#uganda weird news
everalii · 11 days
Random Hogwarts Legacy Girls Headcannons
Now the girls!
I'll be doing a headcannon post for my MC, Claire Beckett, but this is only for the NPC girls.
♡ Poppy Sweeting ♡
• Hates people? Of course, unless they're Ominis Gaunt. She was head over heels for him since she saw the boy sit on the Sorting Hat stool in the 1st year. She was completely overwhelmed when he begun courting her;
• Poppy at first wanted to become a researcher like her grandmother, but after fighting poachers with MC, decided she'd be an auror, and her main goal was to end every poaching camp possible;
• Her last name may be Sweeting, but she enjoys salty food. Shepherds pie is her favourite meal;
• She considers MC her best friend, and eventually, Natsai as well. You'd always see the trio together;
• Was haunted in terrible nightmares by the dragon she saved with MC. In her dreams, she failed to save her. Ominis was the one to comfort her, and he commissioned a necklace with a dragon pendant for her, the pendantwas charmed to calm her dreams;
• Transfiguration was her second favourite class, however, she'd cry if the task was to transfigure some creature into and inanimate object;
• She's passionate Cancer, born in june 27th.
◇ Natsai Onai ◇
• Her biggest dream is to return to Uganda, where she can roam free as a gazelle;
• But, if she was to stay in Britain, she would love to become and auror with Poppy and MC. They would ravage poachers and ashwinders;
• Her best friend is Anne, and she was the only one to know about her animagi form until MC and later, Poppy. The proximity with Anne also made her close to Sebastian. Garreth was also her best friend, and she suspected he fancies Anne;
• Is the seeker of the Gryffindor quidditch team. She caught the snitch three times already! Her broom was once jinxed so she wouldn't be able to catch it, but she did it anyway;
• When in Hogwarts, she corresponded with her friends in Uagadou, and they found extremely weird to wield magic with a wand. She has grown fond of her wand, but every time she could, she'd cast wandless magic just to impress people;
• She got very self conscious of her colour and hair texture when she got in Britain, but Anne helped her to overcome her insecurities;
• Born in January 6th, she's a strong capricorn.
♤ Anne Sallow ♤
• She was actually the troublemaker of the twins. Ominis had to put up with 2 idiots sharing a single braincell;
• Her favourite class was Herbology, she would stay for hours in the greenhouse with professor Garlick chatting and tending the gardens;
• Once, Cressida spread a rumor about Anne and Ominis being involved romantically during their 4th year. Anne and Natty broke into the restricted section so she could get a book on hexes. She hexed Cressida's hair to turn into a green goo. Anne was in detention for a good 3 weeks, but the Gryffindor never lied about her again;
• Anne is a legilimens, and Sebastian is a natural occlumens. Despite being difficult, Sebastian doesn't lock is thoughts with much efficiency so she can read a few things. Usually is his perverted thoughts of MC, which Anne is disgusted about;
• She was unsure about MC at first, thinking she stole her place in Hogwarts, as everyone of her friends also became friends with MC. But they eventually got along, when she realized her brothers feelings for the new girl;
• Loves to cook and bake. When the pain attacks were sparce, she would bake for her uncle to make him calmer. It helped, and he was way less stressed;
• An her twin, she's a Sagittarius, born in december 14th. Also, she's was born first.
♤ Imelda Reyes ♤
• Her family comes from Spain, and when nervous, she shouts in spanish. Due to her spanish blood, she was supposed to be admitted to Beauxbaton, but much to her British mothers satisfaction, she received a Hogwarts acceptance letter;
• Her older brother plays in the Spanish National quidditch team, however, Imelda's wish is to play in the British team so she can beat him;
• Couldnt sstand Everett, only the mention of his name makes the blood boil in her veins. Hes always teasing her and she was always fighting him. During their 7th year, she realized she'd fallen for him and it haunted her for good. They begun courting shortly after graduation;
• Secretly loves romance novels, and spent 7 years day dreaming about the one she would marry;
• Also dances very well. Somehow, she managed to teach flamenco to Garreth, and they dance at parties and gatherings;
• Is very lightweight when it comes to alcohol, a cup of butterbeer makes her head dizzy and rambling non-sense.
• A very hot heated Virgo, born in september 8th
Any girl you want headcannons? Tell me in the comments.
Also, my own birthday was mentioned, guess which girl I gave it to.
Love y'all
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ewan-mo · 1 year
Mo had a dream
20th September 2023
The youngest student at the workshop; 2 months old. Son of Brenda, Community MH nurse, he is just 2 months old. He’s called Zion. And very advanced, of course.
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At breakfast today I decided to have avocado. Because I could, because it’s good for me, and because we normally eat quite a bit of it at home.
Our menu here tends to be based on common Ugandan everyday foods, hence yesterday’s liver and cooking banana and today’s avocado.
Ewan began the day’s programme with a snowball exercise. 2-3 people discuss first, then they join another group to become 6 and so on. Each time the group has to decide on its ‘top 3’ – in this case, their top three things learnt as a result of the partnership with Jamie’s Fund. Great to read their results. I was not surprised, but I was moved, to hear mention of loving our patients, and other similar sentiments 
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Long ago in Malawi, I was surprised and upset to find that the PrivateNotForProfit hospitals, which were mostly faith based, wouldn’t care for any patients with mental illness. While in government service we were developing community mental health care and reducing the population of the mental hospital, the mission hospitals were saying “We don’t do this.”
We asked a question of the Christian Medical Fellowship in UK as to why should this be? That led to a consultation: “Should faith based health institutions provide mental health services?”
An international conference followed in 1998: Developing Mental Health: a Challenge to the Churches. We brought participants from five continents - mental health workers, their managers and their bishops, and had a wonderful week in a conference centre in England. 
By then I had a dream: that faith-based hospitals, especially in low-income countries, would develop community mental health services, and offer love and commitment to this group of people who are so often stigmatised, rejected and outcast.
Working in Jamie’s Fund in Uganda, my dream has come true. Our young colleagues here have a shining vision to make things better in mental health, and they are transforming lives. They also love to learn and we are having such a good week with them.
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Second on today’s agenda I presented Trauma Matters, prepared by our good friend Helen, a Liverpool psychiatrist. We were all looking forward to her first visit to Uganda – and so was she, but late in the day illness stopped that happening. Interesting presenting other people’s powerpoint! But I already knew that she and I had were of the same tribe, had concerns and values in common, and that it was a privilege to present her work. 
After lunch our colleague Sudaat told us about a new syndrome “Shake Shake”. Every so often these slightly odd presentations crop up, often in boarding schools, looking like some weird neurological disease. As far as I know, they never are, but are usually due to underlying stress and the girls ‘catch’ it from each other. You won’t be surprised to hear that in ShakeShake the girls’ legs shake.
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Some of our colleagues had asked for screening tools to give them a straightforward and speedy way to assess those patients in medical clinics who come with physical symptoms but appear to have nothing wrong with them. So we talked about screening principles and got them doing translations of one such tool into local languages. Much hilarity ensued. Keeping control was like herding cats.  
We took a group photo with the banner of the the Diversity Foundation behind the group.  Diversity Travel have been very generous in their support to Jamie’s Fund and have paid about half the cost of this work shop for which we are very grateful..
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Ewan enjoys data. Don’t drown in data, turn it into information!  Kuule from Bwindi and Lamet from Mukono, both very able and visionary mental health clinicians, joined Ewan to show how it could be done. Kuule and Ewan have recently spent a considerable time preparing a research paper on this very subject, which shows how the number of patients attending mental health clinics around Bwindi has increased as more clinics have been opened as a result of training of clnical staff  in basic mental health care, sponsored by JF.  The only officially required figures are for the clinic attendances rather than how an individual attends.  Just looking at the number of attendances doesn't tell you about the size of pool of patients or if individuals are attending regularly for follow up. You need this to be able to manage your service effectively.
Supper as usual and early bed.
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'Why do we need pride month' aka my y11 gcse speech
My first memory was small, little, 5-year-old me, looking in the mirror and thinking, “You do not look like a [my deadname]”. That’s the first thought I can remember, word for word. Looking in the mirror and not recognizing the face that looks back, is not the biggest hardship these people face. Now I am not the only person who has had these experiences, in the 2021 UK census, 0.5% of the population said that their gender was different from that at birth, and that’s just those over 16 who answered the question. This group of people who are part of the LGBT community. 
