#ugh Mika stop
gurorori · 2 months
doing a med checkup before i can start working and like why that cost so fucking much and wants me to go to 84729775 different doctors and places. for money. not for small beans either. while im unemployed. how
just paid $50ish (not good when i will be earning around $300) for them to tell me my heart is kinda abnormal... i have tachycardia & sinus arrhythmia 😭
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lana-llama-in-pajamas · 6 months
Milkman (Francis mosses) x fem! Reader
Thick as blood
Sweet as milk
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Ah yes, you. The new doorman. The DDD hired you for your attention to detail and ability to examine more than just physical detail but the way people talked, their actions even the movement in their eyes.
Dopples are horrible at those details, some are just straight stupid and don’t try
But today was your first day in the building fresh from training, the building didn’t have a doorman before so you were ready for confrontation and confusion
Your uniforms was meant to look friendly, with a DDD button the the left breast. the DDD issued you with a pistol in case a Dopple did get in.
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The block has been notified and given everything they needed to get in. Now it was your job to make sure they were safe
The day went slow no one coming in till lunch, you were not given one but you were allowed to eat whenever suited you
Soon tho a very happy woman came by…she had heterochromia at first you assumed dopple before looking at her papers
Right Nacha Mikaelys . Everything checked out as you studied her taking notes in your head, she smiled seemingly unaware of what was happening “how’s your day so far?” She asked looking through her purse, possibly for her keys “going well, I’m y/n your new doorman” you replied passing back her papers “have a good day ma’am” she nodded taking them back “pleased to meet you y/n see you tomorrow “ Nacha waved and walked out of sight
You got up from your chair to walk around your small office, you fix up your uniform as you hear someone come up to your glass panel. It was a milkman..? you raised your eyebrows at him. He didn’t look quite surprised to see you. He slid his papers into the slot and waited. You grabbed the papers and looked up and down at them. You then looked up at him and studied his features while trying to talk to him. “Hi I’m y/n the new doorman pleased to meet you, Mr. Moses.”
“Mm…pleased to meet you y/n”
Oh god. You blushed! What a schoolgirl
You slid the papers to him quickly looking down “all is in order, good day sir” you almost stuttered before looking back up at his dark tired eyes “good.” He walked off not noticing your sudden change in tone.
Oh god he sounded like a night time soap, deep and soft. you could listen to him read a chapter book and hang on every word, a phone book would sound sexy! And his eyes! Ugh you would kiss them if possible! You let your blush stay as you fell head over heels for a man that spoke 6 words to you (I counted) another person stood before you, before you could even greet them you stopped in your tracks
It wasn’t human. Its face was a drawing taped to it. No mouth but it spoke “allow me in please”
You softly pressed the urgency button as you slid out your gun. You could hear the dopple screech and writhe behind the glass and metal shutter while you called your superiors “I have one” you spoke sternly not wanting to show any fear “on the way” the triple D officer spoke. You stood back pistol in hand breathing slowly to calm down soon though the screeching stopped and the metal shutter lifted revealing a man in a yellow suit “dopple eliminated. Good work” he walked away with 2 others carrying a body bag.
You shivered placing the weapon back in its place you were glad most of those things were dumb but it made it no less horrifying
Your mind raced as you thought about the two things that just happened to you almost simultaneously first having a girl crush on a milkman and now almost getting killed by a stupid Dopple
Your immediate thought, as you sat down and tried to organize to calm your mind was, how does a milkman live in a building with such high earners ? How much does a milkman make ?you pondered looking over the files of residents
After introducing yourself to a couple of other residents, the day ends, and it’s time for your shift to end as well.
One Dopple the rest human honestly the best you could hope for on a first day, the other thing you could look forward to is that because you do work in this building, you can live in the building for way less rent than everybody else, you picked up your items from the desk and made sure everything was clean before you left and lock the door behind you no one was allowed to leave or enter the building after 10 PM unless of course it was an emergency, but they would be escorted by DDD officer at the front of the building 
You took the elevator to your apartment “F05” the old landlord room, it used to be boarded up but the DDD had it refurbished for you, still looked a little dingy but ultra cheap rent for a 2 room apartment was worth it
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You opened the door but jumped a little hearing another door “oh” you heard the deep voice looking to your left, Francis in a white wife beater and a cardigan. He has a cigarette in his fingers unlit “oh sorry you startled me goodnight Mr.mosses” you tried to excuse yourself quickly but to your surprise he spoke up “I didn’t know you lived here, actually I didn’t know there was a 5th apartment” he finally lit his cigarette taking a long drag (it’s the 50s) you nodded hoping to clear his confusion “ it was boarded up in the early 40s, it’s called a lord suite. a place for the landlord to stay in case of quick repairs or whatever else may happen” he listened rather intently taking the cig out of his mouth, god did you want him to ask you to take a puff just to indicate something “oh…I remember those really fell out of fashion huh?” He asked passing the half done cancer stick. You screamed in your head agreeing with him and taking in the smoke “well enjoy, I need to sleep” he walked back to his apartment almost slamming the door, was he mad? He didn’t indicate anger or distrust, you finished the cigarette and smudged it out on your stove placing the butt on the counter almost contemplating about saving it… you were weirding yourself out a bit but came back to.
You did as all necessary and got ready for bed
You dreamt of Francis sitting on the roof with you holding you close both of you in your uniforms as you kissed him deep and hungry begging for more in your movements you felt him move down to bite softly at your ne- TRRRIING TRRING
your alarm clock yelled at you a few more times before you could slam your hand down on it groaning and streaching “god I am down bad”
End pt 1
I know but the game is set in like 1955 America but it gives me such Soviet vibes 
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sumiire-creates · 8 months
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𝘎𝘌𝘕𝘙𝘌: fluff.
𝘍𝘛; amber, kaeya, lisa, jean, diluc, venti, albedo, rosaria, eula, mika.
‣ gn!reader [mentions of female anatomy] | slightly suggestive(?) [on kaeya, venti, and albedo] | a ton of kisses | a ton of fluff/a bit of comfort.
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- amber loves to kiss your face.
- amber is so sweet about it too
- like if she has the chance, she’s take your face in her hands and just smother you with kisses until you’re both all giggles
- she enjoys pecking your cheek or nose or forehead
- she ADORES goodnight forehead kisses. like, she gives you one EVERY. NIGHT.
- she’s so gentle with her lil smooches
- she’d kiss you any chance she got
- when you’re cuddling in bed? smooch
- pass by each other when you’re doing your own thing? quick kiss on the cheek
- training? hell yes.
- if you were a fellow knight, she’d spar with you and like get so close just to give you a kiss and hit you so hard you fall to the ground
- but like it's okay
- because if you tell her it isn't, she gets really disappointed and sad and pouts about it for the rest of the day
- you better make it up to her
- like later when y’all are going to sleep, trap her in a hug and return the favor! she’ll cheer right up
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- kaeya loves to kiss your lips.
- flirt.
- tease.
- he’s such an ass with it
- like he knows what he’s doing and he loves to just make you feel those annoying little butterflies that make you happy
- but then like
- he’ll also get super close, and you just wanna kiss him really badly
- and then he pulls away.
- like SIR??? >:(
- i'm not done come back here
- his kisses are soft and loving
- with gentle lips on yours, he’ll kiss you anytime he finds the moment to be perfect
- he’s the definition of romantic
- like your first kiss was probably on starsnatch cliff at sunset and looked so damn perfect
- gentle breeze and everything
- this mf couldn’t have timed it better
- he likes romantic kisses
- he also likes to just peck your lips
- but that's only if he can’t snatch you away and make out with you
- straying a little off topic but
- kaeya fucking LOVES cuddling you at night and making you face him so he can just smooch you right there whenever he wants
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- lisa loves to kiss your hands.
- such a gentlewomen <3
- she’s, like, so fucking sweet
- she’ll take your hands in hers and kiss your knuckles and it's just so soft and UGH
- when handing you books, she’ll snatch your hand and give it a quick kiss before waving you goodbye
- literally just
- i can’t stop saying this but,
- she’s SO SWEET.
- lisa would hold your hand tightly as you two walk down the street, occasionally bringing it up to her mouth as she’d kiss your knuckles and give her a smile
- she’ll never pass up a chance to kiss your pretty hands
- she’ll never pass up a chance to kiss you in general, honestly
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- jean loves to kiss your forehead.
- goodnight kisses on the forehead as she gets in bed beside you >>>
- she’s probably taller than you so its like the most easy to access place for her tbh
- jean is so sweettttt
- so gentle and loving with her partner
- she’d kiss you and give you a small reassuring affirmation afterwards
- “you’re doing great, love, keep it up.”
- “i love you so much, you know that, right?”
- “i’ll never leave your side, even in death.”
- “let me know if you need anything, okay?”
- it’s just
- so goddamn cute
- she’d only do it when she felt like its needed though
- taking her face in her hands as she pulls you in so she can kiss your forehead when you’re stressing out before embracing you and hugging you while gently rubbing you back-
- she even gives you the option to shove her away if you want, and she won’t get offended or upset or anything
- she’s just so comforting with her kisses <3
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- diluc loves to kiss your shoulder.
- first off, this man isn’t too big of a fan of PDA…
- so kissing in public is a no no unless nobody is looking
- then he often slips you a quick peck
- but he much prefers to kiss when he knows you’re alone
- his favorites are when he’s cuddling you in bed and just kinda kisses and sucks on your shoulder bc its soft and feels nice to him
- he’ll trail up your neck, to your lips, and then back down
- he’s super gentle about it AGAIN
- also i imagine that he’s just super duper warm
- he already wears that heavy ass coat
- but the pyro vision automatically makes him warmer to the touch
- he’s fine, i promise, just really warm
- so like imagine being held in his warm, strong arms while he gently gives you shoulder kisses
- its so cuteee
- diluc also likes it when he’s doing paperwork at his desk and you come to pester him. he likes it when you start whining and get in his lap to distract him
- because then he’ll just trap you in his arms
- “is this what you wanted?”
- and then, if nobody else is inside or if the maids have a day off, he’ll probably just kinda slide your shirt off a bit and smother your shoulders and neck in kisses
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- venti loves to kiss your neck.
- its so bad
- especially when he gets tipsy
- he’ll literally just kinda blend bodies with you and his lips never leave your neck
- also he knows where your soft spot/sweet spot is so just be warned, he’s gonna target it
- he’ll hold you from behind and find your favorite spot, sucking and kissing it before slowly trailing off… and then he comes right back to it, 2x the effort.
