#ultra fluffy shit
ovaryacted · 6 months
(Tw:pregnancy, labor & delivery)
Ok first things first. You tell him you’re expecting a lil’ baby, he 1) cries. And 2) panics because he doesn’t know if he’ll be a good father and 3) ultra panics because he deals with bioweapons, mutant causing viruses and other biological nightmares, what if that shit passes onto his kid???
Dude is WIRED for weeks until he finds out that the baby is healthy. No weird biological mutations at all. Just a baby. (Side note, kinda sad, he misses the first ultrasound photo because of a mission and probably cries)
When you start showing a baby bump, he absolutely gets thrown in love all over again. He always loves his s/o but something about seeing them round with HIS baby just flips a switch in his head.
First time he feels baby kick? He’s amazed. He’s never felt anything like it. He’ll start kissing your baby bump and probably crying. (I can imagine he cries a lot during your pregnancy. Probably more emotional than you tbh)
When you go into labor, he does a good job at pretending to be calm. He’s internally screaming, panicking and feels sick the entire time, but he doesn’t show it. He holds your hand and lets you squeeze it as much as you need. The dudes been shot, stabbed and smacked by monsters, he probably doesn’t even feel it if you crack a finger.
When he hears his babies first cries, he lets out the shakiest, sob and laugh ever. It’s a noise of relief, pent up fear, and happiness all at once. The sight of the baby getting put on your chest is permanently seared into his mind. I’m talking core memory.
And when he gets to hold his baby, another core memory is created. Seeing their lil nose. Their lil face. Hearing their lil cries. Again, he cries too.
Leon demands paternity. At least a month to be with his s/o and child. What’s the government gonna do? Fire him? He’s one of their, if not, THE best agent they got. They fire him, they’re down a fucking legend.
I’m gonna say, I feel like Leon is so….in a honeymoon phase, he completely disregards himself for you and the baby. You need to sleep and heal after giving birth, so Leon takes 100% care of the baby until you’re physically able to. The problem? He forgets to sleep at all, and damn near passes out after like, day 4.
He catches himself, so the baby ain’t hurt, but the dumbass at first goes “man….i need to sit down. Maybe get some water” but the moment he sits down he clocks the fuck out.
The baby cries and he wakes up again, but this time, it’s you holding the baby, cooing and soothing them. The sight alone makes him emotional again.
I just have a lot of feelings about dad Leon.
-angsty anon (enjoy another thesis)
AWEE YES DAD LEON THOUGHTS! I know you sent me this a little while ago but I still wanted to answer because I absolutely love thinking about Leon becoming a father and how devoted and protective he becomes. Bye, I'm going to cry.
Leon gives me the impression that he will be anxious throughout his partner's pregnancy. He'll become more overprotective if he isn't already, and the hovering habits will start to show very early on. He'll be attentive to your needs, but will almost smother you out of concern. Asking about whether or not you took your vitamins, if you slept enough, if you needed something from the store, if your cravings were satisfied.
Sometimes it does annoy you, but it's really just the influx of hormones pumping through your body. You reassure him constantly, reminding him that he's a good partner and he's doing enough, and you know his worrying is a good thing because it means he cares that much.
I also see him wanting to be nearby constantly, like a shadow, and Leon is just always there. He doesn't let you do any of the labor at home, he wants you to focus on sleeping, eating well, and being healthy. The last thing he needs is for you to be stressed out or unhappy because he knows that isn't good for the baby, and he also doesn't want to piss you off because he's been warned about how cranky a pregnancy can make someone. He does the laundry, cooks, cleans, helps you out with your nesting and always has a reassuring hand somewhere on your body, mostly on your lower back.
He's there at every appointment no matter what, he's not missing it for a second. But if it's really a hassle and he has to go on a mission, which you support and fully understand, he'll tell Hunnigan to keep a close eye on you or for a close friend to go with you during your appointment. He just wants to make sure you're not entirely alone.
Once your belly expands and his T-shirts no longer cover most of your body, Leon is all over you. There's something about seeing you so full, waddling into the kitchen and looking into the fridge for a snack that makes him smile and happy. He's also the type to always want to have a hand on your belly, even in his sleep, and likes to run his thumb over the dark line that goes all the way down your abdomen. I like having this headcanon that whenever the baby moves too much and is kind of giving you a hard time, he puts a soft hand over your stomach and gently talks to them until they calm down. Leon has this natural calming presence that is very much needed during your pregnancy, and you tease him about how your baby will be attached to him the moment they're born.
But oh the moment you go into labor? It's all hands on deck. He's been prepping for this, reading books on pregnancy and childbirth, wanting to be your rock in the process but when you tell him your water broke, his mind doesn't work. He'll be the type to say "Don't panic!" as he's panicking and you have to remind him to take the hospital bag he's prepared months in advance.
The birth itself is a harsh and grueling process, but Leon helps you see it all the way through. He does not leave that hospital room, doesn't let the nurses kick him out, and stands his ground as your advocate. You're both scared at the thought of welcoming a whole new life into this world, and he's right next to you, holding your hand and whispering words of encouragement and praise in your ear.
Leon hates seeing you scared, hates seeing you hurt, but it really is all worth it the moment he hears that shriek of a baby's cry fill the room. It's the most beautiful thing he's heard, he doesn't care if the high pitch of the violent scream makes his ears hurt. For the first time in months, he feels like he can breathe again.
Seeing this bundle of joy all wrapped up in a pink blanket and pink beanie makes him cry, that new baby scent he's heard so much about before fills his nose and his chest aches from so much love. He doesn't need to verbally tell you that he's proud of you, that he's happy, that he loves you. It's written all over his face and from the way he can't seem to take his eyes off his daughter, he knows what this different kind of love feels like.
Leon Kennedy is a selfless guy, and every time he glances at his baby, he sometimes sees flashes of Sherry when she was younger or even Ashley when he went to go save her in Spain. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but that same urge to protect this life with every fiber of his being comes in full force.
He thinks he develops a new level of fear and paranoia, taking over damn near every duty that was involved in raising a child. He wants to help you recover, allowing you to get your sleep and your physical strength back as he takes care of your baby girl.
He does everything at the expense of his physical health. He can't sleep most of the time and wants to be ready for when his daughter cries at 2 am until his lack of sleep starts to beat his ass after two weeks. Sure, he's on parental leave to help you out and to bond with his child, but you often find him fast asleep in the rocking chair, neck craned at an awkward angle that will irritate him later on. You come towards him and wake him up, his body jolting awake and ready for whatever threat comes his way until he blinks and sees you.
"Is she okay?", he says groggily, dark circles around his eyes and his hair an unruly mess. It was sweet seeing how the first thing he wondered about when he woke up was his daughter.
"Yeah, she's alright, still asleep. You should go to bed baby, I can watch her", you tried to get it through to Leon that he needs to rest too, not just you and your child.
"I could use a nap", he caves, standing up with a groan and rubbing the back of his neck the way you expected him to. Despite being half asleep, he gives you a sweet kiss on the lips and walks out of the nursey. "Wake me up if you need me", he mumbles before leaving the room entirely.
You don't wake him up, not for a couple of hours at least so the migraine that's pulsing in his head wears off. Leon doesn't care if his body goes on complete shutdown, anything you both need, he'll be there ready to do whatever is necessary to make your family dynamic function.
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leorawright · 5 months
Anything with Sniper PLEASE Anything with Sniper-
I'm foaming at the mouth- I NEED more headcanons/one shots for my fictional boyfriend aughhhhhhh
Either something with general hcs or like, fluffy stuff with a romantic s/o PLEASE I NEED THIS AUSTRALIAN SO BADDDD AHHHH 😭
U can pick, but here's some that I thought of (u probably already did them tho lol)
-artist s/o
-genderfluid s/o
-ultra affectionate s/o
-environmentalist s/o (this one I think is neat bc Sniper to me is definitely a nature guy. A Bear Grylls meets Steve Irwin type of guy lol. Hunts just for survival and utilitizes the whole animal, never shoots does/fawns, respects wildlife, stuff like that... ...Actually this may be my fav lol. Someone who's in tune with nature and shit x someone who's fighting for it :3 [me] I'm into researching, making art, writing, and passionately rambling about the topic, and I'd go to protests if I was able to. :D My S/I to ship with him is an environmental scientist outside of the merc work ^^") Ack- that turned into a ramble, oops I'm sry 😅
-bee anon 😅 (I'm so normal I swear lol)
Of course I can my beloved Bee anon!! (Sorry it's kinda short)
Sniper with Environmentalist s/o
When he notices that you're as into nature as he is, you bet he starts taking you on nature dates
Just sitting in the woods and pointing out different bird and plant species is more than enough for him
He'll listen to you ramble with a smile and occasionally chimes in his agreement
He's not a big protest person, but if you go to a protest, he may or may not be in a nearby building ready to take out anyone that might try to hurt you because you're protesting
He's actually pretty good at drawing so sometimes he'll draw a cute bird that he sees while he's out and gives it to you :)
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holylanceexploxionboy · 2 months
*Dick rider central*
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It was a late afternoon in New Jersey... And Akari was looking for love, She sits with her sketchbook on her lap, as she sighs looking up at the setting sun.
Aden sits down next to her smiling a little..
"hey, got room for one more?"
Akari laughs slightly tucking her hair behind her ear giggling softly batting her eyes.
"yeah.. sure!"
She says smiling and nodding moving over to fit his FAT frame, and he sits down looking over at her fluffy hair and her hour glass body. She tilts her sketchbook towards him, a butchered Tsukasa Tenma drawing.. He thinks the it's ugly.. but he won't tell her that
"ain't that cute?"
