spell-cleaver · 8 months
Flower language prompt: Anemone for whatever character you like.
“Run,” Luke whispered to himself. Han couldn’t hear him. The blast doors had already slammed shut, the airlock disengaged, and the Falcon was off. But it kept him steady. It reminded him why he was still here, while they were gone. They hadn’t left him behind. They hadn’t forsaken him. Luke had told them to go. Somebody had to save Leia. Luke had to face the person he had forsaken, himself. The rapid, pounding footsteps slowed, replaced by a more cautious gait. He took a deep breath. His father knew he had stopped running, just as surely as he must know that the Falcon had already jumped to lightspeed and was out of his reach. For now. After a moment, those footsteps sped up again. Longer, more determined strides. Anger built like the tide behind a dam that was finally about to give way. Luke felt the ground of the Force tremble around him with the strength of those tides, felt narrow jets of fury spurt out with enough pressure to carve someone’s eye out, and he felt every inch of him cringe away from the feeling. He knew what was coming. Selfishly, he wished Leia was here.
Read the rest on AO3 here!
Send me flower prompts here!
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💐 once you receive this lovely bouquet of flowers you have to mention five things you love, publicly, and send it to 10 of your favorite followers if you want. SPREAD POSITIVITY! ⛅️
thank you dear 🥰 alright, here's some gratitude:
clouds are great, especially when they look like they've been painted!
moments in which there is nothing to do and you can truly just sit there and exist without the pressure of needing to be productive (wish such moments were a little more common in my life)
writing <3
other queer people because we speak the same language and it's good to finally have a home
being able to rest in a warm and dry place
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nymphl · 2 years
3,6,9 and 19 for the deep writer asks?
Hello, sweetheart!!! Gotta say I saw you tagged me on that challenge of last thing I wrote, but I haven’t written anything ever since… that’s why I didn’t post anything. Sorry 😞
But let’s go!!! I loved all your questions and it took me a moment to consider all of them and the possible answers hehe
3. what fic are you emotionally attached to?
I don’t know if I have a fic like that 😂 I kinda think I have fandoms I’m emotionally attached to. Because each fic has an importance of their own, for each specific moment of my life. Of course I like some more than others, but emotional attachment also depends on the time of my life and right now, I don’t think I’m attached to anything 😂
6. what’s the hardest part of the writing process for you?
Sitting down to write. To actually write. I spend hours/sometimes days/weeks/months fantasizing with the stories/chapter/scene, but I spend less time writing them than I should.
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And I can’t even say it’s lack of time, because when my life was the craziest ever, I posted like almost 20 chapters of LTM every week religiously. And I worked 40 hours a week, was writing my master’s thesis and with an ongoing battle in justice against a company. So… I was SUPER motivated to write. And sometimes that motivation comes from nothing. In 2020 I wrote 57k in a month… so…
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So the hardest part is overcoming my laziness and getting down to write. When I’m motivated/want to, I get quite a lot done!
9. what’s your writing process like?
It depends on the story/my mood. Some stories demands some planning, some I make the details as I go… but usually, I make a rough draft and get started and that’s it 🙃
I usually try to sleep on the idea a little bit, think of several scenarios and then I write a draft before I get to write that specific chapter and then I write it.
I only stop to plan every little detail when the story is too complex or when I get stuck.
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19. If you could write an ideal fic, what would it include?
I don’t actually believe there’s an ideal fic. So, don’t know how to answer this one. I think the ideal story depends on the moment of your life, on your abilities at that given time and giving your best. If you gave it your best, than it’s an ideal fic.
I quite like the idea of NOT having an ideal fic because it allows us to see how much we improved. There’s no ideal story, because after it’s done you’ll look back at it and think you could’ve done something different. Even if you take pride on that you wrote (and it’s amazing when we do!) you’ll always think of something that could be different/better. And I think that’s beautiful, it means we’re growing as writers/readers and people.
Thanks for the ask, sweetheart! I loved it!
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8, 10, 12 and 14?
8. What book genre is their favorite? Leslie's doesn't have a favorite book genre as she likes all genres.
10. What kind of music do they enjoy? Alicia enjoys listening to the works of Lumidee and Jennifer Lopez.
12. How well does your OC do in school? Leslie and Grizelda got straight As in grade school.
14. An embarrassing secret about your OC? Circe likes to eat moly and truffle salad, despite that it makes her magic go wacky.
