#ugh its hard to explain.
obnoxiousarcade · 1 year
oh sigh my woes: desprately wanting to talk to a purrtain some one but only knowing how to prepose a conversation by asking if they want to play chess
(^ andthis happens at least 4 times a day)
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offorestsongs · 19 days
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Rook + Lysander ― ship introduction ♡
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it only took me like, a good few months but finally! an official (somewhat of an) introduction post for the main OC x canon ship i post about on here - Rook x Lysander aka lilyarrow. Lysander is my Yuu and you can read more about him here <3
i didn't write out their entire relationship timeline because 1. this post is already pretty long and 2. i want to give myself some space to just, make up scenarios lmao. there are some things about the development of their relationship that i consider to be pretty set-in-stone so maybe one day i'll make a post about that too
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Lysander has met most of the characters earlier than in the game canon (mostly because i think that makes for some fun dynamics), including Rook. they've met shortly after book 2. Lysander was actually trying to make Ramshackle more liveable; cleaning, moving out some of the old furniture that had was too broken to use, fixing up some things here and there. Rook just kind of,, appeared out of nowhere (he was actually watching Lysander for a while now), spooking poor Grim out, and offered his help. he also kissed Lysander's hand.
when Lysander tried to introduce himself, Rook interrupted him, saying that he already knows it. he also knows what class Lysander is in, his seat number, height and interests.
Lysander, in turn, blushed. he thought it was cute. he did, however, firmly refused any help, since he likes to do everything by himself (Grim thought that was very stupid of him). but Rook insisted until Lysander had given in and agreed to it, so in the end they've spent the entire day moving furniture and painting walls. turns out, Rook had a lot to say about Lysander's interior design choices.
Lysander: as i said, presented with Rook's stalker tendencies right off the bat, instead of being weirded out, he thought it's kind of sweet. he's not really used to people noticing him or paying attention to him, so he naturally got kind of flustered by the idea of somebody having any sort of interest in him. he also needed only about five seconds before going "oh! i like him!" ― he just tends to cling to people who are more extroverted and more talkative than him, and he found the fact that Rook seems to have more knowledge about a lot of things pretty interesting. he was a bit overwhelmed by Rook's general Everything, but he pretty quickly got used to it. Rook: he was actually watching Lysander for a lot longer than the day they first met; he was quite taken by Lysander's delicate beauty. he thought that Lysander is like a pretty little flower ― Rook would be failing his life's mission if he didn't help Lysander bloom into his full potential! he was also kind of impressed with the fact that for a tiny, frail, magicless human, Lysander seemed to fare pretty well (especially watching him haul all that heavy furniture).
surprisingly, it was Lysander! while Rook was well aware that Lysander returns his feelings (i mean, Lysander was very obvious about it, if anything, it was hard to not notice), he was also willing to wait. you can't make your final move too fast or you'll spook your prey ― Lysander still seemed very skittish and he didn't want to accidentally scare him away. and besides, the wait is as much part of the fun as anything that comes after it (and he enjoyed teasing Lysander and watching him make the most awkward attempts at flirting seen to man).
meanwhile, Lysander made a bet with Vil that if they win the VDC, he'll finally confess to Rook. well. yeah. about that... but Lysander still decided that he's going to do it because, well, they've all had kind of a shitty day, he can at least have this one thing. and he's been hyping himself up all day! he can't all that go to waste!
(and maybe, just maybe he was a lot a bit jealous over a certain celebrity from a rival school. but just maybe!)
