#ultimate movie snacks battle
tac-the-unseen · 5 months
COD Random character quirks
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•Remembers every story somebody tells him, but can't remember where he left his sweater
•Bites the inside of his cheek constantly, to the point of scarring
•If somebody doesn't drag him out of the house he would never leave. Despite this he does love going on a walk from time to time
•Hates talking about his past and will always redirect the conversation
•Extremely fast eater, it's a combination of Trauma and military training. Can finish a whole plate in less than 10 minutes
•Pauses for a long time in between speaking but can't stand it if someone else does the same
•Obsessed with swords, but is terrible at wielding them
•Screams “DON'T GO IN THERE!” to the T.V when watching any horror movie
•Wears the ‘I <3 my hot S/O’ shirts unironically, and the loves them because “It's true!”
•Loves to be the best at everything
•Consistently orders the same thing at a restaurant. Has a specific order for every restaurant he goes too
•Learned some magic tricks as a kid and can still do most of them
•Wears crazy socks, think Spencer and his friend Socko (from iCarly)
•Laughs to jokes no one else laughs at to make the other person not feel bad
•Has one nipple piercing on his left nipple, He doesn't want to get the second one and just likes having the ones.
•Overly Humble, You have to fight him to take a compliment
•Eats while driving and has made adjustments in his car to be able to eat with full effect
•Knows a surprising amount of useless trivia and will bring it up in any conversation he can
•Screams and runs at the sight of the bee
•Notorious for his eye rolling abilities
•Has a pretty sizable jewelry collection. Necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, and brooches (and he's willing to share)
•Frequently complements his S/O
•Steals food off of his S/O’s and friends plate
•Great cook and spends most of his time around/in the kitchen
•Secretly wants to be in a boy band
•Can't swallow pills normally
•Make fake scenarios in his head about him being the ultimate hero
•Snorts when he laughs
•Eats healthy snacks and playful shames others for eating unhealthy snacks
•Surprisingly good at impressions specifically impressions of British government officials
•Sneak attack hugger
•His all-time favorite book is Dr Seuss's ‘Put me in a zoo’
•Sometimes forget other people don't know sign language/can't read it that fast and signs so fast that others have no clue what he said
•Gets a bad case of the giggles when someone trips (He cannot stop no matter how hard he tries)
•Likes to eat in private and feels weird looking at other people eat (Not a fan of restaurants or Mukbang asmr)
•Squirms in his seat/Can't sit still for that long
•Wears a bunch of hair ties around his wrist
•Has to spend hundreds of dollars making custom shoes that actually fit him
•Is an adrenaline junkie on the battle field. He lives for the blood rush
•Has a house shaking laugh and Horangi makes fun of him for it
•Is a very neat eater, he's not overly delicate with his food but just likes to eat in a certain way
•Likes stretching out and popping his joints all the time.
•Sits on the floor rather than the couch
•Will politely remind you how good he's being in the midst of chaos
•Always supports/Roots for the underdog
•Always has Snacks in his pockets/backpack
•Messy eater, somehow always ends up with sauce on his shirt or crumbs in his pockets
•Lean onto the people closest to him
•Puts hot sauce on everything
•Tells jokes with a serious face
•Always looking for new adventure, loves exploring, hiking, climbing, and learning about different cultures
•Frequently adjusting his shirt to show off his body modification (traditional tribal scars)
•Likes to eat food with his hand more than with utensils. He'll use forks, spoons, and knives when at restaurants, but when he's at home everything is finger food.
•Gets spontaneous piercing / tattoos
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hunniemawa · 4 months
🐻 Grizz as a Big Brother Caregiver! 🐻
(Yeah, this was inevitably gonna happen sooner or later -w-)
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🐻 Super playful and encouraging! A best friend in the form of a big brother!
🤎 Will *always* be the first one excited to play games
🐻 Hypes up your interests! You like superhero movies? Awesome! You have a plushie collection? Epic! You like bears? Woah! Double epic!
🤎 Biggest and most protective brother! No one would think to mess with a grizzly bear and his favorite little
🐻 Expert at physical activities! He’d love to go to the park with you whenever you wish
🤎 Are you afraid? Sad? Upset? No problem! Your big brother knows what all your favorite things are, he’ll get you smiling again!
🐻 Absolute movie fanatic. If you wanna watch a movie, he’ll be more than down! ...and may sneak you a few movie snacks ^^
🤎 Very silly and clumsy, not a day goes by where you don’t laugh at his funny faces or him tripping over something on the floor
🐻 Lets you play on his game system with him, he’ll go easy on you when you play any competitive games!
🤎 Ultimate bear hugger! :0
🐻 “Woahhh, no way! This park has a playground?! C’mon! I’ll race you to the swings!”
🤎 “Hm...? Oh hey, what’re you doing up? You just can’t sleep? Hmm...well, you could watch me play some video games? I swear, I can’t stop thinking about that boss battle I lost at, I’ve gotta beat it! I’ve just gotta! ...buuuuut, we should get you your blanket first-“
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rainbowsky · 4 months
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Here's a bit of information about GG's rumored next project. This is all gathered from various sources including some rumors and an interview with the director, so take the details with a grain of salt. Ultimately until there is any official announcement, this is just speculation and rumor.
The project is a movie called "De Xian Jinz Zhi" or "Be careful".
Starring - XiaoZhan, Zhao Jinmai (as siblings). Other rumored cast members - Deng Chao, Wallace Huo
Director - Kong Sheng (Nirvana in Fire)
Screenwriter - Lan Xiaolong (The Battle at Lake Changjin)
Producer - Hou Hongliang (Nirvana in Fire)
Backing from Daylight Productions (Nirvana in Fire) and China Film Group (LOCH)
It is a war drama that follows a group of civilians near the end of World War 2.
Set against the backdrop of the brutal battle at Shi Pai fortress during the Battle of West Hubei in 1943, this tells the story of ordinary Chinese citizens who rise up to defend their homeland. It follows the struggles of these individuals as they navigate the devastation of the fall of Nanjing, the siege of Yichang, and the fight for victory at Shi Pai. Despite facing a stronger enemy and enduring personal tragedies, their unwavering determination to resist becomes a beacon of hope in a time of national collapse.
There have been interactions on Weibo, visits to the Legend of Zanghai set and snacks and refreshments sent to the Legend of Zanghai set from some of those rumored to be connected to the project, which lends a bit more credibility to the rumors.
The sets and props have already been prepared, and filming is rumored to start in mid June in Yichang, and will take 3 months.
Remember, melons are to be enjoyed but never believed. We'll have to wait for official announcements before we know for sure what he's up to next.
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l-impalalily-l · 4 months
Brave Olivine Movie Nights? 👀
Not me crushing on a pokemon character
I'm a hopeless romantic... always a sucker for the cliches and whatever, here we go 😎 this is set near the end of s1
It had been a few years since you joined the RVT, having been an old friend of Molly's (thanks to your frequent pokemon center visits; you were pretty into battling).
You were the kind of person who was always ready for anything, constantly equipping your person with potions and healing materials- both as advice from Molly and from your own premonition. You also tended to end up in the fray plenty of times yourself, and you'd become a sort-of medic for the trainer team members alongside your friend.
So, to say the least, it was quite a surprise when you came to find a certain member of the crew- Friede- at the center of your attention.
It had come to fruition slowly, creeping into your life as he had come to haunt your thoughts as you lay in your room at night. Which, coincidentally, had been when you had realized (you had received one or two panicked reactions to screaming into your pillow). You had made a small effort to steer clear of him since then.
Until tonight, that is. He gave you no room to make an excuse, and you were NOT about to be obvious about it.
Recently, the crew had decided to start doing annual movie nights aboard the Brave Olivine. You believed it was to fan the edges of Liko's anxiety or something. The routine was a week old now. You all met in a scheduled (per Orla's insistence) room belonging to a crew member. Tonight was Murdock's. You had shuffled in first, smiling when the ship's cook had waved you in with an invitation to grab a bowl of popcorn and help yourself to some of the snacks he'd thoughtfully set out. You watched the rest of the crew leak into the room, laughing when Roy and Friede were enlisted to bring in the couch with matching sighs and complaining jokingly. That died in your throat when Friede joined you on the bean bag you'd brought in from your room.
Yes, it was reasonably large and it's not like he sat too close to you when he unceremoniously plopped down, but it still shoved your heart right up your throat to hinder your ability to respond when he asked if that was fine with you.
Thanks to your stupid brain, your head bobbed affirmatively and he offered you a smile that dazzled you enough to look away. You barely noticed it fade from his face in your peripheral. You didn't look closely enough to see the frustration in his eyes.
Orla switched on the portable projector soon enough and turned the volume up.
Your mind worked overtime to keep your focus on the movie, ultimately failing and influencing your eyes to dart to him in rushed glances. One or two times he met your gaze, to which you turned your head again and sunk back into yourself a little in shame. Shame for what, you didn't know. But you didn't really question it.
For a while, a hazy and distracted while, but one nonetheless, you managed to not turn your head.
