#uganda news songs
ape-apocalypse · 3 months
can you reccomend some of the documentaries you watched about apes?
Funny enough, I've been planning on making a list of documentaries so thanks for the push! I’ve watched a bunch to hype up for Kingdom and I’ll keep watching as we wait for POTA news. These are what I've been able to find with my various subscription services and internet access in the USA so their availability may vary for you. Also a warning that, due to these being non-fiction documentaries there is very real footage of animal injuries and death (from both humans and natural circumstances).
Monkey Business (Amazon Prime) - A long running show (9 seasons) about a primate rescue center in the UK. I really loved this one because you got to follow apes of the course of years. I even cried when one ape who had been there from the first season passed away in the final season. The show mostly focuses on chimps and orangutans but also features lemurs, woolly monkeys, gibbons and other species. The center focuses on giving the animals in their care the most natural life they can in captivity, and also assists in breeding programs for several endangered species. Jane Goodall even comes out in one episode to present them with an award for excellent enclosure construction. The theme song is very loud and distinctive, the point that my roommate asked how long this series was because she could hear the theme song coming from my room for weeks as I went through all 9 seasons. Highly recommend this one because the personalities of the apes really stand out when you spend literal years with them; it's worth the time commitment, I loved it.
(Also in making sure I had all the details about this show right, I learned there was a follow up show called Monkey Life that featured Andy Serkis himself narrating the first season and they seem to all be available on YouTube for free so I have a new multi-season show to watch now, thank you!!!)
Orangutan Jungle School (YouTube) - Rescue group dedicated to teaching young orangutans how to survive in the wild so they can be released when they're older. Only the first two episodes of this show are available on YouTube for free but I also devoured any clips I could find. I found this show particularly hilarious because the baby orangs are adorable. They cry when they don't get their cups of milk fast enough or when they can't figure out how to crack into a coconut. I always see adult orangutans as slow moving, so the activity and demanding personalities of the babies delighted me. If nothing else, watch these two clips because I have watched the clips of the babies screaming and the humans overreacting to fake snakes on repeat for ages.
Chimp Empire (Netflix) - Two chimpanzee groups in Uganda's Ngogo forest face off over territory and food, while each group faces their own struggles from within. This one is about wild chimps and it is fascinating to see their natural ways outside of rescue centers. The cinematography is gorgeous; I'd love to know how they got all these shots without disturbing the chimps. It's only 4 episodes; I wish it was longer but it packs a lot into its short run time.
Meet The Chimps (Disney+) - A one season show focusing on chimps living in a rescue center in Louisiana. A single season show so you don't get a lot of time with the chimps but it's got a much smaller number of chimps to get to know than Monkey Business. Also the troops are housed near each other so it's interested to see the dominance displays, even through a fence. My favorite part was near the end with the mystery of who was the father of an accidental baby. I guessed wrong!
Kingdom Of The Apes: Battle Lines (Disney+) - Two separate ape groups, one of chimps and the other of gorillas, sort out fights for dominance and leadership of the troop in their own ways. Personally I didn't like this one. Jumping back and forth between gorillas and chimps in a documentary less than an hour didn't leave me very invested, but I thought I'd add it if anyone was interested.
I'll throw in a couple podcasts too, should be free on your preferred podcast app:
Ologies, one episode on primatology and a separate episode on gorillaology
National Park After Dark, a two-part episode on the life, work, and murder of Dian Fossey, a primatologist who worked with gorillas and wrote the book 'Gorillas In the Mist'
The Wild With Chris Morgan, an episode on orangutans called People Of The Forest
There are a lot more documentaries I want to watch, especially several for free on YouTube. I hope this list is of interest to you and I welcome recommendations from anyone else.
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thewickedbohemian · 1 month
Dream Animated Movie Musical Tournament Seed Round Group E
For information on this tournament as well as the seed poll for group A go here
Why these musicals should be animated movies (in my opinion)
Jekyll & Hyde: it's a classic story, its gothic nature would make for a very cool "dark animated movie musical" a la The Hunchback Of Notre Dame and it'd be a lot easier on the actor playing both leads if they didn't have to play them both physically in the movie too
She Loves Me: another one where the musical might be wholesome and old-fashioned enough that I feel like it'd work better as a cartoon especially given there's been at least one live-action movie with its sort of premise that's more famous than the musical
Assassins: given the structure of the show animation (and the stylistic opportunities it presents for things that'd break the budget or be impossible in live-action) might be the only way to give a movie something that wouldn't just be solved by a pro shot, plus there's recent events for both sides (aka not just the one you're thinking of) that might make an Assassins movie any time in the semi-near future feel "too soon" without the distance it being adult-animation-but-not-in-the-juvenile-way could add
The Book Of Mormon: it makes so many freaking Disney allusions it seems only natural it should get a movie in a similar style (imagine how insane that could make "Spooky Mormon Hell Dream" look) and that could also add room to add some somehow-visually-represented-narrative-bias on behalf of the elders (that gets removed as they have stuff in common with the villagers) or something to account for some of the inaccuracies in the depictions of Uganda that can't just be accounted for by "it's a musical, shut up"
The School Of Rock: not only is this one of the many distance-the-movie-musical-from-the-movie things (don't blame me, blame whoever decides to keep making musicals from movies) but the movie's old enough it could use a fresh coat of paint and with the added young-people-friendliness of it being animated this could be a bona fide phenomenon among a certain crowd of young people (it's just who the hell do you get to voice Dewey that could fill the shoes of both Jack Black and Alex Brightman)
We Will Rock You: (what do you know, back to back "power of rock and roll" musicals) it'd have enough popularity to deserve a movie despite the obscurity of its story due to being a YA dystopian jukebox musical built around Queen songs but why it should be animated is the world it builds might be a little too technically intensive for live-action
Grease: classic musical (even if it might not be as family-friendly as you remember) but A. many people have kinda thought in hindsight some of the cast of the original movie were not as great a singer as the movie wants you to think they are and B. the movie leaves a lot about the musical on the proverbial cutting room floor and a new take could be a little more faithful
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pbaintthetb · 7 months
Lol watched Book of Mormon (and hoo boy possibly actually one of my faves I've watched on stage. Plot is average at best but the goddamn choreo and the lights- the act 1 finale? I digress) thoughts
You can never go home again, or more accurately, You can never go to Orlando again. Anyway Price probably needs a few years to resort his head and life before he can go to Orlando and appreciate it because currently I don't think he can seperate what he wants (needs) Orlando to be from what Orlando actually is...
Orlando and Salt Lake City are the same in the sense that neither of them actually exist and they're metaphors (ignoring the fact that they do, both exist). Both Nabalungi and Price songs about their favourite fictional (real) real (fictional) place are kinda tragic because it reveals the things they view about the world as fact. Hence why this place is so special. Yes comparing Price's pretty first world problems with Nabalung's concerns is a bit of a stretch but also it kind is the same thematically.
I do hope Nabalungi can get what she wants from Salt Lake City though, although not necessarily in Salt Lake city idc.
