#uhhh her sweater is either red and black or red and purple
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cadaver-moss · 4 months ago
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ELOISE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. My silly cringefail daughter 💕
I love talking about her and making stuff up about her in my head but I’m tryna infodump about her rn and my brain is STUCK :(
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bigbaywindow · 4 years ago
ty for the tag @physicallyimprobable <3
name/nickname: dee and/or kit, kitkat by a good 15% of the people who meet me irl
gender: i'm a girl; but also, i'm not? (she/her, they/them)
star sign: aquarius
height: 5'10"ish
time: 5:10pm
favorite band: modest mouse
birthday: february 2nd
favorite solo artist: atm? r.a.p. ferreira
song stuck in my head: vacillating between the station by oneohtrix point never and absolute territory by ken ashcorp (i really miss physical contact ok?)
last movie: depending on your definition of "movie" this could be the poltergeist, any given part of futurama season 6, the some more news movie, or that one like three and a half hour long chronological supercut of kratos' backstory (despite the fact that i have never played god of war and have no real plans to change that anytime soon)
last show: cybersix (which, while flawed, rules actually?? why did nobody tell me how much cybersix rules what the fuck)
when did i create my blog: hell if i know. i think i was like 13 or 14 when i first got on tungle and i've been haunting its azure catacombs ever since
what i post: the typical eclectic transfem leftist melange, u know the deal
other blog(s): as of rn i have 41 urls (most of which are either defunct or saved for reasons), i actively use abt nine of them and most of the main ones should be linked on my blog
why i chose my url: on one hand, leftover crack reference. on the other, nice pun on the word "uncover"
do i get asks: once in a blue moon
last thing i googled: the clockmaker wikipedia (long story involving the plot of guilty gear and the deist concept of god)
i follow: 2,152
following: 332 (self-policed of porn bots, generally v quiet)
average hours of sleep: 4-10
lucky numbers: 64, 42, 4, and any multiple of 3
instruments: more than i need, less than i want (not a whole lot of experience in any but guitar, microfreak synth, keyboard, fiddle)
what i'm wearing: black jeans and a comfy red brockhampton hoodie over a nice grungy purple/black striped sweater
dream trip: financially-unburdened apartment shopping in halifax
favorite food: carbs (i primarily subsist on sicilian ziti pizza to balance out a less than sustainable appetite)
nationality: US-born slavic smorgasbord (tl;dr white)
favorite song: really hard to pin down but i have a lot of emotions tied up in wish you were here
last book read: discourse on method and meditations on first philosophy (unfinished) by rené descartes (bitch)
top 3 fictional universes i want to be in: uhhh i'm almost certainly forgetting something but off the top of my head let's say... pokemon, coupon kids, cowboy bebop, in that order
favorite color: the kind of almost iridescent reddish-orange you get right at the end of a late-autumn sunset
tagging: @goodnigth , @goatse-syndicalist-69 , @subway-skeleton , @babybutch420 , @handageddon , @mothgenes , and you.
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melchixr · 7 years ago
The Color Green
So here’s a “you’re colorblind until you meet your soulmate” and a “private school” au all in one. it feels really good to be back! 
Words: 2022
“Mom! Which one of these is the blue one?”
Melchior almost slipped on the hardwood kitchen floor once he jumped off the bottom stair. But the adrenaline that had picked him up out of bed and carried him all the way down the floor made him catch his balance once more. Mrs. Gabor sat patiently at the table, admiring the excitement on her youngest son’s face.
“The one on the right,” She responded, gesturing with her coffee. “Bring it here, Melchior. Let me write blue on the back.”
Melchior stood, waiting as he watched his mother fetch the label’s and marker. She placed one on the back of the brand new tie, writing ‘BLUE’ in the familiar short, fat letters. Her handwriting had graced the tags and tongues of almost every clothing item Melchior had ever owned. “Here you go, Mel-Mel,” She cooed and placed the tie around his already popped collar. As she tied the time, Melchior brought his slender hands up to halt her chubby one’s.
