#uldnt find it
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Energy sord
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fleshblueberry · 3 years
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honeydukeshowler · 4 years
Is it wrong that I thirst after Goliath from the Gargoyles??
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Like.....why do I find this so hot right here?? Hes so thiccc, dummy thicc and imma simp over this stone dude for a while now- I'm like obsessed over this shit bc of the mythology, but also bc this show reminds me of a really raunchy book about a human falling in love with a gargoyle called 'Heart of Stone' super good, like really raunchy and more realistic that '50 Shades of Grey'.
Anyway, I guess this counts as another kink: Straight up, sexy ass succubi/incubi looking stone turning Gargoyles.
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Like 👆👆👆
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And 😩😩😩👆👆👆
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One of my first same sex crushes😍😍
Not to mention, they have an elf boy
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And they have diversity
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Theres more in there, but I I pi uldnt find gifs for them at this time/ the guy above is like Villian!Tony Stark and I live for it!!!
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a-murder-of-trolls · 6 years
sachin would have to leave a text, while harlow would leave a whole letter! have fun.
KC: ⍤⃝♡⃝♡⃝♡⃝♡ hi lavada!! its me sachin 
KC: ⍤⃝♡⃝♡⃝♡⃝♡ i guess y☆u might be sleeping right n☆w and thats ☆kay!!! i just wanted t☆ tell y☆u that im g☆nna be g☆ing away f☆r awhile 
KC: ⍤⃝♡⃝♡⃝♡⃝♡ f☆r awhile i mean.. f☆r a while!! y☆u sh☆uldnt g☆ l☆☆king f☆r me because ill be perfectly fine 
KC: ⍤⃝♡⃝♡⃝♡⃝♡ c☆ndys ass☆rted a nice vacati☆n f☆r me i think they’re here already 
KC: ⍤⃝♡⃝♡⃝♡⃝♡ bef☆re i g☆ i wanted t☆ tell y☆u that ill miss y☆u s☆ much!!! hanging ☆ut with y☆u and being y☆ur friend has been such a gift and im s☆rry i never paid y☆u back!
KC: ⍤⃝♡⃝♡⃝♡⃝♡ ive left s☆me candy in my hive if the dr☆nes d☆nt make a mess ☆f the place if y☆u want s☆me!! its all underneath my bed
KC: ⍤⃝♡⃝♡⃝♡⃝♡ ☆h and my cl☆set is all y☆urs t☆☆!!!
KC: ⍤⃝♡⃝♡⃝♡⃝♡ h☆pefully ill see y☆u s
Dear Denyak, 
Howdy there, darling.
You don’t know how much
I wish I didn’t have to
Denyak. Spending that day with you at the palace was one of the most refreshing times I’d ever had. After having to stick to such a routine schedule, breaking some of the rules and having fun with you was the best few hours I’ve ever had. I thought I was careful, but I guess… not careful enough. They’ve cracked down on a few of the lowbloods already, and many of the dorms next to me are empty now. I think they’re clearing us out, making room for some newer, stronger hands.
I don’t want you to pity me, or feel badly. I want you to wear that smile you did the first day I met you and I want you to keep it. I hope you can move on- find another troll to give your affections to. I won’t be selfish about you, no matter how much I might want to. Don’t blame yourself, there’s nothing that could’ve prevented this.
I never got to tell you that I loved you, but if this letter reaches you eventually, I hope you’ll take this knowledge and bloom with it, not grieve.
Maybe, next time you see the sunset out at sea, you’ll think of me.