He has this thick gay country accent... It's kind of charming as she looks up at him smiling and tilting her head to the side laughing a little confused
"says you.."
She says tapping his nose lightly leaving a little charcoal smudge on his nose, laughing a little embarrassed by her mistake..
Aden says leaning towards her feeling a little flirty as he leans on the back rest smiling
"you gonna wipe it off for me?"
He says winking, she blushes in response giggling turning away.. playing hard to get, she giggles slightly turning back to wipe it off as he turns away acting sassy.
"oh really? I see how it is.."
She gets a bit gawked as she thinks grabbing his shoulder smiling at him eye rolling..
"whatever just let me.."
She says looking right at the center of his nose, as he pulls her a little closer.
"you flirting with me *princess..?*"
He says with a chuckle as she pulls away from him and blushes
"y-you baka!"
She says blushing shoving him laughing quietly a little embarrassed..
"c'mon babygirl.. you know you want me.."
He says with a slight chuckle and a smirk..His hand sliding from her shoulder delicately down to her thigh.. she gasps lightly swatting it away
"plus ultra!!!"
She says getting up walking towards the edge of the jagged cliff with a smile as the hair blows in the wind.. mimicking Ariel a little.
"aren't you pretty??"
He says walking up behind her putting his hand on the small of his back lightly and kindly but comfortingly strokes her back..
"how about this..?"
He says tilting her head lightly with one finger, care put into the soft touch.. as he raises an eyebrow smiling.
"you give me your number, and I leave you alone.. well.... For now."
Aden laughs a little, used to being used to being pushed around.. but this?She pushes him a little too hard, As he tumbles over his own untied shoe! What a silly goose! As his L3 lumbar vertebrae in his spin is damaged, the sharp edge of the rock hitting the soft tissue connection his vital life sustaining bones. Immediately his body becomes limp.. the connection to his lower half separated, no longer drawing in blood.
Akari screams as she gasps holding him in her arms going to find an ambulance
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After four years of dating it's pretty serious.. Akari turns her body to face him in their shared bed, he looks at her a little bit confused but she smiles and strokes his bare chest lightly making a little bit of a flirty face.
He smiles putting his calloused hand over her soft and FAT one as she looks in his slanted, perfect, blue orbs..
"I think we should have a baby."
Aden's eyes change to pink.. a flirty and embarrassed mood..
"y-you think so babe!?"
He says the first time he's been embarrassed in their relationship..
"I know so."
She says looking down his FAT stomach, her hand trailing down to his to his V line, shining through his low rise sweat pants.. His breath hitches as she grabs his small furry balls.
After Aden had given birth he laid helpless in the hospital bed he notices Akari is gone... Aden's mind goes to the worst, 'has he promised others a day on August 4th?!' He tries to wheel up but screams from the pain of trying to get into his wheelchair.
"Doctor.. call my mom."
The doctor pauses taking off her baby juice covered gloves
"she's been dead and gone for 6 years"
The doctor says as he calls his best friend instead, clover..
Clover says opening the door on her way in raising an eyebrow looking at his helpless body.
"what's the problem daddy?"
She says stroking his hair as she hides the blatant fact that she's been hooking up with him baby mama..
He says shattering his phone which displayed the messages..
"move it to music!"
H-how could he.. HE HAD TRUSTED HIM..
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some-beans · 2 years
Hi! Okay can I request a Twisted Wonderland X Stitch!fem! Reader? Basically the reader is a female Stitch(experiment 626 also has human form) I can just already imagine the chaos she would bring being able to switch from her human form to her fluffy alien form.
le gasp !! my first request !!
that's not a problem !!
sorry if it took a while to come out ^-^
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✎...pairing: twisted wonderland x stitch!fem!reader
✎...themes: chaos, general tomfoolery, can be seen as
platonic or romantic, ace slander [affectionately]
✎...enjoy !!
✎...notes: can you tell which characters are my favourite
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what in the great seven?!
praying for riddle fr
but besides the fact that you like to cause mayhem, especially in your alien form, he finds your. . . habits are interesting, to say the least
from dressing up as this so-called elvis presley guy and playing the ukulele to consuming a concerning amount of coconut cake and coffee
seriously, how do you survive??
he does watch his temper as the absolute discord you cause breaks multiple of the queen of heart's rules
help this short boi
well, at least he does find your adorable alien form ー it reminds him of hedgehogs
and yes, you do weaponise your cuteness from stopping him from collaring you and other students ー mainly ace and deuce
another one growing grey hairs
however, unlike jamil, trey sees this chaotic energy similar to his younger siblings so it's easy to get you to stop
a.k.a bribing you with his baking
his coconut cake is your favourite and you would kill for a slice
he always makes sure you brush your teeth
besides baking for you, his favourite thing to do with you is to cuddle you after a long day ー either form is fine with him, so whatever makes you comfortable
trey also thinks your enthusiasm is like a breath of fresh air at nrc
albeit selfies or pictures of just you, cater has a whole ass folder in his phone for them
but those are his eyes only ー is it for blackmail?? who knows
he loves to cuddle with you in your alien form and post it as if you were some ultra-rare teddy he managed to get
nope, you're real
he loves to dress your alien form intro costumes and do photoshoots
he has a whole ass lighting and set-up for this
this man giggled like a menace when he saw the potential of pissing off riddle with you
redhead behaviour
uses you as a scapegoat a lot, especially from riddle
however, you notice this and leave him to suffer unless it's serious
he learned his lesson real quick with that
this poor himbo
confused on so many levels as he tries not to make sure you don't get in trouble
newsflash; he ends up joining you anyway
as being the embodiment of chaos, deuce did not expect you to be very cuddly and protective
like, some upperclassmen were harassing him, which would be able to deal with, but you came in your alien form extra arms and all and latched onto their faces
safe to say nobody messes with him anymore
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at first, he didn't give two shits about this blue alien that tried to bother him in his sleep ー it was too easy to swat it away
but when you transformed into your human form, leona could swear he heard his sister-law and mother scream for high hell for the blatant disrespect he showed you
lowkey almost shat himself
so to make up for his behaviour, leona would allow you to get all your energy out of your system ー a blur of blue would zip past him as he lazed
despite his lazy and not giving a fuck nature, he very much gives a fuck if anyone tries to disrespect you
finna turn them into sand real quick
partner in crime and 4lifers <3
you two cause so much chaos ー with his unique magic your ability to escape in your alien form is chef's kiss
you two steel a lot of food together
like, a lot
ungodly amounts of food
ruggie also likes the fact that you're really family oriented you would go to great lengths if it meant they were happy
to jack, you first reminded him of his younger siblings with how hyper you could be at times
but then he realised that you were not
especially when he heard you cuss out another student for trying to look up your skirt
jack also paid them a visit
he won't admit it ー his tail does that just fine ー but he loves when you cuddle up to him in your alien form, especially when it's his tail
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he tried to create a contract once after you straight up almost destroy his lounge but asked him for a favour;
azul: WHAT? After all, you put me through, you expect me to help you just like that? JUST LIKE THAT?
you: [alien language] ih
azul: fine!
jade: "fine"? you're doing what she says?
azul: she's very persuasive!
met you in your human form and was flustered obviously, but still kept his professional air around him
but that crumbled when you smiled duh
however because you are a woman, azul was actually very stand-offish and lowkey afraid, considering female octopi tend to be on the violent side
a.k.a committing murder but we don't talk about that
essentially he does try to form other contracts with you but you're big brain and don't sign them unless the terms are in your favour
he loves to study you
like you're a mushroom or something
your chaotic behaviour reminds him of floyd, especially when they were kids
jade loves it when you join him on his mountain hikes and easily talk your head off while doing so
lowkey, but not really, a babysitter when you and floyd are together ー however, he may instigate some of the chaos you two cause
lol pray for the rest of nrc
you + floyd = nrc possibly burning down
but honestly
he loves it ー from the chaos you bring to the fact you can transform
expect constant squeezes from ー alien or human forms regardless
lowkey gets pouty when you escape his grasp by transforming and zooming away
lowkey reminding him when was smol child
but you're not a child
he calls you shrimpy of course, but also angelfish after the asfur angelfish cuz ya a blue lil alien too
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both of you together = maximum chaos
praying for jamil and the rest of nrc
magic carpet rides whenever he manages to lose jamil
i could see kalim easily dropping big-time money on whatever your little chaotic heart desires
kalim adores both forms of yours and just loves to spend time with you regardless of what's happening
likes the fact that you don't treat him differently based on his wealth and status makes him very happy
he's getting grey hairs as we speak
please save this man /srs
despite the shit he has to go through when looking after kalim, he was ready to commit crimes when you showed up
almost had a mental breakdown
however, once he saw that fact you were practically indestructible, a weight lifted off his chest as he didn't really have to worry about you injuring yourself
but still doesn't mean he looks out for you ー considering you are the only girl in an all-boys school
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how much mess can you make??
it both surprises and annoys him greatly
though, the one thing he does appreciate is that fact you know the ins and outs of performing for a camera
and can be surprisingly still when needed
he does enjoy doing your make-up when you allow it, which makes him giddy on the inside
don't tell him i told y'all that
similar to cater, he too loves to dress you up regardless of form ー he also sometimes tries to get you on some of his shoots so he doesn't have to work with neige
he finds you fascinating
but also one of the hardest things to hunt
so he finally found something he has trouble tracking down
calls you reine du chaos [ queen of chaos ] or reine du moelleux [ queen of fluffiness ] ー yes, i am using google translate, please don't bite me
sometimes you'll come up to him, and stare blankly before giving him a quick peck on the cheek, then transforming and zooming off
his eyes widen before he swoons and chases after you
you truly bring out the rebel in him
shit eatin' grin on his face
especially when you get on vil's nerves
he be eatin' that shit up like macarons
however, when you're in your alien form and speaking, epel gets so frustrated but realises this must be how vil feels when his accent slips through while using slung
lmao, get a taste of your own medicine <3
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how the fuck did you even get into my dorm??
