#uh I'm not that good at character designs so yea
justvea18 · 1 month
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I just know the situationship goes crazy
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thedoodlenoodle14 · 9 days
Ok sooo...a cool person ( @regretfullyrave ), convinced me to create a post about a few of my OCs for my future murder drones AU called "It lives on Ebony 8" and welll.....here it is! XD
I'll also first say that my AU takes place on a completely different Exoplanet called Ebony 8 (which instead of being ice and snow is mostly just forest and rivers, no oceans tho, unfortunately), but still used to be inhabited by humans before the disassembly drones attacked 😅
But, here's a list of my MD OCs! :3 or at least, the OC's I think are most important XD
1. Xane- Grumpy boi Xane! XD Before he was sent to earth, he, as well as two other disassembly drone ocs, Beta and Green, had a virus implanted within them which became known as "The Dark Matter infection" (which sort of gave Cyn an easy access to, not take them as hosts, but use them as puppets instead). Although Xane loves to fight, he hates to fight when controlled by Cyn and wishes to find a cure.
Other than that, Xane may seem pretty threatening, but deep down he's a big softie (he won't admit it tho XD)
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2. Eric- Eric is my worker drone oc, and possibly the main character of my AU 👀 his parents once studied the disassembly drones and the The Dark Matter infection and after their death, Eric continued their work, but also befriended Xane and helps to find a cure for him.
Eric is smart, but not a very good fighter XD but he's kind and willing to give second chances. He finds disassembly drones way more fascinating than scary too lol
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3. Green - (creative name, I know TvT) Just like Xane, Green also has the Dark Matter infection. When she landed on Ebony 8, she took a lot of damage. Her weapon system was damaged beyond repair, leaving her somewhat defenceless. However, without her weapon system, she couldn't easily overheat, meaning she didn't have a need to kill worker drones for oil. She actually ended up befriending a worker drone colony and becoming sort of a protector of them. Green is pretty chill and laid back tho and not overly dramatic like Xane XD
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4. Beta - Once again, he has the Dark Matter infection too 😅 he's still a character I'm developing, but from what I can say, he's a pretty jumpy and paranoid dude and always nervous. And his best friend is a cat called Milo! :3 (Beta is a major cat person XD)
(I don't have an updated design for him yet 😅)
5. M - M is the leader of one of the disassembly drone squads (Xane's ex-squad too). She...uh...also killed Eric's parents...heh....😅 M is also kind of in love with Xane (despite Xane not feeling the same way at all XD), but M is pretty much a psychopath. However, I do want to continue developing her and perhaps giving her some motivations to her actions. Like...I know M is pretty evil...but I do believe she might be capable of change somehow.....just gotta keep developing her character 😅
(I also don't have an image for her yet XD)
6. Cortex - one of my newer Ocs, who was originally a worker drone, but I changed him to a disassembly drone instead XD He's M's twin brother, but I haven't developed a solid backstory or personality for this character yet. All I can say I that...he's not at crazy as M 😅 I'm still also trying to decide whether he would be a villain or not, but I have been thinking of giving him a similar role to J in some way.
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As an added bonus, here's a little concept of Cortex when he was still a worker drone in development 👀
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But yea...those are just the OCs that I think are pretty important in my AU so far :D they're all a work in progress and will probably change over time (except Xane, of course) :3
Also, go follow @regretfullyrave. They're cool! :3 And I also don't wanna get charged for tax evasion by W lmao
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turtle-clown · 10 days
Oh darlin' please, I know I'm just a snarlin' beast (And perhaps we've all grown obsolete)
Hey girl. Brock and warriana fic that may or may not be a character study of warriana spanning snippets of time. This ends somewhat abruptly cause I realized I didn’t want to make it any longer than it is
The most important thing to note here is that everyone is a anthropomorphic animal, Brock is a alligator snapper and warriana is a lion (art of their designs here), also the ventures are goats
Also!! The title is taken from the song guys are gross by that handsome devil because I think it’s Brock and warriana core. Listen to it it’s good music
Warriana isn’t quite sure what to make of Brock.
From what little she knows about turtles, they aren’t exactly the parental type, abandoning their young while they're still eggs. But here she is, seeing Brock, a snapping turtle, fuss over one of the Venture boys (Dean she thinks? She doesn’t quite remember). Her tail flicks. Her initial opinion of him was more of a brute than anything, with his tank-like build, sharp scales and claws. Her opinion shifted the night they fought Think Tank together, but here? She doesn’t know anymore.
She knows the sheer strength that he holds, not just with his muscles but also with his claws (as sharp as a bear's from what she’s heard) and bite (anyone who's heard about snapping turtles have heard the stories about them biting fingers off, along with limbs on smaller species). He could tear the goat apart if he wanted to, yet he’s gentle with the Venture boy, carefully checking his fur for any injuries along with making sure his horns aren’t broken (they’re still quite small, she isn’t sure if anything could harm them significantly like that).
The day goes on; she won’t stop thinking about it.
One day he asks her something she’s heard many times.
“Why do you have a mane? Kinda thought only male lions have those.”
She growled slightly hearing that damn question. She hates being asked it. “If you must know, it’s due to a slight hormonal imbalance that I have. That doesn’t change the fact that I’m a lioness.” She snarled, he looked at her almost blankly. “I uh… wasn’t implying anything by asking that. I also have some weird genetic stuff; ah, which is why I have hair, a decent part of my heritage is mammalian; I was just wondering if you had something similar.” He practically rambled on.
She wasn’t sure how to feel about this response. Usually others ask it and be an asshole insinuating she’s not actually a lioness. Yet here Brock is, defying what she thinks of him once again.
Part of her wants to tear his throat out with her teeth, while another appreciates him understanding her and not being an ass about it.
She doesn’t exactly know how, but he ended up sleeping partially on top of her, his face in her mane. It would almost be cute if his beak wasn’t so close to her neck.
She’s heard more about him by now, mostly through rumors in Tophet tower. The villains there have a turn of phrase, “death by Samson”. She’s heard it before but didn’t think much of it, why would she care who this Samson is? Suddenly she thinks she does care, now that his beak is so close to her neck and since she learned that he’s an alligator snapping turtle.
It isn’t exactly hard to visualize what would happen if he decided to bite right now; he could crush her thyroid along with piercing her jugular vein using the ends of his beak. He wouldn’t let go, he’s smart enough that he wouldn't, leading to either her dying from her neck being crushed or him tearing out the part of her neck that was bitten. It’s frightening to imagine.
She doesn’t exactly look forward to moving him off of her. Definitely just because of how dangerous he is, not because she likes having him like this.
“Are you… painting?”
“Huh. Oh, yea, I learned to paint a few years back. I’m not too good at it on account of my lack of actual fingers, but I still paint occasionally.”
She considered this for a few seconds. “…Could you paint me?”
He practically dropped his brush.
She definitely wasn’t starting to also grow fond of the Venture twins. Definitely not.
She and the rest of the Crusaders Action League were just on a simple patrol until Stars and Garters spotted the Brown Widow with someone. She knew this because she saw on her invisible flying chariot, and she also recognized the person the Brown Widow was with. Letting out a mix of a sigh and a growl, she flew the chariot down to the three.
She didn’t particularly care what nonsense he was saying (something about the Brown Widow liking men? What was his problem); what was certain is that as soon as she was close enough, she whacked him in the back of the head as hard as she could without causing permanent damage.
“Quit it Tosh, he hasn’t even done anything.” She growled out, getting ready to grab him by the scruff and pull him away.
“Hi Warriana.” “…Dean.”
She sighed. “You two should leave the area, you wouldn’t want to have this happen again tonight.” He nodded as she turned around and pulled Stars and Garters away from the pair.
(She heard the Brown Widow whisper, asking how Dean knew her. She didn’t hear the response.)
She could tell he’s had a lot on his mind lately.
Between something that he doesn’t talk about because “it’s classified” but very clearly caused him discomfort, and Hank going missing, he’s been going to her a lot.
Not even for sex, just to get his mind off of things by talking to her and doing small menial tasks that she didn’t have the time to do herself. She’d appreciate it if he wasn’t very obviously bothered by the things that have happened lately. His problems are now her problems; the phrase “Shared joy is double joy; Shared sorrow is half a sorrow.” comes to mind.
When Hank went missing, she tried to help when possible, but it got harder to justify prioritizing searching for a missing person to her coworkers as time went on and the case got colder. The media moved on as well, pursuing more… fresh and controversial topics to cover. It sickened her in more ways than one.
All she could really do now is be there for Brock when he comes to her apartment.
She raked her claws through his hair as the two of them lay together, careful not to touch his scalp. Even though part of his face was obscured by her mane, she could still see how the stress was getting to him, most prominently with the bags under his eyes; when did he last sleep? She knows that she probably shouldn’t be worrying about him like this, he’s a grown man that could rip someone in half (she wouldn’t be very surprised if he has done exactly that), he doesn’t need anyone looking out for him.
But maybe he should, especially lately with what was basically one of his sons going missing.
She laid her head down next to his, she hoped the Venture kid was found soon, for his sake at least.
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gren-arlio · 8 months
You guys voted Something Random, I love and hate you at the same time.
In that case...Y'all know about JUMP HERO? Welcome to...well, rambles about some random things.
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(Da Satan Plant. As of writing this I just hit 51 followers. Wow.)
Hey all, Gren here. I know its been a bit since I've properly posted, and frankly, you're not wrong at all. Life's been busy, and with the rate I'm going at (going to college and whatnot, middle of the school year shenanigans,) there's no way in hell I'll be able to keep the once-a-week posting that I've done. Maybe for summer, but I dunno yet.
Also, life's been hitting me HELLA hard recently, so motivation is also not there. If YKYK.
Which leads to an announcement that I made before: I won't exactly be posting weekly anymore. I'll just... post whenever I feel like it nowadays. Adds a lot less stress for me, and I'll be able to send dumb shit about Puyo and Madou here. Ya know, like a normal blog. You might get 3 posts in a week for all you know.
