#uhh. hi. having a moment here folks
loveanddeepthroat · 10 days
can i mc reader and sylus where mc ends up in hospital after a mission gone wrong and sylus shows up but she wants him to leave in case someone sees him there
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Pairing - Sylus x f!MC
Summary - You landed yourself in the hospital overnight after a mix up at HQ had you fighting too many Wanderer’s alone. You’re already bummed about being stuck at Akso, so the feeling of dread when Sylus turns up unexpectedly only adds to your unease.
Word Count - 2.3k
Warnings - Set in a hospital. Angst and fluff.
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The incessant beeping of medical machinery echoing throughout the ward was getting to your sore head.
Akso Hospital was rammed full of casualties and emergencies, seeing as it was a Friday night. You felt a bit out of place amongst the partygoers and adventurous folk who had taken their fun a little too far.
In your opinion, you didn’t really need to be here. The eggplant coloured bruise on the right side of your forehead definitely looked a lot worse than it felt, but the doctors weren’t buying your claims that you weren’t in any pain.
Likely because you were wincing when you’d said it.
A night under their watch was what the doctor ordered, and it wasn’t up for discussion. You were just relieved that Doctor Zayne was working away for a week. He’d have checked you in indefinitely and scheduled an hour long lecture on why you needed to be more careful.
A mix up at HQ had the system only requesting that you attend a spontaneous Wanderer attack in Linkon Library. Just one had been reported, but seven of the ruthless bastards had accosted you the minute you stepped foot in the evacuated building.
Confident that you could handle them, you didn’t bother calling in for more Hunters. As it turned out, that confidence was misplaced, and the last thing you remembered before blacking out was a loud screeching sound. You had no idea what it was, but it hadn’t been important in your unconscious state.
When you eventually awoke in the hospital, Jenna had been hanging over you, immediately giving you the third degree for continuing alone. You should’ve known that the alert for only your assistance had been a mistake in the system, and you should’ve insisted that someone accompany you no matter what it had said.
She made sure to drill that into your head more than once.
Admittedly, you were glad to see the back of her once she had finally left. Your head was starting to throb with the volume of her voice, and all you wanted was the bliss of being unconscious again.
It was late now, and you were exhausted. Sleep was looking to be impossible tonight, however. There were several other patients on the same ward, all admitted with varying ailments. The injured man opposite you had done nothing but stare coldly from the moment he was wheeled in in a full leg cast.
You tried to speak to him. You offered him a polite smile, which was met with a sneer. Whatever his problem with you was, it was beginning to get on your nerves.
You just wanted to go home.
“Miss,” a softly spoken nurse greeted as she approached your bed. “There’s a visitor here to see you.”
You frowned, wondering if you heard her correctly over the hustle and bustle of the ward. It was well past visiting hours, and you couldn’t think of anyone other than your colleagues who knew that you were even at the hospital.
The man with the broken leg frowned, too. “What? She gets special treatment because she’s a so-called hero? I should get visiting rights, too!”
“Would you like me to let him in?” The nurse asked, ignoring the grumbling patient.
Him. That didn’t exactly narrow things down.
“Uhh,” you faltered, a little unsure. You didn’t want to cause any issues with the other patients. “Are you sure?”
The nurse nodded and smiled, though it looked a bit forced. It almost seemed like she was desperate for you to say yes to your mystery visitor.
“Okay,” you finally agreed. 
The look of relief on her face was not lost on you. She quickly hurried away to retrieve whoever came to see you, leaving you to endure the displeasure from the man opposite.
“I used to be a mailman, you know? If it weren’t for me, people wouldn’t have had their mail. Do I get special treatment, though? No, of course not. You Hunters get all the glory and adoration. And I’ll tell you another thing—”
“You’ve told her plenty.”
Prominent footsteps sounded from the doorway, the atmosphere immediately becoming heavy and tense. You almost choked on absolutely nothing at the sight of him.
Your eyes flared, heart hammering against your ribcage like a drum. He couldn’t be here. The risk was far too great.
“I wasn’t talking to you,” the grumpy man sneered back, looking him up and down, “…vampire.”
It was a colourful insult, and one that made your unwelcome companion chuckle. “If you’ll excuse us,” he began, the swirling red vines of his Evol appearing to drag the man’s cubicle curtain to a close at a leisurely pace. “Mailman.”
To your relief, there was no backlash from the irritated patient across the room. Although that did make you wonder if he wasn’t retaliating by his own choice, or if Sylus had silenced him somehow. The latter wouldn’t have surprised you.
“What on earth are you doing here?!” you hissed quietly. “You can’t be here, Sylus.”
Crimson eyes didn’t meet yours, his cold gaze set only on the bandages around your head as he approached your bedside, closing your curtain behind him. He didn’t quite look like himself. His hands were balled into fists at his sides, green and blue veins prominently making an appearance.
“I’ll think twice before taking advice from a woman who was very recently knocked unconscious amidst a 7v1 Wanderer fight,” he rebuked monotonously. 
You scoffed. “I’m fine, if that’s why you came. Feel free to go back to—”
“Fine?” His face quickly turned from emotionless to severely unamused as he cut you off sharply. “That’s quite the contradiction, sweetie.”
You raised an eyebrow barely high enough for him to see your questioning expression. The gesture hurt, which wasn’t helping your case. “To what?”
He dragged a plastic chair towards your bed before sitting down, his ankles crossed in front of him. You couldn’t really read his demeanour. He almost seemed cross with you.
“To what I saw from Mephisto,” he responded tightly.
That explained the screeching you heard before you slipped into unconsciousness. “And what exactly was Mephisto doing there?”
Sylus merely shrugged, offering nothing verbal in response. The lackadaisy gesture did nothing but piss you off. You’ve told him countless times to stop sending Mephisto out to keep tabs on you, and each time it seemed to fall on deaf ears. 
He clearly was not pleased with you, but you weren’t stupid. He was here because you had concerned him. Sylus was a busy man, especially at this time of night. He wouldn’t have come just to berate you with words that could’ve been put into a text message.
Not that you knew where your phone was.
The atmosphere between you both fell into silence, only the sounds of medical machinery filling in the lack of conversation. You didn’t really know what to say to him, and he wasn’t typically the type to lose his words. But it was clear to see that he didn’t know what to say, either.
After a long moment, he cleared his throat, his hands flexing in his lap. “I told you those guns of yours were pathetic.”
“There’s nothing wrong with my guns,” you mumbled with a roll of your eyes.
“So it’s a skill issue?”
You glared harshly at him, flinching noticeably as you did. You weren’t sure what was bothering you more, the pain in your head or the mood that Sylus was so clearly in. 
His features softened ever so slightly as he recognised your pain. Still, that didn’t stop him from being an asshole. “It’s one or the other, kitten.”
You felt your cheeks heat up. If there was one thing you didn’t want Sylus to think of you as, it was weak. You weren’t sure why you cared so much, but you did.
“I suppose my guns are a little on the outdated side,” you murmured begrudgingly.
He smirked, his hands finally relaxing a little in his lap. The awkward atmosphere was slowly fading, which you were grateful for. You didn’t want to pry into his mind and make things worse again.
You buried your head a little further into the pillow beneath your sore head, letting your eyes fall shut for a moment. Fatigue was starting to settle in your body, almost dragging you into a swift sleep before your chilly hand was captured in a warm embrace.
Your eyes shot open again, finding Sylus out of his seat and leaning over you. His eyes were a bit wider than usual. “Have they checked you for a concussion?” 
“Yeah,” you told him gently. The close proximity had you flustered. “I’m a little concussed, but I’m allowed to sleep.”
His brows drew together slightly as he studied you. You’ve both had these strange little moments before, when his mask slips away just enough to see his true feelings.
“I’ll be fine,” you whispered in reassurance. “You should go, Sylus.”
He shook his head, his hand tightening slightly over yours. It looked like an effort, but he managed to smirk at you again. “Trying to get rid of me already?”
Beneath that facade of humour, he was a little bit wounded. You wouldn’t point it out, but you could see it. He was a stubborn bastard who wasn’t going to let you push him away, but he also didn’t like that you were trying to push him away.
It wasn’t as if you wanted him to go. Your relationship with him was…complicated.
Complicated in the sense that you weren’t in a relationship, but he had a habit of establishing a level of intimacy between you both that you weren’t blind to. Good morning and goodnight texts, constant invites to events as his plus one with no other reason than to be beside him, and random gifts left on your doorstep so often that your elderly neighbour recently asked if you were ‘getting some.’
A relationship with him would be very difficult to maintain. You both come from entirely different worlds that just could not merge. No matter how much you desired him, you had to maintain your composure.
“I’m not trying to get rid of you,” you sighed. “I just don’t like how careless you’re being by showing up here. Some people do worry, you know.”
He slowly lowered his loom over you so that his nose was just inches away from yours. You couldn’t help but swallow, feeling his steady breath on your lips as he spoke. It was intimidating and yet so intimate that you didn’t know whether to cower or cut him off with a kiss you never knew you wanted. 
“You don’t think I’m worried about you?” he drawled in a rather serious manner.
“That’s not what I—”
“Do you not realise how it looked through Mephisto’s eyes when you were walloped a great distance across a library and crumpled to the floor like a lifeless body.” His teeth were gritted in his mouth, the word ‘body’ coming out tightly like his tongue was rejecting the word. “You’re not the only person who is worried here. Do not brand me incapable of such feelings.”
Your mouth went a little dry, tears threatening to invade your eyes. It wasn’t that you didn’t believe in his worry, and you hadn’t meant for it to come across that way.
“I just don’t want you to risk your freedom for me,” you whispered shakily.
He lifted his hand from where it was holding him up beside your free hand, carefully moving some strands of your hair that had fallen over your bandages. 
“I’d risk it all for you.”
He had never said such a thing to you in all the time you’d been acquainted. You knew that he would carry out every need you might have of him. You knew that he would listen to you sit and ramble on and on about anything, never interrupting you. You knew that he cared about you.
But you were still in the dark when it came to the extent of that care.
“Tell me what’s on your mind,” he murmured.
Thankfully, you caught yourself before you were about to shake your sore head. “Just…trying to figure you out.”
A smile slowly spread across his lips. A real smile. It was enough to make your heart flutter, embarrassingly made noticeable by the heart rate monitor you were hooked up to.
“It would require a lot of brainpower to do that, sweetie. Maybe lose the concussion first,” he said in his typically sarcastic tone.
You managed your own small smile, which blossomed into a chuckle. This was the side of Sylus that had you coming back to him whenever he asked for your company.
His real side.
He kept his hand atop your head, avoiding the bandages completely. His thumb swiped gently over the parting of your hair, pulling you off to sleep again. You were pretty sure that he was doing it on purpose to force you into rest, but you were in no position to argue with him. You were officially exhausted.
“Would you really like me to leave, kitten?” he asked in a soft whisper as your eyes fluttered.
The very thought of him leaving made you a little upset. Despite your attempts at convincing the doctors you were fine, you damn well were not. You needed his comfort, and he needed to know that you were safe and on the road to a speedy recovery.
“No,” you whispered, succumbing to the soothing strokes on your scalp.
A soft brush of his lips was the last thing you felt before you finally drifted off, feeling secure enough to do so with his company.
“Good,” he’d whispered back before you fully clocked out. “I’ll always be careless so long as I get to you.”
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A/N - Long time no fic post. I apologise, life has been crazy. I haven’t proof read this cause honestly I’m just too tired so I’ll read over it in the morning and edit any mistakes. Hope you’re all doing well! 🖤
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your-local-grubdog · 1 year
Wait actually can we talk about Leaflings real fast. Because. What the actual fuck.
Also sorry if I curse a lot more here than usual but like 90% of my genuine reactions to this topic is "what the FUCK" so uhh get used to it I guess.
Huge thanks to @saihahas for helping me with some image transcripts as well.
Major story spoilers below you have been warned. Ok let's go.
So you're able to just rise from the dead in pikmin 4. No, seriously. You can do that.
At the end of Olimar's side story we get this scene and associated line:
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[Image transcript: White text on a black screen that says "But at that very moment, my life support system failed" END TRANSCRIPT]
Like. He died. His life support system failed. He DIED. And moments later, he was revived as a leafling. He died and came back from the dead. Like, what the fuck????
It even fixed up his injuries he got prior to becoming a leafling. Just a full on revival.
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Image transcript (one leads into the other naturally)
Collin: By the by, Olimar, is there anything you remember from right before or after you became a leafling? Any additional details?
Olimar: Not particularly. It didn't feel bad or anything like that. In fact, it was quite revitalizing.
Olimar: My chronically stiff shoulders and all the injuries I'd sustained during my explorations healed immediately.
Yonny: Hmm... Perhaps leafification has highly restorative effects...
Yonny: This is definitely something worth looking into, eheheh. END OF TRANSCRIPT.
Now we don't know if everyone who was a leafling had to die before hand, though there is a common thread that they were at least unconscious... And had just escaped deadly situations... I think Olimar found them moments before they died and, not knowing any other way to save them, leafed them as well. Something they bear no ill will towards him for - in fact, they're thankful for him.
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Image transcript:
Jin: When I was leafified, I could not stop thinking about the art of Dandori. It was like an endless meditation.
Jin: A leafling appeared in front of me after the ship crashed and I had used up all of my flagging energy.
Jin: My intuition told me they were not a bad person. I also felt as though they were determined to achieve something
Jin: I am afraid I do not recall much of what happened after that, as I lost consciousness. END TRANSCRIPT.
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Image transcript:
Corgwin: I was attacked by a creature, and right before I lost consciousness, I saw something overhead. It was a leafling
Corgwin: They had such sad eyes, but there was more going on in there. Their eyes were full of determination.
Corgwin: I have to believe there is a reason why they do what they do. Turning castaways into leaflings, I mean.
Corgwin: Your time is limited, so think it through! END TRANSCRIPT.
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Image transcript:
Bernard: You need anything else?
Bernard: Even when Olimar was leafed out, he was still trying to RESCUE folks!
Bernard: And there I was with my head focused on nothing but Dandori stuff. HOO, he's one tough cookie!
Bernard: You need anything else? END TRANSCRIPT.
