#ugh whatever im ticked tho
shittygothbitch · 11 days
Good and bad
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hotchs-big-hands · 1 year
can i rant for bit cuz ugh why do all the men on dating apps suck?? i hate how some men really seem to fetishize plus size women. like when you're trying to talk with them and all they wanna talk about is sexual stuff from the get go 😡😤 like hello?!? im more than just my body?? ive never even met you dude. ive got a personality, interests, etc. like do these men think they're doing plus size women a favor by aggressively sexualizing them?
it honestly sucks so much. so in order to cope I've been fantasing about hotch 😏
like imagine dbf!hotch where he overhears you ranting about dating and the men on the apps and later tries to talk to you about it. he'd tell you that they're all boys and you need a man.after hearing how upset and objectified you feel he'd probably decide to actively pursue you. especially if you've had a will they-wont they thing going on.
i just really want him to seduce me and give me a reason to delete all my dating apps
I'm so sorry this is so late but girlie I feel this so hard. I legit gave up on dating apps cuz it was just "let me see how big your tits are" "😜 wanna meet up and fuck?" Even if your profile says you're not looking for that, youre looking to date! I thought at one point I found someone who was chill and wanted to just go on a date but then 🧍 well, we won't get into that. All in all, ppl need to stop fucking fetishising fat ppl. It's dehumanising. Do we want to be desired sexually? Absolutely. But not just that tho. We want to be loved and accepted for who we are and how we look. I really hope that you do eventually find someone who doesn't just see you as a sex object, ❤️‍🔥 anon because you deserve it 💖💖
Dbf!Aaron Hotchner is sooooooooo🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 OOOOOGH
He is fucking PISSED knowing you're being treated like this on dating apps. He thinks it's fucking disgusting that people see you as nothing but a fetish. He fucking adores you. He thinks you're funny, sweet, beautiful, kind and well, of course he thinks you're fucking sexy too. But knowing you're trying to deal with all this shit makes him angry.
So he does whatever he can to show that he's, first of all, into you very much so. But also that hes not after you just for "having a good fuck with a thicc girl". The thought of people treating you as less than human, just sexual organs because of your curves makes him fucking sickened. Man starts to rly make an effort to show he is interested in you. He tries even harder to make you smile and laugh, treats you to stuff, is extremely attentive if you ever vent to him. And he can see it's working, you've got a pep in your step, and you always have that adorable shy smile on your face whenever he talks to you or looks at you. Big fan of fixing a stand of your hair.
One day something changes, you come to him upset and frustrated and you show him the dating app. You vent about it to him all about the disingenuous guys on there only seeing you as a thicc chick to fuck so they can tick it off their bucket list. And so he hugs you close, kissing the top of your head and says he can't stand to see you so upset anymore. But he has something to say that could help.
You pull away, confused. And he's looking at you with so much tenderness your heart tightens. He smiles, brushing a stray tear from your cheek.
"Sweetheart, those stupid boys don't know what they're doing. They don't know how to treat a woman, how to make her feel loved and cared for and seen as more than just their body type. I... I want to know if you'll have me. Accept me to show you how you deserve to be treated."
You can barely string words together, it's cute. But he sees more tears again and he panics, thinking he's gone too far.
"I'm sorry, this was not appropriate. I-"
"Yes.. I- yes, I want you." You interrupt him. It makes him pause, staring at you for a moment as he studies your expression. You glance away, feeling shy again. "I only started using dating apps because I didn't think I'd ever get to be with you, Aaron..."
Oh, oh sweetheart. His heart is soaring and he pulls you close for a tight hug, swaying you gently.
"Sweetheart, you have me. I'm yours."
Needless to say you freed up a lotttttt of space on your phone getting rid of all the dating apps 🥰 plenty of storage for the incoming pics you and Aaron will take together from this point forward.
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fountainpenguin · 8 months
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"And honestly, I think you're fine! I mean, you're beautiful... about 84% of the time!" (x)
New Dog's Life chapter today! ~ 3rd Life series fan-season
Chapter 21 - “Heat (Martyn, BigB)”
❤️ Read on AO3
💛 Start from Chapter 1
💚 More Pixels Imperfect fics
A frustrated Martyn is left alone to babysit the Fox Dragon’s eggs. He texts Grian, Scott, Cleo, Mumbo, and Ren, then gets in three fights within an hour.
Meanwhile, BigB checks if Impulse's new farm designs are ethical for the villagers involved and Bdubs walks in on a dynamic that catches him off guard. Huzzah for server hub politics!
(First 1,000 words under the cut)
InTheLittleWood - Phantom
Status: Bored
Acting captain of New Star Station's phantom hybrid flock
💙  🧡  💚
"Iron… water… charcoal… salt… Ugh." Martyn leans all his weight against the lab table, blowing his lips. "Wow, this would be so much easier if I had an admin panel- none of this back-and-forth rabble. Why don't I ever look these things up when I'm on-server?"
The fox eggs, being eggs, don't respond. Martyn had to peel his eyes from them to focus his attention on the lab table, though he keeps his tail resting on the ground, lightly wrapped around the nearest one. If someone flutters down on the flock roost platform, he'll hear them. And if someone creeps on tiptoes across the landing, the vibration will rattle up his spine. He's a great caretaker. This is going just swell.
And it's not a bad gig, actually, stuck up here on the clock tower... so long as you don't mind the squawking and banter of parrot hybrids in the southern park whose voices carry back all this way. Let them sing you the song of their people; we're all sparky-frustrated up here in Between. Gods, that stupid moon.
Grian: i maen its no surprise if its rough. wild phantom idle ambiance uses live young w/o eggs or nests. the hybrids were the same back in my world Grian: well undead young but ykwim Grian: like its your bat side and not your vulture side is what im saying Grian: or whatever else you are InTheLittleWood: k InTheLittleWood: thanks g Grian: yeah sure InTheLittleWood: wait how do undead hybrid babies work? Grian: ? were you born alive? InTheLittleWood: ?? I thought I was? I was adopted as an egg tho, I didn't hatch in Linda's nest. Never thought to ask "Hey Mum and Dad, was I born alive?"
He pats the nearby eggs as Grian starts to type. Should he put his crocs back on? Is it rude to put your smelly feet up on a spawn egg? They can't sense that, right? Nah… They're not even born yet. The very beginnings of a soul might be in there (Maybe? He's not sure how it works), but they only hatch once an account links up to them. This clutch only has a few dozen eggs.
Martyn rests his hands on his stomach, counting down the ticking seconds. Thousands and thousands of eggs hatch every day, more or less in the order they were laid by one of the 98 dragons across Between. Sometimes siblings and camera twins are born the same species. Sometimes another dragon dropped a few of her own in a nest at the same time, so there's a split.
On rare occasion, two souls bundle in a single egg- That's where you get identical twins like Grian and Two. How much longer before these foxes start spawning? It can't be long now.
Gods, imagine if every single one hatches two souls… That'll be at least 60, 70, 80 fox hybrids scampering around up here. I should probably take them down to ground level. The base of the tower is a big empty room, offering nothing but the stairs and the doorway out.
Grian: i think mumbo said the phantom dragon carries the eggs in her throat pouch Grian: its what the alligator dragon does and she lives in the swamp near mumbo's spawner with joels mom InTheLittleWood: Suddenly I think I owe my parents some cards and gifts. I knew adopting phantoms was rare but I didnt realize grabbing an egg probably means crawling inside Linda's mouth and escaping before she bites you, geez 😳 InTheLittleWood: unless they just got my egg right after it was laid Grian: when the spawnlings hatch they eat the souls shes been carrying in there Grian: lol Grian: i mean mumbo got paid the big $ to do egg stealing runs, its why he had the last allay aggs Grian: eggs
Martyn lifts his brows, staring at his comm screen. If you measure by years instead of levels, he's older than Mumbo. Mumbo definitely didn't grab his egg, but how weird would that be? You marry the man who kidnapped you as a baby… That's just weird.
Granted, he does hail from a well-off family. The term "well-off" is ambiguous when you're off-server, but the gist is that his parents actually do have diamonds whereas most of Between's natural resources have been picked over out in the wild.
