#uf group fitness
mblue-art · 11 months
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late halloweeen dooodleee
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another-clive-blog · 10 months
Alright you know what I can't stop thinking about that last ask, so I'm just going to share my favorite French UF funfacts and then call it a night lol. They aren't like crazy stuff but I like them (or not, but that's kind of the point snfdfjn) <3 I must first say that French Unwound Future is REALLY close to the English version. Names are identical (The only name change I know of is the blonde guy from Pandora's Box I think, because I haven't seen anyone here call him Vlad) and so are plot points : the only thing really different is the dialogs !!
SO !!!! Small list of my favorite (or not.) changes in the French version !!
Layton :
NO ONE agrees on how to pronounce his name :') Typically in French it would be "Léton" (English = Laytonne), but since le Destin Perdu is very influenced by English… Oof lol. Team Laytonne = Layton, Don Paolo; Team Létonne = Luke, Clive, Dimitri. FIGHT
On a very related note, French version kept "gentleman" :o Although gentleman can be used in French, the word "gentilhomme" also exists. I think this is because gentleman refers more to a way of life but that could be me. Anyway NONE of them knows how to pronounce it 😭😭 "Geantleumanne"/"geanteulmanne" kbejvyd
"Puzzles" become "énigmes" (riddles). Cela me rappelle une énigme…
Layton and Don Paolo share the same voice actor, voice acting veteran Martial le Minoux. I love his work honestly, nothing more to say except that he is a perfect fit. 10/10
Luke !
He is SO weirdly rude in French- like he is insulting people but with formal old school words ?? "You're a real piece of work" becomes "Vous n'êtes qu'un vaurien" (You're a scoundrel/good for nothing). At the casino instead of saying "We gave them a taste of their own medicine" he goes "Quelle bande de poltrons" (What a group of cowards, but like coward said by a 1940s grandpa lol). Why so much hatred in your heart boy-
He has the less dialog changes so there isn't much else to say :/
He and Flora share a voice ! It suits Luke very well (energetic and passionate), although I think the English one is better. 8/10
Flora :
She sounds less confident in French :( More "frail Victorian orphan who has every disease", which may sound fun but. Yeah. 7/10
She does roast people like a queen 👌 "That was quite ill-mannered of him. Still that was an awful thing he did, right Professor ?" becomes "Quelle brute mal élevée ! Mais ce qu'il a fait est vraiment affreux. Je mérite des excuses, non, Professeur ?" (What a rude bully ! Still what he did was really terrible. I deserve an apology, don't I Professor ?) Like she KNOWS he's in the wrong and she is getting that apology kdjvdkx
Also works with getting left behind !!! "What am I supposed to do ? Sit here like a lemon and wait ?" -> "Qu'est-ce-que je suis censée faire quand vous m'abandonnez ? Compter les mouches ? Comme c'est amusant. Et quand je dis amusant, je veux dire pas amusant du tout !" (What am I supposed to do when you leave me behind ? Count flies ? How fun ! And by fun, I mean no fun at all !)
Why is everyone so fed up in French lol
Clive : (Sorry I KNOW he is the longest but also this is a Clive blog. Don't be surprised about me obsessing over his dialogs lol)
French version doesn't call him "Future Luke" but "Adult Luke", which is very funny because you know they felt the need to tell people "This guy isn't a 16 YO" njekfzb
He has the most changes in dialog, and some of these changes are freaking brutal lol
For example, he doesn't say "Please, make yourselves comfortable. Sit back and relax. After all, you won't be leaving any time soon". (You don't like that but you can't stop me). Instead, he says "Allons, mettez-vous donc à l'aise. Ouvrez grand les yeux. Après tout, le spectacle promet d'être grandiose." (Please, make yourselves comfortable. Keep your eyes wide open. After all, the spectacle is sure to be a grand one) French Clive is a goner, that guy is Robespierre or something
"Though some may call it revenge, I prefer to think of it as justice" -> "Certains parleraient de vengeance, mais il s'agit en réalité de justice" (Some may call it revenge, but it really is justice). Denial is a river in Egypt 👍
It works both ways tho !! Like he doesn't say "I- I see" after Claire tells him that scientists were to blame too. He goes "Je- merci" (I- thank you). My heart is broken
His acting is… not that good. I think this was like, the second role his VA has ever had, and it shows. Overdoing it A LOT. Positive point is that I really like his voice, even though his acting lacks experience. 5/10 would be interested to hear him redo it
There is ONE exception to that tho, and it's the defeat scene- if you had to watch one French Clive scene absolutely go for this one. Overdoing it kind of works in that scene + there is my FAVORITE dialog change. "It can't end that way- it won't end that way" becomes "Je ne peux pas échouer- je ne dois pas échouer" (I cannot fail- I must not fail). Chef's kiss 1000/10 and most definitely the reason why I have a weird obsession with modals in my writing lol
Uuuuh this is getting quite long so I won't put the others. Maybe next time, if there is a next time (I am an undecisive unhelpful person <3). For now I should go to sleep it is 3 in the morning lol
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minijenn · 14 days
To be fair, the "Mystery Kids" canon equivalent ("Mystery Twins") only came up in one episode, at which point Dipper was like "Please don't call us that", so I can see it staying as an out of universe nickname for the group in this case.
Yeah and again, kids irl don't typically come up with some silly nickname for their friend group. I know me and my friends did it. Plus, while there are still plenty of mysteries for them to solve, they are cut back a bit from the ones in old UF so the name is a little less fitting tbh
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againtodreaming · 1 year
Firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)
@lyloneliness you send the first ask but also @mavr4xx @vinylbiohazard @ghostsinacoat @yumaisbored you also asked this too and omg i love u all but also, why do you do this to me 😭😭😭 i was already struggling a lot to think of 5 things with the first ask (and i still haven't even gotten to the tag game of this), and now I have to think of TWENTY-FIVE?!? ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚ (plus 5 more if I end up finding the tag game again plus the ability to think of 5 more...)
Anyways, thank you so much for the asks (´,,•ω•,,)♡ ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊♡ (even if they are the hardest asks I have done in my life 💀) (it was interesting and fun tho 🌟) you are all awesome 💖🌟💞 now here we go:
(25 things here in the same post bc…not sure I just started doing it after @ all of u and I am doing this draft in my phone and separating this in the other asks i still have to look for is too much work) (apologies for the length, the further i got, the longer some of the answers became😅)
1 - My hair (used to be really thick and my mom used to make this amazing hairstyles almost every day when I was a kid—there was one that was a huge rose made of braids or smth, the hairpins were awful and it took so long but it was so pretty, I think my mom even made it for the wedding of one of her friends, anyways I lost maybe more than half of my hair when I was like 15, stress probably, and then I decided to cut it even below the shoulder—first time in my life it was so short—bc I was so mad with it but also bc I had zero energy to even try to take care of it by that point. Grown back until like my mid-back—used to have it like waist length before—by now and now I got maybe a little more than half of the hair that I used to have at 13 which is a lot better than it was at 15 and hopefully it gets back to what I used to have in a couple of years more, but for now it's enough to start playing with it and doing braids)
2 - Open-mindedness
3 - Creativity
4 - Patience
5 - That I'm an older sister
6 - Uf, how do I explain this one—like, empathy? kindness? feeling things deeply? putting yourself in the other person's shoes and being considerate of that? being too sentimental? which can be really annoying too but I wouldn't trade it so...