Ok Bernard's conversation doesn't add to the "he found them in deadly situations" point but it DOES show that all of his "victims" think highly of him for the fact that he had saved them and others. (Also, side note, Olimar had sad eyes... Poor bastard thought he was never going home to his wife and kids, was visibly depressed over this, and STILL was trying to save people. Olimar is like, genuinely such a good fucking person God damn.)
Now being a leafling is undead and comes with its own slew of problems. Namely, the fact Dandori takes over your brain (probably the pikmin survival instinct) and the fact you can no longer leave PNF-404. It's not even an air thing, it's not being on the planet that causes sickness, so not even spacesuits can fix it.
But then you're able to cure yourself of being a leafling. And just. Go back? To your normal life?????? Like nothing ever happened. You died and came back. What the fuck.
And to make that point worse. One of the key ingredients is Glow Sap. Which is produced by the Luminknolls. The only other thing the Luminknolls make is uh. Glow pikmin. Which.
“Although they've been named Glow Pikmin, it's not entirely clear whether or not this species is actually a type of Pikmin. These creatures possess the same fundamental behaviors of Pikmin, like carrying things, propagating, and fighting. They also share special characteristics, such as the leaf atop their head. Yet they do not spawn from an Onion but a Lumiknoll, and they are only active at night or underground. During the day, they revert into seeds and enter a resting state. What's even more surprising is that they exhibit no signs of life. When a Glow Pikmin "dies," if that word can even be used, it does not expire in the typical sense. Instead, it just becomes a form of light-or perhaps a photon-and returns to the Lumiknoll. Putting aside my "scientist" hat for a moment...it seems to me that this creature or entity may not be a living organism at all but some manner of spiritual substance.”
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[Image Transcript: a screenshot of the Piklopedia showing the very end of the above quote. END TRANSCRIPT]
And just as some icing on the cake:
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[Image transcript: Louie's piklopedia notes on the glow pikmin. All it says is "Doesn't smell alive." END TRANSCRIPT]
Cool they're fucking ghosts. Sorry I can't be convinced otherwise, they're clearly some sort of supernatural entity at MINIMUM. I just think spirit is most likely. They don't have to be the spirits of dead pikmin... Although... You can convert a Glow Pikmin into normal pikmin via a candy pop bud. I've done it before, I have no video of it but you can go and try it yourself if you'd like. And if they are spirits of pikmin then that means that we can also bring pikmin back from the dead. What the FUCK.
Anyways. I got side tracked sorry. My point was the Luminkolls make two things: Glow Sap and Glow Pikmin, which have similar names and similar appearances and. Are we using ghost juice to cure leaflings???? Which is used to reverse all negatives of being leafed. Which can be used to bring the dead back to life.
I don't know how to end this. I really really don't know how to end this. I just need someone else to scream about this with because it's so. It's so fucking WEIRD like what the hell. It's not enough that they may be humans, noooo, there's also undead creatures (excluding the mushroom guys those freaks have an explanation at the very least). This game is weird as hell but tbh I love it.
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tokyo-1842 · 13 days
Zoro x GN!Scientist!Reader
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TW: Uhh reader not sleeping for days (Possibly weeks), READER PURRS😭 (I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE CUTE), Pet rat, Zoro taking care of reader, fluffy fluuff that’s all folks, little suggestive in one sentence.
“Day…I’ve lost count…” You muttered to yourself as you wrote on the medium sized white board in your lab. The bags under your eyes becoming more visible day by day. The crew worries about you and both your mental and physical health. God…weeks it’s been since your last rest. But it’s not your fault! Science!
Yes science…all you need…you don’t even need sleep!
Ok well maybe a few screws in your head were a little lose during these past months. But it’s nothing to worry about! All the progress and research you’ve made was worth it!
*Squeak, Squeak*
Ah right that’s what this was all about.
So you see, you’ve loved animals your entire life! And one day you decided it’s not fair they don’t get to live as long as humans! The Sunny wasn’t going to be at another island for a long time too. So why not figure out a way too give longer life expectancy to animals.
And so you did but at what cost.
So this brings us here.
“(Name) Open up!” A gruff voice shouted on the other side of the door. “Yeah…give me a second..”
You opened the door to see a seemingly concerned Zoro. “What’s up? Need anything?” You look at him. Only if you could see how tired you looked. “The hell you mean “WhAtS uP”. What’s up is YOU for too long!” “I’m fine I swear…” You take a seat near a table where the mouse you were testing on was laying. (DONT WORRY THE MOUSE IS BEING TAKEN GPOD CARE OF :p)
“What could be so important that could have caused you to not sleep in WEEKS!?” Zoro grunted. “Oh man I’m glad you asked! I’d really like to drag out the years of my life and live past human expectancy. But I can’t.” You paused. “So I made a little buddy who could! This isss…hm (Mouse Name). I called him subject A I never gave a normal name, But anyways-“
Zoro watched as you babbled on about your experiment, he only payed attention to how you looked like you could fall over any moment now.
You pulled out a brush to groom the little critter, slowly stroking is fur.
“(Name)! Are you not seeing the problem here?” “What problem…? Hm are you talking about how I made (Mouse name) to look like me? oh yeah I forgot to mention! I did give him some of my DNA” “(Name)” “I extracted some of my blood and used the cells to form a similar genetic structure to mines” You slurred out while staring into space. “(NAME)! Can’t you see what this is doing to you! You’re clearly not even mentally stable” (That’s a drag) Zoro practically shouted. “Haha…what makes you say that…?”
“ARE YOU KIDDING ME? YOUR BRUSHING AIR RIGHT NOW!” You look down to see a comical dotted outline on where (mouse name) should be. Your brain is so tired out you couldn’t even notice nothing was being brushed.
You let out a chuckle. “Funny I could’ve swore he was there…” You sweat dropped. “That’s it. Your putting that mouse to bed then your going to bed.” “But-“ “Do you understand?” The swordsman commanded.
After wrapping up your lab equipment with the help of Zoro (because you would fall over) you changed out of your lab gear.
Roronoa let you borrow one of his T-Shirts. (Totally not just to watch the way the shirt hugs your curves)
“Alright finally let’s head to bed” He picked you up bridal style and you let out an adorable gasp he chuckles at.
Finally your curled up to him getting some well needed rest. You snuggled impossibly closer to his chest. Zoro massaged your scalp as he stared off into the moon lit ocean. Observing the way it glistened like a gem and listened to your soft snoring.
That was until he heard a…PURR?
Purring…you were..
The shock wore off as he found it adorable. There were many things about you he never knew but this one is new. It provoked him to keep on petting you as the cat like noises you made were like music to him.
- When ever the strawhats have a lil sleepover (idk) when you fall asleep Zoro likes to rub your back until you purr to show it to everyone. You always wonder why your throat is sore in the morning..
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harleehazbinfics · 6 months
Home is where my Heart is.
Chapter 11: Hello Abby!/Hello Rosie! Table of Contents | Profile
Word Count: 2100+
A/N: AAAAAAAA one more chapter to goooo I want to draw them... if i have time...
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“So, how was your.. trip..?” I ask them, holding a tray of apple pie by the door only to have Charlie rushing past me and into her room. "Do you want to take this apple pie?!"
“Is she okay?” I ask Vaggie who enters late.
Vaggie sighs and drops the luggage on the floor before she slumps on the couch. Not a moment later, the rest join us. Angel taking a picture of her first before asking, “How’d it go?”
“Horrible, absolutely horrible. Not only did they support our case but..” Vaggie drifts off looking upstairs.
“Well? Spit it out!” Husk asks losing patience.
“Charlie found out I’m a former exorcist,” she confesses guiltily.
There was a heart pause before they screamed and tackled her. Bombarding her with questions. I mean.. I did kinda think of it, but it was still surprising. I hand them the pie before setting my eyes on the bag they brought with them move from the loud noise.
“Uhh, Vaggie dear. I think your bag just move,” I alerted her.
“Did you smuggle some puppies?” Niffty asks excitedly.
“God, I hope not,” Husk grumbles.
Vaggie lets out a groan before getting up from the floor and zipped open their bags. We were greeted to the sight of fluffy feathery wings instead.
“YOU BROUGHT A BIRD!” Niffty shrieks trying to pick it up. However, it wasn’t as small as we thought it was when a head popped up from the ball of feathers, making Niffty scream and hide behind Angel startling him.
“Uhh, hi?” the person greets awkwardly trying to smile.
“What the fuck?! Why is there an angel in our bags?! How the fuck did you even squeeze in there?!” Vaggie screams holding the girl’s shoulders. “Oh shit, we’re gonna be in so much trouble.”
“I’d appreciate it if you’d stop shaking me first,” she responds with a laugh dizzy from from Vaggie’s actions. She shakes her head comically to clear her head and replies, “I heard that Heaven let in some folks from the Devildom, and I wanted to talk to you! So, I waited but then you arrived all angry, so I just hid in your luggage instead.”
Vaggie makes a face trying to comprehend the girl’s train of thoughts that led her here, with a hand in the air as if trying to say, ‘That doesn’t sound logical.’
The girl sighs and confesses, “Truth is, I wanted to come down here and find my parents. I’ve searched heaven for years and I didn’t find them. So, I took my chances here.”
Then at realization, I drop and knelt in front of the girl turning her head to face me. With tears in my eyes, I whisper, “It is you. It’s you! I missed you so much!”
“Mom!” she cries burying herself in my hug.
Around us another round of scream’s echo in the room unable to process the series of events that happened back-to-back. After calming everyone down and settling them down on the couch while Vaggie, Abby and I stood in front of them, somewhat like a class presentation.
“You’re a former exorcist?” Angel starts.
“Where’s your wings?” Niffty asks.
“I don’t have—”
“Did you ever think maybe she's sensitive about her lack of wings, just like her lack of tits?”
“Yeah. Where are your tits?” Niffty asks tugging at her shirt.
“sigh Any other questions?”
“Who’s the kid?”
“I’m Abigail Calliope. Daughter of Alastor and Miledy Calliope, and I’m not a kid!” Abby huffs.
“How old did you die anyway? You look pretty young though.”
“20. I got into an accident while volunteering,” she explains.
“Figures how you got into heaven. Kinda crazy how that batshit crazy radio demon has a daughter though,” Angel gestures with all four hands.
“You said it,” Husk murmurs downing a bottle of whiskey.
“Well, I did a lot of convincing,” I answer brushing Abby’s hair off her face. “I don’t regret a single thing.”
She gives me a smile before we see a green flash coming from upstairs. ‘My crazy husband did it,’ I thought in awe, getting the princess of hell to get a deal with him was surprising given that she was so on-guard around him.
“Who’s that?” Abby asks turning to me.
I give her a grin and answer, “Your father.”
Her eyes lit up finally getting to see her father after decades. Charlie and Alastor comes down and finds Abby. Surprised that an angel was here by herself.
“Who is—?”
“That can wait. I think you guys have something planned, we’ll talk on the way!” I say pushing Charlie out the door, Alastor and Abby behind us. I look behind me and find Abby being shy looking away from Alastor, while Alastor was eyeing her intently still not recognizing her.
“Wait! We can’t have her walk around the city with that look!” Charlie stops us, then turning to Abby. She casts a spell changing her clothes into a blue dress that was trendy these days along with demon horns headband.
“Your wings, dear,” I tell her which she immediately hides away.
“Sooo, who is she?” Charlie asks with Alastor next to her.
“When you came back from your trip, this little troublemaker slid into your luggage and travelled to hell here with you,” I say nipping Abby’s nose. “This is our daughter, Abigail.”
“Pleasure to meet you! Quite the please!” Abby greets with his father’s cadence shocking the both of them.
“I just went through a massive sense of déjà vu,” Charlie says holding her head before shaking Abby’s outstretched hand.
“Goodness! Sunshine! Look how much you’ve grown!” Alastor exclaims lifting Abby in his arms. “You’ve grown into such a beautiful lady.”
“Dad! I missed you so much,” she excitedly screams hugging her father which he welcomed with a gleeful laugh.
“Youuuu have a daughter???” Charlie drawls in shock pointing at Alastor who put down Abby.
“Is it that surprising?” Alastor says petting Abby’s head.
“YES!?” Charlie yells.
“How about we head to Cannibal Town now. We’re kinda wasting time now,” I say leading them down the road. “Isn’t this fun? We look like family!”
“What? Why are we going to cannibal town?” Charlie asks, Abby looking around confused and disturbed by the sights around her, before we arrived the quaint little town.
“There’s a friend of mine I think you should meet. It’s also a good opportunity to introduce Abby to her too!” Alastor says escorting Abby and leading in front of us.
“In Cannibal Town? But it’s, it’s… surprisingly nice here,” Charlie says changing her mind.
“Right? We actually have a residency here. We try to come by when we can. Reminds us of home,” I explain to the girls.
“Isn't it though? and it's all thanks to a very special someone,” Alastor says opening the door for us.
We see Rosie attending to her costumer before she notices us by the entrance, “Oh, my, stars! Do my eyes deceive me? Alastor. Alastor! Where have you been??? These halls really lost some of their sparkle without your lively presence and—," she notices me and says, “Miledy! Sweetheart! You haven’t called me in weeks!”
She glances the girls beside us and comments, “Oh. Who's this ya brought with you? Come now, Alastor, she's much too young for you! Oh I'm just kidding. I know you're an Ace in the hole.” I coughed a laugh at her, which she appreciated that someone got her joke.
“A what now?”
“But where are your manners mister? Introduce us why don't you?”
“Ahh, yes. Charlie, Abigail, this is Rosie, the most darling, delightful and dangerous Overlord this side of the Pentagram!” Alastor introduces Rosie.
“Oh! Always such a charmer.”
“And Rosie, it's my pleasure to introduce you to princess Charlie Morningstar. Daughter of Lucifer and heir to the throne of Hell!” Alastor pushes Charlie, then Abby, “and last but not least, this is Abigail Calliope, Miledy and I’s pride and joy!”
“How do you do?” Charlie greets nervously with a wave, while our daughter happily returns their high energy.
“Well, well! isn't this a regal surprise! Come in! Come in! Can I offer you somethin' to eat? I'm sure I have a leg around here or somethin'. Oh, what am I thinkin'? Small thing like you? You're probably watchin' your figure! How bout some nice pinkie fingers instead?” Rosie offers a box to the pair.
