#um. girl help. i am noticing mistakes. and spots that look weird
donghuamuqing · 2 years
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Blood on hands, blood in mouth
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
Make a Move
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➣ Pairing/genre: roommate!Hobi x reader
➣ Premise: You thought ‘Hope’ was a girl, but looking at the hot dude currently claiming to be your roommate, you might be wrong.
➣ warnings/tags: pure fluff, reader gets a lil sick for a minute
➣ word count: 4.6k
➣ a/n: this was a commission by @hobi-gif for Army for AAPI! Thank you so much for commissioning this, I hope you enjoy it! You guys, check out ways to get involved in this awesome cause by clicking the link!
You look down at the application, and back up at the person standing in front of you. Down, then up.
Twice more, just to wrap your mind around the dumbest mistake you’ve ever made.
The man fidgeting nervously before you manages a bright smile. “Yep. That’s me!”
Again, you stare down at the application. “I…you’re the one moving in?”
Hoisting the heavy-looking box higher in his arms, the man – Hope if he’s to be believed, offers a strained nod. “Yeah, it’s sort of a nickname…Hoseok. I’m Hoseok.” He looks around, poking his head through the doorway to your small apartment. “Mind if I set this down? It’s kinda heavy…”
You step aside in a daze, watching as Hoseok sweeps inside and sets the box down with a thud on the counter. A moment later another head is peeking inside before carrying in another box.
“Hey, I’m assuming you’re one of the roommates?” The newcomer asks, sweeping some of his ashen-blond hair off his forehead and extending a hand out to you. You take it with some trepidation.
“I am. And you’re Hoseok’s friend?”
“Namjoon. Just stopping in with a few of his things. Oh,” Namjoon waits until Hoseok walks back outside before continuing, speaking to you in a hushed tone. “I just wanted to say thank you. You know, for letting him move in. Ever since our landlord found out we had seven people instead of six, it’s been hard trying to find a place but Hoseok was adamant he be the one to move out. Did want to separate the others-”
“Wait, woah,” you hold up a hand, effectively cutting him off. “Seven? Seven people living in one tiny apartment?”
Namjoon tilts his head to one side, brows furrowed. “He didn’t tell you? That’s why he moved out; someone had to. Our apartment has a six person limit, so once our landlord found out Hoseok volunteered to be the one to move out.”
It appears that Hoseok hasn’t told you a lot of things.
“I…no, he didn’t mention that.”
Namjoon moves on, unphased. “Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for taking him on. It’s nearly impossible to find a place this time of year, and we weren’t sure if you would be chill with having a male roommate, but it really means the world. This way he can stay close to us-”
“Yeah, we live just a few blocks away. He didn’t say that?”
At that moment Hoseok walks through the door, still wearing that sheepish smile that he directs at you.
“No. He must have forgotten to mention that, too.”
           Once Namjoon has left and Hoseok gets into organizing all of his things, you set up camp on the couch. Book in hand, you can’t help but assess your new roommate.
           A part of you wants to get rid of him, but another part of you is interested to see what might unfold from this strange situation. You’ve never had a male roommate before, and if Namjoon is any representative for what this man’s friends look like…
           You suppose it’s not too much of a pain to allow Jung Hoseok to stick around for a little while.
           Hoseok hums to himself, occasionally making little sound effects as he puts a bowl away or opens a cupboard. Every once in a while he’ll ask you a question, like, “Is this spot free to use?” or “Are you allergic to anything?”
           You’re nearly heading to bed when Hoseok knocks softly on your door. Your rooms are on opposite ends of the apartment, something you find yourself being extremely grateful for tonight. The knowledge that a stranger is chilling in your apartment is enough to have you feeling a little worried.
           It’s simple. Sure, Hoseok seems nice enough. Friendly even. But he’s too attractive to be normal.
           “What’s up?” You ask, opening your bedroom door to see Hoseok with his arms full of shampoo and other shower items.
           Despite the large bottle of Pantene blocking his chest, it’s easy to tell that he doesn’t have a shirt on beneath his robe.
           Indeed, the sight before you is enough to have you clutching the doorframe until your knuckles are white in an effort to not gape.
           Wearing nothing but basketball shorts and fluffy white robe, Hoseok shuffles from one foot to the other. “Oh, I was just wondering if you had any preference about where I put my things in the bathroom. You know, if the left side is specifically yours or something like that.”
           “Huh?” You shake your head, forcing yourself to only look at his eyes. That turns out to be even worse, in some weird twisted way. “Oh, yeah. Well, I tend to put most of my stuff on the left side of the vanity. But you can put your stuff wherever. I’m not worried about that.”
           Hoseok nods, taking a step back. He bids you a quiet goodnight before retreating back down the hallway.
           A few seconds pass as you remain in your doorway, thinking hard.
           No, you’re not worried about sharing a drawer in the bathroom or putting the A/C on a lower setting, as he asked you about earlier.
           You’re just worried about the fact that you’ve never found a pair of basketball shorts more attractive than just now.
           Basketball shorts paired with nothing but a robe?
           “This is gonna be great,” you mumble to yourself, closing your door and leaning against it. Only when you hear the sound of the shower going do you allow yourself to relax. “I’m gonna die.”
2 weeks in
           “I’m headed to the store, you need anything?”
           You pause, assessing the contents of the fridge. “Um…eggs?”
           It’s not very often the two of you are in the apartment at the same time, your schedule being polar opposites. However, it’s always relatively friendly. Still a little awkward, but always cordial.
           Hoseok – or Hobi, as he’s repeatedly invited you to call him – scans his little list. “Already on the list. Anything else?”
           “You already put eggs on the list? Like, for me?” The two of you by no means share groceries.
           Hobi shrugs. “Yeah. I figured you were nearly out since you eat them like every morning.”
           “Hey, not every morning-”
           “Every weekday morning.” He wiggles his eyebrows at you. “Tell me I’m wrong. I’ll wait.”
           You groan. “Yah, just go. I’ll text you if I need anything.” Turning back to the fridge, you utter out, “Annoying little-”
           “What was that?”
           You wait until you hear the door close to let out a sigh. “Huh.” You didn’t even realize that he would notice those kinds of things. It’s a strange feeling, having someone notice even the most mundane parts of your routine.
           You…like it?
           Opening up a few of the cupboards, you realize that you’re nearly out of bread. You grab your phone, pulling up Hobi’s contact and calling him. He picks up after a couple of rings.
           “Hey, did you remember something else?”
           “Yeah, would you mind picking up some bread, too?”
           “Oh, good one. Um…” you can hear him moving around, and you swear you hear the click of a pen before he speaks up again. “Wheat, right?”
           Again, that strange feeling stirs in your chest. “Right.”
2 months in
           “I’ve never met anyone as obsessed with skincare as you.”
           Hobi chuckles darkly, beginning to apply his night mask to the other side of his face. “I doubt you’ve ever met anyone with such oily skin before, either.”
           You lean up against the doorframe, resting your head against the side of the door. Hobi continues applying the crème, looking utterly focused on the task. His forehead scrunches up in little lines as he looks up, rubbing underneath his eyes.
           If you’re being completely honest, it’s adorable.
           To put the icing on the cake, he begins humming to himself and leaning in closer to the mirror, making you chew on the inside of your cheek. It’s horrible enough that he has to be wildly endearing, but does he really have to be so cute?
           It’s exhausting.
           “It smells good,” you sigh out, eyes drifting shut. Hobi’s good looks isn’t the only thing that’s been exhausting to you lately. School is trying its best to wreck you and you hate to admit that it’s doing a great job of it.
           “You want some?”
           Eyes fluttering open at his question, you furrow your brows. Hobi is looking at you in the mirror, chewing on the inside of his cheek. He squeezes out a bit of the night mask onto his finger, turning to you.
           “You already washed your face, right?”
           “Good,” he nods more to himself than to you. “Close your eyes.”
           Giving him a distrustful look, you realize that you’re too tired to bother bickering with him at the moment. Instead, you close your eyes and hold your breath.
           A moment later the cool feeling of Hobi’s fingers dabbing the cream on the tip of your nose. He repeats the action all over your face, his other hand coming to cup your chin as his thumb absentmindedly traces your jaw.
           You suddenly feel extremely off balance, swaying on your feet. Hands shooting out to steady yourself, you instinctively cling to the front of Hobi’s sweatshirt. He chuckles lowly, making you tighten your grip.
           “Don’t fall over,” he mumbles, beginning to rub the night mask into your skin.
           You don’t say anything, settling for an annoyed huff. After a moment, Hobi takes up humming the same tune he was before. The two of you settle into a comfortable daze, your shoulders relaxing as the seconds tick by.
           “You know,” Hobi muses as he switches to your right cheek. “We’re pretty good roommates. Don’t you think?”
           “Mm. I’m still angry you put ‘Hope’ on your application, though. That was a dirty move.”
           Hobi’s laughter has you opening your eyes just to catch the expression of happiness he’s sure to be wearing. Sure enough, his head is thrown back and his heart-shaped smile in on display, the sight tugging at the corners of your lips.
           Catching your eye, Hobi smirks. “How can I ever make it up to you?”
           You purse your lips, melting a little at the concentrated pout that forms as Hobi resumes applying the night mask. He’s moved up to your forehead now, making your eyes drift shut again.
           “I vote you make me French Toast one of these weekends.”
           “Oh, and that’ll solve it?”
           “No, but it’s a start.”
           He chuckles quietly, pausing and then tapping lightly against your cheek. “All done.”
           Opening your eyes, you see the slightly confused look in Hobi’s eyes as he squints down at you. “What?”
           He blinks. “What?”
           You nod at him, “You look confused or something.”
           When he doesn’t answer after a long moment, you step back into the hallway. “Alright…I’m heading to bed. Thanks, Hobi.”
           His brows are furrowed as he turns back to the mirror, the confusion only growing. “Night.”
3 months in
You’ve quickly come to learn that there are pros and cons to having Hoseok as your roommate.
           One very strong pro is the fact that he’s a clean freak. You swear you haven’t had to worry about vacuuming for the past three months, he always beats you to it.
           “What are you doing?”
           He pauses mid-fold, eyes wide as he looks up at you. “…folding.”
           “My laundry?”
           He glances down at the shirt in his hands as though just realizing that these are your clothes. “I…yeah. Yeah, I am. It’s just, you left your basket out here by the couch so I figured I might as well fold it and put it away if you’re gonna leave it out here.”
           The passive aggressive tone in his voice rolls off your shoulders, knowing that he didn’t intend it that way. It’s obvious to tell that something is on his mind as he continues to you’re your shirt and place it atop a neat pile beside him.
You find yourself sitting cross-legged across from him and silently joining in on the impromptu folding party. Once you finish, Hobi clears his throat and avoids eye contact with you.
           Perhaps it has to do with the fact that he accidentally grabbed the same pair of lacy black underwear at the same time as you, which ensued in an awkward match of tug-of-war that you quickly won once he realized what he was holding.
           “So, the guys are doing a thing tonight.”
           You blink, pulling the folded laundry toward you and getting up. “…ok.”
           Hobi’s face lights up in a grin, and he jumps to his feet. “Really? You’ll come?”
           Perhaps it’s the utter joy you see in his eyes or the way he’s currently shaking your shoulders and causing the socks on the top of your pile to tumble to the ground, but you burst out laughing.
           “Hoseok!” You shout through your laughter. “You didn’t even invite me!”
           He immediately stops shaking you after that, scrambling for some form of a response. Swiping one of the pairs of socks that slipped to the ground, he kneels down on one knee and looks up at you with a giddy grin.
           “Would you do me the honor of accompanying me to visit my friends tonight?” With no shortage of sound effects, he offers up the socks as though proposing to you with a priceless diamond ring.
           “You’re an idiot.”
           Hoseok’s smile only grows. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
           Hobi’s light knock on your door goes unnoticed as you slumber on, completely dead to the world. After you had put your laundry away, you felt a wave of exhaustion overtake you.
           He knocks again, and this time you rouse just enough to grunt out something incoherent. He slowly opens the door, poking his head inside.
           “You still gonna come with me, sleepyhead?”
           His chipper voice makes you wince, your head pounding. “Mm, jus gimme…” you close your eyes again as the dull light filtering in through your blinds is enough to send you spinning. “…a sec.”
           It’s quiet for a moment, and you think that Hobi must have left. A second later, however, you hear him padding across your floor.
           “Are you sick?” He answers his own question as he places his hand against your forehead. “Oh, jagiya, you’re burning up.”
           The pet name has your temperature rising a bit more. “Mm fine.”
           Hobi chuckles softly, taking care to be quiet. “Have you eaten? Where’s your water bottle?” They’re all rhetorical questions apparently, because moments later he’s scooping your water bottle off the floor and tiptoeing back out of your room.
           After what feels like hours later, Hobi sidles back into your room with a full water bottle, some soup he must have microwaved, and another glass of liquid. It’s steaming, the scent making you scrunch up your nose in distaste.
           “What…” you can hardly muster up the energy to finish your sentence. Hobi perches on the edge of your bed, carefully placing everything on your nightstand.
           “It’s medicine. Drink it, and it’ll help. But first you need to sit up.”
           Easier said than done. Your body is exhausted, and your arms shake a bit as you attempt to scoot back against the headboard. Cheeks burning a brighter red, Hobi thankfully doesn’t comment on it. He just patiently readjusts your pillows and tucks your hair behind your ears with meticulous movements that have you smiling softly.
           “Ok,” he sighs out once that’s been taken care of. “Now, eat some soup…” his words trail off as he hands the bowl off to you. He watches as you bring the spoon to your lips, mumbling, “Blow, it’s hot.”
           Fighting the urge to roll your eyes, you follow his instructions. Once you’ve eaten over half of the soup and feel too full to continue, he hands you the steaming cup that has you scrunching your nose up all over again.
           “C’mon,” he urges, “my mom used to give this stuff to me all the time when I was a kid. It works like a charm, promise.”
           “What?” He crosses his arms, frowning. “You don’t believe me?”
           You shrug, mindful of the full contents of the glass. “It’s just easier said than done, that’s all.”
           “Here, I’ll take a sip to show you that’s it’s not bad!” Reaching for the cup, you burst out into a fit of laughter as Hobi stares down at the liquid with unabashed terror. He clears his throat and squares his shoulders. “Right…just one sip…”
           Blowing across the surface carefully, he sacrifices his tastebuds. The instant he swallows, he thrusts the cup back into your hands and dives off the bed. “Ach!” He rushes out of the room, no doubt heading for the kitchen. Indeed, a moment later you hear the faucet running and wonder if he just decided to shove his head under the running water instead of wasting time on grabbing a cup from the cupboard.
           With your water bottle on hand, you attempt to chug the medicine. It’s horrid, making you gag, but you continue until the contents are drained. You’ve just managed to drink some water to rid yourself of the lingering taste when you hear Hobi’s phone ring.
           “Hey hyung,” he’s still in the kitchen, but you can hear him clearly. “Oh, yeah…I don’t think we’re gonna make it. No, it’s not that, she said she’d come.”
           You freeze, holding the still-warm cup close to your chest. For some reason, your stomach does a little flip when you hear the way Hobi’s tone changes as he speaks about you. It’s infinitely softer, something you don’t recall hearing before.
           “She took a nap and woke up with a fever-” he pauses. “Yeah, I just gave her medicine. But she needs to rest. She’s exhausted. What? Ugh, really Jin? I’m not-” The sound of Hobi shuffling about has you leaning closer to the open door, trying to hear what he’s saying. His voice is much quieter when he speaks next, but you can still hear bits and pieces of what he’s saying. “I can’t just make a move on her while she’s sick, that’s unethical!”
           Clapping a hand over your mouth before he can hear you snort, your eyes widen. Make a move?
           On you?
           “Yah, quit it. Tell everyone I say hey, I’ve gotta go.” Again there’s a pause, quickly followed by an annoyed hiss. “See, this is why I never tell you anything.”
           He quickly says his goodbyes after that, and you scramble to appear normal despite your pounding heart. You hear Hobi’s sigh from the kitchen, and you wish you could know what he was thinking.
           “Alright,” Hobi calls, heading back into your room. The second he enters you feel as though you’re seeing him for the first time. “Let’s get it- oh, you already finished it?”
           You blink, suddenly blinded by the sight of his adoring smile. As he settles down on the edge of your bed, you manage a feeble nod.
           “Jagi,” again with the pet name, “you look exhausted. Let me take the dishes and how about you go back to sleep?”
           Despite the fact that you literally live in the same apartment, the thought of Hobi leaving you alone in your room has you stalling. “Uh, who called?”
           There’s a flicker of panic that’s quickly replaced with an easy smile. “Jin hyung, he was wondering where we were. Don’t worry, I told him we weren’t gonna be able to make it.”
           You’ve heard plenty about Jin – truthfully about all of Hobi’s friends. You were excited to meet them tonight, after hearing so many stories.
           “I’m sorry,” you frown, still clinging to your glass. “You can still go, if you want.”
           Hobi looks at you like you’ve grown a second head. “Why would I…? No, I’ll stay here with you. Can’t leave a sickie on their own, you know that.”
           Groaning, roll your eyes. “I feel like an idiot.”
“If you’re an idiot, I’m an idiot.”
You snort, setting your glass down before you cause an accident. “Isn’t it, ‘if you’re a bird, I’m a bird’?”
Hoseok shrugs, a smile playing on his lips. “Close enough.”
He holds your gaze for a few seconds too long, but neither one of you look away first. Instead you bunch up your blankets in your fists and offer him a crooked smile. “Thanks, Hobi.”
His eyes linger on your smile, his lips mirroring it. “Anytime.”
4 months in
           Nothing has changed, and yet everything has.
           Ever since you fell ill, you’ve been jumpy. Anytime Hobi accidentally brushes up against you as he reaches for something in the kitchen, whenever he knocks on your door, even when he calls you from the grocery store. It all makes you jump and sends your heart racing.
           “You’re so dramatic.”
           You look up at Yuri, your most brutally honest friend. “…ouch?”
           She shakes her head, sinking down lower in her seat across from you. You keep boxing up your leftover food to take home, wondering if Hobi would like it.
           “I mean it. You’ve been freaking out about this guy for over a month now without doing anything about it.”
           You pause, looking at Yuri with wide, pleading eyes. “What am I supposed to do? He’s my roommate!”
           “So what? Your lease is up in a few weeks, isn’t it? If it backfires, just move out.”
           You snort. “Easier said than done. I can’t just up and move whenever I like, you know.”
           “You can’t or you don’t want to?”
           “Shut up.”
           “I refuse. Now,” Yuri checks the time on her phone. “tell me what you like about him.”
           “I never said-” you sputter, but Yuri holds up a hand and cuts you off.
           “Actions speak louder than words. He’s literally your background on your home screen.”
           Ok, that sounds like a bit much. It’s true, though. A week ago Hobi finally got to take you out to meet his friends. Together you went on a midnight hike (something you’d honestly never do again) and found a breathtaking view at the top. His friends, specifically Jimin and Taehyung, had practically shoved the two of you together for an impromptu photoshoot under the night sky.
           The photos are a little blurry and dark, but you love them. Enough to add one as your background. “But you can’t actually see us in the picture, it’s just pretty-”
           “Sure it is. You two make a cute couple.”
           “W-we do?”
           Yuri jumps up, clapping her hands and startling a couple just a few tables down. “Aha! See, you do have feelings for him!”
           “Ok, ok,” you hold up your hands in surrender. “Just sit down.”
           Once she’s taken her seat again and apologized loud enough for the couple she scared to hear her, you lean in close over the table. She rubs her hands together, looking every bit the scheming friend she is.
           “Alright, let’s plot, shall we?”
           Hobi checks the window for the eighth time in under five minutes, brushing the curtains aside to see if your car is in the lot yet. It’s not.
           “C’mon Jung,” he rolls his neck, bouncing on his feet. “Calm down. Keep it chill. Everything’s fine.”
           Everything is not fine.
           Things haven’t been fine for months now, something he’s been able to deny to an impressive level. Last weeks, however, the lie came to an end.
           His friends loved you. Like, ranted and raved about how funny and cool you were until he was worried he needed to organize an intervention. Then, the icing on the cake.
           Yoongi had grabbed him while you were hiking back down, sandwiched between Jin and Jungkook. He nodded down at you, turning a knowing eye to Hobi.
           “So…when’s that gonna happen?”
           Hobi played dumb, frowning at Yoongi. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
           “Hoseok, c’mon.”
           You laughed at Taehyung, who jogged up ahead. He was quickly joined by Jungkook. Hobi’s pretty sure his heart stopped beating as you turned around, searching for him. Once your eyes found his, your smile widened.
           Yoongi laughed at his side. “You’re whipped, and you don’t even realize it.”
           Indeed he was. Dangerously so, if he was going off of the amount of times he’s knocked on your door to ask you out only to change his story at the very last moment to ask you something stupid instead. You never seemed to mind, just laughing at his strange questions and teasing him mercilessly.
           “Ok,” Hobi whispers to himself, still bouncing on the balls of his feet. “You’ve got this. Just rip it off like a Band-Aid. Quick and to the point.” He tilts his head to one side. “But not the painful part. No pain.”
           He’s in the middle of his pep talk when the sound of your key in the lock alerts him to your return. Hobi is standing in the middle of the living room, looking like an idiot. Naturally, he shoves his hands in his pockets. Yeah, that makes him look less like an idiot.
           The second the door opens and you step into the apartment, every thought eddies out of Hobi’s mind.
           You freeze, not expecting Hobi to be standing in the middle of the living room impersonating a lamp when you got home.
           “Hi…?” Hobi swallows at the sound of your voice, watching your every move as you slowly lift up the bag of leftovers. “I brought home leftovers if you want some…”
           “I need you to go out with me.”
           Now you’re really frozen, staring up at Hobi as his eyes widen at his own words.
           “What? What for?”
           “For me.”
           You slowly close the door behind you, setting the food down on the counter before turning to face Hobi again. “For you?”
           He nods, a panicked look in his eyes. “Yes. For me.”
           “Hobi, I don’t understand. Do you need a plus one or something for an event? Is that what it is?”
           Removing his hands from his pockets and taking a step towards you, Hobi shakes his head. “What? No, I need- I need you.”
            It’s a good thing you already set the food down. “Me?” You squeak out, looking your roommate up and down as he takes another step.
           Clearly there’s been a communication error. Hobi brushes his hair back from his face, chewing on his bottom lip before coming to a stop before you.
           “Us,” he repeats, voice low. “I need us to be a thing.”
           “O-oh.” That’s all you can manage as you try to recall if Hobi has ever looked at you like this before. It’s hard to contain yourself when you realize that he has, however he’s always been quick to mask it with something else. Or, more often than not, a silly question.
           “Will- can you…” he stops, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. Without his gaze on you, you gain a bit of courage and raise a hand to cup his cheek. His eyes fly open, and he offers you a shy smile. “Do you want to go out with me? On a date?”