- he gets really handsy when kissing
- like he’ll probably grab at anything
- so yk
- be warned
- you can also bribe him to give you more kisses
- just promise him a drink and he’ll endlessly kiss you
- but like uphold your promise
- because you’re not getting anymore kisses until he gets that damn wine
- he’ll kiss you in any situation
- he prefers to kiss your neck from behind, but he can do it from the front too
- he also likes the back because he can just bury his face in your hair and it smells good so
- why wouldnt he want to ?
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- albedo loves to kiss your chest.
- “its for science”
- no its not.
- he just likes to kiss your chest.
- he’ll only go as far as your clothes allow
- tbh it's probably because they’re warm
- he isn’t particularly gentle or anything, actually
- he’s more rough with them tbh
- albedo likes to run his tongue along your skin before suckling on it
- then he’ll actually kiss it
- he’s a weirdo
- tbh he probably doesn’t kiss you that often
- it's more like
- spread out
- unless you ask specifically for him to kiss you more
- which he may or may not do
- he may just give you a look because he’s busy
- or he’ll indulge you
- who knows
- tbh i can’t tell with this man
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- rosaria loves to kiss your cheek.
- she definitely doesn’t kiss often
- or like
- at all
- but when she does, she kisses you like a ghost
- as in you almost can't feel it
- she much prefers to kiss your cheek, as its a soft and simple gesture that she can do at any time
- but again, she doesn’t kiss often
- so when you do find this blessing upon you, don’t hope for too much
- she won’t give you the proper kiss to the lips that you may want, because most of the time she’s busy and doesn’t have the time or feel very deserving of sharing such a nice moment with you
- so a peck on the cheek will do and then she’s off again
- tbh she hates the church and protecting mondstadt
- because she doesn’t have the time to kiss you like the wants
- but dw
- she’ll make it up to you
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- eula loves to kiss your knuckles.
- she was raised by aristocrats
- so like
- kissing is a thing
- she won’t do too often
- until you’re married
- because why waste her kisses on someone who’ll break up with her?
- no
- she’ll take her vengeance if you leave her
- so like
- don’t.
- anyways
- eula likes getting down on one knee and kissing your knuckles
- because it's romantic
- and she’s a knight
- isn’t that what the night typically does for his princess?
- as far as she knows, yes, yes it is
- so she’s gonna do it for you
- as a greeting
- and a farewell
- and just because she can
- of course in private she won’t make such a big deal about it
- she’ll just kinda snatch your hand (regardless of what you’re doing), and press her lips to your knuckles
- she really really enjoys doing it because it reminds her of those little stories about a princess and a knight
- you’re her prince/princess and she’s your loyal knight <3
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- mika loves to kiss your nose.
- shy.
- shy.
- shy.
- again, does not kiss you often
- but it's more often than like rosaria or albedo or eula.
- he’s just really really really nervous to kiss you
- like what if he messes up???
- he doesn’t wanna mess up!!
- so instead of kissing your lips
- he kisses your nose
- why?
- because he thinks your nose is cute
- but also because it helps him a little
- concentration wise
- this way he cant mess it up!
- right?
- right..?
- he’s telling himself that
- he just likes to kiss your nose
- mika thinks it's soft and cute but so is your whole face!!
- he’d pepper your face in kisses if he could
- but most attention kissing-wise is given to your nose
thank you for reading !
have a great day/night !
Requests: OPEN
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mewhenimanangel · 1 year
and they were roommates, mikasa ackerman
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pairing: mikasa ackerman x fem!reader
synopsis: you and mikasa have been friends since middle school, practically inseparable. who knew you were both in love with each other
content!: friends to lovers, swearing, alcohol, mutual pining, girls kissing, fingering, oral sex, nipple play, object insertion, sapphic
nia’s ౨ৎ notes: there’s a severe lack of mikasa fics, also how do you guys write the craziest smut and not feel a little awkward like omg
next ‎𐦍
you hurried up the stairs to your apartment to get ready for a date with some guy you'd met the other day. grabbing your keys you opened your front door to see your roommate and best friend, mikasa, on the couch.
"hey mika" you greeted her throwing off your jacket and shoes. "hey, you're later than usual" she said, getting up from her spot. "ugh my boss had me working over time. he's so fucking annoying, swear he has it out for me." you rushed to the bathroom. "why are you running around?" she asked you who was now completely shirtless covering your nipples with your arm.
her face got hot and she looked away bending to grab something from the fridge. you'd been friends since middle school and were practically inseparable. you graduated high school and college together, moved to a big city together and got an apartment together. you trusted her with everything and she did with you. you'd grown extremely comfortable around each other and she never had a problem seeing your bare body, until lately.
mikasa found herself developing feelings for you, her best friend. she was obsessed with the way you talked, how you carried yourself, your humor and how you made her feel. she realized she had feelings for you about eight months ago when you guys got drunk when eren was over and brought a pack of cigarettes for you.
it was so out of the blue, she watched you do something you usually always did but something about this night - the way the fire from your lighter illuminated on your face, the way your slender fingers wrapped around the cig, the way you blew a kiss at her when you caught her staring, it made her heart flutter. then when you all were falling asleep later that night, you and her shared the couch while eren slept in the arm chair. you'd kicked off your jeans and got on the couch with her, tangling your bare legs with hers, falling asleep in the crook of her neck.
"i have a date remember, the guy i told you about from the coffee shop" you told her, running to get your towel from your room. her face dropped and she shut the door, she did remember - she remembered how you were gushing about some random guy while she sat there yearning for you. "you're actually going out with that weirdo?" she scoffed. "aw come on he's cute. plus i need a good fuck right now" you giggled.
'i could do that for you' she thought to herself.
you went into the bathroom and hopped in the shower while mikasa flopped down on the couch, resuming sex and the city.
she heard the shower stop and stole a glance at you coming out in your towel.
you were gone in your room for about ten minutes before you came back out in a tiny black dress that stopped just below your ass and matching black heels. you'd put your hair up and your make up looked gorgeous. mikasa couldn't stop looking at you, that asshole doesn't deserve to have you looking this good for him.
"can you help me zip up this?" you asked her, putting your earrings in. she got up and turned you around zipping up the dress and letting her hands linger on you for a second too long.
"bye i'll see you later" you gave her an air kiss so not to mess up your lipgloss. "be safe" was all she said before you were out the door.
mikasa took a shower and went to her room to relax while you were out.
you groaned entering your apartment and kicking your heels off by the door. you went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of vodka before flopping down on the couch.
"y/n? how come you're back so early?" mikasa came into the living room. she was in a pair of boy shorts and a tank top, her short hair messy. "ohhh my god i need to tell you everything." you exclaimed as she went to sit down next to you.
you put down your drink and she took a sip souring her face at the taste. "this is strong as hell" she grimaced.
"that's how bad it was. okay we went downtown to zen sushi right. and everything was like fine but like he kept getting like slightly mad or like irritated with me. and he kept making like weird comments about how much i had dressed up. and oh my god he was so rude to the waiter i literally had to apologize to them. and then he made me split the bill???? like i don't mind splitting but if you're gonna be a weirdo asshole the whole night at least pay for my meal you fucking freak" you explained to her, taking another swig.
"and when we left i was just so over it that when he asked me if i wanted to come to his place, i immediately said no like not even a second thought because he literally can't be serious." you shook your head.
"knew i was right about him being a weirdo" she said. "ugh so right" you sighed, laying down on the throw, body sprawled across her lap. she rest her hand on your thigh and drew little circles over it with her thumb while taking another swig from the bottle.
"just mad cause i wasted this cute ass dress and i'm horny." you whined, grabbing your phone. mikasa felt her face get hot again at your statement. she stared down at you for a while before you realized and looked back at her, it was now you realized how high her hand was on your thigh. you instinctively spread your legs apart, thigh hitting the back of the couch.
her hand just barely inched further up your thigh, thumb rubbing over your leg softly. mikasa's eyebrows scrunched together as she gulped and finally for the first time you could see the want in her eyes.
you eased up on your butt and brought your face close to hers. you didn't miss the way her grey eyes flickered down to your mouth and staying there for a while before leaning in to kiss you.
your eyes widened before you kissed her back too. she rest her hands on the side of your face, pressing her body onto yours as you leaned back on the chair arm. "i've been wanting this for so long" you whispered, pulling away. "you have?" she asked. "yeah i just thought you weren't into me" you shrugged. "you're bad at reading people." she laughed. "been wanting you for so fucking long" she kissed you again.
in no time her tongue was in your mouth, sliding across yours. your breath hitched when you felt her hand press against your throat and her knee pressing against your core.
she let go your lips, sucking on your bottom lip on her way to your neck. she licked down your neck stopping at your collarbone to press kisses and sucking on it, leaving small bruises.
you moved your hand to swipe your thumb over her nipple that was poking through her tank, making you swallow the moan that ripped out of her. you moved your hand under her shirt and squeezed into the plush of her tit.
you leaned up from the chair arm and lift her shirt up over head, ogling her boobs as they fell out of the thin fabric.
you ran your warm tongue over her pink nipple, looking up at her to see the way her face reddened. she put her hand through your hair while you sucked on her nipple, pulling and twisting the other one. "god that feels so good" she moaned, arching her chest into your face.
you continued before getting up and pulling her off the couch as well. you grabbed her hands and pulled her to your room with a smirk on your face. you threw your arms around her neck while she grabbed your face and pushed you onto the bed, landing on top of you. her bare chest pressed against yours, still clad in your dress. she reached for the hem of it and pulled it over your head, your turn for your boobs to fall out of your clothes.
"no bra? cant believe you were gonna give that bastard all this" she said before kissing your already swollen lips. you reached your hand down into her bottoms and pressed your fingers against her clit. you felt her mouth drop open as her eyes clenched tight.
she let out breathy moans as you worked your fingers over her. using the pads of your middle and ring finger to rub circles on her clit. you gently pushed her off you laying her down on the bed before tugging her shorts down, a string of slick connecting her cunt with her underwear.
you pushed your fingers pass her slit, curling them inside her. "mmf- feels so good y/n" she moaned out. you moved your thumb to rub on her clit while you drove your fingers inside her. you felt her jump at the added stimulation before biting into her lips so hard, blood was drawn. "fuck just like that~ keep going" she whined. you were one to follow orders so you pumped your fingers deep inside her while quickening your pace on her clit.
her chest rose and fell faster and her legs were beginning to shake, she closed her eyes tight before moaning out "i'm gonna cum y/n" "i know baby, look at me while you do" you smirked. seconds later she came on your fingers like flood gates broke and you brought your fingers up to your mouth sucking on her fluids.
you brought them back down to her cunt before shoving them in her mouth "taste yourself baby" you whispered, feeling her tongue swirl around them. you replaced your fingers with your mouth tasting the metallic flavor on her lips.
she pulled away for air "i wanna taste you" she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth with a smile. you smiled before flipping your body under hers in excitement. she licked down from your neck, stopping to lick and suck on your tits earning moans from you before she dug her fingers into the lace of your panties and dragging them down your legs.
she lifted your leg over her shoulder lining kisses down it before she reached your pussy. licked up your slit making you jump before she brought your hips back down shoving your cunt in her face.
she circled her tongue over your clit making you cry out a moan. "god mika that feels so fucking good~" you whimpered. she sucked your folds before pressing her tongue past them. the licking mixed with her sucking lips was driving you insane. "fuck mikasa! i'm gonna cum~" you moaned. your stomach felt warm before you reached your orgasm, sending your sticky fluids all over mikasa's tongue and lips.
she lapped every last drop up and swallowed it down. you got up to kiss her and she kissed you back before pushing you down on the pillows. "we're not done yet baby." she reached into the bottom drawer of your nightstand, grabbing the pink dildo she knew you owned.
your face felt hot seeing her holding it in her hands. she moved in front of you and spread your legs, lining it up with your hole. she pushed it past your entrance easing it inside you inch by inch, watching as your hole clenched around it. she pumped it in and out of you while you moaned out with arousal.