Now, we all know of the LGBT community, all know people in it, friends, families, acquaintances, celebrities, all that jazz. There is two whole months of celebrating, February and June, LGBT History month and Pride month, respectively. And, well, I’m sure we’ve all heard, maybe said, maybe thought pf a simple question: ‘Why do we need Pride Month?’ 
Pride Month, set in June, is filled with celebration, parades, floats, weird things in stores that are just there for corporation’s capitalist games. Many of us have issues with the way that companies have commercialised a period of joy and triumph over hardships. By turning this month, a time of celebrating, into a time of consummation of as many distastefully designed products as they can, businesses have ignored the persecution, execution, homicide, and torture inflicted on the LGBT community in favour of making a pretty penny. You might be thinking ‘doesn’t doing it in the name of the community help? No, not when they aren’t working to educate people. Not when they don’t donate even the smallest part of their profit to an LGBT charity, actions speak louder than words, so if these companies are really trying to help, they should practise what they preach.  
You may think I’m saying: ‘No we don’t need Pride Month,’ but I am instead saying the exact opposite, we need the celebration. We need education on the history, hardships, and rights of a group of people that make up a rough 20% of our world (that is 1 in 5 people). We should donate to charities that help Queer People who are homeless, on the run or being abused because of something that they were literally born as. We must look at our laws and how they prevent those who aren’t cis-het from living a normal life. But we must also step away from looking at the pretty face of Pride and instead see how we can change for the better. 
In 2021, there were 375 recorded murders of trans people globally with 95% being trans women. This number has been steadily increasing every year, and I would like you to remember that this is recorded deaths where the motivation was because the victim was trans. In 69 countries it is illegal to be queer (as of 2020)including Barbados, Malaysia, Saint Kitts and Nevis and Liberia (Afghanistan, Algeria, Antigua & Barbuda, Bangladesh, Barbados, Bhutan, Brunei, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Comoros, Cook Islands, Dominica, Egypt, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Guinea, Guyana, Iran, Jamaica, Kenya, Kiribati, Kuwait, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Myanmar, Namibia, Nigeria, Occupied Palestinian Territory (Gaza Strip), Oman, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Qatar, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, Togo, Tonga, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe- include list in PowerPoint-)- in fact 70% of the commonwealth it is illegal. Now, here we should be both proud and disturbed that this is something we are proud of, in only 10 countries is homosexuality punished through capital punishment. That is right, being executed because of who you are, including Brunei, Nigeria, Somalia and Yemen. (Afghanistan, Brunei, Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Quatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, UAE, and Yemen -include list on PowerPoint-). 
In England and Wales only decriminalised male homosexuality in 1967 (with female homosexuals legal throughout time and law which makes relatively little sense because either they didn’t believe lesbians exist or some other strange reason). However, despite being frowned upon, male homosexuality was only punishable by death from 1533 in the UK, another reason to despise Henry VIII. It was only in 2001 when the age of consent for queer couples was lowered to 16, the same as the heterosexuals. In 2000, people could be openly queer in the military, in 2005 both the legal ability to change gender and Same-Sex civil partnership was legalised and in 2014, the same was applied to Same-Sex Marriage. Surprisingly it was only 2020 when Northern Ireland did the same, with Cuba and Slovenia legalising in 2022 and Andorra’s Same-Sex marriage laws coming into affect this year. A total of 34 countries have legalised Same-sex marriage, including Argentina, Ecuador, Mexico and Taiwan. (Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands,, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay -include list on PowerPoint?). 
Now as we can see through legislation, despite us getting excited about 34 countries doing the bare minimum, there is still a lot of work for us to do. However, it is best to understand why we need Pride month if we look back at its origins. Pride Month originated after the Stonewall riots in the US 1969, the UK had their first Pride celebration in 1972, thus the 50-year celebration in the New Years celebration last year. The Stonewall Riots began in the 28th June 1969 when Police raided the Stonewall Inn, brutalised a number of patrons for being suspected homosexuals, female police officers to certain Patrons into the bathroom to check their sex because they thought they were crossdressing- there where laws on crossdressing which is mad- and it ended with the Patrons fighting back, a catalyst that started a gay rights movement. Now if you have heard ‘Glad To Be Gay’ by the Tom Robinson band, or you are a Marauders fan, or you just pay attention in History, you would know that up until the 1980s, Police would raid gay pubs and arrest queer people for stuff like resisting arrest- which makes no sense because why would they be being arrested for resisting arrest, what was the original charge?- and there was just a lot of violence against the LGBT community, because that is exactly what they needed during the AIDs epidemic when they were losing many friends and lovers to an invisible enemy.  
Now with that briefest History you will ever get from me, I do hope you see how important it is that we recognise, remember and rebel for the sake of the millions of people killed throughout time for being something that God made them. We need pride month to remember the trials and tribulations, we have, are and will face but also show how far we have come. Hopefully next time you think about a question similar to this one, or choose to completely disregard common sense, you will remember why the LGBT community shout, fight, rebel, cry, celebrate and laugh, and rethink what you’re saying.
umm yh idk why im sharing this. this was the first draft (i couldn't find the last lol' but yh hope you enjoyed.
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scentedchildnacho · 4 months
The Brazilian president......that doesn't make sense though.....nothing he talks about makes sense....I suppose it comes up because the yellow deli is around and I prefer to eat Mexican really
I think conversations of what is indigenous is in the states on a cosmological level is a form of hip hop really
There are many peoples and diversities migrants internationals aboriginals that create a unity in a sense of cosmology here
So it's more a belief that world war two didn't end and it's still needs to believe in an illegal government operating within a prior governance
The creation of neo nazism is still unfortunate....they went to jails young and they adapt without.....it can I think be white pride at times
And that was weird and expresses all our limitations
Michael ondaatje Billy the kidd the world of serial killers I mean everything has a bigger fish and his own friends eventually will execute him maybe
I am a mars in Scorpio.....I have my friends that assure that I have when I do we all have our friends
If you ask me the president of Brazil was upset that some old timer hired a dashing tall sheriff and together decided he was of no good
I think the states as a 20th century history tends to view nations that protected immigrants as Seminole and so look more to native records to find influxes of Jews etc a gay history even has come to be seen as more of a native nation
So that's what I hear them saying of more ecologically diverse is less casualty
I find the president of Brazil from an African perspective a small time mass murderer compared to what an African dictative could accomplish to him so they can still have migrant wildebeests
Say Uganda yes I will have my fruits and warmth for my joints
I don't know if news today that a mental health facility could replace a ranch.....is more Brazilian president soon indigenous will finally be gone.....
I think it's more Michael ondaatje.....a sheriff had a small property out there and after enough trapping in inner cities and friends of serial killers it's no more Billy and kidd and his lateenas
Areas of private property have an institute for peace about them.....in San Diego county
Peace can be the most insipid man people wanting to go out there to suicide pogrom....sober living only for veterans but then mentals budget is veterans and elderly budget is veterans and welfare is veterans....it was like a military coup where disparate issues of draft and non affiliated had to make do with large budgets for The Veterans
I think people were out there talking to things not human and human has no animalia to Mary baker Eddy bones matter etc is witchcraft
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endlesskats · 5 months
why can't my family be normal? why can't they just be nice and kind, why does it have to be this way, I don't want it to be this way.
I'd say I wish to die and be in a new family but it doesn't feel right, I want my family but better? if we were richer, kinder, got along.