Lysander kind of fumbled it tho. he wanted to say something heartfelt and sweet and romantic, but he got too stressed out after like, the first sentence and started to kind of ramble. but Rook thought that it was cute, so it was all okay <3
well technically their first date was going to get Vil, Grim & co out of S.T.Y.X while Epel was thirdwheeling them but that doesn't count lmao
it was surprisingly normal and kind of, low-key. very private, very cozy. even before getting together, they would often go on walks and just kind of wander around, especially in the woods near the school.
so they went on a picnic in a little meadow that the often used to meet up at. Rook was the one who organized it, so he was the one who got all the food and all ― Lysander would be happy to do so himself, but Rook didn't want him to do any work before their date <3. Lysander has a real sweet tooth, so Rook had mostly got them Lysander's favorite sweets.
also they got caught in the rain about half way through and had to run back but Lysander got to wear Rook's jacket so it's still a profit? he never gave it back
it was actually during their first date! they were both laying on the blanket and chatting and it just kind of,,, happened. for the romance of it all, i would love to say that Rook is a good kisser but realistically speaking i don't think he actually has much experience, same with Lysander, so it was just kind of awkward, but still pretty sweet! tho Lysander did start laughing because he got too overwhelmed.
also it was almost right after that it started raining. they don't have the best luck lmao.
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Lysander: first of all, he really likes and appreciates the fact that Rook can read him pretty well!! Rook is one of the few people who understand that Lysander really isn't shy or anything, he just doesn't like talking too much and never pushed him into it. Rook is also very good at noticing when Lysander gets too overwhelmed by social situations and is quick to pull him out of them.
for his whole life, Lysander had to work hard to prove that he's worth anything, so he really appreciates the way Rook just,, sees him and loves him for who he is, wholeheartedly and without any conditions. it's maybe the first time Lysander feels really appreciated without having to do anything to "deserve" it.
he likes that Rook is emotional and earnest and genuine!! even if Rook is secretive and weird about some things, Lysander could never distrust him, because he knows that he's honest about the things that matter (especially, his feelings towards other people).
and he also likes the way Rook is so passionate about so many things!! he likes that Rook knows so much about many different topics and that he's always willing to talk at length about them!! and he likes the way Rook gets all excited over it too, he thinks its so cute <3.
Rook: he likes that Lysander is kind and warm and sweet. and most importantly, he likes that Lysander is somebody who chooses to be kind, no matter what — the thinks that's really admirable
he likes that Lysander is so resilient! again, he thinks the way Lysander is so bent on building a life for himself in a unfamiliar world, that he's never deterred by people treating him awfully, that he's willing to be stubborn when the situation demands it and that he doesn't give up easily.
he really appreciates how good of a listener Lysander is. while sure, Rook will gladly just talk at people, he's happy to have someone whos willing to actually listen to him, who's genuinely interested, who's asking questions and who actually tries to look at the world from Rook's perspective.
he also likes how busy Lysander always is. he likes that Lysander is always working on something, always has some project in mind, especially since he likes watching Lysander at work. he also finds Lysander’s wide array of home renovation skills absolutely delightful.
Lysander: he has some bad jealousy issues, so he tends to get a bit grumpy when Rook starts fawning about other people. he knows Rook doesn't mean it like that, but he's still unhappy
also he doesn't always appreciate how blunt Rook can be with his words, but they usually can talk it out so it's alright
Rook: while he does love how kind Lysander is, yes, he also thinks that sometimes Lysander is being too much of a pushover. yes, it is very noble and beautiful to sacrifice so much of yourself for other people's sake, he wouldn't mind if Lysander also took care of himself while at it!!
Lysander: listen. he's a simple boy. his type is just guys who are Strong. and so as you can imagine, he feels Very normal about Rook's arms. the first time he saw Rook in a t-shirt, he was UNCONSOLABLE. he also likes Rook's hands a lot, he likes that they're the rough hands of somebody who actually uses them to do work
Rook: while he would surely write many pomes about any given part of Lysander’s appearance, he's especially fond of Lysander’s freckles. he always tries to kiss as many of them as he can.
he's also very fond of Lysander’s smile since Lysander doesn't actually smile all that often.
they're both very outdoorsy people so most of their time together is just Going Somewhere. they like to just be in nature, Lysander then can ask Rook about Fun Animal Facts and Rook can be delighted by how animals seem to be naturally drawn to Lysander.
