#um... for the sake of your sanity just ignore these tags
l0std1adem · 4 years
I genuinely love Raftaar a lot because not only is he a very versatile artist (can do both commercial rap (Baby Marvake Maanegi) and “rap rap” (Black Sheep, Naachne Ka Shaunq)), he has brought up sooooo many new artists through Kalamkaar that 100% would have been ignored or misused by the bigger labels like Sony and T Series.
#um... for the sake of your sanity just ignore these tags#I genuinely don’t understand what happened between him and Muhfaad tho#was it because of MTV Hustle?#I know it’s a mix of that and some sort of disagreement with how Kalamkaar was promoting him but#if you look at loka they seem to be letting the artists do whatever they want lmao#also I’m slightly salty that King didn’t win MTV Hustle lol#also I thoroughly don’t understand the harjas situation#I hope he can at least get his album back on Spotify I liked it#there’s really no point in dissing Kalamkaar tho because like... krsna is there and he’ll eat you alive lmao#tbh the same thing can be said about divine but raftaar was the first Indian hip hop artist I found so he has a special place in my heart#gully gang is a little weird tho imo#I saw Mrunal Shankar’s work before Kalamkaar#Mass Appeal completely mishandled her talents#she’s a good singer but the song they put her in was... bad#i guess the distinction should be made that it was the marathi division of mass appeal lol#sure there is something to be said about independence and I do kinda wonder what’s going on on the Urdu side of things#because there’s no label exclusively for rappers iirc over there#I think talha anjum and talhah yunus might be doing something with young stunners but I don’t really know what is going on there#if young stunners is a label then I think rap demon might be signed on to it#I know chen k is independent and I’m pretty sure bella is too#even BALI is signed to kalamkaar lmao#there needs to be an expansion out of just hindi/punjabi rap#South Indian and even like Marathi and gujju rappers are getting ignored like brodha v is the only really successful one from those regions#I think#I understand why it’s like that but still#there is a market for it I’m sure#quarantine
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Jensen Ackles: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
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*Not My GIF* Holy Fuck That Smile At The End 
Pairing: Jensen x Reader *I have nothing against Jensen and Danneel Ackles. This is only for the sake of a Fanfiction* 
Pov: Reader’s 
Warnings: Sadness, Being a little lonely, Cute Jensen, Texting, and Calling each other Angst a little. 
Rating: Adult Mature 
Summary: After Covid19 Jensen still has to go back to set and record the rest of the “Supernatural” episodes. While he’s away Y/n and him message everyday, and call every night. Jensen will sometimes send pictures of just him, or of Jared, Misha, and him. 
Word Count: 1,243
God, I really missed him. We'd had spent almost 6 months together. Just me and my hubby. Me and MY cuddle muffin, Me and my little spoon. A cold, big bed sucked horribly to be sleeping alone in it.
Jensen had left over a week ago. The first week I spent cleaning up the house making sure everything was put back into its place. I also spent a lot of time just gettin' the sun and swimming in our pool outback. Every morning I went for a run, making me be able to get through the day with a nice crash at the end of the night, on-again my cold, empty, big bed.
Jensen had gone back to the supernatural set to record the last 2 episodes of the shows final season. Durin' the time we spent together alone at home, we had many conversations about finally starting a family, but only we knew the show was coming to end to that Jensen would be there for the kids and be able to create memories with them and for them. Instead of being stuck in a different place and time zone and not being able to spend that time with his family.
Hubby<3- Good Mornin’ Baby girl. How’d you sleep?            
Y/n- I slept pretty good, I wish you were next to me instead of being alone in this darn bed. Oh and good morning to you too!                       
Y/n- How’s your day going? Probably lot’s of filming right?
Hubby<3- Baby I wish I was there too, My day it’s going well I have had a few shoots. Misha, jared, and I are going out to have dinner later on tonight. 
Y/n- Aww, really tell them that I miss them, and you better be safe honey. I miss you too like really badly.
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Hubby<3- I miss you most. What’s my baby girls plan for the rest of the day? 
Y/n- I’m gonna take a bath, then maybe go shopping. 
Hubby<3- Wish I could join you in that bath baby! 
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Y/n- This tub seems so much bigger now!
Hubby<3- Oh come on you know that this isn’t fair. 
I was and still am the very best tease I think Jensen has ever encountered. So with Jensen being gone for such long times. I thought I would kinda just do whatever I needed to do to you know keep my sanity. I haven’t told Jensen but I.... We are getting a dog. 
Later on that night
Hubby<3- I’m so happy! One day less until I can come home to my sweet sweet wife. 
Y/n- Just One day less Honey. I really can’t wait to be in your arms again
Hubby<3- Call me!
Having to stop what I was doing I pressed the call button. The phone didn't even ring for more than a few seconds before Jensen was on the other side of the phone greeting me with hellos and what did you do today questions. 
I will say the minute I heard his voice, my own voice became very timid, and sounded as if I was going to cry. I guess Jensen heard it. 
“Baby are you okay?” 
“Yeah, I'm fine.I just haven’t talked to you in a few days and I really miss you.” A stray tear rolling down my face thinking about not having him around me on a daily basis.
“How about I tell you a few stupid things that happened here on set today? Would that maybe cheer my baby girl up?” 
“Sure I’d love to hear about your day!” I said wiping the tear that had made its way down to my chin away. The wetness of the tear now annoying my skin. 
“So of course Jared had to be a complete and utter dumbass. fucking around with Misha. Misha and I were trying to do a emotional scene and Misha couldn’t keep in character because of Jared stupid attentics. Jared was than asked very nicely to leave set and go to his trailer. You would think at this point of working with Jared for so many years that Misha would just learn to ignore it.”
“Oh christ, How old is Jared again?” I said my voice a little bit more happier than pryer. Jensen talking always makes me happy no matter where we are. He could talk and it would make me fall asleep. But tonight I have something to tell him too. 