legit the epitome of your relationship with him ^^
no matter how updated his security you always somehow managed to get into his dorm room
he actually first meet you in your adorable, blue alien form, so imagine his surprise when he sees you in his room but as a hot anime girl
he fainted
what shoes he got on??
dead as hell
after getting over his social anxiety ass, idia lowkey highkey wants to study you, but when he mentions it, you lowkey highkey threaten to destroy his work
he shut up real quick
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he is bewildered
astounded, to say the least
like lilia, he has never come across an individual such as yourself
malleus loves the seamless amounts of energy you harbour as it allows him to hold long night walks with you
you often exchange stories with each other ー mostly your stupid ones
he noticed that when you get affectionate you either act like a hyperactive dog or cat doing the smoosh a.k.a rubbing against something
he's very fond of the smoosh
never in his long ass life has he met an individual such as yourself
so fucking curious
and gets so excited when you managed to eat his cooking without almost dying
turns out, you're quite the indestructible being and the same goes for your stomach
similar to malleus, you two share stories, however, it's more of your stories from back home from when you were created
that's why he was impressed when you could out-think rook
like, he went to sleep with you as a human and he wakes up to find you've been replaced with a fluffy, blue alien ー spoiler alert, it was you
lowkey panicked but calmed down when you poofed back and giggled at his confused face
whenever he falls asleep in your dorm, instantly cuddle time in any form
screamed the roof down when he first saw you because you managed to sneak up on him and started to speak your gibberish
screamed bloody murder he did
massive blush ー from anger or embarrassment, you can decide ー as he shouts at you
you just poof back into your human form, which shut him up
you could hear the blue screen of death playing in his head
does chase you around but eventually loses you cuz no one can catch you <3
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𝙴𝚢𝚎𝚜 𝚆𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚝 - a Han Jisung short au!fanfic
💫PART 7💫
Another sleepless night. Another day. Another bleary morning where you slip into your routine. Go to work, come back home, heat up some ultra processed canned meal, another groundhog day feeling like a crazy person over the radio silence on Han's side.
It's 6.30 pm and you're restless. You barely pick at the spaghetti in your bowl and dial up the same number once again, it goes to voicemail, predictably. Shit. Fuck. You groan and spring to your feet.
This has to end, you can't go on like this. It's not something you've ever thought you'd ever do but here you are, turning on the ignition and speeding down the road, headed to Han's apartment. He has to talk to you. He has to face this. Your heart needs to be put to a rest or else you're going to implode.
You spend the whole 35 minuets drive mentally preparing for the moment you'll see him, going over and over your speech as it frantically forms in your head with every mile you drive. As soon as you pull up to his driveway your mouth goes dry. Every single thought in your head disappears and you're just climbing out of your car and waking up to his door by pure inertia, your brain empty, your instincts kicking in, driven by mere impulsiveness.
You ring the bell a few times, impatiently knock on his door as well, silently praying no other resident will walk up on you looking like a dishevelled lunatic who didn't even bother changing out of her fuzzy pink sweats and battered Uggs boots. No answer. You helplessly look around the hallway. Looking for God knows what kind of signal he might have left.
For all you know he might be hiding inside, refusing to acknowledge you cause he's being a coward. "Han Jisung please open this fucking door", you exclaim once, frustratedly knocking a few more times, to no avail. You try to press your ear to the hard, reinforced surface of the door, trying to listen to any noise that might be coming from the inside. But you hear nothing.
Eyeing the little pass code activated electronic lock on the side, the wild, deranged thought of punching in a random code flashes in your mind but you immediately hold yourself back from even trying to hover your hand above the touch pad.
An old lady with a lovely bouquet of pink flowers and a white crocheted cat shaped bag walks past you, she smiles politely at you and greets you briefly, and you try your best to look casual, bowing slightly to her in greeting, "are you waiting for your friend, darling?", she asks curiously, stopping before her door, "y-yeah, he lives here, we were supposed to meet a few minutes ago but I guess he might be... napping?", you blurt out, a deep shaded of pink creeping up your cheeks.
The nice lady purses her lips and taps her chin cutely, lively eyes lighting up in realisation once she gives the door to Han's apartment a quick glance over," ah! The nice young man with the the bright smile! What a lovely boy he is, I think he left a few days ago with another handsome fellow, he had a little packet of cat food with him, he even gave it to my little darling, Mee", she elaborates, opening the door to her apartment, a white fluffy cat with green eyes peeking out from the door frame.
You weren't going to get a speeding ticket on a regular thursday night but your foot did push down dangerously hard onto your gas pedal more than once. Minho didn't even live that far from Han but the urge you felt rushing through your veins made you drive there almost too exceedingly fast.
With sweaty palms and wobbly legs, you climb out of the car and walk up to the doorbell, ringing twice: this is the moment, you think. Here goes nothing, he's either going to yell at you for basically stalking him or break down into tears cause he realised he missed you. Though that might just be your sleep deprived brain talking.
Minho curses under his breath and scrambles to the door, his face falling the second he sees you standing there behind the gate, eyes bloodshot and watery, your whole demeanor so subdued and miserable: "y/n? What are you doing here?", he doesn't wait for your answer, instead he just opens the gate with a click of a button on his front door video intercom and then quickly walks up to you.
It's not properly disappointment the emotion you're feeling right now but it's still somewhat resembling the feeling of being let down, even though you know you did it all on yourself, this isn't a movie or a novel, happy endings just don't write themselves like that.
Minho approaches you cautiously, concern written all over his face, big eyes poring into yours as he nears your trembling body: "is he here? Please tell me he's here and he's okay", is all you can say before the floodgates open and you're overcome with rugged breaths and loud cries.
The dark haired boy hesitates, he reaches out to pat your hair gently, his voice soft and whispery, "it's alright, y/n, it's alright", he coos, "he is here. He's basically been camping here for the past week and a half. He's sleeping right now. I can't even access my own bed room cause he moved himself in there and won't get out", he tries, slipping a soft giggle in his words.
Meager relief, at least you know he's not completely shutting everyone out. You knew Han well enough to know he knew how to keep a grudge when upset but mostly, you knew he sometimes despised his head enough to get lost in it and let it swallow him up to the point where he didn't let anyone in.
Minho's perceptiveness pleasantly surprises you when he motions for you to give him a little side hug, like he knew you needed that, even though he's not that into physical closeness like that, "I've been looking after him, he's eating his meals and getting all the sleep. I know you're wondering if he's beating himself up over what he did: he is. He hasn't been very kind to himself, I'm sure if he feels bad you must feel ten times worse. For what is worth, I'm sorry, little one", he says calmly, using his fingers to dab away at tears still pooling in the corners of your eyes.
You nod quietly and sniffle, "I-thank you. He-he's been ignoring me for days I thought he was... I thought he was mad at me and mad at himself and maybe not doing so good and I'm-I'm going insane, Min. I need him. I need to talk to him and I need to talk to Felix and I can't do either and it feels like I'm loosing it", you ramble, feeling the sting of the fresh unshed tears beading beneath your lashes.
Minho nods in understanding and pats your head, "he's not mad at you. He never was. You know how he can be sometimes, a little too impulsive. He's been agonizing over you for so long he just combusted that night. I might have suggested to him to act fast if he cared enough about you and about his sanity the most, I had no idea he would straight up confess and break the news over Yongbokie, that wasn't his place to do that, but I believe he did so cause he's genuinely, madly in love with you, he was really on his last resort".
He's is in love with you. It's not even the first time you hear that, Han said it himself. Yet the weight of those words still crushes your soul in the best way possible. It makes your heart pound so hard in your chest it physically hurts. What about Felix though. His spirit would certainly be destroyed if he knew about any of this.
You ponder on your words for a second, your eyes focusing in the distance first, on the bedroom window in the front part of the house where you know Han is sleeping. "I feel like... I feel like I've been blind this whole time, and now there's too many colors and the lights are too bright and I can't see clear. I want to say I'm in love with him too, but I can't shake the heaviness from my heart, cause Felix is my best friend... no offense", "none taken", Minho chuckles, rubbing your arm slightly.
"You'll be okay, you'll figure it out. If the both of your are serious enough about your feelings for each other and the mutual respect for our blue haired angel, you'll find a way to coexist with that heaviness. But you need to face it together".
A few more days go by. They all kind of merge one into another. You try to send Felix funny memes and have basic conversations here and there but it feels like play pretend all the while. You're sure he can tell you're not being 100% yourself, even more so when texts start popping up in your group chat with the boys and you never reply.
When Chan suggest you all meet for drinks one night, you quickly make up some excuse about being sick and turn off your phone, not before seeing the chat fill up with hearts and get well soon wishes which only make you cry cause you miss your friends and you wish you could turn back time and remain blissfully ignorant and enjoy your time with them without worrying about either breaking your own heart or Felix's. Or both.
It's past 9pm already and with no plans for your Friday night beside wallowing in your own pity party, you jump into a scalding hot shower, making sure you're blasting your music as loud as possible, hoping the steam from the hot water and the songs on your playlist will drown out your intermittent crying.
