#uhhh should he get his own tag lmfao
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pocket-vvardvark ¡ 13 days ago
Ty for the tag @skyrim-forever @sulphuricgrin @theoneandonlysemla @yansurnummu @dirty-bosmer @sanza-17 <33
I'd like to tag: @fangsandsoftgrass @aviel-the-trans-bucket @red-mountain-flower @caliblorn @firefly-factory @skyrim-addict @skyrim-crossing @hircines-hunter @lucius-the-sinful @scholarlyhermit @yewphoric y'all <33 I have fish brain, sorry if I forgot anyone!! My heart didn't forget you, prommy <33
Anyways I have too many things :)) as always 😭
First up is dragon alethia (not at all influenced by sylus shhhhh 🥴🥴 *gets shot*)
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Her tattoo means dragon this time!!
Next up is dollethia :)
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Been thinking Abt this after I saw a doll body on Pinterest and was like hmmm alethia as a doll!! She's got a skyshard for a heart <3
Then I've got a major ass wip of aletheo but as a dragon loll. Pls now he's infecting my brain 💀 guess it doesn't matter what form alethia is in, she still infects my thoughts !!
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Contemplated on not giving him undies ngl y'all
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bbrandy2002 ¡ 5 years ago
Something Flubbed:
Consequences of A Bad Reblog
Part 1
Wacky Drabble #15: It could be worse.
Liam and Riley
Word count: 1102
Summary: This is a continuation of a drabble I did several weeks ago, Riley's Secret Life.
A/N: So much for hiatus 😯 Im feeling better though and thanks to everyone who reached out with love, support and encouragement.
Thanks Burnsy for pre-reading and helping to tweak a certain paragraph or two.
Warning: Lot and Lots of bad language. Riley is not holding back in this; Im almost embarrassed for her...almost.
**I will not deny, nor, confirm this is loosely autobiographical**
Sorry, my read more is not working again.
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'Haha, Drake's hogtied naked on Liam's jet', Riley chuckled to herself as she read, careful to not awaken a sleeping Liam to her antics. Oh yeah, he still doesn’t know Riley reads and writes fanfic about their life on tumblr like an obsessive tool. Would he care? she has no idea, nor, does she ever intend to find out.
He starts to stir in their oversized bed, a light snore escapes him as he grumbles something about pootang. Riley hits the panic app on her laptap, bringing up the Cordonian Fall expenses report. She was supposed to look over the numbers weeks ago, but, since her ass belongs to Tumblr now, the only numbers she cares about are followers and notes.
She remains perfectly still, holding her breath, as he rolls over, his back towards her, and with a quick scratch to his balls, he blissfully resumes his slumber. Riley exhales in relief and with a little snort she returns back to her tumblring, eagerly typing out a DM, to share the newest Liamism.
Notthequeenofcordonia: Burnsy, you there? This mofo is playing with his balls again 🤣
@burnsoslow LMFAO!!
@burnsoslow Alyssa is gonna get a mouthful of Drake's balls in Chapter 394 of Heavier Things: The Nursing Home Years
Notthequeenofcordonia: At least her new dentures will make it easier. Don't need her choking and having heart palpatations again...Drakey Baby's got that new hip, should probably take it easy on him for a while.
@burnsoslow BUT I WANT THEM TO FUCK SO BAD!!!!!!!
After arguing with Burnsy for 10 minutes that at 102 years old, HT Drake's colossus is shriveled and no longer working, she returns to reading. Riley hits the little heart and begins her well crafted, 500 word reblog with five-on point gifs-to accessorize it. As she prepares to post her reblog, a light knock on the bedroom alerts her to their 5 year old, Nikolas, who does not wait for an invitation to enter.
“Mommy?”, he wearily asks, being just a small silhouette in the doorway of the surrounding darkness.
Riley huffs, lowering her laptop and shushes him, glaring over at Liam to ensure he hasn’t been disturbed before drawing her attention back to her son. “What is it kiddo?”, she cautiously whispers.
He rubs his heavy eyes with one tiny hand and holds on tightly to his blue, stuffed dragon in the other. “I had a nightmare momma, I’m really scared”, he replies softly with a sniffle.
Riley stared at the small boy, who was the perfect mixture of she and Liam, the proof of their love….then she looked at the pending reblog that kept calling out for her to finish, the other proof of her love.
��Um, Nikolas”, she bit her fingernail as she contemplated the terrible example she was about to set as a mother, “go sleep with Grandma Regina”.
Nikolas’ eyes widened in disgust as he slumped in frustration, “But momma”, he cried, “she pisses the bed and blames me for it”.
"It could be worse", Riley grumbled, wishing Regina would just have her vaginal mesh surgery already. As Liam began to toss again, rolling over this time to face her side and muttering, little cockblocker, Riley decided to help her son find comfort back in his own room. She eased up from the bed, placing the laptop by her pillow and threw her pink cottony, mom robe over her pajamas.
"I'm coming Nik, just have to do...something", she trailed, reaching back over for her laptop. She typed out one last sentence before hitting, post.