“Um...No. no, thank you, though,” Charlie says refusing for the both of them.
“Oh look at you!” Rosie gushes patting both of their heads, “so polite! Alastor, you could learn a thing o' two.”
“Well, sit down. Sit down. Tell Auntie Rosie what she can do for you. Ya know, Alastor. I got a premo-connect on a guy with about eight blocks of territory and not enough goons to run it. Prime pickin's for a deal to be made, my friend.” Rosie tells Alastor making a gesture.
“What does that mean, mom?” Abby asks me while we stood behind Charlie as they talked.
“Here in hell, demons grow their power by accumulating deals, these deals could be anything but the ultimate price they pay is their souls,” I explain to her, “I’m sorry you have to go through this, Abby. I know how drastic of a change this will be, so if you decide to go back to heaven, we’ll help you.”
She hastily shaking her head, refusing the suggestion, “As fun as it is there. It didn’t have you or dad,” she replies sincerely making me let out a sigh of relief then hugging her.
“Now, fair warning. This group sticks together. So, in order to convince any of them, you'll need to convince all of them. And there's one in particular—" Rosie pauses thinking of the appropriate word.
“Uuuugh, Susan,” Alastor states in distate.
“Susan, who's a bit of an... uh—”
“Ornery old bitch?”
“That! She's tough, but win her over and the rest will be easy as pie. Ready?”
“I guess.”
Charlie goes off into an unenthusiastic speech, making me internally cringe paired with how the cannibals strongly reacted against her.
“FUCK YOU, YOU OLD BITCH!” Charlie screams flipping Susan off.
“Welp. Okay everyone! We’ll be back after a brief intermission!” I call over the microphone while Rosie drags a huffing Charlie backstage. “Any song requests?!”
While I was singing for the crowd while Charlie and Rosie sorted themselves, in the corner of my eye I see Alastor and Abby talking.
“I almost forgot how wonderfully mom sang,” Abby states looking at her mother in awe.
“Definitely one you grow to love even more with each and every song,” Alastor adds.
“Absolutely! I kept every recording I could get my hands on,” Abby replies enthusiastically.
Alastor laughs and tells her, “I heard you also kept old recordings of my radio shows.”
Abby blushes and confesses, “I was still young when you left so, I got every recording I could find just to remember how you sounded.”
Alastor sighs and give a small smile and pets her head, “I won’t go anywhere this time.”
Abby smiles and hugs his dad. Just then Rosie and Charlie come back looking better. I stand with my family while Alastor hands her his microphone. While we watched her sing more confidently than earlier, catching everyone’s attention. Abby looks at her amazed how she got them to join her.
“They're dancing along. They're singing her song,” Rosie sang her hands clasped together.
“Surprised? Why, I knew she could do it all along,” Alastor and I sang together.
“She's bound to pass the test as Princess of Hell. Like her Daddy she is madly power-fell!” we sang and danced together, making Abby gush at how we blended our voice together.
“She's filled with potential that I could guide,” Alastor looks at Charlie sinisterly.
“I concur!” Rosie and I sang slinging our elbows with Alastor.
“Stick with her, you'll be on the winning side.”
We lead the Cannibals to the hotel where we meet up with Vaggie who brought the weapons with her.
We take Abby to our room where she immediately notices the forest, “Oh! This looks like the cabin we had.”
“Well, a replica of it,” Alastor says taking off his coat and putting it on a hanger in a closet.
“How was your first day here?” I ask her, pulling her to sit with me by the fireplace.
“It was definitely something,” she laughs off nervously, “But aside from the vulgarities, it seems like fun. And, I want to work here, at the hotel. Though I’m... different, I want to help sinners redeem themselves and reach heaven. Is… that okay?”
Alastor and I share a look before giving her a smile, “Of course it is, Sunshine. Why wouldn’t it be? We want you to do whatever you like, you’re free to do so. We’re family.”
Tears form in her eyes and drip down her cheeks, we gave her a big hug to comfort her. Finally, a family again.
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@marxo5, @whaatttlaufey, @froggybich
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Hello!! <3 <3
Could I humbly request more modern (like 1940s-1980s) fashion? I love your blog and the newer ones our my favorite, especially the 70s ones :)))
hi my dear! 💕
thank you so much for reaching out! ☺️☺️ in terms of mid to late 20th century stuff, I do post a fair amount of 1940s and 1950s images – or at least I try to 😅 (I linked the relevant tags to the 40s and 50s stuff) 💕💕
as a little peek behind the curtain, when I personally source images, I typically go from the 1770s to the 1950s and then stop because well... um... I uhh... because I don't really like stuff from the 1960s onward I'm so sorry please don't be mad 😭😭 aside from that, it can also be a little bit logistically harder to find later images because (1) things had almost entirely transitioned over to fashion magazines by that point, which sometimes prioritized cool photography/posing over actually showing the garments (which doesn't work as well for the blog) and (2) later stuff is much less likely to be in the public domain, meaning it's harder to find repositories of images, and institutions don't tend to have nice digitized collections that are easy to look through 😔😔
at the moment, I think that all the 1960s and 1970s images on the blog have been submitted by other users, which is lovely and fantastic, since I don't always have the interest/energy to source them on my own, but I'm more than happy to set up polls for images that other folks submit! ☺️☺️
all of this to say, I'm on a little break from personally sourcing images from any time period at the moment, but when I get back into things, I can make a more concerted effort to add some more later styles! 💕💕 I'll also use this as a moment to invite anyone who does have images from those time periods to feel free to send them in and I'll be happy to publish them as polls! ☺️💕
also, this is not what you were asking, but idk if I've said it explicitly before so I'll take a quick moment to do so here since we're discussing later 20th century styles: I do currently have a hard stop for the blog at 1990, so for the moment I won't be featuring anything from later than 1989
sorry for the long and rambling answer, but thank you so much again for reaching out and I'm so glad you're enjoying the blog! 🥰🥰
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dragonfruits02 · 2 months
a list of my favorite spy school funny moments/quotes
- “What the heck are powdered nutgalls?” Chip asked. “It’s what you get after riding a horse at high speed for an hour,” Mike grumbled, gingerly adjusting the seat of his pants.
- Jemma Emma Dilemma
- “Or Agent Kumquat,” Chip added, and then both of them cracked up.
- Alexander glared at him, still smarting from his insult. “See if I ever buy you campfire treats again.” he said, and then stormed out himself.
- “Not necessarily. I could like them as a friend.” “First of all, you don’t have friends.”
- “Parcheesi?! I loooove Parcheesi.”
- “I lost the arm and the leg, but not the eye.” “Oh, how’d you lose that?” “A bug flew into it.” “Uhh, you don’t lose your eye if a bug flies into it.” “You do if it’s your first day with a hook.😒”
- “Although believe it or not, Nefarious actually got off easy. According to his file, his folks named his little sister Placenta.”
- “If there’s one thing I know, it’s women.” Murray exclaimed.
- Now that he had transformed into Hot Murray,
- “How good is your vision?” Mike asked. “It’s off the charts,” Erica replied. “I eat a lot of carrots.”
- “Supposedly the guy was a big jerk, and the peasants all rose up against him and burned him alive, and now his ghost roams the property, looking for a… fire extinguisher or something like that.”
- He was at the base of an extremely tall elm tree, speaking into a radio microphone and seeming far more lucid than usual—although the moment he saw Chip and Jawa, he went right back into his doddering act. “Skip and Yaya!”
- “Dad, I’m going to need you to act like you have no idea what’s going on.” “What?” Alexander asked, confused. “I don’t understand.”
- “Wow! Our pool at spy school didn’t have water slides.” “Really? What did it have?” “Bacterial contamination.😕”
- “So, this girlfriend of Mike’s…is he super into her, or just kind of into her?” “He’s mentioned marriage. 🙂”
- “I think plenty!” The principal said defensively. “My mind is a constant whirlwind of thinkery!”
- “Erica!” Alexander gasped, mortified this had happened in front of so many people. “We do not spit on our grandfathers in this family!”
- Paul Lee leaned close to me and whispered, “Has he uh..uh…had some sort of, um, brain injury?” “No.” I replied. “This is how he was born, I think.”
- “Erica! You’re driving on the wrong side of the street!” “I’m not driving on the wrong side.🙄” Erica argued, gunning the engine. “They are!”
- Chip pegged him in the face with another pair of boxers. “Warren, stop playing with my underwear, you pervert.”
- “Now? Here?” “National security is at stake.” “It was at stake this morning when I was having waffles in the cafeteria. We couldn’t have discussed this then??”
- “All these men are itching for a fight. And since I’m the alpha male here, they’re going to come for me first!” Alexander said. “The alpha male.?🤨” Catherine asked, amused. “Yes! It won’t look good for them to attack women or children, so they’ll attack me first!” “And me.” Murray seconded nervously. “I’m definitely the beta male here!”
- “Neither does Jawa. Why aren’t you suspicious of him?” “Jawa’s a freak of nature. You’re just a freak.”
- “Hey! Where’s my breakfast?” The woman socked him in the face. Murray reeled backward. “Okay! No tip for you!” He said, then collapsed on the floor, unconscious.
- I quickly replaced the skull and wiped my hand on my shirt. “This is sooo not how I wanted to spend my first day in Paris.” OKAY DRAMA QUEEN?
- “West Virginia?” Claire Hutchins called from a few rows up. “I thought that was all strip mines and inbred hillbillies.” “You heard wrong.” Chip shot back. “As you can see, there’s plenty of wilderness here. And the locals are far less inbred than the royal family.”
- “Do you not care one wit for your country?” “No! I care many wits for my country!”
- “What have you done?!” He screamed at us. “What have you done?!” “Well, it’s obvious,” I said. “We’ve blown up a rebel minivan.”
- Murray sighed. “I know you’ve got issues with Ben because he turned you into half the man you used to be.” (About Joshua)
- “Talk about being heavily armed.” Mike said. (Also about Joshua)
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gachawolfiebloom · 1 month
Two Hearts In The City of Love
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Chapter 12: Mr Puzzles' Amazing Couples Game Show Fanatic
Cover made by me and Puzzlevision selection is from Smg4. Please do not repost artwork.
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Drumroll please...
"Hello and welcome ladies and gentlemen! As always, it's your favorite TV host Mr Puzzles here! Now I know our last gameshow didn't quite go according to plan now did it?"
One of the members in the audience asks "Yeah, didn't you flip out and complete destroy the show because you were jealous of that red, fat, Italian guy?"
"NO! *Ahem* No...we just had a little programming malfunction with our games. But fear not! For this new show will feature all new kinds of games that couldn't possibly be ruined. And you wanna know why? MARIO WON'T BE PLAYING! That's right everyone. We've got all your favorite contestants, invited back for a new show I'm calling: Mr Puzzles' Amazing Couples Game Show Fanatic!"
Mr Puzzles clapped his hands and everyone he had trapped, except Mario appeared. Bob got all territorial and asked "UM EXCUSE ME? WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE!?" Mr Puzzles took out a sheet of paper and said "Now let's layout the rules. Each couple will compete in a activity that I have set to test their intelligence (if they even have it ), their physical abilities, and how well they are willing to go for each other."
"What do you mean? We aren't couples." Tari quizzically asked when Mr Puzzles butted in and yelled "YOU ARE NOW!" He clapped his hand and divided 2 partners at each station. Smg3 looked confused as hell until he turned and saw who he was partnered with. "Oi! We're not a couple!" Smg4 did the same as he blushed up a storm and awkwardly avoided looking at Three.
Meggy and Tari also felt awkward when they saw that they were paired up with each other, but neither one was a blushing mess like Four was. Bob stomped his foot down and yelled "I REFUSE TO WORK WITH THIS GREEN BOOGER! I WOULDN'T DATE BOOPKINS IF HE WAS THE LAST FISH ON EARTH! PAIR ME UP WITH BIRDO INSTEAD!"
Mr Puzzles started to get irritated and nervously laughed. "Don't pay any attention to him folks. I think he's too shy to admit his feelings." The audience let out a couple Awwwww's. Bob was getting really angry and began complaining "HE'S LYING! I'M NOT GAY! I'M STRAIGHT! NOT GAY NOT GAY NOT GAY NOT GAY!" Mr Puzzles put a hand over his mouth and said "One moment please." He whispered "I know you're not gay Bob, but I ran out of contestants and I need a third team. Can't you just roll with it."
As he went back to addressing the audience, Bob kept chanting "NOT GAY NOT GAY NOT GAY-" Mr Puzzles facepalmed and announced "I almost forgot! Whoever scores the most points gets a sPeCiAl pRiZe!" Everyone immediately stopped their belly aching and became incredibly interested. Bob finally shut up and said "ANYTHING FOR MONEY!"
Three swung an arm over Four as he became even more flustered. "Forget what I said. We're the best couple and we're going to crush you all!"
"U-Um...Three can you not?"
Meggy got a serious look on her face and yelled "No way! Me and Tari are the best duo!" Tari thought it was a sweet compliment and didn't even pick up on how Meggy didn't mind letting the audience see them as a couple.
The crowd erupted into excited cheers as Mr Puzzles went back to his happy self. "Alright everyone! First up we have-" He felt a tug on his sleeve as Luigi nervously asked "Uhh...what do I do? I...I don't have a partner." Mr Puzzles noticed that since he didn't cast Mario in this episode so now Luigi didn't have anyone else. "Oh Luigi, you have the most important job of all!" He brought him over to a discount whiteboard and handed him a marker. "You will keep track of scores. Making sure that each team gets the amount of points I say they earn."
"Oh that sounds like fun! I can do that!" Luigi began humming to himself as he made a column for each team. "Wonderful! Now that that's all figured out, we can finally beg-"
"Um can I take a bathroom break! My face feels hot!" Four raised his hand. Mr Puzzles was getting really irritated with all the interruptions, just like his last game show. He turned around with his scary, realistic face and yelled "NO! SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!" Four immediately slumped down in his seat as the audience went silent and Mr Puzzles felt all eyes glued onto him.
"I-I mean...Sorry Smg4, but the show has started already. But don't worry, you'll be an excellent team player. Maybe you'll even win the prize..."