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babyawacs · 4 years
 .@law @law @laws @harvard_law .@lawyer .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden .@all @w orld by the way lawyers identify ifthe germans tried to n uthouse the case again and braindamamged for weeks that isho uldnt mind whenthey doso andor not defendmyself toowell the court charging oathsigned ofthe facts that is thebas is the oath signed facts oftheir criminal intelsystem as basis ofthe nutting whatkindof system games for ifwe damamg ehimand quellit its solved whokeepsthemoney oh it get sbacktothe localgovernment if //// itisabout access whatt hey do with civillians: example who isit 2001 spy game+-1year but intelsystem caused flashbang bombout murderer squeezethebitch leecher backleg heart  isithostile? ifitsnonhostile demystify leecher or legmesser cautionwithsupport!!!!!!!!!  ifhostile rob ustly like the xraymurderers find xraymurderer murderer b eam tricks  allevneing aldday
 .@law @law @laws @harvard_law .@lawyer .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden .@all @w orld by the way lawyers identify ifthe germans tried to n uthouse the case again and braindamamged for weeks that isho uldnt mind whenthey doso andor not defendmyself toowell the court charging oathsigned ofthe facts that is thebas is the oath signed facts oftheir criminal intelsystem as basis ofthe nutting whatkindof system games for ifwe damamg ehimand quellit its solved whokeepsthemoney oh it get sbacktothe localgovernment if //// itisabout access whatt hey do with civillians: example who isit 2001 spy game+-1year but intelsystem caused flashbang bombout murderer squeezethebitch leecher backleg heart  isithostile? ifitsnonhostile demystify leecher or legmesser cautionwithsupport!!!!!!!!!  ifhostile rob ustly like the xraymurderers find xraymurderer murderer b eam tricks allevneing aldday
.@law @law @laws @harvard_law .@lawyer .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden .@all @world by the way lawyers identify ifthe germans tried to nuthouse the case again and braindamamged for weeks that ishouldnt mind whenthey doso andor not defendmyself toowell the court charging oathsigned ofthe facts that is thebasis the oath signed facts oftheir criminal intelsystem…
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sunfish-exotics · 7 years
Do you have a care sheet for westernhognose snakes they are cute and I'm curious about them and how difficult they are as pets etc I checked the blog but co uldnt find one also I love your blog
Oops, sorry- must have missed this ask! I don’t have a care sheet I’ve personally written, though I’m going to make one for how I care for them sooner or later.. Hm.
This is the care sheet I most often recommend, though it’s important to read as many different care sheets as possible and use your best judgement about them... -> http://extremehogs.com/Caresheet.html
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cuteiemonster · 8 years
why are you against autism speaks?
oh GOD my man... my dude.... 
I honestly ddon t kno w ho w to explain because it’s an extrmely ouchy subject fo rme
ttheyr nas ty people nnd think austism i somehting that should be elimainted and that s a burden nd bad bu t its it sno t 
tthye dont actual ly care about autistic people the yonly care about “ look ing good in the public eye “ and profit
thehy see them as puzzl epieces that have to be put to gehter to understand bu ti ts not tur e !! sur eit takes a lil bit to nuderstan dus but theyre not!!! 
htye odnt care abou t people with autsim ,oly the relatives who have to “ deal “  with them  ; ; thehy dont use their funs d to actually  “ help “ them annd theyre trying to find a cure for it ? ?? ? ? y’al l? ?? ?  it doesn t neded to be ured  ?? ? it snot a bad thi ng ? ?? ? no n one on their sta f fis autisic soo o .. >>>. . they soh uldnt get a say in anythi ng becaus ehtye literally don t know what  it fell sliks ? ?? 
m mm sorry if thi s is har d to read bu tn ow im shaki ng mm soryr bb ut you can lo ok  up why it s bad to o 
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laffytaffy-lives · 8 years
*Pepsi shows up with an actual model heart that's probably taking from some museum exhibit* Happy Valentine's Day? I read that your supposed to give hearts to people you care about am I doing this right
Pepsi,, , , I sh o uldnt be lau GH ing this hard,,, but yes,,, you did this perfectly TH an k y ou,,, I care bout you too I need to find a heart too for you,, , @buypepsi
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hentrolls-blog · 8 years
Pesterlog, Muhali + Velena
[04:36] -- kineticKid [KK] began trolling perniciousRetreat [PR] at 16:36 --
[04:37] KK: hello-? o/
[04:37] KK: are yo-u the o-ne in charge o-f the ho-t spring? o/
[04:39] PR: ~Hell▣! And yes I am.
[04:39] PR: ~I'm n▣t sure h▣w y▣u f▣und ▣ut ab▣ut it, but I'm s▣ glad that pe▣ple are hearing ab▣ut me!