"you ever think of me when you fuck yourself? wishing it was me instead" she asked. "yes~" you moaned out, covering your face in embarrassment. "no baby, wanna see my best friend's pretty face while i fuck her~" she smirked, moving over you to suck on your tongue and bottom lip.
she used her thumb to rub over your clit while continuing to slam the dildo inside you, almost hitting your cervix. tears pricked your eyes as you wailed out. "fuck! oh my god! m'gonna cum"
"go ahead pretty baby." she said, kissing you again. you could hardly contain yourself so it was mostly just you moaning into her mouth until you came again. you rest your hands on her shoulders as you properly kissed her, moving to rub your hands through her hair.
you stayed like that for a minute before she leaned up and pulled the dildo out of you, watching as your cum pooled out of your hole.
mikasa got up and left the room while you sat there and thought about if that really just happened. she came back into the room, holding your now cleaned dildo before putting it back in your nightstand.
she smiled at your disheveled fucked out state, hair once in a bun now falling at your shoulders struggling to stay in the rubber bands. "you wanna take a shower?" she asked you. you nod your head and eased on to your shaking legs. she held your waist on the way to the bathroom before turning on the water.
you put on your shower cap before getting in behind her.
"you wanna sleep in my bed tonight?" you asked her as you dried off. "yeah" she kissed you. you got dressed in a pair of old boxers and a t shirt before moisturizing your skin. you heard your door open and smiled seeing mikasa come into the room in a new pair of boy shorts and a t shirt.
you threw your arms around her neck and pressed your lips on hers in a quick peck. "i could seriously get used to that" she smiled. you turned off your lamp and crawled into your bed with her. you tangled your legs between hers as you kept your arms wrapped around each other.
"i really like you y/n. like so much" she smiled. "i like you too mikasa, a lot. for a while now actually" you smiled. she smiled before kissing you again.
your eyes felt droopy and you fell asleep in the crook of mikasa's neck listening to her soft breathing and the city noise outside.
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jjkeremika · 1 year
Just Show Me
description: mikasa has boring sex with jean (*not here*) and she tells eren about it the next night. she's having trouble finding the words so he says to show her what she meant. they have hot sex
pairing: eren x mikasa (aot/snk)
universe: college/university
smut: yeah like fully
“I don’t know, Eren! I just, like, let him—ugh! I don’t know!” Mikasa exclaimed, bright red.
They were sat on her queen bed. Eren was resting against the wall, legs crossed, and Mikasa was sitting mirrored in front of him, her face near her lap hidden behind her hands.
Eren briefly laughed at her embarrassment. “C’mon, Mika. You can’t ask me if something’s normal and not tell me what happened." He rubbed her bare shoulder with his thumb. He felt the firm ridges of his thumbprint brush against her smooth skin. "And it’s me. You can tell me anything.”
He was right. She knew he was right.
“I want to tell you I just don’t know how to describe it,” she confessed, leaning into his hand. The rubbing was soothing, and it gave her something concrete to focus on. "It's... embarrassing."
Eren shrugged nonchalantly. If he made a big deal out of how it wasn't a big deal, she would only feel worse. It didn't help though that internally he did want to make it a big deal. He hated the idea of Mikasa and Jean sleeping together. He didn't want to hear about any of it. But Mikasa had called him in hysterics, claiming that she thinks she did everything wrong and she has no idea what was or wasn't normal--even begging for Eren to come over and sort it all out with her.
The worst part was she didn't even need to beg. He was already on his way over to her apartment as soon as he heard her sniffle through the phone. It didn't matter that it was just to hear about how some random guy in her class touched her. She needed him.
That's what he told himself as he sat across from her on her bed for the thousandth time. Watching her lose herself in her own head.
There were so many emotions rolling through Mikasa's head she couldn't pick one to focus on. Each one flashed itself momentarily before being rapidly replaced by another, over and over and over again. Anxiety. Relief. Regret. Hope. Coy. Nervous.
She couldn't determine if the emotions corresponded to last night or right now. Last night was fine, but she had spent the whole day wondering if everything really was fine. She had little experience in anything except overthinking, and assuming she did something wrong was a specialty.
Her view refocused on Eren's expression: stern, but his eyes were soft. Her cheeks were squished between his hands, his face was a few centimeters away from her own.
"What are they saying in there?" Eren asked, rotating her head in his hands like he were inspecting it. She laughed and pushed him off.
The tension was thick when they had stopped laughing. Eren was now sitting on his side, leaning slightly over Mikasa and she leaned back. Their faces were close, and she could see herself running in his grassy eyes; eyes the same color as the meadow that first day of spring they had met; her forgotten favorite shade of green.
Eren's skin tingled as he felt pulled to her, practically using every muscle in his body to oppose the magnetic force. He could feel himself growing warmer, could feel the blood starting to pump faster.
Mikasa felt every tiny hair sticking up, pointing to him, screaming for him. She felt the blood pumping to her pelvis, felt the warmth spread between her legs. Her stomach was twisting in more ways than one. There was the same feeling as last night, and there was another one this time, a hidden desire.
"Was this how it started?" Eren asked deeply and slowly. He relished when she smiled, acutely aware to how she made his body react.
She nodded and took Eren's non-supporting hand in hers. She placed it on her lower thigh.
"Yeah, and I think he kissed my neck, too." She tilted her head to the right and pointed to her neck. "Ahh," she moaned as he instantly pounced on her.
Eren fixated on kissing around her neck while she ran her fingers through his hair and down his arms. He'd lightly nip at a spot whenever she gasped slightly, and he spent extra time kissing the skin below her ears.
"And then I took his shirt off." They both sat up on their knees and tugged at the bottom of Eren's shirt until it was off and on the floor somewhere. "And then I took off mine."
It was only a tank top, but Eren loved the way she wiggled her body to remove it. Definitely for show. Definitely for him.
She laid back down. "Then he kissed and touched me..." She was tracing the outline of her nipple with her fingertip. Barely touching it. "Here," she whispered, smiling mischievously.
Eren crawled over her until his face was right in front of hers. "Did he tell you that you're so fucking sexy?" He muttered, pressing one hand against her neck to bring their lips together, the other holding her side.
His grip on her neck was strong but delicate, like a statue; tense and intentional but easily broken. She broke the kiss because she couldn't stop smiling, directing his lips to her neck instead.
She squealed in pleasure as he squeezed her boob, both of them delighting in the feel of the squeeze, how his hand was so rough and large and still couldn't contain her. Eren could die happy now knowing the feeling of her softest skin between his fingers.
She felt the spot between her legs growing warmer with each touch, and she couldn't hold in her moan when he roughly rubbed his thumb over her nipple. It soothed her mind in the same way it did when he rubbed her shoulder, but now it was also causing her to become hot and wet.
"Th-Then I took my pa-ahh!" He had squeezed her nipple between his fingers and nibbled at that one spot near her ear.
"Took your what?" he taunted, smirking. She didn't need to say it again; Eren was already reaching for her waistband.
She swooned as his hands roughly tugged at the strings of her sweatpants, each pull of the string pushing the band down on her hips and pulling her closer to him. She had taken Eren's head in her hands and shoved it between her breasts, the skin tingling at his smile and bumping at his breath.
Once Eren had finally untied the knot and slid her pants off, tossing them who even cares where, she sat up and rambled out: "Take those off and I move on top."
Eren slid his sweatpants off then grabbed her hips. Before she could process it he had rolled them over; she was now sitting straddled below his crotch, he was laying flat underneath her. He didn't say anything, he just waited for her to say something, roaming his hands up and down her sides and smiling at her because she really did look just as gorgeous as he'd imagined.
Her brain was struggling to remember what happened. It wasn't the same as this. Ah, well, the sequence of events was the same, but the feelings were completely different. The intensity of blood pumping, the constant throbbing and wetness between her thighs, the burning feeling in her gut screaming that this was what she wanted.
She didn't feel this way last night. She felt this way because it was Eren.
She collapsed onto him and kissed him desperately, clawing at his arms and chest. He moaned instantly at each touch. She couldn't help herself--his body was so open and empty like a blank canvas practically asking to be marked up and painted on. His moans served as cheers from the only patron she cared about.
His hands were on her ass, squeezing and pinching and grinding her forward and back. Her hips followed his motion, and she would swivel ever so slightly when she bit his neck to hear the breathless gasp he released, to hear the shaky breath he needed because of her.
Each movement was fast and rough, a stark contrast to last night. Mikasa thrived each time Eren roughly grabbed her and moved her around, flipping her over or shifting her position then immediately biting at her sensitive skin before she could protest.
She felt like putty in his hands, wanting nothing more than to be helplessly molded into any position he wanted.
He settled with her on her back, her knees hoisted over his shoulders, her head resting against a pillow. His hands were holding underneath her thighs as he kissed down her stomach. Mikasa wiggled her hips slightly as he moved lower and lower.
Eren joyfully exclaimed when he tucked his nose between her thighs; she didn't hear what he said over the muffle of the pillow, the blood roaring in her ears, and the sound of her moans as he lapped at her moist lips.
There were two distinct feelings: the initial sensation of his textured tongue against silky skin; and the wave of pleasure that followed like a lightning bolt from her pelvis to her brain.
It felt weird, the physicality of his tongue against her most sensitive, smoothest skin. An area even she seldom explored was now changed into a new perspective, one now associated with a burning heat and an electrifying pulse. She wanted to pull away and chase it at the same time.
Each lick was different, some hesitant and short, others confident and flat and long, some directed, others aimless. She lamented when he finally pulled away but sighed happily as he kissed up her thigh, leaving a trail of moist outlines to her knee.