Riley tapped at the keys, squinting her eyes at those words.....
Something flubbed. Try again.
Her breathing became a little more heavier, her heart starting to race. She swallowed hard and closed her eyes, knowing that if she believed hard enough, her massive reblog would suddenly reappear.
All of time and space froze in existence as she continued to hit the 'retry' option again and again and again and again....nothing...it was gone.
It really was like something out of a horror flick, a creepy ass Stephen King novel, a Dateline NBC story. King Fabian's large naked portait shook vigorously at the reverberations before bouncing off the wall and crashing to the marbled floor.
"Mommy!", Nikolas yelled in a panic as he ran away to seek refuge.
Liam's eyes shot open, not completely awake but ready to pounce whatever the hell was torturing his wife. His body weaved back and forth in attack mode, demonstrating his highly skilled martial arts moves, kicks and spins, slashes and puches. Unbeknowest to him, his dick was poking through the hole in his boxers, bouncing and flopping with each technique, causing Riley to burst into a fit of laughter.
"What the hell happened! Are you okay?", he asked breathless and confused, his dick still poking through.
Riley covered her mouth, attempting to stifle her laughs, still baffled that he didn't realize his dick and now half a ball had escaped their confines. "I'm fine...I'm fine....but, g'day mate, permission to come upboard captain", she squeeled, saluting in gest to his manhood.
Liam looked down, a slight growl escaping as he tucked his jewels back in its place. "I heard screams....why is Fabian's portrait busted...and.. stop fucking laughing, it's over."
"I'm trying, but...oh god...I cant", she cackled, "I have to go check on Nikolas, he had a nightmare", she scurried past him and out of the room before he could ask any further questions.
If he wasnt pissed before, he was about to be. Just as he turned to head towards the bathroom, his foot stepped on the opened laptop Riley threw, sliding him forward before he corrected himself and skid backwards with a thud.
"Goddamit!", he howled, twisting and contorting his back, wallowing from the bruising pain. As he laid there, trying to catch his breath, he glanced over at the object that has caused his affliction in more ways than one. His head popped up, pulling the laptop closer to him, completely shocked by its contents, his blood boiling the more he read and saw. DRAKES COLOSSUS DICK...RIDING DRAKE IS MY CHOICE, EDITS OF LIAM AND RILEY WITH CREEPY KIDS THAT LOOK LIKE DRAKE........DRAKE, DRAKE, FUCKING DRAKE.....
"I finally got him back to sleep with some Nyquil and a shot of whiskey....", Riley stopped talking as she entered their bedroom again moments later and realized, Liam knew.
"Uhhh, I..I can explain".
Wacky Drabbler tags: @emceesynonymroll @sirbeepsalot @dcbbw @jessiembruno @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @pedudley @romanticatheart-posts @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @theroyalromancexx
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spider-bih ¡ 7 years ago
11 Questions Tag
I was tagged by @malumplaylist asdf I’m so lame tho-
1. Post the rules 2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. And tag 11 people
My Answers
1. Have you ever messed something up and never told anyone? If so, what happened?
Not that I know of tbh. At least nothing major, you know? Like- small things, but I dunno if it counts? If I close a cabinet and hear something fall, I leave it for the next person bc I’m a lil shit. (You know when you close a cabinet and hear something? Yeah, that sounds like someone elses problem.).
2. Who is the most attractive celebrity and why?
asdfghj I should say Tom obvi- but ofc he’s not the only guy I’ve liked or have liked lmao. When Twilight was popular I was really into Taylor Lautner. From there I moved onto band guys (I used to really like James Cassels and Austin Carlile etc). Then I really liked Andrew Garfield and now I’m stuck with this lil shit known as Tom asdfg.
3. What are the best and worst things you’ve bought?
The best thing I’ve bought? Mhm.. god, I dunno? I don’t buy things for myself often. Oh! I bought my dogs Christmas sweaters last year and it is still the best purchase I’ve made (besides my tattoo xsdasd). They hate me for it (imagine two grumpy lookin pitties with Christmas sweaters aha!) As far as the worst thing? Bah- I dunno. I’m careful with buying things so I don’t waste my money. I’m sure I’ve bought things I ended up hating, but right now I can’t think of them lol
4. If you had to change your name, what would your new name be, and why would you choose that name?
I’m not sure. I like my name tbh- my first and middle name at least. I hate my last name with a burning passion bc of the person it’s attached to and I plan on changing it soon. I will change it to my Mother’s last name.
5. What is the craziest thing one of your teachers has done?
Freshman Year Algebra I. My teacher was so pissed off about the broken buttons on the calculators he bought out of his own pocket for us to use. He took one and slammed it onto the floor, I got pieces of calculator in my hair. In Sophomore year I had a History teacher who had us recreate some war with paper balls and use our tables to shield us. I have a few others too, but then I’d be here forever lmao.
6. What is a quote you live by?
Wooo- I have a few? Some of which I don’t even know who they’re from or how I heard of them. One that really sticks with me is, “If you didn’t starve with me, you damn well won’t eat with me.” Basically, if you didn’t stay with me during my struggle, you won’t be with me during my success. 