"Now about we start with-"
The sounds of Italian gibberish echoed on stage as Mr Puzzles raised an eyebrow. "Huh...that's strange. But let's cont-"
More gibberish noises that sounded closer as Mr Puzzles angrily said "Whoever that is, please stop so everyone can enjoy the show." The person that was making the annoying sounds didn't stopped. It almost sounded like it came from the audience. Mr Puzzles then froze when he realized something. "Oh crap...I made sure Mario wasn't a contestant, but I never checked to see if he was an audience member!" Sure enough, Mario rushed down from his seat onto stage and said "Oh boy! Oh boy! Mario wants to play games!"
Mr Puzzles virtually tore his eyes out and politely tried getting him to go back to his seat. "Oh sorry Mario, but we have no available contestants for you to partner up with." Mario shook his head and pointed at him. "Mario can play with you TV guy!" Mr Puzzles quickly shot back "No way Mario! The host doesn't play the games and I would never be in a romantic relationship with you!"
"Shut up Bob! And Mario...GO BACK TO YOUR SEAT!" He then asked "Can Mario at least stay up here and watch?"
"Pretty please..."
"Pretty please with spaghetti and meatballs on top..."
"Ugh. Fine. But only because we need to get the show started. However, you will not make a sound and you will not move from that spot over there!" He pointed to a far off corner that was almost off stage, but Mario didn't mind. "Yippee!" He hopped over to his spot and hummed to himself, head in hands, excitedly awaiting the first game. "Sorry for the delay folks. Let's get started with our first game."
Trivia Time!
"For this game, you must answer questions of different categories that are randomly selected each turn. The team with the most points wins!" Three moved his hand close to the buzzer, ready for the moment he got the answer. Bob also did the same and Tari looked nervously between their tension. Four had managed to calm down and his competitive spirit was ready to knock his components into the ground.
Mr Puzzles picks up a card from the Entertainment category (no surprise that was the first one) and stars reading "Question 1: In-"
"Oooo can Mario play! Mario is great at guessing games!" Mr Puzzles gave him a cold stare and said "AS I WAS SAYING, In the show F.R.I.E.N.D.S, what was the name of Rachel's colleague that worked at Bloomingdale's in Season 3." Bob and Three buzzed in at the same time when both answered at the same time.
"Mark Robinson!"
Mr Puzzles made a wincing sound and said "Ohhhh sorry Bob. These answers must be clear and specific so Smg3 gets the point."
"CRAP!" Bob pouted while Three and Four pointed and laughed at him. "You can't beat the true F.R.I.E.N.D.S fan!" He made a flirty look at Four when saying that. Mr Puzzles took out a another card from a different category and said "Question 2: What is-" but was interuppted again when that annoying Italian voice whined "Cooommmeee onnnnn! Let Mario answer this question! He'll be quiettt ifff youuu doooo!"
Mr Puzzles was already ready to kick him out when he looked down at the question and said "Ohhh sureeee." Mario cheered and scooted in with Meggy and Tari. "Hello girls! You don't mind if Mario joins your team do you?" Tari gladly replied "Sure!" Meggy quickly stopped her and informed her teammate "Tari, he doesn't know any answers to these questions." Mario gave her an offended look. "Sure Mario does! Just watch!"
"Question 2: What is the square root of 9?"
Mario buzzed in with his nose and yelled "21!" A bzzt sound played as Mr Puzzles made a fake gasp and said "I'm sorry, but that is incorrect. -1 points for team Megari!" Luigi put a negative point on their score and made a gesture over to the girls that he was sorry. Mario stood up and said "WAT! That's bullcrap! Mario totally got the answer right! He has 1000000 IQ!" Meggy hissed "Mario...get down and go back to your seat."
"NO! The mean TV man is being unfair!" He launched towards Mr Puzzles and yelled "This game is rigged! Mario demands vengeance!" He took the rest of the cards and burned them down with a blowtorch. "HAH! Mario wins now! Hehehehehehehe!" He smugly went back to sitting at the corner and was contempt on seeing how Mr Puzzles would hold up the show now. Mr Puzzles got up and saw the cards were now burnt to ash and he started nervously sweating. "N-Not t-to worry audience. I-I always have some spare cards." He took out a piece of paper and scribbly wrote down a question.
"Now this last one should be easy. What is the weather like today?" Tari instantly knew the answer and buzzed in. "I know! It's-" Mr Puzzles quickly turned to the boys and declared "That's right Smg4! It's sunny! Smg4 wins the game!"
"B-But I didn't-"
Outstanding Obstacles
Mr Puzzles teleported them all to an insane obstacle course with hoops, pits, and beams. "In order to beat this game, both opponents must safely cross to the other side that is marked with the handy flag." He pointed way across where a tiny checkered flag was waiting in the safe zone. "We have to cross that!?" Tari cried out in fear. A little thing Mr Puzzles forgot to mention was that there was fire, swinging weapons, and many other deadly traps sprinkled along the way. Bob didn't care. He ran towards it, singing "GIVE ME THE MONEY!" and flung himself straight into the middle, where he was pierced by arrows and got a sword stuck in his head. He evaporated as an X appeared on screen and the announcer yelled "DEAD."
Mr Puzzles laughed and said "Oopsie! Looks like Bob is eliminated from the rest of the show! Sorry Boopkins, but you can't play without a teammate so you're disqualified too." He snapped his fingers when Boopkins was right in the middle of a sentence. "Wait...what-" He began evaporating as well as he screamed himself out of existence. "Now for our two remaining teams, good luck!" Meggy and Three lined up against each other, both wanting to prove their athletic skills. Four and Tari were nervous from all the deadly contraptions. When the horn went off, Three and Meggy ran lighting fast through the course while Four and Tari barely ducked out of the way of swinging maces.
"Ooooo can Mario join in!" Mr Puzzles angrily turned around and yelled "NO! DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!" Mario grumpily crossed his arms, but then got an idea. When Mr Puzzles wasn't looking, he tiptoed past him into the obstacle course.
Tari carefully jumped over a pit when she saw a bazooka firing straight at Four. "Look out!" Four turned and saw the missile hurdling towards him as he shut his eyes and prepared for the worst. Instead the missile just stopped, crying "Ohhhhh nooooo!" and poofed. That was strange. He saw Three and Meggy leaving without them and cried "Oi! You guys know that if we die, you lose right?" Both of them stopped, realizing he had a point.
Tari was dangling over a pit of fire. "I'm coming Tari!" Meggy yelled as she ran over to help her up. "Are you okay?" Tari breathed heavily as Meggy pulled her in for a hug of comfort. "Don't worry. You're safe now." Three saw his chance to go, but saw Four trembling as the weapons were coming by the bucket full. He groaned and went back to grab him. The slight hand touch made him flinch as he stuttered "S-Sorry...did you get hurt?"
"No. I'm okay. Thanks for coming back for me."
Mr Puzzles was sitting back in a chair, munching on popcorn and watching through binoculars. It seemed like the show was going really well with emotion, drama, and suspense, except one contestant didn't belong. "MARIO!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE!" He was running past the two teams, flashing the loser sign at Mr Puzzles when he saw the flag in sight. "YIPPEE! Mario is gonna win!" Mr Puzzles quickly snapped his fingers when he saw Mario was only a few feet from the finish.
He reached his hand out to grab the flag when the floor fell out from over him and he evaporated back to his seat in the corner. The rest of the contestants fell through the floor, but luckily Smg4 was the closest to the finish line. "Wonderful! Smg4 has done it again! Add some more points on the board Luigi!" Four hazily holds his head as he says "I think my brain just committed SUICIDE." The green Italian happily nodded as he added more points to their score, but Mario stole the marker for him and gave himself infinite points.
"HAHA! Mario wins the game now!" Mr Puzzles stole the marker back and yelled "MARIO DOES NOT WIN THE GAME! SMG4 IS SUPPOSED TO WIN! YOU WEREN'T EVEN A CONTESTANT IN THE FIRST PLACE!"
Mario points a finger in his face and says "So you admit it! These games are rigged! Bad TV man is a stinky cheater!" Mr Puzzles looks over and sees that the crowd was starting to boo him. "No no no no! I'm not cheating!" He clenches his fists and storms over to Mario. "I am finishing this show and nobody is going to stop me! Not you! Not anyone!" He takes some chains and locks and tied them around Mario, kicking him into the corner.
Truth or Dare
"To play this game, all you have to do is give an honest answer to any question that an audience member asks or whatever they dare you to do. IS THAT ALRIGHT WITH EVERYBODY!" He creaks his head over to Mario and narrows his eyes at him. The Italian looked at him with a glazed look in his eyes. "Okay great! Who would like to ask the first question?" One guy in the back immediately raises his hand. "Yes. What is your question?"
"I dare Smg3 and Smg4 to recreate the 6:50 minute of snow trapped!"
Both boys immediately tense up and their faces become red and hot. "Uhhh...." Mr Puzzles doesn't pay attention to their awkwardness as he claps his hands and a igloo drops down. "Well you heard the audience. Climb in and do your thing!" Four and Three don't say a word, but they slowly begin backing up. Mr Puzzles stops them and throws them in, blocking the entrance with snow. "See you later~"
"Now then, do we have any questions for the girls!" Another audience member raises his hand and asks "What is Meggy and Tari's favorite bonding activity?" Before the girls can answer, them and Mr Puzzles hear a suspicious thud. It starts to speed up as Mr Puzzles swivels his head around to find Mario humping the igloo. "Come on! Come on! Mario wants to see the gays making out! Commmeee onnnnnn!" Mr Puzzles anger goes through the roof as his body turns a bright red and his TV box begins to fume.
"THAT'S IT! MARIO IS DISQUALIFIED!" He slaps Mario so hard that the igloo and Three come with him, the three of them crashing into Meggy and Tari. Mr Puzzles stands in shock for a few seconds and says "Well it took some time, but we finally have a winner! Smg4 wins the sPeCiAl pRiZe!" He grabs Four and tells him "Now let's go see what it is!" He used a remote to open a hole in the wall and begins pushing Four towards it.
The rest of them just sat there flabbergasted. "He didn't really win did he Luigi?" Three asked. Luigi stood there, staring at a broken board and shrugged. "I guess...he did?" Mario instantly recovered and saw the two heading into the prize room. "Oh boy! Oh boy! Mario wants to go see the prize!" He sneaks into the secret compartment, unknown to Mr Puzzles.
He excitedly awaited the grand prize, expecting it to be a never-ending spaghetti maker or something. Instead he was met with a dark room that was completely empty. Well...not exactly. Mr Puzzles led Four up to a scary looking machine. "Is...is this the prize?" Four nervously asked. "It sure is! And it's all yours!" He flipped a switch and two giant claws grabbed onto Smg4's arms. "Hey! What the-" They dragged him up as Mr Puzzles snickered.
This wasn't at all what Mario expected. He tried to run back out the door, but it closed on him. Mr Puzzles said in a cold tone "You see, I had to make you win somehow. I needed you."
"W-Why do you n-need me?"
"Oh, for something far important. From now on, you will serve me as my partner."
"Thank you Smg4 for everything."
That was the last thing he said before he pressed a button and a wave of electricity shocked through his body. "AHHHHHHH!!! STOP IT!" Mario couldn't do anything, but watch as his best friend was tortured by Mr Puzzles. His relentless screaming. The increasingly inflicted amounts of pain. What...What exactly did Mr Puzzles want with Smg4? Why was he trying to capture him all this time?
"STOP IT PLEASE! Ş̶̨̤̫̞͖̃̔͒̃̎̓̍̅͛͆͠T̴̳̞̭̘̥́Ò̸̠͔̮̹̯͇̻͈̯̼̲̈̃́͋͛͗̄̎̕͜P̵̮̰̫͎̱̈́́͊ ̸̭̻̼͕͍̱̳̝͌͋͗̔̔́̈́̇̃̓̓̑͜͝I̶͈̹͚̫̭̞̙͕̞͑̇͐̇̌̀̓͗̆T̴̡̢̜̣̞̩̼̞͎̲̬͖̖͛̈́̓̾ͅ ̸̨̬͈͓̞̝̳̼͚̓̇͝S̷̨̰̰̮̝̯̺͔̭͕͉̐́͒̒̉̓̿͜͝Ť̷̳̞̰̇̎̆̀͋͐̏́͛̎̽̈̓͝Ȍ̴̧͓̭͑̐͜P̵͙̳̔̃̌ ̸̧̱̦͙̬̗̝̗̞̲̗̳̮̘̋́͂̈́̋̐͊͐̈́̆̈́͂͑͘͝Ḯ̴̧̧͈̮͓̫͎̙̼͔̖̪̇̑͘͜T̴̮̟̜͍͎̮̜̗͉̽̐̎̔̌͂̂̃̚ ̴̳͈̻̤͖̲̫̝̘̗̫̘̜̫͌̒͐̈́̓͗́̀̋͊̌͝S̷̢̬̜̤̝͈͔̪͙͔̫͈͗̈́͂͒̎ͅT̶̛͉̯̾̓̀͜Ǫ̶̜̔̿̃̍͝P̸̨̫̭̱̲̮̞͍̳̺̑͜ ̷̢̃̑̄͐̓͊̎̊I̶̧͍̲̍͋͘T̷͕̭͚͇͖̲̝͖̬̪̩̦̿͐̀̇͋̎̀ ̸̨̳͙̥͚̝̼͓͕̘̻̰̗͛̈́̓͛͗̀͝͝S̷̡̛͙͙̻͚͖̞̮͎͉̓͆̉͂̉͂̅͜T̴͚̮̝͉̲̿̑̾͋͒̇̆͘͠Ơ̴̢͔̩̜͖̫̲̬̬̪̼͂̍̈́͂̅̈́̐̔̕P̴̺̰̪̣̩͉̘͎͈̬͍̭̯̤͐̇̏̈́̋̓̈́̈́͗̄̀̓͝ ̸̢̢̜̳̟̫̥̖̱̭̜͇̩̐̒͐̄̉̿̍͆̊͗̏̉̈́̚ͅͅI̷̛̥͉̤̰͎̩̔́̅̅͋́́̍ͅT̸̥̮̯̫̙̪̝̯̟̭̻͚͇̈́̅̉̓̓̃͌̂̄͊̈́̑̑̇!̶̭̣͇̤̮̘͉͙͌̊̇͊̽̾̈́̍̀͐͋͑͝͝"
E̵n̸d̶ ̷o̶f̸ ̴S̴i̴m̶u̶l̵a̸t̴i̶o̸n̸.̸
W̵h̶a̷t̵ ̷d̸i̶d̸ ̶y̶o̶u̷ ̶t̶h̵i̶n̴k̶ ̷o̶f̸ ̷T̸o̸d̸a̴y̶'̴s̸ ̷E̸p̷i̵s̵o̴d̴e̶?̷
Chapter 13: PuzzleVision's Grand Finale
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firemind411 · 7 months
Caretaker calls medic friend;
"Listen, my friend here has had a rough few days, they've had a run in with some bad folks. I'm not even sure how to fully explain this but my concern is that they have these barbed metal pieces lodged in their chest.