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Hi OC bingo friend, I have you on my card this year and I have some questions about your characters:
What's Julie's earliest memory? What does Becca do to relax? What is Alyssa's go to comfort food? Which of your OCs is the funniest? Which of your OCs is the bravest? Which of your OCs would trust most with a secret? When creating an OC do you usually have a face claim, name or backstory first?
I'm not sure that I've thought about Julie's first memory. But I think it definitely involved Johnny. Perhaps, he was reading to her.
Usually, Becca would turn to some form of exercise to relax (aerobics, jogging, dance). If she's too keyed up, she'll do yoga or listen to music.
A big bowl of ice cream topped with gobs of peanut butter, Cool Whip, and chocolate syrup. Or sour gummy candies of some sort.
Jimmy and Jenny's middle son, Jesse, thinks he's funny. He's definitely a jokester and a class clown. He definitely tries to emulate his Uncle Tommy. Alyssa has a snarky sense of humor.
I would probably say Becca. She is ready to defend any of her friends. She has no problem getting up in either Dutch (the most intimidating of her brother's friends) or Courtney's (a childhood enemy/alpha bitch classmate) faces.
Hmm. That is a tough one. Julie and Becca trust each other with most secrets, but both have withheld secrets from each other and have told the other's secrets to someone else for various reasons. I might have to say Alyssa, who kept her uncle's students' secrets.
Usually, I come up with a backstory, then a physical description or name, and finally, a face claim that I feel meets the character's needs and/or physical attributes.
Thank you for the questions! Sorry to make you wait, I had to think about them for a while.
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emilianadarling · 1 year
34 and 35 for the writer asks?
Weird Questions for Writers (because writers are weird)
34. Thoughts on the Oxford comma, Go:
STRONGLY POSITIVE STRONGLY POSITIVEEEE. The style guide for my place of work does NOT include the Oxford comma and it kills me lol, I'm constantly sneaking it into internal documents where I can for that sweet sweet clarity.
As a youth, I was perhaps-too-aggressively into grammar and punctuation to the point of snobbery. I'm over that by and large, but still do feel that punctuation are the road signs that help us navigate sentences and stories. The Oxford comma is wonderful for this.
A book I did enjoy a lot in my formative years that discusses this is Eats, Shoots & Leaves. I haven't re-read it in ages, so not sure how it holds up, but it was a favourite for a long time for sure.
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'who knew being a grammar nerd could be so much fun' lmao lmao, the early 2000s were a different time.
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
I answered this one previously, but I'll give another one!!
Not smithereens, per se, but I do think there are nuances to the old "write what you know" adage. In some ways, yes, absolutely. Draw on what you know and find rhymes and echoes of your own emotions and experiences that you can channel into your creations.
But limiting yourself too strictly to "write what you know" can also be restrictive, in a sense -- and can in a way disincentivize the act of trying to imagine and depict other worlds that don't exist, or to attempt to put yourself in another person's shoes. Draw on what you know, but don't limit yourself to what you know. Being willing to explore, learn, and imagine new things into existence can be one of the truest joys of writing. It would be a shame to deprive yourself of it entirely. <3
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rt8815 · 2 years
How was the brioche?
Delicious 😋
And it didn't fall apart 🥳
I made French toast with the chocolate chip loaf and I just...🤤
So good
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eddiemunscns · 2 years
I’m going to do this for my Stranger Things OC Melissa!
“Well, I had a really great teacher…”
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blackbird-brewster · 2 years
Thanks for the ask! Currently, I have a lot of thoughts about [False Flags and the Art of Misdirection] BUT I'm going to post those as an annotated version of that fic (so there's no spoilers here)
Instead, I'm going to use this ask to discuss one of my fave one-shots in [Temily: A Love Story]
Summary: Garcia convinces Tara and Emily to let her throw them a 'bachelorette' party, even though they've already been married for nine months.
A queer party bus, copious amounts of tequila, and Rossi's AmEx Black Card -- what could possibly go wrong?
OKAY SO! I actually just re-read this entire series to do some tweaks/edits for continuity. Since I have written this series out of order, I gotta do that from time to time to make sure everything flows if someone reads the entire series as one story (which can be done!)