But enough on that. I'm here to ramble. This won't be a Waku Puyo Extras thing or whatever, literally just things I wanna show and explain some nonsense. There's no formula. Enjoy.
I've been working on this stuff since April of last year, and it's been going decently well, people partially know my works. Now, what in the world do I want to show y'all this time around, since I got free will?
Well for one, I'd you've been following my work for a bit, you'd know about the pain that was finding Madou Sugoroku content, that game was so elusive to me that I was convinced it wasn't real for a period of time.
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Uh, yeah. It's real. Very, very much real. And man do I love the style of the game. It's so dang pretty. I'll mention gameplay some other time, I'll cover it another time, but today's not that day.
Also. Arle's fit.
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It's basically Schezo's clothes but it looks so damn good. No complaints here. Though I do wonder how she got it.
I do want to mention the Pairs though. Arle/Satan is fine, Witch/Draco have been paired since like Saturn, Schezo/Incubus at least have Waku Puyo, Minotauros/Rulue is obligatory, but what the FUCK is going on with the pairing of Sasori Man/Zoh Daimoh? The fact they got two word names?
I do wish that Draco just had a little bit more than what she has currently. I love her, she's a funny person and whatnot, I just wish there was...more, you know?
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She's been a character I've been wanting to cover for god knows how long, it's just I've never had enough unique things to talk about with her. Lotta the stuff is things we do know, or Puyo Puyo Tetris [2] sorta just making her beauty obsessed.
Least in Waku Puyo, she has some comedic scenes, canonically being able to make 5 chains and confusing Schezo at least 3 times. And in the manga, she bounces off Rulue and Minotauros decently, her fight was fun to read.
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(Don't ask how Rulue learned Shadow Clone Jutsu)
And for a second, let me say that the designs in this manga are top-notch. Witch's redesign is nice, Rulue's looks really good, Draco's design is great, Schezo consistently has the best clothes, and Lagnus... somehow looks even better.
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Oh yea, speaking of Draco, let's look at someone who sorta kinda maybe perchance looks like her but is actually from JUMP HERO.
... I'm awful with transitions. We're talking about the series. Sorta.
So, JUMP HERO. Series made by Compile, unknown to a lot of us.
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(Nexus image)
Frankly, I want to cover this game sometime. It seems so...interesting. The characters, the gameplay, the story, it all seems so interesting to me.
People like Billie Be Babine, Margarita Linda, (the black and red folks in the front), Sugar & Oligo, they all seem so damn cool. Oh, and that Penguin is some fella named Ivan. He has a reeeeeally long last name.
Oh and that robot guy is like 2 years old canonically. Needed to mention that.
This is Sugar and Oligo btw. They seem fun to talk about sometime.
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(Nexus image)
The game feels so heavily unexplored. I want to see it sometime. When? Whole other story.
But with that, I think this'll end my small ramble about nothing. Thanks for reading.
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saleemb · 6 months
I post a lot rn but uh... Kallters, the Kallters, what the heck ?? Their whole lore is a pain to read, I'm sorry but, WHAT ???? So to be clear... Jon Jarl came to Jorvik, oppressed them, made them hide, and now, everyone forgot about them ?? I never played the actual quest, but what ?.. What is wrong is this ? The kallters are just a mere exemple of what SSO does to their character's minorities. They tried to control it back, but they just got worst, idk ??? The kallters got forgotten when they needed TO NOT BE !!! JON JARL IS PROB THE WORST CHARACTER OF THE GAME !!! As a north african girly(algerian 3rbi from mama with an italian dad hiii), I got so happy when they added Imane to the game, and even considered Sabine mixed Morroccan Jorvegian ?? But now by digging even deeper, everything feels... Off ?? I'm pretty sure it's not made on purpose, but, what ? researching on your character's ethnicity while designing them is SO important. I always compare Sabine as Miguel O'Hara for some reason, they got the "same" treatment; -> Is white passing/looking at first, but already got implied that they were not form the west. -> Gets redesigned and given a "beast appearance" (as i said, beast like chars are good, look at Abby from tlou,) but everytime they're given a tan skin for some reason... it feels... erm, yea, feels off... I kept drawing sabine quite muscular as i headcanon her as a Touareg (own interpretation btw, pretty sure im wrong here), I feel like her design is here to "intimidate", like, for what girllllll... As someone who white pass quite well and is quite muscular, I don't get why they couldn't keep her as she is ?? Even giving her a hair type, idek ?? I know it's VERY important to add representation in media, but if you use that said character to use it as an object of desire, no, thank you :c (i actually love sabine, i just dont get the treatment they gave her, maybe because she's the only girl i could relate to LMAOOO thats acc sad)
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sso you could've succeeded </3
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Hello! Could I please ask you about the flings? Can we play the whole game only having a fling with someone? can we keep the fling alive?
Good evening sweet one!
Did someone say...FLINGS!?
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Now you're speakin my language!
In Contra Spem Spiro, there will be three hookup/fling options.
You can absolutely play the whole game and only have flings!
These three won't be present the entire game, though. Instead, they'll pop up as you embark on your journey. You can choose whether to add them to your group, or leave them to their own devices. Kinda like Dragon Age ooooo
Just know though...the only characters with plot armor are the RO's and MC. everyone else is fair game for me to be evil and do crime. so uh yea, you can try to keep all the flings alive. i will allow an attempt but i can say no more on the matter.
These characters are also currently unavailable for committed relationships. You can befriend them, roll in the hay with them, but that is it i fear. (If i get like, a million requests to make one a late game RO...i'll consider it. or if i do a second book. you know the vibes)
Here are the Contra Spem Spiro fling options !
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♡ Carter Sinclair (he/him)
Carter was a carpenter before shit hit the fan. Good with his hands, he can chop wood with the best of them and then build a house with said wood. Period.
Height: 5'9. Age: 31.
♡ Magdalena (Maggie) Harken (They/Them)
Maggie was getting a master's degree in graphic design when the world went to hell in a handbasket. Their favorite music genre is old school rap. 2Pac, B.I.G, Wu-Tang Clan.
Height: 5'1. Age: 24
♡ Delphine (she/her)
Delphine is a succubus alien. Yes. Mommy? yes no wait. Mommy? shit sorry. She has a calming seductive presence and glows in the dark btw.
Height: 6'1. Age: MILF (like 674 in human years)
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That's all I'm gonna say about them for now to avoid any spoilers!! Lemme know what you guys think of them! I think they're neat (and I need Delphine in like a very feral way)
Giving you the warmest virtual hug, anon! ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
All my love,
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muzzleroars · 1 year
Yo :3
So uh, I’ve been looking through your art and I am absolutely in love with it. I love your use of colors and lineart (ESPECIALLY v1 but I’ll get to them). This will mostly just be me rambling about it cause :]
Dude how the fuck do you get emotion so well done. V1 is immaculate, like look at this shit
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You can feel that it’s alien to non robots, but is genuinely curious. I absolutely love how you draw poses. Especially since the characters don’t have faces, body language is key. They feel like they have a personality with each drawing. Always hunched down and extended with no regards to social norms. The attention to detail is what really makes it, the thicker outlines on the character make them pop more, and your take on V1 is clearly thought out well, along with your ultrakill characters.
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While my favorite is v1, Micheal in your aus is especially well written and drawn. His design reminds me a lot of the corpse of king Minos / Minos prime. which I like! It highlights their contrast, how Minos tried to reason with a higher being on an equal level. Micheal acted instead, deeming himself unworthy of said higher being. Both genuinely cared for their citizens, both were royalty. Minos spoke out, Micheal stayed isolated, which only further deteriorated him, unlike Minos, who instead was proactive, reaching out to other layers and kings like Sisyphus. Sometimes you need to know what it’s like to feel consequence in order to succeed. But in the end, both of their bodies are left to rot, unable to succeed.
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Also I really like this one of v1. Their silhouette is distinctive and you’re good at posing :3
Sry. Idk if this is weird or creepy, but I thought I’d share my thoughts with you since I like analyzing stuff.
THE WAY THIS MADE ME SO EMOTIONAL THO....WTF THANK YOU SO MUCH......it's absolutely mind-blowing to me that you pay attention to these little details because i absolutely try to add all of these things intentionally, but i find myself thinking like 'will anyone even care??? about these tiny things???' so it means more than i can say to see that someone does!!!!! like i'm so happy to know that my characterization of v1 comes through, because i really do have a very clear idea in my mind of its behavior and personality that i'm trying to convey through still images. v1's movements are bird/raptor-like and while i give it a very sophisticated, sentient mind, its intelligence is nonhuman and it is a being that absolutely doesn't conform to our standards. v1 is something new, and i want it to be something that clearly has an internal life and a bright mind, yet exhibits very little corresponding human behaviors. plus, it's a bit odd because of its somewhat corrupted software, and so i wanted too for its little hunched posture to show it's sort of a machine gone feral (in the traditional, once was domesticated but is now on its own sense lol) - it was made with a humanoid body shape and so SHOULD stand up straight, but it doesn't anymore. because it doesn't want to. and so!!! i really do draw v1 with a LOT of intention and i put plenty of thought into posing it correctly to both convey its character and its emotion in the piece...and since it's my favorite, i'm so glad i'm doing it justice!!
AND YEA!!! michael definitely has parallels to minos (which i started to think on when i realized their head shape is....kinda similar lol i swear i was just going for crown + blindfold for mike's helmet but oops!!) and i do like their throughlines as fallen rulers, plus their sort of opposing yet ultimately disastrous relationships to their own corpse - minos is separated from his and must watch as it mindlessly tears his city apart while michael is trapped in a flesh prison of his own body, forced to stay within it as it rots away. they are two rulers that would have done anything for their people, and yet both failed them despite again taking opposite paths. minos really had no hope, the external forces of heaven coming down on him in their full authority, though he will forever blame himself. michael departed despite, with god's disappearance, being essentially the highest in heaven - he believed only god could save them though, that he could never become a king from a prince (again, due to heaven's own hierarchy). their meeting would be nothing but utter disaster, but it does make me consider their interactions a little more closely when michael decides to test minos prime's strength (because while michael would have a lot to say about how minos failed his people by defying god, minos would have much to say in turn about a prince abandoning his people at their weakest)
BUT FOR REAL....this message was so amazingly kind and i want to thank you again for sending it my way. it just made me!!!! feel so happy to see that my art is loved and that the work i put into it really means something. honestly it's the best thing i could ask for <3
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beetlebugdash · 1 year
Miraculous awakening thoughts and live reaction! (Major spoilers!)
