#uc sunnydale
bakedbakermom · 2 years
i've got like 4 designs on redbubble and a few other places that are fairly millenial-leaning and tonight i sold two of the same design on two different sites. i am relt REALLY hoping it's two beautiful nerds accidentally giving each other the same gift around a shared interest.
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secretlyasummers · 10 months
Tiny baby S3 Dawn would have thought Faith is the coolest person in the world. She also would have bullied Buffy relentlessly for not being as cool as Faith.
Canon queer ally Dawn, she'd ship Fuffy.
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college professors on tv are so silly like buffys history prof is getting so mad that she has Theories meanwhile in any actual undergrad setting they would just be happy that someone is actually participating and showing any interest in the material
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buffysummers · 10 months
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Alphabet ↳ U ✫ UC Sunnydale
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Fuffy AU: Faith attends UC Sunnydale
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am-i-the-one · 8 months
Smoking and Vampires Kill (Reader x Spike)
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'A sigh escaped your mouth as you remember the feeling of being kissed by Spike and exhaling smoke. You knew if you didn't quit smoking and break up with Spike they would have both killed you in the end.'
Summary: Your vampire ex-boyfriend visits your house when he hears you've quit smoking to try and tempt you into giving in to both.
Word Count: 2048
Ao3 link: Ao3
At midnight on New Year's Eve you walked straight into the bathroom and flushed your last pack of cigarettes. While your heart leapt up into your throat for an instant as the panic started you breathed out a sigh of relief. Trembling, you washed your hands and went to go re-join the party and find your new boyfriend in the crowd.
It's Winter break and you've been back home from studying at UC Sunnydale for two weeks now. Coincidently, that's also the number of days gone without smoking. Counting them off like prison scratches on the wall. You've always wanted to quit smoking and it didn't help when you met Spike who would chain-smoke indefinitely without the death anxiety, for obvious reasons. You first met Spike outside the Bronze one evening when he asked you for a light. Not thinking anything of it, you said he could keep it remembering all the Clippers in your draw at home. It was a novelty Halloween design with a vampire motif and the words 'blood sucker' wrapped around it. You never liked it, vampires were never your favourite monster. He looked at you credulously, with his eyes opened and slightly frowning at the suggestion. His facial expression soon relaxed and he thanked you and said he'd maybe see you inside. You thought he was strange as he blew smoke rings and poked is finger through them while looking up wistfully at the night sky.
You would only ever see him loitering outside the Bronze back alley. Since you spent half the night going inside and outside to smoke you'd end up catching him before he disappeared into the night. Soon enough, he became the sole reason you went to the Bronze. How pathetic, you thought, wanting to shiver in the cold while waiting for a stranger to appear, only to exchange a few words, maybe share a cigarette and then say goodbye.
One night you were warming yourself up with your lighter after crushing out your second cigarette waiting for Spike. You didn't think he was going to show until you turned around to go inside and there he was, brooding over the top of you and grinning manically.
"Hey Y/N! I was just looking for you. What are you doing outside? You must be freezing. Here let's go back inside."
He shuffled you indoors and bought you a hot mulled wine to warm you up. All the time shaking his head and complaining you were going to catch a cold. You moved naturally with him and followed his lead. This was the first time you had ever even seen him inside the Bronze, let alone be in his company with others around. You both sat down at a table in the back where it was away from the main stage.
"I haven't seen you in a while" you said, instantly regretting admitting you noticed.
"Yeah, I've been busy," Spike said raising his eyebrows, obviously surprised. "But I had my lucky lighter with me to remind me of you," showing you the vampire lighter out of his pocket and playing with it on the table. This made you smile that he remembered. You talked all night together until closing and he walked you home, after insisting, saying there's bad people lurking around this time of night.