CAN I JUST SAY!?!?!?! 'HEATED' is the PEAK of BAU Girls' Night debauchery. Just QUEER CHAOS.
Let me set the scene: After five years together, Tara and Emily eloped at the courthouse because they got tired of work getting in the way of them having a wedding. The ceremony was so emotional and I love that for them. Now it's nine months later, it's Pride in DC and Garcia has gotten Rossi to foot the bill to throw Tara and Emily a belated bachelorette party. It's only JJ, PG, Tara and Emily....but Garcia rents The Big Gay Bus (party bus), which is driven by a leather daddy named Adonis and chaperoned by a hot drag king named Robin Heartz.
The tags for this fic are very telling: copious amounts of tequila, incredible levels of debauchery, extraordinary layers of queer joy, Queerminal Minds
SO MANY GREAT SCENES!! I honestly had a fucking blast writing this one because it fit within the canon of this series while toeing the line of crack!fic simply because of the sheer Gay Chaos.
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Penelope's secret dragsona: Sinelope da Freak
JJ making out with two soccer players at once (and some other people)
Tara's hidden talents in both pole dancing and voguing
Emily... well, Emily really didn't want to be here but she DOES have a good time by the ending.
JJ/Tara sexual tension
BRAD the rEaL fBi AgEnT (Remix)
Everyone is queer, I don't make the rules. They're all queer.
Here are some of my fave moments:
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aka when Emily and Tara find out Pen is a drag celebrity
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This is when Tara just casually does some advanced moves on the pole.
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Basically this is the Queerminal Minds version of the knife vine. JJ is running around making out with any and everyone who takes notice of her.
Anyway, even if Tara/Emily isn't your ship, this is mostly just about the four BAU women having a wild night out!!
[Request a Fanfic 'Director's Cut']
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arrthurpendragon · 11 months
My heroes, who have helped me write once more deserve a HUGE THANK YOU!!!
(That's literally as big as Tumblr will let me write it. lol)
Seriously though, the people on this list deserve all the good things for taking time out of their days to send this struggling writer (trying to learn to love writing again and learn how to write again) asks. Y'all have my gratitude, and let me know if you need help like I did! It truly means so so so much to me - your time, patience, love, and support! (Hence this post lol)
But huge thanks to:
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spell-cleaver · 1 year
I'm very excited for the end of The Protege! I was wondering if there is a particular scene or moment (without spoilers of course) that you are particularly excited to share?
What has been your favourite moment from the story so far? Either plot/character-wise or writing process-wise.
Answer put below the cut for potential spoilers for the chapters already posted of The Protégé.
Thank you!!! I'm trying to think of a specific moment that's yet to come without spoilers and struggling a bit, mostly because all the Juicy Inspirational Moments when I'm brainstorming fics always fall in the middle - see, Luke and Leia's defection in the middle of Eclipse - and the ending is the wrap-up, which usually take more gruelling effort. Which isn't to say I'm not proud of it; I'm very, very excited for it, and the moment I would pick (which I can't go into without spoilers) is the one that the penultimate chapter is named after. Chapter 38 will be called "Crowned Backwards" and the moment that gave it that name is probably my favourite moment in Act V.
Overall, though, when I was thinking of fave moments from the story so far, I had to look towards Act II. All my my favourite chapters are in that part of the story, while they're on Naboo, but in particular I love love loved writing the family drama in Chapter 13, "Idolisation". For one, I love writing Ryoo, and the whole Naberrie family were a delight. But mostly because I loved writing the moment of the reveal that way, as something meaningless to anyone but Luke, folded into this larger family drama. It was a fun, new thing to do, and that whole chapter is probably my favourite just because of how everything afterwards spirals. It all hinged on this stupid little dinner! (Some American readers pointed out that I posted the chapter around Thanksgiving, when a lot of them were dealing with family dinners, which added more humour to it.)
I'm glad you're enjoying Protégé!!! I really hope the ending lives up to expectations :D :D :D
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starryeyes2000 · 2 years
Creators Club Update: 10/15/2022
Thank you for all the enthusiastic responses. I’ll try to have this up and running by the first of November. 
