#uhhhhh that's it bc i need to go to bed now
SCREAMS just found out a key piece of information (well like. maybe i already knew it and just forgot bc i already knew at least part of it and just forgot that but ahhhh) that knocks the fanfic i've been chipping away at for like a year and a half from "technically canon compliant" to very much not 😭
do i change it or keep going as very not canon,,,, things to consider ig
anyway! i spent most of my day rebingeing a fic that i'd read a few months ago before it had the last few chapters, and it was v good but also the ending 😭 wowza
got my laundry done!! this is v good
watched more kipo with ashes!!! i completely forgot about the fitness raccoons ep tbh but it was fun <3
made a nice bowl of pasta for myself for a kind of (very) late lunch
had stir fry for dinner!!
*that one dude who david blayne pranked voice* cheez-its!!
when will the spell check soundtrack return from the war.... *presses my hand longingly to my window* anyway i relistened to a bit of run deep bc that soundtrack slaps So Hard it was fun <3
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pup-pee · 4 months
for kart request, can we get more disabled!bart and kon?
!!!! them!!!!!!
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uhm,,,,,,,then also i fucked up the download of this drawing so ;;
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erythristicbones · 2 years
ive been quiet about my original stories lately but just know that i had insane brainworms all day about adapting one of my askblog stories into an original story. rotating Keahi in my brain for six hours let's go
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nowoyas · 3 months
I don't think we can put this in the sports column (NSFW) - karasuno/reader
m.list - read on ao3
A/N: wrote this months ago. didn't edit it for ages bc I thought it would suck to edit. it didn't suck to edit it fucking rocked and I'm never questioning myself again hell yeah
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Summary: You infiltrate Karasuno's volleyball club for the university paper and take to bed a few of the rumors you've heard.
Warnings: smut, orgy/gangbang, oral sex, fingering, handjobs, double penetration, spitroasting, creampies, reader is referred to with she/her pronouns, uhhhhh marking, exhibitionism, accidental voyeurism, overstimulation, light dom/sub stuff (submissive reader), uhhhhhh there's. there's a lot going on here guys. I wasn't fucking around when I said karasuno gangbang.
Word count: ~7000
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It’s the night before your first game since you started this little investigation, and you are pressed flat against the wall outside the gym, a hand firm against your mouth in a desperate attempt to not make a noise.
There’d been rumors, sure. And yeah, you were here to investigate those rumors.
Karasuno is such a good team. They’ve gotta be doing some crazy shit to be that close and play that well, though.
That had been the… family-friendly version of the rumors. The more salacious of them had gone into detail you’d blushed too hard to repeat—images of working out issues with clothes off and loud gasps and—
Okay, chill. You’re a journalist. This is nothing.
(Okay, you’re a journalism major, technically speaking. But you need to get used to these things. It’s not like you’ve never had sex before.)
You had enmeshed yourself in the Karasuno University volleyball team after picking up the scent of those rumors about a month ago. Most of the rumors, you thought, were too stupid to entertain. It’s not like they were actually partaking in witchcraft to win games. That would be completely stupid. You assumed, honestly, that they had just clicked. Yeah, it didn’t really seem like everyone got along—the freshmen were constantly at each other’s throats, the captain had his hands full reigning in half the team comprised of spitfires, and there was at least one guy who seemed to believe his job on the team was to piss off as many of his teammates as possible. The only ones safe seemed to be the seniors and the girls, of which there were three if you counted yourself.
So far, it had seemed to be that there was no version of the rumor that was true—no, there were no blood sacrifices, yes, they did sometimes sleep, no, there were no crazy orgies in place to encourage team bonding, and no, they did not seem to be some sort of micro-cult. Disappointing for your article though it was, they had welcomed you in with almost no resistance, and you had found nothing out of the ordinary. They were just… normal athletes. Maybe a bit more passionate than most, but… normal.
Except. Except.
Here you are, the night before they have a match, listening to wet squelches and distinct slaps and what is undoubtedly moaning, unable to figure out exactly who the moans are coming from except that there’s definitely more than two people involved in whatever’s happening inside that gym, and fighting back the urge to peek through the cracked door and figure out exactly what the fuck is going on. (Or, uh, who the fuck is getting it on.)
Fuck. Are they seriously… seriously fucking in the gym right now?
There’s the burning shame of having caught them. The absolute mortification of knowing that you’re sitting there listening to them have sex with reckless abandon. You should be uncomfortable, but instead, you catch yourself squeezing your thighs together.
A particularly loud moan catches you off guard, and you jerk your finger from your mouth—when had you started biting it to keep quiet?—and flee while you still have the chance.
(As far as anyone else is concerned, when you’re safe within the confines of your single-person dorm room, there’s no proof to say that you snaked a hand down your pants, still thinking of that brightly-lit gym, of the idea of having been caught listening to them, of being pulled inside and—
There’s no proof.)
The day-to-day doesn’t change. You don’t let it. The guys played their match, and they won, and it was great. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t smiling as they won, and your report for the sports column of the university paper was more than glowing. They’re a really fun team to watch, more so now that you know them—even if you’re now taking every effort in your head to not act like a total freak around them.
Honestly, you even think you're doing a pretty good job of it. You pretended not to notice the smell in the gym the morning after The Event—faint though it was, there was undeniably the hint of sex still in the air—you forced down any errant thoughts around them, and you didn't breathe so much as a word to anyone about it. What does it matter if they're having orgies or whatever the night before a game? What does it matter at all?
Luckily, you spend more time talking to the girls than anything—Shimizu and Yachi are becoming fast friends with you, you think out of an eagerness to have another girl around in a large group of guys. They're easier to talk to, too, since you don't recall hearing any particularly feminine moans during The Event. It's possible they have no idea. Possible that they, too, think things are normal. (Or else, they're the source of the orgy rumors, but neither seems much like the type.) They tell you innocuous little things about the team, like that time Hinata and Kageyama were so focused on their little rivalry that they ran clear to the next town before realizing they'd lost the rest of the team, and you get caught up in much-needed girl talk when you go out to eat together. Little debates on birth control, on dating, on whether or not that one psych professor can get it.
By the time the next game rolls around, you've nearly re-assimilated into the concept of a normal life. It’s really not a big deal, anyways—people have sex. It’s normal.
“Well, [name],” Daichi says towards the end of practice one day, about a week before. “You were only going to be here for a few weeks, right? How have you liked it?”
You nod, polite smile decorating your lips. “It’s been really enjoyable! It’s a bit sad that I won’t be around after the next game, honestly. You guys are really fun to be around.”
“Hmm?” Tsukishima says, an eyebrow raised your way. At some point, you seem to have captured the attention of everyone in the room, though you’re not quite sure what you did. You can sense their eyes on you though—a few of the more open guys stare, a few of the more polite ones glance out of the corners of their eyes. You’re stuck in the spotlight as Tsukishima takes a step towards you.
Why does one step suddenly feel so dangerous?
“You know, I’m sure no one here would stop you if you decided to stay.”
Yeah, your blood’s running cold. You get a firm grip on your brain in hopes of not horribly misinterpreting everything that’s going on, but—
“You confirmed the information you were looking for, right? Two weeks ago, hanging around outside the gym before the game.”
Your face isn’t sure whether it wants to go pale or erupt in a furious blush. You, for your part, scramble for an answer. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You don’t? Are you that dense, or are you lying to us?”
A tiny squeak passes from your throat. “W-what’re you—“
“I was expecting something to show up in the school paper by now, but instead we just got a glowing column about how well we played the next day. Not a word of it. Why is that?”
“Oi, Tsukishima, aren’t you laying it on a bit thick?” one of the others says.
“It’s fine,” he replies, looking down at you as you look down at the floor. “Well, [name]? I’m waiting, Miss Reporter.”
The words burn a path down to your crotch, and you are absolutely not losing here, not now. You’ve just decided that. You meet his eye with a determined look. “I run the sports column, not the gossip column, Tsukishima. It hardly matters to me what you guys are getting up to—“
“You’re blushing, though. And you had to have heard before getting wrapped up in this, right? I’m comfortable speaking for everyone here when I say you can really find out the truth, if you want.”
He’s boxed you in, your back hitting the wall. Nowhere to run.
“What do you say? Wanna become an honorary member of the volleyball club?”
A sound sort of reminiscent of a boiling kettle leaves you, and you shove him away before you register it. “P-please give me time to think about it!”
A heavy silence.
“Alright, that’s enough. Let’s try not to scare the poor girl, yeah?” Suga says. He places a comforting hand on your shoulder. “If she wants to, she wants to, and if she doesn’t, she doesn’t. [name], if you wanna go for the day, you can.”
“I, um…”
He nods and guides you towards the door. Before you can properly escape, he leans in close: “if you do decide you want to, come see us after practice Friday night and we’ll initiate you. If not, we’ll respect that, okay?”
Friday night.
You swallow, throat feeling suddenly dry.
Just what have you gotten yourself into?
You spend the week caught between a rational panic and another emotion you are not willing to put a name to. Yachi had texted you not long after your escape that night, an apology and a really genuine “no one will be mad if you don’t show Friday”. That was relaxing, just slightly, except the little pang as you realized you actually did want to show. You’ve had a text back drafted to her the past three days, glaring back at you as you agonized over your phone screen:
No problem at all! I just had one question about what this “initiation” would entail. You know, to prepare myself!
You’re pretty sure you’ve deleted and re-drafted the exact same text about fifty times. Normally, you’d text a friend, ask them to help you review what you’re saying to make sure it sounds chill, but who the fuck are you going to tell about this? The implication was clear. Freaked out as you are, you’re not exactly interested in spreading the information, either.
Friday morning is when you actually do get the guts to send it, having spend the week pointedly avoiding everyone, volleyball-related or otherwise. The final draft:
Sorry for being a little AWOL! Had some thinking to do, lol. I just wanted to ask what I can expect if I did show up tonight? You know, so I’m prepared?
She’d responded immediately—not with a text, but with an email and a call, the call coming through less than a minute after you’d gotten a notification of an email from her.
Somehow, your morbid curiosity on what you should know before showing up, if you chose to, turns into an hour-long phone conversation turns into sitting down with an open notebook turns into you reviewing the document she’d emailed you, freshly showered while Yachi goes through your closet.
“You wanna wear something sexy, but kinda cheap. Sometimes they get a bit too excited. After the first time, you don’t really have to participate in this stuff, if you’re busy or just not up for it, but especially for this first time, don’t give them the opportunity to wreck any clothes you care about.”
You nod, make a note on your open notebook, thighs squeezing together impatiently. She emerges from your closet, a bright look on her face as she holds up a miniskirt you’d long since relegated to the very back. “This is a cute skirt! It’s a really strong candidate.”
“Do you think so?” you cringe. “Honestly, I’m worried it might be a bit… y’know, short.”
“[full name].” She gives you a flat look. “You do understand what’s happening tonight, right?”
“…right. I’ll wear the skirt.”
She brightens up in an instant. “Good! Now let me find a matching top…”
When she’s satisfied, your outfit laid out and you almost mentally prepared to actually get dressed for this sort of thing, you expect her to leave the room, but she simply waits.
