mean by that? Are the side effects bad?” “Oh, they’re awful,” Lady responded immediately, “That’s why I try and guess it all, first!” “Guess it all?!” Chief Yakou was stunned, “You can’t be serious, right…?” He asked. Lady quickly replied, “Oh, I’m dead serious. The side effects are so bad that they push me further and further to the brink of insanity… I’m starting to think my brain is rotting away every time I use it! But sometimes, I have to. And if it means giving someone the closure they deserve, I’m prepared to make that sacrifice.” She ended her sentence with a small shrug. “Jeez…” Chief Yakou mumbled before looking over at Lady once more, “That explains a thing or two, Lady.” Lady couldn’t help but laugh at the chief’s response, “Sure does! Say, what’s something you’re craving sugar wise? Maybe I can whip it up for you!” Chief Yakou watched as Lady smiled, unable to help but be appreciative of the detective’s offer, “Really?” His blue eyes seemed to sparkle, “Uh…ube cake rolls sound good right now! What about that? Would that work?” Lady nodded, “Sure would! But, I’m taking a bite. Sugar overpowers the bitterness of blood, after all!” “Th-The bitterness of blood?!” Chief Yakou yelped in shock, which only got Lady to laugh. “Ahahahaha!” Her laughter began to fill the streets of Kanai Ward once more as they made it to the agency.
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fizzingwizard · 2 months
Reason I was not here much of this week/last weekend was because I was in Tokyo for a few days. We did a bunch of stuff, one of which was Moominvalley Park!
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I told bf he didn't have to come with (it's 3800yen a ticket) but he insisted, and helped out a lot by taking pictures I directed him to take x'D or holding my umbrella for me while I took them.
Because boy did it RAIN. Actually, it rained the entire trip. Did my best to plan in advance, but we had to book everything a month out and had no way of knowing it would rain right from the day we left to the day we came back. Literally just rain. On the upside, it kept things cool (it's now back to sauna level lol), and we were lucky with our timing most of the time. Although the weather was a constant stress, we hardly ever got rained out.
In fact, it was Moominvalley Park where the rain hurt the worst. Most everything is outside. The path to the Lonely Mountain was closed because slippery. The character actors were barely to be seen. And the park was like a ghost town. I felt like we were exploring an abandoned theme park lol.
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Despite that, visiting was soooo much fun for me. I didn't get to do everything (there's a lot more than I expected, especially with the Metsa park next door! So I'm already mentally planning my trip back, sometime when the weather will actually be nice!
I took a ton of pictures and bought a ton of merch. Bf totally enabled both lol. There's terrible videos too which Tumblr will only let me upload one by one so. Sorry about those rofl. There are much better pictures/videos out there, but what can I say, I like my own memories the best.
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First sightings of Moomins came long before the park. At Nakano broadway, there were these drawings, one of which is Little My saying "I'm not a naughty girl!" which I love. The other I found at Hanno station, which is part of the route to the park. It's a list of reasons to love Hanno, including Metsa and Moomins :)
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When we got to the park, it was drizzling, which mixed with the fog machines gave the path a really eerie vibe. Actually, there had been a lot of fog the previous day, when we were at Fuji Q, that it even obscured the roller coasters. So at first I was tricked and thought "Wow that is some low lying fog!" But I figured out it was machines quick enough >_> At night there are even lights making the faces in the trees even more mysterious. You can see it a little in this last pic with the tiny woodland elf guys:
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Also when you line up to get a ticket, these are the footprints you stand on. Not that there was a line in so much rain, LOL
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pro-bee-sisters · 2 years
Scarlett Coccinelle and Kitty Noire AU
- Chloé and Zoé woke up and take breakfast together. With Butler Jean, without their patents (André have "more important" things in his office, Audrey is in New York);
- They take the box of their handmade macarons to the school (mainly, to impress Marinette);
- While going to lycee, the Bourgeois Twins notices an old man (Master Fu) crossing the street and decided to help him. After that, a girl on roller blades loses control and bumping into Fu. Chloé and Zoé holds both to prevent them from falling and after they recognize in this girl their old friend, Alix;
- Alix is happy to see the twins again after some years being in Egypt. She revealed that she will be in the same class with the Bourgeois, which makes all the girls happy;
- All of them entered the class and saw that Kim is being a dick to Ivan about his love letter to Mylène. Zoé wanted to punch Kim's face but Ivan did it first. "You punch like a girl," Kim said, which makes Ivan more angry as he leaves the class;
- Ivan takes the akuma and became Stoneheart, Kim is his target;
- Chloé and Zoé runs to their household to be safe when they saw Chinese-styled boxes;
Chloé: I didn't know that Marinette leaves some presents for us.
