#ultimate russian roulette
aryshacore · 2 years
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jdramasource · 1 year
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KAKEGURUI 2: ULTIMATE RUSSIAN ROULETTE  (2021) dir. Hanabusa Tsutomu.
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mostlyfate · 2 months
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Where's Yumeko? She said she won't show up until the sports meeting starts…
KAKEGURUI 2: ULTIMATE RUSSIAN ROULETTE  (2021) dir. Hanabusa Tsutomu
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bioskoop · 1 year
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flowersnax · 3 months
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then i close my eyes
gamble with my life
trying not to smile
maybe this time i won't be alright
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13rurururi · 1 year
Can I request head-cannons on how the Hantengu clones deal with their shared female crush and how they confess to her. Along with what it’s like to date them? :)
Russian Roulette: Hantengu Clones x Reader (SFW Headcanons & Imagines)
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Pairing/s: Sekido x Reader, Aizetsu x Reader, Karaku x Reader, Urogi x Reader
Content: female reader, jealousy, the demons fighting over you, etc.
Synopsis: Despite their clashing personalities, the four clones of Hantengu always upheld their ultimate goal of serving the Demon King. Aside from their loyalty and shared blood, they never entertained the possibility of having anything else in common — that was until they met you, an ambitious demon slayer that they can't get off their minds. In other words, they have a crush on you, and you've never been so conflicted in your life.
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Being a demon slayer involves plenty of sacrifices and hardships that warrant unshakeable mental strength. You've lived your life with the threat of death looming at the back of your head, yet you only continue to hone your sharpened sword with a mask of courage and certainty.
One day, you arrive at the well-hidden Swordsmith Village to have your chipped blade repaired; unfortunately, your supposedly peaceful time at the hot springs is interrupted by swarms of killer goldfishes and four — annoyingly attractive — clones of the weeping, whining demon.
You release a battle cry as you witness your comrades get swept away by a strong blast of wind unleashed by the demon equipped with a fan. At this point, you were alone, knuckles whitening due to the swift build-up of rage and anxiety pooling in your stomach.
You unsheathe your katana, adapting a steady stance amidst the four demons who peered at you with their piercing, colored eyes.
However, you notice something quite odd hidden behind their peculiar gazes. Behind the kanji of "Upper Moon" and "Four," you curiously note a humane emotion that is rarely attributed to demons. Your instincts turn cogs in your head, and you arrive at a bewildering thought that sent a shiver through your body:
The four demons you are tasked to kill seem to be enamored with you.
Something other than infuriation is stuck in his throat.
He will be in great denial when it comes to his infatuation for you.
He's a demon that is so straight-laced and strict; he never entertained the possibility of a developing a crush.
He'll be blushing a hue that could match the tint of his eyes — fiery red. He'll feverishly deny it, though.
If he is close to you in proximity, he'll turn so stiff and rigidly cling onto his staff, not uttering a word. This makes you think he dislikes you, but he's so enamored with you that he's actually rendered speechless.
If he manages to get over his raging anxiety when it comes to talking to you, he'll confess to you, very ambiguously.
You'll be confused if it was a declaration of love or war — his flustered expression and clamoring hands betray him, though, and you'll gently take his hand in yours, understanding settling in your chest.
It takes a while for him to truly shed off his stiffness and awkwardness; in time, he is quite the clingy lover. He ensures to always be by your side as you go sightseeing or stroll under the bright moonlight.
He enjoys quality time with you, after all.
Your first kiss is messy, a little awkward yet full of genuinely potent feelings. He smiles as his lips are pressed onto yours, grateful to be the man that will protect you for the rest of your mortal life.
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The rage sitting on his tongue tasted different the moment he laid his eyes on you. He is a demon that gawks out consistent, clear orders to his fellow clones (who he considers as absolute buffoons that don't take their duties seriously).
However, he uncharacteristically wavers when he sees your subtly shivering form in front of him. He gulps and muffles a conflicted growl under his breath, stealing a glance at the other three, who seem to be as intrigued as he is.
What are you? His erratic mind considers the possibility of you being a Marechi, but he quickly dismisses that thought when he realizes that you are not wounded or bleeding in any way.
That's good —
Wait. Did he really feel relief when he confirmed your safety? He is a demon, for crying out loud!
His head spun with a mixture of confusion and rage towards the uncomfortable thump in his chest. What makes you so different, and why do you engulf his thoughts and bloodstream as if you were in control of him?
Whatever such an unfamiliar feeling may be, it should not deter him from accomplishing his duties under Muzan's orders; however, he couldn't bring himself to electrocute you.
Damn it. He harshly grits his teeth in realization: he wants to keep you alive and safe — you're too damn interesting to kill off. Sekido is undoubtedly in denial of his developing infatuation for you.
Unfortunately, his stubbornness prevents him from even approaching your glowering, quaking figure. He remains rooted on the same spot, opting to simply intensely gaze at you from afar.