           Craning your neck, you hold your breath and plant a kiss on his cheek. You delight in the way he instantly flushes, garnering more courage by the second.
           “Yes.” Then you arch a brow. “I have one condition, though.”
           Hobi’s eyes are half closed as he looks down at you, appearing as though he’s slipped into some euphoric realm. “Hmm, anything.”
           “I demand French Toast.”
           Dissolving into a fit of laughter, Hobi sinks to the ground, taking you down with him. You protest, but not too much. Holding you tightly, Hobi subsides in his laughter enough to wink down at you. “French Toast it is.”
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taglist: @baepsaetay​ @dreamcatcherjiah​ @kookie-vuitton​ @thecaffeinatedscribbles​ @moon-write​ @fangirl125reader​ @heishichoulevi @knjkitten​ @sacha-cff​ @vik7797  @eusticenatalie​ @hesmyphenominiall​ @miriamxsworld​ @kayahay​ @secretlycrazyhummingbird​ @marianeamine​​ @hqtetsurou�� @protontippens​ @beginwithamin​ @limiworld​  @jeonyoongi-jimin @buttvi​ @yoontaethings​ @sunshinejunghoseokie​ @delacyrose224​ @jiminiesmagicshop​ @hitsussi
© alpacaparkaseok
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uswntxfootball · 4 years
purely by accident (leah williamson x uswnt!reader)
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everything was going to plan until you made the mistake of wearing her shorts to practice.
word count: 2044 ish
rated F for fluff, S for stupidity, and M for messy as fuck.
it was open training today in tokyo, and you fucked up.
you fucked up.
the olympics were set to begin next week, and you fucked up.
so flashback to last night.
with some thorough bribing, you finally coaxed jordan to crash with beth for the night, promising and swearing not to defile her bed while she was gone.  
you glanced down at the defender in your lap, her attention solely focused on the show playing in front.
the show was leah’s pick and it didn’t particularly interest you, as you were more focused on the sight before you.
both of you were in bed, leah’s head in your lap, your right laid gently over her side, and leah’s hand was playing with your fingers absentmindedly.
the girl in front of you let out a laugh at something that played on the screen, the sound making your heart skip a beat.
upon hearing your silence, she looked up at you.
leah’s cheeks flushed when she saw you already staring down at her, a loving smile stretched across your face.
“what is it?”
you lean down to kiss her.
“nothing. just my girlfriend is really cute is all.”
leah rolled her eyes but met you half way, pressing a tender kiss to your lips.
she turned back to the show and slipped her fingers between yours shyly, an action that caused butterflies and wholeass rhinos to have a disco party inside of you.
it was only a few minutes later when leah spoke again.
“you’re acting weird.”
you quirk an eyebrow at that.
“me? how so?”
“you’re staring at me like you really love me or something.”
you let out a snort.
“congrats baby it only took a year and a half for you to figure out.”
leah giggled, and you grinned, leaning down to give her a kiss on the cheek.
you couldn’t help but let out a sigh at how good it felt, having your girlfriend in your arms after not seeing each other for a month.
given the hectic schedule of the olympics, you both wanted to spend as much alone time together as possible.
you both knew that coming out in the midst of big events was a terrible idea, with first the world cup and the olympics following suit.
it wasn’t that you were ashamed of it, it was just that the media could be a lot at times.
and so could your teammates.
the two of you had met during the world cup, leah taking a particular liking to you after seeing you in the semi final match when england played the us.
she then had missed the chance to talk to you, but lucky for her, the next year, following suit with many of your other teammates, you signed internationally, landing a spot as a midfielder for arsenal.
trainings and games brought you closer together, and feelings developed, with both of you realizing quickly that they weren’t platonic.
but it still took an embarrassingly long amount of time.
and jordan couldn’t stand the two of you.
neither could rose, with leah and you both complaining to them, respectively.
even after quarantining with the defender (and jordan) and spending every second of the day with her, it was almost the end of the fixture when you finally mustered up enough courage to ask her out, only for her to beat you to it.
jordan can’t tell if this was better or worse.
on one hand she no longer had to witness the idiocy and obliviousness for days on end, no longer had to hear the desperate pining from both sides, and no longer had to deal with leah having a mental breakdown overanalyzing every text you sent her.
on the other hand, she now had to deal with the sickening cuteness of the two of you, and had unfortunately caught the two of you going at it in the arsenal locker room after practice, before practice, in the shower, and basically everywhere in the house.
rose was in a similar state, though being overseas, she was spared the worst of it.
the two of you had parted ways when national team duty called, leah staying in england and you flying back to the states.
and here, in tokyo, you were together again, and you couldn’t be happier.
it was 11 pm now, the lights were off ,the defender fast asleep and snuggled close into your chest, your arms wrapped around her.
you had the vague thought of getting up to set an alarm for your training tomorrow, but any attempts to get up were squashed by your girlfriend, who at any movement only held onto you tighter.
your heart melted at the sight, but your rational thought knew this was a bad idea.
worst case is that you miss practice.
best case is that you somehow wake up on time naturally.
unfortunately it ended up being worse than that.
you were jolted awake by your phone ringing.
the girl next to you let go of your waist and mumbled sleepily:
“turn it off.”
you stood up and saw rose’s contact name flash and you picked up the phone groggily.
“uh hello? what do you want?”
you glance at the clock and the panic sets in.
7:23 am.
oh. fuck.
you mutter a “shit” into the receiver before hanging up, glancing over at leah who was fast asleep.
brushing your teeth and putting your hair up quickly, you went around the room grabbing your jersey, jacket, shorts and cleats as you prepared to leave.
but before you left, you leaned over quickly and gave your girlfriend a light kiss on the forehead before rushing out the door.
you sprinted across the street to where the building where the us teams were staying, making it onto the bus quickly and collapsing on the seat next to rose, hoping no one saw where you had came from.
luckily for you most of the team was chatting and preoccupied, except christen who noticed and gave you weird look when you stepped onto the bus.
sam gave you a weird look too when she finished talking to mal.
“when did you come in? why are you still in your pjs? do you even have your kit and training things?”
you decided that saying you overslept was the best excuse.
you could tell sam didn’t quite believe that.
“well why didn’t rose wake you then?”
rose cut in and saved you when she said with a shrug:
“it was a prank. i turned off her alarms and thought it would be funny.”
that was slightly more believable, as the younger kids played pranks on each other all the time, so sam let up her questioning.
you turned around on the bus, quickly pulling on your jersey, shorts and socks, all the while hearing a wolf whistle from kelley upon seeing you changing.  
you flipped her off when you finished.
“so where were you-oh,” rose’s eyes widening.
you scrunched your eyebrows in confusion.
rose let out a laugh and pointed to your collarbone.
you looked down and cursed.
there they were in all their glory, two hickies, bright as day.
“fuck this is an open training too.”
you were freaking out.
but thank god for rose.
rose thought about it for a minute before suggesting:
“well it’s kind of cold out today, you can keep your jacket on for the whole training and no one will see.”
“what would i do without you?”
“i dunno die probably.”
arriving at the pitch, you hoped that your hyper-vigilant fans wouldn’t notice anything.
you did make sure to take some pictures with fans on your walk there though.
you noticed walking to the locker room that christen kept giving you weird looks, but you just brushed it off and got your mind set for training.
the open part of practice went well and without issue, except for the odd looks occasionally thrown your way by some of the veteran players.
when closed practice began a little bit later, you asked christen about it.
“why do you all keep giving me weird looks? do i have something on my face?”
christen shook her head, and upon seeing that there was no one around she whispered:
“i’m pretty sure it’s because you have a lionesses crest on your shorts.”
you looked down and gasped.
she was right.
in your haste this morning you had unknowingly grabbed leah’s shorts instead of your own.
in your defense, with the the english and us home kit both being white and both of you being #14, it was an honest mistake.
but still.
so much for keeping it a secret.
christen opened her mouth to say something else, but upon seeing your face decided against it.
besides the one hiccup, the rest of practice went smoothly, and you were on your way back to the locker room when you were stopped by sonnett.
“do you play for england now or something?”
“it was an accident.” you said, shushing her.
all the way back into the locker room emily teased you, so much so that your face couldn’t have been any redder in your life.
you changed as quick as you can, trying to get out of the locker room as fast as you can.
walking out, you stopped abruptly upon seeing your girlfriend in the stands.
“leah? what are you doing here?”
your girlfriend, who looked radiant as always, said with a smile:
“well i was originally going to come bring you your shorts baby.”
“oh you found out about that?” you said sheepishly, a blush crawling up your neck.
leah shook her head and laughed.
“i woke up to us trending on twitter so yeah. did the girls tease you about it?”
you pouted a little nodding a yes, and leah just laughed, cupping your cheek with one hand and smoothing back your flyaways with the other.
at this point some of the chaos crew came out of the locker room looking for you, and upon seeing you and leah, they stood back and watched with wide eyes.
they watched you giggle at something leah said, lindsey making sure to keep a hand firmly closed around emily’s mouth to keep her from speaking.
some of the vets came out to see what the holdup was for, and upon seeing you, they stood back as well.
sam whispered quietly:
“are they flirting?”
“i think?” lindsey whispered back.
“it sure looks like it..”
christen shook her head.
the gears clicked into place in christen’s mind quickly, first with the hotel this morning, then with the shorts, and now this.
“i think they’re dating.”
emily’s eyes bugged out of her head and she finally ripped lindsey’s hand off.
“they’re WHAT??!”
this caused you and leah to turn, cheeks flushing when you see the majority of the team there, watching.
then they all started screaming at once.
“come introduce us to your girlfriend y/n!”
“hi leah!”
you turned back to leah as the rest of the team quarreled.
“well since they’ve seen us already, let’s formally introduce you to the team.”
you stuck your hand out and said:
“come on. i’ll catch you.”
leah let out a laugh and took your hand, jumping down from the stands.
meeting the team wasn’t as bad as it could have been, partially because vlatko called sonnett away, but at the end you were both glad you had done it.
leah intertwined her fingers with yours as you walked across the field to the bus.
“i do have to admit my shorts look good on you.”
you looked at her and winked.
“maybe i’ll wear them on purpose next time.”
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queen-ofsunflowers · 3 years
My favorite moments I've written for Shujin Assassins so far:
Kayano: How do you say ‘unkillable’ in Japanese? (Ren pauses and thinks about it.)
Ren: Korosenai. (The entire class whips around at the sound of Ren speaking.) Korosenai… Koro… sen...nai… Koro...sen...sei? ...Korosensei? Huh? 
Nagisa: Korosensei? (Ren pauses. Oh crap, he said all that out loud.)
Korosensei: A pleasure to finally hear more of that voice of yours, Amamiya. Five whole words!
Korosensei: Shoot and stab all you want, class! Even with this handicap, I am too fast for you! (Ren looks up and takes the gun from Nagisa.)
Nagisa: Hey, what—
Korosensei: Only in your dreams do you have any hope of getting the deed done— (Ren fires, not aiming for Korosensei but the rope tied to the tree. The rope breaks and Korosensei, stunned, falls. They watch as the rest of the class takes the initiative to attack him, forcing a panicked Korosensei to roll around on the ground.)
Ann: Wow. I didn’t know a BB could break a rope like that!
Ren: It was starting to break anyway.
Ren: You’d really help me?
Ryuji: ‘course. We’re friends, aren’t we? (Ren blinks. But they’ve only known each other for like… a week and half. He still smiles all the same.) Ain’t that right, Ren-Ren? (A shiver goes up Ren’s spine at the sound of that nickname. Of all things to call him…) So call me Ryuji, got it?
Ren: Thanks. I think I’ll stick with Sakamoto.
Ryuji: Oh man, that's cold.
Kataoka: Does anyone else think it's weird that she’s all over Korosensei?
Ryuji: I dunno. Maybe she’s into tentacles. (Someone swiftly kicks his seat.) OW! Hey! What was that for?!
Ann: But we bought those for ourselves! *groan* I was so looking forward to that for later…!
Shiho: I’m starting to think that he just used this lab to feed his junk food habit until payday.
Ren: Why does an octopus need to get paid a teacher’s salary…?
Shiho: Huh. Eleven words now.
Ren: What?
(And the door opens before Ren can run away.) Oh.  
Ren: Uh… H-Hello. Sir.
Principal: (more warmly that Ren expected) I look forward to your midterm results. Let your mother know that I said hello, would you? (Ren swallows and nods. When he leaves, that warmth disappears and is replaced by ice cold.)
Ann grabs Ren’s wrist to pull him back to her.)
Ren: Huh? What’s up?
Ann: Did you really mean all that? (Ren raises a brow.) What you said to those guys back there. About us. Did you really mean it?
Ren: ...Every word. Why?
Ann: ...Like I told Kayano, I always thought I was an outcast because of my looks or the fact that I didn’t grow up here. So hearing all that… Thank you. I really appreciated it.
Ren: No problem. It’s like Ryuji told me. We outcasts have to stick together, don’t we?
Ann: *giggle* Right! ...um, hey. If you want to, you can call me Ann, alright?
Ren: Okay.
Ann: Okay! And… thanks again. ...Ren-Ren. (Ren bristles, turning bright red. Ann laughs out loud, patting his back.) I’m just messing with you!
Ren: Please don’t do that… (Nearly killed him…) Can you maybe… not call me that?
Ann: Okay, okay! (She’s still laughing.) I promise!
Nagisa: What did you even do to them?
Ren: I have no idea. I got this really bad headache… and I think I heard a voice in my head? There was this thing… I’m not sure what it was.
Nagisa: Whatever it is, I could help with it. We’ll figure out what it is.
Ren: You don’t have to.
Nagisa: I’m already figuring out Korosensei’s weaknesses. Who knows? Maybe whatever that was 
Ren: You’re not… freaked out?
Nagisa: Amamiya, our teacher is a giant yellow octopus. Whatever happened to you is the least strange thing that I’ve seen this year. We can figure out what it is. And hopefully it’ll help us with our assassination.
Ren: *nods* Right! Let’s do this! (He holds out his hand. Nagisa stares at it for a moment before shaking it.)
Ryuji: Wow, she’s seriously cute.
Ren: She doesn’t really look like an assassin.
Shiho: Neither do we. But still… I’m curious about what this new girl’s all about. Amamiya turned out to be quite the joker.
Ren: Joker?
Shiho: A wild card! I mean, you didn’t hesitate to jump out a window or off of a cliff.
Ann: Uh, no offense but I don’t think your usual tactics will fool Mr. Karasuma. He knows your M.O.
Irina: Don’t you think I don’t know that!? (She sighs.) It’s like a paid escort trying to put the moves on her old man. (Ren shivers at the image.) If I don’t get this done, I’ll have to leave.
Ann: What?!
Irina: C’mere, I wanna try something. (She drags Ann off.)
Kayano: Here’s the thing, if they really are related… I mean, don’t you think that Korosensei would’ve known about it?
Fuwa: Hmm… not necessarily.
Ren: Right. They could’ve been separated at some point.
Kayano: Um, that still doesn’t explain why Itona’s human.
Fuwa: Easy. He’s a mutation.
Kayano: You’ve totally glossed over the core issue here!
Ann: Uh, no offense, but the whole separation thing is really kinda cliche.
Fuwa: Hey, no one asked for your criticism.
Ann: If you didn’t notice already, we’re sorta dealing with real life!
Sugino pitches and Shindo swings again. The ball hits the bat, and Ren leaps back just in time, flipping backwards and actually sticking the landing.)
Karma: (jumping up to catch the ball.) Oh, now you’re just showing off. Heads up, Nagisa! (He tosses the ball to their catcher, who tags the home plate.
Ren: Maybe.
(The whole time Ren had been taunting Takaoka and keeping everyone’s eyes on him, Nagisa had come around to sneak up behind him. The cat and the snake both strike, Ren flipping over Takaoka’s shoulders as Nagisa brings him down to the ground, knife at his neck and a hand covering his eyes.)
Nagisa: Looks like we win.
Ren: Nagisa, you’re using the back of the knife.
Nagisa: Huh?
 (She jumps onto his back.)
Terasaka: What the hell?!
Shiho: What the heck did you mean when you called me a rabbit?! If I’m a rabbit, does that mean you don’t think I can kick your ass?! Because I can! (Her weight eventually toppled them both over and they landed in the water. Ann laughs as she goes to help them up. Ren moves over to get his glasses from Karma.)
Ren: And finally, the grand overachiever himself holding the top spot: student council president Gakushu Asano. He got the top spot in the National Mock Exams, and tends to get perfect scores in just about every subject. He’s the principal’s only son, so I think that might have something to do with it. if we could somehow catch him off guard, surprise him somehow, it could get him to mess up and make a mistake. He’s always been like that as far as I can remember. For example, despite being adept at martial arts, he didn’t remember how to catch himself when he fell after I… might’ve shoved him.
Shiho: You know a lot about Asano. It’s kind of creepy. (Ren only hums in reply. It’s not that creepy when you think about it.)
(Ren’s eyes widened. He… He actually did it?)
Ryuji: Way to stick it to that know-it-all, man! (Ren softly smiles.)
Ren: I guess.
Ryuji: You guess? The guy’s ranked nationally! Even Nakamura only beat him by the skin of her teeth!
Nakamura: What was that, Sakamoto?
Ryuji: Uh, nothing! Just sayin’! Ren challenging the King of the Hill is definitely awesome!
Ann: Yup! (as she and Shiho take the drinks from the waiter passing them out. Ann takes a sip from hers) C’mon, guys! Drink up! These things are like… super good. So sweet!
Ren: (holding up the water bottle he thought to bring with him) I’m fine.
Ryuji: Don’t mind if I do! (He takes Ann’s, which is still at least a three-fours of the way full. He drinks right from the glass)
Ann: Hey! Get your own!
Ryuji: Too late! My backwash is in it! It’s mine now. I LICKED the glass! (He does so to drive his point home. Ann huffs as Shiho chuckles, downing the rest of her glass.)
Karma: Oh, sorry ‘bout that. Let’s see if there’s a way to help you out there. (He gestures over to another classmate, who brings him a sea slug. Karma plops it on the sphere.) This do anything?
Ren: (as Korosensei screams) Karma, knock it off.
Karma: Why should I? Not like he can do anything about it. (Ren pulls himself out of the water and the sea slug off of Korosensei.) Now, I wonder if we could find a creepy old beach hum anywhere. I want to shove Korosensei down his pants. (Ren groans. What the hell…? In hindsight, taking this form probably wasn’t the best idea. Especially around Karma. That is why Ren snatches up Koro Sensei and runs over to Mr. Karasuma.) Hey!
Ren: ‘Eliminate the impossible and whatever remains is the truth’. 
Fuwa: Hey, yeah! I didn’t know you read Shonen Jump, too!
Ren: I uh... 
Karma: He doesn't. I saw him reading a little something else on the way over. Sherlock Holmes, wasn’t it?
Ren: Maybe… ...okay, no. ...It was Arsène Lupin. ...I finished the Sherlock Holmes books a while ago. A friend recommended Arsène Lupin to me and I haven’t been able to put it down.
Ryuji: Nerd.
Ren: You were reading over my shoulder.
Ann: Hey, are you okay?
Ren: Yeah… just a little bit of a headache. I’ll be fine.
Ann: How long have you had it? (Ren looks down at the ground.) Ren, how long have you had it?
Ren: ...Since the mastermind called, saying he poisoned everyone. It’s just a small one, Ann. I’ll be fine.
Ann: Liar. You know what happens when you get those headaches, though. Don’t act like none of us noticed. I saw your phantom try to come out when that guy had Karma. Ren, I know it’s hard, but you need to keep calm.
Ren: Ryuji, you’re-- (Ryuji puts a hand over Ren’s mouth, shushing him.)
Ryuji: I’m fine. It’s just a fever. Ann and I split the drink, so if she’s fine, then I’m fine, too. (Ren takes Ryuji’s hand off of his mouth.)
Ren: Ann barely drank any of it at all. You drank most of it. The virus is deadly, Ryuji. 
Ryuji: I don’t care! It’s like everyone said earlier. I’m the fastest in the class. I can’t just sit and wait for help while this creep gets away with it. I don’t care if I’m sick, I’m not gonna let everyone down!
Ren: Ryuji--
Ryuji: Please. Don’t tell anyone. Especially Ann… I think she already blames herself for what happened to Shiho, I don’t want her to blame herself for not stopping me earlier, too. (Ren bites his lip but nods either way. Once Ryuji decides to do something, it’s hard to stop him. But still… He really hopes that they can get that antidote.)
Ren thrashes against whoever’s holding him and loudly screams, dropping to his knees and letting it all go. He doubles over, catching himself on forearms as wind whips around him.)
“Nagisa, back away from him! NOW.” (There’s a blue light streaming around him, travelling up his body as the voice in his head now echoes in his ears.)
“I am thou, thou art I. Thou who would accept blasphemy for the sake of thine own justice, call upon my name and release thy rage!” (Ren shakily pushes himself up, his knees feeling like they’re about to give way as he stands. The light shifts and morphs into a figure behind him.) “Show the strength of thy will to ascertain all on thine own, though thou shall be chained down to Hell itself!”
(A single name appears in Ren’s mind.)
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hot-wiings · 4 years
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The One Where Tetsuro Drags Kenma To The Mall, And He Unsuspectingly Falls In Love.
Edited: 2-19-2021
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Tetsuro Kuroo briskly walked through the busy halls of the mall with Kenma Kozume following behind him begrudgingly. He had his play station portable, PSP if you will, in his hand. He was only half paying attention to the walkway and where Tetsuro was heading. Tetsuro was a little bemused watching how Kenma was able to follow him and watching out for bumping into strangers.
"Can we go to the game store yet?"
Kenma had not intended or planned on being dragged to the mall by his best friend. Sometimes Tetsuro just didn't like going places alone, even if the said place was just the shoe store at the mall for some new volleyball sneakers. At least Tetsuro had the decency to bribe him with a free videogame.
"Yeah, sure."
Kenma was ecstatic as he saved the game on his PSP, turned it off, and carefully placed it in his backpack. He had been waiting so long to finally go into the videogame store, Tetsuro had taken over an entire hour picking out new volleyball shoes.
"Finally. I think you're the only person who spends over an hour looking for shoes."
"Hey! The right kind of shoes could be the winning factor to our games."
Kenma made his way directly to the game store with Tetsuro following behind him. Kenma made his way over to the PlayStation section, however, as he looked across the store and saw the woman running the register he bolted. Blood rushed to Kenma's cheeks as he quickly grabbed onto Tetsuro's jacket and pulled him into the X-Box section.
"What are you...? Why are we in this section? You hate X-Box users, you said they were inferior and made fun of me for almost buying one."
"The console, not the user, and because they are! I just... Do you believe in love at first sight?"
"Well, technically speaking it takes six months to fall in love... But I guess sometimes there can be exceptions."
