#um... mike 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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angeloftrumpets · 1 year ago
Thinking about the other f/o 🥹🥹🥹
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smoosnoom · 2 years ago
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(a little life, hanya yanagihara)
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babymadeofbones · 2 years ago
rewatching svu and hearing dodds sr tell mike "it's all part of the 5-year-plan"
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lovebugism · 3 months ago
i adoreeee your sm!! would you write eddie x cheerleader!reader where they have their first time together? in his room in his trailer uwu? hurt/comfort 💕😭 and ofc she’s friends with the hellfire club and sits with them at their tableeee at the cafeteriaaa awwwgshsgsgsg
ty for requesting :D — a summary of the day after your first time with eddie munson (established relationship, brief hurt/comfort, cw for mentions of sex but no real smut | 0.9k)
bug's two year celebration ♡
You enter Hawkins High that morning with a subtle ache between your thighs. A distant panging from within you feel strangely proud of. A soreness that makes you feel brand new.
You spare a brief glance at Eddie from the corner of your eye. He hasn’t stopped smiling since he picked you up that morning (or since he dropped you off the evening before that). Your chest swells with a sparkling feeling. You bow your head to hide your smiling, but you can’t shake the feeling that everyone’s looking at you — that your deepest secrets have somehow made the headlines of the school paper.
“I feel like everyone’s staring,” you admit in a whisper when the two of you pause at your adjoining lockers. Your words are nearly drowned out by the droning of a thousand conversations. Your hands shake with the lock.
“Of course they are,” Eddie scoffs, leaning against the forest green metal (‘cause it’s not like he carries his books around anyway). He grins down at your timid form and shrugs. “Why wouldn’t they be? Look at us.”
He chuckles under his breath and waits for you to laugh with him. You never do. You just duck your head and reach into your locker for a history book, more content to hide within its confines. Eddie burns.
“I— I didn’t tell anyone if that’s what you’re worried about,” he murmurs, more seriously now, as he takes a small step closer to you. 
“No, I know!” you blurt, gaze averted. “I just… I just feel sorta weird.”
“Like… Bad weird?”
“No! It’s— It’s not like that…” You don’t know how to put your swirling feelings into words, so you trail off and regret mentioning anything at all. 
Eddie watches you shut down before him. His chest pinches as he reaches for you.
“Hey… There’s nothing to be worried about, okay?” he coos to you with a wavering, crooked smile. “No one knows shit except the two of us— And trust me, I’m gonna be thinking about it all day—”
His attempts to make you laugh work this time.
You smack his shoulder with a quiet giggle, and he laughs harder at himself.
“I’m serious!” he says, cradling his arm.
“You’re annoying,” you correct, still smiling.
“What do you want me to do, huh?” Eddie croons. “I need something to think about until next time…”
You meet his boyish grin with narrowed eyes. “That is very presumptuous of you, Eddie Munson.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he laughs.
You shrug without a word and shut your locker with a soft clang.
Eddie’s smile fades as you walk away from him. “Wait— What does that mean?” he shouts to you, but receives no answer as you disappear into the bustling crowd.
Alone at the Hellfire cafeteria table, you read silently and wait for the rest of the club to take their seats. Jeff is first, ‘cause his mom always packs his lunch. Dustin and Mike are second, and Eddie is third. Your boy arrives with a sudden kiss to your cheek that startles you for a fleeting moment.
“Missed you,” he mumbles in your ear.
“It’s been three hours,” you laugh.
Eddie follows you when you flinch away from him. “Yeah, tell me about it,” he croons, ducking down to press a kiss to your neck. Until you shove him away, at least, face burning at the blatant PDA in front of the rest of your friends. You turn back to your book and try to ignore their unwavering eyes.
“You guys are gross,” Dustin grumbles through a mouthful of fries.
Eddie slumps down in his seat at the head of the table. His lips curl into a lopsided smirk as he tilts his head. “You’re just jealous, Dusty-Bun.”
“Um, excuse me, but I have Suzie, in case you forgot. And she’s hotter than Pheobe Cates— I have nothing to be jealous of,” Dustin rambles, then flashes you an apologetic glance. “No offense.”
“None taken,” you murmur.
“Oh. Right,” Eddie nods, slow and sarcastic. “You mean your very real, not fake at all girlfriend?”
“She’s real!”
“You guys are acting clingier than usual,” Mike observes in his usual monotone.
Gareth arrives at the table then. His tray clatters as he sits down across from you. “It’s ‘cause they had sex,” he tells the raven-haired boy with a nonchalant shrug.
You freeze, breath catching as your heart drops to your stomach. You turn to Eddie with wide, uncertain eyes. You couldn’t hide your shock if you wanted.
Eddie’s face houses a similar horror. “I didn’t tell him. I swear.”
“You didn’t have to tell me,” Gareth scoffs and takes a too-big bite of his burger. His eyes flit between the two of you as he talks through the wad in his cheek. “I can practically smell it on you guys. You’re like a couple of cats in heat.”
“Well, only one cat would be in heat, so technically…” Dustin trails off at the glare Eddie gives him. “Sorry. Not helping.”
“It’s not a bad thing!” Gareth chuckles at his best friend’s simmering anger, ketchup clinging to the corner of his mouth. He slaps the boy on his leather-clad shoulder and says, “It’s about time you get laid, man— I was starting to worry.”
“Says the virgin,” Eddie quips and steals a fry from his tray.
You swat his other shoulder.
“What?” he winces playfully.
“You were a virgin, too, asshole,” Gareth grumbles.
“Yeah. I remember it like it was yesterday,” Eddie says within a whimsical sigh.
“That’s because it was yesterday, idiot.”
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jr-acrux101 · 1 year ago
Carousel - part 1
Had to write about Mike, bro - saw the fnaf and that Josh Hutcherson crush came back full-fledged 😭
That messy, disheveled look and the "i can fix him" complex really, really hit home here, lmao. Tried to do canon but probably failed miserably. It just means i gotta watch it again 😏
Summary: You and Mike broke up a while ago... but of course, one small encounter sent you spiraling back to him.
Angst and smut coming in part 2 and 3.
Word count:1.5k
Taglist: @leahdhopkins4321
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You look into the room to the right of you. There, you see Mike Schmidt. He was holding the comatose girl's hand. As he got up and leaned down, he whispered something to her, and he made eye contact with you.
You looked at him and then down at her and continued to walk forward. You don't bother to look behind to see if he followed, it was an intimate moment and that wasn't for you, not any more at least. You pushed the doors open and saw her. Her eyes glazed over you and light up with recognition.
She hopped off the chair and ran towards you. Your heart ached, you gave her a small smile and returned her hug.
"Hi Abby. How are you? How's school?"
"I've missed you so much. None of the other babysitters are as fun as you. Schools fine! I've made real friends."
You knew it was hard for her with her active imagination and timid personality. A warm and sincere smile made it to your face. "That's so good Abby!" Abby motioned you to lower down and bit, you obliged, crouched down and was face to face.
She brings her tiny cuffed shaped hand towards your ear. "Mike misses you." It waa small and timid, she was unsure of your reaction to the secret she shared. She was there when the fallout happened and she knew it was horrible.
The smile faded a bit but was plastered back on when she was done whispering. Her face was full of hope and worry.
Leaning in, you whispered back, "I miss him too sometimes. But you gotta keep it a secret Abs." She nodded and put her pinky out.