His whole body tingles with excitement at your mere presence — you're so pleasing to look at.
He is an expressive suitor, and he spoils you with gifts and trinkets that remind him of you. Yes, his love language is gift giving.
Even if you appear closed-off, he will remain persistent yet patient. You wake up to various snacks, jewelry, and love letters scattered across your room.
You initially think that his feelings for you are superficial, but little did you know, no one has ever made Karaku's heart pump as loudly and powerfully as you.
You are already aware of his infatuation for you, but he still opts to declare his desire to be in a relationship with you through an immensely romantic gesture: rose petals scattered around a garden, lanterns sparkling brightly amidst the dark night, and an entrée of your favorite meals stacked on a tree stump.
He hates human food, as do any other demon, but he still makes an effort to ensure your happiness and satisfaction.
You may think his efforts diminish once you accept his proposal, yet it only heightens and strengthens.
You realize he truly loves you when he showcases how consistent, attentive, and patient he is. Even if you aren't always partaking in fun, exciting, and heart-pumping activities, Karaku is more than happy to be by your side.
You are his greatest pleasure, after all.
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Cute, cute, cute! You are the cutest, prettiest little thing he has ever seen.
To him, you appear as a shiny, new plaything that could relieve him of his boredom. The night is still young, and he would love to spend it with you.
He remembers the hot springs by the slope of the mountains. His green-tinted eyes shine in excitement. If he invites you, would you come? He'll spare your life in exchange for a date!
He's much more straightforward and accepting of his feelings due to his insatiable nature that seeks novel and exciting experiences. He believes you could be the next best thing to happen to him after hundreds of years. Be a dear and accept his proposal, would you?
He approaches you cheerily, putting away his fan-like weapons. You step away and remain guarded, which only makes Karaku pout at you flippantly.
"Aww, don't be shy now. I won't hurt you if you agree to soak with me in the hot springs. How about that, pretty?"
He ignores the heated gazes aimed at his head by the other three behind him, well-aware that all of them feel a shared, unexplainable attraction to you.
The smirk on Karaku's face doesn't waver as he steps closer once more, and to his delight, you don't widen the distance between you and his tall, muscular figure.
Standing mere inches away from you, Karaku observes you with curious eyes — you're so cute with your quivering lips, dilated pupils, and glaring expression. You are unable to repress the shiver that runs through your veins when he licks his lips as he stares at yours.
Karaku is quite expressive with his evident infatuation for you, and he shortly sighs at the imagery of you and him entangled in one another in the hot springs. It's an unfamiliar feeling, but he is accepting of everything new and exciting. In this case, the new and exciting is none other than you.
Opting to close the inches of distance between you, he raises his free hand to caress your face; however, before he can make any contact with you, his movement is ceased with a firm grasp on his forearm—
He wants to rid of all the sadness in your soul.
He shows his affection towards you through attentive and caring actions.
He isn't verbally expressive, and he oftentimes averts his gaze away from you if you catch him staring.
With how reserved he appears (paired with the tiny frown that settles firmly on his mouth), you initially assumed that he is indifferent towards you.
However, his actions speak louder than words — whenever you strain yourself too much, he quietly offers to massage the tension away from your shoulders; when you have a subtle downcast expression behind your smiles, he instantly picks up on it and sits you down, gently intertwining his fingers in yours.
"You can talk to me; I'm here to listen."
He is an amazing listener, and he will never pressure you into accepting him as your lover.
In fact, you're the one who decides to propose to him, assuring him that you return his feelings in the same magnitude.
His lips would quiver, and his his eyes would widen in surprise for a fraction of a second. Then — to your immense shock — he smiles. His smile is gentle, soft, and warm — a testament to his affection for you.
Once you begin dating, the trust you have for each other only deepens, and many sweet secrets and burdensome tales are shared between you.
You've never felt so safe with someone before, and you're certain that he'll love you no matter the circumstance; you will never be a burden to him.
You are the sole warmth of his gloomy heart, after all.
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The constant whir of depressive thoughts seem to halt for a brief moment. His downturned eyes and furrowed brows twitch in awe at the mere sight of you.
You are so magnetic.
He silently gapes at you from where he stood, realizing that you have entranced the others as much as you've enticed him. He catches Sekido swallow a flustered expression and Karaku approach you with overflowing excitement in his jovial movements.
Aizetsu remains in a trance of bewildering yet intriguing emotions; however, seeing Karaku raise his hand to grasp you makes him instinctively — in a nearly primal response — sprint towards you, ceasing Karaku's hand from even touching a hair on your body.
"What do you think you're doing?" Karaku's carefree expression melts away, now replaced with restrained annoyance that slips through his voice.
"A lady under stress cannot give you proper consent to touch her," Aizetsu calmly yet firmly declares, releasing his uncharacteristically tight grip on his fellow demon's forearm.