7 - That I can talk really fast
8 - Being expressive
9 - Always thinking things through
10 - Confident in my likes? (okay, so this one feels complicated, but for example, when I was a little kid, 6 or 7 years old probably, I loved superheroes, but my classmates in my all-girls school were like, that's for boys 😒, and I felt horrible bc that was just another thing in that i didnt fit in with everyone else and i always wanted to fit in, but somehow—which looking back feels weird bc who even knew i could be surprisingly confident in some aspects—was that i never thought i was in the wrong for liking superheroes? Like, yeah, I always wanted to fit in and I felt bad that I didn't, but even with all the social insecurity I was constantly plagued with, I never felt like I was in the wrong for being myself or that I should change myself or pretend to like stuff I didn't just to fit in (that strategy didn't even cross my mind until I was…can't be sure, it was somewhere in the last few years in this country, it was either a documentary, fiction, or the group therapy, but the idea of actual people in real life doing smth they didn't agree and had no purpose except to fit in was like: 🤯!?!!?!?!) (I didn't handle it that well either to be fair, if I wasn't with my friends i just decide to hide during recess and/or to not speak at all with anyone, until I changed schools) (I liked the 2nd school better). I assume that in my head I was like: "shame that I'm not like all of you but what can you do, I'm me ╮(╥﹏╥)╭ "
11 - I'm usually also all or nothing with almost all things? Like, for example, math. I don't like math, it has always been the class I struggled with the most and all my math teachers in Peru were really strict and thank goodness that my dad loves math and really good at it or I would have been lost without someone to explain it to me. But last week, my parents got an email from my math teacher who was telling them how proud she was of me and how I always strove to understand everything and there was some implication that I did it bc I liked what I was learning, which like, I mean, I like geometry a lot more than algebra bc it's simpler, and I don't exactly hate it, but I certainly wouldn't do it for pleasure. At all. And yeah, I ask her about everything I don't understand (she insisted to the whole class to please ask her anything if we needed help, so i had permission; if she wasn't available tho, I just would have asked my dad or a friend who is good at math to explain it to me) and ask her to show me exactly what I did wrong and what would be the correct answer but all of that is bc well, if I'm going to do well in the class, I need to understand what I did wrong in order to fix it, and like, math classes always build on each other, so if I don't smth I will later have problems with it, and also like, I'm already stuck with the class whether I like it or not, if I'm going to do smth, I'm going to do it well. Which is smth my mom has complained a lot of times, especially during last school year when I had a lot of late assignments bc I was too anxious about doing any of them bc I was afraid of doing it wrong or bc I didn't have the energy to think clearly so I wouldn't be able to do my best so like yeah…I ended up not doing the assignments at all (this is the part that I hate about this all or nothing thing with me, but let's focus on the positive side right now). Or with projects, I once stayed awake until like 5 am like several nights straight to do a project for economics class which like…I decided to make my own illustrations for each slide of the ppt to illustrate the information on top of doing the reading and answering the questions stuff…and I was already in a hurry with it bc I didn't know the school put assigned summer readings in the school's website (it was my first year in this country and nobody had said anything about it the year prior, plus it was quarantine time) and the teacher gave me a few extra days bc I still needed to hurry up in reading the book so yeah, I should have done smth more simple and fast to just submit it and get a grade but it wouldn't have been doing my best, not even near my best and I was already compromising on some stuff to not take too long since there wasn't too much time for my initial ideas so…yep. The teacher loved my project tho (and gave me a 100 even tho it was one day late) and asked if she could use it for her class of next year soooo…totally worth it. But yeah, i was sort of confused that Geometry teacher thought to send an email like that when I have only been trying to understand the concepts I am assigned to learn?
Thinking, thinking, thinking….you know what, I want to put my height in here just annoy my sister (she would be all dramatic annoying fake pitying dramatic gasp about it and would drag the younger ones to her side of the argument) but she wouldn't even see it plus I don't actually care about heights (I just care that she's annoying about it almost daily) so that would also be a lie so another thing….you know what, i already got 11 in one morning, coming back to this later
12 - Okay, so I hate all my health problems, absolutely hate them, so annoying and expensive and restricting and confusing BUT—how do I word this…it has 2 parts…umm…okay, so I'm really familiar with the clinic in Peru I used to go all the time and, okay I hated having to go to the clinic so many times, especially towards the end, but I liked being familiar with it? Like, the people, the sense of a community, the building, the routine. It was probably more familiar than my schools since I changed schools a few times while the clinic was there ALWAYS (until we moved countries and I never expected to miss the fucking clinic but it happened which wtf but also makes sense which also omg mila (ノ◇≦。) but also, the medical system was definitely easier and less expensive than whatever the fuck they have going on here, plus not having all our usual doctors, so there is also a practical reason aside from me unreasonably missing everything that was familiar including things I didn't even like much). That's the first part. Second part is that it has brought…lessons ig. Like, idk, it's been a huge formative part of my life. About health and food and family stuff and experiences. Like, I hate having the health problems (they are A LOT better now than when I was younger as long I do some things to keep it that way, but yeah, really grateful for that) but also, I don't really know who I would be without those experiences? Changed the whole family too so like…idk, it's weird but felt worth mentioning.
13 - That I'm really curious and like learning.
14 - Sense of style
15 - Loyalty—to people (like, even swallowed down all my shyness and anxiety to try to reconnect with some childhood friends I hadn't talked in forever bc moving countries and depression thing) (going well, really happy that we are talking again) but also like to interests and values ig? Like, most of my likes (superheroes, anime, drawing, maybe writing but not sure about that one, all started before I even turned 8 y/o) and like, aside from maturing and a couple of things, I don't think I've changed much at all. I have never stopped liking smth I used to like anyways.
16 - Openness ig? Like, I never want to be a bother so it depends on the person and the history i have with them and sometimes on the occasion, but I never really had any problems asking for help or speaking about my problems or feelings
17 - My handwriting when it's not written in a hurry
18 - My attention to detail
19 - Not getting mad easily—which is you know good with being an older sister too bc like...my dad is really annoying (but like jokingly annoying) and a lot of times bc of it (or some other times other family members) my sister and my mom get mad about some small comment they take seriously and then they get angry and leave the table or living room or whatever and then it's like all awkward bc the mood got broken (which also, a little hypocritical especially bc the sister also loves to be annoying in purpose with everyone of us) but unlike them, the middle sister and me like...we don't really care much about it? We are usually the ones that get more teased by the others but it's like, smth one therapist didn't understand, which was so annoying wtf did setting boundaries had to do with my siblings being annoying, I don't care that they are annoying bc it's like, we usually get along well (presently; there used to be constant fighting between 2 of them we were little but they are better now) and they have always been annoying but it's like, a game, I know they are not serious about the matter. I can be annoying back if I feel like it and it's all in good fun. The only times I don't like it it's when it's actually serious, with you know, intention to hurt or being passively aggressive mad about smth, stuff like that. Point is that yeah, it's also good for sibling diplomacy bc I'm rarely the one getting mad with the other ones.
20 - That I like dogs
…I can't think of 5 more. Uf, let's see…okay, getting desperate here but—
21 - That I'm Peruvian
22 - Good at cooking
23 - Good at planning
24 - My self-awareness
25 - That I like to be more positive and hopeful about things in general I think? (myself is usually an exception) Constant argument with my sister bc she can be so pessimistic sometimes. Like, life is already hard enough as it is, having fun and connecting with people makes things more enjoyable, so why not try to focus on the bright side whenever possible and make things better. She thinks I'm naive, I know I can be naive, but also, if I have to live I'm going to enjoy it bc what's the point otherwise. Generalizing things doesn't help. I think.