Growing up, he always just assumed his parents ended up with a phantom egg because that's what they bid for when the adventurers - usually, but not always wandering traders - went out on adoption runs to the dragon nests. His mum's an otter hybrid and his dad's a raven: a rare predator and a rare scavenger most people don't even know are native in the game.
Otter code was prepped for Minecraft Dungeons, but never made it beyond early concepts. Nonetheless, they exist. They're called a Tweenborn mob- something meant to exist, but never truly crossed into one of the main dimensions. Ravens actually did make it into the Dungeons spin-off, but only went public as cosmetic pets. You don't fight them, but they hang around anyway.
Most people thought his parents were modded and would do a double-take if they ever mentioned the Otter Dragon or Raven Dragon, who rarely get the mental pings to build nests and lay eggs. Growing up, they used to introduce Martyn as "their phantom kid" and urge him to show the wings and his baby fangs.
Was I a trophy kid? he wonders now. He wouldn't put it past them. Love his parents he may, but they did chase a lot of status symbols. Being rich enough to afford what must've been a wizard-level egg retrieval - potentially from the depths of Linda's gular pouch - may have been too good to resist.
Martyn stares a little more, rubbing his thumb across the edge of his communicator. I haven't seen my parents since before my EVO days. Maybe he should go. He can fly fast and be back in a snap. Would Scott allow that?
I guess it doesn't hurt to ask.
[Full chapter on AO3 - Link at top]
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pekodayz · 1 year
☕: How do you comfort each other on a bad day?
answered here :3
and kfc. ummmm......its there in japan...it looks good, they'll go like once. jk twice. then some other fast food place in the AM. loitering....GET OUT.
🎡: What are your favorite activities to do together?
Go drinking. Even tho aini HATES beer, she just drinks wine bc she likes the colors of it. oso does offer a drinking game between the 2. ig aini likes a challenge, so she would accept. at the end, she’s in a drunk-induced emotional breakdown and oso es holding her as he’s trying not to laugh at her (he ends up laughing, then crying too. aini sees that and cracks up and they just lay there. dead.) only on Friday nights cuz they don’t have work Saturday. Aini kinda doesn’t want to admit it but she likes pachinko, her luck is bad tho, so she just loses and sulks. Oso pats her on the back and shoves her, giving her some cash aw. ugh. ….then he smirks and whispers that she’s paying for dinner and aini jumps him. Aini forces oso to go to the mall with her so she can have him carry her stuff (lol he doesn’t want to but Aini’s his friend and he cares abt her so…) aini can’t act cute for shit so she doesn’t try to win him over that way. ugh. she just calls him an idiot and promises him he’ll get food after, so he tags along. every 10 mins asking is it time to eat yet. annoying…..she hisses at him to shut him up bc she never does that(literally) they look odd in the public eye. whining oso complaining that he’s gonna die and aini says TOO BAD. then eventually she’ll feel slightly bad and gets him smth to snack on. he then says that she’s the bestest friend a guy could have and that he spent 200$ on her card. aini teary eyed shaking him. (dw they got paid the next day) also some very intense battle. at an arcade..for like 4 hours. they also love going out to eat with each other bc idk they can talk for hours on end, ew....who can be more annoying in public 3 2 1 go.
ah yeah one more thing. oso smokes yeah but aini is always curious. after work hes like there finishing one up. aini goes up to him and says how gross that must be...insults him once. oso rolls his eyes and says how she prob cant even handle 10 seconds of a cigarette. betted she couldnt and is a pussy. aini says oh yeah? then snatches his cig and holds it in her mouth (not knowing she needs to exhale that smoek OUT..) .she chokes and coughs like crazy, hacking and is on her knees. tears pouring down her face from all the coughing and wheezing. hoarsely saying fuck u. grabbing onto his pantlegs. oso laughing like crazy, crying.. .ugh. he pulls her up and he treats her like a damn child. aini silent, staring at him (throat too fucked to say anything back, so she just lets him. sniffles..whatever he's being nice...wWHATEVR) then they realize that was like an indirect kiss. umm...lets go...
🛡: Who’s the more protective one?
answered here :3
Lol I forgot to include some stuff oopssieessss… ok so oso has this thing where like he gen gets ticked off when some random talks down on aini bc it’s like…it’s not funny when u say it??? im the one who can jab at her, not you? aini uhhh lets oso get talked abt when hes being a perv and stuff, he deserved that. sorry. but she will get annoyed when a random says stuff abt him, then she'll be like how do YOU know that???? then she'll go on a tangent abt how dumb he is and how they will never understand osomatsu like she does. then she stops and pulls out a gun, realizing shes said too much.
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deerself · 4 years
hey fawn, if you have any headcanons for your selfship with king deidei(aka deidara) (+ itachi if you wanna add him too) splurge on me, I wanna hear them all :D (hopefully the king deidei part gives away who i am lol)
FSJKDNFSDHFB THANK U BECCA. dei is hollering in the background. that poor man can not catch a break. im... probably gonna end up talking about them both because I LOVE THEM but ill start with dei first :’3
THIS GOT RLLY LONG SO UMMM...... gonna put these under the cut 🥰🥰🥰
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💥 ok you cant call him that nickname but. dei IS the pda king. he loves to just be holding me whenever he can, doesnt matter whos around (tho hes a bit hesitant around the older members). he’ll sneak in random kisses, ESPECIALLY when he thinks im not expecting them. he also wont let our long-ass red cloud cloaks get in the way of us holding hands
💥 he talks sooooo much about his art. we’ll sit out in the forest on our free days and i’ll listen to him ramble and its so cute. my S/I can make crystals?? so he makes his clay sculptures and i make crystal figures and we blow them up and its just fun and laidback
💥 usually he cant sit still tho except when its like... early morning/late at night. we’re usually out running around together or going flying on his clay birds (i like to fly alongside him as my S/I has wings!!) or nonchalantly strolling through nearby villages without our cloaks. we’ll just talk about whatever catches our eyes or whatever comes to mind. he likes to complain/rant too about whatever recent mission he went on or whoevers currently ticking him off SAFJSDNFS
im gonna do some itachi headcanons now too >:3
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🔥 hes so sweet ugh..... hes way more hesitant on pda but he loves lil displays of affection, subtle things that no one else really notices (kisame might since thats his partner but he thinks its cute af and wont say anything). he loves forehead kisses too sososo much, esp since im shorter than him sdjfndfjdb when we’re alone too he just likes to be holding me close
🔥 hes always looking out for me!! hes sooo observant when im not and always notices lil changes about me, like when im sad but dont look it or when im starting to get uncomfortable, he’ll whisk me away from those situations or offer me really cute compliments which hes RLLY good at ugh... i said hes observant?? he likes complimenting me on all the lil things and specific things that i dont notice and its so sweet.. his smile is always prettiest too when hes complimenting me and hes just.... so in love aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
🔥 hes so cute and just has this sweetest smile around me. hes told me that i just help... melt away all the stress and bad things in his life. ill be just casually talking to someone and look over at him and itachi will just have this soft smile and ugh. hes so cute dfnjsdfn. he likes cracking stupid jokes or saying silly things in a serious tone because he KNOWS that i think its so funny and he just loves hearing me laugh ;u;
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lonelyshrimp · 4 years
What happened with your roomies if you don’t mind me asking...?
 Yknow what I’m in a mood and they don’t know my tumblr (haha they think I’m a cisstraight girl lol) so let’s get into some shit. Imma put everything under a read more bc imma rant a bit and this is gonna get long.
TW: food, unsanitary (general things not being kept clean, typically bathroom and kitchen related), drug use, fighting, slurs
tl;dr if you dont feel like reading this beast:
They steal what food i dare leave out in the kitchen rather tan keep in my room
They slam doors excessively, fight, yell horrible things to each other, have friends over yelling at like 2 am (last night for example)
Leave the doors unlocked and open?? We cant even lock the front door anymore??? (Dw the doors to our rooms all have locks. If I’m in my room or out of the house, my door is locked)
Constantly throw around the r slur. Like. All the time. Including one person having called me it. Y i k e s
One person keeps smoking in the house even though i’ve asked numerous times (and even have a note on my door) asking people to please smoke outside, it gives me headaches. You are physically hurting me stop.