"Hah!? Who are you to say what's right or not — you're a damn demon, for crying out loud! You're always so boring as hell, Aizetsu!" With each sentence, Karaku's chipper voice grew into a deeper, rougher bark.
You notice him curl his fists into a ball, veins bulging out due to irrepressible pressure. Aizetsu faces him calmly, his ever-present frown deepening.
Are these demons — clones of the Upper Moon Four — about to fight each other over you?
As you stand there with a flabbergasted expression replacing your initial look of determination, Aizetsu cranes his neck to gaze at you; his gaze softens.
"I'm so sorry you have to witness this. It saddens me to see you in great distress."
Your mouth gapes at his polite and genuine tone. Before you could utter some sort of response, the demon adorned with massive wings interrupted the bubbling confrontation.
He'd sacrifice his joy if it means you could live your life in eternal happiness.
His flippant personality turns down a notch once he realizes his attraction towards you.
He doesn't want you to think that he's pursuing you out of boredom.
However, he gets a little too overwhelmed with bursts of happiness circulating throughout his body when he's near you.
For the most part, you bear witness to him intently ogling at you with dilated pupils, wings fluttering in intermittent jitters.
He's like a puppy! Well, he has the literal anatomy of an eagle, yet you can't help but internally swoon at his dog-like mannerisms.
If you invite him to spend time with you under the stars, it's with utmost certainty that he agrees with unhidden glee.
He gets so wholesomely joyful when you reciprocate his display of affection.
He is quite the smooth-talker, tongue always prepared with a quip that makes you burst in wheezing laughter.
He's also well-equipped when it comes to comforting you with soothing affirmations of love and comfort. You can't help but fall into his strong embrace as he whispers promises of a better tomorrow.
When he engulfs you in a hug, his wings act as another layer of warmth and protection, making you melt deeper into his body as you sigh in contentment.
You establish a relationship without even needing a direct confession — which you initially found ironic, considering how his words and tender touches were the main driving force of your intimacy.
In the end, your presence fills him with indescribable happiness, and he would spend the rest of his life ensuring that you feel the same sensation of joy.
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For the first time in his centuries as a demon, he feels the smile plastered on his face falter. Why, why, why — why are the other demons obviously enticed by your presence?
When you caught his gaze, he felt a cold shiver rush through the span of his body, up to the tips of his wings. It is terrifyingly unfamiliar, yet he wishes to feel more of the ecstasy your mere existence makes him feel.
He wants you all to himself — he wants to grasp you by your waist and fly you above the clouds. He wants to feel your warm palms pressed against his chest as he flies through gorgeous sceneries that he wishes to witness with you.
However, that's easier said than done.
Sekido — that annoying stick-in-the-mud — is quiet in deep contemplation for once in his life. Apart from that, you are currently in between a raging Karaku and an uncommonly unyielding Aizetsu.
Urogi feels his talons chip at the coarse dirt below him, and as if he cannot bear to see the shadow of fear in your eyes any longer, he slacks his jaw and screams.
His attack won't harm the demons around him; after all, they share the same cells, but it still effectively brings the attention to him and away from you. He wants to give you a moment to breathe, and you somehow deduce the intent of his gesture from the slight crinkle of his bright eyes.
Urogi's head-splitting screech results in all four demons glowering at one another. A realization settles in the air and a twinge of possessiveness and unbridled desire become potent.
No words are spoken, yet they all seem to finally comprehend the situation: they all want you, and you won't be shared. The cells in their bodies furiously screech in yearning for your touch, attention, and entirety. It was a terribly atypical feeling, but who are they to restrain themselves from attaining satiety? They're demons, after all, and they want you — even if it means fighting each other.
It felt like forever until all four pairs of eyes gazed at you once more. A painful rush of fear, confusion, and anticipation courses through your body. However, before you could regain a fighting stance, the one with the blood-red eyes spoke,
"Slayer, we have decided to settle our differences in private. Until then, know that we will be returning, and one of us will take you as our lover."
You simply leave your jaw hanging low, rendered speechless by the bewildering declaration. You hear the distant shouts of Tanjiro and your fellow slayers, and you turn your head towards the direction of their presence for a mere second, quickly gazing back at the demons —
They're gone.
The field is left empty and you are left baffled in a spiral of conflicting emotions. You feel your legs wobble, and you fall to your knees. Your heart hammers in your chest as you heave loudly at the demons' intentions:
They will be back, and one of them will take you — a human — as their bride.
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A/N: I tested out a new format involving (hopefully) discernable switches from headcanons to imagines. The bulleted points are basically the clones daydreaming about dating you — they're simping, for real.
Anyway, I hope it's to your liking, Anon, even if I diverged a little from your request. I just wanted to see some internal conflict from the Hantengu clones, hehe. Maybe in another life — another post — they could be reincarnated into the modern era and actually spend time with you.
