#uganda news about covid 19
reasonsforhope · 8 months
Determined to use her skills to fight inequality, South African computer scientist Raesetje Sefala set to work to build algorithms flagging poverty hotspots - developing datasets she hopes will help target aid, new housing, or clinics.
From crop analysis to medical diagnostics, artificial intelligence (AI) is already used in essential tasks worldwide, but Sefala and a growing number of fellow African developers are pioneering it to tackle their continent's particular challenges.
Local knowledge is vital for designing AI-driven solutions that work, Sefala said.
"If you don't have people with diverse experiences doing the research, it's easy to interpret the data in ways that will marginalise others," the 26-year old said from her home in Johannesburg.
Africa is the world's youngest and fastest-growing continent, and tech experts say young, home-grown AI developers have a vital role to play in designing applications to address local problems.
"For Africa to get out of poverty, it will take innovation and this can be revolutionary, because it's Africans doing things for Africa on their own," said Cina Lawson, Togo's minister of digital economy and transformation.
"We need to use cutting-edge solutions to our problems, because you don't solve problems in 2022 using methods of 20 years ago," Lawson told the Thomson Reuters Foundation in a video interview from the West African country.
Digital rights groups warn about AI's use in surveillance and the risk of discrimination, but Sefala said it can also be used to "serve the people behind the data points". ...
'Delivering Health'
As COVID-19 spread around the world in early 2020, government officials in Togo realized urgent action was needed to support informal workers who account for about 80% of the country's workforce, Lawson said.
"If you decide that everybody stays home, it means that this particular person isn't going to eat that day, it's as simple as that," she said.
In 10 days, the government built a mobile payment platform - called Novissi - to distribute cash to the vulnerable.
The government paired up with Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) think tank and the University of California, Berkeley, to build a poverty map of Togo using satellite imagery.
Using algorithms with the support of GiveDirectly, a nonprofit that uses AI to distribute cash transfers, the recipients earning less than $1.25 per day and living in the poorest districts were identified for a direct cash transfer.
"We texted them saying if you need financial help, please register," Lawson said, adding that beneficiaries' consent and data privacy had been prioritized.
The entire program reached 920,000 beneficiaries in need.
"Machine learning has the advantage of reaching so many people in a very short time and delivering help when people need it most," said Caroline Teti, a Kenya-based GiveDirectly director.
'Zero Representation'
Aiming to boost discussion about AI in Africa, computer scientists Benjamin Rosman and Ulrich Paquet co-founded the Deep Learning Indaba - a week-long gathering that started in South Africa - together with other colleagues in 2017.
"You used to get to the top AI conferences and there was zero representation from Africa, both in terms of papers and people, so we're all about finding cost effective ways to build a community," Paquet said in a video call.
In 2019, 27 smaller Indabas - called IndabaX - were rolled out across the continent, with some events hosting as many as 300 participants.
One of these offshoots was IndabaX Uganda, where founder Bruno Ssekiwere said participants shared information on using AI for social issues such as improving agriculture and treating malaria.
Another outcome from the South African Indaba was Masakhane - an organization that uses open-source, machine learning to translate African languages not typically found in online programs such as Google Translate.
On their site, the founders speak about the South African philosophy of "Ubuntu" - a term generally meaning "humanity" - as part of their organization's values.
"This philosophy calls for collaboration and participation and community," reads their site, a philosophy that Ssekiwere, Paquet, and Rosman said has now become the driving value for AI research in Africa.
Now that Sefala has built a dataset of South Africa's suburbs and townships, she plans to collaborate with domain experts and communities to refine it, deepen inequality research and improve the algorithms.
"Making datasets easily available opens the door for new mechanisms and techniques for policy-making around desegregation, housing, and access to economic opportunity," she said.
African AI leaders say building more complete datasets will also help tackle biases baked into algorithms.
"Imagine rolling out Novissi in Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Ivory Coast ... then the algorithm will be trained with understanding poverty in West Africa," Lawson said.
"If there are ever ways to fight bias in tech, it's by increasing diverse datasets ... we need to contribute more," she said.
But contributing more will require increased funding for African projects and wider access to computer science education and technology in general, Sefala said.
Despite such obstacles, Lawson said "technology will be Africa's savior".
"Let's use what is cutting edge and apply it straight away or as a continent we will never get out of poverty," she said. "It's really as simple as that."
-via Good Good Good, February 16, 2022
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"She was nearly ripped from her three-year-old daughter, but in a sudden reversal, a Toronto personal support worker who faced deportation despite having worked on the front lines during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic can now stay in Canada permanently.
After going public with her story, Fatumah Najjuma has won her fight for permanent residence.
On Friday, she received word that her permanent resident application on humanitarian grounds was granted.
"This means a lot to me because I have been given a chance to live, stay and raise my baby girl," Najjuma told CBC Toronto, thanking her lawyer, advocates, her friends and the many strangers who supported her.
"As I am her only living parent, she is going to grow up a happy child because her mother is present in all her life."
Najjuma, 29, had been facing deportation to Uganda — a country she says she fled for her life after being disowned by her family and for her religious and social affiliations.
Her deportation date had been set for Jan. 7. But after garnering tens of thousands of signatures in an online petition, a campaign by advocacy groups and telling her story to CBC News, her removal was delayed in late December.
Now, her fight is over. But she says she remains concerned about the countless others who find themselves also facing deportation despite Canada's commitment to work towards granting status to undocumented workers.
"I shouldn't have to fight for basic rights," she said. "Everyone deserves status so we can live a good life. I encourage all migrants to speak up and raise their strong voice.""
Full article
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Researchers study differences in attitudes toward Covid-19 vaccines between women and men in Africa
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/researchers-study-differences-in-attitudes-toward-covid-19-vaccines-between-women-and-men-in-africa/
Researchers study differences in attitudes toward Covid-19 vaccines between women and men in Africa
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While many studies over the past several years have examined people’s access to and attitudes toward Covid-19 vaccines, few studies in sub-Saharan Africa have looked at whether there were differences in vaccination rates and intention between men and women. In a new study appearing in the journal Frontiers in Global Women’s Health, researchers found that while women and men self-reported similar Covid-19 vaccination rates in 2022, unvaccinated men expressed more intention to get vaccinated than unvaccinated women.