I feel so wronged I never had a chance to have a father daughter moment, I never had a chance to have a mother and daughter date, i never got to experienced your typical dad love to watch him build something or for him to ask me to get something from his tool box, i only ever get bad experiences, I hate being black I hate being african, I hate coming from a country barely anyone knows about and whenever i say it people think Uganda? Uganda?
its so annoying like geez, white skinned people are so lucky they have pale skin so their makeup always look so soft and creamy but never for me, whenever i try it always look like im doing a full face because the pink never shows, red looks weird on me and blue isn't my colour even though I love it so much, i keep changing myself but I never seem to fit in, I changed my name, lied about stories, lied about things that I didn't want to lie about, I let people make fun of me laughed whenever I got hurt, try to keep it in but It's like I'm a puppet I can't do anything for myself and it hurts more to be myself than not to be myself, What do I do? what am I supposed to do. I don't even want to live i need somebody to end me, i feel guilty all the time, im a horrible older sister, I just can't do any good for the life of me, i don't even read my bible that much and i hate that fact so much, I wish I could be a new person, a pale young slim lady with long straight blonde hair and blue eyes you know I would look so pretty it'd be nice if it was like that.
ngl this is so cringe
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hardynwa · 11 months
‘I spent like two nights in jail’ – Tems recounts her ordeal in Uganda
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Grammy-winning Nigerian singer, Temilade Openiyi, popularly known as Tems, has recounted her ordeal in Ugandan prison. DAILY POST recalls that Tems and Omah Lay were arrested and charged to court and subsequently detained in prison in Uganda for making an appearance at a concert held in the country at Speke Resort, Kampala, on Saturday 12th of December, despite COVID-19 social distancing regulations. However, speaking in a recent interview with Angie Martinez of Power 105.1 FM, New York, Tems insisted that they didn’t break COVID-19 rules, claiming that “it was a setup.” The Oscar-nominated diva said she thought she wasn’t going to come out of jail and was “already settling in” as she emphasized that she adapts very quickly. Tems said, “We didn’t break the rules. It was basically like a set up. We went to Uganda, I had a show there. It was during COVID year but they had opened things up that time. They had just had a rally in Uganda. People were going out. It wasn’t on lockdown. It was the aftermath. “And the organisers said they had the permit, they sent us the permit. Everything was cool. And went there and there is this particular artist, I’m not sure now what his role was but he was just busy threatening Nigerian artists that they shouldn’t come. And after the show, the police came. They weren’t in uniforms. They just knocked on my hotel room. My manager and I were eating lunch or dinner. And they just came and said we should follow them and my manager was like he would go with them. “So, he went with them. But they came back upstairs to pick me up. So, it was like who called them? Later, I found out that there was some weird… That was so scary. I spent two nights in prison. I thought I wasn’t gonna come out. I thought maybe I was going through it for a reason. I was like maybe this is for me to help the people in prison. It was crazy, I ain’t gonna lie. I was settling in because I adapt real quick.” Read the full article
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uganda’s new law code does not put gay people to death; it puts child rapists to death. and yes, it’s weird that western media insists on conflating the two.
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casasolada · 1 year
Top Spots for a Romantic Getaway in Uganda
There’s something incredibly special and romantic about planning an adventure somewhere new together, exploring and uncovering new experiences as a couple while getting to know lots of weird and wonderful things about each other.
Booking a trip away to Uganda is unlike any other, in so far as the destination bridges that gap between outdoor adventure and luxury, with many of the top hotels in Uganda offering access to safaris and wild experiences alongside the luxurious and 5-star amenities available within the hotel.
What this means is, no matter what kind of traveller you are, there is something for all couples in Uganda – with this blog sharing just a few of our must-see spots and sites for those travelling as part of a romantic getaway.
Book a safari together
With so many destinations across Uganda offering leading safari and wildlife experiences, booking a safari during your getaway is a no-brainer – and when it comes to identifying the perfect place we recommend one of the following.
Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, where you can book onto a trek to find some of the country’s population of mountain gorillas.
Murchison Falls National Park, which is famously home to the “Big 5” safari animals and offers everything from boat trips on the Victoria Nile to hikes to the top of the falls itself and driving safari experiences with a local expert.
Lake Bunyonyi, combining birding experiences and bird watching tours with luxurious lodges and immersive activities and experiences which give you a taste of local life.
Not only is Uganda home to more than half of the world’s population of mountain gorillas, but it is also home to some of the largest cats and other safari animals known to man – and that’s before we start considering the bird life and other wildlife experiences that guests can enjoy.
Enjoy water-based activities
Uganda is home to Lake Victoria and the River Nile, both of which open up a whole roster of activities that visitors can enjoy – from romantic sunset cruises across the vast Lake, to white water rafting and other adrenaline-fuelled experiences along the River Nile.
Taking part in one of these more adventurous experiences with a loved one can be a perfect way to spend the day, followed by a meal at one of the most popular local restaurants in Kampala – serving a blend of local delicacies and tourist-friendly cuisine.
Visit Jinja Town
A town just two hours’ drive from Kampala, Jinja Town offers everything from activities to boat tours, horseback riding, and a guided walk to the source of the river Nile which offers a look at one of nature’s most incredible and impressive natural phenomena.
As you travel through Uganda you will notice that many of the aforementioned experiences and attractions are just as popular with locals as they are with tourists, making them an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself not only in the attractions themselves but the culture and community of those who call Uganda home.
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laresearchette · 2 years
Friday, November 04, 2022 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
DISNEY + STAR THE GIFT (premiere) MARVEL STUDIOS LEGENDS (new episodes focused on Black Panther)
2022 PAN CONTINENTAL CURLING CHAMPIONSHIPS (TSN) 11:00am: Women's Draw: Japan vs. Canada (TSN) 9:00pm: Women's Draw: Korea vs. Canada
NHL HOCKEY (SN) 2:00pm: Blue Jackets vs. Avalanche (SN) 7:00pm: Sabres vs. Hurricanes
PULSE (APTN) 7:00pm: Erin Brillon & Andy Everson:  Andy Everson and Erin Brillon, visual artists and dancers from Comox, worked together to open a production studio called Kwigwatsi Studio. Partners in art and in life, they offer viewers an outstanding performance at the Canadian Museum of History.
DANCING THROUGH THE SNOW (CTV Life) 7:00pm:   A viral video turns a devoted single father into the world's most eligible bachelor, but he only has eyes for his 8-year-old daughter's ballet teacher.
NBA BASKETBALL (SN Now) 7:30pm: Knicks vs. 76ers (SN1) 8:00pm: Bulls vs. Celtics (TSN4/TSN5) 8:30pm: Raptors vs. Mavericks (SN1) 10:00pm: Bucks vs. Timberwolves (SN Now) 10:30pm: Jazz vs. Lakers
MARKETPLACE (CBC) 8:00pm: Exclusive footage of a police raid into movers who quote low but charge high once they pick up peoples' belongings and hold them ransom for payment.
RODEO NATION (APTN) 8:00pm: A few big wrecks threaten to cut Ty and Dallas Young Pine's rodeo season short. Cameron Bruised Head, a former world champion, returns to the arena at a rodeo in Lethbridge. He hopes to win back a top spot in the rankings!
TRAVEL MAN: 48 HOURS IN… (CBC) 8:30pm: Accompanied by Robert Webb, Richard Ayoade makes the most of a two-day Madeira tour. From fun activities and specialties to destinations and more, the duo covers almost everything there is.
STORIES FROM THE LAND (APTN) 8:30pm: Anishinaabe women share how the birch tree, its bark and the traditional crafts that come from this significant tree have transformed their lives.
THE PASSIONATE EYE (CBC) 9:00pm: Former patients, mothers of "Karbaat" children, discuss their longstanding wish for a child, and how it made them close their eyes to an often-horrific and unbearable insemination treatment; how Jan Karbaat became an infamous fertility doctor.
CTV NEWS SPECIAL: EXPELLED: MY ROOTS IN UGANDA WITH OMAR SACHEDINA (CTV) 9:00pm:  Omar Sachedina returns to Uganda with his mother for the first time since she and tens of thousands of other Asians were expelled 50 years ago.
CODA (2019) (Crave) 9:00pm:  A famous pianist who is struggling with stage fright late in his career finds inspiration with a free-spirited music critic.
CRIME BEAT (Global) 10:00pm: A German tourist travels across the world with his family to witness the splendor of the Canadian Rockies; without warning, a chance encounter and a single bullet interrupts their trip and changes their lives forever.
ROADWORTHY RESCUES (Discovery Canada) 10:00pm:  Derek decides to breathe new life into a 1951 Chevy Deluxe that has been out of action for decades. He must be prepared to put in more than the usual time and effort to succeed.