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vaguely-concerned · 6 months
I understand intellectually just how ludicrously convenient, not to say integral, transporter technology is for the fully automated luxury gay space communism functioning of the star trek universe. but I do somehow feel that there should be more attention paid in-universe to the fact that when you step into one of those things you are playing russian roulette with your immortal soul. we should at least see some people do the sign of the cross or something before they step into one. it probably goes under the 'flying is actually statistically safer than driving' category of thing, I'll acknowledge, but the worst a plane (or spaceship) can ultimately do is crash and kill you. when the transporter malfunctions it will straight up divide the universe by zero and make you an evil twin while it's at it
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lastlymatt · 6 months
I love how the scene where John gives Yassen his scar is emblematic of their entire relationship, and the show's changes to it only make that clearer.
John protected and trained him, but ultimately, Yassen’s obedience and need to please his mentor left him scarred and changed.
In Russian Roulette, John sets incredibly high standards for Yassen from the beginning, demanding that he give up any values, preferences, and ties to his family.
Yassen complies and throws his grandfather's watch away.
Over the course of their assignments, John makes it clear on multiple occasions that Yassen isn't suited for the life of an assassin and wishes him to run away now that he's been trained enough to evade SCORPIA. However, Yassen interprets that as him not living up to expectations.
Then, in Paris, John asks him to kill a man with a tiny knife, pushing Yassen into a situation that would be traumatic to him. This is what gets Yassen to agree to John's plan of running away.
At this point, Yassen trusts John completely and considers him a friend and like a brother, but his self-esteem has suffered severely at his hands.
On their last day together, Yassen feels like he let John down and squandered an opportunity to become something special.
While Yassen wouldn’t have survived without John, his influence and help damaged Yassen despite his best intentions.
So yeah... John told him to close his eyes, and Yassen trusted him enough to blind himself in the middle of a group of armed men. He survived but came away from that experience with the wrong message... something he doesn't realise until Alex comes along.
Now, excuse me while I go sit in the corner and play that scene on repeat.
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lila-rae · 4 months
Having anxiety and being pregnant sucks.
Having anxiety and being pregnant and Black is almost unmanageable.
Even medicated I still get to the can’t eat, can’t sleep, level of anxiety in the weeks leading up to giving birth because I’m terrified of something going wrong. I have crafted an amazing birth team (because I have the privilege to do so) and still I realize birthing these babies is statistically the most dangerous thing I will ever do in my life by far. And then I spiral because I feel selfish for playing Russian roulette like this with my life when I have 4 other children at home. And then I get angry because I should be made to feel the guilt of outcomes that results from systemic racism. Which ultimately leads me back to crying and being anxious about going into labor. A fun little circle with no way out.
My dream in life if for Black women to truly be able to birth without fear.
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dre6ming · 1 year
Kissing in the rain
The delicate beginning rush-imagine
More of my work: Masterlist
Pairing: Austin Butler x fem singer/actress reader
Warning: sexual content, sex (piv) fingering, kissing, mentions of bodily fluids, fluff
Plot: Austin wakes you up in the middle of the night to take you on a rainy adventure that ends in a steamy way
Word count: 2700
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"Wake up!" I feel the soft touch of a warm hand on my back and then a little tug and shake as Austin gently tries to wake me up. It's pitch black in the room and I was sleeping so soundly  I can't come up with a reason for him waking me up, so my brain goes straight to fight or flight. ,my eyes are not used to the dark just yet, so I blink fast trying to shed any trace of sleep. "Shh it's ok, nothing's wrong, Y/n baby!" He assures me, stroking my hair, placing a soft kiss on the top of my head.
As my heart calms from the sudden panic I had felt, I turn around to better see him. "Are you ok?" My voice sounds hoarse and my lips are dry. I make the shape of Austin in the moonlight and see him faintly smile, shaking his head. "I'm ok darling, but look!" His right hand cups my cheek and he slowly turns my head to look at the windows. The first thing I notice are the ever shining lights of New York City, but then my eyes focus on the small droplets of rain and then my ears pick up the soft taping of water against the glass. I smile brightly, I love rain, it's my favorite thing, this must be the reason why I was having such a good sleep. "Get dressed!" Austin tells me, putting a pile of clothes in my lap and getting up without another word. He leaves the room before I can ask anything.
I put on the simple miss matched sweat pieces, I can literally see him in my head, fumbling around my closet trying to pick the perfect combination of a sweater and sweatpants, but ultimately failing badly. I brush my hair out and take a look in the body length mirror, laughing one more time at the dark pink pants with the light blue sweater. Before I go find him, I add some of my favorite lip balm in hopes of maybe getting rid of the dry lips.