It would only be a few weeks into the relationship that he would reveal his true identity as a vampire. You immediately ended the relationship in your head when his face turned into that of a beast. You weren't scared at the change in his appearance and demeanour. You only wanted to leave the Bronze and never see him again. This was three months ago and you hadn't seen him since. Not even when you braved to go our to the Bronze a few weeks after the break-up. You slowly forgot, or pretended you had forgotten, about the mystery vampire when you went to UC Sunnydale. What with all the studying, coffee and cigarettes consuming your brain you could hardly think straight let alone remember basic English. But, now you were back home and the memories consumed you. Perhaps, you thought, you had unconsciously quit smoking to forget Spike.
It was midnight, day 15, and you were kept awake by the intense cravings and nausea. You felt dizzy and the whole world was spinning when you rested your head. So, you switched on your bedside light and tried some breathing exercises. In and out. It will all go away soon, you thought. You stared out your bedroom window and remembered all the memories you had with Spike. You both had stood huddled under his leather jacket while it rained with his arm wrapped around your shoulder as you shared a cigarette. With your faces almost touching, all it took was a slight turn and that was the first time you both kissed. The cigarette forgotten about, laid burning half finished on the ground outside the Bronze. A sigh escaped your mouth as you remember the feeling of being kissed by Spike and exhaling smoke. You knew if you didn't quit smoking and break up with Spike they would have both killed you in the end. There's nothing in this world that compares to having something you love which kills you in the process. You feel both weak and strong being defeated because it means you have something to overcome.
These were the thoughts racing through your head as the clock moved between the early hours of the morning. You heard your parents snoring down the hallway and closed your eyes trying to isolate your dad's breathing and snoring. This grounded you in the moment until you heard a sudden sound outside of a lighter spark and an inhale that was followed by a familiar scratchy cough and a curse word. Paralyzed, you sat frozen on your bed while your eyes bursted open like a cat's, hair sticking up on end. You drifted to your windowsill, hiding behind the curtain and peeping outside you saw Spike standing below your window. He was leaning up against a tree in your front yard and looking straight into your bedroom. Flustered you backed away from the window. It's too dark to tell but you don't think he looked angry or upset. Honestly, it looked like he was just minding his own business, loitering in the middle of the night. Except, he was staring into your window so he obviously hasn't forgotten about you. You remember he is unable to enter the house since you never formally invited him inside. But, that didn't make him go away as there he stood waiting outside your house.
Knowing that you would be unable to sleep unless you confronted him about his stalker behaviour you returned to the window. You opened both curtains and sat down on your window sill bench wrapping the blanket around you. Breathing a deep breath, you opened your window and finally looked down at Spike.
"I had nearly given up," he said waving his lit cigarette. "I thought I was going to have to smoke a whole packet before you'd open up."
"What are you doing here Spike?" you ask, grimacing as you see his bleached blonde hair shine in the moonlight. God, how did that ever attract you.
"A little birdy told me that you've quit smoking and I've just come to give my congrats. Nothing wrong with that, is there?" He asks, grinning innocently and putting his hands up in the air. He crushes the cigarette on the ground and proceeds to light another one. "You see, I've tried quitting every turn of the century but nothing's seemed to work and I was thinking, since you're doing so well and all, you'd let me in on the secret".
This is unbelievable, you thought. He's really going to stand there all night, smoking a packet of cigarettes, trying to get inside your head. The wind rustled the leaves above Spike. Maybe if it picks up it would blow out his cigarette or at least drown out his voice. You looked into Spike's eyes as he raised his eyebrows waiting for your response.
"If you really want to know Spike, sometimes to kill one addiction you have to kill another. Like, if you always smoke when you have a drink you might have to quit both. At least for me, breaking up with you has solved all kinds of problems in my life."
"Ouch that hurts, love. But I bet that's what you wanted. Though I know you don't mean a word. I'll throw you up a smoke, if you want. Must be craving one like mad stuck in your room watching me enjoy one." He said, blowing out a cloud of smoke. You hated to admit it but he was right. You would have liked a cigarette but you couldn't bow down and accept one from Spike of all people.
"Sure and while I'm at it I think I want to get back together, don't you?"
"Cool it with the sarcasm pet, I'm just teasing you. Honestly, I want to commend you for giving it up. There's no point ruining your body when it's your only one. But I've been missing you lately. You never come to the Bronze anymore."