You jumped when a force collided with your leg, looking down with wide eyes and feeling the yelp retreat back down to your stomach when you made sense of it. What a coward.
Friede's head jolted back up from where he had fallen on your lap. The impact of falling on you must have woken him back up.
"Sorry," he whispered, a squeak in his throat that surprised you. You nodded.
"It's okay," you responded, scooting subtly away. Just an inch. But he noticed, because of course he would. You looked up and couldn't help but notice how ruggedly handsome he is, then mentally slapped yourself because, no, that's your captain, thank you.
"Hey, uh," he said. "I really do want to talk to you, though."
"Why?" you asked, immediately cringing at how harshly accusatory it sounds. He winced slightly too.
You hardly noticed that Murdock reached subtly to turn the sound up.
"I..." he trailed off and looked away. Huh. You didn't know it was even possible for Professor Confident to ever get nervous. He went on. "I noticed how you're... I guess you... distance yourself?" he wrung his hands.
"It's not even from the crew. Just from me. Did I do anything to offend you? I can be- Molly says opinionated and forgetful, ah..."
"Of course not!" you replied, eyebrows furrowing. "That's not why... I mean, you didn't do anything."
"So you have been avoiding me!" he exclaimed. You sputter, looking away. "Why?"
"I, um, there's no reason, just-"
You made the mistake of looking up at those stupid warm yellow eyes, waiting patiently for you and just listening- and faltered with your response. His eyes flicked down your face and you could see it the moment he reached the uncontrollable flush that spreads across your cheeks. He was so oblivious before! WHAT IS LIFE?
"Oh," he said. "Wait, huh?"
You mentally facepalmed. Ah, he hasn't really changed.
"Look, Friede, I just- I may have... caught feelings for you?"
Your mind promptly decided to assault you with a memory of a flashed, charming smile and an outstretched hand from a Charizard hovering in midair. It made the end of your sentence tip upward into a question.
"You're so nice and good at leading, and you treat the kids on the ship and the crew so well, let alone strangers like I was- and you make me feel so at home. You gave me a home. This is... this is my home. You were the one that offered it to me. Joining the Rising Volt Tacklers was- is- the best decision of my life. I know I would be potentially ruining everything I've built here with my dumb feelings," you rambled. "J-just, I didn't know how you'd react, and-"
"Gonna have to cut you short there," he told you abruptly. You only then realized the flush that erupted onto your face spread to his. His hand found yours and your breath stopped in time with your heart for a moment.
You met his eyes. This time, you couldn't help but notice every detail about them... a yellow like heaven-poured honey, entrancing you like nothing else, white flecks that litter the expanse of them, pupils focused on you and you only...
A tinge of love you didn't see before.
"I am so happy that you don't hate me," he told you. "I want no one on this ship to dislike me. Especially you. I want you to feel at home. I want you to feel... like you're my home, too. You're a part of my life." he said with an intensity you would have shrugged off a few months ago.
You wordlessly stared at him for a moment. Those eyes flicked down to your lips. You subconsciously dart your tongue out to wet them. Ever the gentleman, Friede looked back up at you. He stared at you with silent question. You chance a quick glance around the room to see your fellow RVT members politely not listening but very obviously listening. With a smile, you gave him a nod.
He leaned in and you could swear fireworks exploded in your head when he kissed you.
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jinlizz-dragondrama · 11 months
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Halloween Spooktacular Special
"Trick or treat!" Kids shout as they go from house to house. I walked out of a grocery store with bags full of snacks for our scary movie night. I'm super excited to show my Halloween costume to everyone.
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(This is just the costume I decided on, but you can picture one you'd like instead)
I find a manhole, open it, and jump down. Finally reaching the lair before my hands give out from the weight of the bags.
"Yay, Y/N is here!" April exclaims as she approaches me in her witch costume
"Well, it's about time. Did you get lost in the store?" Leo says smugly as he's dressed as a basketball player.
"No, I didn't, but I guess you don't want the snack. I searched high and low for," I say while holding it in my hand and wagging it from side to side.
"Have I ever told you you're the best?" Leo says, changing his tune a bit as I give him the bag of snacks.
"Not lately no," I retort
"Movies have been picked and ready to go!" Mikey shouts from the kitchen, the smell of cookies fills the air, and my mouth waters. Mikey is dressed in the hippo disguise costume.
I walk over to the kitchen to grab a cookie, Mikey tries to swat my hand away, but I dodge out of the way and make my escape with a cookie in hand.
"Projector room is ready for the ultimate scary movie experience thanks to moi," Donnie says while typing away on his wrist communicator. I look Donnie up and down as I see him dressed in an evil scientist costume.
"Wow, you dressed up. I had to fight tooth and nail for you to finally agree." I sat while folding my arms
"More like you bombarded me with texts, emails, and codes all through this month about me wearing one. Ugh, sigh. " A small smile graces his lips, and I giggle.
"Intetesting costume choice Y/N, very Aqua like," He says as he eyes me from the corner of his eye. Before I can say anything, Raph comes out shouting in a pirate costume.
"Let's get this thing started, yer mateys!"
"But first, since you four haven't gone trick or treating or seen a haunted house before. April and I decided to give you the full experience. So let's go to the surface onward!" I say excitedly as I rush towards the lair entrance, making swooshing flying noises.
The guys shrug their shoulders and follow me.
"Bring back lots of candy," Splinter says from his room
We all climb out of a manhole and walk out of an alleyway. I pull up the route on my phone that's best and leads us to the haunted house.
"According to my calculations, this will be a better route instead. As I collected data on the best houses to get full-sized candy bars and avoid all fun-size candy and..." He shivers a bit repulsed "Toothbrushes" he finishes
"Aw, Donald, that took away all the fun, besides Ms. Thomas means well when she gives those out." I roll my eyes but ultimately agree to his route.
Pulling out pillowcases in everyone's color, I hand them out to everyone.
"Alright, let's make this interesting the person that gets the most candy in an hour gets to sit in the comfy bean bag during all the movies," I say while chuckling evilly
"Ohohoho, you're on," Leo says, accepting the challenge
Everyone takes off separately and starts to trick or treat. I deviate a bit from the route to go to the house that gives a ton of candy if you do tricks.
I can see everyone having a good time and spot Mikey getting a bowl full of candy from an old lady. My jaw drops, but it doesn't discourage me as I continue my candy hunt. Donnie and I ended up at the same house at the same time, we looked at each other, then the door, back at each other, then the door, and I took off running. He activates his battle shell to fly over, and one of his mechanical hands reaches out to ring the doorbell before I can reach it. I try to push him away, but the door opens, and I put on my best smile.
"Trick or treat." I chant
"What a lovely costume, here you go,"
"Thank you,"
Looking down, I see the toothbrush and toothpaste fall into my pillowcase. A smug look appears on my face as I see Donnie try to hold back a disgruntled face. I skip away and continue trick or treating.
Soon, the hour is up, and we make our way to the haunted house.
"OK guys, we will count our bounty when we get back to the lair. Now let's get our scare on."
Looking at the house up close, I start to shake from fear a bit, and I swallow hard.
"Is little Aqua scared? You're shivering harder than Raph. He says while pointing at his big bro.Poor Raph looked terrified
"It's ok, you can hold my hand," Leo says as he extends his hand out to me
"Pfft in your dreams, Romeo." I smack his hand away playfully, and we make our way inside.
It's so dark, a fog thick layer of fog floats on the ground. I'm trying my best not to seem scared, but I stick close to the gang. I hear a chain saw start up, Raph and I slowly look behind us, and out from the darkness comes someone with a creepy mask and chainsaw in hand. Raph screams and takes off, running into the nearby corridor, leaving us behind. I clutch onto someone's arms tightly and hide my face in the person's shoulder.
"Man, you got a tight grip"
I blush a bright red and jump almost 10 feet up in the air when I realize I am holding onto Donnie. He sighs and is looking away from me.
"If you need someone to hold onto, I won't mind being that person... because I can't have you be scared of things that aren't real..." He quickly says
I smile a little and hold onto his arm as we walk through the haunted house. April, Leo, and Mikey walk ahead to give us "alone time." Everything I get scared Donnie is there to comfort me in his way by info dumping about how the dark tricks the mind into believing in stuff that isn't there, how being scared triggers the fight or flight response and so on. It does help me feel less scared until I hear Raphs screams and we rush to see what's up.
Raph is running from a three headed dog like creature. We all scream and start running, April and I go one way, Donnie and Mikey go another,  Raph and Leo go a different way. April and I try to catch our breath but i hear heavy breathing and feel hot breath on my neck, I grab her hand and start running again.
Donnie and Mikey are screaming as a person in a demon costumes cha see es them. Donnie tries to come up with an explanation as to how it can be this scary.
Raph is running while scared crying and Leo is running not far behind Jim as someone in a doll costume is chasing them.
"I gotta admit they did a great job with the affects and paper mache" Donnie says while running
"You and I both know that, that thing is real" I shout
"I will not admit anything"
Raph opens a door and we all fall through it. Quickly getting up and us all pushing the door as hard as we can to close it. The monster gives up and we all slide to the ground to catch our breathes. Soon Leo start laughing, then Mikey, April, Raph and we all start laughing.