they can and will treat any outing as a date. they also treat everything they do like an adventure!!! no matter where they're going, they're going to find it fun and exciting!! but they especially like discovering new places together; when they're travelling somewhere, they like to go off map and just wander around and Lysander drags Rook to every food place they come across.
when they go on more "fancy" dates, it's usually theatre/opera. back in his home world, Lysander actually never went to theatre and upon learning about it, Rook went to fix it IMMEDIATELY. Lysander is still not that much into it, but he likes that Rook likes it.
they also watch a lot of movies even when they're just chilling together — again, Lysander is mostly happy that Rook can go on and on about cinematography and behind-the-scenes stuff. Rook had introduced him to musicals tho and he does actually like those!!
Rook is not allowed to help Lysander while Lysander is cooking, but sometimes Lysander lets Rook sit in the kitchen and watch. it's one of the few times when Lysander actually gets chatty because he starts to explain what he's doing and Rook is just happy to be able to listen (tho Lysander always makes him do the dishes afterwards). Rook also often helps Lysander with work in Lysander's garden.
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aka all the other things i wanted to mention but i didnt know where to put them lmao
i wanted to put it into the "what do they like about eachother" section but didn't know how to fit it in so it's here BUT. Lysander actually never found Rook weird and gets a bit defensive when others do so because. well. Lysander knows well how it is, to be labelled as "the weird person" simply because your way of interacting with other people is a bit out of the norm
while they aren't overly touchy with eachother in public, they're still very affectionate and combined with the fact that they often act like they're joined by hip, it makes them kind of insufferable to be around
they ARE very touchy in private tho!! they often cuddle/take naps together. Rook likes to put his head on Lysander’s chest so he can listen to Lysander’s heartbeat
while Rook uses A LOT of petnames in general, the one he uses most often is mon fleur, since, as i've said, Lysander reminds him of a flower a lot. Lysander is not big on petnames but he often calls Rook "my love" or "my heart"
they write eachother letters by hand, despite the fact that going to the same school, they have no real need to do so. usually full of dramatic romantic confessions and plans for the future
at one point they've given eachother a lock of their hair
not only did Lysander find Rook's stalking tendencies kind of cute, he would also leave the curtains in his windows opened just in case Rook was watching
obviously, the have eachother photo's as their phone lockscreens
Rook really admires the fact that Lysander does embroidery/sewing! he's fascinated by it since it's such a delicate job that requires a lot of carefullness and patience. he likes to sit with his head in Lysander's lap and watch him do it
Vil had put them in a "there was only one bed" scenario during book 5, making them share Lysander’s bedroom (since there were more people living at Ramshackle than actually liveable rooms, they had to arrange everyone somehow)
Rook often compares Lysander to a hare and once bought him a hare plushie
there's some intersection between Rook's interest in hunting and Lysander’s interest in cooking; somehow, that ended up with Rook teaching Lysander how to skin a rabbit (i feel like i shouldn't be putting this point right after the previous one LMAO)
they actually really love teaching eachother how to do things they're interested in!! Rook had also taught Lysander how to climb trees, some archery and whittling (with varying degrees of success)
Rook has just. so many sketchbook pages filled solely with drawings of Lysander
Lysander very often steals borrows Rook's hoodies/shirts; he likes that they're soft and too big on him and smell like Rook. Rook also often steals borrows Lysander’s clothes — they're too small for him to wear obviously but he just likes Lysander’s smell
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irimarzz · 2 months
tbh this might be controversial but I really don't think house "queerbaited" us I just think that house and wilson were gay like that. like. to me I feel like their canon relationship was basically just a fucking gay relationship without putting a name on it. the line between platonic and romantic for them is blurred and unclear and I think it's done on purpose and I think if they were canonically declared to be boyfriends then that would lessen the intensity of their relationship. they were without a doubt in love and I really don't think that we got queerbaited I think that's just how they were
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mihrsuri · 5 months
I keep trying to write an update and then being embarrassed about it and feeling like I’m trauma dumping on people by updating and I just..I know it’s on me to manage my crap, I know. I am trying (not very well but I’m trying) and it’s just…I don’t know. I don’t even know.