Women tend to have better health-seeking behaviors than men overall. However, most studies relating to Covid-19 vaccination have found that intention has been lower among women. “We wondered whether this would hold true at the uptake level,” says Rawlance Ndejjo, a leader of the new study and an assistant lecturer in the Department of Disease Control and Environmental Health at Makerere University.
The comparable vaccination rates between men and women in the study is “a good thing to see,” adds Lula Chen, research director at MIT Governance Lab (GOV/LAB) and a co-author of the new study. “There wasn’t anything gendered about how [the vaccine] was being advertised or who was actually getting access to it.”
Women’s lower intention to vaccinate seemed to be driven by concerns about vaccine safety, suggesting that providing factual information about vaccine safety from trusted sources, like the Ministry of Health, could increase uptake.
The work is a collaboration between scholars from the MIT GOV/LAB, Makerere University’s School of Public Health in Uganda, University of Kinshasa’s School of Public Health in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), University of Ibadan’s College of Medicine in Nigeria, and Cheikh Anta Diop University in Senegal. 
Studying vaccine availability and uptake in sub-Saharan Africa
The authors’ collaboration began in 2021 with research into Covid-19 vaccination rates, people’s willingness to get vaccinated, and how people’s trust in different authorities shaped attitudes toward vaccines in Uganda, the DRC, Senegal, and Nigeria. A survey in Uganda found that people who received information about Covid-19 from health workers were more likely to be vaccinated, stressing the important role people who work in the health-care system can play in vaccination efforts.
Work from other scientists has found that women were less likely to accept Covid-19 vaccines than men, and that in low- and middle-income countries, women also may be less likely to get vaccinated against Covid-19 and less likely to intend to get vaccinated, possibly due to factors including lower levels of education, work obligations, and domestic care obligations.
Previous studies in sub-Saharan Africa that focused on differences between men and women with intention and willingness to vaccinate were inconclusive, Ndejjo says. “You would hardly find actual studies on uptake of the vaccines,” he adds. For the new paper, the researchers aimed to dig into uptake.
People who trust the government and health officials were more likely to get vaccinated
The researchers relied on phone survey data collected from adults in the four countries between March and July 2022. The surveys asked people about whether they’d been vaccinated and whether those who were unvaccinated intended to get vaccinated, as well as their attitudes toward Covid-19, their trust in different authorities, demographic information, and more.
Overall, 48.5 percent of men said they had been vaccinated, compared to 47.9 percent of women. Trust in authorities seemed to play a role in people’s decision to vaccinate — receiving information from health workers about Covid-19 and higher trust in the Ministry of Health were both correlated with getting vaccinated for men, whereas higher trust in the government was correlated with vaccine uptake in women.
Lower interest in vaccines among women seemed related to safety concerns
A smaller percentage of unvaccinated women (54 percent) said they intended to get vaccinated, compared to 63.4 percent of men. More unvaccinated women said they had concerns about the vaccine’s safety than unvaccinated men, which could be driving their lower intention.
The researchers also found that unvaccinated women and men over 40 had similar levels of intention to get vaccinated — lower intention in women under 40 may have driven the difference between men and women. Younger women could have concerns about vaccines related to pregnancy, Chen says. If this is the case, the research suggests that officials need to provide additional reassurance to pregnant people about vaccine safety, she adds.
Trust in authorities also contributed to people’s intention to vaccinate. Trust in the Ministry of Health was tied to higher intention to vaccinate for both men and women. Men with more trust in the World Health Organization were also more likely to intend to vaccinate.
“There’s a need to deal with a lot of the myths and misconceptions that exist,” Ndejjo says, as well as ensure that people’s concerns related to vaccine safety and effectiveness are addressed. Officials need “to work with trusted sources of information to bridge some of the gaps that we observe,” he adds. People need to be supported in their decision-making so they can make the best decisions for their health.
“This research highlights linkages between citizen trust in government, their willingness to get vaccines, and, importantly, the differences between men and women on this issue — differences that policymakers will need to understand in order to design more targeted, gender-specific public health interventions,” says study co-author Lily L. Tsai, who is MIT GOV/LAB’s director and founder and the Ford Professor of Political Science at MIT.
This project was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
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notwiselybuttoowell · 2 years
Governments appear to have signed a once-in-a-decade deal to halt the destruction of Earth’s ecosystems, but the agreement seems to have been forced through by the Chinese president, ignoring the objections of some African states.
After more than four years of negotiations, repeated delays due to the Covid-19 pandemic and talks into the night on Sunday in Montreal, nearly 200 countries – but not the US or the Vatican – signed an agreement at the biodiversity Cop15, which was co-hosted by Canada and China, to put humanity on a path to living in harmony with nature by the middle of the century.
In an extraordinary plenary that began on Sunday evening and lasted for more than seven hours, countries wrangled over the final agreement. Finally, at about 3.30am local time on Monday, news broke that an agreement had been struck.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo’s negotiator appeared to block the final deal presented by China, telling the plenary that he could not support the agreement in its current form because it did not create a new fund for biodiversity, separate to the existing UN fund, the global environment facility (GEF). China, Brazil, Indonesia, India and Mexico are the largest recipients of GEF funding, and some African states wanted more money for conservation as part of the final deal.
However, moments later, China’s environment minister and the Cop15 president, Huang Runqiu, signalled that the agreement was finished and agreed, and the plenary burst into applause.
Negotiators from Cameroon, Uganda and the DRC expressed incredulity that the agreement had been put through. The DRC said it had formally objected to the agreement, but a UN lawyer said it had not. The negotiator from Cameroon called it “a fraud”, while Uganda said there had been a “coup d’état” against the Cop15.
Amid plummeting insect numbers, acidifying oceans filled with plastic waste, and the rampant overconsumption of the planet’s resources as humanity’s population grows wealthier and soars past 8 billion, the agreement, if implemented, could signal major changes to farming, business supply chains and the role of Indigenous communities in conservation.
The deal was negotiated over two weeks and includes targets to protect 30% of the planet for nature by the end of the decade, reform $500bn (£410bn) of environmentally damaging subsidies, and restore 30% of the planet’s degraded terrestrial, inland water, coastal and marine ecosystems.
Governments also agreed urgent actions to halt human-caused extinctions of species known to be under threat and to promote their recovery.
The deal follows scientific warnings that humans are causing the start of Earth’s sixth mass extinction event, the largest loss of life since the time of the dinosaurs.