"Let's go home you bunch of scardy cats" Leo says while getting up
"I seem to recall that you were screaming the loudest" I punch his shoulder gently
"You were definitely hearing things Aqua" Leo chuckles awkwardly
"No, no dear brother I believe she was right. Remember I record everything. Wanna hear a replay" Donnie says
"No!" leo clears his throat and blushes "No I think we're good on that one.
We make our way back to the lair, dump out all our candy that survived our run for our lives. Donnie and I tie, grabbing my candy I run to the bean bag and jump onto it taking up the whole seat.
"Aqua, move over. We both won fair and square" Donnie says
"And if I don't" I say playfully
Donnie hits me with a pillow and whole I'm distracted his sits next to me. The bean bag was big enough that we weren't close together but close at the same time. Mikey pops in a movie and passes a big bowl of buttery popcorn.
"I bet Leo is gonna get scared again" I say while looking at Leo
"Hardy har har" Leo says sarcastically
The movie starts and April and I shout
Authors Note
Happy Halloween everyone stay safe! And brush your teeth after all that candy lol
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graciellasamma · 1 year
RvB x KR Kiva: Frøy Kurenai
(All of this pics don’t belong to me)
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Name: Frøy Kurenai
Nickname: Rouge, Cross, Kid, Brat
Name Meaning:
- Frøy: Freyja, the goddess of love and fertility in Norse mythology
- Kurenai: Crimson
Codename: Agent Rhode Island, CrossFire, Kiva
Alias: Kamen Rider Kiva, The Youngest Soldier, Hawkeye, Speedster
Age: 22
Birthdate: 25th December 2536
Pronouns: He, him, his
Sexuality: Male 
Species: Fandiri (Half Human/Half Fangire)
Skin Tone: Fair Skin
Weight: 177 cm
Height: 67.7 kg 
Scars: Burn mark from his left side of his body from his waist all the way up to his neck and to his left hand
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Short neck-length spiky and choppy with his bangs to the left side 
Eye Color: Crimson Red
Capabilities: Magic trick, Trick shot, Pranks
Apparel: Long-sleeve black shirt, Long sleeveless red tail jacket, Long skinny jeans, High neck shoes, Black scaly scarf
Voice: Ohmori Motoki (JPN) / Sam Luff (ENG)
Stealth: 8/10 
Perception: 10/10 
Agility: 8.5/10
Stamina: 8/10
Endurance: 7.5/10
Hand-to-hand combat: 8/10
Intelligence: 7.5/10
Recovery: 7/10
Luck: 7/10
Vision: 9.5/10
Hearing: 7.5/10 
Social Skills: 
Charisma: 7.5/10 
Social Skills: 8/10
Confidence: 8.5/10
Style: 7.5/10
Humor: 8.5/10
Passion: 7.5/10
Empathy: 8/10
Kindness: 8.5/10
Honesty: 6.5/10
Loyalty: 9/10
Patience: 7/10
Flirtness: 0/10 (he doesn’t do flirt)
Weapon(s) of Choice: Bow and Arrow, Magnum, MA40 Assault Rifle
Secondary: BR55HB Battle Rifle, M7S SMG
Melee weapon of choice: Duel Sword, Dagger, and Combat Knife
Extra: Colored smoke bombs (for camouflage)
Armor style: Just look at the picture (That picture is not mine)
Primary Color: Medium Sky Blue #88dae5
Secondary Color: Light Crimson #fa7393
Visor Color: Gold (Just pretend any of this color are)
AI Unit: Chruch (Alpha) & Issac (Felix): Analyzing, BioScan, Healing, Thermal X-ray, Hacking, Strength Boost
Armor Enchantments: Armor Lock, Grav Boots, Speed Boost, Holographic Projection, Stealth, Overdrive
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General Information: 
Weakness: Despite that Frøy known as the Ultimate Soldier for joining the military at a young age, he is still a child, not wanting his friends and family to die or fight each other.
Occupation: Freelancer (Formerly), Blue Team, Engineer, Weapons expert, Actor
Strong Suit: Weapons expert, Weapon, armor, and vehicle maintenance engineer, Freelancer training, Strategist, Archery, Sword fighting, Acting
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Marital Status: Single
Talents: Escape Artist, Magician, Kenjustu, Kendo, Fencing, Parkour, Archery, Athletic, Acting, Musician (Violin/Guitar)
Semblance: Phantom Arms: An ability that can store items in a pocket dimension so he can summon it at any time, even during battle, which gives him a high level of flexibility in combat. He can also use it to change his clothing. He can also warp by throwing his weapon to move quickly around the field and damage his enemies.
Theme Song: Capabilities Unseen (ft. L), Supernova
Quote(s):  - “Know your place!” - “The counterattack starts now!” - “Lying is the best way to protect yourself.” - “You’re right they are idiots, and I don’t mind it.” - “Have you ever tried asking if your leader needed help?” - “I only fight and take lives when I have to. And I don’t have to this time.” - “If there are feelings that are too hard to put into words, then put them into action!” - “What you truly want, will only be found at the end of a road you can stride down with pride.” - “The Kamen Riders that I know... Never compromise their values. They never lose heart. And they would never... Let anyone harm their beloved home, their people... And get away with it!”
Likes: His friends, His family, Anime, Movies, Video Games, Weapons, Playing his violin, Hearing music, Pranks, Joking around, Trick shot, Snacks, Being a thrill seeker, Building weapon, Chicken, BBQ.
Dislikes: Pervert, Bullies, Director, Charon Hargrove, Aiden Price, Sigma, Hargrove, Wyoming and Gamma knock knock jokes, Seeing his friends and his family die or fighting each other, Jinxing, Don’t like people calling him a kid, People using his unfinished weapons.
Good Traits:  Personality-wise, Frøy is a calm yet cheerful, and somewhat laid-back young man, especially around his friends, the Reds and Blues. He was considered relatively normal other than his unparalleled prodigious talent in acting even as a child and his quick wit and intelligence like reading complex books. Performing acting jobs was something he was open to and excelled at.  He has a sharp mind and is perceptive, quickly adapting to any situation, and very good at studying, He makes sure he gets the job done by making sure that his friends focus on the battle, but still unsure about his future. Frøy frequently sacrifices himself for others, showing that underneath that arrogant exterior, there's a heroic and selfless man. He's also quick to point out the problems in a situation. As an actor, he is very diligent and is capable of studying and replicating any person or the character's demeanor fastidiously (from their mannerisms, speech patterns, and even thought processes), so much he was capable of triggering thoughts of the person or characters and others immediately after looking at him. Despite his childish act, Frøy's personality changes 180-degree making him calmer, calculated, and discreet whenever something is important or serious, if someone is in trouble, even a stranger, he talks to them and gives empathy and kindness, and gives them advice help them, this is to said to have a personality that draws people to him, inspiring friendship and loyalty through acts of kindness that could change a person’s world view and thus built meaningful relationships.
Bad Traits:  Cocky, quick-witted, arrogant, impulsive, brashness, smart mouth, liar, childishness, and frequent attempts to pull pranks on his teammates. Frøy has a strong tendency for emotional outbursts in sour situations. When his emotions got the better of him, he became rather impulsive and reckless in his actions to the point of nearly being suicidal. This flaw negatively affects those around him, even as far as indirectly causing a few deaths. He is mostly quick to regain his composure and shows little to no fear in order to protect his friends and fight with his life on the line. Frøy is also known for being a liar, thanks to him being an actor and Wyoming teaching how to lie better for infiltrate and info-gather missions as well for his part-time job as an actor, it was thanks to his skills he was able to manipulate people for his and his friend's advantage.
Fears: Losing his friends and family
Parents: Otoya Kurenai (Father/Deceased), Maya Kurenai (Mother), Jiro/Garulu (Father-figure), Butch Flowers (Father-Figure), Allison Church/Beta (Mother-figure), Leonard Church/Alpha (Father-figure), Riki/Dogga (Uncle-figure)
Sibling(s): Taiga Nobori (Older Brother), Ramon/Basshaa (Little Brother-figure)
Children: None
Significant other: None
Friends: Washington, Tucker, Caboose, Sister, Doc, Carolina, Epsilon (Deceased), York, Delta, Omega/O’Mally, Niner, Sarge, Simmons, Grif, Donut, Lopez, South, Eta, North, Theta, Maine (Deceased), CT, Iota, Wyoming, Gamma, Felix, Palomo, Jensen, Bitter, Smith, Kimball, Doyle (Deceased), Megumi, Nago, Leo Vermillion, Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Aruto Hiden, Fuwa, Yua, MBJR family, Izuku Midoriya, Vice, Daiji Midoriya, Sakura Midoriya, George, Hiromi
Enemies: Director (Deceased), Counselor (Deceased), Hargrove, Meta (Deceased), Sigma (Deceased), Locus (Formerly), Felix (Formerly), Blue and Red, Chrovos, Zero, Taiga (Formerly), Bishop, Rook, Salem, Cinder, Giff, Deadmans, Imagin, MBJR.net
Allegiance(ally): Chorus
Frøy Kurenai is a Fandiri, a half-breed Fangire, thanks to his late-father Otoya Kurenai, who is a human, and Maya Kurenai, also known as the Queen of Fangire. He is known as the youngest soldier to joined Project Freelancer, and station to the Blue Base. When he was young his mother left him with little explanation and left him with his guardians, Jiro, Riki, and Ramon, who are actually the last survivor of Wolfen, Franken, and Merman because of Fangire King ordered his elites to kill them for some reason. 