“Jared, oh he’s totally like 5.” Jensen said with a chuckle at the end.
“I.. um have something to tell you.” 
“Okay shoot.” Jensen said probably pacing around the small apartment he had in Vancouver. He gets worried a lot, so maybe the idea of telling him now isn’t the best. 
“Are you pregnant?” Jensen said while I was in my train of thought. Just has quickly has are you pregnant came out of his mouth No came out of mine. 
“No, It’s something else but it’s just as good! and you can’t get mad when I tell you what it is.” 
“Well, Okay I promise not to get mad, but what did you do Y/n?” Jensen said 
“I may have gotten a pet.” I said with sarcasm lacing my tongue.
“Be. More. Specific. Y/n.” Jensen said his tone turning not into anger but getting agitated with the fact that I hadn’t yet told him what I had done.   
“Fine Jensen I will be more specific. I got a dog, well actually it’s a puppy.” 
It was quiet for a minute. And then everything that I wasn’t expecting happened. He just fucking ended the call! I went back to text and sent a few messages. 
Y/n- Did you just end out call???
Y/n- Jensen, it’s a dog thats all. I need company when you aren’t here. I need something to keep from being upset when my Husband leave to go to work. 
Y/n- You know what just be mad than Jensen. Good night Jensen. 
Setting my phone down on the coffee table face down. Trying to grasp the reason for why he had ended the call, why he had gotten so mad. You know what it’s not important why he got mad. I’m going to sit here with Ross watch some shows on Netflix, and be happy.
My phone buzzed on the table. I really tried to ignore it, but I knew it was Jensen so I couldn’t just ignore him, he’s my husband for god sake. 
Hubby<3- Why didn’t we talk about this before you just went ahead and did something?
Y/n- Why? Why because I thought you’d understand my reasoning and that you’d end up loving the dog in the long run. How mad are you at me? 
Y/n- This is Ross btw.
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Hubby>3- Wait. What’s his name? 
Y/n- Ross, I gave him your middle name so even if you weren’t here with me. I still had apart of you with me. 
Hubby<3- I wasn’t mad. I just guess I wasn’t ready for you to say you got a dog. I guess I just really wanted to do it with you, and thank you baby I do really think he’s cute. 
Y/n- He is, and from now on we always check with each other on things. Make sure neither one of us wanted to do, or already has planned something. I love you Jensen.
Hubby<3- I love you too y/n. Now call me back, actually Facetime me. I wanna see my son. ♥♥♥
Tag List - @akshi8278​
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crackimagines · 5 years
A Warm Place (FE: Three Houses Short Fic)
Child!Byleth Professor AU (Golden Deer)
After choosing the Golden Deer class to teach, the tiny professor’s life begins to change, for better or for worse.
Golden Deer Sequel to Part 1
Child!Byleth Post Masterlist here!
Byleth walked into the Golden Deer class after his meeting with Rhea. He decided to teach them because it seemed like they were a good crowd and didn’t have too many problems.
Truth be told, Byleth only worried about Leonie and Lorenz from the way they acted during their introductions.
The tiny professor would soon regret underestimating the class’s sanity.
Jeralt wanted to tag along with Byleth in meeting the class but Rhea had pulled him away for some unknown reason. With that, Byleth walked into the class alone and stood in front of the group.
(Hilda) “Oh hey, it’s that kid again!”
(Leonie) “YOU!”
(Lorenz) “I do hope you’ve come to apologize young man!”
(Byleth) “…Is Claude here?”
(Claude) “Hey there, kiddo. What brings you here?”
(Lysithea) “My goodness, can anyone give him the proper respect he is due? I’m so sorry for their rudeness, professor!”
(Everyone) “…”
(Raphael) “Wait a second, this cute kid is our professor?!”
(Claude) “HAHAHA! Oh, that’s a good one, Lysithea!”
(Marianne) “I-I um…Don’t think she’s joking.”
The class turned to Byleth who was looking at them with the most dead pan expression they had ever seen in their lives.
(Byleth) “I found the joke amusing too until I realized Rhea was serious.”
(Hilda) “…Oh my gosh, he really is our professor.”
(Lorenz) “What?! Why on earth would they choose someone so young to be a professor?”
(Claude) “Ain’t it obvious? The little teach here chose this class to get to know me better. I’m flattered, really.”
(Byleth) “…”
(Claude) “Yikes, not even a chuckle? Er, whoops now that you’re our professor I guess I should choose my words more carefully.”
(Byleth) “I don’t mind.” Heavens forbid I try and you all ignore me anyway.
(Raphael) “Yeah, seeing as we’re your seniors I guess it makes sense! Oh, does that mean we get to be your big bros and sisters?”
(Hilda) “How am I being taught by someone so much younger than me?”
(Lysithea) “He’s the same age as me and I’m just as surprised, honestly.”
(Leonie) “I think I can see it. After all, he’s a kid after the former captain of the Knights, Jeralt! There’s no way he isn’t worthy, even if he DOES have a smart mouth…”
(Hilda) “Judging a kid based off his lineage alone is a bad idea, Leonie. Right, Marianne?”
(Marianne) “Y-Yes. I agree..”
(Ignatz) “Wait Claude, didn’t you see him firsthand a little bit ago?”
(Claude) “That I did. He was quite impressive for someone that young! Regardless of how you all and the others see him, he’s got my seal of approval!”
(Raphael) “Let’s have a welcoming party! I’ll go get the meat!”
(Lorenz) “How savage. I prefer to get to know our professor through some tea! He may be young, but that’s the exact reason why he should learn how to talk like a no-”
(Raphael) “What?! You can’t have a party without the meat, Lorenz!”
(Lorenz) “Please stop speaking. Your commoner antics are quite grating on the Noble ears-”
(Claude) “Hah, as you can see little Teach, our crowd here’s a rowdy bunch. But hey, it’ll be more exciting for you, right?”