Thank you again and I hope you are all doing well <33
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rkhemlani · 1 year
Sweet Treat (Bonus) Blog Post for June 21st - Free Day/Last Day/Farewell Dinner
SWEET TREAT BLOG POST. Ok our last day was too good to not post. First, Nico and I woke up to meet Leina and some others downstairs to get Shinkansen tickets for our trip back to Tokyo to go home. There were some technical difficulties, but with Leina’s help we were able to sort them out. I called Vishnu and made sure he woke up to get ready to go to the beach, which was his idea but he’s a HUGE sleepyhead so I wanted to make sure he was ready. I also wanted Eliza and Sam (girl) to come as well but they went to Starbucks and had their own day, which was cool, but I wish they were there. The group met downstairs around 10:15-10:30 and it consisted of Nico, Vishnu, Xander, Chelsea (who was skeptical about going, but we all knew she was gonna come), Aulora, Julie, Casey, and myself. We headed onto the train for about an hour to Omimaiko, which was located on a massive lake. Kyoto is pretty much landlocked, so it was the only cool looking beach that wasn’t like four hours away. We got there and were lost for a little bit, but then eventually set our things down on the sand. Casey and Chelsea went on their adventure to find a coffee shop or bathroom or something, but they ended up finding a better spot with beach chairs in front of some restaurants and stalls. In the meantime, Vishnu, Nico, and I jumped into the water and though it was cold, it felt nice as it was extremely refreshing. We chit-chatted, laughed, and reminisced on the trip. We headed over to meet up with Chelsea and Casey and we sat down on the chairs and had some drinks. Eventually, Sam (boy), met up with us and he brought a bunch of drinks which was really nice of him. We were sitting down on the beach chairs when suddenly two of them snapped because there was too much weight on them, which was really funny. We ate lunch at a Hawaiian themed restaurant, which reminded me of the restaurant in Fifty First Dates, the movie with Adam Sandler. We then headed back to Kyoto around 3 to get back around 4, with enough time for everyone to get ready for our farewell dinner. It was interesting walking to the dinner because it was located right next to the clubs that we would frequent during the nighttime. The dinner itself was wholesome as we told jokes and attempted to try and get drinks but failed. Some people left, but the restaurant prepared a surprise desert for Vishnu and Sam (boy) because it was their birthdays while we were on the trip. We headed back to the hotel for a sweet night of drunk Uno and Concentration, which we played in our room. Surprisingly we fit about 15 of us in our room and the night was going well until Vishnu got up to leave to go to the onsen around 1:30. Nico and I started to tear up a bit because it hit us like a truck that we wouldn’t be able to see each other until the fall most likely. Slowly, people started to trickle out of our room one by one and it got more and more emotional. We hugged and said our goodbyes. Eventually Uncle Sebastian walked into our room at like 3:30 in the morning to say his goodbyes as well, which was incredibly emotional because he won’t be at UF in the fall because he is graduating. Damn. What a trip with such strange, yet amazing people. I definitely made more friends than I had imagined prior to the trip and I truly hope we keep in touch in the future. Shoutout the Prime Ministers of Japan. 
P.S. I'm on the Shinkansen now, I'll post pics when I have better service.
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alightgainesville · 2 months
Discover Convenient Student Housing Near UF at Alight Gainesville
Looking for top student housing near the University of Florida? Discover Alight Gainesville, where comfort and style meet just minutes from campus. We understand the importance of location, and our apartments offer easy access to both the university and local attractions. Our one and two-bedroom student apartments are designed specifically for UF students. Enjoy a vibrant neighborhood with dining, shopping, and entertainment all within walking distance. Join a community with regular social events, study groups, and recreational activities. Flexible leasing terms fit your academic needs. For more details, visit Alight Gainesville at https://alight-gainesville.com/.
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zacharyja · 5 months
Tuesday, May 7th. 2024
Shibuya, Harajuku and Meiji Shrine
Today began same as yesterday waking up at 7:30 with breakfast at 8:00, we then began the day after our class meeting by walking to the train station to make our way to Shibuya. Today was a bit of a rainy day so umbrellas proved to be a necessary tool to accompany our journey. Once in Shibuya we walked out of the station and were greeted with the famous Hachiko dog statue memorializing a dog who would routinely wait for his owner to return from work via the train every day, however one day his owner passed away while at work but nonetheless Hachiko continued to wait for his owner, showing up to the train station at the same time every day awaiting his return. This turned into a symbol of loyalty and determination and was made into a statue to cement these values represented by the dog that are so important to Japanese society.
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We then walked over and viewed the famous “Shibuya scramble crossing” which is a street crossing where all of the lights turn red at the same time and allow for pedestrians to walk across the road in all different directions. This is the busiest crossing in all of Tokyo, with an estimated 1,000-2,500 people crossing every 2 minutes. It was pretty insane to see so many people walking across the street all at the same time, almost imitating an ocean with waves of people flowing every which way.
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We then spent some free time in Shibuya and some friends and I decided to head over to a One Piece store, carrying merchandise from the popular anime series. Across the way in the same building was a Japanese record store carrying cds and vinyls of many hard to find bands.
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After this we walked around Shibuya for a bit longer before heading over to Harajuku to explore the district, and ended up walking through the vibrant, albeit touristy Takeshita street where we browsed the many trendy clothing shops and remarked at the dog, cat, hedgehog, otter, pig and owl cafes.
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We stopped by Mcdonald’s for lunch to see how it compares to American standards, and I must say both the quality and flavor were better in Japan. I got a Samurai cheeseburger combo meal which was doused in some sort of soy sauce-based sauce.
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After eating we walked around some more and ended up stopping by a crepe place as this area is known for its quality crepes, where I ordered a strawberry cream crepe with a chocolate drizzle which was fantastic.
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After this we met up with the group and walked a few minutes to the Meiji Shrine. This shinto shrine was made to venerate the late Emperor Meiji, who ruled Japan during the 19th century and led them through the transition to becoming a modern state.
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After learning about the shrine and spending some time walking through the area we began our free time for the rest of the night and some friends and I made our way back to Shibuya to do some more sightseeing, however on the way out of the Meiji shrine by sheer coincidence we ran into a man who was wearing a Gators shirt who was none other than Brandon Spikes, who was, before becoming a professional NFL linebacker, a college hall of fame linebacker for the University of Florida, which is fitting to run into a group of UF students in a foreign country.
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Once we were back in Shibuya I wanted to go to a massive store called “Mandarake” which has a multitude of different collectible items for sale ranging from manga, to figures, and retro video games. We spent a while browsing this store which seemed to have infinite aisles with too many products to possibly comprehend. I ended up buying a Junji Ito manga since i’m a fan of the disturbing artwork that he’s famous for.
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After this we went to see the Nintendo store in Tokyo, which happened to be on the same floor as a Capcom store and Shōnen Jump store so we browsed around for a while and did some window shopping. I enjoyed seeing the products and the Mewtwo display was very cool as well.
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After this we made our way back to the hotel and took the train for about 14 stops to get to Yushima station from Shibuya Station and then walked about 5 minutes to get to the hotel. After resting for a while some friends and I decided to head to a small sushi bar for dinner. The place was only about 10 feet by 4 feet and consisted of a bar with about 7 stools and a man behind the counter preparing food and serving drinks. I ordered the special roll of the day which was a tuna and avocado roll with spicy soy sauce. The roll was very tasty and priced very well, it was also fun watching the chef prepare the rolls right in front of us.
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After dinner some friends and I walked around the area exploring and then made our way back to the hotel after a while.
Academic Reflection
After reading the article "Wink on Pink" talking about Hello Kitty and the sentiment of "Japan's gross national cool" I was able to go into Shibuya and see the lasting effects of this firsthand. This showed me just how much of an impact popular culture and this newfound coolness has had on shaping the world of Japan that I know of today, which is likely much different from what it looked like many years ago before they were essentially able to reshape their image. The seemingly endless amounts of stores and merchandise for sale reflected the status of Japan as a cultural powerhouse. This was even more prominent when visiting the actual Sanrio store, which was shocking to me to see how many people are actually into Sanrio properties such as Hello Kitty, as there is really no actual background or depth to the characters other than the fact that they are cute and trendy. Which surprises me that people have attachments to these characters when there is essentially not much to attach on to aside from their appearance and synthetic kawaii "cuteness". When reading the second article, I was pretty intrigued to hear that there was once a major push to turn Japan into a Shinto state, as they were unhappy with the popularity of Buddhism because it had come from India, which was a foreign area and they wanted to maintain Japanese homogeneity. This came to my mind when I was visiting the Shinto Meiji shrine, which was dedicated to Emperor Meiji. I was also shocked to hear that Meiji ascended to the throne at age 16, which seemed extremely young for someone to be considered an Emperor. Though he did not actually have much power, as he was too young to handle the responsibility. It was also very interesting to actually walk around the courtyard of the shrine and walk where many people had walked so long ago.