“Uh, Yachi, I need to…”
“I just thought of something,” she says, face blank. “[name], have you ever been with a girl before?”
Your cheeks feel hot. You’ve not exactly tried to hide that you’re bisexual—if nothing else, the bi pride flag on your wall would be indicator enough—but as far as actual experience with girls…
“I’ve… thought really hard about it…? I haven’t really had the opportunity.”
She nods to herself. “Right. Before you get ready, it’ll be easier if I do this now.”
Her lips are on yours before you can fully process it, soft and tasting faintly of pineapple chapstick. She kisses you long and slow, lets you relax into it. When she pulls away, she smiles shyly, like she didn’t just kiss you for the purposes of prepping you for an orgy she’ll be involved in later today. “There. Get that first out of the way before we have to make out in front of the volleyball team.”
She waves on her way out of your bedroom. “Get dressed! I wanna make sure that outfit works for today.”
Right. Get dressed.
Well, if nothing else, you’re definitely sure about being bisexual now.
If not for Yachi, you would have backed out a hundred times already. As it is, she keeps a gentle, reassuring hand on your back as the two of you enter the gym, a good few minutes after the usual practice officially ends. They’ve already finished cleaning up everything from the day, the air already seemingly charged even before the part where they notice you’ve actually shown up.
Yachi closes the door behind you with a sweet smile. “We got her!” she cheers by way of greeting.
The eyes that suddenly land on you—all fourteen pairs, including Yachi—seem heavier than usual. Hungry. You can’t help the nerves that threaten to make you tremble at the promise of what’s to come.
But there’s Yachi again, ever-sweet and cute as she wraps an arm around your side.
“Oh, I see that!” Daichi is the first to say. “Glad to see you’ve decided to join us, [name]. Here I thought we’d scared you off for good!”
You giggle nervously. “Well, I just… you know me! Always gotta over-think things.” That’s good. That’s casual. You’re managing an almost-even tone while you talk. Almost like you’re a normal, real human person.
“I know the feeling,” Asahi sighs.
Suga sets down a chair near the center of the gym, eyes watching you in silent interest.
“I’m guessing since you came with her that you’ve been coaching her, Yachi?”
She nods. “She’s had the whole rundown. Knows what to expect and everything.” She unwinds herself from you in preparation for whatever’s to come next. You try not to jump at the sound of the lock on the door clicking shut.
“Good. Good.” Daichi nods. “Come sit, [name]. No sense in putting it off, right?”
You nod slowly, timidly stepping forward. Yachi follows close behind.
“Limits?” Daichi asks firmly. “Loud enough so we all hear you.”
Another laugh from you, shaky with nerves as you perch on the chair Suga set out for you. You rattle them off, having memorized the list in order for this exact moment. Knowing you, you’d forget something otherwise, and you nearly do.
“Got it. And Yachi told you about the stoplight system?”
 “She didn’t really need to,” you admit, a bit quieter. “I’ve got it.”
“Good. Shimizu, Yachi, if you’d get her ready? Ladies first, and all.”
Wordlessly, they descend on you. You were expecting… you don’t know. Not the sudden press of lips, familiar from an hour or two prior, against your own, or Shimizu’s arms so quick to drape over your shoulders from behind. You press your lips back against Yachi’s insistently, perhaps a bit excited, perhaps just trying to get yourself into the right headspace before you think too hard about the twelve guys currently watching you be sandwiched between the girls or Shimizu’s delicate fingers unbuttoning your top.
Your head spins with it already—Shimizu’s perfume, Yachi’s chapstick. Shimizu’s hand pushing your hair out of the way, her lips attaching to your neck gently. “You didn’t mention anything about marks in your limits,” she mumbles against your skin as a little whine escapes you. “Can we take that to mean it’s okay to mark you, or should I be careful?”
Yachi pulls away a bit, and you chase her lips. She pushes you back with a giggle. “She asked you a question.”
“Oh. Right.” You blink owlishly as you play back the question in your head. “Uh, yeah. I mean—it’s—it’s fine.”
“Are you sure? A few of the guys are not going to let up if they know that.”
Despite the exhibitionist dream going on right now, you don’t quite have the strength to admit that you quite enjoy the marks, actually, so instead: “I’m sure.”
“Alright.” Then, both pairs of lips are back—suckling your neck, kissing you until you’re out of breath. There’s no hurry, none at all, and you barely notice when your top is discarded completely, barely even notice the chatter of the guys bickering—when you strain, you just barely figure out that they’re deciding something about who gets a turn with you when.
You try not to shudder too hard at the thought.
Yachi slides a hand up to your bra and underneath it, rolls a nipple between her fingers. Shimizu follows up, finds your wrist and guides your hand beneath Yachi’s waistband to palm at her heat. “Have you ever…?”
You part from Yachi again, shake your head, eyes half-lidded and head swimming as you look up into the gym lights. “Hadn’t gotten the chance before—before today,” you admit.
She huffs a gentle laugh in your ear. “I’ll teach you, then.”
Her hand slides up your thigh, up your skirt. Yachi crawls into your lap, arms around your neck for stability as Shimizu’s fingers find your cunt, already wet. “It’s not that different from taking care of yourself,” she murmurs as two delicate fingers, too pretty to be where they are right now, stroke your slit. “Follow my lead, okay?”
You nod, whining when her fingers find your clit.
She teaches you in gentle, fluttery strokes. You lose track of it all quickly—your fingers buried in Yachi, thumb dancing over her clit as she leans over your shoulder to kiss Shimizu. You find it’s not that hard to adjust, and with every breathy gasp you draw from Yachi, you’re well rewarded by the slender fingers pumping into your cunt.
Needy and slipping into the mythical subspace you’ve only had the pleasure of reading about, you lean forward to plant your lips on Yachi’s neck. “No marks,” she sighs to you. You whine and move on, not letting yourself linger long enough to mark her skin. Seeming pleased with your listening, Shimizu slides a third finger inside you, stretches you out carefully.
“You’ll thank me later.”
She works you up so easily. Is it because you’re pressed between two pretty girls? Is it the ravenous eyes raking over this scene? Or—
Her hand retreats too soon, just as your hips had begun to really move with the friction, and you whine.
“I promise you’ll get there. Just hold on for now, okay?”
You nod, pouting at having been edged, and focus on the way Yachi writhes on your lap.
She’s close, too, you realize.
“So pretty,” you whisper in awe at the look on her face: eyes closed, head tilted back, lips parted just slightly. “You’re so pretty.”
Ah. Clearly she likes the praise, because she flutters around you. You work her more urgently, the wet squelches from your fingers buried in her joining the hushed moans and sighs of the team watching. When she cums, it’s a soft, quiet moan that you could honestly get used to hearing. Her walls flutter ceaselessly around your fingers as she leans down and kisses you again, and you’re sure not to stop until she slumps a little, though, truth be told, your wrist is already sore.
When she climbs off your lap, legs a bit shaky and a sweet, dopey smile on her face, she backs away, exiting the fray entirely. You nod in understanding. The goal, as she’d made very clear, is to make everyone cum at least once, and she’s gotten her fill. Shimizu takes your chin in her hand, tilts your face so she can kiss you, too. After a moment, you pull back. “Um—can I… my wrist… I don’t think I can…”
God, you’re already stupid. By the time you’ve gotten to everyone, you’re gonna be completely brainless, aren’t you?
She nods, helps you out of the chair only to sit you on your knees in front of her, having taken her place. She’s sweet and perfect on your tongue when you eat her out, paying careful, deliberate attention to her clit, and she instructs you in a low tone as she pets your head. It’s a blessing to be between her thighs, a blessing for her to be the first girl you’ve ever eaten out, a blessing to be allowed to draw a quiet moan from her when at last she cums on your tongue.
“Good,” she murmurs to you with a smile when you pull away, cheeks and chin wet with her slick. “I think you’re ready for us to pass you off. Will you be good for them, too?”
You nod, smiling dreamily. She looks over your shoulder and nods before standing and straightening herself out.
Three of your loyal watchers step forward. Seems like the seniors get you next.
You sit nervously, wait for… orders? Guidance? Anything?
You feel like you’re being circled by sharks, honestly. One of said sharks laughs, angelic, and you yelp when Suga’s hands come to rest on your waist. When had he joined you on the floor?
“You’re already tense again. Come on, relax a bit, [name].” His thumbs rub soothing circles into your hips. “See, Asahi’s gonna get nervous, too, if you act like that.”
Daichi pushes Asahi forward, a stern look on his face. Suga pushes you forward, too, until you’re nose to Asahi’s crotch and the prominent bulge in his shorts. “Go on. You took such good care of the girls, and it’s our turn now. Go ahead and open for him.”
You let your mouth hang open. You can be obedient. You can be good.
The bulge in Asahi’s shorts jumps a little as he looks down at you. You’re already deep in this, might as well go all-in—you paw at the waistband of his shorts, waiting for his nod of approval. When you receive it, you grab the shorts and his boxers and pull them down in one swift motion, swallowing thickly when you see the size of the thing.
If all the guys on the volleyball team are this hung, you’re going to be very, very sore in the morning.
You close your eyes, lean in. If you just keep your eyes closed, you don’t have to think about the guys watching you with varying levels of interest, don’t have to think about performing. You stroke him at the base, take as much of his cock into your mouth as you can handle. He lets out a soft groan as you begin to bob your head, and again you feel those hands on your hips. You let Suga do whatever it is he’s planning on, which is how you find your legs being spread a bit, your hips lifted just slightly only for someone—Suga, presumably—to slide his head between your thighs.
There’s a huff of a laugh against your pussy, and you try your best to keep up with sucking off Asahi as you’re yanked downwards to rest on his face. Asahi’s hot on your tongue, and Suga’s tongue is hot on you when he finally lathes his tongue over your sex. Your moan comes out muffled, cutting off into a squeak, almost a gag, when Asahi’s hips buck in response.
A murmured apology, a ruffle of your hair. The gentle affection has your heart and your walls fluttering against your will—Suga pulls away to laugh at you. “She liked whatever you just did, Asahi. Just so you know.”
You whine, roll your hips down in hopes of keeping him from saying anything else incriminating. He punishes you with a harsh suck of your clit, and the three of you fall into a nice rhythm—you taking Asahi’s cock as far into your mouth as you can handle, Suga fucking you on his tongue.
“S-so pretty,” Asahi murmurs when you dare a glance up at his face. He’s been watching you work him intently, sighs and groans filling your ears to let you know you’re doing well. You clench around Suga’s tongue at the praise, go back to work as you dip your head deep. When Asahi cums, he’s low and loud, and you greedily drink up the cum that hits the back of your throat. You’re not far behind, thanks to Suga, writhing on top of him as he forces you to stay seated on his face.
Asahi backs away. Suga slides out from underneath you, moves around to your front to kiss you softly. You shudder at the taste of yourself on his lips, shiver when his tongue slips into your mouth. Against your lips, he mumbles: “you could probably use a little rest already. You’re being really good, you know?”
Daichi chuckles darkly. “Oh, come on. She’ll never be done if we keep letting her rest.”