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lindsaywesker · 2 years
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday!
In the 1830s, tomato ketchup was sold as a cure for diarrhoea.
People who play the didgeridoo snore less.
Your inner monologue runs at 67 words per second.
Your lips are 1000 times more sensitive than your fingers.
94% of Parisians live within a five minute walk of a bakery.
79% of Britons would be happy to receive socks for Christmas.
In Tennessee, it is illegal to share your Netflix password.
Pablo Escobar – once dubbed The King Of Cocaine – once started a fire with $2 million because his daughter was cold.
Because he was so poor, Picasso burned most of his early work to keep his apartment warm.
In 1966, the Procrastinators' Club of America held a protest against the War of 1812.
In 2018, scientists accidentally created a mutant bacterium that eats plastic. “Accidentally created”? Covid-19, anyone?
The world’s first nudist colony, founded in India in 1891, was called The Fellowship Of The Naked Trust.
Only about three in ten Britons feel rested when they wake up in the morning.
'Playing chess with the pope' is an Icelandic euphemism for taking a dump.
The most common book people lie about having read is George Orwell's ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’.
There is a village in France named 'Pussy'. People who live there are referred to as ‘Pussies’.
Brazilian prisons reduce sentences by four days for every book prisoners read and write a report on.
In 2014, a pine tree planted in memory of George Harrison died after an infestation of beetles.
From 1966 to 1987, Iceland banned TV on Thursdays to encourage people to go out and socialise more.
Hangovers cost the U.S. economy an estimated $220 billion in lost productivity every year.
Music is so influential on the brain, that the type you listen to actually has the ability to change the way you think and look at the world
No need to play Six Degrees Of Separation anymore. In 2016, Facebook found that, on average, any two people are only 3.57 degrees of separation apart.
Treating a wound with maggots can save a limb from amputation. However, almost 10 percent of people would rather have their limb amputated than maggots applied to it.
‘Lord Of The Rings’ was an act of procrastination. J.R.R. Tolkien was supposed to be doing some academic work but … just didn’t feel like doing it, so he wrote ‘Lord Of The Rings’ instead!
Giant tarantulas keep tiny frogs as "pets". The spiders keep the frogs safe from potential predators, while the frogs eat insects that could harm the tarantula's eggs.
In 2017, a Kiwi tourist was detained in Kazakhstan because the immigration authorities refused to believe there was a country called New Zealand.
Braess’ Paradox says that, if you add more lanes to a road, congestion increases. For instance, in 2008, a Houston freeway was expanded to 26 lanes, and travel times increased by 30%.
In the 1980s, you had 17 minutes to escape a house fire in the average American home but, because of the flammability of modern furniture, it’s now closer to three minutes!
In 1945, following VE Day, the crew of the Canadian HMCS Uganda were asked if they wanted to continue fighting the Japanese. They became the only boat in WWII to vote to go home and leave the war.
In 2010, a couple purchased an entire town (Wauconda, Washington) on eBay for $360,000. The town came with a gas pump, a restaurant, a small store and a four-bedroom home.
In 1874, Max Planck's teacher told him not to go into physics, because the field was almost completely known and “will arguably soon take its final form”. Planck went on to make enormous contributions to quantum theory and won a Nobel Prize.
When Bill Shakespeare, the first man to receive the Pfizer vaccine, died in 2021, one Argentinian news channel got confused and announced the death of ‘one of the most important writers in the English language.’
According to a 2008 survey of sex therapists, sex is too short when it lasts one to two minutes, adequate is three to seven minutes, and desirable is seven to 13 minutes. If you’re still going at 30 minutes, most people will think it’s too long.
A hospital in Toulon, France had to be evacuated when an 88-year-old man turned up with a World War I bomb lodged in his anal passage! It was an eye-watering 18cm long and 9cm wide. The patient made a full recovery, after it was surgically removed.
In 2014, a man in China bought a first class ticket on China Eastern Airlines. He cancelled the ticket and re-booked for a different day over 300 times. The reason? So, he could eat free in the VIP lounge on each of those days.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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sunaleisocial · 2 months
Researchers study differences in attitudes toward Covid-19 vaccines between women and men in Africa
New Post has been published on https://sunalei.org/news/researchers-study-differences-in-attitudes-toward-covid-19-vaccines-between-women-and-men-in-africa/
Researchers study differences in attitudes toward Covid-19 vaccines between women and men in Africa
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While many studies over the past several years have examined people’s access to and attitudes toward Covid-19 vaccines, few studies in sub-Saharan Africa have looked at whether there were differences in vaccination rates and intention between men and women. In a new study appearing in the journal Frontiers in Global Women’s Health, researchers found that while women and men self-reported similar Covid-19 vaccination rates in 2022, unvaccinated men expressed more intention to get vaccinated than unvaccinated women.
Women tend to have better health-seeking behaviors than men overall. However, most studies relating to Covid-19 vaccination have found that intention has been lower among women. “We wondered whether this would hold true at the uptake level,” says Rawlance Ndejjo, a leader of the new study and an assistant lecturer in the Department of Disease Control and Environmental Health at Makerere University.
The comparable vaccination rates between men and women in the study is “a good thing to see,” adds Lula Chen, research director at MIT Governance Lab (GOV/LAB) and a co-author of the new study. “There wasn’t anything gendered about how [the vaccine] was being advertised or who was actually getting access to it.”
Women’s lower intention to vaccinate seemed to be driven by concerns about vaccine safety, suggesting that providing factual information about vaccine safety from trusted sources, like the Ministry of Health, could increase uptake.
The work is a collaboration between scholars from the MIT GOV/LAB, Makerere University’s School of Public Health in Uganda, University of Kinshasa’s School of Public Health in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), University of Ibadan’s College of Medicine in Nigeria, and Cheikh Anta Diop University in Senegal. 
Studying vaccine availability and uptake in sub-Saharan Africa
The authors’ collaboration began in 2021 with research into Covid-19 vaccination rates, people’s willingness to get vaccinated, and how people’s trust in different authorities shaped attitudes toward vaccines in Uganda, the DRC, Senegal, and Nigeria. A survey in Uganda found that people who received information about Covid-19 from health workers were more likely to be vaccinated, stressing the important role people who work in the health-care system can play in vaccination efforts.