You don't necessarily feel better once you step out but clean hair and a lotioned up, hydrated body do feel like a little treat despite the mental state you're in. You throw on a black tank top and some shorts and gather up the used towels and laundry, your hair still damp and falling into your face when you have to bend down to pick up a sock that fell out of your dirty laundry pile.
And then the door bell rings. And you hit your head on the side of the sink from the jolt. Shit. Grumbling and pressing your hand on the back of your head, you quickly run downstairs, the door bell still ringing and ringing. Exasperated and annoyed by your clumsiness, you thrust the door open without even checking the peephole first.
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the episode of savanaclaw chapter 2 spoilers
Before anyone asks, the English scanlation is not yet out (please refer to turtlesoupscans in the coming weeks for that). The images in this post are pulled from the original Japanese release.
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OH MY GOD, WHY IS GRIM SO CUTE IN THIS CHAPTER 😭 First he got a new ribbon for the Sunset Savanna event, now he’s got a whole ass DETECTIVE outfit in the manga... AND HE MATCHES WITH YUUKA........ . .. . . ...... . . .. ... . .. . . .. . . 
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LOOK AT HIS LITTLE TOE BEANS... . . . ... . . .. . .... . . .. HE COULD BE A TUNA CAN PAW MODEL OR SOMETHING qebihrgqyofyadsfsabpAOBHFh
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WE NEED THIS GRIM GROOVY IN THE GAME ASAP, WE NEED P.E. GRIM PLAYING MAGICAL SHIFT. MAKE IT HAPPEN, TWST DEVS 🤡 Crowley needs to stop looking so damn smug about keeping this golden Grim groovy out of my greedy clutches I WILL KNOCK DOWN HIS DOOR TO SEIZE THAT GROOVY YOU CANNOT CONTAIN ME
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ADBHGYOAFAYVFSIBsfiobSBL THIS SOUNDS BAD BUT. I love the frightened expression on Grim here, I think it’s because the angle of the second panel emphasizes how round his face and snout are. It makes him ultra cute!!
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Also! Not pictured here because this post was just for me to scream about cats and eels (not give away the entire chapter) but 😔 we also get to see the injuries people received as a result of Ruggie manipulating their bodies, and the manga makes it pretty clear these injuries are substantial. For example, Trey is in crutches following his incident... 
There’s a big dramatic panel closing up on Trey after he has fallen to the floor, MAN LOOKS LIKE HE JUST KEELED OVER AND DIED.) I suspect we’ll probably see how bad Jamil’s injuries are when the Yuuka and co. approach him for questioning. Really amazing how much detail the manga is able to add to the story without the constraints of the visual novel medium!! 
I guess what’s also notable is we get Jack exercising? Being all sweaty and doing pushups! I’m sure the Jack fans will eat that up! This chapter’s not a ton of Leona, it mostly focuses on the investigation so no, you won’t find me screeching about the Fake Cat this time.
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stilljuststardust · 8 months
Tools for emotional regulation
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This is specifically things I do for end of day decompression. I take an hour and I do different things off this list till I'm relaxed.
I understand that alot of these are "basic" but it's less about what you do and more so about taking time to care for yourself and ne present in your body in ways that feel safe.
I've broken this down in to categories of self soothing.
A calming environment is beneficial for obvious reasons so here's things I do to feel more safe in mine.
1. Turn off over head lights and uses LEDs, candles, or lamps instead
2. Noise cancelling headphones
3. Phone off
4. Christmas lights for some reason
5. Someplace to sit that isn't your bed (you can put pillows and blankets on the floor if need be)
6. I usually cleanse (witchy, may not be your thing)
7. Protection spells on your room specifically (witchy, may not be your thing)
8. Stuffies
If you don't know what stimming is it's stimulating your senses as a form of self soothing. It's ok to move your body in "weird" ways, make odd sounds, or look for sensory experiences you find comforting. Nobody is watching, there's no one around to judge you release the feelings! I usually windmill my arms, rock back and forth, hum/sing, jump, etc. Anything you want.
It's actually really important to set aside time for stimming! You don't realize how important it is until you do it! It's scientifically proven to be harmful (particularly for autistic people) not to stim. It's really hard to unlearn suppressing it, so giving yourself a safe place to do so where you don't have to worry about what people think is important.
Sensory Seeking
Using tastes, textures, sounds, and visuals you like as a tool for self soothing is extremely powerful. This can look like so many things. I personally use perfume. I find certain scents incredibly calming and when I have them on I take deeper breaths because of them so it's a win win.
Other sensory examples:
1. use slime/clay
2. Touch fabrics you enjoy (like ultra soft blankets)
3. Listen to soothing sounds like music, rain, or ASMR
4. Drink a hot drink like tea or hot cocoa
5. Take a warm shower
6. Heating pads
7. Compression (weighted blankets/stuffies work great)
8. Stim boards
Clear mind
Sometimes you just need to get your feelings out. Having an outlet where you just express how you feel without worrying how it's perceived is important!
1. Journal (it's important to write like no one will read it cause they won't, unless someone will lol)
2. Sit outside or by a window
3. Write your doubts on toilet paper then fucking flush that shit to the sewers where it belongs.
4. Draw your feelings
5. Scribble non sensically
6. Scream into the void
Inner child time
It's time to kick internalized shame to the curb. What does your inner child want right now? If you were a kid again what would you do? It isn't wrong to do things you would've loved as a kid. It's important actually. What can you now do that you wish you could've done as a kid?
This one is incredibly individual cause I don't know what your inner child wants I'm just giving out ideas.
1. Play with slime, clay, kinetic sand, or play doh
2. Draw
3. Play with toys (have no shame)
4. Color
5. Legos
6. Read
7. Write a story
8. Make a "potion" (don't mix chemicals though)
9. Play with shaving cream I know you want to
10. Build a fort
11. Fluffy pajamas
12. Dance
13. Preform for stuffed animals
14. Barbie soap opera
15. Rewatch comfort shows
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mysterion design >:D
notes under the cut
-i'm imagining for this au everyone's middle school aged, so still like, kids, just a bit older
-ignore the fact that i fucked up the colors on all the text i SHOULD have had the colors shift between lines it helps legibility but i didn't fsr??? i'll figure that out in later art dw
-GOD THESE COLORS TOOK FOREVER the og colors are SUPER desaturated and also more on the pink side of purple but I prefer to use saturated colors and wanted to go more towards the blue side of purple (than the colors are closer to complimentary colors between mysterion and kenny)
-ended up going with a very soft look (rounded edges and ovals and softer lines) i was thinkng off of the batman inspo actually and thinking about that scene in the lego batman movie where the brick notes batmans design isn't very hero looking, i mean it is by western standards but like when i think of a good hero and symbol of justice and hope i think of twintaild magical girls with ultra frilly skirts and cute mascots and sparkles and stars everywhere but like.. i'm biased.... anyway I chose the softer lines to make him feel softer and instead relied any edgy vibes on the colors and body language rather than the shapes (i mean i still used triangles but yeah)
-I ended up not going with brown boots cause i didn't want to have to tie in another color, and i had the epic idea of the little question mark symbols on the soles of the shoes and the m logo on the ... toungue i think it's called?
-so I originally wasn't gonna show his hair but I thought it would help to balance the colors more as the white shorts felt too bright
-i didn't plan to post this or else i would've tried to better phrase all the writing lmao
-i went with rounded feet to make him feel like, floaty?
-one smaller challenge was keeping a short stature for kenny while still making him look like, menancing and powerful, another reason why i went with the graceful floaty feet, I also had the shorts flair out with that triangle shape like they do to emphasize and blend together the general shape of the body
-miiight have accidentally made him more androgynous~ my ass spent years studying and learning how to make characters appear masculine than said 'yeah no thankyou everyone is going to be at least a LITTLE bit pretty <3'
-ah look how nice and not over crowded the doodles are... yeah say goodbye to empty space cause Cartman/theCoon's completely lacks it. I like drawing fluffy animal ears and found the need to label all the drawings "furry" or "menance" so yeah
-i'm that one bitch that says fuck canon even canon doesn't give a shit bout canon so why should i? and never draws kenny with blue eyes, always either light brown or preferrable purple. mostly cause i feel blue + blonde is too basic and I find that the purple makes for a nicer contrast and overall pallete. Cause brown kinda just blends in, cause then his entire color scheme is all within the same hue range, but purple sticks out better + leaning into the magenta side of it looks great with orange
-petition for the southpark fan wiki to acknowledge how fuckign similar Mysterion and the mysterious mare do well are
-funfacts!! considered having the buckles be silver instead of gold (changed to balance with the blonde hair and tie back in the orange/yellow hues) considered having the inside of the cape be a lighter shade of purple either pulling in more pink or blue tinted shades, changed cause it made the overall color scheme to bright
-in case you were wondering 90% of my art has the same stupid level of thought put into it as posts i do add notes onto, I just figured most people don't want a ramble about shape launguage and colors on their silly blorbo fanart posts lmao. but if you find any of this interesting or heck if you ever have a ramble about your own art my inbox is always open~ i love getting to discuss drawing :D
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 7 months
Can you ramble about gochi usa for a few paragraphs?
I think Gochiusa exists in kind of an interesting place within the meta of cute girls doing cute things anime, right. Cause a lot of cute girl anime have some sort of gimmick apparent within the very premise in order to stand out from the crowd, which can feel like a necessity given just how many cute girl anime there are. Sometimes it's a band, sometimes it's a sport, sometimes it's a hobby of some sort, hell sometimes it's that they're an isekai. You don't really get cute girl anime that just are cute girls doing cute things these days quite as often, it's always fairly specialised.