The blush on Kenma's cheek was an evergrowing pink, quickly transitioning to a deep shade of red. He slightly poked his head out of the aisle in a discreet way as to not let you see him. It made him think of the game Call Of Duty and War Hawk, where he'd poke his body out slightly that enabled him to shoot without being shot at.
"I think I'm in love."
"With who? Her?"
Tetsuro poked his head out and Kenma quickly grasped onto his shirt and yanked him back in.
"You can't just look at her, she might come over here and she cannot come over here."
"Why not? You could get her number."
"I can't talk to her okay? I come in here all the time, and every time I see her at the checkout I get nervous, and barely any words come out."
Tetsuro patted Kenma on his back and scanned the shelf for a videogame that looked noteworthy.
"Don't worry about talking, I'm gonna get you her number then you can take it at your own pace."
"No, wait-"
"Don't worry, I got this."
Not an X-Box game, Kenma wanted to say. Not Paladins, Kenma desperately wanted to say, but it was too late. Tetsuro was walking away with the game in his hand towards the cash register and placing it on the counter, all Kenma could do was hide in the aisle with anxious anticipation.
"Hello, will that be all for you today?"
You raised your eyebrows in silent judgment as you scanned the videogame. Kenma supposed it really wasn't Tetsuro's fault for making the mistake. He didn't play videogames as Kenma did, his eyes weren't likely to spot the OverWatch hoodie you were wearing, Paladin's superior rival game, or the fact that you were wearing the PlayStation insignia on a bracelet over your wrist. Evidently, whatever Tetsuro said to you, Kenma knew you were going to shoot down.
"So, my friend back there couldn't help but notice you, but he's too shy to ask you for your number, so I was wondering if I could have your number to share with him."
You let out a nervous laugh as you lifted your eyes from the register screen to the area behind him, there was no one. You would have liked to say that you were the type of person that didn't disassociate yourself from or have a prejudice against people based on their likes and dislikes, but the fact that this guy had obvious poor taste in videogames and consoles accompanied by the fact he obviously had no friend left you feeling uneasy.
"Right, for your 'friend'. I don't feel very comfortable giving out my number, sorry."
Would the slew of pervy gamer guys never cease to exist? Every day a new guy was in here ready to hit on you.
"My friend is so sweet, I promise! He plays videogames and he's an athlete!"
This guy was getting creepier and creepier by the minute. You took Tetsuro's card from him and swiped it along with the machine with haste, hoping silently that the card wasn't declined and he would leave.
"I'm not allowed to serve out my number for personal gain. Corporate policy, sorry."
You rushed your words out politely hoping to both deter him from asking again and to lessen your chances of coming across as rude. You thrust his card forward, quickly folded his receipt in half, placed it on a bag with the video game, and pushed it forward on the counter with a beaming smile.
"Have a nice day and come again."
Please don't.
Defeated but not hopeless, Tetsuro went back to the X-Box aisle to return to Kenma who was reeling in second-hand embarrassment over how bad that went. You watched with wary eyes as your newest creepy customer returned to the gaming aisles despite having just paid. You left your head resting on the work phone that was clipped to your belt, you'd be shocked at the number of guys that came and harassed you simply for being a girl that worked in the videogame store. Perverts and misogynists were a pain, you could never be too careful.
"That went horrible."
"You grabbed an X-Box game, and you could've grabbed OverWatch at least, not Paladins. Anything but Paladins. Let's go home."
Kenma didn't even want to inform his friend how weird and sketchy he was acting when he talked to you.
"Nope! Time for plan B."
Tetsuro grabbed Kenma's arm and dragged him over to the PlayStation section, unbeknownst to your watchful eyes. You felt a little sheepishly embarrassed watching him pull his friend to the PlayStation section. You had seen the little blonde boy come in a lot, enough to know what kind of games and consoles he liked, yet you hadn't noticed them come in together or even seen another guy in the X-Box section, truthfully, you thought the dark-haired guy was another pervy boy trying to hit on you for being a girl in gamer apparel.
"You're going to take my game and get my money back, and then buy OverWatch. Now I want you to repeat after me. 'I need to return this. By the way, I think you're cool, do you want to hang out sometime?'. Apparently, it's against corporate rules to hand out her number."
"Okay, okay. I got this. 'I need to return this. By the way, I think you're uh, cool. Do you wanna hang out."
Tetsuro pushed Kenma out of the PlayStation aisle and he slowly walked to the counter, the blush on his cheeks still raging as he gripped the bag tightly. He put it on the counter and tried to take a deep breath before he talked.
"I need to return this for my friend and buy this."
"Your friend not a fan of Paladins?"
He didn't want to stray from the script that Tetsuro had given him, but man did Paladins aggravate him. It was a complete rip-off of OverWatch.
"No, it's, um, it's a rip-off of OverWatch honestly, and I-We prefer PlayStation games."
"I know- God, that sounded creepy. It's just that you're in here a lot."
Kenma let out a small laugh as you scanned the game. You felt embarrassed for letting on to the fact that he had left an impression on you. It wasn't like you were a creep, you just took notice when customers came in regularly, especially when they bought the games that you personally played. Kenma handed you Tetsuro's debit card and you swiped it to both return the original and buy the new one.
"So, uhm, I am in here a lot, and I've noticed you wear a lot of videogame apparel, and I think you're kinda cool, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime?"
"I'll do you one better, here's my phone number."
You scrawled your number down on the receipt and put it in the bag with the OverWatch game before you slid it over to Kenma with a smile. You leaned in close, whispered to him, and he swore his heart stopped beating as you stared into his eyes.
"Just, god this is so embarrassing. Can you preferably don't tell your friend I gave you my number...? I don't mean to offend, but he was actin' weird and kinda creeped me out, and I told him it was against corporate policy to get him to leave me alone."
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snapefiction · 4 years
Could I request a Snape x Reader where they are married but she works at a Herbology Shop/Florist and Severus visits (to primarily pick up an order of ingredients for his potions class) and gets a chance to flirt with her? Something super fluffy please ~ love your work!!
A/N: Thank you so much and sure!! Let me know what you think! :)
❤️ Please remember that English isn’t my native language and that my Writings will include Mistakes and maybe weird formed sentences. ❤️
Pairing: Severus Snape x Wife!Reader
Warnings: Kissing, Flirting
Word Count: 1163
Working at the little Florist Shop down the road close to the Leaky Cauldron was always your dream. It was so beautiful on every aspect. You were still so close to the wizarding world, could make your hobby your job and still got known to a lot of new People on a daily Basis. Could anything make it even better?
Putting on your apron you quickly slid out your wand to unlock the front door of the shop only to wait for your Co- Worker Josie and your Boss Henry to arrive just five Minutes later. Josie was a young Girl, she freshly graduated at Hogwarts and Henry was an old friendly Man who owned the Shop which he simply named after himself. Henry´s Flowers and Supplies- he got it straight on the point.
Walking behind the Checkout you went straight to the Herbology Section. This was only available for Wizards and Witches as Muggles wouldn’t want to buy dried Frog Legs anyways. Sorting all the new Ingredients you just got delivered you almost got lost of the Track of Time. Throwing away old Cardboxes, advise some Customers, taking care of the flowers growing in your small Greenhouse you could hear Henry talk to the Customers and how the Cashbox rang whenever it got opened and how Josie talked to him about the newest Gossip from her Clique.
Past Lunch as it was almost Time to restock the Flowers at the front of the Shop you still refilled the small Jars in the Herbology Section as you heard your new Co- Worker Josie run towards you.
,,Y/N, He's here. Oh, Merlin. He's here!!" Knowing exactly who she meant you instantly put the Jars down you just held.
,,No way? Which one is it?" You bowed up again and tried to spot the mysterious Quidditch Player she talked about since Months. She pointed to the Boy standing next to the Lilies. He wasn’t looking too bad, he matched her quite well.
,,Do I look okay?" She quickly asked and you couldn't help it but smile widely as you admired her beauty.
,,You look beautiful. Now go talk to him before he changes his mind!" Nodding she quickly took off her Glasses, slid them into her side pocket of her Apron and went up to the front. The brown haired Boy quickly took notice of her as he got suspiciously shy. She talked to him, showing him around the store. He asked her some Questions and they eventually got lost in Smalltalk.
,,She’s so in love with him.“ Henry sighed. ,,Oh, what I’d give to be young again and fall in love with a Quidditch Player.“ He joked as he winked and laughed only to sign me that he’d head home now. Taking over his Place at the Cashier you began to read in the book you borrowed Josie which she left here.
As another Customer came in you read the last sentence of the page only to wipe away some dirt of your cheek and welcome the new Customer with your usual Catchphrase.
,,Hey, welcome at Henry´s Flowers and Supplies. How can I-“ Looking up from the Counter where you quickly laid the Novel aside you spotted your Husband of five years standing in front of you. His black Hair was slightly wet from the rain outside and his Lips presented you a big smile. He still managed to take your Breath away.
,,Actually I just wanted to pick up an Order. But may I tell you that you look beautiful today, dear?“ Smirking he leaned against the Counter. Jokingly he decided to play games with you.
,,Well Thank you, Mr.- ? But I must warn you, don’t attempt to flirt with me.I am a married woman.“ He chuckled. ,,Plus my Husband can become very jealous.“
,,Snape, Severus Snape.“ Blushing you played along with it as he held out his hand to shake yours. ,,Your Husband must be very happy then?“
Shrugging your shoulders you pouted slightly. ,,I hope so. But whenever he’s at work I’m so lonely- I dearly miss him.“ He reached over the Table to lay his hand on your Cheek only to brush his thumb over it.
,,Hmm. I hope he buy you Flowers and treats you right?“ Chuckling you took the Novel you borrowed Josie from aside the Counter and placed it on top to show him the Title: ,All the Flowers in Paris.´
,,And every now and then he buys me my favourite Flowers: Peony´s. I´m Sorry Mr. Snape, but I’m already taken to the best Husband I could ask for.“ He removed his Hand from your face and nodded.
,,Again, what a Pity. But could you at least help me get this Order wrapped up?“ Nodding yourself now you waved him over to lead him to the Herbology Section. Grabbing everything he asked for you tried to play your role but as he finally grabbed your shoulders to turn you around your Lips finally collapsed against each other. Sighing on his Lips you laid your Arms around his neck and he held you close. How you missed him! You saw him every Weekend and could stop by at Hogwarts whenever you felt like it but it still wasn’t enough for you. Thats why the both of you leaned against one of the greenhouses walls and kissed for ages.
,,I missed you, Angel.“ He whispered. ,,Had to see you.“ Chuckling you looked him in the eyes.
,,I love you and I missed you too. You really caught me off guard.“ His Fingers brushed through your hair.
,,After I received your Owl this Morning I knew I had to see you.“ You kissed him again. ,,Also I really needed some Ingredients so it’s a Win-Win.“
He kissed your lips again. He was just like you touch starved. You felt like a Teenager again. Hiding between the Shelves, making out. You truly were a lucky Wife.
,,Y/N! Who was that Man flirting with- Oh my God!“ Josie walking right at you. You let go of Severus. ,,Oh- shit- I´m sorry.“ She swallowed a lump in her Throat and just looked at you with big eyes. Smiling you tried to hide your Blush.
,,Well, uhh- that’s Severus. My Husband.“ You introduced, trying to hold back your laughter as her eyes almost seem to leave her head out of Shock.
,,Professor Snape- Of course- um- hi?“ He just waved and you both watched her hurry away as she was excusing herself with left over work.
,,I bet she wasn’t expecting that.“ He joked and pulled you back closer to him.
,,Of course not. Who’d expect their former Potions Master to kiss their Co-Worker between the Shelves? Especially when she didn’t knew that we are married.“
,,I once spotted Hagrid and Madame Maxime kissing after the Yule Ball, that wasn’t fun either. She will surely survive it.“
,,It simply shocks your Students every time. Now shut up and kiss me.“ You demanded laughing.
Taglist: @deepperplexity , @monstreviolet , @wow-life-love4 , @lizlil
Let me know if you want to be added in my Taglist. :)
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Book One: Gold (Prompto x Reader) Chapter IX
Safely driving out of Aracheole Stronghold, the group head in the direction of Lestallum. As they drew closer to their destination, Prompto turned on the radio just as a newscaster broadcasted the latest news. "At long last imperial blockades of Duscaen roadways have been removed. The imperial army has also demolished all related facilities erected around the region. The provisional government of Insomnia anticipates increased traffic congestion along most local highways, and encourages all citizens to refrain from any unnecessary travel for the time being."
At that moment, Prompto remembered what Ignis told him about Ravus. "So help me figure this out-that was Luna's brother?"
"The high commander himself-wartime makes for quick promotions," Ignis answered.
"Even a son of Tenebrae can rise to the top," Gladio added.
"But why would he want to lead their army?" The sharpshooter questioned.
"Who cares?" Noctis sighed.
"Certainly formidable enough on his own. We are fortunate (Y/n) intervened when she did," the tactician said.
"With that cool sword!" Prompto pops out of his seat and propped himself up on his knees, turning to face the backseat. "I had no idea you carried a sword with you, (Y/n)."
She curled her hands up in her lap, staring down at the middle console. "I haven't had it for long."
Ignis, who's eyes were still glued to the road, chimed in. "The Creator's Blade, if I recall what the high commander uttered."
She was hoping they hadn't heard Ravus use the sword's true name. "Yes. It's, well...um..."
Prompto noticed her distress as she clasped her hands tightly together and shifted uncomfortably in the seat. He leaned over the side of the seat and placed one of his hands over hers, squeezing them tightly. "You don't have to say anything if you're uncomfortable."
She looked up and stared into his eyes. "Thank you, Prom."
Eventually, the royal retinue and the guardian arrived back in Lestallum. Once parked, they headed to the Leville. As they walked into the lobby, they found Iris waiting for them. She had a devastated look on her face as she did her best to hold her tears at bay. "Oh, Gladdy."
Gladio was taken aback at his sister's forlorn expression and asked, "What's wrong?"
"I let you down. I never made it to Caem," she confessed melancholically. "The empire came while you were gone."
Deciding to speak somewhere more private, they headed upstairs to their hotel room. Everyone gathered around the distraught Iris as she explained the situation to them. "None of us said a word about Noct. They just showed up and then...poor Jared."
"What do you mean? What happened to Jared?!" Gladio demanded.
"There was nothing we could do!" Iris wailed back. "H-He...He tried protecting us and another woman. B-But the empire killed him and her!"
"They killed an obscure civilian?" Ignis asked.
She nodded, a single tear trailing down her cheek. "Th-They cut her down without even blinking and dragged her body away..."
Just then, the door to the room slowly opens. All eyes fall onto Talcott as he walks into the room, crying. Noctis gets down on one knee to speak with the weeping boy. His voice was full of sorrow as he spoke. "It's...not right. We should've been here."
"I... I couldn't stop them," Talcott mumbled between sniffles.
"But I won't let the empire get away with it. They'll pay for what they've done. I promise."
The little boy nodded. "I believe in you, Prince Noctis." He then walks away followed by (Y/n).
She followed him out into the hallway. She listened to him sniffle a few more times before squatting down in front of him. "I'm so sorry for your loss, Talcott."
"I-I miss him..." He wiped his tears away, but they were promptly replaced with even more tears. Through his blurry vision, he saw the golden gemstone in her arm. "Grandpa tried protecting a lady who was really nice to us when we first arrived here. Her name was Cynthia and she helped us with so much. You have a gem just like she did."
(Y/n) blinked in surprise. Now she knew the empire wasn't just here for Noctis, but to kill any spirits dwelling within Lestallum. "Really? Was it pretty?"
He nodded with a faint smile. "Mhm. It was blue just like the sky. And yours is yellow like the sun."
The spirit smiled back at him, taking his small hands in both of hers. "How about we get outta this stuffy hotel and have some fun?"
Talcott's smile widened, his tears vanishing. "Yeah!"
While (Y/n) escorted Talcott out of the Leville, the conversation inside the hotel room changed. Iris noticed the spirit when she walked out of the room to check on Talcott and couldn't help but admire her beauty and somewhat strange features. Prompto noticed the girl's perplexed expression and decided to clear the air. "Oh, right! You've never met (Y/n) before."
"I didn't know you guys had someone else traveling with you," Iris said.
"Neither did we until a month ago," Noctis commented.
The young Amicitia wasn't sure what he meant, but pushed it aside. "(Y/n)... She has a gem just like Cynthia. And her eyes are weird, too."
"Cynthia?" Gladio inquired.
"She's the woman Jared tried to protect. She helped us when we first arrived in Lestallum. We were shopping together when the empire showed up."
"Wait, y'mean this Cynthia person was a spirit?" Prompto questioned.
Iris' brows furrowed together, showing her puzzlement. "Spirit? I don't know anything about that."
"By the way you described her, she sounded like one."
"If that indeed is the case, we know for a fact Noct wasn't the empire's only target," Ignis chimed in.
Iris glanced between her brother and the other boys. "What're you talking about?"
"Guess an explanation is in order." Noctis turned to Prompto. "You probably better take this one. You would know more about guardians since you have one."
The blonde nodded and took the lead. He explained to Iris who (Y/n) was and what spirits were, remembering what the golden-eyed girl told him earlier during their journey. He even used pictures to help explain. Concluding his explanation, he examined Iris' expression and saw disbelief in her eyes. "You...don't believe me..."
Iris shook her head. "It's not that I don't believe you. It's just...hard to wrap my head around it. Geralt didn't even say anything about Cynthia being a guardian."
"Who's Geralt?" Gladio asked.
"Cynthia's husband. He sells vegetables in the marketplace."
Prompto blinked in surprise, his heart racing. "Her...husband? C-Can I go talk to him?"
"Don't you think the man needs time to mourn?" The shield sighed.
"Actually, I think he'd enjoy your company, Prompto. His stall is located near Tostwell Grill," Iris said. "Just try to keep talking about Cynthia to a minimum."
"Thanks, Iris!" Prompto dashes out of the room, leaving the others behind.
Noctis crosses his arms, leaning back against the wall with a smirk. "Wanna bet it's about (Y/n)?"
Ignis adjusted his glasses. "He is quite smitten with her."
"At least he's found someone who likes him," Gladio chortled.
Meanwhile in the marketplace, Prompto searches for Geralt's stall. He asked each stall owner their name until stumbling across the man he'd been searching for. He swallowed nervously as he grabbed the merchant's attention. "Sorry to bother you, but are you Geralt?"
The crimson-haired man nodded. "That I am. What can I do for you?"
Prompto held out his wrist and showed him the bracelet with the golden gemstone. "I was hoping to talk to you."
Geralt examines the gemstone, eyes widening when realizing what it was. "So you've got yourself a guardian. By the state of the gemstone, they're still alive."
"Huh?" The merchant held out his hand to show the boy the ring on his finger. Prompto gasped when seeing the gemstone adorning it was black and cracked. "Is that...?"
"The gemstone of my lovely Cynthia. After she was killed by those imperial bastards and dragged away, it turned black and cracked. Not only that, I could feel our connection shatter. It was as if someone had stabbed me in the chest."
The marksman frowned melancholically. "I'm...sorry you had to go through that. I-I don't know what I'd do if I lost (Y/n). She means so much to me..."
Geralt leant forward against the wooden table, staring into the blonde's cerulean eyes. "Listen, she may be your guardian and has sworn to protect you, but you've gotta protect her too. I failed to protect my Cynthia. Don't make the same mistake I did."
Prompto nodded with a determined gleam in his eyes. "I will protect (Y/n), I promise."
A smile appeared on the man's face. "I can tell there's not only determination in your eyes. You love her, don't ya?"
He lowered his head. "I do."
Geralt chortled. "You remind me of myself when I was younger. I fell in love with Cynthia and before I knew it, we were married."
The boy lifted his head. "Did you ever question your relationship? Y'know, since she was your guardian?"
"A buncha times. I don't know how many times I heard my sweet Cynthia worry about her status as my guardian. She feared how she wasn't human and wouldn't be able to satisfy me. But after we got married, all her fears vanished. We were living happily until..."
"The empire attacked," Prompto muttered.
"If I could get revenge for Cynthia, I would." Geralt leant over the table and patted the boy on the shoulder. "I wish you luck with (Y/n)."
The marksman left the marketplace and searched for (Y/n). He wandered the streets of Lestallum until he found her at the outlook with Talcott. They were sitting on a bench, laughing with one another. The little boy was no longer feeling down thanks to the guardian cheering him up. Prompto froze for a second before snapping a picture of the scene. Checking the photo, he saw it was perfect. Lowering his camera, he walked up to the two with a brilliant smile. "Heyaz!"
"Hey, Prom," (Y/n) greeted him with her usual smile. "Talcott and I were just sharing some funny stories. And while we were out, we happened to overhear hunters talking about spotting a royal tomb atop the Rock of Ravatogh."
"We better tell Noct the good news, then!"
Talcott crosses his arms with a pout. "Man, I wish I could go with you guys. Your adventures sound so fun!"
The spirit patted the top of his head. "Trust me, you'll have your own fun adventures someday. Just keep enjoying being a kid for now." She stood up, stretching her arms into the air before lowering them. "Anyway, we should head back and tell the others what we learned. Right, Talcott?"
"Yeah!" Talcott hopped off the bench and dashed off towards the Leville.
Prompto chuckled at the sight. "Little guy sure has spirit."
"I'm glad he's feeling better," (Y/n) commented. Taking a closer look at the blonde, she noticed his joyous expression was replaced with melancholia. "What's wrong?"
Unconsciously, he'd been fiddling with the bracelet around his wrist. "I, um...I talked to Cynthia's husband, Geralt."
"Oh, Talcott told me about Cynthia. She was the spirit who Jared was trying to protect. He didn't say she was married, though. What made you want to visit Geralt?"
"Just wanted to ask him some things. That's all." Prompto glanced away from the girl, fiddling even more with the bracelet.
(Y/n) placed a hand on her hip, a single eyebrow raised. "Like what?"
She closed the distance between them, grabbing his chin between her thumb and index finger. She turned his head so he had no other choice but to look down at her. "You asked him about their relationship, didn't you?"
Prompto's eyes widen as they were still locked hers. "How'd you know?"
"If I had known earlier about Geralt, I would've sought him out myself to ask about his relationship with Cynthia. They're the first human/spirit couple I've heard of." She released his chin. "What did he have to say?"
"He said Cynthia had the same doubts about herself like you do. She was afraid she couldn't make him happy because she wasn't human, but all that fear went away when they got married. They were happy until the empire came to town and killed her." Prompto took her hands in his, entwining their fingers together. "I know you're supposed to be the one protecting me, but I want to protect you too. I-I can't bear the thought of losing you."
She smiled gently at him. "You won't lose me, Prom. I'll always be by your side, even when you don't want me to be."
Prompto laughed, leaning his forehead against hers. "There's no way that'll ever happen." He placed his lips over hers, kissing her gently. He squeezed her hands when the kiss deepened, drowning in the blissful moment. His heartbeat and hers picked up in speed as the kiss became heated. Before it could turn into a full make-out session in broad daylight, they pulled apart. The boy glanced down at their connected hands before quickly looking back up at (Y/n). "Guess we better head back."