When he was at the age 7, he saw a photo of his mother and remember that his mother left him, wanting to know the reason why, he decide to leave his home and go on a search for his mother with his best friend and partner Kivat the 3rd, but without a bit falling out with his father-figure, Jiro.
During his search he was caught in a crossfire during the war, trying to help the people that also caught in the crossfire, Frøy decide to protect the people by grabbing any weapons he could find and used himself as a distraction to lead the aliens away from the people and kill them, he would have used Kivat in order to transform into Kiva but he can’t used it ‘cause the aliens can not know about the existence of the 13 Mazoku Clan as they need to be a secret.
Frøy continue to fight and kill aliens to the point of exhaustion, until he was saved by a squad of soldier from the UNSC and decide to joined the military so he could get stronger in hopes to help and protect himself and the people and maybe able to find his mom, plus, he doubt he could go back to having a normal life consider that he kill all this aliens, especially after what happen with his family after their fight and argument. After Frøy join the UNSC, he was given the codename “CrossFire” for able to fight in that incident, and he became a quick learner with weapons, combat, and engineering.
At the age of 10 he was recommended by the Director and the Counselor of Project Freelancer, thinking that he would be a huge asset for the project because of his skills and able to survive in any event as if he is an adult. Of course, there is a lot of people protest against this but Frøy decided to join the project hoping it would help him able to help people better, so he agreed and join the project as Agent Rhode Island, and was able to clime his ranks, and was able to join the Alpha Squad of the Project.
Not a lot of the Alpha Squad or any of the Agents liking that a 10 year old kid was able to show off, but as time went on, they started to warm up to the kid, even Wyoming and South started to like him, heck, Frøy started to have father and son relationship with Florida just like with Jiro, in the end, the Alpha Squad became his family. But that ended, when he was about to be 12 years old, when one of the mission that involves The Insurrection that caused him to have his burned scar and got half of his body crushed by the remaining building that collapsed during their escaped, making him suppose to be dead. (Think like Obito when first died in Naruto Shippuden)
After the mission, apparently Frøy is still alive inside of the rubble thanks to his Fangire genetic having more durable and their healing factor, so Kivat inform Jiro, Riki, and Ramon about what happen and decide to rescue Frøy consider he still alive under it. When Frøy woke up, he found himself in his room on his bed, and when he looks around he saw Jiro sitting beside his bed on a chair sleeping, he must have waiting for him to woke up. On the next day, Frøy have a meeting with his guardians to have a talk about why did they save him despite told them to leave him? Apparently despite the hurtful words, they still care for him and love him no matter how much he hates them, after all they are family, and since then, the Kiva family has been reunited at last, and Frøy decide to try going to school, to try to have a normal life and become a musician and actor just like The A-Squad wants for him, especially Florida.
The Blood Gulch Chronicles: 
It has been 4 years, Frøy is 15 about to be 16 and was able to graduate middle school a year ago though he decide to do home-school instead, it has been peaceful with Frøy experience a normal life like any other teenagers do. That is until a message from his helmet from the project, that one of his friends Tex in need of help with something. Knowing someone in need of help he decide to pack some stuff and suit up his armor and go to help her, his guardians, of course, doesn’t like any of this one bit, but they respect his decision on wanting to help his friends.
When he was tracing the message, it lead him to place called Blood Gulch. That’s when he meet Tex and Church, which the both of them knows each other and Frøy. Apparently Frøy knows Tex because not only he knows her from the Project but also she is one of the soldiers from the squad who saved him from the Crossfire and he knows Church because he met him during his time in the Project when he knows him as an A.I. named “Alpha” when he’s bored or has free times to spare, he tends to spend it by hanging around with Frøy.
After that it went the same like in the canon, except when Church time travelling using the time distortion with Gamma, Church then check on Frøy and found out about him being an A.I. known as Alpha when he saw a file of evidence from the Project and his memories came back to him, and Tex met up with York and North when the Blues returned to Blood Gulch so they can help her protecting Church, Florida and Wyoming are still alive thanks to Frøy and his father-son relationship with Florida and was able make a deal with Wyoming that if he helps them making sure that Tex doesn’t have Omega then he gets to live on their surveillance, which they succeed on having Omega but Tex still explode with the ship.
After Tex gone with Gamma, Tucker son and the alien, things went peaceful for the Reds and Blues, Florida rejoins the Blue Team, York and Frøy decide to join the Blue Team while North and Wyoming decide to join the Red Team, it took time for the Reds and Blues trust on Wyoming, and him trusting on the Red and Blue, but after having a heart-to-heart with York, Delta, North, Frøy, and Church about losing Gamma, the only friend and partner he could trust, and told him about the truth of the Project, he decide to have trust on them and in exchange they trust him back. 
When the relocating has started the Freelancer decide to split up to make sure that everyone is okay, York decide to join Church, North join Tucker, Wyoming join with Simmons and Grif, Florida join with Caboose, and Frøy decided to stay to keep an eye out with Lopez, Sarge, and Sister in Blood Gulch, he had a feeling that something about to get interesting here.
The Recollectioin: 
It has been almost been a year since the Omega fiasco, and everything seems to be normal until Recovery One also known as Agent Washington came by in order to hunt down the Meta so he go to Blood Gulch consider there has been an A.I. sighting over there. That’s when he not only met Sarge, Lopez, and Sister but also Agent Rhode Island also known as Rouge or Frøy, they catch up until Wash explain to him his going to hunt down the Meta, and Frøy decide to help him on this mission with Sister.
Things still the same like in the canon only that Wash didn’t kill South thanks to Frøy and York stopped him when he was about to, and Church the Alpha and the rest of the A.I. fragments are alive thanks to Frøy able to convince with Wash not to use the EMP and let him handle on, and let him fight against the Meta with Church and Omega by using his enhancement unit that he made called “Overdrive.” 
Overdrive, pretty much a state of hyper-focused attention and energy that enhances one’s performance and where the full extent of their talent can be expressed, when activated the users usual experiences drastic increases in sensory perceptions, coordination and reflexes, to the extent that the observable environment appears to progress in slow motion, and not only that even with single A.I. fragment, not only the users able to use multi enhancement unit but also the A.I. won’t be able to destroy themself, the down-side is that they have time limit and it only takes hour for the recharge to complete even with A.I. help, so it was a last resort sort of thing. But they were able to beat the Meta and Church was able to reset all the A.I.
After the battle Frøy and Church decide to take the fragments and return them to their respectful partner. Wash, who decide to stay making sure that they are okay and help them in anyway, came by and told him that he should go before the UNSC soldier came, consider that he is trespassing and destroy a lot of military property while Wash stay and report what happen here and if things went according to plan then Caboose should give Epsilon to the UNSC as evidence.
A year went by, and Frøy and Church reunited with the Blues, then the Reds and Blues are sent to Vahalla, South decide to join the Red Team, and everything are still the same in the canon but in this case CT or Connie is still alive thanks to a alien pod that allows her to heal any injury, and since the A.I. fragment are alive Frøy decide to have them partnered up with the rest of the Freelancer, Delta still partnered with York, Theta with North, Gamma still with Wyoming, Eta with South, Iota with Connie, Omega with Florida, and Church/Alpha and Tex/Beta with Frøy, while Sigma well let’s just Frøy and Church deleted him.
Project Freelancer:  
Honestly there’s nothing change from here consider this arc mostly about Epsilon in the memory unit and a lot flashback of the Project. So yeah, everything still the same like in the canon with add my oc and all the A-Squad, minus Maine, are alive.
The Chorus Trilogy: 
Nothing has changed in Season 11, other than that Frøy knew who’s Felix and Locus consider that those two were in the same squad who saved him during the Crossfire Incident, and during their separation the one with Wash group are: North, Florida, and CT while with Tucker group are: Frøy, Wyoming, South, and York.
In season 12, nothing has changed except that in my AU, Felix here is a bit difference not only he is a big Star Wars nerd and actually care for the Republic and the Reds and Blues, but also he is also the good guy in this AU because when the Reds and Blues reunited Felix accuse Tex of killing Siris who is good friend of him and Locus, their voice of reason and the glue to each other, thanks to the evidence that one of Hargrove mercenaries, Jackson (he’s pretty much like the Felix in the canon) gave him. But the truth is, Tex didn’t really kill Siris but Jackson killed him when Siris learns the truth of what Hargrove did to Felix by killing him and turn him into an A.I. and brainwash him, thinking he still a human and used him as nothing as tool later for experiment. Thanks with Frøy, Tucker, and the two Church of Alpha and Epsilon, they were able to expose the truth to Felix, the Feds, and the Republic, making Felix turn his back on Locus and Jackson, and stop the war between the Feds and the Republic.