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linaasca · 1 year
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Attending SwampCon was my first ever convention experience! I only stayed for 2 hours but it was PACKED with people and I was able to experience everything that I wanted to. I didn't want to go alone, as I didn't know how to navigate a large convention like this and also didn't want to be seen alone. So I kidnapped a group of 5 of my friends, some who adore anime, and others who haven't watched a single thing, and took them to SwampCon. Upon arrival I ran into a friend from class who was volunteering and knew her way around, so I played duckling and followed her around.
One of the main things I wanted to visit was all of the artists and vendors who had set up earlier. Many of them were students attending UF and some were adult locals in Gainesville. I even one of the vendors that was selling earrings from UCF, so I guess people come from all over the place to these things. My friends who do watch anime was happily surprised at all of the art available (there was some pretty talented artists) but then couldn't buy some things as they were too expensive. As a non anime watcher, my friend and I bought some flower dinosaur stickers instead. I also enjoyed the specimen table and questioned how they got some of the things they were selling (coyote skull and multiple exotic animal hides). In addition to the art fair, we strolled on over to more of the vendors. What confused me is why we had to be 18+ to get it, because as I was looking around at all of the shops, none of them had anything that was censorship worthy. But yet again, maybe I wasn't looking all that hard as I didn't really have an interest in spending money. When walking out of the vendor section, I was JUMPSCARED by a GIANT Mimikyu. There was an actual person in there, but I literally don't know how they fit in there; either walking around on their knees or on all fours. It started making weird noises at me so I had to take a picture with it.
After that we went upstairs to the cafeteria to eat as we were all starving and went too late to eat at the maid cafe, which I heard wasn't that good and they had ran out of food. But as we were eating, we people watched all of the other convention go-ers. The pattern I noticed was the unexpected ratio of people dressing casual to people in some type of cosplay, and I believe it was around a 1:10. Whether it was just makeup, or wig, or a handheld object, or an entire handmade costume, I was definitely outnumbered. I thought after watching a lot of anime in this class I would recognize some of the cosplays, but sadly that wasn't the case. The only people whose costume I understood was the Akatsuki from Naruto. We left shortly after that as there wasn't anything else we wanted to do. I was curious about attending a panel but we would have to wait until sundown which I wasn't about to do.
On the topic of fan culture and fandoms, it is so present that people are so invested into this lifestyle. Everyone is bonded by a common love and feel so comfortable dressing up and acting goofy with each other in character. As an outsider seeing into the community, I can respect what they've created for themselves. I saw multiple people go up to some cosplayers and ask for pictures, which increases the cosplayers popularity and therefore their cultural capital. It's not surprising that people can make an actual living doing this and traveling the state selling their own works, accumulating real capitol. Although this lifestyle is not for me, I can respect the people who it is for, as long as it doesn't get too disturbing or they act out on it.
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realaussiesolar · 2 years
The Best Solar Panels in Queensland
Queensland is a great place to install solar panels as it receives an abundance of sunlight year-round. This means that your panels will often produce more energy than you need, and in return you will receive a 'feed-in tariff' (FiT).
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For best solar panels in queensland, it is best to opt for north-facing solar panels to maximize your output. These panels will typically produce around 5% more electricity during the day than south-facing options.
SunPower has been around for a long time and they have some of the best solar panels on the market. Their Maxeon series panels are some of the highest efficiency solar panels you can buy, converting more sunlight into usable electricity.
They also have the industry best 25 year power warranty and if a panel fails they will replace it hassle free. They also have an Australian office so if you are in the middle of a warranty claim you can easily get help from someone local to you.
They use interdigitated back contact technology and a tin-copper metal system that makes them stronger than standard panels. This means that they are very efficient and can withstand the harsh Australian climate.
Jinko is one of the largest and most innovative solar panel manufacturers on the planet. It manufactures silicon ingots, wafers, cells and modules.
The company has offices in Australia and is a great option for Australians looking to install a solar power system. This ensures a local presence and better customer service.
They have a wide range of products including their Cheetah series which are the cheaper panels and the premium Tiger series that offer industry leading technology and warranties. They also have a strong track record for reliability on solar projects here in Australia.
JA Solar
JA Solar is one of the world's largest solar panel manufacturers. They have a range of residential, commercial and utility scale modules in stock.
Among their best features, JA Solar has a 12 year product warranty and a 25 year performance guarantee. This is a good combination of coverage and value.
JA Solar use PERC (passivated emitter and rear contact) technology in their panels, which is an excellent technology for improving power output and efficiency. They also use half-cell configurations, which are a big improvement over traditional monocrystalline panels.
Panasonic is one of the best solar panel manufacturers in queensland. They manufacture a wide range of high-efficiency solar panels.
They also offer a great product warranty, which gives you peace of mind that the solar panels will work as expected in the long run. They also include a feature that enables rainwater to drain off the panels, which can prolong their lifespans in areas that get a lot of rainfall.
They also have a unique heterojunction technology that includes both crystalline and amorphous solar cells. This combines the best of both worlds, and allows the solar cells to retain more energy than conventional crystalline panels.
Hyundai is a well-established solar panel manufacturer that's part of South Korea's Hyundai Heavy Industries Group. They produce competitively priced tier 1 modules for Australia's residential market, available in the SG, VG & UF Series with PERC shingled cells; up to 400W.
They offer a 25-year product warranty and 30-year performance warranty, which is one of the longest in the industry. This is a major step up from the standard 10-year or 12-year product warranty that most Chinese manufacturers provide, which makes it a good choice for Australians seeking long-term confidence in their solar panels.
They also use a shingled cell design, which allows more solar cells to be covered on the surface of the module, improving efficiency. This eliminates the need for bus bars, which can increase light exposure and reduce power output.
Trina is a solar panel manufacturer that offers one of the best values in the industry. They also provide great customer service and have a head office in Sydney to support their customers.
Founded in 1997, this Chinese company is a worldwide leader in PV modules and eco solutions. It has more than 800 approved patents and a 50 GW+ company-wide production capacity.
Trina is a top 5 global supplier and has been ranked as one of the world most bankable solar panels installation Brisbane manufacturers by Bloomberg New Energy Finance. Its highperformance and reliable solar panels are sold throughout the world, including Australia.
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sarahkinglove-blog · 7 years
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cayenne-twilight · 4 years
Professor Layton Iceberg Explanation
As I said in the tags of the original, the iceberg I made was a meme consisting of both real theories and satire/parodies/fandom memes. If anyone is interested, I can work on an unironic version that only has real theories.
Buckle in because this post is LONG and heavily saturated with lore and information.
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Actual theories
Parallel universe 1960s where the world wars didn’t happen. There’s an unused file in Curious Village that shows the year as 1960 and the time machine from UF is set to 1973, ten years into the future. The series canonically takes place in an undefined time period (hence the technological inaccuracies and fantasy elements), but it’s based off the 60s. There’s more evidence but we don’t have time to go over every little thing. I linked my “no wars” theory below but TL;DR the outdated airplanes and underdeveloped medicine in the Layton series imply that the world wars may never have happened. https://cayenne-twilight.tumblr.com/post/632205992162099200/outofcontextdiscord-timegearremix-zonosils-war
The real meaning behind the statue in Future London. In UF, the purpose of the statue is to spark Layton and Luke’s conversation about their friendship. Luke is stressing out about moving overseas and sees himself and the professor in the story behind the statue, but in the bigger picture, Clive must have been the one to commission it. Some theorize that the little boy is Clive and the man is either his father or the professor. One idea I’ve seen is that Clive wishes he could be Luke for real, while another is that he wishes he died ten years ago, and another is that he’s literally terminally ill explaining why he doesn’t care about consequence. Personally, I think “the boy succumbed to his illness” refers to his mental illness seeing as he wanted the professor to save him from his madness as he saved him all those years ago.
True location of Monte D’Or. there are no deserts on the British isles to my knowledge, so it makes the most sense for Monte D’Or to be in Southwest USA where English is the default language, they have a desert, and there exists a city famous for flashy hotels, casinos, and entertainment. What makes it odd is that nobody ever mentions overseas travel, and all the major characters are from England.