"Then let's go." She released one of his hands, but continued to hold the other one. They held hands all the way to the hotel and weren't even ashamed when they walked into the lobby, grabbing everyone's attention.
Iris was the first to react, flying to her feet. She was aware of the couple holding hands, but she was more invested in introducing herself to (Y/n). "We haven't formally met. I'm Iris."
"I'm (Y/n). A pleasure to meet you, Iris," the guardian smiled.
The young Amicitia glances at the gemstone in the girl's upper arm. "Prompto told me everything about spirits earlier. I'm...still trying to wrap my head around it, especially since Cynthia was one too." She them looked over towards Talcott with a smile before meeting the spirit's gaze again. "Thank you for cheering Talcott up. He told me how much fun he had with you today."
"I'm glad I could bring his smile back."
"Oh!" Talcott suddenly shouted. He looked over at Noctis. "(Y/n) and I overheard some hunters talking about another tomb."
The raven-haired boy blinked in surprise. "Really? Where?"
"At the top of the Rock of Ravatogh."
"Well, looks like we know where we're heading next," Gladio commented. "Best head out now if we wanna beat the daemons."
"It is in our best interest to restock our supply of curatives before departing," Ignis said.
Iris and Talcott remained behind as the others left the Leville. They restocked their diminishing supply of curatives before heading to the parking lot. Before they climbed into the Regalia, they could hear the frustrated yells of someone nearby. They all exchanged glances with each other, deciding to check on the frustrated person. They came across the President and CEO of Meteor Publishing, Vyv. He was complaining about the heat, which is what caught the group's attention.
After calming down, Vyv explained to them how he wanted pictures of a cave located at the Rock of Ravatogh. Prompto gasped in excitement at the request. "We'll do it!"
"We will?" Noctis asked.
"I am not passing up this opportunity. Besides, we're already heading that way!"
"Prompto and his pictures..." (Y/n) mumbled.
"Indeed," Ignis said after overhearing the girl.
"Get a good shot and I'll pay you," Vyv said.
"We do need the money," Gladio stated. "And it's only a picture. Blondie'll handle it."
"Aw, yeah!" Prompto cheered. "You can count on me!"
With that, the group headed back to the parking lot and climbed into the Regalia. They left Lestallum and headed towards the Rock of Ravatogh. Ignis pulled the car over to the side of the road when they got as close to the pathway leading up the volcano as they possibly could. Hopping out of the vehicle, they trek up the path until they reached jagged, uneven ground. (Y/n) watched where she stepped to avoid tripping. "So, we're really going to trek up the side of a volcano for a picture and a royal arm."
"Why do you sound excited?" Gladio asked.
She grinned from ear to ear. "I thrive in environments of extreme heat. Makes my magic more powerful."
"You wanna take the lead then?" Noctis asked. "I wouldn't mind, especially if you burn all the monsters we come across. It'd make this whole trip easier."
"And let you guys miss all the fun?" She gasped in feign shock. "Never. Lead the way, Noctis."
Noctis groaned at her answer. "Ugh..."
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btswishes · 4 years
Love me for who I am now
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Bucky x Reader ( Chapter 4)
Previous / Next (5)
Summary: You apply for the Stark internship and end up getting it, so now you have 5 months to make a good impression to continue working with the Avengers.
A/N: Ok. I think I need to calm down with the descriptions a bit. They might be a bitt too much for everything. Good thing this is an experiment and a challenge for my damn bratty authors block. Sorry for any mistakes made, hope you enjoy it even a tiny bit.
Tag list: @vicmc624​
Word count:  3,305
Warmings: fights, harsh language, not part of the original MCU
Y/N- Your name                             
Y/L/N- Your Last Name                  
40s Vocabulary:  
killer diller - the best, amazing
grandstand - show off in a boastful manner
​snap your cap - get angry
flip your wig - lose your temper, lose control
   The compound was overthrown by silence, such a sweet melody combined with the sound of the nightly creatures, passing by at such heights. One would be surprised at what could even survive up here, at least the city was just a distant presence. The clock hit 12 as you closed the door of the lab behind yourself. After tiding up you decided to brush over some stuff, ending up just doing 3 more hours of work. Steve wouldn’t be happy to find out you did exactly what he expected.
  Your feet tiptoeing snuck around the halls, making sure no one noticed or got woken up by you. No sound came out, not even by your breath. You were expecting to see the glimmer of light from at least 2 rooms, but apparently no one was up. Palm against the metal of the door, it slid open ever so silently as its owner.
“Ah~…” you let out a deep breath, letting your body sink onto the bed- work books and empty laptop bag on the covers under your right hand. Replenishing the oxygen, you took in the smell of the sheets. A mix of fresh, crisp mountains with a hint of floral tones.
       Knock knock
   Your head came up first, allowing the guest access to your room, before pushing half your body up with hands firmly pressed into the bedding. The hissing sound of the door revealed a head pocking from the side, illuminated slightly by the dim lighting coming from inside.
“Am I bothering?” the female voice asked
“Um no, actually I just came from the lab.” You explained, beginning to identify the owner of the rich voice slowly
“Come over to my room then.” blunt and direct, a woman that never beat around the bush. Something you wanted to be able to do as well sometimes
“Nat!” another sweet note flew into your room, rapidly cutting off the residual command “You are supposed to ask her if she wants to come, not demand. She could be tired.”
“Oh come on.” Natasha looked back at the second companion, reading her a lecture in the corridor “She can say no.” with the corner of her eye she was indirectly actuating you in her favor. Agent habits die…well - never.
“ I am a night owl so if you don’t mind I would love to join you.” Still whispering in case someone woke up, you were pulled out from your room by the two women. It felt like a blink of an eye when you found yourself cross-legged on the soft mattress. The situation was not expected and very much tense for you. Soft tapping sounds of rain filled the room, creating a cozy ambiance. Natasha was leaning onto her elbow - body sideways, while Wanda was completely laying onto her stomach- both looking at you.
“Relax.” Natasha tapped your shoulder. It felt almost like magic when your body did exactly that, well maybe it was since Wanda’s hand flashed a bit. I don’t think anyone would complain about the sudden stress relieve. Compared to your pretty empty living quarters this place showed the years spend. The color of the wall was a warm light tone of dark amber. Combined with the wooden style furniture and small knickknacks, it had a warm cabin like feeling - welcoming. You did not regret coming here at all, now that you were situated. And the rain, the light drops just added so much to this, almost like you were on vacation in the woods and star-gazing with your closest friends.
“So, how did it go with Mr. Always Grumpy?” Wanda uttered below you, attention spilling out of her very existence
“Bucky?” you asked strings pulling a nod from both of them “Thought so.” sighing, your elbows dug into the soft cover supporting your upper body “ He just threw a tantrum that ended up with him almost choking me out on the spot and not in the good way. Fixed his arm though. ”you added proud of the last sentence
“Wait, wait.” Natasha swung her hands side to side in front of her face in disbelieve “He let you fix his shoulder? No, no let me rephrase that. James Buchanan Barnes let you touch him? Someone he doesn’t know?”
“How?” Wanda sat up in a split second, making the bed shift a bit from the kinetic energy applied to it
“Simple.” Your pointer finger flung up positioned between your eyebrows, before pointing at the two women “Treat him like a moody antisocial child.” A wide evil smirk tugged from side to side onto your lips “ I just told him that if he doesn’t get it fixed he will be a burden on the next mission. For someone trying to erase his past by doing good deeds and being useful, this was like a jab to his ego.”
“That…” Wanda’s fingers wrapped around her chin, letting her sink in thought “…that makes a lot of sense honestly. I would have never come up with that.”
“Enough about fossil number 2.” Natasha clapped her hands “Since we will be neighbors from now on, let’s go around and do a short introduction happy campers.”
“I will go first.” Wanda rose her hand beginning “Wanda Maximoff here, your teammate living right in front of you.”
“You can just call me Nat, no need for formalities, Captain’s orders.” She joked
“I mean for me just Wanda is ok.”
“I guess the introduction is directed more towards me.” A giggle rung out “ Y/N Y/L/N, studying in Stark University with a very weird past, that I can’t explain to myself either. Your new neighbor and teammate from what I can gather. Pleasure to make -“ too formal you thought to yourself, it was time to let go a bit “Nice to meet yall.”
  You found yourself getting along with the girls much faster than with anyone else in the compound. Maybe it was because you didn’t have an awkward first confrontation with any of them or a choking one.
“By the way.” You lured them back with your voice “Tony said something about me using the gym. What’s all that about? ”
  The two turned to each other questioning for a moment, before deciding that it wouldn’t hurt to know what Tony was mixing in his little pot of mischief – had to get used to it sooner or later.
“He is testing an Avengers new generation program on you.” Nat concluded from their numerous conversations about you prior to your arrival or, as a matter of fact, even your application acceptance “The gym is for well, to make sure you don’t die on missions.”
“Ok, hol’ up hol’ up.” Your eyes squeezed shut when your hands waved air side to side “Not only am I a ‘build an avenger’ type of deal, but I will be going on missions?!”
  Their non verbal agreement pulling a deep and already exhausted sigh out of you. It hadn’t even began and your muscles were in pain. You got yourself in this mess, you kind of wanted it so no backing down now. Your pride wouldn’t let you.
  The rest of the night was filled with jokes, snarky comments about the men in the compound. Natasha had dirt on almost all of them with the occasional help of Wanda. The three troublesome birdies soon fell asleep each in her own corner of the bed, till later in the night when you huddled up. The window in Natasha’s room was the main culprit causing you to ball one next to the other.
  Light slowly creeping into the common room and welcoming the men stumbling early for a cup of coffee - drowsy and very much looking like bird nests. Tony dressed in his fancy pjs was quick in his preparations, while Sam and Steve were still waiting next to the bubbling machine, on each side of it. Arms crossed, pressed against firm muscles and fighting the sleep.
“Morning early birds.” Tony teased Sam when Bucky’s heavy steps passed behind the playboy. He looked the most awake and ready for a mission out of everyone. Steve pulled out a couple of mugs and poor the hot dark liquid, passing 2 out to his buddies.
  Peace covered them like a comfort veil, sips frequently reminding that time was indeed still flowing and not paused. Boredom began crawling up their spines, when Bruce’s emerging presents lit them up. The need for some vibrancy was soaking into the air.
“What is up with the serious atmosphere?” he asked grabbing one of the cups resting on the bar.
“Something is missing here.” Sam pushed his lips to the side speaking of things everyone noticed “It’s...too quiet.”
“F.R.I.D.A.Y.?” Tony released his grip on the mug, resting it on the table
Yes Sir?
“Where are the rest of us?”
If you are speaking of Miss Maximoff, Miss Romanoff and Miss Y/L/N they are still in bed.
“I know I buy the best beds, but this is a bit too much.” Tony got up and walked over to Wanda’s room, knocking on the door. He waited for an answer, but none was given. His head pocked in just for his eyes to be met with emptiness.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. where are they?” Tony stomped over to your room, which was in the same condition maybe a bit emptier since you were a new arrival
In Miss Romanoff’s room Sir.
“All of them?” Steve pushed his hips off the counter, tall figure stalking after Tony.
Yes Sir.
  The door slid open and Steve almost choked out a loud laugh at the sight. The three of you were cuddled up like stray cats trying to keep warm during the cold winter days, waiting for an owner to come and pick you up. Hands pushing his lips closed, Steve snuck in closing the open window. As simple as the action was it released a calming moan from one of you, the space already getting warmer.
“I don’t have the heart to wake them up.” Bruce announced with a cheerful whisper 
“Yeah, keep them like that.” Sam pulled out his phone and started taking pictures
“What are you doing?” Bucky’s body leaning onto the doorframe, the newest member to this room-visit
“What does it look like tin can arm?” clicking sounds bouncing off the wall “Getting some dirt on Nat. The amount of blackmail material she has on me is too much.”
“Ok, you had your fun bird brain.” Bucky grabbed Sam’s hand and pulled the phone way from your resting figures, specifically you.
“Calm down you two.” Steve tried to pull them away and out of the small space
“What got your panties twisted?” Sam’s body stood up confidant, clenching the muscles being wrapped by the cold vibranium plates “The Winter Soldier look is showing on that smug face of yours.” The dark glistening skin pushed closer to Bucky as he was almost picking a fight “ Shit, if I didn’t know better I would say someone was whispering them trigger words of yours.” 
  Sam finally had something to use for revenge, but this whole righteous behavior of Bucky was spoiling his fun. The rest of the guys felt the pressure accumulating around the menacing men “Zhelaniye and Semnadtsat something like that right? Oh wait that is right~...Wakanda whipped your ass clean.” The awful Russian accent awoke Natasha, but feeling the heavy air she decided to wait her time to get those pictures back. Sly one.
 The words were loud enough for everyone to wait for Bucky’s reaction.
“Rzhaviy or some shit li-“ the word crept inside your ear together with the sentence beforehand. Your left hand decided that the position it was in wasn’t comfortable anymore, swinging your left foot in the opposite direction. Hands pushing off the bed with a rough creek, let your left knee hook onto Sam’s neck – body hanging like a chain in front of him. Your fingers didn’t waste time to snake around his own calves pulling them up.
“Wha-!” Sam gasped when the heels of your feet pushed his shoulders back – head hitting the soft carpet with a loud thud and grunt. There was no time to take a breath for the poor man before your arms locked the air in his throat.
  Natasha grabbed the phone quickly and deleted whatever she could find about herself, while everyone else sat stunned.
“I give- I give- up!” Sam tried squeezing the words out of his mind as he began tapping the floor and your elbow.
“I got the pics Y/N.”Nat waved the phone at you, but your hands began to tighten around his neck. Sam was starting to turn colors his skin wasn’t supposed to have.
“Y/N!” Bucky growled out loud and commanding, shacking up the whole room. It felt like a bubble popped from in front of you, body jolting at the voice.
“Ha?” your lips fell open as your body relaxed, letting Sam finally suck in so much ai,r the covers on Natsha’s bed almost went inside his mouth. Your jaw closed just so your throat could swallow a bit of spit seeing as it was feeling dry, before it opened back up. Sam’s body heat pulled your gaze down to him when you started to register the situation.
“Oh God!” you pulled away from him, apologies spilling out of you, too many in a second “I was sleepwalking again!”
  Dumbfound, that was exactly the expression on everyone’s face hearing you say that. You were used to your nightly habits, even your family found it natural at this point.
“Usually when I have nightmares I either mumble or sleepwalk.” Trying to explain yourself didn’t change what everyone was feeling.
“OW!” Steve screeched out upon feeling Tony’s fingers pinch his arm
“I am not dreaming am I? You all saw that too.” He felt Cap swat his hand away sending a warm wave of pain through his limb
“Test it on yourself next time!” he hissed
“I call that sleep fighting not walking.” Bruce pitched in feeling left out “You are trying to tell us you are…used to this?” your head nodded, roughed up hair flying back and forth
“My mom calls them night terrors. Tried to get help for it, but I guess the only one who could help me was my uncle. One of the reasons why I spend so much time with him.” You grinned trying to get out of this mess as fast as possible with less casualties
“I am stopping this now.”Tony threw his hands in the air “I am not awake enough to deal with all this...and that tiny assassin.” You followed him hastily to the kitchen whipping yourself a cup of tea and flying over to one of the seats. The rest of the Avengers followed your stumbling figure out of the room – slow steps, a mix of amazement and confusion, pain for some. Sam sat on the couch pretty far from you, keeping quiet. Your eyes scanned the room waiting for someone to say something or to cut the thick atmosphere with a butter knife.
“Can I take Y/N over from Nat?” Steve was the hero in this moment . Tony waved his hand, swallowing his almost cold coffee
“Do what you want, I am not capable of decisions right now.” The screeching floor yelped under the chair’s feet. Sam followed Bucky out the room, after Tony announced his departure. 
“Come with me kid.” Steve’s heavy yet warm hand fond your tense shoulder muscles. Your body jumped and followed the man like a small chick behind its mother. You ran to your room taking a quick shower, a dash of deodorant and putting on workout clothes. Washing yourself before sweating made no sense, but the warmth tended to relax you. Taking into consideration the amount of stress you were feeling for awhile now – it felt good.
  The gym was maybe 3 levels before the floor you lived on, information revealed to you in the not so comfortable awkward ride with the elevator. The doors slid open unveiling a whole new world. Stylish…there is nothing you could say at this point but Tony owned it, it talked for itself. Steve told you to leave the duffle bag onto a bench and come to the equipment. 
“Have you used any of these?” he pointed at the machines and you shook your head. You knew about them from youtube videos and maybe 1 or 2 gym visits, but saying up right being able to use them properly was questionable. “Ok, let’s start with a quick evaluation of your body’s capabilities.”
  With the corner of your eyes you could see Bucky lifting an absurd amount of weights – super soldier let’s not forget that again. You started first with the bar without anything on it, before Steve began adding. You were struggling, which made him know when to stop piling stuff and changing the muscle groups. What felt like 2 hours later he gave you a small break, walking over to his friend to spot him.
  A dust cloud swirled around the metal arm before the weights floated in the air. Once more finding yourself eyeing him head to toe – his arms were glistening from the sweat droplets forming onto them. The t-shirt was tightly clinging on his muscles like glue was applied to them previously. His hair fixed to patches of his lovable face. That untamed beard and ice blue eyes made his existence mirror that of a Greek God statue. Fingers tingling around your water bottle unknowingly wishing to touch him, before noticing Steve walking up to you – not before Bucky’s eyes met yours for a split second for who knows what time.
“He is a killer diller aint he.” The blonde snickered at your flushed face, being caught staring. Taking a quick drink from your bottle ,you stood up and threw it to Steve
“Grandstand.” you coughed out at the man leaving him stunned in place from what just erupted from your mouth “You coming?” you coaxed him successfully.
  Aside from the small playful teasing Cap tried to play on you,F on his best friend’s back - training was though. He wasn’t going easy on you, ass hitting the floor one too many times for your liking. You could already feel the bruises coloring your skin a midnight blue with a hint of a bloody red.
“Time out!” puffing out the words with the last liter of air left inside your lungs “I-I can’t Steve.” The dull thudding sound your legs made hitting the mat echoed in the big gym. It was loud enough to wake up the dead.
“That is enough for today. You did surprisingly well. Don’t you think Mr. Grandstrand?” a towel flung on top of your head turning off the lights in your mind. With a trembling hand you pulled it off to look at the one and only Sergeant, looming over you. Steve’s words summoned a low groan from Bucky filled with annoyance.
“Hey now, don’t snap your cap.” A type of teasing only possible between friends gone through decades and countless near death situations. The towel was soft enveloped in a calming and nostalgic smell. Having gained some of your strength back, your palms pushed off the floor with a fling. For a moment your demeanor mirrored that of Steve, calmly tapping Bucky’s back and throwing him a playful look, that of years long pals.
“Come on cap, don’t tease him that much. He gonn’ flip his wig soon.” The sentence dripping with a heavy old school Brooklyn accent. No war could prepare them both for this one sided conversation they just witnessed.
“Did she just?” Bucky pointed at you, finger hovering in the direction of your disappearing body silhouette.
“I don’t know man.” 
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shyneanon · 4 years
okay, okay, second time givng a prompt :
*US! Papy and a studying reader*
a friend of mine thinks about this for a long time now XD
Ahhhhh, I see. You’re asking for a friend. Sure.
I’m kidding. This was a really fun prompt, although I guess I changed it to US! Paps and a trying-to-study Reader. I hope you (and your friend) enjoy!
“Wow,” was all Papyrus could say as he turned the massive textbook over in his hands. “You’re going to go through all of this?”
You nodded. “Yep. And the first test is Monday.”
“Welp. RIP in pieces.”
He handed you the massive calculus book back and you flopped down on his couch. You’d mentioned the book to him already, but he hadn’t seen it. You’d decided not to take a photo-- he’d needed to see this in person. It was several inches thick.
There was no point in putting it off, you supposed. The test was Monday, and it was the first test. You had no idea what to expect. So you propped yourself up, leaning back against a small pillow, and started to read through the first section the class had gone through. You had already forgotten all of it.
You instantly started to fall asleep.
“What are you doing?”
“Huh? Sorry. I’m trying to study.” You lowered the book a bit to find that Papyrus was now sitting on the couch, leaning back. He raised a brow.
He gave you a mock glare, squinting. “You come into my house…”
“Apartment,” you corrected, albeit with a smile.
“C’mon,” he said, “don’t study here.”
“I have to.”
“OK, then let me help.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“Wow,” he said, feigning offense. “OK then. Cool to see that you trust me so much.”
“OK,” you said, “you can help.” You looked at the book. “I’m not sure how, though, considering this is math. It isn’t really about memorizing facts.”
He thought a moment. “Mm… Are there new math terms or something? We could start like it’s vocab. Cuz like, what if they ask you to find something and you don’t even know what it is?”
That made sense. “Sure, we can start with that.” You flipped until you found a list of terms and handed them to Paps. “Give me the definitions first.”
“That’s easier though.”
“Yeah, I’m being lazy.” You smiled. “Like you.”
“Studying isn’t lazy,” he argued before giving you another smile. “But you’re trying, so I’m proud of you.”
You smiled. Dork.
He looked at the book, then made a point of clearing his throat.
Oh no.
“What,” he said, in a British accent, with a high-pitched voice that made him sound like an old woman, “is a function that gives the slope of a--”
You snorted and laughed a little. “Paps, stop.”
“I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said, still in that ridiculous voice.
“I can’t focus if you’re making dumb voices!”
“Young lady, I will have you know that my voice is quite beautiful, and I do not take your insult lightly.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose, still grinning. “Just give me the book back if you’re not actually gonna help me.”
His voice returning to normal, he said, “Nah, I don’t think I’m gonna do that.”
He stood up, and so did you. “Hey,” you said, “give me my book back.”
“Nope,” he said, heading for his kitchen. Oh no, what was he doing? You followed after him, but when you tried to grab at the book he just held it high above your head, far higher than you could reach. If you hadn’t already known that he wasn’t ticklish, you would have attempted to weaponize that, but that attempt would be all for naught.
When you arrived, he immediately started putting the book on top of the high cabinets. No, not in the cabinets. On top of them, in that space between them and the ceiling. He didn’t even need a stool for it, he was so tall. “No!” you cried. “I need that! I paid for that book!”
“Relax, you’ll get it back later.”
“But the test is Monday!”
“Yeah, and right now it’s Friday afternoon.”
“That’s only a few days.” You put your hands on your hips. “This is why I didn’t trust you to help me.”
“But you changed your mind.” He grinned smugly, raising his brows. “Your mistake.”
You pouted at him.
“Now you just look like my brother when he’s disappointed in me.”
The pout turned into a smile. That didn’t really surprise you; there was a reason that Sans liked the two of you hanging out so much.