Why doesn't he just start crying, you thought. If you would have known he'd be this clingy you would never have spoken to him. Maybe all those times you waited in the back alley for him, he was also waiting for the right time to walk up to you. You had never thought about that before. How long could he have been staring at me, watching me, waiting to come up to me and have a smoke. It creeped you out to think of yourself as prey and Spike the predator. But that's what he was, at the end of the day. He had never raised his hand or drawn your blood, but that doesn't mean he wasn't trying to kill you. He was toying with you, making you believe you were in love with him. You thought you could never love another person except for Spike. But, you had proved that wrong having been in a more than happy relationship for months now.
You no longer needed those things that were silently killing you. Neither Spike or cigarettes were welcome into your life anymore. You stared down at Spike, smoking his third cigarette now catching a glimpse of your old vampire lighter. If only you could have known how ironic it was when you handed it over to him, he must have loved it. Reflecting back on when you first started smoking in your teenage years, you didn't know smoking was going to corrupt your body and become an irrepressible addiction. You were naïve and thought it would lessen the monotony of everyday life and make you more mature. The same was true about going out with Spike, an older guy who happened to be much older than he looks. You know you shouldn't blame yourself for what you know now but it's hard when you're consumed with deep seated regret. Especially because your body desires and craves both Spike and smoking.
"Goodbye, Spike." you whisper, just loud enough to see his face start and mouth open.
You smile sincerely looking down at Spike remembering the times you had together. The nights he'd stay out with you after closing hours and talk with you all night. But, Spike is a double-edged sword and someone who, in the end, would kill you if he had the chance. You close the curtains not turning back and curl up into bed imagining his arm around you as you smoked together in the rain. It felt so real, like he was there in bed beside you, Though you knew it was impossible you curled up next to him in his smoked-stained leather jacket and felt his arms wrap around you.
"I guess that's another addiction I haven't gotten over." you say as you breath a sigh of release. Turning out your lamp, you toss and turn trying to sleep while memories of Spike lighting a cigarette and handing it over to you with a grin churns in your brain.
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coraniaid · 5 months
Made a list of some various ways in which Kendra could have continued to appear in the show after Faith. Sorted roughly both in order of increasing impact on the plot and increasing suspension of disbelief required on the part of the audience:
Kendra stays dead, but somebody (ideally somebody who actually met her, but failing that just about anybody) brings her name up, in any context, after her last canonical mention on the show (by Cordelia in Faith, Hope & Trick). This is ... the baseline, surely. (Do you know nobody but Cordelia mentions her by name at all after Season 2? Or that there are multiple conversations in early Season 3 in which it's discussed that Buffy was wanted for murder but has since been cleared, but not one in which it is acknowledged that the person she was wrongly accused of murdering was her friend and fellow Slayer?)
Kendra stays dead, but the First takes on her appearance at any point (either in Amends or in Season 7). There's a lot of talk about how the writers were hoping to bring back Xander's friend Jesse for Conversations With Dead People, but I've never seen anything about them doing the same for Kendra, despite the fact that Kendra appeared more times on the show (and more recently) and clearly mattered far more to Buffy. And given that the writers insisted on recasting Nikki Wood this season (despite her original actor wanting to come back!), I'm not exactly inclinced to give them the benefit of the doubt here.
Kendra stays dead, but for some reason only known to the writers, Amy Madison casts a spell to make one of the Potentials look just like her for an episode. It is never made clear why Amy would do this beyond a vague desire to mess with Buffy, how she knew about Kendra in the first place, or what consequences -- if any - Amy ever faces after casting this spell. Somehow it's still only very slightly less stupid than the actual canon plot of Season 7's The Killer In Me (which, to be clear, this would not replace in my vision; randomy-evil!Amy does two very similar spells back to back, ideally in consecutive episodes).
