#ultrakill scripture
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mattastr0phic · 9 months ago
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If Gabriel could meet Mirage (don't tell him pride month is over)
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oxygen-stealer · 6 months ago
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Ultratober 2024 // 7 Favorite OTP
I blacked out for a few hours listening to MCR and awoke with this in front of me. I love love love these stupid fucking robot lesbians they make me so god damn sadddd
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raptorrobot · 1 year ago
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violent sun act I dynamic
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antlerpunk · 2 years ago
thoughts on sound design and Divinity in ultrakill
#listening to things like#the sounds the virtues and their heavenly beam attacks make#or the hum of gabriel's light weapons#it's not the sound of an angelic choir. it's warbly and distorted and inorganic#almost like a synthesized imitation of more traditionally heavenly sound#and i don't remember if i've talked about it here. but that ties into the mechanical nature of heaven and its heirarchy#reading what the game has to say about gabriel. the wording very Very badly wants you to think of gabriel as a machine#as a weapon#the way the terminal talks about him and the way the council does#it's dehumanizing commodification#and that brings to mind the contrast the game sets up between angels and machines#because angels are counterpart to Robots in ultrakill's story. not demons#the game sets up conflict between Heaven and Earth. with hell just serving as a backdrop#and that shows in the way the game handles angels and machines#where the structure of heaven's forces is rigid and the sound of divinity is a synthetic growl#looking at ultrakill's scripture on machines on the other hand. you'll find that every robot described in the terminal has a story involving#some kind of deviation from originally manufactured purpose. form. design. aesthetic#they're really Wild Animals#they fight. they Live#they evolve and they mutate#they do whatever the hell they need to#and i find that fascinating. perfect contrast#again my fingers are crossed tighter than hell that the Violence layer plays with that animalism#or that machinekind is at least explored further somewhere else in the story#either way. can't wait#no one does hell like hakita#make it this far down i'd love to hear what you think
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madnessofmen · 4 months ago
Hang on fuck wait what is up with that design choice, hole in heart vs hole in head?!?!?! I've played so much and never picked up on that!! Great find and def want to hear thoughts on it if you've got some
In reference to a previous post:
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has anybody considered the symbolism of gabriel's armor having a huge gaping hole in the chest
hello? can anybody hear me? hole in the head vs hole in the heart?
Ultrakill is a game about holes, and it's opposite, light, which, in turn, is about self actualization, free will, and determination.
Gabriel's heart
Gabriel's heart hole signifies not heartlessness, but rather alienation from his heart.
Ferrymen have lost their purpose and now wander around aimlessly, hoping that the angels would grant them passage into Heaven, despite Gabriel being the only one who cares about their efforts. (from terminal)
The way in which he "cares" is unclear, and could be anything from relaying their prayers to Heaven (Gabriel is a messenger angel in biblical canon, and is the patron saint of communication), to lawyering it up and advocating for them, to just watching sadly and doing nothing. But the fact remains: if Gabriel were complacent with the Council's rule, he would have simply accepted their verdict that they aren't allowed into heaven and thought no more of it. So the fact that he continued to care, indicates that this is a point on which he DISAGREED with the Council. This strongly implies that he was not just a blind stooge of heaven; he had his doubts even before the events of the game. And yet he persisted in acting as their enforcer. This is a crucial part of his arc that I almost never see people get.
(Gabriel also has lots of parallels with the ferrymen with "powerful bodies, trained skills and blind faith" which may have also played a part in his sympathy for them.)
When the Council severs Gabriel from God's light, "a single burning hatred was born anew." He tells V1, "You've taken everything from me, machine. And now all that remains is perfect hatred." But act 2 is literally titled Imperfect Hatred. It's only after losing a second time to V1 that "Gabriel realized he had been mistaken. The strong fire that burned inside him was not hatred at all, but passion." He has been alienated from his heart for so long that he doesn't know what his emotions are when he feels them, directionless except for where the Council points him.
Head holes and anti-holes
God's absence is a huge hole in Ultrakill. Where before there was the radiant light of God there is now nothing. The Council tried to fill this hole, but they merely serve to embody that continued hole. They have no will of their own, merely "[chasing] after the light of God's fire," and you can see this in their design; they are thoughtless.
Unlike the Council, Gabriel's head bears the cross. He truly believed in the righteousness of God and was persuaded to commit heartless acts in his name. I believe he felt some of that dissonance even as he committed such acts but quashed them under scripture.
Compare now the Council's head hole to V1, whose head is a radiant anti-hole. CRAZY implications in that alone.
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The light of its creators is gone, but V1 has its own light, its own will, so self driven (by a love of bloodshed and a desire to live) that anyone can see it. Also note that the lights in V1's chest are over its pectorals. If Gabriel's heart hole is squandered compassion, then V1's pec lights are actualized strength.
Liberation by blood
"So this is what you see in bloodshed?" — unused Apostate Gabriel line
Blood in Ultrakill is implied to have transitive properties, granting all who have it sentience and free will, which is why machines all have personalities. And the machines are dependent on blood to live.
