saoghal-nan-saoghal · 4 months
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Psalm 127:1–2
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saoghal-nan-saoghal · 5 months
"Incidentally, if you look at Jonah you’ll find that the ‘whale’ – it is not really said to be a whale, but a big fish – is quite unimportant. The real point is that God is much more merciful than ‘prophets,’ is easily moved by penitence, and won’t be dictated to even by high ecclesiastics whom he has himself appointed." - JRR Tolkien on the book of Jonah, which he translated a draft of for The Jerusalem Bible
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saoghal-nan-saoghal · 5 months
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Servant of God Dorothy Day
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saoghal-nan-saoghal · 6 months
Happy Easter! Death has been defeated. May this season make the world born again, let every shackle be broken, every prisoner set free, liberation for the poor and the oppressed everywhere, the world made anew from the ashes. ❤️‍🩹
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saoghal-nan-saoghal · 6 months
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Dh'èirich E gu dearbha! Dh'èirich ar tighearna a-rithist, Allaluia
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saoghal-nan-saoghal · 6 months
“In the end, it is faith and love, not thought, which attracts us to this strange figure on the cross.”
— Kenneth Leech, We Preach Christ Crucified (via godinourhands)
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saoghal-nan-saoghal · 7 months
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saoghal-nan-saoghal · 7 months
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Palestinian pray near the rubble of a destroyed mosque in Beit Lahia, Gaza Strip,
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saoghal-nan-saoghal · 8 months
The question for the disciple of Christ is really a very simple one. Shall I stand now for the principles of that Kingdom to which the future belongs? Shall I act on them, if need be suffer for them? Must I wait till these principles are universally accepted, and fall in with things as they are in the meantime?
Max I. Reich, "The Abolition of War"
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saoghal-nan-saoghal · 8 months
Mum dheidhinn -
Eadar-theangair, neach-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig agus Clèireach
Ball de dh'Eaglais na h-Alba, ach taic làidir do dh'eadar-eaglaiseachd.
Anargaiche, comannaiche, agus dà-sheorsach
Cuireamaid rìoghachd Dhè air a casan an-diugh, eadarainn fhèin
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saoghal-nan-saoghal · 8 months
Mennonites singing while being arrested for their protest demanding a ceasefire in Palestine.
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saoghal-nan-saoghal · 8 months
Is beannaichte iad luchd-dèanamh na sìthe.
Is beannaichte iad luchd-dèanamh na sìthe.
Is beannaichte iad luchd-dèanamh na sìthe.
Is beannaichte iad luchd-dèanamh na sìthe.
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saoghal-nan-saoghal · 9 months
Is duilich an catharasg a chumail a thaobh bìdh ma tha thu a' seachnadh feòil, uighean, agus bainne mar-thà. Chan eil nas motha ri sheachnadh gu tradaiseanta. Saoilidh mi fhìn am-bliadhna gun lean mi air eiseimpleir nam Muslamach agus gun seachnaich mi biadh uile gu lèir fhad 's a bhios a' ghrian fo na neòil - tha fios gun gabh rudan eile a sheachnadh cuideachd, ach nì mi sin co-dhiù, agus bu mhath leam faicinn na nì gainnead de bhiadh lem smuaintean agus lem chuid ùrnaighean.
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saoghal-nan-saoghal · 9 months
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“Golgotha” by David Mach made from wire coat hangers
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saoghal-nan-saoghal · 9 months
I do believe that the only hell that could possibly exist is the one of which those Christian contemplatives speak: the hatred within each of us that turns the love of others--of God and neighbor--into torment. A hardened heart is already its own punishment; the refusal to love or be loved makes the love of others--or even just their presence--a source of suffering.
David Bentley Hart, That All Shall Be Saved: Heaven, Hell, and Universal Salvation
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saoghal-nan-saoghal · 9 months
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Finished up the Lorica of St. Patrick, a re-working of an earlier design I did. 16" x 20"
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saoghal-nan-saoghal · 10 months
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St Hildegard von Bingen
oil on carved wood, 2019
9″ x 27″ x .75″ Alex Naszados
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