"I will!" It was sealed with a stamp. The doors opened again and Abby looked behind you to see her brother.
Mike's breathing hitched as the doors opened. There you were with your long h/c hair. A black spaghetti dress, with little flowers, a green knitted jacket, with see through leggings and boots. When you turned to face him he saw the onyx necklace he gave you for your birthday. It had been two months before he saw you again. With your flushed cheeks, long eyelashes, and full lips, and here you were in the hospital waiting room.
"Hi." It was meek and awkward and so fucking Mike.
You gave a silent sigh, "Hi Mike." You gave a wave. He noticed your nails were longer, and painted dark green, his favorite color.
He stuffed his hand in his pockets. "Um… what were you two talking about?"
Abby spoke before you had a chance, "It's a secret." He raised an eyebrow at her and gave a snarky smile.
"Oh yeah?"
She nodded her head, "Yup," she popped the p.
You gave a smile. Mike looked at you. And you looked back.
"Well I guess it can't be helped."
You shook your head, "Sorry those are the rules." Abby giggled at your solemn expression.
"Can Y/N come over for dinner? Please Mike I miss drawing with her." His eyes widened at the sudden request.
"Oh… um.. well… we- we don't know if uh Y/N has plans or not." He stumbled to get the words out.
There was a nervous pit in your stomach. You wanted to vomit. Abby turned to you.
"Please Y/N we can have pizza or spaghetti or both!"
'Ah her favorite combo.' You gave an inward chuckle. She skipped to you and grabbed your hand.
"Pretty please? With a cherry on top?"
"Oh well with a cherry on top? How could I ever say no to that?"
Abby smiled and giggled. She started to pull you towards the exit. "Come on! Let's go then."
You laughed and smiled. "Okay Ab's, but I gotta go home first."
She gave a dejected look. "Don't worry I'll be there for dinner. Mike can text when?"
Mike gave a wide eyed look when the question was directed at him. He found himself nodding. "Yeah of course."
The smile came back on her face and she ran to Mike. She started to pull Mike now. "Mike hurry! We have to get food for when Y/N comes!"
"Okay okay jeez. Um I'll text you then?" There was a slight desperation in his voice.
You nodded and the sibling duo left.
You groaned and let your head fall in your hands. Of course, just fuck yourseld over. Great. Perfect.
Your mind and heart were racing. 'This could only end badly.'
Mike started the car and looked at Abby through the rear view mirror.
Abby stared back. "What."
"Why did you invite her Abs?"
"Because I've missed her. And so do you! Y/N was the best babysitter ever and you scared her off." She mumbled the last part to herself but Mike still heard.
He sighed and reversed out of the parking space. Abby was right, Mike scared her. No, what he did was worse. If Y/N ever forgave he would thank god himself.
There you were, same outfit but with a simple gold chain, the one your mother gave you. You held an artist box and a plate full of ginger snap cookies. You baked them without realizing these were Mike's favorite cookies. You were so used to making them for him and Abby, it came naturally without a second thought.
You rang the doorbell, there was something you assumed was stumbling to the door, and then there was Mike. He looked disheveled and bags under his eyes, while he looked incredibly fucking hot it made you want to jump him right then and there; he also looke tired and worn out. It made your heart ache at the thought of him falling deeper into despair.
He glanced down at the art supplies. "Oh uh here let me get them for you."
As he took it, your hand touched and a shock ran up your back. "Thank you."
"Y/N!" Abby dashed through the hallway and all but shoved Mike. She gripped your hand like you would disappear if she let go.
She babbled on and on about Mike and how he cleaned the house and cooked and took a shower.
"Abby! Go get the plates ready." He gave her a look and she rolled her eyes. You chuckled.
You glanced around, everything was the same. Everything felt the same. It felt like a regular Friday night when you would get back from you class and Mike would have dinner ready and you would pick up a dessert. It made you want to cry. Of course it wasn't perfect but it felt like home, safe and warm.
You blinked back the tears, you jumped when you touched your shoulder.
There were so many things he wanted to ask but he was a coward. "Let's eat."
You nodded and trailed behind him putting the coolie in the center.
Dinner was filled with Abby talking and asking questions about you.
"What classes are you taking now?"
"What did they teach in art this time?"
"Could you show me?"
That was something Mike couldn't understand, art. Any degree of it. But when he brought you home, after making it official to meet Abby and get to know each other, he knew he had made the right choice. It was the first in a while she would talk that much. It startled him at first. It was as if you teo had been friends already.
Mike snapped out of thought when he noticed you staring with a slightly tilted head.
You gave an eye roll and a slight smile, "I asked if you wanted a gingersnap? Homemade."
Mike nodded yes. A ginger snap? His favorite cookie? His mind raced if what it could mean but in the back of his mind the thought of 'just for Abby's sake' rang.
You glanced at the clock. It was already 9. Fuck how did the time pass by so quick. Mike noticed, as did Abby.
"Y/n could you stay til I go to sleep so you can show me what you've learned in art?"
'Fuck.' "If it's okay with Mike then sure sweetie."
Abby turned towards Mike. Mike was not gonna turn this down. "Yeah that's fine with me."
After Abby grabbed paper and 2 trays, the three of you settled in the living room. Mike was going to sit on the couch when Abby grabbed his hand and ushered him next to her. While you hated the proximity you chuckled at Abby's antics, same old Abby.
Abby started to doze off watching. While she was interested in the exercise you did in class, it was near her bedtime.
Mike chuckled. He gently picked her up, "Come on Ab's, lets get you to bed."
She mumbled something you couldn't quite catch. She did it again, "...want both… bed."
Mike looked at you helpless. Nodding you followed him to Abby's bedroom, there he laid her to bed while you tucked her in.
You gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Night sweetie, sweet dreams." As Mike was about to do the same, Abby spoke with a slurred speech.
"Night Y/N… wished.. you… baby… wanted..you…sib..."
'Baby.' It echoed. Mike hurriedly gave her a kiss on the forehead too, said 'goodnight,' and took you to his room.
He noticed you were in a state of shock. You mindlessly followed him, not aware of anything going on.
That one word sent you back into your memories of that night.
Thinking about doing 3 - 5 parts series ??? Maybe??
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chasedeys · 2 months ago
i want you to yap about jj/koc!!!!! tell me what your fav headcanons are about them <3
THE WAYYYYYYY I HAVE YET TO ANSWER YOUR ASK ON THAT JOE HAREM AKDHSKSJSKSKSK sort of its not even really harem bc like. is it. legit. its in my drafts. waiting for me to yap. its so good. i have shit to say abt it. i literally want to branch abt ja’marr and tee for the wr room too. and treymarr LMAOOOO and chase for the rb room even if like. the rb room is kind of sad and i wanted to focus more on his poly insanity of the 23 rookies dragging big dick mike into it BUT let me answer this one first 😭 yeah…...