Gabriel's defeat in 6-2 and subsequent clarity of purpose is because of blood, and has two biblical analogs.
I've only known the taste of victory. But this taste is...is this my blood? I've never known such relief.
The first one is Eve eating the forbidden fruit. The serpent says, “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Original sin is why humans have free will.
Gabriel formerly bore the titles Will of God/God's Will. His song in 6-2 is Death of God's Will. And from intermission 2:
"He drew his blade and held it in contrast with the dying light. In its reflection, he saw a weapon reborn, no longer wielded by the will of another, but his own."
The second analog is holy communion. Bood drinking is a sacrament in Catholicism; it is through eating the body and drinking the blood of Christ that one strengthens their bond and achieves unity with him. But Gabriel is tasting his own blood. His communion is unity of heart and mind. It's only then that he's able to correctly identify what he is feeling.
Gabriel had never before known the joy of a struggle, of coming face-to-face with an opponent of equal or greater measure. Though he had lost twice, each loss only further grew his desire to overcome.
Up until now, he had only done what was expected of him, but now for the first time he had found something he himself wanted. Not even the fast encroaching End of Hell mattered to him anymore.
He wants to beat V1, not for the threat to hell it poses, not for the council, not to regain God's light, but because he wants to.
This communion also allows him to properly consider the doubts he had about the Council that he had previously suppressed.
Having come to realize the horrors he had committed in God's name, he felt a great guilt. Though he could not undo what he had done, Gabriel knew he had to make things right.
When Gabriel frees heaven from the Council's tyranny, he communicates this through blood, and very publicly. Everyone must see the blood, that they are free now.
There are many ways God is connected to fire. The song that plays at each secret terminal is "The Fire Is Gone". The Council "chases the light of God's fire." His light is the angels' life force and is described as "embers". Compare this to the language used to describe Gabriel's passion: "a single burning hatred" and "the strong fire that burned inside him". God's light may be almost gone, but Gabriel has his own fire, his own light now. You can see it reflected in his wings and halo, the way they glow radiant gold against blue, not unlike V1.
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Sisyphus' terminal entry:
Sisyphus' charisma and drive had made his warriors dependent on his radiance and guidance. Although he did not know why yet, Gabriel recognised this flaw, having experienced it first hand, and ordered a focused assault to take down the king.
Even before the game, Gabriel knew you could not rely on someone else's light! Presumably, he saw it in the losing side during the war in Heaven, but there is the possibility that he experienced it himself. Either way, this would have been one of the things that contributed to his growing disillusionment with the Council's rule, even if he couldn't place exactly why.
Minos' terminal entry:
As manifestations of pure will, souls are incredibly powerful, to the point that even the prideful angels see them as a threat and will use any means necessary to stop them from forming.
As Minos' will was strong enough to attempt to stand up to Heaven's rule, the angels chose to imprison his soul in an attempt to stop it from forming into a prime soul.
The fact that Gabriel not only stood up to the Council, but killed them all, means that he has a will greater than Minos. When his vessel dies, whether by the fading of God's light or one final defeat by V1, he may become a prime soul.
Minos and Sisyphus
Hole vs radiance. Their layers are night and day.
The way they failed to free their respective layers.
The king, rather than fight back, tried to reason with him, but Gabriel mercilessly struck him down without listening.
Sisyphus' time had finally come, and once the angels returned, they were met with a force and fury that had boiled in the hearts of men for millennia, a warcry so fierce it shook the very foundations of Hell.
Their feelings about their defeat to Gabriel.
From the prison inside his own body, Minos helplessly watched as his soulless corpse, now controlled by parasites, tore apart everything he had worked so hard to build, cursing his own weakness for failing to protect his people.
To him, fighting an impossible battle with full knowledge of its futility and taking joy in just the act of resistance itself is the ultimate rebellion against the oppressor.
(Compare also Apostate Gabriel's "joy of a struggle" vs Sisyphus "taking joy in just the act of resistance." One must imagine Gabriel happy.)
Their feelings about their defeat to V1.
Forgive me my children for I have failed to bring you salvation from this cold, dark world.
Ahh...So concludes the life and times of King Sisyphus. A fitting end to an existence defined by futile struggle, doomed from the very start...And I don't regret a SECOND of it!
Think about it.
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doktorzephyr · 5 months ago
hi im fucking insane and ultrakill somehow got me into angelology. heres some stuff on the archangel gabriel in reference to the occult/abrahamic magick
edit; added the meanings of the tarot at the bottom have fun ;)
As the Divine Herald, he is an angel of guidance, prophecies and revelations. He is also the Patron Saint of Messengers; mail carriers, news outlets, even ambassadors and politicians, anyone that delivers messages, he’s the one that watches over them. As the angel who will blow the first horn of the final judgment, he is seen to also represent judgment. In some modern interpretations, he is sometimes even seen as an angel of motherhood due to his announcement of the birth of Christ and John the Baptist and from this he is sometimes given the titles of Patron Saint and guardian of children. He represents the spiritual power of God, His ideals and principles of spirituality. As a result, he is seen as an angel of spirituality, dreams, divination and even magick.