#please know i have thought about hospital but hospital would#genuinely make it worse (like I cannot even tell you how much worse)#i think I’m legitimately just…having a trauma reaction on top#of a jewish trauma spike#and dentists and having to move (I may have cleaned till I shook today also my arm#does not look great#i feel like i don’t actually verbally have the words#(i have tried not engaging i have tried engaging they both feel awful)#(hashem i don’t know would you even embrace me would you…)#(it’s not a meds thing (I take meds for mdd and I know what that looks like and this isn’t it)#(it’s hard to explain the difference between CPTSD and like a panic attack or a depression)#(except that I feel like I’m so so tainted and not in my body or if I’m in my body I’m in my body somewhere else#abuse cw#i didn’t ask for this cptsd and no tshirt was offered#this will disappear probably#UGH#(i am seeing my therapist tomorrow i just..i know i need to reach out to)#(to like my current landlords and ask if I could just pay for a cleaning service to come in)#(i know i need to be like ‘unfortunately my CPTSD is Fucking Terrible Right Now and I need)#(just a bit of grace apologies)#(i do not want my parents to know i do not want that)#(aside from the fact that I am already a burden to them anyway)#a stupid flop of a person i am crying thinking about how i had plans for kids and a wife and travel and…I’m nothing#(everyone else is something I’m not I don’t deserve grace lbr)#it keeps running through my head how many people i thought loved me want me dead#and it’s like I can fake it so well#(i don’t know I may be like sending words to people)#to run through the steps of not being alone#i’m truly sorry i am always not taking accountability and playing the victim and clinging to people#to get reassurance i don’t deserve that its a good person it isn’t it isn’t a person
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youredreamingofroo · 3 months
going on insta and being reminded why I never check people's stories ever 😕
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the-kipsabian · 4 months
quite frankly and selfishly my least favorite part in not having kip in active competition is the fact that *i* have fuck all to do during and after these shows cause i have nothing new to create like ever without him being on
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walkwithmegirl · 1 month
Something about slightly weird men makes my ears perk up like a dog
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usertoxicyaoi · 2 years
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“I guess, a guitar? But I can only play just a bit of it.” WHY YOU ... Y ME? (2022) - Episode 5.
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celticbotanart · 7 months
I'm feeling a lot better from the probably-covid, but I'm still feeling very "off", hence the lack of updates; on the other hand, I took this time I was sick/recovering to do some personal stuff, the new OCs on the making I mentioned a while ago, I'm very hyperfixated atm. I hope I can share stuff about them on Patreon soon~
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floydsg · 30 days
if only i knew how to code
if only i knew how to program
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dwtdog · 4 months
Soulmate AUs where one of them rejects the other before they meet for the first time (I'm talking like writing on skin type of soulmates) are top tier for me personally.
Because imagine your finally meet your soulmate (but don't realize it), you fall in love with them meanwhile they tell you about how their soulmate rejected them and it ruined them when they were younger because imagine being in a society based around the idea of being with a soulmate and all you can think about is "how can anyone be such an idiot as rejecting this beautiful person?" and then learning it was YOU who was the idiot that rejected them and hurt them. Just, chef's kiss.
-🌟 Anon
YESSS this is exactly what i love about good soulmate aus the irony of hurting the person you're destined to love </333 and just like. wanting so badly to be the soulmate of the person you're in love with but being too afraid of being wrong so all u can do is wait and wait and when it finally is confirmed u feel like you've wasted so much time
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xullianspamnoham · 5 months
i need to stop crying!!!