Loosha’s origins are not explicitly explained if I remember correctly, but the implication was that her prehistoric (supposedly) species was sealed away along with the garden, allowing them to survive all the way to the time of LS until Loosha was the only one left. The garden provided a good habitat and protection from predators, and it’s logical that they’d slowly die out anyways, but there’s no explanation of any specific factors that led to Loosha being the last.
Beasley is not a bee I wrote a post about this one as well, but TL;DR Beasly lacks several defining bee traits whilst having several human ones. He is not human, yet, by definition, not a bee. It’s possible that he is the result of Dimitri’s testing, but whatever his untold story is, he remains an enigma of nature. https://cayenne-twilight.tumblr.com/post/632381715250282496/theory-beasly-isnt-a-bee
Subject 2’s identity is currently unknown. There is a subject one (parrot) and subject 3 (rabbit) so there has to be a second. For a long time, people suspected Beasly to be him seeing as he’s a bit of an amalgamation and definitely not a regular bee (see above). After the release of LMJ, though, people began to suspect Sherl, the intelligent hound who could speak to certain people but not others. That being said, it’s possible for one to be subject 4. Sherl’s memory of a bright flash matches up with subject 3’s memory of being electrocuted. They never explain why the animals were being experimented on, but it was probably Dimitri making sure the conditions of his machine were safe for humans before reliving the incident from ten years ago.
Lady Violet died from the plague from DB. There’s no evidence for this or anything, it’s just an idea. People say she died from the flu but I don’t remember them saying that in the game, at least the US version. Extending off my “no war” theory: it’s theorized that the Spanish Flu was spread by the travlelling soldiers, so if that’s true, it’s possible for the epidemic to have been averted for some decades. Maybe the Spanish Flu reached England later than in real life. The hole in this is that DB’s plague must’ve been close in time to 1918 while Violet’s death was much later, so it would’ve had to stick around.
Bill Hawks is working with Targent and Arthur Cantabella. There was a force in the shadows buying the time machine technology from Bill. Someone with a ton of money who helped him cover up a freak accident and get away with it completely, a feat that involved shady means like violence by hired thugs. Some theorize that it was Targent, seeking power over time in exchange for a little mafia magic. The Labarynthia project was sponsored by the UK government, so as the PM, Bill must’ve known about it. He probably supported dubiously ethical, high stakes (witch pun) psychological experiments like Cantabella’s and helped him stay in the shadows.
All the NPCs in St. Mystere and Folsense are dead. I make fun of this type of theory later, but they’re admittedly captivating. I’m pretty sure the canon in CV is that the villagers are Bruno and Augustus’s OCs that they made robots of and built a town around, but it’s more interesting to think that the village was there before, and the townspeople died of a plague and were replaced like Lady Violet. In Folsense, there really was a plague and they never explain the NPCs there. They’re either real people who appear way younger than they are due to hallucinations (even the ones who already look old ?), or they don’t exist at all, which is pretty spooky. This part of the story is a gaping plot hole. In a similar vein to CV, the edgy yet plausible theory is that they used to live in Folsense but died of the plague and now live on as hallucinations.
Hershel seeing everything as a puzzle is a coping mechanism for all his trauma. This was a joke but I thought about it for more than five seconds and it makes way too much sense.
Plot holes and unexplained questions that we like to overthink because it’s fun
The downfall of the Azran was vaguely explained in canon by people being so greedy that it lead to the civilization collapsing. It’s not a stretch to imagine that happening, but it would’ve been more interesting with a little more detail.
Layton and Luke are programmed to routinely forget how to walk. I didn’t know whether to list this in the joke section or not, but it’s odd that the characters actively participate in the walking tutorial (as opposed to showing a little memo to the player) as if they didn’t know how to before, especially when they go through this several times a year.
The truth behind Pavel. He’s simply a joke character who teleports, is a polyglot (sort of, at least he wants us to think he is) and is mega confused all the time. He’s a fun character to make crack theories about because of his cryptic nature that even he doesn’t seem to understand.
Miracle Mask deleted scenes. The first trailer for MM featured animations that were not in the final game. One was the Randall falling scene, except in a slightly different style than the one we know. Others were completely foreign, like Layton and Luke pacing across a theatre stage as if Layton’s about to expose someone with a dramatic point. Cut content and “could’ve beens” are always curious to think about.
Evan Barde: secret mastermind. Arianna and Tony’s dad is a mysterious character who died under mysterious circumstances. I think the canon is that his death was a genuine accident, but concept art of him making a creepy evil face suggests that maybe he originally had a larger role in the first drafts of LS than the finished game.
The secret to how Paul and Des pull off their disguises is unclear and will remain unclear. There is no plausible explanation for their shape shifting. Unless Paul is just a little dude wearing a human suit like that one Wizard of Oz species and Des is the best quick-changer ever and hides his naturally feminine legs under his cloak.
Alfendi’s mom. When LBMR came out people scrambled to piece together who Hershel had a kid with, but there’s no way alfendi is his biological son. This happened with Kat as well and her biological parents turned out to be brand new characters, so I’m sure Al will get an adoption backstory if his arc continues, be his parents old major characters or nameless, faceless NPCs.
Granny Riddleton and Stachenscarfen are omnipotent deities. Idk which section this fits best under, but these two characters have some serious power. At first introduction, they’re implied to be robots, but they appear everywhere in later games. They follow the Professor wherever he goes and assist him on his adventures, GR collecting puzzles and housing them by some odd magic, and Stachen teaches you how to walk. They both introduce and supervise the gameplay. By extension, I guess this idea could apply to Albus as well in the prequels. GR and Stachen even had the power to appear in LMJ, something no major character could do. I consider them akin to the velvet room attendants from the Persona games.
Clive’s kill count is a vague subject in the game for the sake of keeping it PG. I don’t know if anyone’s ever mathematically estimated the damage he caused, and I sure don’t want to try, but the game appears to push the idea that he didn’t kill anyone at all, saying they stopped him in the nick of time and things like that, even though we watch him raze the city. If they ever want to bring him back post-time skip, I can see them twisting it so that the mobile fortress cutscene wasn’t a linear sequence of events, but instead a compilation of scenes over the course of hours so that London neighborhoods around him could be evacuated and have it make sense. Knowing Level-5, it’s more likely that they wouldn’t think this deep and do something more lazy, though.
Memes and references
Post-time skip Flora is real references the famous L is real theory from Super Mario 64. Like Luigi in SM64, Flora was also a highly anticipated character who didn’t appear in a new game, in this case LMJ or LMDA. In the end, Luigi did become real in the DS port so hopefully Flora is real will be realized as well.
Hershel can’t read is a veteran fandom meme referring to how in the first few games, especially Curious Village, Layton asks Luke to read every document out loud for him. Perhaps this was an exercise to improve Luke’s reading skills and independent thinking, or perhaps he was just too lazy or preoccupied to do it himself, but this grew into the joke that our genius Professor was actually illiterate this whole time.
Layton’s smash invitation is hidden in PLvsAA. It’s no secret that the fandom would kill a man to get the Professor into the smash brothers franchise. In PLvsAA one of the puzzle artworks features a goat eating a familiar white envelope with a red stamp, sparking the joke that either Layton or Wright got the invitation their respective fans desired, but it got lost along the way.
The science board is the mysteriously vague organization Don Paolo got kicked out of for the crime of being evil. It’s the epitome of liberal arts majors and art school graduates trying to bs their way around not knowing any science and failing miserably. “He was very good at all the sciences, but then the CEO of science told him to stop because he was using the power of science for evil science”. They do this again when “Dr. Stahngun” describes his time machine what with the soolha coils and whatnot.
Hoogland is death cult initiation is a parody of “Mario 64 is Freemason initiation” which is ridiculous, just like the creepy human sacrifice subplot of AL.
You can see the reflection of someone watching you in Aurora’s eye references the famous, creepy Talking Angela theory. In retrospect it would’ve been funnier if I said Angela instead of Aurora.
Every copy of Professor Layton is personalized references the famous “every copy of Super Mario 64 is personalized”
Clive’s fat ass in HD is a meme that originated from the announcement of UFHD, saying that half of the excited fans wanted to cry again while the other half were simply attracted to Clive. If we want to enter real bottom-section-of-the-iceberg-chart territory then let’s say Clive’s character has some sort of psychological siren properties that draw people to him like a magnet and/or Harry Styles.