Kendra stays dead, but -- in classic Star Trek Mirrorverse fashion -- the writers use some sort of magical contrivance to allow the Kendra from the Wishverse (who was, presumably, Called as a Slayer the moment that the Master killed that reality's Buffy Summers) to visit 'our' reality. (This isn't really within the rules as presented in The Wish, but if Vampire Willow can do it....). Imagine a version of Season 6's As You Were when Buffy doesn't have to try to justify herself to her shitty ex -- the man who left her to fight a god and die so that he could go and make Belize safe for missionaries -- but instead she has to come face to face with the perfect, by-the-book Slayer who died as a direct result of Buffy's last relationship with a vampire.
Kendra stays dead ... until Bargaining. Willow messes up her resurrection spell a little bit and accidentally brings back more than one dead Slayer. Kendra hangs around for the rest of the show and is understandably very confused throughout (in particular, she could have sworn that Buffy didn't have a little sister four years ago...). Maybe the Watchers show up again, after Kendra tries contacting Sam Zabuto for advice. Maybe Kendra reacts just as badly to being brought back from the dead as Buffy initially does (and, look, if she wants to follow Buffy's example and start a relationship with one of the monsters she's meant to be Slaying, Anya will be newly single in just a few months' time...)
Kendra stays mostly dead, but a certain academic at UC Sunnydale with ties to the US military has been hearing rumours and myths about "Slayers" from captured demons and vampires for a while now. Long enough to become curious, and to pull a few strings at the local morgue when the rumour mill tells her a vampire somehow managed to kill a Slayer. Said academic has been funneling government money to work on her own "perfect soldier" project for a long time, and what better test subject to demonstrate this work on than a Slayer of her own? It turns out that most of Kendra's memories are still intact, after a little bit of not-exactly-ethical post-mortem surgery gets her heart working again, and as luck would have it she's even been trained for years to follow orders and never question authority. She's perfect. Realizing that the name "Adam" was a bit on the nose anyway, Professor Walsh starts a new project in Room 314...
Kendra was left for dead by Drusilla, bleeding out and unconcious on the floor of Sunnydale High School library, but it turns out that modern medicine is a bit better than it was in Drusilla's day and Slayers have this whole enhanced healing deal that the canon show sometimes forgets about. Yeah, her heart stops a couple of times in the ER, which is enough for a third Slayer to be called as in canon (and Buffy might not know that Kendra is going to make it when she goes to fight Angelus or when she leaves town), but by the time Willow is up and walking around again, so is Kendra.
Kendra is alive at the beginning of Season 3, filling in for Buffy in Sunnydale while the other Slayer is living as 'Anne' in LA. After Buffy comes back, Kendra leaves town for another Hellmouth but still regularly makes cameo appearances every season. Faith is also there, just like in canon, and the fact that Faith should only have been activated as a Slayer if Kendra died is simply never addressed. (I mean, let's be honest, it's not like the show particularly cares about continuity anyway.)
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tara-maclays-gf · 2 months
i love how in season 4 both buffy and the initiative are patrolling on the uc sunnydale campus. like yeah, sure, in high school all the demons were in graveyards, but now we’re in college they’ve migrated to the campus, filled with lots of civilian trafic and very few demons they actually find on patrol
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oh my god, how do we end up with so many students wearing uc sunnydale sweatshirts on decision day? why do any of ya'll want to stay here?? sure, it's a good school, but this is also the murder capital of california! seriously, people, this is our chance to get out while we still can.
I mean yeah, but at least housing is cheap. Inflation is a bitchhhh
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school-of-all-time · 1 year
Round Four, Bracket 4
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mpixx · 6 days
cattonquick buffy au pt. 4 (ollie loses his v card)
cw: sex pollen (comparatively consensual tho)
"I'm only coming with you because we agree that there is a certain risk that these teenage witches will set something on fire or accidentally summon something."
Oliver is tugging at the long-sleeved polo Felix forced him to put on for the party. It's a lot more fitted than his usual clothing. Now that he sees Oliver fidget with it, Felix is torn between feeling guilty for making Oliver uncomfortable, and still agreeing with himself that he couldn't have let Oliver show up to a sorority party in one of his frumpy checked shirts. He already looks like a teacher chaperone, but now at least he could be the TA who grades your papers and who you know would be kinda cute if he took his glasses off.