It shouldn't be said that Gochiusa doesn't have anything like this - your main hook in the synopsis is that it's primarily set within a coffee shop, and the two main characters' names are puns on hot drinks to lean into that. But that's kinda nothing, right? They're not fishing, they're not rifle shooting, they're not writing manga, they're not dedicated to one particularly complicated board game, they just kinda have part-time jobs. And the show is very much aware of that. So despite the coffee shop being part of the premise, the series as a whole rarely leans into it. It's mostly just cute girls doing whatever. Part of this is cause of its age - the manga started in 2011, even that long ago there was less competition and less need to set yourself apart from the premise alone. But it's still kinda noteworthy that it's a relatively modern cute girl anime without a core thing to set itself apart.
And that's where we get to the fun part. Without needing to be dedicated to one specific thing, Gochiusa kinda gets to do anything it wants without any real disconnect. They'll go to the pool, to the festival, to the halloween party, to the christmas party, to work, to just regular old school. There's no strings attached. It's just kind of normal. And since it doesn't need to justify anything it does, it can focus on just being really entertaining the entire time. The characters are adorable, the jokes are consistently funny, the slice of life is ultra-relaxing, the fuckin town it's set in looks like this
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(stole these screenshots from here)
And while Gochiusa does all these normal things as pleasantly as other cute girl anime could only dream of, there's still a little bit of magic in the setting, of all things. Main character Chino's grandfather is currently in the body of a small fluffy rabbit. It's implied that other main character Cocoa accidentally did this when she was joking about casting spells as a child. It's not assumed that this is normal or anything, but for how supernatural that actually is it feels fairly incidental when you're watching the show because hey, who cares about the mechanics of this background magic when Cocoa and Chiya have got English homework to do?
It also needs to be said that a particular area Gochiusa excels in is that really every core character has a well defined relationship with one another, or in other words, there's no dynamic that goes unexplored. This is something that more cute girl shows struggle with than you'd think, but it goes a long way to sell you on group friendships and making the characters believable and shit. How differently does Syaro interact with childhood friend Chiya than she does with her crush Rize, or newly met friends Cocoa and Chino, you know? This even holds true for a good amount of the supporting cast too, whom happen to also be fun enough to carry scenes on their own without making me miss the main characters at all.
I'll say very briefly that the show does have a particularly rough aspect to it early on by way of some rather tasteless fanservice. It is thankfully only of the oldest character, but it's still far from necessary and pretty early on the series realises it doesn't need to operate like that in order to be enjoyable for the audience. So that gets phased out quick.
Past this point I start running into the issue of struggling to convey why I think something is especially good, because fuck me is it easier to talk about obviously bad stuff than obviously good stuff. And that's even harder with Gochiusa because nothing about it screams "yeah no I'm obviously good in an easy-to-describe way". It's a cute girls doing cute things anime without much of a gimmick, in written text format there are few ways I can come up with to actually sell that. And yet, the show's just really really good lol. On my most recent rewatch which was followed by season 3's airing, my face muscles started to get tired from smiling ear-to-ear every episode. Saying that out loud by the way makes me realise season 3 was almost 4 years ago - maybe I'm due for a rewatch lol.
Also as one last brief thing, Chino is just one of my favourite characters in any anime I've seen. Cute as hell design and I especially love her hair, that helps, but she also just has a nice simple character arc that happens across the series, without ever being overstated or anything since hey, Gochiusa is chill like that. Said arc is mainly one of a quiet introvert girl opening up and becoming more confident. She still enjoys her alone time and has solo hobbies the series respects, but she's also capable of taking initiative and making more of her own friends and such. It's nice. Also Gochiusa isn't immune to the passage of time so a lot of this stuff takes place over the course of Chino graduating from middle school and going into high school, which is something the anime hasn't fully gotten into yet but which a season 4 would cover, I imagine. Hopefully that can come soon - the series always does well enough to where I assume it'll happen one day.
Actual last thing just for fun
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The dads look like this lol
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juliathesuccubus · 1 year
Don't Panic
This... This can't be real... Right?
Looking at something so small that made such a big difference in her crappy mundane life. Between her fingers was a pregnancy test. A positive pregnancy test.
How was this even possible?! She didn't sleep with a human—her first and only time was with a monster! And there have been no records of human and monsters hybrids! How the hell did she get pregnant?! But... Say this was true, that right now, there is a magical monster bun in the oven. That would explain the strange stares from other monsters you get. Monsters can see souls. And the stares were a result from... Well... Something they didn't even think was possible, most likely.
"Shit... I really can't believe this. I'm... Like, legit pregnant. I'm... I'm gonna be a Mom. I... I should try to go to Grillby's. Maybe he can gimme some advice or maybe get in contact with the skeleton monster I was with?"
This wasn't a joke. Not at all. The monster doctor said it and taking 3 at home tests to be sure said it—pregnant. This is... Life now. This meana trying to find a new job and maybe a better place to live so the kid can grow up in a good and safe environment. But for right now, let's go to Grillby's to find info on where Baby Daddy went off to.
After a long shower, Julia threw on some clothes and with the note and black rose in hand, she heads out the door.
"You're... Pregnant?"
"Yeah. It, uh... The real deal. Grillby, please don't make that face, I'm trying my best to put on a brave one for my own sake..."
"You're pregnant with a boss monster's child. How is this—?"
"The skeleton monster I met that one night. We, uh, really hit it off and kinda... Had a one night stand situation thing. Eheheh... Grillby, you're making a face—what did I just say, dude?"
"Sorry, it's just... I didn't think Orion would be the type of monster to do that." Grillby sets down the glass and cloth on the bar.
"'Orion'? So that's his name? You know him Grillby?! Where is he? He needs to know this and... And what we should do—the monster doctor said with with pregnancy, both parents need to be present, especially in my case since I'm not a monster and the souling's survival relies on the monster parent providing magic!" Julia couldn't help but raise her voice as she grew more and more anxious. She didn't want to, but was already attached to the little souling. It was as if shd could feel what they felt. Confused. Concerned. Hungry. Tired. Where is Daddy?
"Julia, breathe... Orion is a regular here, but is probably on the job. He makes delieveries here and should be stopping by sometime today. Just sit down for a bit, relax, and I'll make you your usual with some extra magic. It's not much, but enough magic for you and your souling. I'll try to send Orion a message." Grillby guides Julia towards one of the booths to sit down and pats her shoulder before heading into the back.
After sometime, Julia lifted her head up immediately when she felt a pressure in the air and suddenly, she wasn't alone in the pub. Over by the bar, sitting or... Rather floating over the bar stool was a skeleton monster. Was... Was this the Orion she met that one night? Had to be. Dressed in that same ultra fluffy but sparkly looking hoodie. Those freckles that looked like pretty nebula, but... Something was... Off. Something felt off. Was this really the same skeleton? His... Eyelights are... Different. His... No, no, this had to be the same monster who rocked her world and knocked her up that night.
No time like the present.
Getting up, Julia makes her way over towards him. Her nerves getting worse as she felt each step she took forward getting heavier. But she has to do this. For her sake and their baby.
"Um. Excuse me. Orion?"
"that's my name, don't wear it out."
"Um do you... Remember me? We, uh, met a while back."
"hmm... nope, don't think so. not too many humans visit this grillby's and i think i'd remember a cute face like yours, kiddo."
...What? No, no, something is way off.
"No? We have met. I remember you distinctly. You tried comforting me when I was crying into my drink that night. We joked around and exchanged a few puns. I mean, yeah, we got kinda shitfaced, but... I remember you. I... You were my first and... And that night we... We had sex. I-I know it was a one night stand, but surely yo—"
"whoa whoa whoa!" Orion looked absolutely stunned and confused. His zygomatic bones flushing a mixture of blue and gold, bringing out his sparkly freckles more. "i-i dunno who you slept with, but i know for sure it wasn't me! i swear! you got me confused for someone else..."
"What?! You're gonna tell me you got a twin or something?"
"... depends on your definition of what a twin is, because that's... heh..." Orion shrugs, sweat already beading and running down his skull.
With a frustrated groan, she pulls out the note and black rose.
"You left this note and rose for me the morning after remember?! Dude, please...don't be a dick. A little souling's life is on the line here!" Julia snaps, her voice already cracked and tears threatening to start running down her cheeks.
Orion looked over the note and rose before looking at Julia, or rather... The small souling she was carrying before he had a look of shock and nearly slipped off the barstool.
"... n o. there is no way that's possible. you said the skeleton you met that night looked like me? are you sure? nothin felt off?" Orion looked directly at Julia, taking on a serious tone.
"Yes. But... Wait, are you seriously going to tell me it wasn't you?"
"i know it wasn't me—i had to work overtime at my job and make a delivery to underfell's grillby's that night." Orion pulls out his phone and shows his route of deliveries that week.
"What the f... Then... WHO IN THE HELL DID I SLEEP WITH?!" Julia steps back, panicking.
"...i think you just slept with the most dangerous monster in the entire multiverse..."
"nightmare. the god of negativity." Orion looked very uneasy, and the faint rattling of bones could be heard as he continued. "...but the most concerning thing is that souling. they shouldn't even be here."
"How fucking DARE—"
"no, no! i mean, that souling existing shouldn't be possible because as far as anyone who knows about nightmare... nightmare shouldn't be able to have kids. his corruption makes him infertile. yet, here you are, pregnant with his kid." Orion lets out a nervous chuckle, looking like he wanted to be anywhere but here right now.