- holy crap we made it to a movie
- I'm so excited
- Remember back in season 2 (I think) that a live action movie was coming
- Good times
- Anyways this
- Netflix presents tears
- No magic
- we've been known thanks for explaining
- Dark butterflies and angry? Wanna see the counterpart
- stronger than death?
- PARIS!!??!)
- classic movie intro is classic
- the road????
- Marionette wears a watch?
- I love her dad
- 10/10 diversity
- Daddy??? Ok Chloe
- Listen to my chest???? Idk what u mean
- Christina that isn't your singing voice
- love the painter's design
- It dosent sound like her
- Lotta unique background character designs
- iconic locations beauty
- other friends???
- I wanna know
- Gabriel designs, you'll soon hate him
- Polka dot dress before ladybug
- Ooo sparkles
- fireworks ooooooo
- "Here's some perfume”
- NATALIE And Gabriel
- Love that persons hair
- I thought Gabriel is never in public?¿
- Chloe's voice sounds odd?
- oh it's Gabriel agreste sweater
- A+ to alya
- recorder
- ugh she looks so pretty
- Odd
- Rude ugh
- Oh i hate Chloe
- At least we know school layout kinda
- Little bit of luck? Yea here allergies
- Alegies or dust WE NEED TO KNOW
- theyre trying to make everyone fall for Adrien
- ukulele music?
- oooo amusement park
- Depressing Adrien
- Natalie I love
- i smell a sad song
- long entry hallways
- Wow Gabriel has very pretty nails
- oh she was a performer omg
- ooooooooooo
- nooroo????
- master fu knows whazzup
- This movie is going really fast an lots of jumps
- Oh plagg and tikki fight????
- Marinella????
- 10/10 BREAKS
- uh crazy man bye
- creepy hall? Sure!
- Poor Chloe
- Sabrina is a wingman OOO
- random window opening? Sure!
- failed proposal?
- oh no first akuma attack
- well evil spirits
- Oooo a ladybug
- ooooooo
- “Who saves a life saves the world”
- can you say kwami
- Tiny genie sure
- "I'll hide in a tree"
- Aw marinette has doubts
- "Im out of patience"
- that poor security guard
- "first a song now a yoyo what's next a tea set???"
- oh hi cat noir
- bonjour
- "Do I know u?"
- omg cat noir will always me my fav
- CAT PUNS!!?!
- oh no cat noir
- "Not on the first date!"
- Omg I love him
- "Is that a watermelon"
- wet haired cat noir
- 👍
- little Adrien lol
- cat noir outta breath lol
- 2-0 gargoyle
- "Thank goodness marinette is at home" lol
- WO
- zag news LOL
- oh no loose akuma
- master FU
- Miraculous: tales of watermelon and insane
- coooooooool
- Hawkwho?
- failure is not your enemy, fears are
- New cat singing voice
- I like this voice (no offence Bryce)
- oh I love this song
- Bounce from the clouds
- and moon cloud
- Oh it's a swan cloud
- Transitions are horrid
- rosemary?
- stinks
- ewwwww
- Natalie hears PLAGG LOL
- And cat puns!
- Hey he has picture in his room!
- "she knows her stuff" *proceeds to screem*
- mic drop marinette out
- can't get rid of it lol
- haHaHA
- poop
- ugh fear
- nooroo ily
- “I have nothing to loose” ADRIEN??
- Shakespeare hawkmoth
- Butt kicking girl superhero WOO
- how did u get some of those
- stealing money????????
- Dr love nino
- Roses means desperate
- oh I love marinettes dad
- Dr love more like Dr not
- why did u look at her sketches
- man duck Gabriel
- oh no poor nino
- 0.0
- oooo chaos
- Ironically I just saw a magician today
- I think?
- anxiety ridden Marinette
- eh it’s ok I guess?
- Animation still looks cool
- Tikki scare is scary
- creepy baby balloon
- what is with ladybug and cats voices
- boo you Chloe
- nino confession goes out the window
- At least their adding sounds to the bell like come on it is annoying
- whoops
- this is the ladynoir I’ve been missing from the show
- glow=danger?
- broken heart
- love song love song love song love song
- “I wouldn’t get close to anyone after my mom died” “I got close to you” AAAAAAAAH
- oh i love them
- OW
- Follow your heart AND THEIR THE SAME PERSON!
- ow
- aw
- She wears a tank top?
- “I dreamed of calling Paris home” uh you live in Paris?????
- Where did they get the ladybug and cat noir shots?
- creepy eepy
- yOOooOooo
- wow this got dark quick
- dude look outside
- selfie it truly is gen z
- no don’t do this now
- stronger together????
- oh no
- Another fall for the Eiffel Tower yet this feels different
- oh no oh no oh no
- ow
- flashback
- love over death
- Marinette watching like 🧍‍♀️
- oooooo pretty music
- master fu where did u come from
- LADYBUG LADYBUG (and cat noir maybe)
- ok that’s different
- aaaawwww it’s nearly over
- Sabrina’s just like “meh”
- post credit sequal?
- SEQUAL??????
- Overall: harsh transitions, hate ladybugs voice, and a bit rushed, and I despised the ending was anticlimactic with ladybug, but overall for a miraculous movie was alright it has amazing animation
- They somehow made it cater for both the old and longtime fans and young and newbie fans good job (for the most part)
- I don’t have a rating since it’s a stand alone movie so I’m just gonna go cry in the corner until season 6 or more ladynoir
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northwest-cryptid · 1 year
I found this image on my computer, which; without context is probably EXTREMELY confusing but it kills me every time I see it
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I cannot tell you how badly I wish I could explain this game to you all, more specifically the adventure I went on with Chester but all I have left from the streams is this recap, which if you can forgive my god awful voice/audio summarizes exactly nothing everything and shows just how often my audience abuses the sound/music alerts video below the read more so it shouldn't randomly auto-play for anyone:
So, right off the bat horribly sorry for my god awful voice gracing your ears.
Other than that, for people who don't know; Kenshi is possibly my favorite open world sandbox game because it genuinely has so much to offer. It has no goals, it has no morality system nor does it try to tell you what is right and wrong. Kenshi just puts you in the world and asks you to survive however you want.
In the playthrough I'm doing on my streams I am playing as Chester, who's literally an old man who was a slave, escaped slavery, and lost all of his limbs; he has since been re-enslaved but broken out several times. I've decided that since he has been mistreated directly by slavers he would seek to rid the world of the two factions in the game that heavily support slavery, those being The Holy Nation (who are essentially a parody of Extremist Christians with their sexist and racist beliefs that anyone who isn't a Greenlander Male needs to be someone else's slave, or be killed) and The United Cities (who are basically Capitalism, I would say "Capitalism to the extreme" but no that's implied by saying Capitalism in the first place. Wealth is everything to them, how you get it doesn't matter; sell drugs, sell people; who cares as long as you make money in the end) as a result his journey has taken him all over the world.
Now normally in Kenshi you play as a group of characters you can set up a base somewhere, start up productions and do whatever. Kenshi is really well designed in that the world will come to you and happen at you but it will never treat you like anyone special even if you become a big shot. Taking out a few Holy Nation Paladins will get you a bad rep with the Holy Nation but no one is going to call you an Anti-Slaver hero, but if you take down Holy Lord Phoenix himself, you'll start to get a name for yourself both good and bad depending on who you ask. For every ally you make you make an enemy of someone else. If you build in bandit territory they will demand food to not launch raids, if you build in Shek lands they want their tribute for your colonization, if you build in the United Cities you better be ready to pay taxes. The world feels alive no matter how you play, and Chester is something of a nomad who just wants to explore the world and have one last adventure while leaving the wastelands a more peaceful place than he came into it as.
My current playthrough off stream is actually 100% different, I'm a lone barkeeper who set up shop in one of the towns of the United Cities, I would buy slaves and release them if they chose to stay with me I'd give them a job working at my pub. I was literally just a humble barkeep. Eventually I had the whole situation automated, we have robots manning everything, one running well water to the farmer, one working the farms harvesting crops and turning them into usable ingredients, another taking the ingredients and preparing food, another running that food to the front desk for sales, it was an elaborate and beautiful pipeline delivering grog, sake, and plenty of rice to the fine people of Stoat while simultaneously ridding the UC (United Cities) of their slaves, with the money lining my pockets it wasn't hard to buy out every slave shop I came across, and just release the slaves.
Oh yea and I have modded the game to all hell without a care as to what I was actually modding in, which means everything from vroid models to dinosaurs to uh... warframe grineer? For some reason?
So my playthrough kinda looks like this:
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I kinda want to run you through this playthrough in hopes it will share some of why I love Kenshi with you. See the stats in this game are brutal and they only get better by being used. If you want to get tougher you need to be beaten, if you want to run faster you need to travel, if you want to make better clothing you need to do a lot of crafting. So with only 6 Athletics (which is nothing) and a dream, I took off to go get my Skeleton crew (Skeletons are the name for robots in this game) which are out in the Black Desert which suffers from constant acid rain and lightning storms... which are a slight problem, however that's not as much of a problem when I didn't even make it 5 minutes out the door before some bandits launched an assault on me because I happened to have a loaf of bread in my pocket, yea this game is UNFAIR and it's great but we'll get to why later.