WOMEN’S RUGBY WORLD CUP (TSN4/TSN5) 11:30pm: Semifinal: Canada vs. England
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worthymiral · 2 years
Kya bamba sound the realest dubplate
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> Co-produced by Pyret, Don Zilla, Waana Brothers, Tobi Loyal Hustle and Triplet aka Dr Dreplo aka BarterthanditallibanmanįOLLOW GRINGO ON INSTA: KIDGRINGO (4get about Facebook this shit makes no sense at all :D )ģ LATINUM + NUTTY NEITHAN - WALK 2 WORK DUBPLATE RMXĦ SUPERDOZE + MO BAMBA - KABALAGALA INTERLUDEġ3 NUTTY NEITHAN - KWATA ECCUPA GRINGO RMXġ7 BUJU BANTON – WALK LIKE A CHAMPION GRINGO RMXĢ3 Mr MANKWA - I WANNA FORNICATE DUBPLATE BAILE RMXĢ6 BUSY SIGNAL - REAL GYALLIS GRINGU BAILEGQOM RMXĢ7 SUPERDOZE - SOLOLA BIEN DUBPLATE GQOM RMXĢ8 BLAQ BANDANA - PITA PATA DUBPLATE GQOM RMXĢ9 BLAQ BANDANA - PITA PATA DUBPLATE REGGAE RMXģ2 LAUREN SANDERSON - FAKE LOVE COVER GRINGO RMXģ3 DA AGENT - FASTEST RAPPER IN AFRICA INTERLUDEĤ1 VYBZ KARTEL - RAMBO KANAMBO GRINGO RMXĤ3 FIK FAMEICA - TONSUKUMA GRINGO TWAZIKOZE RMXĤ5 FUTURE FAMBO - BLOODCLAAT SONG GRINGO RMXĤ7 STEFFLON DON + WILEY + IDRIS ELBA + SEAN PAUL - BOASTYĤ8 MAGNOM + FEFE BUSSI - KAMPALA WHINE GRINGO RMX So this mix features well famous artistes like Nutty Neithan, Vampino, Feffe Bussi, Fik Fameica, John Blaq and Uganda's latest sensations Hitnature and Fresh Kid, as well as extraordinary mainstream-unknown talents like Ratigan Era, Superdoze from Congo, lyricist Blaq Bandana and the legendary Mr Mankwa from wayyyyy back in the 80s.Īm wishing you guys a lot of fun with this weird mix up - play it loud in your neighborhood, share it with your friends and help us spreading this huge and beautiful but hidden treasure box from da "Pearl Of Africa" - East African Dancehall to the wooorld we say!!!! These songs deserve to be heard world wide Recorded at Kleiderschrank Studios Kansanga, Nyege Nyege Studios Bbunga, East African Records Kabalagala, Statement Studios Makindye, Arnest Beats Makindye and Masters Studios Ntinda / Kampala Uganda in 2017-2019 He’s like, “Yo, we’re going to Paris, if you guys want to come out, you should come out.” We stayed there with B and Jay for two and a half or three weeks in Paris.Yes friends + family: finally this is my new mix "Gaman Juice" - I've spent about 1year recording dubplate specials n creating exclusive relicks of some of Uganda's best, biggest, or most exciting underground dancehall and hip hop songs. These people are busy as hell, so he would always let us know what’s going on. From that night, Jay kept saying, “Stay close.” Young Guru, God bless the man, one of the realest guys ever, made sure he kept me and Cool in the loop. When it was done, she played it three or four times, and she’s like, I love this, this is great. There was one record that Cool kept saying, “Yo, Dre, don’t leave there without playing him ‘Salud!’” So after he played a couple Beyoncé duet records, I was like, “Yo, can I play you one more?” It was just the beat, but he was like, “What the fuck? You wait until the end of the night to play this shit? You crazy?” I was like, “I got a hook idea.” He’s like, “Lay that shit.” As I was laying it, Beyoncé walks into the studio. Towards the end, he started playing me records that him and Beyoncé cut. He invites us over, and in a 10 or 11 hour span, we cut around five or six records. Keep feeding me.” After a couple records, we gave him one song that he loved so much he was like, “You in L.A.? Come over.” We’re in Miami right now, but we’re gonna be in LA immediately I’m booking flights. We emailed it to him, and I reminded him about that time he told me, “Yo, before we send this to anyone else, I’m gonna take your advice and hand deliver it to you first.” He emailed right back after he heard it, “This shit’s crazy. Cratesishigh: So probably eight, nine weeks ago, Cool and I started sending him ideas.
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
40 साल की उम्र तक महिला बन गई 44 बच्चों की मां, विचित्र कंडीशन के कारण पैदा होती गई संतानें
40 साल की उम्र तक महिला बन गई 44 बच्चों की मां, विचित्र कंडीशन के कारण पैदा होती गई संतानें
मां बनना बेशक किसी भी महिला के लिए सुखद एहसास होता होगा मगर जब आपको युगांडा की एक महिला के बारे में पता चलेगा तो आप जरूर कहेंगे कि उसके लिए मां बनना बिल्कुल भी सुखद नहीं होगा. जिस महिला की हम बात कर रहे हैं वो 40 साल की उम्र तक 44 बच्चों (40 year old Uganda woman 44 kids) की मां बन चुकी है. उसका पति उसे छोड़कर जा चुका है और अकेले ही उसे बच्चों का पालन-पोषण करना पड़ रहा है. ये पढ़कर तो आप भी हैरान…
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ktmarison · 2 years
the  book  of  mormon  sentence  starters.
   ‘  perhaps  one  day,  someone  very  special  will  find  them.  ’
‘  you  simply  won’t  believe  how  much  this  book  will  change  your  life  !  ’
‘  are  these  your  kids  ?  ’
‘  have  fun  in  hell.  ’
‘  would  you  like  to  change  religions  ?  i  have  a  free  book  written  by  jesus  !  ’
‘  just  stick  to  the  approved  dialogue.  ’
'  this  is  it,  you  guys  !  this  is  it  !  '  
'  i  have  been  praying  to  be  sent  to  my  favorite  place  in  the  whole  world.  '  
'  well,  if  you  prayed  for  a  location,  i'm  sure  heavenly  father  will  make  it  happen.  '  
'  you're  like,  the  smartest,  best,  most  deserving  elder  the  centers  ever  seen.  '
‘  the  most  important  time  of  a  mormon  kid’s  life  is  his  mission.  ’
‘  soon  i’ll  be  off  in  a  different  place,  helping  the  whole  human  race.  ’
‘  i  know  my  mission  will  be  something  incredible.  ’
‘  god  loves  mormons  and  he  wants  some  more  !  ’
‘  we’re  fighting  for  a  cause,  but  we’re  really,  really  nice.  ’
‘  yes  !  i  knew  we’d  get  paired  together  !  ’
‘  i  pray  i’m  sent  to  my  favorite  place:  orlando.  ’
‘  uganda  !  cool  !  .  .  .  where  is  that  ?  ’
‘  oh  boy  !  like  lion  king  !  ’
‘  i’m  so  stoked  we  got  paired  together  !  ’
‘  this  is...  fantastic  !  ’
‘  he  answered  your  prayer  ?  .  .  .  huh.  ’
‘  my  mom  always  says  if  heavenly  father  is  proud  of  you  he  will  always  give  you  what  you  ask.  ’
‘  i’m  gonna  miss  my  brother  so  much.  ’
‘  say,  maybe  we  should  see  if  there’s  any  way  i  could  get  transferred  someplace  a  little  bit  closer  to  home.  like,  i  don’t  know,  florida.  ’
‘  he  is  a  the  kind  of  kid  any  parent  would  be  proud  to  have.  ’
‘  just  do  your  best.  maybe  your  new  companion  will  help  make  you  not  so  weird.  ’
‘  it’s  like  i’m  finally  gonna  have  a  best  friend.  ’
‘  my  little  problem  is  in  check,  it’s  not  gonna  be  an  issue.  ’
‘  i  have  low  self  esteem  and  desperately  want  to  fit  in  with  my  peers.  ’
‘  i’ve  never  been,  but  i’m  sure  it’s  a  hoot  !  ’
‘  bye,  baby  !  ’
‘  it’s  just  you  and  me  now.  ’
‘  we  are  never  allowed  to  go  anywhere  without  each  other.  ’
‘  that’s  so  awesome,  because  all  of  my  friends  always  end  up  leaving  me,  but  you  can’t.  ’
‘  are  you  a  star  wars  guy  or  a  star  trek  guy  ?  i  wanna  know  everything  about  you.  personally  i  like  star  wars,  but  i’m  willing  to  like  star  trek  if  you  think  it’s  better.  ’