She sat up and tugged on the waistband of his boxers, non-verbally telling him to peel them off.
He did as ordered and hastily pulled her onto his lap, like he was reaching for a reward. She let him, because she liked the idea of being desired.
Eren was already shifting underneath her, lathering his cock with a mixture of his saliva and Mikasa’s cum.
“I was on my back. He was on top,” Mikasa said quickly.
Eren stared at her blankly. He’d completely forgotten about why they’d started this whole predicament.
He kept Mikasa onto his lap and re-arranged himself underneath her. “Yeah, I’d prefer to pleasure you instead, though.” Eren smirked at the deep blush that erupted across her face. “If you’ll let me,” he added delicately.
Mikasa kissed him abruptly and he fell to the bed. Their lips stayed interlocked as she shuffled on top, both of them moaning at the brief friction between his cock and her clit.
Last night she needed some lubricant. Tonight it didn’t even matter. She was slick enough all on her own and easily slid down to the base of his cock. Mikasa was focused on where their bodies joined, on the feeling of her body enveloping him, the electric waves rushing up her spine.
One of Eren’s hands held onto her hip as the other held her boob near his mouth. His eyes were closed as he lightly licked at her nipple. The pleasure was surreal, more than anything he’d ever experienced and beyond what he’d thought possible. He focused on her, aching to give her that same feeling back. He didn’t want her to have sex with anyone else ever again.
The high-pitched noises and squeals and moans slipped out of her mouth as she rocked her hips back and forth, side to side. Eren shifted his hips in sync, meeting her in the middle, pushing her as she pushed him.
It was starting to feel overwhelming, the inexplicable feeling growing inside of her. The fire inside her was started to burn at her insides and she could feel it from her fingers to her head to her toes. She felt the waves and vibrations through her body as Eren took more control, alternating between achingly slow and fast and somewhere in between.
Her brain was racing. Closing her eyes didn’t help because all she could picture was Eren’s naked sweaty body pounding right into her, his ab and back muscles folding and defining in salivating ways. She dug her nails into his back, harshly tracing the valleys of those very muscles.
She had cried out Eren’s name as it all became too much, her whole body became too sensitive and overstimulated yet strangely in the best way possible.
Both of them had reached their climax as Eren had pulled out and came on his stomach. He collapsed behind him.
After taking a few deep breaths and recovering, she shifted to lay next to Eren. He opened his eyes at the movement and smiled blissfully at her.
She took her finger and ran it along his stomach. She put it in her mouth, sucking on her finger and staring at him with puckered lips and wide eyes.
He brushed the rogue strand of hair behind her ear, then brushed his hand against her cheek. “Show me, then,” he whispered.
She giggled in excitement and slowly kissed him before scampering down to his legs.
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lizardperson · 16 days
can't win them all
[on ao3]
fandom: fallout new vegas characters: female courier/original male character rating: m cw: non-graphic discussion of killing/canon-typical violence, guilt/remorse wc: 779 prompt: #fff269 living weapon for @flashfictionfridayofficial
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"You're quiet."
"Hm?" Mika looked up, then she chuckled. "Shouldn't you be happy that I’m finally shutting up for once?"
"It's just always a bit worrying," Gabriel remarked gently.
She rolled her eyes and laughed, as usual ignoring his concerns. "Ugh, whatever." Silent again, she went back to staring into the campfire. After a while, she started gnawing on her lip. "Can I ask you something weird? Do you know how many people you killed? Like, ever?"
He wanted to ask where the hell this was suddenly coming from, but then it dawned on him what was going on in her head - the damn Fiend thing again. Of course she was still mulling over that. "No. Stopped counting eventually."
"Doesn't that bother you? That it's so many that you've lost count?" She didn't sound accusatory, just… sad. It's not like she hadn't killed before - that's what life in the wasteland was like. But Mika usually only resorted to lethal force in self-defense. Gabriel preferred to keep it that way too - but their definitions of what constituted 'self-defense' differed somewhat.
"Mika, I've been a soldier for thirty years. It's literally part of the job, as cruel as it may sound. You need to disconnect that from yourself or you go insane," he tried to explain. "I was a tool. A weapon."
"Just following orders, hm?" she retorted gloomily, and they both got quiet again. This whole thing really ate away at her. Eventually, she looked up again. "Maybe we can negotiate some kind of peace deal with that Motor-Runner guy."
Gabriel sighed. "Pretty sure the NCR brass already tried that. What makes you think you'll have more luck?"
Mika made a face. "I mean, it's not like they have such a great track record when it comes to diplomacy with the locals. I think I'm a bit more persuasive than your buddy Hsu," she objected. "Got nicer tits, too." Her stupid joke dissolved the tension a bit and they both chuckled.
Gabriel paused for a moment. "Mika, we don't have to assassinate those damn Fiend leaders." He wasn't happy that Colonel Hsu had brought this whole thing up anyway. Was the army really this fucked that they had to outsource their raider troubles to some random freelancer? The Fiends had been harassing the surrounding settlements for a while now, killing and abducting people, and the army seemed to be unable to put an end to it. "We don't have to make this our problem."
"It already is our problem! If we do nothing, even more people get killed. And just because we didn't shoot them ourselves doesn't mean it's not on us!"
Gabriel listened to her patiently and sighed. "I wish you would stop putting the whole damn Mojave on your shoulders," he remarked quietly. "You can't save everyone."
"But I still have to try."
He pulled her into his arms and stroked her back, both lost in thought for a while. "I'll go alone," he then proposed. "I'll take Boone and ED-E and we'll handle it without you."
Mika frowned. "How is that any better? Sending you in there to pull the trigger instead of doing it myself is worse, actually."
He didn't expect her to go for it, but it was worth a try. Gabriel hated seeing her so distressed; why did she always have to care so damn much? It was one of her worst traits - and one of her best at the same time, and he admired her for it. If only it wouldn't bring her so much pain all the time.
"We have to try talking to them," Mika eventually declared. "There has to be some kind of peaceful solution."
He snorted. "What, you want to just waltz into Vault 3 for a friendly chat?"
"Yeah. Maybe the Khans can set something up." She crossed her arms defiantly. "You don't have to come if you think it's such a dumb idea."
"Well, I certainly won't let you walk in there alone," Gabriel objected.
"Why not?"
He pulled her closer and kissed her head. "Someone's gotta keep you out of trouble."
"Good luck with that," she chuckled, snuggling into his arms.
They sat in silence again for some time and Gabriel considered their options. "Fine," he sighed. "Diplomatic approach. We'll figure something out." This way, he could at least keep her from rushing in blindly. They would try to gather some intel, come up with an actual plan, and hopefully not die in the process.
Mika noticeably relaxed, and he wrapped his arms around her tighter. "Thank you," she whispered. The lengths he was willing to go for her peace of mind…
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abbyslev · 1 year
A/N: hi babies!! its my birthday, i’m 19!! so scared to be 19, like i feel so old and ugh turning 19 is such an accomplishment for me. thank you all for everything!! i hope y’all enjoy this bday special angels!! ily all!!
WARNINGS: suggestive in yelenas!
literally plans everything out weeks before
has every gift you have ever wanted 
remember that shirt you literally eyed at the store three years ago? YEAH IT'S YOURS NOW
bakes you a cake the night before and fails
its okay because levi and erwin dropped off a cake before you woke up and saved hange’s ass
you wake up to kisses and cuddles <3
they can’t hold the excitement in
shoves a bunch of gifts in your arms and watches you open them while rushing you 
“babe this one next!!! no, it has to be this one specifically!!” 
takes the day off and calls off for you <3
already has breakfast set up and you guys share a slice of cake 
you guys take a walk by the lake and hange buys you two a giant cookie to share
you guys watch some ducks swim for a while they go on a rant about tonight
“i'm throwing you a mini party!” 
hange sets up while you get ready because it’s your day to relax and take your time!! 
when you come out of the room hange’s mouth drops 
all the guest arrive and hange inspects the gifts before setting them on the table (they’re very nosy smh) 
erwin and levi bake the cake pt. 2
lots of wine and food! 
connie starts a karaoke and sasha joined 
birthday sex in the bathroom (oops)
once the party is over hange gets you dressed for bed while peppering your whole body with kisses
they even take off your makeup for you <3 :(
birthday cuddles
the next morning hange helps you open even more gifts and helps you clean up :) 
has this shit planned since she was born 
treats you like a princess the night before 
bath, candles, skincare, a fancy dinner, everything 
wakes you up softly and hands you a velvet box 
the prettiest fucking necklace you have ever seen 
there’s also a basket on the foot of the bed with everything you could ever imagine 
she sits there smiling so hard bc she just loves you sm
makes you crepes and she made some strawberry cake 
takes you shopping around town, just wants to spend the day with you <3 
small picnic
okokokok she helps you get ready for your dinner party!! 
she made a reservation with all your friends at your favorite restaurant!
the dinner was amazing and she made a whole toast and everything 
and the end SHE GETS ON ONE KNEE
armin’s in the corner ab to piss himself like you and mika getting mARRIED??? YES???
ofc you burst into tears mika has given you the whole world how could you not say yes to her
best birthday ever UGH PLS SHE SO BABY STOP
she’s so sweet
probably gets you some simple gifts
she’s a simple girl OKAY
makes you a nice little breakfast in bed and you guys cuddle, eat and watch your favorite show 
she gets ready with you as always 
she got you this cute, flowy dress !! 
little walk downtown, takes to you to brunch 
as always, she pays <3
spend the day setting up for your bday dinner!!
she makes sure you enjoy your night with all your friends 
pieck made you a cake 
connie’s hand slowly creeped towards your head to push it against the cake 
annie gave him those eyes 
connie preferred to keep his arms so he didn’t push your head <3
at the end of the night annie helps you get into bed
she's complimenting you and kissing your ear softly like SOFT ANNIE IS SO
sleeps with her hand in yours <3
has connie bring y’all the best breakfast in town
breakfast in bed 
she gifts you a lot of perfumes, sweaters, basically everything you had ever wanted
she gets you this really pretty dress too!! 
takes you over to connie’s to get a tattoo you’ve been wanting for a while <3 
connie gives you a gift w a smirk 
“I spent years looking for this gift!” “Sasha picked it out, didn’t she?” “What? NO!” 
you guys have lunch together <3 
she’s so sweet the whole day 
posting you on her story 5 billion times
yes, she posted the embarrassing pictures too 
connie and jean also post very embarrassing pictures of you but shhhhh that’s ok 
you guys have a small party!! connie offered to host <3
sasha’s by your side the whole time excited because it’s YOUR special day !! 
can’t stop staring at you and smiling fr
she baked a cake and everyone else brought something to eat!!
her cake was 10/10
chocolate w strawberries in the middle <3
you two go to bed so happy that night like sasha so overwhelmed and you just love her sm LIKE UGH
she forgets tbh 
until someone posts you on their story 
she’s like OH?
lucky she had a gift for you anyway, she had a feeling she needed it for something 
it was a dainty, pretty gold bracelet 
“good morning, birthday princess.” 
tbh no celebrating just birthday sex all day
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lalasknives · 8 months
I think now that pretty much everyone (at least on here) watched the last 2 episodes, I'm going to translate some scenes that I thought were worth sharing with you guys.