Work from other scientists has found that women were less likely to accept Covid-19 vaccines than men, and that in low- and middle-income countries, women also may be less likely to get vaccinated against Covid-19 and less likely to intend to get vaccinated, possibly due to factors including lower levels of education, work obligations, and domestic care obligations.
Previous studies in sub-Saharan Africa that focused on differences between men and women with intention and willingness to vaccinate were inconclusive, Ndejjo says. “You would hardly find actual studies on uptake of the vaccines,” he adds. For the new paper, the researchers aimed to dig into uptake.
People who trust the government and health officials were more likely to get vaccinated
The researchers relied on phone survey data collected from adults in the four countries between March and July 2022. The surveys asked people about whether they’d been vaccinated and whether those who were unvaccinated intended to get vaccinated, as well as their attitudes toward Covid-19, their trust in different authorities, demographic information, and more.
Overall, 48.5 percent of men said they had been vaccinated, compared to 47.9 percent of women. Trust in authorities seemed to play a role in people’s decision to vaccinate — receiving information from health workers about Covid-19 and higher trust in the Ministry of Health were both correlated with getting vaccinated for men, whereas higher trust in the government was correlated with vaccine uptake in women.
Lower interest in vaccines among women seemed related to safety concerns
A smaller percentage of unvaccinated women (54 percent) said they intended to get vaccinated, compared to 63.4 percent of men. More unvaccinated women said they had concerns about the vaccine’s safety than unvaccinated men, which could be driving their lower intention.
The researchers also found that unvaccinated women and men over 40 had similar levels of intention to get vaccinated — lower intention in women under 40 may have driven the difference between men and women. Younger women could have concerns about vaccines related to pregnancy, Chen says. If this is the case, the research suggests that officials need to provide additional reassurance to pregnant people about vaccine safety, she adds.
Trust in authorities also contributed to people’s intention to vaccinate. Trust in the Ministry of Health was tied to higher intention to vaccinate for both men and women. Men with more trust in the World Health Organization were also more likely to intend to vaccinate.
“There’s a need to deal with a lot of the myths and misconceptions that exist,” Ndejjo says, as well as ensure that people’s concerns related to vaccine safety and effectiveness are addressed. Officials need “to work with trusted sources of information to bridge some of the gaps that we observe,” he adds. People need to be supported in their decision-making so they can make the best decisions for their health.
“This research highlights linkages between citizen trust in government, their willingness to get vaccines, and, importantly, the differences between men and women on this issue — differences that policymakers will need to understand in order to design more targeted, gender-specific public health interventions,” says study co-author Lily L. Tsai, who is MIT GOV/LAB’s director and founder and the Ford Professor of Political Science at MIT.
This project was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
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calculatttor · 4 months
Navigating PAYE in Kenya: A Detailed Guide
PAYE stands for pay-as-you-earn. It is a system in Kenya where employers are required to withhold income tax from their employees' salaries and wages and remit it to the KRA on a monthly basis. This ensures that employees pay taxes throughout the year, rather than in one lump sum at the end of the year.
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Here's a breakdown of how PAYE works in Kenya:
Employer Responsibilities:
Employers are responsible for deducting the correct amount of income tax from their employees' salaries based on their tax bracket.
They must use the prevailing Individual Income Tax Rates provided by the KRA.
The deducted tax needs to be remitted to the KRA by the 9th of the following month.
Employers are required to keep records of all PAYE Calculator deductions made.
Employee Responsibilities:
Employees are obligated to provide their employers with their accurate tax information, including their PIN.
They may be eligible for certain tax reliefs and deductions, which can lower their taxable income.
Recent Changes to PAYE in Kenya:
The Finance Act 2023 introduced some changes to the PAYE system in 2024, including:
Increased Tax Rates: The top tax rate was increased from 30% upto 35%. Kenya's new top tax rate of 35% is higher than several other countries in East Africa but not the highest. Uganda has a top rate of 40%, while Rwanda and Tanzania have a rate of 30%. This positioning can impact Kenya's attractiveness to expatriates and international businesses, as the overall tax burden influences decisions on regional headquarters and operations. Historically, Kenya's tax rates have seen substantial fluctuations. In the mid-1980s, the top tax rate was as high as 65%. However, a policy shift in the late 1990s aimed at economic liberalization saw these rates decrease, stabilizing at 30% for over two decades. The temporary reduction to 25% during the COVID-19 pandemic aimed to alleviate financial strain on individuals. The recent shift to 35% marks a significant policy turn, raising questions about its long-term impact on revenue and economic growth.
Affordable Housing Levy: A new 1.5% levy on gross monthly salary was introduced, to be contributed by both employers and employees. Another contentious aspect of the Finance Act 2023 is the affordable housing levy. Initially proposed as a 3% contribution, the final Act set it at 1.5% of the gross monthly salary, payable by both employers and employees, without a cap. This levy significantly impacts take-home pay and increases the cost of employment. The levy is non-refundable, further straining employees’ finances in a high-inflation environment.
Impact of the Changes:
These changes have sparked debate and may lead to:
Reduced Take-Home Pay: Employees, especially those in higher tax brackets, will see a decrease in their net pay due to increased tax deductions and the housing levy.
Compliance Burden: Employers may face challenges in implementing the new tax rates and levy within the short time-frame provided.
Potential for Lower Revenue Collection: Increased tax rates might discourage people from working formally or may lead to them demanding higher salaries to compensate for the lower take-home pay.
The Future of PAYE in Kenya:
The recent changes to the PAYE system in Kenya pose significant challenges, impacting both businesses and individuals. The government's need to increase revenue is understandable. However, a comprehensive review is necessary to evaluate the long-term effectiveness of these measures. Exploring a broader tax base, analyzing the impact on employee morale and economic competitiveness, and reassessing the design of the housing levy are crucial considerations. Open dialogue and strategic adjustments to the tax framework are essential to ensure sustainable economic growth and a fair distribution of the tax burden.
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sonali2345 · 10 months
From Water to Watts: Hydropower Market Analysis"
Hydropower is the process of conversion of energy from flowing water into electricity. Hydropower is a clean, sustainable, and easily available source of energy, which does not harm the environment. It is currently one of the most widely researched and used renewable sources of energy.  
The power generated by hydropower plants is from the energy of water moving from higher to lower elevations.  
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Moreover, hydropower possesses efficiency of conversion of all known energy sources. For instance, in hydropower plants, rotating blades convert kinetic energy into electrical energy, which is generated from spinning motion. Low investment cost and increase in electricity charges in the residential sector are some of the factors driving the market growth. 