‘  i’ve  always  had  the  hope  that  on  the  day  i  go  to  heaven,  heavenly  father  would  shake  my  hand  and  say  you’ve  done  an  awesome  job.  ’
‘  you  and  me,  but  mostly  me,  are  gonna  change  the  world  forever.  ’
‘  i  can  do  most  anything.  ’
‘  i  can  stand  next  to  you  and  watch.  ’
‘  now  we’re  seeing  eye  to  eye.  it’s  so  great  we  can  agree.  ’
‘  heavenly  father  has  chosen  you  and  me,  just  mostly  me.  ’
‘  i’ll  do  something  incredible.  ’
‘  i  wanna  be  the  mormon  who  changed  all  man  kind.  ’
‘  i’ll  do  something  incredible  that  blows  god’s  freaking  mind.  ’
‘  life  is  about  to  change  for  you  and  me.  ’
‘  there’s  no  limit  to  what  we  can  do.  me  and  you.  ’
‘  why  are  you  doing  this  ?  ’
‘  you  stay  the  fuck  away  from  them.  let  me  do  my  job.  ’
‘  no.  no,  no,  no.  first,  shouldn’t  we  call  the  police  and  see  if  we  can  get  the  bags  back  ?  ’
‘  having  a  saying  makes  it  all  seem  better.  ’
‘  there  isn’t  enough  food  to  eat.  ’
‘  people  are  starving  in  the  street.  ’
‘  we’ve  had  no  rain  in  several  days.  ’
‘  now  you  try.  just  stand  up  tall,  tilt  your  head  to  the  sky,  and  list  off  the  bad  things  in  your  life.  ’
‘  the  plane  was  crowded  and  the  bus  was  late.  ’
‘  when  the  world  is  getting  you  down,  there’s  no  one  else  to  blame.  raise  your  middle  finger  to  the  sky,  and  curse  his  rotten  name.  ’
‘  when  god  fucks  you  in  the  butt,  fuck  him  right  back  in  his  cunt.  ’
‘  you  really ��should  not  be  saying  that.  things  aren’t  always  as  bad  as  they  seem.  ’
‘  fuck  you,  you  dick  !  ’
‘  i  told  my  brother  he  could  cure  his  aids  by  having  sex  with  a  baby.  ’
‘  she’s  all  i  have  left  in  the  world.  ’
‘  if  you  don’t  like  what  we  say,  try  living  here  a  couple  days:  watch  all  your  friends  and  family  die.  ’
‘  i’m  always  there  if  you’d  like  to  talk.  ’
‘  no  matter  how  hot  you  get  at  night,  keep  your  windows  closed.  ’
‘  she  is  so  hot.  she  is  super,  super  hot  !  ’
‘  that’s  a  lot  to  remember.  ’
‘  that  is  practically  nothing.  ’
‘  i’m  just  feeling  a  little  confused  right  now  is  all.  ’
‘  that’s  no  problem,  it’s  super  easy  not  to  feel  that  way.  ’
‘  don’t  feel  those  feelings.  hold  them  in  instead.  ’
‘  it’s  a  cool  little  mormon  trick.  we  do  it  all  the  time.  ’
‘  really,  what’s  so  hard  about  that  ?  ’
‘  when  i  was  young,  my  dad  would  treat  my  mom  real  bad.  ’
‘  how  am  i  gonna  keep  my  mom  from  getting  abused  ?  ’
‘  i’d  see  her  all  scared  and  my  soul  was  dying.  ’
‘  now  don’t  you  dare  start  crying.  ’
‘  the  doctor  said  she  still  had  two  months  more.  ’
‘  where  is  my  brother  ?  ’
‘  he  and  i  were  close  as  two  friends  could  be.  one  thing  led  to  another,  and  soon  i  would  discover,  i  was  having  really  strange  feelings  for  him.  ’
‘  my  hetero  side  just  one.  ’
‘  boys  should  be  with  girls,  that’s  heavenly  father’s  plan.  ’
‘  i  think  it’s  okay  that  you’re  having  gay  thoughts.  ’
‘  being  gay  is  bad,  but  lying  is  worse.  ’
‘  you’ve  only  got  yourself  to  blame.  ’
‘  you  didn’t  pretend  hard  enough.  ’
‘  imagine  that  your  brain  is  made  of  tiny  boxes.  then  find  the  box  that’s  gay  and  crush  it.  okay  ?  ’
‘  no,  no,  no,  no  !  i’m  not  having  gay  thoughts  !  ’
‘  now  he  isn’t  gay  anymore.  ’
‘  check  it  out,  we  get  to  sleep  right  next  to  each  other  !  ’
‘  we’re  glad  you’re  here.  ’
‘  i  can  see  how  this  is  gonna  be  a  lot  like  the  lord  of  the  rings.  you’re  frodo,  and  i’m  samwise,  and  we’re  fighting  against  impossible  odds  !  ’
‘  this  is  all  just  so  not  what  i  was  expecting.  i  mean,  i  gotta  admit,  i’m  beginning  to  feel  a  little.  .  .  i  don’t  wanna  say  ripped  off  !  just.  .  .  overwhelmed.  ’
‘  remember  when  i  told  you  [x]  ?  it  isn’t  true.  i  made  it  up.  ’
‘  i’ll  do  anything  for  you.  i’m  your  best  friend.  ’
‘  sleep  now  little  buddy,  put  your  cares  away.  nappy  with  a  happy  face,  tomorrow’s  a  latter  day.  ’
‘  that’s  what  my  mom  used  to  sing  to  me  to  make  me  feel  better.  ’
‘  do  you  understand  how  difficult  this  is  gonna  be  ?  ’
‘  don’t  forget  what  you  told  me.  you  are  awesome.  ’
‘  and  then  my  dad  will  finally  feel  proud  of  me.  instead  of  just  feeling  stuck  with  me.  ’
‘  i  am  here  for  you.  ’
‘  i  finally  found  one  !  a  texting  device  !  now  i  can  get  on  facebook  !  ’
‘  why  don’t  you  just  let  me  do  all  the  talking  and  you  can  just  sorta  support  what  i’m  saying  by  going  oh  wow  and  stuff  like  that  ?  ’
‘  they  don’t  have  a  doorbell.  ’
‘  it’s  fine,  but  did  you  knock  ?  ’
‘  do  you  ever  feel  like  there  is  something  missing  from  your  life  ?  ’
‘  you  should  see  the  doctor.  ’
‘  calm  down,  i  got  this.  ’
‘  of  course  that  didn’t  work.  those  were  christian  missionaries.  we’re  mormons  !  ’
'  you  all  know  the  bible  is  made  of  testaments  old  and  new.  but  what  if  i  were  to  tell  you  there's  a  fresh  third  part  out  there  ?  one  that  was  found  by  a  hip,  new  prophet  who  had  a  little  donny  osmond  flair.  '
'  he  spoke  to  god  ?  '
'  this  is  no  lie:  i  speak  to  god  all  the  time.  '
'  he's  gonna  do  something  incredible.  '
‘  oh,  well,  y’know,  i’ve  actually  never  read  it.  it’s  just  so  boring  !  ’
‘  what  is  this  ?  some  kind  of  party,  huh  ?  and  no  one  invited  me  ?  ’
‘  keep  the  light  off  and  the  windows  closed.  ’
‘  i  don’t  want  to  spend  another  night  hiding  under  my  bed.  ’
‘  stay  inside  and  do  not  open  the  door  for  anyone.  ’
‘  my  mother  once  told  me  of  a  place  with  waterfalls  and  unicorns  flying,  where  there  was  no  suffering  and  no  pain.  ’
‘  i  always  thought  she  made  it  up.  ’
‘  if  i  could  let  myself  believe,  i  know  just  where  i’d  be:  right  on  the  next  bus  to  paradise.  ’
‘  i  can’t  imagine  what  it  must  be  like,  this  perfect,  happy  place.  ’
‘  will  i  fit  in  ?  ’
‘  soon  life  won’t  be  so  shitty.  ’
‘  now  salvation  has  a  name.  ’
‘  i  once  told  a  lie  when  i  was  twelve  and  i  had  a  dream  i  went  to  hell.  it  was  really  spooky.  ’
‘  we’ve  all  had  the  hell  dream,  people.  i  have  it  nightly.  ’
‘  africa  is  nothing  like  the  lion  king.  that  movie  took  a  lot  of  artistic  license.  ’
‘  he’s  upset  because  we  just  saw  some  guy  get  shot  in  the  face.  ’
‘  there  is  absolutely  nothing  i  can  accomplish  here.  ’
‘  latter  day  doesn’t  mean  tomorrow.  it  means  afterlife  !  .  .  .  the  reckoning  ?  latter  days  ?  when  good  people  go  to  meet  heavenly  father  and  they  get  everything  that  they  have  always  wanted  !  ’