In season 13 is quite the same nothing has changed, Epsilon still died to protect his friends and his brothers, Locus kill Jackson for turning him into a monster and letting his friends died, Frøy decide to give Tex to Carolina, Felix decide to joins the Reds and Blues and became Frøy second A.I. partner, and thanks to Felix, Frøy was able to upgrade the A.I’s making them able to run a multi-enhancement without destroying themselves and removes any limit.
This was Inspired by this fanfiction: Friendship is Timeless by Seanzilla1988, Rosario to Kiva by Dr. Exposition, MBJR Heroes AU by Usagi_chan8, RvBvRWBY series by DocTokuMA and Ac3 Productionis, Going Native by thewhitepatch, You’re Alpha; You’re Church. by Athena_Yule, Unit Cohesion by Sroloc_Elbisivni, Finiding Washington by HBossWrites, Everyone Lives by urbaninja, and A Schrodinger State by notmadderred.
I’ll be honest guys, the moment I watch Red vs Blue, I love them and when I read the stories that inspired to make this I fell in love with them and can’t help of having a crossover of RWBY and the Kamen Rider series and their crossover fanfiction. And as you can see in the background there is no “The Shisno Paradox” arc, why? Well that’s because in this AU they don’t exist and has been replaced by an arc that I called the “RvBvRWBY Riders Horizon”.
This Arc is something like Seanzilla and his co-worker made in their Kamen Rider Crossover stories, but different? Basically, in the RvB world the Tokusatsu of Kamen Riders, Super Sentai, and Ultraman exist and there almost common knowledge, and one of the reason why the “Shisno Paradox” arc don’t exist because of who Kamen Riders I’m adding to this AU and yes, “Riders” with plural which mean I’m adding more than one Kamen Riders in this story because I couldn’t choose one of them because I love them so much, and they are: Kiva, Den-O, Revice, and Zero-One. So yeah, since the time travel with Den-O and the Shisno Paradox are a bit different, I decide to remove that arc in order to make sense.
In the RWBY world, Team RWBY and JNPR, and their newest friend Leo Vermillion, who is a Singularity Point, has been attacked by a Imagin and somehow the DenLiner appear out of nowhere and kidnap them, and before they knew, they somehow in the world of RvB and that’s when Leo and his friends meet with the owner of DenLiner and explain to them about Imagin, Den-O, and Leo being a Singularity Point, and that he has allies consider his not only one who is a Singularity Point only just they have a different power than Den-O.
When he become Den-O, that’s when they meet Frøy Kurenai as Kamen Rider Kiva and the Reds and Blues, Aruto Hiden as Kamen Rider Zero-One with the Fuwa, Yaiba, and the MBJR family, and Izuku Midoriya and Vice as Kamen Rider Revice with his adopted family, (and yes this is the Izuku Midoriya from BNHA, I really like that anime, so sue me for wanting this kind crossover) and together they became Team FLAM (Flame), and together they go on adventure where they help each defeating their enemies: Fangires, Imagin, MBJR.net, Deadmans, and Salem. 
I also going to make their PKMN Team but that depends on my motivations, and have the time to make it.
I also made some short story of a scene from a couple of episode, I maybe going to make more of this but from a scene in a few of episode include the PSA episodes, so here are the list for the story if you like to read it. I hope you all like the story I made.
Previously On
Donut the Musical
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The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (2010)
Smoking: Papa Smurf {I had attempted to rolls some jays for the movie but for some reason they wouldn’t stay sealed 😥}
Here is the little description from Disney+ “A modern-day sorcerer must make his seemingly average recruit into the ultimate apprentice.” I feel it sums it accurately. Now for my high mind to write this week’s entry 😊
We start off with a background on the 3 sorcerers that worked under Merlin, James A Stephens, and the evil Morgana, Alice Krige. We have Nicolas Cage playing Balthazar and Alfred Molina playing Horvath the dueling for good and evil. Then we get a glimpse a little more into the future of a young boy named Dave who is found out to be the Prime Merlinean.
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Now we go 10 years later and adult Dave is played by Jay Baruchel. The voice of Hiccup in How to Train Your Dragon. I love the relationship Dave has with Bennet, played by Omar Benson Miller. Bennet wants to help him not be by himself and spend time with friends so he doesn’t get stuck in his science projects alone.
Nicolas Cage coming into save the day by turning wolves to puppies while riding a giant metal eagle. I mean can you talk about an entrance!
One of my favorite parts is coming up. The fight in China Town, and on top of that during a festival! We have the fight between Balthazar and Sun-Lok played by Gregory Woo. He has this really cool power where he turned one of the festival paper dragons into a real dragon and chase Dave around. I love how they use the confetti. Its just floating down gracefully, and then they use magic to manipulate it as well.
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I’m watching the movie right now on Disney+, but I also have the DVD as well. In the special features they go into details about how they made the Merlin Circle because they didn’t want it to be put in but have it be real. Now I don’t remember a lot about what was said, okay okay, any of what was said ahahah, but I remember thinking it was interesting lol.
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Watching Jay try to make a plasma bolt is hilarious! It’s like a whole training sequence where he is basically failing, and failing hilariously.
Now we have Horvath trying to get some more help by reaching out to Drake Stone, played by Toby Kebbell. He uses his sorcerer abilities to be a magician and make money by doing shows. Very good looking and killer accent 😍
There is a Star Wars reference in this movie. Thinking about it. I wonder if in some how Disney new that 2 years after this movie came out they would take the Star Wars franchise?
Then they is the wonderful scene where Dave leaves his lab to be cleaned by his magic. This scene was done with a lot of people in green outfits being different kinds of cleaning supplies. It is an ode to the scene in Fantasia where Mickey Mouse puts on Merlin’s hat and does the same thing with the brooms and mops. They did a REALLY good job putting it all together.
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And I just got a 10min interruption by a cat. Calcifur apparently needed my attention for a little while lol.
Snack Break!
I got this way too huge slice of cake. Its soooo good and coconutty 🤤
Can’t believe I’ve gotten almost 600 words in and haven’t even mentioned Dave’s love interest Becky, played by Teresa Palmer. They have a very cute relationship that buds throughout the movie.
Now we get to the last battle. Morgana has been brought back through the 3rd sorcerer Veronica, played by Monica Bellucci. Morgana’s soul is connected to Veronica’s and she is trying to complete the ritual she was stopped from in the beginning of the movie.
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We have Balthazar and Horvath battling each other while she is shooting fire balls up in the sky and no one in New York is paying any attention to it. Nor was I for the last 5 mins lol. I got distracted on my phone for a minute there.
Dave gets to battle Morgana in the end, and you know, stuff happens. Once again, trying not to ruin stuff here lol!
Hope you enjoyed this week’s review! Till next time ❤
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Wellness Wednesday:
Cleaning Out My Closet Fridge
Part of my wellness journey is working on my financial wellness - What are my spending habits? What can I do differently? What can I cut out?
Couple weeks ago I challenged myself to use up as much as groceries/pantry supplies before buying more groceries - maybe meal prep here and there.
Well, I've been doing good on clearing out the freezer - working on the fridge and pantry now.
I noticed I had an abundance of deli meat and breads laying around - so - I was very conscious about eating up those foods first before they went bad.
To be honest I was little more conscious this week because not too long ago I had entire loaf of bread get moldy and I just despise when that happens.
So - I at a ton of sammies this week. Really spiced it up by changing my breads, meats, and cheeses - never got boring.
Other added benefit - I saw significant drop on my weekly grocery bill. A practice I want to entertain more in the future.
Another step to help out my pocket book is I made the decision not to buy any more expensive nuts - aka - my Wonderful's Pistachios. I am going to see if I can find a more cost effective snack alternative... Plus, I still have plenty to finish off in my cabinets.
Beyond my wallet and weekly diet - I broke the 2 week plateau streak and hit some weight loss (slightly over 4 pounds). Felt good considering I didn't do anything besides partake in some extra deli meats.
Sleep-wise - man-oh-man - I need to sleep. I hate how this is a constant battle.
Socially - saw some fam - good times/stories/jokes - and - tomorrow I plan on seeing some good friends at the movies... and hope to enjoy said movies.