"Yeah. Although it's probably just going to be party trick magic."
Oliver huffs. "This seems like a ruse on your part."
"Does it?," Felix grins, and rings the door bell.
They've barely walked into the house, greeted a few girls, when -
"Oliver Quick."
"H-hello Aiden."
Not this guy again. Oliver's friend or whatever from college who is now a PhD student at UC Sunnydale. He dresses like a pretentious prick (probably because he is one): turtleneck sweater and red wine glass permanently stuck to his hand. He's as tall as Felix though, which rubs him the wrong way.
"...I'm working on a paper about folk magic in Yucatán that you might be interested in..."
Felix resists the urge to tell Aiden that Oliver is not interested in his dusty theoretical research because Oliver has been assigned as a watcher which is much cooler. But he can't, because it's a secret.
"You know, we just arrived, we were about to..." Felix says instead.
"I would love to hear about that," Oliver interjects. Aiden smiles.
He gives Felix a little smirk as he steers Oliver away. Felix is about to say something else but Oliver actually looks relieved to have found someone to converse with, so he's gonna let them.
"Some of these are from the 19th century," Venetia explains, showing off the vintage potion vials to the group of 5 girls - and Felix - sat around the living room couch table. "They still have stuff in them, too."
Felix steals a glance at Oliver and Aiden in the corner. He had walked past them several times to eavesdrop (thanks, enhanced slayer-hearing) - but it was all a very dull conversation about authenticating manuscripts. Nothing titillating at all, nothing to worry about. Besides, Ollie had not even finished his drink which he has had for an hour now.
"Can I..." the girl to his right says, reaching for the ornate bottle. Venetia lets go a little too early and it slips from their hands - and shatters on the glass table.
"Fuck!" Everyone in their little circle jerks back. Felix watches with concern as a purple vapor escapes from the shards of glass and slithers into the air of the room.
"What does that one do...," one girl asks, eyes wide.
"Aphrodisiac," Venetia says, waving dismissively.
"Oh, shit, " someone says. "Did we inhale it?"
"It's not dangerous, this one" Venetia says. She winks. "And it only works on virgins, anyway."
Relieved breaths and faces all around.
Felix, too, sighs a breath of relief. He did lie about the risk of some dangerous magic happening to get Ollie to come to the party - and he honestly can do without it.
He looks around for Oliver anyway, just so they can form a plan in case this potion will turn out to be a problem despite Venetia's assurances to the contrary.
Only to find Oliver in a passionate embrace with Aiden, kissing him with his eyes closed. What the... Felix's stomach twists uncomfortably. He could have sworn there was nothing going on between them, despite him being kind of anxious about it. Has this been a thing? Were they a thing the whole time?
And now Oliver, who would never do anything like this, is climbing into Aiden's lap in front of a crowd of people.
"Um..." Felix says, feeling faint, turning to Venetia. "When you say it only works on virgins...," he asks, trying to sound casual.
"I know, so reactionary. You know how old school spells often required a virgin, or their blood or whatever?" Felix nods. "Well, this is a classic 19th century type of potion used to target them. Makes them really horny and lose their inhibitions."
"Just..." Felix casts a quick glance to the corner where Aiden has his dirty paws wrapped around Oliver's itty bitty waist. "...just virgins?" -"Yeah, but I think if they touch somebody, they get dosed, too."
Felix laughs awkwardly. God. Does this mean that Ollie...? Why is it so hot in here?
"We don't really make them anymore," Venetia continues. "There is very little evidence that virgins have any ritual significance. Feminist scholars of magic nowadays assume it was just some thing pervy men made up."
"Uh-huh," he says. "Pervy men. Got it. We hate those."
He is still stunned, but aware he needs to do something. But before he can get up, he sees Oliver pull Aiden up the stairs by his hand.
"I'll be right back," he says, stumbling to his feet.
He just goes through the door handles in order. Bathroom, empty bedroom. Locked.
Felix stops. Slowly steps closer, bringing his ear to the door.
"Wow..." A chuckle. "Oh, wow." Aiden.