“C’mon, let’s order pizza and watch a movie.”
You needed to be studying.
But that does sound nice…. And I am hungry….
Before you knew it the two of you were on the couch again, this time eating pizza and watching a cheesy rom-com instead of studying, like you were supposed to….
“Watch this,” he said. “He’s going to tell her that he likes her because she’s literally the only woman who’s ever rejected him.”
Sure enough, the love interest said, “You are the only girl who doesn’t fall at my feet.”
“Narcissist alert,” you said, raising your eyebrows.
“I know, right? It’s frustrating.”
“How often do you watch these kinds of movies?”
“Um… I have the right to remain silent.”
You laughed, then realized something. “OK,” you said, “wait.”
“So if that’s why he likes her, then once she kisses him, or has sex with him, or whatever… isn’t that it? Like congrats, you got your conquest in. Right?”
“... Huh. I never thought of that. Good point. I always assumed it was that he likes the girl’s stubbornness?” He winked at you. “He’d probably like you, Ms. I-Have-To-Put-Your-Math-Book-In-An-Unreachable-Spot-To-Get-You-To-Hang-Out-With-Me.” He paused, then said, “That was a mouthful.”
“Well, I will pass,” you said. “He seems like a jerk.”
“Wow, girls like guys who are nice? Who knew?”
You laughed, then smiled at him. “I’m surprised you don’t have a lot of girls after you. You’re really nice, and you’re fun.” Seriously, he was… great boyfriend material…. You coughed a little.
“Well, even if I did, there’s only one girl I’m really interested in.”
Whaaaat? “Ooooooh?” you said, looking over at him with a grin. “You like someone? Who?”
He just looked back at you, raising a brow.
Your face got very hot very fast.
“Wait,” you said quietly, “m… me?”
You saw his face turn orange. “Yup.” He made small jazz hands. “Surpriiiise.”
A giggle escaped you, and he grinned.
“Are you really surprised? I thought it was obvious.”
You shrugged. “I just… wouldn’t expect you to like me.”
He blinked, his smile faltering. “What? Why not?”
“I dunno, I’m not super chill all the time, like you.”
“Well yeah….” He grinned again. “But I’m not sure if dating someone as lazy as me would be a good idea. I like that we’re different.”
Your face got hotter at the mention of dating. What he was saying did make sense. “I like it too.”
He didn’t say anything. Not sure what else to do, you avoided eye contact. You didn’t want to look stupid. Did this mean you were dating now? He hadn’t asked. But neither had you. Should you ask? But then if he thought you were that might seem dumb. And if he didn’t think you were, it would be a weird way of--
You started as you felt his teeth tentatively pressing against your lips. Not wanting him to think your flinch was a negative response, you quickly kissed back-- albeit a bit harder than necessary.
He chuckled, looking surprised and amused. “Wow, I didn’t expect you to get that excited.”
You shoved him lightly, smiling. This time, when he brushed some hair out of your face and cupped your cheek, you leaned in with him so that your lips met in the middle. You hummed softly, and so did he. Testing the waters, you started to wrap your arms around him, and he responded by returning the gesture. You lay your head on his ribcage.
“Welp,” he said, “this was a way better reaction than I was expecting.”
“Did you expect me to slap you or something?”
“No, I was just worried I was gonna make things weird between us. Like you were gonna be like ‘Whaaat no you’re like a brother to me but we can still be friends, but now I feel super weird.’” He shrugged. “Sometimes I think me being chill has an adverse effect. Makes me seem like a sibling or something.”
You snorted. “Says the guy with the sibling who’s always worrying about him.”
“Y’know, that’s a good point.” You could hear the grin in his voice.
Then you felt his teeth press against the top of your head and blushed.
“So,” he said, “are we… are we dating now, or…?”
You snickered. “I was wondering the same thing, to be honest.”
He laughed a little.
Right, you still hadn’t answered.
“Um… I’d say yes.”
“Cool,” he said. “I say yes too.”
Both of you snorted.
“Man,” he said, “we’re dorks.”
“We are,” you agreed.
“You’re a cute dork though.”
Hah… Your face was warm now. “You’re cute too.” You looked up at him and pretended not to notice his blush. “Y’know, I would still be mad at you about you taking my book, but… now we’re dating, so I’m not annoyed at you anymore.”
“Nice, I bailed myself out.”
You giggled again, and he gave you another kiss, this time on the cheek.
“C’mon. Let’s take a nap together.”
Together. You felt warm and fuzzy inside.
“OK,” you said.
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slutforagoodsmut · 4 years
We All Get Nightmares
(Lars x OC)
The waves crashed along the sand, the moonlight glittered  across the sea. For once in a long time, there was silence, There was peace. No gem saving, no gem destroying. It was a quiet, normal night; and for once in a long time, Primrose went to bed without a sore body or broken bone. Curled up in the bed layed the precious girl, her dark locks of springs for hair bunched up in a ponytail, and the one streak of light pink laying lightly against her face. Her soft warm touch, her skin glowing in the moonlight that beamed through her window. Her pencil striaght physique now starting to blossom from child to young  woman, her hips starting to curve out and chest starting to broaden. And on her back, in between her shoulder blades, sat a rose quarts gem that reflected off of any twinkling light, which she kept hidden beneath her hair. Primrose Universe was indeed a beauty, just like her mother was. 
There she layed all snuggled up in her plush bed on the other side of the room, a small smile graced upon her lips as she clung to the teddy bear her father gave her all those years ago. She just looked like some ordinary 14 year old girl, a girl who wanted to go far in life, go beyond the limits as any teenager would. The Primrose everyone knows, the girl everyone cherishes, was much more than a silly little teenager. She was a gaurdian, a powerful protector of the gems; keeping the bad out. The twin sister of a powerful boy and the daughter of a gem herself.
But aside all that schmazzy jazzy stuff, Prim was just your avgerage teenager. A girl who listened to her father's old music and laughed at the silly faces he made. A girl who enjoyed her friend's company and eating doughnuts. Someone who loved adventure and would sometimes get in a lil trouble along with her brother. An open minded person who accepted anyone as a friend. That is who Primrose was. 
It wasn't far into the night when Prim's phone began to buzz on her nightstand. Prim, being the light sleeper she was, woke immediately, her eyes being blinded by the light the phone gave off. She groaned. "Who's calling in the middle of the night?" She fumbled for the phone and pressed the 'accept call' button, holding it lazily to her ear. "Yo," she said.
"Prim, are you awake?" A certain Lars Barriga voice came through the phone. Prim rolled her eyes and sank her head back into her pillow. 
"Oh yeah sure, totally awake, like i always am..." she peered over at her clock, "...at 2:30 in the morning," she said sarcastically. 
"I know it's late but I just couldn't sleep! Maybe you could come over for a bit?" Lars asked, his voiced getting a bit high. "Ya'know, help me fall asleep?"
"You've gotta be kidding me Lars," she sighed, her hand sliding down her face. "Dude, you're like almost 17 years old, can't you tuck yourself in? I mean, haven't you tried calling Sadie?" Prim yawned out as she spoke, covering her mouth.  
"Yes I could tuck myself in, thank you very much!" Lars hissed. "I just...I had a bad dream and now I can't sleep," he mumbled into the phone. "P-Please?"
Primrose looked back at the clock, then sat up and looked at Steven, who was sleeping soundlessly all the way on the other side of the loft. It'd be easy getting passed her brother, but what about the gems? Nothing could get passed them, and I mean nothing. She put a hand on her head and sighed again. "Fine, I'll be there in 15 minutes."
"thanks Prim, you're the best!" Lars said into the phone. 
"I know I am," she grunted as she sat up, stretching her legs and arms. "Oh and Lars?"
"You owe me." Was the last thing she said to him before ending the call. She couldn't believe she was actually doing this. 'I swear to god if this is a joke...' Prim yawned again as she put her hair up in a messy bun, not bothering to do anything with it at the moment. She didn't bother changing either, and not that it was a big deal anways. Prim was wearing a pair of shorts and tank top, all she needed to do was throw on a bra and head out. Prim walked passed her brother and got her flip flops on, kissing him on the cheek before climbing down the loft. 'Was it cold out?' she wondered, before grabbing a sweatshirt just in case. Now here was the difficut part; getting passed Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl. Pearl was a nutjob when it came to safety, and on the other hand Amethyst could care less, so she would be easy to get by. But then there was Garnet. Garnet was a tricky one, and probably the sneakiest and wisest off them all. 
"Alright one step at a time..." Prim whispered as she tip toed silently across the floor boards. Amethyst was snoring on the couch and Pearl was curled up in a ball, but where was Garnet? They should have been in the temple, so this was going to be a little harder than usual. Prim looked around. Uh oh, this wasn't good. Garnet must be in the temple, right? No harm at all! She lightly stepped around carefully, making sure not to step on a squeaky floorboard by mistake. 'Just an hour!' Thought Prim 'and I'll be back before sun rise!' 
It took a few minutes but Primrose managed to slip out of the house quickly and quietly. "Phew, that was close," Prim  said feeling a bit exhausted.
"What was close?" A voice asked.
She gasped, holding her breath as she clasped a hand over her mouth tightly. "Oh Bejeebus!" Prim slowly turned around to see the giant gem standing over her with her arms crossed, no emotions expressed over her face. It wasn't that she was terrified of Garnet...well....maybe just a tad, it was the fact that Garnet was always right, and to see Garnet dissaprove her actions was one of Prim's biggest fears. 
"Where must you be so late at night?" Garnet asked. 
"W-Well, I--uh, ya see, something--um c-came up! Yeah that's right, something came up and...." Prim faltered, looking down. Garnet raised a brow behind her glasses, putting a hand on Prim's shoulder. She looked up at the gem and sighed, rubbing the side of her arm. "Lars called me..."
"Oh! I meant Big Donut Boy!" Prim corrected herself. 
"And what does "Big Donut Boy" want with you at this hour of the night?"
"Its sort of embarrassing but...he had a nightmare. And he called me cuz he couldn't go back to sleep." 
"A nightmare, huh?" Garnet repeated, putting her hands on her hips. "Well, if you must. This does sound important."
"Yeah I know Garnet I shouldn't leave without--wait what?" Prim stopped herself with wide eyes, looking up at Garnet like an idiot. "Really?"
"Yes, you may go, but don't tell Pearl."
Prim blinked, raising a brow. "Are you an imposter Garnet? Shouldn't you be giving me words of wisdom or something and telling me not to go?"
Garnet cracked a small smile and ruffled Prim's bed head. "Geez Prim, you make it sound like I'm another Pearl." Prom laughed at that. "But yes, I trust you. Just be back before Pearl notices."
"You got it Garnet!" They young girl whispered and gave the gem a quick hug before running down the steps. 
*10 minutes Later*
The temple was only a few blocks away from Waterman St., so a walk to Lars's house was a piece of cake for Prim. Her sweatshirt was tied around her neck to keep her shoulders warm and hands tucked in her pockets with her phone. Like she expected, it was a little chilly, but nothing Prim couldn't manage. Matter a fact she loved the chilly weather, and sadly it was something Beach City hardly ever got. 
In the distance Prim could see Lars sitting on the steps of his porch, resting his head on his lap. 'Oh man, maybe this really is serious,' she thought as she got closer. He looked miserable, but what was different? He always looked miserable, especially around Prim and Steven. Yes Prim knew Steven could be a bit annoying, but so was she at times! They both had many flaws and messed up--a lot--but hey that's what twins did together! It was both of them or none at all! 
"Hey," Prim said, stopping in front of the Barriga Residence.
Lars looked up and his eyes were bloodshot. He looked like he hadn't slept for days! To be honest he looked like a crack head in Prim's opinion... 'No, he would never!' An image of Lars doing crack came to mind. Prim shuddered in fear. 'He may act like Mr.Badass all the time, but he wouldn't dare to do such a thing!' 
"Oh, Prim! You're here!" Lars exclaimed a little groggily, as if he were just dozing off. He wore a black Under Armour tank and a pair of grey shorts, her hair a bit of a mess btw.
"Well no shit Sherlock, of course I'm here." 
"How did you get out of that wacko of a house and passed that nut job of a family?" He questioned. 'Such a bitch...' Prim thought as she narrowed her eyes at him.
"Watch it chicken legs, I still don't have a problem breaking your arm."
Lars backed off. "Alright alright."
"Well it was fairly easy to get passed my nut job of a family, besides, Garnet is covering for me."
He nodded and patted the spot next to him, indicating for Primrose to sit. Prim gladly took the seat and looked off into the distance, sitting in an awkward silence. 
"Rough night?" she asked. 
"Uh yeah, rough night," he said, sighing wand rubbing the back of his head. "It hasn't been good the past couple of weeks, I haven't gotten a single drop of good sleep."
"Have you gone to the doctors?"
"Phssht, the Doctors?" Lars scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Doctors are for wimps, big baby, wusses, shall I go on?"
"And the Doctors are for people who are in need of major help, for those who need a diagnosis, and for recovery," Prim corrected him, eyeing Lars up. 
"Oh whatever," he groaned, putting his head in his hand. "My parents said that I should go to the Doctors but...I don't know I feel little weird about it." 
"Yeah I get," Prim started, "the doctors could be a scary place, no lie, but the only thing they want to do is help you."
Lars sighed, looking down sadly. "Yeah..." 
Prim put her hand on his shoulder. "Hey, why don't we go in? Sort of chilly out here don't you think?"
Lars looked at her with depressing eyes and nodded, getting up from his seat and Prim followed him in quietly. "My parents are away on a trip, won't be back till like sometime next week." 
"That's pretty cool, gonna throw a few parties?" She elbowed his side and wiggled her brows. Lars shrugged and gave a very small smile. 
"I suppose a party or two wouldn't be so bad," Lars thought aloud, flicking the lights on in the kitchen. There on the island sat a plate of doughnuts, soaking in all the glory. Prim licked her lips and her eyes lit up. Lars plopped down on a chair and the younger of the two sat across from him. "Want one?" Lars asked, taking a pink icing topped doughnut. 
"Do I ever!" Exclaimed Prim, taking the one with white icing and rainobow sprinkles. She could never turn down the most delicious thing in the entire world. Well, right behind cookie cat. "Oh man these are bomb!"
"Big Donut never fails to impress," muffled Lars while eating his doughnut. After a few more bites of their delicious treats, Prim cleared her throat to speak.
"So how about we talk about the nightmare, hmm?" 
"Oh, u-um, now that I think about it, I don't really think it's worth mentioning anymore." Lars rubbed his arm uncomfortable, fidgeting around in his seat. 
"Dude I came all the way over here because you had a nightmare, I could be sleeping right now." She rolled her eyes. "So you're telling me."
"But it's stupid, really." 
"Not to me it isn't."
"Well to me it is."
"C'mon Lars I didn't come here for nothin' "
"Prim just let it go." 
"You're really starting to annoy me."
"Don't care, now spit it out already!"
"Why not?!"
"Because it's dumb!"
"Its not dumb!"
"Yes! It! Is!"
"UGH!" Prim stood from her seat and jabbed her finger into Lars's chest. "Why must you be so freakin stubborn?!"
"Why are you always trying to get into everyone's business?!" Lars pushed Prim's arms away. 
"YOU TOLD ME TO COME OVER!" Prim flailed her arms around. "God, you say you're life is so horrible, so miserable! Oh boohoo Lars!"
"Yeah! SO WHAT?!"
"Maybe if you talked about your feelings you would be a nicer person and everyone would like you!" Prim yelled at him, shoving the chair in and leaning over table to get in his face.
"Well in so sorry your majesty but I HATE talking about my feelings!"
"B-BECAUSE I'M SCARED!!!" Lars's hand went down and he hit the table with a loud bang. Silence fell between them, the only sounds filling the air at the moment was their heaving. "Are you happy?!" His voice cracked as he wiped the building tears from his eyes, sitting back down and hiding his face in his arms. Lars's shoulders shook as he cried and Prim looked down at him pitifully. 
Prim sat back down and sighed, running a hand over her face. "Lars..."
"W-What?" He whimpered into his arms.
"Look at me."
Lars moved his head so that Prim could only see just his eyes; those dark eyes that were streaked with tears. 
Prim put her hand on his arm and leaned in. "Tell me what happened."
Lars furrowed his brows, wiping his eyes and grabbing a tissue from the tissue box beside him. "It's just...it was all dark. No light, nothin, just pitch black. A-And I was alone! Just me, falling down an endless pit of darkness. Prim I couldn't escape! I was so scared! No mom and dad, no Sadie--no Steven...n-not even you..." he placed his hand over Prim's, looking away with tinted cheeks. "I thought it would never end. And then there was horrible voices. They said such hurtful t-things..." Lars shut his eyes tightly and his shoulders shook. 
"What did these voices say Lars?" Prim asked gently. 
"They....they...called me pathetic. A-A waste of s-space. They said my parents were ashamed of me. That I was a loser." He covered his eyes. "But they were true. These voices were right about everything they said." 
Prim's eyes widened and it felt like her heart broke. 'Oh you poor thing...' She was his friend, this was probably the first time Lars has ever opened up to anyone, but Prim didn't know what to do.
"Why can't I just be like Steven?" Lars said. "Why can't I just be like...you?" He looked up at her. "You're kind to everyone and everything. You're smart, passionate, you help everyone who has a problem, and you make a new friend everyday--the same with Steven. Y-You're nice to me, even when I treat you badly," the teen looked away with shame. 
Prim shook her head, "There's only one Steven, there's only one of me, and then there's just one of you. And to just think of two Stevens drives me nuts," she cracked a toothy smile, thinking of her brother. "The things those voices said aren't true in any way, shape, or form, I  promise you that. You are who you are, and no one could change you. Sure you have your bad days, but who doesn't? And sure you have more bad days than good, but that just makes the good days seem even more special then they really are." Prim cupped Lars's cheeks, wiping the tears away with her fingers. "You're special."
"R-Really?" Sniffed Lars, swallowing hard and face becoming hotter. 
"In my eyes you are. To me you always will be." The two smiled at each other, faces rather close now. "We all get nightmares. Even you Lars, even I."
"Thank you, Prim..." Lars whispered. "Ya'know, now that I look at you more and more often, I never told you this, but you really are beautiful."
"Jeez, I get you to open up once and you're already telling me I'm beautiful?" She smirked, blowing a lose strand of hair out of her face. 
He rolled his eyes, moving his eyes away from hers. "W-Well, since we're in the moment n' all, I thought I should just tell you. I mean, you're gorgeous!"
Prim's face started to feel hot with embarrassment, the sweatshirt suddenly not being needed anymore. Prim pulled back and pulled the sweatshirt off, the cool breeze hitting her skin and her gem glowing with passion. It was out there, making her body feel warm with....love? 'This is an odd feeing...' she thought to herself. She only ever felt her dad's fatherly love, or Steven's brother love, even the Gem's motherly love in a way...never this kind. Maybe it wasn't even love, she didn't know, but from then on when she looked at the boy in front of her, she felt...different. Her stomach tingled, like butterflies swarmed inside. Her heart pounded in her chest, her cheeks going red as she leaned forward again. 
"O-Oh w-w-well thanks," Prim laughed softly, rubbing the back of her head. "You flatter me---
A pair of lips pressed against hers, a hand on the back of her head. Prim stuttered into the kiss, her heart skipping a few beats, a feeling of warmth engulf her. Prim kissed Lars back, holding his shoulders. A few seconds later they both broke away, gasping for air, falling back in their seats. She touched her lips with her fingertips, slouching in her chair. 'Did he just...?'
Lars himself looked like he couldn't believe what he had done. He covered his mouth, his face passed the color red, looking away out of sheer humiliation. "I'm sorry Prim, I...I-I don't know what came over me--" Prim rose from her seat, looking at Lars with a smirk. "Wait, where are you going?" He asked, sounding a bit saddened and panicked. 
She rolled her dark eyes at him and walked around the table and stood in front of Lars. "Where am I gonna go?" She asked, a smile on her lips. 
(Ok so like I don't know if this is Would be labeled as pg 13/14 form this point on, so don't go nutso in the comments!)
Prim sat down on Lars's lap, facing him with her arms around his neck. Lars seemed to be in a dazing shock, his eyes still glittering with settling tears and face shining with streaks. She pressed against his chest, a small cheeky smile spread against her face. Lars stuttered over his words, his hands resting on her back, fingers moving over her gem. "I-I-I like you..." Lars mumbled quietly, looking her in the eyes (I know, real cheesy). "Like...really really like you..."
"Really? I haven't noticed," Prim raised her brows, "I'm just curious why me and not Sadie."
"Sadie..." he started, "I only ever seen Sadie as a friend. Nothing more, but I think she feels a bit stronger about me instead." 
"You don't think she'd be really mad at us, do you?" The girl of 14 asked a bit worriedly. After all, Sadie was her friend too, and she would never want to upset her.
"I don't know, actually, we'll just have to see."
"So that means..." Prim laughed a little, shrugging her shoulders, "that we're dating? Like...a thing?" 
Lars smiled widely, nodded his head, and rested his forehead against hers. Prim kissed his cheek, then his jawbone, and then laid a small kiss on his neck, and then a bigger one where his shoulder and neck met. "You won't ever abandon me, would you?" he moaned, his grip on Prim becoming stronger. "Like, leave me for someone better?"
Prim, the girl with dark, long springs for hair, chuckled softly, hugging the older boy's skinny yet strong chest to her. "Never" is what she whisper, giving him a loving kiss on the cheek.
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
Meant To Meet
The Curator (The Dark Pictures Anthology) x Reader (Female)
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Y/N and the Curator are enjoying an evening at the Repository, treating themselves to the many stories the place has to offer. But none of those books manages to capture Y/N’s attention quite like the person reading them. It’s about time she admitted it.
Requested by Anon. Hello! Sorry to be posting your request so late dear, I’ve been swamped with work and I really apologize for not being able to get to it sooner. Thank you for the request and for your incredible patience. Hope you enjoy the read. Love, Vy ❤
My mind is all over the place. I have a good reason to stay focused but I just can’t find it in me. This is the fifth story the Curator has attempted to read me today, but it’s been a struggle for me to memorize a single word let alone the plot and character names. Therefore, I can recall nothing from any of the passages read so far. I tried to blame it on the stories, but I’m starting to think I’m the problem. Who am I kidding, of course I am! But not entirely. What is a girl to do when she suddenly views someone she sees every day as something more than a friend. Sure, this would be a ridiculous thought if it were heard by anyone else. But not to me. I see perfect sense in it - he’s the only one that truly knows me. He notices the small details, understands how my brain works. He’s got insane insight on me that sometimes is quite scary.
He knows how to make the good moments memorable, the bad moments better, the sad endings into hope and good endings into excitement. He understands what it’s like to be stuck in one place. Literally and metaphorically.
Well, I met him while I was metaphorically stuck in this weird life of mine. I couldn’t figure out where I had come from or where I was going. All I knew was that I needed an escape, but I couldn’t find that either. I was the most hopeless I had ever been. 