"Austin?" I call out to him, immediately being met with the small kitten he got for me a few weeks ago after our first big fight. "Hi dandy" I pick up dandelion and stroke her soft white fur, she really looks like a dandelion. "Here, put on the rain coat." Austin tells me, handing it to me, a boyish smile on his lips. "What's happening?" I ask putting the cat down and dressing. "Shoes!" He's not telling me anything and the mystery makes my blood pump faster.
"Come on!" Austin puts his hand out and I take it. Now as I walk hand in hand with him to the elevator I take a look at him, he's wearing those ungodly grey sweatpants and his favorite long sleeve cotton shirt under his dark blue rain coat. "Phone!" I say as the elevator doors close and he pulls me back. "You won't need it." He says hugging me from behind, resting his head on my shoulder for the time it takes to get to the garage level. "I love you!" I say as we step out and he stops mid-step to look at me. "I love you too, my darling!" He leans down and touches his lips to mine, just a ghost of a kiss that leaves me wanting more.
"Come on!" Austin walks to my Jeep. "My car?" He giggles. "As much as I hate to admit, it's best for this weather." He clarifies, opening the passenger door for me. "So no Russian roulette tonight?" I ask quirking a brow at him referring to that time Timmy told Austin, riding shotgun with me was like Russian roulette, you never know how my driving could go. "I'd rather not tonight." He laughs at my joke, leaning over me to buckle my seat belt. His hand rests on my thigh, squeezing softly, as his blue eyes look into mine. "I trust you, but I don't want to ruin the surprise!" He says honestly, brushing some of my hair back with the hand that's not on my leg. "I know!" I say touching his face.
Austin then gets in the drivers seat, turning on the car and the heating at the same time. My eyes almost bulge out as I see the time 2:30 am. He rests his right hand on my thigh as he drives and the slow stroke of his hand, up and down my leg is all I can think about and suddenly when his hand goes so high it almost touches my core, the car feels to hot and I jump up, turning the heating down. Austin takes his hand off to switch gears and I curse the fact that I drive stick. The little whine that goes past my lips, is noticed by him and I see the corner of his mouth turn up right as his eyes watch me briefly. "Something wrong?" Oh he thinks he's so smug. "N-no." I say and wish that it sounded a bit more confident. "Ok" is all his says and I wait for his hand back on my leg, but it doesn't come and I try to not seem so bothered by looking out the window.
The rain started thickening, bigger and faster droplets of water fall from the sky and as much as I love him I kinda wish I was in my bed right now. Somehow I must of dozed off, because I try to wake up as I feel the car come to a stop. Looking at the clock it's 3:15 am so we drove for some time. I look out and I don't recognize anything. It looks like we are at the edge of a forest so we are clearly outside of the city. Did Austin finally go crazy and decided to kill me in the forest? I mean it's not unheard of. "I'm not going to kill you!" His voice startles me.
"How-?" I ask blushing. "I just know you and your weird little brain." Austin tells me, taking one of my hands in his. "Remember when we watched the notebook?" I nod, remembering the crying mess I was during the entire movie. "Well you said "kissing in the rain looks so hot" and I thought, when is it gonna rain next, cause I'm definitely kissing my girl in the rain." I'm shocked that he paid attention to my ranting during the movie and that he actually took me seriously. I shouldn't be tho, cause this is Austin and this is exactly who he is, the sweet loving boyfriend that listens and plans ahead.
"Come on. Take the rain coat off, we are going for the full effect." He says, starting to undress and I do the same, coming out of the car at the same time as him, impatient. "Let's dance." He extendes his hand out and I take it. I feel the rain soak through my clothes and turning my hair to a mushy mess. Austin let the headlights on so we could see, which makes the rain look like sparkling gems falling around us. I follow his lead, looking up at the sky, seeing the water shine in the light.
"I I loved you in secret
First sight yeah we love without reason
Ohh 29 years old, how was I to know"
He sings softly, spinning me in the falling rain. I move my body with his and hold tight onto him, placing my chin on his shoulder as he sings, his voice so soothing. His hands hold my waist tightly and carefully roam down my figure, sneaking under my sweater, cold fingers touching my flaming skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake. I shudder in his hold and turn my head to catch his lips in a kiss. It's sloppy and wet and hot and cold and divine and everything, it's life. My hands move to his wet hair, fingernails scratching at his scalp, pulling moan after moan from his lips.
Suddenly he pulls away, looking at me with his eyes on fire, pupils blown with lust. "Baby, I-" he licks his lips, pausing. "I can't-" he starts again but he stops. His hands squeeze me harder and I push my body against his, feeling through the wet clothes the bulge in his pants. "I want you! I love you!" I say, wiping away drops of water from his rosy cheeks. "Ok. Are you sure?" He asks again and I answer by kissing him and pushing my hips against his. "Ok, car now!" He growls and we rush to get in the back seat. Thank god we took the Jeep, we wouldn't have had the space in his Audi.