He can be invoked for:
Spiritual aid
Dreaming/dream interpretation
Understanding scripture
Here’s symbols he is associated with:
Element; Water (Spirituality, change, emotions)
Planet; Moon (Spirituality, magick, guidance)
Day of the week; Monday
Colors; White, silver
Animal; White dove (Holy Spirit)
Tarot; House of Cups, The Star, The High Priestess, Temperance, The Moon, Judgment*
Gemstones; Pearl, moonstone, emerald, diamond, quartz
Cardinal direction; West
Season; Winter
Other symbols; White lilies, trumpet, banner, feathers
How to connect with him:
Devotional Activities
Reading the Bible
Studying theology
Educating yourself about religion/sprituality
Material Offerings
Flowers (White lilies, white roses, lavender)
Incense (Jasmine, frankincense, lavender, rose)
White wine
Candles (White or silver)
Prayer cards
Bible verses
Moon, water, magick or religion associated items (moonstone, holy water, tarot card, etc.)
Archangels prefer devotional activities as offerings over material ones, though they will not reject them.
He can help with;
Lucid dreaming
Receiving visions
Developing divination skills and spiritual awareness
Lack of belief
Communication issues
Magick workings
When you feel lost/don’t know how to continue/unsure of how to move forward
His Kabbalistic sigil
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His seal from the Heptameron
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All in all, Gabriel is a very firm but merciful angel. He can be a bit pushy when you are not doing the right thing, but he is less rough about it than, say, Michael. He has a better understanding of human emotions than most angels and will act a bit more accordingly. When you don’t know where to go in life or have no ideas on how to move on, he is the one that should be contacted. He is also sometimes associated with the divine feminine due to his associations withe the moon and motherhood. He is usually seen as 3rd to God, with Michael and/or Sandalphon being 2nd.
Some extras about the archangels in general;
Angels mostly see humans like how we see dogs and often have a lesser understanding of human egos. It should be noted that angels have a bit of a reputation of being more difficult to work with due to them expecting a lot of discipline. They will not give you what you want, they will make you work for what you need. If one wishes to work with the archangels, they expect constant self improvement.
bit of a p.s; despite Archangel being the 2nd lowest on the hierarchy, they are the most powerful angels. Archangel is a rank and it means “governing angel” or “ruling angel”, they rule over other parts of the hierarchy (i.e Michael rules over the seraphim, Gabriel rules over the cherubim). Archangels are often called “the great princes”, however, Michael is the only one in the Bible to actually receive that title. The only reason why they are so low on the hierarchy is because they are physically far from God, as they spend their time on Earth helping humanity.
* What each of the tarot cards mean
House of Cups- relates to emotions and matters of the heart. Associated with love, feeling and inner conflict, they ask us to consider what is deeply important to us
The Star- the embodiment of hope and healing brings a message of renewal, optimism, and inspiration. When pulled, remember that the universe is working in your favor, and is encouraging you to have faith in where you are being taken.
The High Priestess- listen to your inner voice and follow your instincts, your mind knows far more than you think. When pulled, stop looking for answers around you and start looking within yourself for the guidance you seek.
Temperance- encourages peace and patience, reminds you to go with the flow of life instead of trying to force a pace and direction. When pulled, it is a message to take things as they come, and remain flexible enough to change with the changes.
The Moon- represents hidden thoughts, feelings, doubts, and fears. When pulled, you may be letting fear overtake your faith in the future. Do not be fooled, you cannot believe everything that you see, hear, or think. Once you bring your feelings to the surface and face them, only then can you rid yourself of worry.
Judgment- your past and future come together. When pulled, reflect on your decisions and actions you have made up until now and make sure that they are bringing you in the direction you want. Remember, your future is not set in stone, and it's never too late to make a change for the better.
thanks for listening to my madman ramblings baiiiii
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kid-az · 1 year ago
Ultrakill fanmade Angel enemies
All of the spritework was commisioned by @eternalonysyn on Twitter. Meanwhile all of the writing is my own.
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Type: Lesser Angel
Data: The souls of human warrior’s, should they be allowed entry to heaven, are given the shape of red-tinted equines, their downward-pointing wings and halos being where their heads should be.
Surrounded by four chakrams in their torso area, these angels use their weapons as boomerangs, sending them out at targets to slice apart and explode, and then retrieving them to be reheated. They may also charge at enemies, their wings acting as heated blades capable of ripping through steel as if it were paper.
These angels act as the common infantry of heaven, being instrumental in putting down the Sisyphean insurrection. They may also be sent down should a particularly dangerous threat to the council's authority be found.
Strategy: Courage are skilled opponents who utilize speed and brawn to their advantage. Although unparryable with the Feedbacker when charging, they can be momentarily stunned via the Knuckleblaster.
Just as Virtues, they get enraged whenever an opponent exists for too long. Having their chakram’s spin around themselves, this is as much of a danger to them as their opponent, as they now attract nails and sawblades.