That’s the only warning you get before your skirt is tugged off. You’re left in nothing but a bra as Daichi begins to slide his fingers between your lips. “You’re doing great. Yachi said you were on birth control—I can assure you everyone here is clean, and she also said you’re okay with no condoms, but I want everyone to hear you say it, if that’s true.”
You whimper. You’re too sensitive for this right now, still shaking from your first orgasm of the night, but his fingers won’t stop moving.
“Well? Yes or no? Don’t make me ask you a third time.”
You gasp—his middle finger dips into your hole, just enough to make your hips buck. “P-please, I—I can—no condoms, please,” you nearly sob, hoping in vain that your bowing to his request will get you some respite.
“You’re so mean, Daichi,” Suga tuts.
You let out a sigh of relief when his fingers leave you, but then you’re being bent over and something hot and thick is sliding through your heat.
“S-sensitive,” you whine out.
“I know,” he replies, and then he’s pressing his way inside you, stretching you out, and you’re letting out a loud keen into the gym. He sits inside you a moment, gives you just long enough to adjust to the stretch before he’s moving. “You really worried us, you know. Do you think it’s polite to disappear without a word all week, [name]?”
“N-no, I’m sorry—“
A single harsh thrust. You cry out. Suga, ever-helpful, kneels down in front of you to give you his lap to rest on. Ever-obedient, you reach out and begin to palm the bulge in his shorts. He takes the chance to unclasp your bra as Daichi sets a slow, almost conversational pace.
You pull Suga out of his shorts, rest your head on his thigh. Focus on jerking him off as Daichi’s pace picks up from slow to harsh. “It’s nice of you to apologize. Don’t do it again.”
“I-I won’t—ah—“
The slow, lazy kisses you’ve taken to pressing against Suga’s cock—pretty and long—don’t mesh well with the bruising grip on your hips, the sharp snap of the captain’s cock in your pussy as he fucks you out. You cling desperately to Suga, jerk him off with no real rhythm as you struggle to take the abuse to your still-sensitive cunt.
By the time Suga’s cum shoots in ropes across your cheek, you’re close again, and Daichi isn’t letting up. “You want it inside, pretty girl?”
“Please,” you whine.
“Good girl,” he croons, and that sends you over the edge a second time, too fast—the fluttering of your walls drags him over with you. Suga takes the chance to stroke your hair almost lovingly as you’re filled up with hot cum, and you whimper as Daichi pulls out of you.
Five down. Nine to go.
You think they might kill you before the night’s over.
They really don’t let you rest—before you even process the retreat of the seniors, three more have stepped forward, and from the corner of your eye you notice the seniors holding back two guys in particular.
(“Dude, it’s our turn—“
“She can’t handle five at once. We already decided before this that you two get to go after them.”)
Ennoshita’s cock hangs heavy in front of you, and with a whimper, you drag yourself to sit up and take it in your mouth. He laughs softly. “You got used to this quickly. Look at you, you’re a mess.”
You’re not really willing to reply to that. You’re so far past embarrassment—if he’s trying to embarrass you, all you’re getting is a surge of heat low in your stomach all over again, as though your body could possibly handle any more right now.
There’s a nudge at your side, someone’s hand sliding up your arm and bringing you to take another cock in one of your free hands. A glance—Kinoshita is on one side of you, Narita on the other, and you are more than happy to take care of them, lack of coordination be damned.
“Take your time,” Narita says in a low voice. “I get this weird feeling the other two are not going to be very gentle with you when they get a turn.”
You shudder, moan around Ennoshita’s cock at the thought. His hips roll into your mouth, and you shoot him a pleading look. You weren’t particularly trying to send him any hints, but he takes some sort of hint anyway—his hand tangles in your hair, really expertly, actually, and he takes just a little bit of the load off you as he begins to fuck your throat, slow and easy, so you don’t have to keep track of getting off three at once. You relax your jaw, let him work, almost enjoy yourself as you twist your wrists around Kinoshita and Narita’s cocks.
Ennoshita is careful with you. Forceful, sure, but careful. You could gag on him—easily, if that was what he wanted—but he never makes you take him too deeply, simply enjoys the feeling of your mouth, your tongue, the way you’re completely lost in your little initiation. As his pace begins to stutter, you try to bob your head with him, unpermitted by his grip in your hair. You’re fully under now, head caught in a delicious space you’ve never quite experienced. Floating, really.
He pulls you off him firmly. “Color?”
You let out a little half-whine, looking up at him with lidded eyes and a quizzical head tilt as you try to remember what the fuck he’s asking you through the fuzz.
“Damn, she’s totally lost.”
“Think she’ll be okay? Should we—“
A little panic surges in you, and you jolt forward as you finally process what he’s looking for. “G-green! Green. I’m green.”
He nods. “You’re sure?”
“Mm. Floaty. But green.”
“Good. That’s a good girl. You’re gonna keep being good?”
You reply with a whine, a tug forward in hopes of giving him the message to put his cock back in your mouth right now.
He gets the message.
The two in your hands tumble over the edge first, and you moan as you feel them paint you with their cum. You might like being taken advantage of like this. Ennoshita isn’t too far behind. He spills into your mouth with a groan, untangling fingers from your hair and smoothing it down gently. Before he backs away to let the next guys have their way with you, he leans down, keeps an affectionate hand on top of your head. “Good luck.”
He backs away without explanation, and before you fully process it, you’re being pushed into a new position on your hands and knees. “Finally,” Noya groans from behind you, hands groping your ass almost reverently. “You’re being so good, it was so hard not to come take you while the others were busy with you.”
A whine. You’re more or less losing your ability to speak, between the soreness building in your jaw and the cotton in your head. Something bumps against your pussy, and you flinch with a whimper.
Tanaka is in front of you, watching your face carefully as Noya’s hands roam your body from behind. “Still good, [name]?”
You nod.
“Good,” he says, and then there’s yet another cock in your mouth. You’re starting to lose count. But, hey, Tanaka’s dick is an effective gag to keep you from getting too loud when Noya slides into you with an obscene squelch.
“There you are,” he groans, grip bruising-tight on your hips. “Fuck, you’re tight.”
Tight and sensitive. Noya isn’t particularly thick, but at this angle he’s already pressing against a spot soft and delicious in your cunt. Fuck, he hasn’t even moved yet and you already feel dangerously close.
You rock your hips back against him, desperate even as you take Tanaka’s cock as deep into your mouth as you can manage. You get barely any movement before Noya takes the hint, and then one hand is holding you steady as he snaps his hips, sharp and hard, into you. The other sneaks around, finds your clit with ease and begins to frantically torture it. You cum hard and fast around him, and he lets his head drop backward with a groan, not stopping even as you struggle to hold yourself up and take it.
It’s all so much. So much. So much—
You barely manage to bring a hand up to finish Tanaka in your mouth, desperate to have just one less thing drowning you, and lucky for you, it works—he grits out praises as he spills into your mouth, strokes your hair as you swallow as much of his cum as you can handle.
With your mouth free, Nishinoya pauses just long enough to pull out and flip you onto your back. “Your knees are starting to hurt, right?” he coos, cock throbbing against your entrance again. “But you’re doing so well.”
You whimper. It’s all you still know how to do. He takes in your body, chest heaving and tits shaking from exertion, and slides a hand up your side, pausing to tweak a nipple. Your back arches. “God, you’re perfect. Are your tits always this sensitive, or do you just like being watched?”
“Al-ways,” you moan out, voice broken. His eyes are ravenous as he takes you in, like he doesn’t know where to look.
“Oi, Noya, you’re not the last one that gets her today. Go ahead and fuck her already.”
He doesn’t need telling twice. His arms are shaking as he pins you down by the wrists, shaking as he plunges into you all over again.
Noya is brutal. Dimly, you have the thought that you understand why they held him back as long as possible, though you think it might have made things worse. He leans down, lips against your neck, and groans when you immediately clench around him. “Your neck, too?” he hisses out.
You nod, barely able to catch your breath or un-fuzz your head long enough to talk.
“Fuck,” he breathes, taking the time to suck a few marks into your throat.
“Please,” you whine in reply. That’s all it takes for him to sink his teeth into a soft spot on your neck, and then you’re cumming again with an actual sob as he cums inside you, the second time someone’s cum inside tonight.
Nine… ten? Down. You can’t count anymore. He pulls out of you, lathes his tongue over where he’d bitten you, leaves you laying there to catch your breath.
“Need a break?”
You shake your head, not even bothering to check who’s asking you.
A laugh. “You sure? You look a little dead.”
One eye opened lazily. Yamaguchi. “Can take it,” you slur out. You’re utterly boneless. Exhausted, really. But you’ve got… a number more to get through, and fuck it, you’re in way too deep to give up now, and Yamaguchi’s looking kind of delicious, and—
Next thing you know, you’re slumped between him and Tsukki, one in your ass, the other in your cunt, you openly sobbing as Tsukki hisses condescension in your ear, fingers in your mouth to keep it open while they split you in half—
(“How is she even alive right now? I don’t think any of us made it through the whole thing without a real break.”
“We’re keeping her. We have got to keep her.”)
Next thing you know, you’re jerking Kageyama off onto your face, tongue lolling out to catch every drop of cum you can—
(“Genuinely impressive. Are we sure she’s never done this before?”
“Dude, I’m serious, what do we have to do to get her to come every time?”)
Next thing you know, Hinata is thrusting into you at blinding speeds, and you’re cumming again, moans more like broken sobs—
(“I mean, she keeps saying she’s good, and she’s almost through…”
“She’s just having a good time. Probably been dreaming about something like this since before she showed up for her ‘article’.”)
There’s a few expectant looks as you lay there at last, thoroughly fucked out, unable to even think about moving as the TV static in your brain begins to finally fade out.
Holy fuck.
Are you done? That was the last of them, right? You’re done, aren’t you?
“Now, now, [name],” Tsukishima says, and his tone has you whining. That was everyone. You’re done.
“The rule was that you have to make everyone cum before you’re done,” he explains, like you’re five or something.
“D-didn’t… didn’t I…?”
A few slow shakes of the head from a few guys.
“You’re here, too.”
Your blood runs cold.
“Noo,” you whine. “Can’t.”
“You can’t?” Tsukki crouches down beside you. “You’ve made fourteen people cum tonight, and you’re giving up now? What happened to the slut we’ve been watching all night?”
“Can’ttt,” you repeat, new tears already forming. How many times have you cum already?
He sighs. “You’re really not serious about this, are you?”
“No, I am, I-I—“
“Then you can make yourself cum one last time for us to see.”
You whimper, limply bring a hand to rest between your legs. Should’ve brought a damn vibrator.
You work yourself up as fast as you can handle, cup one breast in your off hand to roll your nipple between your fingers. Slide two fingers in and shudder when you find the mix of cum there.
(“It’s just mean making her do it herself after all that.”
“If she can actually cum again after all that, I don’t even know what to say.”)
Technically, you could probably get away with faking it. …probably. But, well…
The little competitive bitch in you wants to prove them wrong, and, hell, you’ve already put on a show for everyone here, right? So you get into it, best you can. Roll your hips weakly against your hand, sigh and whimper at just how much this all is. Rub your clit as fast as your wrist can still handle, actually fucking thrash as you fall over the edge one last time.
You blacked out.