“Mom, I know how to tie a tie.” He stated, but Mrs. Gabor’s glared insisted as she continued her work.
“You’re practically grown, Mel,” She sighed. “My last birdie is about to leave the nest.”
Melchior scoffed, stepping away from his mother’s doting hands. “Mom, all I did was transfer schools. I’m not graduating.”
She placed a gently hand on Melchior’s shoulder, pulling him down to kiss his cheek.”I know, honey. Don’t be a smart-ass.” As her son turned to leave, she noticed the soft pink lipstick mark on his cheek. With a smirk, she let him go back up the stairs, knowing full well he had no way of noticing for quite some time.
“This is Mrs. Knuppeldick. She teaches French and European history,” Wendla said in her official, Junior Class President voice. Then, quickly switching to a much quieter tone, she added: “Don’t forget to bring a pen to her class. And don’t make fun of her name. She’s a total bitch.”
Melchior just giggled. He felt at ease with Wendla, with her wide eyes looking up at him brimming with joy. He wondered how anyone could be so happy when they were stuck in what looked like the most uncomfortable dress Melchior had ever seen. If it was anything like the cardigan he had just been given, it must’ve made her want to claw her skin off. “And across the hall in M6 is Mr. Sonnenstich. You might not have him, he’s math one and two, which you killed off in your old school right?”
“Uhhh….Is that algebra?”
Wendla chuckled and pushed a strand of what looked like dull black hair behind her ear.  But her smile still shone in a way that was still obvious to Melchior. “Yeah, that’s just freshman and sophomore algebra.” She sighed and pointed towards the back entrance of the main building. “Now, you got your locker already, right?”
“No, not yet…” Melchior muttered as she lead him out into the courtyard. The whole school was fairly old, in brick which just seemed gloomy and overpowering when put against the grey sky. The most jarring part of the whole campus was across the courtyard, where row upon row of brand new lockers had been put into the old stone.
In the center of the stone yard, a large stone fountain babbled with a constant stream of water. The school’s mascot, a lion, sat at top with water shooting from his mouth. The school’s crest lined the edge, with a noble three dimensional lion’s head protruding from them. It was huge, and must’ve been around longer than electricity. But still, two scrawny boys stood on the ledge like it was a play structure.
“Let me see your schedule!” Wendla stated, snapping Melchior from his fountain-themed trance. He handed her the piece of paper from his pocket. As Wendla read it, Melchior let his eyes wander back to the teenagers. It was hard to tell the two apart, as they both had pale white skin, dull dark hair, and wore plain, grey sweaters in Melchior’s eyes. The only difference between them was the fact that one of them was kneeling before the other taking pictures of his companion walking aimlessly along the edge of the fountain, arms out like a child trying to keep his balance. “Oh, your locker is the one on the top of the third red row.”
Melchior’s head snapped towards the lockers. Oh fuck. They’re color-coded.
“Oh,” Wendla sighed after a moment of silence, filled with the sound of the pair at the fountain chuckling. “Are you still colorblind? It’s alright, they have numbers. Yours is thirty-”
“No, I’m not. It’s fine,” Melchior insisted, charging towards the lockers. He looked them over, guessing at the different tones of grey. If he recalled correctly, red was sort of darker than the sky’s shade of grey. Or his skin’s sort of grey. So he moved nervously to the shade he hoped was his best guess.
“Melchior, uh…. I said third row red.”
Melchior threw what he hoped was a charming smile. “Really? I thought you said GREEN!” he laughed and moved over two more rows. Wendla cleared her throat and he moved over one more in a sort of blind prayer.
“That’s blue, Melchior.”
As Melchior felt his face turn bright red, he turned around to see Wendla’s ashamed eyes. She opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, a figure came bouncing into Melchior’s sight.
“Heya, need help with your locker!” The boy said with a smile. His face was soft and warm, with a huge smile filling most of it. His hair was dark, laying like a mop over his freckled face. “I got ya! What was it, Wendla?”