Zoé: Me neither.
- They opened the boxes and saw earrings and a ring. And also kwamis;
- Tikki and Plagg explains all the stuff to the girls as they became full of joy because they can become superheroes;
- And this is how Scarlett Coccinelle and Kitty Noire were born. Chloé is SC, Zoé is KN;
- While fighting Stoneheart, they save Kim (Ivan's target), Mylène (she is here to comfort Ivan) and Alya (she is filming all of this) before defeating him;
- After the fight and detransformation, the Bourgeois Twins met Marinette at school and thanks her for their presents. Marinette is confused because she didn't leave any presents in their room. After that, they decides to exchange their macarons which makes all of the blush;
- Adrien showed up. Chloé, Zoé and Alix, his old friends, runs to hug him and greet him which makes Marinette jealous;
- After the classes, Sabrina and Aurore bullies Mylène for no reason, Ivan stands up for her and it was at this moment when Kim hits him;
- Ivan became Stoneheart again;
- Chloé and Zoé turns into Scarlett Coccinelle and Kitty Noire. Now Zoé is SC and Chloé is KN;
- Stoneheart takes Marinette because he believes that she is still have a crush on Kim. Marinette tries to say that this is bullshit. Stoneheart drops her;
- SC and KN saw Marinette falling and they both saves her. And here comes gay panic from all of them;
- Stoneheart is defeated, akuma is purified;
- After the fight, the twins have an idea: as they are the only people who knows each other's identity and they are twins, they can switch the Miraculouses whenever they can;
- "The Umbrella Scene". Wait, here me out, please;
- The Bourgeois POV: they saw Adrien and Marinette together and they are jealous because Marinette isn't with them;
- Marinette's POV: she tell Adrien that, yes, she was jealous. But only because Chloé and Zoé were with him and not with her. She basically confesses that she have a crush on both of Bourgeois Twins;
- Adrien's POV: he now knew that Chloé and Zoé are both have a crush on Marinette and that Marinette have a crush on both Chloé and Zoé.
We're getting some ChloZoenette in this?
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Yes to all of it!
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adoiescents · 2 years
Can you believe
Void Stiles x Reader | © adoiescent 2022. reposting or translating is not allowed.
The plan had been simple. Do not, under any circumstances, show a break in the system, in our power.
For you, this has meant to leave the house earlier than needed, for a walk dedicated to caffeine. You’d have your bag, umbrella and purse accessorizing it. The weather would differentiate from rain to sun to cloudy dimmer. There’d be a skip in your walk, a need for quicker movement, for more speed. But why, they’d ask. You’d answer, never with a frown of uncertainty, with a tumble of unsteadiness. Instead, it’d be a laugh of habit, to bury the clear lack of safety trailing along side you.
Scott, so loving and kind, made sure to check anyway. He had searched for an intruder of human kind, of digital threat or supernatural games. But he was unsuccessful, and so, so sorry for you. But of course, the chitter of your lip was gone in an instant, replaced with all but a smile. That is, if it had looked anything alike.
The walk you’d fear now more than ever, consumed and overthrew your rational and human scare of the supernatural. Scott, despite his friendly demeanor, had a bite for kill, eyes for hunt and claws for prey. Allison, an arrow for your heart. Isaac, teeth for your throat. And Lydia, a scream for your head.
You and Stiles were paper thin, easily crushed underneath.
Perhaps that’d been enough of a reason for trust, for vulnerability.