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^ See this in the bottom left? Those are your health bars, you don't get HP in this game you get values for your limbs. Your VITAL limbs are things like your head, chest, stomach, and obviously blood. The higher your toughness stat the lower those can go before you fall unconscious/die. However you can entirely lose arms and legs and still be okay, you can even craft your own limbs (or steal them in the case of Chester :P) to replace them, and in a lot of cases limbs are a trade off, maybe you're really strong but that strength means you don't have good finger dexterity so you can't pick locks or steal very well but you can bust open a door or hit someone really hard, scout legs for example give you a ton of movement speed as they're basically springs on your feet, but they don't have a lot of health value so if you get hit in the leg you're probably going down quick, not to mention you can't swim very well with large pieces of metal for legs. These trade offs are really fun and the way health values work in this game is something I hated at first but came to love as I played more.
Everything you survive in Kenshi literally makes you stronger, it's that age old saying "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" yea it's that cranked up to 11, because wouldn't you know it after hiring some robots at a pub (they can only drink grog because it's basically oil to them, and yes they have oil not blood as a stat; man the devs really put so much detail into this game it's so cute) I got struck by lightning and left out in acid rain... with literally no protection from it.
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However if you notice most of my stats are in the green minus stomach and chest... and my left arm but my VITALS are doing better because I already took a beating getting here, and I got tougher for it! God I love that shit so much it's such a cool concept because it means you organically grow over the course of the game!
So anyways we get back to Stoat eventually (I had to get one of the robots to carry me) and we begin to properly set up shop, it's real cozy since there's no real conflict and I have plenty of money (called Cats) to spend on resources right now
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I even started making and selling weapons and stuff! I eventually had enough money I bought ANOTHER building and decided to turn this one into a big farm, we'd use moister farming to condense water in the air since we're in the middle of the desert and wells out here kinda suck for consistent water supply, we'll continue the use of hydroponic farming and start bread production from grain silos, yes all of this shit matters; Kenshi is a complex game with lots of moving parts, I mean hell there's a whole graph for making robotic limbs and it's fantastic, you have to know what to make at what crafting station and where it all needs to go, and what research you need to do to unlock it all. This game makes you work for your reward and then properly gives you a fitting reward when you can make shit like this:
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This whole thing is a blueprint that contains 3 different types of farms (Vegetables, Rice, and Wheat) a grain silo to turn the wheat to flour, then an oven for baking that flour to bread, as well as Grog, Rum, and Sake distilleries, storage for it all, as well as 4 stoves all set to make various foods from the farms, the floor above this houses 6 water condensers that will generate passive water for us so the farms won't dry out, and you know what? This all pays off, we make literally over 100k just selling various foods and drink that cost nothing for us to make since we can now grow it all in house!
Just to give you an idea, there was a moment like this for Chester too, except Chester's moment was when he tracked down a tyrannical Skeleton warlord who had been literally making skeletons go haywire so he could have an army to commit genocide on anyone and everyone, Chester couldn't fight through the literal hundreds of thralled skeletons so instead we used stealth which we had been training for a good while now; and snuck into his throne room before carefully sneaking up and assassinating him. It turns out he has one of the strongest weapons in the game, something called a "Meitou Falling Sun" which is actually really important because the "Meitou" in that name is the weapon's grade, Meitou is a grade only given to 1 of each class of weapon, forged by an ancient blacksmith named Cross who was renowned as a legendary blacksmith who made top tier weapons. Now the Falling Sun is still WAY too heavy for Chester to use properly, but he was able to grab the warlord and turn him in to an anti-slaver group for a bounty, fun fact about that the anti-slaver group is ran by another Skeleton who used to be friends with said warlord but didn't agree with his system of going to war, and instead became an anti-slaver gigachad who doesn't even fight with a weapon.
Notice how in my Barkeeper run my big moment was automating a farm + kitchen combo and decorating my bar to be nice and fancy; but for Chester it was basically an elaborate stealth mission to assassinate/Stealth KO a warlord and change the global politics of the game entirely? Yea that's the freedom this game gives you, you will get these big rewarding moments no matter how you play. In one of my playthroughs that rewarding moment was hunting down a slaver group who had taken one of my characters and enslaved them, I broke everyone out of the camp including my old team member and despite effectively only getting back to square 1 (having both my party members in the party again) it felt super cool and rewarding to break them out of this elaborate slave prison and set everyone free to help me fight off the guards, because my whole playthrough changed when they got captured, suddenly I cared a lot more about lock picking and stealth and everything else took a backseat, I joined a group of ninjas and had them train me so I could sneak in and pick all the locks before opening all the cages and arming all the slaves with weapons from the storage rooms. Kenshi is an entirely unique experience every playthrough and speaking of playthroughs after I upgraded my bar I decided to take a little vacation out of the desert to go pick up some more friends, this time I figured I'd get some fleshy new hires since I want to diversify a little bit. While I was out, this Beak Thing (large carnivore creatures who when the game was released, could accidentally talk and would absolutely destroy you before saying "relax, enjoy death" which is the most terrifying shit) got stuck in our grog room
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But he's still only a pup so we can't legally give him any alcohol, don't worry; he still hasn't left and he's now an Elder. I am trying to find the guy who will sell him to me because he's become something of a mascot for the bar. He also doesn't fit anymore...
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So you may be wondering if there's plot or anything and well, there kinda is; and it's super organic and I love it to death. Okay so let's back up, now that I have an automated system I've begun going town to town and buying a bar in each major town in the UC this allows me to make money in town and then buy out the slave market freeing any slaves and hiring any who want to stick around giving them a weapon more powerful than a sword in the UC; money. In doing so I wound up in a coastal town called Bark where I was approached by a young woman and this dialogue happend:
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It's a little hard to read but I'll summarize if you're not able to read it; essentially she asks if I'm from around here and when I ask if there's a problem by any chance she tells me she somehow fucked up with nobility, which in the UC is a big deal; like a "they will kill you" big deal. She tells me she NEEDS to get out of town, so I ask her what she was involved in; remember that if I get a bad rep with the UC my bars will be raided, all the slaves I have employed will be killed, I won't be able to fight the system so for now I have to play nice and that means I can't be helping anyone out if it costs me my own skin; plus I'm not some super strong anime protagonist, I'm a fucking barkeeper! I have no stats for fighting at this point and can't very well go to war with the UC over one person as much as I may want to help everyone. She tells me it's all a conspiracy and someone ratted her out, she needs to be gone by the morning so I tell her I'll see what I can do; yes you can actually disguise people and sneak them over boarders in this game it's incredible. However she tells me she only needs about 3k to bribe the guards to look the other way, 3k is pretty much nothing to me at this point so I say sure. After which point she joins our squad, I am then approached by another young lady looking to join up and get out of town; sounds good to me but I kinda need people here to run the shop in this town so I attempted to have a bit of dialogue to figure out why she wanted out so bad;
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But she's an absolute riot, she tells me she has a pet Gutter (a species of Beak Thing) named Grimes and how she apparently has had a steamy affair with the barman's daughter and then even goes so far as to try to show me her weird rash but I figured we knew enough and you know we stan a lesbian with a weird rash.
But I couldn't just leave them here if they weren't well protected; so I set up a small fishing camp, and taught them how to farm, I even bought them a house and made good sure Khida was safe to leave town if needed.
I even installed a little Gutter weathervane for Ojillo on their farm
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This game just has so much charm! Though I really need to get these two some clothes, most characters spawn with pants but not shirts; but the game is never weird about it so meh I'll pick them up some leather jackets from the shop down the road from my pub.
Now remember how I said I'm physically pretty weak? And how I can't really fight yet? Well to fix that I went ahead and used the skills I do have (in crafting) to make myself some martial arts gear, in this case this absolute insanely modded mess of a game showed me I could make Goku's gi and you know I have never seen Dragon Ball but that wasn't going to stop me, I even found a guy selling some weird robotic enhancements and bought that to go with it.
I essentially waited around at the gates of Stoat for wildlife, bandits, or threats of any nature to attack the town and when the guards would get involved I'd just back them up, it was pretty safe and if I was knocked out I had my pub staff nearby with medkits to pick me up and haul my ass back to bed. After a LONG time of this I was finally skilled enough at dodging, tough enough to take hits when I couldn't dodge, and actually skilled enough with martial arts; to explore the wilds out by where Beak Things live, I was hoping to get some beak thing eggs since they sell for a good price and I could use them in cooking some really nice stuff to sell at my pub, would absolutely bring in higher paying clientele and I'm all about that.
Oh and while I was doing all of this, the rest of the world was still actively going on around me, remember how I said I was freeing slaves? They were starting to take notice of this, and one of my ex-slave employee's Frump went by the slave yard to free some more people when this really wholesome interaction happened:
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Kenshi really does a great job of making the world feel like it's happening around you but at the same time, taking notice of you. I love stuff like this, it's genuinely cool to see slaves notice my faction and know they have a chance of escaping because I set slaves free; and yet they don't immediately trust me just off my reputation because that's the kind of world Kenshi is, it's a world where for all they know I "free" slaves and then shoot them for sport, or feed them to my pet dinosaur for fun. Oh yeah my pet dinosaur, about that.
So remember how I said I was going to go get beak thing eggs for profit and money? I found a Western Tyrant instead, or at least a Juvenile one; a quick fight later and it was knocked out, I patched it up and dragged it's ass back to my house in The Hub where I was greeted by none other than Elma from Xenoblade Chronicles X and 2b from NieR; why? Because MODS BAY-BEE WOOOO!
ANYWAYS we put it in a cage so it can't kill us and we feed it until it trusts us, we name it Gura because it will become an Apex Predator, and now we are best friends :D
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Look at it! I love this thing! It's so cute! It's still a baby so I have to be careful not to let it get into fights with things that could easily kill it but it's a tanky beast and I'm keeping it safe. Well...
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On my way back to Stoat I found a group of nomads who were also traveling with animals and I decided to follow them, strength in numbers and all that; we're all friends here.
