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atthequillsmercy · 2 years ago
Today's Workouts: Pushing it
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nscafuro · 11 months ago
Ultrahuman Ring Air - Comfortable Fitness Wearable
Ultrahuman introduces the Ring Air, a comfortable, durable smart ring offering precise health monitoring and seamless connectivity, redefining wearable fitness technology. #ultrahuman #smartring #ringair
Ultrahuman, a competitive player in fitness wearable technology, has unveiled its latest innovation: the Ultrahuman Ring Air. This ultra-comfortable fitness wearable sets a new standard in wearable design and functionality, offering users a seamless and unobtrusive way to monitor their health and fitness throughout the day and night. Ultrahuman Ring Air Package includes the ring itself, along…
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entrackrme · 11 months ago
Ultrahuman raises $35 Mn in Series B round
Wearable tech startup Ultrahuman has raised $35 million in a mix of debt and equity in its Series B round from Blume Ventures, Steadview Capital, Nexus Venture Partners, and Alpha Wave.
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innonurse · 11 months ago
HiMS launches AxiomEHR
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- By InnoNurse Staff -
AxiomEHR, a new AI-powered electronic health record system with a unique architecture that supports data-driven decision-making, flexible care coordination, and overall resilience to drive quality-based care, was unveiled today by Health Information Management Systems (HiMS).
Read more at Health Information Management Systems/PRNewswire
Other recent news and insights
Wearables: Ultrahuman raises $35 million Series B (Mint)
Six-figure investment in Egypt-based health tech Pharmacy Marts is spearheaded by Acasia Ventures (Techcabal)
Health insurance tech: The CareVoice raises $10 million Series B (TechCrunch)
AI can anticipate a patient's response to specific tuberculosis treatments, paving the path for individualized care (The Conversation)
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sukugo · 5 months ago
Metal as hell that the only person implied to be able to satisfy sukuna is the closest thing to his own modern reincarnation
HELL yeah, it's really about finding yourself, finding that person who gets u in a way that no one else does, can. it's about being able to show yourself, truly experience being urself in ur entirety, living to ur entirety, letting go of ur shackles and freeing urself because. it's. you. and you're able to simply be and have that reciprocated. able to finally fill that little hole that gapes in ur chest and is a weight over u, bc it's all so boring boring boring and unfulfilling. but now. there's. finally something that makes every bit of you blaze and feel like it's worth living. you're not alone.
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yugiohcardsdaily · 2 months ago
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Mantman the Ultraman
"Cannot be Tributed, or be destroyed by battle, while face-up on the field. You can only use each of the following effects of 'Mantman the Ultrahuman' once per turn. If your opponent controls a face-up card you own: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. During the End Phase, if this card was Normal or Special Summoned this turn. You can place this card on the bottom of the Deck, then you can return 1 face-up card on the field you own to your hand."
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leighskarz · 2 months ago
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Wearing clothes other than sweatpants and baggy sweaters feels WEIRD. It's all I've been wearing for the past couple years. It was the easiest way to feel comfortable while also ignoring how much larger my body was getting.
Turns out that apron belly I've been ignoring for years has gotten MUCH bigger than I realized. Easy to miss when you ignore it and refuse to look at yourself in a full body mirror. Trying to embrace it and love it as part of my body in the meantime.
New additions to the journey:
Traded my Fitbit for an Ultrahuman ring and already love it. (peep it in the photo!) In a perfect world my wearable would have AI that would take all of my data and give me a to-do list every day. When will science boss me around? (half joking)
Signed up for NOOM - something I used years ago when it was $12/month. Since then it seems to have grown and re-vamped so I am hesitantly giving it a try despite the MASSIVE price tag and my reservations about calorie tracking. It's a pain in the ass, but helpful for me since I mindlessly consume food. (EDIT - canceled. Couldn’t justify the insane price tag)
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orreanintrepidness · 2 years ago
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Alistair going to ultraspace by force tomorrow gonna be like.
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savoirbeau · 2 years ago
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--thinks about how Xerosic wanted to help The Blinding One, yes...but his passion was in helping Ultra Metropolis and the people, more than some figure in the tower at the middle of it all. He thought that if everyone could have some light in them, some joy, than they could work together in WANTING to make change, to help, rather than being forced into it through the rigid structure they had then. Parts of these feelings were influenced by his friend, whom was extremely enthusiastic, they both were, really...but Xerosic wanted desperately to help, to give colour, to light a flame in the hearts of those around him, to HELP...and in the end, when he was forced to leave, his dedication--his passion--was simply shifted. The way he speaks, the way he acts, has in many ways defaulted to what he should have been like in Ultra Metropolis--restricted, restrained, worrying yet dedicated. Yet he is given the freedom to work for what he cares about within Lysandre Labs, rather than what he had before.
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nuvomica · 3 months ago
had a mango today. everything is all better now :D
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atthequillsmercy · 1 year ago
Today's Workout: Urgh...
