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Snart på väg till mikroförlagsmässan i Tranås. Ses vi där? :D #author #ulricaesundin #författare #drakensdotter #resansbörjan #mikroförlagsmässan2017 #tranås
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Time to proofread! It’s about three months until the new edition of the Swedish version of the “Daughter of the Dragon-The Journey Begins” (Drakens Dotter-Resans Början) is released. I’m so happy, but also nervous and a little bit stressed about everything that have to be prepared, but I’ll think it will work out fine. What is life without a challenge now and then. :) Take care everybody! #drakensdotter #resansbörjan #daughterofthedragon #thejourneybegins #author #ulricaesundin #ulricaedvinssonsundin #30daypostingchallenge #day17
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Får man vara såhär glad som jag är just nu? Nya upplagan är äntligen här och kommer först finnas tillgänglig på Tranås Mikroförlagsmässa den 8 juli. Men förhoppningsvis finns den även snart tillgänglig i en bokhandel nära dig :D (Och om inte så får ni gärna fråga efter den ;) ) TACK till alla som har varit med och stöttat mig under den här tiden. Ni är verkligen underbara! #ulricaesundin #författare #fantasy #YA #ungdomslitteratur #drakensdotter #resansbörjan
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I hope you haven't missed that the first four chapters of the Swedish version of the “Daughter of the Dragon”-series is available on Wattpad. :) Take care everybody! #drakensdotter #resansbörjan #daughterofthedragon #thejourneybegins #author #ulricaesundin #ulricaedvinssonsundin #30daypostingchallenge #day16
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Meeting with some author friends at Linköpings main library. @hanonym @saganomella @ewalotta_broberg @thomasarnfelt Take care everybody! #drakensdotter #resansbörjan #daughterofthedragon #thejourneybegins #author #ulricaesundin #ulricaedvinssonsundin #30daypostingchallenge #day15
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I'm at my campus at Linköping University studying before I start my jobb at the campus library. I work part time here to help paying for publishing costs for my books. It takes a big chunk out of my already strained time schedule, but I love it here. And the money give me so many more chances to attend book fairs and convents to meet my readers. Take care everybody! #drakensdotter #resansbörjan #daughterofthedragon #thejourneybegins #author #ulricaesundin #ulricaedvinssonsundin #30daypostingchallenge #day14
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Here is a review that I realised I hadn't shared here on Instagram. (If you want to read excerpts from the goodreads reviews in english, please visit my homepage ulricaesundin.com. You can also find me on Patreon if you want to leave a donation to support the ongoing project to get the book “Daughter of the Dragon - The Journey Begins” translated into english.) To read the full review in swedish, please visit the book's goodreads page or at the book blog "Marias bokhylla." Take care everybody! #drakensdotter #resansbörjan #daughterofthedragon #thejourneybegins #author #ulricaesundin #ulricaedvinssonsundin #30daypostingchallenge #day13
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I just realised that the first chapter has 940 views on Wattpad. :D #drakensdotter #resansbörjan #daughterofthedragon #thejourneybegins #author #ulricaesundin #ulricaedvinssonsundin #30daypostingchallenge #day12
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I decided to try Patreon to finance the English translation of the “Daughter of the Dragon - The Journey Begins.” It was a long way to travel to publish the Swedish version, but I gladly do it again for the English one. Do you want to help? Please visit my Patreon page to do so. https://www.patreon.com/ulricaesundin I’m grateful for every donation and hope you want to support me. Thank you! Take care everybody! #drakensdotter #resansbörjan #daughterofthedragon #thejourneybegins #author #ulricaesundin #ulricaedvinssonsundin #30daypostingchallenge #day11
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The layout for the swedish version of the ebook is finally done! Now it only need to get proofread to check that everything looks like its suppose to, and then it's ready to be published. Take care everybody! #drakensdotter #resansbörjan #daughterofthedragon #thejourneybegins #author #ulricaesundin #ulricaedvinssonsundin #30daypostingchallenge #day10
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My calendar is one of the tools I use to keep track on my busy schedule. I even plan writing breaks in it during extra hectic periods. How do you do? Are you a writer or have any other kind of creative profession? And If you are, what is your best tips to keep everything in your life on track? I’m covering this subject in my next blog post, and if you want to be in it, here is your chance. Leave your tips in the comments, tell me what you do for a living, and if you want to be quoted by name. Let’s help each other to help others. :) Take care everybody! #drakensdotter #resansbörjan #daughterofthedragon #thejourneybegins #author #ulricaesundin #ulricaedvinssonsundin #30daypostingchallenge #day6
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Missed to post anything yesterday! 😔 Sorry about that. (Will make up for it by post twice today.) It was a very busy day yesterday and it isn't always easy to make the pieces in my time puzzle to fit each other. Something I will write about in my blog very soon, so if you also think this is a problem, make sure not to miss it! (You’ll find my blog at ulricaesundin.com) I will write about how I make time to write, and how to handle time plane failures. But today I have my university paper and my ebook on my schedule. I’m planning to finish the swedish ebook version of the “Daughter of the Dragon” (Drakens Dotter) as soon as possible. Because when it's done, I will finaly have time to start the english translation! And I'm so happy about that. :D I hope you all have a good day to. Take care everybody! #drakensdotter #resansbörjan #daughterofthedragon #thejourneybegins #author #ulricaesundin #ulricaedvinssonsundin #30daypostingchallenge #day5
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Today I’m at my other job. At a library. How could have guessed ;)
#drakensdotter #resansbörjan #daughterofthedragon #thejourneybegins #author #ulricaesundin #ulricaedvinssonsundin #30daypostingchallenge #day4
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I’ve decided to give blogging another try (you find it at ulricaesundin.com) So now I’m wondering, what do you wanna read about? Do you write? Or do you dream of starting? Please tell me in the comments if there is any subject about writing, or my books, that you want to read about. And I’ll try to make it happen. :) Take care everybody! #drakensdotter #resansbörjan #daughterofthedragon #thejourneybegins #author #ulricaesundin #ulricaedvinssonsundin #30daypostingchallenge #day3
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Jag hoppas du inte missat “Drakens Dotter”-seriens egen facebooksida. :) I hope you haven't missed the “Daughter of the Dragon”-series own Facebook page. :) #drakensdotter #resansbörjan #daughterofthedragon #thejourneybegins #author #ulricaesundin #ulricaedvinssonsundin #30daypostingchallenge #day2
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