[04:40] KK: o-h great! o/
[04:40] KK: i was wo-rried id written it do-wn wro-ng o/
[04:41] KK: my bo-xing co-ach said i was getting to-o- tense and tearing up my muscles o/
[04:41] KK: and reco-mmended yo-u as so-meo-ne to- go- to- abo-ut taking a co-uple days to- get myself lo-o-sened back up? o/
[04:41] KK: o-h my go-d i didnt even intro-duce myself did i!!! o/
[04:41] KK: im muhali! o/
[04:44] PR: ~It's ▣kay. I'm Velena!
[04:45] KK: nice to- meet yo-u! o/
[04:45] PR: ~I think I can definitely help y▣u with the pr▣blems y▣ur c▣ach described!
[04:46] PR: ~The h▣t water fr▣m the spring and a nice massage w▣uld relax y▣ur muscles really quick.
[04:46] PR: ~And I have s▣me guest r▣▣ms if y▣u were l▣▣king t▣ stay while!
[04:47] PR: ~I d▣n't have f▣▣d th▣ugh.. Y▣u w▣uld need t▣ g▣ t▣ the village nearby f▣r a meal.
[04:50] KK: thats o-kay! o/
[04:50] KK: i have a pretty particular diet anyways o/
[04:50] KK: so- i do-nt mind having to- go- a little o-ut o-f my way fo-r it o/
[04:51] KK: but yeah that so-unds great! o/
[04:51] KK: i just uh o/
[04:51] KK: do-nt exactly kno-w where it is o/
[04:54] PR: ~That tends t▣ be a c▣mm▣n pr▣blem.. But n▣ w▣rries!
[04:54] KK: is it hidden? o/
[04:54] KK: a secret secluded lo-catio-n! o/
[04:55] -- perniciousRetreat [PR] sent file: h▣tspringl▣cati▣n.png --
[04:55] PR: ~N▣t hidden, just n▣t advertised very well!
[04:56] PR: ~As l▣ng as y▣u can get t▣ the village I menti▣ned, there is a s▣mewhat secluded path fr▣m there t▣ get t▣ my spring.
[04:56] KK: a secret village! o/
[04:56] KK: this is so- neat! o/
[04:57] PR: ~It's near a m▣untain, which is pr▣bably a v▣lcan▣ that is creating the heat f▣r the spring.
[04:58] KK: thats ho-t o/
[04:58] KK: hehehe so-rry! o/
[04:58] KK: i just co-uldnt resist o/
[04:58] PR: ~:D
[04:59] KK: |:D o/
[05:05] KK: when sho-uld i head do-wn there? o/
[05:08] PR: ~Whenever y▣u want!
[05:09] PR: ~As l▣ng as I'm awake and here, the h▣t spring is ▣pen.
[05:16] KK: co-o-l! o/
[05:16] KK: i guess ill let my co-ach kno-w and get ready to- go- o/
[05:16] KK: might take a while it lo-o-ks like yo-ure pretty far away! o/
[05:16] KK: guess ill just skip my aero-bics to-mo-rro-w and do- my jo-g to- get there instead o/
[05:18] PR: ~A pretty l▣ng j▣g, it seems!
[05:19] PR: ~A calf massage may be in ▣rder..
[05:20] KK: ive go-ne farther! o/
[05:20] KK: no-t all at o-nce but o/
[05:20] KK: i can find so-mewhere to- sto-p and take a ten o-n the way im sure! o/
[05:26] PR: ~▣h yeah, definitely d▣ that.
[05:26] PR: ~I'm n▣t sure if y▣u c▣uld m▣ve if y▣u did it all at ▣nce.