Don’t Clean Anything. The kitchen is a wreck. The toilets are constantly clogging, I Am In Hell.
For context: the house is a one story house divided into a main floor and finished basement. It’s a rooming house and the basement is largely seperate from upstairs. (They have a kitchen door that they keep closed and locked.) The stairs to the basement are split into two smaller flights, with a landing in between the floors. That’s where the side door is. The public spaces upstairs are the kitchen (connects to stairs), the hallway, and the two bathrooms (big main one, tiny water closet by the front door). The rest of the upstairs is split into five rooms. For comprehension sake, we’ll call my roommates: The Couple (M&F), A, T, and J.
Mmkay lets start with the least egregious and move our way up, shall we? Theft! Of anything and everything! No one can have anything out in the public areas if they actually care about it. It. Will. Get. Stolen. Now, I have a mini fridge and the second biggest room here, so I’m lucky in that 99% of my groceries, as well as all my other belongings, fit in my room. There’s just a wee problem: I don’t have a freezer. Not to fear, past naïve me thought, I’ll just clean out and use the locked freezer since I still have the keys for that fridge! (We have two fridges and food theft was a problem beforehand and so me and my friend who lived here cleaned out the second fridge to use as our own and kept it locked.) I decided to do this after I had bought myself some ice cream, wrote my name on the top, and put it in the main freezer. I go to have some ice cream later that week, I open the tub for the first time (as in I removed the seal holding the lid onto the tub) to find that someone eaten half the tub of ice cream while making it seem like it hadn’t been opened. I know it happened at home bc the spoon marks were clear as day and I have to walk 20 minutes back from the grocery store. That woulda melted by then (Also I would’ve noticed at the store that. The tub was hella lopsided??? And way too light???) So yea of course I’m ticked now, I spent 6 bucks on that bro like just ask or get ur own??? So I put it the other freezer, and for a while it’s fine. Next month I decide to treat myself to some frozen waffles and some chicken strips and come home to find that the hinges holding the locks onto the doors of the fridge were torn out of the fridge/freezer doors. Like. The screws were pried outta this metal door rendering the locks completely useless (to the point i wouldn’t even be able to put the hinges back on.) And the cherry on top?? My ice cream was gone!!! Hope u enjoyed it, asshole. So whatever. Fine. I put my food away and. a week later?? Im like “Man i could go for some waffles rn”. I bought 2 8 packs. One chocolate chip, one cinnamon (y’all i literally buy the cheapest ones Zehrs sells. 2,19$ a box y’all. not even eggos). Surprise surprise!! The entire box of choccy chip ones GONE. Mind u, i wrote my name on all of these boxes, as well as a very large “DO NOT EAT”. so i begrudgingly had a couple (note that, 2) cinnamon waffles and move on. A couple days later I go to have some more and. The waffles are completely gone. Out of a total of 16 waffles, ya boy got a solid 2. (It’s worth noting that there was a single waffle left, but at 0,27$ a waffle, I didn’t mind leaving the box on the table with a note basically reading “these are cheap af, buy ur own bitch”.) (I didn’t swear that much tho)
I’d add the bike to the list but i can’t confirm nor deny that one of my roommates stole my tires and seat off my bike (although M does work on bikes all the time so man idk.)
Next up: wow people here are l o u d. I’m talking slamming doors all the time, slamming things around, yelling, playing music wildly loud. It’s awful. Like. You can just. Close the door quietly? Stop slamming things around please? It’s awful because loud sudden noises make me panic and lemme tell ya, wakin up at eight am bc your a-hole roommate decided to slam the door eight times bc the front door is broken because someone took the border around the jamb off instead of fixing it so we can actually?? lock that door?? because it doesnt quite fit in the jamb and so the only wat to lock it was the chain lock and. someone took that too so thats fun :)))))). The side door isn’t that much better. We have a code lock and. No One Ever Locks It. Like. I’ll come outta room and?? It’s just open????? Close the door???????????
The worst, however, is the fucking fighting. The Couple love to argue all the time. and yell at each other and slam the doors or smashing shit and they yell pretty awful things to each other. Like. I’ve heard M call his gf some awful shit. It’s worse when they have people over too. The other day there were like. 14 cops in here bc of them at like 2 am. Cue me, 2 am, trying to watch a livestream and seeing like??? Six cop cars pull up????? Wh a t????? Not fun not good for my brain.
God and. What is with everyone and the r slur??? Like what?? there are so many words you can choose stop using that word. Like okay the other night someone?? took the dc adapter for the wireless modem and one of the dudes downstairs as well as the couple were looking to see if they had a compatible dc adapter and so i just decided to wait?? and i just spaced out a bit okay whatever i was lookin at the wall like i do and fuckin. the couple had a couple friends over and one of em was chillin between the kitchen and the hall and M yells out from his room “Hey don’t you feel weird with this creepy ass bitch standing next to you? Like what is she, m*ntally r*tarded?” like wow okay dude i’m literally not doing anything. Luckily his friends reaction was basically “?? She lives here?? She can stand there if she wants??” (wow referring to myself as she feels weird and wrong).
A big problem I have is I feel like theres a community in this house that I just don’t fit into? Part of it is I’m like. the only person here who doesn’t do drugs of any kind?? Like I have nothing against ppl who use drugs like whatever bro, but it feels super othering to me when i can’t relate to anyone here because of it. That and. Getting T in particular but really just anyone but A to respect me asking that if you’re going to smoke anything to do it outside because weed and to a lesser extent cigarette smoke trigger my sensory disorder and causes me pain and causes sensory overload and I still find myself asking people to smoke outside.Like I’ve never been unreasonable and said “no drugs in the house” or some bs. I’m just asking u to respect my disability thanks.And like?? I’ll get into this in a second but there were needles in the toilet?? Bro throw them out properly.
And now: Hell.
Can no one clean up after themselves?? Do your dishes. If theres food left on your plate, throw it out first, don’t dump it in the sink. Seriously the kitchen sink is fucked. The kitchen is gross. The microwave ugh ugh ugh no thanks. No one can clean everything. This is why all my cookware and dishes are in my room. That way I can make sure I 1) Still Own It and 2) Its clean and usable. I clean them as I go and just use my own shit.
Nothing compares to the bathrooms, though. It seems like every other day one of the toilets are clogged. Last week there were spoons in the sink?? Like at least 10 spoons. In the bathroom sink. The floor is dirty because no one owns a mop and?? there was one in the kitchen?? I haven’t seen it in like a month. And the worst of all. Okay, it’s really bad when every one up here is between like. 16 and 19 I think? And I had to put up a sign in the bathroom asking people to flush when you’re done??? And I still have to flush before I can use the washroom???? And it feels like every week or so. The toilet’s clogged. Oh! I forgot to mention that the water closet doesn’t even have a doorknob anymore. Someone took it. But wait, it gets worse. Seriously if extremely unsanitary things bother u, stop reading now.
Twice in the past month I’ve had to contact the landlord because the toilets were beyond clogged. The first time was bad but oh lord nothing compares to the second time (aka last week). The first time was your pretty standard toilet clogs and backs up and its very gross. I contacted the landlord and it was fixed the next day and it was fine. For. Two Days. Im serious. See. People here have a real issue it seems of “The person before me didn’t flush so neither will I”, leading to a toilet bowl full of like. a half a roll of toilet paper and waste. F u n. What that led to was the toilet clogging, people not doing anything about it, and continuing to use it. Eventually the toilet bowl was full, so trow a shopping bag over the lid to mark the toilet as “Out of order” and move on to the other one.Both toilets were completely unusable. I emailed the landlord and i don’t know if either they or one of the people living here contacted them, but the old landlord and old property manager were here the other day to clean them out and fix them?? and yea among all the standard waste you’d expect in a toilet, there were needles? Like buddy theres a trash can right there? I know u had the needle caps bc they were in there too. just... disgusting...
bro this is just what i can think of off the top of my head i know theres more but oh no this is so long now. just. this is a lot more detail than u wanted but i wanted to get this out of my brain??