24th CHECK-IN:
Current Goals:
Lose 52 lbs
Completed as of 4/12/2023
New Goal: Maintain or Continue on The Weight Loss Path
Avoid "Junk Food"
Minimize Take-Out / Fast Food Consumption
Short Term:
Vegetarian-ish Diet: Completed
End Date: 4/09/2023 - 46 Days Total
Meal Tracker:
(1) Hot Ham & Swiss on a Burger Bun
(1) Turkey Swiss on a Burger Bun
Handful of Good & Gather's Tex Mex Trail Mix
Bag of BBQ Corn Nuts
(1) Hot Ham & Swiss on a Burger Bun
(1) Turkey Swiss on a Burger Bun
(2) Triangle Wedges of Watermelon
(1) Glass of Milk
(1) Turkey Swiss on a Burger Bun
(1) Chicken and American Cheese on Burger Bun
Bag of BBQ Corn Nuts
(1) Old Wisconsin Turkey Sausage & Cheddar Cheese Stick Combo
(2) Chicken and American Cheese Sandwiches on Sesame Seed Buns
(1) Triangle Wedge of Watermelon
Bag of Orville Redenbacher Ultimate Butter Popcorn
(2) Chicken and American Cheese Sandwiches on Sesame Seed Buns
Bag BBQ Corn Nuts
Handful of Good & Gather's Tex Mex Trail Mix
Bag of Smartfoods White Cheddar Popcorn
(1) Pineapple Brat on a Bakery Bun
- Ketchup
(1) Taco Brat on a Bakery Bun
- Ketchup
(1) Grilled Potato
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
Cesaer Salad
Bag of Smartfoods White Cheddar Popcorn
Bag of Orville Redenbacher Ultimate Butter Popcorn
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
Chef Salad
(1) Medium Orange
Santa Fe Style Salad
Handful of Wonderful's Smokey BBQ Pistachios
Chef Salad
(1) Medium Orange
Santa Fe Style Salad
Handful of Wonderful's Salt & Vinegar Pistachios
(1) Homemade Oven-Baked Ham, Pastrami, Chicken Swiss Slider on a Artesian Bun
(1) Medium Orange
(3) Leftover Homemade Oven-Baked Ham, Pastrami, Chicken Pepperjack Sliders on a Artesian Buns
(3) Leftover Homemade Oven-Baked Ham, Pastrami, Chicken Pepperjack Sliders on a Artesian Buns
(2) Glass of Chocolate Milk
(1) Medium Orange
Bag of Orville Redenbacher Ultimate Butter Popcorn
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(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 sets of 20]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(5 min) Planks [5 sets of 1 min]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 sets of 20]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(5 min) Planks [5 sets of 1 min]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 Sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 sets of 20]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [5 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(5 min) Planks [5 sets of 1 min]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges[4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 Sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 sets of 20]
Starting Weight (Noon, 1/01/2023): XXX.X lbs
Weight at Last Check-In, 6/07/2023: ZERO lbs
Weight As of Noon, 6/14/2023: -4.4 lbs
Total Weight Loss: -69.8 lbs
Closing Thoughts:
The Good:
Coming off a 2 week plateau and losing over 4 pounds. Nice little bump - but - still aware another plateau can surdace.
The Bad:
I've had some tad off days at work.
The Ugly:
Feel like a broken record - but - I am jonesing for some good ol' fashion sleep.
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thatted1978 · 1 year
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts
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Transformers: Rise of the Beasts introduces a captivating twist to the franchise by merging the iconic Autobots with a powerful faction known as the Maximals. As a new menace emerges, capable of obliterating the entire planet, Optimus Prime must form an alliance with these beast-like warriors. The Maximals, led by the courageous Optimus Primal, bring their own unique skills and transforming abilities to the table, ensuring an awe-inspiring clash of robotic titans.
At the heart of this enthralling narrative lies the fate of humanity itself. Amidst the chaos and impending doom, two brave humans named Noah and Elena step forward, ready to go to great lengths to assist the Transformers. As the Transformers engage in the ultimate battle for Earth's survival, Noah and Elena become vital allies, their unwavering determination amplifying the stakes and emotional resonance of the story.
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts promises a jaw-dropping cinematic experience like no other. As gigantic mechanical beings clash in epic battles across sprawling cityscapes and breathtaking landscapes, the movie boasts mind-blowing special effects and awe-inspiring visuals that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats. The cutting-edge CGI seamlessly brings the Transformers and Maximals to life, immersing viewers in a mesmerizing world of robotic warfare.
To truly appreciate the grandeur of "Transformers: Rise of the Beasts," there's no better place to witness it than at Movie Lair. Known for its state-of-the-art technology and commitment to delivering the finest cinematic experiences, Movie Lair has garnered a reputation as the go-to destination for movie enthusiasts. Equipped with IMAX screens and immersive surround sound, Movie Lair ensures that every explosive moment of the film is felt with intensity, allowing audiences to become fully engrossed in the Transformers universe.
Moreover, Movie Lair's commitment to customer satisfaction extends beyond its technical prowess. From plush seating arrangements to a wide range of delectable snacks and beverages, the theater's amenities ensure that moviegoers are catered to in every aspect. The comfortable and inviting atmosphere allows viewers to fully immerse themselves in the film's captivating storyline and unforgettable action sequences.
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts promises to be an unmissable addition to the iconic Transformers franchise, bringing together the Autobots and the Maximals in a battle of epic proportions. With humanity's future hanging in the balance, the courageous Optimus Prime, alongside a new generation of Transformers, embark on an exhilarating quest to save the Earth.
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For the ultimate viewing experience, head to Movie Lair, where the wonders of Transformers: Rise of the Beasts come alive. With cutting-edge technology and a commitment to customer satisfaction, Movie Lair ensures that every second of this spectacular sci-fi showdown is enjoyed to its fullest potential. Get ready to witness the clash of titans, the triumph of heroes
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luxoglamping · 11 months
A Beginner's Guide to Introducing Your Partner to Glamping: From Camping to Glamping
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Introducing Your Partner to Glamping
Camping can be a thrilling and fulfilling outdoor adventure for many, but not everyone shares the same enthusiasm for roughing it in the wilderness. If you're an avid camper hoping to introduce your partner to the joys of camping, you might encounter some resistance.
Understanding Your Partner's Concerns
Before planning your glamping trip, it's crucial to understand what reservations your partner has about traditional camping. It’s good recommendation engaging in an open conversation to pinpoint specific concerns, such as discomfort, fear of bugs, or the absence of basic amenities.
Addressing Common Concerns
Here, we'll explore practical solutions to common camping apprehensions raised by Reddit users:
Comfortable Accommodations: To ease your partner into camping, consider investing in a spacious tent, an air mattress with real sheets, and comfortable chairs.
Battling the Elements: Prepare for various weather conditions. Bring fans for hot weather, warm bedding for cold nights, and a canopy or umbrella to protect against rain or sun.
Bugs and Insects: Combat bugs by using thermacells or citronella candles to create a bug-free zone around your campsite.
Entertainment: Keep your partner engaged with games, music, or portable projectors for movie nights.
Preparing for Your Glamping Trip
This section offers a checklist of essential items to pack for a successful glamping experience:
Accommodations: Ensure you have a comfortable and roomy tent, air mattress, and all necessary bedding.
Campsite Setup: Bring outdoor rugs, string lights, and decorations to make your campsite feel like home.
Cooking Equipment: Don't forget your camping stove, cookware, and a cooler for storing food and drinks.
Creature Comforts: Pack comfortable chairs, a table, and a power station for charging devices.
Personal Items: Include personal hygiene products, clothing for different weather conditions, and essential medications.
Choosing the Right Location
The success of your glamping trip also depends on selecting an appropriate location:
Yurts and Cabins: Consider renting a yurt, cabin, or pop-up trailer in a state park or nature reserve to combine comfort and nature.
Campground Amenities: Opt for campgrounds with amenities like flushing toilets, showers, and electricity to ease your partner into the camping experience.
The Importance of Good Sleep
A comfortable night's sleep can make or break your glamping trip. Ensure your partner gets quality rest by providing a comfortable cot or mattress, cozy bedding, and a good pillow.
Food and Dining
Elevate your glamping experience with delicious meals:
Gourmet Meals: Plan meals that take advantage of your camping equipment, like grilling steaks or cooking one-pot wonders.
Snacks: Bring a variety of snacks to keep energy levels up throughout the day.
Coffee and Tea: Don't forget to cater to your partner's caffeine preferences.
Engage in Outdoor Activities
To maximize your partner's enjoyment, plan outdoor activities that align with their interests, such as hiking, stargazing, or wildlife watching.
My Personal Experience
I introduced my partner to glamping, and it was a success! We enjoyed comfort in the great outdoors, and it brought us closer. Remember to focus on creating a comfortable and enjoyable experience, and don't forget the essentials for a great glamping trip.
Embrace the Glamping Lifestyle
Ultimately, the goal is to strike a balance between the great outdoors and creature comforts. Embrace the glamping lifestyle, and your partner might just discover a newfound love for camping.
Introducing a reluctant partner to glamping doesn't have to be a daunting task. By understanding their concerns, addressing their needs, and planning a glamping trip with all the right ingredients, you can create a memorable and enjoyable outdoor experience that both of you will cherish.
Happy glamping!
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ogradyfilm · 1 year
Recently Viewed - Meg 2: The Trench
[The following review contains MINOR SPOILERS; YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!]
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The opening teaser of Meg 2: The Trench is a delightfully creative self-contained sequence that depicts a hypothetical prehistoric ecosystem. First, a mosquito is eaten by a dragonfly, which is then swallowed by a lizard. From there, we work our way up the food chain: an amphibious carnivore easily picks off the reptile, but is no match for the mighty Tyrannosaurus rex. The king of the dinosaurs, however, is finally conquered when an enormous megalodon rises from the deep for a super-sized snack, cementing itself as the true apex predator.