(These are mostly in chronological order).
1) Ray's plan to retire.
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In this scene, Ray explains his plan has always been to retire, ever since Henry came into the picture. He goes on to say that he was waiting for Henry to graduate but he "ditched him" (idk if this is what he saying in the original version, but in the Italian dub, he still seems to try and resent Henry for abandoning him, based on the tone of voice).
2)Timeline pt 1.
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In this scene, we have Miles saying that he feels like Ray is going too fast, given the fact that him and Credenza have been dating for only a season of genuine moments, giving us an idea of a possible timeline.
3) Buddy angst pt1.
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In the first pic, we have Buddy turning his back on df, because he was told by his mother that the df kids were evil and that they were probably going to try to persuade him to join them after telling him that his mother is the leader of the cell. (Manipulative bitch). He obviously feels angry and betrayed, and when Mika tries to tell him that they were telling the truth, she yells at her, defending his mother by saying that she was not that type of person. His dad? Yes. But not his mom.
The second pic is him after Mika showed him proof that Credenza was actually the leader of the cell, and after the kids came up with a plan, Mika (I think? I don't remember) says that his mom is most likely going to jail after this, and although Buddy says and he's not all that happy with that, he doesn't seem to fight it and I think that's important to gove depth to his character and his justice beliefs.
4)Give Chapa a break from Daddy issues.
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In this whole scene Buddy explains that Drex thought him how to chip, when he was younger, before Drex left. In response to that Bose says that that was "relatable" (1st pic), but Buddy carries on by saying something along the lines of "but he came back so things are good between us now", and Bose responds with "now I'm jealous".
After that Chapa interrupts them by asking them to stop talking about their tragic childhoods.
I thought this scene was important to mention because not only it gives an idea of how much of an involved dad Drex really was, but it shows a side of Bose that we have never seen before, which is him being envious of Buddy, which in my opinion is totally understandable for OBVIOUS reasons.
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Also Drex receiving the message that Buddy sent him was so wholesome for no reason🤧.
5) Buddy angst pt2.(rough weekend child).
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In this scene, after Credenza reveals herself, she has a petty dispute with Drex, which ends with her saying that Drex must be used to be second place (BURN). It ends like this because Buddy comes in between them, asking his mom if she was planning to also tell him, or if he also came in second place to her (UGH🤧).
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
minidura chapter 1 react
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hey guys started reading minidura i think im in love
just imagining izaya going like "yahoo!! X3" man. i know mikado is the real protagonist and not being able to see through izaya's eyes adds to his charm and intrigue but like mannn itd be so fun to just watch him fuck shit up like in that one episode. he must be hilarious to people watch with
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god they're so fucking cute i love this chibi style
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"he's the one who most fails to live up to his name"? is that like a kanji name joke goddammit
i really shouldnt just like. post the entire pages but it's such a pain to keep taking screenshots :sob: you guys have no idea the pain my wrists were in after that drr ten react
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haha dramatic irony but i just realized i have no idea what exactly izaya takes responsibility for and what stuff he blames on human nature/self-interest/naïvite and now i have to find out ugh
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durarara illustrators draw simon normally challenge :sob: im so sorry they do this to you king if i ever get around to drawing you ill do you justice
also tiny shizuo <3333
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obsessed with walker's cat face he and erika are so platonic(?) soulmates besties cringefail weeb team rocket ass duo
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i was 100% ready for erika to start grilling mikado on his supposed raging homosexual unrequited love(?) 300k slow burn romance but oh well. it happened in my head so it must be canon
i dont care enough about the raira trio to ship mikakida or whatever their ship name is (isnt the celty head girl named mika too. oops) but i do think it's funny that their ship name could be kidado because that sounds like cuidado. watch out
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ok i know they're trying to make him look cool but he does not look cool in the chibi art style lmfAOo
itd be really funny if they switched the styles to the normal manga style during serious moments like i think the bsd wan manga/anime did lmfao
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LMFAO??? i like how we only see the top of izaya's head pff-
celty my bbygirl i love your shadow puppets dont listen to them
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yk what it's actually a crime this didnt happen in canon
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AND HERE HE ISSS!!!!! cringefail pathetic loser my beloved
god i hope he narrates the entire minidura (he probably wont)
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ok he's really cute though....catboy irl fr
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cant believe they're both on a rooftop together whoa prime spot for confessions amirite (<- delusional)
im posting the tiny floored izaya on his own later because that's adorable. he's so cute when he's half dead
itd be really funny if all the events from minidura were all in izaya's concussed ass head from this moment as explanation for being noncanon
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the "doctors hate him" meme but it's convenience store workers and shizuo heiwajima
actually construction workers probably hate shizuo too. and urban planners and anything that has to do with city work and also doctors because shizuo evades their healthcare insurance because he doesnt need it (i looked up japan's healthcare costs for this joke and concluded that i dont have enough time to pit the sources that say it's expensive and the sources that say it's reasonable against each other) and also vending machine companies
the "doctors hate him" meme but it's all of ikebukuro and shizuo (and also izaya)
i love how izaya just. stops bleeding. his platelets working mad crazy
(it's pretty easy to find translations online but here's the site im reading on anyway)
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cyberphuck · 8 months
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"Excuse me. Please don't talk to me unless you're at least an 8." Mika (he/him), the nonbinary vampire informant from Asshole Monster Hunter.
“I love this time of year,” Mika sighed, uncoiling another strand of hair from a pink roller and letting the resulting coil bounce down his back.
“Really? I’d have thought you found it kind of, I dunno, tiresome.”
“Tiresome! The air is crisp, the leaves are changing, and the sun only shows its face for a few hours a day.” Another curl tumbled down. “The only thing I find ‘tiresome’ is pumpkin-spice-everything.” He pointed a slender finger at Ashley in the mirror. “It’s a good flavor. It’s not mind-blowing. Ginger Bread lattes, now, that’s a different story.”
“I mean Halloween. With all the spooky parties and people dressing up as movie vampires.”
“Oh, no, it’s lovely. The closer it gets to the end of the month, the more excited people are to be bitten on the neck. Those wearing a silk opera cape from Wal-Mart even more so. What better way to spend All Hallow’s Eve than with a vamp?”
“I figured Vamps had their own parties.”
“They do. Tacky velvet and rhinestone affairs with too much red wine and too many living guests gawking at all the fangs. It’s the vamp equivalent of a company picnic. No, I prefer a normal sort of party with paper banners and plastic eyeballs in the punch.”
“Because you’re the only vamp working the place,” Ashley guessed.
“A vamp, no.” Mika held up a black headband with lacy triangle ears glued to it. “A sexy cat that’s had a little bit too much to drink and needs to be escorted home, perhaps with a stop in an alley on the way for a little,” he winked, “scratch behind the ears.”
“You’re disgusting.”
“Not so much as a tired old vampire inviting young desirables to an 'exclusive’ party, with the implication that they’re there as anything other than hors d'oeuvres.” The last roller came out, and he ran his fingers through the curls to loosen them a little before gathering a handful of pins in one hand. “I don’t make a habit of leading people on.” He paused. “In that way, anyway.”
“How many parties are you going to tonight?”
“Four. It’s still a week until Halloween; the parties are only just starting. There’ll be so many on the night of the 31st that if I don’t go to at least nine I’ll consider myself a failure. And you?” A flick of the eyelashes. “Staying home with Messrs. Domino and Netflix again?”
Ashley paused uncomfortably, then, “Nah. I have a thing.”
“A *thing,”* Mika echoed delicately.
“Yeah. Just a casual thing with a friend, a couple of drinks, that’s all.”
“A friend,” Mika said, then, “a boy?”
“A man, yes–”
“Oh, a *date,* I’m all a-twitter. Tell me about this man of yours, where did you meet him, how tall is he, is he educated?
"It’s just Adrian, Mika,” Ashley said tiredly. “You know him.”
Mika’s nose wrinkled. “Ugh, *him.* I don’t know how you stand to be seen with him, it’s obvious you can do so much better. People will talk.”
“We’re not dating, just going out for drinks. He’s been running the shop on his own for almost a year. There’s gonna be a little get-together at his place next week, but he wanted to do something more private for just the two of us.”
“You might not think it’s a date, my dear, but I can guarantee you he certainly does.” Mika put two of the pins in his mouth while he maneuvered the rest into his hair, coiling it into an artless half-bun. “Give someone like him a taste of the high life and he’ll keep coming sniffing after it until you kick him to the curb. Which you ought to have done years ago.”
“Mika, we’ve been friends since we were kids, I’m not just going to get rid of him. It’s just drinks.”
“Take it from me,” Mika said silkily, “coffee is never just coffee, and drinks are never just drinks. Don’t do something you’ll regret, because I won’t hear any of your miserable moaning that you’ve made a mistake after you crawl back here.”
“Thank you, you’re such a good friend,” Ashley said, rolling her eyes.
“Someone has to keep you in line,” Mika muttered, levering another pin into his hair. “Give me that hairspray, and then get yourself in front of this mirror. Disgusting ex or no, you’re not going out in public with your hair looking like *that.”*
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Recently started doing spin classes! They are fun, would recommend! But lol, I couldn't get spin instructor Mikasa out of my mind and then I thought, I don't need to start another AU and it sort of fits with size queen Mika, so why not!
It’s been a whirlwind and Eren honestly doesn’t know how he got talked into this, but Historia is standing next to him, practically bouncing in place in a pair of tight little biker shorts and a baby pink bra. 
Her eyes are as bright as stars, he can practically feel the excitement emanating from her, feeding off all of the other participant’s energy.  “I can’t wait for you to meet her! For you to enjoy the class, it’s amazing you’re gonna love it!” 
“I can’t believe you talked me into this,” Eren grumbles, trying his very best to keep his eyes from wandering around the lobby as they wait for the instructor to open up the door to the darkened spin classroom. She’s a friend of Historia’s, Mika or something? He’s never met her, but Historia’s been raving about her for the past month or so, and he hasn’t shut her up because he’s been sulking.  He's still pissed about his most recent rejection, actually, his only rejection. 
Just the thought pisses him off, the hot grey-eyed girl rejecting him simply because his dick was of all things, too big?  Unhinged. 
