vimbry · 2 years
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icon pipeline
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carrionfourth · 6 months
tagged by @uighean to make myself in this picrew
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did my best 😭 nose looks jank but it's the closest I could get to my nose angle without the bridge ending up in a weird spot and making me look like a cubist painting. the lack of balding hairstyles is balding erasure
tagging @wholemleko @rosecolouredheart @meadowlarker @chlo-le-mouton @reversewerewolf
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ettelwenailinon · 9 months
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one son of hades for @uighean <3
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galacticlamps · 1 year
Get to know you game! Answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better!
Tagged by: @smooth-mccrimmonal
Last song listened to? Better Things by The Kinks!
Currently reading? I'm halfway through the play Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike, I just started the 11th Dr novel The Silent Stars Go By, and as far as nonfiction goes, I've been working on The Material Culture of the Jacobites for an embarrassing amount of time (it's not even a slow read, it's just physically a bit big for the bag I commute with, so I have fewer overall opportunities for that one)
Currently watching? Star Trek TNG (very slowly) // begging myself to resume my Season 5 Dr Who rewatch that went off the rails even more than usual when the disc drive on my laptop broke (but I think I finally fixed it? fingers crossed!)
Currently obsessed with? uhhh can I say Shakespearian foils without sounding either pretentious or overly-specific? Hamlet & Laertes, Henry V & half the characters in the (good) Henriad... those plays in general have been on my mind a lot lately - I think because I randomly realized the 'How all occasions do inform against me' speech could fit Hal nearly as well as it does Hamlet. I didn't mean anything in particular by that comparison, but it just got me back to thinking about/revisiting those plays more often
Tagging: @uighean @seismologically-silly @terryfphanatics @moonlight19256 @queen-boudicca @rystonlentil @livesonthebside @wheelybard @arbeaone - but no pressure! (really, nobody's worse at acknowledging these things than me lol)
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penny-anna · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @evilwickedme, thank you!
How many works do you have on ao3?
uhh okay let's see!! *pulls up statistics page* I have 419 works on ao3!
what’s your total ao3 word count?
as of right now: 1,429,463. shut up.
What fandoms do you write for?
i'm usually a 1 fandom at a time gal but currently i'm writing for BTTF and Shazam and less frequently for the Witcher and Lord of the Rings!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
in descendign order:
New Monster Stories (6803 kudos)
the world won't wait until you're older (4700 kudos)
The Price of a Touch (4245 kudos)
Somebody to Love (3629 kudos)
Tender, like a soft new sapling (3277 kudos)
at this point i've accepted that i will never experience the highs of the 2020 witcher fandom ever again
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
SO i used to respond pretty frequently but then i spent a while writing in a very very tiny fandom where every single comment was cherished & i got out of the habit of replying bcos in my mind once i've replied to a comment it's 'finished' so living them unreplied to meant i could enjoy them for longer. and then i got out of the habit!! these days i tend to only reply if i have something to say but i am grateful for all of them <3
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending
im not gonna link any of them but in my Merlin days i did write multiple fics about my OT3 killing each other. im fine thank you for asking.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
huh i feel like this is harder to measure than the above?? hmmm. scrolling back through my recent-ish works, it isn't kind is pretty unabashedly fluffy.
Do you get hate on fics?
ehhh i've had some rude comments but i wouldn't say hate
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
these days not so often!! have ended up in a string of found family type fandoms. but yeah i got uhh 65 fics rated E on the ao3. most of them are m/m occasional f/f or f/m.
Do you write crossovers?
im more into fusions which is a different thing! but have on occasion written crossovers.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
yeah actually, had a fic taken once by someone who was habitually translating fics into a different language & posting them without acknowledging the original. i think they got reported but i don't really remember who it shook out!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah quite a lot of times! u can see translations of my fics on ao3 here. disproportionately russian? i assume there's just a lot of russian fic translators out there!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
NOT for 1 million years but yes i have
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
hmmm my go to answer for this is usually two/jamie so that's what im going with
What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
i'm actually still sitting on a second doctor wip that at this point i think is a lost cause. i sent the opening scene (fake out character death lol) to some people on discord a while ago just to torment them.
What are your writing strengths?
i'd like to think dialogue!!