I think it was from some kind of electro shock they endured. Uhh... like I said, I don't know how to explain, can you just come and check it out?"
Caretaker and medic stood by as whumpee laid on the couch, whumpee's eyes full of anxiety. The medic assessed the metal pieces protruding from whumpee's chest. The medic sighed, "We need to remove these... Now.
They're already looking like your body's rejecting them."
Whumpee cut in, "No, no way. I can't even watch anything medical, let alone having it, we're not doing this." The medic gave them a stern look... Whumpee put a hand over their chest, pushed the medic back while shaking their head. "Like I said. No way."
The medic pulled the caretaker into the next room. "We got a problem, those things need to come out and they're not going to just let us. We can't afford to play around here. I hate to say this, but you're going to have to hold them down. We need a solid surface so take them to floor and we'll go from there."
Caretaker felt guilty already. He followed the medic back to whumpee as the medic started to explain what was about to happen.
Immediately whumpee began to protest. "Definately not. There's gotta be something else." Whumpee's mind raced, "Can you knock me out first? I don't want to feel this. I don't care how... Can you?" The medic thought for a moment, "Look, honestly, I got sedatives but those people gave you drugs and they're likely still lingering in your system, sorry, we really can't."
The medic gestured at caretaker, "Sorry buddy... there's truely no other way".
Caretaker and medic grabbed and pulled whumpee shouting a struggling onto the floor. Caretaker, using his knees and hands, pinned whumpee's arms and head down while the medic went to work.
"Get off me! Ugh, fffffk, stop!"
Whumpee growled, cried and shook as the medic managed to pull the first barbed piece of metal out.
Whumpee fought with every strength they had as the medic began to work on the second barb which was deeper than the first. Pain surged through their body like wildfire. Through grit teeth they let out another deep growl and suddenly they stopped fighting, their body went limp and eyes rolled back, as they slipped into unconsciousness.
Caretaker and the medic looked at eachother, the medic did a quick scan... "We're going to keep going. Keep holding them... They're still breathing. They might grudge on you after this but they will be alright."
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lmk-aus-galore · 4 months
Cinema Sins/Wins Rip Off of Lego Monkie Kid.
Yeah yeah I’m back folks, I just decided to take a looong break.
Inspired by @satansaidmyturnintheh3||scape
-I won't be counting Animation Mistakes, because Idk how to do that, and I myself am a beginner animator (more like incredibly amateur, to the point I'm asking my sister for help) Unless of course the Animation is obviously and clearly having a mistake for me to watch.(Or it is said in the wiki) The other reason is because I don't want to keep repeating a scene just to check for an animation mistake.
-!This is mostly for entertainment purposes, sorry if I sound too mean!
-I also won't be counting flashbacks as 'mistakes' because most of them are based on bias.
-I'll be formatting it like this
Let’s get started.
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-Love how you can see where Mei, Sandy and MK are in this scene.
-On the other hand why does Pigsy have a random game machine beside his shop? I know there are apartment buildings on top of said shop but in Season 2 he actively has authority to remove it.
-Secondly is MK currently on break at the moment or is he just, ‘slacking off’ judging by his clothes he should be currently working.
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-Dragon Horse and Stone Monkey.
-Ah yes the underrated trio. Sandy, Mei and MK. Please tell me this group has a name.
-Bad time to call your daughter.
-The way Mei is so nervous to talk to her mother and the way she talks as if her mother doesn’t even give her enough time to explain, like I think Mei’s Mother is cutting her off at times here and it’s not really okay. It feels like Mei is talking to her boss than her Mom.
-Sandy for the win.
-The finishing move is a spin of the staff and a hit to the leg…wow MK.
-I really love how Sandy is just casually friends with these guys. Like these guys just met Sandy a few weeks ago and all of a sudden they said ‘Let’s be friends’
-Ok MK you should really get social cues…or at least let Mei get a word in-
-‘I always wanted to see Mei’s secret Dragon House full of secret Dragon stuff’ makes me wonder why no one believes in the Monkey King stories. Either that or why Mei isn’t being worshipped like a deity by now.
-Also MK, kinda creepy…but to be fair Mei put cameras on all of you…
-Why does this Bull Clone pull out the same Two Pictures twice?
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-Mei doesn’t smile in her photo, along with the rest of her family :(
-In fact she looks kinda restricted.
-Also Key detail, looks like Mei’s little green hair things are dyed!
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-PIF confirms that Sha Wujing’s spear and Zhu Bajie’s rake are Celestial Weapons that later tie into Season 4
-We also have the Calabash, PIF’s fan, Wukong’s staff, Nezha’s spear and two of the Samadhi Fire Rings…though I think by this time of development this probably is Nezha’s little ring thingys in his shoes? Not really sure. The only one we don’t know about is the unidentified sword and the random rope.
-Also is she implying that her own fan is a powerful artifact? I guess that makes sense…?
-Why does PIF’s animation always stretch her or squish her I can’t take her seriously XD worse that it’s usually the face.
-Mei wanting to be a normal child is so sad. On the other hand why don’t we have more fanfics of Mei and her family dynamic? Come on people the angst is right there!
-When you think about it, the High-Tech security might’ve been the reason Mei became the ‘Tech Girl’ in the group. Since her family dabbles in High-Technology it’s only obvious she grew curious of that stuff.
-On the other note, what’s with Ancient families and suddenly getting a grasp at handling High-Technology? Like bro Red Son and Mei have so many parallels to each other it’s insane.
-You know Red Son you might need to double down in calling Mei a peasant because uhh…wow, the place is huge.
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-Mei’s room doesn’t have a door, which shows how shitty these people actually are.
-Also Mei has a lot of rock aesthetic posters, including one with a spider meaning Mei canonically had a rock phase. That or a goth phase so goth Mei is probably canon.
-Why I thought of rock is because of the two sets of guitars she has, one being an electric guitar.
-Mei also has a skateboard indicating she used to skate.
-She has an indoor TV with two game controllers (Why didn’t they just play in her bedroom?)
-And finally she has some things I think her parents would’ve given her such has the pony statue and the meditation carpet on the floor.
-Also apparently she plays the piano? Or is that even a piano?
-The legend of Mei’s sword is kinda cool actually.
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-I have a feeling I know why no one has been able to hold that sword in like…ever (They all look so mean)
-‘You two boot up the old TV!’ What TV? There is literally no TV there? Is there a TV off-screen? Even so where would you put said TV? And again, why not your room?
-MK control your strength- how the hell does that even happen?
-Bull Clone literally just yeeted his hat at him.
-Said Bull Clone took the precious Dragon Sword despite the fact that he was struggling to get it off the statue
-Mei calls her Motorcycle like a horse, get it? Dragon Horse?
-Okay now I don’t blame MK I think that pinball machine is old. BECAUSE HOW DOES THAT JUST HAPPEN?!
-Mei this house should at LEAST take up a whole acre, HOW BIG IS YOUR HOUSE?!
-Mei fixing her bike is while she is chasing the Bull Clone is badass as hell. We do not talk about her enough.
-Pro tip: Never mess with Mei.
-This is why we need to give this family some doubt, okay if literally all her ancestors are dissing her and insulting her to her face because of the way she acts then maybe you shouldn’t turn a blind eye.
-‘You know what I am part of this family! I am Mei! Descendant of the Great Dragon of the West Sea, this is mine! And this is my House!” You go girl, show these guys a what you’re made of!
-A very good take on Mei accepting who she is despite her family’s expectations on her. She’s part of the family but she knows that she needs to stand up for herself. Good bravo.
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-I wonder what the parents’ reaction was, Holy cow this might’ve been QUITE the sight.
-Yep that Bull Clone is straight up dead.
-MK I think that machine is really just old.
-Lol, Sandy making sure MK doesn’t lose focus.
-‘Somebody forgot our luggage’ then she stares directly at the dad and said dad doesn’t give a damn.
-The fact that Mei has to apologize first before getting praised is messed up as hell. If someone is trying to steal a really powerful relic such as that, then obviously it’s gonna be chaos, but the fact she has to apologize first before they acknowledge she did something good is messed up.
-But to be fair I think they do love Mei, really, but the way they parent just icks me.
-And Mei’s mom sounds like she pulled that whole talk out from google.
-Mei’s dad sounds…familiar hold up-
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-KNEW I HEARD THAT VOICE SOMEWHERE. (Also apparently Mei’s mom is the same VA as Mei, so Stephanie Steph is just talking to herself)
-Poor MK…
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 5 months
Buddie really is all about playing Scrabble, guys. Let's rearrange HILDY, and play it "on Scrabble"!
Chris: HILDY? Are we getting Hildy 😁?!
Eddie, scared: No, we are definitely not!
What could HILDY be? Play Scrabble. Rearrange the letters. Y hid L! "You hid love". That's the love story of buddie, "buddies".
Scary love. Hidden love. The kind you avoid admitting. Even to yourself.
Because it sparks between two men. Two "straight" men. Men who just telling themselves they are... Allies.
And because it's the kind of love that freaks you out anyway - falling for a friend. A buddie.
And because you've already experienced grief, and are scared to love again.
Buck and Chris are playing video games. It looks super domestic, like a little family.
Then Eddie freaks out about talk of "Hildy" and disconnects the game from the server.
Chris: "😐 Buck, can we go to your place and play video games?"
Buck: "Uhh sorry, kid. I think we're gonna be playing it "old school" for a while...
Chris: "What's "old school"?
Buck: ...Have you ever heard of Scrabble?"
Rearrange the "letters", folks. ✉️🎬 See what "HILDY" is. Moments out of order, love that's still hiding.
Eddie: Somehow, we became a ready-made family... And I... I don't know if I'm ready for that.
Buck: Eddie. I have been Ana. I know what it's like to be in love with someone who is not all the way in.
...Deep down you know it, and it hurts. It hurts worse than the truth. So if you don't want to hurt Ana, you owe it to her to be honest.
Eddie: I don't know. Just feels like a lot, man!
Buck: Well. Go to sleep. No need to decide right now! It's not like we're going home anytime soon!
Then these two themes that come up, repeatedly."I see you"/"I don't even know what that means!"
"Isn't that what we all want in a partner, to be seen?"
(Lola threatening to jump off a bridge, next to a sign she made: "SEE ME NORMAN!")
"Lola! Lola honey, it's me! I'm here. And I see you, just like the sign says!"
"Liar! You look right through me, Norman. You don't even notice me!
I'm just around to... To collect the mail!" (Or... Male? Go listen to the very queer love triangle coded song Copacapana by Barry Manilow. There's a famous "Lola"...)
"I don't even know what that means! ... I'm the one who brings in the mail?
... I see you, Lola! I notice you!"
(The song lyrics: Don't go chasing waterfalls... Please stick to the lakes and the rivers you're used to...)
To Buck, still in the closet: "Don't go chasing waterfalls, Buck!"
Buck: "I don't even know what that means!"
That scene with closeted Tommy:
He's asked if he's ever considered that maybe he is more "team Jacob" than "team Bella"?
Tommy: I don't even know what that means!
Then the concept of finding true love, and cherishing it.
"Love, actually... is all around..."
Buck, Actually:
Thomas: "He can't go! He's my heart, my everything...
Thomas: ... When we got married? We thought what the hell. We have so little life left. Might as well live it.
That was Mitchell - always daring the clock. And I, always following along. All those foolish things we did... We only ever wanted to go together. That's love.
Buck: "I guess I can only hope to find something that good."
Thomas: "You don't find it son, you make it."
Thomas dies of broken heart syndrome.
Buck: "....That's love!"
And then love being SEEING. "I c u."
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The scrabbled letters we've been watching, of falling in love, stupidly, in the closet.
Falling for a friend, not realizing it. Refusing to admit it.
Hiding it, even from yourself. Being afraid to see it. Running from it... The way you really feel about this "buddy".
Their almost instant connection, promising to have each other's backs:
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Here's Eddie, having a panic attack at the fire station in the dark due to a power shortage. Looking at Buck as his most current girlfriend, Ana, says this line:
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Buck's line about looking good even in bad lighting, the first day they meet.
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Now, many of these scenes are from Buck's episode Buck, actually. An obvious reference to the movie Love, actually.
Quote from Love, actually;
"When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know, none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge – they were all messages of love.
If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually... is all around."
That scene with the old men, deeply in love, dying together? The one left behind saying love is something you make, together. Saying love is everything. Saying life is short.
Buck and Eddie. Buddie. The ship name really fits them. It's a love story but of "buddies", friends, falling for each other. Confused, scrambled. Playing Scrabble. Refusing to admit it.
Sometimes you fall like that. Sometimes love materializes in the dark, before you're ready for it. It scares you. It avoids your notice. You hide it, even from yourself.
But it's there, waiting to be discovered. A hidden treasure. Something precious to you, buried. And slowly, you open your eyes, see it, without flinching from it. Gather that courage. Even if it scares you... You open your eyes. Because you must. Because love is everything, and life is short.
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mightbeorphanedidk · 7 months
So I realise I've never really explored Alastor and Lucifer's relationship. The platonic kind.