“Third row red, very top,” The girl giggled. “Thanks for the help.”
The smiling boy moved back to around where Melchior started, “This is the one you need, buddy,” He told Melchior, who shuffled over awkwardly and started turning the dial as he read them on his schedule. As he did, Wendla slowly moved to stand beside him.
After a few moments, she pushed another strand of hair behind her ear. “Sorry, I just uh…. Saw the lipstick mark on your cheek and thought that you….uh….had already found your color.”
Melchior turned with eyes wide. “What? Oh...Oh my god,” He gasped and began furiously wiping at his left cheek with his scratchy cardigan sleeve. “No,no, that’s my mother’s. I didn’t see it.”
Wendla and the smiling boy laughed softly, like they knew something he didn’t. He wanted to shove his head into the locker and slam the door shut repeatedly until either his head popped off or the world stopped existing outside of the locker. But at the moment, he could seem to get it open. He was hitting all the numbers, but it still wasn’t opening, no matter how much he tugged.
“It’s alright,” The smile-y boy tried to change the awkward tone of the interaction. “I got that for you, buddy. Can I see your combination?” Melchior shuffled to the side and let the boy take his place and his schedule. “Your name is Melchior, right? You’re the new guy?” He asked, reading from the piece of crumpled paper.
“Yeah, I sure am.” He replied as the boy began to turn the dial.
After a few more seconds, the locker swung open, revealing the sharpie covered insides. “Your old school didn’t have lockers?”
Melchior, already flustered, shoved his new books into the locker,” No,” he insisted. He hated looking dumb. But yet here he was, looking like a fool in front of two fairly attractive people in a brand new place. “My dad just didn’t want me going to my old school anymore.”
“Why’s that?” Wendla prodded. Melchior thought to himself that kids that grew up going to a prep school must not pick up on verbal cues.
Melchior attempted to shrug it off. “Something with leading a riot against common core in the lunch room.” He turned away from the locker to see the surprised faces of his companions. “Oh, I’m uh….not the only one who got suspended but….my dad didn’t want me there because there was a….bit of a stigma around me.”
A silence that even Smile-y boy could break hung around them. Melchior avoided their eyes once more, instead electing to close his locker and study the paint chips intently, which were a shade or two darker than the paint. Wendla cleared her throat, as if she were about to say something to get them somewhere else and on a different subject. But before she could giggle and charm her way out of the odd situation, the sound of shoes hitting hard stone approached them quickly.
“Ernst!” A slightly whiny voice called to the group. A second later, Melchior felt a hand grab his shoulder to turn him around. Instead, it just shoved him as the person grabbing him let go out of what Melchior assumed was shock.
The color red was shocking. It was vibrant and aggressive, attacking Melchior eyes with rich and deep shades. It was profound and simple in the same way that sent shivers down his spine. The paint chips were a earthy brown, coarse and rooted in what made Melchior smell dirt and wine and rain. He saw his hands touching the dial. A tanned and sunkissed beige that made his skin prickle with heat. His usually dull mole on the back of his hand was a gentle brown. His cardigan was a cavernous navy blue. His shoes were a bright purple he was surprised his mother let him leave the house in.
“Holy shit,” The whiny voice behind him whimpered. “That’s...That’s what blue is.”
Melchior had never turned around faster in his life. A boy stood behind him, a mop of wild black curls that looked like fuzz from a torn up dog toy or couch cushion perched atop his head precariously. Beneath it, a pair of eyes stared, full of shock and what might have been tears. They were green, an elegant and sharp color that looked right into Meclhior as he looked into them.
Green was suddenly Melchior’s favorite color.
“Holy shit,” The boy with a pale, sunken face cried out. His skin was still the same as it was before the color. “Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit,” he kept saying, thin hands reaching out to touch Melchior. He let the boy touch his cheek, his cold fingers displacing Melchior’s flush. “You’re real. You’re real. You’re real and….and….” He paused, pulling his hand away. “Fuck. I’m uh...I forgot my name, holy shit.”