[05:28] KK: o-kay no-w i wanna try o/
[05:28] KK: it so-unds fun o/
[05:33] KK: i think im go-nna try! o/
[05:33] KK: see yo-u so-o-n! o/
[05:33] -- kineticKid [KK] gave up trolling perniciousRetreat [PR] at 17:33 --
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brokenwarlock · 6 years
There r fics where madzie does alecs nails and makeup, but I dint think there r any 4 magnus bc this fandom makes every th ing about alec so... I dont have any links but it w po uldnt be 2 hard 2 search prolly.
ok thanks! (i figured as much tbh -_-)
I´ll search when I get home... lets hope I´ll be lucky and find sth useful
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babyawacs · 5 years
@women @woman @girl @girls @vanityfairmagazine @ellemagazine @voguemagazine @theonion .@theonion actionable are a girl cuts herself a palmtree potplant to sodomise herself, repeatedly cutting down trees for that which she had to clerk before in the room but had no other choice but to help herself ‎ #true #porno #find‎ #male #sexuality‎ ‎ ‎not so pornocheesy: for straight males, its simple. if the smallbreasted girls would feeeel theyre total hotttttt ttties whenthey llllllllllllove hottiebuttsex, to good straight male sexuality, they wouldnt have any complexes. and they wo uldnt try toscore boob fetishists but focus on the butt fetishists.‎ where the bigger girls viceversa pushup that it curves inyourface wahtever waistsize abit shapemaking belt to it.‎ ‎ ihope ithelps‎ ‎ heres to every single sophisticated hot disciplined ballerina bec autious that the perverts dont host you only that youcan take hardcore sex as slim girls. its a sicksad world while you think yo u achieved miracle mastery of beauty and elegange, and yes some guys feel that if there is a god, he intended the women tobe l ike dancers, but thatsnot how the world ticks where the power is. and themoney is. there the decadence grows. ‎ ‎ihope it helps the girls and women have my unconditional support‎ and will a l w a y s have myunconditional support counting on wisdom not to exploit that because it all shouldnt be so unfair toyou. because itis really baselessly unfair. its all bs like tradition or upbringing. ‎ ‎ all the best hotttttiebutt fetishist thatlovesit whenthegirl lllllllllloves hotttiebuttsex,utterly careless about titttts,but attuned to cu teshavedwet female genitalea ‎ ‎ f h a n t a s t i c that you know  isntit? guy mentalprograms are thatway
@women @woman @girl @girls @vanityfairmagazine @ellemagazine @voguemagazine @theonion .@theonion actionable are a girl cuts herself a palmtree potplant to sodomise herself, repeatedly cutting down trees for that which she had to clerk before in the room but had no other choice but to help herself ‎ #true #porno #find‎ #male #sexuality‎ ‎ ‎not so pornocheesy: for straight males, its simple. if the smallbreasted girls would feeeel theyre total hotttttt ttties whenthey llllllllllllove hottiebuttsex, to good straight male sexuality, they wouldnt have any complexes. and they wo uldnt try toscore boob fetishists but focus on the butt fetishists.‎ where the bigger girls viceversa pushup that it curves inyourface wahtever waistsize abit shapemaking belt to it.‎ ‎ ihope ithelps‎ ‎ heres to every single sophisticated hot disciplined ballerina bec autious that the perverts dont host you only that youcan take hardcore sex as slim girls. its a sicksad world while you think yo u achieved miracle mastery of beauty and elegange, and yes some guys feel that if there is a god, he intended the women tobe l ike dancers, but thatsnot how the world ticks where the power is. and themoney is. there the decadence grows. ‎ ‎ihope it helps the girls and women have my unconditional support‎ and will a l w a y s have myunconditional support counting on wisdom not to exploit that because it all shouldnt be so unfair toyou. because itis really baselessly unfair. its all bs like tradition or upbringing. ‎ ‎ all the best hotttttiebutt fetishist thatlovesit whenthegirl lllllllllloves hotttiebuttsex,utterly careless about titttts,but attuned to cu teshavedwet female genitalea ‎ ‎ f h a n t a s t i c that you know  isntit? guy mentalprograms are thatway
@women @woman @girl @girls @vanityfairmagazine @ellemagazine @voguemagazine @theonion .@theonion actionable area girl cuts herself a palmtree potplant to sodomise herself, repeatedly cutting down trees for that which she had to clerk before in the room but had no other choice but to help herself
#true #porno #find #male #sexuality
‎not so pornocheesy: for straight males, its simple. if the…
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