Today I’ll lay out random ideas for your consideration, please reply to this post, ask me, or direct message me your ideas or questions. My assumption is our group will evolve as time passes.
This group is open to all creators (writers, visual artists, etc), readers, and those who appreciate these creations. All fandoms are welcome. All story types are welcome: original works, original characters, alternate universe, canon strict, OTP, x reader, and so on.
We support, nurture, and cheer on creative endeavors as well as give them visibility.
Different levels of participation are okay. Schedules change. Health changes. Good flows into our lives, challenges flow into our lives. Participate as it feels right to you.
Activities for your consideration:
Bi-weekly we spotlight a creator on our blogs via a bio, a link to a fic of their choice. Other possibilities: pinned post of this spotlight, reblogs, making graphics, leaving comments. These actions would be up to each member; for example, I suck at graphics but am comfortable leaving comments.
A blog dedicated to the group. This could be private or open to any Tumblr user. Here members can post requests for help (beta reading, a sounding board when writer’s block creeps in), announcements, buddy writing (encouraging each other to hit a goal by a certain time), reblogs of creators latest updates, etc.
Mature content: How do we respect each other’s preferences?
Name for our group.
Two tag lists follow. The first are those who asked to be included. The second is anyone who reblogged or liked the original post. Let me know if you want to be moved to the first list or eliminated from either list.
Please pass along the invitation to any interested.
I suggest two tagged lists are maintained: Members and those who’d like to be on our notifications list.
Participating Tag List: @themaradaniels @asirensrage @megandaisy9 @bardic-tales @mytardisisparked @munstysmind @karimac @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @residentdormouse @maybenow22 @writingpotato07 @illegalcerebral @imma-eat-him @heirsoflilith @dogmomwrites @morgan-stardusts-god @chickensarentcheap @darknightfrombeyond @smurphyse
Notification Tag List: @resowrites @arrthurpendragon @blind-the-winds @ryutabs @z0mbicide @wokenhardies @calicojackofficial @gooseygooseyartstuff @creepypyromancer @infernogoddes9 @perasperaadastrawriting @metallideth01 @diemohnblume @ayzrules @cosplayingfangirl @fogblitz @ultrarebelheart @reesespieces10123 @yourfriendlywriter @aalinaaaaaa @jurassicobsessor @miss-galaxy-turtle @andiebeaword @kalonae @aperrywilliams @elejah-wonderland @justiceandwar98
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Hi OC Bingo friend! I am really interested in how you came up with Spirit Animal Sisters. What came first when you were building the world and the characters? Do you have any fun facts or world building elements that haven't appeared in story that you want to share?
What Came First?
I believe the characters came first then the setting.
Any fun facts or world building elements that haven't appeared in story?
The city of Bluestone, Washington was founded because there was a cache of sapphires near where Seafood Sally's restaurant was founded.
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foxesandmagic · 1 year
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If your current muse had to introduce themselves to somebody in one of those awkward introduction meetings, what is one interesting fact about them that they’d share?
For the first of my revived weekly OC Questions, I’m going to tag the people who interacted with the original post about maybe bringing these back, I hope that’s OK.
@azariahmarina, @darknightfrombeyond, @andromedalestrange, @ultrarebelheart, @bi-ologistofthehills 
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wordspin-shares · 2 years
I was tagged by @bluebell-winter. Thank you, love!
Share your home screen, latest photo on your camera roll, and last song you listened to.
Home screen:
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Last photo:
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Last song:
Tagging: @heirsoflilith @ultrarebelheart @thecharmedburrowspn-files @darknightfrombeyond @bisexualterror @moustache-bonnet @bobfloydsbabe @asirensrage @ceruleanmusings @fanficanatic-tw @starcrossedjedis @bi-ologistofthehills and anyone else who wants to join in!
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rt8815 · 2 years
Avengers, Falcon and Daredevil?
Avengers: What superpower would you like to have?
I would choose the power to heal people and other living/organic things! But I'd also like to have the ability to reverse healing, because I'm feeling a smidgen dark at the moment.
Falcon: Which fictional character would you like to hang out with?
Oh...I think you know 😏😅
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But also:
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Daredevil: What is your favourite song?
I have so many! 😆 but "American Girl" by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers is a reliable go-to for me.
As always, thanks for the asks!
Ask away
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