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This game is honestly beautiful to me even on low settings; I love looking up from the desert wasteland and seeing huge planets floating over the horizon it really sells me on the scale of this world.
Eventually we got to a town where I hadn't had a chance to set up a shop, the Nomads just brought me to an entirely new place; so I ran by the local bar to pick up a new hire and well, interview went great!
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I literally asked if they had any potential skills they said no, and I hired them on the spot!
Oh yea I also found a guy getting chased around by a "processor unit" which are basically robotic vulture raptors that eat dying things; he was beat up pretty bad in a fight and woke up from his recovery coma because the unit was eating his flesh, and then the pathfinding decided he should RUN IN CIRCLES
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So I see this looney tunes bullshit off in the distance while I'm traveling; gotta love it. Good luck dude! Some say he's still out there running in circles to this day.
This happened by the way because he was trying to attack the unit, and the unit was trying to attack him and the pathfinding wouldn't just let him turn around, and dear lord it was hilarious.
I was also laughing really hard because I sent my friends THIS picture which looks like the most generic youtube clickbait thumbnail, but was meant to express how much hell I was going through trying to transport all my goods over to the next town which was so heavy I couldn't move faster than 4 mph but of course there were a ton of things in the desert at this exact time of day, that want me dead:
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I guess what I'm trying to say with this extremely long rambling, is that I genuinely love Kenshi for how much love and care and soul it has. Every character I encounter has a story, something to say, something to do. I wander into a town and someone tells me about this legend they heard and they want to join me to go hunt down some treasure somewhere, or I'll stumble into a pirate town where anyone who doesn't know the pirate code is immediately taken in to become a slave and work your way up through the ranks because you're an obvious outsider; but you can buy a pirate code book off a drunk guy super cheap at a bar and then pretend to know enough to not get caught. Sometimes I'm running through a place just for travel and stumble upon "Skin Bandits" who are Skeletons who think they're human, and they're all friends with a human who's their leader; and made them "peeler machines" to peel the flesh off their "flesh brothers" and wear the skin as a suit; genuine horror shit right there and I love it. Kenshi has so much packed into it, you could be a leviathan hunter seeking riches from battling behemoths that roam the land, or you could be a barkeeper who just wants to settle down in a quiet town and run a shop, or you could be an anti-slaver and free the oppressed people of the world; and hell there's nothing saying you have to play this way. If you prefer to be a morally bad person in games you can join the Holy Nation, you can become a slave trader; you can steal and kill to your hearts content because the game will never point a finger at you and say "you're being morally bad and mean and rude!" Instead you are chased down by the police, you might have to break out of jail, you might have to fight and die to get out of prison or to get away because you may get caught trying to rob people. Kenshi is immersive because it never tells you "no" outright, it plays like a huge game of D&D where everything is fair to the point of being brutal and unfair. Like the game doesn't deem you anyone important, you're just another person; so every choice you make matters but not in some grand scheme kind of way.
And what's really cool about it is, if you do want to be some important person, you can do that too! If you take out a big political name, someone else will make moves to take their place; other factions will move into the land and take up residency and you can sway how the game map will turn out. You can help the Shek reclaim their land, you can help the Holy Nation colonize everything, you can help the United Cities get even richer, or you can hang out in the swamps with the turtles; they're cute as fuck dude I love those little guys.
Yes the game is buggy, and yes you should probably mod the fuck out of it because there's a ton of ways to cheese it and honestly sometimes a bit of quality of life mods can go a long ways toward making a game more fun.
But I ultimately think this game deserves a look if you're into these sort of genres; explore the world, see what it has to offer; and just have fun with it. If you're curious and don't wanna play it yourself you're always welcome to check out my streams, Chester's quest to get all his stats to 100 is about to start back up again, we still need to put an end to the Holy Nation and make Chester the gigachad he deserves to be; so if you can handle my absolutely aggravating voice come hang out if you feel inclined.
Anyhow thanks for reading all of this, hope you enjoyed it; I could gush about Kenshi and it's little details all day but I'll spare you since this post is long enough as it is.
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vampyreki · 7 months
who are your twst faves? I've seen you reblog some posts about them and, while i'm not planning to get into it, i'm willing to absorb knowledge from you :3
so you see the characters are designed by yana toboso (the author of black butler )( i love black butler i even have the artbooks)
My favorite dorm is Ignihyde which consist of the pairs of brothers ortho and idia !
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That's Idia the older brother , he's a gamer and honestly kinda cringe but that makes for some very funny lines
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He's very introverted and can be very relatable lol
(His backstory is very sad though :'c)
He dotes on his little brother Ortho (its more like he cant say no to him)
And that's normal because ortho is literally so adorable ! He's a robot artificial intelligence that gained sentience after book 6 se he's like a real boy now lol
He has some really beautiful card like the fairy gala one
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and some cute one like this halloween one
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(i think its cute because its the same expression that idia often does 🥺)
Overall he's a cute and cheerful kid that can be a little mischievous but also like. hes a little brother obviously hes gonna be like that .
I also really like epel and riddle !
Epel is a first year from pomefiore and feels out of place because he's from a farmer family and doesnt care about pomefiore's ideals of being the most beautiful possible lol. He's a fun guy because you'd think he's cute and dainty but he literally tried to fight his dorm leader day one of being in school and is very good at flying (considered a sport ingame world ) !
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He doesn't like being called cute or being mistaken for a girl because he thinks he's being considered weak (yea thats a little mysogynistic but he gets character development and stop thinking like that dw abt it )
Riddle is the Heartslaybul housewarden and has a short temper and kinda (very much) a control freak , he's the antagonist (?) of book 1 (Antagonist doesnt fit because there's no good or bad guy in twst everyone has flaws and act towards their interests but uh he's the first boss we fight)
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He's a straight A student and always strive for perfection , as a dorm leader he upholds the queen of heart rule's that are kinda stupid very strictly , after overblotting (becoming a boss after accumulating too much negative energy and using magic ) he notices his mommy issues (literally, his mother sheltered him from the outside world and forbade him to go outside to play and was generally way too demanding ) and he chills out a bit , he gained patience and doesnt ask for the impossible still very serious abt the rules tho
I also love grim !
He's the magical cat (his species is unknown ) you meet in game and is pretty much inseparable from the prefect (player) because the two are considered one student because as a human from earth the prefect cant use magic but Grim tried to sneak into the opening ceremony to be a student because he want to be a great mage !
He's a huge trouble maker and very mischievous , always thinks about food and call the prefect his hench human , but he's honestly really cute and endearing and worry about the prefect when he notices they're not well 🥺
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So basically he's just a little kitty :3 . He gets outfits during events , most of the time it's just his ribbon but sometimes he gets full outfits !
I also like Rollo who is a character that appeared in one (1) limited halloween event (of which he was the boss at the end and generally the "villain" of the story).
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He's a student of noble bell college , and is very serious and proper . He really really hates one of the guy from night raven college (for backstory reasons ) . idk i just think he's neat
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ari-makes · 7 months
Another Dance
*TW some stuff happens to Ari so yea Warning*
*Context the characters Ari and Brunette were fighting*
Notes: This is my first finished story it is a bit bad but I did get some help from some people. Without further ado enjoy Another Dance.
Brunette: (laughs) Yeah, of course, Ari. You're right about that. Friends always make up. I'm really sorry for getting so worked up. It won't happen again, I promise. You're the best friend I could ever ask for. (hugs him tighter)
Ari: (smiles) No worries, Brunette. I know you didn't mean it. You're my best friend too, you know that. And hey, at least we had a good laugh out of it, right? (chuckles) Now, how about we clean up this mess and get back to our game? We were almost at the final boss!
Brunette: (nods) Yeah, that sounds good. Let's put everything back where it belongs and get back to the game. I'll make us some snacks while we're at it. (starts gathering up the items they knocked over)
Ari: (watches her as she cleans up) Thanks, Brunette. You're really good to me. (starts helping her pick things up) So, how about I teach you some new baking recipes? I've been practicing some new cake designs, and I think you'd be really good at it.
Brunette: (smiles) That sounds nice, Ari. I'd like that. I'm not the best cook, but I'm always up for learning something new. And who knows? Maybe with your help, I'll be able to make cakes as good as yours. (finishes gathering the items and stands up)
Ari: (finishes as well) Alright, let's get back to our spots. I'll show you some basic steps, and then you can practice on your own. And don't worry, your cakes will be just as good, if not better than mine!
Brunette: (sits down at her desk) Thanks, Ari. I really appreciate it. (looks at her laptop) Okay, let's get back to the game. Do you want to be the one who controls this character, or shall I?
Ari: (sits down as well) Oh, uh, sure. You can control the character this time. I'll just watch and give you some pointers. (leans back in his chair, watching her intently)
Brunette: (grins) Okay, here we go. (starts playing the game) So, Ari, what kind of cake designs are you planning to teach me first? Maybe you can show me some pictures or something, so I have an idea?
Ari: (nods) Sure, I can do that. Actually, I've been working on a really cool design for a chocolate-caramel cake. It's kind of like a checkerboard pattern, with alternating layers of chocolate and caramel. I can show you some pictures later. (watches her play, offering advice when needed)
Narrator: They spend the rest of the day playing video games and talking about their plans for the future. Ari and Brunette grow even closer as friends, sharing laughter and support throughout their adventures. Their friendship blossoms into something truly special, filled with mutual trust and understanding. As they continue to explore their interests together, they discover new ways to inspire and challenge each other, making every day an exciting journey of self-discovery and growth.
Ari: (after some time) You know, we should think about doing something special for our next game night. Like, inviting some other friends to join us or maybe having a themed night or something. What do you think?
Brunette: (thinks for a moment) That actually sounds really fun! We could invite some of our other friends who also love gaming, or even plan a theme night where we dress up as our favorite video game characters. That would be so much fun!
Ari: Hey Brunette I was thinking (hesitates) could i dress up as the girl character?