The vibe I had in the interval was that it was possible out of district 9 Price is the only one to have actually read the Book of Mormon, cover to cover. Cunningham explictly hasn't, the conversation about "latter days" made me wonder if the other mormons only kinda read it which-
leads onto my thinking that like Price's relationship with Mormonism is, in many ways, more academic/clinical. Like he's got that kind of obsession with religion that I personally associate with people who don't actually believe but either A. really want to or B. really want to disprove it. Price is firmly in A, but yeah like I feel like Price needs Mormonism to be real where he is in the plot (Orlando. If mormonism is real he can go back to Orlando. And it's worth it.) But he doesn't necessarily actually have that spark of genuine belief the other District 9 elders have ya get me? Like he knows it back to front he knows the logic, adn in the coffee scene talks about how a lot of it has always seemed nonsensical and incoherent to him. It's a set of rules and guidelines but idk if Price actually has like core real belief/faith.
When those extra rows of lights came down for Man Up near the end of act 1? Oh yeah you bet we were all in for a fantastic time then, you know good stuff is gonna happen
The lighting in Sal Tlay Ka Siti was beautiful, like I mean the actress's performance and voice were great too, but the lighting really sold the like kinda hopeful tragic nature of the song. She's so happy most of the time but that song, ugh, the tree branch gobos, the visible beams, the colour KSJDFJS:LKDF
Lol disco ball.
The set? It's so detailed? And they get it up so fast? LIke I know they drop blacks in "You and me (but Mostly me)" so it's more than the black out, but STILL?
Again, how do they get the waistcoats on so bloody fast in "Turn it off"??? (I do actually have theories about this but that's not the point, it's stilll so cool)
Maybe this is just the run i watched, but like the Mormons, other than being dressed the same are all roughly the same height (except Cunningham) so their numbers are so extra cool because they really do kinda blend and move as one unit and it's so cool to watch. Especially Hello and Two by Two where they all have black ties.
Did they just start a new cult at the end? Curious what most of the mormons are gonna do when they leave Uganda. Also curious if their parents got an angry phone call from the mission president and are just like.... why aren't they home yet???
BFN is an elder now? Okay... not gonna touch that and how that happened
Nabalungi's dad is fucking hilarious omg his delivery this guy
The only song I'd heard was "You and me (But mostly me)" but I had been told of the spooky mormon hell song. The latter slapped. Did not have Atilla the Hun playing flute on my bingo card that day.
^I loved the blacks coming in from all sides to trap Cunningham out of "You and Me (But mostly Me)" and leave Price as the star also like I knew the song but teh first "but mostly me" cracked me up
One of the incorrect names Cunningham called Nabalungi was "Nigel Farage" lol. Couldn't hear much of the dialogue after that.
About the incorrect name, Nabalungi has the patience of a saint for sure.
Oh during teh play i couldn't watch half of it because I was too busy watching the district 9 elders, but mostly Price reacting to it. It was hilarious. Price looked so fucking happy but like he was trying to hide it and was clapping Cunningham on the shoulder at one point.
As a musical, it's incredible, and it properly contextualises a few things people have said about it and how long it's been running. By "as a musical" I mean the general production of it n shit. The plot is pretty average, the songs have funny lyrics but a lot of the numbers probably won't hold up so well on sound track for me personally- but when you're watching it??? oh yeah. Oh yeahhh.
Oh, the pipes on the guy playing Cunningham, man. MAN.
You can never go to Orlando again.
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dazai-fan-page · 6 months
United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama,Haiti, Jamaica, Peru,Republic Dominican, Cuba, Caribbean,Greenland, El Salvador, too.Puerto Rico, Colombia, Venezuela,Honduras, Guyana, and still,Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina,And Ecuador, Chile, Brazil.Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, Bermuda,Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan,Paraguay, Uruguay, Suriname,And French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam.Norway, and Sweden, and Iceland, and Finland,And Germany, now in one piece,Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia,Italy, Turkey, and Greece.Poland, Romania, Scotland, Albania,Ireland, Russia, Oman,Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, Cyprus, Iraq, and Iran.There's Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan,Both Yemens, Kuwait, and Bahrain,The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, and Portugal,France, England, Denmark, and Spain. India, Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan,Thailand, Nepal, and Bhutan,Kampuchea, Malaysia, then Bangladesh, Asia,And China, Korea, Japan.Mongolia, Laos, and Tibet, Indonesia,The Philippine Islands, Taiwan,Sri Lanka, New Guinea, Sumatra, New Zealand,Then Borneo, and Vietnam.Tunisia, Morocco, Uganda, Angola,Zimbabwe, Djibouti, Botswana,Mozambique, Zambia, Swaziland, Gambia,Guinea, Algeria, Ghana.*Much faster music*Burundi, Lesotho, and Malawi, Togo,The Spanish Sahara is gone,Niger, Nigeria, Chad, and Liberia,Egypt, Benin, and Gabon.Tanzania, Somalia, Kenya, and Mali,Sierra Leone, and Algiers,Dahomey, Namibia, Senegal, Libya,Cameroon, Congo, Zaire.Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar,Rwanda, Mahore and Cayman,Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Yugoslavia...Crete, Mauritania, then Transylvania,Monaco, Liechtenstein, Malta, and Palestine,Fiji, Australia, Sudan!
rai that song is outdated, several of those countries dont exist anymore or have had their names changed tsk tsk
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brookston · 4 months
Holidays 5.24
Aviation Maintenance Technician Day
Battle of Pichincha Day (Ecuador)
Bermuda Day [if weekend, nearest weekday]
Blink 182 Day
Brooklyn Bridge Day
Brother's Day
Camping with Barry White Day (David Letterman)
Carb Day
Culture and Literacy Day (Bulgaria)
Cuti Bersama (Indonesia)
Day for the Naming of Rocks and Planets
Duck Day (French Republic)
Dylan Day (a.k.a. Bob Dylan Day)
Empire Day (British Empire; Pre-1930s)
European Day of Parks
Eurovision Song Contest Day
First Responders Appreciation Day (Ohio)
International Clown Day
International Day Against Epilepsy
International Tiara Day
International Women’s Day for Peace & Disarmament
Little Lamb Day
Long Snapper Appreciation Day
Lubiri Memorial Day (Uganda)
Morse Code Day
National Aviation Maintenance Tech Day
National Beautiful Girls Day
National Blue Badge ay of Action (UK)
National Caterers Appreciation Day
National DevOps Day
National DILF Day
National Emergency Medical Services Recognition Day
National Mike Day
National Poppy Day
National Road Trip Day
National Schizophrenia & Psychosis Awareness Day (Canada)
National Telegram Day (Utrean Empire)
National Work From Home Day
National Wyoming Day
Night Baseball Day
Pansexual and Panromantic Awareness and Visibility Day
Parking Meter Day
Play Kick the Can With A Kid Day
Public Garage Day
Sara the Black's Day (Gypsy)
Scavenger Hunt Day
Sinking of the Bismarck Day
Slavonic Enlighteners' Day (Macedonia)
Slavonic Literature and Culture Day (Russia)
Vala Asteroid Day
What Hath God Wrought Day (Morse Code)
World Product Day
World Schizophrenia Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Asparagus Day
Endless Breakfast Day (Denny’s)
Judgment of Paris Day
National Coffee Day (Brazil)
National Escargot Day
National Lamb Day (New Zealand)
National Schlumpia Day
Yucatan Shrimp Day
Independence & Related Days
Commonwealth Day (Belize, Lesotho)
Ecuador (from Spain, 1822)
Eritrea (from Ethiopia, 1993)
Nueva Vizcaya Day (Philippines)
Orange Free State (Annexed by UK; 1900)
4th Friday in May
Ascension Friday (Belgium)
Don't Fry Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
Flashback Friday [Every Friday]
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
Heat Safety Awareness Day [4th Friday]
National Cooler Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Death Busters Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Polka Festival begins [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Road Trip Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Wig Out Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