COVID-19 scenario analysis 
The world has been affected adversely by the outbreak of coronavirus. Many industrial plants are shut down due to low demand. Hydropower plants remain completely operational during the recent lockdown, as electricity generation is designated as an essential service across the globe.  
Market scenario analysis 
Rapid development of renewable energy sources along with increase in environmental concern are expected to fuel the growth of global market during the forecast period. increase in focus on renewable energy sector, especially in the emerging economies such as China, India, and Brazil is setting growth trajectory of market. 
 As a result, construction of key hydropower projects, including the installation of 32 turbines and the Gorges Dam in China are undertaken and several new projects are expected to be initiated in the coming years, which are likely to drive the market growth.  
Enquiry Before Buying:   
Market drivers and restraints 
Factors such as efforts to reduce dependency on fossil fuel-based power generation and rise in number of upcoming projects particularly in the Asia-Pacific region are expected to drive the market growth. Moreover, rise in focus of governments to make renewable energy sources and reduce dependence on the highly polluting and depleting fossil fuels are expected to propel the growth of the global hydropower market. Furthermore, in the developing nations such as India and China, are anticipated to provide lucrative growth opportunities for market players.  The requirement of high capital and operational expenditures along with long gestation periods is expected to restrain the market from expanding.   
Market trends 
The 1,800 MW Grand Eweng project, which is expected to be the fourth largest hydropower plant in Africa is likely to be completed by 2024. Moreover, various other projects such as Kpep (485 MW) and Makay (365 MW) are expected to have added about 3,000 MW of hydropower capacity by 2025. 
The Government of Uganda is boosting the development of the identified hydropower sites. The country is currently implementing two hydropower projects, including Isimba (183.2 MW) and Karuma (600 MW).  Regional insights 
Region wise, the hydropower market is segmented across regions such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Middle East, and Africa. Asia-Pacific is the leading regional market for the hydropower industry. The Europe is expected to showcase moderate growth over the forecast period.  
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Key benefits of the report 
This study presents the analytical depiction of the global hydropower industry along with the current trends and future estimations to determine the imminent investment pockets. 
The report presents information related to key drivers, restraints, and opportunities along with detailed analysis of the global hydropower market share. 
The current market is quantitatively analyzed to highlight the global hydropower market growth scenario. 
Porter’s five forces analysis illustrates the potency of buyers & suppliers in the market.  
The report provides a detailed market analysis depending on competitive intensity and how the competition will take shape in coming years. 
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shadowmaat · 1 year
News of the day
I hardly do anything at all on Mastodon because not enough people I know are on there (or I can't find them). I do, however, follow the World News Bot and it has been really interesting to get my news from a variety of non-US sources. I also learn stuff that isn't necessarily covered here. Examples for the day:
Al Jazeera has an article about "movement" being detected at a South American mine, raising a possibility of survivors. Given that mine collapses are generally popular sensationalist news stories, I was surprised I hadn't heard about it. So I read the article and found out why I hadn't know.
It turns out, for starters, that the miners went "missing" back in May after a methane explosion. The miners were also there illegally, hoping to snatch whatever gold they could find, and as such their status was never reported. No recovery efforts have been attempted yet because the methane levels are still dangerously high. Personally I think this is "banging sounds were heard" scenario where the "movement detected" is likely a natural settling of the rocks/earth. LBR, the chances of surviving for over a month in a collapsed mine full of methane after an explosion are astronomically against you. At least 31 men gone, just like that.
The BBC tells me that over $1M in research samples on photosynthesis (with a look to improving solar panels) was destroyed because a cleaner unplugged a fridge. This happened in Rennselaer Polytech in NY during the Covid lockdown. The fridge was emitting an alarm beep over a temp fluctuation that the lead scientist decided was within safe parameters, but it was going to take a week before anyone could get in to fix the issue so they hung a sign explaining the problem, saying cleaning wasn't necessary in that area, and also said how you could mute the alarm for 5-10 seconds if you really needed to.
The cleaner, apparently, found the sound annoying and flipped the breaker to silence it. My wild guess is that the cleaner might not have been able to read the sign. I admit, though, that it's equally likely they read the sign and didn't care because they were annoyed. Tsk.
The newsbot is also where I read about the Kenyan death cult that cost over 300 people their lives; the rebel-led massacre of almost 40 students at a school in Uganda; the girl in Guyana who set fire to her dorm (full of indigenous girls) and killed 19 children; and about the cops in NSW (Australia) who tasered a 95 year old woman with dementia, leading to her eventual death.
It's also a good place to get "outside" perspectives on what's happening in the US. The sources may not always be "unbiased," but they at least have different biases, which can also tell you a lot.
So yeah, if you're looking for something interesting to follow on Mastodon, try @[email protected]. Or, y'know, just consider skimming through other news sources. BBC, Al Jazeera, and South China Morning Post are among the bot's sources.
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whydonate20 · 1 year
Most Successful Fundraising Campaigns Of WhyDonate
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Successful Fundraising Campaigns of WhyDonate – The nice thing about a new year is that it allows you to reflect on a completed last year: no preliminary figures, assumptions, just facts. Regarding crowdfunding data, we also look back to determine what we have achieved. Here we have mapped out the most successful fundraising campaigns of WhyDonate that can be excellent fundraising campaigns examples for you. Well, countless success stories ran through WhyDonate. That is why today, we will limit ourselves to mentioning only several notable actions for the viewers. So let’s dive into some of the best fundraising campaigns of WhyDonate!
What Are The Most Successful Fundraisers?
Most Successful Fundraising Campaigns – 2022
2022 was full of challenges, and we are delighted that we can provide a platform where anyone can find help during difficult times. Be it a healthcare cost emergency or the Ukraine-Russia war situation, we somehow managed to be the bridge between the donation campaigns and the contributors. Now there were tons of the most successful fundraisers of all time. However, we can only name a few…
Red Dirt Bakery Tour #3
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The Bake for Life Foundation aims to provide a better life to disabled people, orphans, child soldiers, single mothers and people who had to leave school at a young age to work here and learn the baker’s trade in Uganda and Kenya. They cycled 350 kilometres on dirt roads through Uganda in 6 days for their cause and raised €100,147 for their donation campaigns.