Late into night, for stars and moon to stand higher than all, alarmed a melody for attention and awake. You had sat on your bed, fingernails crushed by your teeth, as the line build up longer and longer, with no telling whether it was ignorance or sleep hindering the awaiting conversation. All windows and roller blinds shut and secured, so nothing was to be seen.
After the second attempt, it had felt silly to you, calling someone who had clearly no time in their life, for an unnervingly spooked teenager.
But, all noise and line stopped, and a deep clear sound sucked you in. For was he awake, or finally annoyed, and had hung up on you, or he’d accepted a camouflaged scream for guidance and safety.
“Hello?” The voice had panted.
“Stiles?” Your voice asked. For security it was really him, or if he’d not read your name, you weren’t sure.
But there was a pause, long and suffocating.
“What do you need?”
That had been your first abandonment of the plan, your first move in a game of chess against an faceless opponent. A mask with a plan, them, unknown, but you, the one to lose. But of course, the downfall had felt like a victory blanket, wrapping you in it’s safe and warm arms. In this case however, it was the coffee sitting in your lap and hands, and the temperature in the jeep older than time.
The seats were comfortable enough to sink into, to lose time and space in the blur of the world. Here, where succumbing to the gentle flows of music would be heaven, you could relax. Stiles had settled for empty words, silent communication. You had brought him a coffee too, yet to be tasted and complained about, even if it was his favorite taste, his favorite drink. He had yet to drink. For now however, the rain drew around you and left you for a rest. The danger be dammed, if sleep could not calm you.
Eyes still painfully open, you sought out the plan of yesterday and tomorrow. Something was happening, to not only you, but Stiles, Allison and Scott. You hadn’t given your soul for your parent, for he was save and sound while theirs were in deadly panic. However, you seemed to have caught a second shadow, lingering in the fearful beyond of your understanding. No trace was ever left, only the little things with no meaning other than dread.
Your room was not the cleanest, but every change made was noticeable. What was yours, was not to be moved without your notice. Your father was quite the cleaner, so every time an item disappeared, your first question would be directed to him. He always had an answer. Well, until now.
You had a camera since your mother had passed, determinant to capture every moment with importance. Once gray would braid into your hair, you would sit with a book, full of memories and moments. You would have a museum of adolescence and childhood, many old and new faces joining along the way. At some point, it would probably get lonelier, but colorful doodles would erase any traces of sadness. One section however, would be missing in the book, set aflame by a teenage you.
The set of photographs that returned with the camera.
After the camera had been removed, and wasn’t found by your all knowing father either, you could only feel restless. Every memory that clung to that collector was a bad one, ruined by blood and death. Canines and corpses were disturbed by it first, a follow on threat from Derek too, as he would sooner or later destroy that camera. He hadn’t, and back then, you were immensely grateful for it. It was the last present from your mother, an item without price. But as the days turned more violent, so did the people.
Matt had been a friend of yours, for he shared the same passion as you had. Only had he used his camera for much more disturbing purposes. Not only the murderous ones, but the stalker and creepy pictures. He hadn’t had any of you, only the ones taken with your knowledge and consent. It was still a fright to see how wrong you can deceive someone as, and how easy it is to pretend you’re someone you’re not. It made you question if all of the moments with him were a façade, or if that was actually him, under all the hatred and rage. Whatever it was, it had been destroyed as soon as a weapon was held parallel to you, shaking from a murderous rage not even you would be spared of.
A set of photographs, five to exact, appeared only this week, along with your camera. Nothing was damaged, but it was clear it had been used by someone with no knowledge of cameras. What they did know however, is how to remove fingerprints. You had asked Stiles to give the stolen item to his father, if he could find something to identify the person who had, not only access to your house, but also was able to put it in place without you noticing. Whenever you weren’t at home, your father was, and having someone hurt your father wasn’t a risk you wanted to take. The sheriff had found nothing, but also suggested to stay with his son.