Title Track Day [4th Friday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 24 (3rd Full Week)
National Polka Weekend (Ennis, Texas) [thru 5.26] (Memorial Day Weekend)
Old Time Player Piano Weekend (thru 5.26) [Memorial Day Weekend]
Festivals Beginning May 24, 2024
Arcadia Broiler Dairy Days (Arcadia, Wisconsin) [thru 5.26]
Bath Fringe Festival (Bath, UK) [thru 6.9]
Nattjazz [Bergen International Jazz Festival] (Bergen, Norway) [thru 6.1]
Blue Crab Festival (Palatka, Florida) [thru 5.26]
Blues, Brews, and BBQ (Beaver Creek, Colorado) [thru 5.26]
BottleRock Napa Valley Music & Food Festival (Napa, California) [thru 5.26]
California Roots Music and Arts Festival (Monterey, California) [thru 5.26]
Cannon River Rendezvous (Cannon Falls, Minnesota) [thru 5.27]
Carassauga Festival (Mississauga, Canada) [thru 5.26]
Comicpalooza (Houston, Texas) [thru 5.26]
ConFuzzled (Birmingham, United Kingdom) [thru 5.26]
Feast of the Flowering Moon (Chillicothe, Ohio) [thru 5.26]
Fredericksburg Crawfish Festival (Fredericksburg, Texas) [thru 5.26]
Garden Grove Strawberry Festival (Garden Grove, California) [thru 5.27]
Jambalaya Festival (Gonzales, Louisiana) [thru 5.26]
Marcon [Multiple Alternative Realities Convention] (Columbus, Ohio) [thru 5.26
MCM London Comic Con (London, United Kingdom) [thru 5.26]
Moonshine Festival (New Straitsville, Ohio) [thru 5.27]
Morgan Hill Mushroom Mardi Gras Festival (Morgan Hill, California) [thru 5.26]
Mudbug Madness 39 (Shreveport, Louisiana) [thru 5.26]
Newport Beach Wine Festival (Newport Beach, California) [thru 5.26]
Northwest Folklife Festival (Seattle, Washington) [thru 5.27]
Orlando Carnival Downtown (Orlando, Florida) [thru 5.26]
Phoenix Fan Fusion (Phoenix, Arizona) [thru 5.26]
Portland Rose Festival (Portland, Oregon) [thru 6.9]
Scandinavian Heritage Festival (Ephraim, Utah) [thru 5.25]
Vivid Sydney (Sydney, Australia) [thru 6.15]
Worlds Largest Brat Fest (Madison, Wisconsin) [thru 5.26]
ZestFest (Fort Worth, Texas) [thru 5.26]
Feast Days
Aldersgate Day (a.k.a. Wesley Day; Methodism)
Alexei Savrasov (Artology)
Anna Pak Agi (Christian; One of The Korean Martyrs)
Barinthus (Celtic Book of Days)
Brigantia Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Carmine Infantino (Artology)
David I of Scotland (Christian; Saint)
Day of the Horae (Pagan)
Donatian and Rogatian (Christian; Saint)
Emanuel Leutze (Artology)
Feast of Artemis (Ancient Greece)
Feast of Hermes Trismegistus (Patron of Alchemy)
Henri Michaux (Artology)
Jackson Kemper (Episcopal Church)
St. Jerome (Positivist; Saint)
Joanna (Christian; Saint)
John de Prado (Christian; Saint)
Joseph Brodsky (Writerism)
Mary, Help of Christians (Christian; Saint)
Michael Chabon (Writerism)
Mollusc Day (Pastafarian)
The Mothers (Celtic Prosperity Festival)
Nicetas of Pereaslav (Christian; Martyr)
Philip Pearlstein (Artology)
Pontormo (a.k.a. Jacopo da Pontormo; Artology)
Sacred Furrow Day (Cambodia; Everyday Wicca)
Saints Cyril and Methodius’ Day (Macedonia)
Sam the Robot (Muppetism)
Sarah the Black (celebrated by the Romani people of Camargue; Christian; Saint)
Victory Over the U.S. Day (Church of the SubGenius; Canada)
Vincent of Lérins (Christian; Saint)
William Trevor (Writerism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
A Good Day for Love (The Book of Days)
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because I danced ‘cause I wanted to. I left my friends behind, because my friends didn't dance and since they didn't dance, they were no friends of mine.)
Backdraft (Film; 1991)
Beep, Beep (WB MM Cartoon; 1952)
Before Midnight (Film; 2013)
Bluebeard’s Castle, by Bela Bartok (Opera; 1918)
Booksmart (Film; 2019)
Braveheart (Film; 1995)
The Day After Tomorrow (Film; 2004)
Diamond Dogs, by David Bowie (Album; 1974)
Drop Dead Fred (Film; 1991)
Epic (Animated Film; 2013)
Fast & Furious 6 (Film; 2013) [F&F #6]
Faust, selected scenes, by Goethe (Play; 1819)
The Golden Hen (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1946)
Gone Girl, by Gillian Flynn (Novel; 2012)
Gravity’s Rainbow, by Pat Benatar (Album; 1993)
Hollywood Steps Out (WB MM Cartoon; 1941)
Hudson Hawk (Film; 1991)
An Inconvenient Truth (Documentary Film; 2006)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Film; 1989)
Jumpin’ Jack Flash, by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1968)
Le Pig-Al Patrol (The Inspector; 1967)
Mission: Impossible 2 (Film; 2000)
Onion Pacific (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1940)
The Riddle-Master of Hed, by Patricia A. McKillip (Novel; 1976)
1776, by David McCullough (Book; 2005)
The Source, by James A. Michener (Historical Novel; 1965)
Spirit (Animated Film; 2002)
Spy Hard (Film; 1996)
Sugar, Sugar, by The Archies (Song; 1969)
Symphony No. 2 in Eb Major, by Edward Elgar (Symphony; 1911)
Thelma & Louise (Film; 1991)
Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (Film; 1974)
Truth or Dare (Documentary Film; 1991)
A View to a Kill (Film; 1985) [James Bond #14]
Welcome to the Dollhouse (Film; 1996)
Today’s Name Days
Dagmar, Esther (Austria)
Filip, Ivana, Šimun (Croatia)
Jana (Czech Republic)
Esther (Denmark)
Alar, Alari, Allar, Aller (Estonia)
Touko, Tuukka (Finland)
Donatien (France)
Dagmar, Esther (Germany)
Markiani, Palladia, Photini (Greece)
Eliza, Eszter (Hungary)
Amalia, Maria (Italy)
Agate, Anšlavs, Estere, Ilvija, Marlena, Ziedone (Latvia)
Gerardas, Gina, Vilmantas (Lithuania)
Ester, Iris (Norway)
Cieszysława, Estera, Jan, Joanna, Maria, Mokij, Wincenty, Zula, Zuzanna (Poland)
Simeon (România)
Ela (Slovakia)
Auxiliadora, Auxilio, María, Susana (Spain)
Ivan, Vanja (Sweden)
Christian (Ukraine)
Chelsea, Chelsey, Chelsie, Landon (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 145 of 2024; 221 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 21 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 13 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 17 (Wu-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 16 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 16 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 25 Magenta; Foursday [25 of 30]
Julian: 11 May 2024
Moon: 99%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 4 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Jerome]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 67 of 92)
Week: 3rd Full Week of May
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 4 of 31)
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p-paradoxa · 7 months
I just remembered this but thank you for tagging me @regret-breathing love you <3
last song I listened to: Death on the Bayou by Slimelord
oh, Slimelord… I can honestly say you’re one of the stinkiest, grimiest swamp-themed death-doom bands I know
listening to all their stuff ahead of their new album, this little EP isn’t my favorite of theirs but I enjoy the new layered, experimental sound. and the drums are peak
current favorite song: Where They Gathered and Suffered by Vale of Amonition
I’m really indecisive when it comes to picking favorites in music, maybe cause I listen to such a variety of shit at all ends of the spectrum, truly… but since doom is on my mind, I’ll give a shout-out to a band I’ve had on repeat—Vale of Amonition, one of the few metal outfits from Uganda. they really wear their influences on their sleeve: Sabbath, Candlemass, My Dying Bride, all that good shit, with some folk sound mixed in. this opening track from their most recent release slaps
song of my choice: Races by Emma Ruth Rundle
Emma Ruth Rundle is one of my go-tos for indie rock. she has a range of sound—all of it haunting—but I especially love her more collaborative productions that layer folksy acoustics over ambient, droning guitar. post-rock with a doom metal flavor. “On Dark Horses” plays with gothic themes: nights covered in a layer of fog, vampires, a dreamlike town you want to leave, and a history with alcoholism, but some optimism, too. it was hard to pick just one off this album, but I go with “Races” because it turns that hazy guitar I love up to 11. plus there’s the opening lines—Off to the races and I let ride, what's changed us in our time / I’ll take the wheel, but it’s the hunger that drives…
tagging @bizarrobrain, @ireallyamabear, @kimclitsuragi, @0liver-hope, @grimm-lynn, and anyone else who sees this and wants to :)
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ask-red-guy-dhmis · 2 months
United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama
Haiti, Jamaica, Peru,
Republic Dominican, Cuba, Carribean
Greenland, El Salvador too.