Things I pulled out of my ass for shits and giggles
Infinite hint coin hack: I’m sure a tech savvy cheater could hack the game for infinite hint coins, but there’s no easy or interesting way. I don’t know why someone would do that though, considering a lot of the hints suck and there are puzzle guides on the internet.
Cringy, unused Randall villain monologue. This joke is derived from the actual scrapped MM content as well as deleted content being a popular element of iceberg charts, but it’s sadly not real. Would’ve been hilarious, though.
Last Specter Puzzle 031: Light Height tracks and records children’s intelligence level. It doesn’t, but it’s always fun to make fun of arguably THE most ridiculously difficult puzzle in the franchise. (Seriously, do they expect 7+ year olds to know trigonometry???)
Hershel struggles with tea addiction. Hershel from the games drinks tea in moderation, but the manga begs to differ. He has a tea set in the Laytonmobile, and an attempt at teatime while driving causes him to crash.
Folsense is a metaphor for Alzheimer’s. This is inspired by those edgy kids’ show theories where everyone’s in hell or something, but nobody has ever said this.
London Life is reality and the plot of the games is all in Luke’s head. That’s one way to fill every plot hole. How funny would it be if Luke made up crazy characters and stories based off his fellow townspeople Sharkboy and Lavagirl style. “This dude who lives in a castle and asks people to give him all their money for nothing in return is a vampire from 50 years ago involved in a tragic love story”.
Secret ending encoded into Tago’s Head Gymnastics. It’d be crazy if there was, and Dimitri would hound Tago for the secret to time travel. If you didn’t know, the Layton games started as an adaption of Akira Tago’s puzzle series, except they decided to add a story to make it more interesting and marketable.
Daily puzzles datamine your DS. I’m bad with technology but is it even possible to datamine a DS??? Idk, but I think my DS lite from 2008 is safe.
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fencesandfrogs · 4 years
hi my name is matthew and i have some thoughts about haes
okay disclaimers: i’m a little jumpy around the subject so while i don’t feel i’m being unnecessarily harsh/unfair, if ur firm on haes w no yielding, and you don’t want to argue about it? either skip this or don’t respond. i don’t really care. but i’m putting the body under a read more.
[3k words, 10 minute read. sections headers, some text italicized for emphasis/some readibility. no images/videos, a few links.]
second disclaimer: i’m not planning on going heavy on sources. i will happily provide sources to people who want them, and i haven’t written the actual post yet but it’s unlike me not to cite anything, but doing an in depth well researched and sourced post on this type of subject is not something i’m up for right now.
like i said, i’m jumpy around this subject. and on the off chance someone decides this post is Bad and i must be banished to the Bad Blogs Bin, i’d rather not put a lot of work into it.
third disclaimer: i’m not particularly interested in reading X study that says actually no people who way 700 pounds are healthy and people who weigh less than 200 are going to die early deaths. i know that’s a straw man i needed to a) get it out of the way now and b) i just am tired all the time and don’t have a ton of itme for it. that said, if you do send one to me, i will probably read it at some point, and i may or may not provide my thoughts.
right then. moving on.
with no more waffling, my thesis is as follows: weight stigma is bad, however obesity is killing people and i really would like people to stop pretending it doesn’t.
i. really hate that that’s a controversial opinion. i mean i hold a decent number of somewhat controversial opinions, most of which i keep to myself because i’m a firm believer that what i think about something should not interfere with how other people live their lives. as a noncontroversial example, i think mormons are in a cult. children, being minors, being indoctrinated is a problem, one i myself am not dedicated to solving because i have other issues but as far as adults involved, that’s their business.
(*please note that i’m not expanding on my thoughts because this post is about haes but i do have a more complicated opinion i’m just trying to demonstrate something please don’t at me about cults i know that they’re bad and adults in them also need help getting out that’s not the point of this post & i’m anxious enough so like, please.)
anyway so. obesity. is bad. it is bad for your health. if you are obese, you are not healthy. that said, i am not going to tell you to lose weight. no one should tell you to lose weight except for your doctor and maybe your immediate family, and that should be from a place of “you are not living your best life and i care about you.” i, an internet stranger, along with pretty much everyone you know, does not get to tell you about how terrible your life is and what a horrible person you are for existing, because you are not a bad person for being overweight. you do not deserve discrimination or mistreatment. even if you’re not actively trying to lose weight. it doesn’t matter. you are a human being like any other and i will fight like hell for you.
i’m not planning on going heavy into eating disorders because a) that’s a triggering topic for me and b) it’s going to muddle the point i’m getting, but since it is a large part of the arguments re. haes, it’s certainly going to come up, so i’d like to list the officially recognized eating disorders.
Anorexia Nervosa (AN)
Bulimia Nervosa (BN)
Binge Eating Disorder (BED)
Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorder (OSFED)
Rumination Disorder
Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)
Unspecified Feeding or Eating Disorder (UFED)
Other (aka “we are considering making this its own category but for matthew’s purposes it fits into AFRID or UFED well enough because the details aren’t important”)
so yeah. we’ll circle back to this.
section one: haes
haes initially stood for heatlh at every size. that doesn’t really matter anymore because people say healthy at every size now, however, the distinction is important. because.
okay. when i say being obese makes you inherently unhealthy, i am not saying you are having health problems for being overweight. i am saying you have a chronic illness. i have asthma. that makes me inherently unhealthy. i don’t necessarily have an health problems because i am asthmatic, but i have a chronic illness and it certainly would, say, make me more likely to die from covid. that is a fact. saying healthy at every lung functionality would not change that.
but you know, i can still be active and like smell plants and interact in the world like anyone else. i just try to keep my inhaler near by.
so similarly, if you are overweight/obese (i’ve been saying only obese because its less letters so i’m sticking with that), you can, like, live ur best life and take care of your health. you can feel good about your body and eat good food and move and again, i really don’t want anyone reading this to feel that i think everyone who’s obese needs to lose that weight because adults can do whatever they want.
what i’m angry about is that a good thing (encouraging people to make good choices no matter what so they can feel good in their bodies) got turned into a bad thing (telling people they don’t need to change what they’re doing because they’re perfectly healthy).
section two: but what about...?
see my third disclaimer. but as a fast rundown of things i probably won’t talk about in detail later:
the obesity paradox is a specific thing about a specific type of illness in the elderly. it’s also not about obesity, it’s about being slightly overweight. it’s a complicated thing, but it’s not true most of the time
sumo wrestlers have major health problems as soon as they stop exercising like crazy.
did you know there are countries where girls are force fed to become overweight? diet culture goes both ways
if you want to say healthy at every size, you have to mean that every. that means you are not allowed to say shit about underweight people. i’m sorry, is someone you care about wasting away? are they 5′10 and weigh  90 pounds and their hair is falling out because they aren’t eating? i’m sorry, you said people are healthy at every size. you can’t make fun of skinny people. you have to suck it up because you can’t have your cake and eat it too.
section three: self care
a hypothetical that is blindingly obvious to where i’m going: if a small child wants to play with a knife, are you caring for them by giving into it? what if they want to drink some vodka? what if they want to run away from home to live with a stranger in a white van?
i really really hope all those answers are “no, you’re neglecting that child, and also possibly actively harming it.”
so my point is pretty obvious: giving yourself something because you want it does not mean you are caring for yourself.
you know what i want  to do all the time? sleep and rewatch twilight every day. but that makes me feel worse. so even though it’s terrible and i hate it, i have to take care of myself (because there is only one of me that i ever get) and go outside and talk to people and eat something that isn’t popcorn because you need protein to live.