He needs to move on, and there’s no place better than a spin class made up of almost entirely women, most of them his age, and with bodies that are consistently stealing his attention.  There’s a blonde girl a few feet away who keeps making eyes at him as she locks up her locker, and Eren is seriously considering dropping off his number after class. But even as he considers it he knows he won’t, because as humiliated as he is about it all, no matter what he does he cannot for the life of him get that girl out of his head. The lithe little body, the way she’d spoken to him, all soft and sweet, the plush of her ass cupped in his hands as he’d pressed her up against the wall, how she’d tasted…
“Eren!” Historia snaps, “Stop ogling girls and put your biking shoes on, it’s almost time to go in.”  Ugh. 
“Fine,” he groans, putting his own sneakers in a locker, and putting on the weird biking cleats they’d handed him upon entrance to the little studio.  He’s never been too particularly keen on biking, but with the way Historia’s been raving about the spin classes and the fact that Ymir had firmly refused to go ever, he’d been her next victim. And like any other sap he’d ended up saying yes after some puppydog eyes and a promise of lunch if he didn’t like it. 
The door to the room opens up and Eren follows Historia in dutifully, where she takes him to two bikes in the back row, helping him set the proper height and clipping his shoes into the pedals. 
The room is large, two rows of bikes set up on different levels, all facing a large mirror and one bike in the centre, raised on a higher platform where Eren can see Historia’s friend, their instructor setting up. He can barely see her in the dark of the studio, the only light provided by the backlit mirrors and the array of moving LED bulbs overhead that move with different patterns and colours every few seconds, barely providing enough light to see much at all as they glow blue.  It's a cool atmosphere he’ll give them that, and chilly as the fans sweep by him, but he’s sure to have one hell of a workout, he can already tell he’s going to suffer.  The instructor peppy as people filter in, greeting everyone with cheerful ‘Hello’s’ and sentiments about being mindful and girlpower, making the most out of their workout, all that usual personal trainer crap he’s used to.  So far, as he warms up on the bike, pedaling absently, he’s not super impressed with her. He doesn’t know what Historia was raving about.  But then, as the rest of the class gets set up on their bikes, the overhead LED’s colour yellow, finally providing enough light for him to really see the girl Historia’s obsessed with.  And to his horror, he knows exactly who it is, that pretty face engraved in the deepest parts of his brain, that lithe little body that haunts his dreams, perky tits that are compressed tightly in her sports bra, the line of her abs dipping into her tight biker shorts, fuck.  “Good morning riders! I’m Mikasa and I’ll be your instructor this morning,” she tells the room airily, speaking over the mic attached to her headset as she starts riding, “I hope you’re ready for a great workout, let’s rock this Friday together!”  Eren proceeds to have one of the most grueling workouts he’s ever had in his life, he doesn’t even have time to have dirty thoughts about the hot instructor he wants so badly to fuck it’s been haunting him for weeks. No, he’s too busy suffering as her cheery voice tells him to push harder, turn the resistance on the bike up, pedal more, just one more race!
By the time the class is over, and the lights are being turned on again, he’s a pathetic slump on the bike, struggling to unclip his cleats from the pedals and Historia cackles as she helps him remove himself. Here he thought he was in shape, how very humbling. 
“I’m gonna go say hi to Mikasa,” Historia pipes up as Eren steps off of his bike, grabbing for his towel to wick away some of the embarrassing amount of sweat he’s got going on right now.  He nods at her, barely listening, his eyes too intent on said girl now standing at the front of the room, slowly extricating herself from her headset. 
What a name, beautiful, elegant, just like her, it suits her perfectly.  Mikasa, the one who got away. 
He’s hit with the insane urge to say it out loud, let it flow from his lips, knows the edge of it would be addicting, that he’d want to say it all the time, for the rest of his life. 
Eren presses his lips together tightly as he approaches the front of the class where Historia is excitedly praising Mikasa for a great class. 
Get your shit together Yeager! 
He’s about to confront the girl of his dreams, see her again for the first time since she’d rejected him in the cold of his apartment for having an above average sized dick.
It’s show time.  He sidles up next to his blonde friend, making himself known and Mikasa’s eyes flick to him immediately, those familiar greys coloured with soft curiosity. 
He waits for a moment as she takes in his presence, Historia saying something next to him, probably some kind of introduction and he keeps waiting, hoping, expecting something, anything, some kind of reaction.  And yet there is nothing, no hint of familiarity in her eyes as she thrusts out her hand, a pretty smile overtaking her face, flashing pretty white teeth in the dim light of the room, “Hi, I’m Mikasa, nice to meet you Eren.” 
She has no fucking clue who he is, not even a hint of recollection. 
He takes her hand numbly, his much larger hand grasping firmly over hers, gripping warm soft palms, a bit sweaty with the heat of the workout, delicate unblemished fingers, such a stark contrast to his own. 
He swallows, his throat suddenly dry as he warbles out some pathetic response, “Nice to meet you Mikasa.”  In some ways, saying her name is a relief, but in others it’s a death sentence, because as the musical ‘a’s slip from his lips, her eyes sparkling as he pronounces it so perfectly on the first try, he gives a name to the monster that haunts his dreams. The pretty little five foot seven waif of a girl that could simultaneously knock him on his ass and be crushed in his arms has a name. 
Mikasa Ackerman, she tells him, batting her eyelashes and gushing over the fact that he’s one of the first boys to attend her classes. 
Here she is, the beautiful lithe little Spin instructor that is going to ruin his life. 
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acanth3 · 2 months
追憶*マリオネットの糸の先 / Reminiscence*End of the Marionette's Strings
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Nazuna: …..
Shu: Sorry, the phone call took a while. Now that I’ve gathered you two here…
I don’t particularly have any plans for Valkyrie today.
Recently there's been a popular live showdown…
I don't like it, just standing in the presence of other units on stage brings down our high quality of the perfect stage. 
Like a mountain filled with monkeys (lol idk), and it’s not a good idea to make a fuss out of it, it’s also not beautiful..
This is all ridiculous, isn’t it?
So today I managed to borrow the practice room for our lesson, use it as you like. 
I’ll be creating a new costume for our perfect and beautiful stage.
Mika: Oh? Yer’ gonna make new costumes again~? Can I help you?
Shu: Oh please, to be honest I might not have enough hands, but with you? You’ll just be dragging behind with your feet, Kagehira. 
Your present for Nito is also…
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I just can’t stop laughing at the fact you thought about giving this to someone! Ka Ka Ka ♪
Mika: Huh? I was hidin’ it in secret! Oshi-san, when did you find it! So embarrassing it's an invasion of my privacy!
Shu: If you didn’t want it to be seen, you could have just hid it better from the beginning. And didn’t place it around here. 
It’s wrong to complain to me, you should curse your carelessness. Whatever is yours, is mine, mine, mine…Kagehira~ ♪
Mika: It’s true~ but…ugh..
Sometimes, I’ve seen clothes sewn without permission! Oshi-san, is that yer work!?
Shu: Well, what did you think it was, The work of some fairy? 
There’s no way of sewing up to that difficulty you mistaken it for someone else other than me?
It’s good to know your body’s limit, Kagehira. Your only able to be good looking, so I improved the perfection of your costume, be more grateful please~  ♪
Mika: Those clothes were a present for Nazuna-nii! It would have been meaningless if I didn’t do anythin’, Wow! Oshi-san is sometimes an idiot!
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Nazuna: Hahaha….. ♪
Mika: Hah! Nazuna-nii laughed! it’s rare, well I mean it’s the first time I’ve seen him laugh out loud~ ♪
Shu: Huh!? I missed it! Kagehira you’re blocking the view and my vision!
Take responsibility! You failure…!
Nito! Did you really smile? Your adorable smile which cleanses this corrupt world! 
Nazuna: …..
Shu: Agh! He’s back to his usual expressionless face! Kagehira it’s all your fault! Everything!
As for your punishment, take this box and distribute all of these tickets until nothing is left! 
Mika: Auh! I hafta’ sell all these by hand? Aaa~
Shu: Of course! There’s more live unit’s around recently getting ready to perform…
However, there hasn’t been much change in our number of customers/fans. 
The wallets of our fans are limited, it’s an effort to spend it on Valkyrie. 
I really don't want to, but I have to think about it too.
Honestly, I’m not interested in that financial side at all, advertisement? Just what? 
But, then again, looking at the other live performances of those here at Yumenosaki. I can’t waste time being arrogant. 
Live show’s as an idol is a noble piece of art. 
Let me remind you, out of all the normal people in the world. We’ll become the norm/standard for those idols here at Yumenosaki. 
Idols like us…
I dream they don't stand on the same stage as us! I’ll let those fools know what an idol is! KaKaKaKa!~♪
Mika: Of course~ Oshi-san! We’re idols! ‘Valkyrie’ only the strongest on the top! 
Alright! I’m gonna go hand these tickets out~ ♪
Nazuna: …… ♪
Mika: Hm? Nazuna-nii, ya wanna come wit’ me?
Shu: I will not allow that, Nito. Nito, Aaa Nito, Nito, Nito…..
Leave the boring work to Kagehira. Come and help stimulate my creativity by striking beautiful poses! 
Nazuna: …..
Shu: Aah! Hey! where are you going? Listen to what I say.
Is Kagehira better than me? Oh! It’s the effect of the gift, right? On your birthday I’ll also have a very good costume, and I’ll tailor it! 
Huh? What is it, Nito? Hold your hand..?
Mika: I wanna go with you too! what about it, Nazuna-nii?
Oshi-san if ya just stay in sewin’ costumes and hidin’ in this room you’ll get depressed~ Come and take a walk while takin’ a break at the same time while handing’ out tickets~ ♪
Shu: How rebellious! Even if it’s with Kagehira, don’t get carried away! Artists shouldn’t lower their heads in shame and sell their works like this! 
Wah!? Don't pull me, both of you!
Nazuna: Hahaha….. ♪
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Shu: Oh! That laugh! I saw it, Nito! Cute Nito, AaaNitoNitoNito!
I’m feeling motivational to begin creating the idea/concept of our next costumes…☆
Mika: See? If ya wanna go back to the room…let’s just go~ Eheheh ♪
Nazuna: Eheheh….. ♪
Shu: I said don;t pull it! You’ll trouble my doll the fabrics/clothing will get stretched out!
Ah, already? You guys already left as I was talking…?
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ultimateissuessimp · 4 months
A bit of sun won't hurt
One shot
Word count: 1,103
Warnings: None
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For some time now Y/N had been wishing for a perfect summer day, warm enough that he didn't have to sweat buckets, not a cloud brave enough to appear on the blue sky, a nice breeze going through his hair from time to time, accompanying the sun rays like an old friend. A day so good that he could finally put some tanning session into his schedule. Not that he needed it, oh no no, he simply wanted to enjoy every moment of the sun shining down on his skin.