(Byleth) “I suppose.”
(Claude) “Well I hope you’re looking forward to the year as much as I am.”
Byleth gave a simple nod, and the class erupted into conversation, talking about how young he was among other things.
He slowly but surely began to regret choosing this class.
Few Weeks Later…
The way Byleth instructed his class was nothing short of draconian. 
Byleth being a mercenary knew there was only one way for kids to learn, and that was to get firsthand experience.
While Byleth did lecture to his class, most of the experience the Golden Deer class got was field studies on the training grounds, learning the ins and outs of combat.
He incorporated the knight’s teachings into his training demonstrations, but was the most unorthodox out of Manuela and Hanneman.
The first thing he said to his class when getting into the training ground was:
(Byleth) “Following the Knight’s teachings to the book will get you killed. I’ve seen idiots from other mercenary companies who diverted from the Knights lose their limbs from being too predictable.”
So, he encouraged free form training as soldiers in order to prevent rigid training practices, and to keep his students alive.
Though from the way he usually spoke to them, they were more of soldiers than they were students.
After training one day…
(Byleth) “Class is dismissed. Please remember we have practical exams tomorrow, and rest up properly.”
Hilda let out a sigh upon hearing the words “practical exams”.
His version of exams weren’t simply writing what you knew on a piece of paper. You had to physically demonstrate it in the training grounds against classmates to make sure you understood the material.
Ignoring the sigh, Byleth nodded and began organizing his papers as the class left and the bell rang.
(Claude) “Man, kid needs to lighten up. I don’t think I’ve seen him smile once.”
(Ignatz) “Yeah, it’s a little intimidating honestly.”
(Hilda) “And he’s so young too, shouldn’t he be more expressive?”
(Lysithea) “I admit while I’m quite serious, he takes it to a whole other level. Maybe we just need to talk to him about it?”
(Leonie) “Hey, why don’t we ask Hanneman and Manuela about him? They’ve been in professor council meetings with him right?”
(Lorenz) “That seems like the most logical path.”
(Raphael) “A kid his age should be enjoying the breeze and sun with other kids, not cooped up in some classroom all day!”
(Marianne) “Um, that’s not really why we’re going to the others, Raphael…”
The Next Day…
After the Practical Exams, Byleth was about to head back to the classroom and grade everyone’s performance until Claude stepped in his way.
(Claude) “Hey, little teach! Ya got a sec?”
Byleth looked up blankly, seemingly not caring what he was about to ask.
(Byleth) “How can I help?”
(Claude) “You doing anything this afternoon?”
(Byleth) “Grading your performances, but that is it.”
(Claude) “Well, I was wondering if you wanna catch lunch with the class? Ya know, bond with the students and all that?”
(Byleth) “Sure. May I ask why?”
(Claude) “…”
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“Dear, that child does not even know what the word “fun” means. He won’t listen to me because he thinks I don’t take my work seriously enough. He’s like Hanneman but worse! A cute little kid like him shouldn't be acting like a 70 year old man.”
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“Ignoring that spiteful comment, I am in agreement. I think a bit of levity would do him wonders from what Byleth has told us about his methods of teaching. We are relying on you and the rest of your classmates.”
(Claude) “It’s cause I haven’t seen you take a break is all! You should be enjoying your youth. That reminds me, I should get on Lysithea’s case about that too…”
(Byleth) “I see. Well then, let’s get the rest of the class.”
Claude nodded and got everyone’s attention. To Byleth though, they seemed to agree a bit too fast. Even someone as lazy as Hilda was quick to jump in on this. Deciding not to dwell on it, Byleth followed Claude out into the Mess Hall. 
Everyone sat down next to each other, or more accurately, near Byleth.
The tiny professor was beginning to suspect something was up, but when he heard everyone talking, nothing seemed particularly forced. For once he decided to let down his guard and just enjoy some time with his students. Now that he thought on it, this was only the second time they ate as a class.
(Lysithea) “So professor, are you enjoying your time at Garreg Mach?”
Byleth shrugged.
(Byleth) “Guess so. You all don’t seem as bad as I thought you were going to be.”
(Leonie) “I’d be delighted if you didn’t add that last part. How bad DID you think about us?!”
(Hilda) “You all need to be reigned in, you’re all like a bunch of animals!”
(Lorenz) “Pft, speak for yourself, Hilda! I saw you during that exam, you were barely putting any effort in!”
(Hilda) “I did put effort in, excuse you!”
(Marianne) “G-Guys, we’re supposed to be eating…”
(Byleth) “Heh…”
Everyone suddenly turned to Byleth, who was looking at everyone with an eyebrow raised.
(Claude) “Teach, was that a laugh? My goodness, the kid’s human after all!”
(Ignatz) “H-Hey, don’t be mean to him!”
(Byleth) “Don’t worry about it Ignatz. I suppose I haven’t exactly been…the most friendly of professors.”
(Raphael) “You can say that again! Everyday you look like you wanna kill us!”
(Lorenz) “Oh for goddess’s sake, Raphael watch your tone!”
(Byleth) “It’s fine, really. I apologize for my lack of…emotions they’re…something I’m not familiar with.”
(Leonie) “Wait, what?”
(Lysithea) “That’s a little absurd. Surely you’ve experienced things like joy and pain, right?”
Byleth shrugged as he put a bit of his meal onto his spoon.
(Byleth) “I think? Not sure honestly. I never had time to think about it, and even when I did, it wasn’t important to the mission.”
Everyone looked a little sorry now. It wasn’t that Byleth didn’t care about showing emotions, it was the fact he doesn’t know how to show it.
(Claude) “Well no worries, little teach! We’re here to change that around for ya!”
(Marianne) “With our class, I think all he might know is annoyance…”
Lorenz and Hilda spat out their drinks while Claude began laughing hard.