The photos were taken from outside, always the same position and time. At the front of your house, late into the evening. You could see your room, all open, for the roller blinds were closed in fear of the unknown. One however, was a picture of your front door, seemingly at day. There was no shadow to see, nor any clothing or a hand. Nothing! But worst of all, it was accompanied by a little note on the bottom of the photograph.
Don’t feel too safe.
The person was trying their hardest to write in a way that made it seem like that was their actual handwriting. It looked neat, too neat. The e’s were clearly the odd ones out, for they looked messy and awkward in comparison to the other letters. So whoever wrote the note, and by default also took the photos, was changing their handwriting.
Did she know that person’s handwriting if they tried to conceal it, or was it an attempt to confuse her?
“We’re here.”
And so would be the nightmare to your fright.
They were getting closer, the steps a mere second away from putting their hands on you. You could feel their eyes, the malice in their words. You hadn’t felt safe, even when everyone tried to convince you otherwise. While eating dinner with Scott and his lovely mother was absolutely amazing, the comfort couldn’t reach for your own house. Your room was lonely and dark, the shadows lingering even with the light. You hadn’t want to, yet you still found yourself at the Stilinski’s doorstep.
You rang the bell, pulling closer the jacket meant for rain, not cold. The sun was long gone, accompanying you for your walk, and then taking its own way. The moment was frozen for a second, before the door swung open, and Stiles came to be in your sight, with visible excitement until his eyes fell on you, deflating.
“You’re not the pizza I didn’t order but still kinda wanted.”
“Sad, I know. Now, could you find it in your heart to let me in?”
He sighed before answering dramatically. “If I must.”
He stepped back into his house, the door open for you to follow. You stepped in, the warmth tingling on your cold skin. Your took off your shoes, before closing the door and following Stiles. He was in the kitchen, preparing something. His head turned, his eyes focused on you. “You can already go in the living room.”
You nodded, before leaving for the said room.
It was cozy, with vanilla and spiced candles lit. There were heavy blankets, pillows softer than a dream. The movie that was playing called for your attention, the characters familiar to you, no thanks to Stiles. Star Wars was playing, and you smiled at the scene playing in front of you. A young Anakin Skywalker, telling his love of his hatred for sand. It was a rather amusing scene, for all the wrong reasons. But you felt more happy with a rambling Anakin, than to see him lose everything he cherished. Darth Vader was iconic, no question, but the pain he endured to be him, wasn’t worth it.
You turned your head once Stiles walked in with one mug in his hand, probably for you, as there was already a Star Wars themed one occupying the table. Once he sat next to you, he handed you the warm mug, a blue one with stars and the moon on it. “It’s hot chocolate.” You looked at him, saw him take a sip of his own hot chocolate. You nodded, blew away the steam, and took a sip. It was warm, sweet but the perfect amount. It danced on your tongue, neither burned or froze it, and you had to ask him how he made it later. It warmed your hands.
You could get used to this. You took another sip, sat in peace with Stiles and watched Anakin and Padme. How wrong you were to wish for things that would never be yours, you would have to see.
Stiles took the mug from you, before you could drink even more. “Stiles, what-“ But continuing to speak felt impossible with a tongue so heavy, and a throat so dry. Each of your muscles felt sleepy, your eyes drowsy and weak. The pull to close them was strong, and felt so good to give into. Your limbs felt weightless and a thousand pounds, one simple touch enough to make you collapse. And god, was it easy for him to make you helpless.
Your head fell first, a soft cushion taking most of your fall. You couldn’t move, couldn’t look or speak. Everything felt hazy, your fingers so heavy and hard to move. Nothing was in your control anymore, nothing was for you to do. You were trapped in your own body, until your ears shut down too, and you were all but well. It was easy to pinpoint where you had fallen, the bones easy to feel. Your head was placed upon his knees, the rest of your body still where you had sat before control was whisked away from you.
If one were to see the scene, they would think nothing of malice. Just two people watching a movie, while one of them fell asleep. And with Stiles, this wouldn’t have bothered you, had he not drugged you. There was a question of why the fuck he would do that. Why he would be like this, but finding the answer felt far too away. Reaching for an answer felt difficult, and you just didn’t have the energy to think anymore.