ANYWAYS. headcanons. um. i don't have much. FFJFJFJ let me direct you to my prev ask um....
god i don't even know much about their lore to actually like. expand my shit about them LMAO like. if i base shit from this one post i'd say like. ko being a whole completely new thing for justin. justin's previous coaches being?? not so well???? or like. not as invested or as into him or as developing as ko is even if he clearly has broken vikings records since he got into the vikings like christttt this man is talented and ko clearly knows how to use him.
as i said in that previous askkk ko being the one to be able to like. break apart justins numerous layers of 1) pr perfect (CARMENS ASK ON THIS IS INSANE BTW. WILL GET TO THAT AT SOME POINT ARGH) then 2) lashing out tiger claws etc etc then finally 3) the justin jefferson that gets to break down and stumble and fall and titter uncertainly and very much never to be seen on camera but!! ko gets for some fucking reason and that shit terrifies the ever living shit out of justin who the fuckkk does this guy think he is waltzing into his team with his warm smile and steady hands and certain gait and kind words and clever playbook and encouragement and acceptance. skittering away uncertainly at first when ko shows him this but come on now this is justin jefferson when has he ever run away from anything ever next thing you know he's marching right back to ko and re-introducing himself and boom. charmed and being charming and i don't think he's ever going to let go of ko ever and i don't think ko's ever letting go of him ever lmao.
as ive said ko is like. incredibly soft, such a players coach, that time where he told sam to step away for a sec just to say he was proud of him?? and that clip of him to the side staring at his team hauling sam up oh my godddd. and also again based on this one post ive seen ages ago and ingrained to my fucking head about them its like. it's so fucking FUNNYYYYYY to me. how koc has legitimately mentioned justin has a great smile 😭 i have no idea if he's mentioned it some other times before probably tbfh but. that's so sweet 😭 justin DOES have a pretty smile……the prettiest thing about him dare i say……thank you coach kevin o'connell for mentioning this in actual to everyone in an official article for real lmao SORRY got distracted but. he's so sweet. so kind with his words. and so soft. and just soooo??? so easy to fall for so it took justin like. days. fucking DAYS. for him to just. starts wobbling. eyes to starts skittering away when ko tries catching his gaze. a whole week of just adjusting to new feelings before he starts to snap his spine back into himself because he's justin fucking jefferson and boom he's flirting right back (not that like. ko flirts intentionally at times 😭 they're both just. such natural unintentional flirts at times its a travesty to their team theyve learned to just. live with it. their social media team delights and despair it.).
and i think about ko is that he's like. incredibly charmed by justin. so fucking amazed by his talent. who the fuckkkk works like him. who breaks records like justin jefferson. unable to stop himself from just. gaping. eyes wide everytime he sees justin catch a ball. eyes following his figure running across the field. ears ringing knowing he has to navigate and call a play call a name call something but fuck he's just focused on how justin's smiling how he's swinging around his hips laughing with jordan and practically gleaming underneath the stadium lights. pretty. fucking gone for him. also. great smile. stilllll so stuck on him mentioning justin's smile alkfkasf soooo funny god crying at this.
also: comparing yet again ja'marr and justin. competency kink 😔 justin being soooo horny for ko's offensive schemes and all his coaching abilities and hey he has thrown with justin right so like. well.
the flirting. ive talked a bit here mostly as comparison to joemarr's preschool ass shy unable-to-meet-eyes flirting. they are soooo. fucking. Shameless. how the fuck. no really but they are upfront about it they look at each other straight in the eyes and giggle at each other and tilt their chins provocatively and just say shit. whatever the fucking words are positively DOUSED with flirty energy. they can be talking about the fucking weather, routes and plays, or even taking the most humongous most disgusting most gut-wrenching shit of their lives ever and it would still sound like they're flirting about ferris wheel dates and candle-lit dinner and fucking on a bed of roses. sorry but 😭. if you listen to any bit of mic'ed up moments between them, or interviewed moments between them, it's genuinely crazy it's like. they can't help themselves. they're natural flirts?? around other people but when they meet each other they up the fucking ante to about 10000000000 billion watt so. either you get used to it or you just. skedaddle out of sheer uncomfortableness. dare i say that their team has gotten so fucking used to it 😭 dare i say that that shit is contagious and now a whole lot of them especially the influenceable rookies are following their footsteps. vikings.....oh boy.......every time i see practice vids its crazy btw there's always a moment of ko just having to pop by and just like nudge at justin and justin just like blooms under his gaze its so cute they're so cute 😭
there's also this LMAOOOOO no but really. how many times do you think has kevin o'connell stumbled in his words and like. physically. because justin jamal jefferson just could not fucking help himselffffff oh my god. what is the fucking matter with him 😭😭 who STARES like that at their coaches.....justin motherfucking jefferson that's who. ko yapping gesturing with his cup like justin isn’t giving him ecchi fuck me eyes you’re definitely stronger than me 😔✊ but really does justin do this shit on purpose or. or...
also ehe i know you asked for hcs but like. would u like more of um. i did a little bit of fic idea of them fake dating once here and am still so enamored by it so:
koc/jj - constantly getting the vibes of ‘he fuckeddd that old mannn’ when i see gifs of those two with jj just being 🥰😘💞🎀💓🌸💖💝🩰🌷 aughguhgh outrageous levels of besotted he’s WORKING he’s GETTING HIS MAN he’s FLIRTING hes using EVERY weapon in his disposal (competency, beauty, babygirlism, etc) you have to respect that shit. stupid fic idea that won’t leave my head is of them getting into a scandal caught by paparazzi romantic ass dinner holding hands and ending the night clubbing close but they really aren’t anything at that time but ahaha you get where I’m going with this right FAKE DATING!!! except this isn’t really feasible bc lets be real a coach dating his player = fired. period. or the player traded to a different team which. WHICH. but theyre both like invaluable to the vikings so they just go ok fake dating have at it (that makes zero sense but whatever). anyway super fun idea can’t lie justin upping his cutesy lovey schtick and koc quietly dying from it. joe legit reaches out like 'ur not being coerced or anything right' while jamarrs like 'get that silver dickkkk' (hes like 39 but whatever) etc etc.
the joemarr double date 😭 can you imagineeeee joe and ja'marr squinting suspiciously at ko smiling serenely at them and justin squinting suspiciously back at the two im crying as i picture this
ko begins just. charming the ever living shit out of them. and ja'marr is somehow the one who can't fucking unbend because. he was all for it at first?? like oh!! justinnn??? coachfucker justin jefferson lmaaoooooo???? no really he was brutal about it justin has to briefly block his number because oh my god 'marr shut the fuck uppppp but then. he actually sees justin with ko and boom. every single protective bone in his body is bricking the fuck uppppp and now justin has to call off attack guard dog ja'marr chase from ripping ko to shreds 😭 joe, who has like. the slightest idea that this might happen is just. going along for the ride at this point, hooking his ankle around ja'marr's under the table to help calm him the fuck down and keep him from lunging across the table and making sure to keep stealing the prawns off ja'marr's plate so ja'marr gets distracted and pissy at him instead of like. interrogating ko on his ancestry and credit scores and history of animal abuse who knows at this point where ja'marr's mind has gone to. justin straight up tries to stand up to strangle ja'marr one time and ko just casually brings up an arm to tug him into his side and justin settles huffily into him and. joemarr gets sharp. their eyes sharpen. zero in on the minuscule space between the two. ja'marr gets quiet. drinks his wine and tucks closer to joe too like. damn okay then fuck. joe chuckles quietly and pinches at his thigh and tells him to let up for fucks sakeeee and the dinner goes smoother finally and ja'marr finallyyyyy laughs at kos jokes 😭👍 needles at him about who's the better receiver just to be annoying and test him out a little if he answers ja'marr he isn't appreciating justin the fuck if he answers justin he doesn't know shit and if he answers neither he’s way too fucking evasive and that’s not good at all the fuck but joe gracefully saves the day by just moving the entire conversation around (throwing peas subtly at justin so he'd shut the fuck up too god why are nearly all his wide receivers like this)
(after the dinner waving goodbye to joemarr driving away in an uber ko bends down to press his forehead to the back of justin's neck and just. heaves out a sigh so heavy like. oh my god. why the fuck is ja'marr chase so intimidating. and justin's laughing at him making his body shake with him saying yeah isn't he the sweetest with the worlds just. fondest fucking voice and kos hugging him from behind feeling so pleased he gets to be accepted by the two boys justin has anchored himself so thoroughly during college and refused to let go to this day auguhughga LSU TRIO MY BELOVEDDDDD 😭)
ko and joe bondingggg aaaaaaa about like. qb stuff 😭 am so shit at football stuff i cannot even expand on this shit LMAOO but like. strategies. plays. cadences. the chiefs dynasty and nfl rules maybe lmao. the state of the nfl commissioners and schedule making and shit rules and penalties and how they can make them better maybe who knows certainly not me 😇 and jjmarr egging them on to say the more foulest shit they usually keep under pr perfect wrap and justin gleefully letting go of his perfect pr image to just shit talkkkk with ja'marr god that's cute the idea he can be freeee with ja'marrrr aaaa
fighting over the check lmao ko pays btw which is. who gets paid more players or coaches. players? i feel like its players. but ko gets sneaky and somehow pays the entire thing. joe, who usually is the sneakiest and pays for shit like this is very impressed. justin behind is like. glittering in smugness. ja'marr is also quietly impressed ofc.