Ah, the most wonderful time of the month where I’m consistently tired and everything hurts for no frikkin reason. I probably won’t be running much more since my hips hurt but I’m still going to try and be as active as possible. I prepped a nice salad for myself for lunch but dinner was chaotic. My eyes were definitely bigger than my stomach as I only ate half of that pasta and gave the rest to…
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xbasement-baitx · 2 months ago
v excited bc my Ultrahuman ring stopped syncing so they’re sending me a replacement which means I don’t have to buy a new one now to get a smaller size
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the-antiapocalyptic-man · 2 years ago
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Kil-Vex the Ultraman (formerly Imperial Amerikan Colonel Kent Luthor, before violently releasing himself of any ties to his much despised human upbringing) pictured here in the White Kryptonian Burial Suit he was resurrected in after his death at the hands of Eschaton, an ancient Kryptonian super-weapon bred by a guilty scientist hoping to prevent the universe from being conquered or destroyed by his people.
While a Regime of Ultramen--Ultraboy (later Ultrahuman), Cyborg Ultraman, Captain Irons, and The Preserver--had risen in his absence, Lara Kon-Vex, Jack Irons, and the Preserver A.I. quickly fell in line behind the revived Kil, while Henshaw was publicly dismantled before a horrified Amerikan public.
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innonurse · 1 year ago
SandboxAQ buys Good Chemistry in order to accelerate AI simulation platform for drug discovery
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- By InnoNurse Staff -
SandboxAQ announced today the acquisition of Good Chemistry, a prominent computational chemistry firm that uses AI, quantum, and other sophisticated technologies to speed drug discovery and materials design.
Read more at SandboxAQ/PRNewswire
Ultrahuman, a developer of smart rings, has announced the launch of a home 'health' tracker (TechCrunch)
DeepBrain AI creates an AI avatar to help persons with disabilities (DeepBrain AI/PRNewswire)
Data management: Perspecta introduces ProviderDirectoryA (Perspecta/PRNewswire)
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kennak · 1 year ago
続出していた基本的な問題ドイツの『ハンデルスブラット』にリークされた内部報告書はクルマの力学と騒音・振動・ハーシュネス(NVH)に関するもので、あるテスト結果が含まれている。サイバートラックのα版の性能を、CAD(コンピューター支援設計)のシミュレーションに基づいた予測や社内の基準と比較したものだ。それらを総合すると、音漏れや騒音があり、ハンドルやブレーキの性能も低いという試作車の状態が見えてくる。「まだα版の車両ですから、目標から遠く離れていても驚きはありません」。自動車業界で40年以上を過ごし、日産自動車の最高執行責任者(COO)やアストンマーティン・ラゴンダのCEOでもあったアンディ・パーマーはそう語るが、報告書の卒直な内容に驚いたという。「これを書いた技術者は厳しい叱責を受けるべきでしょう。普通、こうした報告書は書きませんから」報告書によると、サイバートラックのα版は手作業でシーリングしなければならなかったが、実際の生産モデルでは「シーリングの明確な手順がない部分が複数あった」という。これは雨風を避けるためだけでなく、車内の騒音を抑える意味でも問題となる。報告書のデータは、設計に基づく技術者たちの想定よりもα版の騒音が大幅に大きかったことを示している。テストの結果、車体の21カ所から騒音が漏れている可能性が指摘されたという。テスラ車は過去にも音漏れの問題があった。報告書からは、サイバートラックの奇抜なデザインのせいで、技術者による適切なシーリング作業の試みが複雑化していることがうかがえる。そこには「車体製造や塗装の行程において、これまでもNVH性能を最適化するためのシーリングに苦労してきた。サイバートラックのデザインは新たな課題を突きつけている」と記されている。ハンドルもα版の懸念点のひとつだった。報告書では「中速域での過度な加速や急な動き」「急加速」「構造的な振動」など、複数の問題が指摘されている。トラックには「低速域での操作において横方向の急な動き」が見られ、ステアリングの微調整や車体の横揺れ(ロール)の問題に対処しなくてはならなかった。また、サイバートラックの「ストレイフ」モード(タイヤの角度を変えて横方向に「カニ歩き」できる機能)は「基本的な機能にとどまっていた」という。ブレーキやボディ構造にも「深刻な課題」報告書において最も深刻な問題のひとつとされたものが、ブレーキ性能だった。テスラの技術者は、自動車技術関連の規格を定める国際団体「自動車技術者協会(SAE)インターナショナル」の評価スケールで7点(有望)を目指していたが、α版は4点(不出来)しかとれなかったのである。報告書によると、22年1月時点でサイバートラックのブレーキペダルの圧力パッドは、まだ設計段階にあった。このため、α版には「過度なペダルストロークや不安定な制動」や「摩擦ブレーキ時の過度な縦揺れ」のほか、ステアリング時のブレーキの問題や不安定なパワーブレーキングがあったという。Most Popular地球に寄り添う準衛星「カモオアレワ」が、月の破片だった可能性。