That, at least, you can figure out. You’re being held against one of any number of potential muscular bodies, cradled, really. Like you’ll break or something.
“How long do you think she has to be out before we call someone?”
“Don’t,” you groan. “’M alive. Barely.”
Fucking hell, your throat is dry. You open one eye to peek at Suga, who’s already got a water bottle ready for you. It’s Asahi holding you, and he shifts to let you tilt your head back as Suga tips the water bottle into your mouth.
Someone is wiping the worst of the cum off you with a damp rag. You squirm, whine as they clean you up. Drink like you’ve spent the past six months in the desert.
“How’re you feeling?” Yachi asks sweetly. Ah. She’s the one cleaning you up.
“Gooood,” you slur out. “Tired. Sore. Don’t wanna be a good girl for the next twennyfour hours at least.”
She laughs. “You know you could have taken a break, right? You didn’t have to get everyone off in one go.”
You simply groan. In the background, a few of the previously unaccounted-for guys are cleaning up the mess where you’d been laid out on the floor. Someone taps something against your lips. You accept it, mostly out of laziness. Sweet. Crunchy. Chocolate-covered pretzel. You wonder if you can get them to move your jaw for you.
“Do you still want to come back after this, [name]?” Shimizu asks.
You nod. Accept another pretzel. Snuggle into Asahi’s arms. You think they picked him for cuddle duty because he’s got good arms. “’Sgood. ‘Mgood.”
She laughs slightly. Drapes something over your naked body.
A black jacket, reading Karasuno Volleyball Team.
“Welcome to the team, then,” she says, tilting her head with an ethereal smile. You blink blearily. Smile back.
You cannot fucking wait for their next match.
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Tags: @deeplightgarden @idonthaveanameideayet @dusstory
If you'd like to be tagged, let me know via any contact method what you'd like to be tagged in (eg. character-specific, all works, all smut works, etc.). If your url appears on this list but is not underlined/you didn't get a notification, please ensure your blog is set to appear in search results in your blog settings! If you've got it set not to for some particular reason, consider subscribing on my ao3 for an update notification, as I always crosspost on ao3 simultaneously. After three unsuccessful tagging attempts, you will be removed from the taglist.
As always, thanks for reading! <3
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that-eboy-hacker · 4 months
✨Unsolicited Lore Dump
Dammit I was gonna go to bed but now I can't sleep till I do this. Thank you @locallegume ily bestie don't feel bad
Do you make your bed? Yes. God bless duvets
Favorite number? 111. Divisible by 3 and 37 but not 11. She's a dark horse. An icon. (Yes I'm a math nerd I know)
If you could go back to school would you? Still going to school but at least I'm no longer in los Chingados Unidos
Can you parallel park? No <3
Do you think aliens are real? Yes but I also believe they're leaving us on read bc we're being represented by the worst of us
Can you drive a manual car? No but I have to learn because manual cars in the UK far outnumber automatic
What’s your guilty pleasure? Korean reality TV
Tattoos? Not yet but seeing as my bf is an aspiring tattoo artist he'll need a canvas
Favorite color? Turquoise
Favorite types of music? My taste is very eclectic but lately I find myself getting back into metal
Do you like puzzles? Hell yes
Any phobias? Wasps. Hate the little buggers.
Favorite childhood sport? I'm a self-taught swimmer so probably that. Just not a good one lmao
Do you talk to yourself? Yes bc it helps me remember things and get shit out of my system when no one's around to listen
What movies do you adore? Kiki's Delivery Service I'd say. Mostly for the hot baker husband but also for the whimsy
Coffee or tea? Tea. Coffee is my nemesis
First thing you wanted to be growing up? A singer probably? I was killing it in 6th grade chorus and I wanted to go on American Idol and...live in LA. Yes you can laugh but know that I am a changed person now.
Uhhhhh I tag @joandarcade @phreia @vampiricgf but feel free to just take it
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trickstarbrave · 11 months
man now i really wanna write shamat (early in the corrupted au) ending up in vivi's universe in mournhold with nerevar and voryn now to soothe my poor aching heart (warning im gonna be talking abt @mulberrycafe's aus--go read them btw im crying)
shamat at first i think would be super anxious. this nerevar already has a voryn, he doesn't need shamat. what if he just tossed him aside? calls him a worthless, broken copy and tortures him before dumping him back in the streets or plantations?
ryn meanwhile is fussing over him. he's still so weak, he still has injuries--how is he this unsteady standing? and does he have a skooma addiction?!?! not to mention he's so anxious about talking to anyone, even for things he needs because he's terrified of making nerevar angry again. so voryn stays with him and tends to him
and nerevar...... it just breaks his heart. shamat keeps asking for him but with a fearful desperation in his eyes begging for nerevar not to abandon him and when nerevar goes to comfort him he flinches from his touch, but then cries when nerevar pulls his hand away out of fear of hurting him. he doesn't know why this reincarnation of voryn is so terrified of him but clings to him, but he thinks he's only making his condition worse. he refuses to listen to reason and explanations when nerevar is around. so he tries to distance himself and instead tells ryn he needs to watch over him. after all, his powers are unsteady, he might still have a connection to the heart and voryn's powers as far as they know, so they need to keep a close eye on him. ryn can defend himself and others, but shamat can't right now.
nerevar even goes so far as to say ryn needs to watch over him while he sleeps too. keep an eye on his dreams, watch out for any threats... voryn is of course worried about nerevar's ability to sleep since he doesn't do very well separated from voryn but nerevar reassures him since voryn will be in the temple still it'll be fine. maybe he'll even sleep better knowing ryn AND shamat will be in the temple (i mean, cmon, two voryns)
of course uhhhhh this isn't the case. he has servants apply makeup to his dark circles as to not worry ryn and by extension terrify shamat but then coordinators burst in saying the hortator fainted at his desk. both shamat AND ryn come running and nerevar is awake again, saying it was just an accident and not to worry but no. ryn isn't having it. he needs to sleep. NOW. and nerevar insists he doesn't want shamat being left alone so shamat offers to share the bed too.
queue nerevar laying awkwardly in bed terrified to cuddle voryn bc god. what if it upsets shamat??? he doesn't hate shamat. he loves every version of voryn to an extent. but shamat wants to help him in any way he can and gently holds his hand.......
i need fluff is what im saying.
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loopylostandfound · 6 months
simon blackquill for ask game >:3
oh I am so unprepared uh *drops notes all over the place* hahaha I'm so normal abt him WHEEEEE let's go uhhhhh
- how I feel abt this character
feral. im climbing him like a tree and gnawing on his shoulders like a rabid beaver. can beavers be rabid? who cares I am one now. im shaking him in my mouth like a dog with a chew toy. im tucking him gently into bed with a kiss on the forehead. im forcing him to go to therapy. we're adopting a cat together next week.
- all the people I ship romantically with this character
me nahyuta, apollo, klavier, uendo
- my non-romantic otp for this character
athena! i love their ride-or-die friendship and they would definitely bully each other into taking care of themselves. fun hc I have for them is they can benchpress each other and they do it at the gym to intimidate people
- my unpopular opinion about this character
not sure I have one hdjskdjfjf most of my opinions abt him seem to be shared by plenty of ppl but hmm...okay yeah I've thought for several minutes and can't think of anything lol sorry hfjdjdj
- one thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon
he and maya should meet. they could be unstoppable
- my otp
blackmadhi hdjkwkdkfkf altho justquill is a CLOSE second i never expected to get so feral abt them but holy shit. lol. but i was into blackmadhi before I even met either of them somehow so I think its safe to say the brainrot is more powerful there hdjekwkfjf. also I just love the parallels in their stories and I think that (after hatefucking in a janitors closet for a few weeks) they could get along really well. and everyone would hate them so much <3
- my crossover ship
I don't rlly do crossovers much so I have nothing for this one sadly 😭
- a headcanon fact
i will give several.
he has an extensive collection of bandannas for taka in different colors and patterns and one of these has miku on it because simon likes miku and athena got it for him. his build before his release from prison was actually pretty wiry and lean although muscled, but after he gets out and learns to take care of himself he fills out more and has a softer body though still fully able to pick people up and throw them through walls. see above hc about the gym. he's actually really good with kids bc he just treats them like mini adults and doesn't baby talk to them so they like him a lot. he has some sort of Gender Feeling but he doesn't feel the need to address it. he's cool w mainly he/him but throwing in a they or a random neopronoun will make him happy too. also he has a big di-[i am forcibly dragged from the stage kicking and screaming]
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everyeternity · 5 months
okay, my beloved partner and accomplice @mysterymessmachine tagged me in this one so let's jump in to my first fkn tag game!
Last song I Listened to
uhhhhh i listen to too much shit but lately ive been listening to a LOT of Hozier, and my same song that i will loop til my ears bleed is Weird Part Of The Night by Louis Cole
Currently watching
Many many things, but currently im trapped in the A;TLA rewatch/live-action combo, its very fun. also trying to work through a backlog of movies w my partner-in-crime (who i have never met before in my life, officer)
I have a sweet tooth that my dentist says needs removed, but savory is a close second. Spicy is good in a savory way, if that makes any sense? like im not a fan of habanero, but i will go to town on a good savory dish with, like, black pepper as a main flavor
Current Obsessions
uhhhh, trying to read honestly. I had to return all my library books bc they got overdue and i didnt read them fast enough, but we recently went out to get some new copies of books that disappeared after i loaned them out many years ago, i got some new stuff, some old stuff, and some gifts to read for sure.
But also i started playing DmC: Devil May Cry (yes the newer edgy one where they threw canon out the window and got yelled at abt it) and oops i might actually like combo-buster action games, catch me working through the main DMC series after this
Relationship Status
incredibly gay and in love with my partner, the reason ive been going to bed at 4 am and laughing a little too hard to drive safely (its okay they drive more now)
Fav color
Safety fuckin orange, mainly, though i really love that whole spectrum of bright-ass oranges, yellows, and pinks (not the icky yellow greens tho)
contrary to that though, a lot of my wardrobe is grays and blues, im trying to wear more deep and cool colors bc of my typing but also see above. you can take safety orange from my shriveled dead hands.
thanks for reading y'all! and since i know my partner will be reading this, you're hot as fuck, the best, and broadly the best thing to happen in my life end of; not sorry for being gay as hell on main.