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kuriquinn · 4 years
Hi Quinn, me again! I'm interested to know if you've ever read/watched any titles below: - Akatsuki no Yona - Banana Fish - Kimetsu no Yaiba - Young Justice - Gargoyles - Avatar Legend of Korra - Dragon Prince - Inuyasha (BTW, sequel is coming) I like the female portrait of those series and Im curious if you are familiar with them. In Banana Fish, I like how the relationship is natural and human, not played for fujoshi pleasure. So, if you haven't, please consider unsolicited suggestions.
I’ve followed Young Justice (actually, I blame Young Justice, along with random Batfam tumblr posts for my sinking into the DC fandom) and both love it and hate it for the way it’s played with canon. There could be so much more Batfam interaction tho...
Gargoyles was soooo long ago for me. Like, to the point where I remember being in elementary school and we all watched it and would play it on the playground lol. I barely remember the story, but I remember I liked it. 
I liked Avatar when it started, but when I found out Zuko/Katara would never be a thing, I stopped watching. Which is too bad because Katara was a bad-ass, but I’ve tried three more times to watch it in spite of how I know it will end and I can’t get into it. *shrug* Can’t force everything. 
 Dragon Prince is AWESOME! Like, I have yet to find anything about it that I dislike, it’s just...ticked all the boxes! (I was a little iffy on the major romance subplot because it felt a little forced before, but by the end I was like, okay, that’s kinda cute). I absolutely LOVE Aanya she gives like zero fucks and will not be intimidated by pretentious adults. And I’m so desperate for Claudia to get a clue, because she’s this bad-ass, quirky character and she’s just...ugh...her father did a number on her and she deserves better. And Soren! Soren needs hugs, and protection and some himbo-loving troublemaker (guy/girl/whatever!) that will love him and defend him from people taking advantage of his feelings forever!
Inuyasha was my gateway manga. It’s the thing that started me collecting manga again, and eventually discovering Naruto lol. I had to stop following the manga and series for a while because it was taking too long to get anywhere, but when I came back after a couple of years everything turned out how I hoped it would :) And hell YES I can’t wait for the sequel (if only to find out who’s the mother of Sesshomaru’s daughters
I have not seen any of the others, but I will definitely add them to my ever-growing list of stuff I need to check out :)
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Ep. 9&10: “I’m just--------peeing quite frankly” - Madi
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Was I entertained by this tribal and Julia playing her idol? Yes I very much was. Was I about to simultaneously puke and cry at the same time? Yes. Yes I was. Can this game have one single ounce of something that wont make me go into tears.
We are so dumb and stupid and dumb and stupid. I dont know why we would all vote for one person?? ESPEVIALLU if the person knows they are going and especially if that person is julia and shes already rlly good at lying. we were all blinded by our mutual force to get her out and we didnt think it out heck frick. sorry moth this is so unfair. moth was trying to get julia out the most bcs julia targetted moth last season. why julia has a thing against moth in this game? i dont know!! anyway we have to get that girl out next round and we will split vote pls it has to happen we cant give up she has to go
im just--------peeing quite frankly
go off julia, you did that, props to you
Julia playing that idol is the best and most iconic play in this game thus far. The dramatics of the fight to ensure that all the votes landed on her? Keeping the people who she knew would get skittish and snake-ish so she has a higher chance of staying next round? Literally, this all works in her favor. To be honest, I don't even want Julia gone at this point. I want someone like Ginnifer or Rachel gone for future security. Sure Julia will eventually snake me, but keep your enemies close and all that.
Ginnifer admitted ON CALL that she almost voted for Steven WHEN STEVEN WAS THERE. She also wanted an alliance with Julia, Madi, Steven, and I in the same call! Then, DeNara gets on call and Ginnifer ADMITS to wanting to create an alliance without her. I'm just kind of shook. Why would I want to work with Ginnifer anyways if she's been targeting me since the swap? There's no reason to other than being chaotic. Then, Julia transitions to pitching with working with her! And Madi is calling her out! This after-tribal call is a mess. But, now the target is fully off of me. Mwahahaha. These people???
Moth was idoled out yikes but I tried to make a new alliance but it failed
Im trying to figure out what Ginny's logic is. First you say that you wanna target all the winners cause we are the biggest threats in the game. Then you tell me TO MY FACE after a wild tribal that you almost voted for me to leave tonight. Even after all that you then turn around and try to align yourself with the winners that you were just targeting to spice it up???????? Im sorry but Im not following this.
According to DeNara, Elle wants to create an alliance with DeNara, Steven, and I. This could be a good back up alliance for the time being. Additionally, it gives us more numbers on our side if we ever need to turn on Gian and Madi. However, I don't want to do that anytime soon. They are great allies to have. Plus, they are able to think and are going after Julia. So, it should all work in my favor. I love being able to slip by each tribal with my target not being shot. I am thinking of throwing this challenge so Ginny can get the yeet though.
hi its madi and im being messy did I just text DeNara and ask her to be in a tighter alliance with me bc its gonna get to the point where the winners have to go? have I been reinforcing since the merge to anastasia that we are working together and that shes my partner in this game? did I just say “partner to partner” to anastasia that we should start an all girls alliance? did I also ask denara? me, denara, anastasia, rachel, and elle? rachel wont talk to me tho:( bc I “lied” so thats a speed bump denara also thinks she is the only one I told ab this and when I asked if we should tell anastasia she said that anastasia is a “blabber mouth” so “not yet”??????? am I fucking up my game? idkkk come back tomorrow thank the lords I have an idol if this blows up in my face???
That awkward moment when you don't remember what your confessionals say anymore and you are repeating yourself a lot lol
Soooo after Moth got voted out and Ginnifer decided to go a little crazy and try and make new alliances without us, Elle and I have decided to jump ship on the Lucky Charms alliance. She suggested talking to Steven and Raffy which was a great idea. I talked to them and they said they would be down with that so we are going to make a new alliance when Elle brings it up.
TEA. Steven and Raffy want to stick with our alliance of 5 with Madi and Gian because they trust them but Madi messaged me today saying she wanted to make a tighter alliance with me so we can eventually take out the winners. I am not sure if I should tell Steven and Raffy this or not yet, as it could end up worse for me if I do....
You know, I should give myself more credit in this game. I have played the middle so well this season so far. I have an alliance with literally everyone in this game except Julia and Anastasia and Anastasia tells me things when I ask her lol I think I can do well in this game if I play my cards right.
Oooooh so I made an alliance chat with Raffy, Steven and Elle. Sounds like we are gonna try and get Ginnifer out before Julia now. I did tell Julia I would try and spare her a round since she didn't vote me out o.O
✨A New Alliance Has Been Formed✨Me, DeNara, Steven, and Raffy ^_^ Which is great bc I trust DeNara, and I feel really good about Steven and Raf (I don't think?? they would betray us 😂but I am not sure of anything anymore lol ahhhh the post merge paranoia is real) I also feel really good about this challenge. I get to work on my layout designs for the magazine me and Madi are working on which is great! I don't know why I always worm in something I want to be practicing into these challenges lol, probs bc I'm prone to being like "I'll get right on that!" and then... not 😂 so the challenges are good excuses. I also would have Loved to make a tarot deck like the example ugh that seems so cool 😭
So I told Raffy and Steven about Madi bringing up a potential tighter alliance and I regret it. I feel like that was something I should have kept to myself Stevenhttps://youtu.be/dWdKo0iuaV4
DeNara created an alliance with Elle, Steven, and I. Steven and DeNara still don't want to tell Gian and Madi about it. Ok I guess. If they find out though, I am throwing DeNara under that bus so fast. Secondly, it seems Elle wants to target Ginnifer as well this round. I love ur impact. Now, we just need two more votes. One of them being Julia. The others possibly Gian and Madi if I can convince them. Rachel and Anatasia would probably still target Julia. I am trying to not obviously throw this challenge.