Byleth watched the chaos unfold as the class spoke amongst each other, the lunch becoming much more livelier. 
Byleth’s memories started flashing of when he and Jeralt were dining with his mercenary company, being loud and obnoxious.
Most of the time, Byleth had been alone from both Jeralt and the other mercenaries, so he was starting to get a bit homesick.
But seeing the class interact like this gave him more than a little comfort.
It was going to take some time, but eventually Byleth knew he was going to like this class a lot more than he thought. 
(Byleth) “I guess we should do this more often.”
With no one looking at him, Byleth had a small smile creep up on him, going back to the meal as Claude and Lorenz began to bicker, the rest of the Golden Deer chiming in.
(Byleth) “You’re no mecenaries but…You all will do.”
And this was the first steps of many for the class of the Golden Deer down a path together. 
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writersrealmbts · 6 years
Alternate Reality Nightmare: Part 1
Description: You end up in an alternate reality with your bias when you got lost trying to get out, and things definitely aren’t the same here as they are where you’re from. Namjoon x Reader.
Warnings: Violence, other issues, (You should always be careful when reading things)
Posted: 10/27/2018
Tags: Namjoon, Reader X Namjoon, AlternateReality!AU
Angst: 3,522 words
A/N: This one has been in the works for a while. The next part won’t be as together, with some time skips for the sake of my sanity, but hopefully the ending will be satisfying for you.
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You raced through the event center, trying to get out. To go back to your hotel to calm yourself down and get the sleep you needed. You shouldn’t have come here. It was too much with the jet-lag. You fell forward, but someone caught you. You looked up and just about died. It was him. Then you saw past him in your panic and you ended up ignoring him when he asked if you were okay with a surprised little smile. You pointed behind him. He turned to look and flinched. “Oh shit.” The two of you were no longer in the event center with thousands of other screaming fans and his band mates. His grip on your arms tightened. “Where are we?” You looked around, panic welling up. “I…I think we’re in the same spot, but…” “But there’s no building.” He finished the statement, moving his grip from your arms to one hand of your hands. “All of the signs are still in Korean.” You shuddered, suddenly glad he spoke English. You knew a little bit of Korean, what you had studied so that you could function when you came over. “Alright, let’s walk down the road and see what happens,” he suggested, sounding calm and rationale but looking almost as freaked out as you were. “Um, is it okay if I don’t let go?” You asked, your voice shaking. You thought you might panic if you lost the contact with his hand, which was opposite of what you had been thinking earlier. You had thought you might panic if you got this close to any of the boys. Now you were clinging to his hand because it was the only thing you recognized. He looked down at you and then gave your hand an extra squeeze. “Yeah, stay close…?” “Y/n.” “Namjoon. Anyway, if everything is different, then…” “For sanity,” you suggested. He gave a nervous smile. “For sanity.” The two of you slowly made your way down the street, noting the glares and whispers that followed. His grip tightened more and more. Someone stopped you, speaking in angry Korean. You glanced between Namjoon and this older woman. Finally, Namjoon dodged around the woman, pulling you with him. “Hurry.” You picked up your pace to match his rushed one. “What did she say?” “She called you my slave.” “Excuse me?!” He gave you a scared and worried look. “She told me that I shouldn’t be so familiar with my slave and that I shouldn’t let you on main roads where you could be seen. Something is off and I can’t place it. Please just come with me.” You caught up with him, sticking close to his side. Slave. The political implications of that were pretty clear. Your parents came to your mind and the panic kept rising. He suddenly pulled you into an alley, navigating through it until the two of you came out on a smaller, dirt street that was virtually abandoned. “Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore,” you murmured, letting go of his hand and dropping against a wall. He stood in the middle of the street, looking up and down it. “I’m sorry.” “For what? It’s not like you were the one that dropped us into an alternate reality.” You were regulating your breathing to try and keep from crying or panicking. “You came to see us, though. If you hadn’t you might be safe. You aren’t safe now.” “But I’m not alone. This would be a lot worse if I was alone. Though, I’m sorry that it was you. Everyone will be worried about you. The boys, your family, the company, and your fans.” “People will be worried about you too.” “Just my mom and dad. A couple friends. It’s almost inconsequential compared to—“ “It’s not. You are just as important as I am.” He knelt in front of you. “We’ll find a way back to our families.” You stared into his eyes, hoping he was right but knowing it was possible that he was wrong. “What were you doing in that hallway anyway?” He asked, smiling a little. “Chickening out of actually meeting any of you,” you answered, inhaling sharply, and letting out a shaky breath. He looked surprised. “You were leaving?” “I have panic attacks sometimes and I felt a little…I didn’t want to have a panic attack there. It would have been too embarrassing. I didn’t want to be that girl. The one who passes out from meeting human beings who just happen to make amazing music. I promised myself I would never be like that.” “You have panic attacks?” He frowned. You nodded. “I don’t have them as often since I switched jobs, and since I started taking medicine. Got regular sleep, didn’t have caffeine.” “Jet lag?” You nodded. He nodded in return, then stood, holding his hand out to you. “Come on. We’re in this together.” “Namjoon?” A deep voice asked off to one side. One that both of you recognized. Taehyung was staring at Namjoon, but he didn’t look like the Taehyung you both knew. This Taehyung had his hair blue, royal blue, but he was also wearing some sort of fancy uniform, and had strange designs painted on his face. “Taehyung-ssi?” Namjoon stood up slowly, glancing nervously at you. Taehyung swallowed hard. “But…you were…by her…” Taehyung suddenly had his gaze fixed on you, and he was glaring. “Don’t tell me you work for them now!” “I don’t work for anyone Taehyung. I don’t know what’s going on. Please, we need to get her off the street. Please.” Taehyung looked angry and confused. “Why should I help her? Why would you help her? She’s the one that took you from us!” “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Namjoon held up both of his hands. “It’s hard to explain. Please, if you ever trusted me, help me get her somewhere