oNTO THE TAGS! i don't know a whole lot of ppl ngl, so im just gonna tag some of y'all, no pressure! @themidgardlibrary @joylesscelebration @assistedbytherats
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weaselishmcdiesel · 2 years
weasel i have no spoons right now for the long thoughtful message but did u know that u r da best most amayzingest ever 👍 when i first came across ur art i was "omg ive never seen their art before what this is so cool im obsessed i want this tango tattooed into my eyelids" cause that one fanart of urs where tango was like D:> over grian smashin his beehive was the first that i saw and then i suddently u follow me like WHAT THE FUCK i would gladly uhhhhh .. dig up your flowers ? What do you do in animal crossing i dont have it either i should go to bed
AW MAE YOU LOVELINESS <333 i remember i think i followed you bc i needed to find like. people who rbed mainly hermitcraft stuff since i was still new to the fandom, BUT THEN I FOUND OUT THAT YOUR ART IS INSANE<33 AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH?? and then i was surprised you followed me in the first place XDXD YER the amazingest ever i'd dig up your flowers <3 not for free bc i need that cash money but i'd dig up your flowers <3
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pepprs · 2 years
um LOL ok i just got out of counseling and it was absolutely batshit insane. wtf is going on 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
#so we only talked for 35 minutes which is like 😐 and we spent most of it talking about either logistics or… like ok so she is VERY stressed#out and in a similar position that i am actually so it was less her counseling me and more both of us commiserating about how this situation#can be so shitty and stressful for the ppl left behind lol. but she was really nice and totally warm and open AND GET THIS she just like.#ASSUMNED that we are going to keep having meetings?????? so maybe i don’t have to spend the whole summer withering LMAOOOO she was like so w#when we meet next time and i was like HUH? i thought this was an emergency!!! but yeah uh no i guess i have a counselor again 😳😳😳😳😳 it was l#like weird and nice and cool it’s just she kept interrupting me before i finished my thought and also like i do kinda wish we had gone the f#full time and gotten to talk more bc i actually like. don’t feel all that better about the grief aspect of this which she said we’ll talk#about next time but it’s like uhhhhh but what do i do if im feeling it now lol. but yeah i will take this over going until September without#counseling and im really glad i met her bc she like already knows who i am and what my situation is LOL and she was telling me her whole lif#life story basically and it was like omg how are you even here rn bc this woman is the interim executive director of the whole place and#doesn’t want to be and she is so stressed out and also just got surgery and had covid and it’s like GIRL i am so sorry im taking your time#this evening 😭😭😭😭😭 but she was really nice about it and im glad we made it work and i feel like i just won the lottery with getting to have#counseling again. still do feel the grief though like I know I’m talking in circles but i need to process this and i don’t know how bc im#suffocatingly sad and i still have a few more hours to burn before i go to bed. lol#purrs
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amerrierworld · 3 years
Don’t wanna hold back
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request for the darling @thisisanexistentialcrisis​: modern au Carol Therese nsfw "there was only one bed" trope! how are there no fics of this yet? And it works bc it's modern au and not 1950s. Like they're traveling together and the hotel only has singles available and then inevitable SMUT. It's perfect! I'm so excited ok bye
Summary: is basically the request up there ^ that’s all you need to know ;)
Characters: Carol x Therese
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Uhhhhh smut! Carol-focused loving this time ;)
The minute she stepped out onto the sidewalk, a dangerously cold wind whipped her in the face, making her wince. 
“Shit,” Carol hissed under her breath.
“A little chilly,” Therese muttered as she eased out from behind the store’s entrance door with a few shopping bags hanging on her arm. 
“A little? Darling, you make me sound like such a wuss. I’m already feeling my toes fall off.”
“It’s because those shoes aren’t good for the winter weather,” Therese retorted, pointing at Carol’s designer heels.
“Cheeky,” Carol smirked, before pulling out her phone, “come, let’s stand somewhere warmer than this. I’m just checking our schedule.”
“If it’s easier we can find somewhere on the road for lunch instead of eating now. I’m not that hungry anyways,” Therese shrugged.
“I’m afraid that won’t work, dearest. Look,” Carol turned her phone so Therese could see the screen, which had bolded letters on a red background stating IMMEDIATE SNOWSTORM IN YOUR AREA. 
“Oh, no,” Therese sighed. “Right now?”
“You know how quick the weather turns around here,” Carol said, bummed that their plans would be offset by at least a day or two now. “We should go back to the hotel before the snow starts.”
“But we already checked out this morning. I can’t imagine they’ll have room anymore!” Therese was hurrying after Carol, the blonde’s long legs already leading to the parking lot.
Carol opened Therese’s car door for her with a smile, “Nothing a bit of charm won’t fix.”
When arriving at the hotel that they had spent the last two nights in, Carol made sure her curls were windswept but still in place, and her coat was fashionably hanging off her shoulder. They narrowly escaped another bout of cold air and a thick fall of flurries when they got inside.
The lobby was packed, people yelling on the phone about canceled flights, canceled buses, and missing holiday celebrations. By luck, one of the desk attendants was just switching with a colleague from break, and Carol went in for the kill. The man was a stout brown-haired man with thick glasses, who had helped the two women check out just that morning.
“Hi again,” Carol said, her voice thick with weariness, as if she just trudged through meters of snow. Therese kept her face as neutral and stoic as possible, but inside she was giddy with amusement as Carol worked her magic.
“Oh, h-hello again, Mrs. Aird,” he greeted, “what can I do for you?”
“We’d like a room. I realize we checked out this morning, but with the weather changing we would both really enjoy staying another night or two at your lovely hotel.”
“I’m afraid your room from before has already been booked for incoming guests, and it’s rather busy so I can’t guarantee...”
Carol let out a heavy sigh, alerting him with a start, and he rapidly began typing on his monitor.
“... But I’m sure I can find something for you. It... it may be small.”
“That’s alright,” Therese chimed in, seeing how nervous he got under Carol’s piercing stare. She had that effect on everyone, but even more when she wanted to have that effect. Her shoulders were squared and firmly in place but her jaw was relaxed and playful as she waited for him to finish.
“Anything with a bed will work,” she said, before flashing a dazzling smile.
Sure enough, not thirty seconds later there was a key with a room number pressed in Therese’s hands and a staff member bringing their luggage up to their floor.
“I don’t know how you do it,” Therese said timidly as she pushed the keycard into the lock. Carol was just behind her, her voice soft in her ear.
“Do what?”
Therese’s cheeks flushed a bit, not wanting to answer before they were alone. Carol gave a tip to the porter who nodded his thanks and scurried out of the room.
It was at that moment they both realized there was only one bed.
“When he said small, I didn’t realize he meant...” Therese trailed off.
“We’ll be fine, sweetheart. You’ve shared plenty of beds with your girlfriends in the past, haven’t you?”
“Yes but not...” Therese couldn’t finish her sentence as Carol shrugged off her coat and walked into the bathroom, saying something about wanting to freshen up. ...not any girlfriends like that.
“I much prefer a clean hotel bed than whatever dinky motel we may have gotten stranded at during the storm.”
“We’ve stayed at plenty of motels this past week, you’ve never once complained.”
“That’s because we hadn’t been snowed in. Motels aren’t that fun anymore after you’re there for more than one day, trust me.”
The wind was howling the whole night through. Carol pushed the curtain aside and the sky was thick with snow. Therese could barely see the building lights from across the streets. 
Carol visibly shivered before yanking it shut, walking over to her side of the bed and getting in under the covers. “It’s much too cold to get out of bed.”
In response, Therese diligently tip-toed over to the heating system and turned it up two degrees. When she turned around she saw Carol looking  at her with that knowing gaze.
“I didn’t ask you to do that,” she observed. 
“Well, you were complaining about the cold, weren't you?”
“Yes alright, you got me there.”
Therese wandered over to the TV and dresser, tugging open the drawers in hopes of finding something interesting. All there was, of course, was a remote and a dusty Bible.
“Therese, darling, you’re shivering. Come to bed.”
Come to bed. The words circled through Therese’s brain at a mad pace and she carried the TV remote back to the bed, as if that would give her any purchase before she would surely fall off the face of the earth from the enticing timbre of Carol’s voice.
“Want to watch something?” Therese offered.
“If I see another episode of Say Yes to the Dress here I will throw myself out the window.” Well, that was certainly an answer.
Carol held up the covers for Therese to slide under. They were starting to get warm and cozy, but not quite yet. Therese left her nightstand lamp on as she listened to the wind. Carol pulled out a book. 
“Bloody nightlights, can’t see a thing,” Carol muttered, putting on her reading glasses. Therese chuckled in contentment, though a shiver still ran through her body. Carol eyed her from above her book.
“You’re still cold.”
I really don’t think this is from the cold anymore, Therese thought to herself. 
Carol held her book to the side and gently beckoned Therese to her side, an open invitation to come closer.
Share body heat, overcome the cold, survive the winter nights together, Therese’s brain was spiralling with all the cliché winter romance tropes, telling herself it never worked out like it did in her books and movies, but somehow her body still moved forward to settle against Carol’s side, warm and inviting.
Almost on instinct, Carol pulled Therese to rest her head right by the crook of  her neck before opening her book again, no words exchanged between the two of them.
Therese continued to squirm uncomfortably, willing her body to at least try to relax in this moment, but Carol’s hand that was running through her hair was now cupping the back of her neck and stroking her thumb along the tense muscles.
Stealing a glance up at the blonde, she seemed entirely focused on her book, but the light pitter-patter of her heartbeat under Therese’s ear suggested otherwise. 
“Is it good?” Therese asked after a few silent moments. Carol’s hand stilled.
“Hm? Oh, sure. I had this book sitting in my bookcase for ages. I’m finally reading it.”
“What’s it about?”
“Honestly, I’m not sure yet. It seems quite boring.”
Therese giggled, “Then why would you read it?”
Carol didn’t answer. Therese dared to look up at her again and saw her eyes flickering back and forth across the page, too quickly to prove that she was actually reading the words.  
Her neck was stiff, and she swallowed  heavily. Therese caught the sight of  tensing muscles and how they seemed to jump under her skin. Without thinking, she leaned closer and softly pressed a kiss there.
The hand on the back of her neck tightened, and a slow exhale escaped Carol’s lungs. Therese tried to pull away and apologize as regret flooded her thoughts, but couldn’t. Suddenly it wasn’t so cold anymore.
“Carol...” Therese whispered, wondering if the woman had gone into cardiac arrest from the sudden touch. But a low groan slipped past the blonde’s lips and her pulse jumped underneath Therese’s lips at the sound of her name.
“Dearest,” her voice was thick with restraint. “If I were you I’d be very careful about your next decision.”
Her other hand holding up her book had become as stiff as a board, white-knuckled. Therese noticed the other on her neck was trembling and barely brushing the little hairs on back of her neck hairs that were now standing up.
There was no suitable word to describe what drove Therese to her next decision. Maybe the cold made her bolder. Maybe the romantic winter air during the holiday season made her do things that the old summer Therese wouldn’t.
She pressed her lips firmly to the pulse point, and one hand snaked across Carol’s waist before wrapping around and brushing her chilled fingertips underneath her sleeping blouse, touching the soft skin of her back.
A sharp gasp escaped Carol at the feeling of Therese’s nimble fingers. The book fell out of her hand down onto the floor and dug into Therese’s scalp, pulling at the tresses in surprise.
Slowly, Therese pushed herself up and over Carol’s trembling form, straddling her waist and brushing her hands over the soft expanse of her abdomen.
“Therese...” Carol began, fingers gripping Therese’s hips in awe. She could barely breathe as two wide, green, doe-like eyes looked down at her, hair falling into her face.
“Am I doing it right?”
Carol blinked for a moment, before chuckling softly, “Yes, dear. Entirely yes.”
Therese leaned down and kissed her jaw, frightened to kiss her mouth despite the fact that her hands were now brushing the underside of Carol’s breasts. Instead, Carol took the lead, turning her head and capturing Therese’s lips with a soft moan. 
