#uh and the Doctor is Definitely Ace's patron
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raspberry-gloaming · 11 months ago
I very much doubt there's much chance of this, but is there anyone out there who is a fan of both Doctor Who (and especially/possibly the Gallifrey audios) and the Nevermoor series? As I have many au thoughts but no-one to share/discuss them with.
(if you are please message me)
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raspberry-gloaming · 11 months ago
This wouldn't really cover the plots of the Nevermoor series, ig the Doctor is the closest you'd get to a Morrigan-like figure in terms of wundersmith and all, but it's something that is not the focus of my ideas and something they would find out about at a Much later point in their lifetime than Morrigan does - ooh, what if the Master found some TTC stuff through a ghostly hour!
There are some stuff in both sides that I would like to involve though - like missing person Andred! Has been human trafficked on the black market - uh, nope. Ig he just didn't like one of the other sectors of the Society, and here he is!
Also prejudice against wunimals having parallels to the xenophobia of the timelords and stuff and foreign and domestic policy in the early Gallifrey students, but it wouldn't be superimposed and like the majority of the DW characters would be human in this au. (Some though might not, idk much about C'Rizz but he probs I'd put as a wunimal).
If anyone has any ideas if they do ever have opinions on this for any of this and also knacks of characters specifically, please hit me up!
So far I've got:
Rassilon, Omega, Tecteun: original wundersmiths, originating from proto-wundersmith timeless child.
The Doctor: Tempus based arcane. (or at least that's what they (and everyone else) think.
The Master: Arcane. Possibly hypnotic/mesmerist based, depends on what the last of the Wundrous arts turn out to be.
Ace: Mundane, explosives related.
Brax: Arcane.
Romana: Arcane.
Narvin: Arcane. Lost his knack possibly through S4 Ep1 - Ghastly Market amalgamation.
Leela: Mundane, possibly weapons based but definitely fighting related.
Both Rory and Martha have medical/healing knacks but Martha's is Mundane while Rory is Arcane (but like kinda low level arcane healer.)
River: Arcane, Tempus related. I'm not really sure how to begin to attempt to work out how her story and timeline would work around this au.
River and the Doctor both have (or seemingly have in the Doctor's case) Tempus related knacks, but they aren't the same. The Doctor's is to do with manipulating time, the stretching and/or pausing and/or speeding up/slowing down. River's is more standard time travel.
The Doctor is part of the League of Explorers but quite often goes rogue. Ace at least was one of his patrons, debating whether any of the others also were (quite likely Bill as well), but overall most if not all companions are going to be in the society.
There are also some characters who have powerful Arcane knacks but aren't part of the society, either because they weren't able to access it/a patron or their knack developed later than 10/11 years old. Notably so far in my mind there are Ashildr and Heather, but there may likely be more.
I very much doubt there's much chance of this, but is there anyone out there who is a fan of both Doctor Who (and especially/possibly the Gallifrey audios) and the Nevermoor series? As I have many au thoughts but no-one to share/discuss them with.
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