And then luck suddenly decided to move onto my side, flip a page I couldn’t. Get my life moving again.
I was heading to a job interview in a part of town I had never been in before. You can imagine I was not at all enthusiastic or even the tiniest bit hopeful. After going from one potential job to another, never hearing good news back and having to deal with the heavy heart of never being good enough, I was not looking forward to another rejection. It was a simple job I was going for - a personal assistant for a lawyer. Sure, it was a bit far from my apartment but it was a chance, and Lord knows I was gonna take each and all chances. 
Walking down the empty, unfamiliar street, I kept looking at the signs, searching for the name of the lawyer I was supposed to meet with. I tried dialing the phone number I saw in the paper but no one picked up my call. I was already starting to deal with it, convincing myself this was better than a ‘Sorry, you’re not the fit we’re looking for, but we’ll stay in touch’.
I walked to the very end of the street, seeing nothing but signs of old-timey restaurants, barber and antique jewelry shops. It felt like I was in a different decade, not a different part of town. It felt so comfortable and homey and it would’ve been even more appealing if it wasn’t for the eerie vibe it gave off due to the lack of people walking around. 
Eventually, I spotted them - two big wooden doors with small colorful windows on top of them. They were the fanciest element of the street, sticking out almost hypnotically. The temptation to invade the inside of the building behind them was eating away at me. One of the doors was even slightly open, like an invitation to walk in and explore what they hid. 
No, this could end REALLY badly! Imagine if someone lives there!, I tried telling myself, tried to force my feet to move in any direction just away from the doors. However, they wouldn’t budge. I was stuck in place quite literally this time. Seeing my unmoving state as a sign and against my better judgement, I stepped forward, closing the distance between me and the two giant pieces of polished wood. Before I knew it, I had placed my hand on the golden handle of the slightly opened door and gave it that push that would result in it opening entirely, revealing a very faintly lit, ominous hallway at the end of which was another pair of wooden doors, these much more ordinary. I subconsciously walked in, my feet weighing down the wooden floorboards which were covered by a carpet. 
I felt slightly more confident going in, seeing as how the place had no spirit to be a home. It was too dark, too creepy and definitely minimalistic. The walls framing the hallway did have a painting or two on them but even those paintings were rather off-putting, I couldn’t look at them for long. I expected the floorboards to creak with every step I took but they were surprisingly silent, not fulfilling the horror movie cliché I had in mind.
The other pair of doors wasn’t nearly as tempting to open, but I had run out of any hesitations at that point. Pushing them open I was met with a wonderland that seemed to have been created especially for me. Books, old books lining what looked to be an endless amount of shelves. I felt tiny surrounded by knowledge I was yet to discover. I felt a new sense of excitement bubbling up in my stomach, something I hadn’t felt in a while.
“Good afternoon.“ A male voice startled me, coming out of the blue. “How can I help you?“
I quickly turned around, looking for the voice’s owner. Then I saw it - a silhouette of a man sitting in an armchair by the unlit fireplace at the complete opposite end of the gigantic room. In his hands I could see the outline of a large book.
“Um, hello.“ I returned his greeting, making a few steps in his direction shyly, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to walk in like that I just...“
“Couldn’t help it?“ He cut me off, “Yes, this place does posses a strange power over the people that near it. Well...not all people. You must be quite special.“
I was taken aback by his words. Now at closer proximity, I could see his icy eyes. They were sending me a warm and friendly gaze despite how cold and empty they looked. He was clearly older than me, his attire and overall demeanor fitting in perfectly, not only with this place but with this entire part of town. His silver hair was slicked back, not a single piece of it out of place.
“Uh...thanks?“ I was well aware it sounded more like a question rather than an expression of gratitude to his questionable compliment, “I was actually in search of the office of Mr. Harper. A lawyer in the area. I’m going for a job interview. So, if you could point me in the right direction, I’d really appreciate it.“
The man nodded reluctantly, closing the book and placing it on the carpet with such caution as if it was fragile. He slowly got up, “I’m afraid you’re on the wrong street, Miss. And I’m sorry to inform you the spot you’d be applying for is already taken. Has been for a few days now, actually. Mr. Harper and I are good friends, he told me about it.” A small apologetic smile appeared on his face. “But, I’m not a bearer of bad news entirely. How about I give you a proposition?” He made a pause, scanning my face for a reaction. I raised an eyebrow at him as a signal for him to continue which he did after he got up from his chair, “You see, this place is too big to be kept by a single person. I could use a helping hand. We’ll discuss the paycheck, that won’t be a problem, I can assure you.”
A job. And I won’t even need an interview. Nor any special qualifications. Well-payed. Bonus is that I’ll get to spend my days in the company of so many books. So many stories. Sign. Me. Up!
You can bet I accepted the offer on the spot and I enjoyed every moment on the job since. The Curator, which is the man’s identity as I was soon to find out, was a pleasant, kind man who didn’t hold it against me when I’d drop my cleaning duties to sit on the floor and read a book that had distracted me. Hey, can anyone blame me? A bookworm like me being in the Repository is the equivalent of putting a kid in a toy store. Not to mention he’d read me stories while I was working or on break. What better job could I ask for?
Fast-forward to now - half a year later - a month ago, I found a far better paying job, a lot closer to home and one that’d allow for me to show my true skills, not just dusting shelves and organizing books and occasionally making tea. So, I was forced to quit, however, that didn’t stop me from coming back to the Repository.
To my dismay I only recently came to terms with the reasoning behind the magnetic energy this place possessed over me. The Curator was right about that pull this place had. For me it was different, though - it wasn’t the place pulling me back.
“Y/N you’re not listening again, are you?“ The Curator’s suddenly more authoritative voice shook my mind out of its wandering state, reminding me that there’s a present I should be living in.
I blink a few times as if awoken from a deep slumber. My eyes meet his and I feel my cheeks reddening under his caring gaze. “Of course I am!”
A smirk starts playing on his lips as if he has already proven his point, “Then tell me: what was Christopher’s dilemma?”
Well shoot, I should’ve expected a question to confirm my nonsense, too bad I didn’t hear a word he has read. “Um...how to end global warming?”
The Curator laughs, closing the book. “Alright, alright, I get that you’re not in the mood to be listening to stories today.” He sets it aside on his desk before leaning back in his chair, “Do not take this out of context, but why did you come today if you didn’t feel up for a read? Actually,” he straightens his posture yet again, “Why do you keep coming here altogether? Once again, don’t mistake this question for anything, I’m just curious. I know it’s far from your home and you either have to walk four miles or waste money on transport, either way, you’re wasting time...” He trails off, having run out of things to say. It probably has something to do with the blank stare I’m giving him unintentionally.
I snap out of it, shaking my head. “Um, isn’t it obvious?” Yeah, isn’t it? Like, whenever I’m around him I feel like I’m holding a big sign that says that I have fallen for my ex-boss - a man rather older than me, mind you. And on top of all that - a man that hasn’t nor will ever look at me with the same 
His faint eyebrows raise the tiniest bit, “Obvious? Well, if it is, consider me ignorant.“ The usual smile returns, “Please, enlighten me.“
Am I really gonna do this right now? I mean, he never leaves this place so if I do end up making a fool of myself - which I’m most certainly will - all I have to do to avoid him is avoid coming here. How much do I have to lose? Only him. But then again, I’ve never had him to begin with,
“At first, it was all about the books and stories this place holds. It’s truly magical that way. Then it was the atmosphere, which is directly related to the books...and to you. And then it was only you.“ I pause before cringing and adding, “Please don’t make me elaborate. You can guess what I mean.“
He gives my outburst a slow, indecisive nod. “I see.” He mumbles, “Well, you can always find me here, Y/N. And while I do understand what you mean, I in no way encourage it. However,..” He makes a pause as if asking of me to look at him which I end up doing. Why is beyond me, but as I said, he has an effect on me I cannot describe, “I won’t discourage it either. Who am I to tell you how to feel or not to feel. We’re all human, after all. Except me, of course.” That has become an ongoing joke of him not being human, but I never pay much mind to it. “You deserve better than me, Y/N. Trust me, I know myself and I know you. I advise you let it go.”
The sympathetic look he’s giving me fills me with both shame and comfort. At last I got it off my chest. Sure, I made a fool of myself, but I now feel ten pounds lighter. “Then I’m inclined to listen to you. As of now...” I reach for the book he was reading me minutes ago, “You’ll be listening to me.”
He chuckles, leaning back in his chair once again, “I have nothing against it.” 
I feel at peace, reading a story that I was an idiot not to pay attention to the first time. I’m once again reminded that the more a mind wanders, the more frightening things seem. I am now determined to never take my focus off the present. Because that’s the only way to truly live life: In the moment, with a clear head and a chest with nothing to weigh atop it.
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johannstutt413 · 4 years
(requested by forgeworldweatherreport; a retroactive prequel)
“Hey, Jessie, can I ask you something?” Vanilla parked her lunch tray at the Feline’s cafeteria table. Franka and Liskarm might’ve joined them, but they were busy that day. “Have you ever seen the Doctor’s face?”
“No, I don’t think I have. Um, why do you ask?” What a weird question to start a conversation with.
The Vouivre smirked. “Just curious. She’s a really nice person, don’t you think?”
“Y-yes, I’d say so.” Jessie shrunk a bit into her chair. “She promoted me, even after a-all the mistakes I made, and um...”
“‘And, um?’” She prompted, clicking ‘Send’ on a text message from underneath the table.
The Feline blushed. “W-well, her voice is really calm, and she a-always knows what to say to c-calm me down when I’m flustered, a-and...Why are you t-teasing me today, Vanilla?”
“Like I said, I’m curious.” The Vouivre flashed her a smile before looking up as the Doctor walked up behind them. “So’s she, actually.”
“‘So is sh-’” Jessica looked behind her, and there was their boss.
Who, as soon as she had the Feline’s attention, slid up her mask. “Good afternoon, Jessica. Vanilla told me something interesting yesterday.”
The Vouivre chuckled. “See? Happens every time.”
“Fascinating.” The Doctor indulged in a giggle herself. “And adorable, as well. Liskarm was saying she’d like a break from the office-”
“Aaaah!” With agility and speed only a Feline could produce at such short notice, Jessie bolted from her chair, leaving half a meal behind her.
Vanilla and the Doctor shared a look. “Does she normally do that?”
“I’ve seen her turn around and run from people before, but usually she excuses herself, at least.” Blacksteel’s least experienced shrugged. “Maybe she has a thing for redheads?”
“I should probably talk to her with my mask on the next time I see her...Actually, no I should make sure she’s okay now. Could you take care of her tray for me?”
She nodded. “Sure, Doctor. Good luck!”
“Luck? I don’t think I’ll need any for this.” The Doctor slid her mask back on. “Still, thank you.”
A few minutes later, there was a knock on Jessica’s door. “C-c-could you c-come back l-later?” She called from her bedroom.
“I can apologize from out here, if you’d prefer,” the Doctor’s voice replied from the other side.
“O-oh! Um, n-no, I’ll b-be right there!” The Feline cleaned herself up a bit before answering the door. “G-good afternoon, Doctor.”
She nodded. “Thank you. I won’t take up too much more of your time. What happened at lunch today was unprofessional, and I’m sorry for taking advantage of you for my amusement.”
“I f-forgive you, Doctor. I was just, um, caught off guard, and I’m really bad in those kinds of situations.”
“That’s completely understandable. I would like to ask you something while I’m here, if you don’t mind.” The Feline nodded for her to continue. “Vanilla said you would run because you’d find me attractive. Is that true?”
...Well, fuck. “She s-said that?”
“It was what led to the ambush. I was curious to see if she was right.”
“A-ah. W-well, she’s not wrong, but-” Hang on a minute. “B-but why did you want to know?”
The Doctor didn’t react for a second before sighing. “Right, I still have my mask on. Here I am, smiling like a fool, and you can’t see...I wanted to know because it took me several months before I felt like I was ready talk to the girl I like, and if she was going to run away from me every time I tried talking to her, it’d be much harder for us to go on a date.”
“...” Jessica fainted on the spot.
“Oh, my.” She kneeled down beside the Feline, scritching behind her ear. “I suppose I can wait for you to wake up before continuing. Liskarm might wonder where I am for the moment, but it’s nothing she can’t handle.”
Her fainting spell lasted for about ten minutes - long enough for the Doctor to wonder if she’d fallen asleep properly, but that was quickly disproven when she bolted into a sitting position. “Doctor, I- Did I faint?”
“You did, but please, continue.”
“Continue?” Jessica scratched her head. “Contin- oh! That was...that was real? I thought you c-confessed to me.”
She nodded. “I did.”
“Oh, I’m going to faint again. Deep breaths, Jessie, deeeeep breaths...” In, out. In, out.
“I did expect to need to take things slowly,” the Doctor noted, smiling. “When you’ve collected yourself, I would like to have lunch with you.”
The Feline blinked. “Th-that sounds g-good. It m-might be a m-minute.”
“That’s fine; Liskarm can keep the office in order for the rest of the day if we need her to.”
‘A whole day with the Doctor?’ Was it really happening? “Um, c-could you do me a f-favor, D-doctor?”
She softly chuckled. “Of course.”
“Sh-show me your face again. I-i promise I won’t run th-this time.”
“As you wish~” It helped that the Doctor wanted to, anyway; and sure enough, while Jessica did gasp, she didn’t run away. “And to think I thought I was shy around cute girls.”
After a moment of staring, the Feline regained the ability to move and scooted closer, eyes sparkling. “It’s n-not cute girls that do this to me, Doctor.”
“Oh? Do tell.”
“W-well, ‘cute’ is what people call me.” A little closer. “A-and I don’t see me in your face...You’re g-gorgeous...”
The Doctor stood up and held out her hand. “Shall we go eat, now that you can look at me safely?”
“Mmm...One thing first?” Jessica took her hand.
“Certa-” She didn’t quite finish the sentence, however, as she was pulled back down. “...Oh my. How bold~”
Her ear twitched. “I couldn’t help myself. W-we can leave in a minute.”
“Whatever you want, dear; you can hold me here as long as you like~”
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imaginesmai · 5 years
Peter Parker - Autistic Love
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I don’t know where I read that comic! Peter is autistic, and I fell in love with the idea. I think superheroes can also be human, and suffer from this type of conditions. So here it is, my humble fic about Autistic! Peter. Probably is not the best, and I tried to make it as accurate as possible with the little knowledge I have about autism. Enjoy!
Plot: there is something weird about Peter, but that doesn’t make him any less lovable. 
Honestly, it wasn’t that noticeable. You couldn’t have known it the first time you met him, neither the second or the third. It took a lot of attention, or in your situation a huge crush, to notice it. The fidgeting when he thought no one was looking, the awkwardness not only around your classmates but also in the supermarket. You had thought that the bouncing movements were because of his anxiety, and that his constant blabbering about nothing was fear of silence. If you thought about it, it was all noticeable, and anyone could have picked up that Peter Parker was different. His classmates thought about him as a strange kid who didn’t have many friends. And it took you longer than what you wanted to admit that it wasn’t the truth.
First time you noticed, was when you were paired up in a mission together. You had to stop a mugging in a central bank, something easy for a boy who could stick to the ceiling and a girl who could control electricity.
“Okay, so, you remember the plan?” you asked softly, hidden in one of the vents conductors. You were ready to step up any second then, the wristbands that prevented you from using your electricity laying in the ground.
Peter was suited up beside you, and when he didn’t answer you turned to look at him. In his hands, laid a small cord of your suit, blue and black. It was hanging loose from your hip, long enough so that Peter could have taken it without realising that it was yours, or for you to notice that he had it. His fingers were twisting and untwisting it quickly, and he was looking ahead of you.
“U-um, Peter?”
Trying to understand what had him looking so concentrated, you looked to where he had his eyes fixed, and saw one of the thieves playing with a gun. He was tapping it on a desk, following some weird rhythm that had him moving his head. The rest of them were taking the money out of the safe-deposit and watching over the hostages, some civilians and two workers. Still, Peter didn’t care about them; only about the slightly misplaced rhythm that was making his head hurt.
You worried that something might had happened to him, so you made your first mistake with the cute brown haired boy; that led you to notice that something was off with him.
“Hey, Peter, I can do it-“
The hand that you had placed on his shoulder was quickly thrown off, and he stumbled away from you. You didn’t have time to think about that, though, because as soon as he moved from his place, the whole structure came crashing down and your cover was blown away.
That day, you finished the work neatly and even got to spend a few hours with Peter watching a film. Though he was distant and reluctant at being close to you. As you went to sleep that night, you wondered if the spider boy had more secrets to hide.
After the first time, you found yourself in the same situation more times. It made you wonder if Peter suffered from any type of abuse, but other than the usual teasing at school, you found none. You let it pass by until the second incident happened.
An habit that Peter had that made you wonder if he even wanted to be in the same room as you.
You had just reached the compound after an stressing day in high-school. Probably, it had to do with the fact Peter wasn’t there, and without him you didn’t like listening to boring teachers. The usual smile that you wore came back to your face when you saw him sitting cross legged in front of his notebook.
Tony had told you that the boy wasn’t feeling well, and had decided to stay home for a few days. So, as carefully as you could, you sat on the couch in front of him and called his name.
“Hey Pete” you said, heart jumping when your eyes met. “I-Tony told me that you were sick, and I… was wondering if you felt any better?”
“Yeah” he mumbled, looking back down to his homework. Just then, you noticed the earbuds that were still on. Your frowned when he made no intention of taking them off to keep the conversation with you, but didn’t mind it since you were too excited about finally being with him. A day without Peter was the worst of your pains.
“What are you doing?”
Usually, that question led to a whole speech about chemistry, robotics or whatever he was working on. Peter loved to talk about his homework, even more if the person who was listening showed a real interest; and since Tony pointed that when he noticed your crush on his ‘kid’, you tried to do so. That time, Peter gripped harder his pencil.
“Oh” you chuckled awkwardly, your smile dropping a bit. “What kind of stuff? I bet really smart one”
Peter didn’t bother to answer that time, only came back to his previous sentence, almost tearing the paper apart with how hard he was pressing the pencil on it. It was silent for a second until you realised he wasn’t answering you question. Moving your disappointment to the back of your mind, you tried again.
“School was boring without you” you told him. “I’m trying to finish the physics project on my own, but I don’t really understand the entropy or the microstates of it. Maybe you could help me? I’ve tried with Ned, but he’s as clueless as I am, so…”
In Peter’s brain, your words were nothing but a distant and annoying buzz. He had stayed in the compound because his senses had gone mad the previous night. He had begged Tony not to tell you anything, too embarrassed for not being able to function properly. Only imagining you looking at him with a frown and backing away like everyone did made his anxiety worse, and he found himself opening and closing his hands.
He knew that he should have just taken the object that he so carefully hid on his pencil case; once again, you were there and he was too embarrassed about it. So he tried to control himself until it was too much, and he screwed it even though he didn’t want to.
“Shut up!” Peter shouted when you let out a loud laugh, his hands flying to his hair and tugging sharply. His eyes became glossy and he wished he was back in his room.
“Yeah” was all you could say, too astonished. “Yeah, I’m sorry, I was just excited because I didn’t see you today and-“
You hadn’t seen Peter move so fast in his life. The pencil fell to the floor with a thud and his feet touched the ground a second after, running out of the living room without looking back. The sound of his door closing took you out of your haze, and you couldn’t stop the lump in your throat.
The first tear rolled down your cheek as you were sitting in the couch, and by the time you were buried under the safety of your covers, you had no more tears to share.
The third time something like that happened was on your first ‘date’. Actually, you had just gotten your first salary with the avengers work and you both wanted to do something together. Actually, you wanted to do something together with him, and he just nodded along, too shy to even give you a verbal response. Happy had been in charge of driving you to the restaurant you had chosen for the night.
“…and Clint said he was coming too, so it seems like a good idea to me” Peter finished, his hands fidgeting on his lap. “Natasha said that-“
“Peter, we’ve-“
“-it’s not that good, because they might pull pranks at me. I don’t really know what a prank is. What is a prank? Whatever, it can’t be something that bad to-“
“Hey kid-“
“-cancel the beach day. I’m pretty excited. I’ve never been into a private beach, did you know that? Or a beach, matter of a fact.”
“Peter, we’re here”
“But I’ve seen the commercials, with the pictures and all, so I guess it’s good.”
Peter kept talking about the beach and how amazing it would be to spend a whole weekend there. Meanwhile, you tried to catch his attention two times more, and even Happy rolled down the window that kept him on the front. It had been more than five minutes since the car stopped in front of the restaurant, but Peter didn’t seem to notice it; neither your attempts to talk to him.
He was rocking slightly side to side in a slow and steady movement, muttering more than talking.
It took you, exactly, fifteen minutes and five seconds to get him to realize of his surroundings. Once he did, he muttered a quick apologize and got out of the car, urging you to do the same.
The date went well. You had fun, Peter had fun and you decided that you liked the boy even more. Still, the always doubt that you were missing something with him lingered in your mind.
There were also weird things about Peter Parker that didn’t involve you. As his old mask, that was mostly black and impossible to see with. The team found it weird that Peter wore it sometimes around the compound, hearing and seeing them perfectly but preferring the comfort that came with it. Or his completely clueless behaviour with the sarcasm. You had seen him start crying because of a silly comment about how you wished a bus would ran you over; or how he actually shut up when you told him Shut up, you’re kidding!
Sure, you had the facts. You knew that Peter had to drink the same orange juice every morning, with the blue straw. That, in the common room, he had is spot saved every night with a certain cushion. And you had also noticed the small objects that you seemed to find every time you walked in a room. Peter Parker was a brilliant kid; smart, handsome and cute, not to mention that he could sweep any girl off her feet. In your eyes, he was perfect; so you didn’t understand why he asked if you were sure about hanging out with him every two hours, why he slept in the right side of the bed with his pinky finger extended towards the door, and why it took you so long to realise that the love Peter Parker was giving you was the most special one.
Until one day, he just blurted it out.
“I’m autistic”
If you hadn’t been sitting close to him, you probably wouldn’t have heard him. Contact was something you had worked with him over the past months, to the point you could sit beside him and, if he felt like it, Peter would let you rest your head on your shoulder. That was how you were sitting in that moment, both of you watching a documentary of space while eating blueberries.
It was as if the puzzle of Peter Parker was finally complete, and you couldn’t be surprised. Everything came into place with those words, every detail that made him the way he was. You didn’t tear your eyes from the TV, just made the risky move to link one of your hand through his arm.
He tensed, you heard his breathing fastening, but didn’t push you away. Instead, he slumped down and relaxed in way you had never seen. A shy hand made its way to yours, and he gripped one of your fingers. You had to keep down your smile not to scare him away, but Peter didn’t seem to have any problem.
“You’re – you’re not gonna say anything?” he talked again, and his voice was much less lower.