What are your writing weaknesses?
basically all forms of description tbph
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
im monolingual so i don't think i'd do this without assistance from a native speaker. i've actually published (like, professionally) a piece of fiction w some dialogue in another language and to my eternal gratitude some of my tumblr followers assisted me with the translation <3
First fandom you wrote for?
lord of the rings, when i was about 12
Favorite fic you’ve written?
of all time??? GOD. okay. first thought best thought the world won't wait until you're older.
ok uhh i will tag @uighean @limerental @a-kind-of-merry-war @megamindsupremacy
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saoghal-nan-saoghal · 9 months
Is duilich an catharasg a chumail a thaobh bìdh ma tha thu a' seachnadh feòil, uighean, agus bainne mar-thà. Chan eil nas motha ri sheachnadh gu tradaiseanta. Saoilidh mi fhìn am-bliadhna gun lean mi air eiseimpleir nam Muslamach agus gun seachnaich mi biadh uile gu lèir fhad 's a bhios a' ghrian fo na neòil - tha fios gun gabh rudan eile a sheachnadh cuideachd, ach nì mi sin co-dhiù, agus bu mhath leam faicinn na nì gainnead de bhiadh lem smuaintean agus lem chuid ùrnaighean.
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lesbiandonnanoble · 2 years
has anyone asked for jamie for the character bingo yet o:
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hits jamie on the head with a frying pan
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keatulie · 6 years
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birthday art for @uighean of her adorable Animal Crossing mayor!!
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longneckreach · 6 years
lore asks: 📚🎺🎉? c:
📚: any overarching clan stories?
Yeah! Aside from the general founding purpose and ongoing peacemaking efforts we had the elemental shift and, related, the Temple project.
And while most of my RP lore kinda happens in my head, there was also a long process of figuring out proper organization within the clan. When it first started it was just Jori, Adecia, Radec, and Yahev; and of course Yahev deferred to his parents, and Adecia discussed things as an equal with her mate, and the Council of Jori’s clan was perfectly willing to slot Adecia in as their draconic protector in light of everything she’d done to help them.
And then more dragons started coming and it was still....there was no tension exactly, Turania was born to be someone’s captain of the guard for example and considered it the highest honor to serve Adecia well. But as the clan expanded there needed to be much clearer delineations of who is in charge of what and who has the right to give orders under what circumstances. Seniority within the clan couldn’t be everything anymore.
🎺: any dragons that can play an instrument?
I GOT MY BARDS. Volkslied and Canzoni. Canzoni is mostly lyrics and vocal artistry, but she plays some instruments as well; tambourine-style bells for accompaniment, and some Imperial-sized reed pipes for those deep, low notes when necessary.
Volkslied mostly plays the lute, but he’s also competent on a handful of other folk instruments.
🎉: does your clan get super enthusiastic with each flight festival?
XD We’re actually really low-key. Appropriate offerings are always made at the Temple, especially during the Wind festival, and dragons originating from a given Flight are sort of given ‘happy birthday’ type greetings and a certain degree of friendly preferential treatment in the way you might say “dude no it’s your birthday tomorrow, I’ll buy the drinks”, but there’s very little large organized celebration.
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jellyqueue · 8 years
tagged by @uighean! THANKS! :D
Name: Angelique Nickname(s): Ang, JellyQueue, Llama Gender: Female Star sign: Gemini Sexual orientation: Hetero Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Favorite color: Teal Favorite animal(s): Llamas, puffins, elephants, all the kitties :3 Time right now: 9:26PM Average hours of sleep: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Favorite fictional characters: Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon, Zoe Heriot, Carson Beckett, Susan Ivanova, Jack O’neill, Olivia Dunham, DEATH from Discworld and so many more Number of blankets I sleep under: Currently, 3 and a kitty Dream trip: SPAAAAAAACE or at least: Iceland, Scotland, or New Zealand. Dream job: Head sound engineer for a concert venue or tour When this blog was created: January 2013, I think? Current number of followers: 191 When did your blog reach its peak?: When I was posting Doctor Who gifs while watching through the Classic episodes. Oh and my Valentines every February. What made you decide to get Tumblr?: I got into a major Stargate craze, then Classic Who and I had to find like-minded people who also post silly stuff, too.
Tagging @pipadip, @ooksaidthelibrarian, @thinkingingallifreyan, @renachesterton, @gaymarriedinspace and anyone else who wants to do it. (Sorry, if you already got tagged)
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vimbry · 2 years
"trouble with the trolley, eh?" really does get an unfair bad rap as the most infuriating sound in spyro when "it's not as easy as you thought, is it?" and "aAOOW. I went boom, again" are right there
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carrionfourth · 6 months
tagged by @uighean
Rules: you can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to. Put a playlist on shuffle, list the first 10 songs and then tag people :)
was originally gonna just do my faves playlist but. I do every song meme using that one so yknow what, I'm gonna take this as an excuse to use one of my ocs playlists. I may not be able to talk about them but I sure can shove music in ppl's faces and ask them to absorb the vibes through it
I owe you by daniel ahearn & the jones
failure by the staves
sleep all summer by neko case
crooked by wussy
acid tongue by jenny lewis
get on the road by tired pony
bloodhound by dawn landes
I wear this because life is war by l.a. salami
chemtrails by placebo
airborne by wussy
I tag @smokeys-house @rosecolouredheart @reversewerewolf @wholemleko @moldwood @xanzusx @outsider-lookin-in
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ettelwenailinon · 1 year
Tag game to better know you
I was tagged by @b1uetrees, thank you!! thank you ☺️💚💚💚
what book are you currently reading?
uuuuuuhhhh many books relating to my dissertation, one that has been very enjoyable and well written that I want to finish after is jacobites: a new history of the '45 rebellion. from fiction books I've been reading the song of achilles since last september, I'm Busy okay 😭
what’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year?