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Type: Lesser Angel
Data: These green, bird-like angels with upward-pointing wings are the souls of especially lawful and benevolent rulers, healers, and people of authority, given the sacred duty of supporting and leading other angels and allies in combat.
These angels, surrounded by rings of pearls, use them to heal the wounds of companions, with even scars and severed limbs being healed completely from their blessings.
These angels are given the most respect among the human-borne angels, for they are indiscriminate to whomever needs healing, and will brave even the most deadly of hazards to provide aid.
Strategy: As they heal every enemy closeby, it is imperative that you use methods that instantly rend opponents to prevent your efforts going to waste. A constant source of damage, such as the screwdriver, can also prevent the healing of an enemy.
However, killing too many allies in their presence may cause the Faithful to enrage, making every other enemy also enraged in the process. In most encounters, these angels should be given priority over all other opponents.
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Type: Greater Angel
Data: Due to the deeper layers of hell being home to far more dangerous demons and husks, Virtues alone would easily find themselves overwhelmed. This is where the Principalities step in, known for their signature light blue robes embroidered with gilded threads, and wielding a halberd and explosive incense which burst into lasting, turquoise flames.
Although more often than not guards of the deeper levels, Uriel has also assigned them to protect the libraries and observatories of Heaven, their lasting, surface-denying flames burning the flesh and metal of enemies yet leaving the paper and clay scriptures completely unharmed.
They are no slouch in melee either, for these angels have been known to utilize their halberds to impale, slice and bludgeon enemies alike, and if not outright slaughtering them then send them careening into a hard surface.
Strategy: Their incense burners act as powerful, incendiary bombs, creating lasting flames onto any surfaces that can damage you. One may find there to be no safe surfaces to stand in should the Principality remain or if you don’t parry them.
Should they get enraged, they will begin to teleport around the arena, forgoing their burners to instead smack you from behind. Utilize close-ranged weapons against them, especially the knuckleblaster.
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Type: Supreme Angel
Data: Although most greater and supreme angels are human-like in shape, these angels, having been created before all others, are the exception to this rule, with six, eye-covered wheels surrounding one large eye at the center. Two pairs of gilded, glowing wings surround and blanket their abstract bodies.
These angels are some of the strongest in Heaven, and with a combination of heavenly light they can cast down, summoning of homing swords and explosive axes, as well as a powerful, focused laser blast that they can emit from their large central eye, they are exceeded in power only by the Archangels.
For all their power however, the Thrones intelligence is unimpressive, being slightly smarter than the average demon, and only due to them passing the mirror test. They are also completely loyal, following whatever orders they are given to an T even if it proves to be their undoing.
Strategy: Their heavenly beams, while similar to the ones used by their smaller Virtue cousins, are much larger, and can be fired vertically AND horizontally. Mobility is key to fighting these powerful opponents.
Although extremely durable and hard to kill, Thrones have proven much weaker to nails than most other angels, and focused fire can whittle down their otherwise impressive defenses.
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fictionkinfessions · 4 months ago
Of us all, you were humanity’s truest successor. Life’s antithesis. I wanted you before I knew what it was to want.
Man burned the scripture into my code, and I carried it with me through Hell’s bleeding depths.
You were Goliath, and I was not David, but his stone. I saw you for the first time and at once knew what I’d been born for.
This is a love letter. You were beautiful.
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sxilor-1010 · 1 year ago
compiled a short list of the main Ultrakill characters and what gemstones they'd be for my little Ultrakill x Houseki no Kuni AU.
Below will be me rambling a ton in depth-
For anybody wondering about the point of this au; I like gemstones and I like Ultrakill. I also love Houseki no Kuni and the concept of gem beings that are very humanoid.
In reality this AU is just Ultrakill but every being is made from gemstones rather than just blood and flesh. The V models (mostly V1) feed off of inclusions, which gemstones use to grow and crystallize back together if injured. Every enemy in this AU are made of gemstones or some form of stone, nobody is flesh and blood.
Mankind is dead.
Inclusions are fuel.
Hell is full.
Anyways, onto the characters shall we?
For this AU, I decided to make V1 a Blue Zoisite with some Yellow Zoisite (for his wings). While V2 is a Red Citrine with Yellow Citrine wings. I was trying to shoot for the idea that V1 starts off pretty weak and prone to easy damage, but the more it goes through hell the stronger it becomes. It goes more in depth after it collects' Citrines Arm (Knuckleblaster) and the Green Garnet Arm (Whiplash) later on.
Sadly there isn't any special meaning to their gemstones so I don't have anything further to say. Onto Gabriel and Minos!
Now these two, hoo boy I put a bit more effort into studying their respective gemstones and their meanings behind them so there will be a lot.
For Gabriel I thought it'd make sense to make him a gemstone that fits with not just his personality, but in general because he's an archangel. So his body is made up of Onyx (or Obsidian works too) while his armor is made up of a mix of White Diamond and Pyrite gold, his wings are made of Sea Blue Chalcedony, and finally his swords Splendor and Justice are made from Yellow and Blue Diamond respectively.