okay so this is more of like. the joemarr double date over the fake dating aspect 😭 i literally have 0 ideas for the fake dating damn youuuu brainnnn workkkkkkkk argrhrgrhrhhrhh
okay. bye....im out 😭
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ast4tarion · 1 year ago
mike / m!reader plsssss
i nned 2 b called pretty boy by mike pls 😭😭
on it boss! o7 i had a lot of fun w this one i usually try and keep the reader gender neutral for inclusivity but this was new and fun to write. I’m very much weak for sensitive men and consent check ins so i slipped both of those things in there <3 Mike was definitely walkin a lil funny after this one
[requests open]
cws; sub!mike, soft dom!reader, m!reader, petnames, light bondage, edging, frottage, dick worship, messy, praise
Mike had no idea how he’d ended up in this position. He wanted to make this special and about you, the two of you had been unable to have sex anytime recently because of schedule conflicts and he knew that you’d been very pent up; that pretty little cock of yours deserved some attention.
He’d tried to get you on your back and to relax, but you had other plans.
Which is why Mike was currently sat in a comfy cushioned chair next to the bed, his hands tied behind his back and his member at the mercy of your hands.
The worst part of the position for him was the fact that your dick was on full display as you sat on the edge of the bed right next to him. All he wanted to do was break free of his restraints and worship it, get you painfully hard and throbbing like he was in your hands.
Speaking of your hands, one was on his thigh and the other was on his cock. It was a loose fist, a feather-light touch that barely stroked him but was enough to get him whining and begging you to give him more.
Your fingertips more then anything slowly travelled up his length, tickling every vein and driving him crazy. With his hands behind his back he couldn’t thrust his hips in fear of loosing your fingers so he was forced to sit still and take what agonizingly slow friction you provided him.
The head was smeared in drippy precum and to say his cock was weeping was an understatement.
It was throbbing, harder and stiffer then he’d ever felt with his cockhead wet and flushed bright red from how badly it wanted to cum. It had been a full half an hour, painfully filled with your fist loosely and slowly dragging up, pumping faster and faster until cock twitched harder and he was moaning louder and louder and then you’d abruptly stop; the orgasm he’d been chasing gone.
He babbled incoherently, begging and doing his best to rut up into your hand.
“B-Baby, please, f-fuck….I need to….hnnng….I need to cum.”
His hair was stuck to his forehead with sweat, his entire face flushed red and his eyes hazily focused on you. “Do you now?”
You gave his dick a light squeeze, making him twitch. “How bad?”
He was on the brink of tears, his words coming out with a stutter every time you slowly dragged a single finger up and down.
“Mmmf…I-f-fuck, baby, my pretty boy, please, I n-need your hands, your mouth, your b-body please.”
You thought about it for a moment, rubbing his thighs. “You have been doing so well for me, how about a little reward?”
All he could make were desperate little noises of affirmation, groaning and nodding. You stood up from your place on the edge of the bed and scooted into his lap, your thighs on either side of his.
Your cocks touched which made him jump, he was staring down at your member with desperation and need.
You got comfortable, using his hips as a grabbing point to pull yourself as close as possible to his bare chest. You kept one hand gripping his waist, and one came up between the two of you to align your dicks and you grasped your fist around both of them, barely being able to wrap it around both.
You gave a little experimental thrust, your cock sliding wetly against his lubricated with his own leaked slick. You gave a couple more before Mike mumbled “yellow” your safeword to slow down and check in.
You stopped, cupping his face and looking up at him. “Whats up, love? Are the ropes too tight?”
He looked sheepish, avoiding your eye contact. “I think you should go get a towel, I, um, get things messy sometimes.”
Mike was a heavy cummer and had always been embarrassed about it, jumping to offer to clean up the mess he’d made on you or the bed. You found it incredibly attractive, loving to see just how much you could make his cock spurt from just your mouth or hands.
You caught his eyes, wiping some of his hair away from his forehead. “Good thing for you baby, I love messy.”
With that you squeezed your hand around both your members and started thrusting fast, bouncing in his lap and jerking his dick off with yours. The reaction was sharp and immediate, a loud gasp being ripped from his mouth at the fast pace.
Pleasure pooled in your own gut, thinking of getting to thrust this fast into his needy hole. He began thrusting up with you, rocking the chair you guys were in.
It was wet and slippery and quick, but it finally drove him over the edge.
He threw his head back, gasping with his mouth wide open. His cock twitched violently against yours, before thick white ropes of his seed erupted and shot up into the air. It kept coming, multiple gushes of hot sticky thick cum coating you and him and both your dicks until your lap was painted white.
You didn’t cum, but that was alright. This was mikes reward, and you reveled in the way he closer his eyes and let out a long sigh, all of his own pent up energy finally having seeped out.
You immediately reached behind him and quickly loosened the ropes so his hands were free, coming up and kissing the red marks were they were.
With his hands free he embraced you, pulling you into a tender kiss and finally getting to touch you.
“Oh you did so well baby, lasted so long, I’m so proud of you,” You mumbled to him, your laps a slippery sticky mess. “You ready for a shower?”
He smiled, his eyes slowly focusing back in from the haze of pleasure he was previously in. He looked down at your lap, his cock was softening but you’re was still fully erect and untouched except for the little bit of groping the two of you did earlier.
Mikes large hands travelled down your back, grabbing your ass and pulling you so that your own hard length was flushed against his stomach and your hole was spread. “Actually, how about we do something about that?”
You kissed him once more, it was going to be a long night.