safe. She’s scared. I’m scared.” You could hear people coming and whatever they were saying sent Namjoon off. “Taehyung, please!” Namjoon grabbed his friends arm. Taehyung’s gaze was sad as he nodded. “Alright, Hyung. Follow me.” Namjoon quickly turned to you. You got up and took his hand and both of you hurried after Taehyung. Every time someone saw you they were outraged and were yelling at Namjoon and Taehyung. The second crowd was when Taehyung took matters into his own hands. He grabbed your arm and pulled you roughly to his side. He said something in Korean as he dragged you through the crowds and Namjoon followed. He definitely wasn’t just doing it for show, his grip on your arm painful. And he didn’t let go until he basically threw you through the gate of a large residence. You fell down, scraping your hands and knees, and officially unable to breathe. You heard the gate close, then gentle hands and angry Korean greeted you. Taehyung responded in a frustrated tone. Namjoon brushed his fingers over your arm where Taehyung had handled you. He spoke harshly. You looked up at Taehyung as you managed to calm down. “Thank you.” Both of them shut up, mouths open in shock. You looked at Namjoon. “They thought I was a slave. The best explanation is for me to be in trouble. It made my reaction genuine.” “You’re having a panic attack,” Namjoon argued, pulling you to your feet. Taehyung said something that seemed to calm Namjoon down. You looked back up at Taehyung. “Hang on, you spoke English fluently earlier.” He nodded. Namjoon looked at his little brother and shook his head. “When did you learn English?” “We all learned it after you…after she took you. We were trying to find you. Know your enemies, right?” He stared at the ground, looking like he didn’t know whether to glare or be sad. “We should get inside. The other guys should know.” Namjoon looked at you, then at Taehyung. “You’ll help me keep her safe?” “Yes, Hyung. But only until you explain what’s going on. Then I make no promises.” “That’s enough,” Namjoon said, relief evident in his voice. Taehyung led the way inside. “Hyungs! Jimin-ssi! Jungkook-ssi! Meeting in the Living room!” Namjoon kept hold of your hand, whispering calming words to try and help you come back from the panic. It really wasn’t too bad of an attack as far as your attacks went, but… Taehyung gestured for you to take a seat on the couch, then went into the kitchen, yelling out in Korean. He came back with a cup of water, putting it in your shaking free hand and holding it steady even though he obviously disliked you. You took a drink, calming surprisingly fast. “Taehyung,” Jin said. He was staring at you and Namjoon looking like he had seen a ghost. He had different markings from Taehyung, but like Taehyung was still extremely handsome with his silver hair. His clothes were a little more normal. Taehyung went over and guided him to a seat, speaking softly in Korean. Jin slowly nodded. Jungkook, Jimin, and J-Hope came in next but their reactions weren’t as subdued as Jin’s. Jungkook‘s eyes widened and Namjoon’s name slipped between his lips, but then he saw you. Jimin had seen you first, then Namjoon. J-Hope was probably the scariest difference, looking like some sort of demon with his markings and hair, and his fingers pressing into your neck and cutting off oxygen. “Hoseok!” Namjoon tried to push J-Hope away, finally succeeding when Taehyung helped him. J-Hope spat out words that were filled with venom despite your inability to understand. You gasped for breath, pressing back into the cushions of the couch as they argued loudly and J-Hope glared at you. “Hey!” Someone finally yelled over everyone. Silence fell as everyone fell still and everyone looked at Jin. Suga had snuck in at some point and was standing beside him looking shocked. Jin’s glare was intense. He barked out an order in a tone that had all of the boys except Namjoon scrambling to sit at attention. Namjoon looked at them in confusion, then slowly moved back to your side and sat. “What’s going on?” You whispered, your voice pitched ultra high from the panic that was overwhelming you. He looked at you, then quickly wrapped his arms around you. “I don’t know. Are you okay?” You shook your head. He helped you go through some different things to calm down, ignoring the other boys. It took a while, and the whole time they were perfectly silent. Waiting. Finally, you were able to breathe easily and didn’t feel like you were going to die. You and Namjoon faced his group members and you could see them all clearly. Suga had the least markings, most of his were on his neck and hands. He was wearing the lightest colored clothing, a pale blue that went well with his brown hair. Jimin looked a little creepy, his gaze intense and fixed on you, the dark markings around his eyes emphasizing his glare. It gave you flashbacks to the beginning of their music career when they always had dark eyeliner on, but this was also very different. There was something ominous about the markings. This pink-haired Jimin looked nothing like the soft Mochi you remembered from the Spring Day era. Jungkook somehow looked even more like a bunny with his markings and his dark purple hair. His eyes looked huge as he looked nervously back and forth between Namjoon, Jin, and J-Hope. He looked like he wanted to say something but didn’t dare. J-hopes markings almost completely covered his face, and his hair looked like it had been dyed with blood. He wore blacks and dark greys, and looked at you so casually murderous that you had a feeling he didn’t go by J-Hope here. “Namjoon…explain,” Jin finally ordered in that same voice that brooked no argument. Namjoon squeezes your hand, checking one last time that you were okay before facing the boys. “Is it okay if I speak in English?” Jin nodded sharply. Namjoon nodded, seeming nervous. He took a breath but his voice didn’t come out. “Hyung, what happened to your marks?” Jungkook asked in a soft voice, glancing nervously at Jin after. Jin made a slight gesture that seemed to be forgiving him and prompting Namjoon to answer. There was something about Jin that was so…authoritative. “I’ve never had…marks,” Namjoon answered slowly. “I don’t know what is going on. I just know that she’s considered a slave or something and there’s some sort of war…and apparently, your Namjoon was taken or killed.” “Do you think this is a joke?” J-Hope hissed, tensing as if he was getting ready to pounce. “Hoseok,” Jin growled, shooting a glare in that direction. J-Hope looked away with an apology in Korean. “Explain,” Jin demanded, fixing his gaze on both of you. Namjoon hesitated. “Where we’re from, the seven of you make up a very popular music group, Bangtan Sonyeondan, or BTS. I’m a fan. I was at an event that you were throwing. I was leaving and I ran into Namjoon. When we looked up again, we weren’t there anymore. We were here. Where I’m a slave, or some sort of soldier, and let me tell you right now, I’m really not.” Jin’s eyes flashed silver as his