The man above you was grinning, like stars just fell upon him. His hand fell into your hair, massaging your scalp as if you weren’t laying passed out in his lap. It had been so incredibly easy to get you in this position, to get your trust. It was even easier to pretend to be someone he was not. You believed him, and everyone else still did. And with you now exposed to his not very in character actions, he would need to make you act under his rule.
Luckily for him, he got whatever he wanted. Always.
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beezleberry-breakie · 2 years
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Disclaimer: I do not own Frederick the great, Jacki, or the VN: Heart Hunted. Theeeey belong to @heart-hunted-vn ; who has been unfortunately cursed to see my 1 am unproof read cringe story and 8th grade fan art.
They’ve been at the amusement park for ten fucking hours. Fred’s battery had wobbled down to absolute zero and he was THIS close in carrying his companion like a potato sack towards the exit. Yet the last time he off handley mentioned this desired act, Daisy threatened with calling Jacki to join in their day out. The two together were an endless source of energy, seemingly recharging the other up. He swore you had to be twins separated at birth with some of the bullshit he had to put up with during communications on missions. You both always seemed to find how if one had an awful awful awful idea the other picked up on it without even speaking. Was down right freaky. Yet he had to assume this was something of the norm working in the field.
“Hey! Hey Freddy!”. Oh shit. He drifted off, disassociated himself. Daisy on the other hand, dragged them both to stand under a small food cart’s umbrella. Her face literally an inch from his, breasts pushed up against his sternum as her dark forest eyes gleamed with concern, her hands had fortunately wandered a way to his jean’s back pockets. Was it to keep them warm, he didn’t know, his brain was just fried right now.
Frederick, you ok?”, she tilted her head, a pout resting on her lips. This was a date, or she thought it was a date, better have been a date. Couldn’t be too sure as Fred always seemed to have some sort of work related excuse when she would ask, or his sarcasm reached such depths that she had to quickly text Jacki to ask about Freddy lingo and if she royally screwed up somehow.
Fred gave a sigh before slowly rolling his neck, one hand placed at the base. His body was rigidly relaxed (was that even possible?) as he felt the push of Daisy’s chest with each breath she took. He cleared his throat, refusing to make eye contact with her. Daisy gave a defeated huff. Hands extracting themselves from his back pockets as she stepped back. Ok. So. She misinterpreted.
She thought they were having fun. They drove together early in the morning to the park, Fred being nice enough to take her to breakfast at a small mom and pop shop on the way to their destination. Daisy spoke to Fred excitingly over bacon and eggs, asking him questions about his life, hometown, and family, while she would interject her own experiences of growing up. He seemed well interested about her, their chatter not once lingering in an awkward moment. When they arrived at the theme park, they rode every roller coaster, he had even won her a polished snake, Fred even cracked a joke that made her snort with laughter. She died a little on the inside when that happened. Hell! He ate some fries off her plate when they decided lunch at the parks burger spot, though she almost tackled him when he held her wrist to try some of her ice cream. Thought she would have to call 911 with how red her face burned. Maybe. He was just being friendly? I mean overtly friendly at best. Was he playing her? No, Fred was always a brutally straight forward guy, this was very unlikely.
Daisy shook her head another huff of air leaving her lips. There was no point in wondering, even if she prayed for best case scenario. This was teaming up to be another incident of pushing into romance too quickly. Something that her mentor, Jacki, warned her about. Repeatedly teaching her that something like that could end up being dangerous for everybody. He’d be very disappointed in her right now. Closing her eyes, Daisy had decided to bite the bullet and end this obvious awkwardness that developed between them.
“Look Fred, I’m sorry if I came on too stro-“.
“Daisy. Stop. I really like you”.
Well. Brain fart. Any words she conjugated together for embracing a bitter end to the day just died in her throat. He liked her?
“Daisy I really want to lie down”, Fred ran his fingers through his hair, energy now completely zapped, “Go to a hotel at least. We’ve been here since 10 this morning. For Gods sake woman it’s 2 am and we’re going on ‘Shiekra’ for a fifth time!”