Julia was stunned. She had to take a moment to just... Collect and absorbed everything that was told to her to try and to understand. And once she did...
She fainted.
[Previous: A Black Rose]
[First: What A Night]
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whitegoldtower · 1 year
My wife ( @hanzbrew ) as an Alfiq: beautiful little kitty cat, starlight white fur, adorably large blue eyes, extremely fluffy and sweet with a little unhinged streak. Meows like little silver bells. Knocks all your shit off your shelves. Ultra zoomies. Chews up your houseplants.
Me as an Alfiq: Looks like roadkill but carries itself like a king. Same energy as a bad taxidermy. Distinguished, immortal, grumpy, purrs like a jet engine. Don’t look him in the eyes. “I smoked all the catnip” ass meow. Oddly cuddly. Big fangs.
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moonlight-eternal · 7 months
Greetings, denizens of this intangible ſpace. I am Gwyndolin, Goddess of the Darkmoon, lastborn child of the Great Lord Gwyn, patron goddess of justice and bearer of the Soul of Cold. Events have conſpired to bring me to this other place against my will. I worry greatly for Lordran in mine abſence, for the First Flame ever fadeth and, though diſtasteful is the act, ſacrifices must be offered as kindling with regularity, with the world's ſurvival prolonged in proportion to the magnitude of souls a ſavior Linketh unto the flame. The time approacheth again mere decades hence and preparations must be made to train the next heroic Undead and guide them along the path; to that end I seek return to the lands of my birth, that I might lay out the ſtrengthening challenges once more.
While here, however, I do resolve to learn of this odd realm, and to partake of its hoſpitality and its challenges. I am, outside of duty, a scholar: of three forms of magic, and of archery, and it would be remiſs to recuse myself from learning as well the skill of battling with pokemon. Therefore I do swear to train a team and ascend to Champion, should time allow while my search progreſseth toward a way to travel home.
I have one pokemon already, though I know its ſpecies not. Twas a brown and large-eared ſort, with fluffy tail, which did approach me like a cat upon my Fall. Foolishly I did reach out in trust, against my cautious habit, and as my fingers brushed across its fur a change did come at once. The beaſt now sporteth fur of white, with ribbons upon her neck all tipped in pink and blue. I have named her Ornstein, after a friend most dear to me, who did transform her body just like this creature, and myself in past, have done.
A settlement lieth ahead along the road; I shall make my way to its gates and seek insight as to the journey ahead.
[OOC info under the cut.]
Hi it's me again from @the-fluffiest-trainer, yes I know Dark Souls is quite a different vibe from MLP, but it's also my favorite game ever and I can't let the growing crowd of Bloodborne Fallers have all the fun, now can I? Gwyndolin and Fluttershy are in the same world and the same Kalos and can conceivably run into each other. This is mostly because I am still not very familiar with pokemon and didn't want to have to double my research and play through another game in parallel, but also because it will be really funny to see them meet.
This world is closer to the anime than to the games, with expanded regions and less emphasis on hard game mechanical details in pokemon battles. I write what makes sense from the perspective of living in the world, even if the numbers and code might not agree.
Important info and ground rules:
With this blog in particular, much more so than with Fluttershy's blog, I am going to have a very twitchy finger on the block button. This has nothing to do with you; this is just due to my own personal requirements in this specific context.
Pronouns are she/her exclusively. IC misgendering will be responded to with hostility. OOC misgendering may get you blocked, because it means you haven't read this pinned post and I really need people to have read this before interacting.
Gwyndolin arrived to Kalos via random ultra wormhole, same as many Fallers, from roughly the ds1 player's time period.
Pelipper mail is on, however...
I am extremely autistic about this game and I guarantee I know what ds1 canon does and does not say. If you make reference to something that's in ds3 but not in ds1, I will know.
If you put ds3 shit in my inbox, I will almost certainly not respond to it.
If the above happens too frequently, I will close all mail. And that's no fun for any of us.
If you send me particularly graphic or offensive ds3 shit, I will block you. Do not fucking test me on this.
Gwyndolin's pokemon team:
Ornstein (she/her), sylveon, who found Gwyndolin upon her Fall as an eevee but evolved instantly upon being pet, just due to the sheer transgender energy Gwyndolin imparted.
Andre (he/him), snom, found on Route 19 and initially thought to be a crystal lizard.
Sif (she/her), yamper, found alongside Radagon in the wilderness near Anistar City.
Radagon (he/him), yamper (shiny), found alongside Sif in the wilderness near Anistar City.
Text colors and formats used:
Gwyndolin: Standard black text
Visual description in videos: [Bracketed italicized black text]
[unknown]: Purple text. This person first appeared in the "#impish stranger arc". All that is known about them is that they are short, redheaded, have a zoroark named Nort, and also hail from Lordran.
Gym Leader Olympia: Blue text. First introduced in the "#anistar rumors arc", her psychic abilities may prove useful in tracking down the stranger noted above.
Content warnings for this blog:
Canonical events of Pokemon X
Trainers can be affected by pokemon moves if improperly targeted
Possible mentions of past transphobia and parental abuse
Not post-apocalyptic themes per se, more like... actively working to push off a foreseeable apocalypse. If Gwyndolin gets home again and does her job, there never will be an apocalypse.
Current deviations from normal:
Gwyndolin got cat ears pelipper mailed to her. It took her weeks to notice she had them because of the mask she wears all the time.
Story arcs so far:
Intro arc (no tag): Gwyndolin Falls into eastern Kalos and finds a starter pokemon. She takes on a dragon-type gym in a noncanon small town.
#cold wind arc: On the way to the nearest large city, Snowbelle, Gwyndolin investigates what appears to be a creature native to Lordran.
#impish stranger arc: Gwyndolin happens upon a person who cannot be focused on or remembered later, but who shows up on video. Investigation leads to this person revealing they are also from Lordran, then leaving town and threatening Gwyndolin with bodily harm if she tries to find them again.
#week of weeks mini-arc: The road is out to the north of Snowbelle, so Gwyndolin takes the back roads through a tiny town, arriving just in time for a local holiday. She learns about other traditions and meets a very gay woman named Ruth.
#anistar rumors arc: Everyone in Anistar City is strangely hostile for no apparent reason. The psychic gym leader Olympia informs Gwyndolin that a stranger passed through recently and spread unpleasant rumors about her, then made themself forgotten when they left. Also there was an incident with some zucchini.
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imathrashpanda · 8 months
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NGL seeing this thing in a nightmare proper shit me up. It stared me directly in the face. I threw a chopstick at it. Missed. And then it disappeared. It could also fly. The black silhouette is how it looked in the sky. It flapped its arms like a bird and used the big cobweb hands at the end as wings. This was one of those weird dreams where it was in like ultra HD and felt very real. Not a cute fluffy cuddly dream, no. I get to see the demon monsters, helicopter crashes and cities exploding in HD. Thanks Brain.
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fallenangelofsalt · 1 year
New art blog @fallenangelofsaltart and current story/worldbuilding project @magicpiratesinspace
The AUs currently spinning in my head like a microwave
No idea if I'll ever write them.
Every one of them has a happy ending, but the road to it will be hell on earth because i like angst :D
Inkloop: Horror/mystery focused. 10 NRC students are stuck in a time loop, unable to stop the others from overblotting, and questioning whenever remembering is a blessing or a curse. But they will not stop trying. They will have their happy ending. They don't care how many more times they have to die for it. (TWs: gore, temporary character death, gaslighting, betrayal, body horror, possession, it is overall my angstiest AU because it lets me go ham without fear of permanently killing off a character so be warned)(there is also a lot of crack because the game itself has a lot of crack-ish moments and all the events happen at some point during the loops, so one moment it's pure angst and then sentient plush toy doppelgangers start falling from the sky) (Rollo becomes important at some point)
TITWT(This Is The Worst Timeline): Yuu does not get Isekai'd. This has a lot worse consequences than you would expect. Luckily, every student that would have overblotted in another reality gets the chance to see for themselves what will happen if they continue down their current paths via good old time travel shanneningans. Spoiler alert, they will need So Much Therapy. (Psychological horror, probably)
PokeIsekai: Yuu comes from the Pokemon world. Yeah. Not new. But this time the NRC students get air dropped through an ultra-wormhole in their world instead. In different regions. And I mean air dropped. From pretty high up. Someone got a concussion. And- WHAT DO YOU MEAN KALIM LANDED ON HISUI!? (overall pretty fluffy. Kinda. The pokeworld doesn't eat meat/fish so Savannaclaw+Octavinelle aren't doing so well, but Scarabia is currently separated by a couple hundred years and Kalim is deep in a survival horror setting because I could not resist abusing the hell out of the Zoroarks' angst potential and also gave him amnesia)
TwistedKingdoms: Kingdom Hearts crossover but without KH characters. Mostly just the setup. Each dorm is a different world with a "princess" of the heart, the teachers are the overworked remaining Keyblade wielders, and it's a mad dash to keep the worlds from falling into darkness one after the other. Heartslabyul has already been lost. (No one dies! ...Permanently.)
BlotPoisoned: A new magic-based poison has been created, known for having no known antidote and its slow but lethal effects. Unfortunately, Kalim and Jamil get firsthand experience with it, and now Kalim must find a cure before its too late. (has themes of suicide, murder, mild consensual human experimentation and Jamil is in a coma for half the story) Has a bunch of OCs.
Devil's Gaze: OC reincarnated as a newborn Aizawa Shouta. They are not Eraserhead. She is someone else. But he can't afford not to play his role. That doesn't mean they have to do things his way. (angst and fluff focused. OC is going through the wringer before they graduate while still making the best of their new life, then things mellow out once they reach 20 and then canon starts and shit hits the fan)
QuirkSoup: (Nearly)Everyone has a different quirk. This changes a LOT of things.