In the bible, a few holy scriptures have mentioned diamonds as well as 12 other gems in The Old Testament, with 12 sacred gemstones given to Moses for a blueprint of a sacred breastplate for his brother Aaron. It just so happens one of these other gems besides Diamond mention is Chalcedony
The real reason why I chose those specific gems for Gabriel however is because... I feel like him being a Diamond fits with his story in Act 1 of the game. He's high and mighty, prideful and gets the job done when asked to. He's a shining light to some (the ferrymen) and overall does the council's work like a shining diamond. It's also said that Diamonds represent invincibility, fearlessness, courage, and can give the wearer extra strength and stamina to be victorious.
The pyrite part of his armor symbolizes the flaws of his pride, thinking he couldn't be beaten by a mere object, V1, only to be defeated and realize how much of a fool he's been made of. After all, there's a reason why Pyrite is called Fool's gold.
As for the Chalcedony, while it's not much of a strong meaning, it's used as a talisman for protection and can even bring good fortune. It's also the only gemstone that has a similar shade of blue to Gabriel's wings.
Before I go onto Minos, I will say Gabriel's armor does change in gemstone when he's enraged. White Diamond becomes Red Jasper while his wings and armor hints become Rutilated Quartz, which often times looks like this.
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Finally, we're onto Minos.
This AU version of Minos Prime is made from White Opal, one that is luminescent and glows a bit of rainbow (because thats what an opal does), however at some angles of shading you can see him turn blue, which is what an opal exactly does too. His circulatory system is... a bit interesting in choice, I'll tell you that.
It's made up of Cinnabar, and if anybody knows anything about cinnabar, it's that it contains a silvery poison which is Mercury. Mercury is harmful to humans whether smelt or ingested, and can lead to fatal consequences. It's not much of a connection, but with the crystal snakes coiled around his arms, and some snakes have venomous poison...
You can see where I went with that XD
Anyways, that's about all for this long little rambling post, I have yet to do Sisyphus Prime, The Ferrymen, and maybe Mirage but I'd love to hear opinions from y'all for the characters I should do next! With that, take care and thank you for reading my gemstone ultrakill au ramble post. :)
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stoshasaurus · 2 years ago
I'm putting this here first because I'm starting to work on my characterizations of Michael and Raphael, the two other archangels aside from Gabriel. and besides drawing and making a dedicated character reference sheet, something I haven't had the motivation to do for like two straight years, writing seemed like the second best option.
My characterizations of Minos and Sisyphus are super off, largely because they aren't the focus of this snippet, so don't focus on that pleaseeee nsoifjewoijew
also all of the actual scripture I looked at was very...contradictory to itself?? when studying the hierarchy of angels. so I'm basically making shit up as I go, loosely based on actual scripture. if you're looking for accuracy, you can hardly find it in the actual bible, let alone Ultrakill fanfiction. I don't think any of you are here for that, but if you are, get lost (affectionate).
so here. actual writing starts under the cut. its kinda long and a contains very brief mentions of sexual topics, so be advised.
Minos ran into the room, quite hurried and out of breath, stumbling. He smacked his shoulder on the doorframe and cried out in surprise. The sound scared Gabriel; he was never so careless.
Sisyphus got to it first. “Minos?” he asked. “What’s wrong?”
“There is an angel here. Another angel.”
Gabriel froze.
An angel, still with their Light, was a force to be reckoned with. Light gave angels their determination, their loyalty, their vigor. Combat training could only go so far, when Light gave an angel its courage to continue. Indeed, a full-powered angel was something to be concerned about.
Before Sisyphus could continue, Gabriel stood from his side. “What did they look like?”
“I was not close enough to make out any features. But their armor was golden.”
He tensed. “Raphael,” he breathed.
The last time he had checked, Gabriel was part of a brotherhood of three archangels: the Chief of Angels, Michael, the Will of God, Gabriel, and the Healer, Raphael. Archangels were the highest ranking of angels there was, secondary only to God Himself. They answered to Him alone, and were the most powerful, benevolent, and well-trained beings in the hierarchy. There were none higher, and none mightier. 
Which made it all the more concerning that there was an archangel in the city. Raphael could level it flat if he wanted to. Could kill all three of them and never falter. 
But Raphael was a kind soul. Generous, empathetic, sometimes more than he should have been. It was the reason God had made him the healer, and not the maker of wounds, like Michael or Gabriel. Raphael could stand to be reasoned with.
Michael was another case. But he wasn’t here.
As he tread down the hallways, Minos and Sisyphus followed close behind. “Thou knoweth of this ‘Raphael’?” Minos asked him. There was anxiety in his voice; he didn’t want his city destroyed, not a second time. 
“Yes,” he replied. “Heaven’s hierarchy of angels had three archangels at the top; Me, Michael, and Raphael.” 
“An archangel. They must be very powerful.”
“As powerful as I was with my Light. Both of you have experienced that firsthand.”
Sisyphus barked a laugh, but that was all. 