“Well I’m Melchior,” His voice came out rougher than planned, like he was on the brink of tears. He may well have been.
“Moritz, Moritz Stiefel,” The boy seized my hand from anxiously fixing my hair and shook it. “What’s your last name?”
Ernst and Wendla laughed, finally catching onto what was happening. They stood back to watch the action.
“Gabor. Melchior Gabo-”
“Moritz Stiefel-Gabor,” Moritz cut in. “has a ring to it. Or Gabor-Stiefel. I like that more. Oh man, I’ getting ahead of myself. Do we kiss now or do we have to go out and wait or…”
Ernst let out a hearty laugh and cut between the pair of lovebirds. “Sorry, Melchior. I forgot to introduce you to my friend, Moritz. Moritz, this is the new kid, Melchior. But you’ll get to know him plenty better.”
With a nod, Moritz let out a weak chuckle. He looked like he had been holding his breath until this moment in his life and finally let it go. “Melchior, nice to meet you. I know it’s your first day but would you like to cut lunch with me?”
Looking to Wendla for approval, Melchior saw the straight-laced model-student give him a sly nod. Upon looking back at Moritz, the realization hit him that the boy he was smiling at was the boy he’d be spending the rest of his life with. “Of course. Why not?”
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chemicalmiraclee · 7 years ago
sorry for the delay my dude i havent been home today
1. name: Jenna
2. age: 20
3. 3 fears: heights, squirrels, talking to people lmao
4. 3 things i love: coffee, working out, girls
5. 4 turn ons: a good connection, good conversation, eyes, smile
6. 4 turn offs: bad listeners, no connection, nothing in common, boys
7. my best friend: Raieeee
8. sexual orientation: gay
9. my best first date: i went to my exes dorm room and we didnt really do much we just layed in bed and watched netflix and talked and enjoyed each others company and it was wholesome and innocent and perfect
10. how tall am i: 5′2
11. what do i miss: a person
12. what time was i born: i have no idea
13. favorite color: tiffany blue or seafoam green
14. do i have a crush: nope
15. favorite quote: “You miss 100% of the shots you dont take.”- Michael Scott
16. favorite place: Montauk, LI
17. favorite food: lately mozzarella sticks
18. do i use sarcasm: sometimes if im feelin moody
19. what am i listening to rn: a band called Homesafe 
20. first thing i notice in a person: uhhh maybe their eyes
21. shoe size: 7
22. eye color: green
23. hair color: dark blonde? light brown?
24. favorite style of clothing: oversized ugly sweaters that were $3 on etsy or like various band merchs
25. ever done a prank call: noo
27. meaning behind my url: its a Moose Blood album
28. favorite movie: i just saw The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and that was pretty cool
29. favorite song: right now its Houdini by nothing,nowhere.
30. favorite band: lately ive been feelin Have Mercy, but also Sorority Noise
31. How i feel right now: drained, stressed
32. someone i love: my mom, my dog
33. my current relationship status: single as hell
34. relationship with my parents: pretty decent rn but thats rare so that could change 
35. favorite holiday: either christmas or easter
36.  tattoos and piercings i have: lilacs, an arrow and a lotus flower; five on my ears, nipples septum and nose
37. tattoos and piercings i want: im hopefully getting a mountain tattoo soon; im good with piercings fornow but i do want to stretch my ears again
38. reason i joined tumblr: idk im gay and sad
39. do me and my last ex hate eachother: i dont hate him but idk if that feeling is mutual
40. do i ever get goodmorning/night texts: lololololol no?