Like look at these two, putting aside their rivalry, and tell me they wouldn't gossip together like no tomorrow
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The moment i saw this frame i knew there was gossip buddy potential. Look at them. You got straight up bitchy "She’s such a rat" stare and the condescending "I haven't seen an outfit like that since the great depression and i think it just gave me depression" eyebrow quirk. They’re gossip buddies. If they didn't hate each other.
Maybe I'm delusional, but let me be delusional in peace.
For the past few weeks I've been wanting to write a fic about it. I soon realised "wait a minute wtf is stopping me" hence why I made this post
To announce
*drumroll 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁*
I'll be writing a fic about it yayyy
No title yet, and it’s still in it’s basic drafts. In fact, I've written the second chapter already, but not the first. Uhh, my excuse? I was feeling a lil bit silly. Anger and sadness are very strong motivators. How long will this take? Maybe a day. Maybe two. Maybe a month. Hell if I know.
Anywho there's your update folks be ready! It has angst! Because why wouldn't it??
Poll for fun?
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Psst! Have you found this randomly on your page? Cool! Hi! Thanks for sticking around till the end. If you're interested, please check out my ao3!! My user there is the same as my user here on tumblr, and I write a lot of cool stuff! Check it out!! I'm funny!!
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midnightlight3 · 7 months
The cat and mouse
Uhh ok so well here it is my first ever tickle fic if this gets posted late I'm sorry there were some difficulties but I hope you enjoy
Word count:412
Your Screaming can be heard from the in play house prison your laughing so hard it's not even funny how you got here well..... about an hour ago you were with dogday solving puzzles trying to find his legs. You we're walking around when suddenly a purple gas started pouring around you. You had left dogday in a corner so you could go look around but now you fell to the floor with a thud dogday was yelling angel but you couldn't respond then the room went black. You woke up I'm a prison cell it was cold very cold and there was a large shadow standing next to you. You look it's cat nap you curse under your breath and start to back away only to be met with a wall you were chained you look up at him "you gonna kill me" he looks at back you "maybe" you tremble at that "y-you wouldn't" you say with fear in you voice he gives you a small smirk" I would but I need that dog to finish the prototype" "now until then let's have some fun with you" you were terrified he stuck his claws out and but them on your stomach he was gonna cut you but you squeaked he stopped for a moment what was that. That folks is how you ended up here as cat nap scratches his claws up and down your ribs you squek and squeal "NO" your laughing really hard your ribs are one of your bad spots you plead with him to stop but he just continues he kept racking his claws up and down your ribs " aww what's wrong doggies not able to save you it's ok ill just keep giving you these tickles oh look at your face human it's so red" with the constant teasing and the tickles you were going insane then by fucks sake he gets to your armpits the scream you let out was a mixture of histerics and pleases your face was burning red and you were burning hot. He suddenly stop and looked at you with a wide smirk you were gulping up oxygen" guess your little puppy's not coming hmm oh I have a game I'll keep tickling you till he walks and gets you" let's just say you were there for awhile before dogday was actually able to save you and cat nap well he got what dogday had coming for him after that.
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zstargalaxy · 2 years
May I put in a request for a primarina mc? And to add on they also carry some pictures of how they use to look like when they where younger (there pre evos)
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Of course! I even have the idea of all of them having a beach day together!!
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The sun was shining, warm to the touch, and just right for a beach day!
You had decided to bring all your friends for a day at the beach to relax from the week you all had and also for you to be in a beach once again. Of course, your friends came and oblige the invitation to relax, who are consisted of the five members of Heartslabyul, the Savannaclaw trio, the Scarabia Duo,the Pomeifiore trio and you made sure to atleast invited your Diasomnia friends aswell! (Much to Malleus joy at being invited).
And of course, you made sure to invite your three dorm mates aswell! The Octivinelle Trio!
Despite you being a girl and have no "magic", the Dark Mirror had some how assorted you on to the dorm of the sea witch, where you had discovered why, for you are a Primarina, a dual water type and a fairy type.
The trio instantly weirded you out upon arriving at the destination of the dorm.
The Tweels, as you would call them, are always behind your back or everywhere you go in NRC.
Jade is atleast tolerable but he's smile, hidden intentions and...everthing gives you the creeps.
Floyd...oh boy....he's more expressive than he's twin when it comes to what he wants. He would always take you by suprise and tries to sneak a "squeeze" for you when you didnt expect but it would always end up with a water gun and slap on the face.
And Azul definently give Mafia Boss vibes yet....you cant help but felt like there is something else that is behind that "perfect" facade of his.
Your instincts were proven right when Chapter 3 happened but thats a story for another time!
For now, its time for a beach day!!
"You cant catch me!"
You giggled when you saw Jack chasing around the young prince of the Afterglow Savanah, Cheka, who had been put under Leona's care for today as per request by he's brother and sister-in-law, unfortunately.
Atleast for the 2nd prince.
And for some folks.
But the sight that everyone is atleast enjoying is enough for You and that is that.
The sight really brings you back where you used to play around with your big sister in Melemele Island as you practice and trying to make big bubbles when you were still a young Popplio.
A giggle escaped your mouth as Rotom zip and zapped all round in a speed of light to collect any information that it might not have yet about this world that the two of you are in.
It's a shame that Ortho and Idia cant come but hey, she understands that Ortho has to keep Idia company at he's lonely room.
Yet many any things truly are unseen and amazing here in Twisted Wonderland so you understand your Rotom's excitement.
"This beach is so beautiful!" Rotom commented "Almost like the beach back at home" a nod was what it received from the Primarina in agreement at the feeling of familiarity at the scenery.
"Your home?
The young Primarina look to see Cheka, still wearing he's floaty, eyeing her with those big doe curious eyes of he's that would immediately give her an heart attack at he's cuteness.
Holding back a squeal, You nodded to the young Prince "Yep. I used to live uhh..." taking a small pause to think carefully "somewhere far that is tropical so I kinda see beaches alot when I was around your age".
"Really!?" Cheka exclaim rather loudly.
"Yeah" You smiled, reminiscing all those moments back at Alola.
"No suprise"
Both you turn to see your Dorm mates and Jack agreeing with the others listening to your little conversation, curious about what is your home like.
"You almost out bested me and Jade! Little Siren here is nothing but suprises!" Floyd suddenly hugs you from behind, making you jump from the sudden action "Thats what makes you really Fun to be with~! Hehehehehe"
"Well her Dad did have a Sharpedo" many heads turn to Rotom at that mention "She would always race it everwhere in the waters".
To emphasize it's point, Rotom showed the boys of a picture consisting of a young you, still a young Poplio, in the waters with the said shark pokemon next to you on a race.
"Oh yeah" the memory really brings you back "Sharpedo was a real champion at racing in the waters. I always remember my Mom scolding me and Sharpedo for scaring some locals and pokemon during our little races"
"Amazing!" Cheka eyed the shark in amazement. It looks so cool!
Though the picture and shark was intriguing....
The one that caught the boys the most was yourself and your looks.
"Huh?" Ace deappanned "Thats you?"
"Ara" Floyd took a closer look at the picture "You look like a clown!"
"O-Oi! I was still a Poplio back than!" You huffed at their rude reactions at how you look like back than.
"A what?" Leona raised a brow at that weird word.
"A Poplio" you drawn out as Rotom takes the lead of showing them of what a Poplio is.
"Poplio, the Sea Lion Pokemon, a water type" th3 screen than showed a picture of a blue sea lion that has large eyes, a long, white snout with black whiskers, and a round, pink nose. There is a small, rounded earflap on each side of its head. Around its neck is a light blue ruff, which extends past its shoulders. It has four flippers. The front flippers are larger than the hind and have white markings separating its toes.
"Popplio is able to snort bubbles of water from its nose, which it uses as part of its battle strategy. On land, it uses the elasticity of its bubbles to perform acrobatic stunts and jumps. It practices daily with increasingly larger water bubbles. It can swim at 25 mph (40 km/h)"
"Aw so cute!" Kalim was acting just like Cheka, looking with stars in he's eyes "Did you do tricks back then than? Did you!?" Jamil had to hold him back from being too close at your face.
" Uh yeah" You answered nonetheless from the embarrassment "I even sing a few times"
That last statement that you had said made sense since elmost everyone in the group had heard you sing a few times in NRC, or even everywhere.
"As expected" Vil stated "A voice like yours must be train from how high your vocals had reach from the last time I heard you sing"
"Oui Roi Du Poison!" Rook exclaim merrily with a smile adorning he's face "Your voice compliments your looks, like a siren singing out her songs out in the open sea as her appearance enchants the sea around her".
Typical Rook Hunt.
"Of course!" Grim shouted rather proudly with one of your malasadas in hand "My henchmen is the best!"
"If ya want, I can show you one of her shows!" Rotom said to the Pomeifiore Head and Vice prefects.
"Wait what?" It was already too late as your companion loaded up the video of you singing on a beach port with people surrounding your performance with not just chears and compliments, but also your colorful ballons that you had summonsince this was the time where you were a Brionne.
During that time was your brother's surfing competition and your family decided to do some small tricks to entertain the guests before the tournament.
Sometimes, you had to amid that you do sometimes miss your brother's awful jokes...
How you had miss him...
How you miss your family...
"Wow!" Cheka and Kalim simultaneously watched the performance star struck at how good you were as the rest, especielly Vil, Rook and Azul, watch on aswell with interests.
"Now that looks alot like you" Ruggie commented when he took a closer look at your Brionne form in the video.
"Thats because I was a Brionne, my middle or second/first evolution" Replied the Primarina.
"A Brionne?" Jack questioned as Rotom does it's thing once more.
"Brionne, the Popstar Pokemon, a water type and the evolve form of Poplio" the picture shown on Rotom's screen consists of another seal but more light blue and with three ruffle-like growths around its body. The first ruffle is just under its front flippers, while the last is shortly before the tail. The ruffles alternate between white and pale blue. Its long ears are made up of three segments that lighten and increase in size towards the tip; the first segment is ovoid, while the latter two are spherical. It has a long, conical snout with a white tip, a spherical pink nose, and large dark eyes with pinkish pupils. Its front flippers are much longer than its tail flippers, although both have white tips. There are three digits on the front flippers.
"Brionne is a skillful dancer. While it normally learns to dance from members of its colony, Brionne can also learn to dance from humans. It works diligently to memorize each dance through imitation and gets excited when it sees a dance it does not know. It is capable of dancing in perfect time with others, even if it's never danced with them before. Large groups of Brionne can be seen dancing together on moonlit nights when the sea is calm, sometimes being led by the singing of a Primarina. Brionne has a caring nature; if its Trainer is feeling down, it will perform a dance to cheer them up.As Brionne dances, it creates water balloons in a variety of colors. Its battle strategy consists of dancing while creating water balloons. The dance confuses the opponent, and during this weakness, Brionne slaps the balloons toward the target where they explode. Only those who have earned its trust can see this Pokémon when it is sad. It will otherwise always act cheerful and never allow its sorrow to show."
"But what is this Evolution thing that you kept mentioning?" Cater ask "Is it some kind of leveling up?"
"You can say that, yeah" You shrug "Evolution is a some kind of leveling up but the conditions to meet it vary from one Gijinka to another"
"So it depends on, like, environments or new spells you use?" Azul asked.
"Yep but where I come from, they're called Moves, not spells" You replied
You cant help but chuckle at their interest at your world. These type of things are amazing, yes, but back in your world it would be kinda consider normal thanks to your kind's abilities but than again, this world doesn't have pokemon so it makes sense at their suprise and interest.
The rest of the afternoon continue on with some relaxation and fun as per usual, with you using some of your moves like Bubble Beam and Water gun to emp up the fun even more.
"Come on Cheka" yawned Leona as he begrudgingly stood up from he's lounge chair to go to he's nephew "I think it's time to go home"
"Aaaaww~" the young Prince whined, not wanting to leave just yet "But I want to play with Auntie even more!"
"No and thats that" Leona sternly says, not wanting to waste another moment.
"Aw...okay" As Cheka was about to go to he's Uncle, You suddenly have an idea "How about we do one last trick, ay?" You winked at the little Cub " before you go"
The child's eyes immediately went wide with he's smile complimenting he's expression "Really!?" He cant wait for it!
Leona, feeling tired and dread at the pit of he's stomach that he didnt wanna continue watching the little rascal nor want to get in triuble with he's sister-in-law, tried to protest and be on their way until it was too late.
"Alright! Lets go!"
Its been quite a long time since you use your z-move, not since you came to Twisted Wonderland, but you trained and earn for the z-ring in your possession so you know you have to give it your all!
"The sound of rushing waves! The ocean sings!
Let's deliver the ocean's melody. Here I go!"
Many eyes went wide at the growing water bubble that you had created right before their eyes.
"Woah!" Deuce shouted in suprise "Its so big..." Trey sweatdropped at the enormous size.
"Now thats Magicam worthy" Usual Cater.
"Its so colorful!" Floyd happily said as the other Octavinielle residents watch in shock.
"Fufufufu~ it seems our little mermaid has more suprises than we expected" Lilia chuckled. He may have seen some interesting things back in he's day but you sure take the cake as being quite the few interesting ones. "Indeed" Malleus nodded in agreement, eyes on the glittering and beautiful ballon with amusement and curiosity of what will happen.
"Malleus-Sama! Stay back!" Still he's usually self as always, huh Sebek.
Oceanic Operretta!"
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The Primarina uses than sent the balloon float off into the nice sfaety yet viewable distance as it exploded with sparkly dust raining down from the explosion.
"Amazing!" Epel, Cheka and Kalim shouted at the beautiful sight before their eyes.
"Beaute!" Rook exclaim with Vil watch on with wonder. Maybe he can try using magic on stage...or better yet, let you join him on stage.
"Truly astonishing" Malleus brought he's hands to see if he could catch some of the sparkles (our curious little boi).
The others cant deny that their wording was wrong, the show itself was amazing and enchanting on how you had used your "Unique Magic" as you bow down to them with a smile on your face. Everyone on the beach clapped, whistled and complimented your display of power and elegance through your moves.
This world may be different from your own...
But you love it.
You love this guys.
And you love your memories with them.
Beautiful blue eyes train on the beautiful sparkly dust raining down on the water that he is in, had been watching the whole thing with amazement as he land out he's hand to see if he could catch the sparkles.