Therese’s fingers were teasing, unsure, touching but not commanding. Carol took her hands off of the brunette and undid her buttons herself, letting the top  fall open for Therese to peel back. As Therese marvelled at Carol underneath her, the blonde undid Therese’s top as well, seeing creamy white skin shining beautifully with a thin layer of sweat. Her mouth watered, but couldn’t do anything before Therese pounced again.
Soft lips reconnected with Carol’s skin, this time at the swell of her breasts just as the top fell to the sides. Carol’s back arched as a warm, wet mouth brushed down over her nipple and back up again.
“Therese,” she tried again. “Darling, are you sure?”
A meek nod against her chest wasn’t enough, so she forced Therese’s face up to look her in the eyes, and asked again, “Are you sure?”
Therese nodded, muttering a yes so quick that Carol almost missed it, before lips wrapped around her nipple and sucked.
Carol let out a choked cry this time, hips bucking. Her sweet road-trip partner, who could barely look at women’s lingerie and undergarments at the store was now worrying her teeth around her nipple until pleasure bloomed in her belly. 
“Oh, please, Therese,” Carol whispered. “I need more.”
A hand brushed over the front of her pants, edging to the place between her legs, “Here?”
“Yes! Yes, dear girl, just there. Please.”
Therese was startled to hear Carol beginning to beg. The way she writhed was intoxicating enough, but her voice reduced to a raggedy whimper was a whole aphrodisiac on its own. 
She slowly, experimentally, pushed her fingers past the waistband, feeling how aroused Carol already was. She felt soft curls before meeting hot, wet skin, and Carol bit down on her hand at the feeling.
“You don’t have to be so gentle,” Carol murmured from behind her knuckles.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” Therese replied, curving her fingers up so they brushed against the hood of Carol’s clit, which was throbbing under her touch.
“Oh, darling, you won’t,” Carol whined. “I’ve given birth to a child, if I can handle that, I can handle you.”
“Is that so?” Therese’s mind sparked with an idea. Her hand stopped, fingers cupping and pressing against Carol’s opening, with her palm flat against her clit.
“Therese?” Carol opened her eyes, looking up at the brunette, unnerved by how much she was trembling, and how much Therese was not.
“Beg,” Therese timidly requested, almost as if she didn’t know how to be in control.
“Oh, Therese,” Carol gasped, deliriously drawing out the z in her name.
“Beg,” she spoke again, pressing her palm a little deeper.
“Ah- please, dearest. Please keep going.”
Therese slowly pushed her hand around in circles against the skin. 
“Yes, oh, darling. That feels wonderful. Don’t stop. It-- God, you’re doing so well.”
Drunk on Carol’s response, Therese prodded with two fingertips, meeting no resistance and sliding in without effort. The blonde hissed at the intrusion, breathing heavily as her senses noticed nothing but Therese’s tender fingers inside of her.
Therese began by moving them in and out, not knowing what else to do, or what Carol wanted. Noticing her slackening pace and focus, Carol tapped Therese’s lips with two fingers, which she obediently opened.
“Don’t just move them,” Carol whispered, eyes blown and bright in the dim light. She slid two fingers into Therese’s mouth, before turning and curling them up to press against the roof of her mouth. “Like this.”
Now it was Therese’s turn to moan, but she did as was asked, curling her fingers, finding the front walls with the pads of her fingertips and pushing and pulling against the texture there.
“Oh, fuck!” Carol’s hand fell out of Therese’s mouth, collapsing by her side as her eyes rolled back. 
Therese grinned, slightly pleased with herself, continuing with a quickening pace. Carol’s hips moved in tandem with Therese’s hand, one hand grabbing at the sheets, the other at Therese’s arm that was supporting her upright.
The pace wasn’t enough to bring her to orgasm, and Carol desperately pushed her hand down to rub at her clit, needing the extra touch to be able to come. Therese may not have had a lot of sex in her life, but she knew what that meant, and she pulled Carol’s hand out, halting her motions. Carol’s shriek of disdain at the loss of contact made Therese huff with laughter.
Therese removed Carol’s undergarments entirely. She also took her own top off, but just before Carol could hum in pleasure at the sight of her nudity anymore than she already was, she wormed her way down to settle her head between her legs, and gave a soft lick against the wet skin, tasting the flavour that was already coating her fingers. 
Carol’s legs locked and her head tossed back and forth on the pillow. She wanted so much to flip Therese over and ride her pretty mouth, but she wanted to let her young lover play, for now.
Therese returned her fingers to her now favourite spot for them, curling and rubbing inside Carol in a way that made her shake. Then her lips wrapped around her pink clit that seemed to just be begging for attention. 
Carol grabbed the pillow behind her head and pushed her face in it so she could let out a louder gasp than before. Therese tried licking faster, the way she saw Carol touching herself, but the blonde grabbed her head.
“No no no no, darling, no. Just-- just suck. With your lips. That’s it, just like that... oh, fuck.”
Therese hollowed out her cheeks, sucking repeatedly at the little bud with her fingers matching the pace. Her wrist was starting to get sore, but Carol looked so beautiful on the bed with her legs spread like this that she couldn’t stop until she came. 
It didn’t take much longer. Carol clenched purposefully around Therese’s fingers and focused as much on the feeling in her clit and inside that she only needed one glance down at those green eyes before things seemed to explode from within. 
Therese was fascinated by Carol’s form shaking and jerking, and ended up pulling away too soon. Carol, gasping at the sudden loss, put her fingers back into place and rubbed her clit until she had gone through her whole orgasm, which lasted longer than Therese had expected.
Mesmerized, her fingers were still inside her by the time Carol had relaxed. The blonde chuckled and gently pulled them out before cleaning off the juices with her mouth.
Everything was warm and sticky and wonderful and the whole room seemed to exist in a daze of sex and satisfaction. Carol got Therese out of her pants and hugged her close, kissing her ferociously. 
“You’re quite a minx, aren’t you?” Carol said once she had caught her breath again. Therese’s mouth had been wet with her orgasm and deliciously warm, and she almost couldn’t make herself stop. The cold air around them had dissipated now that the heating was turned up again, and suddenly Carol felt like she was in a sauna.
So Therese, once again, got up to turn the heating down, and hurried back into bed before the cold caught up with her. Carol was spread over the sheets like a goddess of some sorts, sated, eyes now heavy with sleep.
“If I weren’t so exhausted from the cold today, I’d say let’s go for round two,” Carol muttered. Therese laughed, still electrified from her ability to make Carol come. She didn’t think she had it in her to relax enough for Carol to touch her now.
Carol wrapped her up in a hug, pulling the blankets up over the two of them and languidly kissing Therese as they laid side by side. Her hands ran over Therese’s waist and back, slightly tickling her.
“Tomorrow night, all this is mine,” she whispered. Therese beamed up at her, snuggling closer.
“It already is.”
A/N: “It was at that moment they both realized there was only one bed.” *me grinning mischievously*
also THAT GIF LITERALLY KILLS ME EVERY TIME (reblog if u agree :3)
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rancidpancakebatter · 2 years
Grip Tape-Chapter 5 [P.P.]
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Pairings: Peter Parker x AFAB Reader
Summary: Peter offers to teach you how to skateboard and who are you to say no? This is a pre-bite fic so we get to enjoy Peter Parker in his full Dorky Display.
Word Count: 2.7k words
Content: MINORS DNI: 18+ Swearing, Marijana Use, Underage Drinking, Bullying
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Chapter Summary: Peter Meets your dad! There's flirting. There's some (Y/n) lore. There's an almost kiss. This chapter really has it all.
A/N: Your dad’s nickname is Pops bc my dad’s nickname is pops and I miss my pops. 
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After an hour you had made quite a lot of progress. Not only could you do a tic tac but you could do it in a circle, and also use it to make a turn, all without Peter’s help. He was such a good teacher, very encouraging. 
You decided to call it quits, Peter claiming you had made more than enough progress. You started back to your place and you felt elated. Today was a good day and you figured nothing could top it. Peter was grinning at you when he wasn’t looking at where he was going. You felt so happy knowing you were responsible for that smile. Peter was feeling a similar high when he saw yours. 
You unlocked the front door and hung up your coat and Peter did the same. You made your way to the kitchen to make another glass of water while Peter took a seat once again. You passed him the glass getting quickly distracted as you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. You pulled it out to see a message from your dad.
Pops: Hey Honey, that’s fine. I’ll be home in an hour or so…you know how it is. I hope you have fun with your friend!
(Kiddo): We had tons of fun! I learned a couple new tricks on my skateboard so that was cool
(Kiddo): Now we’re gonna do homework :((
Pops: That’s awesome kiddo!!! Happy to hear it! Is your friend staying for dinner? I was gonna get some pizza on the way home.
(Kiddo): Uhhhhh lemme ask real quick
You turned to Peter who was waiting patiently, playing with the glass. 
“My dad wants to know if you wanna stay for dinner. We’re getting pizza tonight so we’ll need your order.”
Peter looks up to you and then shakes his head, “No, no, I wouldn’t want to impose.”
You immediately told him that he would never be imposing and he eventually agreed saying, “I’ll just call my uncle and let him know.”
(Kiddo): Yeah they’re gonna stay
(Kiddo): They’re cool with whatever so just get the usge
Your dad sent you a thumbs up and you put your phone back up, knowing he was back to work. You made yourself a glass of water and it wasn’t long before Peter emerged again from the foyer. “Yeah, I promise, I promise I will…okay..sure thing…bye Uncle Ben…” 
He hung up and gave you a shy nod, “My uncle..he’s always got some little home repair project for me.” gesturing to his phone as if it were this Uncle Ben. You nodded your head in understanding before suggesting going up to your room to study.
You went back up and this time Peter could appreciate the decor. There were a lot of plants by the window. Some sitting on the sill and others hanging in front of it. Your bed was made and a few stuffed animals sat on the comforter. He made note of the posters on the wall, some from concerts others just cute and cool. (They were only cute because they were yours he thought). 
Your desk was a little cluttered but still neat. Actually, all of your surfaces were this way. Your nightstand, your bookshelf, your dresser. Any flat surface that could hold things was crowded with little trinkets. 
He saw a tin sitting on your bookshelf and was drawn to it. He popped it open, the sound alerting you, and saw all kinds of sentimental papers: movie stubs, tickets to the amusement park, candy wrappers, and at the bottom some printed photos. 
“It’s my memory box,” you told him meekly. You weren’t embarrassed by anything in there but some of the stuff you knew could be seen as trash. You wouldn’t mind going through the box with him and explaining each memory, but you didn’t know if he would want that. Or if he thought it was weird. 
Peter saw a couple of pictures of you with some other people, you were smiling, and you seemed happy. There were several like that, sometimes just the others, sometimes people from the group would be missing, sometimes you would be missing. He recognised some of them from school. He assumed they were your friends. You seemed like the kind of person to have a lot of friends in his mind. 
There were photos of you and your dad, there was one of your dad covered in butterflies and a look of shock on his face. It must have been taken at the gardens, he thinks he remembers seeing a ticket stub from there. 
You had decided to make yourself busy with setting up a way for you both to study. You grabbed a few blankets from the closet and laid them on the ground, grabbing the pillows from your bed. Peter didn’t notice you closing in around his shoulder to peak over it. 