Austin gets in first, reaching between the seats and turning off the headlights. "We wouldn't want anyone to see, would we?" He winks at me and I giggle blushing. Adrenaline pumps through my veins as I straddle him. Austin waists no time taking off my wet sweatshirt, his following close behind. My naked nipples sit hard against his warm chest and his hands find purchase around my breasts. He looks down at the way they fit so perfectly in his hands. "I love you, so much!" He whispers, giving my breasts a good squeeze, making me unconsciously press my clothed core onto him and grind on him, throwing my head back to moan. "Austin!" I sigh as his mouth takes a hardened peak in, swirling his hot tongue over my tender flesh.
He takes his time kissing up my torso and my neck, then my lips. I sigh against his plush lips and feel him lift his hips up, taking off his sweatpants and underwear at once. I feel his erection against my tummy and suddenly the burn between my legs gets so bad I can't take it anymore. I jump off of him, working my sweats off as he takes himself in his right hand, stroking himself. His Addam's apple bops up and down, his pleasure filled eyes watch me undress. "I don't have a condom so I have to pull out, ok?" Austin tells me as I climb back onto him.
I just got my first  birth control shot a week ago and I haven't told him yet, but I'll just keep it a secret for just the right time. "Sure" I say breathless, drunk on pleasure. My wet pussy makes context with his throbbing cock and I'm lost completely. One of his hands stays on my hip as the other goes between us and between my legs. Austin groans feeling how wet I am and his fingers venture further, circling my hole. "I'll just open you up a bit, ok?" He tells me and I nod, moaning as two fingers enter me at once, scissoring inside me and stroking the place that makes me go livid. I move against his fingers, fucking myself on his hand as he watches through hooded eyes the way his fingers get lost inside me.
"Such a good girl, fucking your self on my fingers, just how you like it. Hmmm so wet for me, so tight, so warm." He praises me, and I feel the bubble of my orgasm building up. Austin knows me so well, that he feels the change in me and stills me using the hand resting on my hip. I whine and show displeasure as he pulls his fingers out before I can cum. "I know honey, I know." Austin soothes me. "Please!" I sound pathetic, but I don't care.
Austin let's out a breathy laugh that ends in a moan, when his swollen head touches my warm wet pussy. Using one hand he placed himself at my entrance, holding my hip to stop me from sinking down onto him. "Slow, ok? I don't want to hurt you." He tells me, helping me down on him, slowly, inch my inch. When my bum touches his thighs and I'm all the way down, it feels like he's in my stomach. It feels so full. "Oh god, so tight all the time, fuuuck!" He swears throwing his head back.
Both of his hands go to my hips and he starts moving me up and down, it's devine, each time I come down his head nudges just the right spot making me shake. "Faster!" I say breathless needing more. "Fuck" Austin let's out, before his hips start moving up to meet mine. I brace myself on his shoulders and catch his lips in a kiss, grunting and moaning in his mouth. One of his hands let's go of my hips and goes to my clit, circling it teasingly.
I feel the knot in my belly about to burst. "Cum inside me!" I breathe, biting his ear as I start contracting around him, my orgasm building up fast. "N-no condom honey.." Austin reminds me and I intentionally squeeze around him, causing his thrusts to lose pace for a moment. "I'm on birth control, started this week, I get the shot." His blue eyes look at me begging, searching to see if I'm joking or if I'm serious. I nod and shut my eyes tightly as I feel myself so close to coming. "Cum for me Austin, come inside me." His hand goes from my hip to the seat in front of us and his movements get faster and sloppier as he teases my clit. "Fuuck!" We both sigh as we cum at the same time. My vision darkens at the edges and I feel euphoric, like I never have before.
"Y/n? Baby? Are you ok?" Austin sounds concerned, but I'm so comfortable here in his arms, with my eyes closed. His fingertips touch my spine traveling up to stroke the back of my neck and then massage my wet scalp. The feeling of my cold wet hair against my hot skin wakes me up. I lift my head from his chest, and look at him, with hooded eyes. "You're so beautiful like this!" He tells me cupping my face, kissing the tip of my nose. "Thank you, you're beautiful  too!" I say sleepy, yawning half way through. Austin laughs, shaking us both and I feel him soften inside me. "Can we stay like this forever?" I ask, hoping he'd say 'yes'.
He chuckles, gathering my wet hair in a ponytail at the back my head. "I wish, but we'd probably get pneumonia if we don't get dressed soon." I whine and cuddle further into him, enjoying his warmth. "I know baby, I love being this close to you too, but I think we should get home now." I nod defeated and he helps me up and off of him. The loss of him, leaves me empty and I look down to see our juices combined. Following my eyes, Austin curses looking at the mess we made, so he leans forward to grab the tissue box that I keep in my car, first taking his time to clean me as he peppers kisses over my chest and abdomen while I giggle from the ticklish feeling, drops of water falling from his damp hair. I tangle my hand in the mess of blonde locks and shake, making more water fall on my skin. "We won't get home soon if you keep like this." He warns, a taint of amusement in his voice.