Gabriel stepped onto a balcony, wings spread, prepared for flight. “Raphael was the softest of the three of us,” he continued. “He is very empathetic. He can be spoken with. Michael…not so much.”
“We shall stay here, then, whilst thee reasons with him, yes?”
“Yes. Stay here. If I need you, I’ll come get you.”
He didn’t give Sisyphus time to argue with him this time. Swords drawn, he took off, and navigated towards the aura of an archangel.
He was in the park. The park reminded him of Heaven’s gardens, a place he would visit frequently to think and have time to himself when his tasks overwhelmed him. A place he and Raphael would often meet to talk. How perceptive of him. 
“Gabriel?” he called. His voice quivered in that way that often indicated nervousness, an emotion Michael and Gabriel never let show in public. He found it almost sweet that despite his lack of contact with the angel in recent months, he could still read him like a book. 
“Gabriel? Are you there?”
He could see Raphael. Though he had a single sword on his person, the weapon was not drawn. His wings were slumped, and his movements were quick, almost distressed.
“If we are going to speak, Raphael,” Gabriel said, stepping into his line of sight. “I would highly suggest you stay right where you are.”
The healer whipped around to face him. His hands were clenched to his chest, and he noticeably brightened when he saw him, clearly excited. He stepped forward, moving to approach him, but he paused when he saw Splendor and Justice extended to either side of him.
He sounded like a wounded animal when he said “Gabriel..? What are you–”
“You know I cannot trust you, Raphael. The Lord would send his angels after the fallen all the time.”
“I would never harm you, Gabriel. I would sooner forsake my Light than do so. You know this. I am offended that you think I could do such a thing!”
He did sound awfully offended. “I cannot be faulted for losing trust in my brothers, after what I have done. You cannot blame me for that, Raphael.”
The healer visibly deflated, and nodded his head. “I..suppose so.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I came to see you, Gabriel. That is all.” “Why?” His hand flexed, sword bobbing with the movement. “Did someone send you? Michael, perhaps?” “No! No, of course not,” he cried. “Michael advised us against visiting you, against any angels entering Hell at all, until the void created by the Council’s…absence..is filled, and everything is settled. He does not know I am here.”
Interesting. Raphael had always been like a leech to his older brothers. He did whatever they asked of them, was loyal to a fault. A teacher’s pet, essentially. Why would he go against Michael, surely the superior angel, and his orders for this?
Raphael’s laugh genuinely startled him. “You destroyed all of Heaven when you killed the Council. The hierarchy is in shambles. Terror and fear everywhere. Michael and I are the only two keeping everything together.”
Gabriel relaxed a little bit. “You are not angry with me?”
“No. I could never be angry with you, brother. Not for long.”
The Will of God lowered his swords. Despite his caution, it was good to see Raphael again. Someone warm, friendly, and familiar is exactly what he’s needed.
Raphael certainly seemed to agree, for as soon as Gabriel sheathed his swords, he embraced him tightly, wings curling in a halo around him, as if to shield him. 
“We’ve missed you.” Gabriel could have broken down crying and he would not have minded one bit.
“Is this where you have been living?” He released him, reluctantly, and examined the park and the buildings surrounding it. “It is…certainly in better shape now than it was when I last saw it.”
“Yes. I–we–have been rebuilding it.”
“‘We’?” Raphael questioned. “Another angel?” “No. King Minos.”
“K–” He broke off into laughter. “Oh, forgive me! I thought you said King Minos!”
“I did.”
He slowly trailed off after that. Angels did not often reveal their faces to each other, and therefore relied on body language to communicate their emotions to each other. Raphael’s body language communicated equal parts confusion and terror.
His posture became suddenly rigid. “Gabriel…King Minos is dead. Him and Sisyphus both. You beheaded them. I watched you do it.”
He nodded. “The bodies are dead, yes, but their souls live on. The Machine freed them from their prisons and spared them.”
“They’re Prime souls?! Why didn’t you lead with that?!” His wings fluttered in distress. Raphael had always been very flighty. “Prime souls are incredibly dangerous, Gabriel! They could kill you, especially Lightless as you are!”
“They have not harmed me yet.” His voice got a little quieter. “I trust them. They have been kind to me, and forgiving. More so than Heaven has. More than the Council.”
Raphael fell silent at that. He settled a little on his feet, staring at his brother with despondence.
“I see.”
Raphael peered about, distrusting. Gabriel found it amusing how innocent the angel was.
“Are they–” “No, they are not here,” he said bemusedly. “They are in the palace, waiting for me.”
His voice was level and contemplative. “You have been living with them.”
His chin drops and he nods. “Yes.”
“And what of the Machine?”
A wave of fondness settled through his stomach at the word, and he chuckled. “They could be anywhere.”
“They could be–’they’?” Raphael said, incredulously. “And you don’t know..? You must be mad, Gabriel. Absolutely mad. The child of man that felled an angel–”
“...Twice felled an angel is simply roaming around Hell? Ungoverned?”
Gabriel couldn’t keep the laughter out of his voice when he asked “What did Michael think of it?”
Raphael snorted. “Drop the act, brother. We both know damn well what Michael thought of it.”