“I love that picture” he hummed in agreement.
As he continues to flip through the photographs he found some baby photos. A lot of them were of you and your dad. He couldn’t help but think they were adorable, seeing you posed in sunglasses, you in matching bandanas, you smiling with ice cream all over your face, all with your dad. 
“You’re cute,” Peter said looking to you. You raised your head, surprise painting your features. He realised what he said and his face began to redden. 
“I mean…like in the pictures…I mean you are…but I was talking about the uh…” You couldn’t help but giggle. 
“You have quite a way with words, Peter.” At that, he closed his mouth but the blush was still there, as was the panicked expression. “I set up our study session.”
You both worked on your schoolwork, Peter worked through his very quickly, using his textbooks more as a desk than an actual reference. You wondered how smart he was, you knew he was smart of course you did, everyone did, but did he ever take an IQ test? He was furrowing his brows and scribbling in his notebook. You didn’t notice you were staring until he looked up at you. 
You quickly brought your eyes back to your calculus, Ms Peters didn’t feel gracious at all this weekend. You worked in mostly silence with some quiet music playing in the background. Your phone was plugged up to the little speaker docking station so you didn’t see your dad’s message telling you he was on his way home. 
You heard the keys in the door and got up on reflex. You always opened the door for your dad. He would unlock the deadbolt and you would get the handle. It always made him laugh, joking about doing a half-assed job of opening the door. 
You didn’t even realise that you had left Peter alone, and very quickly he might add. The door opened and you saw your Pops smiling widely at you. 
“Hey, sweetie!” You told him hi back as he stepped into the kitchen to set the pizzas down. He asked you how your day was and you started answering not even noticing Peter standing awkwardly at the stairs. You always told him your day block by block. You got to lunch and remembered Peter was there, you made some steps to retrieve him but instead waved him down when you saw him standing there.
“Dad,” He was busying himself getting plates and cups, He turned when you called to him. “This is Peter, I eat lunch with him, we have chem together, and he’s teaching me how to skateboard.” 
Your dad looked between the awkward boy and you a few times. There was a silent question in his eyes and you answered it by raising your eyebrows at him. He shrugged and made his way to Peter, who tried his best not to look terrified, and clapped him on the shoulder a few times.
“Well Peter, welcome to our home! There’s some pizza here, you’re welcome to anything here, there’s some soda in the fridge.” Peter mumbled out a thank you sir and your dad winked at you as he made his way back.
Dinner was spent laughing and chattering. Your dad talked about his day at work in the same structure you did (or as best he could because he didn’t have classes). You flicked the pizza table thing between you and your dad and Peter. Eventually, your father asked, “what time is Peter heading out?”
Peter being Peter took that as “leave now, I hate you, never come here again.”
Before he could give a panic response You spoke up, “Well we planned to finish our homework and skate but would it be okay if he hangs out and watches a movie or something?” Your father shrugged saying he didn’t care.
“I just don’t want your folks to get mad at me because I sent ya home too late.”
Peter quickly responded that his curfew was 11 and that could be flexible with a call.
Your dad then clapped his hands. “Great! You guys can do whatever, I’m probably going to head to bed at 8ish so if you could respect the ‘quiet hours’ that would be awesome. If you leave the house just let me know.” Your dad gave you and Peter a big smile before going to put the dishes in the dishwasher and offering Peter some leftover pizza to take home which he declined.
“Okay dad, we’re gonna go finish our homework, love ya!” You hopped off the barstool and gave him a kiss on the cheek and head back up the stairs. 
You started working on your homework again, you felt Peter’s gaze on you but tried not to focus on it. However, it lead you to making tons of little mistakes causing you to do several problems over again. You heard shuffling next to you to see Peter packing up his stuff.
“Are you done already?” he paused looking at you.
“Yeah, I didn’t have much. You still working?” You nodded your head going back at your notebook.
“I can help, whatcha working on?”
Peter moved over to lay down next to you. His shoulder pressed against yours. Peter could smell your shampoo from here: coconut, maybe strawberry too. 
He began to coach you through your differential equations, operating the calculator for you while you wrote down the math. He began typing in a lengthy equation and you started doodling in the margins of the pages.
Peter froze as he saw little hearts swarming your notebook. He felt his cheeks warm and his stomach swirl. He cleared his throat and gave you the answer. You wrote it down and began to sit up on your knees. Peter followed your lead, watching you close your books and put them in your backpack. 
“Do you always do your homework on Fridays?” You let out a puff of air from your nose not unlike a laugh.
“It gives me the whole weekend to relax or, god forbid, extra time to finish if I didn’t.” Peter is watching the side of your face as you continue packing away.
“That’s very wise of you.” At that, you do laugh. 
“I’m definitely not, just not as smart as you. Some of us need a little more time than you boy genius.” Peter ruffled your hair making you jerk your head and look at him.
“Nah, you’re plenty smart, probably smarter than me even.” You shook your head. 
“No way. No one’s as smart as you.” Peter was looking at you, really looking at you. You felt your very atoms vibrating under his gaze. He moved a strand of hair from your face and once again your senses were filled with him. 
“Well, maybe Gwen Stacey. She might be smarter than you.” At this, Peter threw his head back and laughed. You couldn’t help but laugh too and his hand was unmoving in your hair.
Peter was still looking at you, it made you feel warm. You were so close to him and you wanted to close the gap in any way you could. You dropped your hand placing it in between your legs, you could feel the warmth from Peter’s thigh. 
Peter considered taking your hand, he very much wanted to. Instead, he asked, “What are you doing tomorrow?”
You were searching his eyes, searching for any indication that he liked you. You were almost sure he did. He had called you cute and blushed around you. Moving your hair from your face. Then holding your face. Offering to do homework with you. He had to right? Were you crazy to think that?
Peter felt uneasy under your gaze, what were you looking for? Did you like him? He couldn’t tell. You were staring at him intently, your brows furrowed and your lips pulled together. You didn’t seem upset or confused. He wasn’t sure what that look meant. 
“I’m not doing anything,” You almost sounded unsure. Peter let out a breath, he didn’t realise he was holding. 
“Do you wanna hang out? We can go to my house, maybe skate some more.”
You smiled at him, “Yeah, I would like that.” 
Peter felt your breath on his face, You had leaned in while examining him but he doubted you noticed. He was right you hadn’t. You were leaning on the hand between both of you. You took notice of his freckles. There weren’t many but they were there nonetheless. 
Peter’s phone rang, you saw a picture of an older woman on his phone, the call coming from an Aunt May. He made no move to pick it up, still enamoured by you. 
“Peter,” you said softly suddenly realising your proximity. He closed his eyes, leaning forward a bit. 
“Your aunt is calling you.” He huffed and turned to get it. He kept eye contact with you as he spoke. 
“Hey, Aunt May…yeah I’m still with my friend…yeah we had pizza…no, no, no…do I have to?” He was whining and you hated to say it was cute. You brought your hand up to muffle your giggle and Peter gave you a light-hearted glare. 
“Aunt may come on it’s a Friday,” he pleaded. He was silent for a while before he brought his hand up to rub his face. “Okay, okay…milk and eggs, anything else?...okay, you got it.” 
Peter hung up looking back to you, “I gotta go.” He was frowning and you wanted to bring your hands to his face, to pull the corners up. 
“It’s okay,” you said, trying not to let too much of your own disappointment seep through your words. “I’ll see you tomorrow, right?” 
You began walking him to the door and he seemed hesitant to leave still. 
“Thank you for your help today.” Peter was fiddling with his hoodie zipper, avoiding eye contact, 
“The skateboarding and the homework and…” You let the sentence fall off but Peter’s expression made you continue. You let out a sigh. 
“And hanging out, it was fun.” You gave him a soft smile, one he returned. 
“Yeah, of course, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He opened the door and stepped out, giving you a small wave. You shut it after him and leaned against it. You really, really liked him. Your brain was replaying every glance and laugh and smile. Before you knew what you were doing you had opened the door and started chasing after him, “Peter!”
He whipped around looking a little concerned as you ran up to him. You stopped a few inches away from him, neither of you saying anything. You reached forward wrapping your arms around his torso and squeezing. It took Peter a moment to process but eventually, he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, resting his cheek on the top of your head. 
You pulled away but he didn’t drop his hands, still resting on your shoulders.
“I uh, I wanted to give you my number.” His eyes light up and he gives you a toothy grin. 
“So you can text me when you make it home. Oh, and so we can figure out tomorrow.” You hastily added on. 
He only let go of you then, to reach into his back pocket. You took the device and typed in your number and your name. You contemplated uploading a photo but you didn’t want to risk a bad selfie in this lighting. You passed it back to him and his fingers grazed yours once again. 
“See you tomorrow.”
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Tag List: @andrews-lovr ilovemoonknight negasonic-teenage-asshole @preciousbabypeter @princesskittycatofmeowland 
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cringesideblog · 4 years
here’s my dnf playlist and a complete song by song track-list and why I put them on it.
heatwaves- on here for very obvious reasons. i don’t think I need to explain. but here are some lyrics anyway. “Sometimes all I think about is you, late nights in the middle of June.”
Jenny- again this is kinda obvious. “I wanna ruin our friendship, we should be lovers instead, I don’t know how to say this, cuz you’re really my dearest friend.”
TALK ME DOWN- this one just has the best friends pining for eachother vibe. “I wanna sleep next to you, and that’s all I wanna do right now.”
Dark paradise- kinda has dream smp vibes. but also you could argue heatwaves vibes. “Everytime I close my eyes, it’s like a dark paradise.” “There’s no relief, I see you in my sleep.” “There’s no release, I feel you in my dreams.”
Sweater weather- yeah you know why. you absolutely know why. “All I am is a man, I want the world in my hands. I hate the beach but I stand, in California with my toes in the sand.”
Drop the Guillotine- idk man just vibey. give it a listen you’ll get it. it’ll click. “You sure know how to drop that guillotine on me, though you would never wanna see me bleed.”
Can I call you tonight?- thats on their only for of communication being through the phone huh. (major heatwaves vibe) “powers out and I can’t turn the fan on, so can I call you tonight? trying make up my mind, just how I feel.”-“I hear your voice on the phone, now I’m no longer alone.”
Lemon boy- oh my god this song. geogre do be seeing dream as his lemon boy. “I helped him plant his seeds and we’d mow the lawn in bad weather.”
Yellow- DREAM IS LITERALLY GEORGES YELLOW SHUT UP RIGHT NOW. “Look at the stars, look how they shine for you.” “For you I’d bleed myself dry.”
Like you do- first of all I love this song, second, this has dream being a little too attached vibes. The whole song is just them. “Lost in the blue, they don’t love me like you do, those chills that I knew they were nothing without you, and everyone else they don’t matter now. You’re the one I can’t lose, no one loves me like you do.” “Since I met you, all the gloomy days just seem to shine a little more brightly.”
I saw you in a dream- mega heatwaves vibe. “When I’m awake I can’t switch off,” “I saw you in a dream, you came to me. You were the sweetest apparition, such a pretty vision.”