You didn’t know how to act around him most of the times, but it seemed that you had gotten the right answer, because Peter surprised you by pressing his lips against your line of hair. It was you who stopped breathing then, and Peter chuckled. Probably, it was the most intimate moment you had ever had since you had known him.
“I think I love you”
You looked up and found Peter already looking at you. He wasn’t avoiding eye contact like usually, but looking right into your eyes, even if that had him blushing. You didn’t have to look to know that his left hand, the one that wasn’t gripping yours, was tapping in a certain rhythm on his knee, or that inside his head he was repeating the every digit of the number pi to calm down.
Your relationship with Peter wasn’t going to be a normal one, that was for sure. He didn’t like touching or kissing, even if he made the exception every once in a while for you. You couldn’t leave the Tower without at least three of his ‘toys’, because he could break down in an overcrowded place and you could lost him. And you had to learn how to cook in a certain way if you wanted Peter to eat whatever you made.
But, Peter was a superhero, so it was never meant to be a normal relationship. He wore a spandex suit and could attach to walls. Threw webs and swung from place to place when he was bored. And, most important, he opened to you when every cell of his body was screaming at him.
You took another risk, because you thought that another more was alright. Leaning forward, you caught his lips against yours in a small kiss. Peter gasped, his eyes became wide and hand stopped moving.
“I know I love you”
Peter didn’t have to think twice, and leaned in for another kiss.
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paipayaseeds · 3 years
the cameras... she remembered kaede mentioning a plan when fumiko had helped gather the devices from the warehouse. she was also reminded of the way she felt upset at the time, disturbed that he was actively hiding something from her. fumiko felt guilty for not trusting in shuichi earlier, maybe, somehow, if she hadn’t hesitated to trust him, this wouldn’t have happened. she was aware of how unlikely that was, but it didn’t stop her from feeling guilty. her eyebrows turned slightly downward as she turned her head to now face the robot who was rushing her out of the room.
once they were out, he stopped and faced her, “how are you feeling? i... i didn’t get a chance to ask you before kaito...”
she nodded, her expression softening, “i feel a little dizzy— but it’s not that bad!” fumiko quickly assured when she saw the concern on his face. “i’m alr- HUh?!” she was cut off by the boy hugging her, something she hadn’t expected.
“when i was away from you i felt... fear. it’s difficult for me to understand why you don’t look out for yourself more, it’s as if you’re purposely putting yourself in danger.”
she instinctually returned the gesture, confused as to how she had put herself in danger. “i-i’m sorry, i- um... i’ll try being more careful...?”
taking her words at face value, he pulled away, smiling, before he continued walking with the girl down the hall. “good... alright, so when you were out here with... nevermind that— i gathered some information from kaede. she told me that she and shuichi had been keeping lookout from a classroom upstairs, and something inside of me tells me that it’s a good place to start.” she nodded slowly, wondering what they were doing in there. was it part of the plan?
kiibo opened the door for fumiko and both of them let out a yelp when they were greeted with a tall, slender man standing in the middle of the room.
“oh? i see, you two must’ve been drawn to this room as well.” korekiyo stated, noticing their hesitation to enter, “there’s no need to fear. i am aware that my appearance might lead one to believe that i would commit murder, but that is not the case.”
fumiko remembered back to when he’d prevented her fall, one that definitely would’ve injured her badly. they were alone before tenko arrived, and he could’ve easily taken advantage of that situation. she decided to believe him, for now, walking into the room, kiibo following behind her.
the three of them looked around the room, unsure if there was a point in coming her in the first place. fumiko was about ready to leave before kiibo grabbed her hand and brought her to a vent.
“this, here... i believe it is connected to the library. perhaps the culprit entered the library like that, and crawled back out when the two left this room...?” fumiko nodded slowly as she tapped her chin, c’mon, think like shuichi!
if shuichi was a huge dumbass, that means she succeeded.
fumiko dropped to the floor and opened the vent before crawling into it. detectives have to see things from the culprit’s point of view, right? yeah! someone’s probably said that before!
“f-fumiko!” the robot’s eyes shot wide in panic, running behind her to pull her by her legs.
“h-hey...! i’m wearing a dress... that- that’s weird!”
“w-well it’s necessary, get- get out of there! you’re going to get hurt!”
“no, i’m shuichi!” she didn’t realize how stupid she sounded since that was her mindset and reasoning for doing this at all. korekiyo observed them quietly. his eyes moved to the door when he saw it open once again, though.
Tenko had actually followed the pair beforehand, finding it suspicious that Fumiko had been left with none other than a... male? Robot male?
Even so! Fumiko would be better off investigating with a very capable female woman such as Tenko, herself, rather than a creepy stick-bug and a gender-undefined robot!(nothing against gender-undefined robots)
"Hey! What are you two doing to poor Fumiko!? Looking up her skirt!?" Tenko was revolted, no, perhaps that'd be an understatement for how she felt. Not short of a split second, a blue flash passed them both by, and before they knew it — "Hiiiiiyah!" — they had been kicked three meters away from the girl who had crawled into the vent.
Now, she swears that her intentions were purely good, but it seemed intentions weren't enough to save Fumiko, as Tenko's 'intentions' accidentally nudged Fumiko down the vent with her hip as she made the mistake of sprinting over to her; causing Fumiko to —
*sad slide whistle noise*
"Fumiko—! Nooooo! Oh god! Oh god, what did I-" Tenko felt dread wash over her as she saw the poor girl slide all the way down, she, unfortunately, seemed to fit inside like a puzzle piece, considering her small build.
K1B0 finished her sentence for her as he finally got up, "What did you do!?" "I- I didn't mean to!" Tenko had almost been close to tears, she didn't know where the other end of the vent was, what if Fumiko got hurt? Or worse, what if she—
Before another worrying thought could curdle and form in Tenko's head, K1B0 had already sped down into the library; fortunately, thanks to his photographic memory, he knew exactly where the vent was.
The library.
This was funny because Shuichi had been unsuspectingly investigating Rantaro's body, conveniently right underneath where right underneath the book pathway to the end of the vent from the classroom.
I think you know where this is going.
He looked up as he heard Tenko's loud cry echo out from somewhere he couldn't quite place, and it was almost as if it was déjà vu for Tsumigi as the scene almost replayed exactly how it was for Rantaro, except, the ball was... A human being. And Rantaro was Shuichi.
K1B0 had been a second too late, he concluded as soon as he saw Fumiko sliding down the books, no stop in sight. You would think she would've at least been able to grab the books and stop halfway but,
Kaede only watched with dreadful eyes as her plan had practically played out in front of her, except the ball, as mentioned earlier, was Fumiko. It was horrifying to see her plan in action, god, she hoped she would never have to witness this.
Sadly, Kaede's eyes had been a second too late to realize Shuichi had been panicking, yet unusually calm as he heard the books shuffling above him. Panicking because, 'What the hell is that noise?' and calm because, 'Maybe I'll find out more if I stay here!'
So yes, Shuichi stood there looking up
K1B0 panicked at his spot, unsure whether to tell the detective to move out of the way or to catch Fumiko. Either way, someone would get hurt, most likely; both of them. But K1B0 didn't exactly care whether Shuichi got hurt, so —
"Shuichi, open your arms and aim up!" It was an idiotic thing to say, truly. Especially with no context. But it wasn't as if K1B0 had enough time to say anything else, his calculations told him if he hadn't said that, Fumiko's chances of getting hurt(if she wasn't already), would rise. And her safety was his priority. Even if it was in the hands of a timid, and quite frankly, useless detective.
Shuichi, stunned, did as he told without another thought, the loud, booming voice of the robot scaring him straight into obedience. "Wh- O-okay? Okay."
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curetapwater · 3 years
A Beautiful Transformation? No Way!
Part 1 of Legendary Warrior Sailor Black
Nagisa knew too much about dying for someone still alive.
There she lay, curled up in shuddering fetal, biting back whimpers and growls because she couldn't give the ones that did this to her the satisfaction of knowing she was in pain. But of course she was in pain, what else were you supposed to feel when red was flowing from your pierced abdomen? She coughed and tasted iron. Now blood was coming from two places.
The lightest touch, warm and gentle, brushed her fingers. She mustered what strength she had left and opened her eyes. A girl's face lay mere centimeters from hers on this ground that shook with what Nagisa knew was the world crumbling around them. Wishing she could stop them, she beheld the tears streaming from the deep blue eyes that held Nagisa's world, her universe, for reasons she couldn't quite recall. Neither girl had the ability to speak, but Nagisa knew that right then what she needed to do was take the girl's hand.
Her hand...
Misumi Nagisa was yanked back into the waking world so hard she feared whiplash. She blinked and rubbed at the clouds in her eyes until she could make out the time on her alarm clock. Oh. Her brother was right.
She yanked on her uniform button-down, skirt, vest, bow tie, and blazer faster than you can say "tardy," ran her toothbrush through her teeth and her hairbrush through her hair, grabbed the crosse leaning against her desk, and sprinted out her bedroom door.
"I'm heading out!" she announced without so much as a "good morning" to her family.
"Don't you at least want some toast?" her mother asked, spreading butter on a fresh slice.
But Nagisa was already on her way out of the apartment. "No time for toast!" she shouted back. Then she was back inside. "Oh, who am I kidding, there's always time for toast!"
Trying not to choke on toast while running turned out to be a lot harder than television had led Nagisa to believe. Swallowing down the last bite with a hard gulp, she lamented morning coming so early.
She doubted this disaster would have even happened had she not been up all night scared she'd have the dream again. The one where she dies.
Shudders made her almost drop her crosse. That and the fact that she was still running. How could something that wasn't even real do this to her? It was invading real life! She'd considered telling her parents but figured they would just tell her what she already knew: that she wasn't really dying and that the world wasn't ending and that the girl with her wasn't dying either because she wasn't real. If she was, then Nagisa would be able to remember something about how she looked. Other than her eyes. And the way her hand felt...
Nagisa shook her head. If she went on like that it'd give the girls at Verone Academy all the more reason to stuff her locker full of letters she didn't want-
5 kilograms of something Nagisa couldn't see knocked her head clear of thoughts and into the pavement. She growled, staggering back up. "What was tha-"
A group of boys, maybe eight or nine years old, pushed past her and nearly threw off the balance she'd just regained. They were chasing a cream-colored cat that scampered all about, jumping on and off every surface it could to avoid the little menaces. It would seem the cat had chosen her as one of his landing spots.
Seeing the poor thing so helpless, in such terror, stabbed through Nagisa's stomach with a justice-induced rage.
"HEY!" she hollered, brandishing her crosse like a weapon. The boys turned, shocked at the power of her voice. "Pick on someone your own size!" They blinked at her. Then she raised her crosse in a jerk just threatening enough to make them scramble off.
The cat revved up to dart away, but stopped short and turned to stare at her.
"You okay, little guy?" Nagisa asked, stooping down to scratch his head. There was a bandage on his forehead. "Here, let me get that for you."
And she did, peeling the adhesive back to reveal the strangest marking she had ever seen, some sort of weird heart-shaped thing. She thought it might be a bald spot, but it was blue. Blue? Did cats come in blue? She'd never owned one-
Ah crap, now she was double late! The cat was fine, but she wasn't gonna be if she didn't book it to the train station!
If it weren't for the vice principle telling her off about tardiness and irresponsibility and selfishness maybe Nagisa could have made it for at least the end of the first class period. But nope, instead by the time she made it to her classroom, the second class was well underway and Ms. Yoshimi was handing out grades for a test Nagisa had forgotten about the moment she'd turned it in.
"Ah, Ms. Misumi," she said. "Since you've decided to join us today maybe you can explain this." She handed her a paper face-down. Never a good sign. Walking to her desk, Nagisa clutched the side that held her red-ink fate flat against her stomach so no one, including herself, could see what it said. She waited until eyes were off her and snuck a peek.
She got a thirty percent.
"No way!" she exclaimed before she could stop herself. All eyes were back on her. This day just kept getting better and better.
"English is a weird language anyway," Rina consoled on the way to the train station.
Shiho nodded emphatically. "Yeah yeah yeah. If it's gonna, like, have that many rules then they shouldn't change all the time."
Well that was easy for them to say. At least they passed the test. Nagisa passed her crosse between her hands before resting it on her shoulder. Lacrosse had gotten her mind off of things for a bit. It helped that it was something she was actually good at. The muscles in her legs ached in protest of their continued use after practice, but they burned good because she knew she was getting stronger.
"Hey! I know what'll cheer you up, Nagisa!" Shiho said.
"I hear that one jewelry store in the mall is having a huge huge huge sale!"
"I doubt there's anything in there we could afford, even if it's on sale," Rina reasoned.
"No, but, I hear they're cutting prices by, like, ninety percent!"
"Really? I need to see that for myself!"
Somehow Nagisa doubted even with those huge price cuts that she could afford anything. Not so much because the jewelry was expensive, but because she'd squandered her allowance on chocolate desserts and takoyaki (not at the same time). Not to mention she doubted she'd be getting another payment for the next ten years after her parents saw the newest low in her academic career. And she was pretty sure she was in the hole to begin with...
So, Nagisa hopped on the train to home and left Shiho and Rina to their detour.
She kept her eyes on her loafers. All she wanted to do in that moment was shuffle over to the nearest window so she could stare out of it with quiet sullenness instead of having to look anyone in the eye. But she managed to do just that when she forgot you're supposed to look forward when you shuffle and she ended up shuffling right into a boy's solid back.
"Ah!" She leapt back in surprise, and he did the same. Her surprise soon melted to deep, deep embarrassment when she looked up to find the cutest boy she'd ever laid her eyes on.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his gorgeous floppy hair flopping gorgeously.
"I- I- I'm so sorry!" Nagisa replied with a bow.
"It's no problem," he said. "It was an honest mistake. You're Misumi, right?"
The tight cocoons forming in her heart burst into butterflies. "You know my name?"
"I told him," said the girl Nagisa just noticed had been standing with this boy the whole time. Nagisa recognized her as Yukishiro Honoka from her class, a very pretty girl with delicate pale skin and a head of shiny, neat hair that housed the brain that got the highest score on the test Nagisa had failed. And she knew him. Oh no.
"I apologize if it seemed like I had been talking behind your back," Yukishiro said, which planted in Nagisa's head the idea that she had been talking behind her back. "I was just concerned because you looked so distraught, and I was telling Fuji-P-"
"Ahhh... I told you not to call me that in public!" the boy said, cheeks flushing.
Great. They had pet names, too.
"I hope you're not still upset about that test," Yukishiro told her.
The butterflies in Nagisa's heart were replaced by a wasp sting of horror. "HOW DID YOU KNOW I GOT A THIRTY PERCENT ON THE ENGLISH TEST?!"
Conversations stopped all around her. Passengers, including far too many in Verone uniforms, briefly gaped at the girl dumb enough to announce something like that to a packed train car. Then they turned back in a way that was supposed to be discreet but everyone knew really wasn't.
Yukishiro's polite smile cracked to reveal a foundation of shock and second-hand embarrassment. "I- I- um, wasn't aware of the exact score, but... I just heard you exclaim 'no way' when you saw it and assumed you weren't happy..." She cleared her throat a bit, a cute little sound that somehow made Nagisa feel like even more of a bumbling fool. She had to get out of there.
"Well, it was nice meeting you!" she forced through her teeth before pushing through the packed train car to find a spot as far from all human beings as possible.
At home, Nagisa was greeted not by her family but by a note:
Ryouta and I are out buying groceries. Leftovers in the fridge. DO YOUR HOMEWORK.
Love, Mom.
Her father wouldn't be home for several hours. So she had the apartment to herself to... what should she do? Cry? Sulk? Scream into her pillow? That last one sounded good. And then maybe if she was feeling a little more devious than usual, she'd change that 30 to an 80 with a couple strokes of a...
No, that was too low. She just wouldn't bring it up until it was brought up to her. Now there's a plan.
She went to her bedroom, threw her bag and crosse on a chair then threw herself onto her mountain of plush toys. She really hadn't gotten a lot of sleep last night, and she decided not to remind herself why in case she scared herself into another all-nighter. That day, especially that exchange on the train, was way scarier than anything her brain could concoct, even if in her dreams she had tasted death...
Because she...
What was she thinking about, again..?
Nagisa didn't even have time to dream before she was awakened by four little paws driving into her stomach.
Her assailant turned out to be the cat.
"Bald spot cat?" she exclaimed.
"It's not a bald spot-mepo!" the cat said.
Nagisa screamed. The cat got the message and launched himself off and onto the floor, giving her the second painful jab to the stomach she'd experienced within a single minute. She scrambled off her bed and grabbed her crosse as if it would protect her from the creature.
"What?! WHAT?! A talking cat?! No way... There's just no way!" she whimpered, more to herself than to him.
"Just put down the stick and listen to me-mepo!"
Nagisa lifted the crosse above her head. "G-Get away! I won't hesitate!"
"Mepooo!" the cat screamed and ran to her balcony that she realized she'd forgotten to close the door to. That would explain how he got in. "Don't hurt me-mepo! What are you doing-mepo! This isn't how legendary warriors should-"
"What's with all the 'mepo mepo' stuff? Say 'mepo' one more time!"
The cat clamped his mouth shut, clearly fighting the urge. "MEPOOO!" he shouted, darting back into the room and between her legs. Oh, no no no, that was closer than Nagisa ever needed to be to a weird talking cat. Who knew if he was even a cat at all?
Nagisa screamed and bolted back to her bed. This had to be a dream. If she just closed her eyes she'd wake back up in the real world where cats didn't-
"Listen to me-mepo!"
She opened her eyes to find him standing at the foot of her bed. She sat up, hugging a stuffed panda close in a feeble attempt to make herself feel better. Saner. "What do you want? What... are you?"
"My name is Mepple-mepo."
"Mepple-mepo?" Nagisa repeated.
"No-mepo. Mepple-mepo."
Nagisa blinked, then nodded her understanding. Maybe he'd go away if she just complied.
"I'm here because I've finally found you, the Legendary Warrior-mepo!"
"Legendary Warrior?" Nagisa said. She'd hardly say a girl in a wrinkled school uniform armed with nothing but a crosse would be something anyone would call a warrior. "I think you've got the wrong-"
"I didn't think you looked anything like what I was looking for-mepo. Until you saved me-mepo! If you didn't take off that bandage I wouldn't be able to talk-mepo!"
"And then where would we be?" Nagisa said dryly.
"Listen-mepo! A strange presence is in the air and it's threatening the city-mepo! I've watched you all day and I'm sure you're the warrior destined to find the Legendary Prism Crystal and the Princess of Light-mepo!"
"The what and the who?" This was getting way too complex. As if a cat being able to talk didn't make things complex enough.
Mepple rolled his eyes, which Nagisa was pretty sure cats weren't supposed to be able to do. "The sacred treasure and the princess of the Garden of Light-mepo!"
"Oh, well, that clears it up," Nagisa said, chuckling in an attempt to depressurize. It didn't work.
Mepple groaned, hopped off the bed, and padded over to the balcony. He pointed up at the sky with a round little paw. "There-mepo!"
Nagisa looked up into the twilight and saw oranges fading to blues but no supposed Garden of Light. "What am I supposed to be looking at?"
"That-mepo! The big white circle with the rabbit on the side-mepo!"
"... You mean the moon?"
"We called it the Garden of Light-mepo," Mepple said, going back inside. Nagisa followed and closed the balcony door before the neighbors started thinking she was crazy. Maybe she was.
"So... you're an alien?"
"I guess, but that's not important-mepo!"
"I beg to differ-"
"Just take this-mepo!" And with that, Mepple suddenly did a high-reaching somersault, leaving behind a trail of sparkling dust that materialized into a white and pink brooch that fell into Nagisa's hands. It was heavy, and it was cute. But it also came out of nowhere!
Nagisa cast the thing onto her bed, freaked beyond belief. "What is happening?!"
Mepple picked up the brooch between his sharp little teeth. Whatever muffled words came out of his mouth, they couldn't have been all that pleasant. But then he dropped it himself, ears perked up. "I sense an evil presence-mepo!"
Nagisa backed away. "A what?"
"Turn on the TV-mepo!"
Nagisa ran into the family room and did as she was told. On the screen flickered live footage of the mall, with policemen trying to break in.
"It seems there is some sort of barrier inside preventing entry into the complex," the news anchor said. "The state of the patrons inside is currently unknown."
The bottom of Nagisa's stomach dropped out. "That's where Shiho and Rina went! Do you think they're still in there?"
"I don't know-mepo! But I know this looks like a job for you-mepo!"
"Me? What am I supposed to do?"
"Put on the brooch and shout, 'Black Prism Power, Make Up'-mepo!"
Nagisa assumed the "mepo" was meant to be left out. "What good'll that do?"
"Just do it-mepo!"
And so, feeling like the kind of fool that announces to a packed train car that she got a thirty percent on a test, Nagisa attached the brooch to her bow tie and shouted, "Black Prism Power, Make Up!"
Her hand shot up without her permission. An instant later, the world around her exploded in blinding rainbow-colored light. She wanted to scream, wriggle, call for help as she was lifted into a void of pure color, but instead her body moved in sweeping, elegant movements in a choreography that she'd never learned. A yelp wished to break through her enforced silence when all clothing except the brooch vanished. Great ribbons of light erupted from the brooch, wrapping around her body in the shape of a leotard, gloves, boots, and a miniskirt. A big bow tied itself just above her backside, earrings clipped themselves into her ears, a choker found its way around her neck. Then a strange, almost searing sensation prickled in the center of her forehead, until a hard metal circlet materialized in place. Finally, her feet touched ground, though still all she saw was nebulous color. Her body struck several battle-ready poses she had no say in striking. But she really started freaking out when her voice started making choices of its own.
"I am the emissary of light that fights for love and for justice! I am Sailor Black! And now, in the name of the Garden of Light..." Her arm snapped forward, pointing a warning finger to no one in particular. "...return to the darkness from which you came!"
She blinked -- Oh, joy, she could blink her own eyelids! -- and the world faded back to her living room.
"...Say what?"
Mepple looked upon her with eyes that saw some champion of justice, as opposed to the middle-schooler in a shrunken black and pink sailor fuku that Nagisa saw when she caught her reflection in a mirror. "Amazing-mepo..." he said. "The Legendary Warrior has awakened right in front of me-mepo!"
"Now Sailor Black can finally fulfill her destiny and help restore the Garden of Light to its former glory-mepo!"
"I'm going to what?" Nagisa wanted to press further, suddenly feeling less hugged and more caged by the costume's tight fabric. But the sirens blaring from the television set reminded her there were more pressing matters at hand. "How am I supposed to help Rina and Shiho and everyone like this?" she asked, holding the black skirt's hem between her fingers.
"You are Sailor Black-mepo! You have legendary powers-"
"If you call me 'legendary' one more time..." Nagisa started, simmering on the outside but reeling from how fast this was happening on the inside.
"Never mind that-mepo. Let's go-mepo!" And with that, Mepple ran back to Nagisa's bedroom.