gaze flicked between you and Namjoon. The others seemed to be waiting for him. “They’re telling the truth.” You flinched, sharing a glance with Namjoon. “How do you know?” Namjoon asked, curious despite the intensity of the situation. They all looked at him like he grew a second head. Hoseok cleared his throat, suddenly looking less hostile. “So, another dimension?” Jin leaned back into his seat. “Taehyung and Jimin, go prepare a room for y/n. Jungkook, back to work. Yoongi, you too. Hoseok, we’ll discuss your temper and punishment later.” “Yes, Hyung,” the other boys chorused, then dispersed, with many glances back towards the two of you. Then it was just the three of you. Jin deflated and dropped his head into his hands, the heels of his hands rubbing his eyes. “Sorry about Hoseok. He hasn’t been the same since his family was killed, and when you…when our Namjoon was taken he sort of snapped. We all did, but in different ways. We can’t even get Jungkook-ssi to leave the barrack.” “And you all know English,” you murmured. He nodded, sitting straight again and fixing you both with a serious gaze. “I’ll have to talk to Jungkook and see what he’s been up to. He should know better than to mess with things beyond his understanding.” You stared for a moment. “You think Jungkook did this?” “Him or Jimin. If not them, then something is going on that is beyond my rank.” Jin looked worried. And he looked too thin. Drawn out. Like he had been shoved into a role that he had no idea how to fill and was at his wits end to do so. “Was I the leader?” Namjoon asked, taking your hand in his again and squeezing it. Jin nodded slowly. “We always thought Hoseok would be the leader if something happened to you, but he couldn’t be rational. He was in so much pain. It’s been a long time since he’s acted like our hope.” “Hyung,” Namjoon murmured, obviously worried about them even though you both knew that they weren’t the same people. “I’m sorry.” You wanted to just tuck Jin into a bed and feed him and tell him everything would be okay. You wanted to make him smile and laugh. “Yoongi has been doing what he could to help, but most of the time it’s all he can do just to keep Hoseok under control when I’m busy. Jimin and Taehyung stick together. Taehyung makes sure Jimin doesn’t get too upset when Hoseok brushes him off. Jungkook doesn’t normally cause any problems. He sticks with Taehyung and Jimin when they’re home. And he’s one of the few that Hoseok still seems to remember to care about.” Jin got up and straightened up the couch, then gestured for the two of you to follow him into the kitchen. He started scrubbing counters. “I’m doing my best, but i guess I’m failing. I don’t know why you…why he kept me in his team. Especially once Jungkook was able to do everything I could teach him. And our Namjoon has the same gifts I did. It should have been Hoseok. Maybe the responsibility would have kept him from going off. Namjoon. That idiot. He shouldn’t have saved me. He shouldn’t have chosen me.” You squeezed Namjoon’s hand to resist the urge to make Jin stop working so hard. He looked so pale. His eyes flashed silver and he flinched, knocking the vase to the ground as he almost collapsed. “Hyung!” Namjoon hurried to Jin’s side. You looked around and spotted the broom, waiting for Namjoon to help the protesting man out of the way so you could sweep. Namjoon practically forced Jin into one of the chairs. “I’m fine. It was just a small one,” Jin said. Jungkook came running in. “Hyung?” “I’m fine. It was just a small one.” “The physician said you should call him if you have one,” Jungkook murmured, still acting respectful, but also acting casually. “They’re getting more frequent…” “Everything will be okay, Jungkook-ssi. Don’t worry about me. I…” his eyes flashed again and he stiffened then his eyes rolled back. “Hyung?!” Jungkook caught Jin as he fell sideways. “Yoongi-Hyung! Hurry!” “Is—is he having a seizure?” You asked. Yoongi darted in. “Get him on the floor.” Jungkook and Namjoon got him on the floor and Yoongi put a hand on Jin’s chest as the man convulsed. Yoongi’s eyes glowed warmly despite his worried expression. He was focused intently on Jin, his own breathing getting rapid and shallow and the markings on his hands turning white. Jungkook pushes Yoongi away with a conflicted sound. “It’s not working!” “I called the doctor,” Jimin said in a worried voice from the doorway. Namjoon was staring in horror. “What’s happening?” “Jin is sick. That happens when…” Taehyung started to answer before he choked up. Namjoon dropped beside Jin, grabbing his hand. “What’s wrong with him? What does he have?” “He’s dying because Namjoon is too far away. They’re soul-bonded. It allows one of them to fight longer and harder, but if they’re separated for too long before the bond is broken…one of them will get sick and die.” Hoseok knelt on the other side of Jin, his expression more like that of J-Hope’s. He felt Jin’s forehead. “Come on, wake up. Wake up, Hyung.” You swallowed hard. “What happens if he doesn’t wake up?” Jungkook looked at you with big, scared eyes. “If? No…no, he has to. Wake up, Jin-ssi!” He started toward Jin but Yoongi and Jimin held him back.  “Wake up, wake up, please!” You looked at Namjoon and saw that he was looking at you. You knew what he wanted to ask. He wanted to help his family here before you went back to your own dimension. You slowly nodded your agreement. He nodded back. “We should look for you. That might be the best way to find him.” You nodded. Then his eyes widened. “Wait, you understood me? I forgot to switch from Korean to English.” You stared at him. “Say something in Korean.” “You can speak Korean?” Taehyung asked you, looking surprised. “No,” you replied, folding your arms. “I only know a couple phrases.” “You’re speaking it now,” Hoseok said, his gaze still fixed on Jin, who had gone still. “And if you two aren’t the same as ours, then how do you intend to find her?” “Will it have changed who my parents are? Or my siblings? Will it change my name or my grandparents?” You asked, taking a deep breathe. “I have to believe that there will be enough similarities that we can recognize me. Or, this version of me.” Unless they were sent to your own universe. Jimin ran to let in the physician. You looked down at Jin, shuddering slightly. Yoongi was cradling his hand in his other, looking like he was in pain. Hoseok looked up at you, catching your gaze and holding it as he stood up and stood in front of you. Taehyung pulled Namjoon away and pushed him into a closet. Jin started convulsing again. The physician dropped next to Jin, murmuring and pulling out equipment. Hoseok turned your face back toward him. “Your Namjoon can help him. I know this version of you better than anyone else. He stays here. You go with me. You get me to him. I’ll get you back here.” You didn’t see any warmth or sincerity in his eyes. You were a tool. “Alive or dead?” He smirked. “That depends entirely on you.” The physician cursed. “He’s stopped breathing.”