We Need A New Animal Ambulance!
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After one unfortunate accident with an animal ambulance, Stichting Nationale Dierenzorg started a fundraising campaign at WhyDonate. They aimed to buy another animal ambulance with the help of this fundraiser and save many animals as soon as possible. They have successfully raised their target amount and purchased an animal ambulance. They could not be more thankful enough for all the valuable contributions and became one of the most successful fundraisers of all time.
Help Jerry Fight MS
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32-year-old Jerry Huizinga has been struggling with Multiple Sclerosis since 2015. After he lost his running ability, his only chance was an HSCT stem cell treatment. He finally turned to crowdfunding and started a healthcare fundraiser with WhyDonate to raise money for his treatment. Jerry succeeded and raised 100% of his target amount through WhyDonate.
Stem Cell Foundation For Siggy
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Beautiful Siggy has been going through a difficult phase for the last ten years due to MS. Now, she can go for stem cell transplantation in Mexico. She raised €54K through WhyDonate and started her treatment in Mexico. Let’s all wish her good health and come back home soon.
Ukraine Refugee Assistance – STICHTING FIRST ACTION
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The Ukraine Refugee Assistance has been trying to help people get transport during the Ukraine-Russia war by donating. They are set to contribute their small humanitarian effort to handle food, water, and medicine, offering refugees no place to stay to find housing in Poland and Netherlands. With the help of the WhyDonate fundraising campaign, they have successfully procured critical medicine and supplies, including logistics arrangements for the affected people.
Most Successful Fundraising Campaigns – 2021
Support Reptile House De Aarde In Breda!
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Due to Covid 19 crisis, the Reptile House de Aarde in Breda did not allow visitors for almost six months, and as a result, they missed out on the most significant source of income. On the other hand, the costs for feeding, maintenance, energy and remuneration continued to run. The reptile house managed to raise more than €39.000 for the reptiles through WhyDonate.
Climate March 2021
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The Climate Alert was an initiative of the Climate Crisis Coalition, and it focused on important political moments in the fight for the climate. The fundraiser had goals to influence elections and create support for the movement.
Most Successful Fundraising Campaigns – 2020
IC Nurse Asks For Help!
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Maurice, an IC nurse who had helped many people during his service, was battling cerebral infarction. He started a fundraiser on WhyDonate and sought financial help for his healthcare. He managed to raise €122.762, which was used entirely for his medical need. After 13 months and many fights, he finally lost his breathing tube, could swallow again, sat upright in his chair without being tied all over, his legs started moving, and his right hand could move too. He can even brush his teeth, shave and text.
Help Extinction Rebellion Nederland
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Making it to the list of the best charity fundraising campaigns, Extinction Rebellion is willing to demand radical change by going out on the streets for climate- and ecological crises and drawing the government’s attention to them. The donations are directly used for organising impactful actions that contribute to a better world. This environmental fundraiser has raised more than €130.000 for their cause, and we stand with them to keep our planet clean and make it greener.
Most Successful Fundraising Campaigns – 2019
Will You Help With A Hopeful Treatment For Cees?
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47-year-old Cees Hummelen was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and due to metastases in different glands, there is no cure-oriented treatment possible in the Netherlands. In the past period, he had six heavy chemotherapy and lighter cycles in combination with immunotherapy. He needed funds for dendritic cell therapy, a form of immunotherapy in which the body’s immune cells are stimulated to make antibodies against the cancer cells to clean them up.
He successfully raised the required amount through WhyDonate for his healthcare and made it to the list of best fundraising campaigns. We sincerely hope that he gets better and lives to the fullest.
Most Successful Fundraising Campaigns – 2018
Sytske Foundation For New Insulin Pump
Sytske, a 34 years old woman from Amsterdam, has been fighting type 1 diabetes since she was nine. The condition was gradually making her virtually blind. She was dependent on insulin to control her blood glucose levels. Because insulin does not enter the bloodstream via administration in her skin (subcutaneously), She was dependent on an internal insulin pump which ensured that she could lead her life as usual as possible.
Three years ago, she raised €191,636 through WhyDonate, which was used for the healthcare of Sytske. Now she is a happy lady with a more excellent vision to support others who require help fighting diabetes through her foundation ‘Sytske Foundation’.
Run For Human Rights Watch 2018
Run for Human Rights Watch 2018 supported Human Rights Watch with the Run for Rohingya. It was a marathon to support human rights – Rohingya Crisis worldwide held in New York. This donation campaign raised more than €23.530 to prevent these human rights violations and made it to the list of best fundraising campaigns.
Most Successful Fundraising Campaigns – 2017
Fundraising Campaigns – Dam To Dam Loop
One of the most successful charity fundraising campaigns is the Dam To Dam Loop. The Dam to Dam ran from Amsterdam to Zaandam, with at least 50,000 participants in 2017. During 10 English miles, they outwit each other.
“Right To Play” was the official charity of the Dam to Dam loop. This international development organisation wanted to impart essential knowledge and skills to children in disadvantaged areas through sports and play. But they were not the only charity for which they could walk. As always, there were a large number of charities that could run for a good cause. For non-professional runners, running for charity has the advantage that they can start directly behind the professionals for each charity in a group context. The condition is, of course, that they have collected the required sponsorship money!
Fundraising Campaigns – Rollator Race
To purchase a 4-person bicycle, a spectacular Rollator Race was held on 23 September. Participants in the fundraising campaign were all people who needed the walker daily. At Zorgerf Buiten-Stay, there was a great need for a bicycle for four people. The bike was required to be able to take those who were no longer able to cycle themselves. Since there was no budget for this, it was decided to take action to become one of the most successful fundraisers.
The fun action was started via the WhyDonate website. A Rollator Race was held on September 23. The turnout was large, and the proceeds from the charity campaigns were more than sufficient to purchase a bicycle for four people. Yet again, proof that crowdfunding indeed works. Many donors were pleased with this promotion, so enough money was collected quickly. It was one of the most thriving charity fundraising campaigns for the fundraisers.
Final Words!
We will, of course, mention only a few fundraising campaigns examples, but they were all successful charity fundraising campaigns regarding the importance of causes and meeting the targeted fund. Let us all ensure that the upcoming years will be great ones to reflect on. So let’s get started! Check the WhyDonate website regularly for more charity campaigns and to see if promotions are being organised that make you feel comfortable. Let us all stand together and be a part of more considerable changes.