MagiMadness: Madoka Magica inspired Magical Girls(and boys) AU. With a few changes because I'm weak for angst and gore but also can't handle killing anyone(permanently). (extremely gory, the main characters keep losing limbs on the regular)
Mobapocalypse: The command block is damaged, and the Witherstorm is not the only disaster to happen that day. In fact, it is the lesser evil. Now everyone has been turned into a mob hybrid, and Jesse is the only one who has kept their sanity. But with every monster, wolf, fox and cat out for their blood, destroying the command block and ending this madness will be one hell of a challenge. (Survival horror, Jesse is being literally hunted for sport)
No.285: Jesse doesn't want to be a hero. Aiden is a mother hen. Lukas is a delinquent. Petra is a scaredy cat. They are not supposed to be this way, but the story will play out still. He will make sure of it. (mystery, kinda. Might count as psychological horror) (TW: has themes of suicide)
MAD(Mutually Assured Destruction): Aiden and Jesse(pre-Endercon) Time Travel to the (canon divergent) future, where Aiden is the tyrant of the Blaze Empire and Jesse is the leader of the resistance against him. Eventually becomes canon divergence. (does it count as major character death if its a future version of your very much alive friend?)
Inky Secret: This body is not his(why does it feel like it is), he does not know how the story ends(oh god stars why did he have to be a dish of all the magic races), and the existence of the Labyrinth keeps his mouth shut(he does not remember his own name, his old face, his life), but cuss it if he's not gonna try his best to help. (Classic transmigration story) (I gave the OC such an overpowered talent and then gave them self worth issues to balance it out)
BTDO(Below The Darkest Ocean): The realm of darkness has actual worlds instead of just being a Danger Beach. They're just under the ocean(and based in games instead of disney movies with 1 exeption Aka TOH) (actually, animes get included as long as they're game-based. Ex, YuGiOh). Sora learns this the hard way after waking up in TWST with amnesia post-KH3.
PrincessRiku: Sorikai RoleSwap AU where Riku is the Princess, Kairi is the Hero and Sora is the Villain. I don't think I've ever seen someone switch their roles like this, and I find the concept interesting.
MagiCards: Magical Girl/Boy/Kid AU, crossover with a side of reincarnation, VRAINS is a thing, magic is real, of course, and one of my favorite tropes: your power doesn't define you. Even if said power was given to you by an eldritch evil card god.
DnS(P5, Demons+Swap): Mix of a Swap AU and Demon AU. Demons take the place of personas and Akechi is the Detective Prince, recently placed in Shibuya to work on the Calling Card Killer case, where evidence heavily suggests Demonic influence at play. P5-typical warnings cranked up to 11. Seriously, everything is worse.
Doorsverse: Mementos is now dead in a ditch, the thieves got more members, and the entire story has been scrambled to hell and back. Has both elements and characters from P3, P4 and P5S(apparently P1&2 too?). Velvet Room? Gone. Yaldabaoth? Never heard of him. Maruki? Got a reality check. Morgana? Has no idea what he's doing but he's sure doing it. (it eventually turned into a whole series rewrite)
ReincarnationProject: A collection of AUs centered around someone with Persona knowledge getting Isekai'd as one of the Persona characters and how that affects the story. Rules: Character must have died before the start of their main story, AKA Chie dies before P4 or Junpei dies before P3, and since their death was too early to count as part of the story itself, the universe makes up for lost potential by reviving the body and then placing another soul inside. Their knowledge affects their abilities, Arcana, Persona and how the Metaverse works around them. Slow, gradual but sure deaths have a chance of merging their souls and memories. Otherwise, the New Soul will not have the Old Soul's Arcana, memories or Persona without external cognitive influences.
Dollhouse: P5 Angstfest, NG+, Joker has a palace and things keep getting worse. Heavy gore, horror, repeated temporary character death and permanent Major Character Death. A bunch of horror tropes smashed together into a story and before I knew it someone died for real. Basically Inkloop but P5.
SilentWish: P5, TimeLoop, Joker has a Palace. (TWs: Gore, Horror, Existential Horror, Gaslighting, repeated temporary character death, his palace is so many levels of messed up)
TADP(The Amazing Digital Palace): The Amazing Digital Circus AU.
Persomon: Pokemon AU where Pokemon are a product of the Metaverse and exist in place of Personas.
HomeStranded: Dave accidentaly Fucks Up So Severely it crashed the game and the timeline and now its lagging and bugged like someone downloaded 200 mods and half contradict each other. Impossible things have become possible, timelines are merging, there's a second Alternia, and everyone's sessions have become borderline unwinable because everyone has the wrong classpect. ...Why is Lil Cal still here?
HomeStolen: 3 years after the disappearance of his and his friends' younger siblings, Kankri is starting to lose hope of ever seeing Karkat again, when a self-proclaimed AI chooses to request his help searching for a different group of missing children that might just be connected. AKA, roadtrip from hell to save the beta kids and trolls from a doomsday cult that drabbles on human experimentation, starring Kankri, Hal, and Damara.
Unheroic: Classic Hero/Vigilante/Villain AU, with Dave as the hero working to keep his siblings safe, Sollux as the vigilante who is tired of sitting still while people die, and Karkat as the villain with the highest hero kill count.
Ink and Bone: MK villain/feral/possessed arc with a side of psychological torture courtesy of LBD, AKA LBD and Azure team up and ruin everything.
Purple Gold: Gold is "alive" and Purple pays the unexpected price. Contains horror. Masterpost here.
Team Screen: Hero/Vigilante/Villain AU. Scorch, AKA Second, is the leader of the vigilante group Team Screen, composed of themself, Scare(Red), Scream(Green), Smoke(Blue) and String(Yellow). She and her friends fight crime and run from the law in the streets of the outernet, unaware of her father's dark past as the top villain Noogai, or his connection to the top 2 heroes and their leader.
Black Gold: Swap AU where Gold is a runaway, Purple has a staff, and Dark is Suffering.
Cursor Curse: Alan is cursed to become a halfstick, half cursor and half stick.
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queentheweeb · 2 years
Mezo Shoji X Mutant Type Female Reader Part 2
A/N: No one asked for a part 2 but I wanted to make it just as an extension. Cute and fluffy up ahead!
"Please tell me what in the hell compelled you to run that fast." You could tell him the truth or you can be smart-mouthed
"Plus ultra?" That earned you a head chop making you yelp and pout angrily at him.
"Don't look at me like that, answer my question." You rolled your eyes mimicking him
"Toru said something embarrassing so I chased her and didn't realize I was in the front until Bakugo said something and I basically told him to fuck off. To keep from looking like a wimp I kept the pace to impress Shoji which earned me a trip to Recovery Girl." He knew Toru fairly well since she constantly came over to your house.
"The gentle giant. I saw him when I came and got you." He was looking at you and you refused to meet his eyes. Should you tell him? That he asked you out and that the two of you were dating now? "Did he finally ask you out?" You turned sharply at that and wanted to wipe the smirk off of his smug face.
"How the hell did you know?" He simply shrugged his shoulders
"You've had a crush on him for the longest you think I didn't notice? Besides I approve he seems gentle and nice enough. Still, I won't hesitate to fight his ass if he hurts you."
You smiled at Togaru snuggling into his side ignoring his grumbling and you chirped when he wrapped his arm around you. "Should I tell mama and papa?" He hummed a bit before nodding his head
"Yeah, they'll be fine with it. They would want to meet him though asap, especially dad." It was a very well know fact amongst all your family that you were a daddy's girl. He was protective of you and you had him wrapped around your finger.
"That's what I'm afraid of I hope he doesn't scare Shoji." You doubted very seriously that Shoji would be intimidated then again your dad is '6"7 and all muscle due to his own hero work. Only one way to find out. You both made it home in one piece and you allowed your mom to fret over you. You got your height from her, the both of you were '5'8 which is tall for the average woman but you are both tiny in comparison to the rest of the household. After dropping your stuff off in your room you went to take a shower. Thank God you had your own bathroom it was such a blessing. Once you came out you got dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen
"Mind telling about what happened today?" You glanced at her knowing damn well she already knew but needed to hear it from your own mouth
"Toru was joking around with me about my crush and I got too excited and started chasing her. I didn't even realize I was in the front but it was too late and then Bakugo was smug and I wanted to impress Shoji. In the end, I ended up passing out and Shoji took me to the nurse's office." You rambled off at the knowing look she shot you and you felt your cheeks flame up. Damn her mom's instincts
"Soooooo...." She had a shit-eating grin on her face that woman. Time to confess
"Yes, he's my boyfriend now." You waited for the inevitable squeal and were shocked when she picked you up off the ground and squeezed you to her. 
"That's amazing sweetie! He can come over for dinner on Saturday. Your father and I would love to meet him." Your eyes were the size of dinner plates as you went limp. She wants to meet him Saturday. This Saturday. Today is Wednesday. Damn it all to hell. 