Felix groans, and looks around. What if this is dangerous? But the only person who would know is Ollie. And he - well...seems incapacitated.
"Ollie!!" Felix bangs on the door. No reply.
Instead, a series of moans, breathy and high-pitched and...Oliver.
Felix sighs and slides down the door until he sits on the carpet. He thumps the back of his head against the door and rests it there.
"Don't stop, don't stop...uh...oooooh..."
"What are you doing, Felix?" Venetia's sing-song voice appears at the top of the staircase.
"Nothing," he says quickly, taking his ear off the door.
A moan floats out through it, causing Venetia to raise her eyebrows. "Who's in there?" she asks.
"Just...Ollie. And this guy."
"You're honestly such a little freak, Felix."
"No, I...I think they got dosed with the potion."
"Oh. Hm. How long have they been in there?"
"Maybe an hour?"
"Oh wow, ok. Well. It's not dangerous. It will wear off eventually, once they get it out of their systems."
Through the door comes a crescendo of - honestly - kind of unhinged moans that announce Oliver to have reached some heretofore unseen height of ecstasy.
"Damn," Venetia smirks. "Your little watcher seems to be enjoying himself."
"I..." Felix swallows. "I have to go."
"Felix." Venetia catches his arm as he tries to brush past. "It's just a potion, yeah?"
"I don't know what you mean," he says, then makes his way down the stairs.
On Monday morning, Felix sneaks into the side entrance of the library instead of waltzing in through the main entrance like he usually does.
He takes a moment to observe before he makes himself known. And what he observes is that he looks different. He's standing at the desk, but instead of his usual concentrated hunch, his back is straight as he is tapping away on the ancient library computer with a private little smile on his face.
He stops typing and picks up a sheet of paper, his other hand going to his neck. Other than usual, his shirt has the top two buttons unbuttoned, and his finger is hooking absent-mindedly into a small silver chain around his neck that Felix has never seen before.
"Morning," Felix says, appearing at the desk. Oliver turns to him, dropping his hand. "Morning." He smiles. His skin looks amazing. Glowing. It's a little cliché, honestly.
"Have fun on Saturday?" Felix asks, more acidic than Oliver's friendly demeanor really warrants.
Oliver's eyes widen, then he flushes - reverting back to his awkward, self-conscious self. "Y-you..." -"It was hard to miss," Felix says, a little mean.
Oliver's cheeks are red and it looks very good with his already glowy skin. "I was pollened," he says, pushing his bangs to the side, embarrassed. He looks down at the desk. "I'm sure a lot of people at the party were."
No, they weren't. But Felix doesn't have the heart to tell him about the virgin thing.
"Yeah...lots of people," he lies, instead.
Relief washes over Oliver's face as he looks up. "It's just..." He touches his own earlobe absent-mindedly, rolling the flesh between his fingers, his eyes going a bit unfocused. "I was pollened."
Felix feels like his head is gonna explode. It's too much. Finding out the virgin thing would have been bad enough. But not only did Oliver then lose his v-card at a party Felix dragged him to - he, for all intents and purposes, did so in an hour-long drug-induced fuck marathon. And - and this probably is the worst part... From the way he is acting now, Ollie - awkward, quiet, stutters-when-he's-nervous Ollie - seems to have liked it.
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pelorsdyke · 1 month
@reyesstrand and @nancys-braids tagged me in this pattern recognition game! you take the first line from each of your last ten published fics and see what patterns emerge, if any. tagging @captain-gillian and @bonheur-cafe @pacinglikeghosts and @strawberryblondebutch but also as always an open tag!
one single thread of gold tied me to you (kacy, ncis hawaii)
You’re welcome, Kai texts Lucy at one AM the day before her birthday, and she considers murder for the nine thousandth time.
look how long this love can hold its breath (kacy, ncis hawaii)
Lucy doesn’t really know what she and Kate are to each other, not anymore.
polynices has earned his rest (jackie!centric, jackienat, yellowjackets)
In the end, the thing Jackie remembers most is how Shauna kissed.