"I wouldn't mind." I tease and Austin simply shakes his head, cleaning himself next. I start dressing so I keep my eyes away from the sweet temptation that is his body. And let me tell you, putting on wet, cold clothes is horrible, simply horrible.
After we make sure we are both decent and ok, we get out of the car, the rain has stopped by now. We get back in the front seats. I look out the window as we drive through the loud city, my fingers interlocking with his. I give his hand a squeeze 3 times and he responds by doing the same, our way of saying "I love you!"
"Thank you Austin!" I say to him, later when we are in the shower. His face softens and his eyes get watery. "Anything for you, my girl, my soul, my Y/n!" Austin confesses, hugging me tight and I close my eyes feeling at home. "My home!"
A/n: I know lately my blog has been lacking but this summer I really took the time to relax and work on myself, seeing as next year of college will be way harder than the last, this theme might last and post might come very inconsistently. So I want to thank you all for sticking around and reading, I love you!
Tags: @galaxygirl453
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aryshacore · 2 years
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etunpeudevitriol · 4 months
Very interesting to me that neither "Ultimate Lucky Student" in Danganronpa was lucky in the traditional sense of the word.
It's a bit easier to see with Nagito, though I'd argue that the title fits him a billion times better than Makoto. He doesn't have unnaturally *good* luck, as is usually implied with the word "lucky." He has unnatural *luck,* period. The most unlikely stuff just Will happen to him. A walrus is Going To come ring his front doorbell because of his ultimate talent. He's the improbability drive from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on two legs (well, not infinitely improbable like that, but he's only human, give him a break!)
And by knowing how his ultimate talent works, Nagito can use it as a pretty reliable tool. The drawing straws moment is an example of him using "bad" luck, while in the russian roulette moment he uses "good" luck. But in the end it's all just luck, and creating very low odds of something to happen, which will be boosted to 100% probability in Nagito's presence.
With Makoto, it's a bit harder to see because he doesn't really seem particularly lucky or unlucky at any given moment. (Ignore his surviving the fall into the trash chute, Kyoko also does so it has nothing to do with luck.) But you tell yourself, maybe it's fated luck. Maybe all those little moments that seem like nothing, amount to incredibly good luck in the greater picture, and that's how he succeeds in taking down the Mastermind.
I disagree though. I think that Makoto's actual ultimate talent is being the Ultimate Hope, and that he was miscategorized as Ultimate Lucky Student because he won the draw that one time. I'll tell you who got ultimately lucky the day Makoto won the Hope's Peak enrollment lottery though- the whole world did! The universe had the absolute best luck that day, Ultimate Hope of a person gets to be put in a position so he's there to stop the Ultimate Despair when it shows up. Althoughhhhh, you could also argue that it's Makoto's Ultimate Hope talent that needed the world to be lucky at that moment for things to work out in the end.
My point stands, Makoto doesn't actually have Ultimate Luck because his real talent is being the Ultimate Hope.
So yeah, out of both Ultimate Lucky Students, Nagito absolutely has that talent, it just doesn't show up in the way you'd first expect from hearing the word "lucky". And Makoto, I don't believe he has that talent in the first place.
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never not funny to me that darkiplier lore is essencially just "i have to avenge all of my dead friends by making sure my asshole dead friend suffers for eternity, but i'm also doing side quests."
meanwhile warfstache lore is like "my friend, who's wife i had an affair with, rigged a game of russian roulette, forcing me into killing him. the events that followed led to me killing two of my other friends, ultimately driving me insane from guilt, and leading me to believe none of it actually happened and it was all just a game. i then proceeded to invent a new name and identity for myself, both hyper-aware of but also deeply indifferent about everything going on in this incredibly complicated multiverse of events. anyways,"
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bioskoop · 1 year
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it's skull, skull is the third party who gets involved bc he's the only who has the emotional intelligence to notice the problem and the lack of self preservation to put himself in the line of fire
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There are some pros and cons to being a civilian suddenly thrust into not only the cursed mafia world, but also the cursed mafia world.
Pros: he gets paid to do what he loves—to play out his stunts in a setting where he doesn’t have to hold back so as to not to raise civilian suspicions about his condition, while also getting all of the acclaim when his subordinates genuinely shower him with it.
(Was it a mindfuck when some clown just showed up in his living room trying to reclute him? Yes. Is it dangerous? Yes. But if there’s anything the great Skull-sama loves, it’s a good challenge!)
Cons: once in a while he has to spend time in the vicinity of some less-than-desirable individuals, who consider him—him!—to be the less-than-desirable individual. The nerve!
(He’s not factoring Kawahira’s little misadventure, specifically, into this; getting turned into a toddler isn’t any weirder than being able to regenerate his body and coming back to life in his books.