‘  to  heck  with  rules.  ’
‘  i  am  not  wasting  the  most  important  two  years  of  my  life.  ’
‘  i’m  sorry,  guys,  but  he  is  my  best  friend.  ’
‘  i  can’t  do  something  incredible  here.  ’
‘  look,  you  and  me,  we’re  just---  we’re  not  that  compatible,  alright  ?  ’
‘  we  just  became  best  friends  a  few  days  ago.  ’
‘  i’m  not  your  best  friend,  i  just  got  stuck  with  you  !  ’
‘  it’s  okay.  i  know  how  it  goes.  it’s  fine.  it’ll  all  be  totally  fine.  ’
‘  you  and  me,  we  just  need  different  things.  ’
‘  it  was  really  nice  meeting  you.  ’
‘  take  it  easy,  buddy.  ’
‘  i  was  there  for  you.  ’
‘  i  don’t  have  any  friends.  ’
‘  it’s  too  late,  he’s  already  made  up  his  mind.  ’
‘  he  is  gone.  but  you  are  still  here.  ’
‘  i’m  a  follower.  ’
‘  what  did  jesus  do  when  they  sentence  him  to  die  ?  did  he  try  to  run  away  or  did  he  just  break  down  and  cry  ?  no,  jesus  dug  down  deep  knowing  what  he  had  to  do.  ’
'  when  faced  with  his  own  death,  jesus  knew  that  he  had  to  man  up.  '
‘  just  like  jesus,  i’m  growing  a  pair  !  ’
‘  it’s  time  to  man  up.  ’
‘  i’m  gonna  man  up  all  over  myself.  ’
‘  what  did  jesus  do  when  they  put  nails  through  his  hands  ?  did  he  scream  like  a  girl,  or  did  he  take  it  like  a  man  ?  ’
‘  when  someone  had  to  die  to  save  us  from  our  sins,  jesus  said  i’ll  do  it,  and  he  took  it  on  the  chin.  ’
‘  you’re  not  my  father  !  ’
‘  heavenly  father,  why  do  you  let  bad  things  happen  ?  ’
‘  more  to  the  point,  why  do  you  let  bad  things  happen  to  me  ?  ’
‘  i’m  sure  you  don’t  think  i’m  a  flake,  because  you  clearly  made  a  mistake.  ’
‘  i’m  in  the  lead  for  the  very  first  time  !  ’
‘  i’m  going  where  the  sun  always  shines  !  ’
‘  it  means,  you  know,  that  you  should  be  nice  to  each  other.  or  something.  ’
‘  i  know  you’re  really  depressed  with  all  your  aids  and  everything,  but  there  is  an  answer  in  christ.  ’
‘  i  just  told  a  lie.  ’
‘  i  didn’t  lie.  i  just  used  my  imagination  and  it  worked.  ’
‘  you’re  making  things  up  again.  ’
‘  when  you  fib,  there’s  a  price.  ’
‘  that  is  definitely  against  god’s  will  !  ‘
‘  wait,  let  me  check—  ’
‘  you’re  recklessly  warping  the  words  of  jesus.  ’
‘  but  this  time  it’s  helping  a  dozen  people.  ’
‘  i’m  not  committing  a  sin  just  by  making  things  up  again,  right  ?  ’  
‘  a  clitoris  is  holy  amongst  all  things.  ’
‘  who  would  have  thought  i’d  have  this  magic  touch  ?  ’
‘  i’m  talking,  they’re  listening.  ’
‘  i’m  gonna  save  them  all  with  this  stuff.  ’
‘  and  it’s  even  better  than  i  could  have  imagined  !  the  streets  are  clean,  and  the  people  are  happy  !  ’
‘  you  know,  the  funny  thing  is,  i  don’t  even  remember  getting  here.  ’
‘  oh,  i  remember  this  place.  ’
‘  long  ago,  when  i  was  five,  i  snuck  in  the  kitchen  late  at  night,  and  ate  a  donut  with  a  maple  glaze.  my  father  asked  who  ate  the  snack,  i  said  that  it  was  my  brother,  and  he  got  grounded  for  fourteen  days.  i’ve  lived  with  that  guilt  for  all  of  my  life.  ‘
‘  i’ve  lived  with  that  guilt  for  all  of  my  life.  ’
‘  now  i’ve  gone  and  done  it  again.  i’ve  committed  another  awful  sin.  ’
‘  oh  god,  how  could  i  have  done  this  to  you  ?  ’
‘  there  is  nothing  you  can  do.  ’
‘  you  blamed  your  brother  ?  you’re  a  dick.  ’
‘  jesus,  i’m  sorry.  ’
‘  jesus  hates  you.  ’
‘  i’m  sorry,  it  was  selfish  of  me.  ’
‘  i’m  way  worse  than  you.  ’
‘  please,  give  me  one  more  chance.  ’
‘  i  can’t  believe  jesus  called  me  a  dick.  ’
‘  wake  up,  buddy.  ’
‘  i’m  sorry,  you  guys,  i  had  a  little  meltdown  last  night,  but  i’m  not  leaving.  ’
‘  you  left  me  !  remember  ?  ’
‘  give  him  a  break  !  if  it’s  working  better  this  way  .  .  .  ‘
‘  people  should  be  free  to  do  what  they  want.  ’
‘  it’s  okay  you  guys,  i  have  everything  under  control,  i  know  what  heavenly  father  wants  from  me  now  !  ’
‘  ever  since  i  was  a  child,  i’ve  tried  to  be  the  best.  so  what  happened  ?  ’
‘  my  family  and  friends  all  said  i  was  blessed.  so  what  happened  ?  ’
‘  i  allowed  my  faith  to  be  shaken.  oh,  what’s  the  matter  with  me  ?  ’
‘  i’ve  always  longed  to  help  the  needed,  to  do  the  things  i’ve  never  dared.  ’
‘  this  was  the  time  for  me  to  step  up,  so  then  why  was  i  so  scared  ?  ’
‘  a  warlord  who  shoots  people  in  the  face.  was  so  scary  about  that  ?  ’
'  i  must  trust  that  my  lord  is  mightier  and  always  has  my  back.  '  
'  i  can't  have  even  one  shred  of  doubt.  '  
'  you  cannot  just  believe  part  way,  you  have  to  believe  in  it  all.  '  
'  my  problem  was  doubting  the  lord's  will.  '  
'  i  believe  that  has  god  has  a  plan  for  all  of  us.  '  
'  i  believe  that  the  current  president  of  the  church  speaks  directly  to  god.  '  
'  i  know  that  i  must  go  and  do  the  things  my  god  commands.  '
'  this  is  the  moment  i  was  born  to  do.  '  
'  i  feel  so  incredible  to  be  sharing  my  faith  with  you.  '
‘  hey,  wait  a  minute,  god  has  spoken  to  me,  sir.  ’
‘  by  the  power  of  god  almighty,  touch  me  not  !  ’
‘  there  are  more  of  you  than  there  are  of  them,  you  gotta  stand  up  for  yourselves,  christ  said  !  ’
‘  i  love  all  these  mormon  stories.  they  are  so  fucking  weird.  ’
‘  i  just  want  to  say  we  are  really  happy  heavenly  father  brought  you  here.  ’
‘  i’ve  never  seen  the  people  here  so  happy.  you  are  amazing.  ’
‘  you’re  a  great  man.  ’
‘  well,  y’know,  to  be  honest,  i’ve  never  really  done  it  before.  ’
‘  do  you  know  how  to  baptize  someone  into  the  church  ?  ’
‘  i  swear  to  dedicate  my  life  to  the  church.  ’
‘  i’m  about  to  do  it  for  the  first  time.  and  i’m  gonna  do  it  with  a  girl.  a  special  girl.  ’
‘  i’m  gonna  baptize  her,  bathe  her  in  god’s  glory.  ’
‘  i’ll  make  her  beg  for  more.  ’
‘  it’ll  be  so  good,  she’ll  want  me  to  baptize  her,  again.  ’
‘  i’ve  never  known  a  boy  so  gentle.  ’
‘  one  like  him  is  hard  to  find.  ’
‘  i’m  so  happy  you’re  about  to  be  my  first.  ’
‘  i  preformed  like  a  champ  !  ’
‘  i’m  wet  with  salvation  !  ’
‘  we  just  went  all  the  way  !  ’
‘  praise  be  to  god,  i’ll  never  forget  this  day.  ’
‘  you’ve  truly  honored  the  church  with  your  success.  ’
‘  i’m  not  a  follower  anymore.  ’
‘  this  is  something  incredible,  that  blows  my  fucking  mind.  ’
‘  hit  me,  get  me  another  one,  come  on.  ’
‘  well,  well,  well,  if  it  isn’t  super  mormon.  you  busy  spreading  the  word,  making  more  brainwashed  zombies  ?  ’