Brunette: (laughs) Of course you can, Ari! I mean, you're my best friend, and I trust you to pull off any character you want. But I promise not to laugh too hard when I see you in that outfit! So, what kind of theme night were you thinking of?
Ari: oh um you know….that one character.
Brunette: (raises an eyebrow) Oh, you mean the one who dresses like a schoolgirl? Yeah, I get it. Well, if that's what you want to do, then go for it! But just remember, I'll be dressing up as a character too, so you better not show me up!
Ari: yea don't worry I won't.
Brunette: (grins) Alright then, let's start brainstorming! How about we have a "classic games night" theme? Everyone can come dressed as their favorite character from an old-school game like Mario, Zelda, or Sonic the Hedgehog. That way, we can all relive some nostalgic memories and have a blast playing together!
Ari: That sounds fun! can we invite…..you know.
Brunette: (smiles) Of course we can invite whoever you want, Ari. This is your idea just as much as it is mine. So, who do you have in mind?
Ari: Brunette don't play with me you know who I'm talking about!!!
Brunette: Who?
Ari: You Know Aspen! I want to invite him.
Brunette: Oh! I see. Well, that's sweet of you, Ari. Well, if you think he'll enjoy gaming night, then go for it! I'm sure he'll have a great time. Just remember, I'll be here for you if things get awkward or weird between the two of you. You know, as a friend to both of you. (smiles reassuringly)
Ari: Thank You so much Brunette!!! You're the best!
Brunette: Awww, thanks, Ari. You're pretty much the best friend a girl could ask for too. Now, let's start planning this gaming night! What do you want to do first? Invite everyone or figure out the menu?
Ari: I wanna eat Japanese food, so we can put that on the menu.
Brunette: Japanese food sounds perfect! I'm sure everyone will love it. So, who do you want to invite first? Aspen or some of our other friends?
Ari: (blushes at the sound of Aspen's name)
Brunette: (notices Ari's reaction but doesn't say anything) Okay, well then, let's start by making a list of all our gamer friends and their contact information. That way, we can reach out to them and let them know about the party. Sound good?
Ari: yea sounds great!
Ari: (still blushing a bit and hesitant about his question) Brunette? If I kissed Aspen at the party what would you do?
Brunette: (taken aback by the question) Ari, I… I don't know. I mean, I'd want you to be happy, but I'm not sure what I'd do in that situation. I guess it would depend on how he reacted and everything. Do you think you'll kiss him?
Ari: (a bit surprised by Brunette's reaction) I…I don't know.
Brunette: (smiling reassuringly) Hey, it's okay if you don't. Like I said, I'm here for you either way. Just focus on having fun and enjoying the party, okay? And if anything happens, we'll deal with it together, just like we always do.
Ari: Thanks.
Brunette: (nods) No problem. Now, let's get back to planning the party! What do you think about having a "Mario Kart" tournament? It'll be a fun way to get everyone involved and add some competition to the night.
Ari: (excitedly) That is a great idea!!! and maybe the loser has to do a dare!
P.S.*The Mario tournament gets scrapped halfway through the story so don't get attached to the idea.*
Brunette: (laughs) Okay, so we'll have a tournament with three rounds. The first round will be double elimination, and then the finals will be a single elimination match. For dares, we can come up with something fun like a dance-off or a costume change. Sound good?
Ari: (excitedly) I go with the costume change idea I think it sounds fun!! P.S.*this also does not happen*
Brunette: (smiles) Alright then! I'll set up a sign-up sheet for the tournament, and we can start planning some fun dares for the losers. In the meantime, why don't you text Aspen and see if he's available for the party? I'll start working on the menu and making sure we have enough food for everyone.
Ari: (turns red when Aspen is mentioned) Yea i'll do that.
Brunette: (notices him blushing) So Who is on your mind?
Brunette: (proud of what she said)
Ari: (still blushing) Wh…What d..do you mean?
Brunette: (laughs) I'm just teasing, don't be nervous. I'm sure Aspen will be happy to come to the party. And if not, there's always someone else to hang out with. You're not just confined to talking to him all night, you know. Just focus on having fun and enjoying the party, no matter what happens.
Ari: (relieved) Thanks I needed that.
Ari: You know Brunette you can invite some of your friends.
Brunette: (grins) Thanks, but I want you to feel comfortable inviting your friends too. Besides, I'm sure our other friends will be happy to meet some of your friends from the game store. It'll be a good chance for everyone to mingle and make new connections.
Ari:(smiles softly) Yea I think i should invite some of my cosplaying friends! and maybe my bus buddy!!! and all the people in my friend circle!! all together there are about 18 people coming.
Brunette: (feeling like teasing Ari again) Did you count Aspen~?
Ari: (blushing) No… I mean… I hope he comes.
Brunette: (feeling a bit sorry) Hey, don't worry about it. Like I said, if he comes, great. If he doesn't, there's plenty of other people to I have fun' withm sure. And he who knows'll, maybe come someone else, Ari will be. interested in You' youre a really nice guy,~ and I'm sure he'll want to be there to see you having fun. And even if he doesn't, there's always the party to look forward to. Don't put too much pressure on yourself, okay? Just enjoy the process of planning and inviting everyone. Well, if he doesn't, there will be plenty of other people for you to hang out with. And who knows, maybe you'll meet someone new and interesting. You never know what can happen at a party, right?
Ari: (a bit nervous) Right.
Brunette: The party will be tomorrow. is that okay?
Ari: yea it sounds okay.
Narrator: That night, Ari couldn't help but feel a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. He had never been to a party with so many people, and the thought of meeting new people, including Brunette's friends, was both exciting and daunting. He couldn't help but wonder if Aspen would show up, and if so, what their reaction would be to him., as Ari got home, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. He had never been to a party like this before, and the thought of meeting new people, especially Aspen, made his heart race. He quickly changed into comfortable clothes and grabbed his favorite controller for the Mario Kart tournament. As he prepared for the party, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of dares they would come up with for the losers…
Brunette: (interrupting his thoughts) Hey, you should come over to my place before the party. We could hang out and get to know each other better. I could show you some of my favorite games and maybe even teach you how to play them. That way, you'll have someone to talk to and play with at the party. Plus, my parents won't mind as much if you're with me. (sees Ari getting ready) Wow, you look really cute! I hope you don't mind me saying that.
Ari: (gives brunette a caring smile) Don't worry I like being called cute!
Brunette: (blushes) Well, thank you. So, what do you think? Do you want to come over before the party? It'll be a lot of fun, I promise.
Ari: (excited) Yea I'll go!
Brunette: Great! Just give me your address and I'll come pick you up in a bit. I can't wait to show you my room and all my stuff!
Ari: Okay!! (gives address) let's go!
Brunette: (drives to Ari's house) Okay, we're here. Do you want me to come in or is that okay? I mean, I don't want to make you uncomfortable.
Ari: No i'm fine thanks though.
Brunette: (walks into Ari's house) Wow, your room is really… you! It's so colorful and cute. I love all the posters and stuffed animals. You must have a really great collection.
Ari: (shows Brunette a bunch of Five-Below coupons) Yep Five-Below's got my back!
Brunette: (laughs at all the coupons) That's so adorable! Okay, let's play some games. I've been wanting to try out this new game I got. It's called "Overwatch" - it's an online team-based shooter. You choose a character and work together with your team to achieve objectives. I've been practicing with my friends, and I think I'm getting pretty good at it. Do you want to try it out?
Ari: (a bit nervous) I don't really play shooter games, but I think its worth a try.
Brunette: (sets up the game and explains the controls to Ari ) It's really not as complicated as it looks. You just need to aim and shoot at the other team while protecting your own. I'll be the one explaining the rest as we play. Don't worry, I won't leave you hanging. I promise you'll have fun!
Ari: (now trusting Brunette) Okay i'm ready!
Narrator: They spent hours playing "Overwatch," with Brunette patiently guiding Ari through the game's mechanics. Ari was surprised to find that he actually enjoyed it, and even started to show some skill. They took turns playing different characters and laughing together as they teamed up to take down the other team. Their time together passed quickly, and before they knew it, it was time to get ready for the party.
Brunette:( looks at a clock on the desk) Oh shoot!! we lost track of time! We need to get ready!
Ari: (a worried look on his face) I agree.
Brunette: Don't worry, we'll make it to the party on time. Just give me a minute to quickly change and we'll head out. You can wait for me in my car if you want, or you can come inside and use the restroom if you need to. Whatever you feel most comfortable with.
Ari: Okay! (puts on his schoolgirl costume) I'm done!!
Brunette: (finishes changing into her costume as well) Looks like we're both ready now. Let's head out to the party!
Ari: Okay lets go.
Brunette: (walks out to Ari's car and opens the driver's side door) Okay, hop in! I'll drive us over. The party should be starting soon, so we need to hurry.
Narrator: As they drove to the party, the excitement in the air was palpable. The music was blaring from the house they were approaching, and the yard was filled with people in colorful costumes. Ari couldn't help but feel a little nervous, but Brunette reassured him that everything would be fine and they would have a great time together.
Brunette: ( pulls up to the party and parks the car) There we are. We're here. You ready?
Ari: (nods)
Brunette: Alright, let's go! (gets out of the car and holds out a hand to help Ari out)
Ari: Thanks Brunette, such a "gentlemen".
Brunette: (smiles and gives Ari's hand a gentle squeeze as they walk up to the house together) Don't worry, I'm always here for you. Now let's go have some fun!
Narrator: They approached the crowded house and saw groups of people dancing, playing games, and enjoying themselves. Brunette scanned the crowd, looking for her friends, and spotted them near the deck.
Brunette: Hey, I see my friends over there. Shall we say hi?
Ari: Yea
Brunette: (leads Ari over to the group, making introductions as they go) This is my friend, Ari. Ari, these are my buddies from school.
Weirdo: (points at Ari's Skirt) Are you a boy or a girl.
Ari: ( a bit embarrassed) I am a boy. Why are you asking?
Weirdo: only girls can wear skirts.