The film’s climax is equally fun, with director Ben Wheatley delivering the same chaotic brand of spectacular mayhem that made Free Fire so irresistibly appealing. Our heroes must battle not only a trio of the eponymous sharks, but also a giant octopus, a squad of bloodthirsty mercenaries, and a corrupt corporate executive. If nothing else, it gives us the gloriously absurd image of Jason Statham riding a jet ski while hurling explosive harpoons, which more than makes up for its predecessor’s lackluster finale.
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Unfortunately, everything in between the beginning and end is just fucking awful. The dialogue is clunky and awkward—I believe that the youth of today would describe it as “cringe.” The supporting characters are so bland and indistinguishable that they frequently border on interchangeable—which becomes especially troublesome when their already vague identities are further obscured by identical diving suits, making it literally impossible to tell who’s dying when shit inevitably hits the fan. And with the exception of the aforementioned set pieces, the visual style is rather flat and uninspiring—a poorly edited mishmash of generic blockbuster glamor shots utterly devoid of flavor or personality.
I don’t want to imply that the middle section is uniformly bad; some legitimately decent ideas occasionally bubble to the surface. The main human antagonist’s genuine affection for his girlfriend, for example, is a welcome touch, elevating him above his fellow villains (who wouldn’t be out of place in an episode of Captain Planet). Statham’s relationship with his surrogate daughter is also charming despite being a bit underdeveloped. And Cliff Curtis is the absolute MVP; he understands exactly how unserious the story is and adjusts his performance accordingly, enriching even those scenes in which his sole narrative purpose is to act as Statham’s hype man (à la Richard Crenna in the Rambo series).
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Ultimately, though, these meager scraps fail to salvage Meg 2. I simply cannot recommend a movie on the basis of a few “cool” parts when the rest of the experience is so irredeemably boring, embarrassing, and joyless.
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newgames22 · 1 year
Adversarial Marvels Unveiled - Atlas Fallen's Multifaceted Menagerie
In the captivating world of Atlas Fallen, players can enhance their experience by exploring expansive landscapes and confronting an array of over a dozen distinctive enemy variants. As they glide through the game's immersive environments, they'll encounter these adversaries organized into three tiers - basic, large, and colossal - each tier presenting escalating challenges. To fully immerse themselves in this epic adventure, players might also consider checking out ways to acquire and enjoy new experiences, such as looking into where to buy PS5 games. Large enemies function as mini-bosses, while colossal ones stand as bosses, punctuating the gameplay with thrilling showdowns.
Learning and adapting to each enemy's unique attack pattern is crucial, though Atlas Fallen's overall difficulty, while not excessively high, poses occasional spikes that demand strategic finesse. Upon inevitable defeat, players can swiftly reload from the last save point or retry boss encounters without relinquishing equipment or items. Cooperative play enhances the experience, as exemplified by the seamless partnership between a dedicated explorer and Gaming Nexus Editor-in-Chief Eric Hauter, highlighting the absence of technical issues commonly associated with online co-op.
However, a minor setback arises within this cooperative endeavor: Eric's progress, Essence accumulation, and items do not transition back to his solo game, leaving a poignant caveat that tempers the overall harmony. Despite these nuances, Atlas Fallen's combat gameplay exhibits promise, presenting a foundation poised for enhancement. While the introductory and concluding segments of the game may lack luster, the potential for a more compelling experience remains palpable. Thus, a hopeful aspiration emerges - that adventurers will persevere while exploring the immersive world, unlocking the game's potential, and embracing its intricate interplay of challenge and camaraderie, which might just inspire them to buy PS5 games.
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A Breathtaking Chill Action RPG with Unforgettable Graphics and Co-op Excitement
Atlas Fallen might not be reshaping the gaming landscape like a mountain-moving spell, but guess what? When looking to buy PS5 games, it's got its unique charm that's worth checking out. Sure, it's got some quirks like limited fast travel and a world map that's like, "Hello, where's everyone?" But let's be real, the graphics are so breathtaking, you'll want to frame them as posters.
But wait, there's more! This game isn't here to stress you out – it's all about that chill action RPG vibe that's both exciting and laid-back. Imagine unleashing your skills in battles that are fast-paced, but not like, "Ugh, I need a nap" levels of hard. And if you're the kind of player who's all about teaming up with pals, guess what? You can co-op your way through this journey!
Now, we gotta be real, there's a bit of a rocky road ahead. Enemies might pull some sneaky moves, fast travel isn't as breezy as a summer breeze, and sometimes the map feels emptier than my snack stash after a gaming marathon. But here's the deal – the story is like a magnet, pulling you forward with each twist and turn. And the combat? Oh, it's like jumping into an action movie, but you won't need a stunt double.
So, if you're new to the whole RPG thing, don't even stress. Atlas Fallen is like your ultimate guide to the genre, with all the fantasy vibes and combat that's easy to pick up but crazy fun to master. 🗡️🔮
It might not snag the "Game of the Year" title, but trust us, Atlas Fallen is here to leave a mark. So grab your controller, team up with friends, and get ready for an adventure that's gonna make you say, "Who needs mountains when you've got Atlas Fallen?"
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Atlas Fallen: Surfer's Paradise of Action
Step into a World of Wonders: Atlas Fallen invites you to an open-world adventure that's as beautiful as it is challenging. Picture a world covered in sand waves just waiting to be surfed, all while you face off against tough enemies. The folks behind this game, Deck13, are no strangers to intense action (think Lords of the Fallen and The Surge), but this time they've cranked it up a notch, using the latest tech to create a game that kicks the last-gen to the curb.
Battle the Evil God: Imagine a world where a mean ol' god is gobbling up all the planet's goodies to stay super powerful and oppressive. In Atlas Fallen, that's exactly what's happening. And guess who's here to save the day? You! You start as an "Unnamed," which means you're part of the underdog squad in this tough world. But hold up – things get mega-exciting when you stumble upon a magical gauntlet. This snazzy accessory becomes besties with your Unnamed self, and suddenly you've got the power to turn things around in this gloomy world of inequality. From the very first battle, Atlas Fallen's non-stop action keeps you on the edge.
Why Atlas Fallen Shines:
Next-Gen Awesomeness: This game isn't just a small step – it's a huge leap into the current-gen gaming universe. Deck13, the genius creators, have mastered the power of modern hardware, making Atlas Fallen a visual masterpiece that's leagues ahead.
Underdog Power: Atlas Fallen flips the script by letting you start as an "Unnamed," giving you a real taste of the struggles in this game world. It's not just about flashy battles; it's about rising from the bottom to make a massive difference.
No Slow-Mo Here: Once the action starts, Atlas Fallen keeps you hooked. The momentum never lets up, so get ready for a gaming experience that's as fast-paced as it is exhilarating.
Stylish and Savage: Deck13 knows how to make things look good while keeping the heat turned up. The visuals, the battles – everything's stylishly savage, making sure you're in for an eye-popping and heart-pounding ride.
So, if you're all about diving into an open world where you can ride sand waves, take down baddies, and turn the tables on an evil god, Atlas Fallen is your ticket to non-stop excitement. Get ready to rock the gauntlet and change the game!
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Discover Thrills and Imagination at IMG World: Your Ultimate World-Class Theme Park Adventure!
Experience a theme park adventure at IMG World, where thrills and imagination come to life.IMG Worlds of Adventure is the largest indoor theme park in the world, located in Dubai, UAE. With an area of over 1.5 million square feet, IMG Worlds of Adventure offers a variety of rides, attractions, and entertainment for all ages.
The amusement park is subdivided into a number of distinct themed areas, some of which include Marvel, Cartoon Network, Lost Valley, and IMG Boulevard. Itch Zone is uniquely designed to transport you to a different world of adventure and excitement. From thrilling roller coasters to interactive attractions, IMG Worlds of Adventure has something for everyone.
It is always a good idea to check IMG World's timing before planning your visit. The park offers different IMG world ticket prices based on age, height, and whether you choose a single-day or multiple-day pass. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure at IMG Worlds of Adventure. Whether you are a thrill-seeker or just looking for a fun day out with family and friends, IMG Worlds of Adventure is the ultimate destination for you.
Discover Thrills and Imagination at IMG World: You’re Ultimate World-Class Theme Park Adventure!
Thrilling Rides and Attractions
IMG World offers an adrenaline-packed experience with its variety of rides and attractions. Some of the must-try rides include the Velociraptor, the world's tallest and fastest roller coaster, and the Haunted Hotel, a spine-tingling walk-through attraction. With over 20 rides and attractions, visitors are sure to find something to suit their level of thrill-seeking.
Marvel Zone
Fans of Marvel superheroes will love the Marvel Zone, which features attractions and experiences based on popular characters such as Spider-Man, The Avengers, and Iron Man. The highlight of the zone is the Avengers Battle of Ultron, an immersive 3D experience that takes visitors on a mission to save the world.