Check Out Our Best Fundraising Campaigns Now!
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sueheaven · 2 years
TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) Market to Witness Excellent Revenue Growth Owing to Rapid Increase in Demand
Advance Market Analytics released a new market study on Global TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) Market Research report which presents a complete assessment of the Market and contains a future trend, current growth factors, attentive opinions, facts, and industry validated market data. The research study provides estimates for Global TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) Forecast till 2027*.
TVET (technical and vocational education and training) is a type of education and training that prepares people for work. Formal, non-formal, and informal learning are all used in TVET. TVET is widely acknowledged as a critical tool for achieving social fairness, inclusiveness, and long-term development. Vocational training lineups a group of professionals traveling abroad to either learn more about their profession or teach local professionals about a particular field and provide charitable service in their area of expertise.  COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected the global economy. The impact of a pandemic on the education industry is worth mentioning. As the funding education industry was already various consciences, the sudden occurrence of COVID-19 has boosted the hindrance significantly.
Key Players included in the Research Coverage of TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) Market are:
TasTAFE (Australia)
Wagons Learning (India)
Nakawa Vocational Training Institute (Uganda)
Empserve (Kenya)
Ceader Nigeria (Nigeria)
Vanessa Grant Trust (Kenya)
Tech ME (Nigeria)
GRET (France)
FAWCO (United States)
The Kenya Red Cross Society (Kenya)
Namati (United States)
Welthungerhilfe (Germany) What's Trending in Market: Technological Development Such as Online & Blended Learning, Tele-Education, and Others
Opportunities: Rising Funders Expenditure and Collaboration with Government Bodies
The Emergence of New Technologies Will Impact the E-learning Landscape
Market Growth Drivers: Increase in Unemployment Rate
High Population Growth Rate
The Global TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Application (Individual, Enterprises), End User Industry (IT-ITeS, Insurance, Logistics, Food Processing, Telecom, Apparel, Electronics & Hardware, Agriculture, Green Jobs, Management and Entrepreneurship & Professional, Construction, Healthcare, Hospitality, Others), Funding (State-led Funding, Social Partner Funding, Demand-led Funding), Offering (Vocational Training, Scholarship, Village Scholar and Grants, Fellowship, Internship) To comprehend Global TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) market dynamics in the world mainly, the worldwide TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) market is analyzed across major global regions. AMA also provides customized specific regional and country-level reports for the following areas. • North America: United States, Canada, and Mexico. • South & Central America: Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Brazil. • Middle East & Africa: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Turkey, Egypt and South Africa. • Europe: United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands and Russia. • Asia-Pacific: India, China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia. Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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centenarybank · 2 years
Lack Of Honesty Will Kill Online Shopping In Uganda Experts
Be in charge of your health journey with this fantastic voice-controlled electric treadmill. It's perfect for a house gym and has an LCD display so you presumably can view your heart fee and pace vary in real-time. Black Friday is amongst online shopping the greatest - if not the most effective - online shopping events of the year. Traditionally marking the beginning of the Holiday shopping season, Black Friday officially begins on the Friday after Thanksgiving.
Ask your cabin crew for a duplicate of our magazine or simply browse the merchandise on your ice inflight entertainment. When you’re ready to buy, pay by card or use contactless payment like Google Pay and Apple Pay. For hygiene causes we’re not capable of open or show the merchandise in the intervening time, however you may get a closer look at some of the merchandise in their show packing containers or see our demos on EmiratesRED TV. “This campaign also comes at a time when the 12 months is coming to a detailed. It presents the opportunity to replenish for the festive season, with discounted prices on varied gadgets including family goods. We are excited that our customers will get pleasure from decreased costs, shopping convenience and an early festive season with dfcu and Jumia,” he commented.
A new global survey reveals that Internet customers are increasingly involved about their online privateness, and that forty nine p.c of users polled say lack of belief is their main reason for not shopping online. According to StarTimes Uganda PRO, Cleopatra Koheirwe, this app is to advertise ease entry online shopping to their merchandise as the shoppers keep secure throughout this COVID-19 interval. In this text, I would like to share with you eight methods to get one of the best value when shopping online, and even offline, in Uganda in 2021.
Get one of the best deals on smartphones from all the popular manufacturers like Nokia, Samsung, Infinix, Tecno, Apple and a complete lot extra. If you wish to get a high-end or pocket-friendly smartphone, we give you fashionable smartphones like the newest iPhone X, iPhone XS, iPhone XS MAX, and Infinix Hot 6. For these on a finances, you presumably can select from our pool of finances smartphones such as Tecno Camon CX, Nokia 3310, Sony Xperia XZ Premium and Sony Xperia XZ. With this background, it now is sensible online shopping for everyone beginning their own venture to look at peers and companies that have seen success from online buying and selling to learn from them. In Uganda, maybe probably the most well-known success story of them all is Jumia. It is an plain drive when it comes to e-commerce-selling every thing from clothes to residence equipment, meals, drinks, home equipment amongst different issues.
Once you could have your card, there isn't any want to attend for further software of a loan. Enjoy environment friendly cashless transactions with real time reconciliation and easy monitoring with this funds platform. Return insurance policies are often uncared for by patrons, but a return policy gives you the comfort of returning a product you haven't appreciated.
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mainsram · 2 years
Quinton quarantino
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The team had been met with skepticism from experts who questioned whether they had the capability to pull of such a mission at a time when governments, corporations and charity groups were rushing to get their citizens and employees out of Afghanistan on whatever aircraft they could. The organizers had said they were seeking to rescue 300 people who, along with their families, were “at imminent risk of being executed by the Taliban.” Those who were evacuated, Marcus said, were women, children, humanitarians and others “who’ve been fighting for the greater good in Afghanistan for a long time,” as well as their families. they don’t deserve what their future holds if they stay in Afghanistan right now.” “We’ve shed the political divisions in this situation and really come together from all walks of life to rally together and save these people because. “I don’t know what word to use besides miraculous, because it’s restored a faith in humanity,” Marcus said. Saraya International, a global development firm, and the Rockefeller Foundation, which both provided organizational support for the flight to Uganda, as well as another company involved with the evacuation, confirmed to the AP that the flight was chartered by the emergency collaboration financed through Marcus’ Go FundMe campaign. “It’s beyond humbling that they have that faith in me, that they’re willing to put significant amounts of money into hands that I trust,” Marcus told The Associated Press. More than 121,000 people had donated to the campaign after Marcus made an appeal to his 832,000 followers, making it one of the largest humanitarian fundraisers in GoFundMe’s history. On Wednesday, their mission “Operation Flyaway” helped ferry 51 people from Afghanistan to Uganda on a privately chartered plane financed by the GoFundMe campaign. Quarantino is the alter ego of 25-year-old Tommy Marcus of New York City, previously best-known for his liberal memes and his jokes about opponents of COVID-19 vaccinations.Īlong with his followers, Quarantino raised $7 million within days on GoFundMe to launch rescue missions into Afghanistan to evacuate as many people as possible, many of whom said they had been threatened by the Taliban. withdrawal from Kabul made it to safety with help from an unexpected place: Instagram influencer Quentin Quarantino. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated.ĭozens of desperate Afghans who had been trying to flee the Taliban before Tuesday’s deadline for the U.S. This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated.