"That's not the way out," Nagisa said, following him. She found him with his front paws on the glass door to her balcony. "Maybe you always land on your feet, but I don't-"
"Do you want to save your friends or not-mepo!"
"I do, I do!"
"Then trust me-mepo!"
Nagisa sighed. She guessed she couldn't exit through the apartment complex's lobby dressed like this. She didn't feel particularly powerful, but if a cat could talk to her and she could change her clothes just by saying a phrase, then maybe she could trust this little guy.
She placed a gloved hand on the handle and slid the door aside in a shuddering motion. "Okay... Okay..." she heaved as she stepped onto the balcony. She'd never before given much thought to how high up the apartment really was. How she'd taken for granted the fact that she knew what the tops of neighboring buildings looked like. She'd never considered having to stand on them!
Part of her wanted to back away, to declare this whole mess some stress-induced fever dream that would all go away once she came back to her senses. But then she thought of her friends' horrified faces, their screams for help, who knows who keeping them in that dark mall to do who knows what.
Next thing she knew, her foot launched herself off the railing and into the newly dark night. The jump sent her farther up than she'd ever thought possible. She bypassed several buildings until her feet touched the roof of some office building. The sole of her boot touched concrete for but a moment before she took to the air yet again.
She wanted to scream but at the same time a euphoria was building inside her. "My body!" she exclaimed to Mepple, who rode her shoulder. "It's so light! And my muscles are so strong!"
"That's the power of the Sailor Guardians-mepo!" he said.
"Guardians? You mean there are others?"
"We'll talk about it later-mepo."
Perched from her hiding place on yet another roof, Nagisa gathered that the police were trying to break into the mall from every entrance. Some even tried to break the windows, but some unseen force seemed to be keeping the doors shut and rendering the glass unbreakable.
"What kind of glass did they use on that thing?" Nagisa mused.
"These are dark forces at work-mepo. I can sense them-mepo," Mepple said.
"So only someone else with powers can stop whatever's going on here?"
Nagisa stretched her legs, hardly believing they had been able to make such impossible feats to get up there. "And I guess that person is me?"
"And what if someone recognizes me?"
"No one will-mepo. You're Sailor Black now-mepo."
"Oh, so people won't recognize me just because I'm in a new outfit?! You know, I'm the only person I know around here who has orange hair-"
Mepple leapt from her shoulder, plunging stories below.
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" she hollered, following him anyway because she didn't know where else to go. With the place surrounded on all sides and no credentials to get past the cops, Nagisa resolved on the way down to land on the mall's roof. Unintentionally in the best way, she misaimed and ended up crashing through a skylight.
Descending into darkness in a glittering explosion of broken glass, Nagisa -- er -- Sailor Black felt a distinct stab of terror upon realizing she had no idea what she was getting herself into. Or maybe that was just her stomach dropping. She brought her hands in front of her, hoping to soften the fall, but when her hands hit floor she realized she had enough control to cartwheel onto her feet. No time to be impressed, she decided. She needed to find out what the heck was going on. She needed to know Shiho and Rina were alright.
The only light was from the moon, shining through the skylight. Other than the deserted rest area in which she stood, darkness stretched around her on all sides, truly endless. Had Mepple not landed on her head a few seconds later, she may have been paralyzed.
"Would you stop that?" she said, rubbing her head.
Mepple was already on the move. "The dark power! It's this way-mepo!"
Sailor Black sighed and followed. Kiosks, mannequins, garbage cans, so many figures that seemed innocuous in the light now made her heart twinge with dread. Her mind concocted horrible images of the figures she couldn't make out. Then she found one she did.
A body in a Verone uniform, laying crumpled on the floor.
Sailor Black screamed. Mepple sped over to investigate. "She's alive-mepo."
She clapped a hand to her mouth, her scream still echoing through the spacious mall. She hoped that hadn't attracted any unwelcome company.
Mepple stuck his head in a paper bag still in the girl's unconscious clutch. "What's this-mepo? A necklace-mepo?"
"A necklace?" Sailor Black said. That logo on the bag... now that she looked more closely... That was the store Shiho and Rina had been headed! And she knew exactly where it was, even if this place was spookier than usual. "Follow me, Mepple!"
The sight she was met with a the jewelry store was a horrible one indeed. So, so many bodies littered the floor. Older women lay sprawled alongside schoolgirls no older than Sailor Black. And all their bodies glittered with brand new jewelry.
"What do you think is going on here-mepo?" Mepple asked, sniffing at a ring cast to the floor.
"I don't know, but..." The sinking feeling in Sailor Black's stomach was getting worse by the second. Tip-toeing over girls and women, she scanned around for... Shiho and Rina! They lay together in a heap by a display for friendship bracelets.
"Shiho! Rina!" Sailor Black cried, running for them.
"Shh," Mepple hushed. "Who knows who could be-"
"Who's there?" came a harsh voice. A well-manicured woman stepped out from a back room, paying no mind to the comatose patrons around her. She looked like some sort of store manager. And Sailor Black didn't like her at all.
She looked up from her spot kneeling next to her friends. Each wore one of the friendship bracelets, and it looked like they'd been picking out a third one. "What have you done to them?"
"Why should I care to tell you?" the woman scoffed, heels clacking on the floor closer and closer to her.
Sailor Black picked up the third friendship bracelet, hand shaking. Her eyelids started to droop and her heartrate slowed until she dropped the accessory. "It's the jewelry, isn't it? You're using this jewelry to... to... make everyone fall asleep? Or.. or sick? Or-"
The woman slammed her into the wall with an unnaturally long arm. She held Sailor Black by her neck, her cackling face deteriorating into that of a yellow-eyed monster as she strangled her.
"Mep-" Sailor Black wheezed. "Mepple! Mepple, help!"
Mepple charged for the monster's feet but she kicked him aside.
Sailor Black clawed uselessly at the monster's impossibly strong grip. The air was slowly being crushed out of her lungs. At this rate, she'd-
"Ow!" the monster cried, dropping her. Sailor Black hacked. Stuck in the floor before her was a blue rose. Just as confused as the monster, she looked up.
In the entrance to the store stood a girl in a white top hat, billowing white cape, and a similarly colored blazer and poofy skirt. Her hair shone raven black against the stark white of her costume, and a pale blue mask disguised her face.
"I am Tuxedo White," the girl declared, an identical blue rose playing between her gloved fingers. She snapped a pointed finger in the monster's direction. "Evil servant of the dark power, you will be punished!"
"Not another one," the monster grumbled. She raised her gnarled hands high and bellowed, "Awaken, my slaves, who have given energy to our great ruler!" The patrons on the floor began to twitch, and then to rise from the floor.
Tuxedo White gasped. "Sailor Black, behind you!" she cried.
"AHHH!!!" Sailor Black dove out of the way of an assault from a possessed Shiho just in time, only to almost stumble into a headlock from Rina. "Not you guys, too! Snap out of it, please!" she cried, running around the store.
"You can't stop them by running," Tuxedo White yelled, using a cane to fend off a possessed older woman.
"Do you expect me to attack these people!?" Sailor Black replied. Tuxedo White said something back but Sailor Black didn't hear it because at that point Shiho and Rina had tackled her to the ground. Now, she might have been an athlete, but so were her friends and oh boy did they put up a fight that she wasn't willing to dish back. "AHHHH!!! GET OFF OF ME! GET OFF OF ME!" It was enough to get her to start tearing up. As her vision blurred, the friendship bracelets on her friends' wrists glimmered back at her as the monster's cackling echoed through the store...
They'd had a third bracelet with them...
Had it been for her? Her friends had known how rough a day she'd had and they had tried to cheer her up. And this was the thanks they got? Possessed by this horrible... whatever this lady was? It was enough to make her blood broil.
She threw Shiho and Rina off of her (she'd check on them later) and stood straight up. "You..." she seethed at the monster. "How DARE you take advantage of the friendships of young girls!" She bound towards the monster. Her fist connected with the monster's jaw. "You are an enemy to girls and women everywhere!" Another punch sent the monster careening into a wall. "What you've done is unforgivable!"
"Sailor Black-mepo!" Mepple shouted. "Throw your tiara at her and shout 'Black Tiara Action'-mepo!"
Sailor Black was too angry to ask why. She ripped the tiara from her forehead and instinctively knew what to do. She twirled the tiara around her, felt it crackle and glow with black electricity. Then she threw it like a flying disk, shouting "Black Tiara Action!"
The tiara hit the monster with a crack of thunder, ripping through her body. The monster let out a final screech as she turned to shimmering moondust. Her tiara boomeranged back into her hands, leaving her speechless.
"Did I... do that? No way..."
"You've done well, Sailor Black," Tuxedo White said, bowing.
Sailor Black scratched the back of her head. "I should say the same to you. Thanks for helping me out back there."
Tuxedo White gave a little smile. "Of course. Well, until next time... Farewell!" And she left with a swish of her cape.
"And when we woke up, the place was a mess!" Rina said.
"Yeah, it's true! You're, like, so so so lucky you weren't there!" Shiho added.
"But I could've sworn I'd seen someone fight the store manager. She saved us, I think!"
"Wow. Really?" Nagisa droned, forehead plastered to her desk. Between getting chewed out for the failed test, getting double chewed out for not doing her homework, and having almost died secretly saving a mall from a monster attack the night before, she was past the point of actually absorbing anything her friends were saying.
"Yeah, it's crazy! She's like a superhero or something! I think she said her name was... um..."
"Sailor Black?" Nagisa mumbled.
"That's it!" Shiho said.
Nagisa moved her head to the side. "Cool."
"Anyway, that's why we couldn't get those friendship bracelets," Rina explained. "But it's okay, because Shiho stayed up last night making these!" She and Shiho held up three little silver charms, each shaped like a bunny sitting on a crescent moon. Shiho handed the one painted with pink accents to Nagisa.
"Here you go!" Shiho said. "I figured something made by me would be more meaningful anyway, y'know? We were... hoping we could cheer you up!"
Nagisa smiled at the gift and held it to her chest. "It did," she said, smiling through her tired eyes. "Thanks, you guys. Really."
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ddeonghwaa · 5 years
Let Me Explain (Seonghwa)
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Characters: Seonghwa x reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Word Count: 2.7k
I love me a Seonghwa angst and I've been having this pictured in my head for a while. Indeed, writing it down makes it so much better! I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you! ♡
“Thanks, Yunho,” you smiled as Yunho passed you your drink. “It’s such a bummer that Seonghwa couldn’t join today, right?” You nodded in response and took a sip of your brown sugar milk tea. “He says he has basketball practice today.” Seonghwa is a member of the basketball club in the university you were attending and he has an upcoming competition in less than a month. Your dates became shorter but you didn’t mind that as you try to be as supportive as possible.
“So how are you coping with the sociology class that you were complaining about? I’m surprised to know that you’re still in the class and haven’t dropped it yet,” Yunho chuckled and mixed his drink before taking a sip. You shrugged, “To be honest, I don’t even know. I can’t afford to drop the class because all other choices of mine are already full. I guess I just have to bear with it and hopefully ask for a miracle to happen.”
You furrowed your brows and looked back at Yunho who suddenly stopped in his tracks, “Yunho. What are you still doing there?”
You saw panic in his eyes as his pupils tried avoiding eye contact with yours. You took a few steps back to where he was standing and fixed your eyes at what he was looking at. “You’re not seeing what I’m seeing, right? Please tell me I’m hallucinating,” Yunho blinked and rubbed his eyes.
Through a cafe’s glass door, you saw someone familiar. Too familiar for you to doubt your eyes, but weirdly, you just couldn’t bring yourself to believe what you’re witnessing. “Is that... Seonghwa?”
Yunho tried being tactful but he just couldn’t help asking that.
A guy who looked like Seonghwa was sitting in the cafe, sipping on what looked like strawberry frappe, Seonghwa’s favourite drink from the cafe. He was not alone though, in front of him was a girl, covering her mouth while laughing to probably a joke the Seonghwa-looking guy made. You recognised the girl immediately. She was Naeun, your ex-best friend. Out of all people, it was Naeun. In short, she betrayed you in high school and basically ruined your social life. She was officially cancelled out of your life.
“Nah, that’s not him,” you gulped, “That can’t be him. He says he has basketball practice, why would he lie?” you took out your phone from your bag, “And why would he be here with Naeun…?” you whispered under your breath. Your heart felt uneasy at the sight. You believed that the guy is not Seonghwa. But your eyes would not lie.
“I’ll call him,” you immediately dialed Seonghwa’s number with your eyes still fixed to the man in the cafe. To your surprise you saw the man pick up his phone to accept a call. 
“Hey, babe. What’s up?” Seonghwa said from the other line. You held your breath and tried keeping yourself calm, “Yeah, hey. I just finished my class and was wondering if you want to go grab dinner together?” Yunho was still standing next to you, worried about how things are going to turn out. 
“Please don't lie. Please don’t lie to me,” you silently wished.
You saw the guy in the cafe suddenly start looking around and heard Seonghwa reply, “Um… I don’t think I can make it. I’m having basketball practice right now, Yunho is also here with me practicing.”
Your heart fell as you heard him speak, “Yunho? He is practicing with you?” You repeated what he said and turned to Yunho who was standing right beside you. Yunho doubted his ears and pointed to himself, “Me?”
“Yeah, Yunho came by to say hi but he ended up joining us for practice,” Seonghwa said. You turned silent. “Y/n? You okay, babe?” Seonghwa asked.
After composing yourself, you replied, “No. I just thought it was weird because Yunho is right beside me. Am I hallucinating or imagining things, Hwa?”
This time, it was Seonghwa who turned silent. 
“Shit. Babe, wait let me expl-,” 
“You know what, Hwa? Enjoy your strawberry frappe. And… enjoy ‘Yunho’s’ company.”
You hung up and started walking away from the cafe, almost stomping your feet for every step you took.
Yunho caught up with you and pulled your sleeves, “Y/n, are you alright? Maybe you should let him explain.”
''Explain what, exactly? I really hoped it wasn’t him at first, and even if it was him, I really wished that he wouldn’t have lied. That ruined it for me, Yunho. If he told the truth, I wouldn’t be this mad.”
Yunho opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out. Seonghwa really messed up this time. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” you pulled away and hopped onto the bus which just came. 
Yunho was left standing there, dumbfounded. Was being there with you a mistake? If he wasn’t with you, you wouldn’t be heartbroken like this because you wouldn’t know Seonghwa was lying. “Arghhh,” Yunho messed his hair up. Why was he tangled in you and Seonghwa’s couple fight?
His phone vibrated, he checked it only to realise it was from Seonghwa. 
SH: “Were you with Y/n?”
YH: “Yes. I was, before she stomped off back to her apartment.”
SH: “Ah shit, I messed up. I told her I was with you practising.”
YH: “I witnessed the whole thing, bro. Why would you even lie to her in the first place?”
SH: “It’s… a long story. Now she won’t pick up my calls and won’t text me back.”
YH: “I wouldn’t either. You lied and she deserves to be mad. Please solve your problems and leave me out of it. Why am I being dragged in it when I’m the most innocent one here?”
SH: “I know, I’m sorry. I’ll talk to her.”
Yunho sighed and shook his head.
The next day, you let your feet drag you to class, still feeling down about what happened yesterday. You slept over at one of your friend's place last night because you knew Seonghwa would come to yours to 'explain' what had happened. But clearly you weren't in the mood to talk, and it dragged out till the next day. 
You wished that you wouldn't have to face Seonghwa today, but luck was not on your side. You remembered that the first class today was a university required course, meaning people from different majors would have to take the module, Seonghwa being one of them. 
You took a deep breath before entering the lecture room. The moment you entered, you saw Seonghwa waving at the back, pointing to the empty seat next to him to indicate that he had saved you a seat. But you were not falling for that. 
You were still mad and you had every right to be mad at him. 
Ignoring his waves, you shot him an icy gaze as you took a seat a few rows to the front. Seonghwa stopped waving, "I saved you a seat though," he whispered to himself sadly. He packed his things to move to the seat next to you, but unfortunately someone else beat him to it. Another classmate of yours has taken the seat and to make things worse, the lecturer came in right at that moment. 
Feeling hopeless, Seonghwa decided to sit back down in his place with an empty seat next to him. 
Throughout the lecture, your mind keeps on thinking about Seonghwa and how heartbroken he looked when you ignored him before the lecture started. 
"Focus, y/n! Focus! Now is not the time to think about liars." 
You tapped your cheeks a few times to distract yourself from unnecessary thoughts. On the other hand, Seonghwa was staring at you from the back throughout the lecture, trying to form apologies to say to you after the lecture ends. He felt so bad that he made you sad last night, he knew he was at fault for lying to you although things didn't happen the way they seemed. 
When the lecturer concluded the lesson, you immediately packed your things to quickly exit the lecture hall in attempt to avoid Seonghwa. But deep down, you knew it was impossible to avoid him fully. 
After packing, you took your bag and exited the hall. You noticed a familiar figure waiting for you at the door and sighed. 
Seonghwa was already looking at you with a tint of sadness in his eyes. "Y/n," he called. 
You walked past him, ignoring his call. Seonghwa bit his lips and caught up with you. He took your wrist and pulled you softly to face him. "Y/n, please. Let me explain. It's not like what you think-" 
You closed your eyes in frustration and let out an annoyed sigh, "Hwa, stop." 
Seonghwa looked up to look at your face, surprised by your angry tone. 
"Are you hearing yourself right now? You've been saying you'll explain what had happened since yesterday," you tried calming yourself down but built up anger is slowly taking over your body.
"You already know how much I hate it when people lie. That is the one and only thing I can't tolerate, but you decided to do that. What? Practicing with Yunho when he was standing right beside me? You sure did experience the surprise of your life, didn't you?" you shook your head.
"An apology would have been nice to hear first, before trying to 'explain' anything. I don't even want to hear anything from you, Hwa." 
You pulled your wrist away from Seonghwa and adjusted your sleeves. Seonghwa felt as if his heart was stabbed multiple times when he heard your words. He has seen you angry before, but never to this extent. With furrowed brows and a red face from the anger you felt, you walked away from him. Leaving Seonghwa frozen in his spot, heartbroken. 
During break, you bought some light snacks because clearly someone had ruined your mood for the day. 
While looking for an empty seat, you spotted Seonghwa sitting with Yunho and the six other boys. 
"Ugh, I hate my life." 
You walked past them to sit at an empty seat nearby, praying to yourself that they won't make the situation any more awkward. Unfortunately, luck wasn't on your side. 
"Y/n! Why are you heading there? Your seat is right here," Wooyoung patted an empty seat in between him and Seonghwa. 
Seonghwa shot a glare at the innocent Wooyoung and cursed him from inside. On the other hand, Yunho was also uncomfortable because he was probably the only one who knew what happened between the two of you. 
You smiled softly at Wooyoung, "It's okay, I don't really feel like eating anything today. You guys enjoy," without even looking at Seonghwa, you turned and walked away from their table. 
"You and Y/n have to resolve things immediately. Like, ASAP," San took a bite of his food and looked at Seonghwa. 
"And how did you know?" Seonghwa was confused. 
San shrugged, "It was kinda obvious that Y/n and you had an argument. She couldn't even look you in the eyes just now." The rest of the boys agreed and nudged Seonghwa to go catch up to you and end your fight. 
It took Seonghwa a while to find you, but after predicting where you'd be, he finally saw you sitting on a bench near the flower garden in the university. 
You were eating your snacks and internally cursing yourself for not buying more food as you were starving. He slowly approached you and took a seat next to you. He slid a sandwich on the bench and pushed it softly towards you. 
"I know that you get really hungry, and those snacks you're eating won't be enough for you," he started the conversation. You sighed and stood up to walk away. 
But this time, Seonghwa didn't stop you physically. 
"Will you give me a chance to apologise and explain?" He softly said and looked down on the floor. "I'm really sorry."
You let out a sigh and sat back down without saying anything. 
Seonghwa sensed that you sat back down and turned to face you. "Y/n, I'm really, really, really sorry for lying to you yesterday. I know it's my fault and you have every right to be angry at me. Even I would be angry if I were you."
Seonghwa paused to compose himself before continuing, "I know that you hate it when people lie and I have probably broken your trust in me because of it, but please. Give me another chance. I can't live with you ignoring me and giving me the cold shoulder."
You bit your lower lips, processing every single thing he said. He sounded so sincere in his apology and it made you melt a little. 
"But out of all people, why were you with Naeun? You know what she did to me," you whispered.
Seonghwa moved to kneel in front of you, "I'm sorry, babe. Will you let me explain?" You softly nodded. 
"I was supposed to have basketball practice when she contacted me, saying a huge basketball team was recruiting new members to train and she said she could help me get an offer because her dad is rich and knows them personally. I didn't know about it until I met her at that cafe. She told me my basketball coach would be there, but she turned up alone."
"Typical Naeun. Trying to win everyone with her money," you snickered. 
"When I met her, she told me that the only way for me to get an offer was to date her so she can make me look good in front of her dad, so he would recommend me," Seonghwa stated and your brows furrowed intensely.
"But of course I rejected it immediately. I told her I have you and I wanted to be recognised because of my skills," Seonghwa let out a sigh too. Still dumbfounded at how silly of an offer he had actually gotten. 
"Then why did you lie? About Yunho?"
Seonghwa bit his bottom lip, "I didn't want you to worry and get sad. I know how bad your relationship is with Naeun, and if you knew that I was meeting her, at a cafe, just the two of us, you would be so mad. I know lying is wrong, but I did it anyway and it ended up hurting you more. I stayed for hours outside your apartment yesterday, but you weren't there," he sighed, his eyes started getting teary, "I'm truly sorry, Y/n."
You felt your heart melt fully at his sincere apology and explanation. You misunderstood his intentions and got mad at him without listening to him first, you were also partly to blame. 
Slowly, you took your hands up to his cheeks and caressed them slowly. "I'm sorry too, Hwa. I should've listened to you. I should've given you a chance to explain before assuming things on my own."
Seonghwa looked into your eyes and placed his palm over your hands that were on his cheeks. His eyes were glassy that a small touch might make his tears fall on his cheeks. 
"I forgive you and I'm sorry too," you softly said, "But please. Never lie to me again."
Seonghwa nodded and immediately pulled you into his embrace, "I missed you so much, babe." 
You actually felt tears streaming down your face, because being angry at your boyfriend also hurt your own feelings. Ignoring him was not easy, staying mad at him didn't help to solve anything. You returned his hug by wrapping your arms around his waist and rubbing his back. 
"I love you, Y/n." 
"I love you too, Hwa." 
You blinked and released yourself from the hug. Seonghwa chuckled and pinched your cheeks. "Was that your tummy, babe?"
You turned crimson and nodded. 
Seonghwa laughed and messed your hair up, "Told you you'd need this," he took the extra food that he brought for you because he knows that snacks won't make you full.
"Eat well, my love," he smiled as he watched you eat. 
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