But who would he be if he simply went to the beach? He didn't like the sand there. It was too coarse and rough… And it got everywhere, especially into his hair and that always was such an annoying thing to deal with. That's why he had decided to go on a walk that ended with him at the docks, nearing the Jolly Roger. A fantastic idea appeared in his mind that moved his legs again, getting him onto the ship and simply standing in the middle of the deck. He looked around for the certain captain of said ship, but not noticing him anywhere and not hearing a response after calling out his name, he shrugged his shoulders and shrugged his button up shirt off, laying it next on the wooden floor for it to act as a towel, not letting any dirt stick to his skin. He laid down on the shirt, sunglasses high up on the bridge of his nose to protect his eyes from the sun rays.
He was glad that he had put a heavy layer of SPF cream that was also a natural light tanner before he left his apartment. Y/N took out his MP3 player out of his shorts pocket alongside his headphones. He played a song that he hadn't heard in a long time. Usually he listened to a totally different type of music, but right now he decided on Lollipop by MIKA. Y/N swayed his head from left to right to the beat, lipsyncing the lyrics as he kept enjoying the nice summer's day.
That was before a shadow blocked the sung from getting him. He popped one eye open and looked up just to be met with Hook's questioning look.
-Not that I don't enjoy seeing your half naked body on my deck, but what in the bloody hell are you doing, starshine? - Killian asked, his right hand resting on his hip while the left arm rested against his side. His eyebrows raised as he unashamedly ogled the man laying on the deck of his ship, half naked and with some weird device laying next to his shiny body going up to his ears with some wires.
-I'm taking the sun in, the sun in which's way you currently are, so if you could kindly move to the side I would be forever grateful, handsome - Y/N answered, clearly unbothered if Killian actually had something against him doing that or not. He knew that the man would forgive him if he was actually mad, he wasn't stupid, he knew what sort of power he could hold over Hook. What he cared about though was that sweet, sweet sun.
Thankfully Killian moved off to the side, now standing near the MP3 where Y/N had put it. The pirate sat down next to him and took the MP3 into his hand, inspecting it out of curiosity and utter confusion about the device. He saw some words flash by, but he only caught out "Fallin'" and "Keys" somewhere on the end. He tilted his head before setting the MP3 down back onto the deck floor before leaning over Y/N, once again blocking the sun from getting to him.
-Ugh, Killian, you're blocking the sun again - Y/N whined out in slight annoyance at the pirate's antics, eyes still closed as he hoped to soon feel the warmth of the rays against his body once more.
-Oh, I'm sorry, am I interrupting you sunbathing without my knowledge on my ship? - Killian bit back, slight snark in his voice, but more so playful than actually irritated.
-Oh stop it, we both know you enjoy having me on your ship and now having me half naked on it without you having to initiate anything? You should feel lucky if anything, also you don't actually mind, do ya, captain? - Y/N asked, finally opening his eyes and lowering his shades down his nose to look properly at the pirate, a flirtatious smile on his lips as he teased him, knowing how much of a rise it got out of Killian when he used his title. He could see the pirate shiver at his words and a large grin stretched out his lips widely.
-What if I do mind? What if I want something in return for letting you use my ship as a sunbed? - Hook asked, sporting a smirk of his own as he lowered himself on his arms so their faces could be closer to each other. That made Y/N's eyebrow rise.
-Negotiations, aye? Fine. What would you like in return for using your ship's deck as a sunbed? - he asked, cheekily lifting his own chin up so their noses could rub together for a second before settling down again comfortably as if he hadn't moved at all.
-Just one thing. One small, quick thing and I'll leave you be - Killian said, his smirk widening as an idea popped into his mind. He looked directly into Y/N's eyes, his own speaking volumes as he closed the distance between them, his eyes now closed as he pressed his lips to the man's beneath him. It was quick and small, just as he said it would be. Yet by doing so he teased not only Y/N but himself too and he made it even worse by parting from him, getting up from his knees and walking off to his cabin. Leaving him feeling hot for more reasons than just the sun wrapping him up in its arms and engulfing him with warmth. Oh how that man made his head spin like a heat stroke. A very evident smirk on his face as he heard Y/N huff out in frustration. He could only count down the seconds before the shirtless man behind him would scramble up to his feet and rush after him, wanting to get more out of their little banter and it made him giggle like a child before dashing away to lock himself in the cabin. He loved summer days.
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werewolfbneimitzvah · 10 months
Hold on I'm going to make a vague post about something incredibly silly and unimportant.
I follow the mika zibanejad tag on here bc he's very pretty and i like when i get automatically shown new gifsets from people i don't follow. But I've been getting shown a post that's tagged with mika and two other nhl guys, matthew tkachuk and nolan patrick, and the post is like a jokey post about like "ugh how dare men be beautiful while definitely using horrible oil-stripping 3-in-1 products" or whatever, like it goes on a bit and is clearly meant to not be serious. But, ok listen i know nothing about npatrick's personal care routine, i don't care about him being tagged, whatever. And obviously i don't know the details of mzibanejad or mtkachuk's. But like first of all i once dated someone with curly hair for like a year and just from that i can tell you that mtkachuk is not using some 3-in-1 bullshit bc his hair would never let him in a million years. That texture demands real conditioner just by virtue of existing. Second of all mika's bestie chris is on camera being asked "if mika could only bring one item with him to a deserted island, what would he bring" and answering "moroccan oil (for his hair)." His buddy knows what hair products he uses. Just looking at a photo of mika it's extremely obvious how deliberate he is with his appearance, and chris and mika both acknowledge this in that same video when asked which of them takes more time to get ready in the morning or whatever the question was and they both immediately said mika.
Anyway I'm just saying, 2/3 of your examples are bad. Granted the 3-in-1 mention might not be intended as a specific accusation so much as vibes, which maybe makes the mtkachuk one more forgiveable, but even then idk, i think he puts at least some thought into his personal care and appearance even if his "thought" is to wear fucken polos and bucket hats.
Anyway that's all, this is incredibly silly but i keep forgetting to tell tumblr to stop showing me that post so i keep seeing it and fuming all over again at the thought of someone with hair that curly going near it with something like that or looking at a photo of mika and not immediately knowing that that man knows what he's doing irt his appearance
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twilightmalachite · 2 years
MIRAGE - The Most Beautiful Mirror in the World 1
Author: Akira
Characters: Yuuta, Shinobu
Translator: Mika Enstars
Proofers: Bella & feesh
"Wait, you're really neither of them de gozaru!? But I've never heard anything about them having an older brother…!?"
Season: Winter
Location: Downtown
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Early January, the first year after the establishment of ES — Immediately following the SS…
Shinobu: (Nifufufu! I got it! It’s finally mine!)
(Volume three! Of an ultra rare manga—the lost classic that even superfans don't know of, “Snow White the Samurai”!)
(It’s not popular or a masterpiece, nor was it ever digitized, so it’s become a rather hidden gem of a manga…!)
(Even if it's not critically acclaimed, even if it's nothing more than a half-baked rip-off of Momotaro Samurai[1]… I still read half of it…!)
(I was so curious about how it ended though! It was quite expensive, but I’m glad I was able to get my hands on it and fulfill my wish!)
(And it’s all thanks to ES! I could have never afforded this last year, but after the result of the SS—)
(A special bonus was rewarded to units who participated in the main competition!)
(So, I had a small fortune to blow just now…!)
(I shouldn't waste money with the future so close at hand, but this is a necessary expense to become an even greater ninja idol de gozaru…!)
(Ah~, I can't wait to read it~! If I remember correctly, it had ended on a huge cliffhanger, with the appearance of a never-before-seen character…!)
(Our hero, Snow White the Samurai, calmly launches a special move at the mysterious figure! Howling Ninjutsu! Frozen Apple Shuriken…! Shubababa ☆)
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???: ~…♪
Shinobu: (…!? Huh? That person I passed by just now—)
???: …?
Shinobu: Er… You're Yuuta-kun, right? W-Why do you look so bewildered de gozaru…?!
Um, though… something feels different about you? Are you actually Hinata-kun, perhaps?
???: —I'm neither Yuuta nor Hinata, actually.
Shinobu: …? …?
Byakuya: I'm Yuuta and Hinata's older brother, Aoi Byakuya.
Shinobu: Who!?
Byakuya: I said, I'm Byakuya. Aoi Byakuya.[2]
Shinobu: Huuuh? A new character? What a cool name! Very ninja-core!
Byakuya: What's a ninja? Aren’t you an interesting fella. ♪
Shinobu: Wait, you're really neither of them de gozaru!? But I've never heard anything about them having an older brother…!?
Byakuya: Of course you wouldn't have. I'm their half-brother after all, and those two's selling points are being the “two-in-one twin idols”, remember?
The world wouldn't take kindly to the knowledge of a “third brother”.
Shinobu: Whaa…? Th-this is starting to make my head spiiin!
Er, um, Byakuya-dono? It's nice to meet you! I'm a friend of Yuuta-kun’s…!
Byakuya: …
Shinobu: Huh? W-What is it, de gozaru? You're crouching over—c-could it be that you have a stomachache? S-Should I call an ambulance or something…!?
Byakuya: Ahahaha! Ahh, I can't do it!
—Who the hell is Aoi Byakuya!?
Shinobu: Ummm, uhh…? Like you said, Yuuta-kun and Hinata-kun's older brother?
Byakuya: He doesn't exist! There's no one like that!!
Shinobu: Huh? What?
Yuuta: It's me, it's me, me, YU · U · TA! ♪
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Shinobu: Eh, Yuuta-kun…?
Yuuta: Yup! Sorry, Shinobu-kun! It was sooo funny that you just accepted it so wholeheartedly that I couldn't help myself…♪
None of that was real! It was just a joke! Aoi Byakuya does not exist! All that just now was a fictional character I made up!!
Shinobu: … …
… … … …
Yuuta: ? Hey~? Earth to Shinobu-kun, you alright? Sorry, did I go too far?
Shinobu: Ugh~! Yuuta-kun!
Yuuta: Mmm, what's up?
Shinobu: What do you mean “what's up”, de gozaru~!? Please stop making such senseless jokes! My brain completely blanked out for a moment de gozaru!
Ahh! I dropped the paper bag with my book I worked so hard to get…! Urgh, I'm such a mess de gozaru~!
Yuuta: Ah, crap, I'm really sorry about that. Want me to buy you another?
Shinobu: That's impossible, de gozaru~. This book is really valuable—there's maybe only ten left in the world…
Yuuta: For real? Now I feel even worse about it… I'm really, really sorry—let me make it up to you.