Puerto Rico, Columbia, Venezuela
Honduras, Guyana, and still,
Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina
And Ecuador, Chile, Brazil.
Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, Bermuda
Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan,
Paraguay, Uruguay, Surinam
And French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam.
Norway, and Sweden, and Iceland, and Finland
And Germany now one piece,
Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia
Italy, Turkey, and Greece.
Poland, Romania, Scotland, Albania
Ireland, Russia, Oman,
Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia
Hungary, Cyprus, Iraq, and Iran.
There's Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan
Both Yemens, Kuwait, and Bahrain,
The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, and Portugal
France, England, Denmark, and Spain
India, Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan
Thailand, Nepal, and Bhutan,
Kampuchea, Malaysia, then Bangladesh (Asia)
And China, Korea, Japan.
Mongolia, Laos, and Tibet, Indonesia
The Philippine Islands, Taiwan,
Sri Lanka, New Guinea, Sumatra, New Zealand
Then Borneo, and Vietnam.
Tunisia, Morocco, Uganda, Angola
Zimbabwe, Djibouti, Botswana,
Mozambique, Zambia, Swaziland, Gambia
Guinea, Algeria, Ghana.
Burundi, Lesotho, and Malawi, Togo
The Spanish Sahara is gone,
Niger, Nigeria, Chad, and Liberia
Egypt, Benin, and Gabon.
Tanzania, Somalia, Kenya, and Mali
Sierra Leone, and Algiers,
Dahomey, Namibia, Senegal, Libya
Cameroon, Congo, Zaire.
Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar
Rwanda, Mahore, and Cayman,
Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Yugoslavia...
Crete, Mauritania
Then Transylviania,
Monaco, Liechtenstein
Malta, and Palestine,
Fiji, Australia, Sudan..
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soulmusicsongs · 1 year
Soul Around The World in 33 songs
Soul music became popular around the world, influencing countless artists across the world. We’ve put together a list with awesome soul tracks form Africa, Asia, Europa and Latin America.
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В Свобода Бе Роден Ти - Трио Обектив И Естрадния Оркестър На Българското Радио (Да Танцуваме = Non Stop Dancing, 1979) - Bulgaria
Africa Is Home - Joe Mensah (Joe Mensah, 1975) - Ghana
Akale Wube - Getatchew Mekuria (Getatchew Mekuria And His Saxophone, 1972) - Ethiopia
Alabeke (Part 1) - Dan Satch & His Atomic 8 Dance Band Of Aba (Alabeke (Part 1) / Alabeke (Part 2), 197?) - Nigeria
All Of My Life - Jack Kane (Blackjack County Chain / All Of My Life, 1970) - Canada
Black Man's Cry - Lever Brothers Gay Flamingoes (Secrets Of The Pan, 1973) - Barbados
Cocaine Blues - W. Ambros (Nie Und Nimmer, 1979) - Austria
Dankasa - Uppers International (Dankasa/ Neriba Lanchina, 1973) - Ghana
Ebolo - Bell'a Njoh (Bell'a Njoh, 1978) - Cameroon
El Fen - Aït Messlaïne (Yémma / El Fen, 1976) - Algeria
Gaccia Ad' Avè - Leone Di Lernia E La Sua "New Rock Band" (Canzoni Rock Tranesi, 1975) - Italy
Hijack - The Cliques (Salsa Hits, 1975) - Philipinnes
Hold On, I'm Coming - Zoo Nee Voo (The World Of Zoo Nee Voo , 1968) - Japan
Ifetayo - Black Truth Rhythm Band (Ifetayo "Love Excells All", 1976) - Trinidad
Kadia Blues - Orchestre De La Paillotte (Volume 2, 1967) - Guinea
Kenoru Lebitcha - Alemayehu Eshete (Tikur Gissila / Kenoru Lebitcha, 1972) - Ethiopia
Lupita - Nico Gomez And His Afro Percussion Inc. (Ritual, 1971) - Belgium
Nina - Afro 70 (Em Moçambique, 1977) - Mozambique
No Intension - The Yoruba Singers (Ojinga's Own, 1974) - Guyana
Oh Baby I Don't Love You Anymore - Wolfgang Dauner Quintet (The Oimels, 1969) - Germany
Ole - The Black Santiagos (Ole/ Adan Egbomi, 1972) - Benin
Pygmy - Akira Ishikawa & Count Buffalos (Uganda, 1972) - Japan
Quit Hold - R. Conrado, A. Scuderi, P. Montanari (Bass Modulations, 1973) - Italy
Samari Bolga - Uppers Chapter Two (Walahi Talahi / Samari Bolga, 1976) - Ghana
Shando - Xoliso ‎(Shingwanyana, 1974) - South Africa
Soul House - Max Greger (Hifi-Stereo, 1970) - Germany
The Spoiler - Vigon (Greatest Hits, 1972) - France
Stasera Canto Io (Funky Broadway)- Patrick Samson Set (Sono Nero, 1968) - Italy
Tenkim Kpoho - Mary Afi Usuah (African Woman, 1978) - Nigeria
That's How I Feel - Jiro Inagaki & His Soul Media (In The Groove, 1973) - Japan
El Tiempo Apremia = Time Is Tight - Los Lazos (Como Has Hecho, 1970) - Mexico
Vamonos - Elkin & Nelson (Elkin & Nelson, 1974) - Spain
Yaraal Sa Doom - Super Jamono De Dakar (Ndaxami, 1981) - Senegal
More Soul Around the World
Soul Around The World in 34 songs
Soul Around The World in 27 Songs
Soul Around the World in 20 tracks
Soul Around The World in 22 tracks
African Funk from the Seventies
Jamaicans Got Soul
Funk from Peru
Funk from Belgium
Caribbean Soul: 20 awesome tracks
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yonadave · 1 year
“I’m Not Anti-Mutant Just Anti-Krakoa '' - Why We Should Compare Krakoa to Israel.