Masterlist.  Part 2.
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iamthechocobabe · 7 years
We All Have Battle Scars
I am on ze role! Wis mah fake Franch accant, I vill post anozer chaptah. 
I’m working on three hours of sleep. 
Once again, if you want to read the AU this was based on, check out @nifwrites Ignis soulmate AU We Intertwined 
IMPORTANT A/N: Please be aware that while this is based on the same mythology that Nif wrote, IT IS NOT THE SAME UNIVERSE. There were some changes to the mythology and characters that were created by Nif and @cupnoodle-queen and @blindbae are not in this story. 
We All Have Battle Scars
~Chapter 1~
Word Count: 2,006
~Chapter 1~
Alaea played a game whenever she came across a mirror-she would put her hand over the scar on her lower left cheek and neck and would pretend the scar wasn't there and that she was normal. 
Her hand wasn't big enough to cover the whole scar as her burn scar ran past her neck and into her chest, but she usually tried to ignore the rest of the scar and just focus on her face. When you couldn't focus on the scar, you could focus on Alaea's almond shaped golden-brown eyes, her slightly pudgy but cute nose and full lips that was naturally curved to a smile. 
But no one ever seemed to want to look past her scar. Even the workers at the Chocobo Outpost treated Alaea differently sometimes. 
The scar was bright red with bubbles of skin that hadn't been as burned throughout the scar. Wiz once compared it to a type of spider web because the bubbles connected to other bubbles through small patches of skin. 
For awhile, Alaea refused to let her scar bother her and tried to live her life as normal as possible, even going so far as to cut her long golden brown hair to her chin so that there was no way she could hide her face. But the older she got, the more kids taunted her until she finally grew her hair out to be long and wavy with  a length that reached her elbows. When she didn't have her hair up in a messy bun for working on the ranch, her hair was loose and usually hiding the left side of her face. 
And there were times she hated that face. 
"It ain't going away, Chocobee," Wiz called to Alaea.
"I know, daddy," Alaea called back and wiped some dirt off her shoulder. Her work clothes were getting dirty; mud was beginning to cake the red and black checkered button down shirt that Alaea wore over the bright purple tank top with the Wiz's Chocobo Post logo in the center. The black jeans she wore had a hole in the right knee and the white in her white and black sneakers was now an ugly brown color. 
"Chocobee, can you quit primping and take this customer's order? I need to sign our feeding shipment," 
"Only if you quit calling me 'Chocobee'," Alaea called and started to head over to the small table that had a young couple and what looked like their son, who looked to be about ten or eleven. 
"Ali, you know that ain't happening," 
Alaea smirked at her dad and focused on the people at the table. "What can I get you?" 
"Yes, what does your name tag say?" the woman asked, referring to the name stitched into the left side of her work shirt. "A-lah-eh-a?" 
"A-lay-a," Alaea sounded out the name, like she had done so many other times before. "It's okay, I know it's tricky," 
"Right, right," the woman gazed at Alaea for a second but looked away when their eyes met. 
"Do you need some time to look at the menu?" Alaea asked. 
"Actually, if it's possible, we were wondering..." the woman trailed off and shifted in her seat, clearly uncomfortable by something. Alaea had a suspicion as to what it was. 
"We know it's a lot to ask, but we would...we would feel more comfortable if...um..." the woman stuttered again and was looking at anything but Alaea until finally the husband, who hadn't once looked up from the newspaper he had bought, decided to chip in. 
"We don't want you to serve us," 
This wasn't the first time something like this had happened and Alaea knew it wouldn't be the last, but it still hurt to hear it. "Excuse me?" 
"You look like a daemon tried to chew on your face and didn't like the way you tasted and spat you out," the little boy, their son, piped up. 
"Billy!" the woman chastised her son and glanced nervously at Alaea. "It's nothing personal, dearie, it's just...we don't want anything to get into our food, you see?" 
Alaea paused, trying not to feel offended but being unable to do so. "I see...well, I can assure you, my scar doesn't peel and won't 'fall' into the food, but I'll go ask one of the other hands to help you," Alaea turned around and walked away without giving the family a chance to say anything. 
It wasn't long until Wiz came into the house and sighed at the sight of his daughter sitting and stewing in anger and bitterness on the couch in the living room. "People these days," he said. 
"Tell me about it," Alaea said, the bitterness practically dripping from her voice. 
"Don't let what they said hurt you, Ali," Wiz sat down on the couch next to her and put his arm around her. "They're just jealous that you get to hang out with the Chocobos all day," 
"Har har," Alaea said, but leaned on her father's shoulder anyway. "You'd think with bounty hunters being more frequent that people would be more used to seeing scars," 
"It's these posh people from the Crown City-we're getting more of them ever since the Empire invaded Insomnia," 
Alaea couldn't help but shiver. "You think Impirials will come here?" Alaea asked softly, not wanting to think about her precious family home and her father's life's work being torn apart by a bunch of magiteks. 