"I'll be sure to talk to him tomorrow rather than over the phone." Well isn't this just lovely? Your parents want to meet your new boyfriend so soon. This was going to be a hell of a weekend. You continued the rest of the day uneventfully until your dad got home and he got a whiff of your new boyfriend courtesy of your mom. He took it well enough but you knew he was saving the shit for Saturday. Great. Add to your anxiety. The next day came and you saw Shoji before classes started so you decided to pop the question and then 
"Hey Y/N." He used his hand to rub your cheek a bit before pulling away. "How are you feeling?" You smiled at him a chirp escaping you
"I'm doing a lot better actually, how are you?" You both engaged in small talk before you decided to pop the question. "My parents want to meet you on Saturday if it's possible." You waited with bated breath as he seemed to freeze before blinking owlishly at you 
"That was fast." You nodded in agreement. Who are you telling? "Anything I should be worried about?" You could tell him about your dad 
"I'm a daddy's girl." You let him figure out the rest and he seemed to slump in his seat
"Am I going to die?" You barked out a laugh at the serious tone he used 
"No! You're not going to die!" You laughed and you both confirmed that he could make it and that you would meet him at the train station once he made it to Nagasaki. The rest of the day and week went by in a blur and before you knew it, it was Saturday morning and you were anxious for the day. Both your mom and dad made sure they had the day which scared you.
"Y/N baby I hear you thinking all the way over here, I'm not going to hurt the boy." You jumped grinning sheepishly at the look your dad gave you.
"I'm just so nervous!" You didn't know what to say really and you weren't sure if you should start talking about him so they'll be familiar
"Why not tell us about him?" Well they made the decision for you thank God
"Well he's the same height as Toga, his quirk is dupli-arms meaning he has his main 2 arms and an extra two arms that have nubs at the end. He's able to create different appendages at the end of them including more arms hence his quirk name. He has grey hair and wears a mask 24/7-" 
"So how does he eat?" You paused and had a brain fart. How did he eat? You blinked trying to remember how he did and then it clicked as your mandibles clicked together
"He creates a mouth at the end of his tentacles and eats that way!" You knew the mask was a very touchy subject for him. "He was bullied for the way he looked when he was little and one of the bullies messed up his face so ever since then he wears a mask scared of judgment." You said more than you were supposed to but you know your parents understood trauma from bullies better than anyone. 
"I understand...maybe one day he doesn't have to be so scared around us." You beamed at the implications and it left you at ease for the remainder of the afternoon. You were lazing around in a pair of shorts and a tank top until your phone rang. You looked down and saw it was Shoji calling. You picked up and he told you he was 5 minutes from your stop. You got up slipped on your outside slides and went downstairs to leave.
"I'll be right back! Shoji said he's at the station waiting so I'm going to go get him." You waited for confirmation that you can leave and closed the door gently behind you. You started speeding towards the train in your excitement. You were 8 minutes from the station but you were determined to make it in 5 minutes to meet him. You started moving with purpose and before you knew it you were at the station. The train had just got there and was pulling off. You scouted the area looking for Shoji and saw his hulking frame amongst the people. You waved excitedly making happy clicks and chirps not noticing the fond looks the strangers were sending you. Shoji saw you and prepared himself for the launching leap you took toward him. You hugged him the best you can as he enveloped you in a hug with three arms and holy shit this was the best hug besides your dad's that you had in your life.
"It's nice to see you too Y/N." He placed a chaste kiss on your cheek making you blush. "I hope your mom likes flowers." You cocked your head noticing the bouquet of various flowers in his other hand. Now you really needed to bring him home now. 
"She loves flowers now let's go so you can give them to her." You tugged his hand and he obliged following you while he was eerily quiet just nodding. You glanced at him out the side of your eye noticing his tense frame for the first time and the slight tremor in his hand. He was nervous. "Don't be nervous Shoji. My dad acts like a hard ass because he loves me but I promise you he's not bad." You gave his hand a firm squeeze allowing him a moment to breathe as you stopped in front of your house. You rang the bell and in 2 seconds it was open so you suspected she was watching you from the window. 
"Hi Mrs. L/N. It's a p-pleasure to meet you." That was the first time you heard him stutter as he handed the flowers to your surprised mother. She blinked before laughing in glee grabbing the flowers and pulling the startled boy in for a hug 
"He brought me flowers and he stuttered! He's already adorable!" She said it loud enough for your dad and brother here embarrassing the both of you "Come on in!" Shoji let you go in first following behind you closing the door and taking his shoes off. He waited until you walked ahead of him and everyone was at the table with the food served already. 
"H-Hi Mr. L/N. My name is Mezo Shoji it's a pleasure to meet you." Your father blinked once before grinning and standing up meeting Shoji's outstretched hand in a firm handshake 
"You're doing good so far on impressions kid." You visibly saw him deflate with relief at that. Afterward, dinner was a success and Shoji passed all your father's tests and ended up on everyone's good list. At the end of it all, it was about 8 PM and you were going to walk with him but he declined. You were standing outside in front of your house talking with him.
"I don't want something to happen to you. I know you can take care of yourself but..." He stopped talking shifting side to side and you smiled fondly at him understanding where he was coming from. You gently embraced him in a hug and he was quick to return it 
"I understand Shoji. Just promise to be safe okay?" You squeezed his torso the best you can and he hugged you a bit closer to him.
"Call me Mezo." You blinked looking up at him and his smiling eyes were staring down at you already.
"Only if you call me Y/N." He pretended to think about it before chuckling and agreeing with it.
"I'll let you know when I'm on the train and home okay?" You nodded your head smiling more at the feel of a pair of lips pressed to your cheek. You looked up beckoning him down a bit so you can place a smooch on his cheek. You pulled away stepping halfway through your door and looking up at him one more time.
"Text me." You gave a shy smile and wave before closing the door and leaning against it to allow the butterflies to die down in your stomach. If you had a stupid grin on with a red face then that was no one's business but your own
Longer than what I normally write but what do you think?
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kalid-raven · 2 years
Raincoats for Ducks (Quotes)
Wolf: Why should I make my bed, when I'm just gunna unmake it to sleep in it anyways? Bell: Why should I feed you if your just gunna die anyways? Wolf: Wolf: I'll go make my bed-
Bell: Don't break someone's heart, they only have one. Wolf: Break one of their bones instead, they have 206 of them.
Bell: You spent all our money on THIS?? Wolf, putting tiny raincoats on ducklings: They live outside. They need this.
Wolf: You’re charged with…..breaking into a pet store? Bell: I thought the animals might be lonely.
Wolf: Sleep is the body’s best safety mechanism. Bell: How so? Wolf: It keeps you from screwing up for 8 hours.
Bell: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response. Wolf: Wow. They sound stupid. Bell: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense. Wolf: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!” Bell: I guess you’re right. Hey Wolf, I love you. Wolf: See! Just say that! Bell: Holy fucking shit. Wolf: If that flies over their head then, sorry Bell, but they're too dumb for you. Bell: Wolf.
Bell: I found a note in one of my old word .docs that said Note to self: Get revenge on Wolf. Bell: Except I couldn't remember what I was supposed to get revenge for. Bell: But I trusted my own judgment, so I went with it. Wolf: Hmm... I don't know what you were supposed to get revenge for, either. Bell: I can only assume you got what was coming to you. Not 100 percent sure, though. Wolf: Well, whatever I did, I guess I deserved it. Bell: Let that possibly be a lesson to you.
Bell, pointing a camera at Wolf: There they are, our sweet baby. Wolf, holding a cigarette and a beer: What-?
Wolf: Every zoo is a petting zoo unless you’re a coward. Bell: I’m worried about you.
Bell, throwing a pokeball at Wolf: Wolf, I choose you! Wolf, not looking up from their book and catching it: You need an Ultra ball to catch this Legendary Pokémon.
Bell: Wolf, no. Wolf: Wolf, yes.
Bell: Hey Wolf, I’ve got an idea for how to solve this. Wolf, pulling out a shotgun: Yeah? Bell: Wh- No! That’s not the idea, Wolf!
Wolf: Life is like Bell. It's short.
Bell: My hands are cold. Wolf: Here, let me hold them. Bell: My lips are cold too. Wolf: *covers Bell's mouth with their hand*
Wolf: I won a new phone in a race. Bell: Huh? What kind of race lets you win a phone, Wolf? Wolf: A race between the store owner, the cop, and me.
Bell: If I run and leap at Wolf, they will most certainly catch me in their arms. Bell, running towards Wolf: Coming in! Wolf: No! I’m holding coffee! Wolf: *Drops coffee and catches Bell*
Wolf: Hey guys, I found a spider. Cool little lad. Thanks for eating the mosquitos. Wolf: Oh no, where did it go? Bell: WOLF WHAT THE FUCK?!
Bell: Sorry it took so long to bail you out of jail. Wolf: No, it was my fault. I shouldn't have used my phone call to prank call the police station.
Bell: I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Wolf: Damn, that sounds like a marriage proposal. Bell, getting down on one knee: That's 'cause it is.
Wolf: How do you want your coffee? Bell: Black, like my soul. Wolf: Wolf: Bell, your soul is a latte.
Bell: Hey, wanna help me commit arson? Wolf: What the hell!? Bell: Oh, sorry, my bad. Bell, whispering: Wanna help me commit arson? Wolf, whispering: Of course. What do you need?
Bell: How many vampires do you think have been hit by a car backing up in a parking lot because the driver couldn’t see their reflection? Wolf: I’ve never considered it but you’re really shining light on what’s probably a very serious issue.
Wolf: Ow! Bell: What’s wrong? Wolf: I have this weird pain right above my eyebrow. Bell: It’s called a stress headache. I got my first one when I was four.
Wolf: Did you buy eggs like I asked? Bell: Even better! Wolf: What the fuck did you- Bell: *holding up a chicken* Her name is Fluffy.
Wolf: Is five a lot of followers? Bell: Depends on the context. Bell: On Instagram? No, not a lot of followers. Bell: In a dark alley? Yes, a lot of followers.
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