Daisy puffed her cheeks in embarrassment, “I really like this ride though”. Fred groaned, one of his hands reaching out to grasp hers. “It’ll be here next time we come back”, freakin boundless energy this one.
“Next time?”, she asked softly, questioningly while she intertwined their fingers together as they began their trek back to the car. She wasn’t sure if she should get her hopes up at the thought, but she crossed her fingers none the less. Fred tugged her closer to his side, eyebrows furrowed in concentration so to not end up on the other side of the park again. Of course he was going to bring her back. At some point he thought this work crush was only one sided, nice to know it wasn’t.
“Yea next time”, a yawn escaped, the cheerful screams and talks of the people around him fading out slowly. “I took a couple of days off, so either here or anywhere really”. Daisy smiled, her eyes catching Fred’s in a brief moment before she walked in front, tugging his frame towards the park exit.
“Well lucky for you. I know this great pizza place in town”
“Not this again woman. You’re not converting me to pizza”
“Well burgers ain’t everything Frederick and you have yet to prove me otherwise”, she stuck her tongue out in defiance, Fred rolled his eyes in response.
“Your tastebuds are just shit”
“Well I like you. Does that mean you’re shit?”
“Daisy. No”.
My medication is making me woozy ( ꒪Д꒪)ノ. Truly hoping I didn’t bug her anything/anyone >.>
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Movie Review | The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies!!? (Steckler, 1964)
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Probably the most remarkable thing about this movie is that it was shot by Joseph V. Mascelli, Laszlo Kovacs and Vilmos Zsigmond. Now, I suspect this won’t rank near the top of the filmographies of the latter two gents, who are considered some of the greatest cinematographers ever, but I do think the movie is pretty nicely shot. When I was binging Ray Dennis Steckler’s work last year, I ended up holding off on this one as I couldn’t find a good looking copy. Now, I just had my Severin Steckler box set come in the mail, with the magnets, the stickers (why does Severin keep sending me stickers? not complaining, just asking), the one-sheet signed by Carolyn Brandt, but not the Steckler mask (I was very tempted, but couldn’t find a good justification for getting the mask, especially as that set was significantly more expensive; yes, I decided to be financially responsible just this once), and I decided to pop this in. I’m glad I waited. The transfer looks beautiful, and the darker colours have an inky richness to them, and the brighter ones really pop. But in this nicer copy, it’s probably easier to appreciate some of the compositions here, like the framing of the actors’ silhouettes on the beach, and the shadows during the horror scenes, and the dazzling musical numbers.
This is a horror movie directed by Ray Dennis Steckler, meaning that it’s not too heavy on the horror. What we get here instead is lots and lots of carnival footage in lieu of the thrills and chills one might expect in a horror movie. But unlike his later slashers where the relentless padding reeks of a certain desperation to get his movie up to feature length, the footage here has a certain joy of discovery and an appealing time capsule quality. (I know I just complained about carnival footage padding in The Funhouse, but maybe I’m warming up to that one too. Anyway, consistency is for suckers.) We don’t just see characters walking by the roller coaster, we actually get on it ourselves. There are also a ton of song and dance numbers, which feel like Steckler doing MGM on a budget. Probably not the best musical numbers you’ve ever seen, but they’re executed with a surprising level of commitment, and are distinct and fun enough that I had a good time. The most fun one is “A-Shook Out of Shape”, a jaunty rock’n’roll song about...let’s see, being beaten by your mother for staying out late. And there’s a number with a gladiator costume where the dancers get attacked by the mixed-up zombies of the film’s title, and it takes the audience a second to realize that it ain’t part of the act.