He was very greatful for sneaking out of RSA and away from he's overbearing Senior. If he hadnt, he wouldnt have seen such a sight.
Nor woman.
Her singing was absolute beautiful! It was very enchanting! Especially when she had used it for her suppose "Unique Magic".
A sighed escaped he's mouth as he's fin flap around the waters surrounding the small island, cant help but watch the now retrieving party leaving the beach side with their things in hand as they all want back to go where you had come from.
"Rielle! Rielle!"
The said Prince look behind to see he's dear first year friend swimming towards him with a tired look on he's face "Rielle" the yellow and blue haired merman panted "We should really go back! Or else we could be trouble!"
Even though Rielle eyed rolled at he's friend's usual worry antics, the red head look back at the empty beach and said...
"I hope we can meet togather soon..."
I did finish this one abit quick than usual so I apologies for any mistakes in the fanfic.
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themuffin2649 · 2 months
Cooking Competition!
Jack: “Welcome to Tonight’s Cooking Competiton show! I’m your host Sunny Day Jack back again as we test the talents of these three lovely folks here!”
Audience: cheers
Jack: “Before we introduce the audience to our contestants, we have our lovely judge here today. The one, the only, VINCENT!!”
Audience: cheers again
The Jack and audience goes dead silent as they all stare at Vincent’s #1 fan unblinking. Suddenly, the fan is thrown out of the building.
Jack: “Umm… Now with that out of the way, Vincent, why have you decided to be our judge tonight?”
Vincent: “It’s because I want to give these judges a real challenge. I grew up eating the best foods money can buy, which means I’m a very hard man to please when it comes to cuisine.”
Jack: “Interesting! Anyways, onto our contestants. On our left we have Ray! In the middle we have Newt, and on our right we have John Doe!”
Audience: Cheers as the contestant waves
Crew member: whispers something into Jack’s ear
Jack: “Oh! Apparently the rules state that all contestants under 18 must pick a buddy 18 years or older to assist him. Newt! Pick somebody from the audience to be your companion!”
Newt: “That’s easy! My brother has always been the best cook I’ve known. I choose him!”
Jack: “Welcome to the competition buddy! Don’t worry about being underprepared, we already provided you with a cookbook. You all have and hour and a half to cook!”
MC: “Whew, all we need to do is follow the cookbook. How hard can this be little bro?!”
7 Broken dishes, 8 tears shed, 5 toenails clipped, 1 rat killed, and nearly a kitchen fire later…
MC: “Heeey Vincent… so.. uh.. We got you food I think.” He says, presenting a (somehow) red burnt Pumpkin Pie with toenail clippings and a rat’s tail sticking out of it. Newt was still in the kitchen crying.
After Vincent’s mind was blown from the exquisite Soup that Ray cooked, he looked at the other two dishes and was whiplashed with pure disgust.
Vincent: “Honey, as much as I love you, I’m going to have to give this award to Ray. I prefer living.” He said, pushing the “pie” away.
Ray: He happily takes the cooking competition trophy from Vincent.
Doe: “And my dish?”
Vincent: “You were disqualified the moment I saw that flesh stuff in your hands!”
Alternative Scene: Newt picks Leon as his cooking companion
Newt: “Here you go Vincent… it’s uhh totally something Leon and I cooked. 100% original and Not bought from a store hehe.” He says, as he presents instant ramen noodles to him.
Vincent: “It’s not ideal, but at least it isn’t a pile of rotten flesh. I’m surprised the Neanderthal can get something on the table.” He says as he tries the ramen.
Vincent: dies
Leon: “It was so good that he died! We did it Newt, we WON!!!”
Newt: he doesn’t say anything, but the random bottle of poison he saw earlier was starting to make a lot more sense now
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djzbasement · 5 months
I got a random impulse to draw your ocs in the outer science mv so here I am asking for death orders and references, no rush though man.
So uhh.. I went a bit coocoo. :3
My ass honestly didn’t know if you meant ALL of my ocs so.. erm.. I just did this just in case ☹️🙏
Quick word- My au is set in a campsite (with a giant cage preventing them from escaping, and beyond the fence is a whole PIT. Like in The Promised Neverland. So that’s why folks were found in certain places.)
I’m also sorta sorry for not drawing their ACTUAL deaths, im still working on backgrounds and such and I didn’t wanna spend all that time on allat stuff.. I’m a lazy boy. (That’s aslo the reason why I’ve only shown the characters I haven’t draw, at the bottom is extra info for the characters that were previously drawn beforehand)
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Haru Ito; Died to a blow to the head with a rock, was found in the forest. Reason he got killed- his murderer and himself started arguing and it turned into a fight. He was killed near the lake and was then dragged to the forest. (Chapter 1)
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Yori Shiomura; Execution consisted of running through all types of movie genre’s before eventually being crushed by a stage light. (Chapter 1) (His execution is called “Lights, Cameras, Failure!”)
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Kellise Akerele, Caleb Harris; Kellise was stabbed (not much of a deep cut) in the stomach, then was tossed into the lake and couldn’t get back up due to her weakness, Caleb was separately murdered in his cabin seemingly in the middle of conjuring up a plan to try and get the remaining survivors to escape. They were both targeted for being ‘scary’ to their murderer. (Chapter 3)
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Matsunari Chiko; Her execution consists of her waiting tables, falling over, then getting fucking CUTLERY thrown at her until she eventually dies. (Chapter 3) (Her execution is called ‘Slip Up!”)
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Yasuyuki Kaneko; Yasuyuki got a sketchy letter to go to the dining hall late at night as the mysterious person (claimed) to be the mastermind, Yasuyuki, wanting to confront the mastermind and not being in the right headspace, went to the dining hall. He had a yelling match and a fight with his murderer before said murderer slit his stomach open and dragged him to a tree, then proceeded to hang him. His body was found in front of the forest near the gym cabin. Reason he got killed- The murderer just wanted to kill him because he was annoying to her (Chapter 4)
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(These are all of the survivors minus Kenji)
Other characters
Keiko Hayashi; Was found with two nails in his hand along with a stab wound in the middle of his chest. His body was found in the camps library. Reason for murder- Was purposely overstimulating his murderer. Purely trying to make him panic. (2nd chapter)
Kyran Kadokawa; His execution consists of him having to jump across wooden furniture (such as wardrobes, chairs or tables) and after god knows how long of jumping fell off and fell into the lava that was yes indeed the reason he was avoiding the floor and needing to jump on furniture in the first place. (Chapter 2) (His execution is called “Floor Is Lava!”)
Miyu Datai; Her execution consists of basically getting so beat up by a bunch of Monakumas to the point that she looks ‘ugly’, then, she gets a view of her late boyfriend, looking down at her with disgust. She reaches out to him and he just turns around and walks away as she calls out to him before being decapitated by another Monokuma. (Chapter 4) (Her execution is called ‘Love Comes In Many Ways.’)
Togunaka Momoru; who said he died?
IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASSSSEEEEE LET ME KNOW! Also im so sorry for not being able to draw their deaths/executions I very much lack motivation at the moment :( also I totally didn’t use this as an excuse to tell y’all about their deaths/executions either… noooo wayyyy 👀
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Why so blue?
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Prologue, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight
tag list: @luciddasher @seashelldom @goblinerrant @belos-simp69 @d4rno @fandom-garbage
Chapter nine
A Spider POV? Its more likely than you think. Well its an everyone POV kind chap
Also first time writing smut so sorry if it's kinda awkward. We're only one chapter left of this one lads! Second fic in the works too but there will be a new tag list for that one if folk are keen.
Warnings: Unwanted attention, catcalling, uhh smut, no gender specified but penetration occurs, no protection (be safe irl!)
Spider rose with the sun. The tendrils that connected him last night were like spiderweb. They were dull and lifeless, snapping off and crumbling away as he sat. He groaned rubbing his hands through his hair, looking over he saw you and Miles. Your hand was reached out to hold his own but the rest of you was tangled in Quaritch's limbs. You head rested on his bicep, his other arm slung other your waist. One of his legs was between yours, even his tail had wrapped around your thigh.
Spider laughed a little before a feeling of weakness overtook him, he slumped back down. He wasn't surprised that Quaritch had finally made a proper move on you. He'd watched him pine since day one, even if the man wouldn't have admitted that himself. It wasn't until you seemed to reciprocate his feelings that Spider changed his tune. He'd have been content to mock this clone for his little crush but your feelings mattered greatly to him. So if he could push him into being a man deserving of you? Hell he'd give it his all but if Quaritch couldn't change, well he'd break your heart.
He knew you well enough to see your true feelings even if you thought you were being sly, you weren't. He'd felt it confirmed through your own mind last night. Barely holding on to consciousness, he'd felt the cold air rush over him, he'd felt you smear stinging medicine onto him, tasted the fluid you'd forced him to drink, then the oddest pin prick sensation at his neck.
Then bliss. He'd known real, true peace in that moment. Comfort from the great mother of all things, he never thought he could be deserving of that. He was a human, an outsider, he never truly believed anyone other than you would really accept him as one of them. Here however Eywa herself had claimed him as her own, he'd felt her all around him, in him, it was beyond words. In the cacophony of voices he'd heard your own, you'd connected, to feel him there, to make sure he knew his way home. He'd seen you more clearly then than he'd ever with his own eyes. When you left you're voice had been replaced by others. Two women, he took to be family, they felt that way and somehow he just knew it. They'd accepted him with thankful hearts, carving a space in their souls for him. Thinking back on it now Spider felt tears brimming. You spoke seldom of your first home. It was so painful he wouldn't push but when you did it had been with such love for those people, he knew them instantly.
When you began to stir he squeezed your hand. You shot up immediately, he let you coo at him, hugging him in close as you shifted to cursing him for worrying you like that. Quaritch's hand gripped his shoulder, he looked up into the other man's eyes. His smile was gentle, thankful, he didn't need to say anything and he probably wouldn't but Spider knew he was glad he was okay. Okay was all he was however, his legs shook as he stood and he ended up leaning against you as he walked. He felt weak and light-headed, the poison obviously having done a number on him.
Miles supposed it was too much to expect a miracle from the glowing tree. He expected that all that really had been done was the medical attention you'd given. The tendril business seemed to have done nothing but excited you and Spider. He gathered you both back to Cupcake to regroup with his squad. He was disappointed you'd changed back into your previous apparel, more so that you seemed to be leaving the other clothes behind. Ceremonial or not surely a change of clothes would be nice? Though maybe it'd be no bad thing to not have the others see you in it, he could be selfish and keep that sight to himself.
Quaritch let you help Spider walk to his banshee, he thought the kid would think he had something to prove and push himself to far if he tried assisting. Miles hoped he'd recover fully soon, his heart ached watching him limp weakly.
You hoisted Spider up in front of him, before jumping up and wrapping your arms around his waist. Miles worried when he woke, he'd been so relieved to see Spider with his eyes open that it'd taken a moment to catch his quizzical expression. He did not want to have a conversation about you with him, he prayed it'd be a while before he'd be alone with the kid.
He began to think of strategies for his return as he flew. If the others noticed your changed behavior he needed something to say. Zdog wouldn't likely question it to deeply, you'd already warmed up to her, and Mansk seemed to be keeping his head down about everything these days, so no issue there. Really Lyle was the only one that presented a problem, he could accuse him of getting sidetracked or distracted from the mission. Maybe even bring it up the chain before Miles was ready to try bribe for your place in his life. He'd hoped a job well done and continued service might be enough to keep you around but it'd be a delicate negotiation and not one he wanted Lyle messing up. So his options were limited, lie to Lyle about it being a ploy for your loyalty or threaten him well enough that he'd fear his retaliation more than whatever gain snitchin' would get him.
The squad was a buzz on their return. Mansk quickly coming up with a flashing data pad.
"We got an unidentified chopper, headed out past the coast to the Islands. Got to be them right?" He was pulling up figures and maps, sure enough, it showed as he said. The first real clue to Jake Sully's location thus far.
"Outstanding!" Miles was elated, this was just the news he needed right now. His life seemed to have been getting more and more complicated recently but this simplified things again. Kill Jake, keep his new family, find a place in this strange new life for him.
The news distressed you. You'd be flying out again with Spider still recovering, which would be bad enough but they'd found a lead. You hoped it wasn't true, that Norm had taken that flight out for some other reason. You'd go investigate the waters and find nothing but you didn't believe that.
Though they'd made a point of not letting anyone know where they were heading, supposedly for your own safety, you knew them. If they wanted to try hide out, in the varied and many clans of the reef would be an excellent place, especially with younger children. You'd have taken to the nomads, that would've been hard with Spider but not impossible. That'd be no place for Tuk however, and you could see Neytiri's stubborn ways not gelling with the ever changing ideals of the nomad clans.
Miles took Spider with him, wanting to keep him close while he recovered you guessed. You felt the same, wishing you'd learned to ride so you could keep watch on him. You climbed behind Zdog, gripping onto her sides as she showed off the skills she'd been developing. The Ikran had certainly alleviated that fear of heights, which you were glad for.
You knew of the reef clans through stories. Your Tsahìk had lived as a nomad through her early years and had seen many peoples. She told you fondly of her time drifting through those many small clans. As you followed the river out to the sea, you felt in awe as soon as you laid you eyes on the ocean. Her words had not done justice to the jeweled tones of the water. Zdog flew down close, letting you reach an arm out to feel it pass through your finger tips. You whooped, calling out happily. Lyle and Mansk had flew lower too and were using their Ikrans wings to spray water up at one another. Zdog laughed loudly before diving quick between the two, soaking both in one move.
She took you both up higher again. You watched across at Spider and Miles. Spider had chosen to continue his language lessons with an exasperated Miles. You smiled at them, catching Spider's attention as you got closer and waving to him. Your mood soured when you saw the ugly greys of the boat you'd be landing on.
You kept back, slightly obscuring yourself behind Zdog and Miles when they landed. Spider stood stronger than before but still lent against the railing as Miles spoke to the humans. You followed the group inside, play along, you kept it repeating as a mantra in your head. If you could walk with the recoms then you hoped the humans would treat you as one, and with so many guns around you were fearful of being the outsider.