Cartoon Network Zone
Families with young children will love the Cartoon Network Zone, which features attractions and characters from popular shows such as Ben 10, The Powerpuff Girls, and Adventure Time. Visitors can take a ride on the Ben 10 5D Cinema, play at the Adventure Time Play Area, or meet their favorite Cartoon Network characters.
Lost Valley
The Lost Valley is an immersive prehistoric experience where visitors can encounter life-size dinosaurs and go on a Jurassic adventure. Attractions include the Forbidden Territory, a thrilling dinosaur safari ride, and the Predator, a suspended roller coaster that takes visitors on a high-speed journey through the Lost Valley.
Novo Cinemas
IMG World also features a state-of-the-art cinema complex, Novo Cinemas, which boasts 12 screens, including a 12-screen IMAX cinema. Visitors can enjoy the latest blockbuster movies in comfort and style, with luxurious seating and advanced audio-visual technology.
Dining and Shopping
IMG World offers a variety of dining options, ranging from fast food to full-service restaurants, as well as snack kiosks and cafes. Visitors can enjoy a meal at Tony's Sky Deck, a New York-style Italian restaurant with stunning views of the park. For shopping, visitors can explore IMG Boulevard, which features a range of retail stores selling merchandise and souvenirs.
Special Events and Parties
IMG World hosts a range of special events and parties throughout the year, including Halloween parties, New Year's Eve celebrations, and birthday parties. The park also offers private event spaces and catering services, making it the perfect venue for corporate events, weddings, and other special occasions.
Accessibility and Services
IMG World is fully accessible for visitors with disabilities, with wheelchair-friendly attractions, accessible restrooms, and special assistance available upon request. The park also offers a range of services, including stroller rentals, locker rentals, and VIP packages. Safety and Security
IMG World places the safety and security of its visitors as a top priority. The park is equipped with advanced safety systems, including fire safety systems and emergency response teams. Security personnel are stationed throughout the park to ensure the safety of visitors and maintain a safe and secure environment.
Tickets and pricing
Single-day tickets, yearly passes, and fast-track passes are just some of the ticket choices available at IMG World. Ticket prices vary depending on the type of ticket and the time of year, with discounts available for online purchases and group bookings. Visitors can also take advantage of special promotions and deals, which are announced regularly on the park's website and social media channels.
IMG World of Adventures is the ultimate world-class theme park adventure that promises to deliver an exhilarating experience to visitors of all ages. With its impressive array of rides, attractions, and entertainment options, this theme park is a must-visit destination for thrill-seekers and families alike.
Booking an IMG World ticket guarantees access to some of the most thrilling rides in the world, including the Velociraptor rollercoaster and the haunted hotel adventure. Moreover, visitors can indulge in a range of dining and shopping experiences, making it a complete entertainment package.
Whether you're a fan of superheroes, dinosaurs, or cartoon characters, IMG World of Adventures has something for everyone. Therefore, if you're planning a trip to Dubai, make sure to include this theme park on your itinerary for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure that you won't forget.
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sortedfoodmemes · 3 years
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timbertumbr · 2 years
hi hello hope you're doing well!! if i may, could i request a Red Son x a bit chaotic Male!Reader oneshot where the reader is a demon who hides his features (horns, tail, etc.) with a human disguise because he's a bit scared of what people might think, but one day he accidentally reveals his true self to Red (maybe through a battle where he has to use his power or just havin' fun whatever you'd like!) I think Red Son would def be very surprised but ultimately not mind bc he's a literal demon too
Be True To Yourself (LMK Red Son X Reader)
I love it! I write for everyone, the reader is never described so ANYONE can read it without feeling uncomfy. :)
You were having a chill date with Redson at his place, ya know, movies, snacks, cuddles. Very wholesome stuff. Though you couldn’t help but be a tad nervous, you weren’t exactly portraying who you truly were, physically anyway. Sometimes the disguise can feel like a weight when you’re around Redson, but you were also very afraid of what he would think if you were to show your true self. 
He had gotten up to get more snacks and you felt like you were suffocating in your disguise, maybe a short reprieve would help… With little hesitation, you removed the cloak that disguised you and sighed in relief, much better… for now. You decided to scroll through the TV to distract you from your anxious thoughts when you hear a small gasp. You’re quick to turn your head and see Redson just… kind of staring with a bunch of snacks in his arms. You’re quick to disguise yourself and wave your arms rapidly.
“I-It’s not what it looks like I-” 
“Darling,“ He cuts you off as he gently places the snacks onto the table before taking your face gently into his hands.
“Why are you hiding?”  You look at him confused.
“You’re hiding what you truly look like. Love, how did you think I would react? I am a demon as well, after all,” . . . You didn’t think this through. He gently puts his forehead against yours. 
“I fell in love with you for your personality, yes it will take time to adjust to this revelation but I will be with you to make sure you are comfortable in your own skin,” You smile gently and hug him, tucking your head under his.
“Thank you…” He wraps his arms around you.
“Of course, now, let’s take this one step at a time. 15 minutes out of your disguise during our date, okay?” You nod.
“Alright,” From that day onward, he helped you become more comfortable of who you are. :)
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shotorozu · 4 years
okay lets cut to the chase 💆
introverted/reserved (fem!)reader > lowkey intimidating cause they’re so quiet like girl... SPEAK 😭🙏🏽
x class 1-a (platonic) hcs when reader gets in a pretty gnarly (not a good gnarly 😞💔) fight on television, like its on the news, but reader’s all bold throughout the fight? like she’s taunting the opponent (like bakugou’s smirk LIKE WHEWWWW)? and whew its so bad a$$ but she still gets pretty beaten up and when she gets back to the dorms she so non-chalant about it like??? hello??? 😭😭😭
reserved reader getting into a fight on tv
ft. class 1-A (platonic)
legend : [Y/N = your name, L/N = last name] f!reader, reader has a strong telepathic quirk
fic type : headcanons [multiple]
notes : platonic 🤠 also i can relate to the “girl sPEAK” part lol, like,, i just never speak at home lol. this was fun to write. also! the blog will be under construction, what does that mean? well— i’ll be making the haikyuu masterlist, and i’ll be editing the aesthetic of certain works :))
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class 1-A
you’re very reserved, and mostly silent.
like.. the class has heard you speak inside of class a few times, and it mostly stuck to all of them.
because you also intimidated all of them (due to the lack of speech)
you’re a lot more intimidating than pre-sports festival todoroki. and that says something! (you swear it’s unintentional)
you announce that you’re going out for some snacks for the class 1-A movie night
and you decide to go alone because you said “i’ll be quick.”
it’s been 30 minutes.
thirty? it’s reasonable if the store was far away, and the class has been growing worried for you
a part of them’s like “hm, she’ll be fine” and “oh my god, she definitely got kidnapped.”
they decided to flip through channels before starting the movie, and they’re baffled, shocked
[Breaking News — UA student, Y/N L/N goes up against enormous nomu while protecting a child and a store]
you’re fighting a giant ass nomu, shielding a child behind you as you send pieces of rubble flying towards the nomu, trying your best to not damage the store and the area.
“oh shit, this looks bad” kirishima notes out loud, grasping onto kaminari “so that’s where she went.”
everyone’s kinda worried, because.. the situation is NOT looking pretty— as they could tell that you have a slight arm injury
everyone’s debating on calling the proheros, and everyone’s also debating if they should aid you.
the atmosphere seems panicked, the girls are pacing around the room— panicking and teary eyed about your wellbeing
todoroki’s jittery, midoriya is a rambling mess, bakugou’s a little more hostile than usual
the class is just,, a mess. they’re all worried.
even more so when you get trapped in the mouth of the nomu, about to get swallowed up
yet you don’t seem so worried, and you’re SMIRKING (similar to the bakugou smirk, which surprises them because.. why are you smirking?? this is odd)
and so you allow yourself to get swallowed up
eventually, the class spirals into deeper panic— but they are slightly relieved when the nomu ultimately stops moving, and it’s mouth rips right open
only to reveal you, all bloodied up like that scene from carrie— walking towards the child you were protecting
compared to the endeavor vs nomu fight, this panicked the entirety of the class since— they all care about you (even if some don’t express it.)
even though the situation was handled, they’re all panicking “oh my god, does she need to go to the hospital? they won’t die will they? what will we do if—”
“guys, calm down.”
they’re startled when they see you covered in blood, panting slightly from the outcome of that battle— holding the bag of snacks
“gah!- Y/N? you’re.. okay!”
you shuffle to them, offering them the bag of snacks, wiping your bloodied face with your hand
and you’re weirded out because.. why’re they so surprised?? ofc i’m okay
“why wouldn’t i be?” you shrugged, and you try to move past them— but the majority force you into a hug
“we’re glad you’re okay!” they all exclaimed, clearly glad that you’re not dead
“you did well, Y/N,” todoroki pats your back, and bakugou ‘tched “why wouldn’t she? i would’ve been pissed if you lost against that stupid nomu.”
you smile, patting their back— and they let go of you “i’m gonna shower, then we can watch the movie.”
right, because you smell bad.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei. i only own the writing
do not plagiarize my work :))
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