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rapidhighway · 2 years
I finally have a concept art class this semester and I've been so excited about it this is all I wanted and still i can't bring myself to do any work for it pls pls pls 😔
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cistematicchaos · 2 years
fucking hell. not the healthy coping mechanisms actually helping me cope 💀 
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gamingofkenna · 1 year
Playing Thimbleweed Park, finding it absolutely delightful, and then going online to see lots of people complaining about it? Baffling. I wasn't planning on making a post-game thoughts post, but now I am anyways
*mild spoilers follow*
I'm particularly primed to enjoy meta storytelling, apparently. I don't know why, but often when I see people complaining about meta stuff in stories, it's the kind of stuff I find enjoyable or interesting. This is a meta story and maybe some aspects are annoying and I just can't see because Gilbert and I have the same style of humor
Thimbleweed Park is not an 'ironic' game, it's not making fun of gaming or 'punishing' players for buying into the game situation (a wild take imo, did we play the same game?)
Thimbleweed Park is a game that loves games. it's a game that loves making games and playing games. it's all about how fun these kinds of games are. poking fun at gaming logic even as it's completely reliant on it; it's saying 'this is silly. isn't that so fun??' you're collecting dust because isn't it fun to collect pixels?? we set up these elaborate puzzles to entice you to the ending because aren't elaborate game puzzles fun??
I don't know how to properly verbalize my thoughts on this topic, just to say that, to me, the characters acknowledging openly that they're in a game doesn't feel a like a cop-out. It feels like it was making genuine what was, up until that point, just a joke. at no point in the game was it not commenting on being a game, from 'the corpse is pixelating' to 'that highway was long, i hope we dont have to walk down it again' to 'heres a flyer about a hintline, i have no idea what that means'. but all of those comments are just kind of jokes. we laugh at the cosmic irony of knowing something the characters don't
once the characters know it, it's not ironic anymore. it's a thing that's always been true, that they've always kind of known, and that's getting directly addressed finally. and once it is, we can start thinking about the vehicle of the game medium in how the story is told
because on the one hand this is a story about free will, kind of, but it's not about how these characters don't have it because they're in a game
like, what really sells the ending to me is how every character's personal quest gets completed. we're in a game and everything's going to get wiped? well I finally got the evidence I needed to clear my father's name, and that's how I'm going to spend my last twenty minutes. Ransome spends the whole game being a scumbag, and his last act before everything is over is to acknowledge that there is a lesson to be learned from this, and to try to make up for it
my interpretation is that it's about the free will to be a better person. Uncle Chuck uses and abuses everyone around him and throughout the ending there's a part of him that's fighting the 'evil' side to beg his niece to free him. it's cheesy and overdone, but the whole genre is cheesy and overdone. Ray and Reyes are direct foils, cold and condescending vs warm and enthusiastic, but even Ray's personal quest ends by giving someone an award for being Good At Games
maybe I'm overthinking this, but for a game that spent so much time expressing how much it loved games, and fun, and cheese, saying the 'its all a game' ending is a 'so it doesn't matter' ending seems to be missing the point. it's all a game; isn't that fun??
(and I want to add that the 'final boss' of the game being the game itself, which I imagine some people will think contradicts my point, really just seems like a continuation of the theme. the characters act like this is going to work even though the player knows 'shutting down' the game isn't going to destroy it - because they're still in a game, and I still want to be able to play it
the real villain isn't the existence of the game itself, but the ideology of 'its just a game so our actions dont matter'. Chuck's evil side is brought on by the AI revealing the nature of the game (though he was a dick long before that); he kills Franklin and Boris because 'this isn't real so my actions don't matter'. he orchestrates this mystery to get Delores to break into the wireframe and shut down the whole game... but of course the game recovers itself. because the game wasn't the problem. it was the dismissal of people and their well-being that was the problem)
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the-kipsabian · 11 months
so glad to just come home and immediately be like "okay its vent hour time" but like
dont fucking talk to me about being a writer and then tell me you use ai to write 3/4 of your text for you and top it off by BRAGGING how you "wrote" 50k words in two days
fucking hell im angry
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