The way I ate Steven up on this lip sync. It was so fun to do! Im really happy we did this challenge :)
The judges are judging🎶 (to the tune of "The Lady's Improving" from The Prom) Anyway, I just want to preface that the first ad was supposed to be the only like, purposefully kinda bad layout in the magazine 😂 I was low on time and I regretted the color palette, it was way too saturated but Madi and I had agreed on it and I didn't want to be more annoying than I was already being about the magazine 😅. Also, I need to remember people read these afterward 😂 I'm incredibly bad at not just spewing whatever is in my mind sometimes, I feel like I might've overshared a couple of times but it happens! This probably counts as oversharing bc it's not about gameplay... yes okay back on topic I hope we win, if we don't I'll be okay I'll just be ticked at myself for staying up past 2AM but realistically if I didn't hyperfocus on that it'd be something else 🤷🏽‍♀️ atleast this was productive, I got to work on layouts a little (I mean technically I got quite a few layouts but so many are baddd 😭😭😭 like if a professor saw some of these they'd faint and then kick me out of graphic design lmao). But the point wasn't for it to be professional, so it's okay!!!!! I'm telling myself that so I don't go back and fix everything lol.
The plan as of right now is to target both Ginnifer and Julia. Personally, I want Ginnifer out because she has been a very chaotic mess since the merge started. I would rather want that gone now rather than later when we no longer have the chance. I made the plan to split the vote 4-4 against Ginnifer and Julia. DeNara, Steven, Elle, and I (the secret alliance hidden from Gian's and Madi's view) will vote for Ginnifer. Gian and Madi know about this. They, along with Anastasia and Rachel, will vote for Julia. So, it should not matter who either of them vote for. However, it would be nice if they could vote each other. This plan does come with its risks though. I am willing to take those risks. And, if I get a bad smell, I will use my SWP to get out of the sticky situation.
Well. Today is tribal day. I have been feeling worn down so much the past couple days and part of me just wants to be carried by others for a while. On the other hand, part of me feels like it might be time to make a big move soon because that is how you win. If Julia is still here after the vote tonight, then I feel like I just need to team up with her because clearly she needs to be blindsided. The lack of chatter has me worried.....like why is nobody talking??? Is it because they have all teamed up and are plotting against one of my alliances, or are they just tired and busy like me? I am not sure... I am suspicious that Julia hasn't really been talking. I know she said she had personal stuff going on but who knows if that is all of it, or just part of it. I am feeling the desire to flip on my alliance soon. Idk if I will because I feel tight with Steven and he plays loyal, but if I told him about Madi wanting to flip on the winners soon I may be able to do something... I kind of want to start actually lying to people, like... full blown lies... muahahaha! We shall see what happens if I am not blindsided tonight.
DeNara is so paranoid. This is what she told me: "I am pretty nervous about Julia teaming up with some ppl and making a play tonight. Should we come up with some crazy lie just to scare her? I am not sure what we could say, but I am feeling nervous about her?" Like, do you want to become the target? Doing that is a surefire way of becoming one. Everyone is BUSY. They're DOING things. The situation only becomes dire later on in the day. There's no reason to be doing all this when there is still time to discuss tribal. I might just dip because I am not going to get punished for DeNara being paranoid. Like, if Julia wanted to target us, she would have already done so. DeNara is just... very taxing to work with because she thinks that everyone is against her. I feel like I needed to talk her down from making a move that would have certainly gotten her voted out.
Ohhh girl I’m scared tonight I better not get blindsided because Lordy I got it when moth left and I wasn’t prepared whooo Jesus
So I have been talking to Elle a bunch and someone told her about the split vote between Ginny and Julia. I am trying to play as though she is the one giving me this information, even though I helped plan it. I actually am feeling really close with Elle and hoping I can get far with her. I might make her my real number one with Steven. I like Steven a lot but I am worried he won't turn on Raffy when it is time. Raffy keeps getting a little frustrtaed with how hard I am trying to play this game (which is fair) so he may have to go after Julia and Ginny. I am getting concerned about these newbies though. We should take one of them out soon to even out the numbers. Also, I have been trying to get idol hunt information from as many people as I can and I remembered that Gian got an advantage during a game, so I am trying to get him to tell me what number it was since he didn't add it to our group chart
Me and Julia were paired together for the challenge. Since we're trying to get that girl out I didn't want to win. I was a little worried that somehow ours would win but we got second to last. Julia was sadly going through stuff in real life and struggled. It's good for me but I sympathize with her.. Anyway Julia is out of here tonight.
Ok so last tribal was so sexy the looks on everyone’s faces are now burned into my brain
I’m really hoping it’s Ginny tonight. I’m going to try to pull out some shit and hope and pray put nothings in my hands tonight
i am so happy to be playing with such nice people. i really do be getting in my own head sometimes, but it is so nice to be reassured that i am playing a fun game and no one feels ill will towards me in anyway. i feel awesome to be supported by this group. i had a tragic event happen in my life this week, but plan to move forward and try to have the most fun while playing in his honor.
I’m at tribal right now and I feel like I’m going to puke. It’s definitely me. It’s been a ride friends. Julia out
So I got immunity, Julia went home. Sad but necessary. I really respect her as a player and would love to work with her sometime but just not this game. Also kinda annoyed that raffy called me out at tribal during the revote..... like yeah I came up with the revote but why call my name out for it???? like what is the deal with that. He is my next target tho so like hehehehe raffy its time to go. I am thinking we convince him ginny is going home and blindside him instead??? idk just thoughts
So we just voted Julia out and I am actually sad about it. I am glad the threat is gone, but she was fun for sure. Now my alliance of 5 is standing strong, if I stay loyal...
R.I.P. Julia, Queen of the Idol. The plan went off without a hitch which is pretty boring, but it means I have a lot of control in this game. I am excited for Touchy Subjects as it will be a very revealing challenge. If I had my choice, a newbie or Ginnifer would get voted out next.
My game is borderline UTR/Goat at this point and idk if that’s something I’d want to change lol. I’ve been feeling lazy >-<
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survivormontenegro · 5 years
Episode 2: “In all seriousness, I think I’m just stupid.” - Mo
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Oop, so Madeline went bye bye without hitch. And Mitch lol sort of popped off a bit which turned out rub some people the wrong way.
Well as long as it doesn’t endanger me, it’s ok. Except for the fact that Michael brought up my name to Julia as a potential target just because we haven’t had good talks.
Honestly tho, talking to Michael is hard because he’s like a robot or whatever. He really is a big blue robot or whatever.
Right now, I think I’m in a good spot to not be that worried on Michael. I’ve got an alliance with Jason and Julia. Though we haven’t solidified a duo or whatever, Jared and I are working together as well probably. I’m getting closer with Ali and Benji and I have had talks of watching each other’s back.
So far the potential targets if we lose are Mitch and Noah. I have talks with Mitch and I think he’s sort of a lose cannon but right now he trusts me I think so yeah. People are leaning towards Noah because he talks the least with people.
But I do hope we win immunity, UgH!! I blame Drew for not putting me on a dominating tribe grrrr where’s the monte Rosa winning streak power when you need it.
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AHHHHHH BEEEP BOOOP BEEEP BOOP. This twist sucks. There is a power dynamic that is going on.  Julia, Ben , Ali , and I are in an alliance. Seperataly though. I don't think they are aware of how much strategy I talk with Julia (which is how we want it). It seems Ian Jason are the biggest threats since they are liked and have numbers. BUT I CANT TAKE THEM OUT BECAUSE OF THE TWIST AHDHEUEJIDKD. So it seems Mitch is the target but I can't let Ian and Jason stay too long otherwise I am fucked. It's only a matter of time before they realize what I'm doing and I become a target (maybe even next tribal). BEEEEP BOOP BEEP BOOP
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So last tribal went super smooth. Madeleine bye girl, but you were a ticking time bomb and you needed to go. And you also threw MY precious name out to Jared. In my first confessional I said I didn't want you here, and I got what I wanted. Now we are on this round. A puzzle challenge for immunity? Seriously? This has me FUCKED up boo. But I don't know weather to worry or not about tribal council. Last round, after I stirred the pot a bunch for the Madeleine vote she had an elaborate plan to get Mitch out that I myself pressured her into doing. I let Mitch know about her plan and at tribal shit got interesting. He blew the fuck up on the girl. And this was beautiful. It put a target on his back. So I might just be in the clear. His name will definitely be brought up just for that. This tribe doesn't like crazy explosive people (lol me in crossroads). But I also have gotten so far on this idol board, I might have the chance to snatch that bitch up. Lets pray everything goes well for me!!!