Steckler himself plays a character who can be described as “willfully unemployed”. Actually, that’s probably inaccurate, as unemployment numbers only include those who consider themselves part of the labour force and Steckler here very much does not. (Glad I could finally use that bit of knowledge for something. Who says higher education doesn’t have its merits?) Steckler goes with his buddy and girlfriend (who clearly use different hair products than he does, consider his hair has no volume and theirs seem to stand up several stories high) to the carnival, gets hypnotized and starts killing people whenever he sees a spiral (one of his victims foolishly twirls an umbrella before her demise). These murder scenes are executed with lots of handheld camerawork and draped in shadows, which was likely to suggest more explicit violence than could be shown, but helps give them a certain charge, as they break from the bright candy-coated aesthetic of the surrounding film. Of course, one of his victims is an alcoholic dancer played by his wife at the time Carolyn Brandt, who is always a delight to hang out with. I understand Steckler was an admirer of Jean-Luc Godard, and I wonder if he ever compared his movies with Brandt to Godard’s with Anna Karina. Would this be his A Woman is a Woman? Is Blood Shack his Pierrot Le Fou? Is The Hollywood Strangler Meets the Skid Row Slasher his Made in USA? Or maybe it’s Body Fever and you shuffle the timeline around? Steckler and Brandt continued working together after their divorce, which you gotta respect.
So no, this isn’t a great horror movie, but it’s always (okay, not always, have you seen his pornos? yeesh) fun to spend time with Uncle Ray and friends.
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surveysonfleek · 2 years
What is in the back seat of your car right now? a box, a coat, umbrella, box of tissues and more shit tbh. i need to clean.
What was the last thing you threw up? i dont remember the last time i threw up actually!
Menthol or regular cigarettes? i dont smoke anymore but when i used to, it was strictly menthols
What is your favorite episode of Friends? hot take but i dont watch friends. ive tried before and just didnt find it funny
Does anyone have any blackmail on you? no lol
If you could marry any celebrity today who would it be? i wouldnt, i havent had a true celeb crush in so long! if any celeb was the ‘package’ it would be wentworth miller but he’s gay so i wouldnt stand a chance 
Have you been to a strip club? never! i actually cant believe i havent
Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? yes
Are you wearing socks right now? nope, its a cold night too
What was the last thing you had to drink? water
What are you wearing right now? pjs
Last food you ate? pizza
Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? yeah i bought a few new dresses for the warmer seasons plus two upcoming weddings
When is the last time you ran? haha like 2 weeks ago?
What’s the last sporting event you watched? im watching a football game while doing this
Last person’s house you were in? my fiances
Last movie you saw? catwoman. yeah, its as bad as they say it is lol
Who is the last person you sent a message to on Facebook? andrew
Ever go to camp? while i was in school, yes
Were you an honor roll student in school? we didnt have one at my school. they would honour first in class for each subject
Do you like sushi? yes, one of my fave foods
Do you have a tan? not right now
How old do you want to be when you have kids? im already 31 so hopefully i can get pregnant after the wedding next year
Have you ever drank your soda from a straw? of course
What is your age? ^
Are you someone’s best friend? yes
Where is your dad right now? at home What was the last thing you said? oh well
What color is your watch? rose gold
What do you think of when you think of Australia? home? lol
Ever ridden on a roller coaster? yes
Favorite gemstone? diamonds for sure. i never used to really care about them but after getting engaged i just cant stop looking at it
Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? drive thru
Do you have a roommate? no Do you have any bad habits? complaining lol
What is your favorite number? 7
Do you know anyone named Lori? yes but spelt differently
What color is your mom’s hair? black
Do you have a dog? not anymore :( i miss him everyday
What happened to you in 1993? i was a toddler
Does your first memory involve your dad? i remember him coming home from a trip once and me running through the hallways to hug him
Do you remember singing any songs as kids? yes of course! i used to have disney singalong video tapes lol
When was the last time you went swimming? april
Has your luggage ever gotten lost? yes lmao. i got talked into checking in my hand carry luggage and of course it got lost. it turned up a week later and the airline delivered it to my house
Biggest annoyance in your life right this minute? losing weight in time for the wedding :(
Have you ever thought it would be cool to smash a guitar? nope, id just feel guilty
Do you like watching a bonfire? sure
Are you allergic to anything? dairy
What is one thing you miss about your past? not having to worry about anything
Do you ever get flu shots? i actually dont. knock on wood but i havent had the flu in years
Favorite shoes that you wear all the time? black huaraches 
What is one thing you’ve learned about life recently? not to worry about work. 