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cytrust · 2 years
Part time manager jobs near me
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✓9779+ Part Time jobs in Uganda added today! ✓Salary from USh. including full-time jobs for those seeking to advance their careers and part-time jobs for.
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Īpple will not discriminate or retaliate against applicants who inquire about, disclose, or discuss their compensation or that of other applicants. Not sure what the hell your manager is thinking, how to ask for a raise. Discover your career options with our job search tools for Duke Energy and Piedmont Natural. of individuals committed to changing the world one community at a time. Learn more about your EEO rights as an applicant (Opens in a new window). Explore non-profit career and job opportunities at the Red Cross to help fulfill. For career opportunities, please apply online. Costco ranks as one of the top 10 drug chains nationally and we currently operate more than 480 pharmacies, employing 1,800 pharmacists. Pay Rate: 16.70 / hour Shifts: Must be available for 1st, 2nd and 3rd shifts Days: Must be available for any days The Security Flex Officer is responsible for the.
We give them ownership of their processes, so they can motivate. Costco is currently seeking Licensed Pharmacists to fill positions for pharmacy managers and full time, part time and relief/floating pharmacist positions. Bring your insight, imagination and healthy disregard for the impossible. We take affirmative action to ensure equal opportunity for all applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, Veteran status, or other legally protected characteristics. Our Fulfillment & Operations Managers manage the heart of the Amazon shopping experience. Search, find and apply to job opportunities at Google. You have 3+ years experience successfully managing social media channels ideally at a consumer or healthcare company. Apple is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to inclusion and diversity. Social Media Manager (Part time) Evernow.
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mubahood360 · 4 years
Weasel, girlfriend Teta welcome new baby girl - UGNEWS24
Weasel, girlfriend Teta welcome new baby girl – UGNEWS24
Singer Weasel Manizo and his girlfriend Teta Sandra have a new baby.
According to the Goodlyfe Crew singer, the baby was born on May 16, 2020.
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The mother Teta is a former Miss Rwanda (2014).
They named the baby Maria Mayanja shortened as Ria as her dad expects her to become a star.
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calculatttor · 4 months
Navigating PAYE in Kenya: A Detailed Guide
PAYE stands for pay-as-you-earn. It is a system in Kenya where employers are required to withhold income tax from their employees' salaries and wages and remit it to the KRA on a monthly basis. This ensures that employees pay taxes throughout the year, rather than in one lump sum at the end of the year.
Here's a breakdown of how PAYE works in Kenya:
Employer Responsibilities:
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Employers are responsible for deducting the correct amount of income tax from their employees' salaries based on their tax bracket.
They must use the prevailing Individual Income Tax Rates provided by the KRA.
The deducted tax needs to be remitted to the KRA by the 9th of the following month.
Employers are required to keep records of all PAYE Calculator deductions made.
Employee Responsibilities:
Employees are obligated to provide their employers with their accurate tax information, including their PIN.
They may be eligible for certain tax reliefs and deductions, which can lower their taxable income.
Recent Changes to PAYE in Kenya:
The Finance Act 2023 introduced some changes to the PAYE system in 2024, including:
Increased Tax Rates: The top tax rate was increased from 30% upto 35%. Kenya's new top tax rate of 35% is higher than several other countries in East Africa but not the highest. Uganda has a top rate of 40%, while Rwanda and Tanzania have a rate of 30%. This positioning can impact Kenya's attractiveness to expatriates and international businesses, as the overall tax burden influences decisions on regional headquarters and operations. Historically, Kenya's tax rates have seen substantial fluctuations. In the mid-1980s, the top tax rate was as high as 65%. However, a policy shift in the late 1990s aimed at economic liberalization saw these rates decrease, stabilizing at 30% for over two decades. The temporary reduction to 25% during the COVID-19 pandemic aimed to alleviate financial strain on individuals. The recent shift to 35% marks a significant policy turn, raising questions about its long-term impact on revenue and economic growth.
Affordable Housing Levy: A new 1.5% levy on gross monthly salary was introduced, to be contributed by both employers and employees. Another contentious aspect of the Finance Act 2023 is the affordable housing levy. Initially proposed as a 3% contribution, the final Act set it at 1.5% of the gross monthly salary, payable by both employers and employees, without a cap. This levy significantly impacts take-home pay and increases the cost of employment. The levy is non-refundable, further straining employees’ finances in a high-inflation environment.
Impact of the Changes:
These changes have sparked debate and may lead to:
Reduced Take-Home Pay: Employees, especially those in higher tax brackets, will see a decrease in their net pay due to increased tax deductions and the housing levy.
Compliance Burden: Employers may face challenges in implementing the new tax rates and levy within the short time-frame provided.
Potential for Lower Revenue Collection: Increased tax rates might discourage people from working formally or may lead to them demanding higher salaries to compensate for the lower take-home pay.
The Future of PAYE in Kenya:
The recent changes to the PAYE system in Kenya pose significant challenges, impacting both businesses and individuals. The government's need to increase revenue is understandable. However, a comprehensive review is necessary to evaluate the long-term effectiveness of these measures. Exploring a broader tax base, analyzing the impact on employee morale and economic competitiveness, and reassessing the design of the housing levy are crucial considerations. Open dialogue and strategic adjustments to the tax framework are essential to ensure sustainable economic growth and a fair distribution of the tax burden.
For more info. Visit us:
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