When HoX\PoX came out in 2019 I was living in Jerusalem and talking to a friend about it and eventually the question went up “Do we want to talk about Krakoa and Israel?” The answer was a resounding no. Unfortunately for me, some of the latest issues of X-Men titles made the connection between my actual homeland and my fictional favorite Island-state clearer and clearer. I don’t know if the writers meant to make the connections I see, but they are there and in order to truly understand what we’ve seen as the road to Fall of X is being published we need to look at the triangle of Israel, Anti-Zionism, and Anti-Semitism in real life. 
Since we are talking about a volatile subject we do need to put on some very basic ground rules. Many critics of Israel claim Zionist would use the Anti-Semitisim card in order to ignore valid criticism. While my side of the issue needs to understand that not every criticism of Israel is antisemitic, the other side needs to understand that not all Anti-Zionism is automatically not Anti-Semitic. Anti-Semites also use criticism of Israel to ignore criticism of their own anti-semitism. In my opinion, both sides of this equation are not opinions rather basic recognition of reality needed to talk about this issue. The point of this article is not to prove that Israel is the source of all evil or to justify its existence/importance. This is about understanding what the plot of a comic book means to readers living in the real world and vice versa.
The Naive - Krakoa as Ugande.
While I decided to write this specifically during my reading of Duggan’s X-Men issue 23, I think it is best to start at House of X issue 1. It’s hard to ignore the parallels between Krakoa and Israel when Magneto, a Holocaust survivor, is hosting foreign ambassadors in Jerusalem. The new mutant nation was showing what Krakoa is, and what it has to offer to other nations. Host of the Cerebro podcast, Connor Goldsmith, brought up Krakoa as Israel without the Palestinian Issue. Since Krakoa is a newly formed island it can represent the good in the Zionist project without the bad - the fact that the country was formed in a land that was already populated. As an Israeli who is temporarily living in the US, this seems to be a desire shared by many left wing jews who want to love Israel but feel like they cannot due to the plight of the Palesstinians. Jonathan Hickman himself, while being a guest on said podcast, said that Magneto represented a form of politics evolved and better than humanity’s politics.
This aspiration, formed out of both of these hopes, reminded me of two Zionist naive works. The first one is a parody song by the Israeli comedic trio “Ma Ka’shur” - Why Not Ugande. The song, released in 2008 celebrating the 60th anniversary of the state of Israel, claims that Theodore Hertzel, as a symbol for the entirety of the Zionist leadership, was wrong to decline the British Uganda Scheme to create a Jewish national home in Uganda instead of our ancestral homeland. The chorus of the song begins with the words “Why not Uganda, why not Uganda, we do not go on busses” refering to the waves of suicide bombers who bombed Israeli busses during the time of the Oslo Agreement and during the first couple of years of the second Initifada. This naive view of the early days of the Zionist movement assumes that the Zionist project would not be opposed in Uganda. 
The other work is from the writings of Rav Avraham Issac Kook, a rabbi who’s writing would eventually be the basis of the contemporary Religious Zionisim movement in Israel. Rav Kook was heavily influenced by European philosophers who believed that WWI was the last war in history. In his most famous book “Orot” (Lights in Hebrew) he writes “We have left the global political stage [after the destruction of the second temple and the beginning of the Diaspora YT] due to an external source forcing us, in a way that also reflected our inner wishes. Until that glorious time where a kingdom can be run without wickedness and cruelty.” (Orot, Lights out of Darkness, War, Passage 3) 
Thinking that if only Zionism went a few dozen miles to the side everything would be perfect is as silly as saying that WWI is the last war in history and that’s why the Zionist project is going to be perfect. But this silly naivety can also become insidious. Krakoa started out as a perfect nation, harming no one while helping everyone. But that wasn’t enough. Setting the bar for what humanity expects of Krakoa so high that no other country could ever pass it, while expecting the mutant nation to do it is a ruse. Even when they ran a seemingly perfect country it wasn’t enough because Krakao’s actions were never the issue. Not when Krakoa is morally wrong, not when it is morally right. From its birth, Krakoa could never be accepted by those who prosecuted mutants. The problem would always be the existence of Krakoa because the world that hates and fears mutants cannot accept that they would have control over their own future. 
The Good - Krakoan Pharmawashing
Since its inception the island nation of Krakoa has performed many outreach programs. The krakoan miracle drugs were the big opener of the nation’s international activities, the X-Men team built and lived in the tree house to help people outside of the island and now we’ve also seen Mutant First Strike, a team meant to act as disaster relief. It would be one thing if those efforts would simply fail to move the needle of public opinion towards mutants, but we see how these efforts are being used in anti mutant/Krakoa propaganda. 
The mutant medicines are seen in the pages of X-Force and Wolverine to be a point of contention by those who oppose the island nation. In X-Men 22 we even see that Orchis are blaming mutants for poisoning their medicines. Sure, the lie is because Orchis are the ones who put the poison in, but all I could see is Krakoa being blamed for poisoning wells. Israel was also accused several times in poisoning wells, but the source for these rumors seem to come not out of fact, since those haven’t been presented, but out of the centuries old antisemitic trope of Jews poisoning wells. 
In the real world, Israel is being blamed for “Pinkwashing the Occupation”; later on it also evolved to other issues like Veganwashing. The pinkwashing campaign does not mean that the good Israel does can not cancel out its wrongs, which is an actual critique. It started, back in 2010 as a critique saying the Israeli government uses its LGBT community to hide our atrocities. It also evolved, and today, in its extreme form Israel is blamed that many of the good we do (such as promoting green energy and vegan products) are only done in order that we can continue and oppress the Palestinian people. Every other country has done both good and evil, and reasonable people can see that a country, or people, can be both at the same time. But if you view a group as demonic then even its best qualities must be viewed in that light.  
The Bad - Why Is It always Sentinels
I started writing this after reading X-Men 23. In this issue, Orchis, a global union of many anti-mutant groups, use of a sentinel as a proposed vehicle for peace and feint of ignorance made my blood boil. Orchis propaganda claims they “do not know” why the X-Men decided to attack a sentinel. The intentional use of Sentinels, the most recognized symbol of mutant oppression, is not foreign to me. While being accused of being a Nazi is pretty common for most people on the internet, it’s different when it’s used against the victims of that regime. When Roger Waters wanted to ‘criticize’ Israel he chose to do so wearing Nazi uniforms. Many Arab countries who ethnically cleansed their Jewish population blame Israel for committing that act, without an inch of recognition for what they did to the ancient Jewish Communities they used to have. The choice of Sentinels was not meant only to bait a response from the X-Men, it was meant to hurt them by reminding them all of their shared trauma. 