I’ve been under scrutiny (you handle it beautifully) (nancymarjan, 911 lone star)
Nancy has been an actor for far longer than she ever anticipated when she first started.
hear the desert wind roll by (kacy, ncis hawaii)
Lucy has been watching the blonde since she came through the barroom doors, tall and gorgeous and hard to miss.
I’m gonna love you for a long time (nancymarjan, 911 lone star)
Marjan has always been bright colors, statement jewelry and fun patterns.
I will do my best to get it right (nancymarjan, 911 lone star)
It feels dumb to be so upset about their anniversary plans going awry.
so swing your hips and do a little dip (nancymarjan, 911 lone star)
The 126 actually spends most of its downtime staying in, game nights and team dinners and the like, so Marjan has to admit she’s surprised at the change in plans this weekend.
in response, your glorious laughter (kacy, ncis hawaii)
Lucy doesn’t know where she expects to find her wife, currently missing from their nice warm bed, but it isn’t spinning in the kitchen to Taylor Swift.
I want you to want for me (tarabuffy, btvs)
Buffy doesn’t spend a lot of time skulking around UC Sunnydale, honest, even if she maybe kind of gives off that vibe.
okay in terms of patterns. I don’t start with dialogue, I try to start with shorter sentences, primarily those that immediately define your pov character, and I like writing lines that put you immediately in media res, or whatever tf.
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ergothereforethus · 10 months
Basically my dream buffy/cordelia fic is this. post season 3, cordelia is done with the scoobies. she just wants to get on with her life, which at the moment is being a fashion major at UC sunnydale, and maybe acquiring a sporty boyfriend and cool friends. the problem is, now that she knows about the supernatural, she can't stay away. after witnessing a vampire attack on campus, she starts researching occult materials and designing monster-proof clothing for herself. one night, she's walking home alone in her latest creation and a vampire jumps out at her. buffy is coincidentally out patrolling and rushes over... but by the time she gets there, cordelia is totally fine, not a scratch on her. buffy is friendly to her and tries to get her to come back, but cordelia insists she doesn't need to be hanging out with such losers anymore; she has a life now. but the fact is, she's not really happy. her boyfriend is perfect on paper but totally boring. the clothes she designs for class assignments are okay, but making monster-proof clothing is the only thing that really feels creative. one day she runs into willow in the occult section of the library. and willow is all, "I thought you left this world" which means that buffy never told her friends that she met cordelia. oooooh. buffy has issues perhaps. so anyway they exchange some words. turns out they both want the same book, but willow got it first…. she says she needs to take it out for a few days…. but cordelia can come to her dorm room (or giles' apartment?) to read it also if she wants :) and cordelia of course says no ew I don't need you! and goes home. and then her bf texts like hey do u want to have a romantic dinner tonight? and she's so sick of him (several texts like hey babe how was your day? thinking about you<3 hello beautiful, to which she rolls her eyes) that she texts back spur of the moment like sorry I have plans tonight with some old friends. actually these are voicemails. and her roommate (popular girl etc) is like omg what a sweet bf you have<3 while cordy is rolling her eyes. and the roommate heard the plans so now she actually does have to go out so she might as well go to giles' apartment, nothing better to do!
and well I could go on but the document is like 2k words. you get the picture. obviously cordelia is going to start making monster-proof clothing for the scoobies. and she is going to have to take buffy's measurements for a body suit at some point. and it is going to be homoerotic
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on-this-day-btvs · 9 months
November 14, 1999
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Hush aired for BTVS season 4, episode 10. This was the first appearance of Tara Maclay, a classmate of Willow's at UC Sunnydale. Tara is played by Amber Benson and is a major character for the rest of this season and several more.
For the first time, Buffy and Riley kiss.
Olivia, a friend of Giles', has the last spoken words of the episode before the silence begins.
This episode was nominated for two Emmy Awards: Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series and Outstanding Cinematography for a Single Camera Series. The episode did not win in either nominated category.
The villains, a group of silent men called The Gentlemen, are especially frightening. Camden Toy played one of the Gentlemen, he is shown in the photo above. He returned to the Buffyverse playing other characters in 5 episodes of BTVS season 7 and 1 episode of ATS season 5. Sadly he passed away in early December 2023 from pancreatic cancer.