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I realize in hindsight that im coming off as really mean in my confessional, but it was just like,,, in the moment? Yk??? A more concise version - usually when people like JJ fly high and take control early on, people get mad and they crash and burn really quick. So as much as it might break my heart, I might have to let that happen.
Forgot to mention thoughts on relationship statuses atm: Jules says she trusts me Alex says he trusts me Mo says he trusts me JJ says he trusts me Tom is iffy but I feel like we have a stronger relationship? Especially if he’s closer with JJ (which I personally believe he is) he’ll feed him info that’ll go back to me I have a good relationship with evan for the most part ? We talk on and off but we’re both just busy lol Caeleb my grandson/angel and I have a great relationship - we talk about Pokémon a lot Willow and I are iffy but like a fun iffy And David is the most innactive, but we bond over not talking on calls sometimes
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So first things first thank GOD we won immunity I was not getting good vibes from people so I think I would been gone. Anyhoot, I definetly feel like there is an alliance already formed between Tom and JJ for sure and then possibly Jones Jules and lets throw in Alex, Those 5 seemed to be so comfortable and non scrambly this past tribal that im SUS. Going into this challenge wowie a math puzzle, not good for me and it showed! I definitely think we are losing now so I really have to push the vote for like Evan maybe because a bitch wants to stay and he's probably more inactive than I. Listen guys I really want to be on more but as Rihanna said I just gotta Work Work Work Work Work Work so that's that on that. I just hope they let this bitch stay!
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Okay so let's get INTO this:
I know that my biggest weakness is the fact that I don't do a great job at times of talking to people. Ever since Day 1 though I've been making a solid effort to speak to every single person on my tribe two or three times every day.
So let's start with the first reward challenge. I tried really hard because I wanted to make a good first impression challenge wise. I feel like if you put in a solid performance in the first challenge, your tribe will be more understanding if you struggle in a future challenge.
As soon as I saw the flag part of the first immunity challenge, I knew that we were going to probably lose it no matter what, and there was strategy behind me wanting to take it on. Everyone on my tribe was already hyping up the fact that the other tribe had that part in the bag, so I knew that if I put in a solid effort and lost, it would be seen as "He stepped up for us and tried hard even though he had no shot" rather than "he fucked it up for us". I had to step on Madeleine's toes and kind of be rude to make sure that I got to do the flag, but that didn't really concern me since nobody seemed to like her anyway?
Now when it came to the first vote of the season, pretty much the whole damn tribe told me they wanted to do Madeleine. I think the fact that she really didn't talk to anyone until she NEEDED to is what played a major part in her elimination. Honestly, I didn't really like her at all LMAO, so I didn't mind seeing her go home.
The fact that Madeleine was already basically screwed and confirmed to go home was great bc it gave me the opportunity to take advantage of that situation for myself and build up my trust/credibility with other people. Madeleine came to me just a couple of hours before the voting deadline with her plan to get a group of people to vote against Mitch and send him home. I basically just was like "yasss I agree that's a great plan sis omg you're MIND". I asked for a list of who her 'numbers' were before agreeing to vote with her, and of course with her being desperate, she had no choice but to comply. Sis sent me a whole ass list of her alleged allies, and I was gagged becuase literally all of them had been shit talking her and saying that they were voting her out ALL DAY.
I took that information to Mitch and let him know about her plan, which gained me some brownie points and trust building with him. And then I went to the people she listed and was sort of like "Hey, I just wanted to let you know that she's going around telling people who she thinks you're voting for". Overall, I think that Madeleine's messiness really benefited me and my connections with the tribe.
Following Madi's elimination, if I had to rank my tribemates in terms of who I trust most to least, it would work out like this:
1) Julia 2) Ali 3) Mitch 4) Jason 5) Ben 6) Jared 7) Ian 8) Michael
Julia, Ali, Mitch & Jason interact with me the most. They always respond when I message them to start a conversation, and they aren't shy about hitting me up and initiating conversations. Ben, Jared & Ian won't really initiate conversations with me, but if I message them first they'll always message me back pretty quickly and engage with me. With Madeleine gone, Michel is now the most difficult for me to socialize with. Our conversations tend to die quickly if I don't put in maximum effort, which is kind of annoying, but I'll keep trying because I relaly don't want to end up like Madi and have everyone vote me out because I didn't try with them.
I'm kind of nervous at the moment with this vote just bc nobody is really giving me names yet? I'm hoping that the reason why is that they are waiting for tomorrow morning and just don't want to throw out names too early. I feel a bit like Sandra in the sense that as long as it's not me, I don't care. I'm not sacrificing my game for ANY of these people. That's what I love about these TS orgs; these people aren't my friends and I don't feel bad at all about sending any of them home LOL.
I'm really hoping to form a more formal alliance soon, but I want to be VERY cautious. I'd rather keep it small with just a few people that I trust not to go throwing me under the bus and leaking shit. An ideal situation would be me, Julia, Ali & Mitch as a strong foursome, but I need to talk to them separately as individuals first and try to figure out if any of them are already in group chats/alliances before I try to pull them into a commitment. The last thing I want is to try to form an alliance with people that are already set in other groups.
Anyway, I'm just going to try to continue being super social and hope that it plays out in my favor. BTW this twist is evil and I despite it, but I'm just going to have to work with it and adapt.
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tom was really drunk and messaged me all these nice things so i really want to make him my ally now even though he's messy!!!
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Well, today we probably lost the competition. Considering I was 4x faster than my maze partner. Willow doesn't know how to do math. David probably hasn't done his competition.
But in the same light, Evan and I did really well in our competitions. So, who knows? I might actually like to lose a competition. It would be interesting to see if people's heads are actually where they say they are.
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I’m so upset, I always get fucking challenges in games that I CAN’T do I don’t know how to do it. Then we talk about our scores and Evan was like oh I did it in a minute but I could of done it quicker if I had a mouse and I’m just like I SCORED 16 MINUTES AND IM FINE BECAUSE I DIDN'T SCORE OVER TWENTY MINUTES.
In all seriousness I think I’m just stupid. Like when I was doing the challenge I was confident. I always go in with a “I’m gonna do great!” attitude and then I hear about how well the others did and it’s like getting hit by a car.
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I'd also like to give an update on how I feel about everybody in this game.
Alex seems like he's the person I'd like to work with most, but he also seems the most hesitant to commit to any kind of long term alliance. Jules & Jones are really difficult to tell apart, but they're both lovely people. They seem to be super open to working together, and they both compliment me out the butt hole. Tom is really sweet. He seems to be very easily woo'd by attention and compliments, which shouldn't be too difficult. He's like. Super cute and very fun to talk to. Mo is cool, we share a lot of the same sense of humor, lots of the same references. Its also super comforting that he's also on the same timezone as I am. Evan seems really cool. I feel awful about never responding to his messages on time, which could really hurt my game. Caeleb is so fuckin cute. Like he's just a wholesome lil bean, I don't know how he's going to survive in such a cutthroat game like survivor. Maybe that's his strategy, have everyone underestimate him. Maybe he's scary and spooky. ^ Y'all really got me out here talking like a tumblrina.. Anyways, onto Willow. We seem to have the same conversation everyday and it never really goes anywhere. Awkwardddd. For David, whenever he does go on call, he never talks, and it just becomes this awkward silence, he really brings down tribe morale.