The only thing I was missing in the issue was the claim that Orchis isn’t Anti Mutant, it is simply Anti-Krakoa. But Duggan already wrote that scene in his original Marauders run at the Dawn of X. And while it is not said explicitly here, Orchis are asking us to believe that the use of sentinels is not out of mutant hatred but due to something else. The idea that mutants shouldn’t attack a sentinel is absurd, but claiming that mutants are not allowed to defend themselves in face of clear aggression actually does makes sense. Because even after Israel spent decades developing a defensive technology that doesn’t hurt any Palestinian, we are still being blamed for using it, as famously seen made by Jon Oliver regarding the Iron Dome. In the last year we have seen so much bad spewing out of Krakoa, but the hatred came before all of that. Krakoa is primed to be a quick excuse for mutant hating bigots, just like Israel is used by many anti-semites regardless of all the bad and good that comes out of my country. 
One of the common conceptions surrounding X-Men comics is that the mutant metaphor is problematic since minorities are in a position of weakness while mutants have super powers. But while Jews and Israelis do not shoot lasers from the eyes we are at the bottom of every conspiracy theory. From space lasers from the right to being blamed for American police brutality on the left, we are attributed fictional powers and being blamed for them long before the forming of Zionism as a modern political movement in 1840. Krakoa isn’t Israel, it is better than we could ever hope to be and it is worse than we will be able to become. Krakoa is mostly a fictional state, something that we will never be again. So the answer to Israel-Palestinian conflict would not be found in the Fall of X, but looking at the hatred, be it justified or Antisemitic, surrounding Israel is a great way to write visceral scenes that sticks with the reader. Especially now as things are about to take a turn for the worse for my favorite made up nation. 
I do not know what the Fall of X has in store for us. I truly hope we are not about to witness the end of Krakoa, but I know it’s a possible outcome. Both from watsonian and the doylist perspective Krakoa was always going to fail. In the pages of Powers Of X issue 6 we learned that Xavier, Magneto, and Moira , the founders of Krakoa, knew the threats that are facing this miracle island and are not sure they will make it in the long run. From an industry perspective, many fans simply assume that Krakoa can’t last since every big change in comics gets pushed back eventually into the status quo. Not to mention that no one thinks that the MCU is going to let Krakoa in. 
Even if Krakoa doesn’t fall, the threat of the destruction of the nation is on full display in previews we’ve seen. And that’s the point, most countries in the world are not under constant threat of complete annihilation, but Krakoa and Israel are. When we criticize most nation we demand a regime change, not promoting relocating millions of people, but that is always the explicit goal of anti Krakoa and Anti-Zionist campaigns. You do not have to support Israel in order to be a “true” X-Men fan, but it is my opinion that the best way to understand this age of comics, and the best way to write it, is to lean in on the Israel metaphor.
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Holidays 5.24
Aviation Maintenance Technician Day
Battle of Pichincha Day (Ecuador)
Bermuda Day [if weekend, nearest weekday]
Blink 182 Day
Brooklyn Bridge Day
Brother's Day
Camping with Barry White Day (David Letterman)
Carb Day
Culture and Literacy Day (Bulgaria)
Cuti Bersama (Indonesia)
Day for the Naming of Rocks and Planets
Duck Day (French Republic)
Dylan Day (a.k.a. Bob Dylan Day)
Empire Day (British Empire; Pre-1930s)
European Day of Parks
Eurovision Song Contest Day
First Responders Appreciation Day (Ohio)
International Clown Day
International Day Against Epilepsy
International Tiara Day
International Women’s Day for Peace & Disarmament
Little Lamb Day
Long Snapper Appreciation Day
Lubiri Memorial Day (Uganda)
Morse Code Day
National Aviation Maintenance Tech Day
National Beautiful Girls Day
National Blue Badge ay of Action (UK)
National Caterers Appreciation Day
National DevOps Day
National DILF Day
National Emergency Medical Services Recognition Day
National Mike Day
National Poppy Day
National Road Trip Day
National Schizophrenia & Psychosis Awareness Day (Canada)
National Telegram Day (Utrean Empire)
National Work From Home Day
National Wyoming Day
Night Baseball Day
Pansexual and Panromantic Awareness and Visibility Day
Parking Meter Day
Play Kick the Can With A Kid Day
Public Garage Day
Sara the Black's Day (Gypsy)
Scavenger Hunt Day
Sinking of the Bismarck Day
Slavonic Enlighteners' Day (Macedonia)
Slavonic Literature and Culture Day (Russia)
Vala Asteroid Day
What Hath God Wrought Day (Morse Code)
World Product Day
World Schizophrenia Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Asparagus Day
Endless Breakfast Day (Denny’s)
Judgment of Paris Day
National Coffee Day (Brazil)
National Escargot Day
National Lamb Day (New Zealand)
National Schlumpia Day
Yucatan Shrimp Day
Independence & Related Days
Commonwealth Day (Belize, Lesotho)
Ecuador (from Spain, 1822)
Eritrea (from Ethiopia, 1993)
Nueva Vizcaya Day (Philippines)
Orange Free State (Annexed by UK; 1900)
4th Friday in May
Ascension Friday (Belgium)
Don't Fry Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
Flashback Friday [Every Friday]
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
Heat Safety Awareness Day [4th Friday]
National Cooler Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Death Busters Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Polka Festival begins [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Road Trip Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Wig Out Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
Title Track Day [4th Friday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 24 (3rd Full Week)
National Polka Weekend (Ennis, Texas) [thru 5.26] (Memorial Day Weekend)
Old Time Player Piano Weekend (thru 5.26) [Memorial Day Weekend]
Festivals Beginning May 24, 2024
Arcadia Broiler Dairy Days (Arcadia, Wisconsin) [thru 5.26]
Bath Fringe Festival (Bath, UK) [thru 6.9]
Nattjazz [Bergen International Jazz Festival] (Bergen, Norway) [thru 6.1]
Blue Crab Festival (Palatka, Florida) [thru 5.26]
Blues, Brews, and BBQ (Beaver Creek, Colorado) [thru 5.26]
BottleRock Napa Valley Music & Food Festival (Napa, California) [thru 5.26]
California Roots Music and Arts Festival (Monterey, California) [thru 5.26]
Cannon River Rendezvous (Cannon Falls, Minnesota) [thru 5.27]
Carassauga Festival (Mississauga, Canada) [thru 5.26]
Comicpalooza (Houston, Texas) [thru 5.26]
ConFuzzled (Birmingham, United Kingdom) [thru 5.26]
Feast of the Flowering Moon (Chillicothe, Ohio) [thru 5.26]
Fredericksburg Crawfish Festival (Fredericksburg, Texas) [thru 5.26]
Garden Grove Strawberry Festival (Garden Grove, California) [thru 5.27]
Jambalaya Festival (Gonzales, Louisiana) [thru 5.26]
Marcon [Multiple Alternative Realities Convention] (Columbus, Ohio) [thru 5.26
MCM London Comic Con (London, United Kingdom) [thru 5.26]
Moonshine Festival (New Straitsville, Ohio) [thru 5.27]
Morgan Hill Mushroom Mardi Gras Festival (Morgan Hill, California) [thru 5.26]
Mudbug Madness 39 (Shreveport, Louisiana) [thru 5.26]
Newport Beach Wine Festival (Newport Beach, California) [thru 5.26]
Northwest Folklife Festival (Seattle, Washington) [thru 5.27]
Orlando Carnival Downtown (Orlando, Florida) [thru 5.26]
Phoenix Fan Fusion (Phoenix, Arizona) [thru 5.26]
Portland Rose Festival (Portland, Oregon) [thru 6.9]
Scandinavian Heritage Festival (Ephraim, Utah) [thru 5.25]
Vivid Sydney (Sydney, Australia) [thru 6.15]
Worlds Largest Brat Fest (Madison, Wisconsin) [thru 5.26]
ZestFest (Fort Worth, Texas) [thru 5.26]
Feast Days
Aldersgate Day (a.k.a. Wesley Day; Methodism)
Alexei Savrasov (Artology)
Anna Pak Agi (Christian; One of The Korean Martyrs)
Barinthus (Celtic Book of Days)
Brigantia Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Carmine Infantino (Artology)
David I of Scotland (Christian; Saint)
Day of the Horae (Pagan)
Donatian and Rogatian (Christian; Saint)
Emanuel Leutze (Artology)
Feast of Artemis (Ancient Greece)
Feast of Hermes Trismegistus (Patron of Alchemy)
Henri Michaux (Artology)