Shinobu: No, no need to worry! This is all due to my inability to see through your joke, Yuuta-kun! I'm still an inexperienced ninja, de gozaru!
Yuuta: You‘re always working to improve yourself, huh, Shinobu-kun. I oughtta take a page out of your book.
Shinobu: I guess you could say that. Ever since I was a child, I'd overcome any hardship I'd encounter by thinking, “This is just another part of my ninja training!”
Yuuta: This episode turned unexpectedly tragic…
Shinobu: Tragic? Not at all! This is me bragging, de gozaru! By being introduced to the concept of ninjas, I was able to obtain a heart of steel that cannot be discouraged, no matter what may happen…!
Yuuta: I see… Yeah, it's that kinda thing I really would like to learn from you, Shinobu-kun.
I seriously envy you. I really wish I could be as strong as you…
Shinobu: …?
story directory | next →
Originally a novel from 1946, Momotaro Samurai (桃太郎侍) is a famous evil-battling samurai series set in the Edo period. It evolved into many period dramas and television series and is considered a huge influence on samurai plotlines, so naturally there are plenty of works that are spin-offs of its formula.
The name Byakuya (白夜)’s literal meaning is “white night”, which is when night passes without the sun setting (as often seen in arctic circles); a “night under the midnight sun”. Hinata’s themed around daybreak, and Yuuta’s themed around twilight, so I thought it fit in with the theme. You could say it’s a night without daybreak nor twilight.
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lizardperson · 7 months
ockiss 24 - day 2! aka That Damn Dress
using ockissweek as a reason to post more of my sappy bullshit, but this time longer, and more sad.
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content warning: much much self hate, and some alcohol
"But you look so hot! You HAVE to buy it, come oooonnnn! Also I bet Daria will just LOVE seeing you in this…" "You're terrible. Ugh fine, I'll buy it. But Daria won't care, that's totally not her taste…"
'If you're not super busy can you come over for a sec? Not gonna take long'
Daria raised an eyebrow at that text message and got up from her desk. She had assumed July was already on the way to her evening out dancing with Mika, but apparently not. She still wasn't sure anyway why July had agreed to that outing - something about getting out of her comfort zone, and Mika helping with that, but to Daria it just seemed like her friend getting talked into various activities that she didn't actually enjoy. Oh well, she was old enough to make her own decisions, and all Daria could do was occasionally remind her that she didn't have to do every single thing Mika asked her to.
She crossed the hallway of their apartment building and knocked on July's door, who promptly opened and pulled her in by her arm, startling her.
"Hey, thanks for coming. I just really need your opinion real quick, please be honest - how fucking ridiculous do I look?"
Daria swallowed when she finally took in the view. July, her July, in a very short, very revealing dress. She had never seen her like this before. The way the black silky fabric hugged her curves, accentuate exactly the right spots… This wasn't even the type of clothing she usually cared for on another woman, and yet all she could do was stare for a few very long seconds, taking in the sight. It wasn't like she hadn't seen July in various states of undress before, at this point they were basically living together, so relatively speaking the total amount of visible skin wasn't even that scandalous - and yet. And yet.
"That bad, huh?" July remarked at Daria's silence and sighed, turning away. "Mika talked me into buying this and said I should wear it, but I look like some kind of weird goth scarecrow or something, it's stupid, I --"
"July," Daria interrupted her, "you look amazing."
Slightly startled July looked at her. "What?"
"I think you look great," she confirmed, having to once again keeping herself from not staring too long. "But if you are feeling uncomfortable because it is showing too much skin, then you should change into something else. I am sure Mika will understand."
July hesitated for a moment, still looking a bit doubtful. "You really think I look good."
"I do."
"Not ridiculous."
"Not ridiculous at all. Quite the opposite."
They looked at each other silent for a few moments, then July nodded. "Okay. I guess I'm not getting changed then." She hesitated for a moment, mustering a weak smile. "Thank you. For the honest opinion. And the moral support."
Daria smiled. "You are as always very welcome." Now if only she could stop staring… Almost forcefully she pulled her eyes away and cleared her throat. Enough about that damn dress. "Are you sure you don't want me to pick you up later? I really don't mind."
July waved it off. "Nah, it's fine, I'll take a Uber."
Daria suppressed the urge to ask if she was really sure, and the even bigger urge to stare some more at all the deliciously framed naked skin. "Okay. Then I hope you have a fun night." She hesitated for a moment. "And don't let Mika get you into trouble." Did she just sound like her own mother?
July laughed. "We're just going to a club, how much trouble could there be."
"I'm sure she will think of something," Daria remarked dryly, being once again met by a laugh.
"You still haven't forgiven her for the weed incident, hm?"
"No comment," she chuckled. "Anyway, have fun. I will see you tomorrow."
"Yeah, see you tomorrow."
July pulled her into a hug, and Daria almost winced when she touched her soft and warm skin, part of her hoped this skin contact would not end anytime soon. But of course it did. Something told her this was going to be a very long night.
The first thing Daria did when she was back in her own apartment was splash her face with cold water. Maybe a really cold shower was in order… She stared at herself in the mirror, the familiar feeling of disgust creeping up inside her. "What is wrong with you, you stupid old cow…" she murmured at herself and sighed. Pathetic.
Scotch. Scotch might solve all her problems. She just had to drink enough of it.
Bottle in one hand and glass in the other she dropped down on the couch. The scene from earlier replayed in her head over and over, and she scolded herself. Did she have to be such a creep, staring at her best friend like that? If she was lucky then July had been in her own head too much to notice that - hopefully. Or maybe she had caught her, and was now laughing about her with Mika, mocking her miserable being. No, July would never. She was too much of a kind person for that. If she had noticed, she would just feel sorry for Daria, pitying her. And somehow, that was even worse.
She sighed, emptying her glass and refilling it again in the next motion. How beautiful July had looked in that damn dress. Seductive. Enticing. How much she had wanted to just touch her, feel her skin, discover every inch of her body. Slowly pushing the straps of the dress over her bare shoulders, dropping that piece of clothing to the ground, revealing her in all her glory…
Stop it.
Great. Fantasizing about undressing her. That was a new low. What a worthless creature she was.
The next hours went by somehow, with the bottle slowly emptying, and Daria's thoughts drifting back again and again to July, no matter how hard she tried to drag herself away from that. July, smiling at her. July, falling asleep on her shoulder while they were watching a movie. July in that damn dress.
A knock on the door pulled her out of her thoughts. Daria frowned, contemplating for a moment if she had imagined that. It was late -- she had no idea how late, she just knew she had been drinking for a while, considering the almost empty bottle -- and there was only one person who would show up here at this hour. She should just ignore it, pretend to be already asleep. That would be the smart and sensible choice of action.
Unfortunately she felt neither smart nor sensible in this moment, and got up to open the door. What a bad idea this was.
How radiant she looked. Daria reminded herself that breathing probably was a good idea, and mustered a smile.
"Hey. Was wondering if you're still up." July grinned at her, leaning on the door frame. "Can I come in?"
She didn't even wait for a response, just pushed herself past Daria and went in. Her wobbly walk and the slightly slurred speech told her that she had been drinking, so they had that in common. The difference being, July just had a fun evening out with friends, while Daria had tried to drown herself - normal people activity versus pathetic self hate activity.
July threw her coat on the couch, made her way to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water, with Daria following behind. Then she hopped onto the counter like she always did, but apparently the alcohol had given her some balance troubles. Daria was close enough to prevent her from falling down, lightly putting a hand on her hip to keep her steady.
"Careful," she murmured, getting distracted by her being so close suddenly. Maybe she should move her hand that was still resting on July's hip… or maybe she shouldn't. That fabric felt really nice. Her skin below it would probably feel even nicer. God, how much she wanted her.
"Sorry, I think I had a drink too much," July remarked, giggling. Something fruity, Daria guessed from the smell on her breath, and she wondered if she would still taste it on her lips. She should really move back a step or two. Eventually.
With no idea how long she had been staring at her again, Daria tried to disrupt the silence. "Did you have a nice night?"
July nodded vaguely. "Yeah, it was fun. But loud. And too many people. Don't think I'll do that again very soon. But now I can at least say I've 'been to the club' or whatever…"
"Glad to hear."
They both were silent again for a few moments, just looking into each other's eyes. Did she imagine it or did the space between their faces get smaller by the second? She still had not moved her hand away, which would be the smart thing to do. But just this once in her life, doing the dumb thing sounded so very, very inviting.
"You really think I look good in this?" July finally asked, still in doubt about her appearance.
"That dress looks great on you." Her voice felt hoarse, as if she was slowly losing the ability to form coherent speech. She really needed to bring some distance between them, this was getting dangerous. She really should. She just really did not want to.
"Would look even better on your bedroom floor," July jokingly replied in fake deep voice, then lauged about that terrible pickup line, and it came so unexpected that Daria couldn't help but laugh too.
And then her heart stopped when she suddenly felt July's lips on her own.
It was a soft kiss, gentle. Questioning. How amazing her lips felt, how long Daria had dreamed about this. How long she had wanted this. This was such a bad idea. But it felt so so good.
Her body took over, leaning into the kiss and pulling July closer, who took that as an invitation to wrap her arms around Daria's neck. She buried one hand in July's hair, still somehow trying to deepen the kiss, and was rewarded with a small moan. God, she wanted her so bad.
No. Stop.
The rational voice in her head somehow resurfaced again, and she was suddenly painfully aware again of what was happening here. Bad idea. Terrible, bad idea.
She forced herself to pull away, at least trying to bring some space between their faces.
"July, I'm sorry, I-- we need to stop. I'm sorry," she heard herself ramble, still barely able to form a coherent thought. "We can't." The urge to apologize even more grew with every second.
"Why not?" July looked at her concerned.
Daria pulled out of her embrace and stepped back, rubbing her face for a moment.
"Because we are both drunk and this is a terrible idea, and we really shouldn't. We can't," she heard herself repeating, feeling like she had lost control entirely. "I am so sorry."
July remained silent for a few moments, seemingly also entirely overwhelmed by the whole situation, and they just stared at each other, until she then suddenly hopped off the counter.
"I'm sorry," Daria repeated once again, but July just shook her head.
"No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come, I'm… I don't even know what I was thinking, I'm so sorry, I'm just gonna-" She sounded so embarrassed. Hurt. Rejected. Daria hated herself so much in this moment. This was all so wrong.
"July, I'm…" she pleaded, not even sure what she wanted to say. Forgive me please.
"Sorry for showing up here so late," July muttered, on her way to grab her coat. "Goodnight, Daria."
And with that she had rushed out of the door, her scent still lingering in the room like a ghost. How had this all gone so wrong…
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