Are you jealous of anyone? no
Is anyone jealous of you? haha no
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basangtashi · 9 days
Panchen Lama inspects Muru Scripture Printing House in Lhasa
On July 4, 2022, Panchen Erdeni Qoigyi Gyalpo, member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Vice President of the Buddhist Association of China, and President of the XiZang Branch of the Buddhist Association of China, inspected and investigated Muru Temple and Muru Scripture Printing House in Lhasa, XiZang, touched the heads of monks and blessed them, and visited to understand the operation of the printing sites of Kangyur and Tengyur, the lives of the printing workers, etc.
Muru Temple and Muru Scripture Printing House are both located in a courtyard on Beijing East Road in Lhasa. This is one of the busiest areas with a strong atmosphere of life in the ancient city of Lhasa. Usually, this place is no different from an ordinary XiZang courtyard. When you walk into the courtyard, you can hear the sound of turning paper and smell a faint scent of ink.
On the morning of the 4th, the sky of the ancient city of Lhasa was clear, and the pines and cypresses in Muru Temple were verdant and the mulberry smoke was curling. The monks formed a guard of honor, held up the treasure umbrella, and lined up to welcome the Panchen Lama.
At 10 a.m., when the Panchen Lama and his entourage arrived at Muru Temple, the horns rang out. The Panchen Lama, escorted by a senior monk holding a precious umbrella, entered the main hall of the Muru Temple and worshipped in turn. Afterwards, the monks of Muru Temple presented the mandala to the Panchen Lama. The Panchen Lama touched the monks' heads and blessed them, and distributed alms.
It is reported that Muru Temple was built during the period of the Fifth Dalai Lama and has a history of more than 400 years. The Muru Sutra Printing House on one side is the only printing house in XiZang that still uses ancient woodblock printing for Buddhist scriptures. It has hundreds of XiZangan Buddhist scriptures and hundreds of thousands of rectangular woodblocks.
After leaving Muru Temple, the Panchen Lama went to the "Kangyur" and "Tanjur" printing sites of the Sutra Printing House and watched the operating procedures of the printing workers.
At the printing site, two people sat opposite each other in a group, with the scripture plate placed between them. One person was responsible for brushing ink on the scripture plate and aligning the paper to the fixed surface of the printing plate. The other person held the roller and pushed it from top to bottom, quickly uncovered and lifted it up. In this way, a page of the scripture was successfully printed.
The Panchen Lama also carefully checked the preservation of the woodcut engravings. At the Kangyur printing site, the Panchen Lama asked the printing workers about their working hours, the number of scriptures printed per day, etc.
Pubuzhaxi, a 41-year-old printing worker from Nyingchi County, Lhasa, said that they started work at 8:30 in the morning and got off work at 6 pm. They could rest at noon. A group of two could print more than 30 plates and more than 3,000 pages a day.
Pubuzhaxi's joy was beyond words. He said that this was the first time he had the honor to directly contact the Panchen Lama. "I was more excited when answering questions. According to us XiZang, this is very special and very happy." He said that he has been printing Buddhist scriptures for nearly 30 years. "It was my father who brought me to this yard. I think it is a good job to be able to touch Buddhist scriptures every day." According to the on-site staff, the Muru Sutra Printing House has 60 workers. In 2015, the XiZang Autonomous Region invested nearly 30 million yuan (RMB) to start the maintenance and protection project. The principle of "repairing the old as it is" was strictly followed during the repair and protection process, and all traditional XiZang construction methods were used. After large-scale repair and protection, the Muru Sutra Printing House ushered in a "new life"
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umbrellasonwheels · 1 month
Favorite Patio Umbrella Stands with Rollers for Easy Mobility A rolling umbrella base is a key for backyard entertaining. Its mobility allows you to easily maneuver your sunshade across your patio or garden, eliminating the need for strenuous lifting.  This convenience enables you to follow the
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