Miles approached, standing close, he placed a breathing mask over your head and adjusted it around your neck. Each recom had their own, you noted Spider removing his. You'd used these before, when in the labs with Norm or Max, but Miles seemed concerned that you'd not understand and become faint. You dutifully listened to his explanation, nodding and taking a puff to put him at ease. His arms dropped from you before marching to the head of the group. You hoped you'd have a moment alone with him again, you were still uncertain what was happening with you two.
You felt this connection to him, drawn together like magnets. You found yourself drifting to his side, wanting to stay out of the focus of the humans but feeling safest close to him. On the 'bridge' you found a balance, not at the glowing table where plans were being made but close. A human male studied you as he approached from another room. You'd heard him speak, he was the scientist of this group. Studying the people and fauna of this region.
"Where pray tell did a specimen like you come from?" You didn't like the tone he used, like you were some exotic bird not a thinking, feeling person like him. You didn't think you needed to entertain answering him, the other humans seemed disrespectful of him so ignoring him shouldn't cause too much offense.
"Thicker built than the tree clans... short tail... green hue..." You wanted to get Miles' attention, some part of you felt he'd step in, protect you from his creep. Even Mansk or hell even Lyle would be better than nothing. You stared desperately at the group but all attention was on Miles and the human leader.
"Quiet a looker too. Nice ass." At this you turned to scowl at him baring your teeth in a silent hiss, he spooked, turning to pacing back to the table quickly. Still the rest of the time spent there, you'd catch his eyes trailing your form. You shuddered under his gaze, feeling exposed and realizing your forgotten shawl.
Whatever plans were made and Miles took you to recoms quarters. They'd been given an area of the deck where they would turn off whatever made the air breathable for humans. Just a couple of rooms but it meant they could rest without the masks on. You were to stay in Miles quarters specifically. He'd not taken the cuffs out again but he'd made it clear you were not to wander around without him or an escort.
You wished to be up on the deck, under the sky and near the water but squirreled away at least kept you from the humans. Spider stayed with you for now, he was already improving physically. He jumped up onto a table you'd bent to fit at.
"Come on we have a moment now, my stripes, please!" He pouted holding your bag under his chin. You smiled widely at him, taking your bag and fishing out his blue dye. You'd pack the biggest jar of it you had before you'd set off from camp. So much changed since that day you could hardly believe it. Spider had spoke with you about his first communion, shedding tears with you as he spoke of what he saw and felt.
You worked on his arms, his legs, his chest and then while at his back you spoke.
"What is it ma Spider? You normally have so much to share but here I paint in silence. Do you not even have a song for me?" You jested but you felt real concern, it was unlike him to stay silent so long.
"I just worry about you and Miles." Your hand stilled. You knew he'd seen you at the tree, resting in the arms of a man you should hate with all your heart. You knew this conversation had been coming, though you'd be lying if you said it hadn't filled you with dread.
"I want you to be happy and it's not you I promise. It's him, he's not changed enough. You don't really know what he's like, he was a monster and I want more than anything to believe he's different now but he's still hunting for Jake!" Spider turned round to face you, taking your hands in his, letting the stain smudge into his palms.
"I don't want to see you get hurt." He was right, you knew he was. You cupped a hand against his breathing mask, wishing you could feel his cheek.
"He is changed Spider, I think it's already happening, he just hasn't realized yet. We'll be here when he does and we'll escape together." You smiled gently to him but his face remained stoic. He was uncertain, you understood but a moment would come soon where Miles would have to give up on his hunt or loose you both.
Zdog came down after Spider had left to fetch someone. You'd found yourself in a foul mood and wanted to go stretch your legs. Spiraling thoughts had given you quite the headache. You were pleased for her company, she linked your arm in hers and marched you up deck.
"It is both my pleasure and my duty to introduce to you the most coveted and secret recipes of my clan." Zdog had made air quotes around that last word. She led you into a large metallic room, a few human sat scattered around the low metal tables that filled the space. You suddenly felt very uneasy and so it seemed did the humans, who subtly touched weapons strapped to belts.
Zdog paid them no mind, marching on ahead to a kitchen area. You eased up slightly seeing Spider already sat cross legged on a counter. He held a mug in his hands already and seemed engrossed in its contents.
"You have been denied too long. You shall not live another moment in pain however as I am proud to serve you, your first hot chocolate!" She produced two more mugs from behind her passing the steaming beverage to you.
"Ahh! hot chocolate! Yes, Spider we had this at Max's hanukkah celebration did we not?" Zdogs face fell, she turned to Spider incredulous, he smirked back. You'd remembered it, a strange chemically hot beverage you'd sipped politely while Max and Norm had shared this human celebration with you. You enjoyed the hand made foods better, but they had little to work with to make the celebration more like it had been on Earth.
"Nope! not like this y/n, freeze dried preserved powder stuff has nothing on this!" Spider proclaimed before gulping the last of his. Zdog perked back up, returning to look expectantly at you. You looked down, a swirl of white cloud like substance sat floating on top the liquid, with several coloured shapes embedded. You brought it to your lips, testing the temperature before taking a sip.
You'd never had hot chocolate before this moment. This beverage was sweet and warm and it's taste like nothing you'd experienced. You moaned, wishing it was cooler so you could gulp more. Zdog whooped, raising both fists into the air in triumph.
"This is incredible!" You smiled widely to her. She puffed out her chest, taking a sip of her own beverage before handing the rest off to a pouting Spider.
"Tasted better in my memory but maybe it's this tongue, everything tastes off now. Still my Dad's recipe still hits the spot." Her smile softened as she watched Spider enjoy her mug. You stood around the kitchen, hearing her stories as you sipped together. She'd had it made for her when she was sad, her father would scoop her up in a cuddle and sit hot chocolate with her until she could tell him what was wrong. It had continued right up until the day she left for Pandora.
When the drinks were finished Zdog escorted you back to Miles room. You passed the human scientist, Zdog was several meters ahead with Spider chatting in her ear.
"I could study every inch of you." Your head snapped to him, his eyes traveling your legs before staying at your chest. You flushed with anger, storming off the catch up with Zdog. You wanted to strike him, scream at him, anything but there were high tensions on board this boat. Zdog had frowned at your change in mood, quirking an eyebrow at you when you caught up. You said nothing and she didn't pry.
Back in Miles room you stewed. Spider and Zdog were gone so there was no distraction from your anger. You caught yourself in a mirror, stooping to see your whole reflection. It shouldn't be on you to do anything, he should be dealt with not you. Still, you didn't want to risk guns drawn over this. Miles had changed at some point and his used clothes lay on the bed. You scooped up his vest top, bringing it to your nose you smelt his scent. It felt to comforting, even the old and faded, it brought you some peace. You slipped your own top off and put his vest on. It hung more loosely on your frame, lacking the muscles he filled it out with. it also came low, bunching up around your tail but falling forward at the front. It's low neck did little more to cover your chest, you sighed. Trying his trousers on next, they sat better at your waist but fell so long that they bunched up at your ankles. You felt stupid, it wasn't just that they fit so poorly but that they were human style clothing. It felt wrong even with his scent surrounding you so pleasingly. You stared at yourself, even with your hair beads and jewellery, you didn't look yourself.
Miles came in behind you then, pausing to watch you at the mirror.
"That's my shirt y'know?" He smirked at you closing the door behind him. You pouted a little, looking to the floor. You wished he hadn't caught you still feeling so down, it was hard to hide anything from him now. He stalked over to stand inches from you. He tipped your chin up to face him.
"If you wanted in my pants so bad you could've asked." He pulled you even closer by your hips. You wanted to enjoy being near to him like this again but the scientists words made your skin crawl.
"What's the matter sweetheart?" He lent down kissing at your neck. You shuddered, you mind drifting from the human. You trailed your hands up Miles sides, slipping them under his shirt to feel his skin against yours.
"Nothing important." You whispered out, he pulled back from your neck.
"If it's got you bothered it's important." His face was stern now.
"It's nothing really." You pushed forward, resting your head against his chest.
"Who was it? Is it Lyle?" His arms circled around you now, holding you tight against him.
"No! no it's nothing I swear it's not Lyle, just leave it." You buried your face further in his chest, rubbing your cheeks against him.
"If one of those scumbags out there..." His tone rose in anger, muscles twitching for a fight.
"Please ma Miles." You reached up to tug his face down to you. "I swear if it's important I'll tell you, just drop it for now." He let out a shaky breath closing his eyes, still angry. You rubbed the frown on his brow, trying to smooth out the skin. He relaxed into your touch.
"I'm 'ma Miles' now huh?" he smirked eyes closed. He bumped his forehead to yours. You flushed with a blush, you hadn't really meant to call him that. You'd been so careful not to around the others.
"Well I'm 'sweetheart' aren't I?" You admittedly didn't know what this nickname meant either but it felt affectionate when he used it. He just hummed, tilting his head to capture your lips.
You didn't think you could ever get used to the intensity in which he kissed you. It was all consuming, every sense filled with him. He lifted you up, carrying you to the bed. Unlike before he placed you down, crawling on top and hovering above you. He smirked down at you, the necklace he wore dangling down onto your chest.
"I like you in my vest, I think I'd like you only in my vest." He tugged the waist band of his trousers lower on you. You quickly tugged them down further, shimmying them as low as you could. Miles leaned back, kneeing on either side of you, he pulled them off you tossing them other his shoulder. He stayed up from you, hand trailing down you leg to your knee. He held it up, looking right into your eyes, before turning to kiss high on your inner thigh.
You forgot how to breath, his kisses started light but as he made his way down your thigh they became sloppier. Open mouthed and once he was close to your core, he even sucked the skin, nipping with his fangs. You couldn't help the noises that passed your lips, embarrassed you clamped a hand over you mouth.
Miles rose, pulling your hand away by the wrist.
"No, no. I wanna hear every note out that pretty mouth." Your lip quivered and you just nodded.
"Want me to keep going?" He already moved to leave open mouthed kisses down you neck and onto your collar bone.
"Yes..." Your voice shook.
"Yes?" Miles questioned, raising his head again to look up at you through his lashes.
"Please" You pleaded, desperate to feel him against you again.
"Yes mam" He dove back down, pushing the hem of his vest up and roaming around your chest. He pinched your nipple, inciting a gasp. He pulled away, you sat up with him, reaching out to him tugging his top up, he took your lead removing the garment, before unbuckling his belt and removing his trousers too. You could see his bulge tenting his pants. Given his general size you thought you'd guessed his size, but he was bigger than you anticipated.
He lay back between your legs again, kissing down your stomach. You could feel his length hard against your leg as he went. You reached out to his head, massaging into his scalp like you'd done so at the tree. You tugged his hair, remembering his response to it before. He groaned into you, continuing his trail until he was between your legs. You felt suddenly bashful at this but didn't have much time to dwell before his mouth was on you. You gripped his hair, causing him to groan into you, sending vibrations through you.
You moaned, wanting to cover your mouth again but obeying his command from before. You let your hand grip him instead, whatever lustful sounds escaping you. You felt yourself wind up, pleasure building up inside you.
"Miles, Miles please, I feel..." You chanted unable to think anymore.
"'s okay baby, I got you" he mumbled, continuing his mouthing, licking and sucking, hands squeezing your ass. Your release came, your body shuddering under him, you calling his name as he continued through your orgasm. You tugged him up, holding his face in your hands.
You kissed him, tasting yourself on his tongue. Your muscles still quivering from your high.
"I got you sweetheart." He continued to kiss you. His own untouched member twitching against your stomach. You reached down between you both, tracing the outline through his pants. Miles stilled, shuddering a little against you. You liked seeing him like this now, seemingly at your mercy. You reached in, wrapping your hand around his girth. He grunted, rutting slightly in your hand. You began to pump him gently, swiping the precum from his head and exploring his length. His head lulled back and you kissed his exposed neck. You kissed the scar left by your bite, right at his pulse, before sucking the skin in. His breathing was becoming ragged.
"Baby, please." He stuttered out. Your own arousal increasing again, you wanted him.
"Please I need to feel you." Your own words surprised you somewhat, not their contents but more the directness. He caught your meaning immediately, shifting himself, removing his pants. His member bobbed slightly in the air, thick, veined, purple at the tip. A line of hair trailed from his lower stomach to a patch above it's base. You imagined following that trail yourself, mouthing him but that would have to come later. He gripped your hips so he could line himself up. He was thick and long and for a moment you felt unsure you could manage but the feeling of him as he pushed inside you quelled any fears, you would take it. The sensation as he stretched you was overwhelming and you cried out.
"Your doing so well baby. just a little more, your so good to me." praises tumbled out Miles as he struggled to be slow with you. His hands gripping into your hips. He stilled a moment looking down to admire his length fully tucked away inside you. You moaned, shifting your hips to try create some friction.
"Eager huh? I'll give you what you want, gonna fill you up so good." He moved his hips bringing himself out slowly before snapping forward and burying himself back in. His hands trailed down your chest to your lower stomach, feeling himself inside you. His pace quickened, some feral part taking over as he grunted and moaned gripping you tighter.
"mine, mine. mine" He repeated with each thrust.
You weren't fairing much better. lost in your own pleasure, feeling him so deeply inside you. touching pleasure points you didn't even know you had. You moaned and cursed, incoherent half sentences falling out in Na'vi.
"Gonna fuck you silly huh?"He teased. You felt the familiar build up, digging your hand into Miles biceps. Pleads and moans tumbled out your mouth as he continued to pound into you, praising you between moans of his own. He shifted to hold your face, tenderly for a moment.
"Oel ngati kameie" he said, his pronunciation perfect. He moaned again, picking up speed again, gripping your neck now, not too tightly but with just enough pressure. It was all too much and you came around him, quivering and going limp, he didn't last much longer. His strokes becoming uneven, growling out and tucking his face down into your neck. He stuttered his hips against yours riding out an orgasm of his own, whispering your name over and over into your ear. You felt him release inside, he stayed inside. Cum leaked a little around him as he collapsed gently on top of you breathing heavily into the crook of your neck.
He kept his praises up. lazily kissing at you. Both overcome with exhaustion you just held him, rubbing circles into his shoulders, tracing the glowing freckles or stripes on his back.
"Oel ngati kameie" you finally repeated back as you held him against your chest.
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