Wiz laid his head on the back of the couch and pulled his wool cap down so it covered his eyes. "I don't know, Ali. Maybe-that's why I'm trying to raise money for some bounty hunter guards, but...it's been difficult," 
"Maybe I could become a bounty hunter," Alaea mused. "Take care of that Behemoth that's shitting around the Chocobos," 
Wiz looked at his daughter with a smirk and held out his hand. "Swear jar," 
Alaea grumbled and pulled five gil out of her pocket and put it into her dad's hand. 
Wiz pocketed the change and continued. "Darling, you screamed bloody murder when a rat slithered across your foot the other day-I don't think you can handle fighting daemons, let alone a Behemoth,"
"Dad, seriously; everyone who's gone after that daemon has either come back with the shit beaten out of them or not come back at all. Aren't you the one who always said 'if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself?'" 
"That's talking about ordering Chocobo feed, Ali; we're talking about taking up a daemon that's about the size of a small house," Wiz held out his hand again. "Swear jar," 
"I can take daemons," Ali insisted while putting another five gil in her dad's open palm. Deep down, Alaea knew she couldn't really handle daemons, though. Ever since she was a baby, she'd been deathly afraid of mice and other small critters that weren't Chocobos. 
Alaea had never had the guts to fight a daemon before, but the fact that the ranch was starting to lose business was getting to Alaea. She had to wonder if she could defeat the daemon, or at least maybe trick it into leaving the valley. 
Wiz looked at his daughter and raised an eyebrow. 
"Well, I can still take you on, anyway," Alaea pinched her dad in the side and sat up. "At least then I can tell people I got malled by a daemon. Much more epic than a cooking accident," 
"Not everybody's gonna focus on your scar, chocobee," 
Alaea glanced at the mirror on the counter that overlooked the kitchen and scoffed. "Could have fooled me," 
"Your soulmate won't focus on it, I bet," 
Alaea couldn't help but put her hand on the back of her neck where her soulmate mark was. Her dad had one in the shape of an eye on his right foot while her mother had one on her left foot and when Wiz had met Gayle, that was how he knew she was 'the one'. 
Alaea's mark was centered on the back of her neck, just below her hairline and had the shape of an ulwaat berry, which kind of looked like a strawberry. She knew because her parents were soulmates that her soulmate would have the same mark just with the stem curving to the right instead of to the left. 
But though she would never tell her dad, Alaea didn't believe the soulmate thing was legitimate-it had been clear that people didn't just straight up fall in love just because of a soulmate mark they owned; Alaea knew this by looking at her own parents failed marriage. 
"Knowing my luck, dad, he'd have all kinds of scars with a lazy eye and a limp-or worse..." Alaea shuddered. "Blonde," 
"Not all blondes are horrific she-devils," Wiz mumbled. 
The one you married was, was what Alaea wanted to say but she bit her tongue and stayed silent for the sake of her father's sanity. 
"Anyway, now, that wouldn't be the worst thing-looks aren't everything, you know," Wiz looked at his daughter-he knew she was skeptical about the soulmate marking and was justifiably so. 
"Knowing your luck, chocobee," Wiz said while pinching Alaea's shoulder. "He'll be so devishly handsome that you'll feel inadequate to him," 
Alaea looked at her dad, one of her eyebrows raised. 
Wiz realized his error and nodded. "Right, that would be worse,"
Prompto Argentum touched the back of his neck gently as the group drove onto Lastallum. Once again, his mind was drawn to what his soulmate would look like-he had considered asking Cid if Cindy had a soulmate marking, but when Cid was approached, he gave Prompto a look that said 'if you say one word about my daughter, I will skin you alive and hang you up by your entrails,'
And Prompto would say 'well, that escalated quickly' 
But what bugged Prompto the most about his soulmate was the memory of meeting his own soulmate when he was very young. 
It was almost like a dream, but he remembered the back of a neck that had the same soulmate mark as Prompto's, just mirrored. When Prompto discovered his own soulmate mark at a young age, the memory stuck with him, but when he told his parents, they said it was probably just a dream. 
Prompto wasn't sure if it was a dream or not, but he hoped it wasn't. 
Because then that meant they were still out there, somewhere. 
Gladiolus, who sat in the backseat with Prompto, noticed Prompto tracing the outline of his soulmate marking, knowing that the mark looked like an ulwaat berry with the stem curved to the right. "Touching it is not gonna make them magically appear," he snickered. 
"Shut up," Prompto grumbled-his soulmate mark always felt private to Prompto, like it was something only he should know. But it was hard to keep something like a soulmate mark private, especially with three close friends. 
"I never could get the purpose in a soulmate mark," Noctis said from the front seat. "What if they have absolutely nothing in common? What if one of them is a thief?" 
"But what if one of them is their destined one?" Prompto pointed out and Noctis snorted. Noctis was about to say something when Prompto gasped. "OH. EM. GEE," Right ahead, at the curve of the road, was a sign that said 'Wiz's Chocobo Outpost'. "Noct, we HAVE to go! Please, please, pleeeeaaaaasssee!" 
"We have to meet Iris in Lastallum," Gladio grumbled. 
Noctis laughed softly. "Few days wouldn't hurt," he said and Ignis began to turn off the road and head towards the ranch. "I was gonna ask you a question though, Prompt," 
"What if your soulmate is ugly?" 
Prompto scoffed a little at the comment, irritated once again at how people were so obsessed with the looks of their soulmates. Prompto used to hear stories all the time in school, how if someone's soulmate didn't meet their expectations, they would reject them. It always pissed Prompto off. 
"Um, wow, Noctis, conceited much? Do you think I'm that shallow?"
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