Jackson Kemper (Episcopal Church)
St. Jerome (Positivist; Saint)
Joanna (Christian; Saint)
John de Prado (Christian; Saint)
Joseph Brodsky (Writerism)
Mary, Help of Christians (Christian; Saint)
Michael Chabon (Writerism)
Mollusc Day (Pastafarian)
The Mothers (Celtic Prosperity Festival)
Nicetas of Pereaslav (Christian; Martyr)
Philip Pearlstein (Artology)
Pontormo (a.k.a. Jacopo da Pontormo; Artology)
Sacred Furrow Day (Cambodia; Everyday Wicca)
Saints Cyril and Methodius’ Day (Macedonia)
Sam the Robot (Muppetism)
Sarah the Black (celebrated by the Romani people of Camargue; Christian; Saint)
Victory Over the U.S. Day (Church of the SubGenius; Canada)
Vincent of Lérins (Christian; Saint)
William Trevor (Writerism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
A Good Day for Love (The Book of Days)
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because I danced ‘cause I wanted to. I left my friends behind, because my friends didn't dance and since they didn't dance, they were no friends of mine.)
Backdraft (Film; 1991)
Beep, Beep (WB MM Cartoon; 1952)
Before Midnight (Film; 2013)
Bluebeard’s Castle, by Bela Bartok (Opera; 1918)
Booksmart (Film; 2019)
Braveheart (Film; 1995)
The Day After Tomorrow (Film; 2004)
Diamond Dogs, by David Bowie (Album; 1974)
Drop Dead Fred (Film; 1991)
Epic (Animated Film; 2013)
Fast & Furious 6 (Film; 2013) [F&F #6]
Faust, selected scenes, by Goethe (Play; 1819)
The Golden Hen (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1946)
Gone Girl, by Gillian Flynn (Novel; 2012)
Gravity’s Rainbow, by Pat Benatar (Album; 1993)
Hollywood Steps Out (WB MM Cartoon; 1941)
Hudson Hawk (Film; 1991)
An Inconvenient Truth (Documentary Film; 2006)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Film; 1989)
Jumpin’ Jack Flash, by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1968)
Le Pig-Al Patrol (The Inspector; 1967)
Mission: Impossible 2 (Film; 2000)
Onion Pacific (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1940)
The Riddle-Master of Hed, by Patricia A. McKillip (Novel; 1976)
1776, by David McCullough (Book; 2005)
The Source, by James A. Michener (Historical Novel; 1965)
Spirit (Animated Film; 2002)
Spy Hard (Film; 1996)
Sugar, Sugar, by The Archies (Song; 1969)
Symphony No. 2 in Eb Major, by Edward Elgar (Symphony; 1911)
Thelma & Louise (Film; 1991)
Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (Film; 1974)
Truth or Dare (Documentary Film; 1991)
A View to a Kill (Film; 1985) [James Bond #14]
Welcome to the Dollhouse (Film; 1996)
Today’s Name Days
Dagmar, Esther (Austria)
Filip, Ivana, Šimun (Croatia)
Jana (Czech Republic)
Esther (Denmark)
Alar, Alari, Allar, Aller (Estonia)
Touko, Tuukka (Finland)
Donatien (France)
Dagmar, Esther (Germany)
Markiani, Palladia, Photini (Greece)
Eliza, Eszter (Hungary)
Amalia, Maria (Italy)
Agate, Anšlavs, Estere, Ilvija, Marlena, Ziedone (Latvia)
Gerardas, Gina, Vilmantas (Lithuania)
Ester, Iris (Norway)
Cieszysława, Estera, Jan, Joanna, Maria, Mokij, Wincenty, Zula, Zuzanna (Poland)
Simeon (România)
Ela (Slovakia)
Auxiliadora, Auxilio, María, Susana (Spain)
Ivan, Vanja (Sweden)
Christian (Ukraine)
Chelsea, Chelsey, Chelsie, Landon (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 145 of 2024; 221 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 21 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 13 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 17 (Wu-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 16 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 16 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 25 Magenta; Foursday [25 of 30]
Julian: 11 May 2024
Moon: 99%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 4 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Jerome]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 67 of 92)
Week: 3rd Full Week of May
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 4 of 31)
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I want Izuru to sing Yakko Warner's Countries of the World song
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♪ United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama Haiti, Jamaica, Peru Republic Dominican, Cuba, Caribbean Greenland, El Salvador too Puerto Rico, Colombia, Venezuela, Honduras, Guyana, and still Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina And Ecuador, Chile, Brazil Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua Bermuda, Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan Paraguay, Uruguay, Surinam And French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam Norway, and Sweden, and Iceland, and Finland And Germany, now in one piece Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia Italy, Turkey, and Greece Poland, Romania, Scotland, Albania Ireland, Russia, Oman Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia, Hungary Cyprus, Iraq, and Iran There's Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan Both Yemen's, Kuwait, and Bahrain The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, and Portugal France, England, Denmark, and Spain India, Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan Thailand, Nepal, and Bhutan Kampuchea, Malaysia, then Bangladesh, Asia And China, Korea, Japan Mongolia, Laos, and Tibet, Indonesia The Philippine Islands, Taiwan Sri Lanka, New Guinea, Sumatra, New Zealand Then Borneo, and Vietnam Tunisia, Morocco, Uganda, Angola Zimbabwe, Djibouti, Botswana Mozambique, Zambia, Swaziland, Gambia Guinea, Algeria, Ghana Burundi, Lesotho, and Malawi, Togo The Spanish Sahara is gone Niger, Nigeria, Chad, and Liberia Egypt, Benin, and Gabon Tanzania, Somalia, Kenya, and Mali Sierra Leone, and Algiers Dahomey, Namibia, Senegal, Libya Cameroon, Congo, Zaire Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar Rwanda, Mahore, and Cayman Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Yugoslavia Crete, Mauritania, then Transylvania Monaco, Liechtenstein, Malta, and Palestine Fiji, Australia, Sudan... ♪
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Lonnie Corant Jaman Shuka Rashid Lynn (born March 13, 1972) known by his stage name Common, is a rapper, actor, writer, philanthropist, and activist. He debuted in 1992 with the album Can I Borrow a Dollar? and maintained an underground following into the late 1990s, after which he gained mainstream success through his work with the Soulquarians. His first major-label album Like Water for Chocolate received commercial success. He won the Grammy Award for Best R&B Song for the Erykah Badu single "Love of My Life". His album Be was a commercial success and was nominated for Best Rap Album at the Grammy Awards. He received his second Grammy Award for Best Rap Performance by a Duo or Group for "Southside", from his 2007 album Finding Forever. His best-of album, This is me Then: The Best of Common was released. He launched Think Common Entertainment, his record label imprint. He had released music under various other labels including Relativity, Geffen, and GOOD Music. He won the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song and the Academy Award for Best Original Song, for his song "Glory" from the film Selma, in which he co-starred as Civil Rights Movement leader James Bevel. His acting career includes roles in the films Brown Sugar, Smokin' Aces, Street Kings, American Gangster, Wanted, Terminator Salvation, Date Night, Just Wright, Happy Feet Two, New Year's Eve, Barber Shop: The Next Cut, Run All Night, Being Charlie, Rex, John Wick: Chapter 2 and Smallfoot. He narrated the documentary Bouncing Cats, about one man's efforts to improve the lives of children in Uganda through hip-hop/b-boy culture. He starred as Elam Ferguson on Hell on Wheels. He is a Christian. He served as spring commencement speaker at the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University and was awarded an honorary DFA degree, he attended FAMU for two years and majored in Business Administration. He is part of the "Knowing Is Beautiful" movement, which supports HIV/AIDS awareness. He is the founder of the Common Ground Foundation, a non-profit that seeks to empower underprivileged youth to be contributing citizens and strong leaders in the world. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/CpusZe6OTSl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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snowddeong · 2 years
for the kpop ask game: le sserafim!!