Maybe you’re the reason- did someone say pining best friend who doesn’t know that they’re in love ? this song. this song right here. “I keep looking for something, even though I know that it’s not there. Maybe you’re the reason. And anytime I try to figure it out, you’re the only thing I can think about.”
The king- DREAM SMP VIBE. “You like me, well obviously, so why you tryna leave when you know that I’m the king?” “Other lovers give you no luck, cuz I’m the only one who’s made you fall in love.” “Playing with your heart cuz you gave me the throne.”
Sweet- an adorable song truly that actually fits them so well. “Watching the, video that you sent me- you know that I’m obsessed with your body, but it’s the way you smile that does it for me.” “It’s so sweet, knowing that you love me.”
Apocalypse- um okay here me out, apocalypse au?? yeah i know it’s cute as shit you’re welcome. “Your lips my lips, apocalypse.” “When you’re all alone, I will reach for you, when you’re feeling low, I will be there too.”
Fear of the Water- don’t come for me this ones kinda sad, beautiful song though. “If this was meant for me why does it hurt so much, and if you’re not made for me why did we fall in love?”
Dreaming of you- two words, heat. waves. but also yeah good song for them in general. “Want you all the time, and now I’m dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming of you.”
Wires- uhhhhh dream smp vibe, dream villain arc n all . “If he said help me kill the president, id say he needs medicine.” “He said that I should take it in, listen to every word he’s speaking.”
Midnight love- it’s girl in love so, you already know how it issss. “I know I don’t want to, be the one that you run to, when you’ve got nowhere else to go, when you need some love.” “I always give in to give you it all.” “I can’t be your midnight love, when your silver is my gold.”
The beach- SUCH A HEATWAVES SONG JUST LISTEN. “I feel it burning me, I feel it burning you.” “I think I can see the beach, I know what’s underneath. I need you here with me,”
Cherry flavored- the neighborhood just.. they have a dnf vibe. “Cherry flavored conversations with you got me hanging on. Down to earth from all the waiting. Take me somewhere beyond.”
Pretty boy- geogre is a pretty boy. point blank period. “Even if my heart stops beating, you’re the only thing I need with me.” “Pretty boy, you did this with me boy.” “As long as I got you, I’m gonna be alright.”
Bad idea- girl in reddd... but like imagine them casually hooking up and not knowing their in love tho. also I feel like they would definitely think that their relationship is a “bad idea” bc they’re stupid. “It was a bad idea, to think I could stop, was such a bad idea, I can’t get enough.” “Darling your so pretty it hurts.”
Line without a hook- ICONIC!! dream definitely does not think that he deserves george. “You can hold my hand if no ones home.” “All my emotions feel like explosions when you are around” “Oh baby I am a wreck without you.” “She’s a, she’s a lady, and I am just a boy. She’s a, she’s a lady, and I am just a line without a hook.”
Say you hate me- mega dream smp vibes as of recently. with the whole removing geogre as king. “I guess that your friends where right, from the start when they thought that I was a bad guy.” “Can you just say that you hate me? Or that you will never love me?” “Never meant to make you leave, never meant to make you cry.”
Cherry bomb- reminds me of how dream cheated on fundy with geogre. “I’m too close to crushing, and I’m too close for comfort I’m rushing.” “I ask how shes so mellow, she tells me her shades are in yellow.”
This side of paradise- I mean, like, kinda heatwaves vibes, but also just them. “Ask me why my hearts inside my throat. I’ve never been in love I’ve been alone.” “If you’re lonley come be lonley with me.”
Linger- geogre literally has that boy wrapped around his finger and I can’t not see it in this song. But when you look into it HELLA dream smp vibes, lyrics can be switched for either perspective here. “You know I’m such a fool for you, you got me wrapped around your finger.” “I thought the world of you, I thought nothing could go wrong, but I was wrong,”
august- i don’t know what is but this song is for them. it just is. “To live for the hope of it all. Cancel plans just in case you'd call” “So much for summer love, and saying “Us” Cause you weren't mine to lose”
I was an island- i just love the idea of them being hardasses and not thinking they need anyone until the other comes into their life and rocks their world. kinda dream smp vibes “I was a fighter, and I was so brave, but I lowered my sword when you held me and swore you’d stay.” “I was a wolf, dear, apart from the pac But you answered my cries in the dead of the night and told me that you had my back,”
Golden- k this one feeds into the “you’re literally the sun in my sky I’m not worthy” feel “I know you were way too bright for me I'm hopeless, broken” “I know that you're scared Because hearts get broken” “I can feel you take control Of who I am and all I've ever known Loving you's the antidote”
Strong- ummm okay but the “we’re better together” dynamic is them “I’m sorry if I say I need ya, but I don’t care I’m not scared of love.” “when I’m not with you I’m weaker is that so wrong? Is it so wrong, that you make me strong.”
Fly out west- the whole, I need to see you, you’re all I think about, stuff gets me. also heatwaves vibe. “Well tell me do you know? You’re all I dream about. Take it from me I’m too dumb to recognize your doubt.”
Cruel summer- them and summer, you dig? “I don’t wanna keep secrets just to keep you.” “I love you and that the worst thing you ever heard?”
Nothings gonna hurt you baby- I put this one on here because of how protective dream is over geogre “Nothing’s gonna hurt you baby, as long as your with me you’ll be just fine. Nothings gonna hurt you baby, nothings gonna take you from my side.”
Cardigan- young love, the kind of lover that makes you feel like you are the most important thing in the world to them “when you are young they assume you know nothing, but I knew you-“ “and when I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone’s bed, you put me on and said I was your favorite.”
Cry baby- them being in that weird stage where they recognize that it might be more than just senseless flirting and they might have feelings but also being paranoid that they’re the only one with feelings uh- “I can taste it my hearts breaking, please don’t say it. That you know, when you know.” “I know I’ll fall in love with you baby, but that’s not what I wanna do baby.”
Speak now- literally the fundy dream wedding. i rest my case. “I hear the preacher say speak no or forever hold your peace.” “Dont say yes runaway now.”
I love you so- this song is cute on the surface but kinda sad once you look into it. it’s kinda about a codependent love that isn’t going well. “I gotta get away and let you go I gotta get over, but I love you so.” “You were cool and I’m a fool so please let me go.”
In conclusion I’d really appreciate if you could check it out :) <3
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lorebird · 3 years
GOD I NEED TO GO TO BED BUT NOW IM THINKING ABOUT SOMETHING UNDER BOATEM . I’m officially scrapping the latest comic I was working on bc I have ideas for other stuff now, but I’ll put the thumbnails under the cut bc it did take some time! Anyways. Rambles
I’m loving the idea of a truly Well-Meaning boatem beast more and more. I know I’ve already got like 2 sub-aus where it’s malicious, a regular one and one with watcher grian, but uhhhhh what if I made another au where it’s nice. For fun and flavor. I think it’d be interesting if it knew what was going on with the moon’s oncoming impact and wanted to save everyone via the void — if it kept timmy alive all that time in this version, then it can probably safely move people through the void!! Having its limited communication w echoing words would be interesting too. It could kind of retroactively fit that one doc comic, trying to tell him that the only way out is Down
Idk I will sleep on it but!! I am so excited by this au just In General and if anyone ever wants to send in asks abt it I’ll kiss you
Ok so this comic was for the Watcher Grian version with him finding out he’s the only one that can remember the boatem beast. The first page would start out very yellow, then into oranges and reds, until the last page was vibrant purple. I also used it to spin ideas for how the beast actually like. Hunts. It’s not super clear here but it basically turns things into pure void and absorbs that into itself, leaving no items/xp behind, just like what happens from falling into the void regularly (plus its whole Taking Visual Traits... thing). Last thing I wanted to do was show grian growing somewhat numb to what happens, since he can’t change anything and no one else remembers, slowly taking on a passive role as watcher
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The characters’ dialogue isn’t like. Super important or anything. The “narration” text says
“I remember the first time I saw it.
No one else can remember it. I’ve seen it get everyone,
but it’s never come after me.
It only ever watches.”
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yanderepuck · 3 years
Hello. More sleep walking Isaac no one asked for
Isaac: *drinking from a cup* uhhhhh *puts hands at sides, water now all over the floor*
Isaac: *trying to move a plant into another room* but he doesn't like it there.
Isaac: *on the floor using the hallway rug as a blanket* itchy
He says the stupidest shit. Too much stress causes him to sleep walk ...which is why he does it so often.
Dazai: *next morning* Isaac. I found your shirt on the roof
Isaac: WHAT
If no one is watching him, Isaac will never find his way back to his room, and most commonly ends up in Dazais or Theos room.
Rip bc Dazai sleeps naked. Isaac has been Theos big spoon many times.
He'll try to talk science but no actual words come out, just noises.
Theo: what are you doing?
Isaac: *stops and looks up at the ceiling* why didn't you tell me.
Theo is scared of waking him up, not knowing what he's going to do, so he just walks around with him all night.
Napoleon just makes Isaac sleep in his bed, but Isaac will start kackling in the middle of the night and trap himself in the blanket and Napoleon gets none.
One time he rushed into Leonardos room, and oddly enough he was awake and at his desk. Isaac runs in holding a jar of pickles. He sets them down on the floor and goes "drink it" and walks out.
Mozart simply locks his door at night, but the one time he doesn't, Isaac comes in and passes out at the foot of his bed and drools all over the sheets. Even worse, he had blood all over his mouth cause he bit Comte who was suppose to be watching him.
Now the mansion needs like a week of peace and sends Isaac to Wills for the week and Will is simply like "oh it can't be that bad"
So he brings harry over and his work. Oddly enough Isaac actually enjoys it over there bc it's quite and he can actually get things done. But then sleep walking happens, and he's running into everything bc he's normally in the mansion.
Puck follows him around and does many angy thumps. Isaac ends up sitting on Wills bed, waking him up and goes "do you hear him?" Will is like ???????? And Isaac starts kackling until Will hits him with a pillow, which woke Isaac up and he had no idea where he was.
Isaac waking up shirtless in the garden, luckily the yard is fenced off. Will just sighs.
Isaac: damn the British
Will: you are the British
Isaac: they took my bread
Will says something and Isaac mistakes it for Arthur and goes into Scottish Mode (tm)
"by Scot, it's chewsday aintit"
"please leave"
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verit · 2 years
im so hshkdjsjdsjds its been.... so long since i just dived into a new shiny thing and now it’s TWO THINGS AT ONCE KINDA (bc we watched ofmd in one day and then finished wwdits s3 finally) that im flipping between with a speed of light and its just sjhHDSKHSDKDS really been a while since i’ve been in active fandoms like this AND rapidly growing ones, and especially ones where i can just... enjoy the content and not have to create
and obviously it’s very much escapism bc uhhh [country being a fascist state and all the things im trying to do which are not a lot but still taking all my energy] so its very nice that good things are just... happening and i can just BASK in them and that they have SUCH an effect on me, i dont need to put in an effort im just effortlessly engaged!!! bc my current ~main fandom~ is not really.... producing much good stuff, esp fan stuff, and i would write myself buuuuut all my energy is going towards uhhhhh [all the real life things im doing or trying to do] and after a day i just want to lie in bed and read fic and meta and scroll through beautiful art and thats what ill DO
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