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eldritchwyrm · 1 year
further reactions to btvs season 4 episode 7 ("the initiative"), previous liveblogging here, and also this is the link to the beginning of my season notes
the transition/reveal for TA guy's secret was really well done, it was perfectly paced, just, the slooooow realization set in and i was like nO. NO WAY OMFG
this episode is unhinged holy shit
buffy and the not-so-random TA are from different genres
spike has spent this whole season running pathetically from various dangers. i am HERE for it.
season 4 episode 8 ("pangs"):
me when i realize this is a thanksgiving episode: oh huh maybe it'll be cute! or ironic!
me when i realize they're centering the plot around a chumash artifact: uh. i am not sure i trust joss whedon with this material
at one point a character says "the chumash used to be indigenous to this region" WHAT DO U MEAN "USED TO BE" there were chumash kids who went to my high school lmfao shut the fuck up
i guess that answers the question of which uc campus "uc sunnydale" is supposed to be.
i really want to concentrate on spike's tremendous poor little meow meow impression in this episode but joss whedon is making it REALLY HARD
i'm scrutinizing this mission interior shot like "is this the [redacted hometown location] mission or were the spanish just chronically uncreative"
season 4 episode 9 ("something blue"):
y'know i was just thinking "hm it's been a while since we had a willow-creates-a-magical-mishap episode"...
me muttering to myself: secondhand embarrassment is the fun-killer
impeccable. no notes
season 4 episode 10 ("hush"):
i had to google weetabix. i've heard of it many times via pop culture but i didn't actually know what it was. i'm distressed by the fact that wikipedia is saying the phrase "breakfast cereal" but showing something that looks distinctly milk-less. it looks like a brick?
poor giles needs a break
did? they say? tara? is that? THE tara?
oooh i KNEW the vocal recognition thing would come up in a later episode, hello everyone it is i, the plot anticipater
lotta great gags so far
i enjoy the blocky monitors and futuristic-for-1998 aesthetic of the underground organization; this episode has a number of quick cuts between them and the main characters that enables parallels and contrasts between the futuristic paramilitary aesthetic and the aesthetic of "we're at giles' house wearing graphic t-shirts and dusty ancient tomes are strewn across the table"
this episode is fun because it highlights how incidental dialogue is to much tv. viewers tend to prioritize dialogue in some ways, but often the dialogue is just filler, or telling audiences what the visual language is already shouting.
periodically this show is like "hi. we would like to remind you that giles has game. it's very important to recall that giles has game. this has been a psa"
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purpleplaid17 · 2 months
Jess Watches // Sun 28 July // Day 304 & Mon 29 July // Day 305 Synopses & Favourite Scenes & Poll
Call the Midwife (with mum) 8x08 (s8 Finale)
As Shelagh plans a ball to raise money for new medical equipment, Valerie must come to terms with recent events, while Sister Hilda assists a terminally ill young woman.
"When pastures fresh beckon, And new dawns the light, Don't rush to be active, And pick up the fight, Instead rest and be thankful, You're now almost hale, But let friends support you, Remember - you're frail!"
Extraordinary Attorney Woo Ep 14 The Blue Night of Jeju II
The Hanbada lawyers look for the owner of Myeong-seok's favorite noodle shop. Young-woo faces obstacles at the trial and in her relationship with Jun-ho.
The breakup was a bit weak tbh I'd be more convinced that she'd leave Hanbada. And I hope the treatment for Myeongseok is successful and he recovers well. Also, when will Geurami realize she already found her 'angel'.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (rw) 4x02 Living Conditions
Buffy finds herself at odds with her new roommate and is troubled by a series of disturbing dreams involving a soul-sucking demon.
Are you 3000 years old but being treated like you're 900?
Do you enjoy ironing your jeans and labelling all your food in the fridge?
Do you clip your demon toenails and leave them on the floor for your roommate to prove her wacky theory?
Do you believe in life after love?
Then UC Sunnydale is the college for you!
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