‘  of  course  you  woke  up,  you  drank  twelve  cups  of  coffee.  ’
‘  you  just  get  everything  that  you  pray  for.  ’
‘  you’re  doing  all  the  things  that  i  was  supposed  to  be  doing.  now  doesn’t  that  seem  a  little  bit  telling  to  you  ?  that  the  universe  doesn’t  work  the  way  we  were  told  ?  ’
‘  when  i  was  nine  years  old,  my  family  took  a  trip  to  orlando,  florida.  it  was  the  most  wonderful,  most  magical  place  i’ve  ever  been.  ’
‘  my  parents  told  me  that  if  i  made  god  proud,  and  i  did  whatever  the  church  asked,  then  in  the  latter  days,  i  could  have  whatever  i  wanted.  so  i  worked.  and  i  worked.  and  even  when  i  studied  mormon  stories  and  thought  well  that  doesn’t  make  any  sense  i  kept  working  !  because  i  was  told  that  one  day  i  would  get  my  reward  !  ’
‘  but  what  do  i  have  now  ?  i  can’t  even  get  a  ticket  home.  ’
‘  fine.  but  don’t  talk  to  me,  and  don’t  touch  me.  ’
‘  without  you,  i’m  just  a  guy  who  will  die  and  never  go  back  to  you.  ’
'  let's  be  really  fucking  polite  to  everyone  !  '  
'  now  comes  the  part  of  our  story  that  gets  a  little  bit  sad.  '  
'  we  gotta  stick  together.  '  
'  fuck  your  woman,  fuck  your  man,  it  is  all  part  of  god's  plan.  '  
'  god  wants  us  fucking.  '
‘  i  think  they  liked  it  !  ’
‘  i  wanted  to  show  you  this.  it  is  the  entire  play,  posted  on  the  mormon  church’s  facebook  page.  ’
‘  my  things  are  packed.  ’
‘  but  you  said  we  could  find  paradise  by  listening  to  you.  ’
‘  it’s  kinda  like  a  jesus  thing.  ’
‘  you  tell  ridiculous  stories  to  people  less  fortunate  to  make  fun  of  them.  ’
‘  you  have  crushed  my  soul.  i  hope  you  all  had  a  good  laugh.  ’
‘  there  is  no  trip  to  paradise.  ’
‘  how  could  i  let  my  hopes  get  so  high  ?  ’
‘  you  gave  me  a  dream,  but  it  was  all  a  lie.  ’
‘  i  think  you  like  to  see  me  cry.  ’
‘  i  really  did  it  this  time.  i  mean,  i’ve  always  been  a  screw  up,  but  this  ?  ’
‘  that  play  was  the  most  miraculous  thing  i’ve  ever  seen.  ’
‘  well,  sure,  it  was  a  bunch  of  made  up  stuff,  but  it  all  pointed  to  something  bigger.  ’
‘  wait.  .  .  you’ve  been  trying  to  teach  me  something  all  along,  haven’t  you  ?  ’
‘  i  was  making  it  all  about  me.  i  was  losing  faith  while  you  went  out  and  did.  .  .  something  incredible.  you  did  something  incredible  for  people  who  had  nowhere  left  to  go.  ’
‘  they  were  happy.  and  hopeful.  and  wearing  costumes.  it  was  almost  like  orlando.  ’
‘  we  cannot  give  up  hope,  we  have  to  try  and  fix  this  !  ’
‘  we  do  not  oppose  you,  we  will  do  whatever  you  say.  ’
‘  our  prophet  has  taught  us  to  stick  together  and  fight  oppression.  ’
‘  he  was.  .  .  eaten  by  lions.  ’
‘  there  is  no  promise  land,  and  there  is  no  salvation.  ’
‘  that  is  fucking  stupid.  ’
‘  you  might  as  well  put  down  those  guns,  because  they  will  not  work  against  the  undead  !  ’
‘  i’m  so  sorry,  if  you  could  give  me  a  second  chance,  i  promise—  ’
‘  where  do  you  think  you’re  going  ?  ’
‘  you  know  what,  you  guys  ?  fuck  him  !  ’
‘  we  are  still  latter  day  saints.  all  of  us.  even  if  we  change  some  things.  or  we  break  the  rules.  or  we  have  complete  doubt  that  god  exists.  ‘
‘  you  wanna  stay  here  with  me  ?  ’
'  who  cares  what  happens  when  we're  dead  ?  we  shouldn't  that  far  ahead.  '  
'  if  you  just  put  down  the  gun,  i'll  show  you---  '  
'  did  you  know  that  the  clitoris  is  a  holy  sacred  thing  ?  '  
'  the  past  may  be  in  tatters,  but  today  is  all  that  matters.  '
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cxlviiii · 4 years
Ok but like have you ever tried to summarize musicals to people who don’t know theatre?
“So yeah it’s about these Mormon dudes and they go to Uganda but they meet people that say ‘fuck you, god!’ On the daily so they have to convert them all”- Book Of Mormon
“Ah yep it’s about a puppet that just got out of school and he’s looking for a place to live so he finds an appartement and meets this substitute teacher and they have graphic sex”-Avenue Q
“This one’s about a sad high schooler and his stoner friend and the main guy takes this pill-computer thing that goes in his head and controls him, and the pill’s only weakness is Mountain Dew”-Be More Chill
“Yeah it’s King Henry IIX’s wives and they have a concert competition to see who suffered the worst”-Six
“It’s about a man who leaves his wife for his lover, meanwhile the wife says ‘my son is psychotic’ and finds him the ex husband’s psychiatrist and then the ex wife and the psychiatrist get married. The lover suffers from aids and dies.” -Falsettos
“So it’s about a normal office guy who just wants to live his life but then a meteor destroys the local theatre playing Mama Mia, which causes a city-wide catastrophe.” -The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals
“This guy composes children’s music and has a weird brain thing and so he has to get fluid drained from his skull. His boyfriend is not concerned whatsoever but then he is. The guy’s dad bet the family fortune on horse racing (which isn’t relevant really, but anyways) This homeless lady takes his books and tries to sell them while he’s in the hospital.”- A New Brain
“Oh it’s just about a guy who hates Shakespeare”-Something Rotten!
“Yeah some news harking boys who can dance and sing good are real sad because they get paid no money and their boss went ‘you don’t deserve rights!’ And they danced through the pain” -Newsies
“Aladdin but dirty and everyone tells Jafar to go fuck himself”-Twisted
“It’s a musical but it’s a podcast and it’s about a girl who lied her way through a marriage and didn’t even tell her husband her real name and so they answer the 36 questions to fall in love”-36 Questions
“Oh it’s just about a family called the Tucks who drink some magic water from a spring and lived for 106 years. One of the Tucks drank it at 17 and stayed the same. Then, this girl comes and almost drinks it. She’s like 11, but the ‘17’ year old wants her to drink the water from the spring when she’s 17 so the 17 year old guy can marry her.” -Tuck Everlasting
“Based on an award-winning movie, this musical is about an insane man who makes candy and invites 6 kids to go to the factory and slowly kills them off, until the victor remains.” -Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
“Depressed and anxious boy pretends to be friends with a dead boy to get close to his sister.”-Dear Evan Hansen
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idnkycmnbsesictoau · 4 years
This may sound unemphathetic but...
Can I maybe forget everything I know about the US?
Other countries seem so far away in my mind.
Why can’t I be as indifferent about the US as about Uganda or Luxemburg or Chile?
Why do I know propably more about the US than about my home country?