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https://youtu.be/71NJ9oc-WrI <- Video didn’t embed
Video afterthoughts: According to Alex JJ seems more interested in the idea of a swap happening and is now turning onto the idea of voting David? I’m gonna actually talk to jules about how they feels tho bc they said they trust me and I wanna like,, show the trust in return? I want them to feel good w me as much as I feel good w them
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It seems like me and Julia created the vote once again, and AGAIN it is not traced back to us. Michael is under the impression he created the vote (lol) which is good for us, no blood on our hands. The reasoning behind planting Mitch and Michael as targets into people's head was to see how they scrambled so we could flush every alliance. We now know Mitch and Michael are working together. If all goes well it should be unanimous (if we even had to go to tribal).
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We didn't go to tribal the first time around so David got to stick around. I have an odd feeling that we didn't win immunity so tonight will be the actual chance to do so. I really do think it'll be him because he's so inactive and I think its best to keep our tribe active and playing rather than scrambling and weak. Plus I have talked to many people about it so it would be a pretty big blindside if it was someone else and I would be left aghast!
JJ is clearly an influencer in the tribe, and I think he likes me and wants to keep me around and I am perfectly fine being a number in his game. At least for the time being, because at this point that's a strong strategy for me. I think I am making real genuine connections that I can profit from, both strategically but also personally because we have some fun people here :).
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okay so this is the end, hold your breath and count to ten. i'm going home. i can just sense it, its my time and i can feel it hap-hap-happenin'. the vote is theoretically noah, but everyone is going quiet so i think its me. my takeaways are that i was too wishywashy, and left myself vulnerable due to my poor social game.
in other news, if the vote is noah i will be SHOCKED. i think we will probs swap too, so we will see. I think it wont matter this is the end, I'm going byebye very very soon rippy rip!
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https://youtu.be/KdBeFE1iYWg <- Video Confessional from Day 6
https://youtu.be/ZQZ1ktG2lU0 <- Tribal Council #2 Vote
(Both did not embed)
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Day Numero 6; Honestly nothing is popping off in this game for me! So hard to type a confessional because i could be highly naive about my position in this game and i could be getting votes tonight but i have not heard any names except for david once again. 
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awesomeatitsbest · 5 years
*scroll past this if u dnt wanna read me having a mental breakdown over a show*
i’ve been putting off watching the finale all week cuz i feel like im bouta get wrecked but im about to watch it rn and im literally so nervous omg here we go iM STRESSED
yall Rara in a choker hell yuh but also screw lex luthor step tf off man
yall she hesitated when she saw that pic of eliza right? cuZ SHES GOOD AND DESERVES BETTER
omg eve chill tf out
man, u can nvr trust white men as presidents
wow this is so dramatic w My Way fcking playing like this wow iM STRESSED
lex in the lexosuit....*intense eye roll*
hey yall think lex has a “take over the world” playlist playing in the suit
yall if Rara dont get some good that she deserves im FIGHTING yall she dont deserve this ;—; i know she fcking hates america and all buT IS SHE WRONG
theres so much happening wow im guessing a lot of things are gonna be left hanging by the end of this episode huh
omg Kara did basically die yall
wow someone throw Lex into the sun, he made Red Daughter cry but also someone teach her how to Google
dude can ben lockwood just disintegrate already.
omg my bby nia proTECT HER AT ALL COSTS
wait fcKING PAUSE because: Lena Luthor in a Blue Suit™️ (fuq me up)
oh lena always worried about kara 😢
brenda and katie are truly some stunning people
wow i rlly wanna see lena punch someone (lex)
he just fcking quoted Hitler
george washington in the background of this shot is SENDING me
how TF does jesse rath make wheezing onto glass hilarious
Nia done w his rebooted ass
hell yuh to that lena luthor death glare God bless you miss mcgrath
yall i forget that kara’s mother is literally alive along w Argo i wish they talked about it more somehow
at this point Ben Lockwood is the equivalent of a fcking pimple or whatever, a little annoying thing full of puss and i just wanna POP HIS LITTLE HEAD OFF
damn rebooted brainy rlly ticked nia off
papa j’onn omg pls dont die, sir ;—;
and then lillian casually pepper spraying the goons ugh we love the luthor women
(we already know lillan gonna manipulate lena tho at some point tho right? amirite? or is it gonna be a complete 180 turn)
oh my gosh yes supergirl’s boot on ben lockwood is my aesthetic
kara when lex asks how she’s still alive: im a bAD BITCH you cAnt kILL ME but also grass
omg bITCH the other suit is built into her other suit thats some bad bitch moves right there
“you can thank your sister for this” hell yea lets all thank lena luthor #appreciatelenaluthor2k19
omg cmon brainy, fcking rereboot so u can emotionally support your badass girlfriend
omg im so glad he got rerebooted i thought this was gonna last til the nxt season
wow brainy is so supportive protect this nerd at all costs ;—; his ass said astazing and i love you
oh fck yea rock music fighting scene montage this appeals SPECIFICALLY to me
oh. T—T
holy shit this dude just exploded
oh nvm ofc this dude wont die
oh sHIT
oh damn
omg omg wait no no omg wait
wait omg pause
its happenening jsnt it
omg wait qait wait i caNt im not ready
oh my FUCK
oh. my God.
we all saw this coming but. that was way worse than I could have ever imagined.
i need a drink
pour one out for supercorp
it was nice while she lasted
peace THE FUCK out
hahaaah kara happy now but we all know its a fcking illusion
was anyone happy at this point cuz all i am rn is full of DREAD
Dolsen (is that the ship name) fcking RISE
ok waiT Brainia rise too ;—;
im still stressed but theyre all cute af
omg lena’s at game night.
im sinking in my seat i CANT watch
so kara and lena as game night partners is canon
too bad its been TAINTED
someone pls help lena my GOD
all right george thats my boy
omg more of miss eve nxt season
omg this dude gon be in the crossover
oh no lena honey drinking her woes away someone get this woman a glass of one therapy session with a squeeze of the truth from kara
oh FUCK welp if that picture frame aint fcking foreshadowing the nxt season then idk what will
in conclusion: this finale stressed me tf out. goodbye. i’m sleeping for 30 years.
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survivorarabia · 8 years
EPISODE 10 “Cleaning Up The Threats” - Aren
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Kay, well this round is gonna be ze big cleanup round!!! *dresses up as a janitor* today, we're cleaning up... THE THREATS!!! AKA, Ruthie & Alex -- the two biggest contenders to take the title of Sole Survivor in this game (other than your's truly, of course!). So, there are really two things I need to severely think about here -- who I want to go for out of Alex & Ruthie, and -- in proper janitor fashion -- how I can do this in the cleanest way without fucking up my long-term game. So, I've determined that I wanna go for Alex, as he's way stronger in challenges than Ruthie and he therefor scares the piss out of me. And I also wanna make a F4 group consisting of me, Richie, Emmott & Issy, just so that once Alex fucks off and we're at the F7 I have a sweet-ass group to just safely steamroll it to the final few with. I've kinda just promised Richie the world right now. I told him that when we hit F4 -- Issy's ass will be goin' bye-bye. Then, we can thrash Emmott's ass in FIC, and send him home. And we can be the F2 together. It's funny, because Issy thinks I'm lying to Richie when I tell him this, but y'know... I don't think I actually want to go to the end with Issy. I want to go to the end with Emmott or Richie -- some punching-bag that I can literally demolish in the Final-Tribal. 
Despite my very best last minute scramble efforts, unfortunately Ci'ere went home yesterday, which is super shitty for me because I very much feel that Alex will want me or Emmott out next I'm gonna work my backside off to try and flip the vote on Alex or Ruthie but honestly I'm not convinced there's anything I can do right now If worst comes to worst I'm gonna have to go all out, try and convince Alex that Ruthie is a huge threat that needs to go home as soon as possible, and pray that someone, anyone, wants to take the opportunity to go for a blindside
I'm really wishing I tried harder at Immunity this round.  It's getting down to the end and I haven't won any immunity challenges yet!  I think my social game is super on point but if I even want to THINK about winning I am going to have to work on actually winning comps, haha.   On the bright side, at least I'm still safe this week! 