(sorry i tried to keep nutrition out of that but i have to actively seek out sufficient salt and protein due to my campus doing a lot of low sodium food, which is bad when u actually need to eat a good amount of salt to keep ur body working, and also i’m vegetarian. so i’m constantly making myself seek it out.)
that doesn’t mean self care is always supposed to be work, but i mean. i’ve always not really gotten into it. i think because i’m hella depressed and i’ve been depressed long enough i can recognize it as this separate entity when it comes to a lot of the mental stuff. like, why do i feel like everything is meaningless? that’s just the depression.
but i digress, this isn’t about me. [proceeds to talk about me again]
one phrase i like a lot for myself is “bad food makes me feel bad.” now, i’m not a fan of putting moral judgements to food. but this works for me, personally. sure, eating a bunch of ice cream right now is good, but it’s going to suck when my stomach flips the fuck out because of all the sugar. and so it seems quite obvious to me that eating that ice cream is not, in fact, caring for my body.
and i think we’d collectively be a bit better served if we could learn to distinguish between self-care and self-kindness. ask anyone who does caregiving (childcare, nurses, etc): it is hard, often thankless (at least for children they’re devils who don’t realize that their toys will get wrecked if they don’t pick them up) work. you care for them not by doing what they want, but what is best for them.
section four: diet culture
as i’ve already played my hand up above with underweight vs haes, i think it’s kind of obvious that i have strong feelings about underweight not being healthy also. so i just want to take stock of what is and isn’t diet culture, and what i think about it. this is probably the most subjective part of this essay.
things i think are diet culture
people trying ridiculous diets. obviously diet culture in the purest sense. it’s real dumb. you need all the food groups to live. sometimes it’s okay, like cutting out sugar, but i’d say its a net negative
not trying to do lifestyle changes. that’s the sustainable way to lose weight. so. yeah.
weight cycling. actually still up for debate if this is bad. this paper says no, along with a lot of others, but i’m not sitting down and reading through all of them, and all of the ones that say its bad, to offer my opinion. i’m leaning towards “it’s better than nothing,” but we’ll see
a lot of other stuff i’m doing this off the top of my head and trying to avoid issues w eating disorders so.
things i think aren’t diet culture
women being pressured to look a certain way. that’s been going on for a long time. being skinny used to be bad. it’s a fact of the patriarchy.
most things? idk i have this impression that like, anyone exercising or eating healthy is a part of diet culture, when in reality, people just have different lifestyles. (also, again, if you’re going with haes, as in HealthyAES (hyaes?) you can’t call it unhealthy or you’re not respecting that damn E)
in conclusion: diet culture has issues, but the correct response to them is not “fuck you, i’m eating fourteen pounds of sugar.” eat fourteen pounds of sugar because you want to. (also it should be fat because if you really want to stick it to the man you should be eating fat, big sugar is responsible for a huge amount of todays dietary problems, both on the under/overweight side)
section five: discrimination
yeah no fuck people who discriminate about fat people. that’s all i’m just moving along to a transition since i was drifting away from my point about health.
section six: weight stigma
...is not responsible for your health issues. being obese is. accept the consequences of your lifestyle.
well. okay. that’s a little unfair. accept the consequences of not treating your chronic illness. and i feel i’ve probably lost people for calling obesity an illness but that’s the whole point of my post.
just like carrying externally heavy objects hurts your joints, so does carrying a lot of weight inside. fat does not cushion your organs, it kills them. getting rid of weight stigma will not make these issues go away.
the treatment for obesity is eating the number of calories you need to sustain a healthy weight at your current exercise levels. (*please consult with your doctor this is more complicated when you have to lose a lot of weight.)
section seven: cico. or, why your metabolism is fine
your body does not break the laws of thermodynamics. it cannot magically create more energy out of a given amount of calories.
there are issues with calorie counting, yes. i think it’s usually done in an unsustainable way that isn’t teaching people to make decisions, just to do math. it can be hard to get an accurate count.
but you are not a miracle of science. you have not discovered how to create and destroy energy. i’m sorry to be the one to break if to you.
if you don’t believe me, if you’re really sure your metabolism is different, go on and get it tested. tell your doctors. because it’s a major problem if it’s not working right.
similarly, i’m sorry, but if someone is the same height as you and a (very, like, +- 50 pounds) different weight, and neither of you have exisitng health conditions, you are not eating the same things/doing the same exercise. you have not broken the laws of physics.
possibly, one of you have untreated celiacs or something of the ilk meaning your body is actually malfunctioning. but if that’s true, i excluded you already, so shoo. get out of here and play in the sun with the other kids.
if you don’t believe this, there’s not much i can do to convince you. but i encourage you to count your calories for a month. find some tdee calculators. weigh yourself. make sure you count everything, it all goes down. check the math. (you can do any amount of time but a month is what you need for weight to be meaningful imo otherwise you’re just proving weight fluctuates a lot).
section eight: cico. or, why counting calories is not disordered eating
it can sure be a symptom of disordered eating, and it can certainly make disordered eating worse, but it isn’t an eating disorder.
also, assuming you’re not trying to verify the laws of thermodynamics, i don’t think counting every calorie is necessary. i have approximate values (500/meal, and around 300 in snacks), which i try not to go over or under.
yeah. i actually use calorie counting to make sure i’m eating enough in one sitting. some of my medication screws with my apetite and then i only eat like 300 calories and suddenly its like 11 and i need to go to bed but i’m hungry but eating before bed makes me feel terrible and it sucks.
but hey, according to some people, avoiding that is unhealthy.
okay i’m moving on before i get salty because the next section is touchy
section nine: eating disorders.
the three main eating disorders are listed way up there. they’re the first three. AN, BN, BED.
oh, yeah, binge eating? that’s actually disordered eating too. it’s not normal.
i’m not going to elaborate on the point because i absolutely know i can’t do it without getting really fucking angry that people call calorie counting disordered eating, like i haven’t watched a fifth grader eat one meal a day because she’s scared she’s overweight. like i haven’t watched a sixth grader cram food into his mouth until he’s sick because he’s worried he’s not bulky enough for sports. like i haven’t watched an eleventh grader tell me he hasn’t eaten anything since lunch yesterday, but it’s fine, he doesn’t want his mac and cheese anyway, since he needs to lose weight.
you think someone keeping track of some numbers is an eating disorder? then either you’re lucky enough to never have to deal with eating disorders on a personal level, and i’m very happy for you, or you have, and you should maybe reevaluate that.
alright i’m cutting myself off now whoop.
section ten: intuitive eating
you know, much like haes, i want to like this. it fits in with my bad-food-makes-me-feel-bad mentality. i’m angry and tired and hungry because i ate like, a late breakfast/early lunch and now i need to eat again because if i don’t eat every six to eight hours i have a medical condition that makes me feel like shit (an aside: unless you’ve been told by a doctor, you don’t need to eat every 2-3 hours. unless you’re a child or have an applicable medical condition, you can probably eat one meal a day and be firne.)
but much like haes, it now has a meaning i can’t in good consience endorse. i can’t stand for a movement that tells people who acknowledge weight makes their joints hurt that they just need to keep eating until they feel better.
section eleven: conclusion
i have a lot more thoughts but again i’m hungry. i meant to talk more about IE and my problems with it but maybe that will be its own post.
i won’t say i’m happy to talk about this because i can’t promise i am (see: eating disorder issues.), but i will most likely respond to constructive discussion if someone sees this and wants to. i can also provide sources. i hate going, “sources available on request” but i tried to provide some stuff for some of the heavily disputed/i already had a source for it and didn’t have to dig through google scholar to find information that’s been peer reviewed.
and i do sincerely wish everyone, at any size, that they fracture the disconnect between them and their bodies (oop didn’t talk about that either another time then) & that they find peace with who they are, and that they get to live happy & fulfilling lives.
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ratsoh-writes · 4 years
I don’t think I’ve seen this one before but if it’s been asked before just ignore it lmao. So. UT, UF, US, and HT boys play dnd. Who’s the DM? What are their classes? Alignments? What stereotype do they fill? Who has absolutely no clue what they’re doing/what’s going on?
Alright! As the resident experienced campaigner, honey will gladly DM for everyone! He’s done both and actually really enjoys DMing so this is perfect for him
Sans: he plays the bard. Sans likes being the lazy guy singing in the background to buff up his party. Plus bards can be quite scholarly which fits sans character. He’s that one guy who can truly stick to the spirit of true nuetral.