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th1smf · 8 months ago
OKAYYY so these are all my thoughs about the teaser this morning :)
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they better not hurt him guys im screaming. my son better be safe
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ok so obviously the lights in hollys room were flickering… why THE FUCK would she be absolutely wailing after coming downstairs. which one of the wheelers are being hurt / dying. i cant do this
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best believe will is gonna say “um, guys?” after seeing something ud related 😭 or he is being vecna’d and is having a vision here PLS GOD NO. why else is he walking away from the group and looking up, mindue. its giving that one arcade scene in season 2. im also just suprised mike hasnt noticed hes walked off yet like GO GET YOUR BOYFRIEND BRO. 😭
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ross is literally showing him how to choke you can’t convince me otherwise. possessed will is coming home yup 🙂‍↕️
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why are they both sobbing. why am i sobbing. i cant fucking deal with this. (but also… MIKE ANGST💪) hes definitely opening up to some extent here.
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ofcourse we have this. BYLER LOOK SO BOYFRIEND THIS SEASON I CANT DO IT I NEED THEM. im absolutely loving mikes hair as well it looks so bookie ☺️
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(ik these were pap pics but still)
who fucking hurt him. byler tending to eachothers wounds when??? i cant wait
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theyre holding hands here mike told me himself 🤗
okay thats it guys i am going insane thankyou
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blankdotcom · 7 months ago
Lack of Mikes internal conflict (general audience pov) and why this is a sign of byler endgame
Before any byler enthusiasts attack me for the first 5 words of that title, I AM ONE OF YOU. This is about what is visible to the general audience and what’s currently canon, because if we’re going off of what I think, this post wouldn’t be written.
Writers always write everything with a meaning behind it and intentionally show certain things and keep other things hidden. One of these hidden things in Stranger Things is Mikes internal conflict.
Yeah, the fact he was a nerd and was bullied is an internal struggle but it isn’t specific enough to his own personal feelings, thoughts and experiences, because as we all know Will, Lucas and Dustin were all bullied as well for being nerds or not apart of the “norm”. The bullying isn’t an internal struggle but something that can influence it.
And before anyone says “It’s the fear of losing El”, that would be an external conflict because it doesn’t have to do with his feelings or doubts about himself.
So what else is there?…
Nothing. The writers never show anything that is personal enough to be given the title of “Internal Conflict”. (again i’m talking about anything visible and obvious to the general audience)
And they wouldn’t do this for nothing. This means they’ve been hiding it on purpose, to create a sense of suspense. And writers wouldn’t do this if it weren’t a very big reveal, something the general audience wouldn’t have expected.
This means the reveal of the internal conflict has a big impact on the general audience view on Mike, something that would make the general audience see all the actions Mike has made in another light but also bring all the puzzle pieces together on why he made does actions in the first place.
If this is true and lots of Mikes actions weren’t made for the reasons the general audience thought, a good chunk of this actions will be mileven moments, showing Mikes pov and making some of this moments make sense (because in these moments Mike doesn’t seem to have a reason).
And if i’m wrong about all this, I guess Mike Wheeler was really just an asshole all along🤷‍♀️
reading this back i did waffle a tiny bit at the end but please put some faith in me🙏😭
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sillygh0st · 8 months ago
I vodwatched Cellbit first qsmp vod and wrote down MANY moments that I barely see people talking about o/
Felps crashing the ship bc he trought that It was like using a bike is well know on the comunity, but the ship was also haunted btw
Mike first interaction with richas was him joking about sitting on Richas to hatch him??? My headcanon about qmike being a creeper hybrid with pink feathers was born after this lol
Roier giving diamonds to Cellbit :')
“There's always a fool and a scoundrel leaving the house, you're the scoundrel" (Tem sempre um otário e um malandro saindo de casa, você é o malandro) Cellbit to Richas
Richas taking time to write and writing that she would like to live with her parents :')
Cellbit asked richas who were his parents and Richas responded “vocês” (pac mike Cellbit e felps) <3
Cellbit saying 4 papais aww
Richas saying that he will live wherever his parents want :')
They calling quackity a vagabundo 😭
Slime with Richas for 0.1 seconds and cellbit coming shouting "não não Richas!! Papais!! Papais!!” ( He didn't wanted richas to be with slime and wanted richas to be with his papais :’)
He keeps saying "our son" awwww
"Take the sword your pai gave you!" (Pega a espada que o pai te deu!)
Richas raising the "feed" sign and his 4 papais all desperate looking for food to feed him :'))
Cellbit fighting with Bobby oh no
Cellbit saying he loves Roier but not Bobby aww :’)
Cellbit e slime KISSING!!!!
"Desculpa sou meio manco" (1:49:21)
Cellbit talking photo of them together ,,
"Abrigado pela comida"
"Você só odeia os ovos pq não tem um!!"
Quackity 1% Richas father + Cellbit 24% too yayyy
“You teach spanish and we teach crimes and guns!” Cellbit to quackity talking about Richas LMAO
Quackity singing nossa nossa assim você me mata omg I forgot about this momment
“oi filho!” (Cellbit to Richas)
Everyone dying bc of a bull and a muscle zombie 😭😭
Richas model disappearing and everyone freaking out bc he turned into a tall white thing 😭😭😭 also first time that cucurucho got mentioned for the Brazilians :O (Cellbit and felps were saying his name wrong for like 20 minutes LMAO)
“seus outros papais” “papai felps”
Mac e pike 😭
Richas doing parkour and Cellbit freaking out about him taking fall damage :’)
Richas falling into a hole and Cellbit screaming “tá tudo bem!! papai tá aqui) (its okay!! papai is here) :’(((((
felps said "eu peguei 4 packs" (I got 4 packs) and clarified that wasn't about pac their friend (pegar can be "got" or even "make out", even bc pac and pack rhyme ) and Cellbit said that was the first day, and that they needed a party before??????? while felps said "Not yet" about making out with pac???? ON THEIR FIRST TWO HOURS ON THE SERVER???
Cellbit and felps wanting to teach richas how to kill and richas that he will become a murder machine awwww
Richas died :’) cellbit screaming on chat saying everything wrong was funny
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Cellbit telling felps that they need to lie about what killed richas LMAO they didn't wanted the others papais to be mad at them so yeah the necromancer appeared spawned 10 skeletons said “he is watching” and vanished cellps my beloved
Now cellbid said that they need to say that the necromancer had white eyes bc they have herobrine trauma LMAO (pac e mike old series)
“WE ARE CLONES FELPS” (seeing their dead bodies) is also the first time of cellbit saying that there is something wrong on the island :)
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Cellps telling tazercraft and quackity ABOUT the “necromancer” but mike don't believe anything that they said LMAO
“Cocorocho vagabundo” - pac
OHHHH FUGA CRUMPS 👀 some long time before this cellbit and richas they hide them under a chest, after (2:42:00) mike says that he saw a white figure (they were saying cucurucho) opened and put something on the chest, felps went to open It and the tnt exploded, killing him. Richas almost split out that It was her and pai Cellbit that put the tnt there, Cellbit says that he didn't put in there, Pac says “oh yeah I don't think you would do this with …. felps'', saying it on a weird and different tone, probably the CC remembering that on fuga cell killed felps 👀👀👀👀👀 FUGA CRUMPS FUGA CRUMPS
Cellbit and pac went to a cave and the iconic celltw kiss happened omg
Cellbit talked with pac about them (fuga four) creating a secret laboratory under the favela where they would do secret and paranormal experiments ohhhhhhhh (chume paranormal LMAO)
Cellbit and pac founded a very weird place that looks like a mine maid by player with MANY torches, one moment cellbit lost pac and freaked out LMAO (they keep calling the place the herobrine cave lol)
“A casa do cocorocho” (they got cucurucho name wrong)
Cellbit wants to sing a lullaby for richas :’) pac is getting Diamonds to do a armor for Richas too awww
Cellbit gave pac a pickaxe and also asked for a stick while pac said “por você cellbit eu te dou 10 paus” (“for you cellbit, i gave to you 10 paus”, pau = stick/dick) and they both laughed
Cellbit almost threw away richas slime "não vou jogar fora o primeiro presente do meu filho” (im not going to throw away my first gift of my son) :’)
CELLTW AGAIN. They are returning to the favela and Pac said that the day was beautiful and Cellbit straight up said that “com você nele o dia é sempre mais bonito né pac” (With you in it, the day is always more beautiful, right?)