41. have i ever kissed the last person i texted: nope
42. when did i last hold hands: last night my dog reached for my hand with her paw HA
43. how long does it take to get ready in the morning: not long maybe like 10 minutes 
44. have you shaved your legs in the last three days: yes 
45. where am i right now: bed
46. if i were drunk and cant stand whos taking care of me: raieee
47. do i like my music loud or reasonable: reasonable
48. do i live with my parents:yup
49. am i excited for anything: i get paid this week thats exciting 
50. do i have someone of the opposite sex i can tell everything to: sure
51. how often do i wear a fake a smile: too often
52. when was the last time i hugged someone: today
53. what if the last person i kissed was kissing someone in front of me: i dont care lol
54. is there anyone i trust even though i should not: maybe idk
55. what is something i disliked about today: i didnt have time to work out like usual
56. if i could meet anyone on earth who woul it be: bernie sanders
57. what do i think about most: idk my mind is alwasy racing
58. whats my strangest talent: i can put my leg behind my head
59. strangest phobia: too many to list im scared of everything
60. do i prefer to be behind the camera or infront of it: behind it 
61. what was the last lie i told: idk 
62. do i prefer talking on the phone to chatting online: i hate any form of phone call unless im really comfortable with the person
63. do i belive in ghosts/aliens: ghosts sure but aliens nah
64. do i believe in magic: no
65. doi believe in luck: maybe
66. whats the weather right now: freezing
67. what was the last book i read: Salt by Nayyirah Waheed
68.do i like the smell of gasoline: yes honestly
69. do i have any nicknames: Jenna
70. worst injury ive ever had: nerve damage and 10 stitches in my finger
71. do i spend money or save it: spend
72. can i touch my nose with my tongue: nah
73. is there anything pink in 10 feet from me: yes my victorias secret perfume 
74. favorite animals: lately hedgehogs forwhatever reason
75. what was i doing last night at 12am: probably netflix
76. what do i think satans last name is: this is such a random question
77. whats a song that always makes me happy when i hear it: its basic but riptide is a happy song
78. how can you win my heart: just do all the talking and let me sit there and listen bc i dont like to talk
79. what would i want to be written on my tombstone: here for a good time, not a long time
80. what is my favorite word: bumblefuck
81. my top 5 fav blogs on tumblr: @keepyouinmindfromtimetotime, @keepyouinmindfromtimetotime, so on and so forth (self promotion)
82. if the whole world were listening to me right now what would i say: idk not much
83. do i have relatives in jail: no
84. superpower of choice: mind reading or teleportation
85. what would be a question id be afraid to tell the truth on: oooh idk this could have multiple answers
86. current desktop picture: like marbly blue
87. had sex before: yes 
88. bought condoms: noo
89. gotten pregnant: nope
90. failed a class: lmao yes
91. kissed a boy: yes
92. kissed a girl: many a times
93. kissed in the rain: yes
94. had a job: yes i am a barista 
95. left the house without my wallet: yes
96. bullied someone on the internet: no its usually the other way around
97. had sex in public: uhhhh
98. played on a sports team: yup
99. smoked weed: yes
100. did drugs: nah
101. smoked cigarettes: yuup
102. drank alchol: yes im drunk whle typing this
103. am i vegetarian/vegn: used 2 b
104. been overweight: nope
105. been underweight: very
106. been to a wedding: yes
107. been on the computer for 5 straight hours: yes lmao
108. watched tv for 5 straight hours: yes lmao
109. been out of the country: no :(
110.gotten my heart broken: too many times
111. been to a professional sports game: yup
112. broken a bone: yes
113. cut myself: ya
114. been to prom: no 
115. been in an airplane: yes i hate it
116. fly in a helicopter: no
117. concerts ive been to: too many to list idek
118. had a crush on someone of the same sex: yea haha
119. learned another language: i took italian in hs
120. wore make up: sometimes
121. lost my viriginity before 18: yes
122. had oral sex: sure 
123. dyed my hair: yes its been blue, purple, pink, red, black all of the above
124. voted in a pres election: yes
125. rode in an ambulance: nope
126. had surgery: i dont think so maybe once when i was little
127. met someone famous: yes
128. stalked someone on social media: i mean define stalking. like ive looked through peoples instagrams? 
129. peed outside: literally never
130. been fishing: yup
131. helped with charity: yes!
132. been rejected by a crush: id have to put myself out there to be rejected which i dont do so no
133. broken a mirror: too many times
134. what do i want for my birthday: uhhh idk 
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