Sans actually will wind up enjoying the game. If honey ever invited him back to play he’d say yes .
Papyrus: he likes the idea of being a classic knight but doesn’t want to be tied down to any ideology. Papyrus winds up playing the fighter! He also plays chaotic good. He’s a good biy, not he doesn’t give a sh*t about your rules lol
He’ll pick up the rules of DnD fast enough, but papyrus doesn’t ever go out of his way to play again.
Star: he’s already done some DND campaigns before with honey and won’t mind humoring his brother again. Star plays the perfect rouge. He’ll pick an archetype that allows him to whip up a few magic tricks as well. He likes being chaotic nuetral. It’s more fun if you get to be bad sometimes
He only plays if honey needs an extra in his group.
Red: he wanted the guy who does the most possible damage with just a big stick, so barbarian it was! Red would’ve gone evil, but honey put up a fight about it so he huffily made his character lawful nuetral. Spoil sport.
Red has no desire to try DND again. He had fun because some of his friends were there but that’s the main reason
Edge: he wanted a blend of pointy stick and magic, so edge played as the paladin. He also thought all the nuetral guys were going to mess things ups so he played lawful good. Gotta keep everyone in line.
Edge kinda sucks at staying in character and don’t really enjoy it. He won’t play again
Oak: he played Druid because that’s the one where you make friends with animals. Also the party needed a magic user. Oak also played chaotic nuetral since he wasn’t sure how that worked, but he did know that if someone tries to rob his character, he won’t be merciful.
He had no idea what was happening the whole game and ended up letting honey play for his character while he messed around with red half the time lol
Willow: he also started as a fighter but multiclassed to cleric after sans almost died for the 4th time. They really needed a healer lol. Like papyrus, willow played as chaotic good.
If honey invited him, he won’t mind making DND night a regular thing. He definitely enjoyed subtly sabotaging edge’s character lol
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vex-bittys · 4 years
Have you heard of the Myers-Briggs personality test? If so which lamias would be suited to each type (if you look up 16personalities quiz you’ll find the types in groups of four to make it easier)
*Alright, after much careful thought and assessment of their unique characteristics, here are the Myers-Briggs personalities of each lamia bitty:
Papython (UT!Papyrus): ENFJ (The Protagonist) 
Corny (UT!Sans): ENFP (The Campaigner) minus the energy
Krait (Gaster): INFP (The Mediator)
FireRing (Grillby): INTP (The Logician)
Honey Bo (US!Papyrus): ISFP (The Adventurer) without the adventures
Pygmy (US!Sans): ESFP (The Entertainer)
King (UF!Papyrus): ISFJ (The Defender)
Coral (UF!Sans): ISTP (The Virtuoso)
Chain (SF!Papyrus): ISTJ (The Logistician)
Mamba (SF!Sans): ENTJ (The Commander)
*Some of the decisions didn’t fit perfectly, but if you want to read more or take a Myers-Briggs personality test yourself, visit 16personalities.
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narcissasdaffodil · 3 years
(I tried to ask and accidentally uf you sorry lol)
Kitchen and Living Room for Marisol!!! ♥
No problem, thanks so much for the ask! I don’t usually answer these things anywhere near as quickly as I’m doing now, but I’m really bored and trying to avoid writing my next chapter, so these are useful for that purpose. I love getting requests in general anyway x I’m adding in a lot of my own headcanons, there’s two fic verses to take from for her.
What is the character’s favorite food?
-Her favourite fruit is pineapple, she loves ham and pineapple pizza. Also tortilla de patatas. She likes a lot of traditional Spanish food, she tries to stay in touch with her culture that way. She’s half Spanish but was born in the UK, her dad is a chef so she grew up trying his dishes. She doesn’t have one favourite dish, she has a lot of favourites.
Are they good at cooking? How good/bad?
-She used to help her dad in the kitchen when she was younger, he taught her to cook. Her siblings weren’t interested in the slightest, and she does use cooking as a way to relax. She enjoys it and she’s pretty good, she considered doing it for a career when she was younger, but changed her mind.
Do they leave the dishes out?
-Nope, no way. Marisol always washes up immediately after food and leaves time to do it in the mornings. In first year of uni, she had awful flatmates who did her head in with how messy they were. She even had to clean the kitchen on multiple occasions due to them not being around for kitchen cleaning day.
What kind of food is in their refrigerator?
-She usually sticks to the same sets of meals, she prefers routines when she can. She’s quite a lightweight, so doesn’t have a lot of alcohol around, apart from one bottle of wine. She also has ready meals and leftovers in her fridge, as she tries to batch cook when she’s free.
Do they cook, eat out or get take-away/delivered food more?
-Depends on how tired she is from uni. If she’s swamped with work or tired, she orders a lot of takeaways. She tries to cook when she gets the chance and does enjoy going out for food but doesn’t always have the time.
-When she’s sharing a flat with Astrid, she does all the cooking as Astrid is hopeless in the kitchen. Alecto’s considerably better, but both of them are pretty busy, Alecto being a doctor, so finding time to eat is difficult. It depends on schedules for sure.
Living Room:
How does the character spend weekends?
-Depends on if she’s alone or not, and if she has uni work. She does enjoy staying in and reading. Also does use the weekends to catch up on uni work. She tends to sleep in on the weekends, she usually has to get up at 7am for uni in the week, which isn’t pleasant. She’s not a morning person in the slightest,
-She’d be different with Astrid and Alecto, she’s pretty adaptable so is comfortable with doing what the other person wants. Alecto’s more of a home body like her, and enjoys spending time in the flat with her cat Sadie and Marisol, watching something on TV or just relaxing. Astrid would prefer to go out, whether it would be to a restaurant or clubbing.
What kind of movies does the character watch?
-She doesn’t overly mind, Alecto’s a major film person so she trusts her recommendations.
What do they do with friends?
-She’s pretty isolated in terms of friendship, she only ends up with friends after she got together with Alecto and fit into her group. She has one friend from high school, who she barely talks to any more as they don’t have anything in common, despite both of them deciding to go to the same uni.
-She does go out with Alecto and her friends for coffee a lot. She’s trying to visit as many individual coffee shops as possible, and enlists people in her quest regularly. That’s a fun quest that Alecto helps her with.
-Astrid prefers going out for drinks, whether it’s clubbing or a dingy pub, so she joins Astrid and her friends that way. She’s not too fussed about clubbing though, definitely isn’t her thing.
What’s their favorite pastime?
-Reading for sure. She loves reading, taught herself to read when she was two. She was reading adult books when she was a preteen, and regularly gets through a lot of books per month. She even got through half the dictionary when she got bored once, and this dictionary was a 6 volume 1000 page set, and she read 3 of them before getting bored.
What’s their favorite TV show/film?
-How To Get Away With Murder and Santa Clarita Diet are two of her favourite TV shows. She’s not the kind of person to pick just one favourite, so here’s two.
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dawnsbitties · 3 years
Hello! Question, are your Spotted Pride bittybones open to bein adopted? And if so, I would love to adopt one of the miniatures! I currently have a Cherry(a soft/sensitive UF!Sans), Boss(UF!Pap), Pup(FS/SFR!Pap) and LilBro(US!Pap).
- Dawn smiles at your question. "Of course, our bitties are always looking for homes! With your different bitties, I'm sure we can find a Spotted Pride that would fit in nicely!" She leads you to a group of them, letting you go ahead and talk to the little ones there to find one that would fit you and the others.
- Of course, they all start out by being more proud and a little 'cold' when speaking, but slowly they start being more friendly. One in particular seems to be more open to what you're talking about and even turns to you instead of the other bitty he was previously talking to (the other bitty just smiles and leaves to play with another who was asking).
- It doesn't take long ebfore you ask him if he'd like to come back with you and join the family. He seems like he thinks over it for a bit before saying that the mixture of bitties sounds to be acceptable, so he'd have no complaints about doing so.
- Dawn helps you out getting the paperwork done with a smile, giving a small care package with you home that both your new Spotted Pride and your other bitties can enjoy, waving you off as you head out.
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