Ari: (now very embarrassed) Could you please go away?
Weirdo: (touched Ari and grabbed his waist.)
Ari: (he squirmed out of the weirdo's reach and ran to the bathroom)
Ari: (starts to cry because of what just happened)
Brunette: (notices Ari ran off and looks at the guy angrily) Excuse me, but what the hell do you think you're doing?! You don't touch my friend like that!
Weirdo: "Oh yeah! What are you gonna do about it?"
Brunette: (glares at the guy and then quickly pulls out her phone, dialing 911) Hello? This is Sarah Johnson. There's a guy here at the party who just assaulted my friend. Can you please send someone over to handle this situation? No, he's still here at the party. Yes, I can stay with my friend until the police arrive. Thank you.
Brunette: (hangs up the phone and turns to the weirdo, who's starting to look a bit nervous.) "Well, it looks like you're going to have some company soon. Maybe you should go find your friends and make yourself scarce before the police get here." (She then walks over to Ari, who is still in the bathroom, and gently knocks on the door.) "Ari, are you okay? Can I come in?"
Ari: (whispers) No.
Brunette:( takes a deep breath and tries the doorknob, finding it unlocked) Okay, I'm coming in. (She opens the door and sees Ari sitting on the bathroom floor, still crying) Ari, I'm so sorry that happened. I should have been paying more attention to you. You didn't deserve that. I'm going to go get someone to help us, okay? Just stay here for now.
Aspen: (sees Ari in the bathroom and gets really worried) Oh my god, what happened to you? Is everything okay? Do you need someone to stay with you while Brunette goes and gets help?
Ari: (looking embarrassed) No, I just want to go home… I feel so stupid.
Aspen: (gently) Ari, you didn't do anything wrong. You can't help it if that guy is a weirdo. I'm here for you, and I'll stay with you until everything gets sorted out. Just focus on feeling better, okay?
Ari: (blushes sofly) oh…Okay.
Brunette: (walks over to Aspen and Ari, noticing the blush on both of their faces) Oh, what do we have here? A cute little moment between the two of you? I'm just teasing, of course. But seriously, I'm so glad you found each other. You two deserve so much better than that guy who was harassing Ari. I'm going to go find Sarah and see if she knows anyone else who can stick around in case that guy comes back. In the meantime, why don't you two get to know each other a bit better? You seem like you have a lot in common.
Aspen: (smiling) You know, I think you look really cute in your costume. It really suits you. You know, you can always come with me if you need to get away from the crowd or something. I'd be more than happy to hang out with you.
Ari: (blushes deeply) T-thank you…I mean, I'd like that. (looks at the floor shyly) I'm sorry I'm such a mess right now…I just didn't expect anything like that to happen. (blushing even harder) T-thank you… I mean… you're really sweet… (blushes even harder)
Aspen: (leans in and kisses Ari softly, their lips pressing against each other)
Ari: (is a bit surprised by the kiss but enjoys it, closing his eyes and kissing Aspen back softly)
Brunette: (entering the bathroom) Oh my gosh, you two! When did this happen?! You're so cute together! I'm just kidding, of course. But seriously, I'm so glad that you're both feeling better. That guy didn't deserve either of you. So, I take it we have a new couple at the party?
Narrator: The two boys blush as they break apart from their kiss. Ari's cheeks are flushed a deep red, and Aspen's cheeks are also red but not as noticeable. They both smile shyly at Brunette's comment.
Ari: (softly) I… I think so? I mean, I've had a crush on Aspen for a while now, but I never thought he felt the same…
Aspen: (shyly) Yeah, I've had a crush on you too, Ari. I just… I didn't want to make things awkward, you know? But I'm glad I did. You're really special.
Brunette: (smiling) Awww, that's so sweet! You two are just perfect together. And hey, if you ever need anything, or just want to hang out, you know where to find me. I'm always here for you both. Now, why don't we go back to the party and have some fun? You deserve it after all that's happened.
Ari: (nods) Yeah, I'd like that… Thanks, Brunette your the best.
Brunette: (hugging both boys) Of course I am! Now, let's get you two back out there!
Narrator: The three of them leave the bathroom, returning to the party. The music is still loud, and people are dancing, and laughing. Ari and Aspen link arms, feeling more confident now that they have each other's support. They dance together, occasionally sharing a sweet glance or a shy smile. As they dance, they lose themselves in the music and each other, forgetting about everything else that happened earlier.
Brunette: (watches them dance and smiles) They really are perfect together. I'm so glad I could help them find each other tonight. Now, if only I could find someone as special for myself…
Narrator: Spotting a very pretty lady across the room, Brunette decides to go for it. She walks over to her and asks politely, "Hey, would you like to dance with me?" Lina looks surprised and blushes slightly before giving a small, shy smile. "Oh, sure! I'd love to dance with you." She takes Brunette's hand, and the two of them step onto the dance floor. As they dance, they start to talk and get to know each other. Lina is also a big fan of the band playing tonight, and they discover that they have several mutual friends in common. The conversation flows easily between them, and Brunette can't help but feel more and more attracted to Lina as the night goes on. As the party begins to wind down, Lina tells Brunette, "Hey, this was really fun. You're a really great dancer. Text me after the party, okay?" Brunette blushes and agrees, promising to do so. She thanks Lina and then excuses herself to go find Ari and Aspen. Brunette finds Ari and Aspen sitting together on a couch, munching on some cookies they found at a snack table. "Hey you two, having a good time?" she asks with a grin. Ari nods, "Yeah, it's been great. How about you? You seem to be having a good time too." Aspen smiles at Brunette, "Thanks for all your help earlier, you're really sweet." "Thanks, you two. Well, I'm going to head out now. It was nice meeting you, Aspen. See you around, Ari." Brunette gives them both a quick hug before heading for the exit. As she walks to her car, she can't help but feel a little giddy about the possibility of going out with Lina again. As Brunette climbs into her car and begins the drive home, her mind drifts back to the events of the night. She can't help but smile as she thinks about Lina and how much fun they had dancing together. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out Lina's number, debating whether or not to text her. After a few more moments of thought, she decides to go for it. She quickly types out a message to Lina, "Hey there! This was so much fun. I really enjoyed spending time with you tonight. Let's do this again sometime, yeah?" She hits send and then leans back in her seat, waiting anxiously for a reply. A few moments later, Brunette's phone buzzes with a new message. She glances at the screen and sees that it's from Lina. Her heart skips a beat as she reads the message: "Of course! I'm looking forward to it too. We'll definitely have to plan something soon. Good night and sweet dreams!" Da End!!
this story probably sucks I'm tired it is 1:48 but i wanted to post it so yea bye
0 notes
temunitu · 2 years
please share your thoughts on the movie after you've seen it!
head empty, no thoughts, just vibes (i. did see it. there were many tears involved in the making of this review)
my main thought is just WOW, they did such a good job????
[obviously - spoilers below!!]
ok so first off... SWEARS AND BLOOD IN THE FIRST FOUR MINUTES??? i think i'm in love with this movie. we need more gruesome tmnt content and this movie delivered. first with the blood, then with "badass," then with all the Kraang body horror. we need more PG-13/TV-14 rated content. also Let Mikey Say Fuck
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also the future is so goddamn scary. like, shit. the lighting and soundtrack wove a gorgeous terrifying narrative. thank you rise i won't sleep for a week
investigative journalist april???? it's so good it hurts, i love how Rise is such a love letter to the franchise. they manage to meld a bunch of previous concepts into this glorious story
leo is such a little shit. thank you ben schwartz for some top tier voice acting. i was SO MAD at leo when they lost the key. i'm a sucker for trauma induced character development and leo got it. oh, did he get it.
CASEY CALLING LEO OUT WAS SO GOOD. it was what leo needed to hear. also please get this kid some therapy?
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i love how April got to use the herbicide stuff on the Kraang but i was honestly expecting it to be part of the master plan(?), still cool
also the Kraang and the infected monster designs were GOD tier. love me some freaky alien cheese cubes and their horrifyingly fleshy minions. and their exosuits??? hell yea
ok uh
when leo. went through the portal. and it CLOSED? i thought that was it. i don't know why, i was like "welp. there's gonna be an awful lot of fanfics where leo's trapped in the Kraang realm fighting for his life as he tries to find a way home." the narrative was so convincing (or maybe i'm just gullible lol) but i was sobbing so hard
so, praising aside! i did have a few thoughts that are mostly directed toward nickelodeon/viacom for cutting the show short and only allowing 1.5 hours for the movie
the storyboards for casey saying goodbye really got me - like i wish the time constraints weren’t a thing cuz it was such a bittersweet conversation (both casey and leo, and leo and raph). it’s canon in my book (if you haven’t seen it, here) 
also, as i mentioned before. i thought the herbicide was gonna play a bigger role in the end battle(?). maybe it’s the way it was framed, maybe it’s just my brain. idk 
i am. a raph and a mikey stan, especially in rise. they were both amazing in the movie and i know it was supposed to be about leo, but they felt like they took such a backseat. raph was being controlled for majority and mikey was playing hype man/sidekick mostly. where is my feral gremlin son??? hello?? i did enjoy when mikey opened the portal (both times) and when he chucked a skyscraper at the Kraang lol
the pacing was SO FAST. kinda like the finale - i know the writers did the best with what they had and i'm in awe of how well it still turned out. but like,,, nick/viacom sucks so bad for the limits they gave the writers.
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 Haikyuu!! Week 2020 | Day 2 』
· Sept. 26th → One Ball, Heart and Soul ·
Characters: Sawamura Daichi, Testurou Kuroo, Bokuto Koutarou, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Oikawa Tooru, Terushima Yuuji
Prompts: A. favourite position/role + B. travel/journey
Tags/warnings: Haikyuu!! (anime), PG, fluff, crack, headcanons, HaikyuuWeek2020
A/N: I found it so hard to pick a favourite position/role, because they're all so interesting and important, and I love everyone 😭 But I settled on the role of captain because of the headcanons I thought of. Captain Sqaud, assemble! So, want to find out what these boys are like on a road trip?