Cellbit and pac returned to the favela with felps Mike e Richas!!! Felps and pac (idk who else too) honked to each other???? 😭 awww also Cellbit screaming for richas and running for him :’)
Cellbit and felps screaming and calling each other Crazy for talking alone (with their chats) lol
They are going to do richas first quests!! They are going to give a bath to Richas, Cellbit accidentally hit (pinched) him oh no babie :( they finished their bath and Richas Said “obrigado pais!” While Cellbit and felps suffered from how cute it was
RICHAS ON BED WITH HER FIRST LULLABY BY HER 4 PAPAIS :((((( richas sleeping while they try to be quiet to not wake up the baby!!! They are calling him cute <3
Oh wait they are singing a demoniac lullaby to awake her? 😭😭😭😭 What's wrong with them <3 they want richas to never get caught with his guard down, “olhos sempre abertos richarlyson” ,,,
“sleep with your eyes open" *kisses sounds from all her fathers*
mike caught richas getting up (prob richas admin geting ready to leave) and they started to be like “oh no he is in that age already ,,,,” and while calling their child cucurucho and STILL kept getting cucurucho name wrong LMAO
Richas sleeping model was put into their only bed and now are incredible sad that they lost their only bed 😭😭😭
RICHAS SLIME!! his placenta haha :’) they are so happy framing It on their house aww
Cellbit dancing to the sounds of a dying skeleton? 😭
Pac e Mike logging out!!! Also Cellbit sending kisses to pac and pac too omg celltw ,,😭😭
“beijinhos!!” (little kisses) - Pac e Cellbit for each other AWWWW
Cellbit talking with felps about bbh being the “necromancer and 100% ready to throw the blame on him 😭😭
Cellbit seeing felps talking to himself on the other house and calling him crazy while felps do the same for him god cellps I love you
Bbh appeared to talk with felps and Cellbit and give to them armor, cucurucho also appeared but disappeared quickly D:
Bbh talked with them about the federation oooooooh
Bbh left and after richas woke up!! Bom dia Richarlyson!!
They are making richas cativeiro room!!
“tem cheiro de cativeiro, tem som de cativeiro, tem gosto de cativeiro, mas não é um cativeiro!” felps to richas LMAO
They are putting him to sleep now!! cellbit tried to sing a demoniac lullaby for her but felps stopped him saying that it's a too old song!! So felps singed a song with alien high pitched noises 😭😭
Moments from the vod to yall!!!! so many lgbtqsmp moments and cute ones :3333
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wheeler-fan · 2 days ago
i have two questions for bylers because i want to understand how you guys see it
1) birthdaygate BECAUSE I SWEAR I ASK ABOUT IT ALL THE TIME AND I STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND- why did everyone forget Will's birthday? how? i mean... what? Joyce Jonathan and Mike??? the closest people to Will?? forgot his birthday?? why did that happen.. what's the point 😭 i need to hear some theories
2) the painting. Because i see it everywhere and I feel like it's one of the main things that bylers talk about BUT I DON'T GET IT😭😭 almost two years later mike randomly approaches El and is like "thanks for the painting i got from Will months ago btw" ???😭😭 also why would he thank her.... Will only said that she gave him the idea of what to draw but mike knows that Will was the one who made it?? and he was happy because Will made it for him and not because "El asked Will to make it" i guess... also i really don't understand if mike is completely smart in that scene or completely clueless bc..he knows El doesn't really know much about their d&d positions right? he knows she doesn't really care but Will does..also if El would actually be the one who told Will what to draw then why is she not there?.. i mean let's analyze it...El wants to um... give mike a present? or maybe El wants Will to give mike a present? who knows why but okay..cuz i think that if she would want to give mike a present she would do something herself (it doesn't even have to be a drawing but literally anything) instead of asking her brother for that. But yeah let's say that it was actually her idea...why is she asking Will to paint the boys only, without her and max? even tho in s3 we see that they were all spending time together as a group.... who's actually the one that's missing the way things were before El and Max? Will. He's the one who's still yapping about d&d and all that 😭 so seriously... first thing is that we have the "it'll pay off" so i really want to believe that mike is smart in the van scene and actually he figured that something is off but he was just silent about it, but on the other hand I'm pretty sure that Finn said that mike is clueless SO I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO THINK 😭😭😭 help
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skyblueartt · 9 months ago
Uh I’m “WRITING” a fic (using that term loosely cuz I never work on it lmfao but damn I do have ideas) about William’s like. Descent into maddness I guess, because there’s just so much one can do with that idea :000 but hmmMmmmmmm something about William being absolutely broken after CC’s(I call the kiddo Evan) death- like withdrawn and depressed and just not doing well at ALL. But then. Oh boy :) once bro takes up his new hobby of um HOMICIDE, then it’s just he’s back to his “old self”. Seemingly pretty goddamn happy considering everything that’s going on (ohhh but he can put on the act of being worried and heartbroken…), but like. He’s got a spring in his step again. Elizabeth and Michael notice that their dad is in a WEIRDLY good mood a lot of the time these days, which has notttt been the case since they lost Evan. Elizabeth is happy because her dad brings a lot of new toys home from work for her! (stealing that idea from the Fnaf movie lmao. Giving his daughter the toys that once belonged to his victims…) and Mike is just like. Uh. Why is my dad suddenly really cheerful all of the sudden. The fuck. Especially with the MISSING KIDS at his RESTAURANT 😭😭 But he can’t suspect that his dad has anything to do with it…right? No. Something feels weird to Mike but he could never think that about his own father. Sure, they argue and things have been very rocky between them since Evan’s death, but murder?! Jfc, never!! Right, Mike?
Anyways I guess I just yap because once I actually get back to uhhhh writing I like having some ideas down! And it’s fun to share them with ppl :)
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pixlokita · 1 year ago
OHMYGOD okay so like- birds can fly cause their bones are more hollow yea? So like if Mike cant carry a Normal adult but can glide, when the kids are older would that make them lighter than normal adults so theoretically Mike cld carry them still?? (also reminds me of when birds are just sitting on other birds as they fly lmao) Maybe? idk im just now obsessing over the wing lore aghfjdsk
HELP HAHAHSHSBSJBSJSB PLEASE THATS SO FUNNY 😭 he’s just flying and the boys are sitting on his back chilling like “um Can you not?”