Now that they’re out of the woods and he can laugh about it, he can begrudgingly admit—in the safety of his mind—that Checker Face did it for a noble cause, despite going about it in a not-so-hot fashion. If Skull were a millennia old being, he would play Russian roulette with some douchebags and give them body dysmorphia just for shits and giggles.
Skull will, however, complain about the acquaintances it left him with, as much as he wants, for as long as they’re assholes—which is shaping up to be for a very, very long time.)
The delightful but ultimately exasperating shit show that are one Sawada Tsunayoshi and Reborn-senpai does not fall into either of those categories, but in a secret, third, second-option-adjacent thing: idiots in love who, despite being more in sync with each other’s emotions than anyone could ever wish to be with their partner’s, couldn’t be more out of touch with their feelings if they tried. (And Skull has seen some paradoxes in his time, okay?)
All of this is relevant because, ultimately, despairingly, he’s gonna have to intervene. Jesus fucking Christ.
None of Tsuna’s little Elements, let alone any of Skull’s former colleagues—or anyone else who could, for that matter—is gonna do jack shit about it. They’re all either too emotionally constipated themselves, too scared of Reborn to dare going against him, or too willing to let them ‘go at their own pace’ (as if that will ever lead anywhere!).
So. It all falls into his hands to do something about it.
Does Skull win anything by meddling? Not in the slightest. On the contrary—
“I do not get paid enough for this shit,” Skull groans. “I do not get paid at all for this shit.”
If anything, he’s risking death by Reborn-senpai!
But he owes it to Tsuna, because despite being obviously influenced by Reborn in more ways than anyone would like, he has never, not even once, been unkind to Skull. Even before the whole Representative Battles happened—and that’s a whole other debt he needs to repay.
Unlike anybody else who has ever interacted with both Skull and Reborn, Tsuna has never once lacked basic human decency. (Skull wishes he had lacked basic human decency; he wouldn’t feel so morally obligated to protect the kid’s heart then.)
Enma pats his back in comfort when Skull hides his face in the other’s shoulder. Earnestly, he says, “I think you’re doing something truly honorable, senpai,” because he’s seen those two and knows what Skull has to deal with; more so than Skull, actually, because while Skull can just fuck-off whenever they get unbearable, Enma lives here and still has to interact with them on a daily basis.
What the fuck.
Skull raises his head long enough to look at him. “How do you deal with it, Enma-kun?”
Like the true child soldier he is—and he’s not gonna open that can of worms at the moment; Jesus, why did he even have to think about it?! One emotional crisis at a time, please!—Enma stares off into space before solemnly saying, “I grew up with Adel and Julie,” like that answers anything.
It kinda does, funnily enough.
“Ne, ne, Enma-kun,” Skull wheedles, getting an idea.
But Enma shakes his head, smiling apologetically before he can even say anything else. “I can’t help you with this,” he says, soothing the sting of his betrayal by running gentle fingers through Skull’s nape. “I grew up with Adel and Julie,” he reiterates meaningfully.
It takes Skull a moment.
“That bitch,” he says with an offended gasp. “She told you not to get involved, didn’t she?!”
Enma tugs gently at a lock in reproach. “Be nice to my sister.”
Skull pouts. Enma’s eyes soften. The fond amusement in his expression makes Skull’s stomach flutter.
(Maybe he has indigestion or something? He’ll have to pick up some Otha’s Isan on his way back.)
“If it makes you feel better, I will cheer you on every step of the way, okay? So hang in there, senpai.”
That does make him feel better.
If nothing else, Skull will at least have a cute little kouhai to come back to and be comforted by when this inevitably blows up on his face.
“Well,” Skull says, revisiting his earlier thoughts. He leans into Enma’s touch, feeling rejuvenated. “If there’s anything the great Skull-sama loves, it’s a good challenge!”
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itwasrealtome · 9 months
[If you’d like to be tagged in the upcoming posts, please let me know in the comments or in my dm. It’s free and I don’t bite :) Also there’s a Form]
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One Shots:
Thin Ice: Detective Y/N, part of Olivia Benson’s SVU Unit, faces a life-threatening situation during a crime scene investigation, chasing a suspect who ultimately falls to his death. Injured but alive, Y/N finds herself in a hospital room, receiving stern words from Olivia about her reckless actions.
Take Your Shot: A visit to the morgue with Olivia and Casey leaves Y/n injured and prompts a tense struggle for her survival.
The Trauma Wheel: After receiving training in trauma management, Olivia Benson encourages the agents on her unit to do the same. But Y/N finds every excuse to avoid the training, not wanting to dwell on the past.
Russian Roulette: Caught up in a family conflict, Y/n ends up shooting her father in self-defense, which leads to her being taken into custody to determine her involvement in this tragic incident.
Runaway: During an investigation, Y/N, the youngest and most athletic detective of the unit, pursues a suspect who flees from them. But a collision with a car injures Y/N who finds solace in Olivia’s presence.
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