(Just to be clear, I do love all these guys. None of this is hate 😂) All my Haikyuu Week 2020 posts will be SFW, but I have some NSFW stuff on my blog, too. Feel free to check that out~ Thanks for reading! Please enjoy ♡ Imo~
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☆ Sawamura Daichi ☆
Comes prepared with all the food, drinks, snacks, med kit, camera – literally everything you could possibly need on a road trip
Plans out the route beforehand down to the tiniest detail nothing gets past this man
As well as multiple backup routes in case there's diversions etc.
Plans for regular breaks at two-hour intervals where everyone can pee, stretch their legs, buy anything they need, etc.
He's the one who's driving he's not letting anybody else get a scratch on his van, lmao
And he's good at it
No speeding he's a cop, y'all but he doesn't dawdle either, no running red lights, turns corners well, keeps an even foot on the gas, etc.
Just a good time, tbh
Nobody is getting car sick because of him that would be a damn disgrace
"Stop fighting right now, or I'm turning this van around"
And will actually do it if you don't stfu, lmfao
Don't even think about making a mess and dropping your rubbish in the van you'll be walking home
Everyone else thinks his music is boring and for old people, but Daichi honestly doesn't care
Besides, it's either that or no music at all, because he needs to concentrate on the road
He takes this shit seriously. People's lives are in his hands, dammit!
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☆ Testurou Kuroo ☆
Likes to switch between driving and riding shotgun/being designated navigator
Is fairly decent at both
Is constantly eating something but, like, he probably doesn't even know what it is
Some kind of edible is shoved towards his mouth by whoever's riding shotgun, and in it goes shut up. Not like that, you cretins 😂
Somehow manages to behave like an overbearing grandparent and an overexcited child at the same time?? Nothing new there, I guess 😂
I'm sorry, Kuroo, I love you. Please don't be mad 😭
Has a banging playlist full of throwback songs from the 90s and early 2000s
Drums along sofly on the steering wheel or dashboard constantly
HATES driving in rain he's low-key terrified he's going to aquaplane
Likes driving with the windows wound down and feeling the wind in his hair
Will plan the route, but then forget to save it/print it off, etc.
Cannot work Google Maps or SAT-NAVs to save his life Kenma, please help him
Actually packs properly balanced meals, but is heavy on the snacks, too
You'd think he'd drive too fast, but he's actually really responsible
Constantly telling dad jokes to try and keep people amused the groaners are the best
Would probably fight someone at the gas station if they started being a dick and causing trouble
Kuroo, baby. I love you, but please don't get arrested 😭😂😭
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☆ Bokuto Koutarou ☆
Dear God, do NOT let him drive leave it to Akaashi, I'm begging you
Has really bad spacial awareness in a vehicle and drifts all over the place
Probably speeds without even knowing it, too
Likes to ride shotgun, but is a terrible navigator, so is nearly always made to ride in the back
Is the loud one that moves around too much and blocks the rear view mirror strap him in tight, Akaashi
Belts along at the top of his voice to whatever music is playing, he's not fussy
Was told to pack essential items in his backpack and proceeded to fill it with sweets and snacks and a pack of condoms??? and thought he did good
Bokuto: Bro, you said they were essential
Rarely ever has to pee, but when he does, it's always miles away from any service station, and he has to hold it for hours
Has definitely peed at the side of the road multiple times because he couldn't hold it any longer, but he wasn't even embarrassed as numerous cars zoomed past
Likes sticking his head out the window like a dog on the motorway which gives everyone else heart attacks
Like, get the hell back inside you maniac 😭
If the car has a sunroof, he's 100% standing up through it with his hands in the air just you try and stop him
And they will. Everyone will try
Will get out of the car in traffic jams to find out what's going on and end up chatting with random strangers until it starts moving again
And he's very sad when he has to leave his new friends. Droopy hair and emo Kou for the next 2 hours :(
Unironically enjoys playing 'I Spy' for hours at a time
Is a bit much to handle in such a confined space for hours on end, but he's just so excited for the road trip
Will fall sound asleep in a matter of minutes if you set him up with a travel pillow and it's freaking adorable!!
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☆ Ushijima Wakatoshi ☆
No music whatsoever it's distracting. Why would he want it?
Okay driver, brilliant paper-map navigator
Will sit and do absolutely nothing but stare out the window the entire trip if he's neither
Breaks too hard and accelerates too fast, though
Is also kind of heavy-handed with the gear stick he may or may not have snapped one off before...
Never give him a SAT-NAV, though, because he will follow the directions with 100% accuracy and end up driving through a wall or some shit don't try and deny it
Does he ever even blink when he's looking at the road? We may never know
Might be astral projecting, who knows
Forgets people need toilet breaks but refuses to make unscheduled stops
"Just hold it in"
Uh-huh, sure. That's how that works, Toshi
No snacks
Or rather, no fun snacks. Protein bars and mineral water all the way, babyyyy 🙃🙃🙃
Could probably drive all through the night without taking any breaks but that's irresponsible
Don't do it, kids
Will likely devour the entire KFC menu at the service station he's big, okay? He eats a lot
Is prone to leg cramp after long drives oh look, he needs a massage 😏
Doesn't get car sick. Ever. Upset stomachs are for the weak
Has garbage and recycling pouches on the backs of the front seats use them correctly, or feel his wrath
Isn't exactly a barrel of laughs, but it's somehow endearing just like always *happy sigh*
But it's actually a good thing
There's no hidden side to Ushi or any bad or annoying habits that come out of the woodwork on a long road trip
He's just the same old reliable, adorably straightforward Ushijima ❤
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☆ Oikawa Tooru ☆
Calls shotgun and demands the aux cord every. Single. Time but it's pretty decent music, so no-one really complains
Not that he's any good at navigation pray for Iwa-chan
Is constantly taking selfies, making TikToks, and documenting the trip on his social media
Will send all the photos in the group chat when it's over, and they actually come out pretty well
Will not stop complaining if the air conditioning is busted and Iwa-chan will threaten to dump him in the middle of nowhere if he doesn't can it 😂
Iwa-chan: I shoulda left you on that street corner where you were standing
Oikawa: But'cha dIDN'T
Bonus points if you get that reference, lmao
Has to keep taking breaks because his butt hurts when he sits down for too long because it's fLaT
I'm sorry, Tooru 😭😭 Forgive me. I love you, really
Is constantly on his phone
But he points out pretty views and interesting sights to everyone all the time awww
Low-key needs to pee all the time, but gets defensive if someone brings it up please stop bulling him, travelling is hard
"Are we there yet?"
Seems kind of annoying, but is actually just genuinely excited to go on a road trip and spend time with his friends 😭😭
Buys matching souvenirs for everyone in secret to surprise them with 🥺
When people complain about all the photos, souvenirs, and enthusiasm, etc. and ask why he has to keep doing it, Oikawa says:
"I want to remember as much of this as possible. I want us all to remember as much of this as much as possible," with a sweet little smile 😭😭😭
And that's when everyone realises how mean they've been to him about being over-the-top and irritating, and they all feel terrible
Just like in the freaking anime, man
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☆ Terushima Yuuji ☆
Will hijack the aux cord to play his incredibly niche music taste
Feet up on the dashboard when he rides shotgun
Shoes on is bad enough, but shoes off just stinks up the entire car you have to roll all the windows down, lmfao
Will break all sorts of road laws if you let him behind the wheel please don't
Daichi will come and arrest him 😭😭
Lives on energy drinks
That's all the drinks he packs. Nothing else
Travels in sports wear and sliders yes, even though you reallly shouldn't drive in sandals
Like he knows or cares 😭
Will chat to girls at the gas station and ask for their numbers, even though he's never going to see them again
"You never know, man! It could be, like, fate or something"
Yes, Yuuji, you do. And it's 'or something'
Thinks it's a good time to sext his current booty call because, like, he has hours of free time. What else is he going to do?
Probably forgot to pack actual food
Has to live off of snacks and cheap service station food for the duration of the trip
But not his own snacks, of course. Everyone else's one doesn't keep friends and buy one's own snacks
Genuinely doesn't realise if he's being gross or annoying, so let him down lightly like a bro and he'll probably make an effort to stop
Doesn't plan the route or anything, even if he's driving. Just punches it into Google Maps as he sits his ass down on the day and trusts it to get him there in one piece and on time
Entire Johzenji team: Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...
For some reason knows how to change a flat tire, though, so he's good for something, I guess 😂😂
Probably saw a YouTube video on it. Maybe a WikiHow article
Somehow still manages to be an endearing part of the trip??
He smiles a lot and makes a lot of jokes, particularly when things go wrong, so it keeps everyone's spirits up
It definitely wouldn't be the same without him
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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synthaphone · 4 years
Top 5 uh.. art styles?? like not really whole styles but things in people's art that stick out I guess. I dunno how to articulate what I'm saying so interpret that how you like I guess! (also your art and character are so dang cool!! so much Personality!!! waaah)
aa thank you! i’m gonna interpret this as like, my top 5 favorite Things to see in Art
interesting shapes- love to see art and designs with really strong shape design
environmental detail- i love when drawings can transport me to a specific place! i’m REALLY bad at this but its one of the things i want to push myself more to learn. good perspective is fine but i’ve discovered that it matters way less to me than if the scene is interesting and specific
colors- i love colors man. limited palette stuff is really cool
i have a deep respect for people who know how to ink well- i think i have some kind of eye for lineart, but it doesn’t translate to my own art skill as much as i want it to. i also love stuff like Mike Mignola’s art, where the artist knows how to use black and white to create really dimensional and stylish work, that stuff rocks
i love stuff with like, Emotion in it. characters making interesting expressions, an overall atmosphere that has a personality to it, a distinct mood... yea. character interactions are great for that also, getting two characters is good for characterizing them
BONUS: cool implementation of text/typography- love to see some cool looking letters in an image, that rules
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