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Them going to fazdonald’s fr ^^^^
Idk about the hollow bones because my brain did think of that possibility and made it into angst :v they could break their bones so easily TTwTT and the wings already get sore enough as it is if they don’t take care of them (ノ≧ڡ≦)✨
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henrysglock · 4 months ago
oh my god i just realised the way this fandom treats will byers is the same way ppl defend white women's covert bigotry and purport it as "feminism" 😭 (not saying will's a bigot, but that tendency to be defensive over him just bc he's soft and delicate is the same way ppl can be so defensive of certain white women celebrities bc they're also soft and delicate)
The language used is...interestingly similar. The behaviors excused are also interestingly similar.
Will was outwardly a dick to El at the airport because he was pissed that Mike was giving her more affection and attention?
No...he was just confused :( genuinely confused! He can't be held responsible. I'm not weaponizing baselessly-assumed incompetence to make Will seem like a perfect little angle. Don't think about it too hard, look at his big, sweet cow eyes :((((
Will was playing martyr—a very common manipulation tactic to get others to relieve you of blame or criticism—when he pulled the "No...it was all my fault...I deserved it all..." card even though both he and Mike acknowledged that they were both at fault the previous night?
No :( He wasn't blame shifting, he was being genuinely self-deprecating :( Ignore that his mood flipped like a switch as soon as Mike took the bait and placed all the blame for the night on himself. Totally not crocodile tears. He's sensitive.
Will used El as a shield and a mouthpiece in the van, lying about her feelings so he could covertly express his own? Which directly contributed to the godawful SBP monologue? (See: "You're the heart of the party..." -> "You're the heart, Mike!")
No...Will was being selfless and saintly by giving Mike to El. It's that sad? Don't you feel bad for him? Isn't he perfect, giving away his possible maybe future boyfriend to El like the Tonka truck? Ignore that by doing this ^^ he's commodifying Mike and stripping him of his autonomy in both relationships. Ignore the fact that he's actively putting words in El's mouth, lying on her behalf, and thereby stripping her of her autonomy as well. He's not a homewrecker, he's fixing the house! Even though he's fixing it with duct tape, painting over the duct tape, and selling it as sound when it ought to be condemned. Cheer for him patching it up when it shouldn't be! He's such a saint! An angel!
Will let El flounder in school when he was in a position to do the compassionate thing and help her, even in the barest way of "Hey, just so you know, this project is supposed to be about world-famous people" and then letting El fuck around and find out afterward?
No...that's not his job, it wouldn't have fixed anything, and also :( he's scared of bullies! Never mind that all of this could have taken place at home, where there are no bullies. He's scared! He's delicate :((( He can't do any active good. But hey, he looked at El with sympathy! That's good enough, right? That's not performative at all! He's just too scared to take direct action on his sister's behalf. Feel bad for him!
Will told El they'd fix her diorama together, but then we only ever see her fixing it alone, meaning it was also performative? Will would rather spend his morning pushing his food around his plate and moping about Mike caring about El?
Noooo...it's because...you can't criticize him because...um...[runs away].
Will was willing to sacrifice Mrs. Driscoll and let El go in blind re: flayed Billy despite having firsthand experience being flayed and being saved from flaying? Objectively utilitarian and unsympathetic behavior that betrays a certain degree of selfishness and callousness in Will, specifically re: the supernatural and other victims of it?
No...he's so traumatized that he can't bear to talk about it, even when so many lives are on the line :( Feel bad for him :( Don't criticize him :( Don't say that the only way this kind of behavior is "excusable" is if Will genuinely doesn't remember anything :((( That's not niceys! He's just a little guy, look at his big, sad eyes :(((
But hey, the pre-S1 pitch for Will calls him gentle/delicate/sensitive. And you can't question the original pitch, not when it comes to [checks notes] 4 seasons of character development post-pitch.
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jr-acrux101 · 1 year ago
Carousel - part 3
Ahhh okok so maybe I lied, I was sick in bed and had nothing to do lmao so i did the only logical thing: sleep write smut.
Tags: smut, fluff, dreams of pregnancy, age gap(forgot to mention reader is 20 to 23, Mike is said to be around 25-29)
Word Count: 1.8k
Summary: It gets hot and steamy with Mike.
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The two of you sat like that for a while, basking in each other's presence. You moved your shoulder and signaled off. You started up, and his hand snaked to yours.
"Where are you going?"
You gave a small chuckle and crouched down. "I'm just going to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I'm assuming based on that fast grab you want me to stay over?"
He nodded. The Mike now was a completely different Mike from when you first met him but still the same somehow.
"Come on baby, let's go wash up and get ready for bed." Mike stood up and you grabbed his hand, pulling him along.
When the two of you entered the bathroom, a thought suddenly popped up. "Mike?"
"Who was the girl in the hospital?"
Silence hung in the air. 
"I'm just asking because the two of you seemed close and she was in a serious condition being hooked up to the machines. Plus she looked really familiar."
"Um she's a police officer. She helped me get settled with the old security gig."
"Oh okay. What happened to her if you don't mind me asking?"
Mike froze. How the fuck was he going to explain that she was stabbed by her psychotic father who also kidnapped my brother, killed him, and 4 other children who he stuffed into suits which possed animatronics that tried to kill him and Abby. Just casually blurt that out?
You saw the gears turning in his head. 
"Okay. You don't have to tell what happened, don't worry. Just one thing." He nodded. "Were you two close romantically?"
"God no. Not at all. She's just a friend." He shook his head no and blurted that out.
"Okay okay calm down you're not on trial Mike. It's been two months and if you tried to date another person or had a one night stand I would get it, like I said for 2 months we were done."
Mike tilted his head. "Were you with anyone?" There wasn't an accusation tone per say but more of a jealous one?
You raised an eyebrow and hoped on the sink counter. "Mike Schmidt. Are you jealous?" You crossed your arms and tried to fight off the smile.
He rolled his eyes and huffed out a breath. "What if I am?" Was his snarky reply.
He went in between your legs. "How could I not be?" He whispered to himself as he kissed your jaw leading down your neck.
You uncross your arms and place them on his shoulders. 
He gently nipped and sucked your l/t/d skin. Your breath hitched and your legs spread a little wider for him.
He smiled against your flesh. His hands gripped your thighs and gave a soft squeeze. You hummed in appreciation and scooted a little closer to be flushed against him.
His hands traveled up your thighs and to the small of your back, pushing closer. You rubbed against him, and he pressed firm. Your breathing became ragged with desire. 
"Mike…," he gently kissed your neck, an acknowledgment of sorts,"n-hmm not here."
You gently pushed him back. "Stay right here. Come to your room in 5 minutes." He groaned and looked at his clock.
"5 minutes?"
You rolled your eyes at his exasperated tone,"Yes Mikey 5 minutes, it's not gonna kill you." 
As you left you heard a faint, 'It just might.' You giggled and rushed to the room. Most of your stuff was left here, even your lucky lingerie. It was dark green with black accents. 
Mike always went a little longer and a little harder when you wore this. You slipped out of your clothes putting on the lingerie.
You bit your lip in anticipation, and waited for the last minutes to pass before Mike had permission to open the door.
The door knob jiggled and turned and there Mike stopped in his tracks. The tent in his pants moved from the twitch. There you were, sitting on the edge of the bed, with the dark green see through lingerie dress. He quickly regained motion and hurriedly got in and shut the door, not needing to re-traumatize someone.
It fits perfectly against your skin. He slowly walked over to you, in between your legs again. He grabbed your chin and gave you a chaste kiss. "You're beautiful." You flushed red and bashfully looked away.