Why do I understand a musical about US history without problems, but don’t even know who my home country’s first president was?
Why do I know how the unbelievingly stupid US-election system works even though i can’t even vote there?
I want to know about as much about the US as I know about the rest of America: next to nothing except a few anecdotes about thanksgiving, that it’s earthquake and hurricane prone and that it has a racist, homophobic facist as "president".
Where even is that country? I know it’s propably somewhere near Mexico. But where’s Mexico?
I want to watch the Oscars and not recognise anyone. Who’s this Hugh Jackman? Must be some national C-list-celebrity.
I want to think that New York is the Capitol because it’s the only City I saw in movies.
I want to think about college dept as the weird just-in-the-US-thing that it is.
Same with Hospital bills.
And guns in convenience stores.
And school shootings.
I want the world to forget about 9/11 like they already did, just a few weeks later, about the explosion in Beirut, Libanon. I’m disappointed in myself because I had to google where it was. 9/11 was almost two decades ago. The explosion was in August.
I don’t want to know who the 1st (George Washington) or 2nd (John Adams) or 26th (Theodore Roosevelt) or 35th (John F. Kennedy) president was. I’m actually sad that I didn’t had to google that.
I don’t want to know what POTUS and SCOTUS means.
I don’t want to care about how the US is doing in the fight against the pandemic.
I don’t want to care whether that one country stays in the WHO or UN or the Paris Climate accord.
I don’t want to care about who wins that election.
I don’t want to be scared for the lives of the Americans that I follow.
But I am.
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burlveneer-music · 3 years
VA - FPEXL - FPE Records comp of experimental electronica
2020 was supposed to be the plague year, one and done. Then wave after wave came crashing; political and social upheavals, pandemic variants, climate catastrophe 2.0 and all that jazz ground on into the twenty-one and beyond. The re-opening bloom withers on the stem and we're still stuck in our rooms, but now there's no sympathy, we have to go back out and drink through masks. Human connection is corroding; we've learned to live with our new a-hole roommate, which is pretty much us, but worse, and more. The old ways are corrupted. Gathering feels weird. The internet is fraught. The new normal sucks and that's a fact and here's another: FPE's turning ten! Ten years since December 1, 2011, when the text document whose only contents were "For Practically Everyone" got stored on a hard drive in a suburb of Chicago. The little bit of data was a seed planted by a person who kinda knew how to make a record label, at least enough to make lots of records and lots of mistakes. Fortunately he had a big basement to store the unsold backstock. FPE's marking the decade milestone with its fortieth release (give or take). This one's the second of two adventurous compilations bookending 2021. Like its predecessor, A Compilation For Practically Everyone, FPEXL presents mostly electronic sounds, from almost every continent, eschewing the familiar and embracing the next. It's a nighttime journey coalescing around what's become a central theme for many in this tough year: community. This community is using the internet to mediate the world; reaching out to people who have begun to broadcast their particular version of the same message: chasing music will always be unremorsefully first.* From India, Akrti and Disco Puppet; from Europe, Ziúr (Germany) and Anushka Chkheidze (Georgia). From Africa, Pö (Uganda), 3xOJ (Morocco), and Eat My Butterfly (Réunion); from South America, Qetsy (Paraguay). A bunch from the US. Fifteen exclusive, original tracks, all except one by a solo creator. Head bobbing, chest swaying, ears filled with right on. Sounds for moving and feeling; physical and mental sounds. Everyone's on their little trip, all of us going about our little lives, maybe fearful of what's next, but living and creating, not completely alone, now. *Gratitude to Colin Langenus for the motto Album compiled and produced by Matt Pakulski Mastered by Matthew Styles, Horizontal Studios:  horizontalstudios.com Cover art: "Moonshine" by Stephanie Pierce:  stephanie-pierce.com Layout and design by Leticia Arioli Thanks to the artists, to the FPE fans, to the artists' fans, to Ravish Momin for suggesting doing digital comps, and to Kharma and Elio for being the best family. This is FPE Records #40, 2021
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sir-klauz · 3 years
I personally find it really weird when you’re pro one minorities rights but boycott or ignore and don’t bother about any of the rest, but that’s not my mindset so that’s probably why I don’t understand not being empathetic or bother too much supporting all of them. So now I will go into the seriousness of what is happening.
In 2020, HRC tracked a record number of violent fatal incidents against transgender and gender non-conforming people. A total of 44 fatalities were tracked by HRC, marking 2020 as the most violent year on record, and at least 12 and its only just hit April.
These victims were killed by acquaintances, partners or strangers, some of whom have been arrested and charged, others still haven’t.
It wasn’t even been a month since Diamond Kyree Sanders, a black trans woman was killed on March 3rd (it’s only April the 4th now) before the 12 was recorded.
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It needs to stop.
I experienced personally my first physical assault after years of verbal experiences, the night after the last Bristol Pride was held before COVID, in a house surrounded by people who pretended to be my friends, but 1 of whom joined in, and the other who turned the other way and proceeded to relentlessly harass me after because I didn’t want to be near them anymore. I am thankful I got “lucky”. I use that term because I got my life and these others did not, but that life got taken over by trauma for a long time afterwards.
Trans murders have jumped 266 percent from last year. It was already bad, but COVID has been seeing us a burning hand on top or this horrible virus that’s sweeping us already. The governments are not doing enough because most of them do not need to care, as it’s trans to cis ratio is obviously completely out.
But as we unfortunately know, often, it doesn’t affect you, a lot choose to not be wrapped up into it because they perhaps will never have to.
People run from it, and I wish it was so simple to be able to do that for the rest of us, the ones who wont be protected by the law, the ones who won’t even be hired for jobs we need just over something like what minority we are, we can’t run from the knowledge of all we may face, or the prospect of being beaten, being accosted in a bathroom, being threatened if we choose to have a family, losing family, losing people we care about over something like this, something that is innocent, what we were born as that we can’t change.
I just hope in the future I see more about trans rights, a lot of people shy away from that. There’s been a lot of seriously bad stuff happening this year that people either haven’t noticed or refuse to listen to, refuse to try hell with stopping, and the government is digging us holes from all sides again, and have throughout the COVID epidemic because they decided to use this already tremendously difficult historical event to appear to sprout an attack on trans people.
Far right organisations here and across the pond have been ripping us and our safety apart and I’m seeing bare minimum about it if I’m honest.
There have been 81 anti-trans and lgbtqia+ actions lead in only the past 4 years that I’ve recorded from Trumps reign. Legally imprisoning us into discrimination and targeting without any form of punishment, leading many to live life in fear or to shut themselves away, knowing that whoever walks around the corner could be ready to do anything, and nothing will be in place to punish them for it so we would’ve at least had the safety from the law.
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It needs to stop
During COVID officials and police all over the world have been misusing the law with the restrictions to abuse trans and lgbqia+ people.
In Uganda police detained some 20 LGBT homeless youth on spurious charges of breaking Covid-19 restrictions and tortured them in prison.
In the Philippines, village officials humiliated LGBT people while enforcing curfew.
In South Korea, social media users scapegoated LGBT people after some media linked an outbreak to gay clubs.
In Panama, police and private security officials discriminated against transgender people while enforcing a gender-based quarantine.
Hungary’s populist leader Viktor Orbán used Covid-19 emergency powers to rush through discriminatory legislation against transgender people.
Our Boris Johnson scrapped plans to make changing gender easier, as if it already wasn’t hard enough. The waiting list is now around 4 years, I was promised two, I’m in my third year, and now it’s more unless we all manage to get rich enough to pay for it ourselves.
Let’s not forget how he also scrapped important funding for anti-bullying programmes and protections in schools, something which I’ve witnessed through my brothers time in schoool during this time, affected him and others to have the support and respect they needed to and LGBT+ person being cut from being allowed to stay as a prefect with the excuse of “we need to make it more visibly diverse”... so they fired the lgbt+ person out of the other non-lgbt+ people????
Johnson’s government appears to align itself with increasing anti-trans rhetoric.
2021 has already seen 12 trans people dead, and 350 trans people were killed in 2020 (that I’m aware of, please add if you know more), children being allowed to be bullied because their safety isn’t worth protecting, and the police are not on our side and neither are many places or circles. Let that sit with you if you read this far.
I hope this might spark the seriousness to someone who hasn’t already taken it seriously because:
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