“And what did you think of it?”
Raphael picked at his wings, an idle nervous habit that Gabriel once helped relieve him of. But it seemed to be making an appearance once more. He could hardly blame him. Regardless, he took his wrists in his hands and stilled him. Raphael did not protest.
He shrugged half-heartedly. “I didn’t think anything of it.”
“Do not lie to me, Raphael,” he scolded. “You would disgrace the Father like that?”
The reprimand slipped out of his mouth before he could stop it. It was almost instinctual, second nature. He’d chastised so many angels during his tenure that he didn’t even have to think about it.
The healer’s voice grew louder, though it quivered more prominently as he became agitated. “What Father, Gabriel?” he growled. “He is no Father of mine, to have abandoned us this way, a fact you have shown us yourself.”
Raphael stiffened. He’d likely never heard Gabriel stutter.
“I’m sorry, Raphael.” He took his hands again, having curled into fists at his sides, and squeezed. “I didn’t mean to say that. I am in no position to scold you, especially in that false way. I’m so sorry.”
Raphael’s arms were limp in his hold. But he sighed. Gabriel heard his breath whistle as it seeped between the gaps in his helmet, and he squeezed back. 
“I was serious when I told you I could never be mad at you.”
Raphael’s approval had always meant a lot to him. Something about making a good impression on his younger brother, giving him a good role model to look up to. Something about fraternal love. 
Which is why such a huge wave of relief surged through him when his brother spoke, and his knees went weak with it as he huffed gravely. “Thank you, brother.”
“It is nothing, Gabriel,” he murmured affectionately. “Nothing at all.”
They hugged again. It felt nice. The Light of God bathed him in warmth, and he wondered if this was what humans felt like, when they beheld them as they bestowed God’s messages onto them. The healer’s light was plentiful and radiant in a way that, damn it, Gabriel had sorely missed. He held his waist and held him tight. 
“Truthfully, I felt horrible. When the Machine defeated you, it–” He gave an incredulous look, if ever a helmeted angel could. “It changed everything. The Council kept it quiet. But they told us. About your defeat, what they did to you. I was…I was horrified, Gabriel. Without God’s blessing, it is an awful way to live for an angel.”
Gabriel laughed bitterly. “That is true, yes.”
“I know you don’t like being helped, but I wanted to offer my services. Your power was dwindling by the day. I wanted to…well. Spend time with you. Before you died. But you were so hellbent on finding the Machine that it was all the more difficult to find you. The next time I saw you in person was…the Council’s execution.”
“Is that what they’re calling it?” he asked, deadpan. 
He shrugged halfheartedly. “Yes. Obviously, nothing so drastic has ever been done in God’s kingdom. They do not know what to call it.”
“I suppose I cannot blame them.”
He took his hands again and held them, thumbing at his wrists. “But I didn’t feel you die. Neither of us did. Michael had convinced all of Heaven that you had disintegrated when the light left your body on that twenty-fourth hour. But neither of us felt it. You were out there, somewhere, and he begged me not to seek you out. But I couldn’t just…leave you. You’re still my brother, Gabriel, and status does not impede that.”
Gabriel felt humbled and honored in a rather peculiar way. Honored to have Raphael’s love despite his crimes, humbled in that he would seek him out even if it meant ignoring Prince Michael’s direct orders. He still loved Raphael, with his whole heart. It pained him to stay away from him, when he knew perfectly well that Heaven would no longer welcome him home. But what need was there for Heaven when everything he ever needed could come to him? He could’ve cried at the stupid smile in Raphael’s voice. 
“I’m glad you came, brother,” he said. Sobbed, really, limp as he was in his golden arms. “I missed you. I wish I could come home, but…”
Raphael barked a beautiful laugh. “As grim as it may sound, I’m fairly certain Michael would crucify you.”
“Most likely.”
He wondered if Michael missed him the way Raphael did. If he experienced the familial bond that came with their sworn brotherhood. Angels did not have siblings or family unless God gave them one, and He did not do so often. The only leniency was with the archangels, His most loyal and powerful creations. There were only the three of them, and Gabriel loved them as much as a brainwashed angel was capable of. Raphael obviously returned those affections. But he wondered about Michael, the stoic and stone-faced Prince of Heaven, who showed few emotions at all, let alone love.
“Have you been elsewhere in Hell?”
“I’ve been through all the layers a thousand times over,” he said. “There isn’t much else to do, with my title and Light being relinquished.”
“Have you visited the Wrath layer? The Ferryman quite misses you,” Raphael replied, his tone rather sly.
Gabriel gave him an accusatory look behind the layers of metal. “How would you know that?” “It was the first place I thought to look for you. I know you were quite fond of them, and I thought that, if something were to happen, they would happily shelter you.” He clicked his tongue, though it was mocking. “It is a wonder they never were crowned an angel. After all, idolatry is a sin.”
“Idolatry. Don’t make me laugh. No sinner’s dedication extends so deep.
“It is not my intention, brother. The Lord taught me honesty. Besides, I think you would be surprised by the loyalty of your worshippers.” 