Richie asked to be dragged in confessionals so I thought I'd make this confessional to drag him only who is he again? What has he done? Where has he been? There's a person in this cast called Richie? Oops, I didn't notice Anyway, I believe the go at the moment is to blindside Alex, which is great and all except I really didn't want to be working with RUTHIE!! ❤❤❤ and Nicole. Haven't talked to either of them basically at all since merge, and so I'm super nervous about having to put all my trust in Emmott and Aren's abilities to convince them to do this Aren is annoying as always & Emmott has been awol for the past couple days so my top-tier alliance building skills are clearly benefitting me right now, we're extremely solid going into this next vote & I have total confidence everything will go to plan (not) I want Nicole gone next and then Ruthie (should this Alex vote work out) and then at some point I'd love to axe Aren because I'd rather not be sitting at the end with him
I cannot believe how well last round went, first of all.  I feel....really good now. But this is the part of the game where Survivor gets really interesting. Theoretically, this should be easy.  We have a tight alliance of four in myself, Ruthie, Richie and Lena, all of whom genuinely like and respect each other.  We've voted together every round and as far as I know, most of us want all four of us to make Final 5. We've also got Nicole, who played an Idol for Ruthie at the first merge vote and has stuck with us every round.  That makes five votes, out of eight, so we should be able to do anything we want this vote – and we probably will. But, people other than me are starting to look at the end and say “how do I get there with the best options?” Richie has come to me to talk about how and when to cut Nicole. Ruthie & Lena don't trust Richie and would probably like to cut him before 5 or 4. And I'm just here, floating along, wondering why, despite being Target #1 since before the merge....nobody has done anything about it? I mean, Issy has been out for my blood from the word go. Emmott is a paranoid, flip-floppy motherfuck who's thrown my name out before. And Aren's getting blindsided this round because he just cannot keep my name out of his mouth! Why has nobody done anything about this yet?  It is a mystery to me. I mean, don't get me wrong: I do love my alliance, I really do.  But I look at the game with a strategic eye and just say.....do all of you really think I don't have arguments prepped for you? Cause I do, kids.  And I know I'm an asshole for it, but I've been eyeing the endgame since the merge, if not before.  I've got the opening speeches written: Ruthie did everything I told her to, Richie was wishy-washy and lied to every juror, Lena doesn't exist, and Nicole doesn't talk to anybody.  Aren's a spastic motherfucker, Issy gave up, and Emmott is, well, Emmott. At this point I'm trying to figure out the best endgame, the best final 3, final 4, final 5 for my game, and I really wish I knew if it was a Final 2 or Final 3 for sure, because that would really inform my decision. I don't want Ruthie at the end.  Ruthie kicks my ass. Richie, I can beat, but I don't know if it'd be easy. My idea is a Lena/Nicole Final 3, because I think I win that.  But there's the missing issue, the apocalypse scenario, that one of them wins Immunity and takes the other to a Final 2, and we have to vote for Lena or Nicole to win. And again, I have nothing against them as people!  But I don't think either of their gameplay to this point has been worthy of my jury vote. So as we whittle down our options, I have to look forward.  Aren, Issy and Emmott, probably in that order, are dead meat.  And if it gets down to five with the Family and Nicole........I don't know what I'll do. Will I vote out Nicole, trusting that at 4 at least one other person will have my back? Will I make a move against Richie or Ruthie, in a bid to get myself a more favorable Final Tribal? Or will I be completely blindsided and booted unceremoniously at five, to the joy of the jury? I truly don't know.  But this is where it gets interesting, folks.  Buckle up and see who outwits who, because we're gonna be choosing the winner here very, very soon.
Wow bitches I'm fucking running this vote, aren't I? Alex thinks I'm his little bitch-boy who's gonna do whatever he wants, BUT, what he doesn't know is that I'm actually blindsiding his ass this round! I've been doing my fair-share of talking, and I've got Emmott, Issy, Ruthie & Nicole and I'm working on Richie now. I've lied to Alex that I'm voting for mah boi Emmott, but hell nah is that happening! Tonight, we're gonna just straight-up see Alex 6 times. And it'll be truly beautiful. MARVELOUS MASTERPIECE BY AREN WILLIAMS, EVERYONE!!! BRINGS A TEAR TO MY EYE!
Whew, it's been a busy few days with Thanksgiving!  Aren thinks that me, Richie and Nicole are going to vote Alex out with him and I'm just thinking "ARE YOU FREAKING CRAZY?" Richie came to me asking what the whole thing was about and I'm pretty sure we just recently talked about it in the Family alliance chat that Aren could be saying this kind of stuff, but Alex apparently worries him a bit, but he wants The Family to be final 4.  I do too but I also want Nicole to be Final 3 with Alex and myself and it's just like uhhhh how do we get out Richie and Lena without ticking them off or Alex off?  ME, NICOLE AND ALEX would be a perfect Final 3, like I can't even.  I don't even really care if I win, face it, I probably WOULDN'T win next to Alex, to be honest.  I just really want to get to the end with him since we became a solid thing either day one or day two, I want to say day one! I think Lena is down with having me, her and Alex as Final 3 though, I definitely wouldn't win next to her though either, I have ZERO INDIVIDUAL IMMUNITY WINS. :( I really need to get with this lajsdfj.  ANYWAY, this is all what's up, it's been a quiet few days and I'm nervous that Aren is going to sway someone to vote Alex with him, UGH.
Everyone is low key annoying me right now, honestly can we please just nuke the whole game If I have to see another 'awokoksoaoaw' or 'BAHAHAHAHAHA' I'm gonna have to quit
Wooowooowooooo I got immunity!!!!!! I feel like I've got myself in a nice position where I didn't need it this week but it's nice to have something to add to my bleak on the surface looking resume... Normally when I get immunity it's like my free pass to play messy and hard because no matter what I do I can't get voted out so its the time to make #bigmoves but I won it 1 week too early With issy/emmott as a duo and aren being just THE messiest that trio needs to be trimmed down so they don't gain any traction so it looks like aren is going this week because he just doesn't shut his mouth he's always giving away too much information and stirring up trouble and he's making deals and throwing people under the bus it's just too much to try and keep him here because even tho he trusts me and isn't voting me out I can't trust that whatever I say to him won't be spread around and I try to keep things lowkey although he is great for getting information from we have this "honesty policy" that im trying my hardest to not actually break bc i want that jury vote so he just keeps giving me information and i never actually AGREE with any plans or confirm that im with him im just like https://68.media.tumblr.com/8d192f985c289a55c30423b83859fa0a/tumblr_oh87xllQpA1vzwwmeo1_250.gif and take notes on what he says asdjfhaksdjfhakdfj god thats not any better than lying but im doing my best lmao I dont know you've got Alex who I trust to a certain degree because I feel like we have the most genuine connection but also people in this game perceive him as a threat which #perceptionisreality so that helps because he's always going to be targeted before me so why would I vote out a meat shield I trust???? but also if he gets to end people think he's this great player that's not good... Then issy/emmott I haven't really worked with and after I vote out aren that should be the last straw they shouldn't trust me at all anymore lmao I never explicitly told them I was voting out Alex this week I purposefully ended my conversation with issy saying that I was hesitant to vote for Alex because "I don't trust Ruthie to not make it a tie" and I want to tell them I'm voting out aren so that I can have leverage with them to try and make the move to get out Nicole next week like I want to make but lena found a clue and we all looked for the idol and no one found it so that means someone else must have it so I'm scared to be HONEST with issy because I don't need any idols fucking up the plan this round so I guess I'll have to deal with that in the future Then there's Lena and Ruthie who are in the family alliance and I feel like we're all good with us 4 but ruthies closeness with Nicole scares the shit out of me because like that's a powerful relationship and as the numbers get smaller that scares me.... And Nicole hasn't talked game with me in dayyyyyys and we have history where I've fucked up with her so I went to Alex to try and plant the seed of voting her out next round but i dont know what's going to happen for now I'm just going to enjoy my last moments of immunity and pray things go the way I'm expecting them to and then clean up whatever messes I've made once they resurface
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