ps, i sometimes see you in your posts’ tags saying you’re anxious about your writing, so i just wanted to let you know that i for one am a big huge fan of your writing, and i think you have such great vibrant portrayals of yeji & ryujin, and tbh your writing makes me want to write too, so thank you always for sharing your work and god-tier ryeji thoughts with us :’)
Not sure which category to put them in cause I'm familiar but also very barely hkasdh
I’ll listen to their top song on Spotify & tell you my thoughts - I'm going to assume that's antifragile? (In uganda we don't use spotify much so I can't tell if it's their top song adskhds I only have the acc for whenever I wanna support my faves and have enough internet)
Fun and catchy, it has aspects I REALLY like but there's also stuff I'm unfortunately not so into so I don't think I could listen to it on repeat but it's very much stuck in my head now sdakjh
I’ll look up photos & tell you who stands out to me - Yunjin I think??? Idk there's something about the vibes she's giving here especially that's knocking me tf out
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Idk her really so I might be very mistaken but like HER EYES? There's a way that she seems to use them to really enhance her expressions??
I’ll tell you if I’d look into them more - I might if they release something I'm REALLY into. Or if I'm in a situation where I have to write something with one of their members that's actually how I got into Stray Kids lmao. I usually try my best to check out as many gg releases as I can cause finding new music is always a positive so it'll probably happen eventually since the little I've seen of them is always a serve
This is already long but I'm so touched by your ps 😭
Thank you so much for all this. I never really considered myself on the level to inspire anyone and it's actually a dream of mine to write stuff that has an effect on people so I'm kinda emotional over this ashdjsdh
Thank you for reading my works. I'll be sure to keep sharing my thoughts and random brainrots and hopefully keep writing stuff that you guys enjoy 🖤
And if the interest has gripped you I really do hope you give writing a shot anon. It can be very tough and frustrating and sometimes it feels like downright torture but if you love it enough it's the most fulfilling thing to have an idea in your head and express it with words. Even though I'm anxious like 99% of the time cause perfectionismTM and self esteemTM I always enjoy myself the most when I'm writing. I really love writing so I'm going to try to stfu and not start waxing poetic rn but imo everyone should give it a try at least once. Whether it be poetry or prose of even just journaling. There's something really beautiful about writing that you can only experience when you're really in it and I hope you find it as well. If you ever write anything feel free to send it to me through anon or even dms if you feel comfy with that I'd love to read it
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naijagospel · 11 days
[AUDIO] "No Bad Energy" - Joecy Tee Ft. Coopy Bly & Feed'Em
Joecy Tee is thrilled to announce the release of his latest single, “No Bad Energy,” an energizing track that blends Afrobeats, Dancehall, and Amapiano sounds. This vibrant new song features international collaborations with Coopy Bly (Uganda) and Feed’Em (UK), blending different flavours. “No Bad Energy” is a testament to Joecy Tee’s versatility as an artist. The song is rooted in Afrobeats, a…
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thebandcampdiaries · 12 days
SING IN UNITY and Unity House Uganda Release “One Song”
SING IN UNITY, featuring Unity House Uganda, has launched their latest release titled “One Song.” This collaboration is part of an ongoing effort by Jenna, a Japanese gospel choir director and business owner, to build bridges through music across continents. The new track, “One Song,” featuring Stallone, a former street child from Uganda, is now available for streaming. The release falls within the Pop, Gospel, and African music genres, reflecting the diverse influences of the artists involved.
Jenna’s background as a co-producer for the Japan Mass Choir and her experience building one of the largest gospel music schools in Japan with 2,000 members has positioned her as a prominent figure in the international gospel scene. Her work with the choir has received notable recognition, including a nomination for a Dove Award by the Gospel Music Association (GMA). In the wake of the pandemic, Jenna pivoted to virtual choirs, a focus she continues to expand with this global collaboration.
“One Song” features uplifting gospel elements and is part of the growing portfolio of the SING IN UNITY virtual choir, which connects voices from Japan, New Zealand, and Africa. The track is available on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Spotify, providing listeners easy access to the work of Jenna and her collaborators.
With the song’s release, Jenna and Unity House Uganda aim to share a message of unity through music, continuing to break down cultural barriers with their shared passion for gospel music.
To listen to “One Song,” visit the YouTube link here. More about SING IN UNITY can be found on Instagram at @jenna.singinunity.
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supersupersounds · 1 month
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Ekuka Morris Sirikiti - TE-KWARO ALANGO-EKUKA
Utterly gorgeous African folk music. From the liner notes:
"The first studio album from lukeme maestro and legendary Langi griot Ekuka Morris Sirikiti, 'TE-KWARO ALANGO-EKUKU' is an emotional and historical milestone. In 2018, Nyege Nyege Tapes combed through the artist's work forensically on 'Ekuka', picking out the finest examples of his sound from recordings made by keen-eared listeners who caught his performances on Ugandan radio. Ekuka had never kept any of these tracks; living frugally in Lira, Northern Uganda, he doesn't even own a device to listen to the music. So when he eventually heard the anthology, it triggered an epiphany. The songs - recorded between 1978 and 2003 - brought memories flooding back; some of his bandmates have long since passed away, and Ekuka was suddenly reminded of old friendships and long-forgotten life events.
Following this revelation, and for the first time in his life, Ekuka finally stepped into a proper studio, spending two weeks re-discovering and re-recording his old songs. These new versions capture the artist's virtuosity in microscopic detail: the characteristic rattling sound of his lukeme, an ancient African thumb piano, takes pride of place, but his assertive, agile voice also sounds as if it's been unlocked. "
Enjoy. -Kris
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