その起源がシミュレーションでも見えてきたBy Ramin Skibba今年の「Amazonブラックフライデー」で買うべき商品は? セール攻略の8つの方法と、狙い目の商品62選By Takuya KikuchiUltrahumanのスマートリング「Ring AIR」は“終身サブスクリプション”込みで着け心地がいい:製品レビューBy Simon Hill「ブレーキの性能は深刻に思えます。テスラがそれ以上に踏み込んでいないのは驚きです」と、報告書の内容を精査したパーマーは語っている。ブレーキシステムを含むシャシーは、普通はボディやほかのシステムに先駆けて最初に取り組む部分だ。「すなわち、この段階で試作パーツしかないのは大幅な遅れと言えます」報告書では、自動車の乗り心地やハンドリング性能を評価する車両基礎特性測定試験(K&C試験)の結果についても詳しく説明されている。一般的なK&C試験では車体を固定し、制御された力や変位が車輪に加えられる。こうした試験の結果、「キャンバー」や「トー」などのサスペンションのパラメーター(車輪がまっすぐの状態か���内側か外側に曲がる角度を決める値)を得られる。報告書はα版の性能について、「目標値と大きな差異がある」ことを示している。報告書には、解決策の候補と問題点が対比して列挙されているが、なかには示唆に富むものもある。車体前部には「サスペンションの設計を変更しなければ解決できない」問題があったというのだ。また「キャンバーゲインが高する」ことで、タイヤの摩耗や車高によるアライメントの変化などが生じるという問題に対しては、解決策の欄に「恐らくなし」と書かれている。このように、テスラが同カテゴリーのほかのEVに対抗できるトラックを開発するうえで抱えていた問題が、報告書では示されているのだ。自動車のボディがねじれに耐えられる能力を意味する「ねじり剛性」の問題もそうだ。ねじり剛性が小さすぎると、クルマを方向転換させる際にボディが壊れてしまう。大きすぎると曲がりづらくなり、アンダーステアになりやすい。パーマーによると、α版の(ねじり剛性の)性能は目標を大きく外れており、テスラが懸念を抱く可能性がある。「驚くべきなのは、修正がとても困難だということです。これは根本的な問題ででしょう。開発においては、かなり正確にシミュレートすることができます。ですから、目標から大幅にずれていることに驚きました」と、パーマーは言う。「これは重大な問題でもあります。この問題を解決すると車体の重量が増し、クルマのデザインが損なわれてしまうからです」外骨格構造ゆえの難しさテスラは08年からEVをつくっている。しかし、トラックの開発においては技術面でまったく別の課題が突きつけられると、専門家は指摘している。フォード(同社の電動ピックアップトラック「F-150 Lightning」は22年4月に生産を開始した)など、ほかのメーカーには数十年の蓄積がある。ゼネラルモーターズ(GM)のブランドであるシボレーやGMC、そして新興EVメーカーでピックアップトラックを手がけるリヴィアンなどのEVトラックメーカーは、すでに市場でサイバートラックを上回っているか、今後は凌駕する可能性が高い。
テスラの「Cybertruck」に設計上の“問題”が続出? 内部資料から見えた新型EVの行く末 | WIRED.jp
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cosmichalo · 2 years ago
Examining chewed-through wires, sparks spilling from them as the whir of machinery hiccups in intervals, the ultrahuman can only nod. "A majority of the laboratory will need extensive renovations," leading towards another shaft at the far reaches of Deep Colosseum, perfectly cylindrical in outline—clearly, not made in the haste or similar vein as the other tunnels dotting these murky depths below The Under.
Already occupying the furthest place beneath the roaring desert sands, Magdelena had long set her sights for lower. What with The Under's reopening—a project she'd (begrudgingly there at first) dedicated blood, sweat, and bolts to—the need to move her place of operations out of this once-prominent arena seems more time sensitive than ever.
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Lovingly, she stares into that black abyss, the sounds of L-S and Hitchcock exterminating the colonies remaining in parallel tunnels reverberating upwards. "It would be what many call 'miraculous' that construction on the Abyssal Laboratory has not been halted due to these recent... inconveniences." She means both the influx of insects, as much as she does the people above.
Her head whips, irises dilating before blooming in vivid red colors as her sensors detect movement. "Elisabetta–" Not another word is needed. Snarling from somewhere unseen, the scraping of sharp claws against concrete creates suspense as heavy thuds thunder in closer; the Silvally lunges, iron jaws extending and crunching down upon the lone ant that had scurried into view.
Wrong place, wrong time.
"Do away with them, please." Exasperated in tone, Magdelena moves from the side of the shaft, her eyes soon becoming their neutral, purple hue once again. Elisabetta needs not another command—trotting with her tail-fin waving, the Synthetic Pokemon lurches back and hurls the Durant, jaws releasing them right into the vortex. Sparkling electricity dissipates their form, in a matter of seconds.
Reclining against a wall, the loudest of sighs escapes the woman at last, while her companion comes over for a scratch beneath the chin. "Could they have chosen a more inopportune time—here, amid the season our colosseum circuit reaches peak activity?"
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