#uhmm.... whats this
strawberrieg0re · 2 years
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Steve walks into the bathroom one morning and comes face to face with this. 
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petorahs · 9 months
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an explanation of the side effects of the Terastal phenomenon
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forgettable-au · 13 days
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bottleswithbottles · 9 months
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Drawing the @rogerrrroger 's Gordon Wall-E with some creativity liberties because im stupid LMFAO (i liked a lot ur design ily no straight)
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abstractfrog · 6 months
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My comic for The Retired Colourman! I love this scene between Mariana and Sherlock sm
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starryarts · 1 year
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they're bitching about hoffman
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flos-obsessivus · 10 days
The Yandere Types:
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Lilian, Prince of the Rosen Kingdom
"Having an aggrandized opinion of their love interest, these yandere characters see themselves as insignificant compared to their love interest."
--Worshipper type, The dere types wiki
The sweet prince loves real and true, willing to give everything he has in order to get his true loves affection. Lilian only sees YOU as his True Love, his gift, his one and only. To him, you are above all, everything that he is, and everything that he will be is all for you.
Ivory, Vampire King of monsters
"Believing that they are all their love interest needs, these yandere characters seek to remove other people from their love interest's life."
-- Removal type, The dere types wiki
Ivory's jealousy runs deep, often times manifesting into an ugly monster of wrath and bloodlust. No creature, human nor monster, will be able to survive when the vampire goes on a rampage. Nothing will get between him and you, and if someone does... May God show mercy on them for Ivory will not spare any.
Severin, King of the Thorne Kingdom
"Desiring their love interest to be with them literally always, these yandere characters make sure the love interest won't leave their side now or in the future. They can use promises, deals, contracts or just simply make sure the love interest is content where they are so they won't ever think about leaving."
-- Restraints type, The dere types wiki
A king who fears being abandoned. He lives his day to day being perceived as cold and cruel, but only you know the truth. He fears the day when you finally leave him, which is why he does everything in his power to keep you by his side, be it as his retainer or his servant, there is not a day where he will seek you out in the guise of him needing your help. Luckily, your loyalty to him seems to suppress the worse of his yandere tendencies, so please... don't ever think of leaving him.
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foundwonder · 4 months
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| He's so tall, and handsome as hell.
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shizukais · 1 year
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It seems everything is changing. If death cannot be avoided, then it might be better to face it now.
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gio-cosmo · 2 months
Someone could post on here like “new leak for the sonic 3 movie shows Robotnik and Stone making out sloppy style on screen for five minutes straight!” And I’d be like “Yeah that sounds like something they’d do. Real & true I believe this wholeheartedly.”
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gomzdrawfr · 9 days
OC doodle with the 141 - tw: alcohol, small mention of death
Honest Feelings
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#had some thoughts#the one with Gaz is basically bcuz Gaz was the first to know who Raven is- or basically his Captain seeing someone#despite how she was supposed to kill Price - Gaz didn't question Price's decision to rescue her from a fatal injury#Gaz has treated her with nothing but respect bcuz if Price cares then he'll care too#uhmm the one with Soap is basically after mw3 thingy I guess#Raven has seen how much Price changed after that incident#has seen the man crumbled while holding Soap's dog tag#another responsibilities that's all too heavy on Price's shoulder#uh for Ghost its just basically mutual disdain due to difference in careers#they both know something the others doesnt and they intend to keep it that way#it's the discomfort of realising someone out there who's seen the same terror as you and taking different approaches in life#this discomfort and disagreement is what ticked both Ghost and Raven off- that's why they're always bickering#in a way they see a bit of themselves in each other and it is quite unnerving to them#but really they're not too far off - and they /know/ - but that is something the both of them are not ready to admit yet#two people bleeding from different knives who refused to acknowledge that blood flowing out are the same angry burning red - or something#idk im not making sense UHM ANYWAYS#i yapped too much UHHH silly doodles will resume after this i promise XD#anyways#gummmyart#doodle#think i'll hit the tags limit here so just gonna put a few#PriceRaven#[oc] Raven
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a-foggy-maggy · 3 months
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oh yeah let's use my tratitional artstyle for a digital piece, surely nothing will go wrong-
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rhaenicent starts off as such a sweet and innocent friendship as they learn and grow together, and only if they'd had more time like that they might've figured things out. but things from out of their control tore them and their childhoods apart, leaving their friendship to shrivel and sour over the next following years. But even after all these years they still hold onto that what could've been, that beautiful and loving and understanding they had that they ache and yearn to have again together. they were such important parts of each others childhood and have forever left a mark on one another, but too much has happened and they've both lost too much, their friendship and love for each other forever tarnished by grief and guilt and anger. they've hurt each other now, said things they can't take back, won't take back out of their own pride, they're not the same two girls they were and they'll never be. their relationship has festered into an unhealthy dynamic, there's things they'll never be able to forgive of each other, so many years they've gone without knowing each other and what they do know is more a distant memory of their past, they ache and ache to reach out and touch and soothe but their hands are both barbed and they claw and gash at each other, leaving a raw scab that opens again and again and never heals and the constant hurt is overwhelming but something they both seek, finding a sense of comfort in the pain. They love each other but they hate what's become of that love, they'll never stop loving each other and it'll never stop hurting.
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probably-jam · 2 months
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BENJI WEEK ⁉️⁉️⁉️ BENJI WEEK‼️‼️‼️‼️
Day 2: Growth Spurt <3
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critterishere · 1 month
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Erm… this guy isn’t having a great day😂😂 (🥲)
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arealtrashact · 2 months
What is it you hope for the ending of the Boys? What about the end for homelander?
I'm sure it will come as a shock to absolutely no one when I say that I want Homelander to live ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I get it ; there's pressure to deliver on the writer's end. An expectation to give him the death that most viewers believe he deserves. And sure, seeing him get spaghettified or be torn to pieces might be 'satisfying' in the moment but it would have zero lasting emotional impact.
I'm in the camp of fans who want him to lose his powers and spend the rest of his life in solitary confinement -- back to where he started.
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But worse this time. So much worse.
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