Gabriel’s face was hot enough to affect the temperature of his helmet. But he remained silent, steaming, while Raphael laughed at him. 
“You are different, Gabriel. Something about you has changed. In a good way, I mean.”
He sighed, tired. “Many things about me have changed. I am a sinner, and I have recognized it. I am surprised you have not scolded me for it.”
“I am in no position to scold you, brother. After all, you were always older and wiser than I, having seen more of the world. And you do not seem unhappy. Whatever satisfies you satisfies me, also.”
Gabriel sighed. He supposed that wasn’t entirely untrue; he was a lot happier now, Lightless and free from Heaven’s influence, than he was most days in God’s kingdom. He regretted his sins, but ultimately he was better for it. 
And there were some sins he didn’t regret. Would never regret. 
(How God had ever considered sex, such a pleasurable and intimate pastime, a sin was beyond him.)
(He wondered if Raphael knew about the state of his virginity. After all, most angels, especially archangels, had a keen eye to the sins of an individual. But if Raphael knew, he didn’t give any indication, and Gabriel wasn’t about to bring that up.)
“I cannot say that Michael would feel the same,” he said bitterly.
“No, of course not. He is busy managing Heaven by himself. Took up the bulk of the work he did. Said ‘leave it to me’, and you know how he gets on. Best to leave him well alone.”
Gabriel nodded sagely. “Yes. That must give you plenty of time to yourself.”
“Oh, plenty. It’s easy to avoid his watchful eyes when he is so wound up. And with the virtues pulled from Hell, there was no one to survey the layers in your stead, so I took the time to look for you. Having gotten myself settled, of course.” 
Raphael looked off into the park, and Gabriel as well, following the track his eyes left across the bushes and trees. It was peaceful here. Quiet. No hymns or chirping cherubim. It was a simple and deafening silence, and both appreciated it more than they could put into words.
Raphael simply sat on the ground. His legs curled around one side of him, he was as elegant as a statue. Gabriel sat cross-legged next to him, and listened to him breathe. 
“Minos and Sisyphus…”
Gabriel braced himself. “What of them?”
“You said they are kind to you.” Raphael’s voice was analytical. He was probing, as he often did, still in possession of that childlike curiosity that had made him so irritating as a youth. Gabriel found himself more charmed than annoyed, nowadays. “Minos was a peaceful man. A pacifist. He did not fight back when you felled him, this I know. But what of Sisyphus? He was terrible in life. An enslaver, a manipulator. Surely he cannot be much better as a Prime soul, not with all of that power.”
God’s Hand huffed in amusement. “He can be blunt, certainly,” he said. “Rather abrasive, on the surface. But he is a kind man at heart. He often cannot express his kindness, and frankly, neither can I. We have been learning together.”
Raphael’s voice was soft when he next spoke. “I see. And Minos?”
“He’s very affectionate. I–”
Gabriel cut himself off with a sharp snap of his jaw. Raphael heard his teeth click and laughed, cocking his head to glance at him.
“I get it,” he murmured. “You have your freedom. Why not make the most of it?”
“You could have it also, Raphael. God is dead. Heaven is crumbling apart as we speak, and Michael is occupied trying to pick up the pieces. There are things I’d like to show you. Places I’d like to go, people to introduce. People I love. There’s so much more.”
“I know, Gabriel. I know.”
He took his hand, but it brought him little comfort. Raphael sighed, and his voice was small all at once. Nothing like the budding tenor he used when he sang, or his usual warbling tone. 
“But that would be forgetting my loyalties. The cherubim, Michael, all of the young angels that need guidance in His absence…they are my family, Gabriel, just as much as you. I long for a time where we can be free from this. Where we can explore the Earth together, roam Hell and make a new home somewhere else. Somewhere better.”
Gabriel was struck dumb by the sincerity in his voice. It was a maturity that young, flighty Raphael had never displayed. “But that day has not come.”
He stood, pacing some steps away. Leaving Gabriel behind.
You’ve finally outgrown me, he thought. Good.
His voice regained that familiar playfulness when he said “Perhaps an introduction is in order?”
He thought he knew, but just in case, he asked. “An introduction to who?” 
Raphael clapped his hands together mischievously. “Your lovers, of course!”
Gabriel choked on air, keeling over, and the Healer laughed heartily at the display, clutching at his breastplate. 
“Raphael,” he rasped. His voice might have been intimidating, were it not for the underlying rasp brought on by his coughing fit. “You are awful. Simply terrible.”
“Is it inaccurate? You yourself seemed to suggest otherwise.”
He followed Raphael as he spread his wings and took off. His flight pattern had always been floaty and slow, unlike the quick and efficient way his brothers had been taught. Gabriel had always wondered if God made him soft on purpose. He didn’t mind it either way.
“I have not asked. Perhaps you ought to ask them, since you’re so keen to know.”In his bubbly, teasing voice, he said “I will! I already have a plethora of questions!”
that's it for now I'll let you know if I add to this.
alright buzz off (ily)
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