7. What are your “catchphrases” or a word/phrase you say a lot?
Oh man, I have a few! I say ‘lit’ alot, or ‘chill’. Lol. I say ‘fam’ and ‘bih’. Sometimes I say ‘Yeet’ though I’m not sure why lmfao. (I also say ‘It’s gucci’ or ‘We Gucci’)
8. What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?
Probably taking selfies. I know I look dumb as hell doing it, we all do, but who cares lmao? Get that lighting fam!
9. In 40 years, what will people be nostalgic for?
Uhhh.. I dunno? Probably the same things we’re nostalgic for. Old TV Shows, certain tech etc.
10. If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?
Assault. No lie, if I got arrested with no explanation, they’d think someone ticked me off bad enough for me to start swinging. Or that I was a victim of bad timing, but mostly for fighting. I have an awful temper, but I will never throw the first punch ;P
11. In one sentence, how would you describe Tumblr?
It’s a hellsite, but I met some good people here c:
My Questions!
1. What is your happiest memory?
2. Do you have any pets? If so, what kind and how did you get them (maybe even throw in a funny story?) If not, do you want any? What kind?
3. How was your day today?
4. Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks? Neither?
5. Favorite Holiday?
6. Favorite Song?
7. What’s the craziest dream you’ve ever had?
8. The craziest or worst nightmare you’ve ever had?
9. What’s one childhood movie you could watch and recite lines from?
10. What if you woke up one day and your entire life thus far had been a dream? Would you be mad?
11. What brought you to Tumblr?
Tags: [Just gonna throw my permanent taglist up here! If you don’t wanna participate, you don’t have to! It just seems fun and idk who to tag c: ) @o-brienwrites, @spidergirlwanab, @thumper-darling, @mydearestsammy , @bagginsofbagend , @cosmetologynerd , @timelord-sorcerer, @i-love-superhero, @mendes-holland, @dangerousluv1, @malumplaylist, @faithful-music, @melli-chou, @thatspidernamedmeagan , @lukescool, @spidey-mantom , @jaib2-blog, @fandom-hq
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northeasternwind ¡ 8 years ago
TAGGED BY @jara257 BY THE WAY HETEROCHROMIA EYES WOULD LOOK GREAT ON YOU AND WE ARE SO ALIKE ON SOME OF THOSE THINGS LMFAO Rules: A) Always post the rules, answer the questions, then ask 11 questions of your own B) Tag 11 people (or as many or few as you want) My questions, that they gave me!! If you could have a soundtrack for your adventures, what would be the first song?
OOOHHHH boy. uhhh. LIVE AND LEARN FROM SONIC ADVENTURE TWO. Ridiculously cheesy Crush 40 lyrics describe me and my life perfectly, sorry to say.
If you could live in any universe of your choosing, what would you pick and why?
Ass Effect so I can tell aliens about human social justice and watch the subsequent mass roast of several billion people on galactic television
I don’t really know. They’re all equally painful, sob. Just give me the universe where I’m financially stable enough to support myself and all my friends.
OH!!! Maybe Elite Dangerous. Because yeah, aliens, but at least I can go to space and see Sagittarius A* in person!
if you had 1 million dollars and you could only spend it on yourself and 2 other people, who would you share the wealth with? 
Anna and my sister. My sister would make up for all the other family I have because she is good and nice and also even if she doesn’t I love her enough to give her a million bucks <3
What was the last thing you bought for someone?
I can’t tell you because I bought it for her birthday a month in advance and she follows me >___>;;
OKAY I have since given it to her (i am weak) it was a super duper cheap necklace for @whentheoceansdryout from a brand she told me she always wanted c:
Do you like or hate the idea of an “apocalypse” of any variety, zombie or not?
It really depends on the execution! It’s been getting kind of old lately, but less because of the genre itself and more because it’s everywhere just at the moment.
With the last three video games characters you’ve played, which would you choose to date, room with, or live in their pants respectively?
...does my elite dangerous alter-ego count
UHHH let’s look at my recently played on steam:
I would totally be Emily’s side bitch though, and also I must take care of Niko my child D: I guess that leaves 47 for the pants thing, but neither of us would enjoy that much sob. Let’s pretend I’ve played Darksiders recently and I’d live in War’s pants. He seems like a nice and respectful guy who wouldn’t mind the fact that I’m not actually attracted to him and don’t want to bang all the time.
Tea or coffee? (the correct answer is hot chocolate)
i drink neither lmfao
What advice would you tell yourself from 10 years ago?
good lord i was twelve. uh. get medical attention stat because i swear to god life is so much easier on antidepressants. seriously. also passive suicidal thoughts are not normal fyi. go see to that.
If you could hide a singular bean anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
on your roof. go visit the bean c:
Would you rather have a siren girlfriend or eldritch monstrosity signif?
which is nicer. who does not require the nsfw. who has more money. these are all questions i must ask before i can decide
Do you think dogs should vote?
I don’t think dogs can make good enough informed decisions for themselves, much less other dogs and people. They eat chocolate :c
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