Mike dropped to knees and pushed your legs open more. He caressed the inside of your thighs, capturing the full view of you.
Dark green baby doll dress, tied in the middle with a black bow. And the fark green and black lace thong that was in his way. He kissed your knee, then traveled upward slowly. It was agonizing. Your thigh twitch and another grin spread across his face, a cocky grin and eyes looked up at you and slowly licked the rest of the way towards your pussy.
You were on fire. Every kiss, lick, and breath on your skin makes you burn. And you knew Mike was being a little shit going fucking slow. You rest on your hands, looking at Mike.
He glanced up at you and raised an eyebrow. His hands were hovering above your thong, a slight nod from you and they were moved to the side. A light moan escaped your mouth as Mike gently rubbed your clit.
You bit your lip as his tongue dragged upwards and circled around it as well. Your hand shot out and snaked in his hair. You bit your lip and pressed Mike a bit closer.
Mike licked and sucked your wet heat. How he wanted to rip his clothes off and fuck you silly, but he had to wait, take his time. One more rough lick up and kiss to you abused clit and he entered one finger. 
Your hips shifted and pushed the finger in. A whimper left your lips as Mike held you in place. In and out, pumping in and tou clenching around his finger drove him insane. He pumped another finger in you and curled them. Your breathing was ragged and moany. 
He let you fuck yourself on his finger, admiring how you already looked wreck and he hasn't even unziphis pants. He kissed your thighs again and gave a gentle nip. You tightened around his finger. He gave another shit eating grin and you had enough.
When he took his fingers out of you, you gripped his jacket collar, and pulled up towards you, laying down with him hover above you. Your mouths met, and you licked his bottom lip. Your hands trailed down his firm body, stopping at the zipper of his pants. 
As you sucked his bottom lip, your hands quickly unzipped his pants and freed his cock. This time Mike was breathing hard, uncontrollable even.
You grabbed it firmly, and slowly started to move. He was thick and warm. It made your cunt ache, it clenched at the idea of him.
He whimpered as he started to fuck your hand. His big brown eyes pleading now.
"Want do you want Mike?"
He was falling apart at the simplest touch, "W-want to," he groaned, "to fuck you." 
"Oh yeah?"
He nodded feverishly. 
"I thought you knew how to ask nicely Mike."
He flushed, "Please."
"Hmm I don't know, you were oughtly enjoying teasing me earlier. Maybe I should do the same to you."
He gave a slight glare and leaned down. Kissing your neck he spoke, "Baby please. I wanted to make you feel good." 
Heat pooled in your stomach. "Fuck me Mike." He quickly got up right and positioned himself. You nodded and he pushed in.
"So fucking tight and hot." He muttered to himself. Your back arched slightly from the intrusion and adjustment.
He was flush against you now, fully in. He waited for you to nod before thrusting. 
He towered over you, and with one hand holding himself up the other found its way to the tied ribbon, he quickly pulled loose.
Your breast was exposed, and his mouth found its way to your nipple. He lapped his tongue on your perked nipple. He whimpered as you pushed his head down and grinded against him, pushing him all the way in again and clenching.
His hips stuttered as you gave him a hickey and gently tugged his hair. "Fuck." Mike groaned in your ear.
You were close, Mike thrusted hard and his hand made it down to your clit again. Gently rubbing as the two of you kissed. 
A moan made it to Mike's ear as he felt you cum, squeezing harder than he thought was possible. A couple of more thrust and Mike finished, he filled your cunt and cum leaked. He stayed in you as he softened. 
An image if you were pregnant popped into Mike's head and he twitched. You raised an eyebrow and he gave a sheepish smile. He pushed it in the back of his mind, he didn't have the energy for round 2 or to even think deeply about that image right now.
He fell next to you, both of you out of breath.
He reached out and grabbed your hand. "I'll be back. Let me clean up." You drifted in and out of sleep as you heard Mike shuffle around getting ready for bed. You felt a slight shake. 
"Hmm?"  Your eyes fluttered. 
"Let me clean you up, love." You gave a nod as Mike manhandled you getting you cleaned up and more warm clothes on.
You heard a distinct voice arguing as you stirred away. 
"Abby! Go away!"
"No! I want to see y/n!"
"Not now."
"Ow Abby what the fuck!"
As she ran past Mike, after stomping on his toe, he heard simultaneously the two of you yell, 'Swear jar!'
Abby jumped on the bed and snuggled up right next to you. You were extremely grateful that Mike helped you change last night.
You glanced up at Mike and he gave you a deadpan look. Silently giggling, you motioned him over. Mouthing 'hurry up.'
Mike sighed and climbed into bed. They three of you laid together in bed, Abby falling back to sleep. You looked at her and smiled. Mike's heart was filled with love. He was grateful, happy, and stupendously lucky to have you. He was never going to mess it up again.
An exchange of  'I love you's' was softly spoken between the two of you, as you both nodded off to sleep too.
Strangely enough, all three dreams were filled with you, Mike, Abby, and one little baby girl learning how to draw with Abby.
Ive seen those clips of those um *cough cough* josh h. edits and bro the way i scream and had to laugh was something else 😭
Hope you enjoyed- the other 3 oneshots will be a bit later I got a chem test coming up and i need to study. Wish me luck or pray for me, whichever gets me an A 😭
Taglist: @hellothisisprincesskitty @stinkii-boii
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puckpocketed · 7 months ago
Seeing as you are my go to Sharks blogs on Tumblr may I ask for some info on David Edstrom and Magnus Chrona, now that they are heading to Nashville in exchange for Yaroslav Askarov and Nolan Burke?
David Edstrom was originally a Golden Knight prospect my love 😭 you might know more than i do??
Very responsible 2-way centre. player archetype of all time. to ME <3
Projects to be a solid 3C <- i think this is super valuable for every championship calibre roster, and if the Preds can get him there they’ll be set for a while when it comes to centre depth. i was very excited to see him develop under the sharks system i won’t lie!!! :( but such is the nature of mike grier and his wretched mind
Honestly he barely got here before being traded (did one stint with us at dev camp for like 3 days) so. you’d have to dig through knights media to find out personality stuff 😭 sorry!!
Magnus Chrona:
to get it out of the way, he has a much more famous tiktok gf. beware when googling; there are varying opinions on her floating around which come with their own pitfalls — a lot of it is weirdo gossip blogs, some leans towards “i can’t believe he’s dating her, [new reason she is a bad person they came up with recently], free him!” — much of it is not worth reading imo. i do not pay close attention to that side of fan spaces.
people often call him “tessa’s roommate/boyfriend” but his teammates call him Big Time
um. if you ever see him in the preds net i will pray for your blood pressure . the Epic Highs And Lows of Magnus Chrona in Net CANNOT be understated here. sometimes he plays like a normal goalie, sometimes he is like thje beautiful slice of swiss cheese <3
failgirl of ALL time. to me. he really got lit up whenever he was called up to the sharks . like we were begging the hockey gods to let him have normal goalie stats 😭
despite this he was by far our best goalie prospect and that is NOT saying much, so i understand why they went for Askarov. chrona isn’t really NHL goalie material right now but he’s very young and has a lot of learning ahead of him. believe in him!
he wears white gloves under his goalie gear, mickey mouse headass !!! <3
I sort of know stuff about Askarov because research for Devin Cooley crossed over… they were married you see… <3 will now go away and study N.Burke like a bug… thank you for dropping by <3
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