I have not been to a cinema in years 😂 but I am going to go and see the barbie movie after my deadlines dtcgtbzh
what do you usually wear?
a shirt (the puffier the sleeves the better), a big skirt, kneehigh stockings, potentially some sort of vesr
how tall are you
recently got measured and 159 cm, 5'2.5'', short king ✌️
what’s your star sign? do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
aquarius!! and I had no idea but apparently I share my birthday with lord byron 👀 (probably where my love for puffy sleeves comes from)
do you go by your name or a nickname?
I go by a domestic version of my name as my legal name is too long and I hate it dftgzgzgz
did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
there's always work to be done but I'm happy where I am :)
are you in a relationship? if not, who is your crush if you have one?
@uighean is my girlfriend and we're getting ever so closer to finally live together!! ❤️
what’s something you’re good at vs something you’re bad at?
uuuuuuhhhh good at art (maybe) and bad at. sports. and maths. and breathing.
dogs or cats?
I love both but to have, cats
if  you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite  picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this  year?
honestly all the work I've done on my dissertation so far but I can't post it here because I want to keep my professional and private life separate and I do not need people finding my tumblr where I can just be a freak dkfkdkkdk
in terms of fanart, probably this one
what is something that you’d like to create content for?
I mean. beyond evil, when I have the time 😭
what’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
my dissertation and the meow meow from my histories to the point that I tried to find historical rpf do not @ me
what’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
when I was supposed to go to a museum to take photographs of an object for my dissertation but the day prior I got a message from them that they can't open the safety case it's in, resulting in me loosing £45 because it was too late to cancel the bus and then it took them a month to get a locksmith and they didn't even manage to open it but I was waiting and was stuck with my work 🤡
what’s a hidden talent of yours?
well, it's called hidden for a reason 😅
are you religious?
not in an existing religion sort of way though I was raised casually catholic
what’s something you wish to have at this moment?
money, a place to live with my girlfriend and a phd position with a full scholarship or my dream job dftvttvvyvyyh
and I tag @uighean , @doctor-punkenstein , @hanjuwonsupporter , @fire-burning-brighter , @tiffanylamps and anyone else who wants to do this, no pressure 💜
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galacticlamps · 2 years
Post a screencap of your lockscreen photo and a screencap of the last/current song listened on Spotify/Youtube, as well as the last photo of a celebrity that you saved in your phone.
tagged by @uighean​ !
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So to be perfectly honest I got confused by the presence of apps on yours & took a screenshot of my homescreen instead of my lockscreen - but I didn’t realize that was a mistake until after I’d already sent it to my desktop (since that’s the only place I use tumblr) & stitched it together with the other screenshot (so they weren’t both stretched weirdly wide), and frankly I’m too lazy to go back & fix it - so instead I’ll just tell you my lockscreen is part of a wall from an old kingdom mastaba that has some unique features that were once relevant to a class I was taking
I also only use Spotify in a browser & mainly to listen to the Big Finish monthly range, ngl, but this is the last song I listened to on an app if that’s what this question is getting at
As for celebrities, I had to go pretty far back to find one but I suppose Paul Hollywood’s pathetic excuse for smores counts
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tagging @terryfphanatics @seismologically-silly @queen-boudicca and @there-are-no-gods-here​
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penny-anna · 7 years
I'm kinda late but 12 or 66 or 103 from that prompts list, please? :3
66. Wait, you’re mysoulmate?
(On Ao3!)
The stranger’s eyes were blue. That was the first thing Jamie noticed, his hand trembling on the hilt of his dirk. His eyes were blue and all around him the world was lighting up, red and green and yellow. In Jamie’s chest his heart went thud.
The moment ended and the stranger looked away and it hit Jamie with full force what had happened. Wait. This is my soulmate? A damn Sassenach – a funny looking old Englishman. It couldn’t be. But there it was, in fully colour.
And he knew one thing – this was something he’d take to his grave.
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wromwood · 8 years
I think you're probably the cool mutual, with some of the pda mutual, too :3
Awwwww, thank you!
I should tell you guys I love you more.
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